"Blood. Circulatory system. Leukocytes Competition “Weak Link”

Lesson on repetition and generalization of biology material.
Buraga Olga Vladimirovna.
Astrakhan district, Dzhaltyrskaya secondary school No. 1

Intellectual assorted show “Blood. Circulation"

“Tell me and I will forget.
Show me and I will remember.
Let me act on my own and I will learn.”

Chinese wisdom.

Purpose of the lesson: Generalization and systematization of students’ knowledge about the circulatory system;
students’ assimilation of the standard minimum information about the circulatory system;
development of a number of important psychological characteristics of students’ personality: mental properties such as memory, verbal and figurative, voluntary attention, empathy, communication, imagination, clarity of speech; nurturing independent thinking, work culture, determining the effectiveness and efficiency of a number of didactic and methodological techniques and technological operations through the game.

Equipment: colorfully decorated office, just like for a show; cards - tasks; chips; tokens; record player; musical screensavers; cards for reflection; bowls for tokens.

During the classes.

Hello guys and dear guests who came to us for our intellectual assortment show. Intellectual - because you will need to strain your entire brain system; assorted - because a variety of tasks await you, where you can make full use of the acquired knowledge, show ingenuity and realize your abilities; Well, the show – because our guests will see all this clearly. And we will try to make our lesson not just ostentatious, but useful.
You have chips of different colors on the table, pick up the color that is more favorable to you. Have you decided? Show everyone you've chosen. You will discuss the tasks with the whole team, and the answer will be the one who has a chip of a certain color, i.e. if I say red chip, then the representative of the red chip answers. Is everyone clear? If there are questions, we raise our hand and ask what is not clear.
So, let's begin.

There is 1 stage in our assortment, which is called “Terms”
Everyone should know this
But does he know?! Let's check.
Guess what the term is.
Well, we'll check with you.

Conditions: I read the definitions, all students write down the terms in order. After the end of the dictation, one participant from each team (having a yellow chip) goes to the jury table, where their work is checked (I read the definitions, and the competitors name the terms). The jury corrects mistakes and grades the competition participants, who now, having a standard answer, check the work of their team within 10 minutes.

1. Movement of blood through blood vessels. (Circulation.)
2. The largest vessel. (Aorta.)
3. red blood cells. (Red blood cells.)
4. The process of devouring foreign bodies by leukocytes. (Phagocytosis.)
5. Blood saturated with carbon dioxide. (Venous.)
6. Hereditary disease, expressed in a tendency to bleeding as a result of non-clotting of blood. (Hemophilia.)
7. The path of blood from the left ventricle to the right atrium. (Circle of blood circulation.)
8. A preparation made from killed or weakened microorganisms. (Vaccine.)
9. White blood cells. (Leukocytes.)
10. The body’s ability to protect itself from infectious effects. (Immunity.)
11. Blood vessels through which blood moves to the heart. (Vienna.)
12. A person who provides part of his blood for transfusion. (Donor.)
13. A substance that is part of red blood cells. (Hemoglobin.)
14. Liquid part of blood. (Plasma.)
15. Universal donor blood group. (1 or 00)
16. A substance produced by white blood cells in response to a foreign protein or organism. (Antibody.)
17. Blood saturated with oxygen. (Arterial.)
18. Vibrations of the walls of blood vessels caused by changes in blood pressure in the vessels in the rhythm of heart contraction. (Pulse.)
19. Blood path from the right ventricle to the left atrium. (Pulmonary circulation.)
20. Vessels carrying blood from the heart. (Arteries)
21. A special protein substance was first discovered in the blood of monkeys by Landsteiner. (Rh factor)

Stage 2 of our assortment is called “Accurate to...”
Grams, fractions and percentages,
Try to figure it out.
How many leukocytes are in the blood,
Tell me one, two, three.

Conditions: Players with a blue chip participate in the competition. Points will be scored by those players who remember faster than others what the following numbers and numbers mean.
1. 90% (amount of water in the blood).
2. 300 g (heart weight).
3. 60-80 times per minute. (number of heartbeats).
4. 120 days (lifespan of red blood cells)
5. 0.8 s (duration of the cardiac cycle).
6. 0.9% (amount of NaCI in the blood).
7. 5 million/mm3 number of red blood cells).
8. 0.5-1 mm/s (blood flow speed in capillaries).
9. 120/80 mm Hg. (normal blood pressure).
10. 6-9 thousand/mm3 (number of leukocytes).
11. 2.5 cm (aortic diameter).
12.27 s (time of full circle of blood circulation)

Time for homework and stage 3 of the “Model”, where you had to show your wits and all your talents.

Conditions: teams play out models of physiological processes: “Blood circulation” (1st team), “Formation of a blood clot” (2nd team), “Formation of immunity” (3rd team).
Competitors with green chips comment on their team's performance.
Looked at the models
Everything suddenly became clear.
This is blood and antibody.
Here is the blood circulation circle.

1. “Blood circulation” (sketch). 4 people participate: “blood”,
"heart", "body", "lungs". "Blood" (4) goes from the "heart" (2) to the "body"
(1), to whom he gives the red chip (“oxygen”) and takes from him
blue chip (“carbon dioxide”), then the “blood” returns to the “heart” (2) and then “moves to the lungs” (3), where it gives away the blue chip and takes the red one, the “blood” returns to the “heart” and that’s it repeats itself.

2. “Formation of a blood clot” (sketch), 5-6 people participate: two depict the wall of the vessel, the rest - blood elements. The presenter, a 10th grade student, reads the text, and the participants act out the action.

Leading. Imagine that you cut your finger (players 1 and 2 tear their hands) and blood begins to flow through the damaged wall of the vessel (players 3, 4, 5 repeatedly run through their open hands). But at the site of damage, fibrin protein threads begin to appear (1 and 2 extend their arms towards each other and connect them), which, like a mesh, close the holes. And blood cells get into this network (3,4,5 “get stuck” in the networks of arms 1 and 2), they clog the breakthrough. This is how a blood clot forms.

3. “Formation of immunity” (sketch)
Characters: Girls (two cells), a bully (pathogen), a policeman (leukocyte) and a special forces soldier (antibody).
The cell girls are walking leisurely, talking, then a bully swoops in on them, who begins to kick and tickle them (the pathogenic organism attacks the cells), as a result, one of the girls faints (the cell dies), the other runs away, then she returns, leading with a policeman (leukocyte). The policeman looks at the hooligan, makes an entry in the protocol (determines the type of infection) and invites a fighter (antibody), who takes away the stubborn hooligan.

Well, intellectuals, stage 4 of our “Find the Error” assortment awaits you.
One wrong, two wrong
Perhaps you can’t count them all.
Who will find them all at once,
That's all praise and honor to him.

Conditions: teams receive texts (by lottery) in which errors were made. For 1-2 minutes, groups work to identify errors, then the player with the red chip reads the text and comments on the errors.

Texts for the competition “Find the error.”

1. Red blood cells.
Erythrocytes are red blood cells. They are very small. There are 10 million (5 million) of them in 1 mm3. Mature red blood cells have small nuclei (do not have nuclei). These are spherical (biconcave cake) shaped cells that are not capable of independent movement. Inside the cells is hemoglobin, a compound of protein and copper (iron). Red blood cells are born in the spleen (red bone marrow) and destroyed in the red bone marrow (spleen). The main function of red blood cells is the transport of nutrients (gases). A disease associated with a decrease in the number of red blood cells in the blood is called thrombophlebitis (anemia).

2. Leukocytes
Leukocytes are white blood cells. They are smaller (larger) than red blood cells, have a thread-like (amoeboid) body and a well-defined nucleus. There are from 9 to 15 thousand of them in 1 mm3 of blood (6-9 thousand). Like red blood cells, leukocytes are not able to move independently (they are able to actively move). White blood cells devour bacteria that enter the body. This method of feeding is called pinocytosis (phagocytosis). In addition, a special group of leukocytes produces immune bodies - special cells (substances) that can neutralize any (specific) infection. I.P. studied the protective properties of blood. Pavlov (I.I. Mechnikov).

3. Heart.
The heart is the engine of blood in the body. It is a three-chambered (four-chambered) muscular organ located in the abdominal (thoracic) cavity. The weight of the heart is about 1 kg (300 g). Both the outside and the inside of the heart are lined with single-layer epithelium (the outside is connective tissue). Inside there is a valve apparatus that ensures blood flow in only one direction. The ventricles are separated by an incomplete (complete) septum, and therefore arterial and venous blood mix (do not mix). The largest vein (artery) carrying blood from the heart, the aorta, begins from the left ventricle. The cardiac cycle lasts 0.8 min (s).

Fear danger when it is not there; when it comes, do not panic, but fight it. One cannot but agree with this ancient wisdom. The next stage “On your own 03” is an appointment at the emergency room.
Who is the first victim here?
We will help you in no time.
'Cause we all know

Conditions: guys with a white chip participate in the competition.
They must provide first aid to the “victim” (tasks are chosen by drawing lots).

1. The victim is bleeding heavily from a wound on the right forearm, the blood comes in spurts, the color of the blood is scarlet.
Answer. The type of bleeding is arterial. A tourniquet must be applied. It is applied to clothing (so as not to damage the skin) above the wound until the bleeding stops. The tourniquet can be kept for no more than 1.5-2 hours (so as not to cause necrosis). Cover the wound with a sterile bandage. The victim must be taken to the first aid station.

2. The victim has a skull injury: the forehead is cut, there is profuse bleeding, the bone is not damaged.
Answer: you need to blot the wound with a napkin, apply gauze folded several times to the wound and apply a circular bandage or “cap”. The victim should be taken to the medical center for stitches.

3. The victim has an abrasion on his knee, the bleeding is weak, the wound is dirty.
Answer. Rinse the wound with boiled water or a solution of potassium permanganate, treat the skin around the wound with iodine or brilliant green, you can cover the wound with a bactericidal plaster, a bandage is not necessary.

The final stage of our assortment show is creating a cluster....

Conditions: team members who have prepared reports speak (time limit: 3 minutes). I let each team prepare messages in advance. Message topics:

I. Cardiovascular diseases and their prevention.

II. The influence of alcohol, tobacco, and drugs on the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

III. The importance of physical exercise to strengthen the cardiovascular system.


Reflection: Our intellectual assortment show is coming to an end. I would like you to answer the question: To what extent did today’s lesson relate to real life? Will the knowledge that you acquired over several lessons while studying the topic “Blood” be useful to you? Circulation"? Discuss and express your answer in %, cards on your table. ….And in what situations can you apply this knowledge?

Guys, which organ is the main miracle of our body? That's right, of course the heart. And for normal functioning, what does our heart love? (vegetables and fruits, vitamins, milk, meat, fish and...) And so that your heart never gets tired in any sense of the word, for good work in class, and what’s a show without gifts , I also want to please you. (giving gifts) And when I see a smile on your face, it becomes good for my heart.

Red blood cells.

Erythrocytes are red blood cells. They are very small. There are 10 million of them in 1 mm3. Mature red blood cells have small nuclei. These are spherical cells that are not capable of independent movement. Inside the cells is hemoglobin, a compound of protein and copper. Red blood cells are born in the spleen and destroyed in the red bone marrow. The main function of red blood cells is to transport nutrients. A disease associated with a decrease in the number of red blood cells in the blood is called thrombophlebitis.


Leukocytes are white blood cells. They are smaller than red blood cells, have a thread-like body and a well-defined nucleus. There are from 9 to 15 thousand of them in 1 mm3 of blood. Like erythrocytes, leukocytes are not able to move independently. White blood cells devour bacteria that enter the body. This method of feeding is called pinocytosis. In addition, a special group of leukocytes produces immune bodies - special cells that can neutralize any infection. I.P. studied the protective properties of blood. Pavlov.

The heart is the engine of blood in the body. It is a three-chambered muscular organ located in the abdominal cavity. The heart weighs about 1 kg. Both outside and inside the heart is lined with single-layer epithelium. Inside there is a valve apparatus that ensures blood flow in only one direction. The ventricles are separated by an incomplete septum, and therefore arterial and venous blood mix. The largest vein that carries blood from the heart, the aorta, begins from the left ventricle. The cardiac cycle lasts 0.8 minutes.

Lesson – review of knowledge on the topic “Blood. Circulatory system"

Purpose of the lesson: to systematize and expand knowledge about blood and the circulatory system. The class is divided into four groups. At the beginning of the lesson, students are given colored chips (each color gives the opportunity to participate in one of the competitions

Competition "Find the mistake"
Conditions: teams receive texts (by lottery) in which errors were made. For 1-2 minutes, groups work to identify errors, then the player with the red chip reads the text and comments on the errors.
Texts for the “Find the Error” competition.

1. Red blood cells.
Erythrocytes are red blood cells. They are very small. There are 10 million of them in 1 mm3. (5 million). Mature red blood cells have small nuclei ( have no cores). These are spherical cells ( biconcave flatbread) forms that are not capable of independent movement. Inside the cells there is hemoglobin - a compound of protein and copper ( gland). Red blood cells are born in the spleen ( in red bone marrow), and are destroyed in the red bone marrow ( spleen). The main function of red blood cells is to transport nutrients ( gases). A disease associated with a decrease in the number of red blood cells in the blood is called thrombophlebitis (anemia).

2. Leukocytes.
Leukocytes are white blood cells. They are smaller ( larger) red blood cells, have a thread-like ( amoeboid) body and well-defined core. There are from 9 to 15 thousand of them in 1 mm3 of blood, ( 6-9 thousand). Like red blood cells, white blood cells are not able to move independently ( able to move actively). White blood cells devour bacteria that enter the body. This method of feeding is called pinocytosis. (phagocytosis). In addition, a special group of leukocytes produces immune bodies - special cells ( substances), capable of neutralizing any ( specific) infection. I. P. Pavlov studied the protective properties of blood ( I. I. Mechnikov).

3. Lymphatic system.
The lymphatic system is additional to the arterial system ( venous) and is part of the cardiovascular system. Capillaries are blind-closed and blood ( lymph) moves along them in two ( one) directions. The lymphatic system is an intermediary between the cells of the body and the blood, supplying the body with oxygen and nutrients ( frees from decay products). Lymphatic vessels do not have ( have) valves. Special formations - lymph nodes are concentrated in the chest cavity ( throughout the body in moving places). They perform a barrier function; platelets are formed here ( lymphocytes). The composition of lymph and blood is similar ( different).

4. Heart
The heart is the engine of blood in the body. This is a three-chamber ( four-chamber) muscular organ located in the abdominal ( chest) cavities. Heart weight is about 1 kg ( 300 g). Both outside and inside the heart is lined with single-layer epithelium ( outside- connective tissue). Inside there is a valve apparatus that ensures blood flow in only one direction. The ventricles are incompletely divided ( full) septum, and therefore arterial and venous blood mix ( don't mix). The largest vein ( arteRiya), carrying blood from the heart - the aorta - starts from the left ventricle. The cardiac cycle lasts 0.8 minutes ( With).

^ Captains competition

Team captains take turns going to the center of the hall. They are asked the same number of questions. There is no time to think.

  1. Movement of blood through blood vessels. (Circulation).

  2. The largest vessel. (Aorta).

  3. Red blood cells. (Red blood cells)

  4. The process of devouring foreign bodies by leukocytes. (Phagocytosis).

  5. Blood saturated with carbon dioxide. (Venous).

  6. A hereditary disease expressed in a tendency to bleeding as a result of blood incoagulability. (Hemophilia).

  7. Water in the blood is…(90%)

  8. The path of blood from the left ventricle to the right atrium. (Circle of blood circulation.).

  1. A preparation made from killed or weakened microorganisms. (Vaccine).

  2. White blood cells. (Leukocytes).

  3. The body's ability to protect itself from infectious agents. (Immunity).

  4. Blood vessels that carry blood to the heart. (Vienna).

  5. A person who provides part of his blood for transfusion. (Donor).

  6. Heart weight (300g).

  7. Blood cells involved in the formation of blood clots. (Platelets)

  8. A disease in which blood pressure is low. (Hypotension).

  1. A substance that is part of red blood cells. (Hemoglobin).

  2. Liquid part of blood. (Plasma).

  3. Universal donor blood group (1 or OO).

  4. A substance produced by white blood cells in response to a foreign protein or organism. (Antibody).

  5. Red blood cells in 1 mm (5 million).

  6. Blood saturated with oxygen. (Arterial).

  7. Vibrations of the walls of blood vessels caused by changes in blood pressure in the vessels in the rhythm of heart contraction. (Pulse).

  8. The path of blood from the right ventricle to the left atrium. (Pulmonary circulation)

  1. Vessels that carry blood from the heart. (Arteries).

  2. Forms the heart muscle. (Myocardium).

  3. Leukocytes per 1 mm (6-9 thousand/mm)

  4. Blood vessels whose walls consist of a single layer of epithelial cells. (Capillaries).

  5. The largest vessel of the circulatory system. (Aorta).

  6. A disease in which blood pressure is high. (Hypertension).

  7. The heart contracts every 1 minute..(60-80 times).

  8. Soluble blood protein. (Fibrinogen)

Competition “Reception at the emergency room”

Conditions: guys with a white chip participate in the competition. They must provide first aid to the “victim” (tasks are chosen by drawing lots).

1. The victim is bleeding heavily from a wound on his right forearm, the blood comes in spurts, the color of the blood is scarlet.
Answer. The type of bleeding is arterial. A tourniquet must be applied. It is applied to clothing (so as not to damage the skin) above the wound until the bleeding stops. The tourniquet can be kept for no more than 1.5-2 hours (so as not to cause necrosis). Cover the wound with a sterile bandage. The victim must be taken to the first aid station.

2. The victim has cardiac arrest due to electric shock.
Answer. It is necessary to de-energize the victim, then immediately begin performing indirect cardiac massage in combination with artificial respiration. Due to the impact of the current, there may be a muscle spasm, so you can unclench the victim’s teeth using a knife or stick. A clean handkerchief is placed on the victim’s mouth and nose, air is blown into the lungs at a frequency of 18-20 times per minute, and cardiac massage - rhythmic pressure on the lower third of the sternum - at a frequency of 60-70 times per minute.

3. The victim has a skull injury: the forehead is cut, there is profuse bleeding, the bone is not damaged.
Answer. It is necessary to blot the wound with a napkin, apply gauze folded several times to the wound and apply a circular bandage or “cap”. The victim should be taken to the medical center for stitches.
4. The victim has an abrasion on his knee, the bleeding is weak, the wound is dirty.
Answer. Rinse the wound with boiled water or a solution of manganese, treat the skin around the wound with iodine or brilliant green, you can cover the wound with a bactericidal plaster, a bandage is not necessary.

^ Competition "Rebuses".

The team that solves the puzzle receives 1 point. If a team gives a complete explanation of the term indicated by this rebus, the team receives 5 points.




Competition "Crossword".

1 participant from each team solves a crossword puzzle within 10 minutes. The team receives as many points as the participant guesses.

4. Vessel carrying blood to capillaries.
6. Necrosis of the tissue of the heart area.
10. An organ of the circulatory system that pumps blood from arteries to veins.
11. The section of the heart from which the movement of blood through the arteries begins.
12. Cerebral hemorrhage.
13. Device for stopping arterial bleeding of a limb.
14. Necrosis of a tissue area.
15. The ability of an organ to work under the influence of impulses arising within itself.

1. A vessel in which gas exchange occurs.
2. The vessel through which blood returns to the heart.
3. Muscular layer of the heart wall.
5. Device for measuring pressure.
7. A disease associated with a persistent increase in blood pressure.
8. The section of the heart where the blood circulation ends.
10.Brown crust formed after blood clotting.

Competition "The Weakest Link".

Teams take turns asking questions to any player of the other team (order: 1→2,2→3,3→4,4→1). The team earns as many points as the number of questions the player answers.

^ Competition "Circles of Blood Circulation"

One player from each team goes to the board and sketches the blood circulation circles. Order: players 1 and 3 teams→large circle; 2 and 4 teams→small circle. Check: 1→2 and vice versa; 3→4 and vice versa.

1. Red blood cells.
Erythrocytes are red blood cells. They are very small. There are 10 million of them in 1 mm3 . Mature red blood cells have small nuclei. These are spherical cells that are not capable of independent movement. Inside the cells there is hemoglobin - a compound of protein and copper. Red blood cells are born in the spleen and destroyed in the red bone marrow. The main function of red blood cells is to transport nutrients. A disease associated with a decrease in the number of red blood cells in the blood is called thrombophlebitis .

2. Leukocytes.
Leukocytes are white blood cells. They are smaller than red blood cells, have a thread-like body and a well-defined nucleus. There are from 9 to 15 thousand of them in 1 mm3 of blood. Like erythrocytes, leukocytes are not able to move independently . White blood cells devour bacteria that enter the body. This method of feeding is called pinocytosis. In addition, a special group of leukocytes produces immune bodies - special cells that can neutralize any infection. I.P. Pavlov studied the protective properties of blood.

3. Lymphatic system.
The lymphatic system is complementary to the arterial system and is part of the cardiovascular system. The capillaries are blind-closed and blood moves through them in two directions. The lymphatic system is an intermediary between the cells of the body and the blood, supplying the body with oxygen and nutrients. Lymphatic vessels do not have valves. Special formations - lymph nodes are concentrated in the chest cavity. They perform a barrier function, platelets are formed here. The composition of lymph and blood is similar .

4. Heart
The heart is the engine of blood in the body. It is a three-chambered muscular organ located in the abdominal cavity. The heart weighs about 1 kg. Both outside and inside the heart is lined with single-layer epithelium. Inside there is a valve apparatus that ensures blood flow in only one direction. The ventricles are separated by an incomplete septum, and therefore arterial and venous blood mix. The largest vein carrying blood from the heart, the aorta, begins from the left ventricle. The cardiac cycle lasts 0.8 minutes.

Lesson - review of knowledge on the topic: “Blood. Circulatory system. Immunity"

blood leukocyte vessel student


.repeat the terminology on the topics blood, immunity; identify the degree of understanding of the processes of blood coagulation, phagocytosis, and the formation of immunity.

.ability to provide first aid for various types of bleeding.

.education of a healthy lifestyle.


· team name signs

· emblems of competition participants

· jury sheets

· paper for terminology dictation

standard of answers

· cards with digital information

· details for showing models

· cotton wool, bandage, tourniquet, handkerchief

During the classes

I. Organizational moment.

The teacher informs the purpose and objectives of the lesson, announces the conditions for the game, and introduces the jury. Students choose color chips and take a seat at the gaming tables.

II. Main part.

.Competition "TERMS"

Conditions: the teacher reads the definitions, all students write down the terms in order. After the end of the dictation, one participant from each team (with a yellow chip) goes to the jury table, where their work is checked. The jury corrects mistakes and grades the competition participants, who now, having a standard answer, check the work of their team within 5 minutes.

.largest vessel (aorta)

.red blood cells (erythrocytes)

.blood saturated with carbon dioxide (venous)

.a preparation made from killed or weakened microorganisms (vaccine)

.white blood cells (leukocytes)

.the body's ability to defend itself against infectious agents (immunity)

.blood vessels that carry blood to the heart (veins)

.substance that is part of red blood cells (hemoglobin0

.a substance produced by white blood cells in response to a foreign protein or organism (antibodies)

.oxygenated blood (arterial)

.vessels that carry blood from the heart (arteries)

.Competition “ACURACY TO .....”

Conditions: Players with a blue chip participate in the competition. Those players who can quickly remember what the following numbers and numbers mean will score points.

.90% (amount of water in blood)

.300g (heart weight)

.60-80 times per minute (number of heartbeats)

.120 days (lifespan of red blood cells)

.0.8 sec (duration of cardiac cycle)

.0.9% (amount of NaCI in blood)

.120/80 mm Hg. Art. (normal blood pressure)

.30-50 cm/s (blood flow speed in the aorta)

.2.5 cm (aortic diameter)

.0.5-1 mm/s (blood flow speed in capillaries)

.Competition "MODEL"

Conditions: teams play out models of physiological processes: “Blood circulation”, “Blood coagulation”, “Immunity”. Competitors with green chips comment on their team's performance.

"Circles of Blood Circulation"

4 people participate: “blood”, “heart”, “body”, “lungs”. The blood goes from the heart to the body, to which it gives the red chip (oxygen) and takes from it the blue chip (carbon dioxide), then the blood returns to the heart and then moves to the lungs, where it gives the blue chip and takes the red one, the blood returns to the heart and that's it repeats itself.

"Blood Clotting"

5-6 people participate: two represent the walls of blood vessels, and the rest represent the elements of blood. The presenter reads the text, the participants act out the action.

Leading. Imagine that you cut your finger (players 1 and 2 open their hands) and blood begins to flow through the damaged wall of the vessel (players 3, 4, 5 repeatedly run through their open hands). But fibrin threads begin to appear at the site of the damage (players 1 and 2 extend their hands and connect them), which, like a mesh, close the hole. And blood cells get into this network, they clog the breakthrough. This is how a blood clot forms.

"Formation of immunity"

Characters: girls (two cells), a bully (pathogen), policeman (leukocyte), special forces soldier (antibody).

The cage girls are leisurely walking, talking, then a bully swoops in on them, who starts kicking and tickling them, as a result, one of the girls faints (the cage dies), the other runs away, then returns, leading a policeman with her. The policeman looks at the hooligan, makes an entry in the protocol (determines the type of infection) and invites a special forces soldier (antibody), who takes away the stubborn hooligan.

.Competition "FIND THE ERROR"

Conditions: teams receive texts that contain errors. For 2 minutes, groups work to identify errors, then the player with the red chip reads the text and comments on the errors.

Red blood cells.

Erythrocytes are red blood cells. They are very small. There are 10 million (5 million) of them in 1 mm. mature red blood cells have small nuclei (no nuclei). These are spherical (biconcave) cells that are not capable of independent movement. Inside the cells there is hemoglobin - a compound of protein and copper (iron). Red blood cells are born in the spleen (in the red bone marrow), and are destroyed in the red bone marrow (spleen). The main function of red blood cells is the transport of nutrients (gases). A disease associated with a decrease in the number of red blood cells in the blood is called thrombophlebitis (anemia).


Leukocytes are white blood cells. They are smaller (larger) than red blood cells, have a thread-like (amoeboid) body and a well-defined nucleus. There are from 9 to 15 thousand of them in 1 mm of blood (6-9 thousand). Like red blood cells, white blood cells are not able (able) to move independently. White blood cells devour bacteria that enter the body. This method of feeding is called pinocytosis (phagocytosis). In addition, a special group of leukocytes produces immune bodies - special cells (substances) that can neutralize any (specific) infection. I.P. studied the protective properties of blood. Pavlov (I.I. Mechnikov).

The heart is the engine of blood in the body. It is a three-chambered (four-chambered) muscular organ located in the abdominal (thoracic) cavity. The heart weighs about 1 kg (300 g). Both the outside (connective tissue) and the inside of the heart are lined with single-layer epithelium. Inside there is a valve apparatus that allows blood to flow in only one direction. The ventricles are separated by an incomplete (complete) septum, and therefore venous and arterial blood mix (do not mix).


Conditions: guys with a white chip participate in the competition. They must provide primary care to the “victim.”

.The victim is bleeding heavily from a wound on his right forearm, the blood comes in spurts, the color of the blood is scarlet.

Answer: the type of bleeding is arterial. A tourniquet must be applied. It is applied to clothing above the wound until the bleeding stops. The tourniquet can be kept for no more than 1.5 - 2 hours. Cover the wound with a sterile bandage.

.The victim has a skull injury: the forehead is cut, there is profuse bleeding, the bone is not damaged.

Answer: you need to blot the wound with a napkin, apply gauze folded several times to the wound and apply a circular or “cap” bandage. Deliver to the first aid station.

.The victim has an abrasion on his knee, the bleeding is slight, and the wound is dirty.

Answer: wash the wound with boiled water or a solution of potassium permanganate, treat the skin around the wound with iodine or brilliant green. No bandage required.

.Competition "MESSAGES"

Conditions: the team members who prepared the messages speak.

Example topics: “Cardiovascular diseases and their prevention”, “The influence of alcohol, tobacco, drugs on the functioning of the cardiovascular system”, “Why are vaccinations needed?”

III. Summing up the lesson.

.Giving marks for terminological dictation.

.Grades for participation in competitions.

.General results and conclusions.


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Submit your application indicating the topic right now to find out about the possibility of obtaining a consultation.

Target: summarize and systematize students’ knowledge about the composition and functions of blood, the structure of the circulatory system and the importance of immunity.

Tasks : develop the ability to apply acquired knowledge in practice when providing first aid for all types of bleeding; promote a healthy lifestyle; note the negative impact of nicotine and alcohol on the functioning of the circulatory system.

Equipment: plates with team numbers, competition emblems for all participants, statements for the jury; paper, cards with texts of tasks; cotton wool, bandages, tourniquet, handkerchief for first aid.

Game conditions:

For each correct answer at the stage, the team receives a point. Points are entered into the route sheet at each stage of the game. For violation of discipline, points are deducted from the team. The scoring is kept by a jury consisting of L.V. Svishcheva, school psychologist, R.A. Juhu. - talimger of the school, Yulia Repna, 11th grade student.

Introduction by biology teacher.

Game motto:

“Coming together is a start.

Sticking together is progress.

Working together is success"

Henry Ford.

1 Competition. Command View

Boys' team "Adrenaline"

We want to take on the fight

So they came to you in a crowd,

We are happy to compete with you

Let's cross our glances like swords in the game

We guys won't give up

Let's play fair here

Only through friendship can we

Win these tours.

Rivals. Rivals

We welcome you,

If you want, be the first

But only after us!

Address to the jury

It won’t be difficult for you to judge, it’s impossible to make mistakes: believe me, no one is better than us. The whole world knows this

Girls' team "Smart Hearts"

Hello, rivals are friends

We have no less enthusiasm.

If the victory cannot be shared,

Then let the best man win

In front of you, in front of you

We won't be discouraged

if we can't handle the issue

Let's use humor.

If this doesn't help

We should get more points,

With our beauty we can

Take first place!

Address to the jury

You judge fairly, think slowly, and when giving us marks, add one point.”

2.Competition “Terms”

Questions for 1 team

    Vessels that carry blood from the heart. (Arteries )

    The path of blood from the right ventricle to the left atrium. (Pulmonary circulation)

    Vibrations of the walls of blood vessels caused by changes in blood pressure in the vessels in the rhythm of heart contraction. (Pulse )

    Universal donor blood group. (1 )

    Liquid part of blood.(Plasma )

    A substance that is part of red blood cells. (Hemoglobin )

    Blood vessels that carry blood to the heart. (Vienna )

    A preparation made from killed or weakened microorganisms. (Vaccine )

    White blood cells. (Leukocytes )

    The body's ability to protect itself from infectious agents. (Immunity)

Questions for team 2

    A person who provides part of his blood for transfusion. (Donor )

    A substance produced by white blood cells in response to a foreign protein or organism. (Antibody )

    Blood saturated with oxygen. (Arterial )

    Movement of blood through blood vessels. (Circulation )

    The largest vessel. (Aorta )

    Red blood cells. (Red blood cells )

    The process of devouring foreign bodies by leukocytes. (Phagocytosis) .

    Blood saturated with carbon dioxide. (Venous )

    A hereditary disease that results in a tendency to bleed due to non-clotting of blood. (Hemophilia )

    The path of blood from the left ventricle to the right atrium. (Systemic circulation )

3. Competition “What do these numbers say?” ” numbers are given, you need to discuss with the team and give answers

Tasks: 1 team 1. 6-8 thousand/mm 3 (number of leukocytes). 2. 300g (heart weight). 3. 60-70 beats (the heart rate of an adult). 4. 120 days (lifespan of red blood cells). 5. 15% (people with negative Rh). 6. 0.8 s (duration of the cardiac cycle).

2nd team

1. 4.5- 5 million\mm 3 (number of red blood cells). 2. 5 m/s (blood flow speed in the aorta). 3. 120/80 mm Hg. Art. (normal blood pressure). 4. 7 days - (life expectancy of platelets).

5. 0.4 s (pause - relaxation of the atria and ventricles). 6. 5l (total amount of blood in the human body).

Pause. Playing with spectators

Guess the puzzle - vaccine

Solve a problem:

It is known that the human heart contracts on average 70 times per 1 minute, with each contraction throwing out about 0.15 liters of blood. What volume of blood does your heart pump in 6 lessons?

70 x 45 = 3150 times reduced in 1 lesson.

3150 x 0.15 = 472.5 l. blood is pumped in 1 lesson

472.5 l. x 6 lessons = 2835 l. blood is pumped in 6 lessons.

4. Competition “Find the mistake” Conditions: teams receive texts containing errors. For 1-2 minutes, groups work to identify errors, then the player reads the text and comments on the errors.

1. Red blood cells . Erythrocytes are red blood cells. They are very small. In 1 mm 3 their10 million . (5 million). Mature red blood cellshave small kernels (do not have cores). These are cellsspherical (biconcave flat cake) forms that are not capable of independent movement. Inside the cells is hemoglobin, a protein andcopper (gland). Red blood cells are born inspleen (in red bone marrow), and are destroyed inred bone marrow (spleen). The main function of red blood cells is to transport nutrientssubstances (gases). A disease associated with a decrease in the number of red blood cells in the blood is calledthrombophlebitis (anemia).

2. Heart .

The heart is the engine of blood in the body. Thisthree-chamber (four-chambered) muscular organ located inabdominal (chest) cavity. Heart weight approx.1 kg (300g). ANDoutside , and inside the heart is lined with single-layer epithelium (outside - connective tissue). Inside there is a valve apparatus that ensures blood flow in only one direction. The ventricles are separatedincomplete (complete) septum, and therefore arterial and venous bloodmix (do not mix). The largestvein (artery) carrying blood from the heart - the aorta - starts from the left ventricle. The cardiac cycle lasts0.8 min (sec).

Fan Contest - Riddles

1. Who's been in a cage for a whole century? (Heart)

2. We have it in different groups, but in coloreveryone has one. (Blood)

1. Human blood duct.(Vessel, vein, artery, capillary.)

2. Whose blood pressure is always “high”?(Hypertensive)

1. While studying blood, biologist George Whipple found that iron is their most important component.

(Red blood cells.)

2.William Harvey discovered two circles of circulation of what fluid in the human body?


1. It doesn’t sleep day and night,
Everything is knocking, knocking, knocking,
Fills the veins with blood
And blood rushes through the veins.
If it stops beating,
The person will no longer get up. (heart)

2. It flows into the lungs,
Takes up oxygen.
Leaks through the kidneys
It leaves all the toxins in them.
Flows through the muscles

Gives them oxygen. (blood)

1. It can be specific - congenital,
Or maybe purchased.
Leukocytes play a role in it,
They protect us from diseases. (Immunity).

2.They are nuclear-free cells
And they carry oxygen.
When their blood levels are below normal,
Then anemia sets in (red blood cells)

1. Arterial and venous vessels
They connect with each other,
They have very low blood pressure
All organs and tissues are intertwined (capillaries)

2. When we remove cells from the blood,
We will see the liquid yellowish in color.
Glucose, salts in it, water, proteins.
Have you guessed what kind of liquid this is? (Plasma).

5.Competition “Reception at the emergency room”

Conditions Students must provide first aid to the “victim” (tasks are chosen by lot).

Tasks: 1. The victim has severe bleeding on the left forearm, the blood comes in spurts, the color of the blood is scarlet.

Answer. The type of bleeding is arterial. A tourniquet must be applied. It is applied to clothing (so as not to damage the skin) above the wound until the bleeding stops. The tourniquet can be kept for no more than 1.5-2 hours (so as not to cause necrosis). Cover the wound with a sterile bandage. The victim must be taken to the hospital.

2. The victim has cardiac arrest due to electric shock.

Answer. It is necessary to de-energize the victim, then immediately begin performing indirect cardiac massage in combination with artificial respiration. Due to the impact of the current, there may be a muscle spasm, so you can unclench the victim’s teeth using a knife or stick. A clean scarf is placed on the victim’s mouth and nose, air is blown into the lungs at a frequency of 18-20 times per minute, and cardiac massage is performed using rhythmic pressure on the lower third of the sternum at a frequency of 60-70 times per minute.

3. The victim has a skull injury: the forehead is cut, there is profuse bleeding, the bone is not damaged.Answer . It is necessary to blot the wound with a napkin, apply gauze folded several times to the wound and apply a circular bandage or “cap”. The victim should be taken to the medical center for stitches.

4. The victim has an abrasion on his knee, the bleeding is weak, the wound is dirty.

Answer. Rinse the wound with boiled water or a solution of potassium permanganate, treat the skin around the wound with iodine or brilliant green, you can cover the wound with a bactericidal plaster, a bandage is not necessary

6 Competition. Solve the crossword puzzle

4. The ability of an organ to work under the influence of impulses arising within itself
5. Blood saturated with carbon dioxide
7. Name the colorless blood cells that resemble amoebas and perform protective functions.
8. Transfer of gases, nutrients and metabolic products - what is the function of blood?
14. Vessel that carries blood from the heart to the blood
15. The section of the heart where the blood circulation ends
17. A species of people that appeared about 40 thousand years ago (Cro-Magnon)

1. The section of the heart from which the movement of blood through the arteries begins

2. What are the names of blood cells containing hemoglobin, which is capable of attaching and releasing oxygen.

3. Vessel in which gas exchange occurs

6. Blood clotting, destruction of pathogens - what is the function of blood?

9. Blood in capillaries enriched with oxygen

10. What is the name of the liquid part of the blood with salts and nutrients dissolved in it.

11. Maintaining body temperature - what is the function of blood?

12. Organ of the circulatory system that pumps blood

13. Disease associated with persistent high blood pressure

16. Name the blood cells that provide clotting.

18. Muscular layer of the heart wall

Pause. This is interesting

Every second, from 2 to 10 million red blood cells are destroyed in the human body.

The total surface area of ​​all human red blood cells is 3400 m2.

If all human red blood cells were placed side by side, the result would be a ribbon encircling the globe three times along the equator.

In the history of medicine, there is a known donor who donated blood 624 times during his life.

Losing 1/3 of the blood can lead to death. The cause of blood incoagulability may be the disease hemophilia, which is transmitted through the female line, but only men suffer from it.

Over the course of 70 years of life, the bone marrow of an adult produces a ton of leukocytes.

- The number of leukocytes usually increases slightly in the evening, after eating, as well as after physical and emotional stress.

If all the platelets are arranged in a chain, the distance will be 6000 km (from Moscow to Chita).

The experience of reviving an isolated human heart was successfully carried out for the first time in the world by the Russian scientist A. Kulyabko in 1902. He revived the heart of a child 20 hours after death due to pneumonia.

During physical and emotional stress, the heart pumps on average 3-5 times more blood per minute than at rest.

Adrenaline (adrenal hormone), calcium salts and other biologically active substances increase the frequency and strength of heart contractions.

Potassium ions, bradykinin and other biologically active substances reduce the frequency and strength of heart contractions.

Comic test

1. Which of the following is NOT a disease?
a) Anemia;
b) White blood;
c) Coolness.

2.What nerve is there in our body?

a) Wandering;

b) Runaway;

c) Blind;

d) Lost.

3. What pathways go inside a person?
a) Life paths;
b) Airways;
c) Respiratory tract;
d) Waterways.

4. What chemical element is involved in the transport of oxygen throughout the human body?
a) Calcium;
b) Iron;
c) Aluminum;
d) Lead.
5. What, according to scientists, constantly arises in the human brain?
a) Short circuit;

b) Arc discharge;
c) Biocurrents;

d) Rolling blackout.

6.What does human hair have?
a) Onion;

b) Tuber;
c) Lump;

d) Box.
7. What happens to the stomach after indigestible food is consumed?
a) He gets upset;
b) He is upset;
c) He is offended;
d) He is offended.

8. Where does a person have the thickest skin?
a) On the back;
b) On your knees;
c) On the soles;
d) On the cheeks.
9.What is the name for the change in human skin (roughness) when the body is cold or the person experiences strong emotional arousal?

a) Snake skin;

b) Goose bumps;

c) Fish scales;

d) Feather cover.

10. What body temperature does a person with the flu usually have?
a) Minus;

b) Normal;
c) Increased;

d) Room.

11.What are the names of microorganisms that provoke the occurrence of infectious diseases?
a) Admirers;
b) Pathogens;
c) Disturbers;
d) Instigators.

12. What prevents poisons from harming the body?
a) Immunity;
b) Appetite;
c) Appendicitis;
d) Authority.
13. What is the simple name for a childhood disease in which the parotid glands swell?
a) Piggy;
b) Pig;
c) Boar;
d) Piglet.
14. What does the patient receive after the X-ray?
a) Photo;

b) Video clip;
c) Movie;

d) Oscar Award
15. What should a patient touch the tip of his nose in a neurologist’s office?
a) The tip of the tongue;
b) Index finger;
c) Elbow;
d) Knee.

16. What does a person often lose when suffering from sunstroke?
a) Patience;
b) Conscience;
c) Consciousness;
d) Sense of humor.

7Competition “Messages”

1.The effect of alcohol on the human body (presentation)

Girls performance

1.Whether at sea or on land
So that there is no trouble,
Don't drink under any circumstances
You are "fire water".

2.Hung with stickers
And attracts the weak
Mixed with misfortune and grief
From the depths of centuries.

3. Utter poison
For body and soul.
They don't see bright things in life
Killers are drunks.

4. Half liters and shot glasses
Years are measured.
A path, a drunken path,
Always leads to the edge.

5. A lot of time will pass,
To eradicate evil.
I would consign everything to oblivion,
You can live without vodka.

6.Who should be called to account?
We all want to know.
And where is the exit to the light
From this drunken darkness?

2. The effect of smoking on the human body (presentation)


1.We will tell you poems

About the dangers of smoking.

You are in the habit of breaking habits.

Show your zeal.

2. A cigarette is poison.

Let young and old remember:

She will only give you sclerosis,

Cancer, bronchitis, tuberculosis.

3.If you smoke tobacco.

Soon there will be cancer in the lungs

Throw away the cigarettes

Save your life quickly

4If a friend you often

Offers a cigarette

Think carefully

Is it worth being friends with someone like that?

5He lives well.

Who doesn't smoke or drink,

Who has a healthy lifestyle

From an early age he always leads

6If you want to live long,

Don't smoke cigarettes

Play sports more often

And harden yourself in winter!

While our jury sums up the results of the game, we will solve the riddle.What is the most precious thing in the world? ? The most precious thing in the world is health. If a person is sick, he does not need any wealth. Each person is responsible for their own health. Let's create a cluster showing which factors will contribute to our health. Participants in the game write them down on a poster, and guests of our event write them down on hearts and hang them on a poster near the board. Let's compare our notes.

A popular proverb says: “What goes around comes around.”

It is easier to prevent a disease than to treat it, so you should try not to get sick.
If you are healthy, then our future is in good hands. Only with healthy people can you build a strong life.

This concludes our event.

Speech by the jury, awarding the winners.

I wish you all health, happiness and a happy life. be healthy



Smart hearts

1. Presentation of commands

Maximum score - 3


10 questions - 1 point for each question

Maximum score is 10

3.What do these numbers say?

6 numbers - for each correct answer - 1 point

Maximum score - 6

4. Find the error

8 errors, for each error found 1 point

Maximum score - 8

5. Reception at the medical center - 2 experiences each

For each action shown with an explanation - 5 points

For showing action - 3 points

For explanation - 2 points

Maximum score is 10

6. Solve the crossword puzzle

17 questions - 1 point for each question

Maximum score - 17

7. Messages

Presentation - 5 points

Poems - 3 points

Maximum score - 8

Maximum score - 62

Lesson objectives:

Educational: summarize and systematize students’ knowledge about the composition and functions of blood, the structure of the circulatory system and the importance of immunity.

Developmental: develop the ability to apply acquired knowledge in practice when providing first aid for all types of bleeding;

Educational: promote a healthy lifestyle; note the negative effects of nicotine, alcohol and drugs on the functioning of the circulatory system.

Equipment: plates with team numbers, competition emblems for all participants, statements for the jury; paper for conducting terminological dictation; cards with digital information; cards with task texts; cotton wool, bandages, tourniquet, handkerchief for first aid.

The class is divided into 4 teams, each of which comes up with a name for itself in advance. At the beginning of the lesson, students choose colored chips (each color gives the opportunity to participate in one of the competitions). Competitions are judged by a jury.

During the classes

I. Organizational moment.

The teacher informs the goals and objectives of the lesson, announces the conditions for the game, and introduces the jury. Students choose colored chips and take seats at the gaming tables.

II. Testing students' knowledge. (Conducted in the form of games-competitions - see Lesson Appendices.)

III. Summing up the lesson.

1. Giving marks for the terminology competition ( see the “Terms” competition in the Appendix to the lesson).

2. Grades for participation in competitions.

3. General results and conclusions.

for the lesson on the topic “Blood. Circulatory system. Immunity".

Competition “Terms”

Conditions: the teacher reads the definitions, all students write down the terms in order. After the end of the dictation, one participant from each team (having a yellow chip) goes to the jury table, where their work is checked (the teacher reads the definitions, and the competitors name the terms). The jury corrects mistakes and grades the competition participants, who now, having a standard answer, check their team’s work for 10 minutes.

  1. Vessels that carry blood from the heart. ( Arteries)
  2. The path of blood from the right ventricle to the left atrium. ( Pulmonary circulation)
  3. Vibrations of the walls of blood vessels caused by changes in blood pressure in the vessels in the rhythm of heart contraction. ( Pulse)
  4. Universal donor blood group. ( 1 or 00)
  5. Liquid part of blood. (Plasma)
  6. A substance that is part of red blood cells. ( Hemoglobin)
  7. Blood vessels that carry blood to the heart. ( Vienna)
  8. A preparation made from killed or weakened microorganisms. ( Vaccine)
  9. White blood cells. ( Leukocytes)
  10. The body's ability to protect itself from infectious agents. ( Immunity)
  11. A person who provides part of his blood for transfusion. ( Donor)
  12. A substance produced by white blood cells in response to a foreign protein or organism. ( Antibody)
  13. Blood saturated with oxygen. ( Arterial)
  14. Movement of blood through blood vessels. ( Circulation)
  15. The largest vessel. ( Aorta)
  16. Red blood cells. ( Red blood cells)
  17. The process of devouring foreign bodies by leukocytes. ( Phagocytosis).
  18. Blood saturated with carbon dioxide. ( Venous)
  19. A hereditary disease that results in a tendency to bleed due to non-clotting of blood. ( Hemophilia)
  20. The path of blood from the left ventricle to the right atrium. ( Systemic circulation)

Competition “What do these numbers say”

Conditions: Players with a blue chip participate in the competition. Points will be scored by those players who remember faster than others what the following numbers and numbers mean.

  1. 90% (amount of water in the blood).
  2. 300 g (heart weight).
  3. 60-80 times/min (number of heartbeats).
  4. 120 days (lifespan of red blood cells).
  5. 0.9% (amount of NaCl in blood).
  6. 0.8 s (duration of the cardiac cycle).
  7. 5 million/mm 3 (number of red blood cells).
  8. 0.5-1 mm/s (blood flow speed in capillaries).
  9. 120/80 mm Hg. Art. (normal blood pressure).
  10. 2.5 cm (aortic diameter).
  11. 30-50 cm/s (blood flow speed in the aorta).
  12. 6-9 thousand/mm 3 (number of leukocytes).

Competition “Find the mistake”

Conditions: teams receive texts (by lottery) in which errors were made. For 1-2 minutes, groups work to identify errors, then the player who has red chip, reads the text and comments on errors.

Texts for the competition “Find the error”

1. Leukocytes.

Leukocytes are white blood cells. They smaller(larger than) red blood cells, have threadlike(amoeboid) body and well-defined nucleus. In 1 mm 3 of their blood 9 to 15 thousand. (6-9 thousand). Like red blood cells, leukocytes not capable move independently (able to move actively). White blood cells devour bacteria that enter the body. This way of eating is called pinocytosis(phagocytosis). In addition, a special group of leukocytes produces immune bodies - special cells(substances) capable of neutralizing any(specific) infection. Studied the protective properties of blood I.P. Pavlov(I.I. Mechnikov).

2. Red blood cells.

Erythrocytes are red blood cells. They are very small. There are 3 of them in 1 mm 10 million. (5 million). Mature red blood cells have small kernels(do not have cores). These are cells spherical(biconcave flat cake) forms that are not capable of independent movement. Inside the cells is hemoglobin, a protein and copper(gland). Red blood cells are born in spleen(in red bone marrow), and are destroyed in red bone marrow(spleen). The main function of red blood cells is to transport nutrients substances(gases). A disease associated with a decrease in the number of red blood cells in the blood is called thrombophlebitis(anemia).

3. Lymphatic system.

The lymphatic system is an additional arterial(venous) and is part of the cardiovascular system. The capillaries are blind-closed and blood(lymph) moves along them in two(one) directions. The lymphatic system is an intermediary between body cells and blood, supplies the body with oxygen and nutrients(frees from decay products). Lymphatic vessels Dont Have(have) valves. Special formations - lymph nodes concentrated in the chest cavity(throughout the body in moving places). They perform a barrier function, here they are formed platelets(lymphocytes). Composition of lymph and blood similar(various).

4. Heart.

The heart is the engine of blood in the body. This three-chamber(four-chambered) muscular organ located in abdominal(chest) cavity. Heart weight approx. 1 kg(300 g). AND outside, and inside the heart is lined with single-layer epithelium (outside - connective tissue). Inside there is a valve apparatus that ensures blood flow in only one direction. The ventricles are separated incomplete(complete) septum, and therefore arterial and venous blood mix(do not mix). The largest vein(artery) carrying blood from the heart - the aorta - starts from the left ventricle. The cardiac cycle lasts 0.8 min(sec).

Competition “Reception at the emergency room”

Conditions: guys with a white chip participate in the competition. They must provide first aid to the “victim” (tasks are chosen by drawing lots).

1. The victim has severe bleeding on the left forearm, the blood comes in spurts, the color of the blood is scarlet.

Answer. The type of bleeding is arterial. A tourniquet must be applied. It is applied to clothing (so as not to damage the skin) above the wound until the bleeding stops. The tourniquet can be kept for no more than 1.5-2 hours (so as not to cause necrosis). Cover the wound with a sterile bandage. The victim must be taken to the hospital.

2. The victim has cardiac arrest due to electric shock.

Answer. It is necessary to de-energize the victim, then immediately begin performing indirect cardiac massage in combination with artificial respiration. Due to the impact of the current, there may be a muscle spasm, so you can unclench the victim’s teeth using a knife or stick. A clean scarf is placed on the victim’s mouth and nose, air is blown into the lungs at a frequency of 18-20 times per minute, and cardiac massage is performed using rhythmic pressure on the lower third of the sternum at a frequency of 60-70 times per minute.

3. The victim has a skull injury: the forehead is cut, there is profuse bleeding, the bone is not damaged.

Answer. It is necessary to blot the wound with a napkin, apply gauze folded several times to the wound and apply a circular bandage or “cap”. The victim should be taken to the medical center for stitches.

4. The victim has an abrasion on his knee, the bleeding is weak, the wound is dirty.

Answer. Rinse the wound with boiled water or a solution of potassium permanganate, treat the skin around the wound with iodine or brilliant green, you can cover the wound with a bactericidal plaster, a bandage is not necessary.

“Messages” competition

Conditions: team members who have prepared reports speak (time limit: 3 minutes).

Message topics.

  1. Cardiovascular diseases and their prevention.
  2. The influence of alcohol, tobacco, and drugs on the functioning of the cardiovascular system.
  3. The importance of physical exercise to strengthen the cardiovascular system.
  4. Why are vaccinations needed?