How to boil apricot pits. Apricot kernels: benefits, cancer treatment. Ingredients you will need

When raw, apricot kernels have virtually no taste. The range of their use is quite extensive: from cooking to the cosmetics industry, in which they have long proven themselves to be very positive.

What are the benefits of apricot kernels, what medicinal properties and contraindications do they have, is it possible to eat apricot kernels without restrictions, are they effective against cancer?

Useful and healing properties

The properties of apricot kernels have been studied since the last century, and we can say with confidence that this is true unique product. By eating 10-15 apricot kernels daily (the norm is indicated for an adult), you can not only improve and strengthen your body, but also cure some diseases.

Nutritional value calorie content of apricot kernels

The use of apricot kernels in healthy and therapeutic nutrition

The topic of using apricot kernels for weight loss At the moment there is not much coverage. However, people who are overweight should know that regular consumption of seeds has a positive effect on adipose tissue and restores lipid metabolism.

Recipe for apricot jam with pits

For all housewives to take note, we offer a recipe for making jam with apricot kernels. By preparing this jam, you will provide yourself with vitamins and essential nutrients throughout the winter. In addition to all this, it is an excellent remedy for strengthening the immune system.

What you will need for preparation:

  • ripe apricots;
  • sugar (we take granulated sugar in the calculation: for 1 kg of fruit 1 kg of sugar);
  • water (approximately 700-800 g per 1 kg of fruit);
  • peeled (by eye).


  1. Pour sugar into a deep bowl and add hot water. Stirring occasionally, wait until the syrup begins to boil.
  2. You need to remove the pits from the apricots and remove the shells from them. You can do this using a garlic press.
  3. Pour the pitted apricots into the boiling syrup and cook for about 20 minutes, remembering to stir and skim off any foam that forms.
  4. After this, add walnuts and apricot kernels to the jam and continue to cook over low heat. The nuts can be finely chopped, or you can leave them in large pieces. This will not affect the taste of the jam.
  5. After 15-20 minutes, distribute the hot jam into sterilized jars and close tightly.

Culinary compatibility

Apricot kernels can be eaten raw or roasted in small quantities. You can simply chew them or use them as an additive for various dishes., plums,).

  • With fermented milk products (yogurt, sour cream, kefir, cottage cheese).
  • With cereals (barley, rice, oatmeal).
  • With juices (grape, pear).
  • With different types of meat and fish.
  • How to choose the right apricot kernels

    In order for apricot kernels to be useful and fully provide the human body with everything necessary, you need choose the right product. Fresh, good quality seeds look very similar. They should be of an even, elongated shape. The color of the seeds is brown, ranging from pale to copper brown.

    Storage Features

    Apricot kernels can be stored in their husks or already peeled. If you plan to store for a long time, it is better not to clean the kernels (this will extend the shelf life of the product). The dried seeds must be placed in jar(metal, wood or glass). This is necessary to protect against light, dust, as well as pests and salts.

    Harm and contraindications

    Due to the high content of amygdalin, apricot kernels have a toxic effect when consumed in large quantities. The norm that is safe for an adult’s body is no more than 15 pieces per day. If the norm is exceeded, it is possible severe intoxication, manifested by vomiting, diarrhea, severe headaches. In especially severe cases, convulsions and loss of consciousness may even occur.

    You can even eat apricot kernels in reasonable quantities. small children, as well as women expecting a baby and nursing mothers. However, you should not get carried away with this product, as this can cause bloating and loose stools.

    For patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus, the consumption of apricot kernels is also not contraindicated, but it is advisable not to exceed the norm ( 6-8 pieces per day b).

    Apricot kernels are a very nutritious and valuable product in its composition. They are useful for absolutely everyone - both small children and adults. Regular consumption of several seeds a day will help restore and strengthen the body's protective function and strengthen the immune system. The main rule to follow is moderation. It must be remembered that eating apricot kernels in large quantities can be harmful instead of beneficial, and in especially large doses, apricot kernels are fraught with poisoning.

    If you have experience eating apricot kernels, be sure to share your results with other readers. This will allow them to make the right choice and gain more information about the use of this product.

    Interestingly, the homeland of the apricot has not been precisely determined, although scientists suggest that it could still be Armenia, or places in the Tien Shan mountains. Today, this tree can be found in almost all parts of the globe where there are suitable climatic conditions.

    Over the course of several centuries, various apricot varieties have been bred, including frost-resistant ones. In places with the most favorable conditions, the age of an apricot can reach a century, and this in no way affects the quality of fruitfulness. The fruits of the tree are mostly similar to another representative of the plum genus, the peach, with exactly the same color: yellow, orange or pink, by which one can determine the presence of carotene, a very useful substance and necessary for the normal functioning of the human body.

    The composition of the fruit is not just rich and varied, it is truly unique: natural acids, inulin, tannins, starch, and this does not take into account the most valuable microelements that are present in apricots. The most valuable in terms of its properties and, of course, incredibly tasty, is considered to be the apricot grown in Central Asia, a place where climatic conditions are most favorable for the growth and ripening of fruits.

    The most common format in which the fruit is consumed is fresh or dried, in both cases it is a very useful product in its properties, however, it should be remembered that apricots have a high sugar content.

    Composition of apricot kernel

    Amygdalin (B17) is still the subject of controversy among medical scientists, and since the substance is found in the kernel of the apricot kernel, there are many fans of using this product in food. In its effect, amygdalin resembles the chemotherapy procedure, only without the consequences and harm to health that are observed during inpatient treatment with the use of drugs known for their complex side effects on the body. These properties were first discovered by scientists more than 60 years ago and today have fully confirmed the special effect on the body’s cells.

    But not only amygdalin is present in the apricot kernel; in groups, for ease of classification, the list of substances and trace elements is as follows:

    • Squirrels.
    • Vitamins, including rare ones (C, PP, B, F).
    • Microelements (phosphorus, potassium, iron, magnesium, calcium, sodium).
    • Essential oils.
    • Acids are unsaturated and saturated.
    • Pigments.
    • Tocopherols.
    • Phospholipids.

    Amygdalin contains hydrocyanic acid, a substance that can cause harm to the body, so eating apricot kernels in large quantities instead of the desired benefits can cause harm. Another important quality of kernels is their taste: the more bitter the product, the more toxic substances it contains. It is advisable to choose sweet kernels for consumption; they are considered the most useful and valuable in their qualities.

    Apricot kernel calories

    But the calorie content of the apricot kernel should be highlighted separately; this is very significant, since not only doctors are interested in the product, but also cosmetologists and even culinary specialists, due to the presence of a large amount of fats and substances with special nutritional characteristics: amazing taste and aroma. This circumstance affects the calorie content of the substance (there are more than 500 calories in a fresh fruit kernel per 100 grams of raw material), which is a prohibiting factor in the use of the product for the category of people who are obese and predisposed to weight gain.

    And be that as it may, it is the presence of fats and other valuable microelements that primarily interests pharmacists and cosmetologists, since many of the listed substances are not often found in the plant world. In China and other countries of the East and Asia, apricot kernels are consumed in small doses as food, and as nutritionists and doctors note, reasonable use of the product has a beneficial effect on the human body.

    Can I eat apricot kernels?

    Doctors were interested: a Tibetan settlement was found where all the inhabitants, starting from early childhood, eat several apricot kernels every day. At the same time, they are completely free of cancer; at least, not a single case of death due to this has been identified. Almost all members of the community are long-livers and, what is important, the tree is considered a symbol of fertility, which is why it is quite normal and natural for a woman in the village to give birth at 50-60 years old.

    Statistics show that people who consume this product in reasonable quantities can boast of mental alertness, good health and an active lifestyle even in old age.

    Regarding the effectiveness of the substance, it is worth noting that traditional medicine has long used plum kernels to treat pulmonary diseases, and apricot leads the list. Pneumonia, asthma, bronchitis, cough and many other respiratory diseases are treated with the help of apricot kernels, but there is one thing, and this is expressed in contraindications for a certain category of people. This circumstance must be remembered when deciding to use a substance. By the way, many Eastern people use apricot kernels to satisfy hunger: just a few grains saturate the body with all the necessary microelements and vitamins for 3-4 hours with an active lifestyle.

    Why are apricot kernels bitter?

    Those people who have tasted fruit kernels probably note their taste, sometimes they are tasty and sweet, but sometimes they are unpleasant and bitter, but in any case, the taste of bitterness is present in the substance, albeit in different concentrations.

    Experts explain the different taste characteristics and varying degrees of bitterness by the presence of toxic substances that are present in the kernels. If the kernel itself tastes sweet, with a slight presence of bitterness, this product can be consumed, provided there are no prohibitions.

    In case of strong bitterness, it is better not to tempt fate and not to use such raw materials either as a food supplement or as a means to treat diseases, since the product has a high content of hydrocyanic acid and various organic poisons. Amygdalin is an element that contains hydrocyanic acid, a substance that is by no means safe for the human body. This simple knowledge will help you choose the right product of the right quality, the use of which will bring maximum benefit.

    Is almond an apricot seed?

    For a person born in the East or Central Asia, the question of the similarity of apricots and almonds will cause a condescending smile, although in general, these people are characterized by increased impenetrability and calmness, and it is extremely difficult to provoke them to show emotions. And yet, there is a similarity between the two substances and not a small one; if you compare the list of trace elements, acids, fats and other components, some identity appears.

    What is the difference between almonds and apricot kernels, here are the main factors:

    • The kernels of both fruits differ in shape; in almonds it is elongated and oval, in apricot it is flattened and rounder.
    • The kernels differ in size, with almonds being larger.
    • Almonds have a noticeably darker nut color.

    Almonds are more popular: they can be found freely available in almost all supermarkets. The reason for its popularity lies in the composition of the substances, since there are still slightly more of them in almonds than in apricots, and they are more valuable in terms of their usefulness for the human body. If we take it as a whole, by and large, these are practically the same product.

    The benefits and harms of apricot kernels

    Apricot kernels are undoubtedly a very interesting product, which causes various disputes among scientists, traditional healers and ordinary people, due to the composition of the components present in the nut. Most people, when eating the juicy, tasty pulp, simply throw away the seeds, believing that they definitely have no benefit, but as it turns out, this is not the case.

    In fact, the dispute about the product as a healing substance, but at the same time requiring careful use, has lasted for hundreds of years. Only recently, scientists have confirmed many guesses regarding the benefits and harms of the apricot kernel, revealed many secrets regarding the composition of microelements and revealed the properties of the product. What is the value and harm of apricot kernels, why there is a lot of controversy around this product, and what secrets have scientists discovered.

    Benefits of apricot kernels

    Apricot as a plant today is in some way unique: scientists are only guessing where its homeland is, some of the substances have not yet been fully studied, and the ability to rejuvenate the body’s cells and create a natural barrier against many incurable diseases is simply amazing, but does not explain the entire mechanics of the effect.

    The apricot kernel acquired particular value when scientists accurately clarified the phenomenon of the effects of enzymes, microelements and other components of the product, which together help fight such serious illnesses as oncology, pulmonary and colds, and restore the functioning of the cardiovascular system. These are not all the useful qualities that such an inconspicuous-looking grain, hidden under a hard shell, is endowed with.

    What are the benefits of apricot kernels?

    People have long learned to use apricot kernels and the main areas where this is being developed at an industrial level are divided into categories:

    • Medicine.
    • Cosmetology.
    • Perfumery.
    • Cooking.

    In traditional medicine, the substance is still used only in small quantities due to incomplete study of the product. Many secrets and features have just begun to be revealed to scientists, but those facts that are known today are already of considerable interest, because in a way, the apricot kernel is a kind of elixir of youth.

    Traditional medicine has been using apricot kernels for centuries to treat colds and lung diseases. The same list includes diseases of the respiratory tract, cardiovascular system and oncology, but the secrets that the substance contains have not been fully revealed. How to explain the principle of operation of apricot kernels, whose effects are comparable to such a complex procedure as chemotherapy? This phenomenon forces many scientists to conduct new and new research, which simultaneously discover other useful properties, for example, the core contains carotene, also a substance very necessary for the human body. Carotene has a beneficial effect on the organs of vision, increasing blood circulation in the eyeball, saturates it with oxygen, and cleanses the blood.

    Cosmetologists and perfumers have been using the seeds of various fruits for centuries due to the presence of vegetable fats and unique essential oils. The recipes for ointments and perfumes are often kept secret, passed down by tradition from family to family, or from master to master.

    In cooking, kernels are mainly used to decorate various dishes and give them a specific flavor; sometimes apricot kernels and winemakers use apricot kernels for the same purpose when preparing various alcoholic beverages.

    Where are apricot kernels used?

    Traditional medicine, cosmetology and cooking are the three main areas where apricot kernels are used most often. Cosmetologists have been using various herbal additives in their products for a very long time. The greatest value of the kernel is the presence of vegetable oil in it, which contains large quantities of useful and rare vitamins and fatty acids. Together, they slow down skin aging, strengthen it and nourish it with everything it needs. The moisturizing and healing effects of such products are simply amazing, so various creams, balms and ointments are very highly valued, especially by that category of people who are accustomed to using only high-quality material.

    For culinary experts, the products are used more when decorating desserts, and many of us, when eating sweets, do not even suspect what is included in their composition. For example, cakes, yoghurts, fruit ice cream, creams, baking fillings, caramels, the list goes on, but all this is prepared from various ingredients and apricot kernels are often included in this list due to their unique taste.

    Traditional medicine also has many areas where apricot kernel is used. Again, it is easier to use examples: urbech, a substance that is prepared from several components that are most valuable in their qualities: honey and butter. The value of urebch lies in the fact that the substance retains all important microelements and vitamins after the cooking process, since the recipe does not use heat treatment. This mixture is used to treat colds and respiratory diseases, and is also a great way to strengthen the immune system.

    Harmful effects of apricot kernels

    Any product can have both a positive and a negative side, this applies to almost everything that a person eats or uses as medicine. This is primarily due to the individual qualities of the body. The high content of sucrose, toxic substances and fatty acids is a ban on the consumption of apricots and kernels for the category of people suffering from diabetes mellitus, prone to obesity and “gaining” extra pounds.

    Scientists have discovered a lot of interesting things about the composition of the apricot kernel and its effect on the human body. A particularly important point is that it prohibits the use of fruit kernels in large quantities for food and refutes the prohibition. The nut contains a poisonous substance under the terrible name cyanide, which turns into hydrocyanic acid during digestion, an equally dangerous poison, but by eating the pulp of the fruit and the apricot kernel at the same time, a neutralization reaction occurs. The reason for this phenomenon is the presence of pectin in the fruit pulp, which eliminates toxicosis. Therefore, if you want to eat several grains of fruit, it will not cause harm to the body, but if you eat only one kernel, and in large quantities, it is very easy to get food poisoning.

    And yet, there should be a norm and common sense in everything. You should not give the product in large quantities to children, categories of people who have diabetes and are obese, since instead of the intended benefits, a negative result from eating nuts is possible. And yet, cases of poisoning by absolutely healthy people with apricot kernels are by no means isolated, and the reason lies in ordinary overeating, when too many grains are eaten at one time, for example, 50 or more.

    Why are apricot kernels harmful?

    The question of the usefulness of using apricot kernels, especially when it comes to eating them, has both a number of opponents and admirers. Many doctors do not deny the healing properties of the substance, but suggest using it strictly in pharmaceuticals or cosmetology. It is certain aspects of the composition, namely the presence of substances harmful to the human body, that require using apricot kernels with caution. What do specialists identify first of all from substances that, if used incorrectly, can cause harm to the human body?

    • High calorie content. For people with a predisposition to obesity, this product is definitely not suitable.
    • Sucrose. This substance is also found in excess in the apricot kernel; the product is definitely contraindicated for people diagnosed with diabetes.
    • Amygdalin. A substance that during digestion turns into a toxic poison called hydrocyanic acid. The concentration of the poison only in very large quantities can cause harm to the body, but the substance is still considered harmful in moderate dosage.

    For whom are they contraindicated?

    Doctors and nutritionists identify the main categories of people for whom eating apricot kernels is contraindicated.

    • Pregnancy period.
    • Problems with the thyroid gland.
    • Patients with diabetes.
    • Acute or chronic liver diseases.
    • Categories of people prone to obesity.
    • Individual intolerance to the product.

    Of course, control is needed regarding the consumption of the substance by children; they may not pay attention to the prohibitions, but in large quantities nuts can cause poisoning. For children, the daily intake should not exceed 10 apricot kernels, provided that they do not taste very bitter.

    Symptoms of apricot pit poisoning

    The harm from eating apricot kernels appears when the number of kernels eaten exceeds 20 for children, and more than 40-50 for adults. It is quite possible that a smaller amount may have a negative effect on the body, but in terms of symptoms, it resembles ordinary poisoning:

    • Appearance of weakness and lethargy.
    • Pain in the stomach area.
    • Headache.
    • Nausea, cramps, vomiting.
    • Trouble breathing.

    A more acute form of poisoning is expressed in manifestations of convulsions, acute heart failure, sudden blockages during inhalation, fainting, and a sharp increase in blood pressure.

    Application in cosmetology

    Officially, apricot kernels are most in demand in the preparation of cosmetic preparations for skin care. Actually, it is not the core itself that is used, but the oils that are squeezed out of the product; it is they that have the effect of the “elixir of youth”, not only restoring the skin, but also regenerating damaged areas, healing microcracks and other affected areas. Cosmetologists do not skimp on praise for the material that is found in apricot kernels, because in their properties they are very similar to other representatives of plums: almonds and peaches.

    Apricot kernel oil

    When squeezing apricot seeds, cosmetologists use a cold method; it is this method that guarantees the safety of all useful microelements and vitamins. After the process, the substance has a slight viscosity when poured, while it has a pleasant smell and color, more reminiscent of the stem of ripe wheat.

    Oil as a substance for creams and ointments can be combined with other similar material, which is taken from related fruits, but it can also be used in its pure form, as, indeed, is often done in cosmetology. The oil can be used to treat skin diseases: wounds, inflammation, to normalize the normal functions of the dermis. The same substance is recommended for treating the skin of infants, with manifestations of cellulite, sagging, and loss of an attractive appearance. Constant use of apricot nut oil makes the skin smooth, even, with a pleasant matte tint. The main healing properties that apricot oil has are:

    • Moisturizing effect.
    • Softening and rejuvenating properties.
    • Tonic properties.
    • Returns the color to normal.
    • Due to natural peeling, the external condition improves.

    The listed features of apricot oil allow it to be used as a component in massages, making balms, shampoos, and creams.

    Apricot kernel scrub

    That category of people who monitor the condition of their facial skin and their appearance in general are probably aware of the healing properties of masks prepared from apricot kernels. After the procedure of using the scrub as a mask, the velvety and tenderness of the shade is restored, the skin acquires an even, healthy glow. Apricot kernel scraping can be prepared all year round: in the summer from fresh fruit, in the winter from canned fruit, but for this you need to know how to properly prepare the necessary products.

    • Sorbitol – 20 gr.
    • Boiled chilled water – 50 g.
    • Apricot puree – 200 gr.
    • Glycerin – 2 tbsp. l.

    The listed components are mixed and stored in a glass container, provided that the mixture is tightly rolled. The belongings themselves are prepared extremely simply:

    • 5 apricots.
    • 1 tsp. coarse ground coffee.
    • 1 tsp. honey
      • Creams.
      • Syrups.
      • Waffles.
      • Ice cream, yogurt.
      • Bakery.
      • Cakes.

      In home cooking, delicious jams, preserves, and preserves are prepared from apricot pulp and seeds, and this is only a small part of the list of dishes.

      Recipes with apricot kernels

      Anyone who has at least once tried preserves or jams, the recipe of which contains crushed apricot kernels, will never forget the incredible taste of the dish. Actually, the recipe itself is not complicated; these taste qualities are imparted by the correctly selected amount of ingredients.

      • 40 pcs. apricot kernels.
      • 70 gr. water.
      • 1 kg apricot.
      • 550 gr. Sahara.
      • 1 tsp. Kirsha.
      • 1 tsp. lemon juice (with pulp possible).

      Fruits are selected that are not overripe, elastic and juicy, they are washed and divided into halves. Water is poured into the prepared bowl and sugar mixed with fruit halves is added. The mixture is cooked like regular jam until the fruits become moderately soft, after which lemon juice mixed with kirsch is added to the mixture and allowed to boil for 3 minutes. Next, crushed apricot kernels are added, boiled again, after which the dish can be poured into glass jars and rolled up.

      Urbech from apricot kernels

      Urbech is a unique substance that not only has an original taste, but also has anti-inflammatory and other healing properties. The recipe for urbich comes from Dagestan and is a mixture of apricot kernels, or other seeds (flax, sunflower) with honey and butter, there is a unique selection of carbohydrates, proteins and fats of plant origin.

      Urbich is used both as a dish and as a remedy for treating colds and other diseases. It is easy to prepare, and you don’t need a lot of ingredients either: honey, butter and crushed kernels (all in equal proportions) are mixed and brought to a paste in a water bath. The main condition in the recipe is not to heat the mixed ingredients too much, so that heat treatment does not destroy the valuable microelements and vitamins in which they are rich.

      Apricot kernels for cancer

      Traditional healers have long been using the kernels of plum crops in the fight against cancer, and by the way, they are doing it very correctly, as scientists have confirmed this fact in a number of studies. Externally, the disease is exposed to what is medically called chemotherapy, and the reason for this manifestation is the composition of trace elements and a special substance in the kernel of apricot kernels, or rather amygdalin.

      Amygdalin as an active substance of a biological nature has become known since the mid-19th century, it was at this time that scientists around the world became interested in some facts regarding the raw materials obtained from apricot kernels, with the aim of using it in pharmaceuticals. At that time, amygdalin was presented as a substance with high toxicity. It is this that acts destructively on the human cell, due to inhibition by cyanide.

      Medicinal component of apricot kernel

      Pigmatic acid and amygdalin are the medicinal substances that suppress and kill disease-affected cells. The only condition for the use of drugs made from apricot kernels is the use of therapy that supports the functioning of the liver, kidneys and other internal organs. Treatment of cancer-affected people with apricot kernels is similar in effect to the process of using chemotherapy, where the main task of the drugs is to destroy cells affected by the disease. The same work is performed by cyanide, the strongest of poisons, which is present in small dosages in the amygdalin.

      Mechanism of action on cancer cells

      The mechanics of influencing disease-infected cells with the help of amygdalin were developed more than 30 years ago by Dr. Contreras, a Mexican scientist involved in studying the properties of apricot kernels and other types of fruits from the plum category. The doctor is rightfully proud of his achievements, since his technique cures people with lesions at the 4th stage of disease development.

      The entire principle of the mechanism that affects cells affected by the disease is based on the use of amygdalin and acids that are present in apricots. 4 amygdalin molecules in combination with two glucose do not cause harm to healthy cells, and the fermentation process created by benzaldehyde and cyanide molecules suppresses the work of only disease-infected cells.

      An amygdalin extract is made from the raw materials, which is supported during the treatment process in combination with the use of drugs to protect against damage to the kidneys and liver.

      The effectiveness of treating cancer with apricot kernels

      Experiments on the use of apricot kernels for the treatment of cancer patients have made significant progress over the past three decades. Although many of the effects of the substance have not been fully studied, scientists have managed to decipher the main thing: moderate consumption of kernels in food can not only inhibit the growth of affected cells, but also regenerate them. If in 1962 the effectiveness of treatment reached at least 70% of the complete cure of diseases, then by 2010 this figure rose by another 10%, which in itself says a lot.

      Although the opinions of experts have some differences in their research, they generally unequivocally state that the use of drugs containing amygdalin is by far the most promising medicine to combat malignant neoplasms.

      Apricot kernels for cancer, how to take?

      Despite the warnings of many skeptics that the substance contains strong toxic poisons, poisoning with apricot kernels is a rare phenomenon, and if used correctly and certain rules are followed, it is completely eliminated. Scientists who have studied the effects of amygdalin on the human body claim that consuming up to 7 apricot kernels per day is a completely reasonable amount of raw material sufficient to prevent the appearance and development of tumors.

      Traditional healers approve of their colleagues from traditional medicine in almost everything, but regarding the use they advise adhering to the following rules.

      • It is best to use kernels from wild trees as food.
      • Products are collected in environmentally friendly places and away from roads.
      • The seeds are destroyed immediately before consumption.
      • Only raw grains are eaten.
      • The lighter the color of the kernel, the more beneficial they are for the body.

      Calculation of the required amount of substance is made by a simple combination of weight per kernel (5 kg per grain). If unpleasant symptoms appear, it is necessary to reduce the number of kernels eaten. A prerequisite for taking it is to consume the kernels on an empty stomach, although some experts advise mixing the chopped nuts with a small amount of honey and washing the mixture down with cold water.

      Apricot kernels for cancer: reviews

      Patients cured with preparations made from apricot kernels, as well as those people who fought the disease on their own using apricot kernels as medicine, were amazed by their healing effectiveness. During the treatment of the disease, most patients experience the effects of various medications and their genuine joy when positive results are observed is quite understandable. There is official data on the use of drugs made on the basis of apricot kernels, and facts, as they say, are stubborn things - the positive effect in treating the disease is very high, within 70%.

      Most cancer patients form groups, sharing various knowledge. This is very valuable, because thanks to various reviews, many patients find truly useful and working advice. Judging by the reviews of former cancer patients, victory over the disease leaves some health-related problems, and most of them are in the form of complications on other organs of the body.

      There are also skeptics who claim that traditional medicine is practically powerless with its recipes in the fight against cancer, and all attempts to use anything that is not related to traditional treatment are complete nonsense. Everyone has the right to their opinion, but, again, facts are stubborn things, they are very difficult to refute.

    Apricots are a tasty and healthy fruit. Apricots deserve worthy attention on almost every table, but the popularity of apricot kernels is not so great. Despite this, apricot kernels, the benefits and harms of which are invaluable to human health, are practically natural medicines in the fight against numerous diseases.


    Thanks to their unique composition, apricot kernels occupy a worthy place in cooking and medicine. The benefits of apricot kernels are due to their chemical composition:

    Vitamins - A, B17, C, B12, PP;
    Mineral components - magnesium, phosphorus, sodium, calcium, potassium, iron.

    Vitamin B17 is particularly unique. It is quite rare to be found in any product. The main property of vitamin B17 is that it can suppress the activity of cancer cells in the body. Vitamin B17 contains a cyanide substance; when it enters the human body, the cyanide substance either heals cancer cells or suppresses their subsequent activity. It is thanks to this quality that apricot kernels against cancer are a sure and reliable remedy.

    When it enters the body, vitamin B17 is broken down into several simple substances, one of these components being glucose and hydrocyanic acid. If the human body is healthy, then it naturally produces a substance that neutralizes negative substances, so the acid of apricot kernels does not pose a threat to a healthy person.

    Useful qualities of apricot kernels

    Other properties of apricot kernels are no less valuable. Experts have proven that daily inclusion of apricot kernels in the menu (about 12 kernels for an adult) helps not only improve the quality of the body, but also heal a person from certain diseases.

    Calorie content of apricot kernels

    Many nutritionists do not recommend including the product in the menu for people who want to lose excess weight, since apricot kernels have a fairly high calorie content: per 100 grams. The product contains 450 kilocalories. Taking apricot kernels is indicated for those people who want to gain weight. The kernels of the seeds contain vegetable oils, which fill the body with additional energy.

    Application of apricot kernels

    The benefits of apricot kernels have a beneficial effect on all internal human organs. The uses of apricot kernels are varied:

    • In cooking, sweet dishes and stews are prepared using the product. Apricot kernel powder is added to salads, main and first courses as an aromatic spice;
    • In cosmetology, apricot kernels are a unique and useful product, so they have found their application in cosmetology. Based on the product, various drugs (ointments, creams, balms) are prepared, which are used to improve the health of skin and hair;
    • In medicine, treatment with apricot kernels is popular in alternative medicine. The product is not only therapeutic, but also a prophylactic agent in the fight against various ailments of the digestive tract and cardiovascular system.

    Urbech from apricot kernels

    The Dagestan dish - urbech made from apricot kernels, the benefits of which have been known for a long time, is a national medicinal product of natural origin.

    Urbech is prepared from the main base - apricot kernels, then butter and liquid honey are added to the product in the required proportions. The resulting mixture has miraculous properties:

    • resists the occurrence of colds;
    • takes care of the normal functioning of the digestive organs;
    • improves metabolism;
    • helps restore and regenerate damaged skin;
    • strengthens the immune system;
    • takes care of the favorable functioning of the heart and blood vessels;
    • copes with arthritis, osteoporosis and other joint diseases;
    • gives a person energy and additional vitality.

    The delicacy is especially useful for people who engage in heavy physical labor, as it gives confidence, strength, vigor and increased energy potential.

    The only contraindication to a sweet dish is that it is quite high in calories, so it can negatively affect your figure.

    Apricot kernel oil

    Popular in modern times, apricot kernel oil is prepared by squeezing apricot kernels. To prepare the oil, either cold pressing or solvent extraction is used. Oil prepared by cold pressing brings more benefits, since it does not contain additional chemical compounds in its composition that appear after exposure to extraction.

    Apricot kernel oil properties:

    • Emollient - the product perfectly takes care of the facial skin, providing a moisturizing and nourishing effect;
    • Anti-inflammatory - thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties, apricot kernel oil copes with external and internal inflammatory processes;
    • Anti-aging - the product has excellent anti-aging properties, resists the appearance of early and age-related wrinkles;
    • Antiseptic - external use of apricot kernel oil is used to treat infected wounds and various types of abrasions;
    • Antioxidant - the product saturates the skin with free radicals, which provides reliable protection against harmful factors.

    Applications of apricot kernel oil:

    • Apricot kernel oil for the face - the product is indicated for people who have sensitive skin. Apricot kernel oil does not irritate the skin; it has soothing, relaxing, moisturizing and stimulating properties. Massage with apricot kernel oil helps facial skin regain youth and health;
    • Apricot kernel oil for hair - the use of apricot kernel oil for dry hair is widely in demand. The product saturates curls with nutrients, eliminates increased dryness, fragility, and unhealthy appearance. The oil penetrates into the deep layers of each hair, saturating the strands with health and beauty;
    • Apricot kernel oil for the body - apricot kernel oil is used to treat and prevent various diseases; the product is indicated for eye diseases, heart failure, and joint diseases.

    Apricot kernel oil can be harmful to the human body due to the content of vitamin B17, which, when it enters the esophagus, turns into cyanide. This component negatively affects the activity and occurrence of cancer cells, but it can also have a negative effect on the human respiratory system. In acute respiratory failure in humans, cyanide can cause suffocation and death.

    Harm and contraindications of apricot kernels

    Experts believe that the harm of apricot kernels is small, but only if you do not get carried away with consuming this product. Children really like the taste of apricot kernels, but they should not eat more than 25 grams during the day. product. For adults, the maximum portion of the product is 50 g. per day.

    What other harms are there from apricot kernels?

    Vitamin B17, when ingested, turns into a toxic substance - cyanide. In small quantities, cyanide has a destructive effect on cancer cells, but in large proportions the substance can have a destructive effect on healthy cells of the body;
    Bitter apricot kernels indicate a high content of hydrocyanic acid, so eating such kernels is prohibited.

    An excellent fruit tree that produces a healthy harvest is the apricot. The benefits of the juicy fruit are double: having tasted the fruit itself, which is a storehouse of useful microelements, you can saturate your body with many useful vitamins contained in apricot kernels - the kernels. Apricot kernels, whose benefits and harms are multifaceted, will surprise you with their potential effects on the body.

    The kernels are not only nutritious, but also represent the seeds of the apricot tree itself.

    Nutrient content and uses of apricot kernels

    Apricot seeds are rich in substances that have a healing effect on health, produce a healing effect in many diseases, including those that are difficult to treat, and also serve to improve immunity in general.

    Fruit seeds, especially varieties characterized by low-juiciness pericarp (part of the plant fruit), contain the organic compounds amygdalin and hydrocyanic acid, known for their characteristic feature of effectively combating pathogenic microorganisms that cause various diseases and are inherently pathogenic microbes.

    The use of non-bitter varieties of apricot and its kernels

    Non-bitter varieties of the fruit tree make it possible to use the seeds as food instead of almonds; the seeds are also used to create milk, indispensable both in cosmetology and pharmacology, which is obtained by squeezing the kernel of the seeds.

    The kernel is also rich in oil content, called apricot oil, which in its entirety is very fatty; the chemical composition of the oil is similar to the structure of peach oil. For medicinal purposes, the oil is used in pharmacology as a substance capable of dissolving certain medicinal components, serves as the basis for liquid ointments, and in the creation of injection solutions.

    Due to the nutritional composition and fatty oil content, apricot kernels are actively used in cosmetology, as they allow the creation of dry skin care products, creams that have a rejuvenating effect and can provide nutrients to dry skin, as moisturizing face masks. Apricot kernels can contribute to the creation of effective hair care products that can take care of the condition of the hair and provide it with the necessary comprehensive care.

    Today we will talk about apricot kernels. If anyone doesn’t know yet, apricot kernels are very nutritious and even healthy. The shells of cultivated apricots are used to produce activated carbon, and the kernels can be eaten, because they contain more than 20% protein, about 40% fatty oil, and about 10% carbohydrates. We all know from childhood that only the sweet kernels of apricot kernels are edible, while wild apricots often “sin” by having up to 3% amygdalin in the kernels, which explains their bitter taste. Amygdalin (B17) is a compound from the group of cyanogenic glycosides; when it enters the body, it decomposes to release hydrocyanic acid. And although negligible amounts of it are released, we will not consider bitter seeds as a raw material for culinary recipes; let’s agree that we will not prepare anything from amygdalin. So, sweet apricot kernels....

    I admit honestly that when preparing dried apricots and apricot marshmallows, I always threw away the seeds. Until I read somewhere that shur-donak, a traditional dish of Uzbek and Tajik cuisine, is prepared from apricot kernels. Judging by the price of the ready-made delicacy offered for sale, it promised to be extraordinary and I decided to try it.
    The first option, when the bones had to be soaked in salt water, boiled, opened and dried, was not successful for me. In it you need to mix a glass of salt with two glasses of water, pour this solution over the seeds (2 glasses of peeled kernels) and leave for 2-3 hours. Then the bones soaked in saline solution are poured with 3-4 glasses of water and boiled until they burst. After this, the seeds need to be removed from the water, dried and eaten, splitting the seeds and removing the kernels from them. But... either the variety of apricots was “partisan”, or there was some other secret unspoken in the recipe, but after three hours of cooking (in three hours none of the bones opened), I still turned off the pits, chopped them with a hammer and .... tried it. The boiled bone was salty, but, in my opinion, not very tasty. In the end, I didn’t dry anything.
    The option of cooking the seeds in very hot salted ash (or sand), in which the bone should open on its own, turned out to be also unacceptable. So I tried a simplified version. Of course, it’s not a shur-donak, but it looks a lot like pistachios....
    So, the apricot pits extracted from them need to be dried.

    You can do this in the air, or you can do it in a dryer. When the seeds are dry, they need to be split and the kernels removed. Then coarse salt is heated in a frying pan (for 1 kilogram of kernels 120 grams of salt), the kernels are poured into it and fried in a dry frying pan until cooked.
    It turns out very tasty. Fried salted apricot kernels taste very much like pistachios, but you need to remember that this product should not be abused.

    Like grape seeds, apricot seeds have beneficial properties, therefore they are actively used in folk medicine and cosmetology. Infusions and oil are made from apricot kernels to treat various diseases. You will learn on this page how you can use apricot kernels in the treatment of colds, to improve immunity and to make medicinal masks.

    Apricot is one of the most common fruit crops in our country. China is considered the birthplace of these trees, where they were cultivated back in the 3rd-2nd millennia BC. e.

    Ancient Chinese healers were aware of the medicinal properties of apricots and apricot kernels: treatises dating back to the Ming Dynasty described recipes for preparing potions from the fruits of the tree and their kernels, which were used to heal various neuroses and intestinal atony.

    In Ancient Egypt, the powder obtained from apricot kernels was used to treat constipation, tonsillitis and laryngitis.

    Modern scientists have discovered in the kernels of apricot kernels, in addition to a large amount of vitamins and minerals, a special substance called vitamin B17. In turn, it contains a cyanide component, which, when entering the human body, has a destructive effect on damaged and cancer cells. In the absence of these, B17 is transformed into carbohydrate.

    The properties of apricot kernels are determined by their composition: the nucleoli contain substances that have a healing and anti-inflammatory effect on the organs of the urinary, respiratory and immune systems. Products prepared on their basis have mucolytic properties. The use of apricot kernels is recommended for people suffering from convulsions and attacks of hiccups.

    In traditional medicine, the use of apricot kernels is recommended for the following diseases:

    • cold;
    • flu;
    • bronchitis;
    • pneumonia;
    • laryngitis;
    • nephritis;
    • conjunctivitis;
    • decreased immunity.

    How to use apricot kernel infusion

    The composition of the infusion of apricot kernels, recommended for the treatment of diseases, includes vitamins (B1, B2, A, C, PP), rutin, isoquercitrin, quercetin, inulin, emulsin, starch, citric, malic and salicylic organic acids, arginine, amino acids, tyrosine, phenolic compounds and catechins. When consumed in large quantities, apricot kernel infusion has a toxic effect due to the amygdalin contained in them. When it reacts with the emulsin enzyme or gastric juice, it is destroyed and transformed into hydrocyanic acid and benzaldehyde, which can cause severe poisoning, sometimes fatal.

    If the dosage is strictly observed, the use of infusion of apricot kernels not only does not lead to sad consequences, but also helps to get rid of many diseases. Thus, in folk medicine, the properties of apricot kernels are successfully used to treat diseases of the respiratory tract, diseases of the nervous, urinary and cardiovascular systems, and the gastrointestinal tract.

    Traditional medicine recipes from apricot kernels


    Cooking method.

    Mode of application.

    The remedy prepared according to this recipe from apricot kernels is used to treat cramps and colds (internally), as well as conjunctivitis (externally).


    Cooking method.

    Mode of application.

    This remedy is used for rheumatic arthritis.


    Cooking method.

    Mode of application.

    The use of this apricot kernel recipe is recommended for bronchitis, tracheitis, pneumonia and laryngitis.

    Apricot kernel oil: beneficial properties and applications

    Apricot kernels contain a large amount of oil. Ancient Chinese healers knew how to receive it. Already at that time, the beneficial properties of apricot kernel oil were used for medicinal and cosmetic purposes. Apricot oil was expensive back then, and therefore few could purchase it.

    Today, apricot kernel oil is available to everyone. The healing properties of apricot kernel oil are used in traditional and folk medicine to treat various diseases: colds, flu, bronchitis, laryngitis, arthritis, arthrosis, and skin pathologies. In addition, the oil forms the basis of some medications (for example, Abrifida and Sulfozina). And in Korea, industrial production of highly purified apricot oil has been developed, intended specifically for the preparation of balm for hair care.

    Apricot oil, characterized by its delicate consistency, is recommended for use in the care of sensitive skin and during massage. The use of apricot kernel oil helps get rid of diaper rash, dermatitis and prickly heat.

    Apricot kernel oil can rightfully be called a storehouse of useful substances. It contains vitamins C, A, F and group B, as well as arachidic, palmitic, linolenic, stearic and oleic acids, magnesium, cobalt, potassium and phospholipids.

    In addition, it contains unsaturated fatty acids necessary to ensure the normal functioning of tissue cells of internal organs.

    Regular use of apricot kernel oil improves the condition of the skin, nails and hair, which is why it is widely used in cosmetology.

    In folk and official medicine, apricot oil is often prescribed for diseases and disorders such as:

    • avitaminosis;
    • cough;
    • bronchitis;
    • hiccups;
    • gastritis;
    • constipation;
    • allergy;
    • diabetes;
    • kidney stone disease;
    • rickets.

    This remedy is also indicated for nervous diseases and chronic stress, various pathologies of the cardiovascular and urinary systems, and the thyroid gland.

    Below you will learn how to use apricot kernel oil for medicinal and cosmetic purposes.

    How to use apricot kernel oil to treat diseases

    Apricot kernel oil

    Required: 5 ml apricot kernel oil.

    Cooking method. Heat the required amount of apricot kernel oil in a tablespoon and apply to a tampon.

    Mode of application. Use the product for applications, irrigation of the oropharynx and for oral administration, dividing the indicated dose by 2 times. Apricot oil is used externally for prickly heat, burns, open wounds, trophic ulcers, and also internally for hemorrhoids, for irrigation of the oropharynx for sore throats and colds.

    Apricot kernel oil with propolis

    Required: 50 ml apricot kernel oil, 2 g propolis.

    Cooking method. Grind the propolis and combine with apricot oil. Then place the mixture in a water bath, heat for several minutes, remove from the stove and strain while hot through a fine sieve or gauze folded in several layers.

    Mode of application. Use the resulting composition externally for compresses and applications, as well as internally, 10 ml 3 times a day before meals.

    This remedy is used externally for various wounds, ulcers and internally for diseases of the digestive tract and respiratory system, colds and flu.

    Oil obtained from apricot kernels helps get rid of stretch marks in the chest and abdomen, which often appear in women after pregnancy and childbirth.

    Apricot kernel oil with sandalwood and lavender oils

    Required: 10 ml apricot oil, 2 ml sandalwood oil, 2 ml lavender oil.

    Cooking method. Combine the above oils and mix well.

    Mode of application. Apply the resulting composition with rubbing movements to the affected area. Carry out the procedure daily. The course of treatment is 7-10 days.

    This remedy is used for arthritis, arthrosis and rheumatism.

    The use of apricot kernel oil in cosmetology: face masks

    In cosmetology, apricot kernel oil is most often used to improve the condition of facial skin.

    Apricot oil and banana mask

    Required: 5 ml apricot oil, 10 g banana.

    Cooking method. Mash the banana pulp with a fork into a paste, combine with apricot oil and mix well.

    Mode of application. Apply the mask to cleansed skin of the face and neck, avoiding the area around the eyes, leave for 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water. Carry out the procedure 2-3 times a week.

    This recipe from apricot kernels is used in cosmetology for aging and dry skin.

    Mask with apricot oil and potatoes

    Required: 5 ml apricot oil, 10 g potatoes.

    Cooking method. Peel the potatoes, wash thoroughly, dry with a napkin, grate on a fine grater and combine with apricot oil. Mix the composition well.

    Mode of application. Apply the mask to cleansed skin of the face and neck, hold for 15 minutes and then rinse with warm water or green tea. The procedure is carried out at intervals of 2-3 days.

    This mask with apricot kernel oil is suitable for normal skin.

    Mask with apricot oil, cottage cheese and rice

    Required: 5 ml apricot oil, 5 g rice, 10 g cottage cheese.

    Cooking method. To prepare a mask from apricot kernels, you need to mash the cottage cheese with a fork, then add butter and rice grains previously ground in a coffee grinder. Mix everything thoroughly.

    Mode of application. Apply the composition with rubbing movements onto cleansed skin of the face and neck, leave for 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water. Carry out the procedure 2 times a week.

    This apricot kernel oil face mask is suitable for cleansing any skin type.

    Each of us has known about apricots since childhood. Small juicy, aromatic fruits beckon with their sweet taste. Let's learn more about its beneficial qualities.


    This wonderful fruit can be consumed in several forms. These can be fresh fruits, boiled, baked, or in the form of dried fruits. In addition to these well-known methods, there is another one - apricot-based tincture. To prepare it, you can use the fruit itself, the seeds, or mix both ingredients.

    The universal method of using fruits will allow you to use their surplus, if available. Also, preparing tinctures will help preserve beneficial substances for a long time. You can take natural vitamins even in winter, when they are especially scarce.


    On apricot kernels

    Ingredients you will need:

    • apricot kernels – 200 g;
    • vodka – 1 l;
    • sugar – 100 g;
    • vanilla – 4-5 g.

    Cooking method:

    1. The peeled apricot kernels must be crushed.
    2. Then pour vodka over them and leave in the sun for 4-5 weeks.
    3. After this, the resulting tincture is filtered through gauze folded in several layers or a coffee paper filter.
    4. After straining add sugar and vanilla
    5. To ensure that the resulting tincture is not very strong, you can add sugar syrup instead of sugar.
    6. To prepare the syrup, boil 0.5 liters of water and dissolve 100 g of sugar. The resulting liquid is added to the drink and mixed well.
    7. Apricot kernel tincture is ready!

    On apricots and pits

    This is one of the very old, proven recipes. It's very easy to prepare. The result is an aromatic, pleasant-tasting, beautiful amber-colored tincture.

    Ingredients needed to prepare the tincture:

    • apricots – 1 kg;
    • vodka – 1 l;
    • cinnamon – 4-5 g;
    • cloves - 5 pieces;
    • sugar 250 g.

    Cooking sequence:

    1. Apricots must be washed, dried and pitted.
    2. The seed kernels are removed and finely chopped.
    3. The fruit pulp is cut into small pieces.
    4. The two resulting ingredients are placed in a jar, sugar, cinnamon and cloves are added.
    5. The resulting mixture is poured with vodka.
    6. The contents of the jar are covered with a lid and hidden in a dark place.
    7. After a month, you need to open the jar and first filter the resulting product through a sieve. Then through gauze or coffee paper 2-3 times and cork in bottles.
    8. Your tincture is ready!

    In addition to the above-mentioned recipes, essential oil is also prepared from apricot kernels. It tastes like peach or almond.


    The fruit has many beneficial properties. Among them are the following:

    • improves memory and brain activity;
    • is an excellent diuretic;
    • increases hemoglobin levels;
    • may have laxative and decongestant effects;
    • has antibacterial properties.

    Apricot kernels also contain many vitamins: A, B1, B2, B6, C, E. Vitamin A - cleanses blood vessels, makes the walls more elastic, and helps fight high cholesterol. Other useful components and minerals have a positive effect on the entire body as a whole. Strengthening both individual organs and their systems.


    Apricot kernels in the form of oil or tincture are used for coughs, laryngitis, bronchitis, tracheitis, bronchial asthma and other respiratory diseases. The oil can also be used for rubbing into the cuticle, nail plate, and hair ends. This will cause a healing effect.

    A tincture of pulp and/or apricot kernels is useful to take in small quantities for the following diseases:

    • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
    • kidney diseases;
    • constipation;
    • anemia.

    During times of increased mental stress, the use of apricot tinctures is also recommended. They are used as maintenance therapy in the treatment of oncological pathologies.
    The bactericidal properties of the pulp will prove excellent in the treatment of disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. You can also add a few drops of oil or tincture to face and hair masks. Such masks will be more nutritious and fortified.


    This wonderful fruit and its derivatives have some contraindications:

    1. It is not recommended to use tinctures on an empty stomach. This may cause digestive problems.
    2. If there are ulcers, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, accompanied by high acidity.
    3. Since tinctures contain a significant amount of sugar, they are not recommended for use by people with diabetes.
    4. With reduced thyroid function, the carotene present in apricots will not be absorbed. In this case, it is recommended to compensate for the deficiency of vitamin A by consuming it in its pure form.

    Having assessed all the advantages and noted the contraindications, we can safely say: tinctures of apricots and kernels are an excellent natural medicine!


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    Many of us do not consider apricot kernels as a nutritious or healthy product, so they are thrown away like garbage. Their kernels are a soft, nut-like mass with a rich composition and extensive health effects. Peeled apricot kernels have been used by various peoples for many centuries as medicinal and food raw materials. So, are apricot kernels good and bad?

    Apricot kernels: benefit or harm?

    Photo: apricot kernels

    Apricot kernels have wide prospects in various fields of application. In cooking, they can be added to confectionery products, consumed separately from other products, or made into jam. For medicinal purposes, nucleoli are used in the preparation of decoctions, ointments, creams, lotions and infusions. There are also known methods for their use in cosmetology. In addition, valuable oil with a pleasant taste and promising properties for medicine or cosmetology is obtained from apricot kernels.

    Composition and physical properties

    Apricot kernels contain a large amount of fatty acids, compounds of several minerals, organic acids and a number of both non-essential and essential amino acids.

    The presence of various fatty acids determines the energy value of the product. Organic acids and minerals provide a positive effect on the functioning of internal organs and metabolism.

    Nutritional value and mineral content (per 100 g):

    • calorie content - 520 kcal;
    • fats - 45.4 g;
    • proteins - 25 g;
    • carbohydrates - 2.8 g;
    • ash substances - 2.6 g;
    • water - 5.4 g;
    • magnesium - 196 mg;
    • potassium - 802 mg;
    • phosphorus - 461 mg;
    • sodium - 90 mg;
    • calcium - 93 mg;
    • iron - 7 mg.

    About 29% of the composition is occupied by oleic acid, which is one of the basic sources of energy and also supports the absorption of other lipids. Approximately 11% of the composition is linoleic acid. It plays an important role in maintaining healthy cholesterol levels, heart function, and has antioxidant properties.

    What are the benefits of apricot kernels for the body?

    The apricot kernel, as well as other nuts, is, first of all, a rich energy product, which contains a lot of proteins and fats. Moreover, fats are absorbed by the human body effectively, since they are enclosed in a light liquid form - oil. It contains the already mentioned oleination, linoleic, as well as linolenic, stearic, myristic and palmitic acids, which have a strong antioxidant effect. Unrefined oil also retains ascorbic acid, B vitamins, tocopherols, and provitamin A.

    Apricot kernels: benefits and harm to the body

    The product also contains significant proportions of phosphorus, magnesium and potassium. Enriching the diet with these elements helps the functioning of the brain, heart, kidneys, nervous and endocrine systems. High iron content suggests a positive effect in the form of normalizing hemoglobin levels and strengthening the circulatory system. The complex of mineral substances, in addition, has a disinfecting effect at the level of tissues and cells.

    In various methods of processing and use, apricot kernels have the following effects:

    Scientific studies of the composition of the nucleoli report the presence of vitamin B17 in their composition, characterized by a high proportion of cyanide. It is believed that this potentially toxic substance in moderate doses destroys cancer cells and does not harm healthy ones.

    Is it possible to eat apricot kernels?

    These kernels taste bitter, but not so bitter that they are impossible to eat. Consumption is not only not prohibited, but also useful. Regarding how many apricot kernels you can eat at a time or during the day, you should answer individually. For example, it is better not to give children more than 1-2 pieces to avoid rejection by the body. Adults can eat a little more, but you shouldn’t get too carried away.

    When asked whether pregnant women can have apricot kernels, doctors say that there is no direct contraindication, however, due to the specific composition and large quantities of some active components, it is not worth the risk - it is better to limit yourself to a “children’s” portion of up to 1-2 pieces per day.

    Another question that interests many is whether it is possible to eat apricot kernels from compote. Theoretically, after such processing, the concentration of potentially dangerous components in the kernels is reduced. However, this does not mean that you can forget about safety. A limit of a maximum of 8-10 seeds per day will be a good limit to avoid problems with well-being.

    Experts say that the risk of intoxication is high when consuming more than 40 grams of the product. It can be expressed in headache, difficulty breathing, convulsions, general weakness and drowsiness, fainting, nausea and stomach pain. If you have such symptoms, you need to drink the adsorbent substance you have on hand and go to the doctor (or call an ambulance).

    Medicinal properties

    In modern medical theory there is no detailed medicinal characteristics of the apricot kernel. Chemical and pharmaceutical production works with the oil of this product, which has a more understandable composition and predictable action. The nuclei themselves are mainly studied by folk medical practice:

    • decoctions and tinctures of apricot kernels are used against respiratory diseases;
    • when consuming oil and seed pulp, the condition of the cardiovascular system improves;
    • moderate consumption of oil stabilizes intestinal function, relieving constipation and alleviating hemorrhoids;
    • soft and light texture protects the walls of the digestive organs from aggressive influences, which is useful for ulcers and gastritis;
    • It is believed that when consumed in various dosage forms, apricot kernels have a preventive and therapeutic effect against cancer;
    • practically experience shows that eating a small amount of raw kernels helps in the fight against helminths;
    • Traditional medicine suggests brewing the seeds as tea to prevent bronchitis, dysbacteriosis, vitamin deficiency, nephritis, flatulence and whooping cough.

    In folk medicine

    In alternative medical practice, treatment with apricot kernels primarily implies anti-cancer therapy. Among many peoples who grow or collect the fruits of this tree, it is believed that the nucleoli have an inhibitory effect on the tumor. This assumption is even supported by some scientists, although the world medical community has not yet officially spoken out on this matter.

    Beneficial properties of apricot kernels

    Experts assume the effectiveness of the product based on data on the presence of amygdalin. Also known as vitamin B17, this plant-derived substance is considered one of the most effective agents in oncology. It is used in chemotherapy and is available in medicinal form under the name Laetrile. The destructive effect on cancer cells is provided by the action of cyanide. Its content in the nucleoli is moderate, and therefore does not cause poisoning when eaten in small volumes.

    Traditional recipes for use:

    • When coughing, it is recommended to take 1 tbsp. per day until then to soften and speed up the removal of sputum. Use until relief occurs.
    • When raw kernels are consumed in an amount of no more than 10 pieces per day, an anthelmintic effect is achieved.
    • To rub the feet with wrapping, use a tincture of 0.5 liters of vodka and a glass of kernels. Infusion time - 3 weeks.
    • Traditional medicine suggests taking a spoonful of ashes from the shell of the nucleoli burnt in a frying pan every day on an empty stomach to cleanse the blood and strengthen blood vessels.
    • To improve overall well-being, gain strength, boost immunity and improve health, it is recommended to drink apricot milk. It is prepared by infusing 200 g of seeds in 600 ml of water at room temperature and then blending with a blender (it is better to replace the water after infusion).

    In addition, eating kernels in moderation is considered beneficial for anemia, liver cirrhosis, digestive disorders, and kidney diseases.

    Apricot kernels in cosmetology

    Apricot pulp has extensive beneficial properties for women, expressed in both nutritional and medicinal components. In the case of seeds, the greatest value for the fair half of humanity is the oil squeezed from the kernels. The high content of healthy fatty acids helps maintain elasticity, healthy appearance and good immunity of the skin of the hands, face and whole body. The product also has a positive effect on hair and nails. You can find out in what proportions and with what ingredients apricot kernel oil is used for the face, nails or hair in a separate article about the beneficial properties of apricot oil.

    Due to the fact that raw materials are rarely at hand, the seeds themselves are not often used in cosmetics. An example of industrial use is a cleansing scrub with apricot kernels from the Clean Line brand. The product has been on the market for several years, has many fans and continues to receive positive reviews.

    Apricot kernel oil

    This product is a translucent oily liquid with a slightly viscous structure, which is obtained by cold, hot pressing or extraction from apricot fruit kernels. In an unrefined form, the oil retains fatty acids, phenolic substances, and minor inclusions of minerals and vitamins. When cold pressing the raw materials, only 30-40% of the total volume of the product is obtained. The resulting oil is the most valuable in terms of useful components. Further processing involves hot pressing and extraction using solvents, but the final product has poorer consumer qualities.

    Apricot kernel oil

    Apricot kernel oil is pale yellow or colorless. The aroma, depending on the plant variety, place of growth and processing technology, may have apricot, vanilla and nutty notes.

    Apricot kernel oil is used in the cosmetics industry and in cooking.

    Apricot kernels: benefits and harms: in cooking

    On the question of whether apricot kernels are eaten, many decided in childhood, when they enthusiastically separated their hard shell and ate the softer kernels. This type of use is acceptable, the main thing is not to abuse it. The daily limit for children is 25 grams of the product, and for adults - 50 grams.

    Today, both in home and industrial cooking, apricot kernels are used to produce products added to confectionery, baked goods, cookies, sweet desserts, ice cream, etc. Apricot oil is rarely used in salad dressings.

    At home, the seeds are often ground and added to preserves, compotes, jams and other dishes.

    Urbech with apricot kernels

    Urbech made from apricot kernels is one of the variants of the original Dagestan dish, which is prepared by grinding nuts and seeds of different plants (the hard peel is first removed and only the soft kernels are processed). Despite the high fat content in the kernels, honey and butter are added to the base ingredient to make the taste more delicate and vibrant. Due to the fact that the chosen cooking method keeps all the beneficial substances intact, urbech made from apricot kernels has the following beneficial properties:

    • normalizes metabolism;
    • strengthens blood vessels and makes the work of the heart more uniform (removes moments of wear and tear);
    • neutralizes the harmful effects of stress on internal organs and systems;
    • fills with energy and vigor;
    • stimulates the immune system;
    • makes the gastrointestinal tract more efficient and harmonious;
    • helps in the treatment of osteoporosis, arthritis and other joint diseases;
    • supports the prevention of acute respiratory viral infections and viral infections.

    The popularity of urbech in Dagestan cuisine is one of the beneficial factors contributing to high life expectancy. Despite a lot of physical work, mountaineers maintain clarity of mind, good spirits and energy. This is an excellent product for men who are engaged in heavy physical labor.

    Contraindications to the use of urbech: intolerance to the ingredients, difficulty in the gastrointestinal tract.

    Apricots for jam and pits - together or apart?

    As to whether it is possible to add apricot kernels to jam, it is difficult to speak unambiguously. Firstly, it depends on personal preference. Secondly, even if you decide to add them to a treat, you need to know when to stop. It is worth remembering that the kernels contain a certain amount of potent substances, a high concentration of which can turn benefit into harm. It’s easy to stay within reason - if the number of seeds matches the number of fruits, nothing bad will happen. Jam with seeds is no different in taste from seedless jam. Naturally, before adding to the total mass, the seeds must be removed from the hard outer shell, leaving only the soft inner nucleoli. Apricot jam with pits is recommended to be eaten within the first year after rolling.

    Dona shurak

    Dona shurak is a delicacy widespread in Uzbekistan, salted apricot kernels. Uzbeks claim that neither peanuts nor any other nuts can be compared with this delicacy. First, the bones, still in a hard shell, are boiled in hot salty water, and then fried for 20 minutes in ash or hot sand. According to some recipes, the kernels are then sprinkled with chalk to apply a white coating. The process of eating is reminiscent of eating oysters - first (along the crack made before scalding) the nut must be cracked, and only then the salted kernel must be extracted.

    Shelf life and storage

    Are apricot kernels good or bad?

    You can store the nucleoli either in purified form or in a hard shell. The last option is a priority if long-term storage is planned - natural protection will better preserve the beneficial properties of the product. The seeds must be dried and poured into a glass, wooden or metal container into which air, sunlight, dust and pests do not penetrate.

    The recommended storage period is no more than 1 year. The fact is that over time, fatty and organic acids in the seeds are oxidized, and the concentration of hydrocyanic acid also increases. An expired product is easily identified by its bitter taste.


    Doctors and nutritionists agree that moderate consumption of apricot kernels, in most cases, is not harmful to health. The exception is cases associated with individual intolerance or the presence of problems that complicate the absorption and processing of the product (disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, instability of the endocrine system, etc.).

    Doctors strongly advise pregnant girls, as well as those with diabetes, chronic and acute diseases of the liver, and thyroid gland not to test their body’s strength.

    Apricot valued for the high potassium content in its juicy pulp. In addition, the seeds also have value. Inside, the nucleolus contains unsaturated fatty acids, which are needed to strengthen the walls of blood vessels. Therefore, they are recommended for people with heart problems.

    For therapeutic and prophylactic purposes, you need to take only 3-5 raw kernels before bedtime (no more than 1-2 months). Positive changes in health status will lead to discontinuation of medications. I was convinced of this myself.

    One day, while working at a summer cottage, I felt pain in my heart. There were no suitable medications in the medicine cabinet, but there were apricots on the table. My husband pulled out 12 kernels from the seeds and gave them to me to eat. After 15 minutes I felt better, and after waiting another half hour, I returned to my dacha duties, full of strength.

    Kernels from tinted apricot kernels are used in folk medicine, as they improve health in respiratory diseases (bronchitis, tracheitis, whooping cough).

    In their practice, traditional healers often use an infusion prepared from apricot kernels. Due to its fairly high content of nutrients, it has a general strengthening effect on the body and replenishes the lack of vitamins and minerals.

    When consuming infusions prepared from crushed apricot kernels, you must strictly adhere to the dosage. Otherwise, severe poisoning is possible.

    Treatment with apricot kernels

    Infusion of crushed apricot kernels

    Required: 10 g apricot kernels, 100 ml water.

    Cooking method. Crush the apricot kernels into fine crumbs, pour boiling water over them and keep for 3-4 hours at room temperature, then strain.

    Mode of application. Drink 50 ml infusion 3 times a day. Apply the composition externally as eye lotions. Carry out the procedure 3-4 times a day.

    The product prepared according to this recipe is used to treat cramps and colds (internally), as well as conjunctivitis (externally).

    Infusion of apricot kernels with spruce needles

    Required: 200 g apricot kernels, 500 g spruce needles, 3 liters of water.

    Cooking method. Crush the apricot kernels into coarse crumbs, mix with chopped spruce needles, pour boiling water over them and leave for 30 minutes. Strain the finished infusion through a fine sieve.

    Mode of application. Use the resulting product for baths, immersing your limbs in them. Carry out the procedure 1-2 times a day. The course of treatment should be at least 5 days.

    This product is used with rheumatic arthritis.

    Infusion of apricot kernels with medicinal herbs

    Required: 20 g of apricot kernels, 10 g of horsetail herb, 10 g of wild rosemary shoots, 10 g of knotweed herb, 10 g of celandine herb, 10 g of thyme herb, 200 ml of water.

    Cooking method. Combine dried and ground into fine powder horsetail, knotweed, celandine and thyme herbs. Add crushed wild rosemary shoots and crushed apricot kernels to the resulting mixture. Mix everything well. Pour 10 g of the resulting mixture with boiling water, keep at room temperature for 30 minutes and then strain through a fine sieve.

    Mode of application. Drink the resulting infusion 50 ml 3 times a day.

    The use of this apricot kernel recipe is recommended for bronchitis, tracheitis, pneumonia and laryngitis.

    Crushed apricot kernels in small quantities can be added to various confectionery products and desserts - ice cream, creams, glazes - to impart a special aroma and taste.


    Apricot kernels cannot be taken in more than the indicated doses - there will be severe poisoning!

    It is advisable to refuse treatment for certain liver diseases and pancreatitis.

    Apricot is a unique fruit in taste and health benefits, its popularity among adults and children is understandable: juicy, fragrant, with delicate sweet flesh, it is not only pleasant to eat, but it is also very good for health. Residents of Central Asia especially highlight the value of this fruit, since not only the apricot pulp is used in various variations, the apricot kernel itself is a storehouse of useful vitamins and substances that are successfully used in cosmetology and medicine. Science does not deny the fact that not all the features of the apricot kernel have been fully studied, therefore medical and cosmetology research centers are constantly working in search of new properties of this substance.

    Apricot kernels: what are they?

    The apricot kernel is similar in design to plum and peach kernels; many, after eating this fruit, throw them away as unnecessary, not suspecting that the oil contained in the kernel has special healing properties.

    Chinese healers first drew attention to the properties of oil to heal joints and skin diseases. Only members of the emperor's family had the opportunity to use the product for healing procedures, this is explained by the labor-intensive process of removing valuable substances from the kernel of the fruit. The amazing healing effect forced the development of technology for extracting healthy oils in a more accessible and simplified version; today this is well-established production in many medical and cosmetic centers in European countries.

    Apricot kernels: benefits

    Apricot kernels contain substances that have unique healing properties. What is the notorious uniqueness of the substances that are present in the core?

    A substance that prevents biological aging of the body, namely tocopherol, significantly inhibits the process. There are also saturated and unsaturated fatty acids: oleic, linoleic and palmitic. But it is linoleic acid that helps in weight loss. The first studies in Norway yielded amazing results: a group of people taking drugs with the addition of a set of fatty acids exceeded the percentage of weight loss, compared to a group that did sports exercises for an hour and a half every day.

    What other value do apricot kernels have? Their benefits are very great, since the core composition contains rare vitamins: PP, B 17, F, phospholipids, magnesium and potassium salts, calcium, phosphorus, iron, sodium. Vitamin B17 is unique and very rare; its benefits on the effects of cells in the human body are invaluable.

    Apricot kernels against incurable diseases

    Vitamin B17 contains cyanide, which is known to be harmful to the human body in large doses, but the amount that an apricot kernel contains, if the dosage is calculated correctly, when ingested into the body, heals cells affected by cancer. When the substance enters healthy cells, cyanide is simply converted into carbohydrate, which, in turn, causes absolutely no harm. Essentially, it is a natural chemotherapy that kills and destroys cancer-infected cells.

    What other diseases can apricot kernels cure?

    Probably few people know, but apricot kernels also cure other diseases. Bronchitis, whooping cough, nephritis, diseases of the cardiovascular system - all these diseases can be cured by apricot kernels. By taking crushed raw seed kernels, you can get rid of worms with high effect.

    Gaining weight with apricot kernels

    The calorie content of apricot kernels is very high; people who, for a number of reasons, have decided to gain the weight they need, can include apricot kernels in their diet. The high content of oils with a quickly absorbed effect promotes weight gain. There is a category of athletes who use this product to improve performance.

    Cooking and apricot kernels

    Dried or roasted apricot kernels are used by chefs in the production of milk and yoghurt products, butter creams, ice cream, various fillings and caramels. Some types of apricots contain about 70% oils and at the same time have sufficient sweetness; it is these properties that make it possible to replace the more expensive ingredient - almonds. The specific taste and smell make it possible to use apricot kernels for the production of glazes and syrups, which are used in the manufacture of cakes and pastries.

    Cosmetology: application features

    Cosmetologists have long used the healing properties of seeds in the manufacture of a number of preparations and creams that are used during massage sessions. The material is also used in the manufacture of shampoos, the task of which is to eliminate dandruff and strengthen hair.

    The oil contained in the kernel of the seed has healing properties, so its use in special creams and balms is understandable. Cosmetics manufacturers often use apricot oil in the form of additives in expensive products for caring for the skin of the body, face and hands. All kinds of scrubs, lotions and creams are proof of this.

    Apricot kernels: harm

    When eating apricot kernels, you need to remember that this is a substance that has a high percentage of amygdalin, which in high concentrations is harmful to the body. The daily dose of kernels for an adult should not exceed more than 20 pieces, and for children, respectively, 10. The concepts of benefit and harm have blurred boundaries, there is no need to tempt fate by experimenting on your body.

    Apricot kernels: how to cook correctly

    Do not rush to throw away apricot seeds after eating the pulp of the fruit, just collect them and store them in a dry place. When a sufficient number of seeds have been collected, they can be boiled for further use, since the presence of valuable vitamins and substances does not allow them to simply be thrown into the trash.

    How to cook apricot kernels? You need to add salt to the water where the seeds were previously placed, let it sit for a while and then cook. Once the seeds begin to open on their own, the cooking process can be stopped. Further, the seeds can be used for your own purposes at your discretion: using them as food additives in baked goods, cakes, and finished products. Apricot kernels are added when preparing apricot jam, the taste of which is distinctive. It is important to remember that you need to use apricot kernels in moderation, then there will be maximum benefits.

    Recipes that use apricot kernels

    How else can you use apricot kernels? Not many people know the recipes for their preparation. It must be remembered that this is a high-calorie product, so cooks remember the golden rule in using ready-made kernels: too much can have undesirable results. There are many recipes where apricot kernels add irresistible flavor.

    In just half an hour you can prepare a very tasty plum biscuit with nuts. The name alone evokes an appetite, and if you consider that preparation and cooking will not take much time, the desire to try cooking the dish will only increase.

    Butter, water, flour, sugar, salt, chicken egg, walnuts, plums and apricot kernels - that's all you need to make the dish. For 200 g of salted flour (1 pinch), add 100 g of butter, which is best kept in the refrigerator, and then simply cut it. Add ice water (50 ml), place the dough in a bag and put it in the refrigerator. Place the apricot kernels and walnuts, already toasted and chopped, separately and sprinkle them over the cakes. Beat one egg with 100 g of sugar until fluffy. The dough, which was previously kept in the cold, is rolled out, and starting from the middle, a thin layer is sprinkled with a mixture of nuts. Plums are placed in the very center. The formation of the biscuits is completed by folding the edges, pouring the beaten egg over the plums and baking the whole thing until golden brown at 180ºC in the oven. An excellent tea party is guaranteed.
