Lecture on depophoresis with problematic root canals. Root canal treatment. Results of using depophoresis. How is depophoresis performed in dentistry

The desire to improve the efficiency and reliability of endodontic treatment, to provide a long-term favorable result in "problem" root canals led to the development of a method of copper-calcium hydroxide depophoresis. The creator of this technology is Professor A. Knappvost (Germany).

The essence of depophoresis is in the following. Root canals extend and widen 1 / 3-2 / 3 of their length. After that, an aqueous suspension of copper-calcium hydroxide is placed in one of the channels, a needle electrode (-) is introduced, an electrical circuit is closed, and the procedure is carried out. Then other channels are processed in the same way. After the end of the course of depophoresis, the channels are filled with a special alkaline, copper-containing cement.

The mechanism of the therapeutic action of depophoresis is as follows (Fig. 501). During the procedure, under the influence of direct electric current, hydroxyl ions (OH) and hydroxycuprate ions | Cu (OH) 4 | 2 penetrate into the apical part of both the "main" canal and into the deltoid branches. In the lumen of the channels, copper-calcium hydroxide accumulates, partially precipitates and lines their walls. In the region of the apical foramen in a neutral medium, hydroxycuprate ions decompose and transform them into poorly soluble copper hydroxide II, which also precipitates. In this case, “copper plugs” are formed, which reliably fumigate all exits of the apical delta to the root surface.

As a result of the described processes, the following phenomena occur in the canal lumen and surrounding tissues:

1. Destruction of soft tissues located in the lumen of the canal and in the apical delta. Decomposition products are eliminated in the periapical tissues and are resorbed by the body.

2. Sterilization of the lumen of the "main" canal and apical delta due to the strong bactericidal effect of the drugs used.

3. Lining the walls and creating a copper-calcium hydroxide depot in the unsealed part of the "main" canal, as well as in the deltoid branches. Formation of "copper plugs" that obturate all exits of the apical delta to the root surface. This ensures tightness, disinfection and long-term sterility of this most "problematic" part of the root canal.

4. Stimulation of osteoblast function and bone tissue regeneration in the periapical region due to alkalization of the medium and the therapeutic effect of copper-calcium hydroxide.

Application of copper-calcium hydroxide depophoresis it is shown, first of all, for endodontic treatment of teeth with impassable root canals. In addition, this method is recommended for severe infection of the canal contents, fracture of the instrument in the canal lumen (without going beyond the apex), in case of unsuccessful treatment of the tooth with "traditional" methods, repeated endodontic treatment (retreatment), in the presence of a wide apical opening. Along with this, depophoresis is recommended to be used with the method of vital extirpation of the pulp (a special rather laborious technique is required). The recommendation to use depophoresis in retreatment of teeth previously treated with the resorcinol-formalin method, in our opinion, is controversial and requires additional study. This is due to the fact that, as is known, the hardened resorcinol-formalin mixture does not conduct electric current, therefore, full impregnation of the apical part of the canal with copper-calcium hydroxide during depophoresis, i.e., under the influence of electric current, is hardly possible.

Contraindications to depophoresis: malignant neoplasms, severe forms of autoimmune diseases, pregnancy, electric current intolerance, an allergic reaction to copper, as well as exacerbation of chronic periodontitis, a festering jaw cyst and the presence of a silver pin in the canal (Borovsky E.V., 1999).

It should be remembered that before depophoresis, the pulp in the canal must be devitalized.

It should also be noted that depophoresis is a medical manipulation, and it is performed not in a physiotherapy room, but by a dentist directly in a chair.

First, the carious cavity is prepared, the tooth cavity is opened and an endodontic access is created. If the pulp in the tooth is alive, it is necrotic either with the help of devitalizing paste, or electrochemical necrosis is performed, and then depophoresis is started. It is believed that three depophoresis sessions with an interval of 8-14 days are enough to ensure a guaranteed, lasting effect.

On the first visit, the root canals pass and widen about 2/3 of their length. The channels should be processed up to ISO tool # 35-50. The orifices of the canals are slightly widened to create a sufficient depot for the copper-calcium hydroxide suspension. After mechanical treatment, the channels are recommended to be washed with distilled water, 10% calcium hydroxide suspension or diluted copper-calcium hydroxide suspension.

After processing the canals, the tooth is isolated from saliva and dried. In this case, the patient should be positioned so that the drug does not flow out of the canal: when treating the teeth of the lower jaw - sitting, when treating the teeth of the upper jaw - lying in a chair with his head thrown back. A suspension of copper-calcium hydroxide is diluted with distilled water to a creamy consistency and injected with a canal filler into the treated part of the canal. When treating anterior teeth, in order to avoid staining the crown of the tooth, it is recommended to dilute the paste with water in a ratio of 1:10 (although the effectiveness of the procedure in this case, apparently, will decrease).

Then, an active needle electrode (cathode) is introduced into the channel to a depth of 4-8 mm, while the tooth cavity remains open; sticky wax, as during transcanal electrophoresis, it does not close. It is necessary to ensure that during the depophoresis process this electrode does not touch soft tissues, metal crowns and fillings, and other teeth. In addition, saliva, blood or gum fluid should not enter the tooth cavity. All these technical errors lead to a leakage of current and, as a result, to a decrease in the effectiveness of the treatment and the danger of electrochemical burns of the tissues of the oral cavity.

The passive electrode (anode) is placed behind the cheek on the opposite side, while making sure that it does not touch the teeth. To improve the electrical contact, a cotton roll moistened with tap water or saline solution is placed between the electrode and the cheek (distilled water does not conduct current!). It is recommended to lubricate the corner of the patient's mouth with petroleum jelly to avoid irritation.

For depophoresis, devices "Original II", "Comfort" (both made in Germany) or the domestic device "EndoEST" are used. We would like to remind you that the device must be turned on, checked and configured before connecting to the patient. Before starting work, the power adjustment knob must be turned to the extreme left (counterclockwise) position.

During the procedure, the current strength is slowly increased until a light sensation of warmth or tingling appears in the tooth area, then the current strength is reduced and even more slowly, at intervals, increased, reaching a current strength of 1-2 milliamperes (mA). The procedure time is calculated based on the fact that during one session an amount of electricity equal to 5 mA / min should be received per channel. For example, with a current of 1 mA, the procedure time is 5 minutes, with a current of 1.2 mA - 4 minutes, 2 mA - 2 '/ 2 minutes, and if only 0.5 mA was achieved, the procedure time will be 10 minutes ...

In the described way, they act on all three channels separately.

After the end of the procedure, the canals and the cavity of the tooth are washed again with distilled water, 10% calcium hydroxide suspension or diluted copper-calcium hydroxide suspension. A fresh portion of copper-calcium hydroxide is injected into the canals and the tooth cavity is hermetically closed with an artificial dentin bandage. In the presence of inflammatory phenomena in the periodontium, the tooth after depophoresis can be left open to ensure the outflow of exudate through the canal. Additional infection of the periodontal microflora of the oral cavity in this case, according to Professor A. Knappvost, is practically excluded due to the high bactericidal activity of copper-calcium hydroxide.

A repeat visit is prescribed in 8-14 days.

On the second visit, copper-calcium hydroxide depophoresis is again performed at the rate of 5 mA / min per channel. The tooth is then either hermetically sealed or left open again.

A repeat visit is also prescribed in 8-14 days.

At the third visit, copper-calcium hydroxide depophoresis is again performed at the rate of 5 mA per canal. In this case, the patient must receive an amount of electricity equal to 15 mA / min for each channel during the entire course of treatment.

After the final procedure, the treated part of the canal (2/3 of the length) is filled with a special alkaline copper-containing cement “Atazamit”, which is included in the depophoresis set.

Permanent filling is allowed on the same visit.

In the domestic literature, mainly the positive aspects of depophoresis are listed, which are indisputable and make this method very promising for use in practical therapeutic dentistry:

- the possibility of successful endodontic treatment of teeth with impassable root canals;

- high (up to 96%) clinical efficiency;

- reducing the risk of complications arising in the process of instrumental processing of the canal: perforations, breaking off of instruments, etc.;

- no need to determine the working length - reducing the number of X-ray examinations, and, consequently, the radiation exposure of the patient;

- minimal risk of removing the filling material from the root apex;

- disinfection of the entire apical delta and, as a consequence, the elimination of the need for resection of the root apex in conservative-surgical methods of treatment of destructive forms of periodontitis and radicular cysts;

- efficiency.

At the same time, in our opinion, the depophoresis method is not devoid of disadvantages that may limit its widespread use in our country:

- the most serious of them, in our opinion, is the lack of objective diagnostic tests that allow to reliably assess the quality of obturation of the entire root canal, because its apical third on the roentgenogram looks unfilled. In this regard, the question arises not only about the legitimacy of guarantees for the quality of endodontic treatment, but also the validity of guarantees for the safety of orthopedic structures that will be fixed on such teeth. The problem of the same order is the impossibility of objectively monitoring the conscientiousness of the doctor's conduct of all stages of treatment, and, as experience shows, if a person does not feel responsibility for his work or can shift this responsibility to those who are independent of him

circumstances, it is hardly possible to expect high quality in this case;

- technical complexity of the procedure: during the procedure, it is necessary to ensure absolute dryness of the tooth for 4-5 minutes, while the doctor must hold the active electrode, change the cotton rolls as necessary, remove the cathode foam formed in the tooth cavity during the exposure, fix soft tissues of the oral cavity (cheek, tongue) and at the same time monitor the readings of the device, adjust the current strength, etc. It follows from what has been said that this procedure must be performed by a doctor together with an assistant or a nurse; the dental unit must be necessarily equipped with a saliva ejector. Professor A. Knappvost (1998), for example, recommends the use of atropine for drying the oral cavity during depophoresis, which is hardly feasible in everyday practice (atropine is a drug of group "A");

- after the course of depophoresis, the crown of the tooth acquires a yellowish tint, in addition, further discoloration cannot be completely ruled out due to chemical transformations of copper compounds located in the canals and cavity of the tooth. The recommendation to use a paste diluted with water in a ratio of 1:10 in the treatment of frontal teeth in order to avoid staining the tooth, in our opinion, requires additional study, since the effectiveness of the procedure in this case, apparently, will decrease;

- a long treatment time - two to four weeks - creates a certain discomfort for the patient, reduces his motivation to continue treatment, undermines faith in the doctor's ability to quickly and efficiently "cure a tooth";

- the need for significant material costs for the purchase of a "starter" kit, replenishment of consumable materials, provision of the doctor with appropriate endodontic instruments.

Despite the listed disadvantages, the considered method undoubtedly opens up additional opportunities in endodontics. However, in order for depophoresis of copper-calcium hydroxide to take its rightful place in domestic dentistry, in our opinion, it is necessary to familiarize practitioners with it more widely, to organize appropriate scientific and methodological support for the introduction of depophoresis into practice, to develop norms for the expenditure of a doctor's working time for this procedure, including instrumental processing of channels. In addition, it is necessary to formulate the requirements for the material and technical equipment of the office, which would allow technically correct depophoresis (the minimum requirements, in our opinion, are the presence of a saliva ejector, the ability to work with an assistant, a chair that allows the patient to be given a horizontal position).

In general, depophoresis should not be considered as an alternative to full-fledged treatment and filling of the root canal to the apex. Depophoresis is a method of processing and neutralizing the contents of impassable root canals, an alternative to impregnation methods.

We also believe that the combination of depophoresis with a full-fledged treatment and obturation of the root canal along the entire length is promising, i.e. to the physiological apex. In our opinion, depophoresis can be not only an independent treatment method, but also part of a comprehensive endodontic treatment, the main goal of which is to achieve maximum efficiency, reliability and harmlessness for the patient.

Depophoresis- An effective method of root canal treatment using copper-calcium hydroxide.

With the help of standard endodontic root canal treatment, complete processing, disinfection and filling of tooth root canals is not always possible. Even after careful processing, necrotic tissue can be found in the canal.

According to Nolden after traditional endodontic intervention, the radiological success rate is only 30-60%. The reason for this low efficiency is probably the fact that only the main canal is being filled, while one root canal can have up to 300 branches ...

Professor Adolph Knappvost proposed to treat root canals by copper-calcium hydroxide depophoresis. This technique makes it possible to process both the main canal of the tooth and its ramifications, as a result of which the sterility of the root canal is achieved. Research has shown that the probability of successful treatment with depophoresis reaches 95%.

Depophoresis is based on the use of copper-calcium hydroxide, which has pronounced disinfecting properties and effectively fights not only all bacteria and their spores, but also fungi and their spores. In addition, copper has the property of stimulating the growth of bone tissue, resulting in the growth of osteocement and the sealing of the root canal.

Indications for the use of depophoresis

  • The presence of curved and hard-to-reach channels;
  • The presence of necrotic tissue in the root canal;
  • The presence of gangrenous contents in the canal;
  • The presence of a broken instrument in the root canal;
  • The presence of perforation of the tooth root;
  • The presence of obliterated canals;
  • The presence of a wide apical foramen;

Contraindications to the use of depophoresis

  • Allergy to copper;
  • The presence of a silver post in the root canal of the tooth;
  • Exacerbation of periodontitis;
  • Pregnancy;

Depophoresis technique

The course of depophoresis treatment consists of 2-4 sessions.

First session

First, the doctor prepares the root canal for depophoresis. Preparation includes:

  • Opening of the tooth cavity;
  • Expansion of the upper ¼ or ½ tooth up to size 30 ISO with a GatesGlidden bur, and the coronal part is expanded a little more to create a copper-calcium depot in it;
  • The channel is filled with copper-calcium hydroxide;
  • A negative electrode is immersed in the channel 4-8 mm, and the positive one is placed in the cheek area;
  • An electric current is applied, which is gradually increased until the patient feels warm at the apex of the root. At the same time, it is not recommended to exceed the mark of 5 milliamperes;
  • After the above actions, the root canal is either filled with copper-calcium hydroxide and closed, or left open;

Second session

The second session of depophoresis is carried out after 8-14 days. During the session, the same manipulations are carried out as during the first session.

Third session

During the third session, the coronal part of the canal is closed Atazamite.

Atazamit is a special soft cement with pronounced antibacterial properties.

It should be noted that one session lasts about 5 minutes and does not cause any discomfort.

Launched caries, which has managed to hit the hard shell of the tooth and get to its soft core, leads to pulpitis. In such situations, depulpation of the tooth and the subsequent filling of the canals is a necessary action to save it.

As statistics show, only in 30-60% of cases the doctor manages to clean the canal from pulp tissues well, and in the rest, the risk of re-development of the inflammatory process is high. Depophoresis allows you to completely sterilize the root canals and ensures the effectiveness of treatment with a 95% probability. Consider the method of depophoresis in dentistry - what kind of procedure it is.

Depophoresis is a method of disinfection of the affected internal tissues of the tooth with copper-calcium hydroxide under the influence of a weak electric field. This is a valid and validated method of treating teeth, the channels of which, for some reason, cannot be properly filled.

Important! Depophoresis is not a substitute for traditional canal treatment methods, however, when there is no way to properly fill the canals, this is the only possible way to preserve the tooth.

The advantages of the technique include:

  • successful treatment of severely curved roots that cannot be reached with conventional instruments;
  • functional stability of the tooth root is observed after the procedure;
  • prevention of reinfection due to reliable sterilization of the canal cavity;
  • the need for resection of the apex of the dental root disappears;
  • 95% of patients have a favorable treatment outcome;
  • relatively cheap and simple procedure.

As with any dental procedure, depophoresis has its drawbacks:

  • the action of the current strength;
  • some discomfort felt by the patient;
  • exacerbation of the disease during the procedure.

Indications and contraindications

This method is not always used. The indications for its conduct are the following conditions:

  • canals that are curved and difficult to access with instruments or a wide apical opening;
  • the canals have already been sealed and their repeated unsealing is impossible for objective reasons, or there is a piece of dental instrument in the canal;
  • a cyst is found at the apex of the tooth root;
  • the canal contains gangrenous contents and necrotic tissues.

The procedure is contraindicated in patients with a copper allergy., aggravated periodontitis, a silver pin at the root, with malignant neoplasms and severe forms of autoimmune processes. Also, depophoresis is not performed during pregnancy.

Depophoresis equipment

Humanchemie's Original II is the only approved for work on the author's method of Adolf Knappvost. As an alternative, dental clinics use devices "EndoEst", "AOK 2.1", "AOK 1.0 MODIS", "AOK 1.1 Endo-lux".

Depophoresis of copper-calcium hydroxide is based on the ability of copper to destroy all microorganisms and accelerate the decomposition of soft tissue residues. In addition, copper stimulates the growth of bone tissue, which means quick recovery and healing of the canals. The result of the procedure is completely cleared paths, ready for filling.

How is the procedure

The teeth on which the procedure is performed must be devitalized.... If the patient develops pain during the procedure, the manipulations should be suspended. And only after complete devitalization of the pulp, the procedure can be resumed.

Reference. Before starting depophoresis, it is extremely important to determine the exact length of the tooth canal. The quality of the work performed will depend on this. Radiography will help determine the length of the canal.

Local anesthesia is used for the procedure. The cavity of the tooth is opened and expanded for sufficient introduction of the substance. Then, using two needle electrodes, one of which is negative (installed in the tooth canal at a depth of 4 to 8 mm), and the second positive (installed behind the cheek on the opposite side), a small charge with a force of 1 to 2 mA is applied, with which and copper-calcium hydroxide.

Under the action of an electric current, the hydroxide penetrates even the most inaccessible areas. The passage of an electrical discharge through a tooth can be painful. Therefore, experienced doctors advise to increase the current strength gradually. Passing the procedure in this way, the patient experiences minimal pain.

Time spent on processing one channel is from five to ten minutes... At the end of the dental canal treatment procedure, they are washed with a special solution. The processing of the canals of the damaged tooth will require at least three sessions. Each of them is held at intervals of seven to ten days. At the end of the last stage, the canals are filled with a special compound and further restoration of the tooth.

Can there be complications

With the correct procedure, errors and complications in root canal depophoresis are minimal... If all the necessary conditions were not met during the procedure, this can cause a re-development of the inflammatory process in the tooth.

Several authors claim that prolonged contact with hydroxides, which slowly dissolve dentin collagen, leads to a weakening of the strength of the dentin of the dental root. And the movement of ions in an electric field is possible only if there is no intermediate or external cement on the outer surface of the tooth root. Otherwise, the technique is not justified. The effect of copper, known for its toxicity, deposited in dental tissues, on the vital activity of the body has also not been fully investigated.

The long treatment time of two to four weeks creates some discomfort for the patient., reduces his motivation to continue treatment, undermines faith in the doctor's ability to quickly and efficiently cure a tooth. However, the time taken will help you avoid future tooth problems.

It was noted that under the influence of copper, the crown changes color, acquiring a yellowish tint. Further discoloration due to chemical transformations of copper compounds in the canals and cavity of the tooth cannot be completely ruled out.

Depophoresis is a modern method of root canal treatment using copper-calcium hydroxide. The depophoresis method allows you to process not only the main canal of the tooth, but also all its lateral branches, almost completely sterilizing it. Copper-calcium hydroxide has disinfecting properties, which is important in the treatment of inflammatory processes. It also stimulates the restoration of bone tissue, which is important in the treatment of root canals.


Compared to classical methods of canal treatment, depophoresis has significant advantages:

  • the use of the method makes it possible to successfully treat even strongly curved roots and obliterated canals, which are inaccessible to the instrumental approach;
  • after depophoresis, the mechanical stability of the tooth root is preserved;
  • the entire apical delta of the tooth root is reliably sterilized, which prevents reinfection;
  • after treatment, the need to resect the apex of the dental root disappears;
  • treatment success is 95%;
  • the procedure is simple, economical and, if performed correctly, does not cause any unpleasant sensations to the patient.


Depophoresis is indicated for patients in the following cases:

  • if the patient has curved, obliterated and hard-to-reach canals or a wide apical opening;
  • if the canals have already been previously sealed and their re-unsealing is impossible for objective reasons, or there is a piece of dental instrument in the canal;
  • if a cyst is found at the apex of the tooth root;
  • if gangrenous contents and necrotic tissues are present in the canal.


The depophoresis method is shown to almost everyone, the exception is only a few points:

  • pregnancy;
  • the presence of an allergic reaction to copper;
  • if the root canal of the tooth was previously closed with a silver pin;
  • if the patient has aggravated periodontitis.

In these cases, you should refuse to carry out the procedure.


Depophoresis is not a panacea for all dental diseases, however, in many cases, it is he who helps to preserve the patient's tooth. Treatment is carried out in three visits to the dental clinic, with an interval of at least a week between visits.

  • At the first visit, the doctor should diagnose the condition of the patient's tooth and process the root canal to the maximum possible length, expanding the orifice, thereby creating a depot for copper-calcium hydroxide. At each visit, under the influence of an electric field, ions penetrate into the root canals, sterilizing them.
  • In the last procedure, the dentist must, after the completion of the treatment, close the canal with atacid.

Physical principles

The physical principles of the effect of depophoresis are that during the procedure OH and Cu (OH) 4 ions penetrate into the canals of the tooth, including all lateral branches, literally sterilizing them, since copper has a bactericidal effect. The uniqueness of the technique lies in the fact that in this way it is possible to disinfect all, even the smallest lateral branches of the root canals.

Chemical principles

The chemical principles of the effect of depophoresis are that during the procedure, copper-calcium hydroxide eliminates all microorganisms in the canal of the tooth, proteolizes the remnants of biological tissues that are in the canals, and stimulates the formation of bone tissue.

Treatment results

After depophoresis, practically no pathogenic bacteria and microorganisms remain in the root canals. The remnants of the pulp, which may be in the canal system, disintegrate and disappear after the procedure. In addition, copper-calcium hydroxide stimulates the rapid formation of bone tissue, which contributes to the fastest healing of dental canals.

Depophoresis apparatus

The depophoresis procedure is carried out using a special apparatus. It should be noted that the registered depophoresis treatment method involves the use of exclusively the ORIGINAL II device, which is manufactured by HUMANCHEMIE. All other devices have not been approved by the author of the treatment method. Therefore, of course, doctors use them in their practice, but the authors of the depophoresis method cannot guarantee the effectiveness of treatment.


ORIGINAL II by HUMANCHEMIE is the only depophoresis apparatus approved by the authors of the method. It is very easy to use, helps the doctor to choose the optimal duration of the procedure, and registers the number of milliamperes per minute. When using it, overheating of tissues in the area of ​​the mucous membrane of the lips should be avoided. Direct contact of the electrode with metal crowns, if any, in the patient's mouth is unacceptable.

EndoEst - medical and diagnostic endodontic apparatus

"EndoEst" is a modern device that can be used to carry out not only depophoresis, but also other manipulations - electrodiagnostics, electrophoresis, anodic sterilization, localization of the apical narrowing of the root canal. The procedure with the "EndoEst" apparatus is indicated for periodontitis, osteolysis, pulpitis. Treatment of the cyst is effective.

AOK 2.1 - apparatus for obturation of root canals

Depophoresis, electrophoresis, iontophoresis, root canal obturation can be performed using the AOK 2.1 apparatus manufactured by Averon (Russia). The device is one of the most compact and convenient to use.


The AOK 1.0 MODIS device is a portable device for depophoresis, iontophoresis, electrophoresis, enamel fluoridation and other dental procedures. The presence of a graphical indicator greatly facilitates the dentist's work.

AOK 1.1 Endo-lux - device for electrophoresis

AOK 1.1 Endo-Lux is the latest device for root canal obturation. It can also be used to carry out depophoresis, electrophoresis, iontophoresis. The device is often used by dentists as an alternative to the more expensive ORIGINAL II HUMANCHEMIE device.

Dentistry is considered one of the fastest growing areas in medicine. A tooth that was previously considered hopeless can now be cured and preserved.

Depophoresis is an innovative method of treating dental canals with copper-calcium hydroxide and a weak electric field. This is a unique technique developed by Professor A. Knappvost from Germany for the treatment of problematic canals, which, for some reason, were not properly sealed even with a tooth cyst. Of course, in dentistry, there is a method of root resection. With such a surgical intervention, part of the root is excised along with the cyst or granuloma! And as a result, the tooth loses its stability and is of little use for subsequent prosthetics. The resection operation is not only traumatic for the patient, but also unpromising! As a rule, after a few years the cyst grows back and the tooth must be removed.

Description of the Depophoresis procedure.

The essence of the method is that under the action of an electric current dissolution occurs
organic content of the canal, sterilization of the entire canal system and the destruction of microbial infection.

The substance used in depophoresis, copper-calcium hydroxide, has exclusively bactericidal properties, which allows not only to achieve a high level of canal sterilization, but also to create a supply of this substance in the tissues adjacent to the tooth root. In addition, copper stimulates the growth of bone tissue, which means its rapid recovery. Under the action of an electric discharge, particles of this chemical compound penetrate into all hard-to-reach places and multiple small branches of the root, killing harmful bacteria

Another important component of the success of the procedure is the original depophoresis device.

IMPORTANT: Thus, the effect of 100% disinfection of the root canals is achieved.

Depophoresis is an alternative for tooth saving!

In general, such a concept as "impassable channels" is a purely domestic phenomenon, since. due to the lack of the necessary tools and materials. Canal filling is a serious procedure and requires not only expensive tool, but also the experience, knowledge of the dentist. Very often these two conditions are not present at the same time. And as a result, a medical error leading to tooth extraction.

Unfortunately, we are more and more often faced with previously poorly sealed canals, or even fragments of instruments in the canal that cannot be removed. This leads to serious consequences in the form of fistulas, cysts and granulomas. And then the patient hears: “The tooth cannot be treated, it must be removed!

IMPORTANT: Depophoresis- a harmless procedure, so it can be carried out by absolutely everyone, with the exception of only a few categories of patients, except for those who are allergic to copper and pregnant women.

Application is an alternative to Depophoresis. Diode laser - the technique is quite effective and has no contraindications. The Dantist clinic near the Chistye Prudy metro station has expensive laser equipment for sterilizing canals.


Murzenko I.
19 March 2019 14:24
Helped get rid of the cyst! I was sure that everything was fine with my teeth, but they found a large cyst. My father had the same problem, his tooth was removed, but I was offered treatment, the tooth was saved! Then they made a second diagnosis, there was nothing. Many thanks to the staff for their help and powerful support!

Indications for Depophoresis.

Depophoresis can and should be carried out after each depulpation (removal of a nerve).

But this procedure is especially strongly recommended if:

Perhaps the only drawback, if it can be attributed to such, is the inability to complete the treatment in one session. Three sessions are required. The required interval between depophoresis procedures is at least a week. This is a laborious procedure, as it has many specific nuances that the doctor should know. Together with these breaks, everything may take about a month. But on the other hand, as a result, we get a completely sterile tooth, which can serve for many more years without any problems.

IMPORTANT: In the clinic "Dantist" for 17 years of work with depophoresis, a significant amount of practical material has been accumulated, a technique has been developed that allows you to save a patient's tooth not only with a banal granuloma, but also with diagnoses: cystogranuloma and cyst.

The cost of the Depophoresis procedure.

Prices in Moscow for canal treatment Depophoresis method depends on factors such as
equipment and materials are used, the number of canals in the tooth, the experience and qualifications of the doctor. Realizing the importance of the procedure, the specialists of the Dantist clinic use only original equipment and HUMANCHEMIE preparations in their work. But a conscientiously performed technique gives a positive result, which is expected not only by the patient, but also by the doctor!
IMPORTANT: A simple solution to a complex problem is the main benefit for the doctor. Efficiency, minimum discomfort and no relapses, which means the ability to forget about the treatment of this tooth forever, are the advantages for the patient. Depophoresis in dentistry allows you to solve the main problem: ideally clean and disinfect hard-to-reach dental canals and their branches.
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