The nominations for teachers for the last bell are cool. On Teacher's Day: funny competitions, fun games and comic nominations

These comic nominations for teachers, I wrote for graduation, but they can also be used at the last bell, to congratulate teachers on their holiday - Teacher's Day, on the birthday of a particular teacher, during school physics week (and other subjects).

Nominations for teachers can be announced, they can be written on, or entered into a frivolous certificate, or they can develop an idea and do it. In a word, the choice is wide. I write, and you adapt it to your situation.

Again, I ask you: don’t pay any attention to the sequence of the list at all—it was written as it was composed. By the way, this is always good: when thoughts and ideas come, write everything down in a stream. As soon as you start ranking and sorting – that’s it, the Muse is gone! If you came at all

Teachers are nominated by students

(announce, present, reward) or school management. It will sound more interesting from the lips of graduates. Like that:

The winner of the “Queen - Mother” nomination for the authority inherent in both the queen and the mother, as well as for royal patience and maternal care, is Lydia Vasilievna Ivanova, the director of our school. If we suddenly forgot to announce this, dear Lidiya Vasilyevna would automatically become the winner of the “I didn’t understand!” category. And then we wouldn’t even know where we were))

It would be nice to combine it with the presentation of flowers and gifts. And so on in the same spirit right down the list:

Class teacher (female) – Sooooo cool lady

Class teacher (man without mustache) – Hero of our time

Class teacher (man with a mustache) – Mustachioed Nanny 11th -A

1st teacher – Second mother

Headmaster (female) – Queen Mother

School director (male) - Tsar of All Rus' in a separate square

- Teachers teaching:

Chemistry – We will teach you how to make chemistry, quickly and efficiently

Native language and literature – Mastery of words and language

Biology - There is no doubt

Mathematics – Lobachevsky is resting

Astronomy – Through thorns to the stars

Drawing – What should we build a house, if we draw, we will live

Drawing - The same beams, only in profile

English – Simultaneously with London

French – Made in France

Physical education – Educator Hercules

Geography - Around the world in 267 days (school year), or Why the Aborigines ate Cook

Physicist – Newton and his apples

History – Unearthing the past, or Back to knowledge

Computer Science – Let's Overtake Bill Gates

Music and singing – Our school X-factor(for those who are not in the know: The X Factor is an international singing competition where almost anyone can come and participate)

Labor – Labor made a monkey a man (or – So that a man does not turn into a monkey)

Basics of military training - This is not Rio de Janeiro

Basics medical training- Sister of Mercy

Basics of Economics – Economy Class

Fundamentals of Law – Fans of Themis

Ethics and aesthetics – Legend of style

Special nomination:

For survival in conditions close to combat - to the class teacher the most terrible class, which is always used to scare children and parents (although often it is not so terrible, this class).

You can also take a look and perhaps choose something carefully.

Nominations for teachers from our

active reader Mikhail:


Labor training teacher - CONDUCTOR OF THE VOYAGE “MONKEY - MAN”

Astronomy teacher - STAR GAUGE

History teacher - NOT ANYONE - DON'T LISTEN (or SO IT WAS SO...)
Math teacher - MISTER X (MRS X)

Class teacher in primary school- ABVGDEyka
The class teacher of the same class, starting from high school and until graduation - YOKLMNeika (read as “Yokelemeneyka”))))))

If I forgot anyone, feel free to write! Also add comic nominations for teachers themselves so that there is more choice.

I’m making additions - thanks to reader Elena!

Comic nominations for a school psychologist

  • Madam Peacemaker (or Mister)
  • Keeper of children's secrets
  • Diagnostician - corrector - optimizer. Or an optimist?
  • Heir to the cat Leopold (“Guys, let’s live together!”)
  • Let's join hands, friends!
  • Between a rock and a hard place
  • Who promised that it would be easy?
  • Forward to harmony! Or
  • The teacher is an accordionist. Because it teaches harmony.

I hope you liked at least one nomination!

P.S. Dear friends,

Comic nominations for teachers

continues Elena

School teacher, mother of a graduate of last year and 17 graduates of this year. And - as a pleasant coincidence - a grateful reader of my site. With your ideas and practical experienceLena shares in the comments below the article. I specially marked it in bold italics - use it! I invite you too to share your experience in the matter of comic nomination


With a nomination for the school principal. The nomination is also highlighted in the comments - use it, please your director and thank Nastya!


  • To the library workers - “Pilots of the Book Sea” - for accurately charting a course to the bookshelf.
  • To the security guard - “And the mouse won’t get through!”
  • The cafeteria manager is the “Pots and Pans Fairy” for her ability to cook almost anything from almost nothing.
  • To the technical staff of the school - “Cleanliness and Order” - for their courage in demanding that not only the students and the teacher, but also the director leave the office.

Evelina (that is, me, the author)

  • individual schools
  • their continuation - .

Your students are graduating. This is an exciting and touching event. It is complex and simple, it is the law of life. New students will come to you and everything will be a little new, and a little old. And now it’s graduation, which means it’s a holiday. Comic nominations are prepared not only for graduates, but also for teachers. They can be distributed as graduation party, and in a narrow circle of teachers.

“A smile will make everyone brighter”
The leader in the category “A smile makes everyone brighter” is the most smiling teacher. Her smile can compete with the smile of the Sun. Her smile not only makes you brighter, but also warmer. May this smile only get better over the years.

"Cool lady"
Well, of course she's great! Strict, knowledgeable, fair. In a word, great. Cool in everything. We love her very much for her kindness and skills, for her beauty and decency. We give leadership in the “Cool Lady” nomination to her.

"Star style"
This teacher is not invited to the “Fashionable Verdict” program. He is already dressed to the nines. His clothing style can be called stellar. He is always flawless. Championship in the category " Star style» for a teacher who loves fashionable clothes.

"Early bird"
She comes to school earlier than everyone else. Before her, probably only the birds wake up and need to sing their wonderful morning song. It's good to be at school early in the morning. Textbooks and globes, blackboards and desks are still sleeping. But active life will begin soon...

"Gold Fund"
The palm in this nomination can be given to a teacher whose teaching experience is quite extensive. She taught back when there were no technical innovations. She always taught with her soul and cared about her graduates. This teacher devoted his entire life to school.

"Running on the waves"
The winner in this category can be a physics teacher. It is the physics teacher who knows everything about waves. So difficult, but necessary, necessary.

"Creative person"
Creativity is her strong point. She approaches any issue unconventionally, creatively, with a sparkle. What else could you come up with? To make it clear, fresh, non-standard. She plays incredible scenes with her students and puts on performances. And there are always a lot of ideas in her head.

"From point A to point B"
From the lips of which teacher did we constantly hear these words? Of course, from the lips of a math teacher. Mathematics is the queen of all sciences. And for us, the mathematics teacher is a real queen. Wise, competent, understanding. The winner in the “From Point A to Point B” category is our favorite math teacher.

"Big Clever Girl"
And she (or he) is really very smart. And the teacher is a good one, and always goes with us on hikes, and is the first one to start us up at birthday parties. She seems to be on an equal footing with us. But we never forget that she is a teacher. Students always complete homework in this subject with special zeal. We give her the championship in the category “Big Smart Girl”.

"People's Treasure"
The winner in this nomination can be a school director, an honored teacher of Russia, or simply a teacher with solid teaching experience. She teaches not only children, but also young teachers. It's always interesting with her.

"You are my melody"
Without a doubt, there is a person in the teaching staff who sings well. And this may not necessarily be a singing teacher, it could be a chemistry teacher or a primary school teacher. The main thing is that this person sings with soul. He wins in the “You are my melody” category.

Teacher's Day is one of the most revered professional holidays in our country. On this day and the day before, teachers are surrounded by well-deserved attention for their difficult and so necessary work for everyone. The most traditional congratulations are flowers, sweets, cards and various necessary or simply pleasant little things. Some schools also have a wonderful tradition of organizing a general congratulation, which is prepared by students or parents; we offer one of the scenarios - “Comic nominations for Teacher’s Day”, written with good humor and respect for the heroes of the occasion. This scenario would be a good addition to school amateur performances.

Presentation of nominations for Teacher's Day

Participants: teachers, students, two presenters (a high school student and a high school girl).

Props: prizes and gifts for teachers, for example, homemade figurines reminiscent of Oscar and.

A musical theme plays.

Presenter: Good evening, dear guests! Good evening, not a school one, but a festive one!

Leading: We are pleased to welcome you to the first and only awards ceremony " School Oscar", dedicated to the celebration of Teacher's Day!

Presenter: Finally, the day that everyone has been waiting for has come - today our teachers will be awarded for their hard work.

Leading: And even if this Oscar is not entirely real, we truly appreciate and respect our teachers. But let’s not wait too long and let’s get started! In each nomination, the winning teacher is awarded a figurine and a diploma, pleasant words about this person.

Presenter: Our first nomination, very honorable, sounds like this: “Accuracy is the politeness of kings”! And he wins it... Math teacher (name and patronymic)! Come to us for your Oscar. In our age digital technologies mathematics is the true engine of progress!

Leading: And the next nomination is called “Inspiration is not for sale.” And the winner in this nomination is the teacher of literature and Russian language (name and patronymic)! The future Pushkins and Nekrasovs are poring over essays in his (her) classes today.

Presenter: “Caravan of Stories” is the name of another nomination for today! I think many have already realized that the winner is... History teacher (name and patronymic)! Every word of his is written in world history.

Leading: Continues our “Darwin Mission”! Here the primacy is given... Of course, to the biology teacher (name and patronymic)! Everything that grows and moves is under his supervision!

Presenter: In the “Beauty will save the world” category, the jury unanimously awarded the prize to the art teacher (name and patronymic)! Who knows if his students will soon create a second “Black Square”?

Leading: And now we present to you the most mysterious nomination - “The Phantom of the Opera”. And the victory in it goes to our singing teacher (name and patronymic)! New pop and theater stars are raised by this talented man.

Presenter: And we move on to other nominations. The next one is called “Movement is Life.” Here the jury recognized the winner as the favorite of the girls' half of the school - the physical education teacher (name and patronymic)! Only in his classes you can run, jump and fool around as much as you like!

Leading: The next nomination is “Patience and work will grind everything down”! And here is the real intrigue... The victory in this category was shared between the girls' labor teacher (name and patronymic) and the boys' labor teacher (name and patronymic)! It is thanks to these people that our children learn how to manage things, and it is to these people that parents are most grateful!

Leading: Nomination with the terrifying name “Cybersurprise”. And the prize goes to the computer science teacher! This teacher secretly admitted to us that some students have already surpassed him in some ways!

Presenter: And we have come to the most exciting nomination - “Our service is both dangerous and difficult.” These words may be suitable, in general, for each of the teachers, but to a greater extent - for one person. Who is this? This...

Together: School principal (name and patronymic)! You can come up with even more nominations if the holiday framework allows, for example, “An Ordinary Miracle” for a chemistry teacher, “ Parallel Worlds"for a drawing teacher, "Golden Globe" for a geography teacher, "Another's soul - darkness" for a psychologist, "Small and brave" for a teacher primary classes etc., you can dilute the awards with concert performances.

Leading: There are no more Oscars today. But that's not the main thing.

Presenter: The main thing is not awards, but our grades in exams! Happy holiday, dear teachers!

Together: We love you! The students perform a song.

Musical congratulations on Teacher's Day

(singing to the tune of the song “What They Teach at School”)

1. The bell will ring in the morning,
It's time to run to class
Hurry, hurry, hurry!
Here the teacher is coming to us
And gives out assignments
Everything is more difficult, and more difficult, and more difficult!
(repeat last two lines)

2. Day and night we cram,
And we don’t sleep and we don’t eat,
We read everything, and decide, and count!
For ten years be older,
To avoid going to school
We dream, and dream, and dream!

3. The teacher tells us:
Childhood will fly by quickly,
Let's grow up, let's grow up, let's grow up,
Just stop loving school
And forget forever
We won't be able to, we won't be able to, we won't be able to!
(repeat last two lines)

teachers, students, two presenters (a high school student and a high school girl).

prizes and gifts for teachers, for example, homemade figurines reminiscent of the Oscars and diplomas for winning nominations.

A musical theme plays.

Presenter: Good evening, dear guests! Good non-school evening!
Leading: We are pleased to welcome you to the first and only “School Oscar” award ceremony dedicated to the celebration of Teacher’s Day!
Presenter: The day that everyone has been waiting for has finally arrived - today our teachers will be awarded for their hard work.
Leading: And even if this Oscar is not entirely real, we truly appreciate and respect our teachers. But let’s not wait too long and let’s get started! In each category, the winning teacher is awarded a statuette and a diploma, and pleasant words are spoken about this person.
Presenter: Our first nomination, very honorable, sounds like this: “Accuracy is the politeness of kings”! And he wins it... Math teacher (name and patronymic)! Come to us for your Oscar. In our age of digital technology, mathematics is the true engine of progress!
Leading: And the next nomination is called “Inspiration is not for sale.” And the winner in this nomination is the teacher of literature and Russian language (name and patronymic)! The future Pushkins and Nekrasovs are poring over essays in his (her) classes today.
Presenter:“Caravan of Stories” is the name of another nomination for today! I think many have already realized that the winner is... History teacher (name and patronymic)! His every word is inscribed in world history.
Leading: Our ceremony continues with the Darwin Mission nomination! Here the primacy is given... Of course, to the biology teacher (name and patronymic)! Everything that grows and moves is under his supervision!
Presenter: In the “Beauty will save the world” category, the jury unanimously awarded the prize to the art teacher (name and patronymic)! Who knows if his students will soon create a second “Black Square”?
Leading: And now we present to you the most mysterious nomination - “The Phantom of the Opera”. And the victory in it goes to our singing teacher (name and patronymic)! New pop and theater stars are raised by this talented man.
Presenter: And we move on to other nominations. The next one is called “Movement is Life.” Here the jury recognized the winner as the favorite of the girls' half of the school - the physical education teacher (name and patronymic)! Only in his classes you can run, jump and fool around as much as you like!
Leading: The next nomination is “Patience and work will grind everything down”! And here is the real intrigue... The victory in this category was shared between the girls' labor teacher (name and patronymic) and the boys' labor teacher (name and patronymic)! It is thanks to these people that our children learn how to manage things, and it is to these people that parents are most grateful!
Leading: Nomination with the terrifying name “Cybersurprise”. And the prize goes to the computer science teacher! This teacher secretly admitted to us that some students have already surpassed him in some ways!
Presenter: And we have come to the most exciting nomination - “Our service is both dangerous and difficult.” These words may be suitable, in general, for each of the teachers, but to a greater extent - for one person. Who is this? This...
Together: School principal (name and patronymic)! You can come up with even more nominations if the holiday framework allows, for example, “An Ordinary Miracle” for a chemistry teacher, “Parallel Worlds” for a drawing teacher, “Golden Globe” for a geography teacher, “Alien Soul - Darkness” for a psychologist, “Small and Valiant” "for primary school teachers, etc., you can add concert performances to the awards.
Leading: There are no more Oscars today. But that's not the main thing.
Presenter: The main thing is not awards, but our grades in exams! Happy holiday, dear teachers!
Together: We love you! The students perform a song.

Song Teacher's Day

(to the tune of the song “What They Teach at School”)

1. The bell will ring in the morning,
It's time to run to class
Hurry, hurry, hurry!
Here the teacher is coming to us
And gives out assignments
Everything is more difficult, and more difficult, and more difficult!

2. Day and night we cram,
And we don’t sleep and we don’t eat,
We read everything, and decide, and count!
To be ten years older
To avoid going to school
We dream, and dream, and dream!

3. The teacher tells us:
Childhood will fly by quickly
Let's grow up, let's grow up, let's grow up,
Just stop loving school
And forget forever
We won't be able to, we won't be able to, we won't be able to!
(repeat last two lines)

▫ And who appointed him as prime minister, huh... In addition: Nothing will happen. There will be poverty, lies and corruption. Slabunova (chairman of the Yabloko party, deputy of the Legislative Assembly of Karelia Emilia Slabunova... By the way, your colleague in the past, friends) criticized Putin's message - Karelia, Runa publication.
▫ Thank you.
▫ Thank you very much, Lyudmila Nikolaevna!!!
▫ Many different structures feed on such X's and Y's. Both legal and criminal. By the way, crime also performs its ecological function in society. Retired racketeer Mikhail Orsky told NSN that traditional crime should become an ally of the authorities in the fight against dangerous ethnic groups. You can have different attitudes towards Putin, but he really broke the back of organized crime. However, I don’t really understand why finish off the leftovers? Who will keep the street? Who will control the situation with ethnic crime? I hope this topic is directed against some corrupt teams like Arashukov and other plunderers of people’s property, and not against this traditional thieves’ crime. She already has nothing to earn from, he added. The NSN interlocutor stated that greatest danger now they represent ethnic criminal groups, whose activities are much more difficult for the state to control. Thieves have certain limits, and the state knows what they can do and what they will not do. Traditional street Slavic crime will be replaced by ethnic groups. Only they will be called clans or communities. They won't find common language with law enforcement officers. Same Tajiks, this is the most dangerous ethnic group. They had Civil War, and they know what it is to kill. There are hundreds of thousands of Tajiks on our territory. And plus they have a lot of money, because there are drugs there.
▫ Call of love In our life, the most beautiful things are not bought at the price of money. For nothing, the clear Sun shines from the sky and the Moon smiles at us from the sky. Freely, rain pours down on the plowed strips with abundant generosity. For nothing, the wind strokes our hair, tears the leaves from the oak tree with a strong hand. We enjoy freely the singing of birds, dawns, sunrises, sunsets. We meet our loved ones and breathe air not for payment. Freely, rain pours down on the plowed strips with abundant generosity. For nothing, the wind strokes our hair, tears the leaves from the oak tree with a strong hand. No coin can pay for unusual affection for a child, for tender hugs for spouses, for love, for selfless friendship. But the most precious, precious gift to us is eternal salvation from God. In Jesus, accept it and smile cheerfully. Look how He leans towards you, and understand that, like the light of the clear Sun, the most beautiful things in our lives are not bought at the price of money. Freely, rain pours down on the plowed strips with abundant generosity. For nothing, the wind strokes our hair, tears the leaves from the oak tree with a strong hand. For nothing, rain pours down on the plowed strips with abundant generosity! For nothing, the wind strokes our hair, tears the leaves from the oak tree with a strong hand!!!
