What are the two sides of adult socialization? Why socialization is two-way. Main stages of socialization

Socialization is two-way process , which includes

- On the one side, the individual's entry into the social environment through assimilation social experience, systems social connections, norms and values, allowing it to function in as a member of society ;

- on the other side, process active reproduction individual social communication systems due to active work and active inclusion in the social environment .

The first side of the socialization process is assimilation of social experience - this is a characteristic of how environment influences person ; its second side characterizes the moment impact person on Wednesday through activities . The activity of the individual presupposes that he not only assimilates social experience, butand transforms it into its own values, installations, orientation. Any impact on the system of social connections and relationships requires making a certain decision and, therefore, includes processes of transformation, mobilization of the subject, and construction of a specific strategy of activity.

Understanding the interaction of a person with society includes understanding as a subject of development not only a person, but also society, and explains the existing continuity in such development. With this interpretation of the concept of socialization, it is achieved understanding a person as both an object and subject of public relations .

Professor Andreeva believes that the concept of “socialization” in domestic psychological and pedagogical literature coincides with the concept of “ personal development " The idea of ​​personality development is one of the key ones in Russian psychology. As the child develops, he becomessubject of social activity, i.e. the process of its development is unthinkable outside of its socialdevelopment, and therefore outside of his assimilation of the system of social connections,relationships, outside of inclusion in them. She believes that the emphasis on individual activity is much more clearly represented in the idea of ​​development, rather than socialization.

2. Mechanismssocialization

A person assimilates social experience through certain mechanisms. According to the French sociologist G. Tarde A, meh mechanism of socialization includes:

1) imitation imitation ; 2) identification ; 3) management .

However, this mechanism is much richer and more diverse. Socialization of the individual is carried out in the process of various types of communication (mass, group, interpersonal, business, informal), under the influence of the media and culture. A special role in the structure of the socialization mechanism is played by conformism .

One of the significant mechanisms is education. Speaking about the relationship between the concepts of “socialization” and “ upbringing “, it should be borne in mind that the term “education” is used in our literature in two meanings - in a narrow andin the broad sense of the word. IN narrow in the sense of "education" means the process targeted impact on a person by the subject of the educational process for the purpose of transferring and instilling in him a certain system of ideas, concepts, norms, etc. The subject of influence is understood as special institute, person set to achieve the said goal. IN wide In the sense of the word, “education” means the influence on a person of the entire system of social relations with the aim of assimilating social experience, etc. In this case, the subject of the educational process can also be the whole society, and, as is often said in everyday speech, “ entire life" If we use the term “education” in the narrow sense of the word, then socialization differs from it in its meaning. If this concept is used in the broad sense of the word, then, according to G. Andreeva, the difference is eliminated.

Socialization is also closely related to the concept of “adaptation”. Adaptation (adaptation) can be considered both as an integral part of socialization and as its mechanism. There are two types of adaptation: psychophysiological and socio-psychological, which are interconnected. Socio-psychological adaptation is mastery of the personality of the role when enteringnew social situation. According to its results, socio-psychological adaptation can be positive and negative. From this point of view, they talk about asocialization as an adaptation to negative experience. According to the implementation mechanism - voluntary and forced. The process of socio-psychological adaptation falls into several stages: a) familiarization; b) role orientation; c) self-affirmation. Thus, socio-psychological adaptation is a specific process of socialization.

Topic 2.2. Socialization of personality

1. Concept, structure and two sides of socialization

2. Stages and factors of socialization

3. Differences in socialization between adults and children

Socialization- this is the process of “an individual’s entry into the social environment”, “his assimilation of social influences”, “his introduction to a system of social connections”. The process of socialization is the totality of all social processes through which an individual acquires a certain system of norms and values ​​that allow him to function as a member of society.

Two sides of socialization– firstly, socialization is a two-way process, which includes, on the one hand, the individual’s assimilation of social experience by entering the social environment, systems of social connections; secondly, it is the process of active reproduction by an individual of a system of social connections due to his active activity and active inclusion in the social environment. The first side of the socialization process - the assimilation of social experience - is a characteristic of how the environment affects a person; its second side characterizes the moment of human influence on the environment through activity.

Socialization in its content is the process of personality formation, which begins from the first minutes of a person’s life. In the structure of socialization, there are three areas in which the formation of personality takes place: activity , communication , self-awareness . A common characteristic of all these three spheres is the process of expansion and multiplication of the individual’s social connections with the outside world. Throughout the entire process of socialization, the individual deals with the expansion of the “catalogue” of activities, i.e. mastering more and more new types of activities.

Communication is considered in the context of socialization also from the perspective of its expansion and deepening. The expansion of communication can be understood as the multiplication of a person’s contacts with other people, the specificity of these contacts at each age level. As for deepening communication, this is, first of all, a transition from monologue to dialogical communication, decentration, i.e. the ability to focus on a partner, more accurately perceive him.

The third sphere of socialization is development self-awareness personality. In the most general terms, we can say that the process of socialization means the formation in a person of the image of his Self (which develops throughout his life under the influence of numerous social phenomena). There are several different approaches to the structure of the self. The most common scheme includes three components in the “I”: cognitive (knowledge of oneself), emotional (evaluation of oneself), behavioral (attitude towards oneself). Self-awareness cannot be presented as a simple list of characteristics, but as a person’s understanding of himself as a certain integrity, in determining his own identity. Self-awareness is a controlled process, determined by the constant acquisition of social experience in conditions of expanding the range of activity and communication.

Introduction. Socialization concept 2

Main part. Contents of the socialization process 4

How does socialization happen 6

Biological context 6

Cultural context 6

Sociobiology 7

Stages of the Socialization Process 8

Dotrudovaya 9

Trudovaya 9

Post-work 10

Socialization institutions 11

Personality development theories 14

Charles Horton Cooley and George Herbert Mead 14

Kolberg 17

Orville G. Brim 18

John Clausen 18

Erik Erikson 19

Roger Gould 20

Resocialization 21

Socialization of the elderly 21

Agents of socialization 21

Psychology of socialization 24

Cases when socialization fails 25

List of used literature 26

Goal of the work: familiarization with literature and disclosure of the topic “Socialization”

Socialization concept

The term “socialization,” despite its widespread use, does not have an unambiguous interpretation among various representatives of psychological science (Kohn, 1988). In the system of domestic psychology, two more terms are used, which are sometimes proposed to be considered as a synonym for the word “socialization”: “personal development” and “upbringing”. Moreover, sometimes a rather critical attitude is expressed towards the concept of socialization in general, which is associated not only with word usage, but also with the essence of the matter. Without giving yet an exact definition of the concept of socialization, let’s say that the intuitive content of this concept is that it is the process of “an individual’s entry into a social environment,” “his assimilation of social influences,” “introducing him to a system of social connections,” etc. . The process of socialization is the totality of all social processes through which an individual acquires a certain system of norms and values ​​that allow him to function as a full member of society (Bronfenbrenner, 1976).

One of the objections that is usually built on the basis of this understanding is as follows. If there is no personality outside the system of social connections, if it is initially socially determined, then what is the point of talking about its entry into the system of social connections. Will this not repeat one of the old mistakes in psychology, when it was argued that a newborn human being is not yet a human being and he has to go through the path of “hominization”? Does the concept of socialization coincide with the process of hominization? As you know, L.S. Vygodsky strongly protested against the depiction of the child as a creature who still needs to be hominized. He insisted that a child, having been born, is already defined as an element of a certain culture, certain social connections. If socialization is identified with hominization, then there is every reason to have an extremely negative attitude towards “socialization”.

The possibility of accurately dividing the concept of socialization with other concepts widely used in Russian psychological and pedagogical literature (“personal development” and “upbringing”) also raises doubts. This objection is very significant and deserves to be discussed separately. The idea of ​​personality development is one of the key ideas of Russian psychology. Moreover, the recognition of the individual as a subject of social activity is given special significance by the idea of ​​personality development: the child, as he develops, becomes such a subject, i.e. the process of his development is unthinkable without his social development, and therefore, without his assimilation of a system of social connections, relationships, without inclusion in them. In terms of scope, the concepts of “personal development” and “socialization” in this case seem to coincide, and the accentuated activity of the individual seems to be much more clearly represented precisely in the idea of ​​development, rather than socialization: here it is somehow muted, since the focus is on social environment and the direction of its influence on the individual is emphasized.

At the same time, if we understand the process of personality development in its active interaction with the social environment, then each of the elements of this interaction has the right to be considered without fear that preferential attention to one of the sides of the interaction must necessarily result in its absolutization, underestimation of the other component. A truly scientific consideration of the issue of socialization in no way removes the problem of personality development, but, on the contrary, presupposes that the personality is understood as an emerging active social subject.

The question of the relationship between the concepts of “socialization” and “upbringing” is somewhat more complicated. As you know, the term “education” is used in our literature in two meanings – in the narrow and broad sense of the word. In the narrow sense of the word, the term “education” means the process of purposeful influence on a person on the part of the subject of the educational process with the aim of transferring and instilling in him a certain system of ideas, concepts, norms, etc. The emphasis here is on the purposefulness and systematic nature of the influence process. The subject of influence is understood as a special institution, a person appointed to achieve the stated goal. In the broadest sense of the word, “education” means the influence on a person of the entire system of social relations with the aim of assimilating social experience, etc. In this case, the subject of the educational process can be the whole society, and, as is often said in everyday speech, “the whole life.” If we use the term “upbringing” in the narrow sense of the word, then socialization differs in its meaning from the process described by the term “upbringing.” If this concept is used in the broad sense of the word, then the difference disappears.

Having made this clarification, we can define the essence of socialization as follows: socialization is a two-way process, which includes, on the one hand, assimilation an individual's social experience by entering a social environment, a system of social connections; on the other hand, the process of active reproduction by an individual of a system of social connections due to his active activity, active inclusion in the social environment.

It is these two aspects of the socialization process that many authors pay attention to, taking the idea of ​​socialization into the mainstream of social psychology, developing this problem as a full-fledged problem of socio-psychological knowledge. The question becomes precisely that a person not only assimilates social experience, but also transforms it into his own values, attitudes, and orientations. This moment of transformation of social experience records not just its passive acceptance, but presupposes the activity of the individual in the application of such transformed experience, that is, in a certain return, when its result is not just an addition to an already existing social experience, but its reproduction, that is, its promotion to a new level. Understanding the interaction of a person with society includes understanding as a subject of development not only a person, but also society, and explains the existing continuity in such development. With this interpretation of the concept of socialization, an understanding of a person is achieved at the same time as an object and a subject of social relations.

The first side of the socialization process - the assimilation of social experience - is a characteristic of how the environment affects a person; its second side characterizes the moment of human influence on the environment through activity. The activity of the individual’s position is assumed here because any impact on the system of social connections and relationships requires making a certain decision and, therefore, includes processes of transformation, mobilization of the subject, and construction of a certain strategy of activity. Thus, the process of socialization in this understanding in no way opposes the process of personality development, but simply allows us to identify different points of view on the problem. If for developmental psychology the most interesting view of this problem is “from the perspective of the individual,” then for social psychology it is “from the perspective of the interaction of the individual and the environment” (Andreeva G.M. Social Psychology. 2002).

If we proceed from the thesis accepted in general psychology that one is not born as a person, but becomes one, then it is clear that socialization in its content is the process of personality formation, which begins from the first minutes of a person’s life. There are three areas in which this formation of personality is primarily carried out: activity, communication, self-awareness. Each of these areas must be considered separately. A common characteristic of all these three spheres is the process of expansion and multiplication of the individual’s social connections with the outside world.

Concerning activities, then throughout the entire process of socialization the individual deals with the expansion of the “catalog” of activities (Leontiev, 1975), i.e. mastering more and more new types of activities. At the same time, three more extremely important processes occur. Firstly, this orientation in the system of connections present in each type of activity and between its different types. It is carried out through personal meanings, i.e. means identifying particularly significant aspects of activity for each individual, and not just understanding them, but also mastering them. One could call a product of this orientation personal choice of activity. As a consequence of this, a second process arises - centering around the main thing, chosen, focusing attention on it and subordinating all other activities to it. Finally, the third process is the development by the individual during the implementation of activities new roles and understanding their significance. If we briefly express the essence of these transformations in the system of activity of a developing individual, then we can say that we are faced with a process of expanding the capabilities of the individual precisely as a subject of activity. This general theoretical framework allows us to approach the experimental study of the problem. Experimental studies, as a rule, are of a borderline nature between social and developmental psychology; in them, for different age groups, the question of what is the mechanism of orientation of the individual in the system of activities is studied, what motivates the choice that serves as the basis for centering the activity. Particularly important in such studies is the consideration of goal formation processes. Unfortunately, this problem, traditionally assigned to general psychology, has not yet found any special development in its socio-psychological aspects, although the orientation of the individual not only in the data system of his immediate connections, but also in the system of personal meanings, apparently, cannot be described outside the context of those social “units” in which human activity is organized, i.e. social groups. This is discussed here so far only in the order of posing the problem, including it in the general logic of the socio-psychological approach to socialization.

Successful socialization is determined by three factors: expectations, behavior change and the desire for conformity. An example of successful socialization is a group of school peers. Children who have gained authority among their peers establish behavior patterns; everyone else either behaves like them or wants to.

Of course, socialization is carried out not only under the influence of peers. We also learn from our parents, teachers, bosses, etc. Under their influence, we develop the intellectual, social and physical skills necessary to fulfill our social roles. To some extent, they also learn from us - socialization is not a one-way process. Individuals are constantly looking for compromise with society. Some students' behavior deviates from the patterns set by the most influential students. Although they are teased for this, they refuse to change their behavior. Resistance, protest, defiant behavior can give the socialization process an unusual character. Therefore, the results of children's socialization do not always correspond to the expectations of their parents, teachers or peers.

Sometimes this process can be directed in the opposite direction. For example, one day a group of left-leaning students at the University of Sussex declared that they considered it advisable to introduce a course of lectures on the theory and practice of revolutions at the Faculty of Social Sciences. At first, the faculty leadership rejected this idea, but later it was decided to support it. In this case, the intended objects of socialization (i.e., students) influenced the agents of socialization (faculty management) to convince them of what needed to be studied during the period of political unrest in 1968.

However, socialization is an extremely powerful force. The desire for conformity is the rule rather than the exception. This is due to two reasons: limited human biological capabilities and cultural limitations. It is not difficult to understand what we mean when we talk about limited biological capabilities: a person is not able to fly without wings, and he cannot be taught to do so. Since any culture selects only certain patterns of behavior from many possible ones, it also limits socialization, only partially using human biological capabilities.

(K. Smelser)

Show answer

The correct answer must contain the following elements:

1) answer to the first question: the process of assimilation by an individual of a certain system of knowledge, norms and values ​​that allow him to function as a full member of society;

2) answer to the second question: objects and agents of socialization.

Answers to questions can be given in other, similar in meaning formulations

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The answers to tasks 1–20 are a number, or a sequence of numbers, or a word (phrase). Write your answers in the fields to the right of the assignment number without spaces, commas or other additional characters.


Write down the word missing in the table.

Tasks of law enforcement agencies of the Russian Federation


In the row below, find a concept that is generalizing for all other concepts presented. Write down this word (phrase).

1) political norms, 2) the state, 3) the political system of society, 4) political party, 5) party program.


Below is a list of characteristics. All of them, with the exception of two, relate to the characteristics of art.

1) imagery, 2) awakening of fantasy and imagination, 3) reliability and verifiability of results, 4) focus on obtaining objective truth, 5) emotionality of perception, 6) clarity.

Find two terms that “fall out” from the general series and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.


Choose the correct judgments about truth and its criteria and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1. Relative truth, in contrast to absolute truth, determines the essence of social and natural phenomena.

2. True knowledge always corresponds to the object being known.

3. In scientific knowledge, absolute truth is an ideal, a goal.

4. Relative truth, unlike absolute truth, can change over time.

5. Absolute truth, in contrast to relative truth, is practice-oriented knowledge.


Establish correspondence between facts, characteristics and types of societies


Claudia is preparing for a trip to Spain. She studies Spanish, reads books about the history and culture of Spain, and communicates with experts in Spanish art on online forums. She has already planned her travel route and purchased a ticket. Find in the list below examples of the means used by Claudia to achieve the goal, and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1. learning Spanish

2. purchase of a tourist package

3. communication on the Internet

4. reading books about Spain

5. experts in Spanish art

6. travel around Spain


Select the correct judgments about the types of market competition and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1. From the point of view of the interests of society, a monopoly has only disadvantages.

2. The monopolist independently sets prices for its products.

3. An oligopoly is a situation where a market is divided by several large firms.

4. Monopolistic competition is an idealized state of the market when individual buyers and sellers cannot influence the price, but form it through their input of supply and demand.

5. Monopsony is a type of monopoly in which the monopolist is not the seller, but the buyer.


Establish a correspondence between the characteristics and types of economic systems: for each position given in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.


Citizen V. invests his savings in the purchase of securities. Find in the list the securities that he can purchase, in accordance with the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1. banknotes

3. bonds

5. investment unit of a mutual fund

6. property insurance agreement


The figure shows the situation on the market for home sports equipment. Which of the following could cause the demand curve to shift from position D to position - D 1? (On the graph, P is the price of the product; Q is the quantity of the product.)

1. decline in the standard of living of the population

2. decrease in consumer income

3. good customer reviews about home exercise equipment

4. reduction in prices for visiting gyms

5. increasing citizens’ attention to their own health


Choose the correct judgments about social norms and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1. Social norms reflect the value concepts of society.

2. Unlike customs, legal norms are recorded in written sources.

3. The procedure for applying legal norms does not differ from the procedure for applying moral norms.

4. Rules of behavior based on the ideas of society or individual social groups about good and evil, fair and unfair, are called moral norms.

5. Moral norms are ensured (protected) by the power of the state.


During a sociological survey of 30-year-old and 55-year-old citizens of country Z, they were asked the question: “What organization do you work for (budgetary/state or private/non-state)?” The survey results (as a percentage of the number of respondents) are shown in the diagram.

Find in the list below the conclusions that can be drawn from the diagram and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1. More than half of the 30-year-olds surveyed work in a private/non-governmental organization.

2. Among the 55-year-olds surveyed, those who work in a budgetary/state organization are more likely to work in a private/non-governmental organization.

3. Among the 30-year-olds surveyed, there are more people who work for themselves than those who work in a budgetary/state organization.

4. Equal shares of respondents in each group work for themselves.

5. The share of those who found it difficult to answer is higher among 55-year-olds than among 30-year-olds.


Select characteristic signs of offenses from the list.

1. unethical act

2. criminal act

3. thoughtless act

4. reckless act

5. socially dangerous act


Establish a correspondence between the functions and the public authorities performing them: for each position given in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.


In country Z, the government is formed by the bloc of parties that won the parliamentary elections. Select from the list below the features that indicate that in country Z parliamentary elections are held according to a proportional system, and write down the numbers under which these features are indicated.

2. It is possible to nominate independent, non-party candidates.

3. The candidate who receives the majority of votes in the election wins.

6. The number of seats a party receives in parliament depends on the percentage of votes cast for the party in the elections.


Which of the following belongs to the group of socio-economic rights of a citizen of the Russian Federation? Write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1. right to social security in old age

2. right to life

3. right to housing

4. the right to protection of honor and good name

5. right to freedom and security of person


Choose the correct judgments about the legal system and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1. Depending on the nature of the requirements contained in the norms, authorizing, obligatory norms and prohibiting norms are distinguished.

2. Branches of procedural law establish the procedure for applying legal norms.

3. The Institute of Law is a set of legal norms that are a specific part of the branch of law and regulate a segment of a certain type of social relations

4. The set of branches of law regulating relations of power and subordination is called administrative law.

5. Private law includes criminal law.


Establish a correspondence between the examples and measures of legal liability in the Russian Federation: for each position given in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.


The Astra company provides services for landscaping courtyard areas. What signs will allow us to conclude that the organizational and legal form of this company is a production cooperative? Write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1. brings together several craftsmen who are personally involved in the provision of services

2. obligation to comply with labor discipline

3. receiving dividends at the end of the year

4. participation of workers in enterprise management

5. conclusion of an employment contract with employees

6. profit is distributed among employees in accordance with their labor participation within the share

Read the text below, in which a number of words are missing. Select from the list provided the words that need to be inserted in place of the gaps.


“If ________(A) characterizes the state from the point of view of the order of formation of the highest authorities, then ________(B) reflects the territorial division of the state. A simple unified state that does not include other state entities is called ________ (B). In such a state there is one constitution, a unified system of state ________(G) functions. Another form is ________(D), which is a union state, the subjects of which have relative political independence, up to the adoption of their own ________(E).”

The words (phrases) in the list are given in the nominative case. Each word (phrase) can be used only once.

Select one word (phrase) after another, mentally filling in each gap. Please note that there are more words (phrases) in the list than you will need to fill in the gaps.

List of terms:

1. unitary

2. federation

3. form of government

4. democratic

5. constitution

6. political parties

7. form of state (territorial) structure

8. republic

9. authorities

Part 2.

First write down the number of the task (28, 29, etc.), and then a detailed answer to it. Write down your answers clearly and legibly.

Read the text and complete tasks 21-24.

The trend towards territorial expansion has led to the consistent emergence of the main forms of market space: a) local market (usually within a village or city); b) national market (uniting local trading territories into a single internal market of the state); c) the world market, which arose on the basis of the development of foreign trade of different countries.

In the second half of the 20th century. a qualitatively new process began - globalization (covering the entire territory of the globe) of the world market. This means that the national markets of individual countries are increasingly dependent on each other. Stable trade ties are developing between them, based on telecommunications, satellite communications, the Internet and other latest technical means.

In the 20th century the acceleration of scientific and technological progress led to the emergence of a market for scientific developments, where the final results of scientific research (scientific and experimental developments), ready for implementation in production, acted as a marketable product. The transition to a post-industrial economy was accompanied by the rapid development of the sphere of paid services, as well as paid spiritual benefits. The widespread development of joint stock companies and credit (borrowed) funds contributed to the formation of large-scale markets for securities and loan capital. With the end of the use of gold as world money (since the early 1970s), a currency market (currency notes of foreign countries) developed in foreign economic relations between states.

With the formation of the market system, its role in the development of the national economy increased significantly. On the one hand, the widespread division of labor in modern commodity production has the opportunity to sell its specialized products through the appropriate system of markets. On the other hand, all major sectors of the national economy began to experience increased dependence on the corresponding sectors of the market. As a result, a new state of the economic organism has emerged, in which all its “cells” are actively influenced by the market system.

(E.F. Borisov)

How does globalization affect the market? Based on the text, identify three aspects of this influence.

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The correct answer must contain the following aspects of influence:

1) the dependence of national markets on each other is increasing;

2) the formation of stable trade relations between national markets;

3) reliance in trade relations on the latest technical means.

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1) the forms of the market are listed: local, national, global;

2) the basis for classification is indicated: volume (size) of the market territorial space (territory covered by the market)

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Show answer

The correct answer must contain the following elements:

1) it is indicated that the stimulating role of the market system is manifested, for example, in its wide opportunities for the sale of specialized products;

2) it is indicated that the moderating role may manifest itself during periods of economic downturns due to the increased dependence of all major sectors of the national economy on the corresponding sectors of the market;

3) an explanation is given, for example:

Specialized markets for finished products are developing, including the virtual space (markets for building materials, kitchen furniture, clothing for the elderly, etc.);

A crisis in one industry quickly spreads to others and the economy as a whole; for example, the crisis in construction will reduce the demand for metal, cement, bricks, ceramics, products of the oil and chemical industries, and construction machines

What meaning do social scientists give to the concept of “social mobility”? Using your social science course knowledge, compose two sentences: one sentence containing information about social mobility, and one sentence revealing the features of vertical social mobility.

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The correct answer must contain the following elements:

1) the meaning of the concept, for example: “a change by an individual or a group in a social position, a place occupied in the social structure of society”; (Another definition similar in meaning may be given.)

2) one sentence with information about channels of social mobility, based on knowledge of the course, for example: “Channels of social mobility include education, military service, marriage, spiritual service, etc.”;

(Any other proposal containing information about social mobility channels can be drawn up).

3) one sentence revealing the features of vertical social mobility, for example: “This is a change in the position of an individual that causes an increase or decrease in his social status.”

(Any other proposal can be made that reveals the features of vertical social mobility.)

Proposals must be formulated correctly and not contain elements that distort the meaning of the concept and/or its aspects.

In a market economy, recessions and increases in production and business activity are observed with a certain periodicity. Give three explanations of the reasons for the cyclical development of the economy in market conditions. Please specify any of these reasons.

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The answer should include:

1) the reasons for the cyclical nature of economic development are indicated, for example:

Periodic renewal of capital associated with achievements of scientific and technological progress and innovation activities;

Violation and subsequent restoration of the balance between the demand and supply of money;

2) specification is given, let’s say: banks reduce the requirements for providing loans to the population and enterprises, initially this leads to a rise and increase in demand for goods and services, but in the future, with an increase in overdue loans, a financial crisis may begin, affecting the entire sector of the economy.

Other reasons may be indicated and other specifications may be given.

In the transition to a post-industrial society, new demands are placed on the professional qualities of an employee. Using social science knowledge and facts of social life, indicate and briefly explain any three qualities of an employee, the need for which increases in the transition to a post-industrial society.

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The correct answer must indicate requirements/quality and brief explanations to each of them, for example:

1) willingness to improve skills throughout the entire working life (the employee has to adapt to the constant development of equipment and technology);

2) mobility (a modern worker is required to be ready to change types of activities and master related professions);

b) development of state policy;

c) maintaining the political stability of society;

d) analysis of the interests of various social groups, etc.

4) Types of political elites:

a) national, regional, local;

b) ruling and non-ruling (counter-elite).

5) Groups of political influence.

A different number and (or) other correct wording of points and sub-points of the plan are possible. They can be presented in nominal, question or mixed forms

By completing task 29, you can demonstrate your knowledge and skills on the content that is more attractive to you. For this purpose, select only ONE of the statements below (29.1-29.5).

Choose one of the statements proposed below, reveal its meaning in the form of a mini-essay, indicating, if necessary, different aspects of the problem posed by the author (the topic raised).

When expressing your thoughts about the raised problem (designated topic), when arguing your point of view, use the knowledge gained from studying the social studies course, relevant concepts, as well as facts of social life and your own life experience. (Give at least two examples from different sources for factual argumentation.)

29.1. Philosophy“All our theories are nothing more than a generalization of experience and observed facts.” (V.A. Ambartsumyan)

29.2. Economy“Supply and demand are a process of mutual adjustment and coordination.” (P.T. Heine)

29.3. Sociology, social psychology“The beginning of personality comes much later than the beginning of the individual.” (B.G. Ananyev)

29.4. Political science“\\\"Divide and conquer\\\" is a wise rule, but \\\"unite and direct\\\" is even better." (I.V. Goethe)

29.5. Jurisprudence“The law does not know class crimes, does not know differences in the circle of persons among whom its violation is committed. He is equally strict and equally merciful to everyone.” (A.F. Koni)
