Why does pity humiliate a person? Feeling sorry for people is humiliating. Packaged emotions and what to do with them

Reading time: 4 min

Pity is a feeling directed at oneself, another person, a living being, associated with negative experiences and a feeling of discomfort. Unpleasant sensations indicate a discrepancy between reality and a person’s internal ideas, resistance to what is happening and a desire to correct it. Such motives may or may not be conscious, controllable, or develop into a desire to change the world according to one’s own parameters. Being a subjective feeling, pity manifests itself not only in objective moments of tragedy, but in moments of a person’s disagreement with what is happening (even if it is harmonious and completely suits others).

The object of pity is perceived as insufficient, unfortunate, in a harmful situation caused by circumstances or other beings. A feeling of pity can arise together with sympathy, and then we can talk about empathy and the desire to improve the lot of the person pitied, to forgive weaknesses. Or it can arise together with a feeling of superiority, then self-aggrandizing and ego-warming behavioral reactions arise. In addition to the fact that this feeling is felt directly towards people or oneself, pity is possible about the loss of things, a previous way of life, friendships and other things or categories that are important in a person’s life. Pity associated with loss is close to sadness or arises simultaneously in it.

The opposite of pity is cruelty, when a person deprived of any feelings of empathy and understanding of another’s suffering can become ruthless in his demands, words, and behavior. This is manifested by impatience, the lack of internal ability to take the place of another person. In any case, no matter how it is expressed, and no matter where pity is directed, it causes a feeling of discomfort, since it points to flaws and shortcomings, one’s own or the people around you.

What is pity

The concept of pity is a feeling that has both positive and negative characteristics. On the one hand, it is this feeling that makes a person humane, capable of compassion and empathy, on the other hand, when expressed rudely and incorrectly, pity humiliates a person, both the one being pitied and the one feeling sorry. In the peculiarities of some cultures, the unacceptability of this manifestation has been noticed, considering pity to be tantamount to weakness of the one who succumbed to this feeling and disbelief in the one being pitied. If we look in more detail, pity humiliates a person when it disguises schadenfreude (sympathetic speeches are pronounced to please society, often in an exaggerated form, in order to further emphasize the negative situation and enjoy), usually this is an inactive shaking of air, no help is provided. A feeling of superiority over someone who finds himself in a less fortunate situation, of some contempt for him, can also take the form of pity; here the exaltation of one’s own person comes to the fore and, if help is provided, it is solely for the sake of developing one’s own image.

There are many examples of silent, humiliating pity: when they feel sorry for an employee who came with a black eye, but do not report it to the police, when they give a treat to a neighbor’s kid, but do not react with action to the screams when he is beaten by his parents, when they absolve alcoholics of responsibility, generously forgiving them for drunken antics, etc. . Such manifestations are disastrous for both participants in the situation: one’s soul becomes callous, and the other ceases to feel responsibility, feeling only his own worthlessness, and stops even striving to change the situation.

Creative pity is always supported by actions and concrete help: volunteering in an orphanage, and not empty speculation about the fate of poor children, sympathy and help to the patient should be expressed in caring for him or providing the necessary medications, instead of heavy sighs at the bedside. Even in the development of a child, pity is necessary, not when he is protected from the world so that he does not get hurt, but when he is taught to interact, independently heal skinned knees and fight back against offenders.

Pity can appear in any area of ​​human life, touching both regret about the past time, lost things, sadness over past memories and departed people, and situations occurring right now, when we are faced with the injustice of life in the form of disabled people, beggars, homeless people, trapped people. in an accident. People feel sorry for their parents, children, employees and online acquaintances, but not everyone understands that, suffering from such feelings, they do not always benefit those with whom they supposedly sympathize, in addition, some are able to use such tendencies and put pressure on pity in order to realize own benefit.

Conventionally, pity can be divided according to its effect into harmful and creative. Destructive pity manifests itself in depriving a person of duties and responsibilities, with its disbelief and pity killing in him the tendencies for development and change. Thus, pitying parents constantly monitor every step of the child, perform all the tasks and necessary work for him, and as a result, instead of effective assistance, they cause irreparable harm to the holistic development of the individual. Such actions lead to the formation of the inner self as incapable, unworthy and someone who cannot cope, which subsequently paralyzes the will and the person.

The feeling of pity in intimate relationships leads to the fact that a person develops his shortcomings and the one who was simply rude to you at first may well beat you to the point of intensive care. By giving alms out of pity, you may face the fact that your money will be wasted away, and the person will never go looking for work again. Such examples are not uncommon in life, and their mechanism is the same - when you do something for a person out of pity, he loses the internal incentive to do something himself and he degrades, and also learns that he is not capable of anything.

Constructive, creative pity can support a person, give him strength, calm him down, instill confidence, or at least provide a piece of reliable and safe haven for a break. By providing help unselfishly, without expecting honors and praise, without the desire to demonstrate your own strength against the background of a less fortunate person, you practice creative pity. In parent-child relationships, this is an expression of sympathy in case of troubles and advice on how best to overcome what happened; in partner interaction, such pity can look like an open conversation about shortcomings and an offer of one’s help in eliminating the causes. Even if you bought groceries and left a lonely pensioner at the door, there is more creative pity in this than in a rally about pension reform.

Pity is a very insidious and subtle feeling, requiring both careful diagnosis so as not to confuse it with one’s own projections, arrogance, non-acceptance, and a strict attitude so that succumbing to impulse instead of helping does not cause harm. It is necessary to carefully consider each situation separately in order to understand whether your pity is appropriate or not, and if you see that the more you feel sorry for someone, the more inactive he becomes, begins to whine and complain more, then you are going the wrong way and it’s better to leave pity. This does not mean that you need to become callous, since sometimes your understanding and kind words can have a significant impact on a person who is on the verge of despair.

Pity for others

Pity for other people is born from our perception of the situation and manifests itself in those moments when we need sympathy. If you are calm about pain and do not need pity after slipping on a wet floor, then you are unlikely to feel sorry for the person who fell like that, even if he really needed your sympathy.

Pity for others is not objective and represents our own world to a greater extent than it reflects a truly negative situation. Moreover, by showing pity for another, we automatically feel sorry for ourselves. When self-pity is forbidden, there is no strength to admit to oneself the lack of something or the injury received; this is manifested in pity for others. Thus, a lonely woman will actively feel sorry for her friend who broke up with her boyfriend, and a girl who considered herself unworthy of her father’s love will feel sorry for the employee who once again received a reprimand from her boss. The reality may be that the one who separated is happy about the separation and was the initiator of it in general, and the one who is again deprived of the bonus really does not work, but this may not have any meaning when there is an internal need to feel sorry for oneself through another.

In addition to projective experiences, pity can act as a way of building relationships. When a person is in trouble and you sympathize with him, he perceives you closer, trusts you more, because you show care and sympathy. Sharing pain, suffering, and experiences automatically transfers you to the section of caring people; in addition, you yourself become more loyal and closer to the one you feel sorry for. At such moments, pity is useful and appropriate; it often helps a person overcome difficulties faster. People are constantly waiting for kindness, pity and forgiveness for their weaknesses, as the world becomes more demanding and indifferent. By giving such an attitude, you establish stronger connections with a person, because everyone is more pleasant to be with someone who accepts his shortcomings, forgives his weaknesses, understands the pain and sympathizes with what happened. Some people value such outlets, but many skillfully take advantage of the pity of others and, instead of establishing sincere close relationships, begin to put pressure on pity in order to gain your patronage or favor.

Knowing the possibility of feeling pity, many close down and become rather cold and indifferent. Of course, such life tactics will protect you from manipulation, unjustified hopes and riding on your neck, but in addition it will worsen relationships with others. Ruthless and cruel people are repulsive, and you don’t want to share joy with those who are indifferent to problems.

Pity, effectively shown to others, should not be associated with your personal gain and the expectation of success or gratitude from another. It is more about your manifestation as an individual, as a person capable of taking actions guided by your inner compass, and not by immediate or long-term prospects. Showing such kindness may never show you immediate results, and the person may not even thank you, but over time it can come back through others, and the one you pitied may remember your action. Your behavior forms the unspoken opinion of others about you, which cannot be created artificially, and therefore, by showing pity, but with reason, and not under manipulation, you will notice that they will come to your aid or forgive your mistakes, hand you a napkin and sympathize with a kind word in difficult times.

Learn to recognize when a person is in a difficult situation. And when I’ve been accustomed since childhood to pouting my lips and getting what I want. For many, this has become a convenient model of behavior, when by playing on other people’s feelings you can get what you want, and when the wish-fulfiller runs out of steam, they will simply replace him. If you feel pity, then be strict with yourself first and try to look at the situation a little further than the present moment, then you will understand exactly how you should show your feeling, and perhaps with good intentions you should hide it altogether. It’s hardly worth running for another bottle for an alcoholic out of pity, but you can make a scandal for him by telling him the whole truth and showing his true life, offering specific help, although it won’t look like the usual groans of regret, but it will be pity in action.

It is believed that love and pity are incompatible, because... by feeling sorry, you let the person know that you consider him weak, then he begins to feel sorry for himself without your help, degrading more and more and developing inferiority complexes. This is a plausible path for events to take if you indulge in destructive pity and don't look several weeks ahead. To help overcome this, asking yourself the question “is the person really so bad that he can’t cope without me?” and only if the answer is positive, help.

Another psychological moment in which pity arises is our own disagreement with the structure of the world. If we do not accept some development of events, illness, level of income, then those whose fate is complicated in a similar way will evoke a feeling of pity and here it is important to stop and analyze. Perhaps the one you consider to be poor deliberately gave away all his property and switched to life in order to be happy in accordance with his ideas. Maybe you feel sorry for the guy walking on crutches, but before that he was paralyzed for several years and is now incredibly happy. In general, the world is fair and harmonious and every person gets the life that he makes with his own hands, so before you interfere, think about what drives your desire to align the lives of those around you with your vision of what is beautiful and right.

Self pity

Self-pity periodically occurs in everyone's life, but for some it takes on a stable form. For people of a certain type () and type of nervous system (increased excitability), self-pity occupies a rather important place and is capable of subjugating other manifestations of life. Most often, the trigger is some strong stressful event that raises feelings of sadness (due to loss, loss), injustice (unjustified expectations and ambitions), and also possibly in combination with those who have what they want or have not lost something important. Pity can arise when faced with situations beyond a person’s control, when he experiences a feeling of hopelessness. Strong individuals learn important lessons from this, learn to accept powerlessness, find out the limits of their capabilities, and weak ones begin to feel sorry for themselves. But in addition to truly insurmountable situations, self-pity is also caused by the internal image of one’s own Self, and if it is perceived as fragile, weak, stupid, defenseless, then the person behaves accordingly, refusing to fight difficulties in advance. In such situations, there is no point in overestimating reality, but there is a need to restore adequate self-perception.

Self-pity is characterized by a person’s concentration on the negative aspects of his life, difficulties and losses, his own shortcomings and defeats. The main desire for which everything that happens is necessary is to arouse the pity of others and possibly receive their help and support. It is relevant to satisfy such a need only the first few times or if a person feels sorry for himself quite rarely, otherwise this line of behavior, used too often, can cause rejection from other people, then there can be no talk of support, or even communication.

Self-pity requires a large amount of resources from the people around him, while the person himself finds himself in a passive position, which irritates and embitters those around him. Even in the case of seriously ill or disabled people, the entire system is aimed at rehabilitation, acceptance, humility and the return of a person to everyday life; suffering and increasing feelings of unhappiness are never encouraged. In addition to being accompanied by a certain range of additional feelings, self-pity can cause severe forms and melancholia, and can also be a symptom of them.

A characteristic of a person prone to self-pity is that when they stop supporting and helping him, instead of looking for a way to correct the situation, he, on the contrary, turns away from everyone, becomes embittered and closes down. Loneliness increases, the need for the participation of others becomes unfulfilled and demands increase. In the most critical situation, a person becomes so accustomed to feeling sorry for himself and achieving everything through the sympathy of others that this behavior begins to take on an aggressive and demanding coloration. It turns out to be almost impossible to help such a person, since all advice is rejected, and there are many excuses for starting changes and one may get the impression that suffering is necessary for some reason. The more problems and misfortunes, the more exceptional a person becomes, who in reality has nothing to show for it; in addition, there are always excuses for why something was not achieved, and this is not the person’s fault. With self-pity, you can count on the help of others or suffer from the cruelty of the world, but in any case it is a selfish escape from reality.

A person in self-pity resembles a paralytic, only instead of the body, the will and thinking are immobilized, there is no ability to look for a solution and a way out of the situation, most of which require little effort. and complaints begin to be directed not only at oneself, but also at those loved ones who, trying to help, point out ways for improvement. In such a state, when new paths are not accepted, energy runs out, and a huge part of it is spent on maintaining an unhappy state. Over time, a person forgets how to replenish his own energy resource and begins to use someone else’s, hence energy vampirism and the desire to dump all the negativity on others instead of directly solving problems.

Self-pity is destructive in persistent emotional states. Do not confuse this with the fact that pity, love and self-care are united and help to overcome problems and maintain health. Excessive and constant pity kills self-confidence, gradually reduces, and destroys the ability to effectively interact with the world. Constant thoughts about powerlessness and worthlessness begin to come true, and if previously a person, although he made mistakes, acted, now he stops even making attempts to be active.

How to get rid of pity for yourself and others

The problem of how to get rid of feelings of pity can have two directions: regarding one’s own personality and regarding the way of interacting with other people. But no matter what side the desire to downplay one’s pity concerns, we are always talking about its destructive and negative direction, when the implementation of this feeling does not contribute to support and accumulation of strength to overcome, but to the decomposition and weakening of the individual.

Carrying out any actions out of pity, but to the detriment of yourself, does not mean that you are helping the person or yourself. After spending an entire weekend on repairs with a friend, you find out that he himself would have finished it faster, and you were only distracted by conversations. Or they borrowed money from a friend for a new phone, which completely forgot how to calculate a budget, and the friendship collapsed due to the money not being given back. It’s the same with yourself, if you didn’t send yourself to training, taking pity on your aching muscles, you will face even greater soreness, then refusal to train, and as a result, health problems. Not always, denying yourself, you can help someone else.

The first rule on the way to deciding how to get rid of feelings of pity is to assess your own condition. If you have no energy and a lot of problems, then at first you are obliged not to express sympathy and out of pity to help others, but to take care of yourself (even if others are worse off) and improve your life. If you notice that you are complaining more and more often, then it is more logical to strain the remaining strength that has not yet been wasted on pity and solve your problems. Remember, as long as something does not suit you in your own sense of self and life, your actions must eliminate the unfavorable.

When you really feel the urge to feel sorry for those around you, think about whether they deserve pity, look at what actions or lack thereof brought the person to the point where you feel immensely sorry for him. Of course, accidents happen, but most of the troubles are caused by a person with his own hands, even if he does not notice a direct connection. Even the homeless are provided with many other solutions to their problem, there are official funds, employment exchanges and shelters, but people refuse them, choosing to beg and drink the money away. It’s up to you to decide whether it’s worth it, because perhaps the idea of ​​never working, but standing on the porch, came to their minds after the pity of the first alms.

Monitor topics when you start to feel sorry, because... in half of the cases, this lies behind a person’s unfulfilled need to be justified and pitied. If your heart sank when a child sits alone on a swing, then perhaps you lack the sympathy of your parents; if you feel sorry for a hungry dog, then this may be your need for care and a ready-made dinner. Often, by feeling sorry for others, people try to make up for the lack of self-pity, to fill those moments where they do not allow themselves to be weak or make mistakes. You can feel sorry for the boy who was scolded by the teacher and even defend him, while not complaining to anyone about how unfairly the boss scolds you. Stories like these reveal blind spots in the assessment and perception of one’s personality and needs.

But sometimes self-compassion is not something that is not blocked, but on the contrary, it begins to take over life too actively, and then it should be slowed down. The first thing to do is to analyze the situation, abstracting as much as possible from feelings. When you have realized the problem, you need to identify what exactly in the current situation makes you feel sorry for yourself, and what you are counting on. If you understand that there are strong expectations for self-resolution of the problem, you need to gradually regain responsibility for the emotions you experience and your own life. Even if the negativity is associated with another person, then your experiences are under your control, and only you can find out how to turn the situation around to make it better. It is necessary to come up with practical actions that can change the course of events, and to make this more effective, you must first take into account what you are doing wrong, where you are making mistakes.

Look at the world not as something hostile and opposing you, but as a resource and opportunity for change - there are people there who can help, there are places that give energy and strength. Train positive thinking by setting goals to find ten positive moments every day, turn troubles into a game, where you need to extract the maximum benefit from the collapse. The more confident you are, the more successful this will be, so formation will have a great effect on getting rid of self-pity. After all, those who perceive themselves as strong and successful treat difficulties as a new challenge or an opportunity to express themselves, and not as a reason to hide in the farthest corner.

And be conscious in the perception of information received from other people who may tell you about your weakness, fragility, inability, and about situations as insoluble and catastrophic. Without proper criticism, such judgments tend to seep into your inner perception and become truth, so surround yourself with positive and active people who can see the good even in complete hopelessness.

Speaker of the Medical and Psychological Center "PsychoMed"

Pity humiliates a person, lowers his dignity in the eyes of those around him. Let's try to speculate on the topic of love, compassion, humiliation.

Feeling pity

It was this contradictory feeling that Maxim Gorky discussed. Many people associate pity for people with the manifestation of good intentions towards strangers. For example, as a result of this feeling, the younger generation has a desire to help older people with some work.

What does it give to other people

Let's try to figure out the meaning of pity, sympathy, and empathy. When feeling sorry for another, they are guided by the best intentions. They believe that at the same time they are to some extent elevated above those towards whom they show similar emotions. It turns out that pity humiliates a person? But is it possible to do this to other people? Subconsciously, those who are in a difficult life situation do not dream of pity or sympathy, but that they will be given good advice and help to cope with the problem.

Pity for the man

The stronger sex does not like it when women show such feelings towards them. Thinking through an essay on the topic “Pity humiliates a person,” it can be noted that the manifestation of such feelings is regarded by all men quite negatively. They are used to always feeling in control of current events. Men believe that female pity humiliates a person and deprives him of his dignity. What could this lead to? There are quite a few examples in history when serious battles arose because of harmless (at first glance) pity. Modern men, to whom the fair sex has shown sympathy, often become chronic alcoholics; they lose the desire to change their lives and deal with problems. They specifically try to evoke a feeling of pity in the people around them, so as not to struggle with all the vicissitudes of fate, but simply “go with the flow.”

Compassion and pity

When thinking through an essay on the topic “Pity humiliates a person,” it is important to find the line between compassion and a feeling of pity. If a person experiences such a feeling, he does not have the strength to find a way to help another person. The generosity that arises from this corrupts the one to whom it is intended. Indian wisdom says that “pity gives rise to suffering, and love is given by goodness.” Compassion presupposes a sincere desire to help a person who finds himself in a difficult life situation. At the same time, the interlocutor is perceived as an equal, and full respect for his feelings, emotions, and experiences is maintained. Compassionate, people perceive other people's misfortune as their own, so they strive to reduce it by any means. It turns out that pity humiliates a person and deprives him of the opportunity to look for ways out of the current situation. By focusing on the desire to help, rather than searching for solutions to the problem, people show passive pity, which creates sadness and pain. Compassion is an active feeling that allows you to find a solution to a problem.

How to eliminate pity

If a person dreams of causing a similar feeling in the people around him, he voluntarily agrees to be a victim in their eyes. Having fallen into the nets set by him, the pityer tries to show love and understanding, but in reality he finds himself in a destructive whirlpool, and considers himself obligated to help those who need pity. Do you think pity humiliates a person? A miniature essay on this topic is offered to those patients who seek help. By analyzing the patient’s attitude towards himself and other people, a professional psychologist tries to understand the “roots of the problems” and find options for solving the situation.

With sincere compassion, there is no talk of narcissism; it implies mercy, care, and attention. Just because a person does not accept feelings does not mean that he is callous and evil by nature. The habit of “regret” is a negative quality; instead of positive emotions, encouraging another person to take active action, it leads to the exchange of destructive energy. By enjoying pity, you do not allow another person to seek strength and opportunity to take responsibility for their life and their actions.

Instead, it is important to understand how you can help the person you feel sorry for. Sometimes it’s enough just to find words to cheer you up and restore confidence in your strengths and capabilities.


Do not forget that pity humiliates a person. A miniature essay on this topic can be written by high school students. Taking into account the peculiarities of individual development of adolescents, quite interesting results can be obtained. Many guys do not accept self-pity, but are ready to show compassion and care for other people. They perceive pity as the feeling they experience in situations when someone from their environment has found themselves in a difficult life situation, was punished by teachers for no reason, or offended by their parents. If at primary school age it is quite common for children to show pity, then it gradually develops into real compassion and a desire to help. It is important not to cross this fine line, not to turn a good quality into a banal desire to feel superior to other people, to manage them in your own interests. Pity should be manifested in an understanding of the current problem, a joint search for optimal ways to eliminate the source of disappointment.

The concepts of “pity” and “mercy” are linguistically close, but moral theology emphasizes their difference. So the Holy Scripture says that hospitality (Isaiah 58:7,10), justice (Ps 81:3; Proverbs 22:22; 31:9) and mercy (Proverbs 14:21) should be shown towards those in need. Nowhere is it said about pity... We don’t say “sisters of pity”, but “sisters of mercy”...

Apparently, we inherited pity from pagan times, and only faith in one God elevated mercy. Many are sure that pity is a high, human feeling. But in fact, scientists claim that pity, as a part of the unconscious, arose in the animal world. The basis of pity is some reflexes that are included in the survival system of a large group of animals or people. But it is in a monteistic society that mercy arises as the highest and conscious form of compassion.

The Lord actually warns us against reckless pity when, in one of the conversations about the destruction of Jerusalem and the end of the world, he says, “Remember Lot’s wife...” (Luke 17:31,32).. Her very conversion into a pillar of salt, according to the interpretation of Metropolitan Philaret, happened because “fear and pity led the cowardly woman into a frenzy and insensibility.”

People often consider pity to be love. But is it? Who do they usually feel sorry for? The poor, the beggars, the unfortunate, the sick, the suffering. That is why someone who considers pity a good feeling cannot understand why people often respond to his supposedly kind actions with aggression. Will your pity make it easier for a person? After all, when you empathize, you provide moral support, and when you feel sorry, it’s as if you say “yes, you’re a loser, accept it”... It turns out that by feeling sorry for a person, we automatically, on a subconscious level, emphasize all these troubles. And then we are surprised that people treat us badly.

Helping people is a great joy, but pity can be destructive for a person, for his soul. A person can and should be helped by showing care, attention, love, and mercy. But not with pity.
God sends suffering for the purpose of education (Heb. 12:5), to strengthen and test believers (Isa. 48:1) And the Holy Fathers teach: “every illness is a visitation of the Lord.” Therefore, when we feel sorry for a person, we express disagreement with his illness, misfortune or fate in general, and thereby silently protest against God’s plan aimed at healing the soul. This is the result of a misunderstanding of the highest laws of God and one’s place in fulfilling the will of God.

And very often, pity hides one’s own unsatisfied need for love in childhood. Subconsciously, a person becomes a savior of the weak, increasing his self-esteem. And from this there is only one step to pride...

Another thing is mercy. This is perhaps not a feeling, but a state of mind. Mercy cannot be shown “now” and then immediately forgotten about. Otherwise it is no longer mercy. What makes a person show mercy must be sweet to his heart, come from the depths of his soul, be recognized by his mind and not demand anything in return.

Pity is often accompanied by tears that cannot be hidden. Mercy is accompanied only by good deeds, often quietly and without unnecessary external effect.
Protodeacon Sergius Shalberov is offline

“Pity humiliates a person!”
These words belong to the famous proletarian writer Maxim Gorky.
Following him, other bearers of the proletarian spirit began to exclaim in chorus: “There is no need to feel sorry for us, because we wouldn’t feel sorry for anyone!” /WITH. Gudzenko/

That's it, it's true, it's true. How many “enemies” were destroyed by the proletarians with their “minds boiling with indignation” during the October Revolution, the Civil War and during the years of socialist construction. And they gave their lives for the work without any regret.
Ruthlessness towards oneself is heroism, but ruthlessness towards other people is ordinary atrocity!
In revolutionary St. Petersburg, drunken soldiers and sailors could shoot a person at the slightest suspicion, just because he had pince-nez on his nose and there were no calluses on his palms. It did not occur to them that this man could be a doctor returning from sick, a teacher or a poet who went out onto the street to become imbued with the revolutionary spirit of the masses. He wasn't like them
and, therefore, an enemy!
Truly, ruthlessness deprives a person of soul and mind!
Now everyone is angrily denouncing Stalinism.
In 1937-1938 More than 1.7 million people were arrested, more than 700 thousand were executed.
Lenin, Stalin, Yezhov, Beria with all their repressive apparatuses... Who are they in the end? Didn’t they commit their atrocities with the approval of thousands of thousands of throats screaming: “Kill!”, “Crucify!”? Didn't they grow up on the ruthlessness of the masses?
The revolution did not bear the fruits promised to the people by the leaders, and the leaders had no choice but to palm off on the people the candidacies of more and more new enemies, “to blame” for their misfortunes.

No one argues that a person’s sacred duty is to protect his homeland, people, and his neighbors from enemies. But, the main thing is not to lose humanity and not to start recording women, old people and children as “enemies”, as the German fascists did during the Second World War, as the Ukrainian fascists did in the Donbass.

We call love our strongest feeling, which makes a person sometimes commit feats and sometimes crimes.
And it becomes clear to many that these are not one, but two different feelings.
One of these feelings has a motto: DESIRE!
Desires are different. One person loves his profession and strives to become a master of his craft.
And this is wonderful!
Others love the mountains or the sea and want to devote their lives to sea travel or mountaineering. And we can only welcome these desires.

But there is a love for fame, money, power, and carnal pleasures, which often make a person ruthless in the DESIRE TO POSSESS.

And there is LOVE - PITY, about which Maxim Gorky spoke so absurdly.
It differs from LOVE - DESIRE in that it does not contain the desire to acquire, but the desire to give something to people.
We feel sorry for our Motherland, our people, our neighbors, and therefore we strive to warm them, feed them, protect them, save them!
Such LOVE, very often, does not want anything in return - it is selfless!
This is the LOVE of a mother, a philanthropist, a soldier going to death for his Motherland!
THIS IS CHRISTIAN LOVE, the highest example of which was shown to us by the LORD HIMSELF!


I want to remember this feeling again,
Which was given to us by the Lord:
Love and mercy are the basis,
It does not allow us to become animals!
Filled with this feeling of God,
We don’t want to be sad about ourselves.
We will help the old man and the beggar,
We will save and protect the weak!
Someone else's pain stings our souls
And makes people feel compassion.
When we feel pity for someone,
He's not sorry to give away his last!

We are people, and we all dream of happiness.
We strive to create the world of our dreams.
But we often take it for love
Your desire to possess something.
Having once achieved what he desired,
Accustomed to life in hustle and bustle.
You will feel the feeling of thirst again, -
There are no limits to the desire to possess!
And pity is, of course, inappropriate here.
Selfish people have no respect for pity!
After all, only pity for people, as you know,
It doesn't let us go over our heads!

Where there is pity, there is no concern for oneself,
This feeling bears God's seal:
The desire to understand, to warm someone,
And help him and protect him!
It was transformed into service.
Mother gives holy love to children:
The basis of that Love is pity for children, -
The desire is to give the best to children!
There is pity in the glorious feat of a soldier, -
It is stronger than the desire to live!
Save and protect everything that is holy!
At the cost of saving the lives of your neighbors!

And with generosity there is pity everywhere
We have seen this many times:
He who is merciful considers it a matter of honor,
Help those who are in need now!
There was a lot of falsehood in the last century
And we should have understood a long time ago:
Pity does not humiliate a person, -
Saves you from prison and from scrip!
I want to end the poem with the words:
“The soulless alone abhor pity!
May this feeling always be with you.
GOD will forgive you a lot for your pity!”

Why does pity humiliate a person? and got the best answer

Answer from Yokazka “I”[guru]
Pity humiliates because a person does not try to get out of the situation on his own, but enjoys the trust of others.
By the way, those around you, if they fall for such a trick, are also at the same cost as the one who complains. because they indulge him in his weakness in every possible way! =)

Answer from Tatyana Nikanorova[guru]
there is no need to feel sorry, you need to sympathize

Answer from Yomashka[active]
It depends on what caused the expression of pity... .
I think this is one of the last feelings in relationships between people. As a rule, it replaces all other feelings in the end... .
But the reason for the appearance and the very manifestation of this feeling are very individual to various objects and subjects of our life.
And there is also one truth regarding pity.... or rather, the saying: It’s a sin to feel sorry when you can’t help!

Answer from Amba[guru]
It is not pity that humiliates, but the form of its expression or perception! Usually a fool expresses it this way: _ that it turns from an unconditionally positive emotion into a negative one - humiliation of a person’s dignity!!!

Answer from Anely Anely[guru]
Pity is directed at the person himself, and empathy and sympathy are directed at the situation in which the person finds himself. Empathy and sympathy are sharing with a person his experiences. This is not humiliating, unless confused with pity. And pity is not a sharing of experiences with a person, but a position of condescension towards the “wretchedness” of a person as an individual. And she humiliates because...respect for a full-fledged person disappears. Those who are satisfied with this do not consider pity humiliating; on the contrary, they enjoy using it with pleasure.

Answer from Yo[guru]
A pity? Pity is not humiliation... But it can become humiliation in the eyes of a stupid person.

Answer from Bu-sin-ca[guru]
Because pride is paramount)

Answer from Baby[guru]
When you feel sorry for a person, you mean that he cannot stand up for himself. So, for example, when giving alms, we treat this person as incapable of earning a living on his own.

Answer from Ksulun[guru]
Sincere pity does not humiliate a person.

Answer from Alenka 67[guru]
Pity is definitely humiliating, because you treat a person with condescension, pitying him, as a weak person who cannot help himself in this world, but it not only humiliates, it is also harmful, because many people like to use it, which means we We harm him.
