How to cook ghee the right way. Melted butter cooked in the oven. Ghee ghee at home

Butter is one of the most luxurious gifts of nature to mankind.
The most delicious butter is born where natural conditions favor man and his pets. After all, all that is needed to make good butter is excellent milk, a little skill and a clear conscience.

It is a pity that natural butter is a perishable product. Indeed, in addition to fat, it contains water, protein and sugars in the form of lactose, which can serve as a nutrient medium, including for bacteria that are not the most useful and worsen the taste of products.
It’s a pity that it’s not so easy to cook with natural butter: until the water evaporates, the oil sizzles and splashes, its temperature is so low that you can’t really fry it, and when there is no water left in the oil, proteins and sugar will burn.
But people have learned to separate water, proteins and sugars from milk fat, which is stored as long as they like, and cooking on it is a pleasure, and its taste is fully consistent with the aroma of meadow herbs and flowers that the cow ate.

The easiest way to get ghee is to put the butter on the fire and wait for the water to evaporate. During this time, some of the proteins will rise to the surface along with the foam, they can, of course, be removed.
But the other part of the proteins will be held at the bottom by water heavier than fat. There, these proteins will burn, when the water evaporates, from there the decay products of proteins will color the oil with the taste of burnt milk. Now do you understand why you didn't like the taste of ghee before?
But, perhaps, you didn’t like it also because it was not fresh butter that was drowned, but slightly “spiky”, which in its pure form can no longer be eaten. So to say "saved the product."
Another reason is that some people confuse ghee with once warmed butter. That's right - who will like the grains that form when it solidifies?

In addition, in heated oil, water, proteins and carbohydrates remain in place. Unless some of the bacteria die when heated, but they will inevitably start up again. Yes, and cooking in such oil is the same as in butter - the same problems.
But if the oil is heated very slowly and not brought to the boiling point of water, then sooner or later it will separate into components. Lighter fat will rise to the top, while water, proteins and carbohydrates will settle down. The slower the heating was carried out, the longer the temperature was maintained in the oil at about 85 ° C, the better the result.
How to do it? Multicookers, rice cookers, slow cookers and other kitchen appliances that can maintain the temperature in a given range for a long time will help. For example, five or six hours, if we are talking about three or four kilograms of butter. If none of the above is present, build a water bath.

And don't mess with less! And the troubles are unjustified, and the oil turns out to be insultingly small. After all, even if the butter was sour, it crumbled when you tried to spread it on bread, it strove to deteriorate or at least turn yellow at the edges - in a word, it behaved like the most ordinary natural product, anyway - the result is surprisingly tasty ghee.
How to separate one liquid from another? It’s very simple, if you remember that when cooling, milk fat hardens faster than water. Just put the container of butter in the cold, and then take out the solid ghee. The rest of the cream from the bottom of the piece can be washed off with a jet of cold water. After that, the oil must be heated again to 125C in order to evaporate the remaining moisture from it and remove a small amount of foam. Properly prepared ghee does not even need a refrigerator for storage.

This ghee recipe is purely culinary in nature. That is, it does not involve the use of any etheric ingredients or the recitation of mantras in order to create a product intended for Ayurvedic rituals.

This is a common fat for healthy cooking. The one on which most people cooked until the fashion for harmful vegetable fats went.

So, to melt the butter at home, we only need the butter itself (at least 82% fat) and a pan.

Put the oil in a saucepan and put it on a small fire. It is not necessary to cut into pieces. Fully melts quickly.

Gradually, foam will form on the surface, which will need to be removed. But not at once.

The most correct thing is to let the fat stand completely on fire, in no case do not mix it! And then remove the foam.

The melting time depends on the mass. If you have 500 grams, then you should melt for 25-30 minutes.

In practice, it often turns out that you have to remove the foam earlier than half an hour after the start of the process, as it becomes too much.

In addition, without removing the foam, it is impossible to determine whether the oil is ready or not. The finished product is transparent. And this must be seen.

The foam is removed carefully with a spoon, without removing the pan from the heat.

After the foam has been removed and the time required to melt the oil has elapsed, the pure product must be separated from the sediment.

How to do it right?

It is usually advised to drain through gauze. It is possible to do so. But not at all necessary.

Melted butter turns out no worse if it is simply poured with a tablespoon. The sediment will remain calm at the bottom. And the loss of product will be less than when using gauze.

The only case when filtering is necessary is the very poor quality of the butter itself, after melting which an incredible amount of sediment and foam is formed, which cannot be removed with a spoon.

It is best to store ghee in ceramic jars closed with a lid. Theoretically, you can keep them right on the table at room temperature. But for reinsurance, it is still better to put it in the refrigerator. It can be stored there for at least one and a half years without compromising quality.

Is it possible to get real ghee from a regular store-bought product?

Yes. Really.

For some reason, today on many sites you can find horror stories that you can’t buy butter of the quality level in the store so that it can be heated.

It is a highly refined cow's ghee. This wonderful product is obtained by melting high-quality butter over low heat, during which protein impurities and moisture are removed from the butter, leaving only fat in its pure form.

Ghee is a ghee that is widely used in India. Most of the Ayurvedic dishes are prepared on its basis. Moreover, ghee is considered medicinal, and it is not for nothing that it is called the “gold of Ayurveda”. This oil calms and balances the three doshas: kapha, vata and pitta. Many medicinal (natural) preparations are prepared using oil.

Of all the oils and fats, ghee is the purest and most beneficial, which is why it is so beneficial to human health. It is one of the most important Ayurvedic substances. With excellent taste and health properties, long shelf life, ease of preparation and a wide range of applications for the treatment of diseases, ghee is an indispensable food product and natural safe medicine for a number of diseases.

Preparation of ghee


  • 600 g good butter

Cooking method:

  1. Put the oil in a saucepan and put on low heat. You don't need to cover.
  2. From time to time, stir the oil, which will be transformed in several stages. It will foam up first.
  3. A little later, the foam will come off, and the butter will turn into a slightly cloudy yellowish mixture.
  4. Then it will begin to delaminate, a second fraction of a transparent amber color will appear.
  5. It is not necessary to remove the foam that may form, since everything will melt over time under the influence of fire. But still, it is better to remove it - it is very fatty and sweet in taste, and it can be used in mashed potatoes or porridge.
  6. You can understand that alchemy was successful and ghee is ready by its amber (golden) color and pleasant nutty-creamy aroma. In this case, the oil will become completely homogeneous and absolutely transparent, and a precipitate will form at the bottom of the pan. It is in the sediment that all unnecessary impurities are concentrated. Cooking time depends on the quality and volume of the product being melted (on average, about 1 hour per 1 kg of oil). But still, it is worth focusing not on time, but on the appearance of ghee.
  7. When you know the ghee is ready, let it cool down a bit in the pot where it was cooked. Prepare a clean dish to store the oil and a piece of cloth. Drain this fragrant golden liquid through a cloth or several layers of gauze into a storage dish.
  8. Usually ghee keeps well for 2-3 months even without refrigeration.

Melted butter recipe


  • high quality butter with a fat content of at least 80%

Cooking method:

  1. To make ghee, choose high quality butter with at least 80% fat. The higher the fat content, the better, there will be less waste.
  2. Not every butter in the store is pure butter without impurities, so if you have friends who keep a cow and make butter themselves, it is better to buy from them.
  3. Enamelware is suitable for making ghee. Melt the butter over low heat, then when it melts, reduce the heat to low.
  4. A white foam (protein and water) gradually forms on the surface, which must be carefully collected (and then it can be added to the dish or eaten as such). A small sediment also forms at the bottom, in the form of light flakes, it is not necessary to touch it.
  5. The pan should be open, do not cover it with a lid, and constantly remove the foam. Make sure that the oil does not boil, otherwise it will burn and become unusable. When all the foam is gone, you will see the bottom, the oil will be transparent.
  6. The color of the finished melted butter is amber, golden. Dark oil is the result of being simmered for too long or on too high a heat. Freshly made ghee has a pleasant creamy smell, slightly reminiscent of the smell of nuts or popcorn.
  7. The melting time depends on the volume of oil. One pack of butter (200g) is melted for about 30-50 minutes. Focus not on time, but on the appearance of ghee.
  8. Carefully pour the finished ghee into a jar and let cool to room temperature, then store in the refrigerator. Properly prepared ghee can be stored for several months, and even more. It is better to keep ghee in closed containers in a cool and dry place.
  9. Dishes on ghee are very tasty, healthy and healing!

Ghee ghee

It is actually very easy to make ghee at home. The main thing is to initially choose high-quality butter with a high fat content, because the higher the fat content of the dairy product, the more ghee will come out as a result. We choose dishes with a thick bottom - for example, a cauldron or stainless steel. By no means aluminum!


  • Butter - 600 g

Cooking method:

  1. I cut the butter into small cubes (about cm by cm), put it in a saucepan.
  2. I put it on a small fire (choose the smallest one that your stove can have, haste in this matter is the worst enemy), the oil gradually began to melt. You don't need to stir it up, it works just fine on its own.
  3. Then the oil gradually begins to boil - a little white foam appears on its surface.
  4. Then it covers the entire surface.
  5. That's it, I left it to boil like that, without leaving the stove for a second - it depends on how much oil you took, how soon it will melt; I have 600 g boiled on a quiet fire for about 12 minutes.
  6. A few more minutes later:
  7. Now the most important thing: how to determine when the water has already evaporated, and casein (milk protein) has precipitated? In fact, it is not difficult: in an instant, the oil ceases to be cloudy (becomes transparent), the foam at the top turns into flakes (as in the photo), a precipitate is visible.
  8. And another smell: as soon as it smells not of melted butter, but a characteristic, soft and pleasant nutty aroma appears - remove from heat.
  9. Everything, then filtered the oil through a fine sieve, discarded the foam.
  10. You can spend a couple more minutes watching the video to understand exactly how the oil will look and at what point it needs to be removed from the stove:
  11. I always prepare 2 jars of ghee - one just with ghee, the second is always with herbs. I just chop the greens (I like dill the most).
  12. By the way, I sterilize the jars in the microwave so that there are no troubles during storage.
  13. Although it is not necessary to do this, since all sources, as well as many years of Indian experience, show that ghee is stored for years and does not deteriorate at all.
  14. Who knows, maybe ghee would have been stored longer, but it is so in demand in cooking and medicine (Ayurveda) that it is quickly consumed. Put the jar on a shelf or put it in a closet (in the shade or a dark place), you do not need to store it in the refrigerator.
  15. That's all, healthy ghee at home is ready! This is how it looks right away - transparent, beautiful.
  16. And then, after standing for 6 hours at room temperature, it freezes.

Russian ghee ghee


  • oil 4 kg.

Cooking method:

  1. The classic recipe for Russian ghee is described in a book by Elena Molokhovets back in 1901.
  2. To prepare it, take 4 kg of real homemade butter and put it in a thick-walled saucepan over a slow fire, adding 40 glasses of clean, filtered water there.
  3. When the butter is melted, put it in the cold and let it harden thoroughly, then make a small hole and drain the water.
  4. This procedure should be repeated several times until the complete purity of the water poured out at the end of the cooling.
  5. After that, the oil should be salted, poured with salt water, covered and put in a cool place. Such oil can be stored for three to four years, or even more.

Ghee butter (Indian recipe)


  • butter

Cooking method:

  1. How to make ghee at home can be learned from many sources. The basic principles by which this miracle oil is prepared are very simple and the same for all methods.
  2. Take one kilogram of butter (better if you find real farm butter) and put it in a thick-sided pan, but in no case in aluminum.
  3. Oil should be heated on the lowest fire that you can set in your home. Thus, warm it up to the stage when it becomes completely transparent, it will boil with small bubbles and crackle slightly.
  4. The moment when the oil can be considered ready is when almost all the sediment has already sunk to the bottom, and the oil itself has acquired amber transparency and a unique caramel-creamy aroma.
  5. . After that, cool it slightly and strain through several layers of gauze three to four times. You can then pour it into a clean and dry glass container with a tight-fitting lid and use in cooking.

Clarified butter Ghee in a slow cooker


  • oil 1 kg.

Cooking method:

  1. The slow cooker has already become a permanent inhabitant of many kitchens. That is why you can easily use its services for cooking.
  2. To begin with, decide on the original product, which must be must be of the highest quality.
  3. After that, load the softened butter into the slow cooker, set the stew mode (approximately 85 degrees) and leave the lid open. And so the oil should simmer for about two hours. By this time, a crust forms on the surface, which must be removed with a slotted spoon.
  4. The oil should become transparent, and the protein precipitate will fall to the bottom. As soon as this happens, filter the oil through several layers of gauze and pour into prepared dry dishes.

Ghee ghee at home


  • unsalted butter, at least 82% fat

Cooking method:

  1. We cut the butter into pieces of 50-100 grams, put it in a bowl and put it on the weakest fire. The bowl should be larger than the estimated volume of oil, because. during the process, the oil can foam a lot. Gradually the oil will start to melt.
  2. After 5 minutes, the butter will completely melt. Now you need to set the minimum fire at which the oil will boil slightly. I have a gas stove, and the oil boils even on the smallest fire, and foam starts to form.
  3. The foam does not need to be removed, it will be filtered out when filtering the oil. Make sure that water does not get into the oil - even with 1 drop it starts to splatter heavily).
  4. Gradually, the protein begins to separate from the fat. Cooking time depends on the amount of oil. 300 grams of butter will be ready in about 25 minutes (and in the oven it would cook for 45 minutes).
  5. How to determine that the oil is ready? The oil is ready when it becomes clear and the bottom of the saucepan is visible. At the same time, sediment forms at the bottom (since fats are separated from proteins during cooking, which settle at the bottom).
  6. Melted butter should be a beautiful amber color. If it is darker, then you overexposed it. The first time I overexposed the oil, because. I didn't expect it to cook so quickly. Now I don’t leave the stove, I check all the time).
  7. When the oil is ready, it must be filtered through a sieve with gauze or bandage folded in 4 layers, where the foam and sediment will remain. Any glass jar will do.
  8. And the oil itself is transparent, it has a slight nutty flavor. From 300 grams of butter, about 250 grams of ghee came out.
  9. When the oil cools, it will be opaque. You need to store it in a dark locker. I keep it for no more than a month, although it is believed that ghee has an indefinite shelf life.

How to cook ghee


  • high fat oil

Cooking method:

  1. To melt the butter without too much trouble, you need to place a piece of cloth folded in half in a saucepan, pour water and put on fire.
  2. Then cut the fresh butter into pieces and place in a glass jar (2 packs of butter fit perfectly in a regular half-liter jar).
  3. A glass jar of oil should be placed in a pan on top of a cloth, the bottom of the jar should never touch the bottom of the pan, otherwise the glass risks bursting!
  4. When the water in the pan boils, you need to reduce the heat to a small one so that the contents of the pan only boil slightly and leave the oil to melt in a water bath from 30 minutes to 2 hours. The time depends on your desire (remember that the longer the oil is heated, the better it will be).
  5. The foam that appears on the oil must be removed.
  6. At the end of cooking, the oil should be allowed to cool slightly and, fixing gauze or a wide bandage on the neck of the jar with an elastic band, folded six times, pour liquid oil into a container in which it will be stored.
  7. Strained butter is best stored in the refrigerator and used when needed.

Ghee ghee

Ghee ghee, the properties of which are painted and multiplied, and the prices for it are above the clouds, in fact, is ordinary ghee, refined from casein animal protein and various useless impurities. As for me, its most important property is the absence of casein and toxins when heated to 200 degrees. That is, you can safely fry on it, which cannot be said about sunflower oil, which releases poisons when heated.


  • butter - more than 500 gr

Cooking method:

  1. As you can see, making ghee is not too expensive, as you might think by looking at its cost in stores. We only need one ingredient (butter), slow fire, gauze and a saucepan. Cookware for butter should be with a thick bottom. We put the pan on medium-high heat, cut the butter into cubes, put it in the pan and wait until it melts.
  2. At this time, you can slightly push the pieces of butter with a spatula into the already melted one, so that the process goes faster. As soon as the oil boils, make the minimum fire and leave to languish, you can not stir it anymore. Ghee is melted butter for a long time and carefully, in total it can be cooked from 1 to 2 hours. By the way, you need to take at least 500 grams so that it does not start to burn.
  3. After a while, the ghee and its foam will take on a richer yellow color. Then the foam will begin to transform into lumps-islands and may darken even more and even turn brown. At this point, you need to remove the foam with a fork, it will be very easy to separate, and discard. I looked at many recipes for ghee, in some people left this foam and ate it, but this is very strange, considering why butter is melted at all, and the fact that all the muck is collected in the foam and at the bottom.
  4. Now we take a glass jar and gauze. We preheat the jar a little so that the glass does not burst from the high temperature. We fold the gauze 4 times, put the jar on the neck and, for convenience, put an elastic band on top, as in the photo. But you can not do this. Now pour the melted ghee through cheesecloth into a jar. Unnecessary “garbage” will remain on the homemade “filter” and at the bottom of the pan.
  5. Remove the gauze and see amber, clear, ghee.
  6. Leave it overnight, covered with a napkin or towel. And in the sutra we get frozen "gold" (as the Hindus and adherents of Ayurveda say). Now you know how to make ghee.

Ghee or Ghee


  • butter of the highest fat content - any amount as needed

Cooking method:

  1. Take the required amount of butter (note that butter loses up to half of its volume when melted into ghee). The more fat your oil has, the better - ideally at least 82% fat. Do not take spreads (butter containing vegetable fats) for cooking ghee - ghee will take a very long time to cook and may not even work out.
  2. Put the oil in a pan of the appropriate size, thick-bottomed is better, and put it on a small fire to melt. Do not cover the pot during the entire preparation of ghee.
  3. The oil needs to be stirred from time to time. During the heating process, the oil will go through several stages. It will foam up first.
  4. Then the foam from the oil will go away, and it will become a yellowish creamy color of a uniform consistency.
  5. After that, you will be able to observe how the oil begins to delaminate: it has a second fraction - a transparent amber color.
  6. Keep the oil on the fire further, the ghee is not ready yet. With further heating, it will acquire an increasingly homogeneous structure of a transparent amber (golden) color. Also, the oil will begin to exude a very pleasant nutty-creamy aroma.
  7. There is no need to remove the foam that may form on the oil, as everything will be melted during the heat treatment.
  8. The ghee is ready when it's all a solid amber color and you can see the sediment at the bottom of the pot. It is into this sediment that all the impurities that are added to the oil turn. Therefore, by melting the butter, you can check the quality of the butter you buy - just make ghee from it and see how much sediment remains.
  9. The time to cook ghee is very dependent on the amount of oil needed and the quality of the oil itself. The better the quality of the butter, the less time it takes to cook. If a lot of impurities are added to the butter, it will smell bad during cooking.
  10. Let your ghee cool down a bit in the pot it was cooked in. Then pour into a storage container through a tea strainer or cheesecloth folded several times.
  11. It can be stored for several months.
  12. Your fragrant melted ghee is ready!

Melted butter in Russian

Butter is very often used in various recipes, but authors do not always recommend using ghee. Most often it is found in recipes of Russian and Indian cuisine. In the first case, it can still be called "Russian" oil, and in the second - ghee oil.


  • oil 5 kg.

Cooking method:

  1. Making ghee is not difficult. The main thing is to follow him and shoot exactly at the right time. If you remove it earlier, the oil will not be completely cleared of sediment, but if you overexpose it a little, it will burn out instantly and lose all healing and taste properties.
  2. True, experiments have shown that if overexposed a little, the oil acquires a spicy caramel flavor. But it is not suitable for all dishes.
  3. Sometimes Indian spices wrapped in gauze are also added to such oil during melting. But I melt butter without them, as I really like its creamy vanilla aroma and sweetish taste.
  4. Take unsalted butter. From 1 kg of ordinary butter, approximately 800 g of ghee is obtained. The oil should be placed in a heavy bottomed saucepan. You can use enameled, or you can use ordinary steel, but in no case aluminum.
  5. Put the saucepan on a small fire. Let it heat up. Sometimes it is recommended to remove the oil from the refrigerator 2 hours before remelting, so that it thaws a little. But you can start melting butter directly from the freezer. Read more:
  6. Do not increase the fire, always drown on the smallest one. At first, the oil will begin to gurgle slowly, it will be thickly creamy with foam on top. This is the first stage.
  7. Then the oil will gradually begin to turn yellow and become transparent. It will boil with very small bubbles. Finally, the oil will become clear and will crackle softly. This means that the oil is almost ready.
  8. When the oil is ready, almost all the sediment goes to the bottom, becomes brownish, but does not burn. The oil itself is absolutely transparent and emits a light vanilla-cream aroma.
  9. The intensity of the smell depends on the oil. Sometimes it smells very strongly, for the whole kitchen, sometimes the aroma is very weak, you have to listen carefully to distinguish the unique creamy smell with light nutty notes.
  10. You need to prepare dishes where to drain the oil, and a small sieve to filter it. You can additionally line the sieve with gauze folded in several layers.
  11. Then you should strain the oil into an iron dish (maybe not into an iron one, the main thing is not to burst, since the oil is very hot). And leave for half an hour to cool. It is best to immediately fill the pan with hot water, you can add detergents - it will stand for a while, and all the sediment will easily move away from it.
  12. When the oil has cooled, it must be filtered again into the dish where it will be stored. It can be a ceramic jar with a tight lid, it can be an ordinary glass jar (only it should not smell of anything - before pouring oil into it, you need to thoroughly wash the jar with unscented soap and wipe it dry).

Today on sale you can see a huge amount of all kinds of oils, both and animals.

But many people have probably never heard of ghee.

Meanwhile, according to the ancient Indian philosophy of healing, this product has truly unique beneficial properties, and you can cook it at home from quite familiar ingredients.

What is ghee and what is in it

Most advanced readers associate ghee (or ghee) with ordinary ghee, which is used quite often in our kitchens. However, adherents will say that in fact it is not quite the same thing.

Did you know? Ghee is one of the most ancient products that have survived unchanged to this day. In ancient India, he was revered at least two millennia before the birth of Christ. The ancient Jews also appreciated it. Interestingly, in Russia, ghee was usually made from cream or, while in Asian countries ghee was made from butter.

As it is customary to say, Indian ghee differs from its Russian “brother” by a fundamentally different cooking technology and a different chemical composition, due to which it has very special beneficial properties.

In particular, water is removed from it, as well as milk sugar, or lactose, and it is he who is the cause of the often occurring reaction to milk.

In fact, if we compare the technology for preparing these two products, we won’t notice a fundamentally different approach (except in small things - for example, they say that more intensive heating of the raw cream is needed to prepare ghee), and as for water and lactose, then in the usual national ghee, these components are also absent.
Nevertheless, if we take into account that Ayurveda is not so much gastronomy as a spiritual science, if not to say, then putting an equal sign between ghee and ghee really does not turn the tongue.

Important! Ghee differs from ordinary ghee (butter) butter in much the same way as a crouton differs from a plain toast. It seems to be the same thing, but in the performance of a famous chef in an expensive gourmet restaurant, a toasted piece of bread looks special and, accordingly, costs an order of magnitude more expensive.

Seriously speaking, the holy faith in the healing properties of the drug is capable of making real medicine from ordinary chalk, and this is a scientifically proven fact.

In the same way, two dishes prepared according to a completely identical recipe can drastically differ in taste and useful qualities, depending on how they were prepared.

Therefore, without any skepticism, we can say that if ghee is just a melted butter product, then ghee is a structured product in which the soul and faith in its miraculous power are invested.
Externally, ghee also looks very appetizing. It has a pleasant golden honey color without any impurities, a sweet taste with nutty notes and a delicate caramel aroma.

In composition, it is, of course, primarily fat, but healthy and easily digestible. In addition to fat, which is approximately 99% of the product, ghee also contains vitamins, and, as well as some other minerals.

Benefits and medicinal properties

As you know, according to the theory of Ayurveda, depending on the strength prevailing in a person, all people are divided into three types (doshas) -, and. Each of the three doshas has its own rules and, under which a person will feel most comfortable.

Important! In order to understand how healing and useful ghee oil is, it is enough to say that it has a positive effect on all three doshas, ​​that is, it is shown to absolutely everyone.

Ghee has the property of “oiling” our body from the inside, preventing aging, regenerating tissues and promoting cell growth (due to such qualities, the product is equally useful for both young children and very old people).

Some of the health benefits of ghee include:

  • removes salts of heavy metals, radionuclides and other toxic substances from the body;
  • improves the work of the head, strengthens;
  • stimulates digestion, improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • raises ;
  • prevents the occurrence of thrombosis;
  • stimulates growth processes;
  • promotes the assimilation of all the useful substances that are necessary for the body that enter the body with;
  • has properties;
  • improves the condition and makes the skin supple and elastic.

Did you know? Many have heard the myth about the imperishable Dashi Dorzho Itigelov, the head of the Buryat Buddhists, who reached nirvana and died in this state in 1927, and bequeathed to his students to “visit and see” his body in 30 years. Having fulfilled the will, the students opened the cedar coffin and found in it the remains completely untouched by time. After 18 years, the sarcophagus was opened again and made sure: the body is still imperishable. Some believe that the time has come to “visit and see” the Master again so that the new generation of lamas will be strengthened in their faith. It is said that the power that does not allow the remains of a great man to decompose is explained precisely by the miraculous properties of ghee oil, which the Master used in large quantities during his lifetime and with which the disciples anointed his body immediately after death.

To the "honor" of ghee, it must also be said that, being an animal fat, it does not increase the level of "bad" cholesterol at all and, moreover, is hypoallergenic.

Contraindications and harm

As you know, there is no absolute good and absolute evil in the world. Any product that carries a benefit can, in certain cases, cause harm. Only mediocrity is neutral, and ghee is an extraordinary product.

In order not to harm your body, the healing drug should be consumed in limited quantities. The recommended daily dose is no more than two teaspoons.

From the point of view of Ayurveda, exceeding the above amount leads to an imbalance of doshas to the side (a person will become lazy, sleepy, inhibited, inert, while he will quickly gain weight and suffer from a loose stomach).
From the standpoint of traditional and understandable dietology, the abuse of any fat is certainly harmful to the body. This is an additional burden on the liver and pancreas, the risk of metabolic disorders, the emergence and gain of extra pounds.

So, with all the useful properties, 100 grams of ghee contains approximately 850-900 Kcal, and that, in general, says it all.


But if you are careful and do not lose a sense of proportion, the product can be successfully used in a variety of ways. According to Ayurveda, ghee is a source of solar energy, equally necessary for both the strong and the weaker sex.

It is used not only internally, but also externally (if the drug helped to preserve the relics of the Khambo Lama Itigelov, then it is all the more useful for living skin). It would not be an exaggeration to say that Ayurveda mentions this product in almost all of its sections.

In cooking

Thus, the widespread use of ghee in cooking is due to the fact that the ancient Indian "science of life" sees in this product a source of stimulation of the "digestive fire".

Usually in cooking, ghee is used for frying. It has a very high melting point, due to which it does not burn, does not foam, does not smoke, and does not produce harmful carcinogens.

Such qualities even allow us to talk about the possibility of using such a product again, but we still do not recommend conducting such experiments.

Ghee is an excellent substitute for ordinary butter or vegetable oil, as well as lard, since dishes cooked with it acquire an additional very pleasant taste and aroma.
Kitchari, bhaji, masurdal soup, pakora, tikka-masala, tamatai panir malai, alu matar gobi, kitcheri - all these magical and incomprehensible words mean the names of national dishes of Indian cuisine, the preparation of which is impossible without the "magic" ghee.

Important! Indian cuisine is distinguished by a variety of different shades of tastes, which is achieved by an abundance of spices and spices. However, one of the secrets that make national dishes completely unique is, of course, ghee.

In cosmetology

The healing properties of ghee oil are widely used in various recipes for cosmetics for skin care and.

So, rubbing a tablespoon of healing potion with one chicken yolk, you can get an excellent mask for dry skin. It is enough to apply such a mask once a week for 30 minutes, and natural hydration is provided.

If the skin is oily, the product is used differently. The same amount of oil is mixed in equal proportions with herculean flakes, previously steamed in hot.
For nutritional value, a few drops and a pinch are added to the mixture.

This scrub mask should be applied to the skin with intense movements and left for 30 minutes. After a while, wash off the residue with warm water.

Ghee in its purest form can be used as a strengthening hair mask. It is simply applied along the entire length of the hair, then, for the best effect, they put on a shower cap, over which a towel is wound.

In such a "bathhouse" you need to hold your hair for a couple of hours, and then wash your hair with shampoo. You can add a few drops of your favorite to the mask, for example, eucalyptus or juniper.

Ghee is also very well suited for, as it not only improves the sliding of the massage therapist's hands on the skin, but also has its own healing effect, having a beneficial effect on both the skin and the joints.

In medicine

Ghee oil in therapeutic doses is excellent for achieving overall health of the body, but, in addition, it also has very specific healing properties.

Did you know? In ancient India, the benefits of ghee were known very well, and it was not without reason that it was valued “worth its weight in gold” in the truest sense of the word. In Ayurveda, this product is still called liquid gold.

Putting half a teaspoon of ghee in your mouth and slowly sucking it in while thinking of something good can help your digestive system a lot. Foods eaten will bring much more benefits and are better absorbed.

The procedure should be done immediately before and immediately after the main meal.

In order to strengthen the immune system, it is recommended to eat a small amount of a mixture of and dried fruits seasoned with ghee in the morning on an empty stomach.
Those who know firsthand what a migraine is, will be pleasantly surprised if they try, as soon as they feel the approach of an attack, rub a small amount of ghee oil into their temples, after warming it up in their palms. From the usual, such a procedure will be all the more effective.

Ghee will also give an excellent analgesic effect if rubbed into problem areas of the body for those who suffer from lower back pain. The procedure should be carried out before going to bed, while additionally oil should be rubbed well on the feet and palms.

Also this amazing product is used for eye treatment and recovery.
Thus, there are more than enough reasons to have such a product on the farm.

Did you know? Netra Tarpana is a specific eye treatment used in Ayurveda. Its meaning is to apply ghee oil infused with special medicinal herbs to the skin around the eyes. To prevent the medicinal drug from spreading, a kind of frame of dough is first constructed on the face.

How to do it yourself: a step by step recipe

Ghee, of course, can be bought, but it is not a fact that it will be ghee (we have already explained the difference).

In addition to the fact that it is the spiritual component of the preparation of the product that is very important for the disclosure of all the useful properties, goods made from corny low-quality raw materials often go on sale.

An unscrupulous industrialist mixes stale, rancid or suffocated butter with water, adds soda, flavor enhancers and other chemicals to it, melts it at high temperatures, and - voila! - "unique" product is ready. It is a completely different matter if the product is made with your own hands at home, with love and from quality ingredients. Moreover, oddly enough, making ghee is not at all difficult.

For this you will need:

  • 1 kg of butter with a fat content of at least 82.5% (if possible, buy homemade from a trusted hostess, if not, be sure to take an unsalted product and try to find a natural one, without extraneous additives);
  • a small piece of gauze;
  • an enameled or other thick-bottomed pan (aluminum will not work) with a capacity of 1.5–2 liters;
  • a wooden or silicone spatula for stirring (you can take a spoon, but preferably a silver one);
  • a container for storing finished oil;
  • an hour or two of free time;
  • good mood and complete harmony with yourself.

First, it is better to cut the butter into cubes, then put them in a saucepan, put on medium heat and begin to melt, not leaving the process unattended for a minute and constantly stirring with a spatula.
It is very important that the substance does not burn, does not sizzle and does not change color. You will be able to observe small white bubbles rising from the bottom on the surface. When there are a lot of them, gently mix the liquid. Properly boiling liquid does not hiss, but only crackles softly and comfortably.

Now you need to leave the product to simmer on a minimum heat without stirring (in no case do you need to cover the saucepan, because we want to get rid of the liquid, and under the lid it will condense and drip back into the oil). This process will take 40 minutes to an hour.
Monitor the process constantly. At first, the substance will be cloudy, but gradually it will begin to become transparent. White flakes from the surface will begin to settle to the bottom, becoming golden in color, while the surface will be covered with a fixed crust.

At this stage, the oil can be stirred very gently several times.

When the decomposition into fractions is completed, turn off the fire to prevent the squirrel that has settled to the bottom from burning.

Important! For beginners, a thermometer is very helpful for making ghee. As soon as the water completely boils away from the creamy mass, its temperature will begin to rise sharply. This is the signal to remove the oil from the fire (the thermometer should show 110-115 ° C). If you don’t have a thermometer, trust your sense of smell: a very pleasant caramel-nut aroma will begin to flow from a saucepan with ready ghee.

Now we just need to filter the oil. Let it cool a little, then fix the cheesecloth, folded in three or four layers, around the neck of the vessel prepared for storage and carefully pour the contents of the saucepan into it.
Don't forget to scrape off any leftovers from the bottom as they will eventually drain through the gauze.

Now let the ghee cool completely (again, to prevent condensation) and only then cover the lid.

That's all science.

How to store at home

One of the most amazing properties of ghee is that it can be stored for years and not only does not deteriorate at all, but, like a good wine, it only gains its true strength over time. Not even years - decades!

Moreover, storing the product in the refrigerator is considered bad manners and, by the way, according to Ayurveda, in this case, ghee acquires properties that are contraindicated for people like Vata dosha. Like any ghee, ghee changes its state of aggregation from solid to liquid depending on the ambient temperature.
The optimal temperature for ghee is the usual room temperature, the best dishes are glass with a tight lid.

A truly healing product becomes, as they say, after ten years of aging. Such oil is not only useful, it is able to heal wounds, heal, neutralize poisons, bring to life in case of loss of consciousness, and even prevent epileptic seizures.

Did you know? Buddhist monks say that there is ghee prepared one hundred and eight years ago, which can give immortality. It is this product, as they say, that gave imperishability to the body of the Buryat guru. Unfortunately, not everyone can afford immortality: the cost of one kilogram of such aged ghee is estimated at several million dollars.

With long-term storage, ghee changes slightly in taste and becomes noticeably lighter, so experts can easily determine its “age” and, accordingly, its value.
But even a product freshly prepared at home, made with the observance of technology and the addition of love and positive emotions, will certainly benefit you and the health of all your family members. Try it!

Ghee used to be more popular in Russia than plain butter. And there is only one reason - ghee is stored longer. Often, in the old days, in cellars in pots, this product could stand fresh for more than one month. But the most important advantage of such oil was and is as follows: After heat treatment, it becomes safer and even healthier than creamy.

Clarified butter is a product that is obtained by melting ordinary butter. And in order to get it of high quality, you need to use real butter, without impurities and additives. How to choose in the store or make your own butter at home can be found in the article:

Clarified butter is especially popular in India. They call him there ghee and are widely used not only in nutrition, but in medicine and cosmetology. Ghee is also called in India "yellow gold". There is even such a legend that if ghee is regularly found in the house, then the house will be a full bowl. It is believed that if ghee is prepared correctly, it can be stored for up to 100 years.

How to make GHI oil

The recipe is not complicated, the main thing is to remove the pan from the heat in time and be patient and time.

1. Take unsalted butter and put it in a saucepan with a thick bottom. The thickness of the bottom is important in order to avoid unnecessary burns later.

2. We put the pan on low heat and do not add it in the process of heating. The oil starts to melt and we get the first result: It starts to gurgle and foam appears, which we carefully remove into a separate cup. When the oil starts to melt, you can stir lightly. Further, we see that the oil begins to gradually turn yellow and become more and more transparent.

The next stage is when small bubbles appear and the oil boils evenly. Then it becomes completely transparent, takes on a beautiful, amber color and begins to crackle slightly. This is a sign that the oil is almost ready.

3. Turn off the fire and make up the pan. When all the sediment settles to the bottom and the oil becomes transparent, then it's time to drain it. As a rule, a pleasant smell with nutty notes spreads throughout the kitchen. Sometimes too strong, sometimes quite weak.

4. Cooking dishes for liquid oil and a small sieve. The dishes must be strong, as the oil is very hot. For better filtration, we additionally cover the sieve with a layer of gauze.

5. Filter the hot oil twice through a sieve into the prepared dishes. All plenochki and the remnants of the foam remain in the sieve on the gauze. We are waiting for the oil to cool down.

Important! Ghee is very absorbent of odors, so all utensils for storing it should be perfectly clean. Glass works well for this. But you can’t immediately strain it into a glass jar, since there is a high probability that the glass will burst from hot. Therefore, it makes sense to drain the hottest oil into a metal bowl, let it cool a little, and then pour it into a glass jar for further storage.

How to make Russian ghee at home (old recipe)

Indeed, in Russia there was a way to heat oil. If everything is done correctly, then such oil can be stored in a cool place without a refrigerator from one to three years. Of course, in the old days, when living conditions were worse and they didn’t know about refrigerators, such ghee was prepared for the summer heat so that it would always be fresh in the cellar.

1. We take 1 kg. butter and place in a saucepan. Pour 10 cups of water and put on low heat. We are waiting for the oil to melt and mix with water. Bring the oil to a liquid consistency, but do not boil.

3. We repeat this procedure several times until the drained water becomes absolutely transparent and clean. A little fine salt is usually added to already melted butter and laid out on dishes. Some even pour salty, cold water on top for better storage.

Such oil can be stored for a very long time, but it is still advisable to keep it in a cool place. Ideal for frying, dressing cereals and second courses.

How to make ghee in the oven

1. Preheat the oven to 150 ° and prepare a pan with thick walls and a bottom.

2. We take unsalted butter, after cutting it into pieces, and put it in the prepared pan. From above we leave a margin of 8-10 cm. This is necessary so that the oil does not splatter the oven during the languishing process.

3. We place, open without a lid, the pan in the oven and leave the oil to heat up.

4. We are waiting for the oil to take on a golden amber color and become transparent. At the same time, it will be covered with a hard, thin crust, and there will be a light sediment at the bottom. If we talk about time, then, for example, to make ghee from 500 grams of butter, it will take an hour and a half to languish it in the oven.

5. Remove the pan from the oven and remove the hard foam with a metal slotted spoon or spoon.

6. Drain the oil through a sieve with gauze into the prepared dishes very carefully, leaving a residue. We are waiting for the oil to cool completely, close the lid and put in a cool place.

All leftovers, and this is the foam and sediment at the bottom, can be used in baking or in cooking other dishes. But the shelf life is limited - 3-5 days.

Why do they love ghee?

The advantage of ghee is obvious. Although in Russia its benefits have been slightly forgotten. And in vain ...

You can fry on it, since milk protein is destroyed during its production. This allows the oil to not burn when heated strongly. And secondly, you can cook food tastier and without carcinogens, which everyone is so afraid of today (and rightly so).

It contains a minimum amount of saturated fatty acids - less than 8%. Due to this, the oil is easily and quickly absorbed by the body, without provoking blood vessels to develop atherosclerotic plaques. Ghee is even difficult to call a product of animal origin, since its molecular composition is significantly different from other animal fats.

For one more valuable property, they love him. Ghee brings out the flavor of other foods and also has the effect of enhancing their effect. This also applies to medicines. Often it is added to tea and washed down with such tea with various healing infusions of herbs or their powders. Especially in India, this oil is very much loved and appreciated.

In order to restore and improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, experts recommend sucking a teaspoon of ghee before and after meals. The stomach and intestines begin to work like clockwork. Significantly improves metabolism.

Especially ghee is of great benefit to those who adhere to the diet of plant foods. It easily and delicately compensates for the lack of fat for the body, bringing only benefits.

Ghee is believed to have a strong warming effect. The Vedas on this subject even write that ghee has the energy of the Sun. Therefore, if in winter you constantly freeze, your arms and legs stiffen, your joints ache and ache, your lower back hurts, regular colds torment you, your mood is disgusting, and you are on the verge, then ghee can really help you improve your condition.

  • For treatment, you will need to rub your feet and hands with warmed ghee before going to bed. And you need to do this until there is a significant improvement. For one evening procedure, no more than 1 teaspoon of warm oil is consumed.

It has already been noticed that everyone who consumes ghee in their diet has a beautiful and healthy complexion of the skin of the body and face.


But you need to know the fact that ghee is a mega-calorie product. For 100 gr. oils account for 900 kcal. Therefore, excessive consumption of it can lead to obesity, and hence the problems of all body systems.

In all other cases, ghee is useful and necessary for the human body within reasonable limits. As the Vedic scriptures say, it brings the greatest benefit to a person if it is consumed from 10:00 to 15:00 in the afternoon. During this period, the Power of the Sun in it is revealed for a person to heal.
