Raspberry plant characteristics. Common raspberries - propagation and care. Why is it better to plant in autumn?

" Raspberries

Who doesn’t have this wonderful berry in their garden plot or vegetable garden? Raspberries are a tasty and healthy berry., characterized by medicinal properties, is grown on trellises (wooden supports between which wire is stretched or a lath is nailed).

Breeders highlight four types of raspberries:

  1. Ordinary raspberry.
  2. Large-fruited.
  3. Remontant.
  4. Standard.

Standard (tree-like) raspberries appeared at the end of the twentieth century in Russia. The first Tarusa variety was registered in 1993. This type of raspberry has become popular and in demand among gardeners.

It has a thick, strong stem, which allows it to be grown without the use of trellises.

The raspberry tree reaches a height of 2 meters and, with proper care, looks like a young tree with several shoots.

On each side shoot shoots are formed, on which round or elongated berries grow, weighing from 4-5 g to 12-18 g, depending on the variety.

Where can I buy such cuttings?

In nurseries, fruit and berry stations, and specialized farms, where seedlings of zoned varieties of fruit and berry crops are grown.

You should not buy from random sellers, since an ignorant person cannot distinguish between raspberry varieties.

Preparing the soil for planting seedlings

Raspberries can be planted in both spring and autumn. When planting planting material in the fall, the area is prepared two months before planting and it is advisable to plant either legumes, mustard, or alfalfa in this area.

Herbs will enrich the soil with organic matter, and legumes will enrich the soil with nitrogen and other microelements.

You need to choose a sunny place, where the groundwater level is below 1.5 m in the ground, so that the roots do not rot.

Raspberries need watering when they bloom and when fruit sets.

When choosing a planting time in the spring, the place is prepared in the fall. In the spring, seedlings must be planted before the buds open, and in the fall, the time is calculated so that the plants can strengthen before the onset of frost.

When planting raspberries in the fall, hill up 12-15 centimeters, cover the lower buds so that they do not freeze.


Plants are planted in two ways:

  1. Using the belt method, a trench is prepared in advance and organic and mineral fertilizers are added to it.
  2. Bush, pits are made at a distance of 50-70 cm from each other.

The distance between the rows is left 1.5 - 2.0 m so that the cultivator can pass through to plow the rows, and each bush will receive more light.

Fertilizers are applied into a trench or into planting holes and covered with a layer of earth.

The roots of the seedlings are cut off, are freed from the damaged ones, then lowered into a mash (infusion of mullein or chicken droppings seasoned with clay) and straightened out on the ground.

The plant is covered with prepared soil and mulched around with finely chopped manure straw.


Standard raspberries, like ordinary raspberries, are an unpretentious plant, but if the purpose of planting was to obtain a large harvest, then caring for raspberry bushes is certainly necessary.

After planting, in about two weeks, the bushes will have strengthened and the formation of the bush will begin. The tip of the shoot is pinched(cut to 10-15 cm). After this, the lateral buds wake up and by autumn a bush of several shoots is formed.

In the fall, all fruit-bearing shoots are cut out and the young ones are left. They are pruned in the spring in the same way as the first ones, and secondary branches branch out. Such a bush can produce from 4 to 12 kg of berries.

After trimming it is necessary to treat the bushes with Bordeaux mixture. Although standard raspberry varieties are resistant to diseases, prevention won’t hurt: remove last year’s leaves, plow the rows and mulch the ground around the plants with humus.

Weeding loosens the soil and prevents it from overheating.

Watering, in dry spring, is carried out once a week., 10 liters for each bush. When flowering and fruiting, plants require watering, otherwise the raspberries shed their ovaries and the resulting berries dry out.

At the moment of ovary formation, a second feeding is carried out with organic and inorganic fertilizers.

In the fall, a second treatment of plants against pests is carried out.. After such care, raspberries will delight you with an excellent harvest, large, juicy berries with a pleasant smell.

Advantages and disadvantages of raspberry tree varieties

Saplings resembling young trees have qualities:

  1. Disease resistance.
  2. Frost resistance, tolerate frosts down to -30, but short-term.
  3. They also bear fruit at an air temperature of +30 in the shade, retaining all the taste qualities of the berries, but they require abundant watering.
  4. They are characterized by high productivity.
  5. The stems differ from ordinary raspberries in that they do not have thorns; picking the berries is easy and pleasant.
  6. The berries are large, from 4 cm to 18-20 cm, and are easily separated from the stalk.
  7. They do not require gartering, which greatly simplifies the care of standard varieties of raspberry bushes.

Raspberry trees produce 10-12 replacement branches per season and do not spread across the site, which makes agricultural technology easier in areas with standard raspberry varieties.

Raspberry tree seedlings are relatively expensive, this is due to the fact that standard raspberry varieties are difficult to propagate, since they produce few replacement shoots.

And standard raspberry varieties are remontant, they begin to bear fruit at the end of July, beginning of June, because of this in central Russia and Siberia there is always a chance that a third of the harvest will not be harvested; the berries will not have time to ripen and will be frozen.


To varieties of non-repairing raspberries, which bears fruit from June to July in central Russia and the south:

  • Tarusa;
  • Fairy tale;
  • Sturdy;
  • Galaxy, etc.

For remontant varieties The raspberry tree includes varieties that bear fruit from July until frost, these are:

  • Penguin;
  • Eurasia, etc.

Description of tree raspberry varieties


Tarusa - the first domestic variety of standard raspberries. It is most common among gardeners. The berries of this variety are large, conical, elongated, 4 - 12 g. Weight, bright red in color with a pleasant smell.

The variety does not require pruning after the seedling crown has formed; the roots do not spread throughout the area. The trees are resistant to diseases and have high yields.

This variety can be grown almost throughout Russia, although it is characterized by less frost resistance and requires bending the bushes to the ground and covering them with snow.


The berries are large, up to 10 cm, very tasty and aromatic. The robust tree bears fruit consistently regardless of fluctuations in external conditions. Produces many replacement stems and is prone to overgrowing.

This variety propagates well from cuttings. High-yielding, up to 4 kg of berries are obtained from the bush.

The disadvantages of the variety include its poor response to strong temperature changes and rather low adaptive qualities.

Fairy tale

The variety is frost-resistant, immune to diseases, and high-yielding. Up to 12 kg of berries are harvested from a bush, they tolerate transportation well and do not wrinkle.

Penguin and Eurasia

Varieties Penguin and Eurasia are annual varieties. After fruiting, their shoots are cut almost to the ground. In this way, these varieties are preserved in winter and produce new shoots from the root in spring.

They have large berries that bear fruit from the end of July to September, tasty and aromatic berries weighing 4-5 g.

Today there are quite a lot of varieties of standard raspberries, which allows satisfying the tastes of most gardeners.

Raspberry trees with yellow and black berries appeared, these are for gourmets, and they become decorations for garden plots.

Useful properties of berries

Raspberries are rich:

  • glucose, sucrose and fructose;
  • malic, citric and salicylic acids;
  • vitamins A, C and B;
  • minerals and salts;
  • contain iron, zinc, copper, calcium;
  • provitamin A.

Yellow berries contain a lot of carotene.

Raspberries together with medications indicated for diseases:

  • these are colds, including flu;
  • used for gastritis;
  • relieves severe cough with sore throat;
  • used for atherosclerosis;
  • scurvy is defeated by vitamin C, which is found in large quantities in raspberries;
  • with anemia, there is a lack of iron, which is contained in raspberries in sufficient quantities;
  • used as an excellent antipyretic and diaphoretic in the form of a drink.

Finally, let's note some interesting facts:

  1. One handful of raspberries improves your mood and restores the nervous system after trouble.
  2. Pliny began cultivating raspberries on the plot, back in the days of Ancient Rome. He tried a berry growing in the wild on the island of Crete and took out a raspberry bush for the garden.
  3. The most useful type of raspberry is considered to be black.. It has the unique ability to strengthen the walls of blood vessels.

Common raspberry ( Rúbus idaeus) is a deciduous subshrub and belongs to the class Dicotyledons, order Rosaceae, family Rosaceae, genus Rubus.

Common raspberry - description and characteristics

Raspberry is a perennial plant with a very developed and sinuous rhizome, on which many adventitious roots are formed. Aboveground shoots are erect, 1.5 to 2.5 meters high, in the first year of growing season they are green, with a barely noticeable bluish bloom, herbaceous and covered with thin thorns. By the second year of life, raspberry shoots become woody, acquiring a bright brown color. After the fruiting period they die, but a new shoot-stem grows from the same root bud in the spring.

On the stem of the common raspberry there are complex oval leaves, consisting of 3-7 dark green ovoid leaves, each of which is covered with hairs below and has a whitish tint.

Raspberry flowers are white, with many stamens and pistils, with a subtle honey aroma, collected in miniature racemose inflorescences, which are located on the tops of the shoots or in the axils of the leaves.

Common raspberry fruits

Sweet and very aromatic raspberries are numerous, small-sized drupes, fused into a complex fruit. Interestingly, the color of the fruit can vary from light pink and burgundy to yellow, orange and even almost black.

Where do raspberries grow?

This subshrub is distributed throughout almost the entire territory of Europe and the countries of America. In Russia, ordinary raspberries are found in the middle zone and in the south, in the cold climate of Siberia and the Urals, and also grow in the mountainous areas of Kazakhstan, Bashkiria and Kyrgyzstan.

Raspberry is often called a pioneer plant because of its unpretentiousness to soil indicators: it is the very first to appear in the place of burnt-out forest clearings, and feels comfortable both in dry zones and along the edges of swamps.

Wild (forest) raspberries are mentioned in chronicles dating back to the 3rd century BC. This plant became known as a garden crop only in the 16th and 17th centuries.

Types, varieties, classification of raspberries

A huge number of raspberry varieties can be divided into the following groups:

  • by berry size (large, medium, small);
  • by color (yellow, red, black, orange);
  • by ripening period (early ripening, mid-early, mid-ripening, mid-late, late ripening);
  • by resistance to cold (winter-hardy, not winter-hardy).

Separately, it is necessary to distinguish standard and remontant raspberries.

Standard raspberry— a feature of the species are thick, powerful, branched, erect shoots, which, after pinching, resemble a small tree, most often not requiring garter.

Remontant raspberry- a type of raspberry that bears fruit in summer and also in autumn.

Below are some varieties of raspberries:

Yellow raspberry varieties

  • Yellow sweet tooth

A mid-early, productive raspberry variety produces 3.5 - 4 kg per bush. The elongated berries, weighing 3-6 g, are distinguished by a pale yellow color and a bright aroma; the ripened fruits do not crumble for a long time.

  • Golden autumn

The mid-late remontant raspberry variety is distinguished by its golden-yellow fruit color with slight pubescence. Raspberries are sweet, large, have a bright aroma, and are well transported.

  • Morning dew

A remontant raspberry variety with golden-yellow fruits. The shoots of this variety are tough, about 1.5 meters in height, covered with a large number of thorns. The berries are large, spherical in shape, hard, weighing up to 5 kg. It is grown mainly in home gardens and a little on plantations. Raspberries of the Morning Dew variety are suitable for transportation.

  • Yellow giant

Semi-remontant, winter-hardy variety of yellow raspberries, bearing fruit until frost. It has a high yield (up to 6 kg per bush) and unusually large, very sweet berries, weighing up to 8-10 g.

  • Orange miracle

The remontant raspberry variety got its name due to the non-standard, golden-orange hue of the fruit. Raspberries are large, weighing 5-6 g; there are specimens weighing up to 10 g. The berries are characterized by sweetness with a slight sourness and a delicate aroma. The variety has excellent productivity and does not tolerate severe frosts and heat.

Varieties of standard raspberries

  • Tarusa

The slender bush is highly decorative and has no thorns at all. The yield of one “raspberry tree” is more than 5 kg. The bright red berry with small seeds weighs up to 10 g. The aroma of raspberries is intense, but the taste is not expressed, so the Tarusa raspberry variety is more suitable for preparations. The variety has a mid-early ripening period; a temperature drop below 25 degrees can be detrimental to young shoots.

  • Firebird

A productive variety of standard raspberries with a medium ripening period, it begins to bear fruit at the end of July. The berries are large, red, shiny, weighing from 12 to 15 g. The taste of raspberries is excellent, the berries are sweet, juicy, and do not crumble even when fully ripe. The winter hardiness level of the variety is 23-25 ​​degrees, drought resistance is high.

  • Sturdy

A consistently fruit-bearing variety of standard raspberries with medium ripening period. The fruits are red, weighing up to 10 g, very tasty and aromatic, easily separated from the stalk, but do not fall off for a long time. One bush can produce up to 4 kg of berries. The variety does not respond well to snow-white winters and sudden temperature changes.

Black raspberry varieties

  • Cumberland

The early-ripening variety of black raspberries has increased winter hardiness and unpretentiousness. The fruits are round, medium-sized, weighing 2-4 g, initially red, becoming glossy black as they ripen. The berry is dense, sweet, with a slight sourness and blackberry flavor. The yield of a raspberry bush is 3-4 kg.

  • Bristol

The most popular black raspberry variety of a new promising selection. It is characterized by late ripening and produces extremely stable yields. Round raspberries weighing 3-5 g have a black color with a blue coating, a pleasant sweet taste and aroma. The Bristol variety does not tolerate severe cold and is not resistant to anthracnose, a fungal disease of stems.

  • Ember

An early ripening variety of black raspberries. The berries weighing up to 2 g are dense, black, and do not fall off when ripe. The taste is sweet and sour, the berries are perfectly stored without losing their taste and presentation. From one bush you can collect up to 5.5 kg.

Varieties of large-fruited raspberries

  • Hercules

A remontant high-yielding raspberry variety, distinguished by large fruits weighing 5-8 g. Individual specimens weigh 15 g. The first harvest is harvested in mid-July, the second from the end of August until frost. Under cover it is possible to ripen 2 weeks earlier. The cone-shaped berries have a bright ruby ​​color, a pleasant, sweet and sour taste and excellent presentation.

  • Patricia

An early, winter-hardy, productive raspberry variety with velvety, red, conical berries weighing from 4 to 12 g. The yield reaches 8 kg per bush. The variety is characterized by a non-standard shape of fruits prone to deformation. Patricia raspberries have an excellent taste, but do not tolerate transportation and storage well.

  • Senator

Mid-season raspberry variety with berries weighing 7-12 grams, in some cases 15 grams. The oblong fruits are burgundy-orange in color, have a glossy shine, velvety pubescence and a rich, sweet and sour taste. The variety is characterized by increased winter hardiness and tolerates frosts down to -35 degrees without damage.

Raspberry varieties for the middle zone

  • Unattainable

A consistently high-yielding variety of remontant raspberries with red berries weighing up to 6 g. The elongated fruits have a sweet taste and delicate aroma. With proper care, the yield is 5 kg per bush. The bushes do not freeze even in the most severe frosts.

  • Indian summer - 2

A remontant, productive raspberry variety is noted for abundant fruiting, early ripening and excellent quality of berries. The fruits are small, weighing up to 3g, have a sweet taste with a slight sourness, are well stored and do not fall from the bush.

Raspberry varieties for Siberia

  • Diamond

The variety is distinguished by increased winter hardiness, as well as resistance to damping and desiccation. Raspberries are bright scarlet in color, medium-sized, weighing 2.5-3 g, aromatic, sweet and sour. Ripens in early July and does not fall off when overripe.

  • Zorenka Altai

A raspberry variety of medium ripening, frost-resistant, large-fruited, high-yielding. The berries, weighing from 3 to 5 g, are red, have a pleasant, sweet and sour taste and excellent transportability.

  • Ruby

The mid-late variety is valued for its exceptional resistance to frost and drought, bringing a stable harvest in the conditions of the Altai Territory. Red raspberries, berries with a light bluish bloom, weighing up to 5.5 g, have excellent taste and quality characteristics.

How to grow raspberries

While wild raspberries can grow even on unfavorable soils, cultivated raspberry varieties require care and proper planting. When choosing a place for a plant, give preference to an open sunny area, or plant it in light partial shade. The soil must be enriched with humus and have good air and moisture permeability. It is advisable to plant in mid-autumn, deepening the raspberry seedlings 4-5 cm strictly vertically. For proper development of bushes and an excellent harvest, ordinary raspberries are fed with minerals, and the rows are mulched with organic fertilizer. Before wintering, two-year-old bushes are removed at the root, freeing the area from them.

Useful properties of raspberries. What diseases does raspberry treat?

Raspberries are a tasty, aromatic and healthy berry that helps treat a large number of diseases. This is why raspberry bushes can be found in many garden plots these days. According to statistics, this berry is considered the third most common in our country, behind only strawberries and currants. Common raspberry fruits are eaten fresh, fragrant jams, jams and compotes are made from them, marmalade and marshmallows are prepared, frozen, dried, and used in the production of wine and liqueurs. Raspberry flowers are used in cosmetology to make lotions and creams.

The benefits of raspberries are indeed very significant. As raspberries ripen, they acquire a unique composition. The fruits of this shrub contain a lot of vitamins, acids and beneficial microelements. For example, any raspberry variety is endowed with:

  • healthy sugars (glucose, sucrose and fructose);
  • malic, citric and salicylic acids;
  • vitamins A, C and B;
  • minerals and salts;
  • microelements (iron, zinc, copper, calcium);
  • provitamin A.

It is worth noting that there is much more iron and vitamin C in raspberries than in other fruits and berries. That is why it is actively used to treat a large number of diseases. Raspberries are widely used in medicine as a diaphoretic and antipyretic for various colds. Raspberries are a unique berry because they can be safely taken for illnesses along with medications. In this case, the fruits will only contribute to a speedy recovery, and will also provide the body with vitamins and beneficial microelements. This “tasty” medicine is enjoyed not only by adults, but also by children, who know very well about the benefits of raspberries.

Raspberry jam, tea with dried raspberries or eating fresh berries can speed up the treatment of diseases such as:

  • colds, flu;
  • gastritis;
  • severe cough with sore throat;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • scurvy;
  • anemia.
  • Pliny was involved in raspberry cultivation in Ancient Rome, having accidentally eaten this berry on the island of Crete.
  • A handful of raspberries is an excellent antidepressant and will easily relieve depression: the copper it contains will quickly put your nervous system in order.
  • Red raspberries are healthier than yellow ones. But the most useful type is black raspberry.

Raspberries bloom from late May to July, and 30-40 days after flowering the berries ripen. Raspberry leaves and flowers are collected in May-June and dried under a canopy in the open air.

In folk medicine, raspberry flowers are used internally and externally as an anti-inflammatory and antitoxic agent.


1. Raspberry flowers have anti-inflammatory and antitoxic effects.

2. An infusion to which raspberry flowers are added is recommended for hemorrhoids.

3. For stomach disorders (heartburn, pain, feeling of heaviness after eating), raspberry leaves, flowers and branches are indispensable.

4. A decoction of raspberry flowers is used to wash sore eyes and facial skin from acne.

5. Raspberry leaves and flowers contain tannins, flavonoids, sugars, organic acids, vitamin C and various mineral salts.

6. An infusion of raspberry leaves and flowers is taken internally and externally as a blood purifier for skin diseases, vitamin deficiencies, rashes, eczema, erysipelas, measles, articular rheumatism (lotions from a decoction of raspberry leaves and flowers are applied to sore spots); for infectious diseases, fever; and externally - for washing the eyes for conjunctivitis and blepharitis.

7. People use raspberry flowers and leaves in the form of an infusion, which they drink for colitis, and gargle with the same infusion for sore throats.

8. An infusion of raspberry flowers is used as an antidote for the bites of poisonous snakes and scorpions, as well as for diseases of the female genital area.

9. You can wash your face with an infusion of dried raspberry flowers to get rid of acne and inflammation on the skin of the face.


Under no circumstances should you take a decoction of raspberry flowers together with aspirin!

Unfortunately, more detailed information is not yet available.

Common raspberry (Rubus idaeus).

Description. Deciduous prickly subshrub of the Rosaceae family. It has a perennial sinuous rhizome with adventitious roots forming a branched root system.
The rhizome sends up erect shoots, which in the first year of life are herbaceous, green in color and covered with soft thorns in the lower part. In the second year of life, the shoots become woody, become brownish in color, and bear fruit.
After fruiting, they die off, and the rhizome sprouts new shoots. The length of the shoots reaches 1.5 - 2 m. The leaves are alternate, petiolate, oval with 3 - 7 leaflets on the petioles. The leaves are dark green above, whitish below and pubescent.
The flowers are small, white, up to 10 mm in diameter with a greenish calyx. Collected in small racemose inflorescences located in the axils of the leaves and at the top of the stem.
The corolla has 5 petals, which are shorter than the calyx lobes. The fruit is a tightly fused drupe, which when ripe becomes juicy, tender, and red in color.
Of the cultivated raspberry varieties, there are those that have yellow fruits. In wild raspberries, the drupes are not tightly fused and therefore fall apart easily. Blooms in late May - June. Fruit ripening in July. Propagated by dividing the bush, cuttings, seeds.
It is distributed in the wild in the European part of the CIS. Grows in forest clearings, clearings, clearings, and ravines. Prefers moist soil rich in humus. The yield of cultivated raspberry varieties is affected by weather. Cold, rainy or hot, dry weather negatively affects crop yields. In hot, dry weather, raspberries need to be watered.

Collection and preparation of raw materials. Collection and preparation of raw materials. Raspberry fruits and leaves are harvested for medicinal purposes. The fruits must be collected in dry weather, after the dew has dried.
The collected fruits are cleaned from the receptacle and leaves, separating spoiled and overripe ones. Dry in the sun, spreading it in a thin layer on paper. Next, dry in dryers or ovens at a temperature not exceeding 50°C. If, when kneading in the hand, the fruits do not stain the skin, such fruits are considered sufficiently dried. Shelf life - 2 years.
Leaves and flowers are harvested during the flowering period and dried outdoors in the shade or in a well-ventilated area. Their shelf life is 1 year.

Composition of the plant. Raspberry fruits contain up to 6% sugars (glucose, fructose, sucrose), pectin, coloring, nitrogenous substances, carotene, organic acids (malic, citric, tartaric, salicylic), mucus, flavonoids, tannins, vitamins C, E, PP , some B vitamins, micro- and macroelements.
Leaves and flowers contain organic acids, tannins, vitamin C. Seeds contain fatty oil up to 15%, phytosterols.

Useful properties of raspberries.
Fresh raspberries are not only attractive in appearance, have a pleasant aroma and taste, but also have certain beneficial properties.
Raspberry fruits have diaphoretic, antipyretic, antiemetic, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and antitoxic properties. They also improve digestion, quench thirst, and speed up the body's elimination of alcohol.
Fresh raspberries are a dietary product for diabetes, anemia, hypertension, atherosclerosis, to improve digestion and increase appetite.
Many people know that for colds and flu it is useful to drink tea made from dried raspberries or with raspberry jam. This tea will not only help reduce the temperature, but also helps remove toxins from the body that are formed as a result of the fight against viruses and bacteria. Cleansing the body of toxins improves well-being and speeds up recovery.
Raspberry fruits contain various microelements; they are especially rich in copper and molybdenum. Copper is involved in many important processes in the body - in hematopoiesis, the construction of proteins, the growth of cells and tissues, it gives elasticity and strength to blood vessels, and also strength to bones, as it is a component of the protein frame of bones. Copper also enhances collagen synthesis, which makes the skin beautiful and elastic.
Molybdenum is responsible for metabolism, regulation of growth processes, maintains dental tissue in proper condition, participates in the production of hemoglobin and in the synthesis of amino acids, normalizes sexual function, and influences the qualitative composition of intestinal microflora.
Fresh raspberries are used to prevent hypo- and avitaminosis, anemia.

Medicinal properties of raspberries.
Raspberries are both a food and medicinal plant. The benefits of tea made from dried raspberries or tea with raspberry jam for colds and flu were mentioned above. Raspberries will be useful for anemia, atherosclerosis, hypertension, diabetes, eczema, and to improve digestion. Raspberries are indicated for those who have suffered a stroke or heart attack and those with high blood pressure, as it has a therapeutic and preventive effect on the walls of blood vessels and capillaries. You can eat as many fresh berries as you like (if there are no contraindications). The decrease in pressure can be long-term and sustainable.
Dried raspberries are included in diaphoretic, anti-inflammatory, and vitamin preparations.
In folk medicine, not only raspberry fruits are used for medicinal purposes, but also leaves, flowers, stems, and roots.

Raspberry leaves and flowers have beneficial and medicinal properties.
Raspberry leaves have astringent, anti-inflammatory, antitoxic, hemostatic, blood purifying properties; flowers - antitoxic, anti-inflammatory properties.
An infusion or decoction of the leaves is used for cough, diarrhea, enterocolitis, gastritis, enteritis, colitis, hemorrhoids, gastric bleeding, heavy menstruation, dermatitis, acne, erysipelas, skin rashes, menorrhagia.
Externally, an infusion of leaves is used as a gargle for diseases of the mouth and throat (stomatitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis); lotions - for skin diseases and hemorrhoids; douching - for the treatment of gynecological diseases.
Infusion and decoction of flowers inside - for respiratory infections, gastralgia, hemorrhoids. As an external remedy - for erysipelas, acne, eye diseases.
To treat insect bites and dermatitis, use an infusion of olive oil.

Dosage forms and doses.
Infusion of dried fruits. 4 tbsp. spoons of raw materials pour 400 ml of boiling water. Infuse for 15 minutes, strain, take 1-2 cups hot as a diaphoretic for colds, to improve digestion, for headaches and stomach pain, loss of strength, anemia.

Infusion of leaves. 2 tbsp. spoons of dry crushed leaves pour 500 ml of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes, strain, take 1/2 cup 3 times a day. In the treatment of hemorrhoids and skin diseases, oral infusion is combined with external use.

Infusion of raspberry flowers. 3 tbsp. spoons of dried crushed flowers, pour 200 ml of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes and then strain. Take 1 tbsp 3 times a day. spoon.

Raspberry juice Take 1/4 - 1/2 cup before meals. The juice can be diluted half and half with water. Take the juice for diabetes, atherosclerosis, colds, feverish conditions, prostatic hyperplasia, neurasthenia, infertility, and sexual impotence.

Infusion of leaves or flowers for external use. 2 tablespoons of dry crushed raw materials are poured with a glass of boiling water, left for 30 minutes, filtered. Apply externally in the form of rinses, washes, lotions.

An infusion used to treat female inflammatory diseases and thrush. To prepare the infusion, take equal parts, 2 tablespoons of dry crushed raspberry and salvia leaves, pour boiling water, leave for 20 minutes, filter. After cooling, it is used in the form of vaginal douching, the regularity of which depends on the degree of the disease (from 1 time every 2 days to 2 times a day daily). When treating thrush, you can add natural apple cider vinegar to the infusion - 2 tablespoons per 1 liter. infusion.

Ointment made from fresh leaves. Pure raspberry leaves are ground, squeezed out the juice, mixed with petroleum jelly or, possibly, butter in a ratio of 1:4. Used externally for skin diseases.

Contraindications. Raspberries are contraindicated for patients with nephritis and gout. In some people, raspberry preparations can cause an allergic reaction in the form of skin rashes.

For centuries, raspberries have been rightfully considered one of the most popular and beloved berries. After all, it is a storehouse of vitamins and minerals for humans (see how to make delicious raspberry preparations). In addition, the crop is easy to care for and easily propagates in open ground. This article will tell you how to plant correctly and provide optimal conditions for seedlings.

Breeders have developed raspberry varieties with berries of different colors: black, red and yellow. There are varieties with no thorns on the stems. It is also divided into types: ordinary, large-fruited and standard. According to the timing of ripening, it is divided into early, medium and late ripening, as well as remontant.

When choosing a variety for planting a raspberry tree, take into account all these factors, but it is better to rely on varieties that have shown good results in your climatic region, as well as on your own taste preferences. We list the best varieties:

  • Cumberland - has black berries. It does not produce root shoots and can even be planted for decorative purposes in a flower garden;

Cumberland variety
  • Hussar, Phoenix, Hercules, Maroseyka, Taganka, Kaliningradskaya, Mirage, Kalashnik - varieties with red berries;
  • Amber, Slastena, Golden Domes, Yellow Giant - varieties with yellow berries;

Amber variety
  • Among the best remontant varieties, it is worth noting Maroseyka, Slastena and Taganka;
  • Of the old varieties, the most win-win option is Kaliningradskaya; for some reason it is least affected by the stem gall midge.

Garden blackberry

Garden blackberries are also raspberries, only with five-meter branches and greater love for the sun. It reproduces well by the ends of shoots placed in the ground. It forms and requires the same care as raspberries. There is only one problem with her: where to put the long lashes. Only a trellis and a little trick will help here: young shoots “dangle” in one direction, and fruit shoots in the other.

Choosing a place for a raspberry garden

The location for the future raspberry garden must be chosen in advance. Raspberries are a very light-loving crop, so they are best suited to southern areas protected from strong winds. Lowland areas where moisture stagnates, as well as elevated slopes where the plant does not have enough moisture, are not suitable for raspberries, because its roots are located 15-20 cm from the soil surface.

Raspberries are always planted in an area open to sunlight

In partial shade, raspberries bear fruit worse, with the exception of the southern regions. Raspberries prefer nutritious, light loamy soils with good moisture permeability. Raspberries are grown in one place for about 12 years, then it is necessary to change the place. This is due to the fact that during this time the soil is depleted, diseases accumulate and the plant reduces yields. The raspberry tree can be returned to the same place again in 4-6 years.

Why is it better to plant in autumn?

Raspberries can be planted at any time of the year, except winter. But autumn planting is still preferable for the plant, since at this time there is no drying summer heat, and the soil maintains stable moisture, which creates optimal conditions for the survival of the young plant. And in the spring, the rooted seedlings rapidly begin to grow.

Young shoots on a raspberry bush

When planting in spring, the survival rate of the plant will greatly depend on weather conditions. Dry and hot weather can set in any day. And even with constant abundant watering, it is difficult for seedlings to take root, since raspberry sap flow begins very early and by the time of planting the seedlings already have leaves. The roots have not yet taken root, and the leaf evaporates water, as a result the seedling draws moisture from the stems. Only pruning the seedling to those buds that have not yet begun to grow will help.

Advice. For summer planting, purchase raspberry seedlings grown in containers. Such plants take root well, since the root system is practically not injured during planting.

Proper planting of raspberries

Planting raspberries in a trench gives good results. The distance between the trenches is at least 1.8 m, and between the bushes 0.5 m. If you border a trench one meter wide with slate to a depth of 30 cm, this will allow you to add mulch and manure, and will also limit the spread of the root shoots of the plant across the site. The row spaces can be lined with lawn grass or green manure can be sown in them.

Raspberry garden arrangement

Let's get back to landing. We dig a trench to the depth of a spade bayonet and two bayonets wide. Mix the excavated soil with compost, superphosphate and potassium sulfate. We shorten the seedlings almost to the ground, leaving a few buds. The lower bud should be at ground level when planting. Next, water the plant and mulch with sawdust, peat, straw or leaves. Install reinforced concrete pillars or pipes at the ends of the trenches. Stretch a wire between them at a height of 1 m from the soil surface, the second row of wire at a height of 1.5 m. Subsequently, the raspberries are tied to the wire.

Raspberry care

Many books recommend constant weeding and loosening the soil under the bushes to control weeds, but with this method, the root system of the plant is constantly injured, which affects the yield. Therefore, it is better to mulch the soil with any organic material (8-10 cm layer). To do this, you can use humus, sawdust, foliage, and crushed bark. As they decompose, they will serve as fertilizer, cut off weeds and retain moisture in the soil. It is especially convenient to mulch bordered rows in raspberry fields.

Drip irrigation of raspberries

Raspberries are one of those plants that react sharply to a lack of moisture in the soil; the fruits become bony and tasteless, and the bush can even dry out. Watering should be done infrequently, but abundantly. Mulch the rows generously once a week. It is very important that the soil is constantly moist.

For the winter, the bushes are bent to the ground. Under a layer of snow, the buds are preserved and do not freeze out. This applies to northern regions with harsh winters.

In the spring, it is necessary to inspect the plantation and cut out all dried branches at the root. Dead crowns should be removed to a healthy bud. In the fall, cut out two-year-old shoots that bear fruit at the root.

Advice. In the first year after planting, some bushes may not take root for various reasons. In the fall, new plants should be planted in empty spaces. If the losses are minor, you don’t have to wait for autumn, but rather replant the missing bushes in the summer. This can be done with green offspring.

Raspberry formation

It is very important to regulate shoot growth. The bush can produce more than a dozen young shoots; you need to leave 5-6 - exactly as many shoots as bear fruit. They will replace those branches that will give up the harvest and dry up.

Raspberry pruning

The strongest and most powerful shoots are left, the rest must be removed. This is easy to do with a shovel or flat cutter. When the shoots have grown and begin to ripen for the winter, it is necessary to cut off the upper quarter of each shoot with pruning shears: the best harvest is formed in the middle third of the shoot.

Advice: You can do this: raspberries are planted in two rows at a distance of 90 cm. In the first year, one row of raspberries is planted, and in the second year another row is planted. Now we maintain the same age of seedlings in each row. The first row bears fruit, and the second row grows back next year. The first one has yielded its harvest and is cut down to the soil level; next year it grows back, and the second one bears fruit. And we do this all the time. With this method it is quite convenient to care for raspberries and work with shoots.

Fertilizer and feeding

If the seedlings were planted in soil well fertilized with organic matter, then in the first year fertilizers and fertilizing will not be required. It is generally impossible to imagine raspberries without a layer of organic matter or manure under the bushes. Without good nutrition, raspberries become smaller and do not produce good growth.

Raspberry bushes need to be fed several times a season.

During the season, raspberries are fed three times:

  1. At the very beginning of the growing season, the plant needs nitrogen. At the end of March, you need to add ammonia and saltpeter at 10 g per 1 sq. m. m. Or take infused mullein at the rate of 500 ml per bucket of water. This feeding is enough for a meter of planting. If after the first feeding your plantation does not look so good, then in early June, feed the bushes with an infusion of bird droppings at the rate of 1 kg per bucket of water. This amount should be enough for 6 bushes.
  2. The second feeding is carried out at the beginning of fruiting. During this period, the plant especially needs nutrition. Take any complex fertilizer or nitroammophoska.
  3. The third feeding is aimed at laying the future harvest and winter hardiness of the branches. In September, add potassium salt and superphosphate. Chemical fertilizers can be supplemented with wood ash by adding a glass of it per 1 square meter. m in liquid or dry form.

There is another way to apply fertilizers. For 10 liters of water take ammonium nitrate, superphosphate, potassium salt (30:60:40). All this is applied once or twice in spring and summer.

It is better to mulch the ground around the bushes. This will allow plants to optimally consume moisture.

By the external state, you can determine which elements are in excess or, conversely, which are insufficient.

  1. A faded leaf blade may indicate a lack of nitrogen.
  2. Large dark leaves and excessive shoot growth indicate an excess of nitrogen.
  3. Thin and weak shoots mean a lack of phosphorus.
  4. If the leaf has turned yellow and green veins are clearly visible on it, there is a lack of iron.
  5. Brown leaves with dried edges indicate a lack of potassium

Reproduction methods

Raspberries are propagated in several ways:

  1. Seeds. This method is rarely used, because young plants do not inherit the qualities of the mother plant. Seeds are taken only from overripe berries. Place in a bag and squeeze out the juice, then spread the remaining mass on a sheet to dry. Before planting, seeds need long-term stratification.