Treat weeping bedsores. How to treat bedsores in bedridden patients at home? Typical localization of bedsores

Bedsores quite often form in people who, due to illness or injury, are forced to remain in one position for a long time. Essentially, bedsores are the death of body tissue caused by lack of blood circulation due to pressure on blood vessels in areas adjacent to hard surfaces or on protruding parts of the body. This disrupts the supply of nutrition and oxygen to the cells, causing their death and the formation of a deep or superficial wound.

Bedsores can also occur under too-tight casts or poorly fitting dentures.

Causes of bedsores formation

Bedsores can develop in patients even with good care. The main reasons for their appearance are considered to be prolonged exposure to continuous pressure, especially in combination with tissue displacement and friction. All these factors are present in bedridden patients. Pressure is caused by staying in one position for a long time, displacement and friction occur when turning over or repositioning patients, changing linen or a bedpan.

In addition, there are a number of other reasons that contribute to the occurrence of bedsores:

  1. Overweight or underweight. If you are overweight, it is the excess mass that puts pressure on the tissue that has an impact. If you are underweight, there is no layer between the bones and the skin, so the pressure on the skin increases.
  2. Poor nutrition. Bedridden patients often refuse to eat and drink, so metabolic processes in the body slow down, cells do not receive enough nutrients, and cell waste products are less readily excreted from the body.
  3. Excessive sweating leads to the appearance of salts on the skin, which irritate its surface.
  4. The presence of cardiovascular diseases, which inevitably lead to deterioration of blood circulation in the tissues.
  5. Diabetes.
  6. Elderly age.
  7. Urinary and fecal incontinence.
  8. The presence of folds, crumbs, and small objects on the bed.
  9. Allergies to skin care products.

Even before the appearance of bedsores, a conscious patient can feel the first signs of its occurrence and talk about them. Certain parts of his body go numb, he feels tingling, his skin peels and changes color. If the patient is unconscious, he should be examined daily for changes in the skin.

In total, there are 4 stages of bedsores and you need to try to prevent the transition from the initial stage to the next.

What do bedsores look like in the initial stages?

In the initial stage, a red or purple color of the skin is observed at the site of the bedsore. The patient complains of pain in this area or increased sensitivity of the skin. The skin itself is not damaged, but blisters may form on it, which then burst.

Stage 2 bedsores

A shallow violation of the skin begins, sometimes the subcutaneous tissue is also affected. A bubble or red-pink wound forms in this place.

Bedsores 3rd degree

At this stage, tissue necrosis extends deeper into the muscle layer. A bedsore looks like a crater-shaped wound, and there may be fluid discharge from it.

Bedsores 4 degrees

At stage 4, the bedsore spreads even deeper and affects the muscles and tendons, and may even expose bone, which also becomes infected.

Care for bedsores at home

When caring for bedridden patients, you need to try to prevent bedsores and use special care products for this: mattresses, pillows, rubber circles.

Anti-bedsore mattress

An orthopedic anti-bedsore mattress is in many ways a means of preventing the occurrence of bedsores. It creates a massage effect and promotes muscle relaxation, which leads to the restoration of normal blood circulation in them. The mattress makes life much easier for both the patient and the person caring for him, because... There is no need to constantly turn the patient over.

Mattresses against bedsores are created using innovative technologies from hypoallergenic materials that are strong enough to withstand long-term use and easy to care for. They can be treated with detergents, and the presence of micropores prevents excessive sweating.

When choosing a mattress, you need to take into account the patient’s weight; the larger it is, the more rigid the mattress should be.

Bedsore pillow

With the help of bedsore pillows, you can regulate the load on certain parts of the body, or support the patient in a comfortable position. There are pillows for specific parts of the body, for example, the lower back or shoulder blades, feet or elbows, but there are also combinations. Cushions for wheelchairs are also produced; contour pillows that follow the shape of the buttocks are popular.

When choosing a pillow, you should pay attention to its size; you need to select it in accordance with the height and weight of the patient.

Pillows have different fillings, the most common is foam rubber, which provides enough comfort for the patient. More expensive latex pillows perfectly adapt to the shape of the body, in addition, they are ventilated and thus prevent diaper rash. Gel pillows are great for sedentary patients; they don't slip, but they are heavy. There are also air cushions, in which it is important to correctly adjust the degree of inflation.

Recently, they have begun to produce combined pillows, for example, a polyurethane pillow with gel inserts in areas of greatest pressure.

Rubber circle for bedsores

Rubber circles are available in three sizes. The smallest ones are used to prevent bedsores on the elbows, heels, legs and head. Larger circles are used for other parts of the body: shoulders, hips, sacrum. The largest circles are used for large patients.

A rubber band can help relieve pressure on certain parts of the body, but it is best used in cases where the patient is not expected to be in bed for too long. In severe cases, a mattress and pillows are still more effective.

How to treat bedsores at home using medical means

If a bedsore occurs, treatment should be started immediately; it will not heal on its own, and delay can lead to further growth of the wound and sepsis.

Treatment consists of restoring blood circulation to the muscles, sloughing off dead tissue and treating the cleansed wound.

Blood circulation is restored using the means described above.

Treatment at the first stage of a bedsore involves treating the skin with saline or camphor alcohol, using Solcoserine or Actovegin to improve blood circulation, and sprinkling with Xeroform.

At the second stage of bedsore development, minimal surgical intervention is possible to remove dead tissue; in case of inflammation, antibacterial treatment is carried out and an antiseptic bandage is applied.

Bedsores: home treatment, open wound

In the third and fourth stages of pressure ulcers, wounds appear and it is important to treat them correctly. Here you do not need to wait for the wound to open, but promptly perform surgical intervention to remove necrotic tissue. After this, antibiotics and antiseptics are used to treat the wound. It is important to constantly remove discharge from the wound and not allow the skin to dry out.

At stage 4, physiotherapeutic procedures are additionally prescribed to stimulate tissue restoration: laser therapy, electroacupuncture, mud applications, and additional massage of healthy areas. To combat microbes, UHF, ultrasound, electrophoresis with antibiotics, and phonoresis with antiseptics are used.

How to treat bedsores on the buttocks at home

Treatment of pressure sores on the buttocks will be useless if the pressure on them is not reduced. To do this, use pillows and circles. Often such bedsores occur in patients suffering from urinary and fecal incontinence. For them, it is better to use diapers, and before putting on a diaper, treat the skin with an ointment or cream containing silver. For wiping, it is good to use a solution obtained by pouring 2 tbsp. vodka or cologne in 0.5 l. water. It is better not to use camphor alcohol, because... it dries out the skin a lot.

How to treat bedsores at home

To treat bedsores, complex treatment should be used and drugs with necrolytic action, stimulators of tissue restoration function, drugs to improve blood circulation, and anti-inflammatory drugs should be used. Nowadays, quite a lot of similar drugs are produced in different forms, but a doctor must select them.

Let's look at what tools are usually used:

  1. Ointments. They have the following advantages: they speed up the healing process well, are low cost, help relieve pain and discomfort, and have a bactericidal effect. These include Iruksol, Solcoseryl, Algofin, Metronidazole, Levosin, etc. Ointments with silver - Dermazin, Sulfargyl, Argol sulfate (also contains an antibiotic). Such old and reliable remedies as zinc or sulfur ointment and Vishnevsky ointment also have a good effect.
  2. Sprays. They are easy to use, form a thin protective film on the skin, have an anti-inflammatory effect, relieve pain, and have antiseptic and antibacterial properties. Cavilon spray (otherwise called liquid patch), Menalind, Panthenol, Acerbin, Vitargol are widely used. There are special sprays used in stages 3 and 4 that can clear pus from wounds and reduce the amount of discharge. These include Levovinisol, Olazol.
  3. Other means. These include polyurethane film dressings; they help protect the skin at stage 1. At stage 2, hydrocolloid or hydrogel dressings or dressings with a hydropolymer are used to protect the skin from the penetration of liquids and bacteria. These funds are quite expensive. At all stages, you can use disposable self-adhesive antiseptic dressings.

Folk remedies for bedsores

Folk remedies for bedsores are often not inferior to pharmaceutical ones, and their cost is much less.

Camphor oil for bedsores

This product is of plant origin, it improves blood circulation, enhances metabolic processes and promotes tissue regeneration. Camphor oil is best used in the form of an aqueous solution or ointment. This is a preventive remedy; when treating open wounds, you can get a burn. Camphor oil can be applied to the entire skin, but before doing this, you should cleanse it well.

Camphor alcohol for bedsores

Alcohol in combination with camphor irritates nerve receptors on the skin and thereby improves blood circulation and enhances metabolic processes. It is used for rubbing or compresses. Long-term use is not recommended, because Overexcitation of the nervous system occurs, skin irritation, and allergies are possible.

Vodka with shampoo for bedsores

This remedy is used at any stage of bedsores to treat sore spots. To prepare, take baby shampoo without additives and mix it with an equal amount of vodka. The resulting mixture is used to carefully treat bedsores using a soft sponge. The procedure is performed in the evening, and in the morning the skin is wiped with a sponge moistened with water, then carefully dried with a napkin. The product does not act quickly, but it is reliable.

Bedsore talker

The anti-decubitus sore agent acts more gently than the previous product, without causing irritation, and it cleans well. It is prepared from camphor alcohol and baby shampoo, taken in equal volumes. The procedure is similar.

Other methods and means of traditional medicine

For the prevention and treatment of bedsores, products prepared on the basis of essential oils are effective: palmarosa, St. John's wort, wheat germ, geranium, myrrh, lavender, tea tree. Can be used individually or in a mixture to prepare a warm compress. It is applied at night and washed off with water in the morning.

An effective remedy is sea buckthorn oil; it is recommended to alternate it with rosehip oil, they both have an antimicrobial effect. Used to prevent bedsores.

An ointment prepared with beeswax, oil and sugar helps to treat ulcers. The mixture is heated on the stove in an enamel bowl, transferred to a dark jar and stored in the refrigerator.

Another ointment is prepared from spruce resin (1 part), vegetable and butter (2 parts each), beeswax (1 part). The mixture is heated in a water bath for 2.5-3 hours. The ointment can be stored for a long time in the refrigerator.

In addition to ointments, they use the application of Kalanchoe leaves, sprinkling with starch, compresses from sterilized fish oil, etc.

Preventing bedsores at home

To prevent bedsores from occurring, it is important to properly care for the skin of a bedridden patient. The main thing is to avoid excessive dryness or moisturizing of the skin and keep it clean. Use hygiene products without allergic additives; do not use antibacterial soap, as it destroys beneficial bacteria along with harmful ones. Alcohol-containing products should be used for oily skin.

Treat the skin with a soft sponge and do not rub under any circumstances. Then blot with a soft cloth or towel.

It is necessary to change bed linen more often; it is better to use it after washing it many times, it is softer. You cannot pull the sheets out from under the patient, as this will cause skin displacement. If there is no opportunity or strength to temporarily shift the patient, then you need to carefully turn him over during these procedures. Change underwear, diapers, and nappies as often as possible.

To reduce sweating, monitor the temperature and humidity in the room, prevent the patient’s body from overheating, and give him air baths more often.

Of course, if possible, buy an anti-decubitus mattress and pillows. Saving on these funds can lead to the fact that later a lot of work and money will have to be spent on treating a bedsore.

In this article you will learn how to treat pressure sores of the superficial and deep stages. We will tell you what medications should be used for different conditions of pressure wounds. Familiarize yourself with the principle of action of hydrogel dressings. You can choose an auxiliary folk remedy that will help heal diseased skin. Find out which natural ingredients are effective in the fight against bedsores. Learn to position the patient so that there is minimal pressure on the skin tissue.

How to determine the stage of a bedsore?

To treat bedsores, you can use both pharmacy and home remedies. But in order for the medicine used to be truly effective, you must first clarify the stage of the disease and then choose a treatment regimen.

There are 4 stages of bedsores, the first two are superficial, the last two are deep. Stages 1 and 2 of the disease can be cured at home, but stages 3 and 4, according to doctors, can only be cured by a surgeon.

How to determine at what stage of development the disease is:

  • Istage- the skin at the site of the bedsore is red and slightly swollen. When pressed with a finger, white spots appear on it. The pathology is cured within a week.
  • IIstage- blisters appear on the red background of the skin; after they burst, wounds are formed. It is very important to have time to prevent the purulent process. Special medicinal dressings will help cope with this; they will be mentioned below.
  • IIIstage- there is practically no skin, subcutaneous tissues (fat, muscle) are clearly visible, the wound may contain pus.
  • IVstage- a bedsore is a purulent deep wound, pathological changes begin to cover the tendons and bone tissue.

Let's see how we can help patients who suffer from bedsores of different stages.

Treatment process: superficial wounds

At the first stage of bedsore formation, it is very important to start treatment in a timely manner, which will eliminate the irreversibility of the pathological phenomenon, i.e. will preserve the possibility of tissue restoration.

When trying to alleviate the patient's condition with the help of external medications, do not press hard on the bedsore. In this case, even light massage movements are not appropriate.

This precaution is explained by the fact that the skin in the area where the bedsore is formed is too thin. Therefore, all actions carried out on it increase the risk of injury and subsequent purulent infection.

First stage

You will be able to improve the condition of the patient’s skin if you follow the points below:

  1. Buy camphor alcohol and sea buckthorn oil at the pharmacy.
  2. Make sure that the inflamed surface of the skin always remains dry. Change the patient's diapers in a timely manner, and if he sweats a lot, carefully wipe the skin with a vinegar solution (1 tablespoon of vinegar per 0.5 liter of water).
  3. Wipe the surface of bedsores every 2 - 3 hours with camphor alcohol. The beneficial properties of the drug include antimicrobial and warming effects. The latter factor improves the blood circulation process, the disruption of which caused the formation of bedsores. After 3 to 4 days, the redness should disappear.
  4. Treat dying tissues with sea buckthorn oil 2-3 times a day. The benefit of the drug is that it helps relieve swelling and inflammation, has a regenerating (restorative) and antioxidant effect (providing skin cells with protection from pathogens).

Note! You can speed up skin healing if you massage around the inflamed area 2-3 times a day. But not with bare hands. Make yourself a mitten from a soft towel, soak it in camphor oil and perform stroking movements with it. This way you will cause a rush of blood to the sore spot, which will improve tissue nutrition.

Second stage

If the period when it would be possible to prevent the development of necrosis of the superficial layer of skin is missed, be prepared for the fact that you will have to deal with more serious drugs. In this case, sea buckthorn oil and camphor will not save the situation.

  1. Regularly treat bedsores with an antiseptic (3 - 4 times a day). Chlorhexidine Bigluconate 0.05% is suitable for these purposes. The drug is sold in the form of a spray, so you can wash the inflamed skin without touching it.
  2. After the antiseptic, apply a wound-healing ointment (Solcoseryl, Actovegin - one of them) to the bedsores. The product is applied to the diseased area in an even thin layer 2 - 3 times a day, the procedure is carried out until the skin is completely healed.
  3. Periodically use hydrogel dressings, such as Hydrosorb Comfort. Benefit: The hydrogel element consists of 60% water, which provides the wound with the necessary level of hydration, and at the same time it is able to absorb excess tissue fluid, due to the ability of it to bind to the gel structure of the dressing. Ease of use: the bandage is fixed to the healthy skin that surrounds the wound due to the adhesive (sticky) edge. And it does not require the application of a secondary fixing element (adhesive plaster, bandage).
  4. Application bandage "Multiferm". Used to heal bedsores with signs of inflammation and infection. Benefit: relieves inflammation, cleanses the wound of germs.

Note! Hydrogel and application dressings are not cheap (1 package costs more than 1000 rubles), but their use can reduce the overall course of treatment for bedsores, which lasts at least 2 weeks for stage 2 pathology, by half.

You might find the story in the following video helpful. Listen to how Laminin helped cure pressure sores on the heels of a 74-year-old man:

How to cure deep bedsores

If the wrong treatment is applied to a superficial pressure wound or left without attention at all, the pathology will quickly take on a complicated form, in which the participation of a surgeon cannot be avoided.

The specialist’s actions include the following procedures:

  1. Sanitation of the wound surface (removal of dead tissue and pathological fluid).
  2. Application of drying and wound-healing dressings, such as “Proteox-TM”.
  3. If the wound contains a large amount of pus and dead tissue, then absorbent dressings, for example, Biaten, are used.

Important! Only after the pressure wound has dried, it begins to be treated with local antibiotics, immunostimulants, and drugs that improve blood circulation.

What can be done: stage 3

With the onset of the 3rd stage of the disease, the pathology begins to quickly spread to adjacent areas of the skin with poor blood circulation. Therefore, it is a mistake to wait for dead tissue to peel off on its own. After the surgeon cleans the pressure wound, the following medications are prescribed to treat it:

  • Necrolytics. Accelerate the rejection of necrotic tissues (“Collagenosin”, “Trypsin”, “Deoxyribonuclease”).
  • Tissue repair stimulators. Ointments and balms that restore skin tissue (Methyluracil, Bepanten, Vinilin).
  • Vasodilator medications. Improves blood microcirculation (“Pyricarbate”, “Tribenoside”).
  • Anti-inflammatory drugs. They relieve swelling and stop the inflammatory process (Hydrocortisone, Dexamethasone).

Complex treatment, using the above medications, allows you to clean the pressure wound and prevent infection of the whole body with a purulent infection. List of local medications that are preferable for stage 3 pressure ulcers:

  • "Argosulfan" - the cream contains the antibiotic sulfathiazole, which can suppress the development of pathogens. The drug is made on a hydrophilic basis, which provides pain relief and hydration of the wound. The product is applied under a bandage or openly 2 - 3 times a day. The course of treatment can last 2 months.
  • "Iruksol" - an enzymatic preparation that helps cleanse bedsores from dead tissue, which is a breeding ground for bacteria. The ointment is applied to the wound, previously treated with saline, in the morning and evening. It is recommended to use until the wound is completely cleansed and the granular layer of the skin is restored.
  • "Levosin" - antimicrobial and wound-healing agent, helps cleanse bedsores from pus and necrotic tissue. Does not allow healthy cells to dehydrate and die. The ointment is applied to the wound and covered with a bandage, the procedure is repeated 1 - 2 times a day. If there are purulent cavities, the drug is heated and injected into the wound using a syringe.
  • "Levomekol" - antibacterial medicine, accelerates tissue regeneration, prescribed to patients with infected wounds at the purulent-necrotic stage. Inject the ointment into the purulent cavities using a syringe 1 - 2 times a day.
  • "Metronidazole" 1% - the drug is made on a gel base, which can eliminate the unpleasant odor from the wound. The medicine has an antimicrobial effect and is applied under a foam (for excess exudate) or hydrogel (for a dry wound) bandage.
  • "Intrasite" - hydrogel provides gentle cleaning of the bedsore surface from pus and dead tissue. It is recommended to use the product under a bandage; the frequency of its change depends on the condition of the wound.

How is stage 4 treated?

Treatment of bedsores, in which the pathological process has affected the muscles, tendons and bone tissue, consists of 3 main stages:

  1. Excision of necrotic tissue.
  2. Absorption of separated fluid.
  3. Providing moisture to the healing wound.

During the surgical cleaning of a pressure wound, the specialist tries to preserve as much living tissue as possible. After excision of necrotic masses, the patient is prescribed the same medications as for stage 3 pathology. Treatment is necessarily supplemented with physiotherapy.

  • In order to suppress pathogenic microflora in the ulcer, the patient is prescribed: Ultrasonic cavitation is a modern way of cleaning a purulent wound and preparing it for closure. UHF therapy - an ultra-high frequency field creates a thermal effect in tissues and relieves inflammation. Electrophoresis of antibiotics - administration of drugs through the skin using direct current. Phonophoresis of antiseptics - drugs are administered through the skin under the influence of ultrasound.
  • To stimulate recovery processes, the patient is prescribed: darsonvalization - the impact of pulsed current on the skin that surrounds the wounds, with the aim of dilating blood vessels, activating blood circulation and improving tissue nutrition. Low-intensity laser therapy - normalizes the metabolic process in tissues, accelerates the regeneration of damaged skin, strengthens local immunity. Mud applications - suppress the growth of bacteria, improve blood circulation and metabolic processes.
  • Massage healthy skin surrounding the bedsore- performed with stroking movements, carried out to improve blood supply to wounds.

Note! Conservative (non-surgical) treatment of stage 4 bedsores is possible if the size of the ulcer has decreased by 30% as a result of 2 weeks of therapeutic procedures. But, if this does not happen, then the doctor re-evaluates the patient’s condition and changes the direction of treatment.


Doctors believe that it is impossible to heal pressure wounds (stages 2, 3 and 4) only with folk remedies, and recommend their use as auxiliary ones. Medicines prepared according to home recipes help cleanse and heal ulcers. But it should be remembered that the natural ingredients used to prepare medicinal compositions can cause allergies in the patient.

Therefore, before using any home remedy, first test it on the sensitive area of ​​the patient's skin. The medicine is applied to the inner bend of the elbow and left for 15 minutes. If redness and rash appear on the skin, the patient begins to feel itching and burning, then this composition is not suitable for his treatment.


  1. Onions - 2 heads.
  2. Vegetable oil - 2 tbsp.
  3. Wax candle - 1 piece (the smallest).

How to cook: Place finely chopped onion in an enamel container and add oil to it, place in a water bath, bring to a boil, simmer the mixture for 20 minutes. Separate the onion from the oil, add a wax candle to the liquid, let it melt. Pour the medicine directly into the jar. Keep refrigerated.

How to use: Treat bedsores with ointment in the morning and evening until completely cured.

Result: The product kills pathogenic bacteria and promotes wound healing.

Vodka-olive mixture


  1. Olive oil - 1 part.
  2. Vodka (moonshine) - 1 part.

How to cook: mix vodka and oil, pour into a bottle.

How to use: treat bedsores 3 times a day.

Result: noticeable improvements occur after 2 weeks of using this medicine. Vodka disinfects and dries the wound, olive oil contains linoleic acid, which promotes rapid healing, strengthens muscle tissue and improves metabolic processes in the skin.

Pine sulfur


  1. Beeswax - 200 g.
  2. Vegetable oil - 1 l.
  3. Onions - 20 pcs (medium).
  4. Pine sulfur - 1 tbsp. l. (with a slide).

How to cook:

  1. Cut off the bottom with the husk (2 mm thick) from each onion.
  2. Place oil, wax (can be bought at the market) and sulfur (sold in a pharmacy) in an enamel container.
  3. Place the container on the fire and bring to a boil.
  4. Reduce heat to low and simmer for another 30 minutes.
  5. Place the onion slices in it and cook over low heat for another 30 minutes.
  6. After cooling, strain the medicine through gauze folded in four.
  7. Pour the mixture into a jar, not into a bottle, as the mixture will thicken and will be inconvenient to scoop. Store in a cool place.

How to use: treat bedsores 2 - 3 times a day with prepared ointment. The course of treatment lasts until recovery.

Result: the composition disinfects the wound, relieves inflammation, and has a healing effect.

What remedies don't help?

For the treatment of bedsores of stages 2, 3 and 4, do not use herbs and other natural ingredients that have a tannic or astringent effect (St. John's wort, oak bark, willow bark, galangal root, mackerel, etc.).

The result you can achieve can be seen using the example of using a decoction of galangal root:

  • After daily treatment of the pressure wound (1 mm deep and 0.5 cm in diameter), its surface began to dry out and take on a more or less healthy appearance. But after a few days, the film that had formed on the surface of the ulcer disappeared, and the wound began to grow.

This case is explained by the fact that such drugs relieve inflammation and anesthetize wounds. And most importantly, they contribute to the rapid formation of crusts on their surface. But it is the latter factor that interferes with the process of growing new epidermal cells; as a result, the body rejects the “pseudo-skin”, and the pathology begins to progress.

Question answer

What is a hydrocolloid dressing and how is it useful for bedsores?

This is a modern dressing material for dry and wet ulcers. This dressing contains substances that, after absorbing discharge from a bedsore, turn into a gel. In addition, after applying a bandage, a favorable environment for wound healing is formed under it.

What should be the diet for bedsores?

The daily menu of a bedridden patient should include:

  1. At least 120 g of protein. The substance is responsible for tissue regeneration in the affected area. In people who move little, muscles atrophy, which leads to a decrease in the volume of muscle tissue; with protein deficiency, building muscle mass is impossible. Its sources are the following products: eggs, fish, meat, cottage cheese, milk, nuts, legumes, greens.
  2. 500 - 1000 mg of vitamin C. Ensures normal functioning of the immune system. Sources: rose hips, kiwi, black currants, Brussels sprouts, bell peppers.
  • Fish, meat low-fat broth with vegetables.
  • Buckwheat, rice, oatmeal with water/milk.
  • Casserole made from fish and cottage cheese.
  • Omelette, meatballs, cutlets (steam).

Prohibited products:

  • Candies, sweet pastries.
  • Carbonated drinks.
  • Products containing preservatives, dyes, flavor enhancers.
  • Spicy, salty and fried foods.

Does an anti-decubitus mattress really “work”?

Such a mattress is only an item that reduces the likelihood of bedsores in a bedridden person. But this does not mean that they will not form if the patient lies on such a mattress. Only proper and timely skin care can prevent the occurrence of pressure sores.

How many times a day should a patient be turned over to prevent the formation of bedsores?

It is recommended to change the position of a lying patient every 2 hours, at least, including at night. After 2 hours of continuous pressure on areas at risk of developing bedsores (protruding areas of the body), changes in skin tissue begin to occur, quickly leading to cell death. This factor is especially relevant for people with vascular disorders and pathology of the nervous system.

How should a patient be positioned to minimize pressure on areas of the body where bedsores most often occur?

There are 4 main positions that minimize pressure on tissue:

  1. The patient can be placed on one side, then on the other side.
  2. Turn over onto your stomach.
  3. Help Sims accept his position. Intermediate arrangement: the upper part of the body rests more on the stomach (a pillow is placed under the head and left arm), the lower part of the body lies on its side (the left leg is bent at the knee, a pillow is placed under it).
  4. Fowler's pose is a semi-sitting position, very simply achieved with the help of a functional bed or orthopedic pillows.

What to remember

  1. Before you begin treatment of a pressure wound, you should clarify the stage of its development, otherwise the medications used may be ineffective.
  2. Stages 1 and 2 bedsores are considered superficial, 3 and 4 - deep.
  3. Superficial wounds can be cured at home, deep pathological changes only with the participation of a surgeon.
  4. Traditional medicine can be used as an adjuvant in the treatment of pressure wounds.
  5. An anti-decubitus mattress reduces the likelihood of skin ulcers, but does not cure them.

– a serious and common complication of diseases associated with limited mobility of the patient. Due to prolonged pressure on soft tissues with forced immobility, blood supply and nutrition are disrupted, which leads to necrosis (death). Manifestations and symptoms depend on the disease. At the initial stage, local skin hyperemia and minor damage appear. Then, if no measures are taken, non-healing ulcers appear on the skin, gradually involving deeper layers - subcutaneous fat, muscles and even bone tissue.

The patient’s general condition also suffers – there is a general weakening of the body’s defenses, and signs of intoxication appear. A serious complication of the necrotic process is sepsis, which can lead to. It is important to diagnose the process at the initial stage; in this case, it is enough to remove the cause and use antibacterial agents to treat bedsores. In this case, folk remedies give a good effect. If necrotic ulcers appear, it is necessary to undergo a course of antibiotics, and sometimes surgical intervention is required, which is performed in a hospital.

Home treatment for bedsores

It must be taken into account that at any stage of treatment it is important to eliminate. Therefore, it is recommended to use a functional bed during the treatment of bedsores. It is selected individually, depending on the patient’s weight. This stimulates blood circulation in the tissues, thanks to the constantly changing pressure in it. This redistribution of pressure plays a role and significantly reduces the development of necrosis. For maximum convenience, they are used, thanks to which the patient can take the most comfortable body position.

Taking care of the patient's cleanliness and skin is important. should be done with sterile dressings and gloves in order to prevent re-infection of the wound.

When treating bedsores at home, folk remedies are widely used. These methods give the maximum effect in the initial stages of necrosis, but traditional medicine recipes are also used in complex therapy. Most herbs and natural elements have a pronounced wound-healing, drying or antibacterial effect, which has a good effect and significantly accelerates tissue regeneration.

The following folk remedies are most often used to treat bedsores:

  • honey and bee products,
  • essential oils,
  • camphor alcohol,
  • soda,
  • laundry soap,
  • onion,
  • starch,
  • medicinal herbs.

Honey and bee products

Product Properties Application
  • Bactericidal
  • Nutritious
  • Enhances regeneration
  • Anti-inflammatory
Treatment of eczema, bedsores, burns, wounds, psoriasis, furunculosis. Treatment and prevention of infectious diseases. As a general tonic.
  • Antimicrobial
  • Antifungal
  • Stimulating
Treatment of skin tuberculosis, gastrointestinal diseases, teeth. Treatment of eczema, hyperkeratosis, fungal diseases.
  • Emollient
  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Stimulates regeneration
Treatment of burns, wounds, bedsores, strengthening of teeth and gums.
Royal jelly
  • Stimulates immunity
  • Enhances hematopoiesis
  • Increases the body's resistance
General strengthening agent. Treatment of skin, eczema, neurodermatitis, focal baldness.

Ointment for bedsores with wax

Heat 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil, then cool to 70 degrees. Add 2 tablespoons of animal fat (you can use ghee or butter), 100 grams of beeswax and 10 grams of pine resin. Stir until the consistency of the ointment, store the resulting product in a cool place, and before use, heat in a water bath until the wax melts.

Before applying the ointment, the wound is cleaned of necrotic plaque with tampons soaked in and dried. Apply, cover with cling film and wrap with a warm cloth on top. After a day, remove the compress, clean the wound (if necessary) and reapply the ointment. At the first signs of healing of the ulcer, young skin is lubricated with emollients, and treatment with ointment is stopped.

Honey remedy

Chopped fresh potatoes and honey should be mixed in a 1:1 ratio. Soak a gauze bandage with the resulting mixture and apply it overnight. This mixture relieves pain and hyperemia, softens the skin, and promotes tissue regeneration.

Melt 10-15 grams of propolis and add 30 grams of vegetable oil. Stir the mixture, cool and store in a cool place. Ulcers should be wiped with the cooled mixture at least three times a day. This helps remove pus and plaque and stimulates tissue repair well.

Onion-based product

Thanks to the volatile substances - phytoncides included in its composition, onions have an antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effect. This property is successfully used in the treatment of bedsores in folk medicine.

To make the composition you will need:

  • 2 medium sized onions;
  • 40 grams of vegetable oil;
  • ¼ part of a church candle.

Finely chop the onion and simmer in vegetable oil for 20 minutes until golden yellow. The dishes must be enameled. Then strain the resulting mixture and mix with melted candle wax. Store the resulting mixture in a cool place.

Lubricate necrosis with the product 2 times a day. The ointment should be used to treat shallow wounds that have not been aggravated by fungal, viral or bacterial infections.

Starch in the treatment of skin lesions

Starch for bedsores is used for preventive purposes, as well as to eliminate the first signs of the disease. After hygiene procedures, the skin is dried, the hyperemic areas are sprinkled with starch and wrapped with a fabric bandage.

This allows and does not allow the process to progress.

Using laundry soap

Simple laundry soap has a strong antibactericidal, decongestant and drying effect. It has long been noted that its use reduces pain and accelerates the healing of wounds and cracks in the skin.

To prepare a medicinal paste, the soap must be crushed (grated). Then mix 150 grams of dry matter with triple cologne so that a homogeneous mixture is obtained, the consistency of which resembles an ointment.

Soda against ulcers

It is necessary to dissolve a teaspoon of soda in a glass of boiling water and soak fabric (preferably linen) in the resulting solution. Allow the product to cool slightly, wring out the fabric slightly and apply to the wound. This compress draws out pus from the wound and removes necrotic plaque. It is better to soak several napkins at once and change them as they cool. This method allows you to quickly clean the wound, which promotes its healing.

Calendula flower remedies

The plant has an antimicrobial effect, neutralizes inflammation, and accelerates the healing of ulcers. For severe skin lesions, fresh calendula leaves are applied directly to areas of necrosis; the leaves should first be crushed.

In the treatment of necrotic skin lesions, various dosage forms based on calendula flowers are used:

  • Ointments and lotions;
  • Decoctions and infusions;
  • Alcohol tincture;
  • Applications and compresses.

Calendula flower ointment

Grind dried flowers (a heaping tablespoon) and mix with Vaseline, 50 grams. Store the resulting ointment in a cool place. It should be applied to a previously cleaned ulcer, 2 times a day. Treatment can be continued after the wound has begun to epithelize.

Calendula tincture

Infuse dried flowers for 14 days in vodka, in a ratio of 1:2. Strain the resulting product and store it in a cool place. Before use, dilute the tincture with water - 1 tablespoon of tincture in ½ cup of boiled water. Use the resulting product to wipe the areas of hyperemia. Can be used as a lotion up to three times a day for 20 minutes.

Herbal infusions and decoctions

Treatment of bedsores with folk remedies is not complete without using the power of medicinal herbs. Using proven recipes, you can not only prevent the development of necrotic changes, but also cure superficial ulcers.

Compound How to cook How to use
· Chamomile 50 grams · Sweet clover 50 grams · Boiling water ½ cup Mix chamomile and sweet clover, add boiling water and leave for 30 minutes. Wrap the resulting pulp in gauze and apply to affected areas of the skin 2-3 times a day. Used in the initial stages.
· Horsetail 30 grams · Chamomile 30 grams · St. John's wort 40 grams · Water 0.25 liters Pour boiling water over the herb mixture, heat in a water bath for 15 minutes and strain. Wipe the wounds with the infusion, use it as a lotion, and also take 1/3 cup orally 3 times a day. Has a general strengthening effect.
· Dry crushed oak bark 40 grams · Water 0.2 liters Pour hot water over the oak bark. Bring to a boil and keep for 20-30 minutes over low heat, then cool and strain. , moistened with bark decoction, apply to the wound 3 times a day for 10 minutes.
Lungwort officinalis (all except the root) 2 tablespoons Water 0.5 liters Pour boiling water over the crushed dry substance and heat in a water bath for 15 minutes. Cool and strain. Rinse and ulcers 2-3 times a day.


In folk medicine, camphor alcohol and camphor oil are often used for bedsores. Its source is Japanese laurel wood. Pharmacies offer dosage forms:

  • Camphor ointment;
  • Oil solution;
  • Alcohol solution.

When applied topically, camphor oil gives the following effect:

  • Bactericidal and bacteriostatic;
  • Relieves itching and irritation;
  • Reduces tissue inflammation;
  • Enhances regeneration.

The most effective use of camphor is to prevent skin necrosis, when camphor oil is used to rub the areas subject to the greatest pressure - the back, shoulder blades, etc. However, if the process has already begun, the product can also be used as a treatment for stage 1 and stage 2 bedsores. It must be remembered that camphor is not used when the process has affected subcutaneous fat, muscles, and bone. In this case, using the medicine can only worsen the situation, causing tissue burns.

There are several effective recipes for treating bedsores using camphor alcohol.


Mix camphor alcohol, medical alcohol or vodka and shampoo (preferably for children), 100 ml each, and lubricate the areas of hyperemia with the prepared product. This mash is applied at night; in the morning, the skin must be wiped with a clean, damp sponge. Effective at the initial stage of the disease.

Oil lotions

If blisters have not yet appeared on the skin, the following procedure will give a good result: treat the skin with a sterile swab dipped in an oil solution of camphor, do not wipe the skin. Apply sea buckthorn oil or rosehip oil on top.

Camphor with yarrow

For minor damage to the skin and the formation of blisters on the skin, the following remedy helps: pour 20 grams of dry matter of yarrow herb into 1 liter of boiling water, leave for an hour, then strain. Add calendula alcohol tincture, 20 drops, to the resulting decoction. Lubricate the blisters formed on the skin with camphor oil, and place gauze soaked in medicinal infusion on top. leave until the product is completely absorbed. The procedure should be carried out 5 times a day for 10 days.

Products based on plant juice

In folk medicine, not only decoctions and infusions of dried herbs are used to combat bedsores. The juice of some plants has good wound-healing properties.


Freshly chopped leaves of aloe, which is rightfully considered a medicinal plant and is used in the treatment of many diseases, help cleanse ulcers of pus and necrotic decay products. It is the leaves that should be applied to the wound, since tissue soaked in juice do not have such a pronounced effect.


Kalanchoe has a pronounced wound-healing effect. The leaves of the plant should be cut with a knife and applied to the ulcers, after cleaning them with sterile swabs with hydrogen peroxide. Kalanchoe milk, getting into the wound, promotes its epithelization.

Millet therapy

Steamed millet helps relieve pain and reduce signs of inflammation. To do this, you need to take 50 grams of millet and steam it in a water bath until it becomes mushy. Place the resulting mass in a fabric bag, which should be applied to the bedsore for 2-4 hours. Continue the procedure for a week.

Features of treatment at home

In folk medicine, not only treatment, but also prevention of bedsores is important. It should be remembered that this disease can be treated independently only at stages 1 and 2, until necrotic ulcers have formed. When the process moves into stages 3 and 4, you must urgently consult a doctor.

In the treatment of necrotic wounds, folk remedies are used as an addition to complex therapy and help strengthen the patient’s immunity and accelerate the healing process on the skin. But it is the doctor who must prescribe the correct treatment and decide whether to hospitalize the patient.



Update: October 2018

Bedsores are a serious complication of many diseases associated with tissue malnutrition or resulting from external compression with displacement. In medical practice, bedsores are often called ulcers.

This complication is by no means the fate of only bedridden patients; bedsores can form under any external pressure, especially often at the sites of bone protrusions.

Bedsores affect patients suffering from impaired tissue innervation due to pathology or damage to the spinal cord. In such patients, treatment of bedsores on the heels and buttocks becomes relevant, i.e. places receiving the greatest pressure from body weight.

In bedridden patients, compression of the skin and blood vessels occurs, resulting in stagnant processes and tissue death in places of maximum contact of the body with the hard parts of the bed, therefore bedsores are formed depending on the position of the body:

  • When lying on your stomach, the pubis and cheekbones are affected
  • When lying on the side - knees, hips, ankles
  • Lying on your back – sacrum, heels, ischial tuberosity, elbows, shoulder blades, back of head

This process is facilitated by overdrying or, conversely, excessive moisturizing of the skin. Dryness leads to exfoliation of the stratum corneum (protective) layer of the skin, and humidity provokes infection of the affected areas, all this is aggravated by impaired blood supply to areas of compression.

Such a complication as bedsores, their prevention and treatment are relevant to this day - the search for the latest means of treating and preventing these formations is constantly underway. Bedsores form quite quickly, but their treatment is problematic and does not always bring the desired effect.

70% of patients who develop bedsores are elderly:

  • 66% - older people with hip (femoral neck) fractures
  • 60% - patients with tetraplegia
  • 33% patients in intensive care units
  • 9% of hospitalized patients
  • 3-25% - people at home (bedridden patients)

General approach to treating pressure ulcers

Methods and means of treating bedsores vary depending on the degree of the pathological process. Of great importance is the prevention of bedsores, which is actively carried out from the first days of the disease, which contributes to the appearance of this complication.

Treatment is divided into: conservative and surgical. The latter is indicated for severe bedsores that are difficult to treat and do not heal. All conservative treatment measures are aimed at achieving the following key points:

  • Improving trophism (blood supply) of tissues.
  • Cleaning the surface of bedsores from necrotic masses.
  • Healing of the surface of bedsores.

Principles of pressure ulcer therapy:

  • At each stage of development of a pressure ulcer, prevention of its progression is carried out.
  • It is unacceptable to use softening ointments, blind dressings that block the access of oxygen and evaporation of moisture, wet dressings in the initial stages and during dry necrosis - all this leads to the formation of wet necrosis and tissue death.
  • Ointments with antibacterial action are prescribed when a wet wound with purulent contents forms, or when there is wet tissue necrosis.
  • General antibacterial therapy is carried out taking into account the sensitivity of the pathogenic flora.

Superficial bedsores - stage 1-2

Treatment of bedsores 1st and 2nd degree

Anti-bedsore pillow with shape memory

So, how to treat grade 1 bedsores? When bedsores begin to develop, active prevention of the progression of necrotic tissue changes should be carried out, since at this stage only thickening and hyperemia of the skin occurs:

This event involves the use of special means:

  • plastic tires;
  • special anti-decubitus beds;
  • pillows, mattresses, pads, circles with gel, foam, air, water filling or a combination of several fillers;
  • systems with adjustable vibration and pressure.

An anti-bedsore mattress is the most effective means of preventing bedsores. Such mattresses constantly change pressure on the body at different points, thanks to the deflation and inflation of air every 7 minutes in special chambers of the mattress. Alternately changing pressure points eliminates the cause of bedsores and maintains normal blood circulation in the compressed tissues. Cellular type mattresses are used for the treatment and prevention of stage 1-2 (price 2000-2800 rubles), balloon type mattresses stage 3-4 bedsores (approximate prices 4800-9000 rubles).

You should also know simple rules when caring for bedridden patients:

  • The patient's skin should always be clean, not damp, and not dry - do air baths. For hygiene, do not use antibacterial soap (it also kills beneficial, protective bacteria), use plain soap, a natural sponge (or cotton washcloth) and clean water. Do not rub the skin, but gently wipe it; after washing, do not wipe the skin, but blot it.
  • Carefully monitor the condition of the skin - if it is dry, then use moisturizers (moisturizing hypoallergenic creams, preferably baby cream) to which the patient is not allergic.
  • If the skin is too wet, without fanaticism you can use powders, talc or ointments that dry out the skin - a 1% potassium permanganate solution, zinc ointment or brilliant green solution, but only for prevention or at stage 1, in the future you should not use ointments containing zinc and a solution of potassium permanganate.
  • Oily skin can be treated with alcohol-containing products.
  • If you find redness, do not massage it, massage only around the damaged skin. You can specially make a mitten from a terry towel and use it to massage.
  • If the patient has urinary incontinence, diapers or homemade pads made of cotton fabric should be regularly changed and the perineum should be toileted; for men it is better to use a urine collection system. At high temperatures, or when the patient sweats profusely for other reasons, it is better to wipe the sweat with a weak solution of table vinegar - 1 tbsp. spoon for 250 ml. water than soap and water.

Local treatment of developing bedsores

This event requires a competent approach, since incorrect actions can provoke further development of necrosis.

Previously, the treatment of bedsores in bedridden patients was erroneously carried out with ion exchange drugs, such as chlorhexidine, iodinol, etc. However, these drugs change the permeability of cell membranes, kill leukocytes and reduce cellular resistance to bacteria.

A modern scheme for local treatment of pressure ulcers includes:

  • Toilet the skin using saline or drugs that do not have ion-exchange properties - camphor alcohol.
  • Drying the skin and treating with drugs that improve local tissue circulation (Solcoseryl).
  • Xeroform powder helps with bedsores.
  • Applying a polyurethane film dressing. This modern dressing material is produced in the form of a transparent film with an adhesive surface and provides protection against bacteria, access of oxygen to tissues and evaporation of moisture, and also allows visual monitoring of the condition of the skin. When gluing such bandage patches, excessive tension should be avoided, since small folds form when the patient moves, which aggravates the condition.
  • A technique such as washing the skin with cold water also works well. The contraction of blood vessels and their subsequent compensatory expansion leads to improved local blood flow and increased tissue nutrition.

How to treat stage 2 bedsores?

This stage represents a transitional state of the skin, when minor superficial damage is already visible. At this stage, minimal surgical intervention and measures are carried out to stop tissue necrosis and promote regeneration of damaged areas:

  • Toilet the formed wound by removing dead epidermis from the blistered areas. Ideally, it is carried out in a dressing room: cutting off dead epithelium with surgical scissors, washing the wound with saline solution, hydrogen peroxide.
  • Observation of pressure ulcers in dynamics with assessment of the development of the process.
  • Antibacterial therapy in case of progression of bedsores and the onset of an inflammatory reaction.
  • Applying antiseptic dressings to bedsores devoid of epidermis, after consulting with a doctor, which dressing is best to use for treating a given wound surface, taking into account the stage (presence, absence of necrosis), area of ​​damage:

Treatment of bedsores 3 and 4 degrees

At stage 3 of pressure ulcer development, necrosis of the dermis and subcutaneous fatty tissue to the fascia occurs. Treatment of grade 3 pressure ulcers is aimed at surgical cleansing of the wound from necrosis and purulent exudate and further absorption of wound discharge while preventing drying.

The peculiarity of necrotic changes in bedsores is the rapid spread of the pathological process to adjacent tissues with poor blood supply. The wrong tactic in this case is to expect the dead tissue to be rejected on its own and the wound to cleanse. Necrectomy with opening of purulent cavities is recommended to be carried out before the appearance of capillary bleeding.

After necrectomy, the pressure ulcer is sanitized using antibiotic therapy, local antiseptics and other drugs. Groups of drugs used in the treatment of pressure ulcers:

Complex treatment allows you to stop the septic condition and achieve cleansing of the ulcer. Local treatment is carried out using the following popular drugs of choice:

Argosulfan cream

The active basis of which is the antibiotic sulfathiazole, which inhibits the growth and further reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms. An auxiliary active ingredient is silver ions, which enhance the therapeutic effect of sulfathizole and at the same time reduce its sensitizing (allergic) effect. action, and also inhibit the growth of bacterial flora.

The hydrophilic base of the drug provides an analgesic effect, moisturizes the wound and accelerates its healing. The concentration of the active cream base in the wound remains at the same therapeutic level for a long time, and minimal resorption ensures the absence of toxic effects.

Formed bedsores can be treated with Argosulfan ointment in an open manner or used with an occlusive dressing. The drug is applied to the entire surface of the cleaned wound, 2–3 mm thick, twice or thrice a day. Can be used for up to 2 months.

Ointments Sulfargin (50g 200 rubles) and Dermazin (50 grams 200 rubles, 250 grams 530 rubles), Argosulfan (15 grams 200 rubles, 40 grams 350 rubles) have a similar effect.

Ointment Iruksol

The active composition of the ointment contains: collagenase, chloramphenicol and related enzymes. This enzymatic preparation ensures the cleansing of bedsores, the breakdown of anesthetized tissue, which deprives bacteria of a nutrient medium, as well as a bacteriostatic effect. The use of Iruksol on cleaned tissues ensures their rapid granulation.

Apply to a cleaned or moistened wound with saline solution twice a day until the wound is completely cleansed and tissue granulation.

Iruksol ointment, price approximately 1300 rubles. for 30 gr.

Levosin ointment

The drug is based on the antimicrobial substances chloramphenicol and sulfadimethoxin, the wound-healing component methyluracil and the local anesthetic trimecaine. The ointment has high hydration activity, thereby providing a rapid therapeutic effect. The use of ointment leads to cleansing of the pressure wound from pus and necrotic masses and subsequent healing of the wound.

Apply daily to a cleaned surface, which is loosely filled with ointment and covered with a dressing. It is possible to administer it into purulent cavities through a syringe.

Levosin price for 40 g. 80 rub.


— in addition to methyluracil, the composition includes chloramphenicol. This drug improves tissue regeneration and has antibacterial properties. Used for infected bedsores in the purulent-necrotic phase of the wound process.

Levomekol (price 80-100 rubles)

Metronidazole gel 0.75%

Metrgil is based on a substance with an antimicrobial effect, metronidazole. The gel is used with dressing material and provides relief from the stench of pressure ulcers and inhibition of microbial growth. For bedsores with copious discharge, foam dressings with metronidazole are used, for dry bedsores or with insignificant discharge, hydrogel dressings with metronidazole are used.

Metrogyl gel price 100-120 rub.

Hydrogel Intrasite - for cleansing the skin of necrotic tissue

For gentle cleaning of necrotic skin tissue in bedsores. The hydrogel is recommended for use with an external dressing, the frequency of change of which and the choice of dressing depend on the condition of the pressure ulcer. It provides gentle, quick cleansing of the wound from necrotic tissue, as it adsorbs excess exudate and wound detritus. Intrasite is a pure amorphous hydrogel containing water, propylene glycol and a modified carboxymethylcellulose polymer.

Price: Gel INTRASITE 2100 rub. (Great Britain)

At stage 4 of the formation of a pressure sore, deep necrosis occurs with the involvement of muscles, tendons, joint capsules and bones in the pathological process. Treatment includes excision of necrosis, absorption of pressure ulcer fluid, and moistening of the healing ulcer.

With conservative treatment, if the size of a deep pressure ulcer does not decrease by 30% in 14 days, then the extent and severity of the patient’s condition should be re-evaluated and the treatment method should be changed. After stopping the acute phase of the ulcerative process, the issue of surgical treatment is decided.

Complete surgical excision of all dead tissue is impossible and impractical (it is quite difficult to accurately determine the border of necrosis). Surgical cleansing of the wound is carried out with the maximum possible preservation of living tissue in the areas of the articular capsules of the neurovascular bundles.

Drug therapy is similar to that used in the treatment of grade 3 pressure ulcers.

During surgical treatment and to stimulate tissue repair, physiotherapeutic treatment of bedsores is carried out:

  • Reducing microbial contamination of ulcers - ultrasound, UHF in a thermal dose, phonophoresis of antiseptics.
  • Stimulation of reparative processes - darsonval of healthy tissues surrounding the bedsore (see), low-intensity laser, mud applications, direct current, electroacupuncture.
  • Stimulation of blood supply and microcirculation - massage of healthy tissues bordering bedsores.


Surgical treatment is carried out according to strict indications, since improper and inappropriate intervention is likely to increase the area of ​​the bedsore. The effectiveness of surgical treatment methods is assessed in order to avoid further complications.

Free skin plasty (autodermoplasty), excision of a bedsore with comparison of the edges of the wound, and plasty with local tissues are used. Unfortunately, this treatment is not always effective, since the transplanted tissue does not take root well in a place with insufficient blood supply, and the pressure ulcer is a priori non-sterile.

Early surgical complications include accumulation of exudate under the skin flap, suture dehiscence, marginal necrosis of the skin flap, wound necrosis, and bleeding. In the future, a fistula may form, forming a purulent cavity and leading to a relapse of the bedsore.

Treating bedsores at home

Treatment of bedsores in bedridden patients at home is very important and presents certain difficulties. At home, it is difficult to fully clean a purulent wound and ensure good gas exchange for drying the surface and repairing tissue. Modern industry produces convenient disposable antiseptic self-adhesive dressings, made of innovative materials and applicable for different stages of bedsores, infected or not, which must be taken into account when choosing them.

  • Proteox-TM with trypsin and mexidol

Used to treat infected bedsores in the final stages.
Clears ulcers of purulent masses, necrosis, stimulates the repair process, relieves inflammation. (price 180 rubles).

  • Multiferm - complex of enzymes and chitosan (Moscow)

Treatment of bedsores with and without slight exudation, infected or not, grades 1 and 2.

Exposure time of 1 bandage (10x10cm) 24-48 hours (price 180 rubles)

  • Biaten AG (Denmark)

Treatment of bedsores with a large weeping surface, infected.

The course of treatment is 1-10 dressings, the frequency of changing dressings is once every 1-7 days (as they become soaked). Price 950 rub.

  • Comfil plus (Denmark)

Treatment of large bedsores with and without slight exudation, uninfected. (price 140 rubles)

Traditional treatment of bedsores

When bedsores have formed, treatment with folk remedies is an auxiliary measure that helps cleanse the wounds and form new tissues. It should be remembered that almost all traditional methods involve the use of medicinal plants, which can cause an allergic reaction in case of hypersensitivity in the patient, and also depend on the stage of the process, therefore, before using them, you should consult a doctor about the advisability of such treatment. Do not use herbal products with a tanning effect - willow bark, green walnut infusion, oak bark, acorn oil, etc.

  • Freshly squeezed juice from lungwort leaves is applied to the area of ​​the bedsore several times a day.
  • Leaves of Kalanchoe officinalis, cut in half, are applied with the cut to the bedsore and secured with a bandage overnight.
  • Young black elderberry leaves, scalded with boiling milk, are applied to the surface of the bedsore 2 times a day.
  • Ointment from calendula flowers (1 tablespoon of crushed flowers mixed with 50 grams of petroleum jelly) is applied to bedsores 2 times a day.
  • Lotions of fresh crushed potatoes mixed with honey in a 1:1 ratio are applied to areas prone to the formation of bedsores.
  • Places with bedsores are lubricated with tea tree oil or several times a day (stage 1-2).
  • and, mixed with honey in a ratio of 2:2:1, applied to areas with bedsores 2 times a day.
  • A compress of sterile fish oil based on a sterile napkin is left overnight.
  • Sprinkling bedsores with starch.

Complications of bedsores

Bedsores can lead to purulent arthritis, phlegmon, wound myiasis (when adult flies lay eggs on the wound surface). When the walls of blood vessels are corroded, arrosive bleeding can occur, and with persistent non-healing bedsores, the risk of skin cancer increases.

The most severe complication of bedsores is sepsis, when infection from the wound spreads through the bloodstream throughout the body, leading to multiple organ failure and death.

Prevention of bedsores

When preventing bedsores, it is worth considering the provoking factors and risk factors for their occurrence:

  • Dirty skin, crumbs and other particles, folds, buttons, rough seams on bed linen
  • Fecal and urinary incontinence, allergic manifestations in a patient to hygiene products
  • Obesity, diabetes mellitus, ),
  • Poor nutrition, exhaustion of the body, insufficient drinking
  • Smoking, diseases of blood vessels and heart, brain and spinal cord
  • Fecal and urinary incontinence
  • Continuous pressure, humidity, friction
  • Men are more likely to suffer from bedsores
  • Age: over 70 years old
  • Immobility or broken bones
  • Low blood pressure, anemia, malignant tumors, stroke
  • Dry skin, swelling

Prevention of bedsores should be carried out from the first day of the disease, with special persistence and thoroughness. As practice shows, if a bedsore has already begun to form, it is quite difficult to prevent its progression, and each subsequent stage of a bedsore increasingly reduces the chance of spontaneous resolution of the pathological process.

Prevention includes the following activities:

  • Thorough skin care - cleansing, non-contact drying and disinfection.
  • Regular change of bed linen, even stretching of sheets without wrinkles.
  • The use of special mattresses (water, pneumatic, vibration), circles and pads.
  • Constant change of position of the patient (every 2 hours).
  • A balanced diet with proper drinking regime.
  • Imitation of muscle work - massage, special electric underwear.

Many people encounter this in life. Someone needs to take care of a grandmother or grandfather who has a sick person in the family, and not necessarily an elderly person, with acquired or hereditary physical disabilities. Be that as it may, looking after a bedridden patient is quite difficult.

This includes performing hygiene procedures, and taking medications and prescriptions in a timely manner, but the most unpleasant and worrying thing is bedsores.

This is the name given to wounds that form on the body due to poor blood circulation and lack of ventilation of skin areas. It all starts with this kind of redness - inflammation.

In the fight against bedsores of a bedridden patient, you need to be patient, since the problem is serious and requires a lot of attention and time.

Bedsores occur in those areas of the human body that receive the greatest pressure from the surface of the bed or wheelchair. They are often observed in the area of ​​the sacrum, shoulder blades, and thigh bones. The pathogenesis of the disease is associated with both circulatory disorders and atrophy of nerve endings. Tissue nutrition deteriorates, cell necrosis occurs, the skin layers begin to decompose, that is, rot, which can be accompanied by the accumulation of pus and bleeding, which, in turn, is dangerous for the proliferation of infectious bacteria and blood poisoning.

That is why it is necessary to closely monitor the condition of the patient’s body, and not allow the body to lie in one position for more than two hours. Constant hygiene procedures and more changes in body position help the patient not to become a victim of bedsores, which are not easy to treat.

This disease can make itself felt not only due to poor patient care (untimely replacement of bed linen, diapers, lack of bathing and wiping), but also due to unbalanced nutrition, excess or lack of body weight, and fluid retention in the body. Bedsores develop very quickly with diabetes, obesity, and vascular atherosclerosis.

Sweat, urine, and feces are the first irritants to the skin of immobile patients, due to which it first turns red, then swells, and eventually becomes severely inflamed and cracks.

Stages of trophic disorders

Doctors distinguish four stages of skin death. Depending on the depth of the ulcers formed, treatment is prescribed to the patient. A weakened human body is unable to regenerate tissue; as a result, entire cavities on the body of a living patient rot.

The layer of human skin includes four complete physiological layers. Epidermal - protects the body from the effects of environmental factors. It includes five layers. Next is the basement membrane - it is the way of transferring water and nutrients from the dermal layer to the epidermal layer, it consists of two plates. The dermal layer is the elastic support of the first layer and includes two sublayers. And the last one is the hypodermal layer, which is responsible for retaining heat in the body and is a protective barrier for internal organs and tissues.

Veins, vessels, capillaries, arteries, lymphatic vessels, and sweat glands pass through each skin layer in the form of a mesh. The death of tissue indicates that the circulation of blood supply throughout the body is disrupted.

The destruction of skin cells under the influence of mechanical factors, chemicals or temperature changes begins with the first layer - the epidermal layer. It looks like the one shown in the photo above. Then the problem reaches the second, third and fourth layers.

The first stage is characterized by the formation of erosions, redness and swelling. There are no visible wounds, the circle of irritation resembles a mosquito bite or acquires a purple tint, similar to a passing bruise. In this case, barely noticeable cracks form at the site of the bedsore.

The second degree is characterized by the appearance of a superficial wound. A depression with pink, painful, swollen rims forms on the surface of the skin. It looks like a wet ulcer that hurts.

The third stage is the formation of a deep wound, which looks like a deep crater.

The fourth stage is a deep ulcer through which tendons, muscles and bones are visible.

This can be seen more clearly in the photo below.

Deep ulcers are very difficult to treat, whereas in the first stages the patient can be helped more effectively and suffering can be prevented.

Which medicine should I choose to treat bedsores?

Depending on the stage of development of bedsores, an individual treatment method is selected. Doctors prescribe alcohol-containing solutions, gels, aerosols, medicinal moisture-proof patches and antiseptic dressings, powders, talc, a solution of potassium permanganate or vinegar, ointments.

Currently, both professional doctors and those who care for bedridden patients at home have noticed a greater effect from the use of ointments. There is no shortage of them in modern pharmacies. Their variety is great and they are inexpensive.

Some use old familiar medications, some get acquainted with and try new drugs. If you are interested in the question “what is the best ointment for bedsores,” you will not find a definite answer, because at each stage of tissue necrosis different medicinal gels, creams and ointments are used. So the issue of selecting an effective drug is always decided purely individually; the doctor must assess the general physiological condition of the patient and then prescribe treatment.

Ointments for bedsores, their benefits

Professional doctors prefer effective methods of combating illnesses. They often prescribe an ointment for bedsores for bedridden patients.

The creamy medicine has a relatively low cost and is always available in pharmacy chains. It is the ointment that improves blood circulation in the skin layers, accelerates physiological healing, and also acts as an anti-inflammatory and analgesic tool. Many drugs are excellent at fighting germs and external fungal infections. And when treating wounds with them, the patient does not feel much discomfort.

When are ointments inappropriate?

In the most advanced cases, medications in the form of ointments are less effective, so they are abandoned, giving preference to stronger medications. They are also not suitable in cases of personal intolerance to the components contained in the medicinal products.

Which ointment is best for bedsores?

Let's repeat it again. If you are looking for the most effective ointment for bedsores for bedridden patients, there is basically none. There are many high-quality drugs that have helped thousands of patients. The question of selection is purely individual. The decision to purchase a particular medicinal product should be the conclusion of the doctor who is observing the patient. You should not buy and try drugs based only on the advice of acquaintances and friends. Bedsores are painful, inflamed wounds. If you influence them with a medicine that is not suitable for a person, you may not cure them, but speed up the process of tissue destruction, which will lead to undesirable consequences.

Bedsores are a serious problem; amateur efforts and traditional medicine are inappropriate here. Only the professional approach of the doctor and caregivers helps the majority of bedridden patients receive meaningful help.

Preparations with silver

Reviews describing ointment for bedsores often talk about the effect of some selective medications. Thus, such a product as Argosulfan has earned the trust of many people. This ointment is for bedsores, which is prescribed by doctors at the first stage of the appearance of signs of bedsores, when it is necessary to effectively slow down the development of infections, significantly improve tissue trophism and monitor the cleaning of wounds.

This is an antibacterial, healing drug, the basis of which is the antibiotic sulfathiazole, and the auxiliary element is silver ions. These two components, taken together, contribute to the destruction of the bacterial flora that forms on the inflamed area of ​​the skin that is poorly supplied with nutrients.

Ointment for bedsores "Argosulfan" can be found in pharmacies under the name "cream". It is produced in tubes of fifteen and forty grams.

Reviews about this ointment for bedsores are highly recommendable. People place special emphasis on its benefits due to the silver ions included in its composition. Their effect is noticeable from the first days of using the medicine. After all, patients are no longer tormented by burning and itching. Ointment for bedsores with silver "Argosulfan" is applied in a thin layer to the entire surface of the wound. Treatment can last up to two months. This ointment is suitable for treating inflamed areas of the skin using the open method and using special dressings. It moisturizes wounds, relieves inflammation and prevents microbes from developing and infections from penetrating much deeper. This ointment for bedsores promotes relatively rapid skin regeneration.

Reviews from many people who have encountered bedsores while caring for bedridden patients also praise the Dermazin product. This is also an ointment for bedsores with silver. Its action is similar to the drug "Argosulfan". It is produced in tubes of fifty and two hundred and fifty grams.

Many also recommend an ointment for bedsores, the name of which is “Sulfargin”. This is the second analogue of Argosulfan. One tube of this drug contains fifty grams of ointment.

Today, ointments and creams for bedsores with silver ions occupy an honorable place in the line of drugs that effectively help restore the skin of bedridden patients. But this does not mean that other means do not help solve the problem. After all, not all existing medications can be experienced through personal experience. People respond to those that they were able to try personally and see their action with their own eyes.

It is possible to achieve a positive result with proper wound treatment. This is done at least three times a day. In this case, the surface of the wound must be cleaned before each application of the medicine.

"Zinc ointment" - properties

Reviews from many also contain information about the effectiveness of a drug such as “Zinc Ointment” for bedsores. Its use is also appropriate at the first stage of the disease. The main effect of this medicine is that it dries out the wound. Zinc oxide promotes antiseptic effects.

This ointment for bedsores has been used for a long time and was one of the main ones in the treatment of this problem before the advent of new drugs. Thanks to the creation of a transparent film, it is possible to protect wounds from the penetration of infections and their proliferation.

This remedy relieves swelling and soreness. Apply the ointment in a thin layer at least six times a day. The duration of treatment reaches two months. The medicine is available in thirty gram tubes.

This effective ointment for bedsores has an analogue - the drug "Tsindol". It is also often used to solve a complex problem. This is also an ointment.
