Cats with short legs: breeds. Munchkin - a cat with short legs What is the name of a breed with short legs

Munchkins got their name in honor of the fairy-tale little people from the children's book by Lyman Frank Baum, "The Wonderful Wizard of Oz", whose representatives were distinguished by their cheerful disposition, sociability and friendliness.

Funny animals with short legs have another unusual feature - unlike other representatives of the cat family, dachshund cats, if they want to look at something, do not stand on their hind limbs, as their relatives do, but sit comfortably on their hips, using their tail as a reliable support for maintaining balance. This comical position in addition to the short front legs hanging along the body completes their funny image, which bears a striking resemblance to a kangaroo. They can stay in such a funny pose for quite a long time, which is bound to touch them and attract everyone’s attention.

The first mentions of munchkins date back to the 30s. 20th century - during this period, reports of unusual short-legged animals appeared in different parts of Europe. In Germany, they were given the name kangaroo cat, thanks to their habit of inspecting their possessions while sitting in a “column”. In 1944, British veterinarians documented four generations of healthy, short-legged animals that were exactly like regular cats except for the length of their limbs. The Second World War dealt a serious blow to this line, but in the 1950s. shortlegged were seen in Russia, and in the 1970s - in the USA. Russian munchkins have received the nickname "Stalingrad kangaroo cats."

The modern history of the breed dates back to 1983, when a music teacher from the town of Rayville, Louisiana (USA), Sandra Hochenedel, found two pregnant cats under an old truck. The woman took one of them into her care and named her Blackberry. She attributed the non-standard length of her legs to hard street life and the consequences of illness. Imagine Sandra's surprise when Brambleberry's offspring inherited their mother's unique trait. As it turned out, the found cat was a carrier of a natural mutation that made it possible, when crossed with normal animals, to produce kittens with shortened limbs. Sandra gave one of the newborn cubs, a boy named Toulouse, to her close friend, and soon he gave birth to a large offspring of short-legged animals. It was these representatives of the Munchkins who gave birth to a new breed, which is still developing all over the world to this day.

American scientists, interested in the characteristics of unusual cats, began studying the offspring of Blackberry. They determined that the short legs of these animals have absolutely no effect on their health, in particular on the mobility of the spine, limbs and joints, which is characteristic of dog breeds with short legs, such as corgis and dachshunds.

Munchkins were introduced to the general public - felinologists and other cat lovers - in 1991 at the TICA show in Madison Square Garden. Then critics greeted the breed without much enthusiasm, complaining about the possible occurrence of health problems. Throughout the history of their development, cats with short legs have regularly been criticized by various experts.

In 1993, munchkins set foot on European lands, namely France. Around the same period, they appeared in Japan, where for several years they held the status of one of the most popular breeds of domestic cats. In 1995, the International Cat Fanciers Association recognized the Longhaired Munchkin, and at the same time their first standard was developed.

Dachshund cats appeared in Russia in 2001. Their first registered representative was a beautiful semi-longhair cat named Mimi Mee Pocket Herkules, who arrived at the Alexander-Fred cattery from South Africa. From the very first exhibitions, he attracted a lot of attention, and after a while he became the founder of the “Chapter Zero” nursery.

In 2014, a munchkin named Lilieput from Napa, California, was included in the Guinness Book of Records. as the shortest cat in the world. His height at the withers is 13.34 cm.

The birth of cats with short legs depends on the presence of the dominant achondroplasia gene in their genotype, and if one of the parents was a carrier of this gene, then short-legged babies will certainly appear among the offspring. Despite the gene mutation, munchkins retained the characteristics of their long-legged counterparts - their spine is flexible and has a similar shape, and the length of their legs did not in any way affect their mobility and ability to survive.

Munchkins are medium-sized cats, males weigh 3-4 kg, females - 2-4 kg. Their body is elongated, wide, with a rounded chest and well-developed muscles. The neck is thick and muscular. The head, proportional to the body, has a wedge shape with rounded contours, the muzzle and nose are of medium length. There is an easy transition from the flat forehead to the nose. Munchkins' almond-shaped eyes are widely spaced and can be medium or large in size. Medium or large ears are slightly rounded at the tips, proportional to the head, wider at the base. The presence of tassels on the ears is permissible only in long-haired animals. The tail is not too thick, tapers towards the end, and is positioned vertically when moving. The legs are short, the hind limbs may be longer than the forelimbs, which creates a slight slope from the sacrum to the shoulders.

There are two types of cats of this breed: short-haired and long-haired. Representatives of the first type have plush fur of medium length, while the latter have semi-long, silky hair. The colors of munchkins can be very diverse - all possible combinations are allowed. The most common colors in short-haired cats are variations of Siamese colors (minky, selia, color-point) and all types of patterned colors. Long-haired representatives are rarer, but elegant silver, smoky and bicolor colors are popular among them.

Cats of this breed can be praised endlessly - they have a wonderful character: intelligent, sociable, good-natured, cheerful, inquisitive, playful, affectionate, completely people-oriented. At the same time, they are self-sufficient, endowed with high intelligence, strong in spirit and able to stand up for themselves. They easily get along with cats and any other pets, without being embarrassed by their small stature.

Munchkins are incredibly curious animals, constantly wanting to get the maximum amount of information about an object that interests them. They are calm and balanced, it is almost impossible to get them angry. The kindness, calmness and tenderness hovering around these cute short-legged creatures always charges the atmosphere with positive energy.

Loving dachshund cats are not characterized by bright manifestations of aggression, but if necessary, the animals are able to defend their honor in a duel with yard cats. Thanks to their inherent mobility, munchkins lead their opponents into a dead end, because... It is extremely difficult for him to predict the next step and speed of an agile opponent.

Loyal munchkins love their owner more and more every day; they are always happy to make contact with him, sharing his mood, habits and character. New acquaintances and unfamiliar places are not a problem for these open-world animals, so they will become wonderful companions for people whose lives are filled with travel and relocation. Cats with short legs enjoy playing with toys and taking part in children's activities, even if it is burying in the sand, swaddling or riding in toy cars.

Despite the short length of their limbs, munchkins are agile, active and flexible cats. The short-legged animals are perfectly oriented in space and run quite quickly, moving their paws funny, like hedgehogs. They are able to climb onto low sofas, chairs, tables and beds, as well as conquer curtains and trees, deftly and quickly, like ordinary cats. The movements of munchkins while jumping, running and conquering heights look harmonious and beautiful, reminiscent of the movements of a weasel or a mongoose. However, they cannot jump as high as their long-legged relatives can, but they will quickly think of an alternative route to the goal that lies through lower objects. Another funny feature of Munchkin dachshund cats is their tendency to take and hide small things they like in their “stash”.

Caring for representatives of this breed involves a standard set of procedures necessary for the well-being of the cat. A Munchkin with short hair only needs to be brushed once a week to remove dead hair. It is advisable to comb individuals with long hair more often - 2-3 times a week. Munchkins do not like water treatments, however, they should be carried out several times a year as the animal becomes dirty, using special shampoos for cats. The pet's eyes should be regularly wiped with a paper napkin or cotton pad soaked in tea leaves or plain water. The ears also need care - they need to be cleaned once a month with a piece of cotton wool or a cotton swab. Every two weeks it is recommended to trim your pet's claws. This procedure should be carried out using special forceps. In addition, it is advisable to have two scratching posts in the house - a floor-mounted one and a wall-mounted one.

Cats of this breed need personal space - they often create their own kind of nests where they can retire and feel safe. Therefore, the owner is recommended to allocate a special place for his pet and place a basket or house there.

Munchkins love to spend their leisure time playing with a variety of toys. They prefer small objects for games in the form of balls or mice, which they can catch and proudly carry in their teeth, like some kind of trophy. Perky dachshund cats will be happy to start having fun, both with paper candy wrappers and with special educational toys. Munchkins easily get used to a leash and happily walk outside with their beloved owner.

Like all pets, cats of this breed need proper nutrition, be it artificial or natural food. The basis of the diet for natural feeding is lean meat, white sea fish, cereals, vegetables, offal; for specialized feeding, it is premium and super-premium dry food. You should know that munchkins love to eat, which is why it is important to control the amount of food your pet eats in order to avoid obesity. Dachshund cats are not picky when it comes to food; the main thing is that the diet is balanced and includes all the important vitamins and microelements necessary for the proper development of the animal.

The cost of Munchkin kittens can vary from 10 to 30 thousand rubles.

Munchkin cats are distinguished by their very short legs, which developed as a result of a natural mutation. Moreover, their body and head are the same proportions as those of ordinary cats. There has been a lot of controversy surrounding the breed, as many believe that these cats are “defective”.

In fact, they are healthy and happy animals that have no health problems due to short legs like some dog breeds. Munchkins are not only healthy cats, they also love to run, jump, climb and play just like other breeds. Plus, they are very sweet and love people.

History of the breed

Cats with short legs have been documented since 1940. A British veterinarian reported in 1944 that he had observed four generations of short-legged cats that were similar to normal cats except for the length of their limbs.

This line disappeared during World War II, but there were reports of similar cats in America and the USSR. Cats in the USSR were even observed by scientists, and were called “Stalingrad kangaroos”

In 1983, Sandra Hochenedel, a music teacher from Louisiana, was driving home when she saw two pregnant cats that had been chased under a truck by a bulldog.

Having driven the dog away, she saw that one of the cats had short legs, and, feeling sorry for it, took it with her. She named the cat Blackberry and fell in love with it.

What a surprise it was when half of the kittens she gave birth also had short legs. Hochenedel gave one of the kittens to her friend Kay LaFrance, who named her Toulouse. It was from Ezheviki and Toulouse that the modern descendants of the breed came.

Toulouse grew up free and spent a lot of time outside, so soon a population of cats with short legs began to appear in the area. Thinking it was a new breed, Hochenedel and LaFrance contacted Dr. Solveig Pflueger, a judge at TICA.

He conducted research and made a verdict: the cat breed appeared as a result of a natural mutation, the gene responsible for the length of the paws is recessive and the breed does not have the back problems that dogs with short paws have.

Munchkins were first introduced to the public in 1991, at a national cat show held by TICA (The International Cat Association) in Madison Square Garden. Critical fanciers immediately branded the breed as unviable, as it would have health problems. After much debate, in 1994, TICA included munchkins in the program for the development of new breeds. But even here there was a scandal, as one of the judges protested, calling the breed a violation of the ethics of felinologists. Munchkins received champion status at TICA only in May 2003.

In addition to TICA, the breed is also recognized by AACE (The American Association of Cat Enthusiasts), UFO (United Feline Organization), Southern Africa Cat Council and the Australian Waratah National Cat Alliance.

Several organizations still do not register the breed. Among them: Fédération Internationale Féline (reason: genetically ill), Governing Council of the Cat Fancy and Cat Fanciers’ Association.

In 2014, a cat named Liliput was included in the Guinness Book of Records as the smallest in the world. Height is only 5.25 inches or 13.34 centimeters.

Like many new breeds, munchkins met resistance and hatred that continues to this day. The debate over the breed is especially intense because it raises questions of morality. Is it worth breeding a breed that is deformed as a result of mutation?

However, they forget that the mutation was natural and not created by man.

Fans say that these cats do not suffer at all from their unique paws and cite the example of the jaguarundi, a wild cat with a long body and short legs.


Munchkins are similar to regular cats in everything except the length of their paws. The body is medium in size, with a wide chest, oblong. The bone structure is well defined, the animals are muscular and strong.

Mature cats weigh from 3 to 4.5 kg, females up to 2.5-3 kg. Life expectancy is 12-13 years.

The legs are short, with the hind legs slightly longer than the front ones. The tail is of medium thickness, often as long as the body, with a rounded tip.

The head is broad, shaped like a modified wedge, with smooth contours and high cheekbones. The neck is medium length, thick. The ears are medium in size, wide at the base, slightly rounded at the tips, located at the edges of the head, closer to the top of the head.

The eyes are medium-sized, hazel-shaped, placed quite widely and at a slight angle to the base of the ears.

There are both short-haired and long-haired. Long-haired Munchkins have a silky coat, with a small undercoat and a mane on the neck. Thick fur grows from the ears, and the tail is heavily plumed.

Shorthairs have a plush, soft coat of medium length. Cats can be of any color, including point ones.

Crossing with other breeds of short-haired and long-haired cats is allowed. Kittens with long legs resulting from such crosses are not allowed to show, but can be used in the development of the breed if they have interesting colors.

Since the breed is still very young and is constantly crossed with cats of other breeds, the coloring, shape of the head and body, even character, can vary greatly.

It will be years before specific standards are developed for the breed, similar to those that exist for other breeds.


The character is different, since the gene pool is still wide and purebred and ordinary cats are used. These are affectionate cats, sweet cats.

Munchkin kittens are friendly, sweet, and love people, especially children. This is a great choice for large families, as munchkins remain playful kittens throughout their lives. Its appearance and habit of rising on its hind legs to look at the world around will not leave anyone indifferent. They are curious and rise on their hind legs in order to examine something.

Despite their short legs, munchkins run and jump just like regular cats. These are normal, healthy cats, with a peculiarity in the length of their paws. Yes, they won’t jump from the floor to the closet in one jump, but they compensate for this with their energy and activity, so much so that you will only be amazed.

They can even catch mice, but you shouldn't keep them outside the house. There is a risk of losing, because these koloboks attract the eyes of different people.

Munchkin cats that not everyone gets to meet, but if you fall in love with her, you will never be able to stop loving her.

Completely unaware that they are different from their long-legged relatives, they live and rejoice, remaining funny, curious, and cheerful.


Munchkins do not need special care; it is enough to comb their coat twice a week, for short-haired cats and one.

The remaining procedures are standard for all breeds: ear cleaning and nail trimming.


They do not suffer from any special diseases, which is due to the youth of the breed and the wide variety of cats taking part in its formation.

Some veterinarians are concerned about the spine of these cats, more specifically lordosis, which in severe cases can affect the cat's heart and lungs.

But to find out whether they suffer from excessive lordosis, a lot more research needs to be done, since the breed is still young. Most fanciers deny such problems in their pets.

There is also a suspicion that the gene responsible for short legs could be fatal when inherited from two parents at once. Such kittens die in the womb and then dissolve, although this has not yet been confirmed by tests. But, this feature is definitely found in cat breeds and, however, is caused there by the gene responsible for taillessness. Scientists hope to track the process to develop lines of cats prone to the disease.

Partly because of their uniqueness, partly because of their popularity, munchkin kittens are in great demand. Usually there is a queue for them in nurseries. Although they are not that rare or expensive; if you are flexible in matters of color, color, gender, then the queue will be significantly shorter.

The problem when breeding munchkins remains the question of what to do with kittens that have normal paws.

Take a look:

Since ancient times, it has been common for people to have pets in their homes, among which cats have a place of honor. These animals are so diverse that you can choose one with any external features. For example, cat breeds with short legs.


This breed of short-legged cats is not common and little known in our country. Its origins lie in 1983, when a woman in the United States picked up a stray cat with short legs. Imagine her surprise when the kittens born to her inherited their mother’s peculiarity. At the same time, the kittens were healthy and active.

It turns out that Munchkins appeared not thanks to the purposeful work of breeders, but naturally. A special mutation gene, which distinguishes the length of the legs, provided short limbs to all subsequent generations of the breed. Since this gene turned out to be dominant, when crossing Munchkins with other breeds with long legs, most kittens were born with short legs. Therefore, all other cat breeds with this feature came from mating with.

Considering the length of the limbs, munchkins are divided into three varieties:

  • Dwarf;
  • Standard;
  • Ultra short.

It happens that kittens with standard leg length are born in a litter, but they are still carriers of the short-legged gene and their offspring will also be purebred and have short legs.


This short-legged cat was created by crossing the Muncchin and Sphynx breeds. The result was extraordinary - she inherited the bald gene from the Sphinx and short legs from the Munchkin. Despite this genetic mix, bambinos are in fairly good health. These dwarf cats have strong immunity, developed muscles and a strong skeleton. In addition, they are active, loyal to their owner and amenable to training.

They love to play at the age of a kitten and when they grow up they do not lose this childish spontaneity. Their short legs do not interfere at all with rushing around the house at breakneck speed for their favorite toy. These cats are so kind to their owner that they do not tolerate loneliness well and are ready to travel with him with pleasure, reminiscent of a pocket dog.

Skookum - dwarf laperm

This dwarf, short-legged breed was developed by crossing Muncchins with Laperms. The result was cats with short limbs and curly fur. Sukum can be either long-haired or short-haired. The shorter the fur, the straighter it is. Despite the genetic characteristics, this is a fairly healthy breed with no typical diseases found.

By nature, dwarf lapermas are very cute and fluffy, which matches their appearance. Sukuma are playful, affectionate and sociable. These are very affectionate and loyal cats that are very curious and cheerful. Pets are very active, energetic and nimble, they can easily jump onto a bed or chair, and have a tendency to stick their curious nose everywhere. In addition, they are not afraid of water and enjoy swimming. In general, these are funny and cheerful cats. But, unfortunately, today they are very rare and can only be bought in European and American nurseries.


The next breed with short legs was developed through the mating of a Muncchin and a Selkire Rex. Translated into Russian, the name means “lamb”. She received it for her curly coat. The breed is considered very rare; it is also called the dwarf rex. These cats spend their entire lives looking like cute, curly-haired kittens that never grow.

Their character is cheerful and sociable. They love to play and are great with children. These cats cannot live without attention and affection; they are very devoted to all family members and love to sit in their arms. Despite their active disposition and love of games, they do not violate the rules established in the house and do not cause mischief. Lambkins are distinguished by well-developed intelligence and good health. These are very unusual and funny animals.


They were born by crossing the American Curl with the Munchkin. The new breed inherited short legs, a long body and outward-curved ears. The ancestors endowed the representatives of this breed with a lively, friendly and extremely inquisitive character. They are very sociable, attentive and easily get along with the whole family. These are very charming cats who are true friends.

The health of this breed is good, genetic diseases are not common. These animals are very active, so they need active games and walks in the fresh air. This helps them keep their muscles toned, which is very important for toy breeds. Moreover, you can walk with them like a small dog on a leash. This approach is important to avoid injuries and falls from trees and roofs, and also helps not to lose sight of the animal.

Statistics say that 70% of Russians have some kind of living creature in their apartment. These can be hamsters, turtles, cats, dogs and other animals. They become full members of the family, and they help lonely people brighten up their drab everyday life. People become especially attached to dogs and cats. They can be of a wide variety of breeds. Recently, exotic cats with short legs, somewhat reminiscent of dachshunds, have become very popular. So what kind of breed is this?

How did munchkins come about?

Munchkins are a breed of cats with short legs, unfamiliar to residents of our country. Cats with short legs were first discovered in America in 1983, in the state of Louisiana. There is a version that one woman picked up a stray cat with small deformed paws, which became so, most likely, due to various diseases and poor nutrition, and brought her to her home. It soon became clear that the cat was pregnant.

When the kittens were born, they all had short legs, but were absolutely healthy. Thus a new breed was born. She got her name in honor of the little mythical people from works about the Fairytale Land of Oz.

Breed characteristics

Any animal has certain subspecies. Munchkins were no exception. These cats come in the following varieties:

  • standard;
  • ultra-short;
  • dwarf.

Munchkins' fur can come in different lengths and colors. Only their eyes are exactly the same e, regular round shape. Sometimes it happens that a kitten is born with normal paws. There's nothing wrong with that. Such specimens are carriers of the gene and are suitable for breeding. They give birth to purebred kittens with short legs.

Many people believe that short-legged cats are much calmer than their regular counterparts. This is partly true. They have a very flexible character. Playful, calm, peaceful, very curious and completely non-aggressive kittens get along well with children.

Cats are distinguished by excellent dexterity and can very quickly get to wherever they want. They use their tail as a fifth paw: with its help they sit. They can remain in this position for quite a long time, which causes affection among their owners.

Munchkins differ from other breeds in that easily tolerate change of environment, and also quickly and easily make contact with strangers and get along well with other animals. There is even an opinion that they can be taught the simplest commands.

This breed has some behavioral characteristics. For example, they really like to arrange hiding places. Those owners who have this breed of cat should not scatter their things anywhere, because they will then have to look for them in the cat’s hiding places.

In addition to hiding places, munchkins they love to arrange their place from any available means, so owners should take care to buy them a special cat house.

These cats love to walk in the fresh air. If you teach them to use a leash from childhood, they will happily walk down the street.

Necessary care

Munchkins are cats just like everyone else, so they don’t require any additional care. You just need to know a few basic rules:

  • Regardless of the length of the coat, the cat should be brushed regularly. Short-haired individuals are combed once a week, long-haired individuals require much more time;
  • Pets are washed once a season, but their hair should not be soaped. For drying you can use a hairdryer, only if munchkins can tolerate loud noise. Otherwise, there is no point in scaring them;
  • once a month, munchkins’ teeth should be treated with a special paste, and ears and eyes should be cleaned as needed;
  • Once every two weeks they need to trim their nails. Moreover, this must be done very carefully, because any careless movement can damage the blood vessels located in the nail plate;
  • You can give them vitamins, but only in small quantities and only as prescribed by a veterinarian.

Cats with short legs should eat high-quality dry food. Categorically It is forbidden to give them plant foods, because due to the special structure of the stomach in such cats, it is absorbed very poorly. Instead of dry food, you can give natural meat products.

Munchkin cats cannot be overfed, so they should be given food in small portions. If this process is not kept under control, the cat can become very fat. Your pet should always have clean water available.

Munchkin health

Cats with short legs live for about fifteen years. Their life expectancy is influenced by:

  • good nutrition;
  • lack of stress;
  • proper care;
  • comfortable environment.

What can munchkins get sick with? They are mainly tormented by lordosis, a curvature of the spine. As a result The cat's skeleton begins to change, and there is a lot of stress on the internal organs. However, veterinarians are confident that this is typical not only for munchkins, but also for other cat breeds.

Just like any other living creatures, munchkins really need attention, care and love from their owners. If you treat such cats kindly, gently, and provide good living conditions, then they will always have good health, a cheerful mood, and they will live a very long time.

People have been surrounding themselves with pets for a long time. Selfless affection, loyalty, devotion, sincere love - these are the feelings that a person seeks among his own kind, but more often finds among our smaller brothers.

It’s not for nothing that Heine’s quote is so widely known: “The more I get to know people, the more I like dogs.” Statistics say that 70 percent of houses or apartments have pets. Traditional aquarium fish and hamsters, the already familiar ferrets and chinchillas, exotic monitor lizards and adorable dwarf rabbits have firmly established themselves in human habitation.

All these diverse representatives of the animal world are able to brighten up the loneliness of every person or become favorites of the whole family. Most often, cats and dogs are chosen as pets.

But lately, ordinary representatives of cats and dogs have not been popular. Fashion trends have also penetrated into the cozy world of pets. A new trend is cats with short legs. A kind of double of dachshunds in the cat universe.

Origin of short-legged cats

The modern history of the breed dates back to 1983. It was then, in the USA, in one of the cities in the state of Louisiana, that a lady named Sandra Hochenedel picked up a stray cat with short crooked legs on the street. The foundling received the nickname Brambleclaw.

After the animal was brought home, the owner discovered that the cat was expecting a litter soon. The day Brambleclaw successfully lambed is considered the moment the munchkin breed began. All kittens inherited their mother's short legs, but were alive, healthy and very active.

Thus, the Munchkin breed did not arise as a result of targeted selection, but was the result of a natural mutation. The mutant gene responsible for the length of the limbs ensured short legs from generation to generation of cats.

Since this gene was dominant, when crossing short-legged animals with long-legged cats of other breeds, most of the kittens were born with short limbs. Therefore, the Munchkin can be called a breed bred “at home.”

The breed is named after Lyman Frank Baum's book The Wizard of Oz. Munchkins were named after the funny little people living in the fabulous Blue Country.

According to some information, the first mention of “cat taxes” dates back to the 30s of the last century. It is assumed that during this period short-legged animals appeared in England, and that at least four generations of such animals were obtained there. But English felinologists failed to preserve the new species during the Second World War.

It is curious that some individuals of this species survived in the USSR. At least, short-legged cats are mentioned by a German author who visited Stalingrad in 1953. However, no serious documentary evidence of the reliability of these facts has yet been presented.

The Munchkin was officially recognized as a new breed by TICA (International Cat Association) in 1991.

Standards and varieties of the Munchkin breed

Any species is divided into subspecies. Based on the length of the limbs of munchkins, three varieties are distinguished:

  • Dwarf.
  • Standard.
  • Ultra short.

Munchkin fur can be of absolutely any color. Based on the length of their coat, this species is divided into short-haired and long-haired. Short-haired cats have plush, medium-length fur; semi-long-haired cats have silky, longer fur with a rich undercoat. The eyes are almond-shaped, any color is also allowed. The setting of the eyes gives the muzzle an open, slightly surprised expression.

Sometimes in a litter there are kittens with limbs of normal length. This is not scary, they are carriers of the “short-legged” gene and are suitable for procreation. The offspring from such animals will also be purebred, with small legs.

Munchkin character

Those who expect that short legs will make these cats sedentary and calmer are very mistaken. In fact, these are extremely dexterous animals, capable of conquering any height, and moving very quickly in space both horizontally and vertically.

The tail serves as a fifth paw for munchkins. For example, if a cat needs to explore the surroundings, he sits on his hips and stretches out in a “column”, leaning on his tail. The front legs are free, folded under the chest. In this pose, munchkins bear a striking resemblance to miniature kangaroos.

By nature, these animals are flexible. Kittens, playful and peaceful, do not show causeless aggression. They are great as companions for children's fun.

Unlike most other types of cats, these cats easily adapt to changes in their environment, are sociable, enjoy making new acquaintances, and find a common language well with other pets. Munchkins are trainable and can be taught simple tricks.

Munchkin eccentricities

Unlike most cats, munchkins exhibit a number of unique characteristics in their behavior. For example, they love to arrange hiding places. Owners need to break the habit of throwing their things around the house. Otherwise, they will have to be found in such secret nooks and crannies of the apartment, the existence of which the homeowners had never imagined before.

In addition to arranging hiding places, these cats love to nest. In this they resemble dogs with their attachment to booths. If you are the owner of a short-legged treasure, you need to purchase a special cat house. Otherwise, the cat will build himself a shelter from all the available materials he can find.

Munchkins love to go outside. If you teach them to walk on a leash from childhood, then walking together somewhere in the park will bring you a lot of pleasure.

Necessary care

These cats are easy to care for. There are a number of standard recommendations that must be followed:

  • Short-haired cats are combed once every five to six days, long-haired cats - more often, once every three days.
  • The animal is washed no more than once per season; it is forbidden to wet its head while bathing. As a rule, munchkins are not afraid of loud noise, so they use a hairdryer to dry their fur after a bath. But if your pet shows anxiety when blow-drying, you shouldn’t stress it. In this case, you need to dry the animal with several towels.
  • Nails are trimmed twice a month. In this case, you must act very carefully so as not to touch the vessels located at the base of the nail plate.
  • Eyes and ears are cleaned with cotton swabs as they become dirty.
  • Teeth are brushed once a month, treated with a special paste.
  • The litter tray for munchkins is large, as they prefer to cope with both needs at the same time. The sides should be low so that the short-legged cat can easily climb into his toilet.
  • Vitamins are given to animals only as prescribed by a veterinarian.

What to feed a munchkin

Plant-based foods are not suitable for these cats. The structural features of the stomach will not allow them to digest it properly. The munchkins' diet should include high-quality dry food and natural meat dishes. It is acceptable to feed sea fish in small quantities. Once every two weeks you can pamper your cat with a chicken egg.

Food must be strictly dosed - this species is prone to obesity. The animal must have 24-hour and unlimited access to water.

Briefly about health

The average lifespan of cats of this breed is approximately fifteen years. Good maintenance, care, comfort and regular examinations at a veterinary clinic will prolong the life of your furry pet.

The main disease of munchkins is spinal curvature. But recently, veterinarians are increasingly inclined to believe that this problem is inherent to the entire cat family as a whole, and is not exclusively a problem of the Munchkin breed.

Price range

Now short-legged cats are the object of desire of many felinologists. Munchkins are incredibly popular not only in the USA, but also throughout our country.

The price of a kitten of this breed starts from $250 and can, depending on the exterior, reach $800 or even higher. It is difficult to purchase them, because this breed is not yet very common. But when the short-legged miracle crosses the threshold of your apartment, all your efforts will be rewarded handsomely.

Popular kennels for this breed:

  • Russia - (your nursery is here);
  • Belarus - (take place);
  • Ukraine - (submit an application).