History of the development of engineering in the world. Engineering in WOW Battle for Azeroth - leveling guide. Google Cardboard: virtual reality using improvised means

Engineering does not stand still. Scientists work tirelessly every day to make the lives of ordinary people and industrial professionals easier, speed up work processes and ensure high-quality and ultra-fast communication between residents of different hemispheres.

Unmanned aerial vehicles

Unmanned aerial vehicles, or UAVs, are a tempting field for engineers. Small drones and entire remote-controlled spaceships are becoming more and more like the figment of a science fiction writer's imagination every day.

So, in September 2014, we talked about the long-awaited initiative to distribute wireless Internet by flying drones. The idea belongs to the Portuguese company Quarkson, which, unlike Google’s Project Loon, plans not only to place router balloons above the ground, but to launch an entire flotilla of drones into the skies.

Quarkson aircraft will fly at an altitude of 3,500 meters above sea level and will cover distances of 42 thousand kilometers. Each drone will operate without recharging for up to two weeks and perform a variety of tasks: distributing Wi-Fi, monitoring the state of the environment, taking aerial photography, and even serving for reconnaissance purposes during war.

Let us recall that Amazon announced a similar initiative in 2013: the online giant plans to organize the delivery of small goods purchased in an online store, not by couriers or mail, but by drones.

The effective operation of a drone flotilla cannot be ensured unless all members of the “flock” are controlled using special algorithms. Fortunately, in March 2014, engineers from Eötvös Laurens University in Budapest demonstrated the coordinated maneuvering of quadcopters that flew in a flock without central control.

Communication of flying robots is ensured by receiving and transmitting radio signals, and orientation in space is carried out thanks to a GPS navigation system. Each robotic swarm has a “leader”, followed by the rest of the drones.

Unlike the Quarkson initiative, Hungarian engineers plan to adapt such flocks exclusively for peaceful purposes - the same delivery of purchases or, in the distant future, passenger flights.

A team from the Ames Research Center and Stanford University in 2014 thought about one important but not obvious problem - the disposal of drones destroyed in collisions. Engineers have designed the world's first biodegradable UAV and even tested it in November.

The prototype is made from a special substance - mycelium - which is already widely used for the manufacture of biodegradable packaging. However, scientists still plan to continue making some parts from ordinary materials in order to provide the drone with high performance. However, removing a couple of blades and a battery from a crash site is not the same as disassembling the entire body of a flying robot.

Aerospace engineering

In some areas of human activity, it is not yet possible to replace the living brain with its intuition and a huge range of feelings with a drone. But it is always possible to modernize manned aircraft.

In November 2014, the American space agency NASA tested the first aircraft with transformable wings. A new FlexFoil system was tested, which is designed to replace standard aluminum flaps, reduce aircraft fuel consumption and increase the aerodynamics of the airframe.

It is not yet clear whether the new technology will replace those already used in the aviation industry, but initial tests have shown excellent results. Perhaps FlexFoil will find its application even in space.

Speaking about the majestic expanses of our Universe, it is impossible not to recall another great achievement of engineers - a light and flexible spacesuit of the future. The new development of engineers from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology is a plastic suit equipped with thousands of coils that will allow the fabric to shrink directly on the astronaut’s body and enclose him in a safe cocoon.

The coils contract in response to body heat and also have shape memory. That is, subsequent donning of a spacesuit for each astronaut will be easier than the very first time. So far, engineers have constructed only a small piece of prototype fabric, but in the future, they are confident that colonizers of alien worlds will walk on the Moon and Mars in exactly these suits.

Robots and exoskeletons

Every year, roboticists produce a dozen machines that imitate the anatomy and habits of various animals. They become more "smart" and dexterous, and the software gives them superhuman abilities. Engineers give everyone the opportunity to feel a little like a cyborg by trying on an exoskeleton - a special suit that increases muscle strength or even returns the joy of movement to paralyzed patients.

However, so far a person, even with a phenomenally complex brain, is not able to cope with absolutely any task, and this is exactly what engineers want to achieve from robots. Like a person, the machine of the future will draw missing knowledge and instructions from the Internet, but not through search engines, but using the RoboBrain computing system developed at Cornell University.

Scientists have come up with this system of integrating the knowledge accumulated by mankind into a robot's brain-computer to allow machines to deftly cope with any everyday tasks. Thus, the robot will be able to determine, for example, what the volume of the mug is, what the temperature of the coffee is, and how to properly prepare a delicious cappuccino from items in the kitchen.

Researchers primarily strive to give robots autonomy, that is, to design such a machine and write such software so that the robot can act without human assistance. Another impressive example of advancement in this area is the origami robot, which self-assembles when heated and moves across various surfaces.

This development belongs to a team from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Harvard University. As the engineers explain, they managed to create a device with built-in computing ability. Moreover, origami robots are created from inexpensive materials and are universal in use: small bots can become the basis for self-assembling furniture of the future or temporary shelters for people affected by natural disasters.

One of the most exciting achievements of robotics in 2014 was the historic first kick of the ball at the World Cup in Brazil. And it was Juliano Pinto, a paraplegic, who made this blow. Pinto was able to accomplish the impossible with a new exoskeleton designed by the team of Miguel Nicolelis, who spent many years in development.

The exoskeleton not only gives Pinto muscle strength, but is completely controlled by brain signals in real time. To create a unique robotic suit, Nicolelis and his colleagues had to conduct a lot of experiments that culminated in major discoveries. Thus, scientists were able to combine the brains of two rats located on different continents, taught rodents to respond to invisible infrared light, and created an interface for simultaneous control of two virtual limbs, which they tested on monkeys.

All this led to the fact that the paralyzed patient was able to feel his lower limbs again.

Medical equipment

Engineers can help not only paralytics, but almost any patient. Without the latest advances in robotics, modern medicine would not exist. And this year several more impressive prototypes were presented.

Particular attention should be paid to the camera created by scientists from Duke University. This real-time imaging device makes it possible to obtain images in very high resolution and thus diagnose cancer even at its earliest stages.

The new gigapixel camera allows large areas of skin to be examined in great detail for the presence of melanoma - skin cancer. Such an examination will allow you to promptly notice any changes in the color and structure of the skin, quickly diagnose the disease and cure it. Let us remember that although this type of cancer is the most deadly, it is highly treatable in the early stages.

Diagnosis is always followed by treatment, and it is best if this treatment is targeted, that is, targeted. Another invention created in 2014 will allow drugs to be delivered directly to affected cells. Tiny nanomotors will power an army of nanorobots that can send aggressive drugs directly to cancerous tumors without affecting healthy cells. Thus, cancer treatment will be unnoticed, painless and without side effects.

High-tech materials

The materials that surround us, such as glass, plastic, paper or wood, are unlikely to surprise us with their properties. But scientists have learned to create materials with unique properties using the most common budget raw materials. They will allow you to design real futuristic structures.

For example, in February 2014, engineers from the University of Texas at Dallas presented the world's most powerful artificial muscles, created from ordinary fishing line and sewing thread. Such fibers can lift 100 times more weight than natural human muscles and generate a hundred times more mechanical energy. But weaving an artificial muscle is quite simple - you just need to accurately wind fishing lines made of high-strength polymer onto layers of sewing threads.

The new development can be widely used in everyday life in the future. Polymer muscles could be used to create weather-adaptive clothing, self-closing greenhouses and, of course, super-strong humanoid robots.

By the way, humanoid robots may have not only super-strong muscles, but also flexible armor. Engineers from McGill University in 2014 were inspired by armadillos and crocodiles and designed armor from hexagonal glass plates on a polymer substrate. Compared to a rigid shield, flexible armor turned out to be 70% stronger.

True, in the future, most likely, rigid plates will be made not from glass, but from more high-tech materials, such as ultra-strong ceramics.

In July 2014, a team from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology created a material that would allow robots to change their physical state from solid to liquid, just like in the movies. To do this, the engineers used ordinary wax and construction foam - two inexpensive and quite obvious substances that are ideal examples of state-changing substances.

When exposed to high temperatures, the wax melts and the robot becomes liquid. So he squeezes into any cracks. As soon as the heat leaves, the wax hardens, fills the pores of the foam, and the robot becomes solid again. Scientists believe that their invention will find application in medicine and in rescue operations.

Home appliances

Creating household robots and easy-to-use devices is one of the most difficult engineering challenges. Ordinary people will not undergo training to use special equipment, and therefore developments should be simple, useful, and most importantly, inexpensive.

At the very beginning of 2014, British inventor and owner of Dyson, James Dyson, announced that his engineers would create a household robot that would help housewives around the house. The entrepreneur has allocated 5 million pounds sterling for this task, which will be carried out primarily by engineers from Imperial College London.

The work is already in full swing, and when it is completed, many will be able to purchase a robotic assistant who will not only wash, iron and clean, but also sit with elderly and sick people, take care of small children and animals. A prerequisite for the project is that the cost of the machines be as low as possible.

While working in the kitchen, the Dyson robot may often use the recent invention of the Chinese company Baidu - “smart” chopsticks that will check the quality of food. The devices are equipped with an indicator and many sensors that will allow you to determine whether the dish is fresh or there is a risk of poisoning.

However, it is not yet clear whether smart sticks will become a commercial project. During testing, some users complained that the built-in system's criteria were so strict that it was almost impossible to find suitable food.

Let's go from the kitchen to the office. Conventional printer printing also experienced a revolution in 2014. Two impressive developments by scientists will allow you to save on cartridges and paper, save hundreds of trees from being cut down and make printing easier and more environmentally friendly.

A group of researchers from Jilin University in China announced in January 2014 that paper could be printed with water rather than ink. To make this possible, a team of chemists developed a special coating for ordinary paper that activates dye molecules when exposed to water. After a day, the liquid evaporates and the paper can be reinserted into the printer, and a day is definitely enough to familiarize yourself with most documents.

Later, in December 2014, scientists from the University of California at Riverside proposed replacing the paper with special plates and the ink with redox dyes. Their technology involves printing using ultraviolet radiation, which leaves only colored letters on the plate, while the rest of the “paper” remains transparent.

Regarding the reuse of recycled household items, it is impossible not to recall the project of researchers from the IBM Research Institute. Experts estimate that recycled laptops almost always contain working batteries that can power enough light bulbs to light an entire house.

The experiment showed that after some simple recycling, discarded computers can get a new life and light up the homes of people in developing countries.


In 2014, engineering and technology arguably took the biggest leap into the future of any scientific field. We should not forget that not a single fundamental area of ​​research can do without achievements in this area.

Prepared guide to Engineering 1-800 in WOW Battle for Azeroth: how to quickly and cheaply level up Engineering, what materials to use, where to get recipes.

Engineering in WOW

Engineering is one of the main professions in World of Warcraft. Engineering is rightfully considered the most unusual and fun profession in the game - thanks to various devices and devices that will make your character's life easier.

While most other professions create unremarkable objects, Engineering opens up the possibility of creating interesting mechanisms: bombs and dynamites, mechanical networks and exploding sheep, cloak linings and boot boosters, guns, satellites and much more.


When your Engineering skill reaches 200 points (level 20 is also required), you can choose one of the specializations: Gnomish Engineering or Goblin Engineering.

What is the difference between engineering specializations? By choosing a specialization, you will gain access to goblin or gnome recipes. Goblins are focused mainly on the production of explosives, and gnomes are focused on creating various devices. However, these recipes are not very valuable and have nothing to do with leveling up the profession, so you don’t have to choose a specialization at all.

If you do decide to choose a specialization, you will need to complete a short quest chain that begins in the capital of your faction with the quest Gnomish Engineering / Goblin Engineering.

Darkmoon Faire

In patch 4.3, the Darkmoon Faire was completely redesigned. Players can now complete profession quests during the fair. A pleasant reward for completing the task will be +5 skill points.

Thus, you can easily level up a small stage of the profession. To do this, you will need to complete a simple task: Flags, flags everywhere. We recommend completing this task at more difficult stages of leveling, for example, at skill level 580-595, or at stage 350-400 (if you have problems getting cobalt). The Darkmoon Fair takes place every month for a week, starting on the first Sunday of the month.

Engineering 1-800


  • 75x Powder Charge – Lv. 3 – 75x Leystone Ore, 1500x Huge Fuses.

Fuses will cost 1725 gold, but know that the recipe will turn green between 770-779, so you may have to buy more ingredients.

It's important to stop at 779 because the next recipe gives more skill points while it's orange. It turns yellow at skill level 780, so you can use it at 779 and jump straight to 784 - those 4 bonus skill points will save you a ton of gold.

In the last step we will use 4 recipes. They all turn yellow in the 790-800 range, so not every crafted item will provide skill points and it is difficult to say with certainty how many ingredients you will need specifically in your case. One thing is certain - you will need to create 10-13 items, no less.

  • 10x Double Barrel Skull Cannon – Lv. 3 – 300x Stormscale, 20x Fel-Infused Hide, 20x Blood of Sargeras
  • 10x Skull Cannon with Front Sight – Lv. 3 – 150x Demonsteel Ingot, 20x Infernal Brimstone, 20x Blood of Sargeras
  • 10x Sawed-off Skull Cannon – Lv. 3 – 300x Stonehide Leather, 20x Fel-Infused Hide, 20x Blood of Sargeras
  • 10x Semi-Automatic Skull Cannon – Lv. 3 – 300x Durable Silkweave, 20x Felwort, 20x Blood of Sargeras

You will also need 2x Sniper Scope, 2x Loose Trigger and 1x Earth-Infernal Rocket Launcher. All of these items can be purchased from Hobart Dreck in Dalaran.

You have already received the first level of all the recipes mentioned above if you completed the task Working with full dedication, while the second level recipes are sold by Fargo Flintlock in Azsuna.

Where to get level 3 Inzha recipes:

  • Scheme: sawed-off cranial cannon – lvl. 3 and Schematic: Semi-automatic cranial cannon - Lv. 3 – purchase Sharp Wing from Marin. Requires exalted status with the Guardian faction.
  • Scheme: skull cannon with front sight – lvl. 3 – found in a treasure chest during the walkthrough


Engineering, engineering(from fr. ingénierie, Also engineering from English engineering, originally from Lat. ingenium- ingenuity; artifice; knowledge, skillful) - an area of ​​human intellectual activity, a discipline, a profession, the task of which is to apply the achievements of science, technology, the use of laws and natural resources to solve specific problems, goals and objectives of humanity.

Otherwise, engineering is a set of applied works, including pre-design feasibility studies and justification of planned investments, the necessary laboratory and experimental refinement of technologies and prototypes, their industrial development, as well as subsequent services and consultations.

American Council of Engineers for Professional Development American Engineers" Council for Professional Development (ECPD) ) gave the following definition of the term “engineering”:

Engineering is implemented through the application of both scientific knowledge and practical experience (engineering skills, abilities) with the aim of creating (primarily designing) useful technological and technical processes and objects that implement these processes. Engineering services can be performed by both NGOs and independent engineering companies. Such organizations offer a range of commercial services for the preparation and support of the production process and sales of products, for the maintenance and operation of industrial, infrastructure and other facilities, which includes engineering and consulting services of a research, design, calculation and analytical nature, for the preparation of technical economic justifications, development of recommendations in the field of organization of production and management.

History of engineering

Despite the fact that engineering tasks faced humanity at the very early stages of its development, the engineering specialty as a separate profession began to take shape only in modern times. Technical activity has always existed, but in order for engineering to stand out among others, humanity had to go through a long path of development. Only the division of labor marked the beginning of this process, and only the emergence of special engineering education recorded the formation of engineering activity.

Nevertheless, it is possible to consider many achievements of the past as cleverly solved engineering problems. The creation of a bow, wheel, and plow required mental work, the ability to handle tools, and the use of creative abilities.

Many technical solutions and inventions created both the material basis for subsequent development and formed skills and abilities passed on from generation to generation, which, accumulating, became the basis for subsequent theoretical understanding.

The development of construction played a special role. The construction of cities, defensive structures, and religious buildings has always required the most advanced technical methods. Most likely, it was in construction that the concept of a project first appeared, when in order to implement a plan it was necessary to separate the idea from direct production in order to be able to manage the process. The most complex structures of antiquity - the Egyptian pyramids, the Mausoleum of Halicarnassus, the Lighthouse of Alexandria - required not only labor, but also skillful organization of the technical process.

The first engineers include the ancient Egyptian architect Imhotep, the ancient Chinese hydraulic engineer Great Yu, and the ancient Greek sculptor and architect Phidias. They performed both technical and organizational functions inherent in engineers. However, at the same time, their activity was based for the most part not on theoretical knowledge, but on experience, and their engineering talent was indivisible among other talents: every engineer of antiquity was, first of all, a sage who combined a philosopher, scientist, politician, writer.

The first attempt to consider engineering as a special type of activity can be considered the work of Vitruvius “Ten Books on Architecture” (lat. De architectura libri decem). It makes the first known attempts to describe the process of an engineer's activity. Vitruvius draws attention to such important methods for an engineer as “reflection” and “invention”, and notes the need to create a drawing of a future structure. However, for the most part, Vitruvius bases his descriptions on practical experience. In ancient times, the theory of structures was still at the very beginning of its development.

The most important step in engineering was the use of scale drawings. This method developed in the 17th century and had a strong influence on the subsequent history of engineering. Thanks to him, it became possible to divide engineering work into the actual development of an idea and its technical implementation. Having in front of him a design of any large structure on paper, the engineer got rid of the narrow-mindedness of the artisan, often limited only by the detail on which he is working at the moment.

In 1653, the first cadet school training engineers was opened in Prussia. Also, for the purpose of training military engineers, the first special school was created in Denmark in the 17th century. In 1690, an artillery school was founded in France.

The first engineering and technical educational institution in Russia to begin providing systematic education was the School of Mathematical and Navigational Sciences, founded in 1701 by Peter I. The education of military engineers began during the reign of Vasily Shuisky. The “Charter of Military Affairs” was translated into Russian, which, among other things, talked about the rules for the defense of fortresses and the construction of defensive structures. The training was conducted by invited foreign specialists. But it was Peter I who played an outstanding role in the development of engineering in Russia. In 1712, the first engineering school was opened in Moscow, and in 1719, the second engineering school was opened in St. Petersburg. In 1715, the Maritime Academy was created, in 1725 the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences was opened with a university and a gymnasium.

In 1742, the Dresden Engineering School was opened, in 1744 - the Austrian Academy of Engineering, in 1750 - the Application School in Mieser, 1788 - the Engineering School in Potsdam.

The first textbook on engineering can be considered a textbook for military engineers, “The Science of Engineering,” published in 1729.

The modern system of higher engineering education in Russia was born in the nineteenth century. The first higher engineering educational institution became in 1810 the Main Engineering School of the Russian Empire (and now VITU), founded in 1804, due to the addition of additional officer classes and a two-year continuation of officer training, in contrast to all other cadet corps and engineering educational institutions in Russia. As the outstanding mechanical scientist and graduate of the Institute of Railway Engineers Timoshenko, Stepan Prokofievich wrote in his book “Engineering Education in Russia”, the educational scheme of the Main Engineering School, born after the addition of senior officer classes, with the division of the Five-Year Education into two stages in the future, is based on the example The Institute of Railway Engineers spread in Russia and continues to this day. This made it possible to start teaching mathematics, mechanics and physics at a fairly high level already in the first years and give students sufficient preparation in fundamental subjects, and then use the time to study engineering disciplines.

In 1809, in St. Petersburg, Alexander I founded the Corps of Railway Engineers. An Institute was established under him (Institute of the Corps of Railway Engineers). One of the first higher technical educational institutions in Russia later became the alma mother of many talented Russian engineers and professors.

During the 19th century, the creation of various specializations and areas of higher engineering education continued, which occurred during the transition of the most advanced engineering and technical educational institutions of the Russian Empire to the system of higher education, which led to qualitative development, since each educational institution created its own program that did not exist before new direction or specialization of higher engineering education, borrowing the best practices of others, collaborating and sharing innovations. One of the outstanding organizers of this process was Dmitry Ivanovich Mendeleev.

In England, engineering specialists were trained by the following institutions: The Institute of Civil Engineers (England) (eng. Institution of Civil Engineers ) (founded 1818), Institution of Mechanical Engineers (eng. Institution of Mechanical Engineers ) (1847), Institute of Naval Architects (eng. Royal Institution of Naval Architects ) (1860), Institution of Electrical Engineers (eng. Institution of Electrical Engineers ) (1871).

Engineering as a profession

People who engage in engineering on a regular and professional basis are called engineers. Engineers apply their scientific knowledge to find a suitable solution to a problem or to create improvements.

The critical and unique challenge of engineers is to identify, understand, and interpret design constraints to achieve a successful outcome. Typically, it is not enough to create a successful product; it must meet further requirements.

In general, the life cycle of an engineering structure can be divided into several stages:

  • need
  • study
  • design
  • construction
  • exploitation
  • liquidation.

The process of engineering activity begins with the formation of the need for an artificial mechanism or process. Having studied this need, the engineer must formulate an idea for a solution, which must be given a certain form - a project. A project is needed so that the plan of an engineer (a group of engineers), existing as an idea, becomes clear to other people. The project is subsequently translated into reality with the help of building materials.

When solving the problem facing him, an engineer can use already developed solutions. In particular, standard design has become widespread from the earliest times. However, for non-trivial problems standard solutions are not enough. In such cases, we can talk about engineering as an “art of engineering”, when, using specialized knowledge, an engineer must create an object, come up with a method that has not previously existed. The professional thinking of an engineer is a complex mental process, which, like any art, is difficult to formalize. In a general approximation, the following stages can be distinguished when solving an engineering problem:

  • understanding the technical requirements contained in the initial task;
  • creating a solution plan;
  • confirmation or refutation of the plan.

These stages do not necessarily occur sequentially; rather, the process of forming a response to a given task occurs cyclically, and not always with clear awareness. Sometimes a hunch may appear as an intuitive insight. Based on accumulated experience, it can later be explained and analyzed, but at the first moment it is not possible to say how and why it was born. Guessing is possible with an intuitive subtype of thinking, which can be considered the main source of generating ideas. It is closely related to other subtypes: synthetic and analytical, creative and routine, logical.

Eiffel Tower
(Gustav Eiffel, Maurice Ququelin (eng. Maurice Koechlin ), Emile Nougier (eng. Émile Nouguier ) and etc.)
Engineers Idea Project Construction Finished building

CAE systems

CAE (Computer-Aided Engineering) - computer engineering based on the use of CAE systems.

Codes in knowledge classification systems


  • Pedagogical engineering


see also


  • V. E. Zelensky Monuments of military engineering art: historical memory and new objects of cultural heritage of Russia. Archived from the original on November 29, 2012.
  • T. Karman, M. Bio, Mathematical methods in engineering, OGIZ, 1948, 424 pp.
  • Saprykin D. L. Engineering education in Russia: History, concept, perspective // ​​Higher education in Russia. No. 1, 2012.

The Middle Ages (Middle Ages) is the historical period following Antiquity and preceding the Modern Age.

Starting from the 12th-13th centuries, Europe experienced a sharp rise in the development of technology and an increase in the number of innovations in the means of production; more inventions were made in less than a century than in the previous thousand years.

Cannons, spectacles, artesian wells and cross-cultural introductions were invented: gunpowder, silk, the compass and the astrolabe came from the East. There were also great advances in shipbuilding and watches. At the same time, huge numbers of Greek and Arabic works on medicine and science were translated and distributed throughout Europe.

This rise in the development of technology occurred thanks to such scientists, physicists, engineers as F. Bacon, Galileo, H. Huygens, R. Bacon, Leonardo da Vinci, N. Copernicus, B. Pascal, E. Torricelli, V. Leibniz, I .Newton, S. Thomas and many others.

I want to talk about Galileo Galilei.

Galileo Galilei (1564-1642), Galileo Galilei was born on February 15, 1564 in the university city of the Grand Duchy of Tuscany, Pisa.

His parents were Galileo's first teachers. Thanks to them, the boy received an initial classical, musical and literary education.

In 1575, the family returned to Florence, where 11-year-old Galileo was sent to a secular school at the monastery. Here he studied languages, rhetoric, poetry, music, drawing and simple mechanics.

In September 1581, Galileo became a student at the University of Pisa. Galileo studied mainly on his own, studying textbooks on medicine, the works of Aristotle and especially Plato, whom he fell in love with for his mathematical mind. He became interested in making machines that were described in the works of Archimedes. In 1582 he made several pendulums. Observing their swings, Galileo discovered the law of isochronism (from the Greek "isos" - "equal", "same", "chronos" - "time") of oscillations: the period of oscillation of a load suspended on a thread depends only on the length of the thread and not depends on the mass and amplitude of vibrations.

In his second year, Galileo attended a lecture on geometry, became interested in mathematics and was very sorry that he could not quit medicine. It was at this time that he first became acquainted with the physics of Aristotle, with the works of ancient mathematicians - Euclid and Archimedes (the latter became his real teacher). Left without funds, in 1585 (his father had nothing to pay for further studies), Galileo returned to Florence. Here he managed to find a wonderful mathematics teacher, Ostilio Ricci, who in his classes discussed not only purely mathematical problems, but also applied mathematics to practical mechanics, especially hydraulics. The result of the four-year Florentine period of Galileo's life was the small work “Small Hydrostatic Balances”.

The work pursued purely practical goals: having improved the already known method of hydrostatic weighing, Galileo used it to determine the density of metals and precious stones. He made several handwritten copies of his work and tried to distribute them. This way he met the famous mathematician of that time - Marquis Guido Ubaldo del Monte, author of the Textbook on Mechanics. Monte immediately appreciated the outstanding abilities of the young scientist and, holding the high post of inspector general of all fortresses and fortifications in the Duchy of Tuscany, was able to provide Galileo with an important service: on his recommendation, in 1589 the latter received a position as professor of mathematics at the very University of Pisa, where he had previously been a student. Galileo's work on motion dates back to the time Galileo was at the department in Pisa.

In it, he first argues against the Aristotelian doctrine of the fall of bodies. Later, these arguments were formulated by him in the form of a law on the proportionality of the path traveled by a body to the square of the time of fall (according to Aristotle, “in airless space all bodies fall infinitely fast”).

In 1592, Galileo took the chair of mathematics at the University of Padua in the Republic of Venice. He was supposed to teach geometry, mechanics, and astronomy. He taught a course in astronomy, remaining within the framework of the officially accepted views of Aristotle - Ptolemy, and even wrote a short course on geocentric astronomy. In the first years of his professorship, Galileo was mainly engaged in the development of new mechanics, not built on the principles of Aristotle. He formulated more clearly the “golden rule of mechanics,” which he derived from the more general principle he discovered, formulated in the Treatise on Mechanics.

During the Padua period of Galileo's life (1592-1610), his main works in the field of dynamics matured: on the movement of a body on an inclined plane and a body thrown at an angle to the horizon; research on the strength of materials dates back to the same time. However, of all his works of that time, Galileo published only a small brochure about the compass he invented, which made it possible to carry out various calculations and constructions.

The Padua period is the time of the highest flowering of Galileo's scientific activity. It became the happiest in his life. The audience of his public lectures were young aristocrats who wanted to receive an education in the field of military engineering disciplines. For them, Galileo taught courses on fortification and ballistics. He opened a workshop in Pisa where various mechanisms and instruments were manufactured, including those invented by him.

Galileo's thermoscope, the predecessor of the modern thermometer, was made here, as well as a device for measuring frequency, the metronome. Handwritten texts of his lectures, manuals on mechanics and astronomy were very popular not only in Italy, but throughout Europe.

On October 10, 1604, a previously unknown star flashed in the constellation Ophiuchus. At its maximum brightness it was brighter than Jupiter.

Galileo observed it until the end of 1605. It is now known that it was a supernova explosion in our Galaxy. The star was in the same place in the celestial sphere, so Galileo argued that it was much further from the Earth than the Moon and the planets. He proposed the following hypothesis: a new star is a dense accumulation of terrestrial vapors illuminated by the Sun. In August 1609, Galileo Galilei made a trumpet with a magnification of 30 times. The tube had a length of 1245 mm, its lens was a convex spectacle lens with a diameter of 53 mm, and a flat-concave eyepiece had an optical power of 25 diopters. It was not spectacle glass that was used there, as is commonly believed at the suggestion of Galileo himself. He apparently understood how to set the magnification of the pipe, but preferred not to write about it.

His telescope was an order of magnitude more powerful and better than all spotting scopes of that time. But most importantly, Galileo was the first to understand that the main scientific purpose of the telescope was the observation of celestial bodies. With the 30x telescope, Galileo made all his telescopic discoveries. It is still kept in a museum in Florence.

First of all, Galileo began observing the Moon. He saw the lunar landscape - circuses and craters, mountain ranges and peaks, seeing through the telescope the shadows they cast. Based on his observations, Galileo came to the conclusion that the Moon is the same rocky body as the Earth. Galileo discovered the phases of Venus and discovered four satellites of Jupiter, which are now called Galilean. Galileo's telescope was the first to resolve some of the nebulous spots in the sky into stars. Thus, the continuous radiance of the Milky Way turned out to be a gigantic cluster of stars. Thus, Galileo is the discoverer of the Galaxy.

In March 1610, Galileo’s work “The Starry Messenger, Revealing Great and Supremely Amazing Sights...” was published, notifying the world of new astronomical discoveries.

Never before have scientific discoveries made such a stunning impression on the cultural world. Galileo became famous. Galileo described all his observations in his work “The Starry Messenger”.

In October 1610, Galileo made a new sensational discovery: he observed the phases of Venus. There could be only one explanation for this: the movement of the planet around the Sun and the change in the position of Venus and Earth relative to the Sun. In September, the Sacred College summoned Galileo to Rome. Galileo was found guilty of violating church prohibitions and sentenced to life imprisonment. He was ill, but his request for a postponement was rejected. The 70-year-old man arrived in Rome on February 13, 1633 and stayed at the Villa Medici. The process began in April. Galileo chose the tactics of excuses and subterfuge, avoiding clear statements. But tedious interrogations and the threat of torture broke him.

After the verdict was announced, he, on his knees, renounced his “delusions.” The Pope replaced the imprisonment with exile at the Grand Duke's country villa. Galileo was later transported to Florence and imprisoned in his own Villa Arcetri without the right to leave.

The last years of the scientist’s life passed under the strict supervision of the Inquisition; Galileo was ill almost all the time and gradually lost his sight.

Engineering was the first crafting craft I learned in WoW. My main never dropped engineering and the first guide I wrote on professions was specifically about this matter. This version of the guide is already the fifth and has been updated for the conditions of patch 8.0.1 (Battle for Azeroth)

Brief historical background

Throughout the four expansions to the game, skill leveling has been straightforward. That is, you had to start from the very basics and improve your level of mastery of the craft with low-level materials. Highlevel during MoP had to take copper and make a bunch of unnecessary junk out of it, then take tin ingots and make all sorts of little things again, and so on, up to the highest level of materials that were relevant in the current expansion. This path was quite tedious and at the same time costly. It often took several thousand gold to level up a skill, and farming materials yourself was sometimes tedious.

In the Warlords of Draenor expansion, the development system for all professions has been radically changed. Now the recipes and diagrams of the current expansion could be used with skill level 1. That is, it was enough to learn the craft from a trainer and immediately make items. Everything that came before was moved to a separate tab in the diagrams and recipes dialog box and called classic engineering. And if you wanted to do something from old content, then you first had to raise the skill level to the required level. True, this was only possible for characters level 90 and above.

This gave rise to variability in the choice of leveling path from scratch. You could level up the old fashioned way using old regents and only switch to Draenor reagents around 600 skill points, or level up exclusively using Draenor reagents. In Legion, the scheme has been preserved - here, too, you can level up a skill from scratch using several new drawings. As a result, leveling is described for different paths - both for the classic path and for how this can be done on the regents of the new addition.

One of the innovations in the Battle for Azeroth add-on, which seriously affects leveling, is that the skill is now divided into shooting ranges. Each tier corresponds to an add-on. The most important thing is that the shooting ranges are independent of each other. If you want to level up your Northrend engineering skill, then you don't need to make Old World and Outland items. You simply find a teacher in Northrend, learn from him and upgrade your skill. The distribution by range is outlined below. The total number of skill points is now 950.

  • 1-300 - engineering
  • 1-75 - Outland Engineering
  • 1-75 - Northrend Engineering
  • 1-75 - Cataclysm-era engineering
  • 1-75 - Pandarian Engineering
  • 1-100 - Draenor Engineering
  • 1-100 - Legion Engineering
  • 1-150 - Kul Tiran/Zuldazar Engineering

For other innovations regarding professions in Battle for Azeroth, watch this video

The classic path will be useful for those who play pirates, where the latest innovations of the official version do not work. So if you play on pirated version 3.3.5a, then perhaps it will help you.

General description of the skill

Engineering is an interesting and profitable profession from many points of view. Firstly, engineers have a lot of enchants for items in their arsenal, which are very useful in both PvE and PvP. Secondly, engineers receive a number of strategic advantages that allow them to save time on moving around the world and, let’s say, go on long expeditions, while having a complete set of all necessary communications - a mailbox and access to a personal bank safe deposit box. Thirdly, you can create artifacts with very interesting uses, as well as unexpected side effects.

There is a certain stereotype that engineering in WoW is unprofitable, that the profession is purely for fun. The stereotype is incorrect. Engineering in World of Warcraft is a lucrative profession and you can earn very good money from it. So if you decide to change one of your core skills, engineering is not a bad choice.

Engineering goes well with since it provides raw materials for the production of items.

Leveling up Engineering in Battle for Azeroth

Engineering in BfA is called differently depending on which faction you play as. There is no more fundamental difference. Kul Tiran Engineering is the Alliance version, and Zandalar Engineering is the Horde version. In order to start leveling up, you need to visit trainers in Dazar'alor, the Artisans' Terrace and the market in Boralus. The easiest way to find them is to ask the guards.

30 Nerve impulse translator - 30 mechanic kits

5 Mana Injection Set Parts: 60 Saronite Ingots, 10 Crystallized Water

5 Mechanized Snow Goggles: 40 Saronite Bars, 10 Borean Leather, 5 Eternal Darkness

5 Noise Generators: 10 Icesteel Pipes, 10 Saronite Capacitors, 40 Handful of Cobalt Bolts

25 Gnomish Army Knives: 250 Saronite Ingots, 25 Skinning Knives, 25 Mining Picks, 25 Forging Hammers

Cataclysm Engineering (1-75)

20 Handfuls of Obsidian Bolts: 40 Obsidian Ingots

15 Sparkling Ethers: 30 units of unstable air.

13 Volatile Seaforium Explosives: 13 handfuls of obsidian bolts, 26 sparkling ethers.

Restrictor Removal Kit: 30 Obsidian Ingots, 30 Handfuls of Obsidian Bolts

15 Lure Master Fishing Tackle Boxes: 300 Elementium Ingots, 60 handfuls of Obsidian Bolts

15 Heat Resistant Spinbaits: 15 handfuls of obsidian bolts, 60 elementium ingots, 15 pieces of unstable fire

Pandaria Engineering (1-75)

112 packs of Ghost Iron Bolts: 336 Ghost Iron Ingots.

To level up using this method, the character must be at least level 100. First, we fly to Dalaran (new) and find an engineering trainer. Then we take from him the quest Ah, the devil! at Hobart Dreck. As a reward for completing the quest we receive “Legion Engineering”. In the future, in order to open all the drawings, you need to complete quests given by the trainer. There are a total of 29 quests that take place in different parts of the world. One of the important quests is Working with full dedication, as a reward for completing which you will receive drawings of four level 815 helmets, which you will make in the interval 780-800.

All schemes and recipes in Legion have three levels. The higher the level, the less materials are spent on making the item. You can get them in various places - from drops from mobs to loot from dungeon bosses and world quests.

The blueprint for the Leystone Buoy drops from the Slave of the Bitterwater Tribe in the Eye of Azshara dungeon.

A Leystone buoy can be made up to level 720, but the blueprint will already be green. You can use another drawing - Powder charge (level 3).

Making 20 Powder Charges (Level 3): 20 pieces of Leystone Ore and 400 Huge Fuses

The huge fuse is being sold by Hobart Dreck, a vendor who stands next to the engineering teacher. Level 2 and 3 blueprints can be purchased from the Widow for 250 and 500 Sightless Eyes in the Dalaran sewers.

55 Powder Charges (Tier 3): 40 Leystone Ore and 1100 Huge Fuses.

Important note: you need to stop at skill level 779, because the following drawings will give several points for making an item.

There are four drawings that will allow you to level up your skill to level 800. They are yellow until 790, after which they turn green. Select one of the following drawings:

30 Double-Barreled Skull Cannons: Stormscale (900), Felhide (60), Blood of Sargeras (60)
30 Skull Cannons with Front Sight: Demonsteel Ingot (450), Infernal Brimstone (60), Blood of Sargeras (60)
30 Sawed-Off Skull Cannon : Rockhide Leather (900), Felhide (60), Blood of Sargeras (60)
30 Semi-Automatic Skull Cannons: Imbued Silkweave (900), Felwort (60), Blood of Sargeras (60)

You will also need 2 Sniper Scope, 2 Loose Triggers and one Earth-Infernal Rocket Launcher for all of these guns. All this can be bought from the same seller who stands next to the engineering teacher. You will receive level 1 drawings for completing the quest Working with full dedication. Level 2 blueprints are sold by Fargo Silicon Gate in Azsuna. Level 3 blueprints can be obtained as follows:

  • Schematic: Sawed-off cranial cannon
  • Schematic: Semi-Automatic Skull Cannon: Guardian Faction (Exalted), sold by Marin Razorwing in Azsuna.
  • Schematic: Skull Cannon with Front Sight: Can be found in a small chest after completing the scenario.
  • Schematic: Double-Barreled Skull Cannon: drop from any mob in the Broken Isles.