How is a Dumbo rat different from a regular rat? Decorative rat Dumbo Decorative rats of the Dumbo breed

The process of domesticating rats began in the deep Middle Ages, when hunters were breeding gray beepers to bait dogs.

Moreover, some individuals (for example, albinos and other unusual specimens) were kept as exotic animals and were sometimes sold for quite impressive sums for those times. The first decorative rats are considered to be “Black Hoods”, from which many new varieties subsequently appeared.

Dumbo rats are one of the “youngest” representatives of the rodent genus and were bred only in the early nineties of the twentieth century in California. They owe their name to their resemblance to the character from the Disney cartoon, Dumbo the elephant, who had funny round ears.

Features and habitat of the Dumbo rat

Dumbo rats are domestic animals that are not found in the wild and therefore live near humans. A distinctive feature of the breed is its rather large ears, for which this type of rat got its name.

Dumbo rat dimensions quite standard for rodents and range from 15 to 20 cm with a weight of 250-400 grams. Females are smaller than males in size, and their body weight in rare cases exceeds 250 grams.

As can be seen on photo of dumbo rat, its ears are low-set, rounded, and its muzzle is slightly pointed. The pear-shaped proportions of the body make them similar to tailless rats, but the dumbo has a shorter body and a rather long tail.

The color and amount of hair can vary significantly within a species, but the most common animals are white, black, bluish, gray, chocolate or other colors.

Eg, rat dumbo sphinx and has no fur at all, so it looks quite unusual. Its undoubted advantage is that, due to the absence of wool, it can be kept by people prone to allergic reactions.

In the photo there is a Dumbo Sphinx rat

Not long ago, scientists derived Dumbo Siamese rats, the color of which repeats the coloring of the breed of the same name.

Their body is light beige, their paws and muzzle are darkened. Despite their charming appearance, these rats are very active and quite aggressive.

However, you can find a common language with them. For those who have decided buy dumbo rat Siamese colors, it is worth knowing that these animals are carriers of a recessive gene. That is, both parents of the same breed are needed to reproduce offspring.

Pictured is a Siamese rat called Dumbo

Dumbo Rex Rat They differ only in their curly hair, which is slightly longer than that of other representatives of the variety. The fur and whiskers stick out in all directions and are slightly curled, which gives the animal a funny appearance. At specialized exhibitions you can see rats of a wide variety of colors and shades.

In the photo there are Dumbo Rex rats

Character and lifestyle of the Dumbo rat

House dumbo rats Under no circumstances should it be exposed to a draft or direct sunlight. Ideal temperature conditions for rodents are from 18 to 22 degrees Celsius. Rats do not want too dry air, so it is necessary to ensure that the humidity is slightly above 50%.

Dumbo rats are believed to be lazy and sedentary. This is partly true: due to their pear-shaped body proportions, rodents look rather awkward when running fast, clumsily swaying from side to side.

It is best to purchase a spacious metal mesh and have several animals at once (from two or more), otherwise the Dumbo rat experiences severe stress, loses its appetite and looks lethargic.

Her life expectancy is also significantly shortened. Do not forget that the cage must be regularly cleaned and treated with boiling water.

Based on numerous Dumbo rat reviews, rodents have an excellent sense of the intonation of human speech, are very friendly and willing to make contact. Do not shout at the animals or make sudden movements while cleaning the cage or changing the water in the drinking bowl.

A rodent of a standard white or gray color can be purchased for little money. Blue rat dumbo or a Rex from reputable breeders will cost much more.

Pictured is a blue rat called Dumbo

Dumbo rat nutrition

Dumbo decorative rats are actually omnivores, but this does not mean that any food is good for them. You can buy balanced mixtures for rodents at pet stores, adding nuts, vegetables, fruits and grains to them.

Animals love boiled eggs, and a piece of cheese will be a real treat for them. Under no circumstances should you give your animal foods such as spinach, raw potatoes, beans, unripe bananas, rhubarb and chocolate.

Sausage, sour cream and some other products from the human diet should be given to rats with great caution. Animals should always have clean water.

Reproduction and lifespan of the Dumbo rat

Breeding Dumbo rats will require a male and a female at least six months old. Pregnancy lasts three weeks, after which up to eight pups are born.

From about the twentieth day of life, the young generation can be switched to adult food, and by the age of one and a half months, the pups become completely independent.

After the babies are born, the male should be placed in another cage for several weeks. How long do dumbo rats live?? Their life expectancy in very rare cases exceeds three years.

Who are rats and where did animal lovers come from?

The history of domestication of rats begins in the Middle Ages. People bred gray rats (pasyuki) back in the Middle Ages to bait hunting dogs. By chance, with such breeding, albinos appeared in the offspring (most often the result of inbreeding). They were usually left and preserved as strange animals. In 1906, a line of albino laboratory rats was founded in Philadelphia, at that time the first and only one that received its name - the Wistar line, on a geographical basis. The line gave rise to many other laboratory strains of rats (not just albino ones) and lasted until 1950. It is believed that from this line, by crossing with gray rats, the first ornamental rats were obtained - black hoods, which were tamed by humans and domesticated.


Males weigh 400-850 (rarely) grams, females - 250-500 grams. Males are most often calm, tame and love to bask in the arms of their owner, females are more active and restless.

Life cycle

The average lifespan of rats is 2.5-3 years, sometimes they live up to 4 years, the maximum documented lifespan of a domestic rat, to date, is 7 years 4 months.

Many people mistakenly believe that rats have breeds. Decorative rats are divided into several varieties, sections and markings. Some hair and color names were borrowed from cats and dogs (for example, sphinxes, huskies, rexes, etc.).

Standard- The most common type of rat with short, smooth and glossy fur.

Curly (Rex)— rats have dense, rather short and curly fur, less shiny than standard ones and coarser. The number of guard hairs is very small, and the mustache is strongly curled and an order of magnitude shorter.

Tailless (Manx)- tailless rats.

Double-rex— the structure of the coat is combined, in places there are bald areas (from Sphynxes), in places - short, curly hair (from Rexes). The peculiarity is that at times the amount of wool can either increase or decrease. Some fans call this form undressing.

Sphinxes (Hairless)— the rat should be as hairless as possible, with healthy, bright skin that is soft to the touch. Let's allow fuzz above the eyes, on the ankles and wrists, on the cheeks and in the groin area. The fluff should not be excessive and disturb the overall appearance of the hairless animal.

Satin- thinner, elongated and shiny coat, creating the impression of “silk” wool.

Dumbo- rats of this variety have more rounded, low-set ears; the shape of the ear can be either round (saucer ear) or pointed (tulip ear). Many people call this form of rat Mickey Mouse.

The justification for breeding the above varieties of rats is highly controversial due to possible problems with their health and quality of life. For example, sphinxes often live shorter lives than ordinary rats, are more susceptible to colds, and also injure their skin much more easily due to the lack of fur. Tailless rats are disadvantaged compared to normal rats, which actively use the tail as a thermostat, for balance, and as a support during locomotion.

Division by sections and markings (color) of rats

Homogeneous (self)- uniform color throughout the body.

ticked— each hair is dyed several colors.

Combined- a color consisting of several colors, most often found among amateurs.

Silver- the coat consists of alternating silver-gray and main, most often white, hairs.

The decorative rat has become a fairly popular pet among people of all ages, due to the ease of keeping, as well as the fact that they are very smart, active and social animals. Any animal in our home should please its owner.

Thanks to their natural intelligence, rats are highly trainable. However, it has been noticed that colored decorative rats cope with the assigned tasks much more easily than albinos, whose eyesight is much weaker. In addition, all animals act in their own way, and it is very interesting to watch them.

Many people, when getting a rat, do not think about the fact that the cage needs to be large enough and it should not be empty. Rats are burrowing animals, so they need a house and a tunnel; it is desirable that all additional elements in the cage are made of wood. A pair of rats needs a cage of at least 40*30*50; keeping them in small hamster cages is unacceptable; the animal becomes lethargic, apathetic, and its lifespan decreases. Bedding should be placed at the bottom of the cage; sawdust or wood filler (granulated sawdust) can be used as bedding; I do not recommend using paper (it does not absorb liquid, unpleasant odors appear), hay (moisture causes fungi and pathogens to grow in it), I recommend keep rats on wood filler; it perfectly absorbs moisture and unpleasant odor and is used quite sparingly. Many animal lovers mistakenly believe that rats need a wheel. Rats do not need a wheel; they use it only when they are under 2 months of age, and it can lead to injury to the animal. There should always be clean drinking water in the cage; water should be filtered or bottled, boiled or “raw” - not allowed. And of course, it should always be, since rats lead a routine lifestyle, they eat throughout the day, and not 2 times a day. like cats or dogs.

Breeding of decorative rats

For breeding, you will need a pair of opposite-sex animals, at least 6 months old. Pregnancy lasts on average 21 days, after which the female gives birth to up to 8 pups. At the time of birth, the male should be removed, since aggression towards children is possible and after giving birth the females begin to go into heat, and there is no need for a second pregnancy. The mother feeds the pups for a month; from about the third week of life, the pups begin to try “adult” food, but at the same time they feed on their mother’s milk. At the age of 1.5 months, the pups become completely independent and should be separated by gender.

Taming and training your pet

The first thing you need when training is a treat. As a treat, you can use a sunflower seed or a small piece of meat (eggs); you cannot use sweets. The first step is to gain the animal's trust in you. There are very sociable individuals who are happy to communicate with the owner, however, there are those who have difficulty making contact.

A rat can be trained to:

  • Accustom to a nickname;
  • Train to come running when you call;
  • Train yourself to stand on your hind legs;
  • Teach him to return to the cage at a certain time or at your request;
  • Build her a mini-town and teach her to run up the stairs;
  • Any simple tricks you can think of.

When giving a treat, say your pet's name. The nickname should be simple and sonorous, so it is better perceived by the animal; after all, these are not people and memorizing long phrases is not typical for them. After a while, at the sound of your voice, the pet will begin to wake up and run towards you. If you are completely confident in your animal, you can let it walk around the apartment. From time to time you need to call him and treat him with a treat, otherwise one day you will have to catch him throughout the apartment, and this is very difficult, due to the fact that rats are very nimble. Train your rat to return to the cage. To do this, pour out the food, call your pet, and tap the bowl at the same time.

When training a rat, you must remember its safety; it is advisable not to leave it alone in the free range, it can run wild, chew wires or fall somewhere. A rat is not a dog, it will take a lot of time and effort to teach it something, if you do not have a reserve of patience, then it is better not to start.

You can ask your questions about keeping rats at home or about health problems in a special section. Our specialists will always be happy to help you.

Material prepared by: Nikita Sergeevich

Decorative rats Dumbo got their name thanks to the baby elephant of the same name from the Disney cartoon: they also have large round ears. Within the breed there are several varieties of color and coat: rex, sphinx, husky, blue, siamese. Dumbos are friendly and easily make contact with people, love to play, and respond to their nickname. They get bored when alone, so if the owner is not ready to devote a lot of time to the pet, it is worth getting two or more rats of the same sex.

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    Differences from a regular rat

    Dumbo has a pear-shaped body, shorter than other rats. Because of this, animals waddle when moving, which makes them less active.

    Dumbo's tail is longer than that of a normal house rat. The head is short and wide, with a prominent nape.

    The ears are set low and come in two types:

    • rounded;
    • in the shape of a tulip petal.


    There are several varieties of Dumbo within the breed.


    The Dumbo Sphinx rat has no fur at all and has thin skin that forms folds and wrinkles. A little fine hair grows on the head, back and paws.

    This breed is suitable for people with allergies.


    The Dumbo of this breed has a hard, curly, thick coat.

    The color varies and may vary between individuals:

    • tricolor;
    • white;
    • grey;
    • black.


    The Blue Dumbo is a rare breed and difficult to find.

    The price of such a rat is much higher than its relatives.


    The rat got its name from the dog breed of the same name.

    The cubs are born one color, and then the color develops into white fur.


    This unusual breed borrowed the color of the famous cat breed.

    Siamese Dambos are distinguished by their aggressive nature and are not recommended for children.


    The cage should be spacious and free, made of metal rods, with a deep tray. It is installed at a distance of 1-1.5 m from the floor. Corn and wood filler and thick paper can be used as bedding. Cat litter and pine sawdust are not suitable.

    Animals will be glad to have a house in which they can sleep, stairs and labyrinths. Bowls should be tightly attached to the bars of the cage so that the animals do not knock them over. To grind down teeth, you need to place a mineral stone into the cage.

    An aquarium is not the best place to keep a rat. It will quickly develop an odor, making it more difficult to clean. Dumbo is smart enough to jump out of it.

    The cage should not be placed in a draft, near a battery, or in direct sunlight. This breed of rat gets cold especially quickly. In the room where the animal will live, the temperature should be maintained at about 20-22 degrees. It is necessary to remove contaminated litter every day, and wash the entire cage with a disinfectant solution 1–2 times a week.

    Dumbo loves attention, communication with humans and his fellow creatures. Several rats will thrive in one cage.

    On average, Dumbo's life expectancy at home is 2–3 years.

    Features of feeding

    The Dumbo rat is not a particularly capricious animal; it eats the same things as other rodents. You need to feed your pet twice a day. The best choice is specialized food for ornamental rats from a pet store.

    The following products can diversify your pet's diet:

    • nuts;
    • flax seeds, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds;
    • boiled meat;
    • cottage cheese;
    • boiled eggs;
    • herbs;
    • grains (wheat, rye, oats);
    • pieces of vegetables and fruits - apples, carrots, cabbage, bananas;
    • dried fruits.

    There are prohibited foods that can cause allergies or intestinal diseases:

    • spinach;
    • beet;
    • citrus;
    • raw potatoes;
    • chocolate;
    • sausage;
    • beans;
    • unripe bananas.

    Health Dumbo

    Dumbo's diseases are the same as those of other rats and mice.

    A feature of the breed is a tendency to allergic reactions.

    Frequent diseases of rodents:

    Caring for Dumbo is simple and does not require any special expenses. With proper and careful maintenance, the rat will live longer than usual and will delight its owners with its cute appearance and mischievous behavior.

Origin of the species and description

A few words about how this breed was formed in general and thanks to which it gained worldwide popularity. The name of the decorative rat of the Dumbo breed is explained by the similarity of this animal to the cartoon one. Moreover, initially the name Dumbo was an unofficial, “folk” one, which was assigned to the decorative rodents by their first owners. Off we go, and when the breeders decided to officially register the new species, no one had any questions regarding its name.

Video: Dumbo Rat

There is no exact date for the formation of the species - for the first time, “dambiks” appeared among private individuals (as pets - they were used in laboratories before that) in the early 90s. Then the fashion spread to and - there, in general, such rodents have always been highly revered, and the novelty in the form of “dambiks” successfully supplanted the familiar ones. Well, in the late 90s, the fashion for decorative rats also appeared in Russia, and domestic zoologists developed several new breeds of this animal.

Interesting fact: The Dumbo rat breed is considered artificially bred. Yes, in nature there are rodents similar to dambiks, but they have a number of significant differences. Despite the fact that they can easily interbreed with each other and produce offspring capable of reproduction, they cannot be classified as one species.

So even if you have never kept a pet, do not be afraid - the Dumbo rat is considered one of the best options for the first animal that a person decides to place in his own living space. The catchphrase “you come home and she’s happy to see you” is clearly about the Dumbo rat. People who have never had a decorative rat before do not even suspect how affectionate, intelligent and responsive these rodents are. Smart and sociable rodents get used to their owners no worse than. Fluffy rodents “will not require” a significant living space, they will not have to undergo difficult specific care and spend money on purchasing expensive food.

Appearance and features

The Dumbo rat does not require much space - a whole family of rodents fits in a small cage, and feels quite comfortable. In addition, it is very economical in care and nutrition (you will not need to spend money on a veterinarian and all sorts of groomers - the animal combines cuteness and amazing rat survival rate).

Dumbo is beautiful and incredibly charming. He has a phenomenal memory, Jesuit cunning and intelligence. Unlike other rodents, they are highly trainable and capture the hearts of their owners with amazing ease!

Moreover, even those who were initially categorically against the appearance of any rats in the house in principle, after acquiring a Dumbo, do not want to have any other pets. After all, such an amazing rat Dumbo is love forever.

There are now several breeds of domestic Dumbo rats available, differing in many characteristics:

  • body size;
  • length and quality of wool;
  • the presence of a tail and fur.

You can be sure that you will be able to choose a pet taking into account all your color and species preferences.

As the owners of these wonderful animals themselves admit, they were able to win love for themselves with their friendly character and cute appearance. But all the same, before purchasing dumbo rat pups, you should find out all the details about them, understand in detail the intricacies of the care and maintenance of these rats. After all, in order for them to please you, you need to provide them not only with attention, but also with decent living conditions!

Now you know how to care for a dumbo rat at home. Let's see how this rodent behaves in the wild.

Where does the Dumbo rat live?

The wild predecessor of the cute “dambiks” inhabits predominantly and, like all other breeds of rats, occupies almost all available niches. But the tame rat Dumbo, to which this article is dedicated, is much more demanding regarding the conditions of its maintenance. But all the costs and efforts of the owner are paid off a hundredfold by the boundless trust and tender affection expressed to him by the furry animal.

Regarding ensuring proper conditions of detention, there are several options, each with its own advantages and disadvantages. It is best to use an ordinary cage as a home for Dumbo rats - believe me, there will be plenty of living space in it. You can buy a dambiku wire cage at a pet store. The optimal dimensions are 60x40x60 cm with a maximum distance between the bars of 1-1.2 cm. A cage for a dumbo rat must have a solid bottom, a high tray (only made of plastic, wood and metal are not suitable), as well as wide doors and shelves.

To eliminate the specific rat odor, it makes sense to purchase corn or wood filler. Some owners use napkins, toilet paper and sawdust instead. If you can still agree with the last option, then the first two are completely unsuitable. The furry rodent's cage is equipped with hanging metal bowls intended for dry food. In addition, you cannot do without a special nipple drinker. Various treats and liquid food are best placed in small ceramic bowls.

To ensure maximum comfort for a little rat, it makes sense to place a house inside the cage. Dambiks love to hide and sleep in it. A cozy, warm hammock will be a favorite accessory for decorative rats - but this is where the adults will spend their “leisure.” Stairs, tunnels and ropes will also be used by rats for their runs.

What does the dumbo rat eat?

Dumbo rats are not picky – they will happily consume almost any food, but, unlike their predecessors living in the wild, domestic rodents are less adapted to consuming low-quality food. Little dambiks are prone to allergies and gastrointestinal disorders, so it is strongly recommended to adhere to generally accepted norms when feeding the rodent.

So, the diet of dambiks looks like this:

  • dry grain food is the main element of the menu for every day. The ideal option is wheat with the addition of sunflower, pumpkin and flax seeds;
  • proteins and foods high in calcium - boiled or raw chicken, sea/river fish, low-fat cottage cheese, yogurt, kefir. But sour cream, milk and condensed milk are on the list of non-recommended products;
  • greens - wheat sprouts, oats, parsley, dandelion leaves, dill;
  • vegetables, fruits, berries - both fresh and dried. Give them all only without seeds and with the utmost caution (the development of an allergic reaction is possible); all citrus fruits are prohibited.

Please note that the following are strictly prohibited: sweets, alcoholic beverages, cheeses, sausages, spinach, as well as white cabbage, unripe bananas, sprouted potatoes, fatty and fried foods.

Regarding the frequency of feedings. Meals should occur 3-4 times a day if we are talking about a “baby” or a teenager. For adult rats, 2 feedings per day are sufficient. Be sure to promptly remove any leftover food from the cage to prevent it from spoiling. Check every day for clean water in the drinking bowl.

Features of character and lifestyle

The character of Dumbo rats is quite friendly - these affectionate and very trusting rodents quickly get used to their owners, remember their nickname and are easy to train. There is also the “other side of the coin” - dambiks get used to only one owner, so you only need to buy babies. A change of owner for an adult Dumbo rat can cause severe “mental trauma” and associated psychosomatic illnesses.

Young dumbo rats are much more active than their relatives. Animals love to play with humans and other animals (unless, of course, they are cats or dogs). It will be much more pleasant for adult rats to simply lie on the lap or sit on the shoulder of their beloved owner. Cleanliness is a special feature of these animals. They scrupulously monitor their cleanliness and quickly become accustomed to the litter box (read above on how to develop this addiction).

The lifespan of dambiks is 2-3 years. It is noteworthy that it is directly proportional to the quality of housing and feeding conditions. If decent care is provided, systematic examination and timely treatment of diseases, as well as feeding a properly selected, balanced diet (including greens), the lifespan of Dumbo rats is extended to 4-5 years.

Interesting fact: Dumbo rats are very clean - they always reserve only one corner of their home for relieving themselves. Accordingly, you need to place a tray with filler there. It will not be difficult for a smart pet to understand the purpose of this “accessory”.

Microclimate. The cage with the little rat should be installed in a dry, warm room. The minimum distance from the floor is 1-1.5 m, subject to maximum distance from sources of bright, blinding light and electromagnetic radiation. Your furry friend should be protected from exposure to adverse factors. Under no circumstances should drafts, overheating and cooling, as well as sharp sounds or intrusive attention of people and animals be allowed. You will need to systematically remove food debris and used litter from the cage, and change the water twice a day. Disinfection of a rodent's home should be carried out at least 2 times a week.

Hygiene. Dumbo rats diligently wash and clean themselves every day, but you can bathe your pet periodically - unlike most other pets, Dumbo rats are very fond of water treatments. Trimming small claws should be a regular procedure.

Social structure and reproduction

The vitality and growth rate of the rat population has become a household name - in nature, rodents reproduce several times a year. Ornamental dambiks are also quite prolific, however, to breed these animals, owners will need to select a healthy pair with pronounced characteristics of the species. These are: a pear-shaped short body and a long narrow tail, as well as a wide flattened head with large round ears.

The first mating of a female should occur at 5-7 months. Pregnancy in Dumbo rats lasts 21-23 days. One litter usually produces 9-12 adorable babies. Dumbo rat pups are born blind and deaf with a naked body. Moreover, not all newborns may have large, round ears - this species characteristic is difficult to preserve. The individual development of babies occurs very quickly. At 4 days of age, they already begin to hear; at 12 days, dambiks open their small eyes. At the age of 2 weeks, the offspring of Dumbo rats are already actively studying their owners and learning about the world around them.

It is very important for the owner of a Dumbo rat to remember that this charming rodent is a social animal. It is very important to provide your pet with communication with both relatives and humans. Systematically conducted outdoor games with this animal, the affectionate formation of precious trust and reverent love - dambiks become attached to only one person for life. Smart rodents have no trouble mastering simple tricks, fetching small objects, finding treats, and even jumping over barriers. Training brings a lot of pleasure to both animals and humans.

Natural enemies of the dumbo rat

Taking into account the fact that the Dumbo rat is considered exclusively as a domestic animal, it is somewhat incorrect to talk about its natural enemies - for lack of any. However, this does not mean that the life and health of these cute rodents are not in danger.

First of all, it is necessary to note other pets - not a single cat, no matter how lazy, cutesy and friendly he is, will refuse to feast on a small dambik. This animal is of very great gastronomic value for purrs. A small, defenseless animal that does not know life and does not pose a danger posed by a cat can easily supplement a cat’s diet.

And a well-fed cat will not pass by such a rat either - believe me, for him your dam is much preferable to the most expensive toy. Therefore, even if they are in a cage, rodents will not be able to feel safe if a cat lives at home with them.

Believe me, he will wait for the moment when the owners are not at home, break the cage and dine on its inhabitants. And if the rats go “free” on their own, then there’s no need to explain anything - the cat’s hunting instinct will kick in 100%. The same can be said about dogs, especially small and hunting breeds. Like cats, they are not averse to eating little rats.

So if you get dambiks, then their neighbors can only be , and . Even if a cat or dog simply looks at a cage with decorative rats, and even more so barks at them, hisses or purrs angrily, this will have an extremely negative impact on the health of the pets.

Population and species status

The Dumbo rat species is considered entirely domesticated - their distant ancestors found in nature have very little in common with the charming Dumbo rats, so we can safely say that the habitat of these animals covers the entire globe. After all, the decorative rat is gaining more and more popularity in the ranking of pets every day. And this is not surprising - with minimal costs associated with keeping decorative rats, as well as taking into account the possibility of placing animals in small areas, these rodents captivate their owners with their remarkable intelligence, the tricks they perform, as well as their emotionality and spiritual affection.

The second name of the species is “decorative rat”. This once again indicates that the species was bred artificially for commercial purposes. The Dumbo rat species includes many breeds, the main difference between which is their color. Scientists, by crossing animals of different breeds of the Dambo variety with decorative rats of other breeds, managed to obtain many new subspecies that certainly deserve attention.

The following dams are most often purchased:

  • amber. The color, length and quality of the fur of animals of this breed can vary significantly. Mostly rats have short white fur;
  • tricolor. A combination of white, black and red shades;
  • blue mink. Considered one of the rarest and most expensive options;
  • rex. Their fur is thicker, longer and more wavy, their mustache curls strongly;
  • sphinx. Like cats, such rats are completely hairless;
  • Siamese Color similar to cats of the same breed;
  • Dumbo is a husky. Combination of gray and white colors.

Dumbo Rat attracted by their cuteness and friendliness. They are easy to care for and pleasant to watch. A variety of breeds allows you to choose pets that suit all preferences!

The Dumbo rat gets its name from its unusual, disproportionate ears. They are an integral characteristic of the breed. There are currently two types of ears:

  • Tulip type. The upper part of the ear is slightly curled, like a petal. If you lightly press your finger on the shell of the ear, you will be able to see that one ear is round.
  • Another type is completely open ears ("saucers").

The Dumbo has a wider head than other rat breeds, with the back of the head protruding slightly. The body is proportional, pear-shaped. His muzzle is sharp. It is this feature that is a sign of the purity of the breed. A rodent's tail can be short or long. The coat varies:

Standard. Short silky hair that covers the entire body.

Satin wool. This is another type of cover. The coat is longer, only slightly shorter on the tail, muzzle and ears.

Rex - rough coat structure, even longer and curly hair.

Sphinxes or hairless rats. This variety was bred due to the action of mutated genes. The skin of such rats is wrinkled, pink, gray or other colors.

Manx (tailless rats). This variety was the result of a mutation. When buying such rats, you need to be extremely careful, since many unscrupulous sellers want to pass off ordinary rodents, whose tails were docked in childhood, as exotic representatives.

Character and nicknames

Such rats are less active than other rats. They quickly get used to their owner and become tame. This rodent can be quickly accustomed to a name, as well as to return to the cage at the first call.

When you choose a nickname for your little rat, try to make it sonorous and simple, since rodents do not tend to remember. It is best if the name contains consonants (“k”, “t”, “n”, “s”, “ p", "w", "d"), so it is easier for the pet to perceive it by ear. For example, you can name a female Goldie, Bonya, Dina, Lala, Sonya or Ollie, and a male - Balla, Vinny, Teddy, Pete, Shonya, Duck or Tosha.

After some time, the Dumbo rat will learn to respond to the sound of your voice and will run towards you. If you plan to let your pet run around, you must first accustom him to being held and then return him to the cage. When training a rodent, remember that this is not a dog, so be patient.

Important Features

The breed was bred in California laboratories in 1991, and such creatures were brought to Russia from England in the 2000s.

If you are wondering how long Dumbo rats live, then know that the life expectancy of such rodents is three years.

Representatives of the breed grow up to 20 centimeters. Females weigh from 200 to 400 grams, and males from 250 to 500 grams.

Dumbo rats: care and maintenance

These active pets are superior in mental abilities to hamsters and guinea pigs. Such rodents do not require special care. It should be noted that the dumbo rat marks its territory. Another feature: such animals gnaw everything that gets under their teeth, so you only need to let your pet out for a walk around the apartment under supervision.

The following plants are dangerous for such animals: agave, daffodils, colanchoe, azalea, callas, nightshade, olenadra, dieffenbachia, lupine, lily of the valley, mistletoe, poinsettia, amaryllis, crocus, carnation, geranium, spurge, ferns, myrtle, tomato (leaves), hydrangea, ivy, rhododendron, begonia, sunflower, tulips, hyacinths, cyclamen, aloe.


The cage with the rodent (or rodents) should be located away from drafts and direct sunlight. It is advisable that the temperature in the room in which the Dumbo rat lives is about 20 degrees. The cage should be metal and spacious. Wooden and plastic dwellings are not suitable, as the rat will happily chew off the obstacle.

It is advisable that the pet have equipment for resting and sleeping in the cage. For example, it could be a house. You can purchase it at any pet store or make it yourself. To prevent rodents from getting bored, you can keep several rats of the same sex. If you are planning offspring, then buy both females and males.


You can use shavings or thick paper as bedding. Small sawdust is not the best option, as it can accidentally get into the rodent's eyes or respiratory tract. You need to clean the cage as it gets dirty or if an unpleasant odor appears - about 2 times a week. With disinfectants you need to treat it once a month.


The rodent must have fresh water in its drinking bowl. It needs to be changed every day. The diet of rats must be balanced. You can give them millet, oats and, of course, barley. Add heart, kidneys and liver to your diet. If you give nuts to rodents, you will not only feed your pets, but also allow them to wear down their teeth.

You can reward your rat with a piece of some fruit, for example banana, pear, apple, peach or plum. Occasionally you can give dried fruits (raisins, dried apricots, dates, etc.). Adult representatives are fed twice, and babies - four times.

Prohibited Products

The following foods should not be given to dumbo rats:

  • chocolate;
  • raw potatoes;
  • bean curd;
  • legumes;
  • raw beans;
  • blue cheese;
  • artichokes;
  • licorice;
  • rhubarb;
  • sausage;
  • green bananas;
  • spinach.

Be careful when feeding rats the following foods:

  • beets;
  • almonds;
  • turnip;
  • pumpkin and sunflower seeds (no more than 15 pieces, as they contain fats that can lead to the development of diseases);
  • radishes;
  • cucumber;
  • cheese (no more than twice a week);
  • sour cream (this is a fatty product, so you can give it to the rat no more than once a week);
  • eggs (this is a delicacy for rats, which can be treated no more than once a week).

Pros and cons of the type

A funny appearance is a definite plus of the breed.

Decorative Dumbo rats are unpretentious in feeding and maintenance.

The disadvantages include the fact that a characteristic odor emanates from the home of rodents. With timely cleaning, its appearance can be avoided.

A little conclusion

Now you know what a Dumbo rat is. The photos in the article will help you study the rodent in detail. If you want to become the owner of such a pet, then know that you will not have any special difficulties in keeping and feeding.
