We sign greeting cards. How to sign a birthday card. If the guest is a close relative or friend

What congratulations resonate with you the most?

Among them it is unlikely that there will be standard copied poems. Most likely, you are more moved by words written for you personally.

I offer you several ways to write an original greeting for any holiday.


Remember what you are grateful for to the person you are congratulating. If your wishes are New Year's, write what good the person did for you in the past year. You can even briefly mention some story that is important to both of you. For example: the year would not have been so fun if not for our joint trip to N, which I will never forget...

After expressing your gratitude, you can move on to your wishes.

This same option is suitable for any holiday. People love to be thanked and your words will definitely make their souls brighter.


I do not recommend using rewritten poems, especially to congratulate people close to you. Write something yourself and don’t let it bother you that you are far from Pushkin. Believe me, a text written personally for a person, taking into account his characteristics and preferences, will be much more valuable than someone else’s “masterpiece.” Mention in the poem the name of the person, his hobbies, memorable events for you, and even if the rhyme is lame, your congratulations have a chance to touch you to tears.


You can surprise not only with the congratulation itself, but also with a postcard selected specifically for the person being congratulated. It's even better if you make it yourself.

Everyone knows that the greatest value is not in the gift itself, but in the attention, but often we choose what we like most and make a purchase at the last moment. Of course, a gold necklace will always be appreciated, but if you add a touching homemade card to it, your loved one will be delighted.

When choosing a card, consider what the person likes. Travel lovers will appreciate photographs of distant countries; Those who are passionate about fishing will love pictures with fish; a vegetarian will appreciate images of fruit, especially if he lacks approval from loved ones; For a friend who dreams of marriage, a card with hearts will suit any occasion. This may seem banal, but people will always appreciate understanding and support for what is important to them.

In any congratulation and gift there is one irreplaceable ingredient, without which the brightest packaging fades. You already guessed that we are talking about Love. If you open your heart and show attention to your loved ones, holiday chores will be easy and enjoyable for you, and you will always know what to give and how to congratulate.

And if you do everything from the heart, the reaction to your gift may be like this:

With love,

Christina Kashkan

Learn to write unforgettable wishes to your loved ones!

Sending cards to friends, family and loved ones while traveling is a great way to show your affection and communicate where you've been. Choosing a postcard with a suitable image and knowing the rules for its design will allow your message to be delivered to the right address. Additionally, knowing how to craft a message for a postcard in a way that speaks to your journey and fits into the space provided will make the postcard a valuable item for both you and the recipient.


Part 1

We design the postcard correctly
  1. Choose a card that represents you or reflects your journey. One of the most enjoyable parts of writing a card is choosing it. Think about the person you are sending the card to and decide which image they would like best.

    • If you're traveling, find a postcard with a photo of your favorite place during your trip.
    • Postcards can be purchased at any gift shop, newsstand, or even at street stalls in popular tourist centers.
  2. Write on the back of the card on the correct side. Turn the card over. You will see that it is divided into two parts: on the left there is empty space, and on the right there is a lined line. This lined part on the right is for the address. Write here the recipient's full name, home address, city and zip code, and if sending a postcard from abroad or abroad, country.

    • Do not write anything on the front of the postcard, as postal workers will not even pay attention to this information.
    • Write the address as clearly and legibly as possible. It is better to sign a postcard with a ballpoint pen rather than a gel pen or a felt-tip pen: there is less chance that the ink will smear if it gets wet.
    • If you are writing to Russia from abroad, your home address can be indicated in both English and Russian, but the country must be indicated in English (Russia) or in the language of the country where you are located (for example, Russie, if you are writing from France). If you are sending a postcard from Russia to foreign friends, write the address in the language of their country, but duplicate the name of the country in Russian.
  3. Place a stamp in the upper right corner of the card. Buy stamps from the country you are in (you can usually do this at the post office, banks or gas stations). If you are abroad but want to use your country's stamp, you can try ordering it online. Lick the stamp and position it inside the outlined stamp rectangle in the top right corner.

    • Stamps can always be purchased at any post office. Just tell us where you are sending the postcard, and the postal worker will sell you a stamp of the required value.
    • Apply the stamp only to the designated spot in the upper right corner of the card. If you stick it in another place, there is a high chance that the card will get lost and not reach the recipient.
  4. Indicate the date the postcard was sent in the upper left corner. This is not necessary, but by looking at the date, a person will always be able to remember the event when he decides to review the postcards he received in the future. If you're more comfortable putting the date at the end, put it after your signature when you write your message. Below or above the date you can indicate the name of the city or specific place from which you are writing, for example:

    • July 4, 2017
    • Grand Canyon, Arizona
  5. Greet the recipient of the card on the left side of the card. A greeting will immediately add a personal touch to the message, showing the recipient how attentive you are to him. The greeting should be written at the top left of the back of the card, leaving room for the main message below.

    • The traditional greeting is "hello", "hello" or "dear", depending on your relationship with the recipient, plus their name. For example, “Dear Grandma!” or “Hello, Olesya!”
    • You can address the person in the language of the country from which you are writing, use an affectionate address or a humorous nickname. For example, “Bonjour, Vitalik!”, “Hello, hare!” or “Hello, my dear Mashenka!”
  6. Write your message on the left half of the card. It's always fun to figure out what to write in a card because space is limited and you want to write something sweet or funny. Think about what to write in advance. You don't want to suddenly run out of space on your card in the middle of an unfinished thought!

    • When you finish your message, be sure to include your name at the bottom.

    Part 2

    Write a message
    1. Start with something personal and touching. Say that you miss the person or think about them on your journey, that you are looking forward to meeting them. Starting your message with thoughts of the recipient will make them feel loved. You could write something like this:

      • "I am always thinking about you".
      • "It's sad that you're not nearby!"
    2. Tell us about the brightest day of your trip. Due to the small size of the postcard, it will be difficult for you to tell absolutely everything. Describe your favorite day or the thing you remember most so that you have enough space. Tell us what exactly you liked and made this day so special.

      • Provide as much detail as possible, taking into account how much space you have.
      • If the postcard is sent from a specific point on your route, tell only about that place. You can send other postcards from other places.
    3. Tell us about the weather. Describe a day with particularly interesting weather events, say whether it's raining or snowing, or describe how amazing the weather is. This way, the recipient will have a better idea of ​​where you are and what you feel, and will seem to be closer to you.

      • There is no need to go into detail. A short description is enough, for example “It’s incredibly hot here!” or “It was so cold yesterday that I had to wear two sweaters under my down jacket!”
    4. Write about the most delicious dish you tried while traveling. Tell us where it was, what kind of dish it was and what it tasted like. Such details will allow a person to more clearly imagine your trip and your impressions.

      • No one is saying you have to write about it, but if the dish is the signature dish of a city or region, then it's a great idea. Instead of the dish itself, you can write about a drink or sweets.
    5. At the end, write about your future plans. Whether you are planning to continue your trip or are about to return home, it is appropriate to mention this in a postcard. Briefly tell the recipient about your route, or at least about your plans in general, so that he knows where you are going.

      • If you plan to return home soon, end the card with “See you soon!” or “Looking forward to meeting you!”

A greeting card is an essential attribute of a wedding gift. Therefore, the question often arises of what words to write to friends in order to convey all the warmth of your feelings and make a positive impression. Wedding congratulations have a certain structure that must be followed. After studying examples of signatures, you can create your own unique wish.

Text structure

Congratulatory words are conventionally divided into four structural elements:

  • appeal;
  • clarification of the reason;
  • main content;
  • donor's name and date.

Appeal to the young. It is advisable to address the newlyweds by name. Parents use the following appeals: “Beloved children! ", "Our golden ones...” Friends of the new family sign the appeal using the phrases: “Dear...” or “Dear...”.

According to etiquette, you need to indicate the name of the bride first, and then the groom.

Indication of the reason. Next, the reason for the festive celebration is indicated - happy wedding day or marriage day. Here it is recommended to use the phrases: “With great joy...”, “From the bottom of my heart...”, “With all my heart...”, “We sincerely congratulate on...”.

Main part. In the main part, friends and guests write their parting words in poetic or prose form. Congratulations in verse are pleasant to read, they are concise and rhymed. It is clear that the donor tried, selected poems and spent his time so that the bride and groom felt their importance and plunged into the world of lyrics. This is especially important on such a unique day in their life, when a new family is born. The poems convey solemnity and festivity.

However, there is an opinion that it is better to write a few sentences, but your own, that lie in your soul, and not rewrite other people's poems. Prosaic texts are considered more sincere and easier to perceive.

A blessing from parents at a wedding is always central, so it should be filled with sincerity and cordiality. The father and mother can read the parting words prepared and written in the card during the festive feast. Parting words from friends can be of any format: both humorous and emotionally charged.

Conclusion (signature). At the end you must leave your first name, if desired - along with your last name.

  • If the donors are several people from the same family, then write briefly “From the family...” without listing the names of each member. You can also complete the text with the phrases: “With respect...”, “With love...”.
  • A longtime friend or classmate can sign their nickname.
  • Colleagues are required to provide their full name.

How to choose a signature?

The following factors need to be taken into account.

  • The choice depends on the degree of relationship, the number of years of friendship and the closeness of communication.
  • Wedding cards sold in stores already have the standard “Happy Wedding Day” text printed on them, but it won’t make any impression on the bride and groom. Be sure to write at least 2-3 short sentences coming from the heart.

  • It is not recommended to choose too long poems of more than 15 lines. By nature, people do not like to read long works. It causes boredom and does not bring instant joy. The reader has to read several times to understand the key idea. Therefore, there is a possibility that a long congratulatory manuscript will not be read to the end.

  • It is important to take into account the preferences of the newlyweds. Close friends and relatives probably know whether they love tender poetic lines or short but succinct words written from themselves.
  • A popular option today is to give cards with money that are shaped like an envelope. They usually don’t write lengthy essays on them. If desired, donors leave only their names and date.


Important Rules

Initially, you need to decide exactly what style the text will be written in. There are three main ones.

  • Business style. Suitable for congratulations from business colleagues, neighbors, or just acquaintances. Standard phrases of congratulations are used without unnecessary pathos. The content is consistent and strict.

  • Romantic style. Congratulatory words of this kind are usually received from parents, sisters, close relatives and friends. They are filled with warm, heartfelt wishes for the newlyweds that will make you tear up. Beautifully chosen words touch to the core.

  • Humorous style. This format is appropriate for long-time friends who will understand humor. A creative signature can be either initially printed or made by the guests themselves. A humorous wedding congratulation lifts the mood of the newlyweds and remains in the memory for a long time. But in any case, jokes must be chosen correctly; they should not be offensive or offensive.

Other important points that need to be remembered so that the heroes of the occasion, years later, remember this solemn day with joy and tenderness.

  • You need to sign the postcard in beautiful, understandable handwriting. It seems like a banal recommendation, but crooked, illegible scribbles can ruin the overall impression. If necessary, you can ask someone from your environment who has calligraphic handwriting to help.
  • It has become a fashionable trend to leave parting words with pen or ink, or gel pens with glitter. You can use any ink color: black, blue, red, purple. The main thing is that what is written is readable. The color of the ink can be matched to the color scheme of the selected wedding card.
  • You need to draw lines with a pencil carefully, lightly pressing on the pencil, making the lines barely noticeable. You can use a thin knitting needle or a non-writing ballpoint pen.


When it is difficult to formulate your thoughts beautifully and correctly, it is better to use ready-made examples and form your own original text from them.

From family and friends

We wish you pleasant warm evenings, heavenly sunrises, joyful family stories and loud children's laughter.

Let all obstacles on the path of the newlyweds be overcome. Where it is difficult to cross the river alone, let your significant other help. And if fear overtakes one, then let the other immediately support. Remember that happy families are built on common efforts and mutual assistance.

Let the ship you created today sail without encountering storms, bad weather and hurricanes. Let only a fair wind blow you and the bright sun shine. Let the number of inhabitants of the ship constantly increase. Take care and do not forget your parents: father-in-law, mother-in-law and father-in-law! Clear skies and harmony.

Carry today's joyful mood and solemnity through the years! So that your entire life path is illuminated with fun, harmony, warmth and tolerance. Divide your sorrows and successes in half.

The bird with the name “family” received two wings today, and these wings are the bride and groom. This bird is just learning to fly. So fly with caution and protect each other, because a bird cannot fly with one wing.

May the heavenly angel protect your union from all bad weather and failures. Love is an incomparable feeling based on care, affection and mutual assistance. True love only becomes stronger over time. Take care of your feelings, respect each other and don’t break up.

In this article we will give some tips on how to better compose greeting cards.

1. The best congratulation of all time is, of course, a wish for health and happiness. The main thing is that all words come from the soul. With warmth and love. It is important to write those words that describe the birthday person, his kindest and brightest sides. Recognition of her abilities and talents.

2. Young people prefer congratulations with a “joke”. You can come up with a funny poem or, in addition to the words of congratulations, draw funny pictures. As a surprise, you can put a small chocolate bar or a photo of you together inside the card.

3. If the birthday person is a serious person who loves poetry and poems. A man of art. There will be no shame in finding a ready-made poem by famous classics. This will add solidity, and a person of art will definitely appreciate it.

All words must be accompanied by a beautiful design. The postcard can be made with your own hands using available materials. Or you can order a postcard in specialized shops.

It’s the 21st century and today people are trying to simplify their lives; letters, envelopes, the process of writing and packaging letters, postcards have long been forgotten. Anyone who has the Internet can go in and download a themed picture, copy a poem, and the congratulation is ready, social networks are full of applications with greeting cards, animations, which we send out in hundreds. But it's worth thinking about quality. If the hero of the occasion is really dear to you, then you need to try to surprise him and make a card with individual wishes, which will be written in beautiful “live” lines, with cocky curls.

Holidays such as New Year, February 14, March 8 and Birthdays force us to return to cards, pens, markers and put our feelings and best wishes on paper. And if you intend to make your congratulation bright, warm and festive, then put your soul into it, write pleasant warming words, try to rhyme the lines, it’s so cute. The recipient will undoubtedly “melt” from your poetic sketches. After reading a postcard, a person should feel happiness, joy and nothing else, so our task is to buy, or better yet, create a beautiful postcard with your own hand and sign it with warm wishes and congratulations.

How to sign a postcard beautifully: what to write with

To begin with, the main thing is to determine whether you will buy a postcard or create it yourself, sign it with a pen or assign it to Word, give it in person or send it by mail. If you sign your card with a pen, it’s a good idea to use several colors to set the mood of the text. If it brings fun and humor, then in some places you can draw emoticons, small drawings, flowers, they will undoubtedly please the eye.

If the text is strict or formal, then you can get by with the usual request from the Internet, without frills and painting. Sometimes the problem becomes our restless handwriting, which strives to encrypt what is stated. We are so accustomed to communicating through a computer that when you pick up a pen, you are surprised at your own handwriting. Well, you can ask someone to sign the card for you, but often the text on the card is personal, and it can be awkward to involve strangers. There is a way out - first practice on a draft and rewrite everything into a white paper. Another option is to type the text in the already so familiar Word program. It is better, of course, to use Photoshop. Create text, decorate with styles and print. If you bought a postcard in a store, then it will not be difficult to cut out the finished text and paste it into the postcard.

You are undoubtedly lucky if you have skills in working in the Photoshop graphic editor, then you can beautifully sign a unique gift card using some personal photos of the addressee or your photo and add drawings, pictures and text to it that will emphasize everything necessary and important thing you want to express. The text in the program can be formatted to a specific style already available in the database, or you can create individual settings: add embossing, shadow, stroke, set transparency. The letters themselves come to life and become decoration inside the card.

How to sign a postcard beautifully: who can help?

If your level of skill in Photoshop does not allow you to create a unique, beautiful postcard, and the process itself takes a lot of time and nerves, then you can entrust this mission to the specialists of a photo salon. You can contact them to print a finished postcard made by yourself, or give them the source materials to work with, sending a couple of pictures and photos to a flash drive. Thus, you transfer this task to a specialist, and all that remains is to come and pick up the finished result. In any case, your time, imagination and efforts will be highly appreciated and the person who receives the postcard will understand that he is dear to you. Do not doubt that he will happily look at everything that you have drawn and written.

How to beautifully sign a postcard: kind words

To sign a card beautifully means to decorate it with a beautiful wish, one that will touch every corner of the soul and evoke pleasant emotions. It’s good when you know exactly what words to express your wishes, but if nothing comes to mind, the Internet is always at hand with millions of tips and even special books consisting of congratulations. They contain poetic wishes and prose, long and short congratulations, cheerful and even funny, romantic and friendly. But it’s not a fact that someone else won’t congratulate your recipient with exactly the same poem, so it’s worth trying to write a wish yourself. It will be very interesting for a person to see lines written by you, even if not very coherent, but personally created. This way you can create a unique greeting card that is pleasant to hold in your hands, put on your desktop or on a shelf at home. And by making it a rule to give postcards to your loved ones, created with love and tenderness, you give them joy, attention and happiness, and this is the whole essence of creating a postcard, its purpose.

If the recipient is far away and you plan to send a postcard, then you will have to find a suitable envelope and find a mailbox, take into account the time it takes to send your message so that it is delivered to the address in a timely manner. Often ready-made postcards are already sold with an envelope; all that remains is to attach a stamp and send the letter.
