Famous places in south america. The most famous people in America Famous people in South America

The USA is one of the leading and largest countries in the world. The population of the country exceeds the mark of 300 million people. And, of course, outstanding personalities lived and live in this vast country. People who are famous not only in their own state, but throughout the world, which allows the American people to feel pride in their compatriots. So who are they - the most famous people in America?

Political figures

The list of famous people of America can definitely include the names of such politicians as:

  • George Washington. The first president of America who fought for independence, the founder of the United States of America.
  • Thomas Jefferson. Co-author of the Declaration of Independence. He made a huge contribution to the founding of the country. Bought Louisiana from France.
  • Martin Luther King. A bright personality who became famous all over the world thanks to the stubborn struggle for the rights of the black population.
  • He was very loved by his people for liberalism, for caring for ordinary people. He made a great contribution to the development of American astronautics. The day he was killed brought great sorrow to the people.
  • Benjamin Franklin. Politician, journalist, scientist. He is famous all over the world due to the fact that his face adorns a hundred dollar bill.
  • Abraham Lincoln. Acquired the status of a national hero for the liberation of slaves. Like John F. Kennedy, he was killed by a pistol shot.
  • George Bush Jr. A very controversial person. Took the presidency through a major rigging scandal. Accused of addiction to drugs. He unleashed a war in the territories of Afghanistan and Iraq.
  • Barack Obama. The world's first black president.


Among the famous people of America, there are many personalities associated with sports. This:

  • Michael Jordan. Played as a shooting guard in the NBA. Still considered the best basketball player ever.
  • Outstanding tennis player. He won many tournaments.
  • An arm wrestler who held the title for 23 years.
  • Kelly Slater. The most famous and richest surfer. Became world champion at the age of 20.
  • Jim Brown. became the highest paid in American football.
  • Michael Phelps. Swimmer and most titled Olympian.
  • Mike Tyson. American boxing champion. Bit off the ear of his opponent in battle.
  • Muhammad Ali. The most boxer.

Writers, scientists and other celebrities

The list of famous people in America includes writers and other public figures:

  • Ernest Hemingway. Nobel laureate, writer and journalist. Thanks to his style of writing, the literature of the last century has changed significantly.
  • Stephen King. "King of Horrors" - so he was nicknamed for his works. Many of his books have been filmed.
  • Edgar Allan Poe. Wrote truly exciting detective stories. And he became the founder of the science fiction genre.
  • Mark Twain. Humanist writer and journalist. He wrote in various genres, creating amazing stories.
  • Stanley Kubrick. Cinematographer. I made films based on real events, and each of them was great.
  • Thomas Edison. Thanks to him, the quality of work of many communication devices has improved. Even the first word on the phone "hello" was invented by him.
  • John Rockefeller. The richest man on the planet. Owner of Standard Oil Company.
  • Bill Gates. Entrepreneur, one of the richest people in the world.
  • Steve Jobs. Pioneer of the era of technology, creator of the famous Apple brand.
  • Henry Ford. Engineer and inventor. Produced world-famous Ford cars.
  • Neil Armstrong. The first person to set foot on the moon.
  • Jack London. One of the most published writers outside the US.
  • John Browning. Weapon inventor.
  • Sydney Sheldon. Author of detective novels and screenwriter. Many of his works have been turned into films.

Singers and musicians

It should be noted among the famous people of America talented musicians and singers:

  • Michael Jackson. Legendary singer, dancer, king of pop.
  • Elvis Presley. King of rock and roll.
  • Frank Sinatra. "Honey" voice of America.
  • Louis Armstrong. Jazz performer, played the trumpet, led the ensemble, popularized jazz around the world.
  • Chuck Berry. One of the founders of rock and roll.
  • Britney Spears. American Princess of Pop.
  • Jennifer Lopez. Singer and dancer, actress and business woman.
  • Madonna. American music legend.
  • Tina Turner. Singer and dancer with a breathtaking voice.
  • Kurt Kobel. Guitarist and singer from the Nirvana band.
  • Ella Fitzgerald. Jazz vocalist.
  • Eminem. American rapper.
  • Cher. American-Armenian, singer and actress.
  • Christina Aguilera. Songwriter, singer and dancer.

Media faces

Who, if not a media person, can be the most famous?

  • Charlie Chaplin. Comedian and silent film star.
  • Marilyn Monroe. Sex symbol of the 20th century.
  • Oprah Winfrey. The most famous TV presenter in America.
  • Walt Disney. Animator, creator of the studio and the whole Disney era.
  • Steven Spielberg. The most successful film director of American cinema.
  • Bruce Lee. Actor and director. Introduced martial arts into cinema.

And also: Brad Pitt, Mel Gibson, Johnny Depp, Jack Nicholson, Angelina Jolly and many, many others.

Of course, all the famous people of America speak English. However, with the help of translation, the whole world can read or hear their voice.

It is South America that is the birthplace of many animals and plants that are now distributed throughout the world. Once these lands were inhabited by numerous Indian tribes, but the European colonialists destroyed the culture of many of them, trying to reshape the new lands in their own way. Some corners of the South American continent are still practically not explored due to their inaccessibility, and, quite possibly, they still hide many secrets.

Facts about South America

  • Part of the South American continent is located in the Northern Hemisphere of the Earth.
  • South America is often called Latin, which is fundamentally wrong. South America is a geographical definition, while Latin America is an ethnographic one.
  • In all South American countries, except Brazil, Suriname and Guyana, Spanish has the status of a state language.
  • The largest city in South America is the Brazilian metropolis of Sao Paulo ().
  • Most South American countries are unsafe in one way or another, especially large cities. The most peaceful country in terms of crime on the continent is the Republic of Chile.
  • In South America, there is the world's wettest settlement - the Colombian town of Buenaventura.
  • A curious fact: the driest of the hot deserts in the world, the Chilean Atacama (), is located right there.
  • South America is home to the highest mountain capital in the world, La Paz. Strictly speaking, the city of Sucre is officially considered the capital of Bolivia, but de facto this function is performed by La Paz.
  • The total area of ​​South America only slightly exceeds the area of ​​Russia.
  • Four times as many people live in China than on the entire South American mainland ().
  • Among all South American states, the population of Peru is the least educated. Every tenth Peruvian is not literate.
  • It is through South America that the Amazon, the greatest river in the world, flows. And under it, at a depth of many kilometers, the world's largest underground river flows.
  • The first European to visit South America was Christopher Columbus ().
  • This continent alone is home to anacondas, the largest snakes in the world.
  • The most popular sport in all countries of South America without exception is football. Thus, the Brazilian national team holds the record for the number of victories at the world championships.
  • Guiana is located in South America, which is de jure part of France. Even the euro is in use here.
  • In total, there are 12 independent countries on this continent, the largest of which are Brazil and Argentina.
  • The Venezuelan Lake Maracaibo is the largest among the lakes of the Earth, and also the second oldest - it is many millions of years old.
  • In South America is the highest waterfall in the world, Angel. Its waters rush down from a height of more than a kilometer.
  • In South American Bolivia, Uyuni is located, the world's largest salt marsh, which is a dried-up salt lake.
  • Another notable lake in South America is Titicaca. It is surprising with two facts: it is the highest navigable lake in the world (almost 4 kilometers above sea level!), and there are ocean fish that are unknown how they got here.
  • The Ojos del Salado Volcano is the highest active volcano not only in South America, but throughout the world. It is located on the border of Chile and Argentina ().
  • The South American Colca Canyon is the deepest in the world. Its depth is twice the size of the Grand Canyon in the United States.
  • In South America, there is the Licancabur volcano, in the crater of which, at an altitude of almost 6 kilometers, the highest mountain lake in the world is located. Most of the year it is covered with ice.
  • Most lightning strikes in the world in one place in the world, located precisely in South America, at the confluence of the Catatumbo River into Lake Maracaibo. On average, there are from 70 to 200 thunderstorm days annually, and about 250 lightning strikes per square kilometer of space per year ().
  • The South American complex of Iguazu Falls is one of the seven natural wonders of the world.
  • Located in South America, the Republic of Chile is the narrowest and southernmost country in the world. Its southern border is separated from Antarctica by a distance of only 900 kilometers.
  • The South American forests are home to the world's largest beetles, the world's most poisonous frogs, the largest snakes, the largest butterflies, the most dangerous fish and the smallest monkeys.
  • Despite the fact that only one country in South America speaks Portuguese, there are more Portuguese speakers on the continent than Spanish speakers. Quechua, Guarani, Aymara and Araucanian languages ​​are also common here.
  • The area of ​​the basin of the three largest rivers in South America - the Amazon, Parana and Orinoco - covers more than half of the area of ​​the entire continent.
  • Among all the earth's continents, South America is the wettest.
  • In the Chilean city of Calama, it has not rained for about 400 years ().
  • One third of the entire population of South America is under 15 years of age.
  • Millions of years ago, this continent was one with Australia, Antarctica and Africa.
  • A fair share of the population of South America are the descendants of Europeans. Mostly Spanish. Italians, French, Germans, Greeks and Croats. In addition, about 1 million Ukrainians and their direct descendants live in Brazil alone.

The South American continent is rich in unique natural monuments. Choosing the 10 most famous geographical features of South America is not an easy task, as there are many more outstanding landscape complexes. Many of them, retaining their centuries-old originality, are under the protection of UNESCO.

And yet, let's try to highlight the most popular and world-famous South American geographical features.

Mountains and highlands of South America

Here are the longest mountain ranges in the world.

Andes (Andean Cordillera)

South America is the only continent that is pierced from north to south by one mountain range, rich in volcanoes and the largest glaciers. Her name is Andy. Stretching for more than 7.3 thousand km, it gives rise to most of the rivers of the continent. Continuing in North America, the Andes pass into the USA in a ridge called the Cordillera. The peaks of the Andes amaze with their beauty. Their highest point is the 6960-meter peak of Aconcagua (Argentina), although there are dozens of peaks over 6000 meters in this mountain range.


This area, known to us from the novels of Jules Verne, stretches for 1600 km between the Andes and the Atlantic Ocean at the southern tip of the continent, south of the Rio Negro. Severe cliffs interspersed with majestic deep gorges, arid, but no less attractive plateaus, glaciers sparkling under the sun do not leave anyone indifferent.

Guiana Highlands

A real Conan Doyle "lost world" with its amazing outlandish plants and unique fauna. The plateau stretches for almost 1600 km between the south of Venezuela and the north of Brazil. The highlight of this tropical region is a cascade of beautiful rivers and waterfalls. The highest point is Roraima Peak (2810 m).

South American lowlands and plains

The geography of the continent would be incomplete without mentioning these vast territories.

lowlands of the amazon

The main feature of the Amazon is the world's largest rainforest, covering the Amazon River Basin. It is located between the Andes in the west and the Atlantic in the east, the Guiana Highlands in the north and the Brazilian Plateau in the south. It is distinguished by a huge number of tributaries of the most full-flowing river in the world and extreme humidity.


This picturesque fertile plain in the north of the continent with an area of ​​​​more than 580 thousand km² is almost bisected by Colombia and Venezuela. Its fertility is ensured by the high-water Orinoco River and its numerous tributaries. The Llanos are characterized by vast, gently sloping flat areas, cut by riverbeds, along which gallery forests grow.


Among all the geographical features of South America, the pampa (the area is almost 762 thousand km²) is famous primarily for its agricultural, mainly cattle-breeding opportunities. There are many large ranches here, where elite cattle are bred (the world-famous Argentine beef). But crop production is also in honor here. This is facilitated by fertile reddish-black soils, the basis for the formation of which were volcanic rocks. There are also large wild steppes and pastures, which, however, often lack moisture. And the farther from the Atlantic Ocean and closer to the Andes, the pampas completely turn into arid semi-deserts.

Selected geographic features of particular interest

The South American continent, in addition to integral geographical complexes, is also known for the most interesting natural objects. Many of them are under the protection of UNESCO.

Tierra del Fuego and Cape Horn

It is the southernmost archipelago of South America and therefore has a harsh cold climate and frequent severe storms. The reason is the proximity of Antarctica. The archipelago was named Tierra del Fuego in 1520 by the legendary Ferdinand Magellan, who, passing by, mistook the distant fires of the Indians for the lights of active volcanoes. Well, the most southern point of South America is the thundering Cape Horn, which is part of the archipelago. Traveling past it along the Drake Passage is still the lot of the most daring and desperate.


This name is given to the world's largest swamp, which is located in the southwest of Brazil, and also partially in Paraguay and Bolivia. Its dimensions are staggering: about 195 thousand km² of area in the Paraguay River basin! Despite its not very attractive status, the Pantanal with its unique flora and fauna is a real find for scientists and tourists.

Atacama Plateau

In fact, it is one of the most famous deserts in South America. Stretching high in the Chilean Andes for 1000 km in length and 160 km in width, it is one of the rare deserts on our planet where there is never rainfall. If we add here the extremely harsh mountain climate, then we get the image of a territory that is completely inconvenient for human life. Meanwhile, numerous mines are actively working here, where local residents extract copper, saltpeter, iodine, and table salt. For especially adventurous tourists who will have to overcome a difficult path, there are still a few "highlights": small picturesque lakes and beautiful salt deposits in the mountains.

The largest waterfalls of the continent

Two waterfalls attract attention here: the highest in the world, Angel (height - 1054 m) and one of the most beautiful on the planet, Iguazu. The waters of Angel, named after the pilot James Angel, who discovered it in 1933, break down from the completely sheer slopes of the Auyan-Tepui plateau. The outstanding characteristics of the waterfall were highly appreciated in 1994, when it, together with the Canaima National Park, in which this wonder of the world is located, was included in the UNESCO World Heritage Book.

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Today we will move from Europe to Latin America - we have not looked there for a long time and we will talk about the people who influenced the course of history.

We can say that in the history of Latin America, outstanding personalities are found almost on every corner: dictators and politicians, revolutionaries and rebels, artists and poets. How to choose the most important ones? In my opinion, the achievements of an outstanding person should play a huge role not only in the Latin world, but throughout the world (in my opinion, this is logical). Here are my ten Essentials, presented in chronological order (by date of life, of course0):

1. Bartolome de Las Casas (1484-1566)

Although he was not born in Latin America, his heart belonged to this land. This Dominican monk fought for the freedom and rights of the indigenous people of Latin America at the very beginning of the conquest and colonization, standing in the way of those who wanted to exploit and humiliate the natives of this continent. If not for him, the terrible consequences of colonization would have been immeasurably greater.

2. Simon Bolivar (1783-1830)

"George Washington of South America" ​​paved the hard road for millions of South Americans to freedom. Charm, together with military acumen, made him the most prominent among the leaders of the Latin American Independence Movement. The liberation of the "modern nations" of Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador, Peru and Bolivia is his work.

3. Rivera Diego (1886-1957)

Diego Rivera was not the only Mexican muralist, but he was certainly the most famous. Together with Alfaro Siqueiros and José Orozco, he brought art from museums to city streets.

Chilean broadcaster (1974-1990), Pinochet was a key figure in Operation Condor of these states, acting in a coordinated manner, organized abductions, torture and summary executions).

5. Fidel Castro (1926 -)

The fiery revolutionary had a strong influence on world politics for fifty years. A thorn in the bottom of American leaders since the Eisenhower administration, he has been a beacon of resistance for the anti-imperialists.

6. Roberto Gomez Bolanes (nicknamed Chespirito) (1929 -)

Not every Hispanic you meet will answer your "Who is Bolanes?" question, but everyone will know the Chespirito portrayed by Gomez for decades. Gomez has been working in television for 40 years, and meanwhile manages to act in films, write books and compose music.

7. Gabriel Garcia Marquez (1927 -)

He did not invent magical realism, but he became the most important master in it. Winner of the 1982 Nobel Prize in Literature, he is Latin America's most celebrated author.

8. Edson Arantes do Nascimento or Pele (1940 - )

The most beloved son of Brazil and, perhaps, the best football player of all time. The admiration of Brazilians for their idol was one of the reasons for the decrease in racism in his country.
9. Pablo Escobar (1949-1993)

The legendary Colombian drug lord at one time was recognized as almost the richest man in the world (according to Forbes - 7th place). At the height of his power, he was the most powerful man in Colombia and his drug empire extended its tentacles around the world. It is worth noting that he partly owes his ascent to the poor population of Colombia, who considered him as their Robin Hood.

10. Rogiberta Menchu ​​(1959-)

A representative of the indigenous population of Guatemala from the Quiche people of the Maya group. Human rights activist, fighter for the rights of the indigenous population of Guatemala, winner of the Nobel Peace Prize in 1992 and the Prize of the Prince of Asturias in 1998. UNESCO Goodwill Ambassador. Author of the autobiographical works "I, Rigoberta Menchu" (1983) and "Crossing Borders".

The South American continent is rich in unique natural monuments. Choosing the 10 most famous geographical features of South America is not an easy task, as there are many more outstanding landscape complexes. Many of them, retaining their centuries-old originality, are under the protection of UNESCO.
And yet, let's try to highlight the most popular and world-famous South American geographical features.

Andes (Andean Cordillera)

South America is the only continent that is pierced from north to south by one mountain range, rich in volcanoes and the largest glaciers. Her name is Andy. Stretching for more than 7.3 thousand km, it gives rise to most of the rivers of the continent. Continuing in North America, the Andes pass into the USA in a ridge called the Cordillera. The peaks of the Andes amaze with their beauty. Their highest point is the 6960-meter peak of Aconcagua (Argentina), although there are dozens of peaks over 6000 meters in this mountain range.


This area, known to us from the novels of Jules Verne, stretches for 1600 km between the Andes and the Atlantic Ocean at the southern tip of the continent, south of the Rio Negro. Severe cliffs interspersed with majestic deep gorges, arid, but no less attractive plateaus, glaciers sparkling under the sun do not leave anyone indifferent.

Guiana Highlands

A real Conan Doyle "lost world" with its amazing outlandish plants and unique fauna. The plateau stretches for almost 1600 km between the south of Venezuela and the north of Brazil. The highlight of this tropical region is a cascade of beautiful rivers and waterfalls. The highest point is Roraima Peak (2810 m).

lowlands of the amazon

The main feature of the Amazon is the world's largest rainforest, covering the Amazon River Basin. It is located between the Andes in the west and the Atlantic in the east, the Guiana Highlands in the north and the Brazilian Plateau in the south. It is distinguished by a huge number of tributaries of the most full-flowing river in the world and extreme humidity.


This picturesque fertile plain in the north of the continent with an area of ​​​​more than 580 thousand km² is almost bisected by Colombia and Venezuela. Its fertility is ensured by the high-water Orinoco River and its numerous tributaries. The Llanos are characterized by vast, gently sloping flat areas, cut by riverbeds, along which gallery forests grow.


Among all the geographical features of South America, the pampa (the area is almost 762 thousand km²) is famous primarily for its agricultural, mainly cattle-breeding opportunities. There are many large ranches here, where elite cattle are bred (the world-famous Argentine beef). But crop production is also in honor here. This is facilitated by fertile reddish-black soils, the basis for the formation of which were volcanic rocks. There are also large wild steppes and pastures, which, however, often lack moisture. And the farther from the Atlantic Ocean and closer to the Andes, the pampas completely turn into arid semi-deserts.

Tierra del Fuego and Cape Horn

It is the southernmost archipelago of South America and therefore has a harsh cold climate and frequent severe storms. The reason is the proximity of Antarctica. The archipelago was named Tierra del Fuego in 1520 by the legendary Ferdinand Magellan, who, passing by, mistook the distant fires of the Indians for the lights of active volcanoes. Well, the most southern point of South America is the thundering Cape Horn, which is part of the archipelago. Traveling past it along the Drake Passage is still the lot of the most daring and desperate.


This name is given to the world's largest swamp, which is located in the southwest of Brazil, and also partially in Paraguay and Bolivia. Its dimensions are staggering: about 195 thousand km² of area in the Paraguay River basin! Despite its not very attractive status, the Pantanal with its unique flora and fauna is a real find for scientists and tourists.

Atacama Plateau

In fact, it is one of the most famous deserts in South America. Stretching high in the Chilean Andes for 1000 km in length and 160 km in width, it is one of the rare deserts on our planet where there is never rainfall. If we add here the extremely harsh mountain climate, then we get the image of a territory that is completely inconvenient for human life. Meanwhile, numerous mines are actively working here, where local residents extract copper, saltpeter, iodine, and table salt. For especially adventurous tourists who will have to overcome a difficult path, there are still a few "highlights": small picturesque lakes and beautiful salt deposits in the mountains.

The largest waterfalls of the continent

Two waterfalls attract attention here: the highest in the world Angel (height - 1054 m) and one of the most beautiful on the planet Iguazu. The waters of Angel, named after the pilot James Angel, who discovered it in 1933, break down from the completely sheer slopes of the Auyan-Tepui plateau. The outstanding characteristics of the waterfall were highly appreciated in 1994, when it, together with the Canaima National Park, in which this wonder of the world is located, was included in the UNESCO World Heritage Book.
