Favorite animal test. Online animal test for girls and women: What animal are you? “The animal inside you” - Test! Which animal represents you

The association of a person with an animal has long ceased to be a novelty for us, since everyone at times imagines how he would become some kind of gentle cat or a proud leopard.
With the help of a psychological test, you will know which animal your character best matches.
The character of a person is similar to the character of one of the animals, and thanks to this similarity, everyone has the opportunity to evaluate themselves from the outside. A special test developed by psychologists specifically so that a person can evaluate his behavior, attitude towards the outside world and people around him online is often helpful in determining what kind of animal you are by character.

What does the test tell me what animal am I?

Undoubtedly, each of us in a past life could have been one of the domestic or totem animals, and the character traits of that entity sometimes break out of us today. Taking the test “What kind of animal are you by character” tells you what these traits are and helps you understand how you need to behave in order to find a common language with others, as well as understand your negative sides. Based on the test results, comparing all the answers received to the questions, psychologists describe the similarity of the character traits and soul of the person being tested with a certain animal. For example, it could be the wisdom of a leopard, the pride of a bear, the grace of a panther, the cunning of a cat, the severity of a tiger and other character traits. It can also be anger or kindness, playfulness or nervousness, sociability or secretiveness.

How was the test created what animal are you?

When developing tests, psychologists and psychoanalysts are guided by the main types of people and animals, and accordingly, they choose those questions that are suitable for maximally revealing the essence of a person. The test compares a person's character with all kinds of animals.

Answer 12 simple questions and find out what kind of animal you are. The result may surprise you :)

To get the most reliable result, please answer the questions honestly.


  • Added 3 types of animals - May 2016
  • Minor bugs fixed - May 2016

    At the bar I usually...

    In the spotlight

    Meeting other people

    I'm alone

    An old friend has come to your city, but you have a lot of work to do. What will you do?

    I'll leave work and go see a friend

    I will invite a friend to meet in a cafe near my work

    I'll explain myself to my friend and stay at work.

    In a cafe, the waiter, serving you your coffee, spilled it. How will you react?

    I won't get angry, I'll just ask him to leave

    I'll complain to the manager

    Which of the following phrases do you think makes more sense?

    Man does, God watches

    Every man for himself, and the devil takes the laggards

    Would you ask your friends to meet you when you return to your hometown from a trip?

    Yes, I’ll ask, because getting home on your own would be tiring

    No, I can do it myself

    Is it easy for you to make new acquaintances?

    Yes, I win people over

    Differently. Depends on the situation

    No, this is not about me

    If you see a crying child in the park without their parents, what will you do?

    I will calm the child and help him find his parents

    I will leave the child with the park employees or the police.

    I'm not interested in the fate of the child, I'll pass by

    After a long wait, the elevator finally arrived at your floor, but there was a person in it who was unpleasant to you. Your actions?

    I'll go into the elevator

    I'll wait for the next one

    Which of the following would you prefer when going for an evening walk?

    Ride the Ferris wheel

    Go to the bar

    Imagine that you are a boss and you need to choose one of two candidates for a position. Will you choose the one who you think is cuter?

    Doesn't matter

    If you and your boyfriend/girlfriend like the same person, but he, in turn, doesn’t like you out of the two of you, what will you do?

    I'll try not to get upset

    I will seek reciprocal feelings

    I will stop communicating with both of them

    Would you like to participate in a volunteer program?

    Yes with pleasure

    Maybe someday

    No, it's not for me

  • Dolphin 0 2 3 0 3 0 3 0 3 You are charismatic, sociable, talented, diligent, but narcissistic.Dolphins are the same bright, slender and beautiful people who can be seen, for example, in Malibu Rescue. Absolutely healthy, they eat and drink what they want and never get fat. They are not very keen on mental development and generally avoid this kind of activity.//www..png
  • Fox 3 0 2 3 1 2 1 3 0 You are independent, generous, talented and flirtatious, but you like to put things off until later.Foxes are usually not extravagant. They prefer stealth and cunning to brute force. Foxes love small and cozy places, and their homes are usually well appointed and tidy. As hunters, foxes are physically fit and also enjoy mental and physical challenges.//www..png
  • Tiger 3 3 1 1 1 3 3 0 2 You are beautiful, insightful, curious, fashionable, but vain.Tigers are beautiful and powerful people with an innate elegance and self-confidence. There is a sense of urgency and a special aura surrounding them, so that when they appear there is always a feeling that something is about to happen.//www..png
  • Bear 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 1 2 You are confident, ethical, strong, but too straightforward.Conflicting traits shape a bear's character. Their sociability, strength of body and spirit make bears easily recognizable. Instead of vigilance and knowledge, the bear mainly succeeds through sheer personal force. Such people prefer to act directly and persistently instead of thinking.//www..png
  • Leo 3 3 2 1 2 3 3 0 2 You are powerful, beautiful, persuasive and courageous, but tyrannical.The Leo personality is characterized by nobility. Energetic and strong, they respect strength in others, but pay no attention to grace. Leos are aggressive, predictable and reliable. Other people always recognize a lion. Their self-confidence and leadership skills will lead them to success.//www..png
  • Elephant 2 2 3 1 3 1 3 0 3 You are spiritually rich, intelligent, principled, strong, but pompous.The elephant personality is one whose intentional actions exude confidence and calm in all aspects of his life. Their intelligence, combined with impressive personality traits, gives them a significant advantage in business and social affairs, and their communication skills make them first-class leaders.//www..png
  • Horse 2 2 3 0 3 1 3 1 2 You are resilient, courageous, considerate, but stubborn.Horses are those strong people who are able to live with enviable ease. Their good physical shape is maintained by regular physical activity, and their personality exudes charm and confidence.//www..png
  • Deer 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 1 2 You are beautiful, elusive, flexible, idealistic, but inconsistent.Deer is a beautiful, exquisite and striking example of a herbivore. Given its few defensive skills - a quick mind and a wired body - it must be constantly on alert. The deer's desire for a balanced life leads to a constant search for oneself, and stability can take the form of loneliness or relationships.//www..png
  • Sheep 1 1 3 2 2 1 2 0 3 You are conservative, punctual, caring, but annoying.The courteous and docile nature of sheep evokes some ridicule from predators and grudging respect from other herbivores. Sheep have no real defensive skills beyond their numbers, so they tend to gather in groups of like-minded people, pooling resources and forming families.//www..png
  • Octopus 3 3 2 2 1 2 1 2 2 You are smart, creative and active.Octopuses are those talented and creative people who bring extra interest into our lives. Their active minds are always busy trying to bring more drama into their lives.//www.0.png
  • Eagle 3 3 1 3 2 3 1 1 1 You are attractive, confident, but impatient.Eagles are admired for their soaring spirit. They tend to be frivolous and emotionally harsh. Avoiding commitment, they prefer to keep moving, often not because it is necessary, but because they simply enjoy it. More than any other animal, eagles love to travel, rarely integrating into their environment.//www.1.png
  • Wolf 3 3 2 3 1 2 2 2 1 You are good-looking, athletic, determined, passionate but aggressive.Wolves readily express their emotional state through body language. They work hard to develop their social relationships. With an innate understanding of the value of teamwork, wolves are always ready to take their place in the chain of command, both as a leader and as just one of its members.//www.2.png
  • Peacock 2 3 3 0 3 1 2 0 3 You are flirtatious, loyal, but superficial.Peacocks are beautiful, sexy, neat and simple. Much of the peacock's time is spent perfecting strategies to gain higher and higher positions on the social ladder.//www.3.png
  • Owl 2 0 1 3 1 1 1 1 2 You are eloquent, sincere, but conservative.The owl is the face of calm in the bird world. The quiet behavior of owls gives them an atmosphere of mystery and timidity. Their elegance and well-groomed nature combine perfectly with home comfort.//www.4.png
  • Cat 3 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 You are charming, graceful and romantic.Cats never bet on their minds. Instead, they rely on their grace and charm. Those around them, regardless of their attitude towards them, have to recognize their charm and mystery.//www.5.png

    I'm definitely a WOLF.
    I'm used to being responsible for myself. My circle of friends is really limited, but I will do anything for the sake of my friends. However, I demand the same from them. I have only one close friend, and we have known each other since childhood.

    A snake. My favorite animal. - He knows how to adapt and dodge so that everything bad can turn to his advantage. That is, to be able to benefit from even the worst situation. - With its poison “it both heals and cripples.” It is not for nothing that a snake entwined around a bowl is a symbol of medicine.
    3. A camel - he doesn’t care about anything, he eats little and doesn’t want to, the water supply lasts for a long time, he doesn’t suffer from the heat, and he’s not afraid of the cold.

    A camel - he doesn’t care about anything, he eats little and doesn’t want to, the water supply lasts for a long time, he doesn’t suffer from the heat, and he’s not afraid of the cold.
    A bird, any kind - you can build a nest anywhere, and they stay in flocks, they will always help each other.

    For example, I would like to become a dolphin, jump out of the water, hunt for fish with my relatives and help drowning people. It seems to me that dolphins are always cheerful.

    It is better to be human - because a person has the right to choose - we choose what to do and what not. And animals act mainly due to their instincts. I like being human and being aware of it.

    and I would like to be a dog!
    Dogs and I are always friends.
    Honest, open, always have character. And in general, some people can learn a lot from dogs. I would be a Great Dane. Maybe because I once raised my pet from the cradle. There is no meanness in a dog. This may be a drawback, but there is no trick either!
    So, if anything, I'm a dog)))

    I feel like a cat. I like her independence, because the cat allows herself to be petted only when she wants it. What a graceful animal this is, what flexibility of movement. I also really love it when my back is scratched between my shoulder blades, in the cat’s place. And when I really like something, I’m ready to purr with pleasure. That's right, in a past life I was one of the cats :)))

    And I would probably become a turtle - I would stick my head out of this everyday routine for a while, take a break and move forward with snail's steps - pick up a strong pace, I need to take a break from everything - there won't be enough vacation. And I would like to live for a long, long time -I LOVE LIFE. Many grandchildren, great-grandchildren, great-great-grandchildren.

    I already admitted somewhere that a panda lives inside me.)))) She’s just as lazy, loves to eat and fool around. How I would like to live in a “kindergarten” for pandas, so that the Chinese would look after me, feed me, give me water, groom and cherish me, and not disturb my sleep.))))))

    Now I would like something like a penguin. I generally love them, I like their plump bodies, which evoke thoughts of kindness... And yet, it seems, they have no enemies, they are calm there, in Antarctica. The resort, in general. And they- holidaymakers!

    I turned out to be a lone wolf, I agree, I’m an introvert and I don’t need company, I’m most comfortable being alone with myself. Although I can be part of the “pack”, a team player, but only out of necessity, and not at will.

    Yes, apparently I’m a “Pig”, I want to be on good terms with everyone. Do not refuse or swear, but they often take advantage of this and dangle their legs. Therefore, it’s time to turn into a “Cat” or “Tiger”

Test “Which animal are you”

Monkey. You are charming, cunning, smart and never get discouraged. Love active recreation. Hate routine. They can cheer up not only themselves, but also those around them. But don’t go too far, trying to maintain your reputation as a funny guy, because sometimes you look ridiculous.

Dog. Your devotion to loved ones and ideals deserves respect. You are smart and learn something new quickly enough, for which employers value you. You suffer from loneliness, so you always try to be in company. Love to be useful and help people, but make sure that you are not used by bad guys for their own selfish purposes.

Cat. You are beautiful, graceful and charming. Your appearance and good manners attract others to you. People who don’t know you well think that you are too selfish and independent, but those close to you understand how good, caring and affectionate you are. The main drawback is laziness. Don't let it overwhelm you.

Wolf. You are restrained in expressing your feelings and are careful in choosing friends, but you are ready for your own - through thick and thin. Smart, able to analyze the information received. You are constantly busy with something, so you can experience stress from the accumulated tasks, which, however, you always successfully cope with. The test advises you to approach life a little easier and learn to enjoy pleasant little things.

Turtle. You are persistent in achieving your goals, restrained, cautious and mentally stable. Able to survive even in adverse conditions. Do not turn off the chosen path when obstacles arise on it. You live by the principle “My home is my castle,” so you invest a lot of effort and money in home improvement. Appreciate comfort and beautiful things. You could use a little liveliness in your character - you are too phlegmatic.

Hare. You are endowed with a sea of ​​charm, under the influence of which everyone you meet falls under the influence. You compensate for fragility and weakness of character with stubbornness and the ability to avoid trouble. Value stability and security. You are afraid of a lot and are not always able to hide your fears. You need a patron. Remember that this world is full of predators ready to eat you, so it would be a good idea to grow teeth and sharpen your claws.

A lion. You are strong and courageous. Leader by birthright and way of life. You know how to achieve your goals and make money. Don't give in to difficulties. What you sometimes suffer from is that you overestimate your strength, so do not rush to seek help, even when necessary.
