Download an open lesson for the second junior group. Open lesson in the second junior group “Travel with Kolobok. Individual survey by the teacher

Bagaeva Natalya Borisovna
Educational institution: CHCHOU "Kindergarten No. 111 JSC "Russian Railways"
Brief job description: Development of children's coherent speech, familiarization with their surroundings.
develop the ability to empathize with the characters of a fairy tale; remember a familiar fairy tale - “Kolobok” based on visual images, develop the ability to hear and understand questions asked about the plot of the fairy tale, and answer them; enrich children's vocabulary - distinguish animals by appearance, name them correctly; develop attention, memory, thinking and motor activity; fine motor skills of hands; the ability to solve riddles about wild animals; intensify speech, cultivate friendly relationships, interest in fairy tales, and joint creative activities; and the desire to help a friend in need.

Publication date: 2019-12-09 Bagaeva Natalya Borisovna CHCHOU "Kindergarten No. 111 JSC "Russian Railways" Development of children's coherent speech, familiarization with their surroundings. develop the ability to empathize with the characters of a fairy tale; remember a familiar fairy tale - “Kolobok” based on visual images, develop the ability to hear and understand questions asked about the plot of the fairy tale, and answer them; enrich children's vocabulary - distinguish animals by appearance, name them correctly; develop attention, memory, thinking and motor activity; fine motor skills of hands; the ability to solve riddles about wild animals; activate speech. cultivate friendly relationships, interest in fairy tales, and joint creative activities; and the desire to help a friend in need.

Open lesson in the second junior group “Happy Journey”

Open lesson in the second junior group “Happy Journey”

Target: Development of coherent speech in children, familiarization with the environment.


Educational : to develop the ability to empathize with the heroes of a fairy tale; remember a familiar fairy tale - « Kolobok » based on visual images, develop the ability to hear and understand questions asked about the plot of a fairy tale, and answer them; enrich children's vocabulary - distinguish animals by appearance, name them correctly;

Developmental: develop attention, memory, thinking, motor activity; fine motor skills of hands; the ability to solve riddles about wild animals; activate speech.

Educational: cultivate friendly relationships, interest in fairy tales, and joint creative activities; and the desire to help a friend in need.

Material and equipment :


Stuffed Toys: bun, hare, wolf, bear, fox


Geometric figures (modules)triangle, square

Pictures of wild animals,

Preliminary work :

Reading fairy tales « Kolobok » , "Ryaba Chicken", "Turnip", "Hare and Fox", "Teremok"

looking at illustrations for fairy tales, learning nursery rhymes, finger gymnastics, physical exercises.

Progress of the lesson:

- Guys, look, we have guests today.

Let's say hello to them.

Children say hello.

Educator: Well done!
(Children stand in a circle) .

We gathered in a circle.

I am your friend and you are my friend

Let's hold hands tightly (raise up)

And let's smile at each other

Educator: Guys, do you like fairy tales?

Children: Yes

Educator: What fairy tales do you know?

Children: « Kolobok » , "Turnip", "Masha and the Bear" etc.

Educator: Well done. And today I met a fairy-tale hero!

Educator: And who is it, you have to guess.

He left his grandfather

And he left his grandmother.

He has a ruddy side.

This is delicious... (gingerbread man)

Educator: That's right guys. And here is the bun, which invites us all on a fun journey.
Children stand in a circle and walk along with the kolobok in a circle to the music.

Educator: The bun rolls and rolls... and we are all behind it...
So we ended up in the forest.
And the wind blows in the forest. First quietly (children and teacher pretend to be wind) and then loudly ( children and teacher pretend to be the wind )

Look, someone's long ears are peeking out.

He loves to eat carrots
Ears sticking out to the top,
Our timid jumper

Kids, who is this…..?

- children's answers (Bunny)

Educator: That's right, bunny.
Children: Hello, bunny!

Educator: Guys, let’s all play together with the bunny.

Physical education minute

(with musical accompaniment)

The little gray bunny sits and wiggles his ears......

Educator: So we played, and the kolobok suggests continuing our journey.
Children stand in a circle and walk along with the kolobok in a circle to the music.

Educator: Oh, guys, I hear someone, someone else is here...

He looks a little like a fox
He prowls the forest for a long time,
Angry — “clicking teeth”
He is a hungry gray……(wolf)

Educator: Oh, really, the wolf is sitting and he’s looking at us all.

Educator: The wolf had a problem, he was assembling houses from figures, and a strong wind broke the houses and he asks us to help him put them together from multi-colored figures.
What shapes does a wolf have??
children's answers (square and triangle)

Children assemble houses from geometric shapes-modules (squares and triangles of different colors, call the colors)

Educator: Well done guys helped the wolf.

Educator: Look whose footprints are so huge (paws)

Clumsy, clubfooted
He sucks his paw in the den.
Who is this, please answer quickly
Surely…. (bear)

(take it out of the den)

Educator: Guys, please tell me, is the bear a wild animal or a domestic animal?

Children: wild.
Educator: Tell me, what other wild animals do you know?

Children: children's answers

Educator: But the bear has pictures of his friends, forest animals. Show the animal in the picture and name it.
(individual work for 4-5 children)

Educator: Well done, you showed all the animals and named them correctly.

Educator: In the fairy tale, the fox ate the bun, and this is a kind, beautiful, fluffy fox
She doesn’t have paws, but soft…(children’s answers)…paws
The little fox does not have a tail, but a fluffy………..tail
She doesn't have ears, but small...ears
and her name is not just fox, but chanterelle.
What is her affectionate name?? (answer 2-3 children)

Educator: Well, the fox was happy, we affectionately named him.

Guys, over there is my grandparents’ hut.
They've been waiting for us. (we all go to the house together)
Educator: And here your bun is back.

And my grandparents prepared us a treat (show the basket of candy)

Educator: So we have finished our fun journey with the kolobok.

Now, let's remember:

Who did we meet today? (hare, wolf, bear, fox)
How did you help the wolf? (folded the houses)
And how we played with the bear (guessing forest animals)
And how did we describe the fox (affectionately called; not ears, etc...)

Educator: You were all great today!!!
You and I will have many more trips with other fairy tale heroes!

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  • establish rules of behavior while walking.
  • form the habit of a healthy lifestyle;
  • develop safe behavior skills;
  • continue to develop the ability to correctly perform movements in accordance with the text and clearly pronounce words;
  • develop a sense of rhythm;
  • form correct breathing;
  • consolidate children's knowledge about edible and inedible mushrooms;
  • develop fine motor skills using massage balls.
  • develop observation and attention;
  • create an emotionally positive mood in the group.

Equipment: flat decorations on the wall: forest (birch, flowers, fir trees), edge with frogs, mushrooms (boletus, chanterelles, honey mushrooms, fly agaric), scenery for the puppet show "Naughty Chicken", glove puppet "chicken", toy "chicken", toy "kite", massage balls, "mushroom" treats in a basket.


1. Greeting.

Guys, look, we have guests today, they are happy to see you, they smile at you. Let us also give our guests our smiles and say hello to them.

2. Announcement of the objectives of the lesson.

Guys, today we will go for a walk in the forest. Let's remember the rules of conduct while walking.

Behavior rules:

  • We stand in pairs.
  • We don't push.
  • Let's not lag behind.
  • Let's look at our feet.
  • We don't shout.
  • We obey the teacher.

- Well done guys, we can hit the road.

Take a walk into the magical forest
I invite you to go.
More interesting adventures
We guys can't find it.
Stand next to each other
Hold your hands tightly.
Along the paths, along the paths,
Let's go for a walk in the forest.
Miracles in the green forest
We'll definitely find it!

Walking in pairs to music.

An audio recording of the sounds of the forest is played.

- It’s so nice in the forest - the birds are singing, the grasshoppers are chirping, the mosquitoes are buzzing, the frogs are croaking! Let's take a deep breath in and out and in and out again.

3. Forest clearing (image of frogs doing exercises)

- Look, guys, who did we meet at the edge of the forest? (Frogs)
-What do frogs do? (Charging)
– Do you do exercises in the morning?
– Why do you need to do exercises? (To be strong, healthy, not to get sick, etc.)
– Let’s do some exercises together with the frogs!


We see them jumping along the edge of the forest Hands on the belt
Two green frogs. Half squats left and right
Jump-jump, jump-jump,
Jump from heel to toe . Stepping from toe to heel.
There are two girlfriends in the swamp, Hands on the belt.
Two green frogs Half squats left and right.
In the morning we washed ourselves early, Perform movements in accordance with the text.
We rubbed ourselves with a towel.
They stomped their feet,
Hands were clapping.
Leaned to the right
They leaned to the left.
That's the secret of health, Walking in place.
Hello to all physical education friends!

- Well done boys! Let's say goodbye to the frogs and move on.
The teacher takes the children to the house (the scenery for the fairy tale “Naughty Chicken”) and asks who can live here. The teacher invites the children to sit down on the lawn to relax and watch a fairy tale.

4. "Naughty chicken" (safety). Puppet show.

The teacher, using toys, shows a puppet show based on the fairy tale “Chicken” by E. Mikhalenko.

Once upon a time there was a little yellow fluffy chicken in the world. He was very inquisitive, everything was interesting to him. The chicken dreamed of seeing a forest, a river, a field and much more, which he heard about from his elders.
But his mother always told him: “Be careful, don’t leave the yard. In the forest lives a cunning fox who loves to eat little chickens, and high behind the clouds lives an evil kite who can grab you with sharp claws and carry you away.”
One day the chicken couldn’t resist and went for a walk. He crossed the bridge over the stream and found himself in a clearing strewn with golden dandelions. It was so beautiful here! Multi-colored butterflies flew around, busy bees buzzed, and birds sang loudly.
And suddenly the chicken saw a huge black shadow above itself. The kid immediately guessed that this was the terrible kite. The poor chicken started to run as fast as he could, but the kite was quickly approaching. There seemed to be no escape.
And then the chicken remembered the golden dandelions that grew in the clearing. “They are as yellow and fluffy as I am. And I won’t be visible among them,” he thought and quickly ducked into the thicket. Oh, how his little heart beat! When the chicken caught its breath and realized that the danger had passed, it thought: “Why didn’t I listen to my mother and went for a walk without permission? If the golden dandelions had not saved me, I might have died. Now I will always obey my mother."
Meanwhile, the evil kite flew over the clearing and thought: “Where did that chicken go? After all, he could not run far. There are only stupid dandelions all around.”
And the golden dandelions quietly shook their heads and thought: “We will soon become fluff and fly away to God knows where. But still, we didn’t live in vain - we saved the life of this cute little chicken.”

– Did you guys like the fairy tale?
- Do you listen to your mother?

The teacher summarizes:

  • You cannot walk alone without permission.
  • We must obey our elders.
  • You have to be attentive and careful.

Game "Hen and Chicks" music by Vlasova L.V.

The teacher - “chicken” (in the hands of the teacher there is a glove puppet “chicken”) pronounces the words to the music:

There is a corydalis in the yard,
There's a furry girl in the yard
Comes with chickens. (2 rubles)

Action: everyone goes in circles like a train
The children are a little gape,
They play pranks and run away,
Now he’s calling to himself: (2 r)

Action: children-"chickens" scatter in different directions
It sounds like a loss.
"Where? Stop!
Where? Where? Come back!
Don’t you dare run away!” (2p)

Action: children run up to the "chicken".
"Even though our world is beautiful,
But he is very dangerous.
You can get lost in it,
So be careful!"

Action: The teacher, the “chicken,” shakes his finger and hugs his “chickens.”

5. Hedgehogs (massage, mushrooms).
- Look, guys, is someone rustling under the Christmas tree?

There are “hedgehogs” (massage balls) under the tree.

- These are hedgehogs.

Children come up to the Christmas tree and pick up hedgehog massage balls.
Massage is carried out according to the Su Jok system.

"Once upon a time there was a hedgehog in the forest, in his burrow house (hold the ball in your palm). The hedgehog looked out of his hole (open your palms and show the ball) and saw the sun. The hedgehog smiled at the sun (smile, fan out one palm) and decided to take a walk through the forest. A hedgehog rolled along a straight path (roll the ball with straight movements across your palm), rolled and rolled and came running to a beautiful, round clearing (put your palms together in the shape of a circle). The hedgehog was happy and began to run and jump across the clearing (hold the ball between your palms) I started smelling flowers (touch the spines of the ball to the tip of your finger and take a deep breath). Suddenly clouds came running (hold the ball in one fist, in the other, frown), and the rain started dripping: drip-drip-drip (knock the ball's spines with your fingertips in a pinch). A hedgehog hid under a large fungus (use the palm of your left hand to make a hat and hide the ball under it) and took shelter from the rain, and when the rain stopped, various mushrooms grew in the clearing: boletuses, boletus mushrooms, honey mushrooms, chanterelles and even porcini mushrooms (show fingers). The hedgehog wanted to make his mother happy, pick mushrooms and take them home, and there were so many of them: how would the hedgehog carry them? Yes, on your back. The hedgehog carefully placed the mushrooms on the needles (poke each fingertip with a ball spike) and ran home happy (roll the ball with straight movements across your palm)."

Children release "hedgehogs" under the Christmas tree.

– It seems that after the rain, mushrooms grew in our clearing.

Outdoor game “Collect mushrooms”("Mushrooms" Words and music by M.D. Bystrova)

We'll take the box and go to the forest
Collect delicious mushrooms for lunch.
One two three four five!
We can't collect all the mushrooms.
Let's count to five
And let's try to find it.

Children pick mushrooms while listening to music. At the teacher’s signal, they look for the named mushroom.


One two three four five, boletus let's go look.
chanterelles we're going to look.
One two three four five, honey mushrooms we're going to look.

- Guys, what mushroom can’t be picked? (Amanita). Why? (Poisonous mushroom).

After the game, the teacher takes out a hidden basket with baked mushrooms, shows it to the children and tells them how many mushrooms they collected. The teacher invites the children to return home. Children leave the hall to the music.


  1. T. Borisova (Tales of Grandma Tatyana, 2003)
  2. G. Kashapova Author's fairy tale "Hedgehog on a walk"
  3. E. Mikhalenko fairy tale "Chicken".
  4. Physical education minutes and dynamic pauses in preschool educational institutions. Practical guide. Iris Press. Moscow 2007.

Program content. Formation of healthy lifestyle skills; consolidation of skills in washing, knowledge of toilet items and their purpose; develop observation skills; to cultivate in children cultural and hygienic skills, the desire to always be beautiful, clean, and neat.

Equipment: a jug of water and a basin over which you will need to pour water, a towel, a comb, a mirror, a telegram form; soft toys: dog, duckling, kitten, pig.

Preliminary work: reading the work of K. Chukovsky "Moidodyr"; learning nursery rhymes about the formation of cultural and hygienic skills; conversations about a healthy lifestyle.

Progress of the lesson:

Children enter the group and greet guests. Form a circle. Outdoor game with speech accompaniment “We don’t want to sleep anymore”

The teacher is in the center of the circle. He shows the movements, reads the text of the poem, and the children repeat the movements after the teacher.

We woke up early in the morning

they walk in place.

They stretched vigorously and noisily.

rise on their toes, spread their arms out to the sides upward.

To make the sleep go away, yawn

They shook their heads slightly.

perform tilts left and right. move their hands to their shoulders.

We were woken up by running in place.

running in place.

They ran to the bath together.

perform the "spring" exercise. hands on the belt.

They washed and splashed. They tried to brush their teeth.

perform circular movements with your palms near your face.

They combed their hair neatly.

stroke your head with your palms from the crown to the temples.

Everyone dressed up neatly.

perform movements with your hands 2 times6 from the chest down, lower your hands to your hips, fingers clenched into fists.

We don't want to sleep anymore

We'll have fun playing.

perform the “spring” exercise, clap your hands.

Well done guys. Now sit quietly on the chairs. (Children sit down)

the sun came out again.

One two three four five,

Olya went out for a walk.

(a dirty girl comes out, tousled hair, dirty. She has a ball in her hands, she reads the poem “My cheerful, ringing ball...”)

IN:That's Olya, that's Olya. Did you forget to wash your face?

Olya: So what?

IN:The animals went out into the garden and began to dance together. They surrounded Olya, didn’t they recognize him? (the teacher takes soft toys in his hands one by one and speaks for them)

The dog says to Olya: “Woof, woof, woof. You should go and wash yourself, woof, woof, woof.”

Olya:-Well, here's another one!

IN: And the duck said to Olya: “Quack, quack, quack. Seeing this is just creepy, quack, quack, quack.”

Olya:- Well, just think!

IN: The cat suggested to Olya: “Meow, meow, meow. Let me lick you a little, meow, meow, meow.”

Olya: Here's another!

IN: Only the pig chokes with laughter (hugs Olya by the shoulders, grunts). How I like this Olya! She is beautiful, just like me.

Olya:Here's another! (pretends to run away).

IN: They made me laugh so much, they almost washed Olya.

Guys, do you go out for walks dirty too? (children's answers).

Before you go out, you need to look at yourself in the mirror to see if everything is okay.

The teacher turns to Olya: “Look at yourself in the mirror, you probably don’t know how to wash your face?”

Oya : I do not know how.

IN: - Guys, should we teach Olya to wash herself? (children's answers).

And what does it take to teach Olya to wash herself, please tell her. (children's answers: water, soap, towel).


Let's imagine that we have a real sink with a washbasin.

But what do we do before we open the water tap (we need to roll up our sleeves so as not to wet our shirt or dress).

That's right, you need to roll up your sleeves. Anton, show Olya how to roll up her sleeves. And you, Olya, look and do like Anton.

Reading nursery rhyme:

Hands must be washed with soap,

Sleeves should not be wet.

Who doesn't roll up his sleeve,

he won't get any water.

We rolled up our sleeves, now we’ll show Olya how to wash his hands, one palm washes the other.

Angelina, please show Olya how you wash your hands.

The teacher tilts a jug of water over a basin and helps Olya wash herself.

First, we wet our hands with water, then we soap them with soap, rub one palm against the other. And after that we wash them off with water.

Reading nursery rhyme:

Water, water, wash my face,

so that your cheeks turn red and your eyes sparkle.

So that the mouth laughs, so that the tooth bites.

Now we have washed ourselves, washed the soap off our hands, what needs to be done? (shake your hands over the sink and dry them with a towel).

Andrey, show Olya how to shake off her hands.

Now we have Olya clean, all that remains is to brush her hair. (we help Olya comb his hair).


Now you Olya are pure and beautiful.

Olya: Thank you guys. I realized how important it is to keep yourself clean - it’s useful and beautiful.

IN: We're glad you understood this. After all, if a person always walks clean, then he helps his health.

Do you guys remember how to wash your face properly?

Let's repeat it again.


Clear water is flowing,

We know how to wash ourselves.

We take tooth powder,

Brush your teeth firmly.

Wash your ears, wash your neck,

we see good things.

This is how pure and beautiful we are.

Oh, guys, I forgot to tell you, when I came in the morning and you weren’t there yet, they brought me a telegram. And the chief cleanliness chief, Moidodyr, sent it.


"Wash your hands with a towel"

“I wipe myself with a comb”

"You use a toothbrush to soap your body"

"They comb their hair with soap."

Oh, guys, I didn’t understand something, it seems Moidodyr got everything mixed up. Let's try to figure it out together:

With a towel (what do they do?)...




This is the funny telegram Moidodyr sent us.

And he also gives you advice:

"Wash your face in the morning, after sleep. Wash your hands, face and neck."

"Wash your hands and feet before going to bed every day."

"Wash your hands after playing, walking, using the toilet."

Will you follow Moidodyr's advice?...Okay

I need to wash my face

in the mornings and evenings,

and unclean chimney sweeps

shame and shame, shame and shame!

The teacher thanks the children and leaves.

Summary of an open lesson in the second junior group on FEMP

"New Adventures of the Kolobok"

Goal: to systematize previously studied material on FEMP.


  • Strengthen counting skills within five;
  • Strengthen the ability to name numbers in order by pointing to objects:
  • Continue learning to guess riddles based on visually perceived information, understand the poetic comparisons underlying the riddle;
  • Continue learning to compare familiar objects by size, using words to indicate the corresponding parameters (Big, smaller, small):
  • Distinguish and name spatial directions from yourself (left, right, middle):
  • Strengthen the ability to distinguish and name parts of the day: morning, afternoon, evening, night.

Progress of the lesson

Educator : Guys, look around. You see, today we have guests. They really want to see what you and I have learned over the year.

Let's say hello.

Hello, palms. Clap - clap - clap.

Hello legs. Top - top - top.

Hello, guests. Hello!

Educator: And now everyone sat down beautifully, their legs became friends, their backs were straight.

Guys, a fabulous guest is coming to us today. And who it will be, you need to guess for yourself.

Main part. (Mystery)


Children love this fairy tale!

He lives in a fairy tale.

He is not a hedgehog or a cat,

It's from grandma from the window

Jumped straight onto the path

Rolled, ran,

Got it on the fox's tongue!

Who is this?

Children: Kolobok

I see you read a fairy tale,

And everyone recognized the hero.

(knock on the door)

Educator: Who's knocking there? Shall we open it and take a look?

Children: Yes

Educator: And now Kolobok himself

He was able to come visit us.

Let's say hello to the kolobok.

The teacher, opening the door, instead of Kolobok finds a letter from Kolobok, a basket with tasks and a bag of treats.

The teacher reads the letter.

Dear guys, I was in a hurry to get to your lesson today. But I got lost. The sly fox, hare, wolf and bear do not want to let me go back to my grandparents. They threaten that they will eat me. But if you guys complete all the tasks that they have prepared for you, then the animals will let me, Kolobok, go home. Guys, help, please. And if you succeed, your grandparents will treat you to something delicious. Help out, boys and girls! Kolobok.

Educator : Well, guys, let's help Kolobok? And at the same time we will show our guests what we can do.

The teacher invites the children to remember the fairy tale and answer the question, who did Kolobok meet first on his way?

He loves to chew carrots

He eats cabbage very cleverly,

He jumps here and there,

Through fields and forests

Gray, white and oblique,

Who, tell me, is he?

Children: Hare.

Educator: Guys, the bun in his letter gives us a hint. The tasks from the animals are in the basket. And so that you and I complete the tasks in the correct order and don’t mix up anything, the bun writes that the card with the tasks is from the long-eared blue one.

Asks the child to find a blue card. There is a hare and carrots on the card. Illustrative material is hung on the easel.

1st task “Will the hares have enough carrots”

Educator: Guys, what do you think we will do now? (if the children find it difficult, the teacher tells them that they will now count bunnies and carrots, finding out if there are enough carrots for everyone).


  • How many hares are there in the picture? (Four)
  • How many carrots? (Five)
  • Draw paths from the hares to the carrots.
  • Will the bunnies have enough carrots? (Yes)
  • Why? (There are fewer hares than carrots, and more carrots than hares).

Physical education lesson “One, two, three, four, five”

We stomp our feet

One two three four five

- We clap our hands,

One two three four five-

Let's do it again.

Educator: Guys, let's continue to help Kolobok. Who did our hero meet after the hare? (wolf).

He makes friends only with a fox,

This beast is angry, angry.

He clicks and clicks his teeth,

Very scary gray...(Wolf)

The task from the wolf is on the yellow card. Masha, take her. What's written on it? (Vases and flowers).

2nd task “Connect correctly.”There are vases in the house of the wolf and the she-wolf. Look and tell me, are the vases the same or different? (same color but different size).

Show the largest vase, a smaller one and a small one. Where is the smallest vase? (between the largest and the smallest). The wolf loves his mother wolf very much and constantly gives her flowers. Tell me, did the wolf collect the same flowers or different ones? (same color, but different size).

The teacher invites the children to connect flowers with vases with a line according to their size - a large flower with a large vase, a smaller flower with a smaller vase than the large one, and a small flower with the smallest vase.

Visual gymnastics

Look at the guys (the kids look at each other),

Now to the sky - there are birds flying (look up),

Below, on the grass, a beetle is crawling (look down),

And on the left - a tree grows (look to the left),

To the right - scarlet flowers (look to the right),

Closing your eyes, smell it (close your eyes, take a breath). Educator: We have completed the second task. Let's continue further. Do you remember who the bun met next?

The beast is shaggy, clubfooted,

He sucks his paw in the den.


Assignments from the bear, the bun writes to us, on a red card. What's written on it? (geometric figures). This means that we will now talk about them.

Question from the bear: what geometric shapes do you know? Name the figure I'll show you. (survey of children).

2nd task “What geometric figure do objects resemble?”


  • Name the objects in the picture.
  • What objects are similar to a triangle, square, rectangle, circle?

Finger gymnastics “One, two, three, four, five”

Educator : Guys, there is the last green card left in our basket. And it's from a fox. So, what task is the red-haired cheat asking us to perform?

4th task “When does this happen?

The teacher invites the children to guess riddles about the parts of the day. On the easel are images of four houses. (morning afternoon Evening Night). After guessing the riddle, the child finds a suitable picture and “moves” it into the desired house.

The sun woke up in the sky,

He looked at us at the window.

The cockerel cries wisely,

Announcing: “This is...” (morning)

Sun in the sky

Shines brightly

We're going for a walk,

We sing songs happily!


The sun is radiant

The village behind the houses

We came from a walk

It's time for dinner.


It's dark outside,

The moon is looking out our window.

Son and daughter sleep in cribs -

So it's come... (Night)

Educator : Well, guys, the basket with tasks is empty. We managed everything. Well done! I hope we helped Kolobok. If you remember, Kolobok wrote that if Kolobok returns to his grandparents, then a delicious treat will await you. Let's see, maybe there's something waiting for us behind the door?

The teacher opens the door, behind the door there is a bag of treats.

Educator: Hurray! Guys, it means everything worked out for you and me. Now we will say together: “I’m great!” and we will treat ourselves.

Cognitive and emotional development. Clarify children's knowledge about the emotions of joy, anger, fear.

Learn to recognize them and convey them using gestures and facial expressions. Provide insight into how and when these emotions manifest themselves. Develop imagination.

Speech development. To teach to understand the lexical meaning of the word “rainbow”, to speak poetic texts conveying emotional mood, expressiveness of movements, etc.

Artistic and aesthetic development. Convey the character of the depicted character (bear, fox) using gestures.

Creative development. In theatrical activities, be able to act out the plot in accordance with the content of the fairy tale, convey the character of the hero, depending on the situation and one’s own vision. The drawing conveys an emotional mood through facial expression.

Social and moral development. Give the idea that external features and words do not always correspond to the intentions of a certain person and be careful when dealing with strangers.

Physical development. Encourage children to actively express their thoughts in various exercises and sketches. Develop fine motor skills while drawing with your fingers.

Material: screen, according to the height of children; dolls on spoons; toy bear; contour images of animal faces (Wolf, Fox, Squirrel, Bunny, Cockerel), gouache paints, wet napkins.

Progress of classes in the 2nd junior group of kindergarten

Educator. - Children, look out the window, what is that looking at us? (Sun)

- Children, what about the sun? (warm, affectionate, tender, yellow, dazzling, bright, shiny, pleasant, hot...)

-Are we happy about the sun?

- And when else do we rejoice, to whom or what are we happy?

(gifts, flowers, good friends, warm wind, mom, dad, etc. various pleasant surprises, miracles)

- Now I will read you a poem about various miracles, which is called “Joy” (according to K. Chukovsky)

(when reading a poem, the teacher puts illustrations on the flannelgraph)

Glad, glad, glad

White birches.

And on them with joy

Braids grow.

Glad, glad, glad

Dark aspens.

And on them with joy

Oranges are growing.

it's not rain coming from a cloud

And not hail

So it fell from the cloud


So come with me quickly

To green meadows,

There's a rainbow across the river

Connected the banks.

We'll climb the rainbow

And let's play in the clouds.

Let's go down the rainbow

We're on skis and sleds!

- Why are the kids happy? (they are having fun because miracles are happening around them and they are riding on the rainbow)

—What do you think, is the word “rainbow” funny or sad?

- Children, the rainbow in the sky is colorful, beautiful, when we see it, we rejoice, we have fun. Apparently that’s why it’s called RAINBOW, because it makes everyone happy and happy.

- Oh, who is this sitting here and growling? (bear)

Exercise to develop emotions

The Bear got so angry (angry look)

Started to roar loudly: (furrowed eyebrows)

— My bed is broken (lower lip protrudes)

And my book was torn (shakes his head)

What should I do? (shakes her hands)

- Don’t cry, don’t be angry, bear, (“we stroke” the bear)

Let's glue your book together (facial muscles are relaxed)

We'll repair your bed. (kind look, gentle smile)

Don't jump on the bed,

Calmly leaf through the book.

- Now guess, Little Bear, who is coming to us?

Psychological study on expressiveness of movements

The fox walked along the path,

And she carried mushrooms in a basket:

5 honey mushrooms, 5 chanterelles,

For foxes, for sisters. Huh!

(slow gait, the body is tilted to the right - towards the “heavy” basket, the right hand “squeezes” the basket. For the last words, “put” the basket on the floor, wipe the forehead with the back of the palm).

— Children, in what fairy tales does the Fox appear? (“Kolobok”, “Teremok”, “Goat-Dereza”, “Straw Bull”, “Cat and Cockerel”, etc.)

Educator. – Children, do you like to play in the theater?

- Let's watch a fairy tale with the participation of Chanterelle.

Theatrical performance with children(puppeteers are children)

Presenter (teacher): The audience gathers, the fairy tale begins. Listen and watch the fairy tale “About the Cockerel, the Hen and the Sly Fox”

Presenter: Once upon a time there lived a Cockerel and a Chicken. They got tired of sitting at home, and they went to travel around the world.

Here they are walking through a green grove, around the breeze the bushes are shaking, and on the bushes there are fresh green leaves, and between them there are berries

So the Chicken says:

Child-Chicken: - Cockerel, break my twig,

Where the leaves are thickest, where there are more berries!

Presenter: Only the Cockerel wanted to break it, and from under the bush the Bunny from his house:

Child-Bunny: - Who walks through my grove here, who breaks my bushes?

Presenter: The Cockerel got scared:

Child-Chicken: -Cockerel, break me a twig, where the leaves are thicker, where there are more nuts!

Presenter: Only the Cockerel wanted to break it, and from under the bush the Squirrel from his house:

Squirrel Child: - Who walks through my grove here, who breaks my bushes?

Presenter: The Cockerel got scared:

Child-Chicken: - Cockerel, break me a twig, where the leaves are thicker, where there are more apples!

Presenter: The Cockerel took courage, began to break, and here is the Fox from her house:

Child-Fox: - Come, dear ones, to visit me. Here, relax in my hut - I have gifts for you!

Presenter: The Cockerel and the Hen were very happy:

Chicken and Cockerel (together): - Oh, what good and cute animals here are!

Host: And the cunning fox thinks to herself: “This will be a good lunch for me!”

And she quickly ran to the neighbor Wolf to invite him to dinner.

And the Cockerel and the Hen ate well and rested and were so happy that the Cockerel even began to sing.

It was here that the Bunny ran past the house. And the Bunny was actually very good, and said:

Child-Bunny: - Run faster from this house, the Fox wants to eat you all!

Host: But the Cockerel and the Chicken don’t believe him.

Chicken and Cockerel (together): - There are such good animals here!

Host: Then Squirrel saw them through the window:

Squirrel Child: - Run faster from this house, the Fox wants to eat you all!

Presenter: Here the Cockerel looked into the yard, and in the yard there were chicken feathers.

Child-Cockerel: - Oh, oh, we really need to run quickly!

Presenter: And the Fox already goes into the house, and the Wolf, scary and predatory, follows her and rejoices that they will have dinner.

As soon as they stood on the threshold, the Hen and the cockerel jumped into the window. And hurry home! But they barely made it!

And the Wolf and the Fox ran and ran - and did not find a trace under the bushes. And we were left without lunch!


Educator. — Did you like the fairy tale?

—Who did the Cockerel and the Hen meet first? (Bunny)

- Who's the last one? (to the fox)

- Name all the characters who participated in the play.

- Which of them do you think was good?

- Who was cunning and predatory/evil?

- What were the Cockerel and the Hen like? (timid)

- Show me how afraid the Cockerel and the Hen were?

Visual activities for children

Educator. - Let us draw different faces: good, evil and scared, whoever wants what. (children stand at the tables)

Finger gymnastics.

— Let’s do exercises for the fingers: (imitation of movements according to the text)

The cockerel and the hen walked

They carried a handful of grains,

The beak collected grains,

Then they pecked a little.

The rest were taken to the mill,

Then the pies were baked.

All the children were treated to

The birds pecked the crumbs.

Finger painting: (children are given the outlines of animal faces, and they must depict their characters - cheerful, angry, scared)

Bottom line. Reflection.

— What was the name of the performance we saw?

— Is it possible to go into strangers’ houses?

- Thank you, children, you worked hard today.
