Basalioma homeopathy. Basalioma - photo of the skin, initial stage, dangerous signs, treatment and removal. Other folk remedies for the treatment of basal cell carcinoma

Folk remedies for basal cell carcinoma are not only a purely Russian phenomenon. And abroad there are a lot of people without health insurance, saving money, considering doctors to be collaborators with pharmaceutical companies trying to take over the world and carefully hiding cheap and effective natural medicines.
I would divide the treatment of basal cell carcinoma with folk remedies into 3 groups of methods: locally destructive, destroying DNA like chemotherapy drugs, and preventing DNA damage.
The easiest way to treat basal cell carcinoma is with folk remedies if there is actually an inflammatory or allergic skin disease, of which there are plenty in dermatology. After all, people who prescribed treatment for themselves often made the diagnosis themselves.

Folk remedies for basal cell carcinoma with local skin destruction.

Of course, you can cure a small basalioma, if it is a nodular or superficial variety, with a soldering iron or a firebrand (like in the movie about Rambo 3), if you torment your own body with due composure. Considering the frequency of the location, you will most often have to torment your face or neck, where it hurts more. As you understand, I am now talking about locally destructive treatment of basal cell carcinoma with folk remedies. At the same time, it is not so important what exactly you use to burn the skin, a soldering iron or chemicals. Perhaps this group of alternative treatments for basal cell carcinoma can be compared in effectiveness with electrodissection, where the number of relapses can reach 40%. Cosmetic effects (appearance of the scar) - the same will not be so great, the coagulator is still a more accurate tool. The main thing to remember is that after unsuccessful self-treatment of basal cell carcinoma with folk remedies, it can grow even more. And if basal cell carcinoma reaches 5 cm, then the probability of metastasis is already 25%, and cancer metastases usually do not live long. Masochism is in our blood, it was nurtured by the Tatar-Mongol yoke, strengthened by serfdom and cemented by the rule of the CPSU. So, I have no doubt about the success of self-treatment of basal cell carcinoma with folk remedies in this form, or close to it.

Celandine as a folk remedy for basal cell carcinoma

The Internet is full of folk remedies for treating basal cell carcinoma. In most articles, it all starts with celandine treatment. Indeed, this herb contains plenty of all sorts of substances that inhibit the reproduction of any cells, including benign and malignant tumors. In addition, it is full of toxic alkaloids that cause inflammation, and through inflammation and immunity. There is even chelidonine, which is similar to colchicine and causes fatal mutations in dividing cells. By the way, the history of chemotherapy begins with colchicine. So, treatment of basal cell carcinoma with folk remedies using celandine is quite justified. But all these substances, when applied topically, will be inferior in effectiveness to cream with 5-fluorouracil or imiquimod. If you have already taken up the treatment of basal cell carcinoma with celandine, do not take it orally. While the celandine passes through your digestive tract, all toxic substances will first damage the mucous membrane of the stomach and small intestine, then settle in the liver; nothing will get into the skin with the blood. Use celandine as a folk remedy for basal cell carcinoma locally, preferably fresh juice, if not available, use infusion. Rub it fanatically, many times a day, regardless of inflammation or discomfort, because you are not treating a wart.

Celandine is an effective folk remedy for the treatment of basal cell carcinoma. After all, it contains chelidonine, which suppresses cell proliferation. It should not be used internally.

Super-celandine, as a folk remedy for basal cell carcinoma.

There is also a wonderful invention of the domestic pharmaceutical industry called Super-celandine. It has a dubious relationship to celandine, because it contains mainly alkali - sodium hydroxide NaOH. Treatment of basal cell carcinoma with super-celandine refers us to the paragraph of this article about the film Rambo 3. Arm yourself with national masochism - and go ahead, do a chemical burn many times.
Abroad, apple cider vinegar, hydrogen peroxide, and caustic soda are used to treat basal cell carcinoma using folk remedies. These are all weak treatment options with Super-celandine for European bearded Eurovision participants. They will not produce sufficient chemical burns to completely cure basal cell carcinoma.

Tobacco as a folk remedy for basal cell carcinoma.

Treatment of basal cell carcinoma with folk remedies using tobacco is based on the use of nicotine as the most important component. Nicotine is a carcinogen. That is, when consuming it, the likelihood of getting cancer increases. It has been proven that nicotine consumption, even in its pure form, without accompanying combustion products, promotes faster growth of malignant tumors and metastasis. If you use tobacco as a folk remedy for basal cell carcinoma, the concentration of nicotine in the basal cell carcinoma cells should be so high as to cause death, not tumor growth. This is hardly achievable, because nicotine easily passes through the skin (given that the skin in the area of ​​basal cell carcinoma is damaged) and is absorbed into the blood. So it's better not to experiment.

Fraction ASD-2,3 and tar, as folk remedies for basal cell carcinoma.

Treatment of basal cell carcinoma with folk remedies using the ASD and tar fractions is similar. Both are distillation products, ASD from animal tissues, tar from firewood. Both contain cyclic hydrocarbons; they are similar in structure to DNA components; they are often mistakenly used by cells to build DNA, leading to various problems. In general, like many folk remedies for basal cell carcinoma, they are carcinogens and cause cancer. If their dosage is insufficient, the growth or appearance of a tumor from healthy cells is stimulated; if it is high, the death of cancer cells occurs. Chemotherapy works on the same principle. But for chemotherapy, they synthesize the best substances that do less harm to healthy cells, for example, 5-fluorouracil cream or prospidine ointment (if you can find it). If you use the ASD fraction or tar as a folk remedy, do not use them internally (even the ASD-2 fraction), again, it will not reach the tumor.

ASD faction. Smells of carcinogens a mile away. It is very popular as a folk remedy for cancer, including basal cell carcinoma.

Treatment of basal cell carcinoma with folk remedies using podophyllum.

Podophyll contains podophyllotoxin. This herb has also been used to remove warts. Podophyllotoxin is used to synthesize drugs called etoposide and teniposide, which are used in chemotherapy. If you have chosen such a folk remedy for basal cell carcinoma, do not use it internally, as in the case of celandine, rub intensively fresh juice or infusion. I have no doubt about the effectiveness of podophyll for treating basal cell carcinoma using folk remedies when applied to a tumor, but it is much less than that of drugs obtained artificially.

Hemlock as a folk remedy for basal cell carcinoma.

Despite its popularity as a folk remedy for basal cell carcinoma (and any cancer), nothing intelligible has been written about it in Russian. Allegedly there were Russian studies, supposedly it prolongs the life of animals. Of course, this is nonsense. A plant with many alkaloids in its composition cannot have a beneficial effect on life expectancy. In addition, the main alkaloid in hemlock, coniine, is similar to nicotine in its effects. Perhaps this is due to the majority of favorable reviews of hemlock as a folk remedy for basal cell carcinoma and cancer. Something in the spirit - although he was not cured, he was poisoned, and somehow it no longer mattered. As for its anti-cancer effectiveness, studies have been carried out abroad on animals that have proven that hemlock in case of chronic poisoning contributes to the formation of defects in newborns. What does this have to do with it, you ask? This is an indirect sign of the ability to damage the DNA of replicating cells; some chemotherapy drugs are discovered through this indirect sign. More detailed normal studies of the antitumor activity of hemlock have not been carried out; apparently this activity is too low and has not received the attention of foreign science. Do not try to use hemlock internally or to prevent relapse. Only locally, on the tumor area.

Excesses in the treatment of basal cell carcinoma with folk remedies

In general, all this propaganda of cancer prevention by ingesting poisonous plants is quite boring. Allegedly, poisons in small doses increase resistance to everything in the world. There are different poisons; mitotic poisons, which damage the DNA of dividing cells, suppress the immune system. If you are poisoned with celandine, hemlock, podophyllum, ADS, kerosene, using them internally as a folk remedy for basal cell carcinoma, you will not receive any prevention. You will increase the likelihood of cancer. It's like giving yourself chemotherapy for prevention.

Carrots as a folk remedy for basal cell carcinoma.

Carrots contain polyacetylenes, falcarindiol, and falcarinol, which protect against cancer and promote the death of cancer cells. It is possible that in some people these substances will inhibit the growth of cancer, or even make it disappear. No one has studied how many carrots should be rubbed in when treating basal cell carcinoma using folk remedies, and how many should be eaten. And do not forget that basal cell carcinoma can grow in steps, sometimes practically disappearing, and then increasing even more.

Burdock as a folk remedy for basal cell carcinoma.

Arctigenin was found in burdock. The antiviral and anticancer effects of this substance have been proven in laboratories. Burdock can mainly be prescribed to stop the growth of advanced basal cell carcinoma (and carrots too) in combination with other products that are useful against cancer. Or in to increase the prognosis of traditional cancer treatment. You are unlikely to be completely cured by them.

Other folk remedies for the treatment of basal cell carcinoma.

As for calendula, it has wonderful anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties, but no anti-cancer properties. If someone cured a basalioma with it, then most likely it was not a basalioma.
Camphor also has an anti-inflammatory effect, but does not have an antitumor effect.
I can’t say anything about swamp duckweed, cucumber, scraping skin from heels, mandrake root. If there are beneficial properties against cancer, they have not yet been studied.
In general, if you read about the treatment of basal cell carcinoma with folk remedies in English, the emphasis is on plants with a proven mild antitumor effect that does not cause DNA damage, but helps restore damage. Such products can and should be taken to prevent cancer, or during treatment.
I will introduce you to a list of plants with proven effectiveness against cancer. It includes aloe, artichokes, cabbage, and much more.

In contact with

Question: Hello. Since I started my period at the age of 12, I have had an irregular menstrual cycle to this day, once every 4-6 months.

At the age of 13, I went to see a gynecologist, at that time I was told that irregular periods were temporary, and the menstrual cycle would normalize on its own. But even now it is irregular - due to age, and for many it is like that.

A year later, she came in with periodic amenorrhea and was prescribed an ultrasound examination. A cyst was identified. After the appearance of menstruation, the cyst disappeared.

At the age of 16-17, I was prescribed a complex homeopathic drug Dismenorm and a drug that normalizes the concentration of sex hormones Cyclodinone. They had a positive therapeutic effect only for the duration of use.

At the age of 18, they also prescribed an ultrasound, blood tests and hormone tests. Ultrasound diagnostics showed that everything was fine. But regarding the blood test, they determined increased testosterone, androstenedione (the main steroid hormone precursor to testosterone and estrone), cortisol - almost twice as high as normal.

As prescribed by the doctor, I took hormonal tablets Yarina, but the effect from them was the same only during the intake.

Because of these very hormonal disorders, I have irregular cycle from the very beginning, increased body hair, rough voice.

Please tell me what can be done and how to manage the menstrual cycle with the help of homeopathy? What homeopathic medicines should I take? Mom and her sisters also had difficulties with a normal menstrual cycle, and then - infertility, which they barely cured.

I would be very grateful for your answer!

Answer: Hello. If you irregular cycle from the very beginning, then the reason is clearly the hormonal status of the body, increased vegetation on the body, and a rough voice indicate the same thing.

To start and normalize the cycle, you can take homeopathic Pulsatilla 6C (synonyms -) and also synonyms: Pulsatilla, Pulsatilla pratensis, Anemone pratensis, Anemone intermedia. Take five granules under the tongue outside of food daily in the morning and evening.

As an additional medicine, it is also advisable to take a single dose (only 1 time) of the homeopathic monomedicine Folliculinum 30C (three granules under the tongue without meals at night on any day).

You can take the homeopathic drug Pulsatilla 6C for a long time, or until your homeopathic drug is determined during a detailed individual consultation with video communication (not by correspondence), in order to continue more in-depth treatment with it.

Homeopath Grigor Sergey Vadimovich

Basalioma is called basal cell skin cancer or, as it is also called, basal cell carcinoma. This is an invasive tumor, although it is considered malignant, but it would be more accurate to say that it occupies an intermediate position between benign and cancer. Basalioma is formed from epithelial tissue, and received its name due to its external resemblance to unchanged basal cells.


Basalioma, as a rule, forms on open areas of the skin and, most often, on the face in the nasolabial triangle, especially in the nasolabial fold, the lateral edges of the nose, in the corners of the eyes, ears, neck and scalp. Basalioma can be single, or several at once in different places and at different degrees of development.

Risk group

As a rule, basal cell carcinoma occurs in older people. Moreover, men are susceptible to the disease twice as often as women. Moreover, basal cell carcinoma most often affects residents of the southern corners of our planet. This is due to increased exposure to ultraviolet rays on the skin. Moreover, people with dark skin get sick much less often than people with light skin. For example, in black people this tumor is six to ten times less common than in white people. Also at risk are people whose work is closely related to soot, arsenic, tar and other resins.

Tumor development

Basalioma develops and increases in size very slowly. It practically does not metastasize, only in very rare exceptional cases and, as a rule, does not destroy surrounding tissue. That is why,treatment of basal cell carcinomahas the highest degree of positive prognosis compared to all other cancers. But this does not mean that treatment of basal cell carcinoma can be delayed. Just the opposite. The sooner you start, the better.

Clinical picture

Basal cell carcinoma begins to appear quite unnoticeably. First, one small, completely unremarkable nodule appears, comparable in size to a match head. Then several similar nodules appear. They begin to gradually grow together, forming one large growth. But this process is very slow. It can last for several decades. This may be the reason, but the tumor is already detected in older people. Basalioma does not hurt, does not ache, and only sometimes, in extremely rare cases, can cause mild itching. Gradually, a plaque forms on the surface of the nodule, then it becomes covered with scales, and if they are removed, it begins to bleed slightly. The wounds can heal and become covered with scales again. And again they will peel off and bleed until an ulcer begins to form. As a rule, it is at this stage that people consult a doctor.

Types of basalioma

There are several types of basal cell carcinomas.

  • Nodular basal cell carcinoma. This tumor is usually 5 mm to 3 cm in size, pink in color and bleeds slightly.
  • Flat basal cell carcinoma. A pink plaque slightly raised above the skin with roller-like edges, sometimes slightly raised.
  • Superficial basal cell carcinoma. This is the most favorable of all basal cell carcinomas. Looks like a shiny pink raised spot.
  • Pigmented basal cell carcinoma. It occurs very rarely, approximately 10% of all cases, and in appearance it is completely similar to.

Before starting treatment, of course, a thorough diagnosis should be carried out. First of all, basalioma should be differentiated from melanoma (if it is pigmented basalioma) or from squamous cell carcinoma and other other neoplasms. The diagnosis is established on the basis of morphological data and is clarified by cytological examination - puncture or scraping.


Since basal cell carcinoma is a cancerous tumor, radiation therapy is considered the most reliable method of treating it. This method of treating basal cell carcinoma is especially suitable for small tumors. However, this method of treatment also has its disadvantages - not only tumor cells are exposed to radiation, but also healthy ones. In addition, the radiation treatment method for basal cell carcinoma itself is quite lengthy, and usually lasts at least a month. Treatment is also carried out by removing the tumor. Several methods of removal are used - surgical excision and cryodestruction (exposure to the tumor with liquid nitrogen, which leads to its destruction). Laser tumor removal is more often used on the face. It is also possible that there is a combined effect. The specialist chooses which treatment method for basal cell carcinoma, depending on the volume of the tumor, its location and other data. Basalioma, although it rarely metastasizes, often relapses. In this case, again, any method of tumor removal from those listed above is used.

The appearance of a neoplasm on the skin is an indication for differential diagnosis with cancer. Some forms of basal cell carcinoma are borderline between benign and malignant processes, but in most cases it is considered one of the common forms of skin cancer. Treatment of basal cell carcinoma with folk remedies is carried out in combination with other treatment methods (surgical treatment, drug therapy).

What influences the development of a neoplasm

The development of local pathological changes in the skin begins with the hair follicle. The process then spreads to the layers of the skin. The most common are superficial forms of the disease, which have a favorable course, since the process does not metastasize. The malignant nature of the disease is observed when the deep layers of the skin are affected.

The neoplasm does not reach large sizes, but clinical cases have been described when the size of basal cell carcinoma can be up to ten centimeters or more. In the superficial form of the disease, several areas of the skin are affected simultaneously. Local skin lesions are characteristic of the facial skin and are a characteristic sign of the nodular form of the disease.

Treatment options for basal cell carcinoma

Basalioma is subject to mandatory treatment, and the choice of treatment tactics depends on the clinical form of the disease. Relapse of the tumor is characterized by aggressiveness, so it is important to carry out adequate therapy at the stage of the newly diagnosed disease. Patients who have had basal cell carcinoma are at risk for developing malignant diseases, in particular melanoma. Therapy carried out in full affects the prognosis of life.

Traditional medicine offers various recipes, so the question of treatment should be discussed with the attending physician who is familiar with the patient’s medical history.

The effectiveness of treatment with traditional methods is high, but the result will not be visible immediately. The long-term result of treatment is one of the disadvantages, which may lead to refusal and the choice of a traditional therapeutic method.

It is recommended to use celandine juice to treat the surface of the wound. , which is known for its healing properties. Treatments can be combined with the use of a decoction of this medicinal plant, which will have a beneficial effect on the effectiveness of the treatment. To prepare the decoction, finely chop the leaves of the plant and pour boiling water over them (take one teaspoon per glass of boiling water). You need to drink the decoction three times a day, one third of a glass per dose. The prepared decoction cannot be stored for a long time, since the healing properties of the plant are lost during storage.

Burdock juice has been successfully used in the treatment of basal cell carcinoma. The juice should be fresh and applied several times a day to the wound. Burdock juice promotes good healing of the wound surface. Some experts recommend drinking burdock juice in small quantities. Carrots can be used as a therapeutic and prophylactic agent for basal cell carcinoma. Grate the carrots and apply the mixture as a compress. It is important to change compresses up to four times a day.

On the use of medicinal plants in the treatment of basal cell carcinoma

The main way to use medicinal plants for basal cell carcinoma is to prepare decoctions for lotions. Calendula can be recommended as a plant material. Medicinal calendula has wound-healing, anti-inflammatory, and antiseptic properties. The simultaneous use of calendula infusion or decoction helps to enhance the therapeutic effect of local treatment of basal cell carcinoma.

Skin ulcers when a neoplasm appears can be reversed when using an infusion prepared from swamp duckweed. This plant is unique in its kind and has antitumor properties (or anticarcinogenic). The patient should apply lotions daily for fifteen minutes. The course of treatment should be one month, then a break is taken and the course is repeated. The duration of the break should be about two weeks.

The use of medicinal plants is justified as one of the effective methods of treatment.

An important advantage is safety and the absence of negative effects on the body as a whole, which distinguishes it from the systemic effect of drugs and chemotherapy Chemotherapy - does hair always fall out?

Hello. I am disabled. It’s been 3 years now that I have a basal cell carcinoma on my right ear. Hurts. The pillow is constantly wet from pus and lymph. The treatment had no effect.

I asked my great-grandson to ask - maybe you, doctor, know folk remedies for this disease?

- Alexander Nikolaevich

Hello, Alexander Nikolaevich!

I must immediately (I emphasize - I must) tell you that basal cell carcinoma is one of the most common tumor lesions of the skin. Almost more than half of all skin cancers are basal cell carcinoma. Most often it occurs on the skin of the face, head and, less commonly, the torso.

Quite often, basalioma is not immediately differentiated from actinic keratosis, keratoacanthoma, and various benign skin tumors. Here's the information. It is necessary.

  • Elecampane and Burdock roots (pharmaceutical preparations) - 10 g of each - boil in 250 ml of water. Leave for 20 minutes. Take 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day.
  • Boil 12 g of fresh rhizomes with roots of Elecampane for 10 minutes in 0.5 liters of port wine. Take 50 ml 3 times a day before meals for general weakness of the body and as a tonic.
    Rhizomes with roots of Elecampane are harvested either in the fall, after the above-ground parts die, or in early spring before regrowth, taking precautions - working with gloves. After shaking off the soil, cut off the above-ground parts with knives and quickly rinse in cold water. Then thick and long rhizomes and roots are cut into pieces 10-15 cm long, which in turn are cut lengthwise and simultaneously freed from dead parts. It should be dried in an attic under an iron roof or under a canopy with good ventilation, spreading it in a 5-7 cm layer on paper or fabric and stirring frequently.

  • 15 g of dry crushed roots of Elecampane pour ½ cup of water. Cook for 30 minutes. Strain and add ½ cup of sugar to the broth. Heat until it is completely dissolved and mix with 0.5 liters of vodka. Bring to a boil, cool. Drink the liqueur to increase body tone, strengthen the central nervous system, and relieve physical and mental fatigue. This product works flawlessly! Elecampane is a great plant. But we must remember that it should not be taken if you have kidney disease (and pregnancy - this is for information)!
  • May Burdock root is grated and eaten without the norm for the most severe diseases of the skin and stomach. An effective remedy even for stomach and skin cancer. For skin diseases, fresh Burdock juice is very good.
  • Be sure to take pharmaceutical drugs in courses - Rhodiola rosea extract or Rhodiola rosea tincture - see instructions. Rhodiola rosea preparations help to “block” the process of metastasis of malignant tumors.

Diet for the treatment of basal cell carcinoma

In your diet, you should give up milk, dairy products, sugar, white bread, and pasta. You can find nutritional recommendations in my article "".

Old doctors and healers advise: many people suffering from serious illnesses get rid of them if they completely switch to vegetarian food. Therapeutic fasting for 2 days every 2 weeks (necessarily under the supervision of a doctor!).

Be sure to see your doctors and always consult with them. Remember that basal cell carcinoma is completely curable! L.

I wish you health, Alexander Nikolaevich, and many years of life. And Faith, enormous Faith in recovery. ! I know that. Because I have been working as a doctor for many years.
