Number 9 meaning in the bible. The “sacred” meaning of numbers in beliefs and teachings. Reference. Classical or Pythagorean school

The numbers found in the Bible are very interesting. For example, the number seven reflects completeness, completeness, perfection and even holiness. See the seven days of the week, the seventh day is Saturday. Enoch is the seventh from Adam, etc. The number ten is more practical, associated with money. Ten talents, tithe. The number twelve is also interesting. Twelve patriarchs, twelve tribes of the people of Israel, twelve apostles.

This game can be taught in different options. Write this or that number on the cards. Then show these cards one by one and ask participants to name those events from the Bible that are associated with this number. You can arrange all the cards so that they are reverse side up. Then the participants randomly pull out cards and name events known to them related to the number they hit.

1. One of the ten healed of leprosy who returned to thank Jesus (Luke 17:12-15).
2. One lost sheep (Luke 15:4).
3. The first day of creation (Gen. 1:5).
4. Jacob has one daughter - Dinah (Gen. 30:19).
5. Absalom has one daughter - Tamar (2 Sam. 14:27).
6. There was one door and one window in the ark (Gen. 6:16).
7. Paul was stoned once (2 Cor. 11:25). 8. One tree of the knowledge of good and evil (Gen. 2:17).
9. One denarius for one day of work (Matt. 20:2).
10. One flock and one Shepherd John (10:16).

1. The angels who appeared to Lot at the gates of Sodom (Gen. 19:1).
2. The thieves crucified with Jesus (Matt. 27:37).

3. Two fish, with which the five thousand ate (Matt. 14:16).
4. Two Assars, for which five small birds were sold (Luke 12:6).
5. Two bears (2 Kings 2:22).
6. Two tablets (Ex. 31:18).
7. Two disciples on the road to Emmaus (Luke 24:13).
8. The two pillars that Samson moved (Judges 16:29).
9. The animals entered the ark in pairs (Gen. 7:1).
10. Two sons from the parable of prodigal son(Luke 15:11).
11. Naomi's two daughters-in-law (Ruth 1:8).
12. Two sons of Naomi (Ruth 1:3).
13. Two spies hiding in Rahab’s house (Joshua 2:3).
14. Two mites for a widow (Mark 12:41).
15. Moses struck the rock twice (Num. 20:11).
16. Two men in white clothes after the ascension of Christ (Acts 1:10).
17. Two sons of Joseph (Gen. 46:27).
18. Jesus spent two days in the village of Samaria (John 4:39)

1. Three temptations of Christ in the wilderness (Matt. 4).
2. Three hours - darkness on earth during the crucifixion of Christ (Mark 15:32).
3. Three young men in the oven (Dan 3:23).
4. Three days and three nights of Jonah in the belly of the whale (Jonah 1:17).
5. Daniel prayed three times a day.
6. Paul was shipwrecked three times (2 Cor. 11:25).
7. Paul was beaten with rods three times (2 Cor. 11:25).
8. Three times Peter denied Christ (Matt. 26:75).
9. Three floors in the ark (Gen. 6:16).
10. Three sons of Noah (Gen. 9:19).
11. Three times Balaam’s donkey refused to go (Num. 22:31)
12. Three friends of Job (Nov. 2:11).
13. For three days Saul saw nothing (Acts 9:8).
14. Moses' mother hid her for three months (Ex. 2:2).
15. The darkness continued in Egypt for three days (Ex. 10:22).
16. Three daughters of Job (Job 42:13).
17. Noah released a dove from the ark three times (Gen. 8:8).
18. Three tabernacles - the mountain of transfiguration (Mark 9:2).
19. Christ appears three times after the resurrection (John 21:14).
20. At three o'clock they crucified Christ (Mark 15:23).

1. Four in the fiery furnace (Dan. 3:25).
2. The number of days that Lazarus was in the grave (John 11:14).
3. The number of branches into which the river flowing through Eden was divided (Gen. 2:10).
4. The number of buckets of water poured on the altar of Elijah (1 Kings 18:20).
5. The number of animals in Daniel's vision (Dan. 7:2).
6. Number of Philip's daughters (Acts 21:8).
7. The number of parts into which Jesus' garment was divided (John 19:23).
8. The number of people who lowered the paralytic through the roof (Mark 2:3).
9. Four anchors were thrown from the ship with the prisoners (Acts 27:29).
10. Number of Gospels.

1. The number of stones that David took before the battle with Goliath (1 Samuel 17:40).
2. The number of girls who had oil in their lamps (Matt. 25:11)
3. The number of foolish virgins who have no oil (Matt. 25:3).
4. The age at which Mephibosheth became lame (2 Kings 4:4).
5. The number of husbands of the Samaritan woman (John 4:7).
6. The number of small birds sold for two assars (Luke 12:6).
7. The number of the sons of Dan who were sent to spy out the land (Judges 18:2).
8. Five times 39 strokes (2 Cor. 11:24).

9. The number of talents in Christ's parable (Matt. 25:16).
10. The number of kings who hid in the cave from Joshua (Joshua 10:17).

1. The number of days in which our planet was created (Gen. 1:31).
2. The day on which man was created (Gen. 1:26)
3. The number of stone water carriers at Cana (John 2:1).
4. The number of measures of barley that Boaz measured out to Ruth (Ruth 3:7)
5. The number of steps leading to the throne in Solomon’s temple (ZKings 10:16)
6. Number of cities of refuge (Num. 35:13).
7. The hour in which Peter prayed on the roof of the house in Joppa (Acts 10:5).
8. The month in which Gabriel appeared to Mary (Luke 1:26)
9. The number of wings of the animals standing before the throne (Rev. 4:b).
10. The hour in which the earth was covered with darkness (Matt. 27:44).
11. The number of fingers and toes of the giant of Gath (2 Kings 21:20).

1. The number of years that Jacob worked for Rachel twice (Gen. 29:18).
2. The day in which God rested (Gen. 2:2).
3. Number of generations from Adam to Enoch (Jude 14).
4. The number of pairs of clean animals taken into the ark (Gen. 7:9).
5. The flood began seven days after the ark was inhabited (Gen. 7:9).
6. Pharaoh's dream: the number of cows and the number of ears of corn (Gen. 41:17-25).
7. Seven times around Jericho (Joshua 6:2-5).

1. The number of ungrateful people who were healed of leprosy (Luke 17:12).
2. Length (in cubits) of the bed of King Og of Bashan (Deut. 3:11).
3. The time of the reign of Hoshea, the last king of Israel (2 Kings 17:6).

1. The number of commandments (Exodus 20).
2. The number of virgins in Jesus’ parable (Matthew 25).
3. The number of lepers whom Jesus met and healed (Luke 17:12-14).
4. The number of Egyptian plagues (Exodus 7-12).
5. The number of Joseph's brothers who went to Egypt for bread (Gen.42:3).
6. The number of years that Naomi's sons lived in Moab with their wives (Ruth. 1:3).
7. Smallest number people for whose sake the Lord promised Abraham to spare Sodom (Gen. 18:26)
8. The number of times Laban deceived Jacob (Gen. 31:2).

1. Number of baskets of food (Matt. 14:20).
2. The number of the sons of Jacob (Gen. 35:22).
3. The number of tribes in Israel (Rev. 21:l2).
4. The number of apostles (Mark 3:7).
5. The age of Jesus, lost in the temple (Luke 2,:U).
6. Age of Jairus' daughter who was raised from the dead (Luke 8:41).
7. The number of minor prophets (Hosea - Malachi).
8. The number of wells in Elim (Ex. 15-27).
9. The number of harvests of the tree of life in New Jerusalem (Rev. 22:2).
10. Quantity precious stones on the breastplate of the high priest (Ex. 28:21).
11. The number of sons of Ishmael who became princes (Gen. 25:16).
12. The number of the spies of Canaan (Num. 13:2)
13. The number of showbread (Lev. 24:5).
14. Number of foundations in the New Jerusalem (Rev. 21:14).

1. The age at which Jesus was baptized (Luke 3:23).
2. The number of pieces of silver for which Jesus was betrayed (Matt. 26:15).
3. The age at which Joseph became ruler of Egypt (Gen. 41:46).
4. The number of men who had to pull Jeremiah out of the pit (Jeremiah 38:10).
5. The age at which David became king (Samuel 5:4).

1. The number of days and nights on which it rained during the flood (Gen. 7:12).
2. The number of years during which the Israelites wandered in the wilderness (Num. 12:2).
3. The number of days Moses spent on Mount Sinai (Exodus 34:2.7).
4. The number of days spent by Christ on earth after the resurrection (Acts: 3).
5. Fast of Jesus Christ in the desert (Matthew 4 ch.).
6. The time during which the scouts inspected the land
7. The time during which Eli was a judge of Israel (1 Sam. 4:18)
8. The age at which Isaac married Rebekah (Gen. 25.20).
9. The age at which Esau married Jehudith (Gen. 26:34).
10. The time during which the Israelites ate manna in the wilderness (Ex. 16:35).
11. The number of years Moses spent in the land of Egypt, then in the land of Midian and in the wilderness with the people of Israel (Acts 7:29).
12. The time of the reign of David and Solomon (2 Sam. 5:4).

1. The number of disciples sent out in twos to the cities and villages of Palestine (Luke 10:1).
2. The number of Jacob's family when it went to Egypt (Gen. 46:27).
3. The number of the elders of Israel who went up the mountain with Moses (Ex. 24:1).
4. Average life expectancy of a person (Psalm 89:10).
5. The term of the Babylonian captivity (Jeremiah 25:11).
6. The number of cavalry sent to Caesarea to guard Paul (Acts 23:23).
7. The number of date palms in Elim, where the children of Israel camped (Ex. 15:27).

Other numbers found in the Bible

11-The number of stars that bowed to Joseph in the vision (Gen. 37:9).
13-The time during which Solomon built his house (ZKings 7.1).
15-Number of years added to the life of Hezekiah (2 Kings 20:5-6).
17-The age at which Joseph was thrown into the pit (Gen. 37:2).
20-The amount for which Joseph was sold (Gen. 37:28).
21 -The number of elders sitting around the throne of God (Rev. 4:4).
42-The number of children torn to pieces by the bear (2 Kings 2:24).
46-Number of years during which the temple was built (John 2:20).
52-Number of days during which the walls of Jerusalem were rebuilt (Neh. 6:15).
84-The age of Anna the prophetess when Jesus was brought to the temple (Luke 2:37).
90-Sarah's age when God said they would have a son (Gen. 17:17).
100 - Abraham's age when Isaac was born to him (Gen. 21:5).
The water remained for 150 days during the flood (Gen. 7:24).
300 - The number of soldiers in Gideon's army that defeated the Midianites (Judges 7:5).
300-The number of foxes that Samson caught (Judges 15:4).
300-The amount that Joseph gave to Benjamin (Gen. 45:22).
600-Chariots sent by Pharaoh after the Israelites (Ex. 14:7).
Methuselah lived 969 years (Gen. 5:27).
1000 is the number of pairs of oxen and donkeys with which Job became rich after suffering (Job 42:12).

E. Instructions Concerning Passover (9:1-14)

Number 9:1-8. These commandments were given in the first month of the second year after the beginning of the exodus, immediately after the construction of the tabernacle (Ex. 40:17), and before they were copied on the first day of the second month - the men (Num. 1:2). The Passover commands were apparently given before the fourteenth day of the first month, since it was on this day that the Passover celebration was appointed (9:3; compare Ex. 12:1-16).

Again, the decrees regarding Easter were given because it was necessary to somehow solve the problem of people who, for one reason or another, could not celebrate it at the appointed time. And it was in that particular setting that a number of Israelites were found to have become ceremonially unclean by touching dead bodies; They, of course, could not take part in the celebration of Easter. Since they began to insist that Moses and Aaron solve their problem, Moses turned to the Lord for instructions.

Number 9:9-14. And God replied that each of them who could not participate in the celebration of Easter due to uncleanness or because he was on a journey, receives the right to do so on the fourteenth day of the second month, that is, a month after the prescribed day, while observing everything is exactly as if he were celebrating Easter at the appointed time.

Another (new) provision regarding the observance of Easter concerned those who, having no reason not to participate in the celebration, would avoid it. Such a soul was subject to “cutting off from his people” and had to bear his sin (verse 13). The foreboding tone of this warning indicated that the sinner, apparently, was to be executed.

And finally, any stranger who lived among the Jews was required to participate in the celebration of Passover (compare Ezra 6:20-21), if he met the requirement, although not specified here in Num. 9:14, but well known to the Israelites: he had to turn to the God of Israel and, as a sign of this, be circumcised (Ex. 12:48).

E. Accompanied by the Lord (9:15 - 10:10)


Number 9:15-23. This passage, which describes the cloud that was with the Israelites night and day while they were going to Canaan, foreshadows all of God's subsequent guidance of his chosen people. The cloud was a manifestation of the Lord's very person and presence (Ex. 40:34-38). When the cloud rose and moved forward, it meant that God was coming, and the people were following Him. When the cloud... stopped over the tabernacle, it meant that He stopped. Sometimes they broke the camp for a long time (Num. 9:19), but it also happened that the cloud remained over the tabernacle for only a few days, or even just one night, and the next day it rose (verses 20-21). However, in any case, the people walked and stopped at God's direction (verse 23).

For some reason, Christians consider the number 9 to be a satanic number (since the 12th century when the artist Dante painted the underworld in 9 circles)

Gifts of the Holy Spirit:

1 Catharsis - prayer
2 Sophia - wisdom
3 Gnosis - knowledge
4 Didaskalia - teaching
5 Profitia - prophecy
6 Diakonia - ministry
7 Hivernisis - shepherding
8 Diacrisis - discernment of “spirits”
9 Pneumaton - healing

Promises to the One who overcomes:(Revelation 2-3):

1 I will give you to eat from the tree of life
2 Will not be harmed by a second death
3 I will let you taste the hidden mana
4 ladies White stone with a new name
5 I will give power over the Gentiles
6 I will not blot out his name from the book of life
7 I will make him a pillar in the temple of my God
8 I will write on it the name of God, the name of the city, my new name
9 I will let you sit with me on my throne

Types of performance of Psalms:

1 Choral
2 Praise
3 We cry
4 Song
5 On an eight-string instrument
6 On string instruments
7 On wind instruments
8 On a Gathian weapon
9 On a musical instrument

Nine Blessed Ones from the Sermon on the Mount(Matthew 5:3-10):

1 poor in spirit
2 crying
3 meek
4 Hungering and thirsting for righteousness
5 gracious
6 pure in heart
7 peacekeepers
8 exiled for the truth
9 you, when they revile you and persecute you and do all sorts of injustice
speak evil for Me

The story of the nine begins with Egypt, when 9 people came to those lands and taught many crafts, after which we learned about the great Egyptian civilization. (Scientists have found a corridor near the pyramids, which is called the “corridor of History” from the time of Jesus’ preaching to the stairs that rise sharply towards the sun in the period of 1844)
"He [Atum] created the gods Shu and Tefnut. These gods gave birth to Geb and Nut. Next, the god of air Shu raised above himself the goddess of the sky - Nut. Thus, he separated the sky from the earth (Geb is the god of the earth). The spouses Geb and Nut gave birth to a new generation of gods. These were the well-known Osiris and Isis, as well as Nephthys and Set. This is how the nine main Egyptian gods... They were revered throughout Egypt. But then the god Ra pushed aside the god Atum and headed these nine gods."

It is believed that God has 9 archangels in his service.
IN Holy Scripture nine angelic ranks, or degrees:
Seraphim, Cherubim, Thrones, Dominions, Powers, Powers, Principalities, Archangels and Angels.
The names of the Archangels are as follows: Michael - who is like God, Gabriel - the power of God, Raphael - help, healing of God, Uriel - fire and light of God, Salafiel - prayer to God.
The archangels also include Jehudiel - the praise of God and Barachiel - the blessing of God, whose names are not found in the Holy Scriptures. Also mentioned are the archangel Jeremiel - the height of God and Suriel - the power of God (the trumpeter of God)

New Testament Coptic Apocrypha:
Reasoning about eight and nine

52. [“O my father, ] yesterday you informed me that you will lead my mind into the eighth and after that into the ninth.
You said: “Such is the gradation of tradition.”

"O my son, this is indeed the order. The promise came from the properties of human nature.
I said when I made the promise: “if you keep each of the steps in your mind.” When I received the Spirit through power, I directed the energy towards you.

Truly understanding belongs to you.

In me it is like a pregnant force. When I conceived from the fountain flowing towards me, I gave birth."

“O my father, every word of yours is good to me. But I am surprised by the words that you just said: “the power that is in me.” He said: “I gave birth to her, as children are born.” “Therefore, O my father, I have many brothers, if [you] count me among the offspring."

“Okay, O my son, this benefit is counted through...

53. "O my son, it is necessary for you to recognize your brothers and give them due honor, for they came from the same father. I named each generation. I gave them a name, for they are offspring like these children."

"O my father, do they have [being]?

"O my son, they are spiritual. They are energies that nourish souls. Therefore I say: they are immortal."

"Your word true. It is undeniable from now on, O my father, begin the discourse on the eighth and ninth and number me among my brothers.”

"Let us pray, O my son, to the Father of All, together with your brothers - my sons, so that he will give us the spirit of speech."

“How do they pray, O my father, when they are in unity with generations? I would like to follow, O my father...”

54. "... is not, also is not... but rests... and it behooves [you] to remember the sequence that is given by book wisdom. O my son, be as in infancy. Just like children, you ask meaningless questions".

“O my father, the understanding that I have now achieved and the previous knowledge that was given to me in books is not enough for me. It was in me before.”

"O my son, if you realize the truth of your words, you will find your brothers - my sons - praying with you."

“O my father, I do not comprehend anything other than the beauty learned from books, what you call “the beauty of the soul.”

“Let the instruction that comes to you at every level become your knowledge, and you will teach.”

"I have known, O my father, each of the books, but more

55. ... "O my son [...] in praises [...] that surpass."

"O my father, from you I will receive strength in the words you speak. As we both have been commanded, let us pray, 0 my father."

“O my son, it is fitting that we should pray to God with all our minds and with all our hearts and souls and ask for the gift of the eighth, so that he would come to us, and each one would take from it what is due to him. You must know, but I - to be able to bring discourse out of the fountain that flows towards me."

“Let us pray, O my father, I pray to you, who has power over the kingdom of forces, whose word gives birth to light, whose words are immortal, eternal and unchanging, whose will gives birth to forms of life in every place. His nature gives the image of being. Souls are moved by him. ..

56. [and] angels [...] who exist. His providence extends to everyone, it [...] gives birth to everyone. [..] zones among the spirits. He created everything. He is the one who contains himself, cares about everyone. It's full. He is the invisible God who is spoken to in silence. His image changes when he is touched and touched. The power of powers, beyond greatness, beyond veneration, Zoxaphaso, aoo her ooo eee ooo her ooooo ooooo ooooo ooooo ooooo ooooo ooo ooo ooo ooo, Zozazoph. Lord, give us Sophia through the power that reaches us, so that we can describe the vision of the eightfold and ninefold. We have already managed to achieve the sevenfold, for we are pious and walk in the law and keep your will. We go to...

57. Lord, give us truth in form! Let us in spirit see the form of an image in which there is no perfection, and show us the image of the pleroma in our praises! For from you the universe received its soul. For from you the unborn came the one who was born. The birth of the self-born happened through you. You, the foundation of everything born that exists, accept from us the spiritual offering that we bring to you with all our heart and our soul and all our strength. Save what is in us and give us the immortal Sophia." "Let us embrace with love, oh my son. Rejoice in this! The power that brings light came from them to us. For I see, I see inexpressible depth! How can I tell you...

58. ... oh my son, begin with [...] place. How can I tell you about everything! I [...] I see Nous, which moves the soul. The one that wakes me from divine oblivion. You give me strength. I see you. I want to speak. Fear is holding me back. I have found the source of strength, which is higher than all forces, which has no beginning. I see a fountain bubbling with life. I said, O my son: “I am Nus.” I have seen. Words cannot express what I saw. The whole eightfold, O my son, and the souls that are in it, and the angels sing the hymn in silence. But I, Nus, I comprehend."

"How can I sing my praises?"

“Have you become such that it is impossible to talk to you?”

"I am silent, O my father, I want to sing praises in silence."

"Truly, speak, for I am Nus."

“I comprehend Nous, O Hermes, which cannot be explained, for it is closed in itself. And I rejoice, O my father, for I see your smile. And All

59. [rejoices]. Therefore, there is nothing that would suffer from your existence. For you are the master of the citizens in every place. Your providence protects. I call you, O father, the Aeon of aeons. The Spirit is divine, and the Spirit gives rain to everyone. What are you telling me, O my father Hermes?

“About these things I say nothing, O my son. For it is right before God that we remain silent about the unseen.”

“O Trismegistus, do not let my soul lose the great divine vision. You have power over Everything, as the owner of all places.”

"Turn to praises, O my son, and speak in silence."

Having finished his praises, he exclaimed: “Father Trismegistus, what should I say? We have received this light! And I see the eightfold and the souls that are in it, and the angels singing the praises of the ninefold and its powers. And I see the one who has the powers of all them, creating

60. in spirit."

“It is good for us from now on to remain in silence in respectful postures. From now on, do not talk about the vision. It is fitting to sing praises to the Father until the day comes - until we leave the body.”

“What you say, O my father, I also want to say. I sing praises within myself so that you can rest.”

“Be active in praise, for you have found what you seek.”

"What is the right thing to do, O my father? Shall I praise, for I am full in my heart?"

“What is fitting are the praises that you will speak to God, so that you can write them in an imperishable book.”

"I will give praise in my heart, praying to the end of All and the beginning of the beginnings of human search, the eternal find, the parent of light and truth, the sower of the Logos, love immortal life. No hidden Logos can speak about you, Lord. That’s why my Nous strives to sing your praises all day long. I am the instrument of your Spirit. Nous of your plectrum. Your words inspire me. I see

61. yourself. I have received strength from you, for your love has strengthened us."

"So, oh my son."

“O mercy, after this I give thanks to you by praising you. For I received life from you when you gave me wisdom.
I sing your praise, I call out your name, which is hidden in the a o her o eee ooo iiii ooooooooooo ooo ooooooo ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo. You are the one who is in the Spirit. I sing your praises with reverence."

“O my son, write this book in secret signs for the temple of Diaspolis and call it “The Eightfold Reveals the Ninefold.”

"I will do it, O my father, as thou commandest, now."

"O my son, write the words of this book on the turquoise stele. O my son, it is fitting to write this book on the turquoise stele in secret signs. Then Nus will become the observer

62. this. Therefore, I command that this discourse be engraved on stone, and that you take it to my sanctuary. Let eight guards guard him and the nine suns. On the right are men with frog faces, on the left are wives with cat faces. And place the square milk stone at the base of the turquoise slabs and write the name in secret characters on the azure stone wall. O my son, you will do this when I am in Virgo and the Sun is in the morning and I have passed 15 degrees."

"Oh my father, whatever you say I will do with zeal."

“And write the oath in the book, so that those who read it will not use it for evil and do not use it to resist the actions of fate. It would be better for them to submit to the law of God, without breaking it, but in purity to ask God for Sophia and Gnosis.

63. And he who is not first born of God can be born of the Logos. He will not read what is written in this book, although his consciousness is clear, and he does not do anything shameful and does not consent to anything shameful. He advances in steps and enters the path of immortality. Thus he comes to understand the eightfold, which reveals the ninefold."

"So it will be done, O my father."

“This is the oath: whoever reads this holy book, I command him to swear by heaven and earth, and by fire and water, and by the seven rulers of substances, and by the creative Spirit in them, and by the unbegotten God, and by the self-begotten God, and by him who was begotten.” , - that he will keep the secrets that Hermes revealed, and those who keep the oaths, their God will unite them with those and everyone whom we named. But wrath will turn on those who break this oath. I call the Lord as a witness, O my son "
* * *
Translation from Coptic by Arkady Rovner. Consultant Beverly Moon

Do you know how many prayers are mentioned in the Bible (and how many of them were answered)? Here's the answer to that question and other facts you should know about prayer in the Bible.

1. In the Bible mentioned 650 prayers. (Here is the complete list at English language, with Scriptures).

2. In Scripture About 450 answers to prayers are recorded.

3. First time prayer mentioned in the Bible in Genesis 4:26 (earlier dialogues were initiated by God himself, for example, Genesis 3:8-13, 4:9).

4. The Bible says, that Jesus prayed 25 times a day different time throughout his earthly ministry.

5. In the New Testament, the Apostle Paul mentions prayer (prayers, prayer reports, petitions, desire to pray) 41 times.

6. Although you can (and should) pray in any body position, The Bible lists five specific postures: sitting (2 Samuel 7:18), standing (Mark 11:25), kneeling (2 Chronicles 6:13; Daniel 6:10; Luke 22:41; Acts 7:60, 9:40, 20:36, 21:5; Eph. 3:14), facing the ground (Matthew 26:39; Mark 14:35), and with hands raised (1 Tim. 2:8).

7. Jesus Instructs His Disciples to Pray(Luke 11:1-4). He identifies five main aspects: so that the name of the Lord is glorified, His eternal glory is emphasized (“Our Father, hallowed your name”); for the Kingdom of God to come—His eternal will is emphasized (“yes kingdom come Your"); that the Lord supports us - our present is emphasized (“give us our daily bread every day”); that the Lord has given us forgiveness - our past is emphasized (“and forgive us our sins, for we also forgive every one of our debtors”); that the Lord will give us salvation - our future is emphasized.

Don't miss the most interesting things!

8. The Bible mentions at least nine main types of prayer: prayer of faith (James 5:15), prayer of agreement (also known as common prayer) (Acts 2:42), prayer of petition (also known as supplication or supplication) (Philippians 4:6), prayer of thanksgiving (Psalm 94:2-3), prayer of worship (Acts 13:2-3), prayer of consecration ( also known as consecration) (Matthew 26:39), intercessory prayer (also known as intercession) (1 Timothy 2:1), prayer of curse (Psalm 69), and prayer in the Spirit (1 Corinthians 14:14-15).

Since ancient times, numbers have played an important and multifaceted role in human life. Ancient people attributed special, supernatural properties to them; Some numbers promised happiness and success, others could cause a blow of fate. In many cultures, especially Babylonian, Hindu and Pythagorean, number is the beginning of all things. The ancient Indians, Egyptians, and Chaldeans were recognized experts in the use of numbers. For the Chinese, odd numbers are yang, heaven, immutability and auspiciousness; even numbers are yin, earth, volatility and inauspiciousness.

In Christianity, before the teachings of Saints Augustine and Alexander, the symbolism of numbers was poorly developed.

Classical or Pythagorean school.

The founder of the European doctrine of numbers was Pythagoras, who is credited with the saying: “The world is built on the power of numbers.” In his school, knowledge of the properties of numbers was the first step on the path to esoteric knowledge. Numbers, according to Pythagoras, have both quantitative and qualitative features. Studying the properties of numbers, the Pythagoreans were the first to pay attention to the laws of their divisibility. They divided all numbers into even - “male” and odd - “female”, or otherwise “gnomons” and, what is very important, into simple and composite. The Pythagoreans called composite numbers, representable as the product of two factors, “flat numbers” and depicted them as rectangles, and composite numbers, representable as the product of three factors, “solid numbers” and depicted them as parallelepipeds. They called prime numbers that cannot be represented as products “linear numbers.”
The Pythagoreans considered perfect numbers to be numbers that were equal to the sum of their divisors (excluding the number itself), such as 6=1+2+3 or 28=1+2+4+7+14. There are not many perfect numbers. Among single-digit numbers there are only 6; among two-digit, three-digit and four-digit numbers there are only 28, 496 and 8128, respectively. Two numbers having the property that the sum of the divisors of one of them is equal to the other were called “friendly”.

Subsequently, the Greek numerological system was borrowed by Europeans, and later was transferred to Russia.
Almost every world religion has its own “sacred numbers”, and each number symbolizes a certain meaning.

DIGIT "0" has the same symbolism as the empty circle, indicating both the absence of death and the absolute life found within the circle.
For Pythagoras, zero is the perfect form.
In Taoism, zero symbolizes emptiness and nothingness.
In Buddhism it is emptiness and immateriality.
In Islam it is a symbol of the Essence of the Divine.
In the teachings of Kabbalah there is boundlessness, boundless light, oneness.

DIGIT "1" means the primary unity, the beginning, the Creator.

DIGIT "2" means duality.
According to Pythagoras, a dyad is a divided earthly being.
In Buddhism, the two is the duality of samsara, male and female, wisdom and method, the blind and the lame, united in order to see the path and follow it.
In China it is yin, feminine, earthly, unfavorable principle.
In Christianity, Christ has two natures: God and man.
In Jewish tradition - life force.
In Kabbalah - wisdom and self-awareness.
In Hinduism - duality, shakta - shakti.
In Islam it is spirit.

NUMBER "3". The idea of ​​trinity forms the basis of many ancient philosophical and religious teachings. The three-dimensionality of space is associated with three: length-width-height; three-phase substance: solid-liquid- steam; trinity of time: past - present - future; human (body, soul and spirit), as well as birth, life and death; beginning, middle and end; past, present and future; three phases of the moon; trinity of the World; in many religions, the upper World is the sky, the middle one is the earth, the lower one is water.
Three is a heavenly number symbolizing the soul. This is the number of luck.
In Christianity: Holy Trinity: Father, Son and Holy Spirit; unity of body and soul in man and the Church. Three hypostases are the dogma of the trinity, which is distinctive feature Christianity from Islam and Judaism. Therefore, the number "3" is the sacred number of Christianity. The Bible talks about three gifts of the Magi to Christ as God, King and Redemptive Sacrifice, three images of the Transfiguration, three temptations, three denials of Peter, three crosses on Calvary, three days of Christ's death, three appearances after death, three qualities, or theological virtues: Faith , Hope, Love.
In Kabbalah, the three symbolizes understanding, as well as the trinity of the masculine and feminine principles and the mutual understanding that unites them.
In Hinduism - Trimurti, the triple power of creation, destruction and preservation; various triplets of deities; The moon chariot has three wheels.
In Japan, the Three Treasures are a mirror, a sword and a gem; truth, courage and compassion.
In the Chinese character “wan” (three horizontal lines connected by a vertical one), which means the word “prince”, the upper horizontal line symbolizes the sky, the bottom - the earth, the middle - the person who, on behalf of the sky, rules the earth.
In folklore there are three wishes, three attempts, three princes, three witches, fairies (two good, one evil).
Toasts come three times. Three also means fulfillment. Countless are the triplets of deities and powers. Triune lunar deities and trinity goddesses abound in Semitic, Greek, Celtic and ancient Germanic religions.
The main symbol of the three is a triangle. Three interlocking rings or triangles symbolize the indissoluble unity of the three faces of the Trinity. Other symbols: trident, fleur-de-lis, trefoil, three lightning bolts, trigrams. Lunar animals are often tripods, representing the three phases of the Moon.

DIGIT "4" means wholeness, totality, completeness; four cardinal directions, seasons, winds, sides of the square.
In Pythagoreanism, four means perfection, harmonious proportion, justice, earth. Four is the number of the Pythagorean oath.
In Christianity, the number four is the number of the body, while the number three symbolizes the soul. The four rivers of heaven, the Gospel, the evangelist, the main archangel, the main devil. Four church fathers, great prophets, cardinal virtues (wisdom, firmness, justice, moderation). Four winds carrying the One Spirit, four apocalyptic horsemen, tetramorphs (synthesis of the forces of the four elements).
Four is a symbolic number of the Old Testament. The four rivers of paradise forming a cross, four parts of the earth, etc. are found almost everywhere in symbolism. The four can be represented by a quatrefoil, as well as a square or a cross.
In Buddhism, the Tree of Life Damba has four branches, from its roots flow the four sacred rivers of paradise, symbolizing the four limitless desires: compassion, affection, love, impartiality; four directions of the heart.
In China, four is the number of the earth, symbolized by a square. Four rivers of immortality. Four is an even, Yin number. In Chinese Buddhism, there are four celestial guardians who guard each cardinal direction.
In Egypt, four is the sacred number of time, the solar measure. The vault of heaven rests on four pillars. Four funerary urns, placed on the four sides around the deceased, are guarded by the four sons of Horus, who are associated with the four cardinal directions.
In the Jewish tradition, this is measure, beneficence, understanding.
Among the American Indians, this number is most often used as the four cardinal directions. The four winds are represented by a cross and a swastika. Ritual and ceremonial actions are repeated four times.
In Kabbalah, four means memory. The four worlds of Kabbalah, the four directions in space and the four hierarchical levels of the Torah.
In Hinduism, four is totality, completeness, perfection. The Creator, Brahma, has four faces. The temple stands on the four sides of a square, symbolizing order and finality. Four tattvas, four human bodies, four kingdoms of nature (animal, vegetable, mineral, kingdom of mind), four yugas. In a game of dice, a four means a win. Four castes, four pairs of opposites.
The Islamic four include the principle - the creator, the world spirit, the world soul, and primordial matter. They correspond to the four worlds of Kabbalah. There are also four angelic beings, four houses of death.

DIGIT "5"- the number of sacred marriage, since it is the sum of the female (even) two and the male (odd) three.
In the Greco-Roman tradition, five is the number of marriage, love, unity; the number of Venus, with the years of Venus forming groups of five years. Apollo, as the god of light, has five qualities: he is omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent, eternal, one.
In Christianity, the number five symbolizes man after the Fall; five senses; five points forming a cross; the five wounds of Christ; five fish, which fed five thousand people; Pentateuch of Moses.
In Buddhism, the heart has four directions, which, when placed with the center, form a five and symbolize universality. There are five Dhyani Buddhas: Vairochana - Sparkling, Akshobhya - Equanimity, Ratnasambhava - Gem, Amitabha - Limitless Light, Amoghasiddhi - Constant Luck.
The Chinese have five elements, five atmospheric substances, five states, planets, sacred mountains, grains, flowers, types of taste, poisons, powerful amulets, cardinal virtues, initiations, eternal ideals, five types of relationships within humanity. In the Jewish tradition, five is strength and severity, understanding the essence.
In Kabbalah, five means fear.
In Hinduism, these are five-membered groups of the world, five elements of the subtle and gross states, five primary colors, feelings, five faces of Shiva and twice five incarnations of Vishnu.
Islam has five pillars of faith, five divine presences, five fundamental tenets, five actions, five daily prayers.

NUMBER "6". Means balance, harmony. The most prolific of all numbers (Philo).
In numerology, the number 6 means the union of two triangles - male and female, one of which stands on the base, and the other is turned upside down. This symbol is well known as the Shield of David, a hexagon that appears on the flag of the State of Israel.

DIGIT "7" considered sacred, and divine, and magical, and happy. The Seven was revered many centuries before our era, in the Middle Ages, and is still revered today.
In Babylon, a seven-tiered temple was built in honor of the main gods. The priests of this city claimed that after death, people, passing through seven gates, enter the underground kingdom, surrounded by seven walls.
IN ancient Greece the number seven was called the number of Apollo, one of the most important gods olympic religion. It is known from mythology that the inhabitants of Athens annually sent seven young men and seven young women as tribute to the man-bull Minotaur, who lived in the labyrinth on the island of Crete; Tantalus' daughter Niobe had seven sons and seven daughters; The nymph of the island Ogygia Calypso held Odysseus captive for seven years; the whole world is familiar with the “seven wonders of the world”, etc.
Ancient Rome also idolized the number seven. The city itself is built on seven hills; The river Styx, which surrounds the underworld, flows seven times around hell, which Virgil divides into seven regions.
Islam, Christianity and Judaism recognize a seven-stage act of creation of the universe. However, in Islam the number "7" has a special meaning. According to Islam, there are seven heavens; those who enter the seventh heaven experience the highest bliss. Therefore, the number "7" is the sacred number of Islam.
In Christian holy books, the number seven is mentioned many times: “Whoever kills Cain will have sevenfold vengeance,” “...and seven years of plenty passed... and seven years of famine came,” “and count yourself seven Sabbath years, seven times.” seven years each, so that in seven Sabbath years you will have forty-nine years,” etc. Lent for Christians lasts seven weeks. There are seven ranks of angels, seven deadly sins. In many countries, there is a custom to place seven dishes on the Christmas table, the names of which begin with the same letter.
In Brahminical and Buddhist beliefs and worship, the number seven is also sacred. The Hindus began the custom of giving seven elephants - figurines made of bone, wood or other material - for good luck.
The seven was very often used by healers, fortune tellers and sorcerers: “Take seven bags with seven different herbs, infusion of seven waters and drink seven days in seven spoons...”.
The number seven is associated with many riddles, signs, proverbs, sayings: “Seven spans in the forehead”, “Seven nannies have a child without an eye”, “Measure seven times, cut one”, “One with a fry, seven with a spoon”, “For for a beloved friend, seven miles is no outskirts,” “For seven miles to sip jelly,” “Seven troubles - one answer,” “Beyond seven seas,” etc.

DIGIT "8"- the number of newly found paradise, as well as renewal, restoration, happiness. The eighth day gave birth to a new, perfect man. After seven days of fasting and repentance, spiritual renewal begins on the eighth.
For the Pythagoreans, eight means three-dimensionality and stability.
In the Sumerian-Semitic tradition, eight is the magical number of Heaven.
For Buddhists, number eight is completeness, the totality of all possibilities. Eight symbols of good omen.
For the Chinese, it means the whole, all possibilities in their manifested form, good luck. The Ba Gua are the eight trigrams and pairs of opposites, usually arranged in a circle, symbolizing time and space. Eight joys of human existence.
In Christianity it means restoration and rebirth. The baptistery is usually octagonal, which symbolizes the place of rebirth. The Eight Beatitudes.
In Egypt, eight is the number of Thoth.
For Jews - the number of the Lord; The Temple was consecrated for eight days.
In Hinduism, 8x8 means the order of the heavenly world established on earth. The structure of the temples reproduces the mandala, which is characterized by the same symbolism - 8x8. There are eight regions of the world, eight suns, parts of the day, chakras.
In Islam, the throne that rules the world is supported by eight angels, corresponding to the eight directions and eight groups of letters of the Arabic alphabet.
For the Japanese, eight means many; there are eight gods in the sky.

DIGIT "9" means omnipotence, and represents the Triple Triad (3x3). This is the number of a circle, hence the division into 90 and 360 degrees.
For the Pythagoreans, nine is the limit of all numbers, within which all others exist and circulate. This is a heavenly and angelic number, heaven on earth.
Nine is a sacred number in Scandinavian and ancient Germanic symbolism.
IN Christian symbolism nine appears rarely. There are triple triads of angelic choirs, nine spheres and circles around hell.
For Buddhists, nine is the highest spiritual power, a heavenly number.
For the Chinese, 3x3 is the most auspicious of all numbers, also meaning the eight directions plus the center as the ninth point, as in the Hall of Light. There are nine fundamental social laws and nine classes of officials.
In the Greco-Roman tradition there are nine gods, and later nine muses.
For the Jews, nine is pure understanding, truth, since nine reproduces itself when multiplied.
In Kabbalah it symbolizes the foundation.

DIGIT "10"- the number of the cosmos, it contains all numbers, and therefore all things and possibilities, it is the basis and turning point of the entire account. It means something all-encompassing, law, order, power. 1+2+3+4=10 - symbolizes the divine; one means a point, two means extension, three (triangle) means a plane, four means volume or space.
For the Pythagoreans, ten is the renewal of a series, perfection.
In Rome, this number was represented by the sign X - a perfect figure, meaning completeness.
Ten is also the number of completing journeys and returning to the starting point. Odysseus wandered for nine years, and returned in the tenth year. Troy was under siege for nine years and fell in the tenth year.
Among the Chinese, the ten is depicted in the form of a cross, the center of which is formed by the hieroglyph chi, which symbolizes the human Self, in front of which lie both paths, yin and yang, this is a perfect figure. The Ten Heavenly Stems (Gan) may be associated with the ten-day week of the most common cycle.
Christians have the Ten Commandments of the Decateuch, the parables of the ten lamps, virgins, and talents. The tithe was dedicated to God.
In Kabbalah, ten is the numerical value of the letter J-yod - the Eternal Word, the first letter of the name of God. Symbolizes brilliant ability to understand, divine support.
In Islam, an important role is played by ushr (tithe), a tax on land holdings, which should go to the general needs of Muslims.

NUMBER "11". Since ten is a perfect number and a law, eleven symbolizes going beyond both and means sin, breaking the law, and danger.

DIGIT "12" personifies cosmic order. This is the number of zodiac signs and months of the year (six male and six female). Twelve o'clock day and night. Twelve fruits on the Cosmic Tree. Additionally, the twelve days of return to chaos at the winter solstice, when the dead return, were celebrated in Rome during the Saturnalia. The twelve days before Christmas have the same symbolism.
This figure is found in Vedic, Chinese, pagan and European symbolism: 12 members in the council of the Dalai Lama, 12 paladins (peers) of Charlemagne, 12 knights of the Round Table.
Christians have 12 fruits of the spirit, stars, 12 tribes of Israel, 12 apostles, 12 gates and stones at the foundation of the Holy City, 12 days of Christmas celebration.
The Egyptians have 12 gates of hell, in which Ra spends his night hours.
The Greeks on Olympus had 12 gods and goddesses, 12 titans.
In Jewish tradition - 12 fruits of the Tree of Life; 12 gates of the Heavenly City; 12 cakes on the temple table, representing the months of the year; 12 precious stones in Aaron's breastplate; 12 tribes of Israel, sons of Jacob.
In Islam, 12 imams, descendants of Ali, rule over the twelve hours of the day.

NUMBER "13". The attitude towards this number has always been special: it was considered either unlucky or, conversely, bringing good luck.
In Christianity during evening services last week During Lent, thirteen candles (Catholics call them tenebrae) are extinguished one by one, symbolizing the darkness that fell on earth after the death of Christ. The number thirteen is considered unlucky because it is the number of Judas along with Jesus and the apostles. It is also the number of the witches' coven.
Among the Aztecs, this mysterious number was associated with the concept of time, namely, it meant the completion of the time cycle. They believed that the number “13” was somehow connected with heaven. There were thirteen curls in the hair of one of their main deities, and the same number of strands in his beard.
The ancient Chinese built numerous temples in honor of the god Huang Di. The emperor's servants made sacrifices in these temples on the 13th of the first and fifth months of each year.
The holy book "Kabbalah" mentions thirteen evil spirits, the number "13" represents the serpent, the dragon, Satan and the murderer.
The thirteenth chapter of the Apocalypse concerns the Antichrist and the Beast.
This number is used in fortune telling. There are many superstitions associated with it. In many US hotels there is neither a thirteenth floor nor a thirteenth room. In addition, there is no seat number 13 on American airlines. In a number of large cities in France, houses that must have the serial number “13” are designated by the code 12 bis. Housewives are careful not to seat 13 guests at the table.
It is suggested that this is related to memories of the Last Supper; when during the last meal of Jesus Christ, in addition to the twelve apostles surrounding him, there was also a thirteenth - the traitor Judas.

"40". Means trial, test, initiation, death. The special significance of forty days apparently dates back to Babylon, where the forty-day period of disappearance of the Pleiades from the sky was a time of rains, storms and floods and was considered dangerous. The Romans kept arriving ships in quarantine for forty days, and the word itself is derived from the word “forty.”
The temples of the Persians, Tatars, Baalbek, the temples of the Druids, the temple of Ezekiel had forty columns. In Christianity, forty days from Easter to Ascension are the period of inviolability and the time of the right to asylum. IN Old Testament Moses spent forty days in Sinai; Elijah hid for forty days; For forty days the rain of the Flood fell; forty days of trial of Nineveh under Jonah; the Jews wandered in the desert for forty years; walked under the yoke of the Philistines for forty years; David and Solomon reigned for forty years; For forty years Elijah judged Israel. The Book of the Prophet Ezekiel speaks of a vision in which God commanded the prophet, during the forty years of iniquity of the house of Judah, to lie on his right side for forty days.
Osiris was absent from Egypt for forty days after his death; this is a period of fasting.
In Islam, forty is the number of change and death, but also of reconciliation and return to principle. Mohammed was called at the age of forty. The Koran is read every forty days.
In Mithraism, forty is the number of days of the initiation rite, festivals and sacrifices.

"60". Time number (60 minutes and 60 seconds).
In Egypt it symbolized longevity.
In China, it is a cyclic number, symbolizing the sexagesimal cycle, known in the past in the West as the Chinese cycle. The interaction of the alternating Ten Heavenly Stems and Twelve Earthly Branches is structured in such a way that the cycle ends in the sixtieth year, when all combinations are exhausted, and then repeats again. Six cycles are approximately equal to a tropical year.

"70". In Jewish symbolism, seventy branches of candelabra represent the Decans - twelve zodiac divisions of seven planets into tens. Seventy years is the length of a human life.

"666". In Christianity - the sign of the Beast, the Antichrist.
In Kabbalah, 666 is the number of Sorath, the solar demon opposing Archangel Michael.

"888". By numerical value Hebrew letters, this is the number of Jesus as opposed to 666 - the number of the Beast.
