Since when do you have prophetic dreams? Sleep by day of the week. Interpretation of dreams by day of the week. Features of Christmas dreams

People go to fortune tellers and psychics to find out the future. But everyone has supernatural abilities that allow them to order a prophetic dream. When do you dream like this? How to call it correctly? How to recognize a prophecy and what to do with it. Let's take a closer look. We will also find out when to expect the execution of the highest hint.

What is a prophetic dream

A person is a complex multidimensional system. We only see the physical body. We feel emotions, perceive thoughts and feelings. The soul lives in another dimension. There she is connected with God, the highest patrons. These powerful forces sometimes try to contact a person living on earth. Use:

  • signs (random events that attract attention);
  • fortune telling;
  • palmistry;
  • astrology;
  • prophecies;

The latter way allows you to directly convey an important message to a person’s consciousness. This is significant information necessary for proper personal development. The night plot directs thoughts in the direction where you should be active. He comes to prevent leaving the line of fate.

Any image can be prophetic. If necessary, heavenly patrons transmit a message at any time of the day, lunar cycle, or year. But usually prophetic stories appear at certain periods.


The young girl dreamed of her own family. Her friends were focused on getting an education and a career. Their thoughts confused the girl and made her think about her own erroneous attitudes in life. The angels sent her a vision:

“She stands on the shore of a warm, gentle sea. Two fish swam to her. She felt joyful, calm, surprisingly harmonious.”

The plot clue is that the girl plans her own destiny correctly. She got married and gave birth to two children. She did not need career growth for development. Directing her energy towards making money could take her away from the fateful meeting with her future husband.

Video on how to recognize a prophecy:


Prediction dreams are usually divided into several groups. These are the main ones that a person encounters at least once in his life.

Dreams-prophecies. Always come true. You need to be able to solve them correctly. Essentially there are two subgroups:

  1. Direct prophecies show real future events in the night story. A girl or guy can see the face and figure of their future loved one. There are many proven facts of predicting upcoming accidents using such dreams.
  2. Indirect prophetic stories. These are encrypted images, as in the example with fish. They are more difficult to analyze and solve. Dream books are usually used. But the collections do not give one hundred percent results.

Dreams are messages. Sometimes dead people, real people, and magical characters come into our dreams. They are saying something. Their words are prophetic. They should be remembered and taken literally. They contain serious advice, a necessary hint, an important message for the sleeper.

Fortune telling dreams They come if you pre-order them. For example, girls say before spending the night at a party: “I’m sleeping in a new place, the bridegroom is dreaming about the bride.” With a successful combination of circumstances, the subconscious will show some signs of a future married life: the beloved’s home, his profession, character, etc. There are also two varieties:

  1. True. You can rely on their content when making important decisions.
  2. False reflect the customer’s dreams, his daily goals and aspirations. They do not carry prophetic information.

Dreams are signs. They are solved according to dream books and folk traditions. Contains tips, warnings, short-term forecasts. They are built on the symbolism of the mental space of the sleeper: religious preferences, cultural values, level of education.

Empty images- the most common case. They come from the experience accumulated over the past days: impressions, thoughts, emotions. They carry no semantic load.

Nightmares- This is a reflection of the mental state of the sleeper. If they appear frequently, diagnosis is necessary. They often indicate the presence of a strong evil eye, damage, or curse.

Artificial precognitive dreams. They are caused by a person himself at home. The technique is well established (described below).

Last view - lucid dream. Achieved through great practice and exercise. During its course, consciousness is awake and travels through the astral worlds.

How to understand that a dream is prophetic

The question of individual perception of visions. People often get confused when trying to decipher false stories. Prophetic things are quite easy to find out. Their signs are:

  1. Vivid images that stick in your memory.
  2. Strong emotional experiences that touch the soul.
  3. The presence of a clear logical storyline (beginning, flow, ending).
  4. Contains specific information: numbers, dates, names, things, locations, etc.
  5. Doesn't tire you out and doesn't interfere with your rest.

Interesting: some people are able to have multi-part dreams. The storyline develops over several nights. But not in a row, but from time to time. Be sure to learn to recognize such signs. They will help you avoid many troubles and troubles.

When can they dream

Foresights in night scenes appear completely unexpectedly. There are no barriers for them. This heavenly world bursts into the life of the sleeper. There are days when the line between spaces becomes thinner. Then prophetic messages are more likely. In addition, the person’s condition and location play a role.

Holiday prophecies

It is most likely to encounter a prediction in a dream during Christmastide and church festivals. It is customary to distinguish 12 Good Fridays during or before:

  • Lent (first week);
  • Annunciation;
  • Ascension;
  • Trinity;
  • John the Baptist;
  • Elijah the prophet;
  • Dormition of the Virgin Mary;
  • Archangel Michael;
  • Christmas week;
  • Epiphany.

Dreams on the eve of great holidays are considered prophetic. Light forces descend on a person, his patrons from subtle space. The entire holiday week is also celebrated with bright scenes. Some of it is prophetic.

By day of the week

Each day is ruled by a specific planet. It is she who gives images and guides the human soul. The following was noted:

  1. On Monday prophecies do not come true. It is ruled by the Moon. Its influence is deceptive, illusory. Plots confuse thoughts and lead away from the path of life. But you can come to an agreement with the Moon. Perform a special ritual, she will show the future.
  2. On Tuesday usually see a reflection of past events. The day is under the influence of Mars. The planet of warriors, aggression, sudden changes. Mars occasionally shows the upcoming turn of fate.
  3. On Wednesday dreams can be prophetic. Mercury rules here - the ruler of information flows. It tells you in which area there is stagnation. It foreshadows brides for grooms and vice versa. Sometimes it shows danger.
  4. On Thursday you can see the future of the business and financial sphere. The ruler of the day, Jupiter, takes seriously only the material realization of a person. It shows where to invest money and energy, what profession or career is destined for. It also warns against thoughtless, unnecessary spending and squandering.
  5. On Friday prophetic pictures appear. They are ruled by Venus - the planet of love. These can come true within a day, a month, or three years.
  6. On Saturday(Saturn) and Sunday(Sun) prophetic, fateful dreams usually do not come. The exceptions are nights of full moon and new moon. They give a forecast for the next month.

Hint: dreams and visions for Saturday can come true before Sunday afternoon.

By time of day

Images and stories usually come at night. But there are exceptions. It is customary to define their function as follows:

  1. Daytime- empty. Real prophecies rarely appear at this time.
  2. Evening filled with the experiences of the previous day. It is still difficult for angels to break through the emotions of a sleeper.
  3. Morning, predawn- loyal. The soul rested and flew away to the astral world. Here she can see future events. If necessary, she shares information with the individual.

By lunar phases

The satellite has a direct effect on the connection of consciousness with the higher self. It is customary to recognize dreams by the phase and days of the moon:

  1. During growth rapid dreams may come. They are executed on the same day or three days later.
  2. At decreasing the images are disturbing and tense. These usually have no meaning. They suggest areas or events that are incorrectly perceived by the sleeper.
  3. Full moon gives favorable forecasts for personal happiness. The dreams are bright, distinct, ingrained in the memory.
  4. On the new moon forecasts are coming. This is the time of the beginning of a new life stage. You can see answers to your questions and direct instructions.

By lunar days:

  1. Prophetic tips with a wonderful, joyful forecast.
  2. In dreams comes news of upcoming happy changes.
  3. Reflect current affairs. They have no meaning.
  4. It must be performed directly. As we saw, so it will happen.
  5. Contains warnings and cautions.
  6. Shows the outcome of an exciting undertaking. Only those who have taken a risky step should react to the dream.
  7. Pictures of the distant future are shown.
  8. The plots are interesting, but not necessarily realized. The choice is up to the sleeper.
  9. The omen should be remembered accurately. Better write it down. It has a prophetic meaning.
  10. An empty dream.
  11. Reflects the mood of the next three days. Events are not prophesied.
  12. Direct hints that come to fruition throughout the week.
  13. The plot may indicate a change that will happen in 10 days.
  14. Shows future troubles.
  15. A dream pushes you to take certain actions. The specifics are judged by the plot.
  16. Direct paintings. They will be exactly realized in life. Deja vu is likely to occur.
  17. The pictures seen that night will be repeated in reality. You will have to wait up to a month.
  18. Remember the emotions. You will have to experience the same on the twentieth day.
  19. The plot reliably tells about the problem of interest.
  20. A harbinger of financial receipts, winnings, income.
  21. Pictures of situations that will appear in reality very soon.
  22. Don't wait for execution. Blank pictures.
  23. Interesting storylines. They reflect dreams. They have nothing to do with reality.
  24. Completed directly within two weeks.
  25. Contains no meaning, does not foretell changes.
  26. The dream can be threatening. But this is only a reflection of internal fears. It won't come true.
  27. Did you see great joy? Don't rely on performance. Thank the angels for your good mood.
  28. Prophetic vision for a long time. Fulfilled years later.
  29. Meaningless images.
  30. The dream is filled with important predictions. The incarnation will occur no earlier than in a month.

What to do to remember

Unfortunately, we often forget in the morning the harbingers of our nightly dreams. And they can correct the situation and help. It is customary to do this in order to remember the plots later:

  1. Open your eyes and bite the corner of your pillow. Scroll through the events of your dreams in your memory.
  2. Sleep on your right side. Don't lie face down on your stomach.
  3. Turn away from the fire until noon, do not look out the window.

Attention: you can keep a small pebble under your pillow. It will help you remember everything later. You will need to hold it in your hands.

To be fulfilled

Dreams that the dreamer was able to remember in detail come true. But he himself can ruin the forecast. Execution depends only on his behavior:

  1. Don't tell anyone the pictures for three days.
  2. It’s better to keep them completely secret until the moment of execution.

Hint: you can write down the images briefly and hide the paper.

How to destroy a bad omen

Dreams are not always rosy. Sometimes prophetic omens are negative. These need to be worked on. A person is able to influence his own destiny. The following must be done:

  1. Stop getting upset. Bad thoughts increase the chances of a quick realization.
  2. Select the appropriate neutralization method from those described below.
  3. Apply it.

To prevent bad dreams from coming true, the ancestors advised:

  1. Hold on to your own crown. Then the stories will disappear from memory.
  2. Light the candle immediately. Tell your horrors to the fire.
  3. Go to the window. Tap the glass three times.
  4. Open the tap. Convey information to flowing water.
  5. Turn the pillowcase inside out or wash it.

Attention: when you wake up, the first thing you do is say: “where night goes, sleep goes.”

In the morning you need to tell as many friends, colleagues, and classmates as possible about the unpleasant pictures. This is how programming is destroyed.

Hex on iron

The ceremony takes place before noon. Pick up or touch an iron object. Say a short spell three times:

“Iron does not sleep, it does not dream. Take mine and keep it forever. Amen!".

On the water

You should tell creepy stories immediately after waking up. Go to the bathroom and run the water. So say:

“Water flows - it will carry all troubles into the distance.”

On the smoke

This flow also carries away bad forecasts. The plot can be read for any smoke, for example, cigarette smoke:

“Where there is smoke, there are all dreams!”

On the stone

When you go to work, pick up a small cobblestone. Hold it in your hand. Say it like this:

“Sweet dream on Sunday, but say hello!”

With the last sound, throw the stone to the ground harder. May all threatening omens remain with him.

Hint: You can make a trap for night visions. The amulet will drive away the bad ones and preserve the good ones.

How to interpret correctly

The determining factor in deciphering is the feeling generated by the plot. If you felt joy, nothing bad would happen. And vice versa. The meaning of common images is looked at in dream books. But you shouldn’t rely on them literally.

The human subconscious is individual. It is important to evaluate the pictures carefully. You have your own emotional assessments of certain things. The subconscious relies on them when it makes its predictions. For example, a person hates rats. The appearance of such an animal in dreams is a threat. And the other is indifferent to these rodents. To him, the picture foreshadows a gossip, an ill-wisher.

Remember what you saw in the previous day. Sometimes excerpts from films and programs burst into a daydream. Naturally, there is no point in looking for much meaning in them. A prophetic forecast contains parts of current reality. Fantastic monsters are a game of imagination. There is no point in interpreting them.

Believe it or not

Foresight is a natural ability. We have become too carried away with science in recent centuries. Previously, dreams were valued for useful information. The good ones thanked me, the bad ones too. After all, they are an additional tool for changing fate.

Knowing about upcoming troubles, a person is able to act. The conflict can be smoothed out, losses can be prevented. There is nothing supernatural in prophetic dreams. They are the usual way of communication between a person and his heavenly patron.

Decide for yourself whether to believe this unearthly creature. It will not be offended, it will still protect, protect, warn.

Plot for a prophetic dream

Ordering foresight yourself is quite possible. The action program is as follows:

  1. Don't eat anything after lunch.
  2. Take a relaxing herbal bath (lavender, mint, rosemary).
  3. Treat the ventilated room with aromatic smoke.
  4. Try to drive away worries, worries, constant thoughts.
  5. Read the conspiracy for a prophetic omen:

“This night I will dream about something that is destined to come true (indicate the date). So be it. Amen!".

It is not always possible to achieve a positive result. With some experience, you can learn to look into the future regularly.

Sometimes visualization is recommended. This technique suffers from self-hypnosis. You load into your thoughts the image of the desired future. He will appear in a dream sooner or later. But you can’t always call it prophetic. After all, thoughts always influence dreams. But they help make dreams come true only occasionally.

Video about prophetic dreams:

One of the ways available to humanity to look ahead. However, not all dreams come true.

Many people want to look into the future and find out what awaits them. Since ancient times, there has been a special attitude towards dreams, because... they could not only explain any situation or feelings, but also predict the future. With proper preparation, the most ordinary dream can become prophetic. There are also divided days, on the night of which dreams come true.

Types of prophetic dreams

Prophetic dreams are literal. In this case, absolutely everything that a person dreams about will come true. As a rule, they come true quite quickly - within a few days. However, few people have such dreams, because... one must have the gift of foresight, albeit weakly expressed, in order to have the ability to see such dreams. Most often people deal with so-called symbolic dreams. Here you need to pay close attention to.

What a person saw in a dream is far from unambiguous and is most often interpreted in a completely unpredictable way. But almost every person can see such dreams.

On what days do you have prophetic dreams?

Not all dreams are considered prophetic. On certain days, you can see so-called “empty” dreams, which mean absolutely nothing and reflect the emotions and experiences that a person experiences. On other days, what you see in a dream is likely to come true. However, it is worth paying attention not only to the day of the week, but also to the interpretation of the dream. It is believed that not all people can see their future in a dream, but only those who have the gift of clairvoyance, even if it is very weakly expressed.

It is customary to call only those dreams that occurred on certain days prophetic. It is at this time that there is a high probability that the dream will come true. For many centuries, people have observed the fulfillment of dreams and created calendars that reflect the likelihood that the dream was prophetic. This is how days and dates appeared on which, according to numerous folk tales, prophetic dreams come true:

  • During Christmas time - from 7 to 19 January. It is believed that dreams most often come true at this time.
  • Good Fridays. Especially 12 Fridays are honored, timed to coincide with church holidays and associated with any event from the history of the Old Testament. There is a belief that if a person “observes Fridays”, i.e. does not do housework, holds fast, then as a reward the secrets of his future may be revealed to him.
  • And. These days a dream can come true. On other days, dreams are considered empty from the point of view of vision of the future. And what you see in a dream can come true, but only in the first half of the day.
  • According to the Catholic calendar, the dream is highly likely to come true on the eve of Christmas.
  • Also seen in a dream on the full moon, winter or summer solstice has a great chance of coming true.
  • Considered prophetic every third day of the month.

Interpretations of dreams by day of the week

It is generally accepted that the planets have a great influence on the days of the week. Every day is under the auspices of a specific planet, which gives various nuances to what is seen in a dream. And it is with the influence of the planets that the interpretation of dreams is associated.

    • is under the auspices of the planet Moon. Eat greater likelihood of dreams coming true. But, as a rule, all night visions reflect what worries a person most at the moment.
    • patronized by Mars. This is a masculine planet that reflects such human qualities as willpower, determination, and perseverance. If on this night a person saw something positive and desirable, then this can be fulfilled with a high probability.

However, every effort must be made to make this happen. In the case when something unpleasant is seen, it is rather interpreted as a sign or hint that a person lacks courage and bravery in life.

  • dominated by Mercury. This planet is responsible for variability, therefore, what was seen on Wednesday night usually not performed.
  • patronized by Jupiter. There is a high probability that the dream will come true this night. However, one must keep in mind the influence of Jupiter and interpret what one sees as a guide to action.
  • ruled by Venus. Dreams on this night are considered prophetic. The influence of the planet indicates that all events will be in one way or another connected with love affairs.
  • is under the auspices of Saturn. Saturn likes to dictate its own rules, so sleep on this night should only be considered as a recommendation or warning.
  • If you dreamed about it, it is considered good luck. This day is associated with the Sun, the planet of life and light. It is believed that On this night only positive dreams come true.

What to do to have a prophetic dream

The most important thing in this matter is the attitude. It is important to focus on the issue for which you want to get a solution. In addition, it is worth considering that people forget most of their dreams immediately upon awakening. Therefore, keeping a dream diary will be useful.. Thanks to this simple technique, you will be able to remember what you saw at night, and also develop an intuitive understanding and interpretation of everything you dreamed about. If you are lucky and have a dream, then under no circumstances tell anyone about it.

  • It is considered one of the surest ways to cleanse yourself from everything negative. You can either simply look at the candle flame or hold your hands over the fire.
  • Also if tell the dream to as many people as possible before noon, then it definitely won’t come true.
  • One of the surest ways to get rid of a negative harbinger will be the element of water. Enough for this hold your hands under running water. You can also ask the water to take away all bad omens.
  • Dream Traps have been used since ancient times to work with dreams. They are called upon to hold good omens and get rid of everything bad.

Dream interpretation is a big responsibility. When a person begins to work with his dreams, he unwittingly brings his feelings and emotions into this process.

When analyzing a prophetic dream, there can often be an overlap with the interpretation of the person’s own experiences.

And then events begin to develop in accordance with the scenario that the person came up with for himself. That is why in the old days in many countries A certain caste of people - magicians and shamans - was engaged in the interpretation of dreams. Be that as it may, the interpretation of dreams, especially prophetic ones, should be treated with caution, remembering that mastery comes with practice.

In a prophetic dream, you see the future through a dream, which is why many people wonder why prophetic dreams occur and whether they can be controlled somehow. It is difficult to determine whether his prediction has not yet come true, because most dreams, alas, pass without any consequences and are not prophetic. Thus, prophetic dreams are often interpreted as a mere coincidence, which is not always true.

Prophetic dreams from a scientific point of view

In the scientific world it is believed that psychic powers do not exist. Scientists constantly rationalize and come to the conclusion that dreams that seem to be reality may actually be a proposal or guide for the dreamer, forcing him to make one or another decision, as a result of which the illusion of a “prophetic dream” is created. Another scientific basis is the theory that some people may have a tendency to self-edit their own dream memories to make them appear prophetic. Because dreams are so easily forgotten, your memory of them may not be accurate. Another theory is that your sleeping mind can piece together pieces of information faster than your conscious mind. Your mind is able to see what will happen based on the information it has already collected. This partly explains why people with a humanitarian mindset often have prophetic dreams.

Prophetic dreams from a biblical perspective

In the Bible, many prophetic dreams occur multiple times and are experienced by vastly different characters, including prophets (Daniel 7:1), wicked kings (Daniel 2), and ordinary people (Genesis 31:24). Sometimes dreams needed interpretation, as in the case of Nebuchadnezzar's dream in Daniel 2. Other times, no interpretation was needed because God spoke clearly to the dreamer, as in the story of Abimelech and Abraham's wife (Genesis 20:1-6). The definition of a prophetic dream might be something like this: a supernatural night vision that contains precognition. Daniel sought to give praise to God, who alone gives the wisdom to interpret these kinds of dreams (Daniel 2:20-23).

It would be impossible to say conclusively whether God really gives prophetic dreams to modern people. This is a matter of everyone's personal faith. There are many reports of people who for some reason often have prophetic dreams, especially in areas where access to the Bible and the Gospel is limited. God can sometimes use dreams to guide people to places where they can hear the gospel and be saved. A wide variety of spiritual or prophetic dreams are reported by many Christians in many countries. But none of them can be tested enough to say unequivocally: “Yes, God definitely still gives people prophetic dreams.”

If you think you have had a prophetic dream or have heard a first-hand story from another person who has had one, then the first question to ask from a Christian perspective is, “Is it from God?” Compare the content of the dream and its connection with Scripture. If you are a believer and something in your dream contradicts the words of God or His nature, it is wise to ignore the dream - even if what you dreamed happens. God will never go against His Word. The Bible is the Christian standard of truth and revelation as given by God. Good Christians can always ask God for wisdom (James 1:5) when studying dreams.

Historical reference

Prophetic dreams often involve major disasters, wars, murders, accidents, lottery numbers, or even winning a horse race. Such dreams helped solve crimes. Abraham Lincoln was said to have dreamed of his own body lying in a coffin two weeks before his assassination. British engineer John Dunn had a dream about a volcanic eruption in France, which eventually came true. Carl Gustav Jung, shortly before World War I, had a dream about Europe drowning in an ocean of blood. His mentor Sigmund Freud, the founder of psychoanalysis, also had similar dreams. Speaking of the last two scientists, both have serious works on the interpretation of dreams, which can be safely recommended to people who want to know why prophetic dreams often occur - the reasons for this phenomenon can be both self-evident and very confusing.

Main types of prophetic dreams

Most of the prophetic dreams that people have can be divided into several categories.

  • Apparitions of the deceased: These dreams are associated with the dead. The dead appear in dreams to deliver important messages.
  • Mysterious Voices: These dreams involve hearing voices or sounds that are extremely distinct and clear. Voices appear from outside. Sometimes you don't know the source of the voice or sound. It is important to pay attention to the content of the message.
  • Clairvoyant dreams: These dreams are so specific that they don't need interpretation because you literally see in them the events that end up happening.
  • Empathic dreams: You are deeply involved in the events in your dream, but you don't know why. You experience clear and sympathetic feelings and sensations, perhaps even seeing the world through your own eyes or through the eyes of one of the participants in the dream. This type of dream usually occurs among families, couples, or very close friends.
  • Shared dreams: When you and someone next to you have the same dream on the same night. Such dreams usually arise due to the extremely close connection between people.
  • Telepathic dreams: These dreams involve a message that is delivered through dreams. You can connect to someone else's thoughts through these types of dreams. But usually we are talking only about the person with whom you are close, as in the previous case.
  • Warning dreams: As the name suggests, these dreams warn that something bad will happen to you in the future. Such dreams give you the opportunity to change the outcome.

Classification by Laura Harris Smith

Millions study and seek to hear the voice of God during the day, but do not realize that at night they can hear it through dreams. American psychologist and theologian Laura Harris Smith's book, Seeing the Voice of God, describes 10 basic types of dreams (featuring the five most common types of dreams). The book also includes a dream dictionary with over 1000 symbols and their biblical relevance. It is useful for psychotherapists who study the sleep process and helps anxious clients suffering from insomnia. The five subsequent titles will be devoted to a more detailed description of the types of dreams described in Smith's book.

Plausible dream

The awareness of a dream occurs only when you awaken, and your first impression of it, as a rule, leaves much to be desired. From a Christian perspective, God's purpose in such a dream is to show you that some things remain with you even after waking up. We all know that you can dream at night and not remember, but it is almost impossible to forget about a realistic dream in which you seem to be living real life. Most prophetic dreams belong to this type, and in them you can find the answer to the question why prophetic dreams often occur and come true.

“Then Pharaoh woke up, it was a dream. In the morning his mind was troubled...” - Genesis 41:7-8.

Warning dreams

Warning dreams warn of impending danger caused by man, evil, or a bad decision we are about to make. Sometimes we need to save ourselves from the enemy, and sometimes from ourselves. Warning dreams are not “fate”, but only one of the possible options for the development of your life. It's like a computer game with an alternate ending.

“And having been warned in a dream not to return to Herod, they returned to their own country by another route” - Matthew 2:12.

Dreams about decision

A decision dream is a dream in which you are asked a question or given given options, and then you provide the answer or make a choice of your own. The religious and mystical interpretation of this dream intersects with the ancient teaching about soul, spirit and body as three components of a person. While the dreamer’s mind, corresponding to the soul or psyche, turns off at night along with the body, only the person’s inner will, corresponding to the spirit, can make a decision. Carefully monitor the choices you make in your dreams, because, firstly, they speak about your spiritual (or volitional) qualities, and secondly, they are often prophetic (especially in the week of prophetic dreams).

“In Gibeon, the Lord appeared to Solomon in a dream at night, and said: “Ask what I will give you?” - 1 Samuel 3:5.

"Incubation Dreams"

“Incubation” or waiting dreams have the status “to be continued...”. Not because there will be a continuation in the form of a second part of the dream, as with recurring dreams, but because such dreams do not come true immediately. Genesis 37:2-5 says that Joseph was a young man of seventeen years old when he described his very first dream. Genesis 41:46 shows that he was thirty when he finally came into Pharaoh's service. That's thirteen years of waiting. We see how he goes from a boy who could not interpret his dreams and save himself, to an adult and serious man who deciphered two dreams for the king and saved an entire people.

“Until his dreams were fulfilled, the Lord tested Joseph’s character.” Psalm 105:19.

Guiding dreams

Guiding dreams in the spirit of "sealing instruction" as in Job 33:16. The Bible is rich in examples of this kind. In Genesis 46:2-3, God tells Jacob in a dream to go to Egypt. In Genesis 31:24, God instructs Laban to speak kindly to Jacob in a dream. In Matthew 1:20, God tells Joseph in a dream to take Mary as his wife. These kinds of dreams leave you shaken when you awaken to the detailed advice you have just received from unknown forces.

“Then He opens a man’s ear and seals His instruction to lead a man away from any enterprise and remove pride from him, to lead his soul from the abyss and his life from being slain by the sword” - Book of Job 33: 16-18.

The Bible, like any religious revelation, contains enough answers to the question of why prophetic dreams occur.

First of all, keep a dream diary in which you will regularly write down dreams that seem prophetic to you, and use it as often as possible. This tool is very useful for tracking recurring patterns in dreams, as well as for training the skill of lucid dreaming. By forcing yourself to write down your dreams, you can see any scenarios that develop in real life, have evidence of your own prophecy, and develop your dream interpretation skills. Often prophetic dreams are not recognized until the fact you have written down helps you understand which dreams are predictions. A dream journal will help you release negative emotions so that you can continue with your daily activities without the strange uneasy feeling that is often a side effect of any strange dreams.

If in your dreams you see demons, devils, demons and other evil entities, you should think about it, since they may be signs of the following processes:

  • family discord or relationship breakdown;
  • a disease brewing in your body;
  • death of a loved one;
  • some unwanted event from which it will be difficult for you to recover.

This type of problem also includes the question of why one has prophetic dreams before pregnancy. Some believe that in this way the soul of a conceived child communicates with its mother, while for others it is the result of divine intervention designed to stop the mother from committing rash actions (such as drinking alcohol or having an abortion).

Weeks of prophetic dreams

Each day of the week has its own mystical meaning when interpreting dreams. If we talk about which weeks prophetic dreams occur most often, then we will have to turn to popular beliefs, according to which the greatest number of prophetic dreams are dreamed during the period between the Nativity of Christ and the Epiphany of the Lord. It is believed that it is at this time that angels and souls of the dead can descend to earth, wanting to whisper their advice to unsuspecting mortals.

Some believe that all the dreams you see during the holiday week are prophetic in their own way, with each night of the week starting after Christmas carrying its own secret messages encrypted in prophetic dreams. This is useful to know for all people interested in why prophetic dreams occur and come true.

The night from January 7 to 8 may show you a dream about the intentions of competitors, enemies or rivals. On the night of January 10, you may see dreams telling about your own family and the fates of loved ones. At the same time, the reasons why prophetic dreams often occur at this particular time are not completely clear. In the middle of the month, you may dream about the prospects of your current affairs, and at the end of the month, you will see in your dreams the difficulties that you are likely to face in the next year. Days when prophetic dreams occur very often have not only religious, but also mystical (or even occult) significance.

Sorcerers and ghosts, instantaneous movements in space and the transmigration of souls, abductions by aliens and encounters with the Loch Ness monster... How I want to believe that in our everyday life there is a place for the inexplicable!

The less studied a particular phenomenon is, the more myths and fables there are around it. For many hundreds of years, sleep has remained the object of absolutely fantastic speculation. Recently I came across information that up to 80% of the Russian population believes that prophetic dreams are true... Being a somnologist, I cannot ignore this topic full of misconceptions. And, of course, I intend to argue with those who believe in the mysticism of prophetic dreams.

What are dreams?

First, let's figure out what dreams are. Dreams are called “shards of the day.” It is believed that this is a kind of by-product of brain activity, formed at night during the processing of information received during the day. Separate fragments of this information flow add up and mix with each other, giving birth to our dreams. From this point of view, the origin of dreams was very successfully characterized by I.M. Sechenov, who described them as “unprecedented combinations of experienced impressions.”

The content of dreams is determined not only by recent, but also by earlier memories. For example, it happens that a sleeper suddenly sees in a dream a person whom he has not met for several years. Why is this possible? The fact is that during sleep the subcortical layer is disinhibited and chaotic excitation of neurons belonging to different parts of the brain is observed. For this reason, long-standing memories can be “embedded” in dreams, including even those that a person seemed to have long forgotten.

Thus, there is no mysticism in the origin of dreams. Are there prophetic dreams that can predict the future? Most likely, this is fiction. Moreover, we can say with confidence: it is everyday reality that “predicts” our dreams, and not vice versa.

Why do dreams sometimes come true

Sometimes even the most inveterate skeptics suddenly begin to believe in miracles: there comes a time in their lives when, for some unknown reason, some dream comes true. How can this be explained?


The simplest answer to the question of why prophetic dreams occur is a common coincidence. Every night a person sees several dozen separate dreams; a year their number reaches several thousand, so sooner or later one of them may, completely by chance, be repeated in reality.

Singer Irina Otieva, confident that prophetic dreams really exist, once said that at the age of 10 she saw herself in a dream, already an adult, singing in a huge concert hall. She realized that this dream was prophetic when, many years later, she performed in the Rossiya concert hall - in the same one from her dream.

However, after I started questioning her, we found out two things. Firstly, she dreamed of a singing career from early childhood, and secondly, even before her dream, she had already been to “Russia” with her parents. Impressions from the concert, dreams of creativity and fame - this is how, apparently, this “prophetic” dream turned out.

Even those dreams whose plot does not relate to everyday life can be attributed to coincidence. The reason for this is the information flows that bombard people every day. Television, radio, Internet... The information load from the outside is simply colossal, sometimes we don’t even record everything we see and hear, but information, regardless of our will, enters the brain, and in the process of processing it, the most unusual dreams arise. Some people are interested in: what to do to have a prophetic dream? According to this logic, the answer to the question is simple: live an ordinary life, look around, listen and remember.

I once talked with a woman who claimed that a few days before the fire in the Ostankino Tower, she had a dream that the tower had already burned down. Was this a prophetic dream? On the eve of her dream, this lady could well have walked past the TV tower on her way to work, then watched some story about a fire on TV, and then quite naturally saw in her dream a “cocktail” of the tower and the fire.

Subconscious analysis of information

Are you familiar with the concept of insight? You are facing some problem, you don’t know how
solve it, and at one moment the solution suddenly comes as if by itself. This is the result of the analytical abilities of our brain. We may not focus on thinking, but the brain still automatically “thinks for us” and sometimes provides the results of its activities in such an unexpected and pleasant way.

Analysis and search for solutions are processes that occur in our heads constantly, and going to sleep does not stop them. This is why the intuitive, predictive guesses of the brain are sometimes reflected in our dreams. Unconscious analysis of information is another answer to the question of why prophetic dreams occur.

One man told a story about how a “prophetic dream” helped him find a missing value. During a business trip, his watch disappeared at a hotel. He left his room in the morning to go to the pool, and when he returned a couple of hours later, they were not on the nightstand near the bed, although he clearly remembered that he had taken them off and put them there before leaving.

The man contacted the hotel security and was assured that no one had entered the room in his absence. Suspecting a universal conspiracy, he searched the entire room and did not find anything missing. Tired of searching, he lay down on the bed and accidentally dozed off. He didn’t think about how to have a prophetic dream - he just fell asleep. In a dream, he saw himself looking into a bag with swimming trunks and a towel, which he took with him, and saw a watch there. Having woken up and done the same thing in reality, he actually found his “treasure”.

At the time of the story, this gentleman believed that he was faced with a double mystery: firstly, he did not understand how the watch could get into the package, and secondly, he allegedly saw a prophetic dream. However, having reconstructed the chain of events that happened on that mysterious morning, it was necessary to debunk his belief in miracles.

It turns out that before leaving for the pool, the dreamer had a fleeting intention of stopping by the fitness bar after swimming, so he took his wallet with him. Or rather, he thought he took it, but in fact, out of absent-mindedness, he grabbed the watch from the nightstand. He never went into the bar - he was tired of swimming and forgot. But during sleep, his brain “remembered” this, analyzed the information and provided him with a ready-made solution, telling him where the lost item was located. Did this person have a prophetic dream? In a sense, yes. But there was nothing mystical about it. Everything can be explained from a scientific point of view...

In the situation described above, the prophetic dream seems to be directed to the past, but still I would like to predict the future. Analysis and forecast are, in a certain sense, predicting the future based on past experience. We plan our lives, we expect that something will happen in the future, and in connection with this we somehow prepare for it. The uniqueness of the human brain lies in the fact that it has abstract thinking, it can think and predict the future.

But for some reason we make such predictions absolute in our dreams. Therein lies the problem. Any forecast of future events is probabilistic. An event may or may not happen with varying probability. For example, if you dreamed that you would go to work tomorrow (like all previous weeks, months and years) – will this be a prophetic dream? 99% of people will say no. But why not? You dreamed of the future!

Here's another example. You dreamed that you were leaving the house and an icicle would fall on your head. You went out and she actually fell! Most people will say that this is a prophetic dream. But in fact, this was an event that could have happened, although with an extremely low probability. The brain predicted it, since the person had looked at the weather forecast the day before, which spoke of a thaw, icicles and ice.

If you dream of some potential troubles in the future, then it is quite possible to analyze the situation and take some action to avoid it. For example, a month ago you crossed the road in the wrong place in front of speeding cars. And suddenly you dreamed that you were hit by a car. Think about it. Maybe it’s worth walking the extra 100 meters and using the pedestrian crossing?

But you shouldn’t bring your behavior to the point of absurdity in connection with such “prophetic dreams”. Imagine the following situation. You didn't come to work today. And tomorrow you write an explanatory note to your boss: “Dear Chief! I’m not sure if prophetic dreams exist, but since I dreamed that I was hit by a car, I decided not to leave the house all day.” At best, you will be recommended to see a psychiatrist, and at worst, you will simply be fired.

Here you can recall the saying of one Englishman: “If you dreamed that horse number 6 will win the race tomorrow, then bet money on it, but do not mortgage your house.”

Deja vu

Please note: very often people understand that some of their dreams turned out to be prophetic only at the moment when it comes true. Before that, they may not even remember about it! Probably, in such cases, prophetic dreams are imitated by such a well-known phenomenon as deja vu.

Sometimes a person experiences a spontaneous failure in the propagation of signals through the information channels of the brain. New information enters the departments responsible for memories. This makes you perceive the current situation as something that has already happened in the past.

Deja vu is a very specific sensation that is accompanied by a feeling of “exit from reality.” For this reason, during deja vu, a person may think that he saw the event that just happened in a dream. Hence the photographic coincidence of reality and some “prophetic” dreams.


“Everyone lies,” said the main character of the famous television series (“Doctor House”). And this is true - a person, without noticing it, tells lies or half-truths at least 20 times a day.

Do prophetic dreams exist? Many are easily convinced that yes. Moreover, this topic is very mysterious. It gives the dreamer significance and arouses interest in his person. This is used by people seeking to attract attention. Pay attention to those who allegedly see prophetic dreams. As a rule, these are teenagers, older people and women with problems in their personal lives - a typical list of people deprived of attention. Thus, one should perceive stories about prophetic dreams with a healthy distrust.


The idea of ​​the existence of prophetic dreams is strongly supported by various interpreters, predictors and “magicians in the seventh generation.” This is a very good tool for influencing people with unstable psyches. Workers in the occult sciences, as a rule, are very good psychologists who can convince an impressionable person of anything. And just prophetic dreams are a very fertile topic, ensuring strong and long-term dependence of people caught in their trap.

Several times I had to consult people with severe insomnia and depression, which developed against the background of a constant expectation of some kind of trouble from supposedly prophetic dreams. Usually it goes like this.

A man comes to a dream interpreter and tells his dream. No matter what he says, he will be told that everything is terrible, the chakras are closed, the biofield is damaged, his loved one will leave him, there will be no money and diseases will strike... Of course, this is followed by an offer to fix everything, but you need to come regularly and tell your prophetic dreams; Honestly, this will help! And healing rituals will depend on this.

Naturally, all this is not done for free. After some time, the person is told that the problem is even deeper, black magic is already involved, enemies are poking his Voodoo doll with needles and, in general, a very strong evil eye... Even more manipulations and money are needed. The unfortunate person develops severe chronic stress and develops a persistent reflex of anticipation of trouble. All this leads to depression and severe insomnia, which has to be treated by psychiatrists and somnologists.

Prophetic dreams are true. Usually they dream from Thursday to Friday, and on Christmastide you can even tell fortunes about dreams. Special spells and rituals will help you see a dream that will definitely come true in reality. If on any day you have a dream and you want it to come true, under no circumstances tell it to anyone for three days. If you have a bad dream, hold yourself by the crown of your head, light a candle and look at its flame, knock on the window three times...

Ladies and gentlemen! Don't turn your deep-seated belief in miracles into consciously cultivated madness. Today there is no reason to believe that prophetic dreams really exist. Of course, it would be fun to see your future spouse long before you meet, or to know what will be listed on the stock exchange next year. But, alas, this is impossible.

Psychologists say that the tendency to believe in various kinds of predictions indicates that a person does not like to take responsibility. Do not look for clues and predictions in the chaotic images of night dreams. Manage your life yourself!

The mystery of dreams has been studied for many years, since it is generally accepted that many dreams carry important information for life. The embodiment of some into reality occurs in the near future, while others may come true after several years.

Let's look at what days prophetic dreams occur, what their reliability depends on, and what the dream book predicts based on the dates of the month.

Prophetic dreams can be determined by the days of the week:

  1. On the night from Sunday to Monday. You should not attach special importance to dreams this night - often images arise as a result of nervous strain and frequent experiences. Basically, what you see at night does not come true in reality, and if something similar happens, it does not have a visible effect on your usual life.
  2. Monday Tuesday. Often we dream of vivid and memorable images that indicate imminent changes in life. If after waking up you feel a surge of strength, you should start implementing your plans at work and in life as soon as possible. If you wake up in a negative mood, you need to avoid drastic changes. If you dream of a victory over old fears, you can expect success in your undertakings within ten days.
  3. From Tuesday to Wednesday. The paintings are an interweaving of many subjects, among which it is difficult to determine the semantic meaning. In reality, they are almost never implemented to the end; only individual details are possible that do not have a negative impact.
  4. Wednesday Thursday. Dreams at this time are important for life - they help answer long-standing questions and solve existing work or family problems.
  5. From Thursday to Friday. These visions are of interest to those who are more concerned about their personal life than career growth. All events that are remembered in the morning are realized in reality. It is important to try to remember the emotional background of what is happening in a dream - this hints at a positive or negative outcome of things in the near future.
  6. Friday Saturday. What happened in a dream may indicate rapid changes not only in the dreamer’s fate, but also in the lives of his loved ones.
  7. From Saturday to Sunday. Such images most often become reality on the same day and directly depend on the mood: positive ones symbolize the realization of what you want, negative ones indicate failures in work projects or failures in amorous affairs.

Prophetic dreams before the holidays

There is a great chance to see a prophetic vision between two holidays - Christmas and Epiphany, between January 7 and 19. Accept to believe that during this period the souls of the dead travel among the living and lift the veil of secrets of the future. Every day and date of this week, all dreams that have special meanings come true:

  • the night of January 7 to 8 - indicate the insidious plans of competitors and ill-wishers;
  • morning dreams on January 10 - symbolize changes in the family and the lives of loved ones;
  • on the night of January 10-11 - they warn about possible diseases;
  • from January 11 to 12 - will help you move up the career ladder;
  • dreams in the morning of January 14 - by asking yourself an exciting question before going to bed, you can get an answer to it;
  • the night of January 14 to 15 - hints at the right options for building relationships with competitors or envious people;
  • early morning January 17 - indicate difficulties awaiting you in the year.

Table of prophetic Fridays before the following holidays:

  • Palm Sunday.
  • Great Lent.
  • Annunciation.
  • Ascension of the Lord.
  • Trinity week.
  • Nativity of John the Baptist.
  • Day of the Prophet Elijah.
  • St. Michael's Day.
  • Dormition of the Virgin Mary.

People believe that if you fast before these days, you can see the future.

When dreams come true - according to the phase of the moon

On which days dreams are more likely to come true can be determined by the lunar calendar, having previously determined it by the phase of the moon:

  1. They are likely to be fulfilled and foreshadow joyful life changes.
  2. Prophetic, bring joyful news.
  3. Empty ones that are not implemented in reality.
  4. They will come true soon. Expecting positive or negative changes depends on the mood and events that occurred in the dream.
  5. Most often, visions on this day are a warning for future actions.
  6. You can see the outcome of the next key life events if you make a risky decision.
  7. The events seen may partially come true in reality, however, not in the near future.
  8. They are equally likely to come true or not.
  9. They are of great importance for real life - it is recommended to try to remember and analyze as many details as possible in the morning.
  10. They will not come true, and the events seen are the result of severe nervous strain.
  11. They will come true three days later, and what happens depends on the emotional mood in the dream.
  12. What they saw will happen in reality after a week.
  13. In ten days, dramatic life changes await you.
  14. They indicate that positive or negative changes are expected with equal probability in the near future.
  15. Will come true in the coming days. The positive or negative realization of a dream directly depends on the mood in the dream.
  16. Something will happen soon that will give you a feeling of deja vu.
  17. Prophetic signs will be fulfilled on the 19th day. Everything that happens in reality will repeat as closely as possible what was seen at night.
  18. They will take place on the 20th day and will cause the same feelings that the dreamer experienced during sleep.
  19. Truthful, which will help you make the right decision in the future.
  20. They portend quick prosperity, a cure for long-standing illnesses, or a meeting with your other half.
  21. Prophetic. It is important to try to remember as much as possible what you saw at night in order to make the right decision at the right time.
  22. Empty dreams that will never be fulfilled in life.
  23. They won’t come true, so you shouldn’t focus on them.
  24. Prophetic things will come true in 11 days.
  25. They do not carry meaning or important life changes.
  26. Will not be fulfilled in reality.
  27. Most often, you have good dreams that are unlikely to come true, but will help you wake up in high spirits.
  28. Prophetic things will come true in 23 days.
  29. Empty ones that are vaguely remembered.
  30. They will come true in at least a month.

When dreams come true - by date

Whether the dream you had today will come true can also be calculated by the dates of the month:

  • 1 – prophetic dream, portends positive changes;
  • 2 – empty vision;
  • 3 – warns of possible troubles or gives a hint to resolve an old dispute;
  • 4 – prophetic, will come true after a long time;
  • 5 – the events seen will exactly come true in the coming days;
  • 6 – will happen in 12 days;
  • 7 – the dream must be kept secret from everyone, then it will bring happiness to the dreamer’s life;
  • 8 – if you dreamed of something desired, soon the dream will come true in reality;
  • 9 – the dream indicates a quick rise up the career ladder or success in your own business;
  • 10 – warns of problems in the family or at work;
  • 11 – symbolizes imminent good news;
  • 12 – prophetic, will come true soon, will bring only positive emotions to the dreamer;
  • 13 – warns of imminent problems;
  • 14 – bad news will soon be received that will not affect your personal life;
  • 15 – a joyful event will happen in the coming days;
  • 16 – empty dream;
  • 17 - no earlier than 20 days later, the dreamer will have success in the business he has begun;
  • 18 – symbolizes an improvement in financial condition;
  • 19 – it is recommended to pay attention to the events that happened in the dream – they warn of imminent conflicts with relatives;
  • 20 – will come true if you keep the events you see secret;
  • 21 – images that come in a dream can help you realize what you want in life;
  • 22 – portends positive changes in all areas;
  • 23 – prophetic and are embodied in reality with maximum accuracy;
  • 24 – means imminent joyful events;
  • 25 – hints at a conspiracy against you by envious people at work or among friends;
  • 26 – empty dream;
  • 27 – will not come true in life;
  • 28 – some of the visions will come true no earlier than in a month;
  • 29 – will not come true in reality;
  • 30 – meaningless dream;
  • 31 - portends improvements in relationships with a loved one or an early meeting of your soulmate.

It is important to take into account the time at which the dream occurred: a daytime dream does not carry useful information for real life, just like a nighttime or evening one. Most often, dreams seen in the morning are prophetic.
