Laxative ointment. Quick-acting laxative drops: a list of drugs. Poslabin Lactulose is the best mild laxative

The pharmacy offers a wide range of drugs that allow you to restore the natural process of defecation and eliminate all unpleasant symptoms. That is why it will be difficult for a person without experience and special knowledge to make the right choice. Laxative drops should be selected only by a gastroenterologist or therapist, after the correct diagnosis has been made. Next, we will consider the most popular drugs for constipation in adults and children.

The following advantages of the drug can be distinguished:

  • Convenient form. The drops are sold in a 30 ml bottle, which is enough to treat constipation.
  • The price ranges from 400 rubles, depending on the pharmacy chain.
  • The drops promptly stimulate the intestinal muscles, which in turn actively absorb nutrients and remove solid fecal neoplasms from the body.

However, there are certain disadvantages, namely:

  • It is necessary to strictly follow all instructions from the manufacturer, because there is a high risk of dehydration. The drug draws out excess fluid from cells, which is necessary to soften solid waste in the intestinal system.
  • Suitable only for mild forms of constipation, when it is necessary to quickly cleanse the body of solid fecal neoplasms. With chronic constipation, you need to find a safer way.
  • During pregnancy and in children, be sure to consult a specialist.


Regulax constipation drops have the following advantages:

  • The drug has different forms of release, which allows it to be used for different age groups.
  • The tool has a quick action, and the first positive result can come within 15 minutes after application.
  • Stimulates the work of the muscular system of the stomach, which has a positive effect on the absorption of nutrients from food.
  • Quickly liquefies and removes solid waste products from the body.

You can also highlight the following disadvantages of Regulax:

  • According to the instructions from the manufacturer, the drops are recommended to be taken immediately before bedtime. At the same time, patients claim that it is better to take in the morning hours through the operative action of the drug. The positive effect occurs within an hour, so you will not be able to sleep at night due to the constant use of the toilet.
  • During pregnancy, be sure to consult your doctor.


The following features of the drug can be distinguished:

  • The composition includes only artificial ingredients, which in some cases can cause allergic reactions.
  • A large number of contraindications, including children, pregnancy and breastfeeding.
  • The positive effect occurs only 6 hours after the application of the product.
  • Not suitable for long-term use in the treatment of chronic constipation.
  • Ideal for mild constipation.
  • There are a large number of side effects, so you should definitely consult your doctor.

Ogarkov drops

It is these drops for constipation that are most popular and in demand on the market, since they have a quick therapeutic effect and the minimum number of contraindications.

The following features of Ogarkov's laxative drops can be distinguished:

  • The preparation contains only natural and safe ingredients that almost never cause allergic reactions.
  • High level of effectiveness in the treatment of constipation of various types.
  • They help relieve abdominal cramps and eliminate increased gas formation.
  • They restore the stable functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Drops remove toxic substances from the body.
  • The process of decay of decay products in the intestinal system is suspended.


Constipation drops have the following features:

  • The remedy is recommended for use in case of intestinal muscle weakness.
  • With constipation of a different nature.
  • Do not use if pregnant or breastfeeding. Contraindications also include children under 10 years of age.

Hilak Forte

The following advantages and features of Hilak Forte laxative drops can be distinguished:

  • A quick therapeutic effect, which allows you to use the product in an emergency, when you need to quickly cleanse the intestines from toxins.
  • Possibility of use in the treatment of constipation in children due to the minimum number of contraindications and unpleasant reactions.
  • Simultaneous restoration of normal stool and the work of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Restoring the normal level of beneficial bacteria in the body.
  • The preparation contains only safe components, namely bacteria, which are responsible for a stable digestive process and the absorption of nutrients from food.
  • Recommended for use after long-term antibacterial treatment, when it is necessary to restore the balance of beneficial bacteria in the stomach.
  • It should be used in the complex treatment of stomach diseases, including dysbiosis.
  • Allows you to speed up the process of assimilation of nutrients from food.
  • Lack of contraindications and side effects.


Laxigal constipation drops have the following features:

  • The therapeutic effect occurs only 6 hours after the use of therapeutic drops.
  • Can be used to treat constipation in children over 4 years of age.
  • The minimum number of contraindications.
  • It is recommended to apply at bedtime to obtain the desired therapeutic effect in the morning.

Espumisan drops

Espumisan constipation drops have the following features and benefits:

  • Designed to eliminate increased gas production and bloating.
  • Elimination of mild constipation.
  • Suitable for use from birth to old age.
  • Effective in violation of the gastrointestinal tract

In which case the drops will harm

  • Allergic reactions to certain components of laxatives.
  • Obstruction of the intestinal system.
  • Serious diseases of the digestive system.
  • Internal bleeding of an unclear nature.
  • Pointed form of hemorrhoids.
  • Exceeding the recommended dose.

The 2019 rating "The best laxatives" is a carefully selected list of the most effective components for the natural removal of toxins and toxins from the human body. The TOP 10 of the best was compiled on the basis of several weighty selection criteria at once - absolute harmlessness and lack of addiction, reviews of patients who used medications with a laxative effect, opinions of pharmacologists and doctors about the absence of side effects when used.

The decision on the appointment of funds with an anti-constipation mechanism is taken only on the basis of existing indications, and no advertising should in this case be an incentive impulse.

Selection criteria

The rating of the best laxatives cannot be compiled on a single basis, since the health of the whole organism often depends on the state of the intestines. The unified system of the human body created by nature presupposes a clear interaction and mutual influence of different segments:

  1. Disruption of the normal release of natural waste products is inextricably linked with the presence of chronic diseases and malfunctions in the work of individual segments. However, the principle of mutual influence provides for the emergence of new problems associated with a delay in the excretory system of all that the body has already recognized to be eliminated.
  2. Nature has developed a unique mechanism for processing and assimilation, evacuation and migration of harmful or excess food components. The generation and removal of toxic waste outside of an open system is an ongoing process in which every step is essential.
  3. The entire long path through the digestive organs, from the mouth, into which food enters, and ending with the rectum and anus, is responsible for the physiological excretion of feces.
  4. When prescribing a laxative, factors that prevent it must be taken into account. Sometimes it is enough to eat certain foods and adjust the diet.
  5. The best laxative in each clinical picture can be very different in its mechanism of action. The criterion for choosing a drug is not the speed of evacuation, but the principle of its implementation, the absence of side effects, the state of the patient's body and his age.

The ranking, which includes the best laxatives for constipation, takes into account all types of drugs developed, from irritating and osmotic to natural and corrective. Therefore, before following persistent and annoying advertisements on television and on posters in a pharmacy, it is better to understand your own problem. And the choice of laxative should be entrusted to a gastroenterologist, who will also advise dietary and therapeutic measures.

Types of laxatives according to the principle of action

The concept of a good quick-acting laxative to cleanse the body certainly includes the etiology of a functional disorder. After all, the absence of normal bowel movements can be equally likely associated with a pathology of the metabolic system, a failure in normal digestion of food, compaction of feces or difficulty in excretion through a diseased intestine. The constant use of laxatives leads to the loss of the usual functionality, addiction, the need to take medications. This can also happen as a result of age-related changes, so there is a whole line of products recommended for elderly patients who do not have a normal bowel movement mechanism.

The conditional division of laxatives implies 5 common classes:

  1. Emollients - good fast acting laxative, consisting of glycerin, vegetable oils and sodium compounds, it is excellent for individual, occasional cases. The success of the application is based on the production of water in feces stuck in the intestinal tract. Due to a natural process, they soften, slip into the lumen and evacuate.
  2. Auxiliary ones work to eliminate problems with digestion and digestion - bile acids and prokinetics facilitate digestion by introducing missing components, and antispasmodics eliminate spasm of smooth muscles. The process takes place in an almost natural way.
  3. The best laxative for bowel cleansing is a stimulant that enhances intestinal motility. They can be prescribed at any stage of development of constipation, with a consistently positive result. But constant intake leads to a loss of tone of the intestinal walls and the ability of muscle tissue to naturally move feces.
  4. Osmotic drugs act due to the main gradient (mainly disaccharides and polyethylene glycol, sometimes salt alcohols). They also lead to the production of water, only more intense than in the case of softeners.
  5. Volumetric - the optimal combination of plant and synthetic components that can cause an increase and swelling of natural waste, a reduction, due to the growth of masses, of the intestinal walls and pushing out into the outlet at an increased speed.

Pros: Any laxative helps to eliminate congestion, remove unnecessary components from the body, normalize the patient's condition and eliminate the symptoms of intoxication.

Minuses: With an incorrect selection and constant use, the natural mechanism of the excretory system may be lost, addiction and the need for constant laxative intake may occur.

TOP 10 best laxatives of 2019

The line of this product for the pharmaceutical industry has a significant range of effective products in all five classes. But many of them use the same ingredients, so there is a need to consult with your doctor to select a drug with a similar effect. The composition of the laxative can even be repeated, but it is sold under a different commercial name, and this can easily mislead the self-prescribing consumer. In no case should you select analogs on the advice of a casual acquaintance, a pharmacist in a pharmacy, or under the influence of advertising.

If constipation is not systematic, you can use proven folk remedies, or simply introduce laxative components into the diet.

10 Kefir

In folk medicine, it is even recommended as a remedy for systematic problems with bowel movement. It can be drunk in its pure form, choosing the minimum percentage of fat, add a spoonful of vegetable oil, achieving a simultaneous prebiotic and softening effect. Experts advise to practice the simultaneous drinking of kefir with vegetable oil and the addition of natural fiber. These can be dried fruits - figs, dried apricots, prunes, raisins, berries (fresh or frozen, vegetables (carrots, cucumbers, beets, herbs), chopped and added to a natural laxative.


  • natural composition that helps restore intestinal microflora;
  • simultaneous softening, laxing and cleansing effect;
  • low cost, even compared to cheap medicines;
  • lack of synthetic chemical compounds.


  • the need for daily preparation of a drink, which means purchasing it in the store;
  • possible contraindications for gastrointestinal diseases;
  • ineffectiveness in violation of endocrine or nervous regulation, neoplasms of the digestive system.

Before starting systematic use, you need to undergo an examination to identify possible contraindications and chronic diseases.

9 Castor oil

A great way to carry out a one-time bowel cleansing. It is especially effective if you combine its use with what you drink immediately after taking gelatin capsules of freshly squeezed lemon juice. A proven remedy with a good long-term reputation, without giving any side effects, completely natural.


  • you can quickly and efficiently cleanse the entire intestine;
  • natural product that is not addictive;
  • a long and well-deserved reputation as a laxative;
  • fast result, practically trouble-free.


  • not suitable for permanent use;
  • does not have a therapeutic effect;
  • must be taken on an empty stomach because cleansing starts with the small intestine.

Castor oil is only suitable when it is necessary to empty the intestines, eliminating the accumulation of feces, giving dangerous symptoms of intoxication.

8 Flaxseed

The features of the use of natural ingredients are diverse, but the result obtained is based on the correction of the diet and the anti-inflammatory effect of folk and natural remedies. A positive point is the ability to simultaneously have a laxative, anti-inflammatory and enveloping effect in the presence of a painful process in the gastrointestinal tract. However, some doctors consider the remedy ineffective, capable of causing unwanted reactions.


  • absolutely natural ingredient with proven action;
  • not addictive, can be used during the course of treatment;
  • sold in any pharmacy at an affordable price;
  • gives additional beneficial effects.


  • there are certain difficulties in preparation and use;
  • as any natural remedy can cause individual immunity.

In case of pathological constipation, with prolonged stagnation and dehydration, flaxseed has practically no effect.

7 and 6 Herbal decoctions, vegetables and fruits

A common practice called herbal medicine or naturopathy. Recommended for those who are just beginning to experience interruptions in bowel cleansing. In essence, this is the same dietary correction carried out with the use of fiber and plant foods with a known laxative effect. Herbal decoctions must certainly be coordinated with a gastroenterologist and an allergist. Some of them contain substances that are dangerous to humans in large quantities or potential allergens. The most famous vegetables are beets and carrots; from fruits you can use fresh figs, avocados, grapes, banal apples, blueberries and mangoes.


  • normalization of intestinal motility;
  • obtaining vitamins and minerals;
  • consumption of dietary fiber;
  • soft and stable action.


  • possible allergies, the appearance of reactions of immunity;
  • lack of effectiveness in serious disorders.

When compiling a diet or using medicinal decoctions, one should take into account possible allergic reactions.

5 and 4 Guttalax and Slabilen

Two medicinal analogues, the main active ingredient of which is sodium picosulfate. The medicinal effect is based on the effect on the intestinal receptors and the activation of its motor function. Features of the action of sodium picosulfate can lead to unpleasant sensations and general dehydration. The difference between them is in the manufacturer and the price: Slabilen is much cheaper, and is produced by Russian pharmaceutical companies.


  • quick result when the need arises;
  • emptying occurs due to the stimulation of natural mechanisms;
  • copes with the most persistent problems.


  • can cause negative symptoms;
  • not suitable for regular use;
  • does not have an additional therapeutic effect.

An excellent remedy for the elimination of pathological constipation with a significant accumulation of feces.

3 Glycelax

The leader from a domestic manufacturer in the rating of products for children, but it is also produced in an adult form. Rectal suppositories give the desired effect within 15 minutes after application. DAV of the drug is glycerol, which does not give negative consequences, softens even the most severe hardenings during dehydration.


  • very quick result, painless and easy;
  • completely democratic cost;
  • the presence of a child and adult form.


  • cannot be applied permanently.

The rectal suppository does not cause negative reactions and quickly empties the intestines.

2 Microlax

A practical and convenient remedy for eliminating constipation, absolutely safe, approved for use during pregnancy and lactation, in early childhood. Does not enter the systemic circulation, has the desired effect in the period from 5 to 15 minutes, can be used by adults on trips and business trips.


  • safety of action, no need for oral administration;
  • performance without unpleasant symptoms;
  • preservation of the natural rhythm of the gastrointestinal tract.


  • impossibility of permanent use;
  • quite tangible cost (in comparison with other means).

Microclysters have a tangible advantage over rectal suppositories, not having an irritating effect during the time required for dissolution.

1 Poslabin Lactulose

The leader of the rating, which has a mild laxative effect with the introduction of natural ingredients. The resulting effect after a course intake gives not only bowel emptying, but also the disappearance of constipation caused by pathological processes. It can be used after a bacterial infection, prolonged diarrhea and taking antibiotics, as a restorative agent for the prevention of dysbiosis.


  • therapeutic and prophylactic action;
  • no side effects;
  • completely natural composition;
  • the possibility of prescribing during pregnancy and lactation;
  • affordable cost.


  • a mild prolonging effect on the intestines, which makes a course intake necessary.

Constipation seems to be difficult defecation, which can occur as a result of improperly organized nutrition, physical inactivity, excessive use of drugs, and various intestinal pathologies. Any pharmacy has a large assortment of remedies for constipation that are unable to provide a serious therapeutic effect. This article will tell you how to treat constipation and give you a list of commonly used medications.

Reasons for constipation

There are several reasons for the malfunctioning of the intestine, they are conventionally divided into the following types:

  1. Subjective, which are caused by the presence of bad habits and the wrong way of life.
  2. Objective diseases develop in the gastrointestinal tract.

It is possible to more accurately recognize the cause of this problem by studying the main types of constipation, which include the following types:

  • alimentary. It occurs due to a lack of water necessary to soften stool and facilitate bowel movements. It is recommended to drink at least 2 liters of liquid per day, otherwise constipation may occur;
  • hypokinetic. Occurs due to decreased motor activity, most often persons occupying a "sedentary" position are susceptible to it;
  • reflex, resulting from lesions of the gastrointestinal tract, which are formed if people eat something wrong or get injured in the abdominal cavity;
  • toxic. Formed due to intoxication of the body with substances of chemical origin. It often occurs when you have to take a large number of pills. In this case, take the medication prescribed by your doctor;
  • endocrine. It develops due to a malfunction of the pituitary gland, thyroid gland;
  • mechanical. It turns out as a result of neoplasms formed in the gastrointestinal tract.


An important condition that helps to cure constipation is a timely visit to doctors who will help determine the true cause of this condition. Only after the examination, the specialist will recommend what you can drink to alleviate the condition. Before drinking laxatives for constipation, you should try to improve your well-being with harmless actions that promote natural emptying without addiction, which do not require money at all:

  1. Every day on an empty stomach, immediately after waking up, drink a glass of water at room temperature. After 40 minutes, you can start breakfast. These actions are necessary to activate the digestion process.
  2. Drink at least 2 liters per day. water, not counting the liquid that comes with food.
  3. Massaging the abdomen daily will help not only adults, but also children.
  4. It is recommended to eat during the day those dishes that have a laxative effect. It is a food rich in raw vegetables and fruits.
  5. If you drink fresh kefir at night, then there are fewer digestive problems.
  6. With a one-time problem, the use of a quick laxative is indicated for constipation. Vaseline oil is often used for this.

All drugs used for constipation in adults are conventionally divided into:

  • drugs that have an osmotic effect;
  • agents that irritate the intestines;
  • prebiotics - drugs to improve digestion;
  • medicines for constipation, filling effect.

The treatment of constipation in adults requires an integrated approach that has a long-term therapeutic effect. It is important to choose which laxative will be harmless to the patient and drink it for some time.

Irritant drugs

Those people who are interested in laxatives for strong constipation are advised to turn their attention to drugs that irritate the intestines. These drugs are effective for people who suffer from intestinal atony. These include:

  1. Constipation medicine. For example, Senade, Bisakodyl.
  2. Natural herbal remedies such as buckthorn bark, hay leaf.

Irritant drugs are related to fast-acting drugs. If these fast-acting remedies are taken in the evening, then in the morning a person already has an emptying, which occurs due to irritation of the intestinal receptors. Studying the list of these drugs, it must be remembered that they have many side effects, which are most often manifested in pain and burning of the intestines, dehydration. Irritant drugs include the following:

  • Bisacodyl shown as preparation for surgery. It is taken 1 tablet in the evening. If the act of defecation does not occur, then you can drink another 1 tablet;
  • Sennosides, which include Senadexin, Regulax, Senade, Senalex. These are effective herbal laxatives. Sennosides are safe and non-addictive. Usually 1 tablet taken at night is enough to adjust the stool;
  • Slabilen, Guttalaks, Guttasil, developed on the basis of Sodium Picosulfate. These funds act on the intestines, reduce the absorption of water, which helps to get an act of defecation after 10 hours. If used too often, dehydration can occur and blood pressure drop;
  • candles Glycerin is a good remedy for constipation. It promotes the lubrication of solid masses, thereby facilitating the process of their passage through the intestines, while causing emptying. Suppositories are often prescribed for people who have had a heart attack or have hemorrhoids. Reception is not recommended in the presence of neoplasms in the rectum. Candles are placed rectally, 1 pc. after breakfast.

Important! Irritants should not be taken for more than 10 days, as the body can get used to it and the dosage previously taken will not correct the problem.


When choosing what will help with constipation, it is recommended to pay attention to prebiotics. Since it is they who are known today as the best medicine. They are allowed to be used even by pregnant women and when breastfeeding. These constipation remedies are made up of carbohydrates, which are necessary for the formation of beneficial intestinal microflora. Any drug of this type is presented as a mild laxative that causes a lasting therapeutic effect, while not leading to addiction.

Tip: Prebiotics are widely used to treat not only acute but also chronic stool disorders.

Prebiotics have fewer side effects. However, the use of these remedies for constipation often causes flatulence, which disappears on its own 2 days after drug withdrawal. However, if a person drank these medications, then he should not hope for a quick emptying. Usually, the act of defecation occurs 48 hours after taking the drug. Commonly used prebiotics include the following medications:

  • Duphalac, Normase - drugs with lactulose for constipation, which are mild laxatives, often used before diagnostic procedures. This medicine for constipation thins the stool well, increases the volume of feces. It is able to soften stool in case of constipation. Lactulose weakens slowly but effectively. It is forbidden to drink this remedy for people suffering from intestinal obstruction, hypersensitivity to Lactose. The dosage is selected individually;
  • Exportal, Importal, developed on the basis of Lactitol, used as a sugar substitute for diabetics, therapy of diseases of the large intestine. These drugs against constipation achieve softening of feces, improve bowel function. The action occurs in a day, the drug should be drunk with plenty of water.

Osmotic drugs

When constipation occurs, drugs that have an osmotic effect that are light enough, non-addictive and non-addictive may be required. Long-term treatment of constipation in adults with osmotic drugs should not be, since they only relieve symptoms, without affecting the cause that provoked constipation. Osmotic drugs are an effective remedy for constipation. However, they should not be drunk often, they are suitable in order to cleanse the intestines one time.

If you take an osmotic remedy for constipation, then there is a retention of water by the intestines. This softens solid masses, increases their volume, which leads to a laxative effect. The most common osmotic drugs for constipation in adults are:

  • the use of Karlovy Vary salt is an easy way to exert a laxative effect. It is widely used when constipation is caused by cholecystitis. It is forbidden to use for a chronic form of constipation, because this remedy leads to a violation of water metabolism, to the occurrence of intestinal atony. Karlovy Vary salt should be drunk on an empty stomach, diluted in 1 glass of warm water half an hour before meals;
  • Forteza, Macragol, Realaksan are effective drugs for constipation, developed on the basis of Macrogol, which can be used for 3 months. After a therapeutic course, the patient's bowel function stabilizes if he practices proper nutrition, increases physical activity. Macrogol is known as the best laxative because it does not cause flatulence, pain or burning. It promotes an increase in feces, thereby facilitating the process of defecation. Macrogol takes effect 48 hours after application;
  • Magnesia is often used for constipation in adults with biliary dyskinesia, cholecystitis, poisoning, before a diagnostic examination. In addition, there is a mild choleretic effect. For adults, 1 sachet should be diluted in ½ glass of warm water, drink at a time;
  • Microlax is used in the form of microclysters. These are effective remedies for constipation in adults, as they urgently eliminate the resulting problem. Emptying occurs after 15 minutes. Microlax is not addictive to the body, does not have a negative effect on the functioning of the intestines. It helps with constipation, it is prescribed before a diagnostic examination, after an operation. This is the most effective remedy for eliminating constipation in the shortest possible time.

Important! An osmotic laxative should not be taken for more than 3 months, as it leads to water and electrolyte imbalances, which can lead to loss of essential trace elements and dehydration.

Filler drugs

Filler drugs are known as the best remedy for constipation, which is not only natural, but also of synthetic origin. Intestinal fillers increase the amount of stool and speed up the act of bowel movement. They are not suitable for patients suffering from a chronic form of the disease, since they worsen peristalsis and cause rumbling, flatulence, and abdominal pain. Filler drugs include:

  • flax-seed;
  • wheat bran;
  • Methylcellulose.

A laxative that has a filling effect swells in the intestines, sucks water from its walls, thereby causing distension. Due to reflex reactions, the act of defecation is accelerated. For elderly people with atypical intestines, they do not have the desired effect. Bedridden patients are prohibited from using intestinal storage. Their use requires the use of a large volume of liquid, which is often not recommended due to the presence of concomitant diseases. Filler medications are mild laxatives with slow results. Usually, if you use them, the stool comes only after 2-3 days.

Important! These drugs are contraindicated for the treatment of constipation in pregnant women, since intestinal storage often causes a threat of miscarriage.

Traditional medicine methods

If the root cause of constipation does not lie in gastrointestinal diseases, the presence of purulent intestinal processes, then it is recommended to use natural laxatives to alleviate the condition. When choosing medicinal herbs, it is important to take into account the factor of their individual intolerance, since many of them cause an allergic reaction. The most popular herbal medicines that have laxatives for constipation include:

You can eliminate constipation caused by intestinal spasms with the help of the following medicinal plants:

  • dill seeds;
  • fennel seeds;
  • rhubarb root;
  • mint;
  • buckthorn;
  • mistletoe;
  • dandelion roots;
  • three-leaf watch.

It is possible to eliminate atonic constipation, which is formed with apathetic peristalsis, using:

  • hop cones;
  • dandelion root;
  • dill seeds;
  • centaury;
  • inflorescences of tansy;
  • flaxseed.

From the listed herbal ingredients, you can prepare a decoction, for which you should take ½ tsp. herbs and pour them with 1 glass of boiling water. To obtain a laxative effect, medicinal decoctions should be drunk throughout the day.

Use of oils

At home, you can eliminate constipation with various oils, which are recommended to be taken internally or used in the form of cleansing enemas. It is possible to induce a bowel movement using the following types of oils:

  • petroleum jelly;
  • campfire;
  • linseed;
  • pumpkin.

The listed oils can be drunk inside at 20 grams. no more than 2-3 days. As an enema, it is added to the stock solution, 50 ml each.

Important! The use of oils in the form of an enema or inside is allowed only for adults.

Today there is a wide variety of laxatives to help cope with any kind of constipation. The attending physician will help you not to get confused with them, who will prescribe an individual dosage based on the age and condition of the patient.

There are a huge number of all kinds of laxatives that can have the opposite effect or be completely ineffective, especially when the wrong drug is chosen. Before buying pills in the pharmacy network, find out about their safety and likely benefits for the body, characteristic features and contraindications for use. Irregular bowel movements due to chronic constipation, or simply requiring a special approach to temporary discomfort, can be eliminated by drinking a quick-acting laxative in tablets or another form.

The indiscriminate intake of laxative medications can harm health, therefore it will be much more useful if the drugs are prescribed by a specialist. The article talks about tablets, analogues, alternative options that stimulate the process of defecation and bowel cleansing, discusses the typical features of their use in solving a very delicate issue.

List of fast-acting drugs

Fast-acting medications are medications that can quickly help resolve bowel movements. Quite popular in the treatment of constipation.

Go for medication and pick up similar laxatives if it doesn't help:

  • changes in lifestyle;
  • inclusion in your diet of a large number of fibrous compounds;
  • constant monitoring of the drinking regime;
  • regular physical activity.

Laxatives can be purchased over-the-counter at our pharmacies. There are several types of medications with different effects on the contents of the intestine.


The action of stimulant laxatives is to accelerate the movement of the intestinal muscles, and to induce the act of defecation. Many of the well-known medicines that can be bought in the pharmacy chain are laxative activators, including Glauber's salt, milk of magnesia, senna, flax seeds, sodium picosulfate.

The benefits of laxatives are colossal:

  • activate the movement of intestinal muscles;
  • stimulate nerve receptors;
  • control intestinal tone;
  • actively affect motor skills.

They use such drugs while drinking a large amount of liquid - not less than 1.5-2 liters.

Magnesium sulfate (magnesia)

A cheap emergency remedy from the category of hypertonic saline solutions for a single dose - in the folk pronunciation "magnesia". Able to release and retain a large volume of fluid in the intestinal tract, due to which the contents of the intestine soften. Magnesia, irritating the nerve receptors of the intestinal mucosa, enhances peristalsis and actively promotes excrement and collected fluid. Often the urge to empty occurs rapidly - they begin about 40 minutes after ingestion of 100-200 ml of a 25% solution of magnesium sulfate. Up to 15 years, such a ratio is taken into account - one gram of powder for each year of a child's life.

Dosing regimen: 20-30 g once on an empty stomach, after mixing with warm water. You can drink additional water.

  • a state of dehydration;
  • imbalance of intestinal microflora;
  • violation of water-salt balance.

You can use a solution of magnesium sulfate at home, strictly following the guidelines for taking the drug correctly.

Absolutely not suitable for:

  • intestinal obstruction;
  • an excess of magnesium in the body;
  • cardiac pathologies;
  • low pressure;
  • focal inflammation of any specific part of the intestine;
  • colitis with erosions;
  • hemorrhages and bleeding.

Flax seeds

The work of the drug is manifested in the healing effect on the body of useful components: minerals, vitamins A, B, C and D, Omega-3/6/9, aminocarboxylic acids. It is extremely important to consume seeds in the morning - body systems are most susceptible to shock. You just need to chew a teaspoon of raw materials and drink it with water. Further swelling of the seeds occurs with dulling of the feeling of hunger (useful for losing weight), the process of removing toxins, toxins and excess fluid from the body will start. Moreover, they are used to prepare health-improving infusions and mixtures.

Despite the enveloping effect of the seeds, you need to be careful with its intake:

  • pregnant women;
  • suffering from kidney disease;
  • patients with diseases of the urinary and gallbladder.

The daily intake of the drug should not exceed 32 ml (2 tablespoons).

The medicine is prescribed for such diseases:

  • lack of a chair;
  • peptic ulcer;
  • enteritis and inflammation of the colon mucosa;
  • reflux esophagitis.

Use exclusively freshly prepared flaxseed nutritional mixture.

The remedy is contraindicated for the symptoms of the following diseases:

  • dyspeptic disorders of the intestine;
  • inflammation of the walls of the gallbladder (cholecystitis);
  • obstruction in the intestine;
  • hypersensitivity to the drug and allergies.

The frequency and duration of drug use depends on the severity of the disease and is strictly controlled by doctors.


A safe drug with rapid properties in the form of a disposable, completely ready-to-use microclysters, including 5 ml of active peptizing substances (sodium citrate, sorbitol solution, sodium lauryl sulfoacetate)... They have a complex effect on the intestines, softening solid excrement and painlessly eliminating a delicate problem.

It has no age restrictions and does not cause discomfort. No cases of drug overdose have been recorded.

The main distinguishing features of the drug profile:

  • safe (suitable for children from birth, pregnant and lactating);
  • convenient (with ready-made markings on the tip corresponding to a certain age);
  • hygienic (completely ready for use, no preliminary antiseptic treatment is needed);
  • fast-acting (gentle emptying after 5-15 minutes).

The regimen is simple - a one-time rectal administration of microclysters. If you have any complaints, you should consult a doctor.

The disadvantages include undesirable manifestations recorded by patients:

  • itching and burning in the anorectal region;
  • epigastric pain;
  • hives;
  • diarrhea.


Tablets with an irritating effect are used for sluggish "work" of the intestine and unstable peristalsis, depending on the regime and quality of nutrition, inactivity and hereditary pathologies. Their fast action allows you to activate the process of defecation and free the intestinal section from fecal congestion 6-8 hours after consumption.

Popular representatives of this pharmacological group are drugs in the form of tablets or capsules, which do not lead to addiction.


Bisacodyl pills and rectal suppositories are considered a budget drug for stool normalization. The active ingredient is bisacodyl, soluble in environment of the intestine, irritates the nerve endings of the receptors of its mucous membrane, thereby increasing the production of mucus and the activity of peristalsis.

The action of the drug:

  • internal intake of a laxative promotes the onset of the effect after 8-11 hours;
  • taking right before bedtime involves emptying after 10-13 hours;
  • rectal suppository insertion - after 25-60 minutes;
  • almost not absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract (GIT);
  • the adult norm is 1-2 tablets in the evening before bedtime, as an option, you can additionally take up to 3 tablets half an hour before the morning meal.

It is prescribed for weak bowel function after a regimen that involves prolonged lying in bed, errors in nutrition, congestive atonic peristalsis in people of age, during childbirth, or to prepare for diagnostic procedures.

In case of prolonged use, it causes nausea, heaviness and soreness in the epigastric region.


Fruit cubes of the drug (or in the form of drops) stand out among the abundance of laxatives. Regulax consists of the leaf and fruit parts of senna, fig-based paste and plum mousse.

The result of the drug action:

  • the speed of movement of intestinal masses in the intestine increases;
  • the period of interaction of the chyme (intestinal contents) with the intestinal walls is reduced;
  • the secretion of chlorides helps to release water and electrolytes;
  • other active components are involved in the removal of toxins from the body and the normalization of the intestines.

It is recommended to be treated with Regulax before going to bed once a day. The laxative effect will appear 8 hours after taking the medicine. Regulax is released in the form of drops (sodium picosulfate monohydrate) to eliminate the symptoms of constipation in adults and toddlers over four years old. Tests have proven the safety of sodium picosulfate, laxative properties were recorded in 85% of patients after a single dose.


The most popular laxative with a strong effect in tablet form or in the form of drops. Guttalax is safe to take by both pregnant women and nursing mothers.

Application features:

  • doctors prescribe a reception with a small dose, bringing up to 2 doses for adults and 1 dose for children over 4 years old;
  • Guttalax must be diluted in water (using drops);
  • you can drink up to 2 tablets at night with water, or not at all;
  • the effect occurs within 10-12 hours after consumption.

Delicately helps with intestinal congestion or a situation that requires immediate bowel cleansing.


  • hypersensitivity to drug components, lactose-fructose intolerance;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • acute abdominal pain;
  • a state of severe dehydration;
  • acute inflammatory diseases of internal organs.

You can not use Guttalax for a long time without finding out the causes of intestinal thrombosis and consulting a specialist, so as not to disrupt the water-electrolyte balance.


The medicine is an extract from senna leaves with active substances - calcium sennosides A and B. Produced in tablets.

If, with the help of diet therapy, it is not possible to normalize the stool, taking up to 70% of fiber per day with a minimum of proteins, fats and fast carbohydrates, Senade is recommended.

The dosage regimen and dosage are approximately as follows:

  1. Taking 1 tablet of the drug before an evening meal, if not enough, the dose is increased to 2-3 tablets for adults.
  2. Children's reception - half a tablet 1-2 times a day, no more than 2 doses.
  3. Do not take with other medicines. The correct intake is 2 hours after any medication intake without exceeding the dose prescribed by your doctor.
  4. If the constipation has only worsened within one week, you should not postpone the visit to the doctor for treatment.

Taking such drugs should be episodic, since too frequent use of irritating laxatives increases the risk of exacerbating intestinal upset and upsets the electrolyte balance.

Medicines with irritating effects are contraindicated in the following diseases:

  • chronic problems with the bowel movement;
  • gastrointestinal bleeding;
  • acute hemorrhoids;
  • bowel obstruction or proctitis;
  • the formation of an anal fissure.


Probiotics are the safest remedies to help restore digestion and relieve constipation. Probiotics produce lactic acid, contain lacto- and bifidobacteria, and do not provoke addiction and undesirable side effects.

Medicines of this kind have almost no contraindications - probiotics can be taken by both children and pregnant women, lactating women.

Once in the intestines, probiotics provide obvious benefits to the body:

  • restore the balance of beneficial microflora;
  • provide a mild laxative effect;
  • activate peristalsis;
  • protect the microflora of the intestinal tract;
  • contribute to the timely cleansing of feces.

The most common representatives of the group are: Acipol, Linex, Lactobacterin, Lactusan, Duphalac and others. A quick-acting effect is unlikely to be produced, bowel movements will occur no sooner than 3-4 days after regular medication.

Such drugs are advised to take a closer look at:

  • acute constipation and lingering symptoms;
  • during the treatment of dysbiosis, accompanied by irregular intestinal transit;
  • sluggish bowel symptoms;
  • obstruction of the intestinal tract.

Eating healthy foods with medication is important for maintaining a healthy balance of gut bacteria.


Capsulated antidiarrheal drug weighing 1 gram, containing 3 types of viable lactic acid bacteria from several parts of the gastrointestinal tract. Also available in the form of drops for children. Provides local action.

Working mechanism:

  • lactose enzymes shift the pH to a more acidic environment, acidity suppresses the activity of pathogenic / opportunistic microorganisms and normalizes the interaction of all enzymes;
  • there is a synthesis of B vitamins (B1, B2, B6, B12) and vitamin K;
  • bacteria participate in the metabolism of bile acids and pigments, prevent the process of adhesion (sticking) of pathogens to the intestinal walls, actively participate in the processes of synthesis of substances;
  • humoral / local immunity in the digestive system is maintained.

Destination shown:

  • with symptoms of dysbiosis;
  • diarrhea caused by bacteria or viruses (rotavirus, travel diarrhea);
  • after taking antimicrobial agents and antibiotic treatment.

The duration of the course of therapy depends on the patient's condition.

Reception scheme:

  • children under 2 years of age - 1 capsule / 3 times a day;
  • children from 2 to 12 years old - 1-2 capsules three times a day;
  • adults and children 12+ take 2 capsules / 3 times a day.

Pediatric diarrhea should be treated under medical supervision.

Side effects are extremely rare, occur mainly with hypersensitivity to the components of the drug:

  • the effect of other drugs taken is increased;
  • skin rashes and itching are possible;
  • milk protein allergy.


The probiotic is available as a powder in 5 doses, packed in foil bags, capsules, oral and chewable tablets.

Used by:

  • to maintain healthy digestion (stomach and intestines);
  • people with irritable bowel syndrome;
  • with ulcerative colitis or inflammation of the ileum;
  • to suppress pathogenic and opportunistic bacteria.

Use your medication as directed on the label or as directed by your healthcare professional. Do not use in larger or smaller amounts, or for longer than recommended.

Mode of application:

  • newborns - 1-2 doses of the drug 3 times a day;
  • children from six months to a year - 3 doses three times a day;
  • children over one year old and adults - 5 doses of Bifidumbacterin, divided into three doses per day;
  • treatment period - two weeks.

Keep the medicine away from moisture, heat and light ( in fridge). High temperature or humidity can adversely affect living bacteria, making them less effective.

Do not prescribe the drug, or consult a doctor before taking it, if:

  • lactose intolerance;
  • concomitant use of antibiotics;
  • pregnancy;
  • during lactation;
  • individual intolerance.

Lactobacillus forte

A new drug containing 8 types of probiotic bacteria (a mixture of rod-shaped lacto / bifidobacteria with prebiotics and fructo-oligosaccharides) in a high daily amount (about 15.6 billion strains).

Benefits for Digestion:

  • able to reduce symptoms of "traveler's diarrhea";
  • maintains the intestinal microflora in a normal state;
  • takes part in the restoration of the functions of the digestive system;
  • stimulates bowel movements.

Some people can have very strong side effects when taking the drug.

Tell your doctor or get medical help right away if any of the following symptoms develop:

  • signs of an allergic reaction such as rash, hives, itching, tightness in the chest or throat, trouble breathing, swallowing, or speaking, swelling of the mouth, face, lips, tongue, or throat;
  • dizziness;
  • intense thirst;
  • change in the amount of urine excreted;
  • muscle and bone pain;
  • feeling tired or weak;
  • weight loss.

Do not start or stop taking, do not change the dosage of any medication without consulting your doctor.

Osmotic action

Osmotic laxatives work by increasing the amount of fluid secreted in the intestines, resulting in softer, easier-to-pass stools. The three main osmotic laxatives are Miralax, Poslabin (Lactulose) and Magnesia Milk.


Polyethylene Glycol 3350 works in a similar way to fiber laxatives in that it draws water into the intestinal contents, making it softer and easier to pass, which also stimulates more frequent bowel movements. Miralax was found to produce less excess gas than other osmotic laxatives.


  • constipation and encopresis phenomena;
  • stimulation of movement in the intestines;
  • preparation of the gastrointestinal tract for diagnosis.

Before starting an appointment, tell your doctor about your current illnesses in order to rule out unwanted consequences.

Reception scheme:

  1. Measure out the required dosage of the powder with the cap with the dose markings inside. The usual dose is 17 g / day.
  2. Dilute with water, juice, even coffee or tea.
  3. Drink the mixture immediately after stirring. Do not store leftovers for next time.
  4. Effects in 1-3 days. Miralax does not need to be used more than 1 time.
  5. Keep away from sources of moisture and heat.

The occurrence of side effects is the basis for stopping the medication:

  • stomach upset;
  • dizziness;
  • rectal bleeding;
  • excessive sweating;
  • flatulence.

Poslabin (Lactulose)

The synthetic component of lactose under the action of the intestinal flora is broken down in the large intestine to low molecular weight intestinal acids. Under their action, the pH level in the intestinal lumen decreases and the osmotic effect of an increase in intestinal contents occurs - this stimulates intestinal motility and normalizes the consistency of feces.


  • increases the rate of intestinal contractions;
  • normalizes the balance of microflora;
  • regulates the physiological rhythm in the intestine;
  • stimulates and facilitates bowel movements;
  • safe (suitable for children from 6 months old);
  • not absorbed or hydrolyzed in the stomach and intestines.

It reaches the large intestine unchanged, which indicates the absence of a specific enzyme in the body. A dose of 15-45 ml of the drug is completely degraded by the bacterial flora.

Mode of application:

  1. The dosage is selected based on the clinical effect. You can take Lactulose in diluted and ready-made form (syrup), as well as in tablets.
  2. A single dose is quickly drunk without holding it in the mouth. You need to use a measuring cup.
  3. Usually, the medicine is always drunk at the same time, for example, during the morning breakfast.
  4. When treating laxatives, it is recommended to consume a sufficient amount of liquid (1.5-2 liters or 6-8 glasses of water).
  5. You can mix the syrup with fruit / vegetable juices or food mixes.

Symptoms (abdominal pain, diarrhea) may occur in case of drug overdose or inadequacy of the dose for therapeutic treatment. You can eliminate them by reducing the dose or discontinuing the drug.

Adverse reactions:

  • flatulence, nausea, vomiting;
  • deviations in the readings of water and electrolyte balance due to diarrhea;
  • an allergic reaction due to fructose intolerance.


The dosage form is mainly available as a powder for reconstitution. Due to the formation of aqueous compounds with water molecules, Fortrans retains fluid in the intestine. The fluid fills and increases the volume of the contents of the intestine along its entire length.

The drug is not absorbed, metabolized, excreted from the body unchanged. It is used exclusively for adults.


  • increased metabolism;
  • stimulating bowel movements;
  • bowel cleansing before endoscopy and fluoroscopy;
  • cleansing procedure before planned surgical operations.

Adverse reactions:

  • symptoms of severe diarrhea;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • allergic manifestations in the form of urticaria, itching and rashes;
  • flatulence and soreness in the abdomen.

All osmotic agents are available in the form of powders or solutions, do not pose a risk of developing intestinal atony.

Top 5 effective drugs in tablets

Laxatives work in different ways. In general, constipation bulking tablets are inexpensive and effective (also called fiber supplements), are most gentle on the body, and safe for long-term use. The proposed five drugs fall into this category.


It is one of the most effective plant-based laxatives, containing senna extract, dill fruits, apricots, plantain leaf. The drug is available in the form of chewable tablets. In addition, other forms are also common (herbal tea, bar, concentrate).

Created for:

  • stimulation of natural work and normalization of digestion;
  • activation of intestinal motility;
  • soft evacuation of intestinal contents;
  • sorption of toxins;
  • elimination of spasms and discomfort.

It is recommended to use it for gentle bowel cleansing for two weeks during dinner. The dosage for adults and children is 2-4 pieces.

Do not appoint:

  • with severe intolerance to the components of the drug;
  • pregnant and lactating women;
  • with symptoms of intestinal obstruction;
  • ulcerative colitis.

Side effects include allergies, bloating, and upset stomach.


Tablet form of the product based on the active ingredient - sennoside (based on senna leaf extract). It is indicated for constipation, inactive intestinal motility, in preparation for diagnostic procedures.


  • relieves occasional constipation;
  • guaranteed to cause an act of defecation within 7-12 hours;
  • restores regular bowel movements;
  • there is no addiction;
  • gently affects digestion.

Overuse of laxatives can lead to intestinal malfunction or drug dependence.

Reception scheme:

  1. Take 1-2 tablets for adults and children over 12 years old at bedtime.
  2. Use a 2 times higher dosage if there is no effect and depending on the severity of the disease.
  3. Avoid taking other medicines within 2 hours before using Sennoside-Teva.
  4. Do not drink milk or take antacids within 1 hour before taking the drug by mouth.


  • allergy (hypersensitivity) to senna or any other ingredient of the drug;
  • sugar intolerance (since the tablet contains a small amount of lactose and sucrose);
  • it is impossible for patients with severe dehydration;
  • reception by pregnant women is undesirable;
  • a condition called intestinal obstruction (intestinal blockage);
  • a serious abdominal condition such as appendicitis;
  • severe abdominal pain with nausea and vomiting;
  • intestinal inflammation (in the small or large intestine).


A laxative preparation from the herbal group based on the evaporated juice of aloe leaves and buckthorn bark extract.


  • symptomatic treatment of any type of constipation;
  • weak activity of the intestinal tract;
  • acceleration of intestinal transit.

Standard use of the drug: 1-2 tablets before going to bed or twice a day with a glass of water. The laxative effect is achieved after 6-9 hours. The course of admission is up to 10 days.

Side effects:

  • symptoms of hypersensitivity;
  • sometimes violations of the heart in the form of arrhythmias;
  • pain in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • overdose symptoms (abdominal pain, dehydration due to severe diarrhea, electrolyte deficiency in the blood).


The properties of the drug are aimed at absorbing fluid, swelling and stretching the intestinal walls in order to induce a reflex reaction in the form of accelerated intestinal transit. The active ingredient is methylcellulose. It is especially productive for the initial symptoms of obstruction or functional digestive disorders. The medicine is produced in the form of powder and tablets for oral administration.

Beneficial features:

  • helps to restore regular stool;
  • normalizes bowel function a day after administration;
  • accelerates the movement of digested food (chyme) to other parts of the digestive system;
  • gently softens stools.

Mechanical action after a single dose occurs in 8-10 hours. Often used to treat chronic constipation.


  • flatulence occurs;
  • the need to take a lot of liquid to swell the active substance and achieve the effect;
  • should not be taken by pregnant women, with pain in the abdomen, obstruction of feces, nervous diseases, if bed rest is prescribed;
  • with allergies to the components of the drug;
  • will not show activity with an atonic intestine.


The only rated laxative medicine based on sea kelp (kelp, seaweed), alginic acid salts, a mixture of polysaccharides and protein. Release form - granules in bottles of 50 g or tablets.

The mechanism of action is similar to the above drugs:

  • the granules swell in the intestines;
  • increase in volume with intestinal contents;
  • at the same time have a softening effect;
  • in the process of accelerated defecation, the feces are taken out.


  • is able to accumulate iodine, over time symptoms of iodism may appear;
  • overdose is fraught with diarrhea;
  • contraindicated in people with iodine intolerance, pregnant and lactating women, patients with severe kidney failure.

It is much more difficult to cure constipation in adults than in childhood. In the process of growing up, chronic diseases appear that cause abnormalities in digestion, constipation and inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract. Weakens peristalsis and develops intestinal atony, a sedentary lifestyle and negligible physical activity.

In addition to the usual laxative drugs, radical drugs with irritating properties will be extremely useful for adults. They activate intestinal motility and promote regular bowel movements. Inexpensive constipation medications are sold freely and are not addictive when taken occasionally.

The following medications will help adult patients:

  • based on senna extract (Herbion Laxana, Senadexin, Tisasen);
  • probiotics to eliminate dysbiosis (Khilak forte, Burnet);
  • regulating disruptions in intestinal motility (Phenolphthalein, Guttalax).

All medications may have a number of contraindications, so they can be taken only after consulting a doctor. Do not forget that uncontrolled intake can lead to dehydration.

For children

Stool disorders in toddlers are a familiar problem that parents often face. The growing intestines are not always able to cope with the processing of food.

The main causes of pediatric pathology:

  • insufficient amount of fluid in the body;
  • artificial feeding and underdrinking with water;
  • poor assimilation of mother's milk or ready-made mixtures;
  • intestinal abnormalities inherent from birth.

If you need a quick effect, choose laxatives that are osmotic or irritating to the intestinal mucosa; in other cases, more gentle probiotics or dietary supplements with a minimum of side effects will help.

Most often, for children's use, drugs are prescribed in the form of syrups than in tablet form or powders.

Safe products for children:

  • Duphalac (based on natural substances);
  • Prelax, Portalak (both with lactulose in the composition);
  • Acipol;
  • Linex;
  • Normase.

Stimulating drugs are especially dangerous for children under 6 years of age. Therefore, only give laxatives to babies as directed by a doctor.


Most stool softeners contain a drug called sodium docusate. Trade marks and other analogues of this substance: Dokuzat, Norgalax. Softeners are recommended for short-term use, but if your doctor permits, you can use them for a long time.

It so happens that sometimes a stool softener is the most appropriate option compared to laxatives to relieve constipation, especially when a pregnant woman is suffering from hemorrhoids in parallel. You should consult with your healthcare professional to determine which option is the right choice for restoring stool activity.

During the period of gestation, laxatives are used with caution and in extreme cases.

The list of drugs is extremely limited due to their negative effects on the fetus. Their contractile function can affect not only the intestines, but also the uterine tone, which will carry the threat of termination of pregnancy or premature birth.

Pregnancy is often accompanied by constipation, as the enlarged uterus presses on the higher organs, including the intestines.

First, you need to adjust the power supply. Often include boiled beets, prunes, dairy products, apples and black bread in the menu. Take a tablespoon of quality olive oil on an empty stomach.

If the nutritional regulation does not bring the desired result, inexpensive constipation medications with a mild effect are used.

During pregnancy, the following drugs are allowed:

  • Microlax (micro enema);
  • Duphalac (syrup);
  • glycerin candles;
  • Tranzipeg;
  • Normolact.

The use of laxatives during lactation is safe. But sometimes some ingredients pass into breast milk and can cause weak stools in infants.

In old age

Elderly people are undesirable to use saline laxative solutions, as they remove a lot of calcium, magnesium and other useful minerals. It is also not recommended to take herbal medicines with irritating properties. Intestinal obstruction after 55-60 years should be treated with drugs without addiction, preferably on a natural basis (osmotic plan or probiotics).

The following drugs are suitable for older people:

  1. Bisacodyl. Applied in the form of suppositories, which cause defecation cleansing after a couple of hours. Use tablets that take about 6-8 hours to work. They are taken on an empty stomach in the morning (up to 10 mg).
  2. Castor oil. An effective laxative for the elderly. It all depends on the dose taken, which can have both a laxative effect and a fixing effect. When using large doses (100-150 ml each), we get the maximum effect. Long-term use of castor oil is not recommended due to its provocative properties.
  3. Senade is considered a fast-acting laxative that irritates colon receptors. The usual intake is once a day for a pill with a minimum course of up to 4-5 days. The desired effect will occur 7-8 hours after the first use of the drug. You can speed up the process by drinking the pill with a glass of salted liquid at room temperature.

Contraindications and side effects

Not every laxative can be used by everyone without restriction.

Many are contraindicated for:

  • hemorrhoids and rectal bleeding;
  • cardiovascular insufficiency;
  • pregnancy, lactation, infancy;
  • pancreatitis;
  • high body temperature.

Mild laxatives, like many other types of drugs, can cause side effects. Usually, negative symptoms disappear after they are canceled.

The main side effects of most laxatives are:

  • distension of the abdomen;
  • increased gas exchange;
  • lowering blood pressure;
  • painful cramps;
  • feeling of weakness and increased fatigue syndrome;
  • dehydration leading to dizziness, headache, dark urine.

Such internal discomforts should be reported to your doctor immediately.

Overuse or prolonged use of constipation medications can also cause diarrhea, intestinal thrombosis (when the intestines are blocked by bulky, dry stools), and an imbalanced amount of salts / minerals in the body.

Folk recipes

To eliminate minor episodic problems with stool retention, which appear a couple of times a month, you do not need to immediately grab onto medications. Take note of folk recipes based on plants that will cope with congestion in the intestine and normalize its functions.

Dandelion Root (Elixir)

Quite energetic remedy with a laxative effect that removes intestinal congestion in natural ways.

You will need the following ingredients:

  • dry dandelion root - 35-40 g;
  • boiling water - 0.5 liters of water;
  • thermos.

Preparation and reception:

  1. Let the preparation start in the evening so that the elixir can give all its healing properties during the night.
  2. Mix dandelion root and boiling water in a thermos. Leave to infuse until morning.
  3. Drink infusion of 120-140 ml 30-40 minutes after each meal.
  4. Consume as the problem arises.

Dessert mix of dried fruits

Fans of complex and healthy dishes will appreciate the recipe of several oriental sweets.

  • dried apricots - 0.5 kg;
  • prunes - 0.5 kg;
  • figs - 0.5 kg;
  • dates - 0.5 kg;
  • natural honey - 5 table. l.


  1. Soak all ingredients.
  2. Turn with a meat grinder to form a consistency of the same consistency.
  3. Stir in quality honey.
  4. Store in a cool place.
  5. Take as a mixture for sandwiches, along with porridge, cheese cakes, puff pastries.
  6. A safe remedy with a potent effect, suitable for treatment and prophylactic procedures for persistent constipation (especially in the elderly).

    You need to prepare the ingredients:

  • licorice root (sweet licorice) - 20-25 g;
  • nettle leaves - 30 g;
  • boiling water - 1 glass.

How to cook:

  1. Fill the root and leaves with a glass of boiling water and leave to infuse for 1-2 hours.
  2. It is advisable to take the prepared amount of infusion at lunchtime in order to get relief before going to bed.
  3. For convenience, you can divide the infusion into several receptions, using all the parts before noon, so that it works closer to the evening.

Alternative to pills

There are a number of alternative laxative medications that are rarely used. We are talking about solutions for detoxification of the intestines, peripheral blockers of the action of opioids, such as Linaclotide and Prucaloprid.

Laxatives are used in different ways, based on the form in which they were acquired in the pharmacy chain.

They are usually available in the following alternatives:

  • tablets / capsules for internal use (oral administration);
  • powder sachets, which are consumed orally, after mixing with water;
  • suppositories for rectal insertion, they must be placed in the anus (rectum) to dissolve;
  • liquids or gel-like substances (rectal administration).


Reliable, affordable, fast relief that is suitable for children 3 years of age and older and those adults who cannot drink large volumes of fluids. The drops can be mixed in juices and your favorite non-carbonated drinks.


The glycerin form of rectal suppositories has an effective local effect in proctogenic constipation. But if the problem is located much higher along the intestine, for example, cologenic constipation is diagnosed, they are helpless. The introduction of suppositories has a stimulating effect on the nerve receptors of the intestinal mucosa, irritating and spasming the intestinal walls. The active substances of the suppositories act as provocateurs, increasing the secretion of mucus, which makes it possible to remove feces with acceleration. This is the best remedy if constipation needs to be removed immediately.

The most popular candles are:

  • Bisacodyl;
  • glycerin candles;
  • Calciolax;
  • sea ​​buckthorn oil (suitable for nursing and during pregnancy);
  • Glycelax (can be recommended for use in children and women expecting a baby).

Intestinal fillers

Medicines with similar properties act according to the following principle: an active agent, entering the intestinal environment, is capable of absorbing an aqueous substance. The liquid consistency removes stool plugs and facilitates the process of excrement removal.

When dosing filler drugs, the following are taken into account:

  • age;
  • body mass;
  • the severity of the disease;
  • sensitivity or complete intolerance of the constituent substances;
  • features of the patient's body.

Colloidal saline solutions for bowel relief are indicated for those suffering from irregular emptying, which are aimed at obtaining a fast-acting effect.

Popular intestinal fillers:

  • magnesium sulfate;
  • magnesium hydroxide;
  • sodium sulfate.

Chewable capsules

Fruit-based chewable tablets are suitable for adults not only for minor dysfunctional disorders, but also as a highly effective remedy for chronic delayed bowel movements, weakened intestinal wall tone and imbalance in the gastrointestinal tract.

Chewable natural remedies do not need to be treated:

  • bowel obstruction with severe pain;
  • if there is an increased body temperature;
  • with vomiting and intestinal blood loss.

On the pharmaceutical market there are laxative tablets for chewing with two medicines: Regulax (based on senna leaves) and Fitolax (contains apricot, senna leaf extract, dill seeds, plantain leaves).

Herbal products

Plants with the image of natural intestinal activators include: aloe vera, alder buckthorn, castor oil plant, belladonna, rhubarb and senna bark.

Fibrous compounds soften the faeces and stimulate their excretion. There are three main groups popular, each of which uses a different ingredient: psyllium, calcium polycarbophil, or methylcellulose. As with all kinds of intestinal stimulants, it is important to drink plenty of fluids.

We offer a short description:

  1. Psyllium is developed on the basis of the healing effect of the husk of the seeds of the Indian plantain. It breaks down in the intestines and becomes the main food source for beneficial intestinal bacteria. It is used to treat a bunch of diseases, including irritable bowel syndrome and diverticulosis (not recommended for the latter). One big drawback: Psyllium can cause excessive gas production and bloating.
  2. Calcium polycarbophil is a liquid absorber in the digestive system, softens feces and increases their amount. Disadvantages: Not compatible with all medications. In order not to cause side effects, it must be properly distributed to ensure normal absorption.
  3. Methylcellulose, like polycarbophil calcium, is based on natural herbs and dehydrates the gastrointestinal environment. Less likely to cause intestinal gas than other fiber compounds.

Drug selection rules

When choosing, it is imperative to take into account the differences between different groups of drugs, which are characterized by their own algorithm of exposure.

  1. Ideally, fast-acting drugs should be used intermittently or for short periods. Stop using any slack after bowel function is restored.
  2. Do not consider it a normal habit to swallow laxatives uncontrollably every day. In some cases, a medicine may be prescribed for regular use, but this should always be under the supervision of a narrow specialist - a gastroenterologist.
  3. If faeces continue to be non-softened, consider using osmotic drugs as an adjunct or instead of natural fillers (dietary fiber). In case of softening of the stool, but problems with the evacuation of faeces, a stimulant laxative should be taken as an adjunct to the fibrous drug.
  4. Osmotic drugs traditionally begin to work in about 2-3 days, on the contrary, stimulating drugs with a direct effect produce an effect within 6-12 hours.
  5. Always find out how much a medicine costs and whether it has analogues from an inexpensive segment.

Sometimes it comes out to eliminate intestinal obstruction without the use of laxative drugs.

Before taking medication, make some beneficial lifestyle changes:

  • Eat more slow carbohydrates daily - eat about 25-35 g of dietary fiber per day (known foods with increased fiber content - fruits, vegetables and grains);
  • add filling food (for example, wheat bran) to your menu, this will help soften stools and help in smooth passage through the intestines, although the well-known tandem - bran plus fiber can significantly worsen the condition with the appearance of bloating;
  • drink enough water;
  • exercise regularly.

The suggested measures are a useful way to prevent constipation.

When a quick remedy won't help

Although constipation medications are available over the counter and are relatively inexpensive, they are not suitable for everyone. Not recommended for children, unless such drugs are prescribed by a doctor. Certain types of laxatives can be harmful to use, especially if you have a history of serious illness such as granulomatous enteritis (Crohn's disease) or ulcerative colitis.

Before using quick laxatives, read the Patient Information Sheet carefully.

Laxatives cannot be expected to act quickly in rather difficult cases:

  • excessive use of the dose;
  • there is no required amount of insoluble dietary fiber in the body;
  • in the presence of bloody stools;
  • in a state of dehydration;
  • after an incorrectly delivered enema or taking other medications;
  • unexplained disorders in the structure of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • inactivity or complete disregard for any kind of activity;
  • with emotional imbalance, stress and depression, increased irritability;
  • the presence of serious diseases (hemorrhoids, diverticulitis, ulcers, dysbiosis, bowel cancer, irritable bowel syndrome).


Exactly which options for over-the-counter laxative drugs can be purchased at regional pharmacies are described in the video.

All the pros and cons of drugs that confidently resist constipation and eliminate intestinal obstruction are outlined in the following video.

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