Postoperative gynecological bandage after hysterectomy. Gynecological postoperative bandage after hysterectomy


Before choosing a bandage, consult your doctor about its use. Let him tell you about the desired fixation model and the time of use of the bandage.

The length of time you wear the bandage depends on the effectiveness of the main treatment and your individual characteristics. But usually the post-operative bandage is worn for no more than two months, otherwise you may experience atrophy of the internal organs. The wearing time is prescribed by the doctor.

Also, do not try to tighten the bandage too tightly: you will seriously block the access of oxygen to the damaged area. If you are using a magnetic headband, do not use it with other electronic devices. Do not wear a bandage with high heels - these are incompatible things. To relieve stress on your internal organs and back, exercise only in a bandage. If you feel discomfort while wearing it, contact your healthcare provider.

Remember that the bandage is used in conjunction with the main treatment; it fixes the surgical suture and prevents swelling at the incision site, polishes it and makes it more aesthetically pleasing. In addition, the bandage ensures the correct position of the internal organs and relieves the operated organ from unnecessary stress.

Video on the topic


  • how long to wear the bandage after surgery

It is highly recommended not to tighten the postoperative bandage too tightly. With this application, too little oxygen will reach the damaged area. When using a magnetic bandage, you should not combine it with wearing devices.

It should also be remembered that postoperative bandages and high ones cannot be combined. If you want to reduce the stress on your back and internal organs, do household chores that involve physical effort without removing the therapeutic bandage.

Universal bandage- This is an indispensable thing both during pregnancy and after the birth of a child. Wearing a bandage to strengthen the abdominal muscles and reduce the load on the spine is recommended for many mothers. How to choose, put on and wear bandages correctly?

You will need

  • -bandage.


Before purchasing any brace, be sure to try it on. Experienced consultants in pharmacies and stores will select the required size for you and tell you about the features of each model. All manufacturers have their own size range, so focus not on the numbers on the box, but on your feelings. There is no need to buy a bandage “with a reserve”. Each model is specially designed in such a way that it adapts to an increase in the abdomen and hip volume. Most often, bandages are not subject to or, so carefully choose the model that suits you.

Do not wear the brace 24/7. Take at least a half-hour break every 3-4 hours. At the same time, focus on your feelings. If you find it difficult to breathe, feel pain, or your baby begins to kick vigorously, immediately loosen the tension of the bandage or remove it altogether.

A universal bandage is a belt in which one part is much wider than the other. There are hard tabs in the wide part, and flaps with Velcro on the sides. While wearing the belt, place the wide part on your back. It is not always convenient to fix the back Velcro yourself. But after a little training it will be easy. Pull the side flaps and fasten them under. After childbirth, the universal bandage must be worn backwards. Those. Place a wide area on the stomach, and fasten the side Velcro on the back.

Remember that bandages and any shapewear are not a panacea. After giving birth, watch your diet and do exercises. These are effective ways to get your blood back to normal sooner.

Video on the topic


  • how to wear a universal maternity bandage in 2019

The bandage needs to be removed from time to time to give some muscles a rest. Talk to your doctor about how often you can do this. In most cases, when wearing a Chance collar, doctors recommend removing it every 2 hours for 30 minutes.

Strictly follow all instructions regarding the timing of treatment of your disease using the Chance collar. If during treatment you experience unpleasant sensations - “jumps” in blood pressure and others, immediately contact your doctor.

Video on the topic


  • neck brace

Cuff earrings have recently become a confident leader in the fashion accessories market. A cuff is an earring that is attached to the ear without a piercing, held on the auricle by a special bow, or a double fastening is used: in a piercing and with an earloop.

The principle of attaching these original decorations is by no means a figment of the imagination of modern designers. Even in ancient times, they often appeared on the ears of fashionistas, as evidenced by frescoes and drawings.
East Indian beauties built entire compositions of gold jewelry, precious stones and feathers on their ears, which were held on behind-the-ear attachments.

In modern times, cuff earrings were revived in the 1950s as part of the rock and punk subcultures, and were typically worn by men.

Now models with cuffs of various designs and types can be seen at the shows of the best fashion designers.
You won’t see any kind of masterpieces in the models’ ears, from elegant gold pendants with precious stone inserts to large-scale structures (you can’t call them anything else) made of leather, feathers and abstract designs, very massive.

However, no matter how massive it is, the ear practically does not feel its weight, since the load is evenly distributed throughout the entire auricle (due to the behind-the-ear attachment). You can walk with this for as long as you like without experiencing any discomfort. As a rule, the decoration is worn only on one ear, with the hair pinned to one side. Sometimes a massive cuff comes with an elegant stud made of the same material as the main decoration.

Now you can easily order your favorite cuff from the catalogue. It can be made from both precious metals and jewelry alloys, to suit every taste and budget.

Cuff earrings are surprisingly democratic. Ladies of any age can choose the right accessory for themselves. These earrings are suitable for any event, from going to work to an evening cocktail or a youth get-together.

Their original shape amazingly emphasizes the beauty of the graceful female ear and its delicate curves. Pendants harmonize beautifully with loose hair and lengthen a slender neck.
Accessories will emphasize the style of the chosen clothing and present its owner in a very advantageous way.

Video on the topic


  • Catalog. Cuff earrings.

Tip 6: Vein removal: surgery and postoperative period

Varicose veins are a disease that affects about 20% of men and 67% of women. The main reason for the development of varicose veins is a sedentary lifestyle and excess weight, and we should not forget about poor nutrition, as well as heredity.

Rehabilitation period

Postoperative measures are selected individually in each specific case. In the first hours after the operation, the patient must remain in bed, performing certain exercises. You can turn around, bend your legs, you also need to move your legs slightly upward, as a result of which the blood flow improves. In the subsequent days of rehabilitation, you are allowed to sit, and after bandaging your legs from the tips of your toes to, you can carefully stand up and walk a little, but only in the ward.

If the legs are bandaged, in most cases they are slightly elevated, this preserves the tone of the cardiovascular system.

After the end of the postoperative period, walking, light jogging, and after a few months, cycling are recommended. All these measures, together with a nutritious diet, will be an excellent prevention of the development of varicose veins.

Modern medicine is rich in a wide range of special devices for maintaining health and longevity. One such useful invention is the bandage. There are a large number of varieties of bandages, respectively, each has its own purpose and its own cost.

What is a bandage

A bandage is a medical device designed to support certain parts of the body in the required position.

Types of bandages and their price characteristics

The types of bandages are determined primarily by the purpose of their use.

The following types of bandages are known:

Hip bandage – used to prevent and treat sprains, injuries and diseases of the hip. Recommended for systematic physical exercise. Price 200-350 rubles.

Shin bandage - designed to prevent and treat sprains, injuries and diseases of the lower leg. Recommended for systematic physical activity. Price 200-350 rubles.

Universal leg bandage - designed to prevent and treat a variety of injuries. Recommended for people suffering from arthritis and varicose veins. Cost 400-500 rubles.

Prenatal bandage - used to reduce the level of stress and to prevent the appearance of stretch marks on the abdomen, prolapse of organs and the appearance of hernias. Helps the fetus take a physiologically correct position. Recommended. Price 300-450 rubles.

Pre/postpartum bandage – performs the same functions as a birth bandage. Recommended for and. Price 350-500 rubles.

Postpartum-postoperative bandage – used to support the abdominal organs after surgical intervention. Price 350-500 rubles.

Hernia bandage – used to support inguinal and femoral hernia. Recommended for patients who are proficient, as well as for those who have undergone surgery in this area. Price 350-450 rubles.

Anti-hernia bandage - used to prevent the appearance of a hernia. Recommended for postoperative patients, as well as people who frequently lift heavy objects. Price 400-500 rubles.

Supportive warming bandage – used to prevent and treat radiculitis diseases. Recommended for builders and sellers. Price 500-700 rubles.

Bandage for internal organs – used to support the pelvic organs. Price 700-800 rubles.

How to choose a bandage

The main criterion for choosing a bandage is the purpose of its use and size.

The most important thing is that you should not order bandages from stores.

Do not have someone else purchase this medical device for you.

To choose the right bandage, seek help from a qualified consultant at a pharmacy, who will present you with a full range of products and help you decide on the size. From models of one type of bandage (panties, shorts, belt, etc.), choose a bandage only by trying on. Remember that when you wear the bandage directly, you should be as comfortable as without it.

As you can see, the types and prices of bandages are varied. How much a bandage will cost depends on the type of bandage, the material used and, of course, the manufacturer.

Prenatal and postnatal bandages are the most popular, but other types of this device are also in demand.

Tip 8: What to consider when choosing a watch

In modern society, keeping track of time is simply necessary. Therefore, a wristwatch today is not just and not only a sign of an intelligent society, but also a necessary accessory. But you should carefully choose a watch so that it looks beautiful and is comfortable to use...

How to choose a watch

First of all, the diameter of the dial must be selected depending on the width of the wrist. A “correct” shaped watch should not be wider than your wrist. However, recently large watches with a large case and a wide strap have become increasingly popular. This is a matter of everyone's taste.

It is necessary to keep in mind the color of the strap. It should match the color of your shoes and belt. Men tend to wear black, brown and gray colors. But the color palette of women's watches has no boundaries.

It is also worth paying attention to how the watch sits on your hand. On the strap, they should fit your wrist tightly, without dangling on it. It looks tacky. But a watch on an elegant bracelet, on the contrary, should be in free movement.

Jewelry watches have always been and remain a big fashion item for women - the subject of joint work between jewelry and watchmakers. Watches with semi-precious stones on the dial are also popular. These are real works of art.

Men's choice most often stops at classic or sports watches. Classic – strict and elegant. They only show the time and possibly the date. Such watches should not be cluttered with unnecessary details. And sports ones, in turn, can have a number of additional functions: pedometer, stopwatch, alarm clock.

Unfortunately, sometimes situations arise when surgery is necessary to save the life of your pet. It is possible that in order for your pet to recover quickly and not damage the post-operative suture, he will need to wear a bandage for some time. Is it possible to sew it yourself?

If you have had abdominal surgery, then in some cases the veterinarian will recommend that the owner buy a special postoperative bandage for the animal. It may not be so easy to figure out this intricacy of fabric and ties, but you still have to do it. The main purpose of such a blanket is to prevent dirt from getting into postoperative sutures, which can cause inflammation. Wearing it for some time is highly likely to ensure normal tissue fusion.

How to sew a bandage for a cat yourself?

In order to make a post-operative bandage for a medium-sized cat on your own, take a piece of thick cotton fabric, preferably in light shades - possible contamination is more visible on them.
Please note that the fabric should not be loose or “crumble” - a small thread caught in the wound can provoke the development of an inflammatory process.
When you are cutting out the blanket, do not forget to leave allowances for stitching its edges.

For a bandage for a medium-sized cat, you will need a rectangle of fabric approximately 27 by 28 cm, in the center of the rear edge which continues with a flap 8 cm long and 10 cm wide. Step back 12 cm from the front edge of the future blanket and make cuts on both sides, each about 9 cm deep and 3-4 cm wide, for the animal’s front paws. Overcast the edges of the workpiece to prevent the fabric from fraying.

To secure the bandage to the cat’s body, it is necessary to firmly and carefully sew the tapes to the resulting blank. A pair of tapes is attached on both sides of the bandage close to its front edge, then on both sides of the cutouts for the front paws and near the rear edge of the product. At the back of the flap along its edges, sew 2 more ribbons - you will tie them above the animal’s tail. The bandage should fit closely to the cat's chest and tummy, and its ribbons should be tied at the top, on its back.

Necessary requirements for a blanket for a cat

The tapes with which the blanket is secured to the animal’s body should not cause any inconvenience to it and at the same time they should be sufficiently strong and safe. Do not make these ties excessively long, because the animal may catch the ends on something and panic. Ideally, they should be made of such material that, in case of urgent need, the animal can tear them and free itself from the blanket.

In fact, it is better not to leave your cat unattended for the first couple of days after surgery. This is exactly how long it usually takes for her to stop feeling the bandage on her body and not tear it off, risking damaging the seam and causing an infection.

Do not forget to change the bandage in a timely manner - it should always be clean. Promptly treat the post-operative suture as instructed by your veterinarian.

There is no need to completely remove the bandage for this treatment - just untie the last pair of tapes and bend the valve.
A young and strong animal has a good ability to regenerate, and its sutures heal very quickly.


An obstetrician should tell a woman when to start wearing a maternity brace. Usually they begin to wear it at 4–5 months, when a noticeable belly appears. But the expectant mother should also focus on her own feelings: if it is difficult for her to cope with the increased loads, then the time has come. However, some experts do not recommend starting to wear a bandage before the 20th week of pregnancy. In some cases, it may be completely contraindicated. But there are also situations when a bandage is prescribed for strict medical reasons.

If the pregnancy is multiple or the woman has pathologies such as an increase in the volume of amniotic fluid (polyhydramnios) or a scar on the uterus, then you need to start wearing a bandage from the 16th week of pregnancy. This will help prevent the risk of complications during pregnancy. Mandatory indications for wearing a bandage from early pregnancy are also large fetal size, threat of miscarriage, low placenta or excessively enlarged uterus. A contraindication for wearing a bandage is the incorrect position of the fetus in the uterine cavity. In such cases, an orthopedic bandage is not prescribed to the expectant mother, since it can prevent the child from rolling over into the correct position.

Women with well-developed abdominal muscles in their first pregnancy may want to delay using the band until around 28 weeks. Of course, this recommendation will be correct only if the expectant mother does not feel discomfort and does not suffer from back and lower back pain. During the second or third pregnancy, you cannot do without a bandage in any case, since the abdominal wall stretches more and faster with each subsequent pregnancy. In this case, you need to start wearing an orthopedic corset immediately after the appearance of the belly.

The bandage must be removed during the day and at night. During the day, you should take breaks every 2–3 hours, freeing yourself from the bandage for 30–40 minutes. Starting from the 38th week of pregnancy, it is recommended to wear it only before long walks or while doing housework. During this period, the female body is actively preparing for the upcoming birth, and the stomach begins to gradually drop, so wearing a bandage should be limited to a minimum. However, in some cases, for example, with a high risk of premature descent of the fetus, the bandage is used until the last days of pregnancy.

The muscles of the uterus tend to periodically tense and relax. When they are in a state of tension for a long time, this is no longer the norm. This phenomenon is called hypertonicity. Many pregnant women have to deal with it periodically.

During muscle tension, expectant mothers may feel pain in the lower abdomen, and the stomach often becomes hard as a rock. In addition to the fact that this condition causes a lot of discomfort, it is quite dangerous. Hypertonicity can cause premature birth. In the early stages of pregnancy, it poses a threat of spontaneous abortion.

Hypertonicity can be caused by a lack of magnesium salts in the body, overwork, stress, or heavy physical activity.

Does the bandage help relieve uterine hypertonicity?

Wearing a bandage during pregnancy helps solve many problems. But before purchasing it, it is advisable to consult your gynecologist. In some cases it is not recommended to wear it.

The bandage helps relieve tension in the uterus, as it supports the tummy, preventing the muscles from straining during active walking or other types of physical activity. It also allows you to relieve stress on the spine.

It should be understood that by wearing a bandage it is possible to eliminate only mild hypertonicity, the cause of which is muscle tension associated with a shift in the center of gravity, as well as active physical activity. In most cases, the problem of eliminating hypertonicity requires an integrated approach.

With this pathology, pregnant women need to take antispasmodics while wearing a bandage. Only a doctor can prescribe them. The specialist will definitely clarify the dosage schedule and dosage of the drug.

If tone is a consequence of magnesium deficiency in the body, the woman needs to take medications containing its salts. In this case, the bandage cannot help in any way to get rid of the manifestations of hypertonicity. But this does not mean that you do not need to wear it.

The bandage must be selected strictly according to size and used correctly. It should not be too tight, squeeze internal organs and hinder movement.

If the smooth muscles of the uterus are tense, you should immediately lie down on the sofa or bed and relax. If the cause of this condition is nervous stress, you need to try to calm down and think about your health and the health of your unborn baby.

Tip 12: Testosterone propionate and its use in sports

The use of a drug called Testosterone Propionate is gaining increasing popularity among athletes. Today it is one of the most sought after steroids in bodybuilding.

General information

Testosterone is a well-known hormone that is of extraordinary importance for men. But, unfortunately, we often have to deal with the fact that for many, including young men, it is at a low level. With this indicator, there is a decrease in male libido, a decrease in muscle mass, rapid fatigue, and an increase in adipose tissue. Of course, for athletes such characteristics will not allow them to achieve results. This is especially true for bodybuilders, because high levels of testosterone ensure rapid and effective gain of muscle mass. In case of deficiency of this hormone, many athletes turn to a drug called Testosterone Propionate.

Testosterone propionate is a steroid that should be taken by injection. Experienced bodybuilders note that the main advantage of propionate is the rapid achievement of results, the disadvantage is a short-term effect. Already after the first use with a dosage of 50-100 mg, you can feel the effect of increasing strength and energy, as the level of the hormone increases. The effect disappears after 1–2 days, so athletes take it regularly every two days, many daily.

Another feature of the drug is that when it is taken, minimal water retention occurs in the body. Because of this factor, some athletes consider the drug to be ineffective due to the fact that it is not possible to gain weight by 10 kg. But the specificity of the drug implies its use during the so-called drying period, which allows you to get better and more prominent muscles.


Doctors advise calculating the dosage of the drug according to the following principles. Beginning athletes should take testosterone propionate once every two days, 50 mg by injection. Professionals should do this once a day, 100 mg. There is no need to take the drug too often or in large quantities, as side effects may make themselves felt.

Side effects

When using steroids, you can often encounter side effects. Testosterone propionate is no exception. Acne is one of them. Acne may appear even after the first injection. With prolonged use, the body may stop producing its own testosterone. After 2–3 months of stopping injections, as a rule, the body’s production of the hormone returns to normal. There are frequent cases of gynecomastia - enlargement of the mammary gland in men, but if you follow the dosage, this can be avoided. Another side effect is an increase in hair growth (in some cases, on the contrary, hair loss).

Due to the special specificity of this type of drug, you should remember about the safety of your own body. If you experience negative effects from propionate, you should immediately stop using it.

Patients are recommended to wear a bandage after kidney removal, since the belt serves to prevent postoperative complications and performs a number of useful functions. But the effectiveness of an abdominal bandage depends on the correct choice of model taking into account the size. It is important not to make a mistake and choose a belt for the appropriate purpose. And without knowing the rules for wearing a support device, you can only do harm.

A bandage is a temporary measure after kidney removal, aimed at preventing complications and comfortable recovery.

What is a bandage and what is it for?

An abdominal bandage is a medical elastic belt that is used for various purposes in medicine. The retaining fabric usually has Velcro or fasteners to secure it. It is a misconception that it is worn only after surgical interventions in the abdominal cavity, but this is a misconception. The bandage is also used after kidney surgery, in the postpartum period, and when the kidneys prolapse.

Positive effects when using the belt

  • Ensures the integrity of the surgical suture, preventing divergence of the wound edges;
  • supports internal organs;
  • reduces swelling and pain at the incision site;
  • reduces the risk of developing a hernia;
  • promotes the formation of an invisible scar due to the compression effect;
  • prevents blood accumulation at the site of the removed kidney;
  • speeds up recovery after surgery.

A bandage for recovery after kidney removal should not cause discomfort when moving or put pressure on the abdomen.

In order for a bandage to really help in rehabilitation and not cause harm to the body, you need to learn how to choose it correctly. All products differ in gradation based on abdominal circumference. The sizes on the packaging of each product are: 1(XS), 1(S), 3(M), 4(L), 5(XL), 6(XXL), 7(XXXL). Manufacturers write for what abdominal circumference a particular product is intended. Therefore, for correct selection of the model, it is important to measure this parameter. The belts also differ in width, which is due to the difference in height in each patient. Products with a width of 22 cm are intended for men and women below 175 cm and 165 cm in height. 30 cm belts are also available for sale, which are needed for taller people.

The bandage is a dense elastic bandage that will support the internal organs. A wide bandage, which is used after removal of appendicitis, does not compress the internal organs. This bandage speeds up the recovery of muscle tissue and helps avoid various complications.

Why are post-operative bandages needed?

A bandage after abdominal surgery, applied after removal of appendicitis, can guarantee the integrity of the sutures, protecting them from rupture, and is also capable of holding the internal walls. But this does not limit the usefulness of using this medical accessory, since it eliminates the possibility of the formation of hernias, scar tissue and adhesions. An elastic bandage protects the skin from stretch marks and is a kind of protection against various infections and skin irritations. It can eliminate possible pain symptoms and also help maintain physical activity.

Some experts are of the opinion that after surgery to remove appendicitis, an ordinary bandage will be enough, provided that it goes away without complications. How many people, so many opinions. Therefore, it is better to start from the individual case.

What types of bandages are there after appendicitis?

Each individual case requires a specific type of bandage. The model of this medical accessory must be approved by the attending physician.

The most common model of such a product is presented as a wide, tight belt that wraps around the waist. However, you can often see on pharmacy displays models that resemble elongated high-waisted briefs, which are equipped with a fixing belt. There is also a Bermuda jockstrap, which is a type of jockstrap. They are considered to be more practical in the winter and easy to use. Externally, such elastic bandages look more like shorts.

The above types of bandages most successfully fix the abdominal cavity after removal of the appendix. No matter how much controversy there is on this topic, a waist bandage can be considered the best after such an operation. Due to the fact that it covers the largest area of ​​the abdomen, it guarantees the integrity of the postoperative suture and reduces the load on the back and abdominal cavity.

For special medical cases, a small range of elastic appendicitis suture bandages are available, with special slots designed for medical accessories.

Perhaps some will ask the question “How much does this device cost?” and will not receive an exact answer, because this directly depends on the manufacturer and the materials they have chosen used to make the bandage.

Features of postoperative bandages

For some patients, doctors recommend having a custom-made bandage sewn. No matter how much advice you are given, you need to make the purchasing decision yourself, based on the advice of your doctor, since the convenience and quality of the purchased product will directly depend on this. It is better to buy a product from trusted manufacturers and be confident in its quality. It is not recommended to purchase used such medical accessories, since it is possible that they may have stretched during wear and are unlikely to perform the necessary functions in the future. The second reason to buy a new device is purely hygienic reasons. If you wear a device that has already been used, infection and further complications may occur.

The postoperative bandage is made of elastic material, comfortable to wear. As a rule, such materials are rubberized fabrics, cotton with the addition of elastane or lycra. Most experts believe that after surgery for appendicitis, preference should be given to tissues that remove moisture from the surface of the skin. Such models are more hygienic and will promote faster healing.

It is more comfortable and safer to wear the product if it is equipped with durable clasps. After removing the appendix, it is better to buy an option that has a wide Velcro tape. It will allow you to adjust the degree of tightening to a greater extent.

Rules for wearing and purchasing the product

If the question is how long it is necessary to wear a bandage after surgery, then a person needs advice from the attending physician. Some experts argue that if there were no complications after removal of appendicitis, then tight fixing bandages should not be worn for more than a few days from the date of the operation. How much specifically is up to the attending physician to decide.

However, from a scientific point of view, the time to wear a bandage after appendicitis has become inflamed and surgery has been performed depends on the effectiveness of the main treatment and the individual characteristics of the body. The patient is prohibited from arbitrarily choosing how long to wear the corset, since if the period exceeds two months, atrophy of the internal organs is possible. After removing the appendix and putting on a bandage, you should not tighten it too tightly, because this will impede the access of oxygen to the wound healing after the operation.

Before buying a product, you need to carefully study the size table, focusing on your parameters: height, waist circumference, seam size.

The main task of the product is to compress the abdominal muscles and maintain them. The bandage prevents the sutures that appeared after the operation from coming apart, and in addition has the following functions:

  • gentle support of the internal organs located in the abdominal cavity;
  • reduction of pain, which is especially audible when moving;
  • prevention of complications that may arise after surgery - suture dehiscence, the appearance of adhesions, scar structures, hernias, etc.;
  • necessary assistance in proper scar formation;
  • promoting normal blood and lymph circulation, which eliminates complications and speeds up recovery;
  • preventing the appearance of hematomas and edema;
  • maintaining the patient’s motor activity;
  • significant reduction in back load;
  • the bandage helps women get in shape.

Attention! The bandage is required to be worn by patients who are overweight, suffer from exhaustion, as well as those who have a general serious condition of the body.

Types of bandages

The type of bandage depends on which organs need to be supported and where the suture is located after surgery. Therefore, the modern medical market offers a lot of products - from a regular ribbon belt to a voluminous supportive T-shirt. Main types of postoperative bandages:

Attention! Do not confuse regular shapewear with a postoperative bandage. A medical bandage is a product that is aimed at supporting the abdomen and internal organs, and not at tightening the body.

How to choose the right one

First of all, choose a product made from natural fabrics, preferably cotton. It may cost more, but it has improved features. It would also be great if the composition includes an elastic additive, for example, lycra.

The model you have chosen must be tried on to evaluate whether it is comfortable. To do this, you need to take a horizontal position, i.e. lie down. The bandage should fit snugly to the body, and should also have medium rigidity: do not squeeze the muscles too much, but also not slip. Pay special attention to the fastening; it can be of the following types - Velcro, buttons, lacing, zipper, buttons or hooks. The best choice is Velcro or lacing, which can adjust the degree of compression.

The next thing you should pay attention to is the size. To do this, you need to measure your waist and use the resulting figure as a basis. The width of the model should be such that the seam is completely covered. The skin around the seam should be closed by at least 1 cm. But avoid bandages that are too wide, because they can curl up, press into the skin and cause discomfort.

Attention! The bandage should not be used for pregnant women after a caesarean section. This model does not fit in size and has the wrong degree of elasticity.

How to wear

Rehabilitation after surgery must be carried out under the supervision of a doctor. You should follow all his recommendations regarding wearing a bandage. Typically its use is limited to two weeks. By this time, there is no longer any risk of sutures coming apart, and the functioning of the internal organs is stabilized.

Some general tips for wearing a bandage during the postoperative period:

  1. You should not wear the bandage for more than 6-8 hours a day.
  2. The product must be worn on cotton clothing that does not have seams.
  3. During the first days, it is better to wear the support belt while lying down. Thus, the organs will be in the correct physiological position. After 3-4 days, the bandage can be put on while standing.
  4. Do not use the product while sleeping.
  5. By the end of the recovery period, you should wear the bandage only during physical activity, for example, while walking or doing housework.
  6. You should not stop wearing the belt suddenly. It is necessary to gradually reduce the periods of wear, allowing the body to get used to everyday stress.

Any surgical intervention is stressful for the body. A special bandage will help you go through the recovery process more easily and comfortably. But before purchasing it, be sure to consult with your doctor about the need for such a product, as well as the nuances of wearing it. When you go shopping, take our recommendations into account and make the right choice.

Postoperative bandage review: video

A postoperative abdominal bandage reliably fixes the layers of the abdominal walls injured as a result of surgery. Gentle immobilization of tissues prevents sutures from coming apart and internal organs from moving. Wearing a tight medical bandage reduces pain, promotes postoperative wound healing and the formation of a thin scar.


A postoperative (abdominal, compression) abdominal bandage is a wide elastic belt that supports internal organs without squeezing or impairing blood supply.

The purpose of the product is to prevent the development of complications (the formation of hernias, adhesions) and reduce the recovery period for patients after abdominal and laparoscopic operations on the digestive and genitourinary systems.

Indications for the use of a postoperative corset:

  • surgical interventions on the abdominal organs: removal of the uterus, ovaries, appendix, gallbladder, gastric resection, etc.;
  • herniorrhaphy - excision and repair of a hernia of the abdominal wall;
  • C-section;
  • abdominoplasty - removal of subcutaneous fat and excess skin on the abdomen;
  • multiple pregnancy;
  • weakness of the abdominal wall and separation of the abdominal muscles (diastasis) in the postpartum period;
  • abdominal injuries;
  • prolapse of the internal organs of the abdominal cavity, kidneys;
  • diseases of the lumbosacral spine: osteochondrosis, spondylosis, protrusions, hernias.

Wearing a postoperative orthopedic belt helps reduce stress on muscles during movement, prevents sutures from coming apart and getting infections into the wound, and relieves pain.

Types of bandages

The postoperative bandage is made of high-strength, elastic and hypoallergenic material. The cellular structure of the fabric ensures air circulation and removes excess moisture from the skin.

Classification of postoperative bandages by purpose:

  • preventive (universal);
  • therapeutic and prophylactic (anti-hernia);
  • medical bandages with a hole for the stoma.

The range of orthopedic products for fixation allows you to select a bandage for each individual case. There are models for adults and children, men and women. The men's bandage has a greater degree of rigidity, resembling a corset in appearance.

Female models

Classification by design:

  • solid (do not have fasteners, put on as a “stocking”);
  • in the form of a belt;
  • in the form of panties (shorts) with a wide elastic band.

The bandage is secured using a textile fastener (Velcro, Velcro, contact tape) or a removable elastic tie. Some anatomical models are equipped with 2 side wing fasteners for stronger fixation.

Possible additional design elements:

  • Soft cotton panel on the inside. It is applied to the abdominal area, does not stretch and fits as tightly as possible to the body. Prevents divergence of postoperative sutures and supports the anterior abdominal wall.
  • Stiffening rib. Provide additional lumbar support, improve fixation, and prevent the product from twisting. In products with medium fixation, the stiffening ribs are made of medical plastic. In models with strong fixation, these elements are made of aluminum or its alloys. The more rigid inserts a product has, the stronger the fixation.
  • Anti-slip latex tape. Located on the inside of the product. Prevents the bandage from shifting when moving.
  • Pockets. Allows the installation of magnetic applicators that have a positive effect on the patient’s tissue: the magnetic field activates metabolic processes, accelerates regeneration, and has anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects.

Postoperative compression bandages are available in white, beige and black.


The universal abdominal belt is an elastic band, wide in the middle and tapering towards the ends. This type of product is especially popular among pregnant women. Before childbirth, the universal bandage is worn with the wide side on the lower back, securing the ends under the abdomen. This provides reliable support for the uterus and allows you to remove some of the stress from your back. After the baby is born, the belt is turned over and worn with the wide side on the stomach.

Postpartum universal belt:

  • improves abdominal muscle tone;
  • accelerates the process of uterine contraction;
  • fixes the suture after cesarean section;
  • forms an invisible thin scar;
  • prevents bowel prolapse.

For ostomy patients

Some bowel or bladder surgeries require wearing a post-operative bandage with an ostomy hole. Standard hole diameters are 5, 7 and 9 cm.

The design of the bandage prevents protrusion of the internal organs of the abdominal cavity, allows you to reliably fix the surgically formed stoma and remove waste products of the body into a special colostomy bag without complications.

How to choose?

The optimal model of postoperative bandage required by the patient for therapeutic or rehabilitation purposes is selected by the doctor. Universal models are suitable for preventing complications after surgery.

A high-quality belt follows the contours of the figure, fits snugly to the body, does not compress internal organs and does not interfere with blood circulation.

Read more about how to choose a bandage.

The best way to select a belt for fixing the anterior abdominal wall is to try it on.

The dimensions of the postoperative abdominal bandage are determined by measuring the waist circumference with a centimeter tape. It is also useful to know the girth of the protruding part of the abdomen (the area under the navel) and the upper thighs. The size of the product corresponds to the waist circumference indicated on the packaging.

Characteristics that you should pay attention to when choosing a postoperative bandage:

  • product material - preferably “breathable” natural or mixed fabrics (with a cotton base);
  • width - the belt should be wide enough to completely cover the seam, protruding beyond the edges of the wound by at least 2 cm;
  • elasticity - the bandage should not be overly elastic;
  • fixing elements - high-quality ties and Velcro will ensure reliable fixation.

Postpartum Bandage ▷ Comparison of 4 types ▷ Differences and Application Features

Bandages. Health Technologies.

How to wear a post-operative bandage correctly?

The method of using a bandage for the treatment of diseases and rehabilitation after operations is selected on the recommendation of a doctor. The duration of wearing depends on the type and purpose of the fixation belt. The postoperative bandage is worn from 2 weeks to 3 months. This period is sufficient to form a scar and restore the tone of the peritoneal muscles.

  • It is advisable to wear the bandage over seamless cotton underwear. If the model involves its use directly on the body, to maintain the proper level of hygiene, you should purchase a spare product.
  • In the first days, it is recommended to wear the bandage while lying on your back. In this case, it is advisable to try several fixation positions and choose the most comfortable one.
  • Experts advise periodically taking a break from the bandage. The total time of using the belt and the duration of breaks are selected in each individual case.
  • The bandage should be removed at night.


Pathologies for which the use of a postoperative bandage is prohibited:

  • open wounds on the body;
  • festering suture;
  • peeling, rashes on the skin where the body comes into contact with the product;
  • individual intolerance to product materials;
  • pelvic or transverse position of the fetus during pregnancy more than 30 weeks.

Product care

Despite the fact that the bandage after abdominal surgery is in most cases not used for long, the product should be properly cared for.

  • wash the bandage by hand with mild detergents at a temperature not exceeding +40°C;
  • rinse the product thoroughly under running water;
  • dry flat at room temperature;
  • Store the product in a place protected from moisture and direct sunlight.


  • wash, wring out and dry the belt in the washing machine;
  • use bleaching agents;
  • take the bandage to the dry cleaner;
  • iron the belt.

Each product is selected individually, so it is not recommended to transfer postoperative orthopedic products to relatives and friends. The belt must be disposed of after use.
