Top 10 dangerous dogs in the world. Rating of the most evil dogs collected from all over the world. place. American Pit Bull Terrier

From the very beginning of their domestication, dogs have been a part of the human world. Because of their instinctive protective ability, they are used to guard livestock, work as police officers, and can also simply be pets that perform various tricks. We will consider the most dangerous dog breeds.

Dogs are intelligent creatures, so they become devoted friends to humans. And although they are considered our "best friends", they were once not designed for communication with people.

From time to time there are reports of dogs attacking the owner or other people. Although such extreme cases are rare, it is very important to be aware of not only the dangers of the dog, but also the responsibility of the person. Be that as it may, these 10 breeds are considered the most dangerous in the world.

Photo: By Pleple2000 (Own work), via Wikimedia Commons

The Brazilian Mastiff is one of the largest breeds of herding dogs. This particular breed, which originated in Brazil, is an excellent watchdog but requires an experienced owner. They are very aggressive and have uncontrollable behavior. There have been many cases of people dying as a result of attacks by these dogs.

Photo: By Ildar Sagdejev (Specious) (Own work), via Wikimedia Commons

A very popular breed of strong dogs. They often attack humans. This is a hybrid breed that combines the energy and agility of a terrier with the body and strength of a bulldog. In some countries they are used in dog fighting. The dogs are specially trained to fight each other in a death match.

Known for its agility and tracking abilities. Representatives of this breed are very intelligent and are excellent for protection. But they still require carefully supervised training. The Doberman Pinscher is capable of killing a person. Although this breed is very sensitive, in most cases they are very aggressive dogs.

Photo: Caronna, Wikimedia (

This breed has a scary reputation. Its representatives are among the oldest farm animals. Rottweilers are very intelligent and naturally aggressive, making them effective as guard dogs. According to reports, almost half of the dog attack deaths in the United States are caused by Rottweilers.

Photo: Harold Meerveld/flickr

Representatives of this breed are very large. An adult male can weigh up to 50 kg. They live 10-12 years. This breed, which originated in Europe, was originally used to guard livestock in mountainous areas. Even wolves are afraid of them!

Originally used as sled dogs for carrying heavy loads, this popular Arctic breed is one of the largest domestic dogs. They can weigh up to 43 kg and are able to survive in extreme conditions. Malamutes are natural hunters and can even kill large predators such as bears. No wonder this dog is scary!

Bullmastiffs are powerful and strong dogs. They have very sensitive defensive abilities. These animals are very effective when it comes to safety. With consistent training, they become very obedient and reliable. But there have been cases of attacks on people that resulted in death.

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Often described as a strong-willed and dominant animal. The Dogo Canario is an excellent guard and herding dog. It is a combination of several fighting dog breeds. Rumor has it that this breed also participates in dog fighting.

Photo: (CC0 Creative Commons)

This popular dog breed originated in the northern regions and was used in dog sledding. Extremely agile, they are very convenient when transporting goods. They have thick fur and unique color patterns on their faces. The dog's image is completed with blue (and sometimes multi-colored!) eyes. They are closely related to Malamutes and closely resemble wild wolves. It has been reported that there have been cases of huskies attacking people.

Photo: Sonja Pauen/flickr (

This breed is a mixture of a domestic dog and a wild wolf. These animals have well-developed protective instincts and can be very wild due to their unpredictable behavior. In some countries, breeding and keeping such dogs is prohibited.

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In this article we will talk about potentially(!) dangerous dog breeds. The fact is that experienced dog handlers are 100% sure that in cases of seemingly unjustified aggression of an animal, it is not the dog that is to blame, but its owner.

Anyone who wants to have a four-legged friend should know three qualities that distinguish guard dogs from simply vicious ones:

  • breed;
  • training;
  • the ability to behave decently in the company of not only people, but also other animals.

It is enough for the owner to miss one of these qualities, and instead of a dedicated and faithful guard, he will receive a potentially dangerous animal.

A well-trained dog is the greatest joy. Such animals play with children and will never harm them, even by accident. They are full members of the family, and their loss is a real tragedy for their owners.

There are some breeds of dogs in the world, when breeding them, the breeders set themselves a specific goal - to obtain, as a result of their experiments, a rather aggressive animal with pronounced fighting qualities. If such a dog is not trained, it can cause many troubles. So, today we will discuss the 10 most dangerous dogs in the world.

Husky (10th place)

Many of our compatriots learned about these beautiful domesticated wolves with expressive blue eyes after watching a touching feature film telling about the devotion and fidelity of these animals.

In 1925, a husky team saved an entire city by delivering the most valuable anti-diphtheria serum from Nenana to Nome on time. But the most interesting thing is that these dogs are not aggressive, but people who have not worked with huskies are very afraid of them. Most likely, this fear is associated with their similarity to wolves. As you know, human fear awakens the beast even in the most peaceful dog.

Rottweiler (9th place)

Probably, thanks to the light hand of journalists, this four-legged strongman was included in the “Most Dangerous Dog Breeds” rating. He will never harm a person without reason.

A strong, stately, muscular handsome man can serve in the police and army, guard vast territories and transport heavy loads. He is so devoted to his master that, without hesitation for a second, he will rush into battle for him even with a lion if his pet or his family is in danger. This brave man is not always very serious; quite often he becomes touching and sweet. Despite the fact that many believe that these are the most dangerous dogs, representatives of this breed often take under their care and care for other animals.

Unfortunately, power and strength, absolute obedience often make the Rottweiler a formidable weapon in the hands of criminals.

German boxer (8th place)

Many people who want to have a pet often ask: “What are the most dangerous dogs?” I always want to answer this question: “Ill-mannered ones, those who did not get the owner they deserve.”

The ancestors of German boxers hunted wild boars and bears and took part in bullfights. Their jaws are designed in such a way that they can grab onto a victim and hang on it for as long as necessary. If a boxer sees you as a danger to his master, he will certainly rush. The owner’s task is to learn to understand his friend’s mood in order to explain to him in time that everything is in order and there is no need to worry. This is probably why many people believe that boxers are the most dangerous dogs.

Pierro de Presa Canario (7th place)

Many experienced dog breeders are sure that these are the most dangerous dogs for humans. Why? Let's try to explain. The ancestors of these animals were human assistants in slaughtering livestock. In addition, they successfully hunted large game. The word "Presa" in Spanish means "to press, to press." From this you can understand what they did with their victims. At one time, a law was passed in the Canary Islands allowing only butchers to keep these animals. Moreover, they had to be kept on a permanent leash.

When the fashion for dog fighting came to the Canary Islands, the owners of these dogs decided to make money on their pets, and as a result they turned into uncompromising and tough fighters who were not afraid of any opponent.

These dogs are selflessly devoted to their owner, but they usually do not “want” to meet other people. Therefore, it is not recommended for strangers to force their friendship on them. In our opinion, these animals could easily top the list of “The most dangerous dog in the world.”

Doberman (6th place)

Graceful, tall, a kind of canine aristocrats. How can you say about them that they are the most dangerous dogs? But, as we know, appearances can be deceiving. This breed is highly valued by police and military personnel for their amazing sense of smell and quick reaction.

It is impossible to take the Doberman by surprise; he is always alert and ready to protect his owner. The character of this dog is unique. He must be trained in a special way, focusing not only on his physical development, but also on his intellectual one.

A properly raised dog is balanced, but it is advisable not to test his patience. The Doberman's jaws close in a death grip. This is probably why in special printed publications for dog breeders, in the columns “The Most Dangerous Dogs in the World”, photos of Dobermans appear more often than others.

Central Asian Shepherd (5th place)

Sometimes this breed of dog is called an Alabai, and in Turkmenistan - a wolfhound. This is a natural breed. Dogs became so fearless, strong and quite aggressive as a result of natural selection. They were used to protect livestock from predators. Their character was strengthened in difficult weather conditions.

This brave animal is a very formidable opponent, capable of developing enormous speed at short distances. Alabai is very hardy and knows how to save his energy.

Overly loyal individuals are not allowed for breeding. An animal that cannot fight back its opponent cannot be called a wolfhound. And it is believed that wolfhounds are the most dangerous dogs.

Fila Brasileiro (4th place)

When you look at photos of the most dangerous dogs, it’s hard to believe that such cute cheeks, hanging folds of skin, and large ears can cause danger to humans. It seems that this dog is kind, calm and even a little lazy. Fil can be kind and affectionate to his family, but not to strangers.

This dog does not tolerate strangers at all. In response to a stranger’s attempt to speak to her, much less touch her, she may growl. And if the brave man did not understand the warning, a rapid attack will follow, and as a result - (at best) moderate damage to the person who wants to communicate. Brasileiros instinctively attack the most important points of the human body, so the owner of such a dog must strictly suppress all attempts by strangers to get to know his pet better. In addition, you need to know that some filas will not even growl in warning, they will simply rush to attack.

He desperately defends his master's house, and his impressive size leaves no doubt that he will succeed in this with ease.

In some countries, you can become the owner of a brasileiro only with a permit issued by a court decision. It is difficult to find a better guard, but we strongly recommend that even before purchasing a puppy, you think carefully about whether the future owner has the character to keep his pet in his hands.

Dalmatian (3rd place)

Some may be surprised, but a white dog with black spots is depicted in paintings of the ancient Greeks that were found during excavations. It seems that this cheerful beauty mistakenly ended up in the “company” of the most dangerous dogs. However, this is far from an accident. Dalmatians require special attention in matters of education.

These dogs become cute and independent only after persistent and long-term training with professional trainers; beginners in this business will not be able to cope with these dogs. Owners of these animals need to remember that Dalmatians are hunting dogs, not decorative dogs. Any seemingly innocent provocation on the part of a person can result in serious injuries, which happens quite often.

He is hardy and strong, is an excellent hunter, so he can pose a danger to those who are not familiar with him.

Chow-chow (2nd place)

One of the most beautiful dogs known to man since ancient times. The history of the breed goes back almost 2000 years. There is a version that this is one of the first breeds that descended from the wolf.

The breed received its current name only a hundred years ago (previously it was called the Tibetan mastiff, Tatar dog, barbarian dog).

Purebred Chow Chows were bred in Buddhist monasteries, and the breed was “secret”. In Europe they learned about it in 1785. Beginning in 1830, English breeders began improving the breed. Despite the appearance of a teddy bear, this dog has a complex character. However, an adult animal of this breed is not a dog that should be trusted unconditionally, especially when it comes to strangers and children. They are very irritable and can even aggressively prove their right to food. In addition, they are naturally good protectors and will never allow strangers to approach their owners or enter their territory.

American Pit Bull Terrier (1st place)

The ancestor of this dog is the Staffordshire Terrier. Outwardly, he looks like a real fighter - a strong, powerful dog with well-developed muscles, a large and rough muzzle, and strong jaws.

They were used in dog fights, where they certainly won over the bravest animals. For this they received the nickname “killer dogs”. The terrier's reaction time and the bulldog's strength made him versatile for fighting.

If you decide to get a pit bull, remember that this is a very serious dog that requires certain training skills.

This breed has long earned a bad reputation. In the 80s, pit bulls began to lose the trust of “dog people.” Strong and brave animals have become a symbol of crime. If they are not trained correctly, they can attack people. In Ontario, Florida, Canada and other countries, by purchasing such a dog, you are breaking the law. According to experts, the American Pit Bull Terrier is the most dangerous dog in the world.

Drawing conclusions

The most dangerous dog breeds are the result of human activity. There are dogs that are naturally endowed with a cocky character. They can attack anyone they meet. It's not pleasant when a small dog does this, but when a 60-pound dog behaves this way, things become much more serious and, unfortunately, can end in someone being injured. We believe that any dog, regardless of temperament, size or personality, should undergo obedience training. This will help prevent many misfortunes.

An untrained dog is unpredictable. Any breed whose function is protection can become dangerous. If a dog rushes at people on the street for no apparent reason, this indicates that he is not well-mannered. Such an animal will ruin the life of its owner and bring trouble to other people.

Reading time: 6 minutes. Published 12/12/2019

Recently, American scientists conducted research and published a list of the most dangerous dog breeds for humans. It may seem strange to you, but it included seemingly harmless dogs. However, under certain circumstances, in a particular situation, even they can be very dangerous.

But let's not talk about the bad. These are just extremes that arise due to improper upbringing or due to the purposeful cultivation of deliberate anger and aggression towards people and other animals in a certain dog.

It is impossible, especially for fighting and large dogs, to be deprived of education and allowed to grow and develop on their own. Dogs are like children - what we allow them to become, how we raise them, that’s what they will become.

Here is a list of the most dangerous dog breeds in the world.

We all know how harmless these dogs look. Even children's and kind cartoons were drawn about them. But statistics and science are harsh things. If you take a closer look at the breed, it becomes clear that they belong to guard dogs.

The average weight of a Dalmatian can reach up to 30 kg. Quite a large dog.

Dalmatians may well show aggression if they are somehow provoked. They are also distinguished by their intelligence, quick wit and good memory. It is very difficult to independently and correctly raise such a pet.

You may need special classes and consultations with specialists and breeders. Dalmatians are very energetic and therefore should be given plenty of time to burn off their energy.

Boxers are distinguished by their stubbornness and independence. Their genes do not initially contain aggressiveness. Despite their disposition, they are very playful and active.

To train such a dog, initial skills are not enough!

In order not to fear in the future for your health and the health of others, it is necessary to engage in education from puppyhood, including under the supervision of a specialist.

This breed was bred to tame livestock and to protect them from possible attacks by wild animals. These are large dogs.

The weight of an adult can reach 50 kg.

Such a dog can easily cope with a person in the event of an attack. And the latter will have virtually no chance of winning.

In appearance, these are very cute and good-natured animals that resemble bears. They do not look aggressive at all and are capable of attacking a person.

But this breed, without proper attention and proper upbringing, can become a threat to you!

Even if they seem independent, this does not mean that they should be deprived of attention. Due to the special structure of the Chow Chow's muzzle, when inhaling and exhaling, they often make a sound similar to a growl.

It is especially noticeable during walks, when the dog’s breathing rhythm is increased. Because of this growl, many passers-by avoid the Chow Chow, although in fact, these dogs with a purple tongue do not pose a threat without a reason.

Doberman Pinschers were bred to be watchdogs. And they were not included in this list by chance.

An adult representative of this breed can reach a weight of up to 40 kg.

Dobermans are loyal to their owners. Very often they attack precisely because they see a threat to their family, owner and to the territory that the dog considers its own. There is no point in provoking such a formidable and large dog. Otherwise, you may greatly regret it.

Outwardly, these dogs are very similar to wolves. But of course they differ in the level of danger. These animals have one distinctive feature: they are very smart and sometimes refuse to obey those they consider stupid.

Malamute is a large breed (from 30 to 43 kilograms).

If a Malamute is left alone for a long time and given little attention, this can cause serious harm both to the environment that surrounds the dog and to random people. Give such a dog at least 2 hours every day, and he will enjoy life with you.

Another one of the descendants of wolves. Outwardly, they are the spitting image of wolves. At the same time, they are very smart, and their energy flows over the edge. They are in the middle weight category. An adult dog can weigh up to a maximum of 30 kg.

Because of their activity, they require a lot of time for walks, otherwise they can throw out all their unspent energy on others. Sometimes this does not happen in a very good-natured manner.

It’s not worth getting a dog like this to be a watchdog. Just like their Malamute counterparts, Huskies must be trained with a special obedience course.

If this dog breed were not on the list of the most dangerous in the world, many would be very surprised. The fact is that the German Shepherd breed was bred for a specific purpose. And often, these days, that target is people. It is considered one of the best service breeds in the world.

Such a dog weighs on average 45 kg. If you don’t educate it, it will be difficult to cope with it in the future.

The dog has a quick reaction, high intelligence and is very attentive; it can also make decisions independently in certain situations. For these reasons, she is in demand among detective agencies and law enforcement agencies.

Dogs of this breed are very good watchdogs. Of course, this quality can only be developed with proper upbringing and training.

With such a large weight - up to 60 kg, such a dog can even cause serious injuries to a person without resorting to bites.

This breed has a good sense of their own territory, which they are ready to defend to the end. In the event of a conflict with such a dog, it is best to retreat without resorting to flight.

Most likely you weren't surprised. Pit bulls were bred in the United States of America as fighting dogs. They have virtually no sense of fear.

Even under the threat of death, they will not open their jaws without making sure that they have won.

A representative of this breed can be raised as a family dog, but if the Pit Bull Terrier even once smells and tastes blood, then in the future it will be difficult for him to avoid fights with other dogs.


Many dogs have a genetic tendency to attack and fight, and at least some breeds clearly do. In a normal situation, they may not attack you, but if the situation is associated with a fight or fight, they are unlikely to be able to resist such an offer and will accept the challenge.

From this point of view, fighting dogs are the most dangerous - they attack silently and without warning. Their death grip is so strong that sometimes even the efforts of several people are not enough to unclench their jaws and free the victim.

Simply put, if a dog can regard any of your actions as an offer of a fight or aggression directed against it, then in this case expecting the dog to silently step aside is pointless and very dangerous.

08/13/2014 at 19:55 · Johnny · 312 070

Top 10 most dangerous dog breeds in the world

In this rating, we would like to tell you about the ten most dangerous dogs in the world. Some of them have a greater potential to cause serious harm to human health. It's important to note that, more often than not, dogs make wonderful pets, very much towards people. They are sociable, it is interesting to play with them for both adults and children, but under certain circumstances, even peaceful and calm animals can show aggression and become, and some breeds of dogs, in this regard, pose a more significant danger.


  • Country of origin: Russia
  • Height at withers: 50-60 cm
  • Body weight: 15-28 kg

Initially, “Eski” was an abbreviation for the name of the people living in the Far East - Eskimos. This is a sled dog breed with a peaceful and lively disposition. With proper upbringing, huskies are incapable of harming a person under almost any circumstances; by the way, only 4 dog breeds can boast of such good nature. Huskies will be excellent companions and will make friends with all family members. But despite all the advantages, problems may arise with keeping these dogs in an apartment, because... They need to pay a lot of attention - take long walks (physical activity is required), develop their thinking with the help of various games. Considering the above, the Siberian Husky cannot be called aggressive, but this does not mean that it is not capable, in certain circumstances, of representing a danger to humans.

9. Dogo Canario

  • Country of origin: Spain
  • Height at withers: 56-68 cm
  • Body weight: 45-60 kg

This is a breed of herding and guard dogs. Has a strong physique. Despite her threatening appearance, which conveys enormous strength and power, she is not particularly aggressive. Dogo Canarios are very balanced, they become strongly attached to their owner, and they treat strangers with suspicion, which they demonstrate by taking a decisive pose. If there is an immediate threat to their owner, they will rush to his defense with lightning speed.


  • Height at withers: 55-65 cm
  • Body weight: 22-40 kg

The German Shepherd is well known all over the world, including thanks to the famous American film K-9: Dog Job. These animals can be described as excellent companions and guards. German Shepherds are a physically fit and fearless dog breed. They need an active lifestyle and are always happy to go for walks and play. Despite the fact that shepherd dogs are quite balanced and intelligent, it is worth remembering that when angry they are capable of causing serious harm to a person. Unlike others, German Shepherds are able to find a common language and obey several owners, which makes them indispensable as service dogs.


  • Country of Origin: China
  • Height at withers: 46-56 cm
  • Body weight: 20-32 kg

Dogs of this breed, in appearance, look very cute, like “fluffy balls”, in principle, this is how it is, but there are also some nuances... Chow-chows have a rather melancholy character, they seem measured and slightly aloof, but not It is worth remembering that this is one of the most dangerous dog breeds in the world. They are wary of strangers and do not particularly like it when non-family members persistently try to pet them. Therefore, you need to be careful and extremely careful with chow chows. Their apparent calm can instantly cease and the dog becomes angry and aggressive.


  • Country of origin: Germany
  • Height at withers: 63-72 cm
  • Body weight: 32-45 kg

Often used as a service, because By their nature, Dobermans have well-developed guarding qualities. Externally, the dogs have an elegant physique, one might even say high-ampere, but at the same time, they are powerful, strong and resilient. Dobermans have a friendly disposition and are good with children. However, dogs of this breed have an explosive temperament, so if they show aggression and anger, they pose a potential danger.


  • Country of origin: Russia
  • Height at withers: 64-75 cm
  • Body weight: 40-80 kg

“Caucasians” are one of the most popular dogs in Russia. These are powerful dogs, fearless and determined. Depending on the length of the coat, there are three types: short, medium and long. Quite easy to train. In our country they are loved for their excellent guard qualities, endurance and intelligence. Like most guard breeds, they are extremely wary of strangers.


  • Country of origin: Germany
  • Height at withers: 53-63 cm
  • Body weight: 25-30 kg

The ancestors of this breed are English bulldogs and the extinct species - Bullenbeisers. In terms of physique, Boxers are strong, stocky, with a powerful, square-shaped head and an extremely strong jaw. Their frightening and aggressive appearance does not at all speak about their character. In fact, they are not angry at all, but on the contrary, they are energetic and playful dogs (the most playful among guard breeds) with a calm temperament. They are highly trainable and get along well with children.


  • Country of origin: Germany
  • Height at withers: 40-55 cm
  • Body weight: 20-35 kg

The history of this dog breed dates back to England in the 19th century. The Bull Terrier was the result of a mixture of classic English bulldogs and terriers. As a result, these animals acquired a terrifying appearance (especially the head), which cannot be confused with any other breed of dog. When raised well, Bull Terriers become devoted companion dogs and usually do not show aggression towards people. Bullies are very active and require long walks and games. These dogs have very powerful muscles, an incredibly strong jaw and have a so-called “death grip”. Also, it should be remembered that bull terriers do not get along well with other animals, including dogs.


  • Country of origin: Germany
  • Height at withers: 56-68 cm
  • Body weight: 42-50 kg

Rottweilers are one of the most popular dog breeds in the world. These are very powerful, well-built animals with strong jaws, energetic, courageous and assertive in character. The main credo of Rottweilers is protector. As a rule, representatives of this breed are very suspicious of strangers, because... Most often, Rottweilers tend to obey only one person, and in cases where the owner is in danger, they become aggressive and angry and, when attacking, can cause serious wounds.


  • Country of Origin: USA
  • Height at withers: 45-56 cm
  • Body weight: 14-36 kg

The most dangerous dog breed in the world is the pit bull. This is a cross between a terrier and a bulldog. They have fairly large body sizes and well-developed muscles. There are two types of these animals - with a predominance of external features from a terrier or a bulldog. There are many conflicting opinions about pit bulls: on the one hand, these dogs have excellent fighting qualities; on the other hand, they say that pit bulls are loyal companions and reliable protectors. Despite the legends surrounding this dog breed, which characterize it as unusually ferocious and cruel, by their nature they are kind, friendly and cheerful animals.

Pit bull vs human: video

Remembering the wise expression “We are responsible for those we have tamed,” we can conclude that a good attitude towards your pets is often the most important factor influencing their behavior.

What else to see:

Humanity has developed a huge number of different breeds of dogs, and each of them has its own specific characteristics. While there is a list of the most friendly breeds, there are also the most dangerous dogs that are aggressive towards the entire world around them, including people. Aggression was cultivated in some breeds specifically, in accordance with the purposes for which it was bred - after all, a soft and docile dog will not become a good hunter or guard. Let's look at the breeds most prone to aggression so that we know about the characteristics of such dogs in advance!

Analyzing the top 10 most dangerous dogs in the world, let's start with the honorable last place in which the boxer is located. This is not a very common breed today, but still an affordable one; a puppy with a pedigree can be bought for several tens of thousands of rubles by contacting breeders located in large cities. On the one hand, this is a very active and playful animal until the last days of its life, which is dangerous primarily for other small creatures. A boxer may suddenly attack a person he does not know.

German dog

Next, in 9th place is the Great Dane. These are large dogs up to 80 cm tall at the withers, they are very expensive, and are actively bred in nurseries. The dogs look very noble and graceful, they move beautifully, and outwardly they do not look at all like aggressors. But due to their height and heavy weight, playing with them often ends in injuries - a dog can easily knock down or drop a person, and not even understand what happened. Adult dogs of this breed are difficult to train, and therefore attention should be paid to training in puppyhood - this will help to avoid injuries in the future.

Chow chow

8th place belongs to the chow chow. This is a guard or companion dog that has Chinese origins and a long history of selection. It is worth noting the following behavioral features of this dog:

  • Intolerance to small animals.
  • Willingness to respond to the game with aggression.
  • Danger for small children due to the animal's lack of restraint.

The chow-chow in the family chooses its owner and remains devoted only to him, and tolerates other people to the extent that it is necessary. This should be taken into account if you decide to get just such a dog. At the moment, they are actively bred, and can be purchased without difficulty - both in the nursery and from individuals, at a variety of prices, depending on a number of factors.


Considering further dangerous dog breeds, it is worth moving on to the Doberman - another most dangerous animal, for which the object of aggression is mainly humans. This is an intelligent and strong dog, it is attached to its owner and is easy to train. A dog can be too aggressive from birth. Normally, with proper training, it is possible to direct all activity and aggression in the right direction. Dogs are actively sold and are in demand; you can buy a puppy without a pedigree for several thousand rubles, or an elite dog for several tens of thousands.


Also on the list of the most dangerous dog breeds is the Alaskan Malamute, which took sixth place. This is a strong sled dog, descended from a wolf, and has increased activity. At the moment, a rather fashionable and expensive dog, a puppy will cost several tens of thousands of rubles, and is bought mainly in nurseries in large cities. Excessive activity and the ability to be aggressive can lead to damage to property, attacks on small creatures, and problems with strangers.


And also dangerous dogs are wolf-dogs, which are also at the peak of fashion now and are bought for big money in nurseries. It’s definitely worth thinking about before getting such a dog, but it’s definitely not suitable for a home where there are small children. This service hybrid of a wolf and a dog can produce unpredictable behavior, sudden outbursts of aggression, and attacks on people, including their owners. Wolfdog takes 5th place in the ranking.

Huskies, with all their apparent friendliness, take 4th place. These are fashionable and very expensive dogs that are bought from kennels and breeders; they are charming and loving. But again, they can attack a person with all their aggression, especially if he invaded their territory, behaved aggressively towards the owner, or in some other way brought them out of their usual state of love and balance.

German Shepherd

The third place in the ranking is rightfully occupied by the German Shepherd. This is a common dog, a puppy of which can be bought for a couple of thousand rubles - or for several tens of thousands, if you take it from the pedigree. This is a very smart dog, it is easy to train, it is distinguished by its touchiness and deceit. It can take serious revenge on its owner’s offender and easily learns to attack people, which allows the dog to be used as a guard.


In second place is the Rottweiler, which is also popular and is in about the same price range as the German Shepherd. This dog was used not only as a guard or herding dog, but also for fighting.

A cunning, strong and resilient dog can show aggression towards other four-legged animals, towards people, even towards its owner.


But the most dangerous dog in the world is the pit bull, there is no arguing with that. The dog was originally bred for fighting, its aggression is not at all accidental, and it manifests itself not only towards other dogs, but also towards people, including family and owner. It’s not easy to buy it, and is it worth it?

Instead of a conclusion

This is the rating of the most dangerous dogs, but you should not rely on it alone. Improper upbringing can make even a simple mongrel an extreme aggressor, dangerous for everyone, but a loving owner and training can make even a vicious pit bull terrier loyal. It is worth remembering the individuality of dogs and the conditions and circumstances of their lives.

A dog's broken psyche makes it dangerous to everyone around it. Even a mongrel dog of sufficiently large size can become deadly if it is systematically beaten, starved, or made angry against people. If you are taking an adult dog into your home, remember this.
