When to conceive if the ovulation test shows a positive result. Ovulation test - a step towards a planned pregnancy

The ovulation test is one of the most reliable, which is used when planning pregnancy.

The most common ovulation tests work on the principle of pregnancy tests, namely, they give a result after contact with urine. Unlike pregnancy tests, which detect the level of hCG (hCG) in the urine, ovulation tests measure the concentration of another hormone, luteinizing hormone, or LH. LH levels rise in the blood and urine shortly before ovulation.

What types of ovulation tests are there?

There are several types of ovulation tests, which differ in ease of use, price and accuracy of results:

  • The ovulation strip test looks the same as the pregnancy strip test and will also show one or two stripes after contact with urine. To perform the test, you need to collect the urine in a small, clean container and then drop the test into it. Test results usually appear within a few minutes. This is the most inexpensive type of ovulation test.
  • The jet ovulation test is more convenient to use, as it does not require preliminary collection of urine into a container. To perform the test, simply pee on the sensitive end of the test. Test results in the form of one or two stripes appear within a few minutes.
  • A digital (electronic) ovulation test is the most accurate, but also the most expensive type of ovulation test. To carry out the test, simply place the sensitive end of the test under a stream of urine. The test results are usually shown on a small display within one minute of contact with the urine.
  • A reusable ovulation test is a special type of test that determines an increase in the level of luteinizing hormone based on an indirect sign - changes in saliva. In fact, the reusable ovulation test is a pocket microscope that can look at changes in saliva that indicate ovulation. The price of this test depends on the manufacturer: for example, foreign tests (Maybe Baby Ovulation Microscope, Geratherm OVU Control) cost about $70-100, while the domestic “Cycle” mini-microscope produced by Zenit is several times cheaper.

Why do an ovulation test?

  • If you have been planning a pregnancy for more than a year, but conception has not happened.
  • If you are planning a pregnancy, but for some reason you cannot have sex throughout your menstrual cycle. In this case, you can plan sexual intercourse for the most “lucky” day.
  • If you are planning a pregnancy during...
  • If you are planning, thyroid diseases and other hormonal disorders accompanied by menstrual irregularities.

In what cases is it useless to do an ovulation test?

In some situations, the use of ovulation tests is not advisable:

  • If you often have long delays. In this case, it is almost impossible to calculate the days on which ovulation is most likely, so you will be forced to test every day for weeks or even months. Given the high cost of ovulation tests, their use may be prohibitively expensive. Consider purchasing a reusable ovulation test (a mini-microscope that detects signs of ovulation using saliva), or see your doctor and discuss the possibility of folliculometry.
  • If you are not planning a pregnancy and want to avoid sexual intercourse on “dangerous” days. Ovulation tests are not a reliable method of contraception. You can read about proven methods of protection against unwanted pregnancy on our website:.

On what day of the cycle should I take an ovulation test?

So, you purchased a package of ovulation tests and were wondering what day of the cycle to start taking tests. It all depends on how regular your menstrual cycle is and how many days pass from the first day of one period to the first day of the next period.

If you have a regular menstrual cycle, subtract 17 from your cycle length and you will get the day of your cycle on which you need to start taking ovulation tests. For example, if the length of the menstrual cycle is 28 days (28 – 17 = 11), start doing tests starting from the 11th day of the cycle (the first day of the cycle is the first day of menstruation).

For irregular periods, choose the shortest menstrual cycle in the last six months and subtract 17 from that number. Keep in mind that in your situation, some cycles may be anovulatory (without ovulation), so it may take a little longer to conceive a child (from several months to of the year).

How to use an ovulation test?

In order for the ovulation test to give a reliable result, it is recommended to follow the following rules:

  • Do not use your first morning urine for testing.
  • Take an ovulation test at the same time of day every day.
  • For more accurate testing, it is recommended to do tests twice a day: in the morning and in the evening. This will allow you not to miss the moment when the LH level reaches its maximum.
  • Before you start using the test, carefully read the instructions included in the package. Pay attention to how many minutes it takes to read the test results. Before or after this time, an ovulation test may give an incorrect result.

How to understand the results of an ovulation test?

An ovulation test provides results based on the level of luteinizing hormone (LH), which rises in the days before ovulation and peaks several hours before the egg is ready to be fertilized.

Within a few minutes of contact with urine, one or two lines will appear on the ovulation test. The first line is called the control line: it always appears and is an indicator that the test is valid and carried out correctly. The second strip is called a test strip: it is by it that we determine when ovulation occurs.

The appearance of two lines on an ovulation test does not mean that you are ready to conceive a child. In this case, it is important to pay attention to how intensely colored the test strip is:

  • If the test strip is paler than the control or is not detected at all (only one strip appears in the test), the ovulation test result is negative. This means that ovulation most likely will not occur in the next 24 hours and you should repeat the test the next day.
  • If the test strip is intensely colored and has the same color as the control strip (or even darker than the control strip), the ovulation test result is positive. This means that ovulation will most likely occur in the next 24-36 hours, which means you have a high chance of conceiving in the next 24 hours.

What to do if you have a positive ovulation test?

A positive ovulation test is the green light for couples planning a pregnancy. On the day when the ovulation test shows two bright stripes, the couple is recommended to have sex.

Having sex too often (every day), as well as infrequent sex (once a week or less) can adversely affect the quality of a man's sperm, making it incapable of fertilizing an egg. Fertility specialists recommend making love every 2-3 days to maintain optimal sperm quality and increase the chances of successful conception.

When can you take a pregnancy test?

Most pregnancy tests show a positive result 2-3 weeks after conception, so doctors recommend first waiting for a missed period and only then doing it.

If you are impatient to find out if pregnancy has occurred, you can take a test, which shows a positive result 11 days after conception.

What to do if there was ovulation, but pregnancy did not occur?

First of all, don't despair. Sex on the day of ovulation, calculated using ovulation tests, does not always lead to successful conception. Conception can be influenced by many factors that we cannot always control. For most healthy couples, conceiving a child can take several months to a year. If pregnancy does not occur after several months of tracking ovulation and regular sexual intercourse, you should contact your gynecologist or a specialist from a pregnancy planning center. Both you and your sexual partner may need testing.

You can conceive a child only during ovulation - the period when the egg is released from the ovary. In women who have a 28-day menstrual cycle, this occurs on the 14th day, but can happen earlier or later. Sometimes ovulation does not occur.

A woman who wants to get pregnant uses a test to determine the time of release of the egg and the period of probable conception, planning an intimate relationship with her partner at this time.

The principle of the test is based on recording an increase in the level of luteinizing hormone (LH) during the release of the egg. A positive result means that a woman can become pregnant within three days, and the likelihood of fertilization in the next 36 hours is maximum.

The test should be carried out at the same time - from 10.00 to 20.00. Urine collected in the morning is not tested. To capture the highest level of LH, testing is carried out twice a day. During this period, you should not drink a lot of fluids or take diuretics, and it is better not to drink at all for two hours before the test. It is not advisable to test in hot weather or while taking any hormonal medications - the result will be distorted.

The principle of testing is similar to pregnancy testing, only the reagent is adjusted to a different hormone.

Instructions for the test to determine ovulation

Devices for determining ovulation are available in several types:

  • Strip test - a strip with a control mark, lowered for 10-15 seconds into a container with morning urine. After 10 minutes the result is assessed. If ovulation has occurred and LH levels have increased, a second line will appear.
  • Tablet tests - plastic cases that absorb like blotting paper. Urine is dripped into one window, and in the other, after two or three minutes, one or two stripes are visible.
  • Jet - does not require urine collection, therefore it is more convenient than the previous two. It is placed under the stream during urination. The result is visible in a minute. If the level of luteinizing hormone is elevated, two stripes will appear.
  • Reusable Ovulation Test consists of an electronic device and a set of replaceable elements that are immersed in freshly collected urine. When using, you need to remove the device from the packaging, remove the cap, insert the test module until it clicks, and wait for a notification that the device is ready for testing. After the dive, symbols will appear on the electronic screen within three minutes. A circle means that ovulation has not occurred and LH levels have not increased. The smiley face indicates an increase in the concentration of luteinizing hormone.

In addition to tests based on urine analysis, there is a reusable system for diagnosing ovulation based on saliva testing. This is a mini microscope that looks like a lipstick. Before or during ovulation, a pattern similar to a fern leaf is visible on the glass. Saliva is applied in the morning on an empty stomach with the tongue or finger, avoiding the formation of bubbles. After drying, a microscope is used to determine whether the pattern is visible on the glass, comparing it with the complete sample.

Tests produced by different manufacturers have their own characteristics, so before use you need to carefully read the instructions for each of them.

What day after ovulation should I take the test?

The start of testing depends on the length of the menstrual cycle. As a rule, testing begins a couple of days before ovulation. More exact times are indicated in the table. The duration of the intermenstrual cycle is determined by the interval between the first days of the next two menstruation.

Start day of testing

Cycle duration (in days)

Start day of testing

If the test remains negative within five days, it means that the egg did not leave the ovary and the menstrual cycle was anovulatory (without ovulation).

To obtain an accurate test result, you should measure your basal temperature at the same time every day by inserting a thermometer into the rectum. Before ovulation, it fluctuates between 36.2 -36.8, and after the release of the egg it rises to 37.1 -37.2.

Ovulation test results

When used correctly, tests show 90-99% ovulation. The result is easy to read: two stripes - there is ovulation, the absence of a second stripe - no. Normally, during ovulation, the second stripe is darker than the first. If it is too light, the LH level is low and there is no ovulation.

Ovulation test results

When using an electronic test, a smiley face lights up, and when the saliva is examined, a “frost pattern” or a design similar to a fern leaf is visible.

Once the result is positive, no further testing should be done. You need to use these days for fertilization, and then check for pregnancy.

False positive result

  • If conception has already occurred, the result may be false positive. The reagent works on human chorionic gonadotropin.
  • An incorrect result is obtained if a woman has a metabolic disorder. The test responds to increased levels of ovarian and thyroid hormones, showing a positive result outside of ovulation. In such cases, you need to check with an endocrinologist. Sometimes the reason lies in ovarian tumors that change hormonal levels.

False negative result

  • This happens when the instructions for use are violated or when expired tests are used. Sometimes a woman is in a hurry and begins to be checked earlier than the days indicated in the table.
  • The result is distorted in the presence of diseases that reduce the excretory function of the kidneys or are accompanied by edema. In this case, there is luteinizing hormone in the body, but it is not excreted in the urine. For diseases of the urinary system, it is better to use a test based on saliva analysis.
  • It is not possible to track ovulation in women with irregular cycles because the day of ovulation is difficult to predict.
This is interesting! Using an ovulation test, you can increase the likelihood of having a child of a certain gender. X chromosomes are slower, but “tenacious.” To conceive a girl, you need to have sex a few hours after the line appears on the test, and to give birth to a boy, you need to wait a couple of days until it becomes pronounced. The method does not provide a 100% guarantee, but it works effectively.

How to choose an ovulation test

How to choose an ovulation test

The most advanced ovulation tests are jet tests. They are easy to use and have a detection accuracy of 98%. Reusable devices with replaceable strips also work well. When using, pay attention to whether the special indicator lights up.

The accuracy of cheap strip strips is lower, and the number of false negative results when using them is higher. Use requires strict adherence to the instructions. If the strip is left in the urine for a little while, the result will be incorrect - the paper will get wet and the picture will become unclear.

The reagent included in the devices and test strips is very sensitive and deteriorates if stored incorrectly and not in accordance with the deadlines. To double-check, you need to purchase a test of a different design and manufacturer. This will let you know if the results are being distorted during testing. Women in many countries have long abandoned cheap tests: why conduct research whose results cannot be trusted.

An ovulation test is a unique device, thanks to which thousands of women have been able to find out on what day their efforts on the love front will be most in demand. If you have never used this test before, or after using it you still have some questions, read our material today.

What does an ovulation test measure?

Ovulation - the period of a woman's menstrual cycle when a fertilized egg is released from her ovaries into the abdominal cavity. Depending on the length of the cycle, the frequency of ovulation is 21-35 days.

Knowing the exact time of ovulation is important if you want to choose the most successful day for conception. For fertilization to occur, the man's sperm must enter the woman's body at the same time the egg is released from the ovaries. Ovulation tests will help us find out this point most accurately.

How the ovulation test works

During each menstrual cycle, a woman's ovaries the follicle matures . As the follicle matures, the hormones estrogen are produced in the follicle cells. When estrogen levels reach a peak, the body experiences release of luteinizing hormone .

After this, the follicle ruptures within 1-2 days - ovulation occurs. The egg, ready for fertilization, moves along the fallopian tube, preparing to meet sperm.

It is on fixing the moment of increase in the level of urine luteinizing hormone and the effect of modern ovulation tests is based.

Why ovulation may be disrupted

There are several reasons for ovulation disorders. So anovulation (irregular ovulation or its absence) can be observed in the following cases:

  • hormonal imbalance in the body;
  • ovarian dysfunction;
  • thyroid dysfunction;
  • pregnancy;
  • some time after childbirth;
  • age-related decline of menstrual function;
  • stress;
  • systemic diseases;
  • after an abortion.

In order to restore the ovulation process, you need to contact a competent gynecologist, determine the cause that could cause anovulation, and select the appropriate treatment.

When should you start using ovulation tests?

The start time of testing is determined based on the length of the menstrual cycle. Let us clarify that the first day of the cycle is the day when menstruation began, and the length of the cycle is the number of days from the first day of the last menstruation to the beginning of the next.

If you - owner of a regular cycle , ovulation tests should begin approximately 17 days before the start of your next menstruation. For example, if the length of your menstrual cycle is 28 days, then testing should begin approximately on the 11th day, and if 32, then on the 15th.

If the duration of the cycle can vary, it can be different - choose the shortest one and use it to accurately calculate the day of ovulation. If within 5 days the hormone increases luteinizing hormone did not occur, testing must be continued for a few more days.

It takes time to catch You need to use ovulation tests every day .

Application of the test

Ovulation tests can be done at almost any time of the day, but if you have already chosen to do it at 12 noon or five o'clock in the evening, continue to stick to this time for all five days.

Gritsko Marta Igorevna, candidate of medical sciences, obstetrician-gynecologist at the Human Reproduction Clinic “Alternative” says: To ensure that the concentration of the hormone in your urine is as high as possible, it is best to refrain from urinating for at least four hours and also avoid drinking excess fluids before testing.

One of main mistakes when performing ovulation tests is using morning urine . The websites of manufacturing companies indicate that to conduct such a test The first morning urine should not be used , sometimes this information is indicated in the instructions for the test.

Evaluating the result

To evaluate the result, it is necessary to compare the resulting line (if any appears) with the control line.

If the result line is paler than the control line, it means an outlier luteinizing hormone hasn't happened yet. In this case, testing should be continued.

If the result line is exactly the same or slightly darker than the control line, it means that a hormone release has already occurred, and ovulation will occur within 1-1.5 days.

It was these few days after the release luteinizing hormone are best suited for conception, and the likelihood of getting pregnant is maximum.

After identifying an outlier luteinizing hormone testing can no longer be continued.

Our forum member anvin says: “I take the test every day from September 13th until today. At first there was no second stripe at all, but for the last 4 days there is a second stripe, but it is not as bright as the second... Is this ovulation or what is it even? According to my physical sensations, I have already passed ovulation... Didn’t the test show it? I’m just using the test for the first time.”

Our forum member Mermiad tells: “My second strip did not always reach the brightness of the control one. Even in the cycle when I became pregnant, it did not reach the desired brightness, but ovulation occurred and I became pregnant.”

Can the test show erroneous results?

Unfortunately, ovulation tests may show not exactly ovulation itself, but certain changes in the level luteinizing hormone . Of course, it was the sharp rise luteinizing hormone is the main fact of the onset of ovulation, however, in essence, its increase cannot provide an absolute guarantee that ovulation has taken place.

In what cases can an increase in the amount of luteinizing hormone occur? Ovulation tests may show false positive results in the following cases:

  • with ovarian wasting syndrome;
  • hormonal dysfunction;
  • renal failure;
  • postmenopausal;
  • after hCG injections;
  • immediately after discontinuation of synthetic hormonal drugs;
  • sudden transition to raw food/vegetarianism;
  • other violations.

Therefore, if you are not menstruating or suspect any hormonal imbalances, you should not rely solely on the results of ovulation tests. Ultrasound examination can show more reliable results.

Or you can directly on our website.

Types of Ovulation Tests

Ovulation tests are sold in many pharmacies in a fairly wide range and there are different types .

Test strips Ovulation tests are very similar to pregnancy tests. A narrow strip of special paper soaked in the necessary reagent must be immersed in urine for 5-10 seconds, after which the result will appear after some time.

Test plates (or test cassettes) are a plastic container with a small window. The test is placed under a stream of urine or you can simply drop it into the window. After some time, the result will appear in the window.

Inkjet tests are lowered directly into a container with urine or placed under a stream of urine. A few minutes - and the result is ready!

Reusable Ovulation Tests They are a portable device with a whole set of test strips. The strips are dipped into the urine and then inserted into a device that displays the result.

Electronic ovulation tests react not to urine, but to the woman’s saliva. A small amount of saliva must be placed under a special lens, and then its pattern must be observed using a special sensor or microscope. The instructions for the test describe what a particular saliva pattern means.

Our forum member O-Svetlanka tells: “This test is done in the morning before all meals, preferably only after waking up. You apply a little saliva to the microscope glass and it dries. After about 10 minutes you look into the microscope - if pebbles are visible, it means that ovulation is not yet expected or has long passed. If “fern”, then ovulation will occur in 1-2 days - a favorable period for conception begins. I do this from about 6-7 days of the cycle. The “fern” effect occurs due to the fact that before ovulation the release of some hormone increases and there is a lot of sodium chloride in saliva - i.e. salt. When such saliva dries, it looks like a fern.”

Most ovulation tests contain 5 strips or tablets, since it is extremely rare to determine ovulation the first time.

Each of the above tests has instructions for use; be sure to follow all the instructions specified there. Also, many manufacturing companies even post videos on their websites on how to carry out the test as correctly as possible.

If after the test the strip is very weak or absent, there is still a long time before ovulation; a sufficiently pronounced second test strip indicates the onset of ovulation in the next 12-48 hours. This means that this is the best time to conceive.

We are sure that everything will work out for you and your efforts will be rewarded with a long-awaited little one!

Ovulation test

All about ovulation tests...

Ovulation is a period of the menstrual cycle when an egg capable of fertilization is released into the abdominal cavity from a woman’s ovaries. The frequency of ovulation occurs, depending on the length of the cycle, approximately every 21-35 days.

This periodicity is regulated by special neurohumoral mechanisms, for example, ovarian follicular hormone and gonadotropic hormones of the anterior pituitary gland. Ovulation is facilitated by some accumulation of follicular fluid and the relative thinning of the ovarian tissue, which is located above the protruding pole of the follicle.

For each woman, the constant rhythm of ovulation may undergo some changes: after an abortion - for about three to four months, after childbirth - for one year, and also after the age of 40, when the woman’s body begins to intensively prepare for the premenopausal period. Ovulation stops after the complete cessation of menstrual function and with the onset of pregnancy. Establishing the exact date of ovulation is extremely important when choosing the best time to conceive.

Subjective signs of ovulation are short-term slight pain in the lower abdomen, objective signs are a slight increase in vaginal discharge and a decrease in basal (rectal) temperature on the day of ovulation with a slight increase the next day, an increase in the concentration of progesterone in the blood plasma and other symptoms.

Ovulation disorders are often caused by dysfunction of the hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian system, which can sometimes be caused by dysfunction of the thyroid gland or adrenal cortex, inflammation of the genitals, systemic diseases, tumors of the hypothalamus and pituitary gland, and stress. The absence of the ovulation process in reproductive age is manifested by some disturbance of the menstrual rhythm such as oligomenorrhea (menstruation lasting only 1-2 days), dysfunctional bleeding, and amenorrhea.

Anovulation is one of the reasons for a woman's infertility. Methods for restoring the ovulation process must be determined by the cause that could cause anovulation, and require contacting a competent gynecologist and suitable treatment.

Some women may experience the peak of sexual arousal during the days of ovulation. But using only a physiological method of protection from unwanted pregnancy, which is based on complete sexual abstinence during ovulation, is very difficult for young spouses, for whom the frequency of sexual intercourse sometimes reaches a very high level. It is also worth noting that during severe anxiety and stress, additional ovulation may occur (especially with irregular sexual intercourse), and then not one, but two whole eggs mature in one cycle.

For a planned pregnancy, it is very important to correctly calculate ovulation, because in order to fertilize an egg, the man’s sperm must enter the woman’s body at approximately the same time when the egg is released from the ovaries. If you correctly draw up an ovulation calendar, then choosing the right time for fertilization will be more effective. Special tests to determine the time of ovulation will help you most accurately calculate the time when fertilization can occur.

How does an ovulation test work?

Each menstrual cycle, one follicle matures in the ovaries, less often - two or more. As the follicle matures, female hormones called estrogens are produced in the follicle cells. The larger the follicle becomes, the more estrogen its cells produce.

When the level of these estrogen reaches a level that will be sufficient for ovulation, luteinizing hormone (abbreviated as LH) is released, after which, within about one to two days, the follicle ruptures (or simply ovulation) and the egg, which is ready for fertilization, rushes straight out into the fallopian tube - to meet sperm. The time of follicle development may differ slightly not only in several different women, but even in the same woman - in different cycles.

So, the action of modern ovulation tests is based on determining the moment of a sudden increase in LH levels in the urine.

On what day should you start using tests to determine ovulation?

The start time for testing should be determined based on the length of your cycle. The very first day of the menstrual cycle is the day when your period begins. The cycle length is the number of days that have passed from the very first day of the most recent menstruation to the very first day of the next one.

If your cycle is always regular and of the same length, then you should start doing ovulation tests seventeen days before the start of your next period, because after ovulation the corpus luteum phase lasts 12-16 days (on average 14). For example, if the length of your menstrual cycle is 28 days, then testing should begin approximately on the 11th day, and if 32, then on the 15th.

If the duration of the cycle is not constant, you need to select the shortest cycle in the last six months and use exactly its duration to accurately calculate the day when you need to start testing. If there are long delays and lack of regularity, the use of tests alone without additional monitoring of follicles and ovulation is not reasonable.

When used every day (or even better, twice a day - morning and evening), tests to determine ovulation give remarkable results, especially when combined with ultrasound. When using ultrasound control, you can avoid wasting tests, but wait some time until the follicle can reach a size of approximately 18-20 millimeters and will be able to ovulate. This is when you can confidently start doing tests every day.

Application of the test

Tests can be taken at almost any time of the day, but it is still highly advisable to stick to the same time of use of the test. At the same time, in order for the concentration of the hormone in the urine to be the highest, it is better to refrain from urinating for at least four hours, and also avoid excess drinking before testing, as this may well lead to a slight decrease in the concentration of LH in the urine and slightly reduce the reliability result. The best time to take the test is in the morning.

Evaluation of results

Compare the result line with the control line. The control line, if the test was carried out correctly, always appears in a special window. If your result line is paler than the control line, it means that the LH surge has not yet occurred and testing should be continued. If the result line is exactly the same or slightly darker than the control line, it means that a hormone release has already occurred, and you will ovulate within 1-1.5 days.

The couple of days that are most suitable for conception begin from the moment when you were able to determine that a release of luteinizing hormone had already occurred. If sexual intercourse occurs in the next couple of days, the likelihood of getting pregnant will be maximum. Once it has been determined that an LH surge has already occurred, there is no need to continue testing.

Planning the gender of the unborn child

It is impossible to plan the birth of a child of a certain gender in advance, but there is a theory according to which in the days closest to ovulation the possibility of conceiving a boy increases somewhat, and in the days farthest away - girls. Therefore, to increase the likelihood of having a boy, it is necessary to abstain from sexual intercourse until the test shows a negative result.

To increase the likelihood of giving birth to a girl, on the contrary, you need to stop sexual intercourse immediately after the ovulation test shows a positive result. However, this method cannot provide one hundred percent reliable results.

Erroneous results

Unfortunately, ovulation tests may not show ovulation itself, but only some change in the dynamics of LH levels. A sharp rise in LH is very characteristic of ovulation, but the rise in luteinizing hormone itself cannot give an absolute guarantee that this event is associated specifically with ovulation and that the latter definitely took place.

An increase in the amount of luteinizing hormone can occur in other situations - with ovarian wasting syndrome, hormonal dysfunction, renal failure, postmenopause and other disorders. Thus, with any permanent or temporary dysfunction (including immediately after stopping synthetic hormonal drugs or a sudden transition to a raw food diet/vegetarianism), tests may show false positive results. In addition, false positive results are also possible under the influence of other hormones that are absolutely unrelated to changes in LH levels.

For example, in the presence of a pregnancy hormone, tests can give a positive result due to some similarity in the molecular structure with LH (the structure of luteinizing hormone is similar to some other glycoprotein hormones - TSH, hCG, FSH), which many pregnant women have already been able to verify for themselves women. That is, an ovulation test during pregnancy may well give a false positive result. When stimulating ovulation after hCG injections, tests can also show a positive result, which is absolutely not associated with an increase in the content of luteinizing hormone.

Ovulation tests after hCG injections are absolutely not informative. It is possible that the results of such tests may be somewhat influenced by fluctuations in some other hormones (TSH, FSH) and even nutritional characteristics (phytohormones contained in plants).

Therefore, if you are not menstruating or if you suspect any hormonal imbalance, you should not rely solely on test results. In such cases, the timing and presence of ovulation should be determined using more reliable diagnostic methods. For example, using an ultrasound examination.

Ovulation tests are sold in many pharmacies and are presented there in a fairly wide range.

Types of Ovulation Tests

1. Test strips. Most likely, you are already familiar with this type of pregnancy test - a thin strip of special paper that is impregnated with a special reagent. The ovulation test is a similar strip that should be immersed in urine for a while, after which the result will appear after some time. Such ovulation tests are not very accurate and have their drawbacks.

2. Test plates (or test cassettes). Such tests also have analogues among pregnancy tests. The test tablet is a plastic case with a small window. This test needs to be placed under a stream of urine or just a little urine dropped on it - and after a few minutes you can see the result in the window. Test tablets are very reliable, but they are also somewhat more expensive.

3. Inkjet tests. These are the most reliable ovulation tests currently available. This ovulation test is dropped directly into a container with urine or simply placed under a stream of urine - and after a few minutes you can observe the result.

4. Reusable Ovulation Tests . Essentially, they are a portable device with a whole set of test strips. These strips are dipped into the urine, then they are inserted into the device - and very soon you can find out the result.

5. Electronic ovulation tests . These tests “react” not to urine, but to the woman’s saliva. You should place a small amount of saliva under the lens, and then either look at a special sensor, or through the microscope that comes with the lens, observe the pattern on the saliva. What a specific pattern means is written in the instructions. Such ovulation tests are quite expensive, but in terms of reliability they definitely have no competitors!

However, when planning to do an ovulation test, you should remember that all of the above tests may not show the exact timing of ovulation, but the timing of the release of LH into the body, after which ovulation should occur. This must be taken into account when conducting such tests.

Currently, several companies produce ovulation tests. The most famous among them are Frautest, Eviplan and Clearblue.


These ovulation tests are produced in Germany. Divided into three categories:

1. Ovulating. This product contains 5 strips, since this is exactly how many days a woman with a regular cycle needs to determine the time of increase in luteinizing hormone levels. The sensitivity of this test is from 30 mIU/ml.

2. Frautest for ovulation Planning. This kit includes 5 ovulation tests and 2 pregnancy tests, as well as several containers for collecting urine.

3. Ovulating (in cassette with cap). This kit contains 7 tests and is suitable for women with irregular cycles. Each test is very convenient and hygienic: there is no need to collect urine, you can test almost anywhere. A well-closing small cap does not allow you to disrupt the well-thought-out test procedure. The sensitivity of this test is from 30 mIU/ml. The accuracy is more than 99%.

How much does this ovulation test cost? The price of an ovulation test from Frautest is about 350 rubles.


The one-step diagnostic ovulation test Eviplan is designed to accurately determine the LH surge. This biological substance is a fertility hormone, the total amount of which increases sharply around the middle of the cycle. An increase in the concentration of luteinizing hormone can trigger the ovulation process, as a result of which an egg is released from the ovaries.

Ovulation is the period when an egg is released and is ready for fertilization. The accuracy of this test is approximately 99%, and the result can be seen in just five minutes.


1. You need to open the package, take out the strip and place it in a pre-prepared container with urine.

2. The test strip must be lowered for 5 seconds to the indicated “Max” mark. Next, the test strip should be placed on a flat surface.

3. The result should be assessed at room temperature after 5 minutes, but no later than 10 minutes after the start of the procedure.

4. The test strip is for one-time use only.

5. To determine the exact result, compare the color intensity (lighter or darker) of the test strip with the control strip. The control line is at the end of the test field.

6. A positive result (an increase in the amount of luteinizing hormone) is considered to be a strip with a color intensity similar to the control strip or slightly darker. This result shows that there has been an increase in the concentration of luteinizing hormone. Basically, the process of ovulation occurs within 1-2 days after an increase in the amount of luteinizing hormone. This period of time is considered the best for conception.

7. A negative result (no increase in the amount of luteinizing hormone) is considered to be a strip with a color intensity lighter than that on the control strip. This result shows that there was no increase in luteinizing hormone.

The result is considered invalid if the control line does not appear within 10 minutes.

Special instructions when using the Eviplan ovulation test:

· Before using the test, you need to determine the actual duration of the cycle. In case of any violation of the duration of the cycle, you should contact a specialist (when the cycle is less than 21 days or more than 38 days).

· Before starting the procedure, you should carefully read the instructions for use.

· The reasons for a false result may be incorrect test execution or incorrect timing.

· The very first morning urine is not suitable for testing.

· Synthesis of luteinizing hormone usually occurs in the early morning hours, while the substance itself is determined throughout the day. Thus, the most optimal time for testing is considered to be from 10 am to 10 pm.

· Testing must be carried out at the same time.

· Before testing, you should refrain from urinating for 2-3 hours and reduce the amount of fluid you consume.

The cost of ovulation tests produced by this company is about 350 rubles.


Clearblue's digital ovulation test indicates a slight increase in LH hormone levels, which usually occurs 24-36 hours before ovulation. This allows you to accurately determine the two most favorable days for conceiving a child in this cycle. Making love on these two days will give you much more opportunities to get pregnant than on any other days.

Clearblue's digital ovulation test is the most effective home test available.

The Clearblue Ovulation Test should be used for several days at the same time each day when luteinizing hormone concentrations are expected to increase. The test can determine the days of your cycle when you are most fertile.

The Clearblue brand ovulation test has the following features:

· Determines the peak of LH concentration with 99% accuracy

· Quite easy to use, non-invasive and natural urine test

· Features the original flashing test strip sign indicating the test is working correctly

· Shows results within three minutes

The cost of ovulation tests produced by this company is about 700 rubles.

Which ovulation test is better is up to you to decide! We must remember that conceiving a child is a responsible matter. But soon all your efforts will be rewarded with the greatest miracle in this world - the most wonderful and beloved baby.

In the age of technology, more and more women are using tests to determine the date of ovulation, since this is one of the most accurate methods of determining the amount of hormones that increase before the day the egg is released. Despite the ease of use of test strips, difficulties often arise in deciphering them. But even more questions arise when a positive ovulation test is clearly visible or the color of the second mark is faintly visible. Most don't know what to do next.

In this article, we will try to tell you all the nuances regarding the correct decoding of the result, and suggest further actions in case of a positive or negative answer.

In order not to miss the desired day, you need to know when to start testing. And to do this, you first need to calculate the duration of your cycle. On average, the duration of the cycle for most is 28 days, however, there are also longer cycles or, conversely, shorter.

If you have a stable period, it won’t be difficult to find out your cycle. You just need to count the days from the beginning of the previous menstruation until the last day before the next “red” days. The number of all days will constitute a complete menstrual cycle, on the basis of which the day of ovulation is then calculated.

If the cycle is unstable, the minimum period is taken as a basis.

When choosing the day of the beginning of the ovulatory period, it is necessary to subtract the number 17 from the total number of days of the cycle. The resulting number will be the day from which the study should begin.

The number 17 was taken according to certain calculations. In any cycle, the second phase has a constant period, which is 14 days from the moment of ovulation to the start of menstruation. And the duration of the first phase depends on the individual characteristics of the woman’s body, and can be different, so it is not taken into account. 3 more days are added to 14, this is the period during which ovulation occurs. So we get – 14 plus 3 equals 17 days.

Using the example of a cycle lasting 26 days, it looks like this: subtract 17 from 26, we get 9. This means that already on the 9th day you need to carry out the first test.

For other cycles the picture will be as follows:

  • a 24-day cycle is tested on day 7;
  • for a 28-day cycle, the study is carried out from day 11;
  • for a 32-day period, the test is done from the 15th day.

Testing can be done daily or every other day, but the duration must be at least 5 days or until a positive result. Those wishing to conceive a child can do this twice a day.

In the video you can see what methods exist to determine the ovulatory period.

How to use ovulation test strips: do it right

The method for determining ovulation is similar to pregnancy testing. The difference between the strips is only in the reagents, which in the first case react to increased luteinizing hormone, and in the second - to human chorionic gonadotropin.

To give a reliable result, you must follow a few simple rules when using strips:

  • It is better to conduct research between 10:00 am and 8:00 pm;
  • the first morning urine is not suitable for research;
  • reduce fluid intake before the test;
  • choose the same time for research on all days;
  • do not urinate for 3–4 hours before urine collection;
  • do not take hormonal drugs, as they affect performance;
  • carry out hygiene procedures before collection;
  • Take a sterile container for urine.

The testing process itself goes like this:

  1. Dip the strip into a container with freshly collected urine to the indicated mark.
  2. Hold for 5 seconds.
  3. Set the test strip aside for 10–15 minutes.
  4. They look at the result.

In the case of the jet test, only the first point changes - the strip is placed under the stream during urination. The remaining points remain unchanged.

When using a tablet test, you will need to draw urine from a container into a pipette and drop it into the corresponding hole on the device. Then he will show the result himself.

More details on how to use the test can be seen in the video below:

Each test strip is impregnated with a special substance, which changes color when it comes into contact with luteinizing hormone. This hormone is constantly present in small quantities. However, 1-2 days before the release of the egg, its level increases sharply, due to which the test will show a positive result - two stripes will be equally brightly colored.

When one of the marks is less intensely colored, this means that the amount of the hormone is insufficient. This result is considered negative. The absence of the second mark indicates that the test is unsuitable.

If the ovulation test shows a positive response, it is recommended to repeat the test after 4-5 hours to confirm the result. If the second mark, upon repeated examination, becomes just as bright or its color becomes even more intense, it means that the amount of the hormone has reached its peak, and ovulation can be expected within a few hours or the next day.

If testing was carried out for the purpose of conception, then 2 clearly visible stripes are exactly the desired result when you need to start taking action. But you can repeat the study to be sure of the veracity of the event.

Although ovulation is a one-day process, the test shows a positive response 12–48 hours before its onset. Then the luteinizing hormone will decrease and the reagent will not react to it as much.

If the test is positive, conception is possible within the next 48 hours. But do not forget that after release the cell lives only 24 hours, which means the best time for conception is before or at the time of ovulation, and not after it. After all, sperm also need several hours to get to the meeting place. In addition, they live much longer than the egg, and will certainly be able to wait for its release.

It turns out that after receiving the desired two clear stripes, sexual intercourse should be carried out for 2-3 days in a row in order to be sure to conceive a girl or boy. By the way, the sex of the child, according to some sources, also depends on the chosen time of conception: if sex took place before ovulation, a girl will be born, and after or on that day a boy will be born. But it is impossible to guarantee the result, since many factors influence the process of formation of the child’s gender.

It often happens that the second mark is lighter than the first (control). This result is especially alarming if this happens throughout the entire cycle or for several months in a row.

If an ovulation test shows a weak second line for several days in a row, this may mean three options:

  1. The cell has not yet left the follicle.
  2. Anovulatory cycle.
  3. Physiologically, a woman does not have enough hormone, so the strip reacts poorly, and this result is considered positive.

When the ovulation test is weakly positive throughout the cycle, the reasons for this are as follows:

  • taking hormonal or contraceptive medications;
  • hormonal disbalance;
  • violation of testing rules;
  • sudden change in weight;
  • there was a stressful situation or depression;
  • defective test strips;
  • drink a lot of fluid before the test;
  • lack of ovulation in this cycle.

When one strip is bright, while the second is barely noticeable for 2-3 cycles in a row, you should visit a doctor. In this case, the woman will be prescribed folliculometry, blood and urine tests for hormones and, if necessary, an ultrasound scan.

Don't panic if your ovulation test shows a negative result. The reasons may be hidden not only in anovulatory cycles. There are often cases when the color of the 2nd stripe was weakly expressed, and after a while pregnancy is discovered. Why does this happen?

The first reason may be insufficient concentration of the hormone, even in the presence of ovulation. In this case, testing will not give a positive answer, but it is possible to get pregnant.

It happens that it is 37.2 degrees, but the test is negative. Most likely, the moment of ovulation was missed, and the temperature had already risen or pregnancy had occurred. In this case, on the 12th day after ovulation, you can try a pregnancy test.

If on the 16th day of a 28-day cycle the test is negative, then there is a high probability of an anovulatory period, which normally can occur 1-2 times a year for any woman. In this case, it is impossible to get pregnant.

Sometimes a negative ovulation test can hide other reasons, which only a specialist can identify with correct diagnosis.


An ovulation detection test helps not only to find out the day of maturation and release of the egg, but can also be a signal of health problems. If, with a positive result, there is no pregnancy or several cycles in a row the test shows a weakly positive response, this is a serious reason to consult a doctor. Any delay may threaten infertility or the onset of an inflammatory process.
