What does the right ovary of the ribs of the uterus mean. Left ovary for the uterus causes what to do. Ectopic pregnancy. What's next? All about planning

The ovaries are a pair of the reproductive female system. There are ovaries in a small pelvis. The structural apparatus of the ovarian consists of follicles and the stroma of the ovary. Normally, the ovaries do not have the shell, and the ripening complexes are capable of bursting at the time of ovulation and release an egg cell. The output of the egg from the follicle is called ovulation. Ovulation occurs under the influence of high levels (peaks) of the luteinizing hormone produced in the brain. This hormone is in advance to throw away in the bloodstream during the normal operation of the ovaries themselves, sending hormonal signals into the brain. Strom of ovarian is a connecting tissue containing blood vessels for which the delivery of all necessary substances to the follicles of the ovaries for their full-fledged work.

Uzi ovarian It allows you to safely and reliably study the ovaries, first of all, their structure. Ovarian ultrasound can be carried out through the abdomomal sensor with a transvaginal ultrasound. Transvaginal ultrasound is the most reliable and accurate method of ovarian ultrasound.

Uzi ovarian norm

The normal dimensions of the ovaries in the ultrasound of the ovaries are up to 12 ml 3 for each ovary. With normal ovarian ultrasound in them, you can count to 12 follicles in each. Discovery in the ultrasound of the ovaries of the number of follicles of Menbshe 5 in two ovaries together - an unfavorable sign, indicating most often about the premature exhaustion of the ovaries. With the ultrasound of the ovaries, the norm of the style of the Yainnikov contains a moderate amount of blood vessels, medium echogenicity, comparable to a shade of color with the uterus. The increase in the echogenicity of the stroma of the ovaries, an increase in the size, the presence of multiple vessels in them when the ovarian ultrasound may indicate pathology (ovarian polycystosis, ovarian inflammation). For Uzi ovarian Normally, the ovaries are located on both sides of the uterus, at the right and left edge of the uterus. The ovaries can stick to the uterus or is at a short distance from the uterus - this is the norm of ultrasound ovaries. In the overwhelming majority, when the ovarian ultrasound, especially transvaginal ultrasound, there are no difficulties in discovery of ovaries.

The ovary is not visible on the ultrasound in the case of its removal during operations, the innate lack of one or two ovaries, a sharp decrease in the ovary due to premature exhaustion or normal climes, especially with a pronounced bowl of intestinal looping, a sharp change in the location of the ovarian in the Siazi with a pronounced adasteous disease of the small bodies pelvis. If the ovary is not visible on the ultrasound, and there is no reason to believe that it is absent, the ovarian ultrasound is carried out after preparation. Preparation consists in cleansing the intestine with the removal of bloating (Fortrans, cleansing enema, espeamizan before the ovarian ultrasound). Normal follicles in the ovary, which are available visualization during the ultrasound of the ovaries, have dimensions from 1 mm to 30 mm. The size of the follicle is more than 30 mm in the ultrasound of the ovaries indicate the formation of a follicular (functional) ovarian cyst. The detection of the cyst of the ovary when ultrasound does not constitute difficulties. The ovarian cyst on the ultrasound looks like a ball of varying degrees of staining and structure.

By the nature of the structure and shade of the color of the cyst of the ovary when ultrasound can be:

  1. Follicular ovarian cyst (functional ovarian cyst).
  2. The cyst of the yellow bodies of the ovary.
  3. Endometrioid cyst ovarian
  4. Teratodermoid ovarian cyst (teratom of ovary, dermoid ovarian cyst).
  5. Cystadenoma, etc.

Conducting ultrasound ovarian It does not give all answers to questions about the functioning of the ovaries. For one menstrual cycle, the structure and appearance of ovaries when ultrasound changes. Immediately after menstruation, when the ovaries are ultrasound, follicles are visible, with dimensions up to 8 mm. After 9-16 days from the first day of menstruation, one major follicle was observed at the ultrasound of the ovaries. If its size is 10-17.9 mm - such a follicle is called dominant. In the norm of such follicles during the ultrasound of the ovaries, there may be several or one. In the pre-shift period (the day of the menstrual cycle 11-18) is found in the ultrasound of the ovaries of the follicle, sizes of 18-30 mm. Such a follicle is called prevail. With normal hormonal regulation, ovulation occurs within a few hours or day. Most often, such an oververal follicle detected when the ovarian ultrasound is one.

After ovulation, when the ovaries are ultrasound on the site of the ovulad follicle, you can a degenerate body. The essence of His Rabory is the provision of progesterone the second phase of the cycle. Progesterone is necessary for the development of pregnancy in early terms, there is no full-fledged formation of the placenta. If the pregnancy does not come, the yellow body produces progesterone for the normal transformation of endometrial and preparation of it to the rejection during the upcoming menstruation. When conducting an ovarian ultrasound after ovulation (from 12 to 28 days cycle), you can estimate the structure of the yellow body. When analyzing the blood flow in the yellow body when the ovarian ultrasound with the use of Doppler, one can reliably assume the normal functioning. In case of inadequate operation of the yellow body, there are lack of expressed low-estate blood flow, the yellow body may be cystic, fades a better period (approximately 22 cycle time). This is called the insufficiency of the yellow body. In women with a yellow body failure, short menstrual cycles may be observed (less than 26 days), infertility, bleeding during menstruation (due to endometrial hyperplasia), separating sections before menstruation. When the ovarian ultrasound after ovulation is approximately 18 and on 23 days, the cycle can be estimated in the dynamics, the yellow body works normally. For accurate analysis, progesterone in the blood is additionally investigated.

Naturally, ovarian ultrasound is not carried out isolated. Together with the ultrasound of the ovaries, ultrasound of the uterus is carried out, more informatively ultrasound with a vaginal sensor. Such an ultrasound is called Transvaginal ultrasound.

Preparation for ovarian ultrasound

Special preparation for ultrasound ovaries is not required, except in cases described above, when the ovaries are not visible on the ultrasound.

How do ovarian ultrasound

  • Uzi ovarian filled with a bladder through the belly - anterior abdominal wall (abdominal sensor).
  • Uzi ovarian transvaginal sensor (transvaginal ultrasound).
  • The ovarian ultrasound of the rectal sensor (in virgins, with unsatisfactory results of the ultrasound through the stomach, during atresia (infection) or a sharp stenosis (narrowing) of the vagina in the vagina - more often in elderly patients after transferred operations on the perineum).

We fill all types of ultrasound diagnostics:

  • Ultrasound Diagnostics Down syndrome and other chromosomal anomalies

    Female ultrasound

  • Hydrotubation (echogidebody): Research of Power Supplies (ultrasonic hysterosalpingoscopy)

The blade is inflammation of the appendages of the uterus: uterine pipes, ovaries, ligaments.

What are the causes of the development of adnexit?

The main cause of adnexitis is infection: staphylococci, streptococci, chlamydia, gonococci, ectrechia, enterococci, etc. Infection can penetrate the uterine pipes and ovaries from vagina, uterus or inflamed abdominal organs (for example, at appendicitis) or through blood.

Penetrated from the uterus in the lumen of the uterine tube, the infection causes its inflammation (salpintingitis). In 50% of cases, the ovary (ooforite) is infected with Salpingitis (ooforite) together with the bunch of uterine pipe (adhesitis, salpingo-phorite).

Types of adnexita

Severe and chronic adnexites.

How does the disease manifest?

Symptoms of acute adnexitis: pain at the bottom of the abdomen, an increase in temperature to 38-40 ° C, chills, nausea, sometimes vomiting, purulent separation from sex tract, urination disorders (dysuria). The severity of symptoms depends on the causative agent and reactivity of the body (immunity). Sometimes the symptoms of acute adnexite are expressed in neuro.

Symptoms of chronic adnexite: stupid, buty pain at the bottom of the abdomen. Pains can be published in the lower back, the rectum, in the thigh and intensify after hypothermia, stress and in front of menstruation. Disorders of the menstrual cycle in chronic adnexite occur by the type of irregular long-term uterine bleeding (menometromragia). The menstrual cycle can be designed up to 40 days (oligomenogenius). Chronic adnexite has a protracted course with periodic exacerbations that occur due to repeated infection, imminent imminent, infection, resistant to selected antibacterial therapy. In exacerbation of chronic adhesitis, pain is enhanced, the overall well-being is disturbed, the temperature may increase, purulent releases from the vagina appear.

How to diagnose adnexitis?

The following methods are used to diagnose adnexite:

Examination of the gynecologist;
Ultrasound appendages of the uterus;
Peripheral blood analysis (from finger);
general urine analysis;
Vagina strokes and cervical canals.

In the diagnosis of adhesitis, the most informatively microbiological examination of the contents of the uterine pipes and the abdominal cavity obtained with laparoscopy, laparotomy or puncture. To obtain material for this study, it is carried out laparoscopy or puncture of uterine appendages through the rear vaginal arch under the control of ultrasound.

With a long-term course of the disease with periodic pains at the bottom of the abdomen, with the ineffectiveness of treatment with antibiotics to determine the signs of the presence or absence of chronic adnexite, diagnostic laparoscopy are carried out.

The diagnosis of chronic adhesitis is extremely difficult, since chronic pelvic pains with periodic amplification are also found with other diseases (endometriosis, cysts and tumors of ovarian, colitis, pellets).

How to treat adnexitis?

In the treatment of acute adnexitis, bedding is shown. Depending on the severity of pain syndrome, painkillers, the antibiotics of a wide range of action or antimicrobial preparations from the fluoroquinolone group, anti-inflammatory and desensitizing agents are used.

After the elimination of acute inflammatory phenomena shows biostimulants and physiotherapy (electrophoresis, ultrasound at the abdomen, vibromassage).

To treat chronic adnexitis, physiotherapy and balneological treatment are used in the form of mud and ozocetic applications, vaginal baths, gynecological massage.

With repeated exacerbations, it is desirable to identify the causative agent of infection and determine its sensitivity to antibacterial therapy. Depending on the advantageous manifestations of chronic adhesitis, painkillers, desensitizing and anti-inflammatory drugs are used.

What is dangerous adexit?

Most often, the acute adhesitis is complicated by the formation of adhesions in a small pelvis between the pipe, the ovary, the uterus, the wall of the pelvis, the bladder, gland and bowel loops.

In the penetration of infection into the ovarian fabric, purulent cavities may form, with the merger of which the ovarian tissue is melted. The ovary turns into a sobbing formation filled with pus (ovarian abscess or ovarian abscess).

When acute adnexite, the inflammatory liquid accumulates in the uterine tube, as a result there are fabricated formation of the fallopian tube (sacapinsalpins) with the accumulation of serous fluid (hydraulpinx) or pus (pyosalpinx).

One of the forms of complication of acute adnexite is a tubarous abscess (suppuration of the appendages of the uterus).

As a result of the gap of an ovarian abscess, pyosalpinx, a tubarial abscess infection can penetrate into the abdominal cavity and cause inflammation of the small pelvis (pelvioeritonite) peritoneum, and then peritonitis with the development of rectovaginal deepening abscesses, interchess abscesses. With inadequate treatment, acute adnexite can go into a chronic form.

Chronic adhesitis can lead to ectopic pregnancy or infertility. Frequent exacerbations of chronic adnexitis lead to such sexual disorders as soreness of sexual contacts (dispensing) and a decrease in sexual entry.

One of these varieties is the subserosic myomatous tumor.

What is subseasonous mioma uterus?

Typically, such formations have a sufficiently wide base connected to the uterine tissues by means of a thin leg. This leg is a kind of channel, which is powered by a tumor. The nodule can wear a partial character, although there are also multiple formations of small size.

Causes of occurrence

The main factor contributing to the development of benign subsearous tumors in the ladies is changes in hormonal status in women.

According to doctors, the tumor is not able to form in a healthy body, so it is necessary for its development specific prerequisites like:

  1. Operational manipulations in female urinary organs. In this category, various diagnostic scraps, abortions, laparoscopic studies, etc., these interventions are injured by the uterine muscle tissue, which provoke the occurrence of the tumor;
  2. Genetically determined inclination to this pathology;
  3. A history of operations to remove misa;
  4. Of various types of inflammation or infection in the urinary field;
  5. Long-term contraception with hormonal contraceptive preparations;
  6. Tumors in appendages or milk-selling tissues;
  7. Functional problems in thyroid and adrenal structures.

Typically, the causes of the disease are a group of factors, in varying degrees affecting the formation of myomatous process in the uterine television.

Clinical picture

Externally, the subserosic tumor has the appearance of a node. A similar type of myomatous formations is considered the safest, since it differs in an externally uterine localization and grows towards the retroperitoneal space. Such a tumor does not provoke an increase in the mother liquor and is not able to influence the menstrual cycle.

It does not harm such an education and pregnancy, which, with such a disease, arises without difficulties, the delivery can also be damaged, however, it is quite capable of bringing a spontaneous miscarriage.

Sometimes reproductive difficulties arise if the formation is located in close proximity to the pipes and transfers them.

Since the formation grows into the abdominal space, it develops mainly without symptoms, at least in that period, until the node has minor sizes. When education grows, it begins a compression effect on the surrounding tissues and organic systems, which leads to their functional disorders.

In general, subseasonous myomatous education can be described by the following symptoms:

  • Frequent constipation;
  • Hemorrhoidal inflammation;
  • Difficult and frequent urination causing soreness;
  • Hypertermia
  • Hyperpotability, dizziness;
  • Uncomfortable feelings in the stomach and lower back in a sitting or standing position;
  • Paining symptoms of a larger character, localized in the region above the pubic, in the lower back, the lower half of the abdominal wall.

Pain symptoms have a tendency to occur against the background of a long stay "on the legs", long walking or heavy physical exertion. Often, pain acquire a grapple-shaped character, which indicates the development of exacerbation or active growth of the tumor.

The severity of pain symptoms is usually determined by parameters, location and development of myomatous node. If the tumor comes against the abdominal wall, then the patient will constantly suffer from pain.


Subseasonous Myomatous nodes are multiple or single.

Single difference is the presence of a shell like a capsule.

Multiple formations are detected somewhat less often, but they are accompanied by more pronounced painful symptoms.

If multiple myomatosis acquires large sizes, then there is a compression of neighboring structures, which violates their activities. In addition, they are divided into interstitial or intramural uterine mioma.


Intramural subseroic misa are localized on the outer uterine layer. Such education is considered the most "safe", since it does not affect the sizes of the uterine body and the menstrual cycle, does not violate the reproductive abilities.

Such a tumor is formed from smooth muscle fibers, as well as connective tissue structures. It is believed that such a mioma proceeds in a kind of lightweight version.

Interstitial subserosoic

The subserosozno-interstitial myomatous node is formed in the thickness of the wall of the uterine body, but grows towards the smallness cavity. Such education refers to the category of mixed tumors and is somewhat different from the traditional subseroic tumor.

It develops in a muscular layer, therefore leads to a certain increase in the bodies of the uterus. Intersitially subseasonous myomatous node is capable of negatively affect the surrounding tissues, but its dimensions are rare when 10 cm are exceeded.


Specialists stood the development of similar myomatous formations into several stages:

  1. The first stage - an active growth is observed, the tumor is distinguished by the full flow of the exchange processes and elevated vascular permeability;
  2. The second stage is characterized by rapid progression, but it is impossible to detect education without microscopic studies;
  3. At the third stage, myomatous education is easily found in the process of medical examination.

Typically, such tumors are distinguished by multiple nature, when several formations are developing at the same time.

What is dangerous this disease?

The danger of subseroic misa is the high probability of twisting the legs through which education gets the necessary meal. Such a complication is usually determined by atrophic changes in tissues.

Failure intimidation is usually accompanied by hyperthermic symptoms, intense pain, pronounced tachycardic symptomatics, increased sweating, dizziness and other intoxication symptoms.

Diagnosis and treatment

When diagnosing subseasonary myomatous formations, such diagnostic measures are more often used as:

  • Echography;
  • Magnetic resonance imaging, allowing to get a layered tumor image;
  • Diagnostic scraping in this case is carried out to determine changes in mucous stocking tissues;
  • Hydrosonographic diagnostics - makes it possible to detect even the smallest tumors and determine the degree of their development;
  • Laparoscopic examination is used if it is impossible to conduct differentiation of pathology.

Most often, the treatment of subseasonous form of the uterus is operational, especially in the presence of large formations, abundant blood loss, twist the legs, rapid growth and progression of the tumor.

In the photo Remote subserosoic mioma uterus

For the implementation of surgical manipulations, several common techniques like laparoscopic momectomy, which is a deletion of a tumor after a few punctures by irradiation.

In addition, hysteroscopic momectomy is used when the removal of the node is carried out through the vagina. In difficult cases, education is removed along with appendages and uterus, i.e. total hysterectomy is carried out.

In recent years, compatible ablation has been widely used, which involves tumor removal by ultrasound.

Treatment with folk remedies

Among the folk treatment methods of the subseasonous uterus, medicinal ointment, hoods, medicinal tinctures or vaginal candles are particularly popular in patients. Usually, raw materials in the form of poisonous plants are used to prepare such medicines, which have antitumor activity.

Therefore, take such medicines with maximum caution. Experts do not exclude the presence of the therapeutic effect from such healing drugs of traditional medicine, however, recommend them to use as additional therapy and in the absence of contraindications.

Prediction and prevention

Subseasonous forms of myomatous formations are distinguished by a high indicator of benignness, so do not have a tendency to malignancy. The forecasts are generally positive, however, in the presence of rapid growth and progression of pathology, there may be operational intervention.

Even benign tumors can significantly spoil women's life and deprive maternity opportunities. Therefore, it is necessary to contact a specialist when the first suspicion of pathology appears.

In addition, abortions should be avoided, to give birth and feed the baby to the 30 years of age, to inhibit gynecological problems, to control the hormonal status, to avoid long-term hormonal contraception.

Only so you can protect yourself from the occurrence of serous uterine myomatous formations, and, it means, and to avoid probable complications like infertility, purulent-inflammatory processes in the uterus and total hysterectomy, depriving the patient a chance of safe maternity.

The video showing a laparoscopic operation of subserosny misa of the uterus:

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Subseasonous Mioma Uterus: the degree of danger of tumor, symptoms, diagnosis and methods of treatment

In the uterus, as in other organs of the human body, benign tumors may develop. A nodal neoplasm formed from muscular tissue is called Misa. It can remain in the thickness of the myometrium (muscular layer), take the situation closer to the uterus or shifted towards the abdominal cavity. If the momas are located under the outer serous membrane of the uterus, it is considered subserosny or stiffitish.

Causes of occurrence

The focal growth of myometrium fabric is a hormonally dependent process. The imbalance of female sex hormones in some cases launches excess proliferation of smooth muscle cells, that is, their reinforced reproduction. Most often, age changes are most often, therefore, Moma is found in mature age and premenopause.

The development of the tumor also contributes to diseases of the ovaries with a violation of their hormone-product function, stress, chronic infectious diseases of different localization. The production of sex hormones can be impaired again, against the background of endocrine pathology with the lesion of the adrenal glands, the thyroid gland or pituitary gland.

Although hormonal violations arise from many women, Moma is not developing from everyone. To their appearance, women are especially predisposed, never pregnant by 30 years and having hereditary governments. The risk factors also include artificial interruption of pregnancy and repeated diagnostic scraping, chronic inflammation in the reproductive system organs, long-term stressful states.

What does Subserosanian Mioma look like

The subseroic mioma of the uterus is a node adjacent to the outer serous membrane of the uterus. It can have a wide base or a rather thin leg, speaking beyond the borders of the organ. Muscle tumor forming the body of the tumor remains differentiated and does not have the ability to germinate. Therefore, Mioma refers to benign mature neoplasms.

In histological examination, multidirectional randomly growing deformed smooth muscle cells and unchanged connecting tissue are usually found. The ratio of these components may be different.

Varieties of subserosny misa:

  1. leiomioma consisting of identical smooth muscle cells;
  2. fibromyoma (or fibroid) is a tumor in which a lot of connective tissue;
  3. fancy Leiomioma, in which gigantic cells with several large nuclei are found along with rounded muscle cells, in contrast to the malignant tumor does not have uncontrolled growth;
  4. epithelioid cell leaviomiomiomiomiomiomioma (leuocyoblastoma) with not sufficient borders, its rounded cells have a light eosinophilic cytoplasm forming the strip;
  5. leooolypoma, in which mature fat cells appear due to degeneration.

The forming tumors of the tissue due to failure of food are often subject to change. At the same time, sites of hyalinosis, necrosis, mixture or mucoid dystrophy, calcifications and hemorrhages of different prescription will appear.

Localization of myomatous nodes

Subseasonic Mother-type Mother

Clinical picture

The presence of mioma of the uterus violates the contractility of the myometrium, which predisposes to abundant and painful menstrual bleeding (menorgias). Often, as a result, a woman develops chronic iron deficiency anemia.

Pains may occur not only during the period of menstruation. The unpleasant sensations appear after exercise, exercises to strengthen the press, long walk, with a sharp change of body position and jumps. Sexual intercourse is also accompanied by discomfort. The pain at the bottom of the abdomen is usually a good, sometimes giving the bottom of the back.

If myomatous nodes act in the direction of the rectum, discomfort appears during defecation and a tendency to constipate. The large sub-ssernery knot, located above the neck of the uterus, can squeeze the adjacent bladder. At the same time, dysurium arises (urination violation) with frequent painful urges, incomplete emptying of the bladder and difficulty when urination.

In young women, a large subseasonal mioma on a wide base or serous-interstitial mioma uterus may cause infertility. This is because the tumor leads to the deformation of the organ and causes dormriconal irregular bleeding. The mioma uterine corners can also lead to a narrowing of the phallopyan pipe with a violation of its passability. This makes it difficult to migrate the eggs after ovulation in the uterus cavity.

Acute complications of subseasonous misa

Acute intensive pain - a sign of the development of complications. It may be central necrosis of a myomatous node or extensive hemorrhage into its fabric. And the subserosic node on the leg can twist, which will require urgent surgery.

When you smoke the legs of the Moma, a clinical picture of an acute abdomen is developing. The voltage of the anterior abdominal wall is determined, the soreness during palpation at the bottom of the abdomen, hyperthermia. Pronounced grasp pain can lead to the development of pain with a change in the work of vital organs, a fall in blood pressure, sometimes with loss of consciousness.

Acute ischemia and necrosis of myomatous node lead to the appearance of a novel pain, which tends to grow. In the hematogenous drift of bacteria into ischemic focus, the condition of the woman worsens, the body temperature rises, inxication occurs.


The presence of subserosny misa can be suspected with a gynecological examination. When palpation, the doctor determines the inhomogeneity of the uterus, the irregularities of its contours, the presence of tumor-like formation at the bottom of the abdominal cavity. The stomach can be increased in the absence of a total weight gain. Myoma does not limit the mobility of the uterus. In women of asthenic physique, it is sometimes possible to determine the palpatorially to determine that the tumor is smooth, not fasting with the surrounding authorities.

Ultrasound helps to identify the presence of myoma, its size, position and structure, the state of the organs adjacent to it. At the same time, vaginal and Curbdomomominal sensors can be used. Ultrasound diagnostics is the main method for dynamic observation, during which the rate of tumor growth and the signs of its illicitality (malignancy) are evaluated. With acute complications, the fuzziness of the contours of the uterus and adjacent tissues is determined, which indicates the presence of edema in this area.

To determine the degree of deformation of the uterus, the uterus is sometimes used by hysterosalpingography or metronography. This is called a radiographic study against the background of the intrauterine administration of a contrast agent. Subserosaceous Mioma rarely lead to a narrowing of the exploration of the uterus, the exception is very large subsero-interstitial and multiple nodes.

To clarify the nature of the tumor and the presence of germination to the surrounding tissues helps MRI or CT of the organs of a small pelvis. It helps to retperine mioma from malignant neoplasms. If necessary, it is carried out laparoscopy, during which the doctor can take a biopsy from the Myomatous node for further histological research.

Additionally make a general analysis of blood, which is necessary to identify the degree of concomitant iron deficient postgemorgic anemia and estimating the inflammatory response.

When prescribing treatment, the nature of the existing disorders and the growth rate of the neoplasm is taken into account. The development of acute complications is a direct indication for an emergency operation. The volume of surgical intervention is finally determined after the immediate inspection of the uterus. The doctor may limit itself to the removal of the mioma organ speaking over the surface or decide on the removal of all the uterus (hysterectomy).

With a stable state of a woman and a slow growth of the subserosan node, treatment is prescribed, the basis of which is the reception of hormonal drugs and symptomatic therapy. KOK, agonists of gonadotropic releases of hormones and antigonadotropins are used. If necessary, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory and anti-parames are prescribed. Hormonal therapy helps to restrain the growth of the tumor and in some cases leads to a gradual decrease in the size of the Mioma. Such tactics are shown to treat women of childbearing age, planning pregnancy.

Indications for surgical treatment of subserosny misa uterus:

  1. fast pace of tumor growth;
  2. the emergence of signs of malignization;
  3. an increase in the uterus exceeding the body size at 12 weeks of pregnancy;
  4. abundant frequent uterine bleeding;
  5. resistant pain syndrome.

Depending on the size and position of the tumor, the momecto is carried out (removal of the node with the preservation of its tissues surrounding it) with a laparoscopic or laparotomic method, hysterectomy (removal of the entire uterus). It is also possible to carry out the embolization of the uterine artery (EMA), which will lead to the dying of the tumor due to lack of nutrition. After such intervention, the myomatous node is replaced with a dense connective tissue.

If a woman does not plan a pregnancy in the future, but wishes to save the uterus, it can be performed fuz-ablation of Moma. In this case, the control of the MRI is carried out local remote effects of focused ultrasonic waves of a certain frequency. Myomatous tissues are heated and necrotized. Complications of fuz-ablation are associated with the effects of waves on the uterus itself and neighboring bodies, with the development of neuralgia of the sedlication nerve and intestinal neurosis, skin, subcutaneous fiber, the walls of the uterus.

Although the subserosaceous Mioma uterus refers to benign neoplasms, it requires regular dynamic observation and treatment from a specialist.

Subseasonous Mioma uterus: always need operation

Most women scares the "terrible" diagnosis - the subserosaceous mioma of the uterus. The operation to remove the uterus seems to them inevitable, and hence the inevitably infertility. Is it really really to panic? In order to understand this issue, it is necessary to have a concept that represents Mioma, why it arises and what treatment methods currently exist.

Please note that this text was preparing without the support of our Expert Council.

General information about the uterus

The development of uterine misa is due to the disturbed regulation of the growth of the cells of myometrium. The formation of myomatous nodes is most often associated with hormonal disabilities in the body of a woman and the damage to the tissue of the uterus.

Hormonal disorders provoking the development of the tumor may relate to both the reproductive system, so the endocrine sphere. Thus, the reduced function of the thyroid gland (hypothyroidism) and obesity lead to an increase in the level of estrogen, which, in turn, is a predisposing factor in the occurrence of myoma.

The regulation of cell growth can be violated due to damage to smooth muscle cells, which often happens when scraping the uterine cavity, abortion, with inflammatory processes in the uterus and long-term use of intrauterine contraceptives. In addition, the development of the tumor may be due to the hereditary predisposition, an unfavorable environmental situation, frequent stresses and a decrease in immunity that increases the susceptibility of the body to damaging agents.

Moma nodes may be single and multiple, their dimensions can be several millimeters and tens of centimeters. Myomatous formations are localized mainly in the bodies of the uterus, in some cases the disease is striking the neck of the organ and its ligament.

Prevalence of the disease

Mioma uterus is the most commonly encountered benign form of female sexual sphere. Most often, the disease is diagnosed in women aged 30 to 48 years.

There are also cases where myomatous nodes were found in younger women, under the age of 20 years.

Localization with Mioma Mattik

Momom can affect various parts of the uterus. The most common is the following localization:

  • subserosanic - begins development from the outer part of the uterus and continues his growth to the pelvis cavity. This type of pathology, as a rule, does not lead to a violation of the menstrual cycle, but it may cause a certain discomfort associated with its size and squeezing by the node of the surrounding tissues.
  • intramural - grows in an average muscular layer of the uterus and leads to a significant increase in its size, the appearance of pain syndrome and the sensation of pressure in the pelvis, and also distort the menstrual cycle. This type of tumor is most common;
  • submucosic (submucous) Mioma of the uterus - arises deep in the uterus, under the subtle layer of the endometrium that lins its cavity. This type of disease is manifested by pronounced symptoms and is less common.

Symptoms of moma uterus

More than a third of cases of the uterus, the uterus proceeds without characteristic symptoms and the disease is detected only with the planned visit to the gynecologist. This is especially true for intramural and subserosic nodes of small sizes.

The intensity of the manifestations of myoma depends on factors such as the size and number of nodes, their localization and morphological features.

Women can complain for the presence of the following symptoms:

  • abundant, long-term menstruation with severe pain syndrome;
  • intermented bleeding and bleeding;
  • bunches in menstrual discharges;
  • pain in the abdomen, loins and above the pubic;
  • feeling pressure and severity at the bottom of the abdomen.

The most pronounced manifestations are noted in women with multiple or large uterine.

In addition, in the world, the functions of nearby organs are violated, a problem with having tolerance of pregnancy occurs, infertility develops.

Pain syndrome accompanying pathology, has different origins.

The interstitial mioma of the uterus of small sizes is manifested by long, abundant and painful menstruation.

With the active growth of nodes, women are noted permanent pain. Node necrosis is accompanied by pronounced pain syndrome, an increase in body temperature, symptoms of intoxication of the body. Such an emergency situation occurs with the subserosic mioma of the uterus with nodes on the leg. If the leg is thin, the knot can occur, as a result of which its power is disturbed. In such situations, acute state occurs - expressed pain syndrome. In some cases, a woman can develop peritonitis, requiring urgent surgical treatment.

With a lot of large-sized, the function of nearby organs is disturbed, which leads to constipation and increase of urination. Sometimes myomatous node squeezes the ureter, as a result of which the outflow of urine from the kidneys is disturbed.

Submucosic mioma with the submucosal localization of the node is manifested by abundant menstruation. At large sizes of the submucosic assembly, which occupies a large area of \u200b\u200bthe uterus, there is a violation of the cyclicity of menstrual discharge, and sometimes their complete termination.

The clinical manifestation of the subseasonal (stiffitish) moma is pain syndrome. Pains are felt in the field of belly or lower back. They arise due to the tension of the binder apparatus of the uterus and the pressure of the growing myomatous node on the nervous plexus of the small pelvis. With the impaired blood circulation in the tumor of pain and become sharp.

The Mioma of the uterus can cause infertility and non-pending pregnancy, which is explained by changing the growing node size of the uterine cavity, mechanical squeezing of the pipe angle and the deterioration of local blood flow in the endometrium.

Thus, the mioma of the uterus can have a varied clinical picture, but most often manifests itself with triad: bleeding, pain syndrome and disruption of the function of adjacent organs.

What is subseasonous mioma uterus

The subserosaceous mioma of the uterus is a benign tumor, striking the outer side of the uterus, its growth is directed to the pelvis cavity.

The subseroic mioma looks, as a rule, in the form of a node with a wide base or a thin leg, through which the tumor is powered. Nodes may be single or multiple. A single assembly with sub-sormous mioma of the uterus covers the capsule separating it from the surrounding tissues. Myomatous node can be small and large, but usually no more than 10 cm.

Due to its localization on the outer side of the uterus and growth in the abdominal cavity, the subseasonous Mioma of the uterus is considered one of the most innocuous tumors. In women with the Moma of this species, the size of the uterus does not increase and the menstrual function is not disturbed. There is no problems with the onset of pregnancy. Difficulties with conception can occur only in cases where the subserosic node is located near one of the uterine pipes and squeezes it. However, the presence of a given tumor can cause non-pending pregnancy.

Types of subseasonal misa uterus

In modern gynecology, there is the following classification of subseasonous misa:

  • zero type - subserosic node on a leg, not containing an intramural component;
  • the first type is the magnitude of the intramural component is less than 50% of the volume of myomatous formation, most of it is subserosause;
  • the second type is a myomatous node with an intramural component of more than 50%, with a low-proof substrate component.

Causes of the development of subseasonous misa uterus

The development of this benign education may be due to the following predisposing factors:

  • endocrine violations: According to statistics, subserosania Mioma is most often developing in women before the onset of Klimaks or during it, when the usual ratio of female hormones - progesterone and estrogen is disturbed;
  • hereditary predisposition: if the relatives of the woman suffered from this disease;
  • traumization of the muscular layer of the wall of the uterus in the process of childbirth, during pregnancy or abundant uterine bleeding.

Symptoms of subseasonous misa uterus

Patients with subserosic nodes, as a rule, complain about the presence of pain. Most often, pains have a pulling, suitable character, localized over the pubic and can be irradiated to the lower back area.

The pain syndrome is enhanced in the case of hypothermia, overwork, long stay in an uncomfortable posture and after intensive physical exertion.

Diagnosis of subseasonal Moma

After the collection of anamnesis: Filming up the complaints of the patient, genetic predisposition, anamnesis of life and illness, the gynecologist appoints a number of laboratory and instrumental research:

  • blood test (at least three-time): common - to eliminate inflammatory processes, biochemical and hormonal;
  • gynecological examination;
  • ultrasound: It is considered the main diagnostic method;
  • computer and magnetic resonance imaging: to determine the size, the location of the tumor in the uterine cavity and relative to the adjacent authorities.

Treatment of subserosny misa uterus

The tactics of treatment of subserosic misa is elected in accordance with the sizes of the tumor. For example, the most effective method of treating large misama is the operation to remove nodes. Under myomatous nodes of small size, conservative therapy, the embolization of the uterine arteries, or conducting regular monitoring for increasing the neoplasm with ultrasound research (at least four times a year). Thus, the operation is not the only method of treating this pathology.

The conservative treatment of subserosaceous uterus involves the reception of such drugs as:

  • combined oral contraceptives (progesterone-containing and estrogen-containing);
  • gestagens;
  • anti-estrogen (do not apply to the treatment of miom in patients under 45);
  • antigonadotropins and gonadoliberins.

The duration of conservative therapy is three months. During this period, a woman must comply with a special diet. After the end of the reception of drugs, a woman needs to remain under the regular observation of a specialist to track the state of myomatous node.

Unfortunately, hormonal therapy rarely leads to a resistant result, relapses often occur: growth and increase of nodes. In this situation it is necessary to carry out surgical intervention.

Subseasonous Mioma Uterus: Sizes for the operation

The surgery in the subseroic mioma of the uterus can be the method of treatment at large sizes of the node and in cases where the node grows on a thin leg. The operation may also be carried out when infertility and the presence of pronounced pains, uterine bleeding, non-treatable conservative methods.

Extensive operation. One of the types of surgical treatment is a long-distance operation aimed at removing myomatous node. Indications for its conduct are large sizes of the node, as well as the malignancy process - rebirth of a benign form in malignant. The incision is performed in the area above the pubic. Then all the layers (skin, subcutaneous fatty fiber, peritoneum, etc.) disseminate layers, after which myoma is excised.

Hysterectomy. Under the world of very large sizes, squeezing adjacent organs and the impossibility due to certain reasons to remove the myomatous node, a woman is assigned to conduct hysterectomy. During such operations, the uterus is removed along with the node. Hysterectomy is a radical method of treating myoma. This operation is applied only in cases where the disease threatens the life of a woman.

Laparoscopy. Currently, the removal of the uterus is most often a laparoscopic method. A laparoscope is introduced through the incision on the front abdominal wall, after which it excised and remove it to mioma. This is a minimally invasive method, after which there are no cosmetic defects - postoperative scars.

Embolization of the uterine arteries (EMA). An efficient and safe organ-grinding alternative operation is an innovative method of embolization of the uterine arteries. The basis of this technology is the cessation of the nutrition of a myomatous assembly by introducing special balls - emphas, overlapping blood flow in the uterine arteries. With the help of EMA, a persistent life effect is achieved, recurrences of the disease are excluded. This is the most preferred method of treating myoma, allowing to avoid defiations.

Fuz-ablation. The method involving the impact on the ultrasound of ultrasound waves. The effectiveness of the procedure is high only in the treatment of myoma with small single nodes.

Diet with subserosaceous uterus

In the process of treatment, a woman needs to follow the following power rules:

  • give preference to plant food with a large content of fiber, with which the metabolism is normalized;
  • reduce the amount of meat consumed;
  • abandon greasy and acute food;
  • every day there are vegetables and fruits;
  • introduce soy products, bran, cleaning the body from toxins into the diet;
  • to normalize the level of hormones, regular nuts, dairy products;
  • use fatty sorts of sea fish with antitumor action.

Improper nutrition is the cause of serious failures in the activities of the endocrine system and the active growth of myomatous formations.

Funds of traditional medicine

Folk Medicine has a large number of recipes of herbal infusions and decoctions, with the help of which it is possible to significantly reduce the severity of symptoms of subserosny misa, as well as suspend the growth of myomatous nodes. However, these funds should be taken only as an additional method for comprehensive therapy and exclusively after consulting the attending physician.

Flax seeds. Due to the content of anti-estrogen, the flax seeds have a positive effect in the treatment of this hormone-dependent tumor. Preparations of flax seeds help to restore hormonal equilibrium, contribute to the suppression of inflammatory processes and respond to carcinogens that provoke the development of tumors.

Potato juice. This remedy has wound-healing, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, painful, diuretic, lining, immunostimulating effect, and also normalizes the metabolism and water-salt balance of the body. In addition, decoction of potatoes flowers has similar healing properties. However, the intake of potato juice is contraindicated with patients suffering from diabetes mellitus, intestinal dysfunction, reduced acidity gastritis.

Boring uterus. This plant is rightly called "female grass." With the help of the infusion of boring uterus, many gynecological problems are solved, including the uterine myoma.

Poisonous plants. Due to its antitumor properties, tincture of Boligol, acronite, freezing and cleanliness are successfully used in the treatment of subserosaceous uterus. It is important to understand that these plants should be purchased only in pharmacy packages, which indicate instructions for use, because Preparations from poisonous herbs must be taken strictly in the specified doses.

Heal standing herbs. With the complication of the uterine mioma with abundant uterine bleeding, you can take infeed and ragners from plants with a hemostatic effect. Reducing the volume of the blood released contribute: Barberry, nettle, shepherd bag, yarrow, heel, burdock, carnation.

Leeches. The leech saliva contains enzymes and other biologically active substances that contribute to the restoration of hormone levels in the female organism, thanks to which the treatment with leeches has a positive effect with such a hormone-dependent tumor, like the uterine myoma. In addition, hirudotherapy contributes to the discharge of blood, eliminating the stoles in the blood vessels of a small pelvis, strengthening immunity, and a decrease in inflammatory processes.

No need to be afraid to be treated, you need to be afraid to get sick! In order to prevent the prevention of myoma, it is necessary to adhere to a healthy lifestyle, avoid severe physical exertion, abortions, carefully refers to its body, and when some or other alerting symptoms are found with the appeal to the doctor. Any disease is treated easier and more efficiently in the early stages, is not an exception and myoma of the uterus.

We will help you to find the best specialists using organ-bearing methods of treating moma in our practice, incl. and embolization of the uterine arteries, as the most preferred method of getting rid of myomatous nodes without surgery. Our partners are the leading clinics of Moscow and other cities of Russia. Contact us and we will write to the reception to any doctor of the clinic with which we cooperate. Clinic treatment of myoma. We will provide continued support. Our consultant will answer all your questions by e-mail.

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Ovaries in women - location

This steam female body, which is part of the sexual system, performs reproductive and secretory functions. The exposure of the ovaries in women is the same - on the sides of the uterus. The outer side of the gland is attached to a neuro-vascular bundle to the surface of the pelvis, in the area of \u200b\u200bthe ovarian fossa. Fallopiev pipes are departed from ovaries, which actually report the uterus and glands. The totality of ovaries and uterine pipes in gynecology is customary to be called appendages.

Features of the topology of female sex glands

Having understood from where the ovaries are in women, it should be noted that in the normal place they are located not at the same level, and one of them is more than the other (usually right).

If we speak exactly where the ovaries are located, then in the anatomical literature you can meet the following wording: deep in the cavity of the small pelvis, the stop and on both sides of the uterus. At the same time, the glands with their mesentery are articulated with a wide uterine bunch, which is equipped with a large number of vascular and nerve endings. It is thanks to the bundles that the ovary itself has some mobility, which allows you to change its location, for example, during pregnancy. Exceptionally, the location of the left and right ovary is considered normal.

However, not only the gestration can lead to a change in the localization of the glands.

What are the changes in the location of the ovaries and what are they talking about?

If the ovaries on the front abdominal wall are built, it will be the bottom of the abdomen, directly above the inguinal folds. It is in this field that women noted the appearance of pain in the presence of diseases of the glands.

Such a phenomenon when the ovaries are located close to the uterus, it is impossible to be called a violation. Most often, this is noted due to pregnancy, when, as a result of an increase in the volume of the uterus, the distance between the two data organs is reduced. At the same time, mainly the left ovary is located close to the uterus, due to the fact that it is originally lower than the right.

When the left ovary is located directly from the rib of the uterus, the doctors try to exclude such a violation as the spikes of a small pelvis. It is their presence that can lead to a change in the localization of the glands. In such cases, connective tissue trash as it should pull up the ovary to the uterus, and sometimes it is located high or behind it. The ultrasound may indicate the presence of a multifollicular ovary, - maturation for one cycle of more than 8 follicles.

What symptoms may indicate a violation of the ovarian location?

The most frequent cause of this violation is an inflammatory process that can be localized both in the reproductive system and in a small pelvis, in particular.

Such a process is accompanied by an edema, an increase in the gland, which is easy to determine with the help of an ultrasound, and in some cases even by palpation. At the same time, the woman faces such symptoms as:

  • paints in a suplocked area that give to the lower back, the area of \u200b\u200bthe buttocks, as well as the groin;
  • most often, pain appears only on the one hand;
  • the pain is distinguished by its impermanence.

It is the last fact that the conversion of a woman to the doctor who often thinks that this is a temporary phenomenon that will independently pass.

It is also worth noting that often, especially inexperienced doctors, take such symptoms for acute belly - peritonitis, which is characteristic of appendicitis. However, the main distinguishing feature is the fact that the patient itself during pain in the ovaries is not in a state of excitation, which is usually accompanied by constant shifts of the position of the body, finding a convenient posture.

Thus, it is worth saying that the appearance of pain in the lower abdomen should always be a reason to appeal to the doctor whose task is to establish the cause and purpose of treatment.

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Changes in the location of women's reproductive organs

Often, after an ultrasound study of a small pelvis, a gynecologist reveals that the woman has an ovary at the uterus. A similar phenomenon scares patients, many questions arise about the danger of such an organ location. But is it worth worrying for this reason? If the ovary is behind the uterus, what does this mean?

Ovaries in women

Normally, each ovary is located on the side of the uterus. If you look from the abdomen, these organs are located at the bottom of the abdominal cavity, directly under the inguinal folds. To the surface of the small pelvis, they are attached by the bunch of nerves and vessels. This area is called the ovarian fossa.

From there to the uterus go Fallopiev pipes. In the reproductive bodies under consideration there is its own feature of the location, which is that they are in relation to each other asymmetrically - one is located slightly higher than the other. Also the size of the organs is somewhat different. Usually the right ovary is larger, heavier to the left. In the form, the color is absolutely the same.

Normally, the reproductive body is equal to the following sizes: Length, width, thickness. If there are minor discrepancies, within a few millimeters, then, most likely, this indicates the individual characteristics of a woman. If the size is exceeded much norm, that is, the reason for visiting the doctor.

Disorders of the ovarian location

It happens that the ovary is behind the uterus, located close and forming the inflection. At the same time, patients often feel pain if there are any disease in reproductive organs. Doctors do not consider this violation of pathological.

Usually, the bend is observed during pregnancy. This is explained by the fact that when the uterus increases, the distance is reduced between her and appendages. At the same time, the left ovary is located closer to the uterine cavity, because from the very beginning it is below the right body.

The location of the left ovary may indicate the presence of adhesions in a small pelvis. Because of them, the heavy tissue is tightened, so they enter the uterus, are close to each other. Due to such a change, women often detect multifollicular syndrome during ultrasound research. The phenomenon means that over 8 follicles ripen in one cycle.

The ovaries can harm their improper location, may be injured by these organs. Therefore, such pathology requires urgent therapy. Usually women prescribe surgery.

Change your location of the appendages may be due to the omission of the uterus. It can be located too low after severe long-term generic activity. In the process of it, muscle tissues are overvolting, losing the ability to retain organs. Weak muscles can become not only after that. Rarely, but it happens that they are sharply ceased to cope with their functions.

Symptoms indicating violation of organ location

Often the causes of the wrong arrangement of appendages lie in the development of inflammation. In this case, it does not matter, there was a pathological process directly in the uterine appendages or other organs of a small pelvis. Such a condition causes edema, increasing the size and bend of the ovary by the uterus. This is determined by palpation or ultrasound.

Also, a woman has a soreness over the pubic, which gives to the lumbar, buttock, inguinal region of the body. The pain syndrome is manifested only on the one hand and worried patients with periods. If there was at least one sign of pathology, then the doctor should immediately seem.

Bend is like its clinical picture with peritonitis, appendicitis. Therefore, often doctors, especially recent practitioners, confuse these pathologies. But there is a major distinctive feature of pain in the ovaries. It is that a woman is constantly trying to find a pose that allows you to quickly eliminate an unpleasant feeling.

If such symptoms are observed, then you should urgently visit the doctor. It is impossible to ignore the binding of the organs. It is capable of being the cause of some diseases of the reproductive system, which should be immediately eliminated.

Every woman is useful to know which ovarian size should be as they are normal. After all, some pathology of these bodies are accompanied by an increase in their parameters. As a result of the expanding, the ovaries can change their location, forming a bend.

If the girl knows what signs are manifested in such cases, it will be able to quickly determine their source and tell the doctor in a timely manner. This will reduce the risk of developing serious complications, to cure that it is difficult.

The ovary is located behind the uterus!

Girls, tell me, maybe someone had it! In February, there was Lapara, the ovaries staged where it is necessary, they ovulate, but when I first had a ZB (zb) I had the left ovary, it sneaks and dive ... Now I am pregnant again, and he never ceases to whine, infection ... Uzi said he shifted to the uterus, but it's nothing terrible! There are no inflammation, all sorts of cyst and other things too! In size it is normal! Maybe there are some spikes? But in this cycle, it was this ovarian in this cycle and it turned out ... I ask the doctors, I complain about him, but they say it happens because of his displacement is nothing terrible ... Even during the ultrasound, he is constantly looking for a long time, and when they find the device to the ovary and becomes very painful! I would not say that he tormented me in everyday life, but somehow scary ... especially when I go to the toilet (I apologize) or I feel it right away ... In general, I don't know who has already to ask (((

nothing in this crime, get used to, I have after the COP so, the left ovary "floats" there here is the normal situation, then behind the uterus, a small spike on the left side. Nothing, walking a little left, well, it happens that it bothers - but I'm used to it.

most likely your feature is such, someone has a uterus not simple, someone has a bend, you have an ovary shifted.

after the operation, it was so, and after cleaning, it also aggravated ..

over the uterus it is: above the bottom of the uterus, on the side wall of a small pelvis? And then I also have periodic hurts, especially during sexual intercourse, maybe therefore?

I when the ultrasound did not care about pregnancy did not be visualized, then there is no such thing behind the uterus., I also called it especially before and during menstruation, and then I took it in place ... because for 5 weeks of pregnancy it was on this ovarian BVLO Yellow body and how the uzister said, nothing to complain about. So still gets into place ... I was a doctor Gooril that he could hide from infection)))

Annie, I also have the left ovary at the uterus. my doctor said not to do anything, and did not tell anything about contraindications

well yes. Because it turns

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spike of ovarian with uterus

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For 50 years of work, many stories and situations remained in mind the surgeon. I hope the reader will give them ethical estimates and determine himself, "what is good and what is bad."

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Questions and answers by: spike of ovarian with uterus

I am 31 years old. Birth - 1 (5 years ago), abortion - 0. Menstruation is regular (cycle 28 days). Complaints only for reduced pressure (100/60) and constipation.

Help decipher the results of the ultrasound:

Examination Day - 14th day of MC

The body of the uterus in a small pelvis occupies a median position. The corner of the bodie of the uterus with the neck is expressed. In relation to the front abdominal wall, the uterus is slightly rejected by the stop. The body of the uterus is slightly increased in size 59 * 48 * 54mm. The contours are clear, slightly wavy. The structure of myometrium is heterogeneous. Miometrics of inhomogeneous echo absorption.

Fibromatous nodes are available and are located in the back wall on the right: an intramural-subserosic diameter of 16 * 14mm, a capsule of the middle echo absorption, the internal structure is homogeneous, isoehogenic, with typical peripheral vascularization during CDC and without ultrasound signs of nutrition and growth.

The uterus cavity is not expanded, the correct triangular form is not deformed by the M-ECHO of 8.7 mm. Three-layer endometries, medium echogenicity with clear smooth circuits correspond to the periovulation.

The cervix is \u200b\u200bnot increased 32 * 22 * \u200b\u200b34mm with clear even contours. Inboard echostructure with single small rotational cystic inclusions up to 5 mm. The cervical canal is not expanded, pathological visible inclusions does not contain.

Right ovary: Located behind the uterus. Dimensions 30 * 15 * 26 mm, normal sizes. Volume 6.3 cubic meters. See echo absorption reduced, structure of cystic. In the composition of the ovary, the antral follicles of diamemm in the amount of 8-9 are locked. The ovarian capsule is periodical fibrosis.

Left ovary: Located slightly behind the uterus. Dimensions 45 * 32 * 39 mm slightly more than normal sizes. Echo absorption reduced. The structure is cystic. In the composition of the ovary, antral follicles are locked for dia. 3-5 mm in quantity 5 at the lower pole of cysts. The ovary in the upper pole contains a single-chamber fluid formation of an incorrect dumbbell shape with clear uneven contours, a thick capsule, without septal partitions, the contents of weighing opalescent. Sizes are small 26 * 16 mm. From the rear wall distal echo. At the CDC a avascular.

The uterine pipes are not expanded.

There are no volumetric formations in a small pelvis.

Free liquid in the potential space is located to 12 cc. Spikes / Available ultrasound examination / are determined between the ovaries and the uterus. The bladder of the correct shape, the contents are transparent, the walls are thin.

CONCLUSION: noded leavology of the body of the uterus of small size. Cyst left ovarian small sizes. For ultrasound signs endometrioid. Uz signs of chronic inflammatory process in MT. Retroflexiso uterus.

Again I appeal to you for help.

Prehistory Brief: a frozen pregnancy for a period of 8 weeks found in 12 weeks. Vacuum. After 3 weeks after vacuum, the ultrasound showed signs of internal endometriosis and spike between the right ovary and the uterus.

UTERUS. Rosemiri: Pozdovykhnіy - 6.1cm, the back - rear -4.2 cm, transverse - 5 cm. Structure with jeneter meteregenic heterotopia. Endometer 0.4 cm, neomarid.

Yaєchniki. Livius Yaєchnik. Rosemiri: Byggio -4.5 cm, width - 3.2cm.

Structure with anechogeneous ons to 2.38 cm.

Right yєchnik pіdpaєny to the uterus on the rear walls of the stenzі uterus. Structure Apparently Parts with Anechogenic Inclinments.

Behind the uterus in the fusion of Vilna Rydina.

Prescribed treatment - jazz or pazalok 3 months according to the scheme, Ginollen and Vesnzim (3-5 Table. 3 times a day), too, 3 months.

Wobenzim will unlikely, will be expensive, it turns out, and the attitude to the diagnosis is indirect. But about the rest of the appointments, please express your opinion.

And as far as I understand, the spikes and elemetrosis of drug treatment are practically not possible. Is it really so?

What are the chances of getting pregnant with such diagnoses and give birth?

Thank you very much for helping.

Monthly regular, but painful.

Tell me if there is the likelihood that endometriosis cured? (Or did I never have it?)

Could a doctor identify endometriosis initially without ultrasound?

How strongly rejected from the norm thickness of my endometrial?

How many spikes of the ovaries make it difficult to appear pregnancy?

Sincerely grateful to you for the answers.

right ovary: dimensions 30 * 22mm, location in the cervix, echogenicity; Structure ordinary

Left ovary: size 28 * 17mm., The location is highly located; Echogenicity is usual; Structure ordinary

Focal formations are not defined.

Dominant follicle 12mm in the right ovary.

The uterine tubes: on the right tube with a diameter of 5mm. Between the right ovary and the uterus there are two spikes

free liquid in a small pelvis is not determined.

and the question is whether to try to pregnant on the right ovary or not risking because of the adhesions and wait when it is a follicle to ripen in the left ovary? And what does the increased diameter of the pipe mean?

Why ovarian soldier or is behind the uterus

If the ovary soldered to the uterus, this indicates the presence of an adhesive process, as a result of which the appendage grows up with a childbody. Once the scars are formed and the blood supply processes are violated, which prevents conception.

Causes of pathology

The main reason for the displacement of the appendage are spikes in a small pelvis. On the emergence of the adhesive process, in which the right ovary (or left) affects such factors:

  1. Gynecological operations (abortion, cesarean section), when the integrity of the appendage is disturbed, which provokes deviations in blood coagulation and cell recovery processes. Instead of regeneration, the formation of connective tissue bonding the organs with each other.
  2. Related pathologies of the reproductive sphere (cyst, endometritis, etc.). Due to the affected cells, the stromas of appendages suffer, the processes of local blood supply are violated. Anomalous cells begin to divide, pathological tissues grow up, which carries out the appearance of scars.
  3. The ovary is tightened to the uterus under the influence of the following factors:
  • violation of the rules for the introduction of intrauterine spiral;
  • venereal diseases;
  • endometriosis at which the uterine shell tissue goes beyond its limits;
  • ectopic pregnancy;
  • the use of antibacterial agents;
  • breaks during labor;
  • supercooling;
  • hysteroscopy.

Symptoms that ovarian soldered to the uterus

If the left ovary (or right) is located close to the uterus, then at the initial stage of pathology, symptoms may not be. Sometimes the clinical picture unfolds a few years after the start of the process. At the same time, the following symptoms arise:

  • the pain of pulling nature in the lower abdomen migrating into the lumbar region;
  • menstrual cycle failures;
  • discomfort during sports, intimate proximity;
  • painful monthly;
  • disorders in the functioning of the intestine;
  • increasing body temperature;
  • blood or yellow-green selection.

The woman rustually hurts the abdomen on the right or left. Changes in one-way localization and enhancing the severity of the symptom often indicate a complication - a violation of the patency of the uterine pipes. In this case, menstruation is often delayed for 2-3 months.

Diagnosis of pathology

To discover that the ovary is behind the uterus only gynecological examination is not enough. Ultrasound of the ultrasound of the abodes of a small pelvis is required. If this method does not allow to identify the adhesion process, laparoscopy is performed. Additionally, MRI is applied, which allows you to detect small changes in the reproductive system.

The displacement of the ovary is diagnosed with other methods, for example, hysterosalpingography - X-ray study, in which a contrast agent is introduced into the cavity of the parent organ and the uterine pipes. The procedure is performed from 5 to 11 days of the cycle. Additionally, the patient is recommended to hand over the smear from the vagina to the microflora.

Treatment of pathology

If the ovary is located behind the uterus, at the initial stage of pathology it is possible to use drugs:

  • antibiotics;
  • suppositories (for example, Longidases);
  • drugs that eliminate inflammation;
  • enzymes;
  • vitamins and trace elements.

It is useful to pass physiotherapy procedures (electrophoresis with the introduction of magnesium, calcium and zinc through the skin). Thanks to this treatment, the spike is thinned and stretched. Patient may be appointed sanatorium treatment (including mineral waters).

Then, when the ovary closely located to the uterus, physical activity is recommended. In the launched cases, laparoscopy is carried out, the purpose of which is the separation and elimination of the tissues connected to each other. After surgery, a special film is applied to the appendages. In addition, a barrier fluid is used that prevents the formation of new adhesions.

In the rehabilitation period, antibiotics and drugs are applied, the action of which is aimed at preventing the formation of thromboms. Then the effectiveness of surgical intervention is estimated. Physiotherapy procedures are prescribed at the discretion of the doctor. Laparoscopy does not give a 100% guarantee that the sleeping process will not return again and the ovary will not shift again.

Other treatments:

  • laser therapy based on the effects of special rays;
  • electrosurgery aimed at eliminating damaged by tissues by high-frequency current;
  • aquadissection at which there is a dissection of adhesions with an aqueous stream.

Chances of pregnancy

As mentioned earlier, the bend of the ovary for the uterus (left or right) is often the manifestation of the adhesive process. The difficulties with the onset of pregnancy are due to the violation of the anatomically correct location of the reproductive bodies.

A woman who learned that her ovary went beyond the uterus, of course, doubts the possibility of conception. To normalize the state of childbearing bodies, the help of a qualified gynecologist is required.

To get pregnant, you need to undergo treatment. If it is not effective, it is conducted by ECO. As the spikes increase the risk of attaching the fetal egg outside the childbearing organ, it is necessary to direct all the forces to eliminate it.

Possible complications

First of all, the gynecologist should evaluate as far as mobile ovaries and identify the true cause of the displacement. After establishing the final diagnosis, treatment is required. Otherwise, the following complications may arise:

  • the transition of the adhesive process to neighboring organs, which is fraught with their displacement;
  • violation of the relationship between the uterus and appendages;
  • deterioration of uterine pipes;
  • ectopic pregnancy;
  • problems with ovulation;
  • binding of the uterus;
  • infertility.

In addition, if the ovary close to the uterus, then this may lead to its falling. Upon timely start of therapy, serious consequences will usually be avoided, so each woman it is recommended to undergo prophylactic examinations of the gynecologist and not tighten with a visit to the doctor with suspicious symptoms.

Possible diseases of the ovaries, their symptoms and treatment

Causes, symptoms and treatment of resistant ovarian syndrome

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Ovary located behind the uterus

Not a very joyful report from reindeer. Planning.

Hello everyone! I went to the doctor today. In general, in one ovary, I have 6 eggs, and in the second 15. And this ovary is just at the uterus, so I cannot be so uncomfortable. The doctor reduced the meadogon dose by 3 times, says there is a big risk of developing hyperstimulation: (((now it's not 150 units, and 50 units. On Monday, it is necessary to follow her, watch it. And now, at the hour ago, I called a nurse and asked to come to pass the estradiol In the morning I will go, although they gave the car well.

And now what?. Pregnancy planning

Yesterday, the ultrasound determined that I had a uterus shifted to the left, the left ovary behind the uterus and the right somewhat dismissed! So what should I do now? Maybe someone knows how serious it is, is it possible to conceive with this location? What I now husband now say. Thank you.

Problems with the conception of the child.

If you and your partner had an unprotected sexual intercourse for the year and you still could not conceive a child, then you have problems regarding infertility. There may be several reasons for this problem. In men, one of the main causes of infertility is the low number of spermatozoa. In women, the cause of infertility can be, the mioma of the uterus or cyst of the ovaries, and blocking the uterine pipes. Also, when a woman in 30 years old, its reproductive system begins to show signs.

Offic tumors in girls.

The problem of treating tumors and tumor formations of ovarian remains relevant all over the world. Among the diseases of the reproductive system in girls, tumors and tumor formations of ovaries are found from 1.7% to 4.6% according to various sources. The appearance and growth of the ovarian tumor in girls most often does not cause any complaints. The tumor can achieve significant sizes and be accidentally discovered with a prophylactic examination of the girl. Pain usually appears in violation.

Intimate gigien girls during puberty

The pubertal period in the life of the girl is the most important and exciting. It can be compared with the transformation of the pupa into a butterfly, the transformation of a little girl in a beautiful girl requires the girl's body from the body, and from moms of future beauties - patience and attention. The correct and consistent sexual maturation begins with the adrenarche - the appearance of the first stem hairs (sexual s) on the skin of large germ lips, pubis and axillary depressions. This most often coincides with progressive.

Question about the cyst!. Pregnancy planning

Good evening! I already somehow wrote that I plan a second! Was today on the ultrasound, found the cyst of the right ovary. :( Previously, there was never something. The doctor waited with pregnancy to wait and drink three months Diana-35. I asked her, from which a cyst could arise? "Says, maybe problems with hormones It may be better to first pass tests for hormones. She says, no, drink 3 months, there will be visible! What do you think about such appointments? And in general, who came across such a problem how.

I was also told that these are hormones .. probably, it is. In any case, all signs are obvious. Nevertheless, it did not hurt twice to get pregnant and give birth to normal. So I think you should not worry. You need to drink what the doctor said.

Features of the hormonal status of girls with uterine.

The most common disease of the reproductive system of girls is the uterine bleeding of a puberty period (manual transmission), which is about 50% of all applications of adolescent girls to the gynecologist. The uterine bleeding of a puberty period occurs with a frequency of 10% to 37.5%. The uterine bleeding of a puberty period is a multifactorial disease due to a complex of reasons, including bacterial or viral infection, hypovitaminosis, violations of vitamin and.

I do not like my ultrasound :(. Pregnancy planning

Hello! You do not look? Ultrasound made on the 11th day of the cycle. Print from the protocol: the uterus - in anti-flexo (if you disassembled) contours - smooth, structure - homogeneous dimensions of 4.8 x 3.0 x 3.8 cm The uterus cavity is not expanded not deformed endometrium 0.7 cm - I phase ovarian: left - Dimensions: 3.5 x 2.8 x 1.8 cm in it The cyst with an inhomogeneous content of 2.3 cm right - is located at the rib of the uterus, the structure is common, dimensions 2.2 x 1.2 x 1.4 cm. Conclusion : Cyst left ovary (yellow body cyst.

control ultrasound need Psle track. Mensen, only then it becomes clear from a wet yellow body, and not after 6 months. After 6 months, a yellow body cyst has the right to appear again. After doing something to try to try

Female health insurance

Metlife International Insurance Company offers Russian women to use the Harmony Insurance Program. The program is intended for women aged 18 to 65 years and implies payment of 1 million rubles in the event of the development of oncological (breast cancer, cervical and ovarian) and cardiovascular diseases. Depending on the age, the list of insurance coverage changes: 18-34 years: insurance applies to "female" types of cancer (breast cancer, uterus, cervix and.

Is it possible to determine the oncology at the preclinical stage?

How to prevent the development of oncology on a preclinical stage, which means before the appearance of complaints and manifestations, or make sure that you are out of danger? This will help you specially designed medical center programs. Programs are aimed at diagnosing and control of prostate cancer therapy, eggs, ovaries, cervix and endometrials, pancreas, gallbladder, biliary ducts, stomach, liver, intestines and lung cancer. "Onkorisk is a laboratory risk assessment oncological.

Operational gynecology and general surgery.

Operational Gynecology offers surgical treatment of gynecological diseases, both traditional access (vaginal or by laparatomy) and laparoscopic operations (hysterectomy, extirpation of cervical cervical, resection of ovaries, treatment of uterine moma - Miomectomy, corrective operations with a time-friendly and one-round uterus with a rudimentary horns , ColpopoEZ from the pellet peritoneum, surgical correction of urine incontinence at the tension, omission and loss of genital organs.

i do not understand anything: (. Pregnancy planning

the situation is this: the third cycle of stimulation by grost. At 13 d.ts. DF was 17 mm. The doctor said that O. That's about to happen, the picture is very good for B. Like, let's try to all. I roared the preggie and we tried to all at 13 D.Ts. and 15 d.ts. Today 17 D.TS - Also in the evening I will work. Both sides were sick, even in his leg, tests on O. were struggling 2 days. It seems like it seems, everything should go according to plan. But. BT never rose above 36.6. This means that there was no O.? Respectively.

Marimm - endometriosis question. Pregnancy planning

Dear Maria Mikhailovna! Please advise. Thank you very much in advance. Because I got everything and worried. 09/14/2005 Emergency laparoscopy was made: according to an ultrasound - the body of the uterus 49 * 31 * 44mm, M-ECHO 7mm, the right ovary is not changed, located behind the uterus. The left ovary in the form of one-chamber formation with a thick suspension, up to 69 * 66mm. Diagnosis: endometrioid cyst of the left ovary with perforation, endometriosis of small pelvis peritoneum, adhesion process in a small pelvis. During the operation: Laparoscopy.

puzzled the results of the ultrasound. Pregnancy planning

i go to the follicometry of the second cycle. In the previous cycle, the left ovary was worked with ovuulation was order, the follicle burst put on, zht, liquid, everything as it should be. But in the same cycle found a polyp endometrial 11x7mm. We advised to track in the second how he behaves. I also had a right ovary visualized badly (located between the intestinal loops), and was less than the left (19x9x12-right, 28x20x23-left), but with follicles up to 5 mm. Today's ultrasound, I am somewhat puzzled, 8D.

Lower abdominal pain. Community about everything in the world on the 7th.ru

I assume that the ovary hurts, each time either in the middle of the cycle, or does not even stop sick before the occurrence of menstruation. Pains mostly pulling, not sharp. All tests are normal, visiting the doctor. What could it be?

spikes. Pregnancy planning

Girls, tell me whether to beat the alarm if the ultrasound found a spike: the right ovary soldier to the uterus. Spike small. A couple of years ago suffered inflammation, cured. It worries that the spikes may well be in the fallopian tubes. The gynecologist said that when inflammation, uterine pipes are amazed. We want the 2nd child, but a little later. Does it be necessary to check the passable pipes now? Or calmly live until the "direct planning"? Can not be aggravated for it.

pregnant ("Cross"). Pregnancy planning

Is it possible to get pregnant ("Cross"). . 2009 Laparoscopy.Eadgaziolizis.Khss. Precision of the left ovary. (There was a cyst left ovarian anechogenic formation of RG 94 * 57 * 92mm) SOS at an extract everything is normal. After passing treatment, the delivery of all tests with my husband, no serious abnormalities were revealed. But the following is: 2012 Operation-Laperword, Tubectomy Right, Wedge-shaped rewarding of the right ovary. (Diagnosis: Pipe pregnancy on the right, internal bleeding on 8Nedel Ber.

is there any life after resection of the ovaries. Planning.

the premises of the cyst of both ovaries. Who had? I will become medium kind? And very much after the hormoneal? They said that after operations half a year will give.

Now at the UGT. I worry because of what happened so that I lost weight for half a year by 4 kg.

But I repeat, I have a big age.

After removing the uterus. Women Health

Dear women, share your impressions who have suffered an operation about the removal of the uterus (this is coming to me in connection with a huge Miser). What are your impressions and consequences? Wouldn't it sprinkled? I heard that after that it is possible for the rest of my life with a hormone hormone.

Who should fuse - and so fat, and with the removal of the uterus it is not connected.

The hormones are sitting on the pathology of the ovaries, with a serious one.

Here, my girlfriend, for example, it is with this pathology. And I tried on hormones (expensive, but it was not particularly crushed, by the way), and now I have recommended homeopathy-ion satisfied and happy.

Will there be problems, then you need to think, what do you exist yet?

question Mary Mm. Pregnancy planning

We fight at the conception of 0.7 years by conception, made fully research in the center of the battery. And a genecologist. I am Siechenov. All in principle, in the norm, but there is no child and not. Master-help us: Tell me if I can stimulate when the estradiol is 174? And yet: I made an ultrasound at 5.15,24 days / c and during this cycle there was an old yellow body in the right ovary, but I can assure you that my belly does not hurt me but during ovulation. At the moment, I drink Klostilbyt 2t. With 5-9 d / c.Dyufaston 2T CD / Gykl.

0.7 years - how many in the 12-riche system 🙂 how many months?

and in any case, it is still nsedostasy for the formulation of the diagnosis of infertility and the appointment of Klostilbyt.

sun is normal - specifically what did what studies and what are the results?

echrasradiol indicator - what day of stimulation or not stimulation, in short when taken? Naody to hand over Estraliol before stimulating, then after, catching the oully peak, pricking a dose of XG, then supporting. If stimulate. And follow the growth of Mr Follykula - you did not sue the ultrasound about the follicle.

in general, write in detail.

My miracle is a pregnancy. Diary. 3.

To the first g (gynecologist) I got 21 DC (3 DPOs (day after ovulation)) and was shocked by her words. The gynecologist looked at the ultrasound and said that perhaps I was pregnant! She showed me a speck in the uterus, which, according to her, it seems like a developing new life. Wonders. She said to make a pregnancy test tomorrow morning. Made, he was crystal clear. I still do not understand what and how g then I saw in the uterus ... But she really was right! I wanted to believe her, but after the test hope.

It is permissible to use the contraceptive.

Intramatic contraceptive is a small device that is entered into a woman's uterus as a contraceptive. We are particularly interested in the question whether the mechanism of action is an abortive. The increasing number of evidence shows. what "yes. To make it easier to disassemble this issue, consider how normal pregnancy begins to develop. Mature egg leaving a woman's ovarian and falls into the uterine tube. Sperm, penetrated in the uterine tubes through the uterus.

My miracle is a pregnancy. Diary. four.

27 DC (9 DPO). That's what I wrote on this day: it still sobs PI (right ovary), it was oh, and on ultrasound there is a yellow body of 12 mm (for 25 s). Sticking influxs, like waves with a periodicity of 5 minutes, and it lasts such a stitching pain of the example, then subsides, and again after 5 minutes. And this is for about 10 days. Still nipples are very hurt if they touch them (such from the ovulation itself continues). Previously, this has never been, never. I go to g, which was advised by the sister. Outcome: everything is normal. Uterus.

moma's removal. Tell me. Women Health

girls who were removed, tell me, Vaginally did anybody and what exactly this method motivated? I have 8 cm myoma, the doctor said that for laparoscopy is very large. Who has it was? And what anesthesia?

Ovarian cysts. Gynecology

For example, the egg cell "freezes" in the stage of unfinished maturation. And the follicle stopped at a certain stage due to the increased production of female hormones with its cells turns into a follicular cyst, which can sometimes reach 6 cm in diameter. The egglet does not come out of the ovary, the endometrium - the mucous membrane, lining the uterus from the inside - does not ripen and the menstruation latency is launched. Or another option: the yellow body, instead of "quiet, calm wilt," begins to grow violently, actively produces progesterone and because of its abundance is transformed into a lutein cyst. Cysts, the formation of which occurs in the process of functioning of the ovary (therefore doctors and is called them functional), do not need operational treatment. Pos.

Endometrioid cyst and infertility. Pregnancy planning

Hello, girls! I want to tell about my problem and ask the Council. Very need support! 3 years ago I made an abortion at 3 week of pregnancy, vacuum. There was no visible complications after an abortion. Then she was protected by Pharmacyks. Monthly from 13 years. First contact at 21 years. Two times a year passed inspections from the gynecologist. Inspection, analysis on flora and infection. Ultrasound did not do. Now for 6 months we are trying to get pregnant. Inspection from the doctor showed: 1. The chest is normal, there are no deviations. 2.

The nature of cysts often recognize the obstacle hormones - if in a month it decreased in the test ultrasound - then everything is wonderful, it is simply cured by hormones. Worried about infertility doctors recommend after the year of life without protection :)))

And where is one ovary? Kista - this does not mean that you do not have it.

But endometriosis significantly reduces the likelihood of conception - this is a fact, but I don't want to scare - because you most likely not have it, because The basis of its sign is the abundant painful periods, not cysts.

But I myself began to worry too after half a year.

Girls, entertain my panic! I just with ultrasound.

accidentally found medical center and ultrasound not far from me. Called, it was free and immediately went. reported that I plan, and that after receiving Ok I had the first cycle and the delay of the 5th day. At the very beginning she said that she had a feeling that I was pregnant. I replied that the tests are not striped. Then she said that such a condition (liquid or something, I did not understand) is associated with the speedy arrival of Mens. I asked whether I was told me that the uterus was enlarged, I replied that it seems no, at least.

Infertility. Diagnosis and treatment. Infertility

Diagnosis and treatment of infertility. Extracorporeal fertilization and insemination

During this procedure, small fragments of the internal membrane of the uterus for a survey are taken. To study the state of the uterus, pipes and ovaries, laparoscopy is currently widely used. Laparoscopy is an operation, during which an optical device is administered to the abdominal cavity of a woman through small cuts on the front abdominal wall. During laparoscopy, you can not only see the internal genitals of women, spikes, but also carry out surgery (separation of adhesions, coagulation - ignition - focus.

Spam, flood, provocations, messages wearing intrusive

After 5 violations, you will be translated into read mode!

Inflammation of appendages. How will pregnancy pass? Complications.

They contribute to the advancement of an egg cell on a pipe, besides, many microorganisms, such as chlamydia and mycoplasma, can be broken into these cells and their vital activity to break their operation. Therefore, the affected uterine pipe cells cannot "deliver" an egg from the ovary to the uterus. As a result of such changes, infertility is formed, an ectopic pregnancy may occur. The manifestations of the disease was the woman before pregnancy inflammation of the appendages, it can be judged by the results of analyzes conducted before pregnancy, as well as on the presence of the following complaints: moderate, occurring periodically, stupid, pulling pains at the bottom of the abdomen, amplifying during cooling, as well as impairment of menstrual Cycle that Stan.

Endometriosis. Complications of pregnancy

The adhesion process may prevent the exit of the egg to the abdominal cavity, as well as lead to the difficulty of moving the egg from the abdominal cavity in the uterine pipes in the uterus. Endocrine disorders that could lead to the development of endometriosis, at the same time may also cause infertility. From organs that are not related to the sexual system, endometriosis more often affects the intestines and urinary paths - organs located next to the uterus. In this case, bleeding from the rectum is noted, increasing during menstruation, false urges to emptying the intestines, frequent scarlet urination. In exceptionally rare cases there is a lesion of the lungs (pain for the sternum, cough with blood, amplifying during menstruation), eye (cases are described in the literal sense of "bloody after.

The diagnosis is made on the basis of the results of the following studies: inspection and palpation of the genital organs (detection of tumor education). Uzi genitals (allows you to identify endometriosis of the uterus, ovaries and behindading space). Laparoscopy, if necessary, the final confirmation of the diagnosis, to identify small foci (they are not visible in ultrasound) and clarify the causes of constant pain and / or infertility. According to individual indications - hysteroscopy, radiographic examination of the uterus, diagnostic scraping, computed tomography, magnetic resonance TOMO.

Ovarian dysfunction. Gynecology

The causes and symptoms of the occurrence of ovarian dysfunction. Treatment and prevention of the disease.

Ectopic pregnancy. What's next? All about planning.

Diagnostics of ectopic pregnancy, treatment and preparation for the next pregnancy after ectopic

Then the test showed that pregnant,

the next day, went monthly,

delivered blood at hCG showed that pregnant.

During the week, he gave blood on hCG indication grew

in early 90 then 193, and now 400 ultrasound shows that

nor in the uterus in the tube there is nothing like being.

The first ultrasound. Ultrasound during pregnancy

What is checked on the first ultrasound during pregnancy

The term of my pregnancy is 8 weeks. On this time, the ultrasound was established on the ultrasound of one fruit egg and two equal yellow bodies in it (in different "ends" eggs), but the heart rhythm is only the same. Tell me, are there any statistical data, what is the likelihood of the development of two embryos, if neither of me, no husband in the family had twins?

The cycle is irregular, on average, 31 days, scatter from 28 to 45. The first day of the last month on 04/23/2008, the previous ones - 03/25/2008.

Unprotected sex was from 4.05 to 9.05. Neither before nor after this period of sex was not.

05/28/2008, Obstetric period 5 weeks 1 day - BhGHH 14224. The result of the ultrasound is the internal sizes of the fruit egg 11x5x8, the embryo is not visualized, the checker bag is not visualized, the musometry tone is increased.

06/04/2008 Obstetrician term 6 weeks 1 day. The embryo and the yolk bag are visible on the ultrasound. CRT 11 mm, the diameter of the fruit egg 30 * 27 (forgot the third size, because the results did not give me the hands). The term of the ultrasound is 7 weeks (which can not be in my calculations).

And most importantly - the heartbeat is not auditioned and is not visible.

I have a question: What is the term of pregnancy I really have? Can the embryo be greater than the norm on my term? How likely is the error in the diagnosis of doctors!

Help please, I have all got old!

Stage I: Spikes are located around the uterine pipe, ovary.

If the spikes are located in the cavity of a small pelvis or in the abdominal cavity, they can impede conception, so it is very important to detect and eliminate them on time. What is spikes? Abdominal cavity and small pelvis (uterus, uterine pipes, ovaries, bladder, straight intestine) are covered with a thin shiny shell - peritoneum. The smoothness of the peritoneum in combination with a small amount of liquid in the abdominal cavity provides good disflection of the loops.

Time to be careful (critical periods of pregnancy)

D. The preparation of the mucous membrane of the uterus to implantation is of great importance to implantation, the readiness to take a fetal egg. After abortions, scraping, prolonged wearing intrauterine spiral, infections, inflammatory processes can break the receptor (perceiving) Endometrial apparatus, that is, the cells sensitive to hormones located in the mucous membrane of the uterus incorrectly react to hormones, because of which the mucous membrane is not enough to prepare upcoming pregnancy. If the fetal egg is not active enough, it does not allocate the desired number of enzymes that destroy the mucous membrane, then it can be embedded in the uterus wall in the lower segment or in the cervical uterus, resulting in a cervical pregnancy or anomalous placenta (the placenta overlaps the outlet.

K. At this time there is a bookmark of all organs and fetus tissues. Already on the 7th day after fertilization of the egg cell, the mother's body receives a signal of pregnancy due to hormone - chorionic gonadotropin (xg), which is released by a fruit egg. Xg, in turn, maintains the development of a yellow body in the ovary. Yellow body highlights progesterone and estrogens in an amount sufficient to maintain pregnancy. At the initial stage of pregnancy, before the formation of the placenta, the yellow body takes on the function of hormonal support for pregnancy, and if for one reason or another the yellow body works defectively, then the threat of miscarriage, miscarriage or undivided pregnancy may occur. The entire period of organogenesis and placentating t.

Without visible reasons. Infertility of unclear origin. Infertility

What is infertility and what surveys are made? Causes of infertility

Successful Eco Program in Endometriosis

Among women who appeal to the help of Eco to overcome infertility, each fifth marked signs of endometriosis.

Pregnancy and Spikes .. Pregnancy Planning

I plan a second child. Today she went to the gynecologist, and I found spikes. Never came across this and do not know what it is. Well, I read the theory now in the internet and it became scary. It turns out a serious thing! In which it is difficult to get pregnant and give birth, practically infertility!? Although the gynecologist said that if it does not bother (nothing hurts), then it is not necessary to treat. Everything is fine. Girls, if anyone came across, please write what it happens in practice. So what.

After that, the masseuse said that he did not feel more sucks. And advised just in case to take a picture of pipes again.

They say, there are Longidase in candles, just with spikes in a small pelvis are prescribed. It is important how much solar spikes, because Spare only relatively fresh. The old excised surgically, if, God forbid, lead the stomach. And it is also worth noting that the post-first COP I had spikes, but younger endured without problems (TTT)

GZT with a remote uterus and one ovarian. Women Health

Hello! My mom is 51 years old, the uterus in connection with the Moma was removed 20 years ago, the ovary - 17 years ago. Then the monthly ended. Now it torments climax - tides, sweating etc. For almost half a year she drinks Climontorm, and he says that he is even worse. That is, as a drug addict - while drinking, normally, only finished - in a week it starts all shake, nightmares will dream. I read here on your site, it is written that the Climonorm must be drunk with the saved uterus. (Although her gynecologist advised to drink.

cysts of the cervix - what to do?. Pregnancy planning

i heard about them for the first time 2 years ago. The doctor said they were not treated. But their number and size increase (judging from the ultrasound), besides, almost constant thrush and repeatedly treated ureaplasm. Question - Can these cysts be due to ureaplasma and thrushs? Considering the amount of antibiotics drunk there is a suspicion of vaginosis. Tell me what is called the smear is not on infections, but on microorganisms please. Now about yesterday's ultrasound. At 7 d. The cycle I already have a follicle in 16 mm and endik.

Report after ultrasound (VAG). Pregnancy planning

Well, what to tell you :) Procedure, of course, unpleasant, sometimes even oochen unpleasant, but tolerant :) Results are: uterus: 48 * 49 * 41. What? :) mm? so small ?? The form is typical, edges are clear, smooth cervix: B \\ O right ovary: located typical, 28 * 16 * 24mm Follicular apparatus: norm 4-5. what? Left ovary: located typical, 27 * 17 * 23mm follicular apparatus: norm 5. What? In general, they said "you can plan" :)) Girls, if there were spikes, or with eggs. Something is wrong, she would see with ultrasound? It.

Displaced ovary - not necessarily indicator of adhesion. It is displaced so that all the insides are mixed by the sensor until it is detected. No sucks. Do you have children:).

I made an ultrasound: (. Pregnancy planning

There was no care for the woman, bought a baba pigs 🙁 p / m 31/01/03 uterus in anteflexio. I: What is this terrible word? Body size of the uterus: 59x47x54 mm. M-ECHO 14 mm, inhomogeneously. The point anechogenic inclusion of 1 mm is very unclearly logging. The thickness of the front wall of the uterus is 24 mm, rear 10 mm. Right ovary: 26x17 mm left ovary: I am not visualized: How can it be at all? How can the ovary not detect? There is no free fluid in a small bowl. Conclusion: a pregnancy of a small term.

so wait for you about 5.5 weeks said - menstruation? This is a very fuzzy landmark. Ovulation could occur anyhow.

if you are waiting for - pass the blood to beta-xg. Or wait another week two 🙂

the location of the uterus is normal, an anteflemio - eother means forward rejected, as it should be.

the ovary has the right not to be visualized. Interested in the intestines 🙂 another time will be visible.

it is bad that nothing was told about the yellow body, but it may be just in that ovary that is not visualized.

eh, I would look at the screen 🙂

and what about the delay, BT, swollen the chest and squeezes the stomach.

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This steam female body, which is part of the sexual system, performs reproductive and secretory functions. The exposure of the ovaries in women is the same - on the sides of the uterus. The outer side of the gland is attached to a neuro-vascular bundle to the surface of the pelvis, in the area of \u200b\u200bthe ovarian fossa. Fallopiev pipes are departed from ovaries, which actually report the uterus and glands. The totality of ovaries and uterine pipes in gynecology is customary to be called appendages.

Features of the topology of female sex glands

Having understood from where the ovaries are in women, it should be noted that in the normal place they are located not at the same level, and one of them is more than the other (usually right).

If we speak exactly where the ovaries are located, then in the anatomical literature you can meet the following wording: deep in the cavity of the small pelvis, the stop and on both sides of the uterus. At the same time, the glands with their mesentery are articulated with a wide uterine bunch, which is equipped with a large number of vascular and nerve endings. It is thanks to the bundles that the ovary itself has some mobility, which allows you to change its location, for example, during pregnancy. Exceptionally, the location of the left and right ovary is considered normal.

However, not only the gestration can lead to a change in the localization of the glands.

What are the changes in the location of the ovaries and what are they talking about?

If the ovaries on the front abdominal wall are built, it will be the bottom of the abdomen, directly above the inguinal folds. It is in this field that women noted the appearance of pain in the presence of diseases of the glands.

Such a phenomenon when the ovaries are located close to the uterus, it is impossible to be called a violation. Most often, this is noted due to pregnancy, when, as a result of an increase in the volume of the uterus, the distance between the two data organs is reduced. At the same time, mainly the left ovary is located close to the uterus, due to the fact that it is originally lower than the right.

When the left ovary is located directly from the rib of the uterus, the doctors try to exclude such a violation as the spikes of a small pelvis. It is their presence that can lead to a change in the localization of the glands. In such cases, connective tissue trash as it should pull up the ovary to the uterus, and sometimes it is located high or behind it. The ultrasound may indicate the presence of a multifollicular ovary, - maturation for one cycle of more than 8 follicles.

What symptoms may indicate a violation of the ovarian location?

The most frequent cause of this violation is an inflammatory process that can be localized both in the reproductive system and in a small pelvis, in particular.

Such a process is accompanied by an edema, an increase in the gland, which is easy to determine with the help of an ultrasound, and in some cases even by palpation. At the same time, the woman faces such symptoms as:

  • paints in a suplocked area that give to the lower back, the area of \u200b\u200bthe buttocks, as well as the groin;
  • most often, pain appears only on the one hand;
  • the pain is distinguished by its impermanence.

It is the last fact that the conversion of a woman to the doctor who often thinks that this is a temporary phenomenon that will independently pass.

It is also worth noting that often, especially inexperienced doctors, take such symptoms for acute belly - which is characteristic of appendicitis. However, the main distinguishing feature is the fact that the patient itself is not in a state of excitation, which is usually accompanied by constant shifts of the position of the body, searching for a convenient posture.

Thus, it is worth saying that the appearance of pain in the lower abdomen should always be a reason to appeal to the doctor whose task is to establish the cause and purpose of treatment.

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