The period of life before the onset of a mental disorder is called. Causes of mental disorders. Video about the treatment of mental illness

Automatic obedience (ICD 295.2) - the phenomenon of excessive obedience (manifestation of "command automatism") associated with catatonic syndromes and hypnosis.

Aggressiveness, aggression (ICD 301.3; 301.7; 309.3; 310.0) - as a biological feature of organisms lower than humans, is a component of behavior implemented in certain situations to meet the needs of life and eliminate the danger emanating from the environment, but not to achieve destructive goals, unless it is associated with predatory behavior . Applied to humans, this concept is expanded to include harmful behavior (normal or painful) directed against others and oneself and motivated by hostility, anger or rivalry.

Agitation (ICD 296.1)- marked restlessness and motor excitation, accompanied by anxiety.

Agitation catatonic (ICD 295.2)- a condition in which psychomotor manifestations of anxiety are associated with catatonic syndromes.

Ambivalence (ICD 295)- the coexistence of antagonistic emotions, ideas or desires in relation to the same person, object or position. According to Bleuler, who coined the term in 1910, momentary ambivalence is part of normal mental life; pronounced or persistent ambivalence is the initial symptom schizophrenia, in which it can take place in the affective ideational or volitional sphere. She is also part of obsessive-compulsive disorder, and is sometimes observed manic-depressive psychosis, especially in chronic depression.

Ambition (ICD 295.2)- psychomotor disorder characterized by duality (ambivalence) in the sphere of arbitrary actions, which leads to inadequate behavior. This phenomenon is most often seen in catatonic syndrome in patients with schizophrenia.

Selective amnesia (ICD 301.1) - the form psychogenic loss of memory for events associated with factors that caused a psychological reaction, which is usually regarded as hysterical.

Anhedonia (ICD 300.5; 301.6)- lack of ability to feel pleasure, which is observed especially often in patients schizophrenia and depression.

Note. The concept was introduced by Ribot (1839-1916).

Astasia-abasia (ICD 300.1)- inability to maintain an upright position, leading to the inability to stand or walk, with unimpaired movements of the lower extremities lying or sitting. With absence organic lesions of the central nervous system astasia-abasia is usually a manifestation of hysteria. Astasia, however, may be a sign of an organic brain lesion involving the frontal lobes and corpus callosum in particular.

Autism (ICD 295)- a term introduced by Bleuler to refer to a form of thinking characterized by a weakening or loss of contact with reality, a lack of desire for communication and excessive fantasizing. Profound autism, according to Bleuler, is a fundamental symptom schizophrenia. The term is also used to refer to a specific form of childhood psychosis. See also early childhood autism.

Affect instability (ICD 290-294) - uncontrolled, unstable, fluctuating expression of emotions, most often observed with organic brain lesions, early schizophrenia and some forms of neuroses and personality disorders. See also mood swings.

Pathological affect (ICD 295) is a general term describing painful or unusual mood states, of which depression, anxiety, elation, irritability, or affective instability are the most common. See also affective flatness; affective psychoses; anxiety; depression; mood disorders; a state of elation; emotions; mood; schizophrenic psychoses.

Affective flattening (ICD 295.3) - pronounced disorder of affective reactions and their monotony, expressed as emotional flattening and indifference, in particular as a symptom that occurs when schizophrenic psychoses, organic dementia or psychopathic personalities. Synonyms: emotional flattening; affective dullness.

Aerophagia (ICD 306.4) Habitual swallowing of air leading to regurgitation and bloating, often accompanied by hyperventilation. Aerophagia can be observed in hysterical and anxiety states, but it can also act as a monosymptomatic manifestation.

Morbid jealousy (ICD 291.5)- a complex painful emotional state with elements of envy, anger and desire to possess the object of one's passion. Sexual jealousy is a well-defined symptom mental disorder and sometimes occurs when organic lesion brain and states of intoxication (see mental disorders associated with alcoholism), functional psychoses(see paranoid disorders), with neurotic and personality disorders, the dominant clinical sign is often delusional beliefs in the betrayal of a spouse (wife) or lover (lover) and a willingness to convict a partner of reprehensible behavior. Considering the possibility of the pathological nature of jealousy, it is also necessary to take into account social conditions and psychological mechanisms. Jealousy is often a motive for committing violence, especially in men against women.

Nonsense (ICD 290299) - a false, uncorrectable belief or judgment; not corresponding to reality, as well as to the social and cultural attitudes of the subject. Primary delirium is completely impossible to understand on the basis of a study of the life history and personality of the patient; secondary delusions can be psychologically understood, since they arise from morbid manifestations and other features of the mental state, such as a state of affective disorder and suspicion. Birnbaum in 1908 and then Jaspere in 1913 differentiated between delusion proper and delusional ideas; the latter are simply erroneous judgments that are expressed with excessive persistence.

Delusions of grandeur- a painful belief in one's own importance, greatness or high purpose (for example, delirium messianic mission), often accompanied by other fantastical delusions that may be a symptom of paranoia, schizophrenia(often, but not always, paranoid type), mania and organic diseases brain. See also ideas of greatness.

Delusions concerning changes in one's own body (dysmorphophobia) a painful belief in the presence of a physical change or illness, often bizarre in nature and based on somatic sensations, that leads to hypochondriacal concerns. This syndrome is most commonly seen in schizophrenia, but may present with severe depression and organic brain diseases.

Delusions of the Messianic Mission (ICD 295.3)- a delusional belief in one's own divine chosenness for accomplishing great feats to save the soul or atone for the sins of humanity or a certain nation, religious group, etc. Messianic delusions can occur when schizophrenia, paranoia and manic-depressive psychosis, as well as in psychotic conditions caused by epilepsy. In some cases, especially in the absence of other overt psychotic manifestations, this disorder is difficult to distinguish from the beliefs inherent in this subculture, or the religious mission carried out by members of any fundamental religious sects or movements.

Delusions of persecution- the patient's pathological belief that he is a victim of one or more subjects or groups. It is observed at paranoid condition, especially when schizophrenia, and also when depression and organic diseases. In some personality disorders, there is a predisposition to such delusions.

Delusional interpretation (ICD 295) is a term coined by Bleuler (Erklarungswahn) to describe delusions that express a quasi-logical explanation for another, more generalized delusion.

Suggestibility- a state of receptivity to uncritically accepting ideas, judgments and behaviors observed or demonstrated by others. Suggestibility may be enhanced by environmental exposure, drugs, or hypnosis and is most commonly seen in individuals with hysterical character traits. The term "negative suggestibility" is sometimes applied to negativistic behavior.

Hallucination (ICD 290-299)- sensory perception (of any modality) that appears in the absence of appropriate external stimuli. In addition to the sensory modality that characterizes hallucinations, they can be subdivided according to intensity, complexity, distinctness of perception, and according to the subjective degree of their projection onto the environment. Hallucinations can appear in healthy individuals in a half-asleep (hypnagogic) state or in a state of incomplete awakening (hypnopompic). As a pathological phenomenon, they can be symptoms of brain disease, functional psychoses and toxic effects of drugs, having their own characteristic features in each case.

Hyperventilation (ICD 306.1)- a condition characterized by longer, deeper or more frequent respiratory movements, leading to dizziness and convulsions due to the development of acute gas alkalosis. Often is psychogenic symptom. In addition to wrist and foot cramps, subjective phenomena such as severe paresthesias, dizziness, a feeling of emptiness in the head, numbness, palpitations, and apprehension can be associated with hypocapnia. Hyperventilation is a physiological response to hypoxia, but may also occur during states of anxiety.

Hyperkinesis (ICD 314)- excessive violent movements of the limbs or any part of the body, appearing spontaneously or in response to stimulation. Hyperkinesis is a symptom of various organic disorders of the central nervous system, but can also occur in the absence of visible localized lesions.

Disorientation (ICD 290-294; 298.2) - violations of the temporal topographic or personal spheres consciousness, associated with various forms organic brain damage or, less commonly, psychogenic disorders.

Depersonalization (ICD 300.6)- psychopathological perception, characterized by heightened self-awareness, which becomes inanimate with an intact sensory system and the ability to emotionally respond. There are a number of complex and distressing subjective phenomena, many of which are difficult to put into words, the most severe being the sensations of change in one's own body, careful introspection and automation, lack of affective response, disturbance of the sense of time, and feelings of alienation. The subject may feel that his body is separated from his sensations, as if he himself is watching himself from the side, or as if he (she) is already dead. Criticism of this pathological phenomenon, as a rule, is preserved. Depersonalization may appear as an isolated phenomenon in otherwise normal individuals; it can occur in a state of fatigue or with strong emotional reactions, and also be part of the complex observed with mental chewing, obsessive anxiety disorders, depression, schizophrenia, some personality disorders and disorders of brain function. The pathogenesis of this disorder is unknown. See also depersonalization syndrome; derealization.

Derealization (ICD 300.6)- subjective feeling of alienation, similar to depersonalization, but more related to the external world than to self-awareness and awareness of one's own personality. The surroundings seem colorless, life is artificial, where people seem to play their intended roles on the stage.

Defect (ICD 295.7)(not recommended) - a long-term and irreversible impairment of any psychological function (eg, "cognitive defect"), the general development of mental abilities ("mental defect"), or the characteristic way of thinking, feeling and behaving that constitutes an individual. A defect in any of these areas may be congenital or acquired. Kraepelin (1856-1926) and Bleuler (1857-1939) regarded the characteristic defective state of the personality, ranging from impaired intelligence and emotions or from mild eccentricity of behavior to autistic isolation or affective flattening, as criteria for exiting schizophrenic psychosis (see also personality changes) as opposed to leaving manic-depressive psychosis. According to recent studies, the development of a defect after a schizophrenic process is not inevitable.

Dysthymia- less severe condition repressed mood than with dysphoria associated with neurotic and hypochondriacal symptoms. The term is also used to designate a pathological psychological sphere in the form of a complex of affective and obsessional symptoms in subjects with a high degree of neuroticism and introversion. See also hyperthymic personality; neurotic disorders.

Dysphoria- an unpleasant condition characterized by depressed mood, gloominess, anxiety, anxiety and irritability. See also neurotic disorders.

Clouded consciousness (ICD 290-294; 295.4)- a state of disturbed consciousness, which is a light stage of the disorder that develops along a continuum - from clear consciousness to coma. Disorders of consciousness, orientation and perception are associated with brain damage or other somatic diseases. This term is sometimes used to refer to a wider range of disorders (including limited perceptual field after emotional stress), but it is most appropriate to use it to refer to the early stages of an organic state of confusion due to an organic disease. See also confusion.

Ideas of greatness (ICD 296.0)- exaggeration of one's abilities, strength and excessive self-esteem, observed during mania, schizophrenia and psychosis on organic soil, for example progressive paralysis.

Ideas of relation (ICD 295.4; 301.0)- pathological interpretation of neutral external phenomena as having a personal, usually negative significance for the patient. This disorder manifests itself in sensitive individuals as a result of stress and fatigue, and can usually be understood in the context of current events, but it can be a precursor delusional disorders.

Personality change- violation of fundamental character traits, usually for the worse, as a result of or as a consequence of a physical or mental disorder.

Illusions (ICD 291.0; 293)- erroneous perception of any real-life object or sensory stimulus. Illusions can occur in many people and are not necessarily a sign of a mental disorder.

Impulsivity (ICD 310.0)- a factor related to the temperament of the individual and manifested by actions that are performed unexpectedly and inappropriately to the circumstances.

Intelligence (ICD 290; 291; 294; 310; 315; 317)- general mental ability to overcome difficulties in new situations.

Catalepsy (ICD 295.2)- a painful condition that begins suddenly and lasts a short or long time, which is characterized by the suspension of voluntary movements and the disappearance of sensitivity. Limbs and torso can maintain the position given to them - a state of waxy flexibility (flexibilitas cegea). Breathing and pulse slow, body temperature drops. Sometimes a distinction is made between flexible and rigid catalepsy. In the first case, the position is given by the slightest external movement, in the second, the given posture is steadfastly maintained, despite attempts made from outside to change it. This condition can be caused by organic lesions of the brain (for example, with encephalitis), and can also be observed with catatonic schizophrenia, hysteria and hypnosis. Synonym: wax flexibility.

Catatonia (ICD 295.2)- a number of qualitative psychomotor and volitional disorders, including stereotypes, mannerisms, automatic obedience, catalepsy, echokinesis and echopraxia, mutism, negativism, automatisms and impulsive acts. These phenomena can be detected against the background of hyperkinesis, hypokinesis or akinesis. Catatonia was described as an independent disease by Kalbaum in 1874, and later Kraepelin regarded it as one of the subtypes of dementia praecox. (schizophrenia). Catatonic manifestations are not limited to schizophrenic psychosis and can occur with organic lesions of the brain (for example, with encephalitis), various somatic diseases and affective conditions.

Claustrophobia (ICD 300.2)- pathological fear of confined spaces or enclosed spaces. See also agoraphobia.

Kleptomania (ICD 312.2) is an obsolete term for a painful, often sudden, usually irresistible and unmotivated urge to steal. Such conditions tend to recur. Items that subjects steal are usually devoid of any value, but may have some symbolic meaning. It is believed that this phenomenon, more common in women, is associated with depression, neurotic diseases, personality disorder or mental retardation. Synonym: shoplifting (pathological).

Compulsion (ICD 300.3; 312.2)- an irresistible need to act or act in a way that the person himself regards as irrational or meaningless and is explained more by an internal need than by external influences. When an action is subject to an obsessive state, the term refers to the actions or behavior that result from obsessive ideas. See also obsessive (compulsive) action.

Confabulation (ICD 291.1; 294.0)- memory disorder with clear consciousness characterized by memories of fictitious past events or experiences. Such memories of fictitious events are usually imaginative and must be provoked; less often they are spontaneous and stable, and sometimes show a tendency to grandiosity. Confabulations are commonly seen on organic soil at amnestic syndrome (for example, with Korsakov's syndrome). They may also be iatrogenic. They should not be confused with hallucinations, relating to memory and appearing with schizophrenia or pseudological fantasies (Delbrück syndrome).

Criticism (ICB 290-299; 300)- this term in general psychopathology refers to an individual's understanding of the nature and cause of his disease and the presence or absence of a correct assessment of it, as well as the effect that it has on him and others. Loss of criticism is seen as an essential feature in favor of the diagnosis. psychosis. In psychoanalytic theory this kind of self-knowledge is called "intellectual insight"; it differs from "emotional insight", which characterizes the ability to feel and comprehend the significance of "unconscious" and symbolic factors in the development of emotional disorders.

Personality (ICD 290; 295; 297.2; 301; 310)- congenital features of thinking, sensations and behavior that determine the uniqueness of the individual, his lifestyle and the nature of adaptation and are the result of constitutional factors of development and social status.

Mannerability (ICD 295.1)- unusual or pathological psychomotor behavior, less persistent than stereotypes, related rather to personal (characterological) features.

Violent sensations (ICD 295)- pathological sensations with clear consciousness in which the thoughts, emotions, reactions or movements of the body are, as it were, influenced, as if "made", directed and controlled from outside or by human or non-human forces. True violent sensations are characteristic of schizophrenia, but in order to realistically evaluate them, one should take into account the level of education of the patient, the characteristics of the cultural environment and beliefs.

Mood (ICD 295; 296; 301.1; 310.2)- the prevailing and stable state of feelings, which, to an extreme or pathological degree, can dominate the external behavior and internal state of the individual.

Capricious mood (ICD 295)(not recommended) - changeable, inconsistent or unpredictable affective reactions.

Inadequate mood (ICD 295.1)- painful affective reactions that are not caused by external stimuli. See also mood incongruent; parathymia.

Mood incongruent (ICD 295)- the discrepancy between emotions and the semantic content of experiences. Usually a symptom schizophrenia, but also occurs in organic brain diseases and some forms of personality disorders. Not all experts recognize the division into inadequate and incongruent mood. See also inadequate mood; parathymia.

Hesitation moods (ICD 310.2)- pathological instability or lability of an affective reaction without an external cause. See also affect instability.

Mood disorder (ICD 296) - a pathological change in affect that goes beyond the norm, which falls into any of the following categories; depression, elation, anxiety, irritability and anger. See also pathological affect.

Negativism (ICD 295.2)- antagonistic or oppositional behavior or attitude. Active or command negativism, expressed in the commission of actions opposite to those required or expected; passive negativism refers to a pathological inability to respond positively to requests or stimuli, including active muscular resistance; internal negativism, according to Bleuler (1857-1939), is behavior in which physiological needs, such as eating and expelling, are not obeyed. Negativity can come from catatonic states, at organic brain diseases and some forms mental retardation.

Nihilistic delirium- a form of delusion, expressed primarily in the form of a severe depressive state and characterized by negative ideas about one's own personality and the world around, for example, the idea that the outside world does not exist, or that one's own body has ceased to function.

Obsessive (obsessive) action (ICD 312.3) - quasi-ritual performance of an action aimed at reducing feelings of anxiety (for example, washing hands to exclude infection), due to obsession or need. See also compulsion.

Obsessive (obsessive) ideas (ICD 300.3; 312.3) - unwanted thoughts and ideas that cause persistent, persistent reflections that are perceived as inappropriate or meaningless and which must be resisted. They are regarded as alien to the given personality, but emanating from the personality itself.

Paranoid (ICD 291.5; 292.1; 294.8; 295.3; 297; 298.3; 298.4; 301.0) is a descriptive term denoting either pathological dominant ideas or rave a relationship dealing with one or more topics, most commonly persecution, love, envy, jealousy, honor, litigation, grandiosity, and the supernatural. It can be observed at organic psychoses, intoxications, schizophrenia, and also as an independent syndrome, reaction to emotional stress or personality disorder. Note. It should be noted that French psychiatrists traditionally attach a different meaning to the term "paranoid", which was mentioned above; the French equivalents for this meaning are interpretatif, delirant, or persecutoire.

parathymia- mood disorder observed in patients schizophrenia in which the state of the affective sphere does not correspond to the situation surrounding the patient and / or his behavior. See also inadequate mood; incongruent mood.

Flight of ideas (ICD 296.0) A form of thought disorder usually associated with a manic or hypomanic mood and often felt subjectively as thought pressure. Typical features are fast speech without pauses; speech associations are free, quickly arise and disappear under the influence of transient factors or for no apparent reason; increased distractibility is very characteristic, rhyming and puns are not uncommon. The flow of ideas may be so strong that the patient is hardly able to express it, so his speech sometimes becomes incoherent. Synonym: fuga idearum.

Surface effect (ICD 295)- lack of emotional response associated with the disease and expressed as indifference to external events and situations; usually seen with schizophrenic hebephrenic type, but can also be organic brain damage, mental retardation and personality disorders.

Habit to laxatives (ICD 305.9) - the use of laxatives (abuse of them) or as a means of controlling one's own body weight, often combined with "feasts" in bulimny.

High spirits (ICD 296.0)- an affective state of joyful fun, which, in cases where it reaches a significant degree and leads to a separation from reality, is the dominant symptom mania or hypomania. Synonym: hyperthymia.

Panic attack (ICD 300.0; 308.0)- a sudden attack of intense fear and anxiety, in which signs and symptoms of painful anxiety become dominant and are often accompanied by irrational behavior. Behavior in this case is characterized by either extremely reduced activity or purposeless agitated hyperactivity. An attack can develop in response to sudden, serious threatening situations or stresses, and also occur without any previous or provoking events in the process of anxiety neurosis. See also panic disorder; panic state.

Psychomotor disorders (ICD 308.2)- violation of expressive motor behavior, which can be observed in various nervous and mental diseases. Examples of psychomotor disorders are paramimia, tics, stupor, stereotypes, catatonia, tremor and dyskinesia. The term "psychomotor epileptic seizure" was previously used to refer to epileptic seizures characterized mainly by manifestations of psychomotor automatism. Currently, it is recommended to replace the term "psychomotor epileptic seizure" with the term "seizure of automatism epileptic".

Irritability (ICD 300.5)- a state of excessive arousal as a reaction to unpleasantness, intolerance or anger, observed with fatigue, chronic pain, or a sign of a change in temperament (for example, with age, after a brain injury, with epilepsy and manic-depressive disorders).

Confusion (ICB 295)- a state of confusion, in which answers to questions are incoherent and fragmentary, reminiscent of confusion. seen in acute schizophrenia, strong anxiety, manic-depressive illness and organic psychoses with confusion.

Flight reaction (ICD 300.1)- an attack of vagrancy (short or long), escape from places of habitual a habitat in a broken state consciousness, followed by a partial or complete amnesia this event. Reactions flight associated with hysteria, depressive reactions, epilepsy, and sometimes with brain damage. As psychogenic reactions, they are often associated with escape from places where trouble has been observed, and individuals with this condition behave more orderly than "disorganized epileptics" with an organic-based flight reaction. See also narrowing (restriction) of the field of consciousness. Synonym: state of vagrancy.

Remission (ICD 295.7)- a state of partial or complete disappearance of symptoms and clinical signs of the disorder.

Ritual behavior (ICD 299.0)- repetitive, often complex and usually symbolic actions that serve to enhance biological signaling functions and acquire ritual significance when performing collective religious rites. In childhood, they are a component of normal development. As a pathological phenomenon, consisting either in the complication of everyday behavior, such as compulsive washing or dressing, or acquiring even more bizarre forms, ritual behavior occurs when obsessive disorders schizophrenia and early childhood autism.

Withdrawal symptoms (ICD 291; 292.0)- physical or mental phenomena that develop during the period of withdrawal as a result of the cessation of the consumption of a narcotic substance that causes dependence in this subject. The picture of the symptom complex with the abuse of different substances is different and may include tremor, vomiting, abdominal pain, fear, delirium and convulsions. Synonym: withdrawal symptoms.

Systematized nonsense (ICD 297.0; 297.1) - a delusional belief that is part of an associated system of pathological ideas. Such delusions can be primary or represent quasi-logical conclusions derived from a system of delusional premises. Synonym: systematized nonsense.

Decreased memory capacity (ICD 291.2)- a decrease in the number of cognitively unrelated elements or units (normal number 6-10), which can be correctly reproduced after a single sequential presentation. Memory capacity is a measure of short-term memory associated with perceptual ability.

Sleep-like state (ICD 295.4)- upset state consciousness, in which against the background of the lung clouding of consciousness phenomena are observed depersonalization and derealization. Dream-like states can be one of the steps on the deepening scale organic mental disorders leading to twilight state of consciousness and delirium, however, they can occur in neurotic diseases, and in a state of fatigue. A complex form of dream-like state with bright, scenic visual hallucinations, which may be accompanied by other sensory hallucinations (oneirontic dream-like state), is sometimes seen in epilepsy and some acute psychotic illnesses. See also oneirophrenia.

Social isolation (autism) (ICD 295)- Refusal of social and personal contacts; most common in early stages schizophrenia, when autistic tendencies lead to alienation and alienation from people and impaired ability to communicate with them.

Spasmusnutans (ICD 307.0)(not recommended) - 1) rhythmic twitching of the head in the anteroposterior direction, associated with compensatory balancing movements of the body in the same direction, sometimes with spread to the upper limbs and nystagmus; movements are slow and appear in series of 20-30 persons with mental retardation; this condition is not associated with epilepsy; 2) the term is sometimes used to describe epileptic seizures in children, characterized by a fall of the head on the chest due to loss of muscle tone in the neck and tonic spasm during flexion due to contraction of the anterior muscles. Synonyms; salaam teak (1); spasm of babies (2).

Confusion of consciousness (ICD 290-294)- a term commonly used to refer to a state of delusion consciousness, associated with acute or chronic organic disease. Clinically characterized disorientation slowing down mental processes with meager associations, apathy lack of initiative, fatigue and impaired attention. For mild conditions confusion when examining a patient, rational reactions and actions can be achieved, however, with a more severe degree of disorder, patients are not able to perceive the surrounding reality. The term is also used in a broader sense to describe thought disturbance in functional psychosis, but this use of the term is not recommended. See also reactive confusion; blurred consciousness. Synonym; a state of confusion.

Stereotypes (ICD 299.1)- functionally autonomous pathological movements that are grouped into a rhythmic or complex sequence of non-purposeful movements. In animals and humans, they appear in a state of physical limitation, social and sensory deprivation, and can be caused by taking drugs, such as phenamine. These include repetitive locomotion (movement), self-injury, head bobbing, bizarre postures of the limbs and torso, and mannerisms. These clinical signs are seen in mental retardation, congenital blindness, brain damage and autism in children. In adults, stereotypes can be a manifestation schizophrenia, especially when catatonic and residual forms.

Fear (ICD 291.0; 308.0; 309.2)- a primitive intense emotion that develops to a real or imagined threat and is accompanied by physiological reactions resulting from the activation of the autonomic (sympathetic) nervous system, and protective behavior when the patient, trying to avoid danger, runs away or hides.

Stupor (ICD 295.2)- a condition characterized by mutism, partial or complete immobility and psychomotor unresponsiveness. Depending on the nature or cause of the disease, consciousness may be disturbed. Stuporous states develop with organic brain diseases, schizophrenia(especially when catatonic form), depressive disease, hysterical psychosis and acute reactions to stress.

Catatonic stupor (ICD 295.2)- a state of depressed psychomotor activity due to catatonic symptoms.

Judgment (ICD 290-294)- a critical assessment of the relationship between objects, circumstances, concepts or terms; hypothetical presentation of these connections. In psychophysics, this is the distinction between stimuli and their intensity.

Narrowing of consciousness, limitation of the field of consciousness (ICD 300.1)- a form of disturbance of consciousness, characterized by its narrowing and the dominance of a limited small group of ideas and emotions with the practical exclusion of other content. This condition appears with extreme fatigue and hysteria; it may also be associated with certain forms of cerebral disorders (particularly state of twilight consciousness with epilepsy). See also foggy mind; twilight state.

Tolerance- pharmacological tolerance occurs when repeated administration of a given amount of a substance causes a reduced effect or when a consistent increase in the amount of the administered substance is required to obtain the effect previously achieved with a lower dose. Tolerance may be innate or acquired; in the latter case, it may be the result of predisposition, pharmacodynamics, or behavior that contributes to its manifestation.

Anxiety (ICD 292.1; 296; 300; 308.0; 309.2; 313.0)- a painful addition to a subjectively unpleasant emotional state of fear or other premonitions directed to the future, in the absence of any tangible threat or danger, or the complete absence of a connection between these factors and this reaction. Anxiety can be accompanied by a feeling of physical discomfort and manifestations of voluntary and autonomic dysfunction of the body. Anxiety can be situational or specific, that is, associated with a particular situation or object, or "free floating" when there is no obvious link to external factors that cause this anxiety. The characteristics of anxiety can be distinguished from the state of anxiety; in the first case, this is a stable feature of the personality structure, and in the second, a temporary disorder. Note. Translation of the English term "anxiety" into other languages ​​may present certain difficulties due to subtle differences between the additional connotation expressed by words related to the same concept.

Separation anxiety(not recommended) is a vaguely used term that most often refers to normal or painful reactions - anxiety, distress or fear- in a young child separated from parents (parent) or persons caring for him. In the further development of mental disorders, this disorder in itself does not play a role; it becomes their cause only if other factors are added to it. Psychoanalytic theory identifies two types of separation anxiety: objective and neurotic.

Phobia (ICD 300.2)- pathological fear, which may be diffuse or focused on one or more objects or circumstances, out of proportion to external danger or threat. This state is usually accompanied by bad forebodings, as a result of which the person tries to avoid these objects and situations. This disorder is sometimes closely associated with an obsessive-compulsive disorder. See also phobic condition.

Emotions (ICD 295; 298; 300; 308; 309; 310; 312; 313)- a complex state of the activation reaction, which consists in a variety of physiological changes, heightened perception and subjective sensations aimed at certain actions. See also pathological affect; mood.

Echolalia (ICD 299.8)- automatic repetition of words or phrases of the interlocutor. This symptom may be a manifestation of normal speech in early childhood, occur in some disease states, including dysphasia, catatonic states, mental retardation, early childhood autism or take the form of the so-called delayed echolaline.

Mental disorders are human conditions that are characterized by a change in the psyche and behavior from normal to destructive. The term is ambiguous and has different interpretations in the fields of jurisprudence, psychology and psychiatry.

A little about concepts

According to the International Classification of Diseases, mental disorders are not exactly identical with such concepts as mental illness or mental illness. This concept gives a general description of various types of disorders of the human psyche. From a psychiatric point of view, it is not always possible to identify the biological, medical and social symptoms of a personality disorder. Only in some cases, the basis of a mental disorder can be a physical disorder of the body. Based on this, the ICD-10 uses the term "mental disorder" instead of "mental illness".

Etiological factors

Any disturbances in the mental state of a person are due to changes in the structure or functions of the brain. Factors affecting this can be divided into two groups:

  1. Exogenous, which include all external factors influencing the state of the human body: industrial poisons, narcotic and toxic substances, alcohol, radioactive waves, microbes, viruses, psychological trauma, traumatic brain injury, vascular diseases of the brain;
  2. Endogenous - immanent causes of the manifestation of psychological exacerbation. They include chromosome disorders, gene diseases, hereditary diseases that can be inherited due to an injured gene.

But, unfortunately, at this stage in the development of science, the causes of many mental disorders remain unknown. Today, every fourth person in the world is prone to a mental disorder or a change in behavior.

The leading factors in the development of mental disorders include biological, psychological, and environmental factors. The mental syndrome can be transmitted genetically in both men and women, which leads to the frequent similarity of characters and individual specific habits of some family members. Psychological factors combine the influence of heredity and environment, which can lead to a personality disorder. Teaching children the wrong family values ​​increases their chances of developing a mental disorder in the future.

Mental disorders most often occur in people with diabetes mellitus, vascular diseases of the brain, infectious
diseases, in a state of stroke. Alcoholism can deprive a person of sanity, completely disrupt all psychophysical processes in the body. Symptoms of mental disorders are also manifested with the constant use of psychoactive substances that affect the functioning of the central nervous system. Autumn exacerbation or troubles in the personal sphere can unsettle any person, put him into a state of mild depression. Therefore, especially in the autumn-winter period, it is useful to drink a course of vitamins and medicines that have a calming effect on the nervous system.


For the convenience of diagnosis and processing of statistical data, the World Health Organization has developed a classification in which types of mental disorders are grouped according to the etiological factor and clinical picture.

Groups of mental disorders:

Conditions caused by various organic diseases of the brain.These include conditions after traumatic brain injury, strokes or systemic diseases. The patient may be affected as cognitive functions (memory, thinking, learning), and appear "plus-symptoms": crazy ideas, hallucinations, sudden changes in emotions and moods;
Persistent mental changes that are caused by the use of alcohol or drugsThese include conditions that are caused by the use of psychoactive substances that do not belong to the class of narcotic drugs: sedatives, hypnotics, hallucinogens, solvents, and others;
Schizophrenia and schizotypal disordersSchizophrenia is a chronic psychological disease that has negative and positive symptoms and is characterized by specific changes in the state of the individual. It manifests itself in a sharp change in the nature of the individual, the commission of ridiculous and illogical acts, a change in interests and the appearance of unusual hobbies, a decrease in working capacity and social adaptation. An individual may completely lack sanity and understanding of the events taking place around him. If the manifestations are mild or considered a borderline condition, then the patient is diagnosed with a schizotypal disorder;
affective disordersThis is a group of diseases for which the main manifestation is a change in mood. The most prominent representative of this group is bipolar affective disorder. Also included are manias with or without various psychotic disorders, hypomanias. Depressions of various etiologies and course are also included in this group. To stable forms of affective disorders include cyclothymia and dysthymia.
Phobias, neurosesPsychotic and neurotic disorders contain panic attacks, paranoia, neuroses, chronic stress, phobias, somatized deviations. Signs of a phobia in a person can manifest themselves in relation to a huge range of objects, phenomena, situations. The classification of phobias standardly includes: specific and situational phobias;
Syndromes of behavior that are associated with violations of physiology.These include a variety of eating disorders (anorexia, bulimia, overeating), sleep (insomnia, hypersomnia, somnambulism, and others) and various sexual dysfunctions (frigidity, lack of genital response, premature ejaculation, increased libido);
Personality and behavior disorder in adulthoodThis group includes dozens of conditions, which include a violation of gender identity (transsexualism, transvestism), a disorder of sexual preference (fetishism, exhibitionism, pedophilia, voyeurism, sadomasochism), a disorder of habits and inclinations (passion for gambling, pyromania, klptomania and others). Specific personality disorders are persistent changes in behavior in response to a social or personal situation. These states are distinguished by their symptoms: paranoid, schizoid, antisocial personality disorder and others;
Mental retardationA group of congenital conditions characterized by mental retardation. This is manifested by a decrease in intellectual functions: speech, memory, attention, thinking, social adaptation. By degrees, this disease is divided into mild, moderate, moderate and severe, depending on the severity of clinical manifestations. The reasons that can provoke this condition include genetic predisposition, intrauterine growth retardation, trauma during childbirth, lack of attention in early childhood
Developmental DisordersA group of mental disorders that includes speech impairment, delayed development of learning skills, motor function, and psychological development. This condition debuts in early childhood and is often associated with brain damage: the course is constant, even (without remission and deterioration);
Violation of activity and concentration of attention, as well as various hyperkinetic disordersA group of conditions that are characterized by onset in adolescence or childhood. Here there is a violation of behavior, a disorder of attention. Children are naughty, hyperactive, sometimes even distinguished by some aggressiveness.


Recently, it has become fashionable to attribute any mood swings or deliberately frilly behavior to a new kind of mental disorder. Selfies can also be included here.

Selfie - the tendency to constantly take pictures of oneself on a cell phone camera and post them on social networks. A year ago, the news flashed across the news that Chicago psychiatrists had identified the symptoms of this new addiction. In the episodic phase, a person takes pictures of himself more than 3 times a day and does not post pictures for everyone to see. The second stage is characterized by taking photos of yourself over 3 times a day and posting them on social media. In the chronic stage, a person takes their own pictures throughout the day and uploads them more than six times a day.

These data have not been confirmed by any scientific research, so we can say that this kind of news is designed to draw attention to one or another modern phenomenon.

Symptoms of a mental disorder

The symptoms of mental disorders are quite large and diverse. Here we will look at their main features:

Sensopathy - a violation of tactile and nervous susceptibilityHyperesthesiaexacerbation of susceptibility to common stimuli,
hypoesthesiadecreased sensitivity to visible stimuli
Senestopathyfeeling of squeezing, burning, tearing, spreading from different parts of the body
Various types of hallucinationsTrueThe object is in real space, "out of his head"
Pseudo-hallucinationsPerceived object "inside" the patient
IllusionsDistorted perception of a real object
Change in the perception of the size of your bodyMetamorphopsia

Possible deterioration of the thought process: its acceleration, incoherence, lethargy, perseveration, thoroughness.

The patient may develop delusions (complete distortion of ideas and non-acceptance of other points of view on a given issue) or simply obsessive phenomena - an uncontrolled manifestation in patients of difficult memories, obsessive thoughts, doubts, fears.

Disorders of consciousness include: confusion, depersonalization, derealization. Mental disorders can also have memory impairments in their clinical picture: paramnesia, dysmnesia, amnesia. This also includes sleep disorders, disturbing dreams.

The patient may experience obsessions:

  • Distracted: obsessive counting, memory recall of names, dates, decomposition of words into components, "futile sophistication";
  • Figurative: fears, doubts, obsessive desires;
  • Mastering: a person gives out wishful thinking. Often occurs after the loss of a loved one;
  • Obsessive actions: more like rituals (wash hands a certain number of times, pull the locked front door). The patient is sure that this helps to prevent something terrible.

"Crazy people live behind a high fence, and idiots walk down the street in crowds"
The Unlucky Directed by Francis Weber

We live in a time when tantrums and lingering have become commonplace for many. Each of us is familiar with the state when loved ones behave inappropriately or we ourselves suffer from insomnia, twisting the same obsessive thought in our head all night. But these are the signs of a prepsychotic state: anxiety, insomnia, unwillingness to live, hysteria, attacks on others, suicide attempts and sudden mood swings. In order to identify deviations in the psyche, it is necessary to observe a person in a hospital for 30 days, and in some cases, to make a diagnosis of schizophrenia, an examination of the patient is required within 6 months.

Mental illness- this is not only schizophrenia, they also include neurosis, psychosis, mania, panic attacks, paranoia, dementia and bipolar disorder. In turn, each mental deviation is subdivided into several types. It is believed that if situations that cause acute stress reactions in people: hysteria, crying, attacks, nervous tremors and other aggressive actions directed at others or at oneself are episodic and pass after some time, then they do not interfere with life and are not deviation from the norm.

However, it often happens that after the examination, the doctor does not patient's psychiatric disorder does not reveal, and after some time he commits a hard planned murder or harms the health of himself or others. This is a clear deviation in the psyche, and in order not to become a victim of such a patient, it is very important to have some ideas about how the signs of mental disorders appear and how to behave when communicating or even living with them.

Nowadays, many people are forced to live together or neighborhood with alcoholics, drug addicts, neurasthenics and elderly parents with dementia. If you delve into the intricacies of their daily life, you can easily come to the conclusion that there are simply no absolutely mentally healthy people, but only underexamined ones.

Permanent scandals, accusations, threats, assaults, unwillingness to live and even suicide attempts are the first signs that the psyche of the participants in such conflicts is not in order. If such behavior of a person is repeated from time to time and begins to affect the personal lives of other people, then we are talking about a mental illness and requires examination by a specialist.

Deviations in psyche first of all, they are manifested in the fact that a person's perception of the world changes and the attitude towards the people around him changes. Unlike healthy people, people with mental disorders seek to satisfy only their physical and physiological needs, they do not care how their inappropriate behavior will affect the health and mood of others. They are cunning and attentive, selfish and hypocritical, unemotional and dodgy.

It's very hard to know when close you a person shows excessive anger, aggression and unfounded accusations against you. Few are able to remain calm and accept the inappropriate behavior of a loved one associated with mental disorders. In most cases, people think that a person is mocking him, and they try to apply "educational measures" in the form of moralizing, demands and proof of innocence.

With time mental illness progress and can combine delusional, hallucinatory and emotional disorders. Manifestations of visual, auditory and delusional hallucinations are manifested in the following:
- a person talks to himself, laughs for no apparent reason.
- cannot concentrate on the topic of conversation, always has a preoccupied and anxious look.
- hears extraneous voices and sees someone that you cannot perceive.
- is hostile to family members, especially to those who serve him. In the later stages of the development of a mental illness, the patient becomes aggressive, attacks others, deliberately breaks dishes, furniture and other objects.
- tells stories of implausible or dubious content about yourself and loved ones.
- fears for his life, refuses to eat, accusing relatives of trying to poison him.
- writes statements to the police and letters to various organizations with complaints about relatives, neighbors and just acquaintances.
- hides money and things, quickly forgets where he put them and accuses others of stealing.
- does not wash or shave for a long time, there is sloppiness and uncleanliness in behavior and appearance.

Knowing the general signs mental deviations, it is very important to understand that mental illness brings suffering, first of all, to the patient himself, and only then to his relatives and society. Therefore, it is absolutely wrong to prove to the patient that he is behaving immorally, to accuse or reproach him for not loving you and worsening your life. Of course, a mentally ill person is a disaster in the family. However, he must be treated as a sick person, and respond to their inappropriate behavior with understanding.

It is forbidden argue with the patient, trying to prove to him that his accusations against you are wrong. Listen carefully, reassure him, and offer help. Do not try to clarify the details of his delusional accusations and statements, do not ask him questions that may aggravate those with mental disorders. Any mental illness requires attention from loved ones, and treatment by specialists. It should not cause complaints and accusations of selfishness towards a sick person.

Alas, from the development of mental disorders no one is safe. This is especially true for those who have a hereditary predisposition to the disease or care for elderly parents with dementia. Set an example of a good attitude towards them to your children so that they do not repeat the mistakes of their parents.

Refers to a large number of different pathological conditions. The appearance, course and outcome of a particular disorder largely depends on the influence of internal and external factors. To understand the essence of the disease - a mental disorder, it is necessary to consider the main signs of pathologies. Further in the article, the most popular syndromes will be given, their clinical picture will be described, and a characteristic will be given.

General information

Psychiatry deals with the study of this category. Diagnosis is based on various factors. The study, as a rule, begins with the presentation of a general pathological condition. Then private psychiatry is explored. Diagnoses are made after a thorough examination of the patient, identifying the causes that provoked the condition. Based on these data, the necessary method of treatment is selected.

Groups of pathologies

The importance of endogenous (internal) and exogenous (external) factors is also important. For those or other violations it is different. Based on this, in fact, the classification of mental disorders is carried out. Thus, two broad groups of pathologies are distinguished - endogenous and exogenous. The latter should include disorders provoked by psychogenic factors, exogenous-organic cerebral (vascular, traumatic, infectious) lesions, and somatic pathologies. Schizophrenia, mental retardation are endogenous mental disorders. The list of these pathologies can also be continued with affective states, senesopathies, and hypochondria.

Division by etiology

Division by clinical manifestations

Depending on the nature of a particular symptom of a mental disorder, it is classified into one of the existing categories. In particular, neuroses are distinguished. Neurotic is a mental disorder that does not exclude sanity. They are closer to normal states and sensations. They are also referred to as borderline mental disorders. This means that their manifestations can be controlled without the use of radical methods. There is also a group of psychoses. These include pathologies accompanied by impaired thinking of a pronounced nature, delirium, a change in perception, a sharp lethargy or agitation, hallucinations, inappropriate behavior, and so on. In this case, the patient is not able to distinguish his experiences from reality. Next, we consider some features of mental disorders of various types.

Asthenic syndrome

This is a fairly common condition. The main symptom of a mental disorder is increased fatigue. A person feels a decrease in efficiency, internal exhaustion. Individuals with mental disorders may behave differently. With asthenia, for example, they are characterized by impressionability, instability of mood, tearfulness, sentimentality. Such people are very easily touched, they can quickly lose their temper over a trifle. Asthenia itself can act as a symptom of a mental disorder, which, in turn, accompanies conditions after severe infectious lesions, operations, and so on.


These include such conditions in which, against the will, some fears, thoughts, doubts appear. People with mental disorders of this type accept all these manifestations as their own. Patients cannot get rid of them, despite a rather critical attitude towards them. Doubt is the most common symptom of this type of mental disorder. So, a person can check several times whether he turned off the light, whether he closed the door. At the same time, moving away from home, he again feels these doubts. As for obsessive fears - phobias, these are quite common fears of heights, open spaces or enclosed spaces. In some cases, in order to calm down a little, relieve internal tension and anxiety, people perform certain actions - "rituals". For example, a person who is afraid of all kinds of pollution may wash their hands several times or sit in the bathroom for hours. If something distracted him in the process, then he will start the procedure again.

affective states

They are quite common. Such conditions manifest themselves in a persistent change in mood, as a rule, its decrease - depression. Often, affective states are noted at the initial stages of mental illness. Their manifestations can be observed throughout the pathology. At the same time, they quite often become more complicated, accompanying acute mental disorders.


The main symptoms of this condition are a deterioration in mood, the appearance of a feeling of depression, melancholy, depression. In some cases, a person may physically feel chest pain or heaviness. This condition is extremely distressing. It is accompanied by a decrease in mental activity. A person in this state does not immediately answer questions, gives monosyllabic, short answers. He speaks quietly and slowly. Very often, people with depression note that it is somewhat difficult for them to understand the essence of the question, the text, they complain of memory impairment. They can hardly make decisions, they switch badly from one type of activity to another. People may experience lethargy, weakness, talk about fatigue. Their movements are stiff and slow. In addition to these symptoms, depression is accompanied by feelings of guilt, sinfulness, despair, hopelessness. This is often accompanied by suicide attempts. Some relief of well-being may come in the evening. As for sleep, in depression it is superficial, with early awakening, with disturbing dreams, intermittent. The state of depression may be accompanied by tachycardia, sweating, feeling cold, hot, constipation, weight loss.


Manic states are manifested by an acceleration of the pace of mental activity. A person has a huge number of thoughts, desires, various plans, ideas of increased self-esteem. In this condition, as in depression, sleep disturbances are noted. People with manic mental disorders sleep very little, however, a short period of time is enough for them to feel rested and alert. With a mild course of mania, a person feels a rise in creative power, an increase in intellectual productivity, an increase in tone and efficiency. He can sleep very little and work a lot. If the condition progresses, becomes more severe, then these symptoms are accompanied by poor concentration, distractibility and, as a result, a decrease in productivity.


These states are characterized by very different and unusual sensations in the body. In particular, it can be burning, tingling, tightening, twisting, and so on. All these manifestations are in no way connected with the pathologies of the internal organs. When describing such sensations, patients often use their own definitions: "rustling under the ribs," "it seemed that the head was coming off," and so on.

hypochondriacal syndrome

He is characterized by persistent concern for his own health. A person is haunted by thoughts of having a very serious, progressive, and probably incurable disease. At the same time, patients present somatic complaints, presenting ordinary or normal sensations as manifestations of pathology. Despite the dissuasion of doctors, negative test results, people regularly visit specialists, insist on additional, deeper studies. Often, hypochondriacal states appear against the background of depression.


When they appear, a person begins to perceive objects in an erroneous - altered form. Illusions can accompany a person with a normal mental state. For example, a change in an object can be observed if it is lowered into water. As for the pathological condition, illusions can appear under the influence of fear or anxiety. For example, in the forest at night, a person may perceive trees as monsters.


They act as a persistent symptom of many mental disorders. Hallucinations can be auditory, tactile, gustatory, olfactory, visual, muscular, and so on. Often there is a combination of them. For example, a person can not only see strangers in the room, but also hear their conversation. The verbal hallucinations are called "voices" by patients. They may have different content. For example, it can be just a call of a person by name or whole sentences, dialogues or monologues. In some cases, "voices" are imperative. They are called. A person can hear orders to kill, be silent, injure himself. Such conditions are dangerous not only directly for the patient, but also for those around him. Visual hallucinations can be objective or elementary (in the form of sparks, for example). In some cases, the patient can see entire scenes. Olfactory hallucinations are a sensation of an unpleasant smell (rotting, some food, smoldering), less often pleasant or unfamiliar.


Such a disorder, according to many experts, refers to the main signs of psychosis. It's hard enough to define what bullshit is. The conclusions of doctors in assessing the patient's condition are quite contradictory. There are a number of signs of a delusional state. First of all, it always appears on a painful basis. Delusions cannot be dissuaded or corrected from the outside, despite a fairly clear contradiction with reality. A person is absolutely convinced of the veracity of his thoughts. Delusions are based on erroneous judgments, incorrect conclusions, false convictions. These thoughts are of great importance for the patient, and therefore, to one degree or another, determine his behavior and actions. Crazy ideas may be related to:

Delusional disorders differ in various forms. So, interpretive nonsense stands out. The person in this case uses one-sided interpretations of daily facts and events as evidence. This disorder is considered quite persistent. In this case, the patient's reflection of the causal relationship between events and phenomena is disturbed. This form of delusion always has a rationale. The patient can endlessly prove something, discuss, argue. The content of interpretive delusions can reflect all the experiences and feelings of a person. Another form of this disorder can be a figurative or sensual conviction. Such nonsense appears on the basis of anxiety or fear, hallucinations. In this case, there are no logical premises, evidence; In a "delusional" way, a person perceives everything around him.

Derealization and depersonalization

These phenomena often precede the development of sensory delusions. Derealization is a feeling of change in the world. Everything that is around a person is perceived by him as "unreal", "rigged", "artificial". Depersonalization is manifested in the feeling of change in one's personality. Patients characterize themselves as "lost face", "lost the fullness of sensations", "stupid".

Catatonic syndromes

These states are characteristic of disorders of the motor sphere: or, on the contrary, of agitation. In the latter case, repetition, lack of purposefulness, and randomness of some movements are noted. At the same time, they may be accompanied by the shouting of individual words or remarks, or by silence. The patient may freeze in an uncomfortable, unusual position, such as lifting a leg, extending an arm, or raising their head above a pillow. Catatonic syndromes are also observed against the background of clear consciousness. This indicates a greater severity of disorders. If they are accompanied by clouding of consciousness, then we can talk about a favorable outcome of the pathology.


Also called dementia. Dementia manifests itself in a deep impoverishment of all mental activity, a persistent decrease in intellectual functions. Against the background of dementia, the ability to acquire new knowledge worsens, and in many cases, the ability to acquire new knowledge is completely lost. In this case, a person's adaptability to life is disturbed.

clouding of consciousness

Such disorders can be observed not only in mental disorders, but also in patients with severe somatic pathologies. Stupefaction is characterized by difficulty in perceiving the environment, breaking ties with the outside world. Patients are detached, unable to realize what is happening. As a result, their contact with other people is disrupted. In addition, patients are poorly oriented in time, in their own personality, in a particular situation. People are not able to think logically, correctly. In some cases, incoherence of thinking is observed.

Mental disorder is a very frightening phrase that every person is afraid to hear addressed to him. In fact, this term has very wide boundaries, far from always a mental diagnosis is a sentence. In different contexts (legal, psychiatric, psychological) this concept is interpreted differently. In the ICD-10 list, mental and behavioral disorders are singled out as a separate class of diseases and differ according to the clinical picture. The features of the human psyche at all times aroused great interest among doctors and scientists, especially from the point of view of the boundary between the norm and pathology. The World Health Organization claims that every fifth person on the planet suffers from various mental disorders. What are the types of mental disorders? What causes mental disorders?

Etiological differences

The human psyche and brain are so complex that it is still not possible to clearly identify all the causes of mental disorders. The most correct is the opinion that such diseases develop as a result of the complex influence of social, personal and biological causes. All provoking factors can be divided into two broad categories: endogenous (internal) and exogenous (external). Mental disorders of an endogenous nature are more associated with genes and heredity. The onset of such diseases usually occurs suddenly, without any obvious environmental influences. Exogenous factors include various neuroinfections, stressful situations, intoxications, psychological traumas received in the process of personality formation. Mental disorders in brain injuries or vascular disorders are also a consequence of the influence of external causes. Sometimes it happens that in itself the tendency to certain mental illnesses does not yet guarantee their occurrence. However, it is various external factors and features of the psyche that can eventually work as a trigger.
