0 rh positive. Characteristics of the first blood group. Sexual compatibility by blood types

The first blood group 0 (I) according to the AB0 system means that human red blood cells are completely devoid of antigens. This means that when transfused, a reaction (antigen + antibody) is not possible; this property is well known in medicine.

The prevalence of people with this group is the highest. They number up to 33% of the world's inhabitants, in some territories - half of the population.

Origin of blood group 1

400 centuries ago, it was people with this blood type who began to be called “human”. They laid the foundation of our civilization. Although at that time they did not differ in special mental abilities. But they were able to ensure the survival of their family. The main activity is hunting animals. These were physically strong people. They did not know how to negotiate; those who disagreed were immediately destroyed.

No democracy was allowed. People with the first group were the founders of the principle “those who are not with us are against us.”

Who can have children with the first group

The fetal blood type depends on genetic preferences for maternal or paternal characteristics.

The first group is formed if:

  • both mother and father have the same group - the first;
  • at least one of the parents is the owner of the first group, and the other - the second or third.

If a parent with group 4 has AB antigens, the baby will definitely get one of them. Therefore, geneticists know that the combination of the first and fourth groups does not give the fetus the first group.

Rh compatibility problems

Rh in the blood is considered as an additional erythrocyte antigen. It is either present (Rh+) or absent (Rh-).

If both parents have blood type 1 Rh-negative, then the baby will also be (Rh-). In conditions where only one of the parents does not have the Rh factor, the probability of having a Rh positive and Rh negative baby is divided equally.

Rh compatibility is important for the birth of a healthy child and the course of pregnancy, as well as if blood transfusion is necessary for a patient with the first group.

Family happiness depends on timely examination of parents

Implications for pregnancy

During pregnancy, for women without an Rh factor in the blood, compatibility with the Rh factor of the fetus is important. And this depends on the genes of the child’s father. For an Rh-positive mother, the characteristics of the child’s blood do not matter. The absence of the Rh factor in a woman’s blood can cause an outbreak of conflict with the fetus when the child chooses a positive paternal gene.

Towards the end of the first pregnancy or immediately during subsequent ones, the immune cells of the mother’s body try to get rid of the foreign protein.

At best, the child will be born with many diseases (jaundice, impaired liver function, anemia). During the second pregnancy, placental rejection and early miscarriage occur.

To prevent complications and give birth to a healthy baby, parents must take a blood test for the group and Rh factor. Timely administration of anti-Rhesus globulin, which binds maternal antibodies, allows the fetus to develop normally and does not interfere with the proper course of pregnancy and the health of the mother.

Implications for blood transfusion

People with the first Rh negative group are considered universal donors. Their blood has no antigens at all. Such blood can be transfused in emergency cases to any person if single-type blood is not available at the moment.

For the owner of the first group, only blood of the same group according to the AB0 and Rhesus system is suitable. Any excess antigens will cause an intolerance reaction, which will complicate the patient's condition.

Planned blood transfusions are prohibited due to the presence of other individual incompatibility indicators

Character traits

To combat difficulties, people with the first group are endowed by nature with high volitional abilities. Such people become leaders, regardless of what they call the people to. They are able to achieve a goal without worrying about moral characteristics.

The study of character traits made it possible to establish the presence of increased emotionality and a developed sense of self-preservation. Such qualities of a leader allow him to calculate the degree of risk, think first of all about his own benefit, and analyze the result of his work.

They do not tolerate criticism and are jealous. They are more likely to be suited not for professions, but for positions with a leadership focus.

What to watch out for

Typical pathologies can affect endurance:

  • hypertension with crises;
  • peptic ulcer;
  • decreased thyroid function;
  • in males - hemophilia;
  • various allergic manifestations and autoimmune diseases;
  • diseases of the respiratory system, especially a tendency to respiratory infections, influenza, complicated by pneumonia, predisposition to tuberculosis;
  • joint damage (arthritis, arthrosis).

Nutritional Features

The diet for blood group 1 takes into account health risk factors, the typical metabolism of “hunters” and a set of optimal products for the functioning of the digestive system. In addition, attention should be paid to the predisposition of people in the first group to be overweight. Most often this is due to a violation of nutritional principles (this is the opinion of supporters of the blood group diet).

To lose weight, it is recommended to “return” to natural purpose. Opinions on this matter are completely opposite: nutritionists have already proven the inconsistency of this approach to health. But for those who are interested and believe, we offer oriental recommendations for the menu.

Constantly eating meat seriously takes a toll on the family budget

Although modern representatives of the first group do not have to chase animals all day long, defeat a mammoth or participate in a fight with a rhinoceros, they are still considered to need a large amount of animal proteins from meat and fish.

What is possible

All varieties of dark meat, fish, and liver are shown. In second place is the bird. Fish oil helps improve blood clotting, contains Omega 3 unsaturated acids, and helps absorb protein. Other seafood products allow you to saturate the body with iodine for the synthesis of thyroid hormones (sea kale).

Protein from dairy products is less digestible, but is essential due to calcium (especially for women). Therefore, people of non-African origin are allowed to eat a little cheese and drink kefir. The same attitude should be towards eating eggs.

Buckwheat is a useful cereal. Vegetables and fruits are needed in large quantities: pineapples, spinach, broccoli, radishes, parsley. Only rye bread. The best drink is green or herbal tea.

What not to do

All legumes are contraindicated (it is believed that they are less harmful to Asian residents due to established cultural traditions), and corn. You can include some legumes (beans, peas, lentils) in food recipes to improve digestion, but do not make them the main dish.

Not everyone is able to withstand the position of leader

What to pay attention to during treatment

Due to the tendency to blood clotting disorders, medications containing aspirin and Gingko Biloba should be taken with caution. To protect the intestines, it is recommended to use probiotics to maintain intestinal flora.

Herbal treatment works well for people with the first blood group. Decoctions of mint, rose hips, tinctures with linden blossom, and ginger soothe. Not recommended: aloe in various forms, tinctures of burdock, corn silk.

Psychologists advise people with blood type O to stop fussing and fight narcissism and arrogance towards others. You should not rush things and seek power at any cost. This can lead to total loneliness.

At the beginning of the 20th century, the Austrian scientist Karl Landsteiner noticed that the red blood cells of some people were agglutinated by serum from others. He memorized agglutination patterns and proved that blood could be divided into groups. Landsteiner received the Nobel Prize for his discovery of the AB0 system.

Attention! Landsteiner explained that reactions between red blood cells and serum are related to the presence of markers (antigens) on the surface of the cells and antibodies in the serum. Agglutination occurred when RBC antigens bound to antibodies in the serum.

What is the AB0 system?

Blood group AB0 antigens are encoded by a single genetic locus, AB0, which has three alternative (allelic) forms: A, B and 0. The child receives one of three alleles from each parent, resulting in six possible genotypes and four blood cell types (phenotypes).

The discovery of the ABO group of red blood cells has caused excitement among scientists. Until then, there was a lack of data on the causes of severe reactions associated with donation. At the moment, the procedure is absolutely safe and carries no risks. The human blood type AB0 has been used by lawyers, police forensics, and anthropologists in the study of different populations.


Group AB0 antigens in the blood are of paramount importance in transfusion medicine - they are the most immunogenic of all blood group compounds. Today, the most common cause of death from blood transfusion is medical error.

However, despite their obvious clinical relevance, the physiological functions of ABO blood group antigens remain a mystery. People with general blood type 0 express neither A nor B antigen and are completely healthy. Numerous associations have been identified between specific ABO phenotypes and increased susceptibility to disease.

Is there a blood type zero?

Many people wonder if there is a blood type zero? An interesting blood type has been discovered in Bombay that reacts strangely to other blood types. Serum from this individual contained antibodies that reacted with all red blood cells from normal ABO phenotypes (groups 0, A, B, and AB).

Named after the city in which it was first discovered, the “Bombay phenomenon” describes people who do not have the H antigen on the surface of their red blood cells. Since antigens A and B cannot exist without the precursor H antigen, their red blood cells do not have these substances either. As a result, these individuals synthesize anti-H, anti-A and anti-B, and therefore can only be transfused with red blood cells, which also do not have the H, A and B antigens. Due to the rarity of this blood type, donors are usually immediate family members.

Individuals with the rare Bombay phenotype (hh) do not express the H antigen (also called substance H), which is present in blood cell group 0. As a result, they cannot synthesize the A antigen (also called substance A) or the B antigen (substance B) , regardless of which alleles were received during the inheritance process. People with this type of red blood cells are called “universal” donors - their biomaterial is suitable for all people.

Important! Transfusion of blood containing AB or O antigens leads to an acute immune reaction and rejection. This condition often ends in death. The most common immunoglobulins synthesized are IgM and IgG. They lead to hemolytic disease of the fetus (HDF).


To avoid complications, it is necessary to promptly diagnose this blood type in a patient, because conventional tests show it as group 0. Anti-H immunoglobulins can provoke fatal hemolysis. This condition cannot be prevented unless the laboratory technologist is aware of the Bombay blood type in the patient being examined. Bombay blood is considered very rare (5 people per million). Given the rarity of the Bombay group, not all patients are able to receive timely medical care.

Why does blood group zero occur?

The biosynthesis of antigens H, A and B involves a series of enzymes (glycosyltransferases) that transfer monosaccharides. The resulting antigens are oligosaccharide chains that are attached to lipids and proteins anchored in the red blood cell membrane. The function of H antigen, other than as an intermediate substrate in the synthesis of ABO blood group agglutinogens, is unknown, although it may be involved in cell adhesion. Blood type zero does not cause any serious diseases in a person, since this is a variant of the norm. H antigen deficiency becomes a problem when blood transfusion is required.

The specificity of the H antigen is determined by the sequence of oligosaccharides. The minimum requirement for H antigenicity is the terminal fucose-galactose disaccharide, where fucose has an alpha(1-2) linkage. This antigen is produced by a specific fucosyltransferase, which catalyzes the final stage of synthesis of the molecule.

Depending on a person's blood type, antigen H is converted into either antigen A or B, or both. If a person has type 0 red blood cell group, the H antigen remains unchanged. Thus, substance-H is present more in blood 0 and less in blood AB.

Two regions of the genome encode two enzymes with similar substrate features: FUT1, FUT2. Both genes are located on chromosome 19 at q.13.3. It is worth noting that FUT1 and FUT2 are closely related to each other. Because these antigens are homologous, they are likely the result of gene duplication from a common ancestor.


The H locus contains four exons that span more than 8 kb of genomic DNA. The Bombay and para-Bombay phenotypes are the result of point mutations in the FUT1 gene. At least one functional copy of FUT1 must be present (H/H or H/h) in the H antigen, which is synthesized on red blood cells. If both copies of FUT1 are inactive (h/h), the result is Bombay blood.

The classic Bombay phenomenon is caused by the Tyr316Ter mutation in the FUT1 coding region. The mutation produces a stop codon, resulting in a truncated enzyme that lacks 50 amino acids at the C-terminus. This causes the enzyme to become inactive.

In Europeans, the Bombay phenomenon can be caused by a number of mutations. Similarly, several mutations underlying the Para-Bombay phenotype have been reported. The Se locus contains the FUT2 gene, which is expressed in the secretory glands. Abnormalities in the expression of FUT2 also lead to the Bombay blood type.

The Bombay phenotype occurs in people who have inherited two recessive alleles of the H gene (h/h). These individuals do not synthesize the H-carbohydrate, which is the precursor to the A and B antigens. Because both parents must carry this recessive allele to pass this type of red blood cell to their children, the condition occurs more often in small, closed communities. There is a high probability that both parents of the child have this type of blood.

Theoretically, the synthesis of anti-H bodies during pregnancy may cause HDP. In practice, cases of HDP caused in this way have not been described. Possibly due to the rarity of the Bombay phenotype or due to IgM produced by the mother's immune system. Because IgM is not transported across placental blood vessels (eg, IgG), it cannot reach the fetal circulation to trigger the expected acute hemolytic reaction.


Advice! Incompatibility in people with group zero occurs when the Rh factor is negative in the mother and positive in the fetus. The mother's immune cells with group zero and Rh negative begin to attack the fetal red blood cells. This discrepancy most often becomes the cause of the development of severe reactions caused by HDP. When this condition occurs, the doctor must evaluate the mother's condition in order to create an effective treatment plan. If there is Rh incompatibility, you must inform your doctor about it.


Determination of the origin and evolution of blood groups using methods of population genetics among different nationalities

The largest number of people on our planet have the first blood group. The first blood group is the most ancient of all groups. Conducted studies prove that for a long time people in the world had only the first blood group. During the migration of peoples, this group spread to all parts of the world. The primitive life of the ancestors, who waged the most brutal struggle for survival and were dexterous and aggressive hunters, left a mark in the blood of the first group.

It has been proven that in stressful situations, a large amount of catecholamines and a reduced amount of monoamine oxidase inhibitors are released into the body of a person with the first blood group, which affect the speed of the reaction to stress. This feature is a distinctive feature of the first group, which was inherited from ancestors for whom a quick reaction was equal to the ability to survive in difficult conditions.

Characteristics of a person of the first blood group

Sometimes its designation is written as blood group 0. This is explained by the fact that there is an AB0 system, which determines the ratio of agglutinogens (antigens) to each of the blood groups. The type of plasma is written as follows:

The first or zero blood group with a negative or positive Rh factor will have the following designations:
  • 0(I) Rh-: zero (first) blood group Rh-negative;
  • 0(I) Rh+: zero (first) blood group Rh-positive.

Future parents are always interested in which group their child will inherit. So, when a baby is born, the probability of inheriting the first group of one of the parents will be:

Thus, a woman with the first blood group will be suitable for a partner with the second, third or fourth blood group.

During pregnancy, it usually plays a role in the compatibility of the mother’s Rh with the baby’s Rh in order to avoid a conflict of Rhesus. This problem is solved by the introduction of anti-Rhesus immunoglobulin serum, which reduces the risk of developing a Rhesus conflict.

Since first negative blood does not have antigens, it is considered universal and, therefore, transfusion can be performed (for example, in emergency situations) to any person if there is no donor blood of his type. However, for a carrier of the first group, only blood of his group and the same Rhesus is suitable, since antigens will certainly cause an intolerance reaction, which can worsen the recipient’s condition. The positive aspects of the human body with the first blood group are a strong immune and digestive system. The entire composition of blood protein is aimed at keeping the body intact, hence the special endurance of these people. However, typical pathologies for this group are:

  • hypertension;
  • dysfunction of the thyroid gland;
  • hemophilia;
  • allergies;
  • respiratory diseases;
  • joint damage (arthritis, arthrosis).

It is safe to say that people with the first blood group owe their stamina and strong-willed character to their ancestors. Thanks to primitive people, the beginning of civilization was laid, and man took the place of leader in the animal world. There was no place for pity or persuasion, only tough pragmatism. Hunting was the main activity, which made people physically stronger.

According to the Japanese theory, which characterizes people by blood type, those in the first group are strong-willed and purposeful people, but quick-tempered, cruel and even aggressive. The character of these people shows firmness and ambition, but they are inclined to constantly search for the meaning of life.

Men with the first blood group are jealous and strive to find a companion who knows how to submit. And women with this group, on the contrary, have such a characteristic as a love of submission. People in the first group prefer physical work. These people love communication and new acquaintances, but what prevents them from being good friends is that they do not accept any criticism addressed to them.

One of the characteristics of people with the first blood group is a reduced metabolism. This feature is explained by the need to accumulate energy for physical activity, which was passed on at the genetic level from the ancestors (energy for hunting). Therefore, the main goal of nutrition for a person with such a group is to eat foods that will increase the metabolic rate. This primarily concerns the consumption of red meat. At the same time, they suffer from eating disorders much less often, but they have problems with high cholesterol. Due to problems with blood clotting, a person with the first group should consume more foods containing vitamin K and vitamin B. In this case, it will be useful to take fish oil, which will improve blood coagulability. In addition, the digestive system is highly acidic, which leads to stomach ulcers, so people with the first blood group are better off abstaining or limiting the consumption of fermented milk products.

When selecting a balanced diet for the first group, the following must be taken into account:

Useful to use: Limit consumption: Do not use:
Veal, lamb, beef, turkey, meat by-products. Rabbit meat, duck meat. Pork, lard, goose meat.
Sturgeon, halibut, salmon, herring, hake, trout, cod, mackerel, sardine, seaweed and seaweed. Squid, carp, flounder, shrimp, pike perch, tuna, eel. Caviar, catfish, smoked or marinated fish, salted herring.
Legumes, broccoli, lettuce, spinach, radish, daikon. Carrots, pumpkin, asparagus, parsley, dill, chili pepper. Corn, white cabbage, avocado, potatoes, lentils
Any sweet fruit Any sweet fruit Citrus
Pineapple juice, herbal teas, rosehip infusion, green tea. Beer, red and white wine, chamomile and ginseng tea. Coffee, black tea, strong drinks, infusions of aloe, St. John's wort, echinacea.
Homemade cheese, butter. Full-fat milk, processed cheese, kefir, yoghurts with additives, cottage cheese. Ice cream.
Olive oil, flaxseed oil. Sunflower oil, margarine. Peanut oil, corn oil and soybean oil.

Fasting days with vegetables, boiled fish or meat will be useful. It is recommended to eat the food boiled or baked.

In addition to a balanced diet, a person with blood type O should not neglect physical activity.

Exercises for the first blood type should be intense so as not to gain excess weight with a slow metabolism. The following sports are suitable for people with blood type O: skiing, skating, swimming, running, strength exercises in the gym.

Blood is the source of energy, nutrition and functionality of the entire body. It is believed that the first blood group is the most ancient. Its age, as experts were able to determine, is about 60 thousand years. Doctors also call it the purest, as it consists of antibodies and does not contain foreign substances (antigens). It has a specific feature that can protect the body from harmful microorganisms and infections. Due to the different physiological composition, blood is divided into 4 groups. The first positive blood group is the most common. Almost 50% of the world's population are its carriers.

Which donors are suitable?

The main difference between blood groups is the absence of antibodies that can react with other blood groups. It is for this reason that a person with such a group is able to be a universal donor. 1 positive blood group is suitable for owners of any other, from group I to IV, regardless of the Rh factor.

The influence of the Rh factor on the body can manifest itself in the following cases:

  • During pregnancy, if the rhesus of the child and mother is incompatible.
  • During surgery, where there is a possibility of .

In other cases, the presence of a positive or negative Rh factor does not affect the body, and accordingly, cannot cause any discomfort.


Future parents are obliged to take care of the health of the unborn baby and mother, ensuring a smooth pregnancy. For these purposes, they must donate blood for laboratory testing and find out their blood type and Rh factor.

If the husband and wife are positive or negative, then the children will inherit the Rhesus identical to their parents and there will be no problems. Conception and intrauterine development of the baby are most favorable. The same thing happens with the acquisition of the parent’s blood type. More often, mothers. Therefore, if the mother has 1 positive blood group, then in 90% of cases the child will take it, regardless of what blood group the father has.

Rhesus conflict

The main danger during pregnancy is. It can occur if the father has a positive Rh factor. The probability of a child being Rhesus is the same in relation to both parents.

If the baby takes the mother's blood - negative, the pregnancy will not cause problems and will not affect healthy development and a successful birth.

Difficulty can only arise when the child receives a negative Rh factor from the father. This is called Rh conflict, incompatibility between the blood of mother and fetus.

Throughout your pregnancy, you need to carefully “listen” to your body, register early with the antenatal clinic, take all tests on time and not miss scheduled visits to the doctor.

Can be very dangerous. The female body is a complex mechanism in terms of labor. Antibodies that are produced in a woman may seek to destroy the fetus. Despite the fact that in 50% of cases newborns acquire blood of a positive Rh factor, part of the blood during childbirth goes to the mother, which leads to rejection of a different Rh factor. In this case, Rh conflict can provoke a miscarriage or intrauterine death of the baby.

Subsequent births can also cause danger, as they tend to accumulate and can destroy fetal blood cells. In this case, doctors recommend, during the first birth, to introduce antibodies into the woman’s body that can destroy the positive cells of the fetus. As a rule, after the correct manipulations, the second and all subsequent pregnancies proceed without problems. The birth of a baby will be a pleasant moment and will not cause worries about health.

Metabolism in people with 1 positive blood group contributes to the productive use of calories. Eating carbohydrate-containing foods in large quantities can lead to edema, a decrease in the basic functions of the thyroid gland and even obesity.

There is an increased risk of diabetes mellitus. It is quite obvious that there must be a correct diet for the first positive blood group and a healthy lifestyle. Of course, such advice can be given to representatives of absolutely any blood type, but some dietary features should still be taken into account.

The basis for keeping the body in good shape and ensuring a good mood are protein-containing foods.

These are all types of meat products, preferably dark meat and liver. This type of product should dominate the diet. Products containing protein can saturate the body even in small quantities, quickly relieve hunger and prevent overeating. Helps maintain healthy metabolism

Seafood products can supply the body with iodine, which will improve the synthesis of thyroid hormones. Let us remind you that the thyroid gland is the “weak point” of representatives of the 1st blood group. Fish is phosphorus and a vital set of microelements, vitamins and minerals. Seafood is especially good at promoting smooth, painless menstruation in women.

Particular attention should be paid to herbs and infusions. The best remedy for the body from toxins and toxins is herbal tincture. It will be most effective if it consists of ginger, mint and rose hips.

Vegetable salads have a beneficial effect. They are quickly absorbed by the body and enrich the blood with essential vitamins.

Dairy products are less healthy. This is due to the difficulty in digesting the protein contained in this type of product line. In this regard, it is not recommended to overuse foods such as cheese, kefir and eggs. Since people in this category are 3 times more likely to suffer from peptic ulcers, you should dose all legumes (beans, lentils) and corn in your diet. Use citrus fruits in limited quantities: orange, lemon. For good health, minimize coffee and sweets.

The prevalence of people with this group is the highest. They number up to 33% of the world's inhabitants, in some territories - half of the population.

Origin of blood group 1

400 centuries ago, it was people with this blood type who began to be called “human”. They laid the foundation of our civilization. Although at that time they did not differ in special mental abilities. But they were able to ensure the survival of their family. The main activity is hunting animals. These were physically strong people. They did not know how to negotiate; those who disagreed were immediately destroyed.

No democracy was allowed. People with the first group were the founders of the principle “those who are not with us are against us.”

Who can have children with the first group

The fetal blood type depends on genetic preferences for maternal or paternal characteristics.

The first group is formed if:

  • both mother and father have the same group - the first;
  • at least one of the parents is the owner of the first group, and the other - the second or third.

If a parent with group 4 has AB antigens, the baby will definitely get one of them. Therefore, geneticists know that the combination of the first and fourth groups does not give the fetus the first group.

Rh compatibility problems

Rh in the blood is considered as an additional erythrocyte antigen. It is either present (Rh+) or absent (Rh-).

If both parents have blood type 1 Rh-negative, then the baby will also be (Rh-). In conditions where only one of the parents does not have the Rh factor, the probability of having a Rh positive and Rh negative baby is divided equally.

Rh compatibility is important for the birth of a healthy child and the course of pregnancy, as well as if blood transfusion is necessary for a patient with the first group.

Family happiness depends on timely examination of parents

Implications for pregnancy

During pregnancy, for women without an Rh factor in the blood, compatibility with the Rh factor of the fetus is important. And this depends on the genes of the child’s father. For an Rh-positive mother, the characteristics of the child’s blood do not matter. The absence of the Rh factor in a woman’s blood can cause an outbreak of conflict with the fetus when the child chooses a positive paternal gene.

Towards the end of the first pregnancy or immediately during subsequent ones, the immune cells of the mother’s body try to get rid of the foreign protein.

At best, the child will be born with many diseases (jaundice, impaired liver function, anemia). During the second pregnancy, placental rejection and early miscarriage occur.

Implications for blood transfusion

People with the first Rh negative group are considered universal donors. Their blood has no antigens at all. Such blood can be transfused in emergency cases to any person if single-type blood is not available at the moment.

For the owner of the first group, only blood of the same group according to the AB0 and Rhesus system is suitable. Any excess antigens will cause an intolerance reaction, which will complicate the patient's condition.

Planned blood transfusions are prohibited due to the presence of other individual incompatibility indicators

Character traits

To combat difficulties, people with the first group are endowed by nature with high volitional abilities. Such people become leaders, regardless of what they call the people to. They are able to achieve a goal without worrying about moral characteristics.

The study of character traits made it possible to establish the presence of increased emotionality and a developed sense of self-preservation. Such qualities of a leader allow him to calculate the degree of risk, think first of all about his own benefit, and analyze the result of his work.

They do not tolerate criticism and are jealous. They are more likely to be suited not for professions, but for positions with a leadership focus.

What to watch out for

Typical pathologies can affect endurance:

  • hypertension with crises;
  • peptic ulcer;
  • decreased thyroid function;
  • in males - hemophilia;
  • various allergic manifestations and autoimmune diseases;
  • diseases of the respiratory system, especially a tendency to respiratory infections, influenza, complicated by pneumonia, predisposition to tuberculosis;
  • joint damage (arthritis, arthrosis).

Nutritional Features

The diet for blood group 1 takes into account health risk factors, the typical metabolism of “hunters” and a set of optimal products for the functioning of the digestive system. In addition, attention should be paid to the predisposition of people in the first group to be overweight. Most often this is due to a violation of nutritional principles (this is the opinion of supporters of the blood group diet).

To lose weight, it is recommended to “return” to natural purpose. Opinions on this matter are completely opposite: nutritionists have already proven the inconsistency of this approach to health. But for those who are interested and believe, we offer oriental recommendations for the menu.

Constantly eating meat seriously takes a toll on the family budget

Although modern representatives of the first group do not have to chase animals all day long, defeat a mammoth or participate in a fight with a rhinoceros, they are still considered to need a large amount of animal proteins from meat and fish.

What is possible

All varieties of dark meat, fish, and liver are shown. In second place is the bird. Fish oil helps improve blood clotting, contains Omega 3 unsaturated acids, and helps absorb protein. Other seafood products allow you to saturate the body with iodine for the synthesis of thyroid hormones (sea kale).

Protein from dairy products is less digestible, but is essential due to calcium (especially for women). Therefore, people of non-African origin are allowed to eat a little cheese and drink kefir. The same attitude should be towards eating eggs.

Buckwheat is a useful cereal. Vegetables and fruits are needed in large quantities: pineapples, spinach, broccoli, radishes, parsley. Only rye bread. The best drink is green or herbal tea.

What not to do

All legumes are contraindicated (it is believed that they are less harmful to Asian residents due to established cultural traditions), and corn. You can include some legumes (beans, peas, lentils) in food recipes to improve digestion, but do not make them the main dish.

Not everyone is able to withstand the position of leader

What to pay attention to during treatment

Due to the tendency to blood clotting disorders, medications containing aspirin and Gingko Biloba should be taken with caution. To protect the intestines, it is recommended to use probiotics to maintain intestinal flora.

Herbal treatment works well for people with the first blood group. Decoctions of mint, rose hips, tinctures with linden blossom, and ginger soothe. Not recommended: aloe in various forms, tinctures of burdock, corn silk.

Psychologists advise people with blood type O to stop fussing and fight narcissism and arrogance towards others. You should not rush things and seek power at any cost. This can lead to total loneliness.

Yes, it's a good site, really.

0(1)Rh - my blood is the original structure of a person, it must be reproduced and multiplied, which is what I would do with the beautiful half of humanity.

And I did just that, my four daughters also have the first group.

I have the second positive, the father of the child has the fourth negative. The child's first test was positive. How's that?

If, for example, a woman is with group 2, and a man is with group 4, the child can have any blood group from 1 with Rh positive factor to group 4. Also if group 1 is combined with group 4. Even a black person may have 1 group, but he will have a completely different subgroup.

I read that 1 and 4 cannot make 1.

I have 1+, the father of the child has 4+, and the child has 2+.

That's right, the first and fourth give 2 and 3

The neighbor probably also has the first positive one.

My husband got the fourth one, I got the first one, my daughter got the third one)

Even I don’t understand, if I am 1+, and my wife is 2+, then which child should be born with?

We had a boy 2+

Will there be a child if the father has 1+ and the mother 1-?

I + or II + group. | only in 6% of cases, but maybe

Mom ll+ and dad ll+. What group should a child have?

First positive blood group: features and characteristics

There are four categories of blood groups in the world: I (0), II (A), III (B) and IV (AB), with the first being the most common.

Characteristics of the first blood group

The group is called “hunters” or “predators”. Appearing, according to some estimates, 000 years ago during the time of the Neanderthals, the first group is rightfully considered the most ancient. Our distant ancestors actively consumed not only fruits and plants, but also insects and animals. Carriers of group I have a strong character and boundless courage. In ancient times, only men of this blood type went hunting.

How many of its carriers are there on the planet?

As mentioned above, the first positive blood type is the most common. According to statistics, this is 42-45% of the world's population. The “national characteristics” of this group are also noteworthy. For example, among Russians and Belarusians the number of I(0) speakers is more than 90%.

One for all: universal donor

The first positive group has always been considered universal due to the absence of antigens. It contains alpha and beta antibodies and has no foreign elements, which is why people with the first (zero) group are called universal donors. This blood is suitable for all people. However, there is one feature that cannot be ignored: blood of group zero is prone to coagulation disorders. This is true when the carrier purchases medications without a doctor’s prescription.

Compatibility table for blood transfusion

Character of women and men with the first positive blood group (rh)

People of the first group with positive Rhesus can rightfully be called the most positive and strong-willed. They are born leaders and, thanks to their self-confidence, always achieve their goals.

Having appeared as the very first, this group is characterized by loyalty to traditions, moderate conservatism, as well as some hunting qualities. Such people cannot stand being pushed around, but they themselves willingly subjugate people. Negative qualities identified include irritability, intolerance of criticism, cruelty, and impulsiveness.

People of the zero group often occupy leading positions and are able to achieve success in any craft, however, given their explosive nature, we can confidently state that entrepreneurial activity is best suited for such people. Such people are often fond of extreme sports, which confirms their fearlessness. Good health and strong nerves allow “hunters” to live for many years.

If we talk about temperament, the first blood group provides some information here too. For example, men are confident in their own uniqueness. While narcissistic, they are also pathologically jealous. And such men are also selfish and incredibly sexy, and this in no way harms their health.

They do not have to suffer from depression and other mental anguish. Occasionally, gastrointestinal diseases such as gastritis or ulcers will cause concern, and in addition, the thyroid gland or allergic reactions may come to mind. The immune system is strong, and the instinct of self-preservation is perfectly developed.

Women in the first group are incredibly calm and optimistic. It is almost impossible to unbalance them, and high efficiency and perseverance invariably lead to the intended goal. And the fair half with 0(I) Rh+ is monogamous in choosing a partner and prefers to live with one chosen one all her life.

First blood group Rh (+): pregnancy planning

Both parents, long before conceiving a child, need to undergo a blood group and Rh factor compatibility test. This is not a mere formality, but a necessity, because... Most miscarriages and missed pregnancies are caused by blood group mismatches. In some cases, pregnancy may not occur at all.

Despite modern technology, it is very difficult to determine the exact biological data of the unborn child. We can only predict them based on parental tests.

For example, if the mother and father have the first (zero) group with positive Rh, then the child will most likely receive the same zero, while the risk of developing Rh negative still remains.

But the presence of identical antigens, but different Rhs should seriously concern us. In this case, the expectant mother will have to take a course of special injections.

Below is a compatibility table for determining blood groups and the Rh factor of the fetus.

Course of pregnancy

Pregnancy with I (0) will not cause complications in situations if:

The risk is high when a woman with I(0) carries a second or third child. The newborn may develop hemolytic disease. The risk group also includes women who have previously had a miscarriage or abortion, or those who have had a blood transfusion, or who have a child with a mental developmental disorder.

A positive Rhesus mother never causes any problems during pregnancy. Fetal development proceeds as usual, without unpleasant surprises.

Diet and proper nutrition

In this case, it is difficult to say that each person, relying on his positive Rh, eats correctly, that is, follows a diet. This is absolutely not true. But for those who still prefer such restrictions, we can highlight some products that are useful and not very useful. The diet should contain more protein products. This includes various types of lean fish and meat.

The nature of the diet should include meat products in the diet, otherwise a person will always feel hungry. The diet also provides for the absence of meat products, which can lead to the onset of irritability and other negative emotions. Then it is possible to experience insomnia and constant bad mood. The first group, positive, is quite picky, so people with such indicators are also quite characteristic and sometimes difficult to please. In addition to all this, it is worth noting that meat products should be less fatty.

Seafood is ideal as a diet. For example, the compatibility of eating seafood with meat dishes is good for women during menstruation. This way the body will receive everything it needs, and the mood will also be good. Vegetables and non-acidic fruits are also especially useful as a diet. Real infusions are best suited as drinks. These can be various decoctions of rose hips, mint or ginger.

It is worth noting that such drinks for blood group 1 have a good effect on the figure - they promote weight loss. You get not only a healthy, but also an effective diet. In this case, the main thing is to consume as little carbohydrates and fatty foods as possible, since people with the 1st positive group have a greater tendency to be overweight. Especially if there is a hereditary predisposition. The nature of nutrition in this case should always be under control and not be lazy to engage in physical activity.

The diet does not consist of limiting yourself in everything, but in particular from a large amount of carbohydrates, heavy cereals, potatoes and flour. Thus, the positive 1st group, no matter what rhesus you have, will not affect your figure, and you will feel good. Diet quite often helps to cope with even the most severe ailments, because with various diseases the human digestive tract often suffers. If you don’t care about your figure, then you don’t need a diet, because otherwise you can gain weight even from the most dietary foods.

Despite the stamina and good health of representatives of the first blood group, you should still observe some features both in nutrition and when planning pregnancy.

Video: characteristic features of the 1st positive blood group

Material updated 02/20/2018

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The material is published for informational purposes only and under no circumstances can it be considered a substitute for medical consultation with a specialist in a medical institution. The site administration is not responsible for the results of using the posted information. For questions of diagnosis and treatment, as well as prescribing medications and determining their dosage regimen, we recommend that you consult a doctor.

what have you heard about blood group (0) 1?

Type 0 (I group) - “Hunter”

This blood group is the oldest. From it, in the process of evolution, other groups descended. 33.5% of the world's population belongs to this type. A strong, self-sufficient leader. Strengths:

Strong digestive system.

Strong immune system

Systems designed for efficient metabolism and nutrient retention

Difficulty adapting to changes in diet and environmental conditions

Sometimes the immune system is too active and acts against the body itself (allergies)

Blood clotting problems (poor clotting)

Inflammatory processes - arthritis

Increased stomach acidity - ulcers

High protein diet - meat eaters.

Good: meat (except pork), fish, seafood, Vegetables and fruits (except sour), pineapples, rye bread, limited. quantity

Limit: cereals, especially oatmeal, wheat and products made from it (including wheat bread). Legumes and buckwheat are fine.

Avoid: Cabbage (except broccoli), Wheat and all products made from it, Corn and all products made from it, Marinades, ketchup. Beverages:

Good: green tea, herbal teas from rose hips, ginger, mint, cayenne pepper, licorice, linden; seltzer.

Neutral: beer, red and white wine, tea from chamomile, ginseng, sage, valerian, raspberry leaf.

Avoid: coffee, hard liquor, aloe, St. John's wort, senna, echinacea, strawberry leaf

Weight control program:

Exclude: Fresh cabbage; Legumes; Corn; Wheat; Citrus; Ice cream; Sugar; Marinades; Potato; Helps:

Seaweed (brown, kelp); Fish and seafood; Iodized salt; Meat, especially beef, lamb, liver; Greens, salads, spinach, broccoli, radishes Vitamins and food supplements B vitamins, vitamin K. Calcium, manganese, iodine.

Licorice root (licorice), seaweed. Pancreatic enzymes.

Avoid: Vitamin A, vitamin E.

To maintain good physical shape and especially in a weight loss program - very intense exercises: aerobics, skiing, running, swimming

I Weight loss program

For type “0” the main problem is low metabolism. There are the following factors that can increase your metabolic rate and thus reduce weight:

1. Remove wheat and all products made from it, corn, legumes, and lentils from the diet - they block insulin production and thereby slow down metabolism.

2. Remove all types of cabbage (except broccoli) and all oat products from the diet - they inhibit the production of thyroid hormones (thyroid hormones) and thereby slow down metabolism.

Increase the consumption of foods containing iodine - seafood, seaweed, greens (salads, spinach, broccoli), iodized salt, as well as foods that stimulate the production of thyroid hormones - radish, radish, daikon. It’s good to make juice from them half and half with carrots.

3. Eat meat (red), liver. These foods also increase your metabolic rate.

4. Intense physical exercise.

II To solve the problem of blood clotting (if any) - foods containing vitamin K: greens, salads, seaweed, meat, liver, cod liver oil, eggs. Avoid yeast foods; if the balance of intestinal bacteria is disturbed, take acidophilus and bifidobacteria.

III Be careful when taking aspirin (it increases acidity and thins the blood) and Gingko Biloba (the effect of increasing blood circulation occurs due to its thinning).

“universal” - it is only in anatomy textbooks for the 9th grade. for transfusion to other groups it can only be used in the most extreme cases! and even then in very small quantities

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  4. The meaning of all blood groups, compatibility, character, possible diseases and nutrition

Blood type is a certain combination of characteristics of red blood cells that is transmitted genetically from parents. Blood type does not change throughout a person’s life. Determining blood type is an important factor in pregnancy management and during surgery.

Not all blood groups are compatible with each other, which plays an important role during transfusion. Blood groups differ in their composition, based on this, nutritional recommendations for people with a certain group and characteristics of more common diseases have been developed.

Group 1, Rhesus – positive 0(I)Rh+

Medical significance

The most common blood group, as it is considered the most ancient. This blood is universally suitable for transfusion to many other groups.

The first blood group does not contain antibodies or foreign substances.

The first blood group contains alpha and beta agglutinins; there are no group agglutinogens on red blood cells.


Blood group compatibility plays an important role during transfusion, since the combination of antibodies and antigens in them is different. In addition, attention is paid to the Rh factor of the blood group.

  • The first blood group with a positive Rh factor can be transfused to all groups with Rh +.
  • The donor for the first positive blood group can be group 1 with Rh + or -.

Person's character

A person’s character often depends on his zodiac and name. Blood type also influences behavior and some character traits. When reading the description of character by blood type, remember that some traits of a positive Rh factor may be present in a negative one and vice versa.

Characteristics of behavior and main character traits:

  • have a sense of purpose and independence;
  • an innate sense of optimism and leadership qualities;
  • they are often in a good mood;
  • take a responsible attitude towards life and marital responsibilities;
  • have a thirst for power;
  • tolerate criticism acutely and painfully;
  • They are aimed at achieving results and can often be selfish.

Possible diseases

Due to poor nutrition and predisposition, people with blood type 1+ are prone to diseases:

  • peptic ulcer of the duodenum and stomach;
  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • skin diseases;
  • liver and stomach cancer;
  • cholecystitis;
  • lung and bone cancer;
  • hemophilia;
  • appendicitis;
  • breast cancer;
  • are more likely to become infected with influenza.


To keep the body in good shape, give it strength and health, it is important to adhere to nutritional recommendations for blood groups. By organizing proper nutrition for your blood type, you can improve your metabolism, lose extra pounds, and increase your body’s performance.

Group 1, Rhesus – negative 0(I)Rh-

Medical significance

The first blood group is universal for transfusion; it contains a protein that can be changed in the laboratory.

A negative Rh factor can create problems with conceiving a child; in addition, pregnant women with a Rh factor “-” need to carefully monitor the course of their term.


The first blood group with a negative Rh factor is universal for all groups.

  • It can be transfused to all four blood groups with positive or negative Rh factor.
  • Only a person with similar indicators can become a donor for the first negative blood group.

Person's character

Possible diseases

Due to poor nutrition and predisposition, people with blood group 1 are prone to diseases:

  • digestive disorders;
  • diseases of the lungs and bronchi;
  • tuberculosis;
  • acute pneumonia;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • kidney stone disease;
  • hypertension;
  • Chronical bronchitis;
  • allergies.


  • chicken;
  • beef;
  • mutton;
  • turkey;
  • rabbit;
  • liver;
  • kidneys;
  • heart;
  • buckwheat porridge;
  • pumpkin porridge;
  • seafood;
  • fish;
  • seaweed;
  • fruits and vegetables that do not cause fermentation;
  • walnuts;
  • green tea;
  • infusion of linden, rosehip, chamomile.

Foods that should be limited or excluded from the diet:

Group 2, Rhesus – positive A(II)Rh+

Medical significance

Common blood type. Red blood cells of the second blood group contain agglutinogen A, and in plasma - agglutinin beta.


  • If the blood type is 2+, it can be transfused to a similar group or 4+.
  • A person with group 1+/- and 2+/ can become a donor for this blood group

Person's character

Characteristics of behavior and main character traits:

Possible diseases

Due to poor nutrition and predisposition, people with blood type 2+ are prone to diseases:

  • gastritis with low acidity;
  • obesity;
  • stones in the bile ducts;
  • stones in the kidneys;
  • cholecystitis;
  • caries;
  • thyroid diseases;
  • diabetes;
  • cervical and ovarian cancer;
  • dysfunction of the immune system;
  • resmatism.


  • fruits;
  • fresh vegetables;
  • eggs;
  • chicken and turkey in small quantities;
  • freshly squeezed carrot, grapefruit, pineapple, cherry juice;
  • coffee;
  • soy products;
  • flaxseed and olive oil;
  • all types of fish, except flounder, herring and caviar;
  • skim cheese;
  • rarely – low-fat cheese.

Foods that should be limited or excluded from the diet:

  • bananas;
  • oranges;
  • tangerines;
  • meat – pork, beef, lamb;
  • dairy products;
  • sour fruits and vegetables;
  • citrus juices;
  • carbonated drinks;
  • Black tea;
  • seasonings;
  • spicy food;
  • mustard;
  • ketchup;
  • Wheat flour;
  • fried food.

Group 2, Rhesus – negative A(II)Rh-

Medical significance

Red blood cells of the second blood group contain agglutinogen A, and in plasma - agglutinin beta.


The compatibility of the second blood group is more limited than that of the first.

  • If group 2-, it can be transfused to groups 2+/- and 4+/-.
  • A person with group 1- or 2- can become a donor for this group.

Person's character

Characteristics of behavior and main character traits:

Possible diseases

Due to poor nutrition and predisposition, people with blood type 2 are prone to diseases:

  • thrombosis;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • hypertension;
  • heart attacks;
  • diabetes;
  • viral hepatitis;
  • obesity;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • epilepsy;
  • acute appendicitis;
  • caries;
  • salivary, mammary, pancreatic cancer;
  • skin diseases.


Foods that should be limited or excluded from the diet:

Group 3, Rhesus – positive B(III)Rh+

Medical significance


  • If blood group is 3+, it can be transfused to people with blood group 3+ and 4+.
  • A person with group 1+/- and 3+/- can become a donor for this blood group.

Person's character

Characteristics of behavior and main character traits:

Possible diseases

Due to poor nutrition and predisposition, people with blood group 3+ are prone to diseases:

  • obesity;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • chronic fatigue;
  • multiple atherosclerosis;
  • type 1 diabetes;
  • gastritis;
  • digestive disorders;
  • dysentery;
  • cancer of the esophagus, pancreas;
  • psychoses;
  • neuroses.


Foods that should be limited or excluded from the diet:

Group 3, Rhesus – negative B(III)Rh-

Medical significance

Red blood cells of the third blood group contain agglutinogen B, and in plasma - agglutinin alpha.


  • Transfusion of the third blood group with negative Rh factor is possible for people with 3+/- and 4+/-.
  • Donors for this blood group can be people with 1- and 3-.

Person's character

Characteristics of behavior and main character traits:

Possible diseases

Due to poor nutrition and predisposition, people with blood group 3 are prone to diseases:

  • colon tumors;
  • pathologies of the genitourinary system;
  • leukemia;
  • cancer of the mammary glands, esophagus;
  • peritonitis;
  • complications after wounds;
  • cystitis;
  • caries;
  • Parkinson's disease;
  • polio;
  • neuroses and psychoses;
  • parainfluenza


Foods that should be limited or excluded from the diet:

Group 4, Rhesus – positive AB(IV)Rh+

Medical significance

Red blood cells of the fourth blood group contain antigens B and A; there are no agglutinins in the plasma that can glue foreign red blood cells together.

  • If a patient has a fourth positive blood group, he can only be transfused with a similar group.
  • A donor for group 4+ can be all four blood groups with any Rh factor.

Person's character

Characteristics of behavior and main character traits:

Possible diseases

Due to poor nutrition and predisposition, people with blood group 4+ are prone to diseases:

  • atherosclerosis;
  • obesity;
  • disorders of the cardiovascular system;
  • thrombosis;
  • neurosis;
  • psychosis;
  • purulent infections;
  • viral hepatitis;
  • frequent acute respiratory infections;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • mycosis;
  • cancer of the skin, bones, intestines;
  • elevated cholesterol levels.


Foods that should be limited or excluded from the diet:

Group 4, Rhesus – negative AB(IV)Rh-

Medical significance

Red blood cells of the fourth blood group contain antigens B and A, but there are no agglutinins in plasma.


  • Transfusions of the fourth negative blood group can be given to people with groups 4+ and 4-.
  • Donors for the fourth negative blood group can be people with groups 1, 2, 3, and 4.

Person's character

Characteristics of behavior and main character traits:

Possible diseases

Due to poor nutrition and predisposition, people with blood type 4 are prone to diseases:

  • cancer of soft tissues, intestines, pancreas;
  • increased blood clotting;
  • obesity;
  • neurosis;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • Congenital heart defect;
  • blood diseases are more common;
  • congenital forms of anemia.


Foods that should be limited or excluded from the diet:

Blood type (AB0): essence, definition in a child, compatibility, what does it affect?

Some life situations (upcoming surgery, pregnancy, desire to become a donor, etc.) require an analysis, which we are accustomed to simply calling “blood type.” Meanwhile, in the broad understanding of this term, there is some inaccuracy here, since most of us mean the well-known erythrocyte AB0 system, described in 1901 by Landsteiner, but do not know about it and therefore say “blood test for group”, thus separating another important Rhesus system.

Karl Landsteiner, who was awarded the Nobel Prize for this discovery, throughout his life continued to work on the search for other antigens located on the surface of red blood cells, and in 1940 the world learned about the existence of the Rhesus system, which ranks second in importance. In addition, scientists in 1927 found protein substances isolated in the erythrocyte systems - MNs and Pp. At that time, this was a huge breakthrough in medicine, because people suspected that blood loss could lead to the death of the body, and that someone else’s blood could save a life, so attempts were made to transfuse it from animals to humans and from humans to humans. Unfortunately, success did not always come, but science has confidently moved forward and now we only talk about blood group out of habit, meaning the AB0 system.

What is a blood type and how did it become known?

Determination of blood group is based on the classification of genetically determined individually specific proteins of all tissues of the human body. These organ-specific protein structures are called antigens(alloantigens, isoantigens), but they should not be confused with antigens specific to certain pathological formations (tumors) or proteins that cause infections that enter the body from the outside.

The antigenic set of tissues (and blood, of course), given from birth, determines the biological individuality of a particular individual, which can be a person, any animal, or a microorganism, that is, isoantigens characterize group-specific characteristics that make it possible to distinguish these individuals within their species.

The alloantigenic properties of our tissues began to be studied by Karl Landsteiner, who mixed the blood (erythrocytes) of people with the sera of other people and noticed that in some cases the erythrocytes stick together (agglutination), while in others the color remains homogeneous. True, at first the scientist found 3 groups (A, B, C), 4 blood group (AB) was discovered later by the Czech Jan Jansky. In 1915, the first standard sera containing specific antibodies (agglutinins) that determine group affiliation were already obtained in England and America. In Russia, the blood group according to the AB0 system began to be determined in 1919, but digital designations (1, 2, 3, 4) were introduced into practice in 1921, and a little later they began to use alphanumeric nomenclature, where antigens were designated by Latin letters (A and B), and antibodies - Greek (α and β).

It turns out there are so many of them...

To date, immunohematology has been replenished with more than 250 antigens located on erythrocytes. The main erythrocyte antigen systems include:

  • AB0, containing varieties of antigens A, B, H;
  • MNSs (M, N, S, s, U);
  • Rhesus (Rhesus, Rh - D, C, E, d, c, e);
  • P (P 1 , P 2 , p, p k);
  • Lutheran (Lutheran - Lu a, Lu b);
  • Kell (Kell - K, k) or Kell-Cellano;
  • Lewis (Lewis - Le a Le b). This system divides the human population into “excretors” (80%) and “non-excretors” (20%) and was previously (before the advent of genetic fingerprinting) together with other systems actively used in forensic medicine;
  • Duffy - Fy a, Fy b)
  • Kidd (Kidd - Jk a, Jk b);
  • Diego (Diego - Di a, Di b);
  • Ii (I, i);
  • Xg (Xg a).

These systems, in addition to transfusiology (blood transfusion), where the main role still belongs to AB0 and Rh, most often remind themselves of themselves in obstetric practice (miscarriages, stillbirths, the birth of children with severe hemolytic disease), but to determine the erythrocyte antigens of many systems (except AB0 , Rh) is not always possible, which is due to the lack of typing sera, the production of which requires large material and labor costs. Thus, when we talk about blood groups 1, 2, 3, 4, we mean the main antigenic system of erythrocytes, called the AB0 system.

Table: possible combinations of AB0 and Rh (blood groups and Rh factors)

In addition, approximately from the middle of the last century, antigens began to be discovered one after another:

  1. Platelets, which in most cases repeated the antigenic determinants of erythrocytes, but with a lesser degree of severity, which makes it difficult to determine the blood group on platelets;
  2. Nuclear cells, primarily lymphocytes (HLA - histocompatibility system), which have opened up wide opportunities for organ and tissue transplantation and solving some genetic problems (hereditary predisposition to a certain pathology);
  3. Plasma proteins (the number of described genetic systems has already exceeded a dozen).

The discoveries of many genetically determined structures (antigens) made it possible not only to take a different approach to determining the blood group, but also to strengthen the position of clinical immunohematology in terms of combating various pathological processes, made possible safe blood transfusion, as well as organ and tissue transplantation.

Main system dividing people into 4 groups

The group affiliation of erythrocytes depends on group-specific antigens A and B (agglutinogens):

  • Containing protein and polysaccharides;
  • Closely associated with the stroma of red blood cells;
  • Not related to hemoglobin, which is not involved in any way in the agglutination reaction.

By the way, agglutinogens can be found on other blood cells (platelets, leukocytes) or in tissues and body fluids (saliva, tears, amniotic fluid), where they are detected in much smaller quantities.

Thus, on the stroma of the erythrocytes of a particular person, antigens A and B can be found (together or separately, but always forming a pair, for example, AB, AA, A0 or BB, B0) or they may not be found there at all (00).

In addition, globulin fractions (agglutinins α and β) compatible with the antigen (A with β, B with α) float in the blood plasma, called natural antibodies.

Obviously, in the first group, which does not contain antigens, both types of group antibodies will be present - α and β. In the fourth group, normally there should not be any natural globulin fractions, because if this is allowed, antigens and antibodies will begin to stick together: α will agglutinate (glue) A, and β, respectively, B.

Depending on combinations of options and the presence of certain antigens and antibodies, the group affiliation of human blood can be represented in the following form:

  • 1 blood group 0αβ(I): antigens - 00(I), antibodies - α and β;
  • Blood group 2 Aβ(II): antigens – AA or A0(II), antibodies – β;
  • Blood group 3 Bα(III): antigens – BB or B0(III), antibodies – α
  • 4 blood group AB0(IV): antigens only A and B, no antibodies.

The reader may be surprised to learn that there is a blood type that does not fit this classification. It was discovered in 1952 by a Bombay resident, which is why it is called “Bombay”. Antigenic-serological variant of red blood cells type « Bombey» does not contain antigens of the AB0 system, and in the serum of such people, along with natural antibodies α and β, anti-H are detected(antibodies directed at substance H, differentiating antigens A and B and preventing their presence on the stroma of red blood cells). Subsequently, “Bombay” and other rare types of group affiliation were found in different parts of the planet. Of course, you cannot envy such people, because in the event of massive blood loss, they need to look for a life-saving environment all over the globe.

Ignorance of the laws of genetics can cause tragedy in the family

The blood group of each person according to the AB0 system is the result of inheriting one antigen from the mother and another from the father. Receiving hereditary information from both parents, a person in his phenotype has half of each of them, that is, the blood group of the parents and the child is a combination of two characteristics, and therefore may not coincide with the blood group of the father or mother.

Discrepancies between the blood groups of parents and the child give rise to doubts and suspicions of their spouse’s infidelity in the minds of some men. This happens due to the lack of basic knowledge of the laws of nature and genetics, therefore, in order to avoid tragic mistakes on the part of the male sex, whose ignorance often breaks happy family relationships, we consider it necessary to once again explain where a child’s blood group according to the AB0 system comes from and give examples of expected results.

Option 1. If both parents have the first blood group: 00(I) x 00(I), then the child will only have the first 0(I) group, all others are excluded. This happens because the genes that synthesize antigens of the first blood group - recessive, they can only manifest themselves in homozygous a state when no other gene (dominant) is suppressed.

Option 2. Both parents have the second group A (II). However, it can be either homozygous, when two characteristics are the same and dominant (AA), or heterozygous, represented by a dominant and recessive variant (A0), so the following combinations are possible here:

  • AA(II) x AA(II) → AA(II);
  • AA(II) x A0(II) → AA(II);
  • A0(II) x A0(II) → AA(II), A0(II), 00(I), that is, with such a combination of parental phenotypes, both the first and second groups are probable, third and fourth are excluded.

Option 3. One of the parents has the first group 0(I), the other has the second:

Possible groups for a child are A(II) and 0(I), excluded - B(III) and AB(IV).

Option 4. In the case of a combination of two third groups, inheritance will go according to option 2: possible membership will be the third or first group, whereas the second and fourth will be excluded.

Option 5. When one of the parents has the first group, and the second the third, inheritance occurs in the same way option 3– the child has possible B(III) and 0(I), but excluded A(II) and AB(IV) .

Option 6. Parent groups A(II) and B(III) upon inheritance can give any group affiliation of the AB0 system(1, 2, 3, 4). The emergence of 4 blood groups is an example codominant inheritance when both antigens in the phenotype are equal and equally manifest themselves as a new trait (A + B = AB):

Option 7. With a combination of the second and fourth groups, parents may have second, third and fourth groups in a child, the first one is excluded:

Option 8. A similar situation arises in the case of a combination of the third and fourth groups: A(II), B(III) and AB(IV) will be possible, and the first is excluded.

Option 9 - most interesting. The presence of blood groups 1 and 4 in parents results in the appearance of a second or third blood group in the child, but neverfirst and fourth:

Table: child’s blood type based on parents’ blood groups

Obviously, the statement that parents and children have the same group membership is a fallacy, because genetics obeys its own laws. As for determining the child’s blood type based on the group affiliation of the parents, this is only possible if the parents have the first group, that is, in this case, the appearance of A (II) or B (III) will exclude biological paternity or motherhood. The combination of the fourth and first groups will lead to the emergence of new phenotypic characteristics (group 2 or 3), while the old ones will be lost.

Boy, girl, group compatibility

If in the old days, for the birth of an heir in the family, the reins were placed under the pillow, but now everything is put on an almost scientific basis. Trying to deceive nature and “order” the gender of the child in advance, future parents perform simple arithmetic operations: divide the father’s age by 4, and the mother’s by 3, whoever has the larger remainder wins. Sometimes this coincides, and sometimes it disappoints, so what is the probability of getting the desired gender using calculations - official medicine does not comment, so it is up to everyone to calculate or not, but the method is painless and absolutely harmless. You can try, what if you get lucky?

for reference: what really affects the gender of the child is the combination of X and Y chromosomes

But the compatibility of the parents’ blood type is a completely different matter, not in terms of the child’s gender, but in the sense of whether he will be born at all. The formation of immune antibodies (anti-A and anti-B), although rare, can interfere with the normal course of pregnancy (IgG) and even breastfeeding (IgA). Fortunately, the AB0 system does not interfere with reproduction processes so often, which cannot be said about the Rh factor. It can cause miscarriage or the birth of babies with hemolytic disease of the newborn, the best consequence of which is deafness, and in the worst case, the child cannot be saved at all.

Group affiliation and pregnancy

Determination of blood group according to the AB0 and Rhesus (Rh) systems is a mandatory procedure when registering for pregnancy.

In the case of a negative Rh factor in the expectant mother and the same result in the future father of the child, there is no need to worry, since the baby will also have a negative Rh factor.

A “negative” woman should not immediately panic when first(abortions and miscarriages are also considered) pregnancy. Unlike the AB0 (α, β) system, the Rhesus system does not have natural antibodies, so the body only recognizes “foreign”, but does not react to it in any way. Immunization will occur during childbirth, therefore, so that the woman’s body does not “remember” the presence of foreign antigens (Rh factor is positive), a special anti-Rhesus serum is administered to the postpartum woman on the first day after birth, protecting subsequent pregnancies. In the case of strong immunization of a “negative” woman with a “positive” antigen (Rh+), compatibility for conception is in great question, therefore, despite long-term treatment, the woman is plagued by failures (miscarriages). A woman’s body, which has a negative Rhesus, having once “remembered” someone else’s protein (“memory cell”), will respond with the active production of immune antibodies during subsequent meetings (pregnancy) and will in every possible way reject it, that is, its own desired and long-awaited child, if it turns out to be positive Rh factor.

Compatibility for conception should sometimes be kept in mind in relation to other systems. By the way, AB0 is quite loyal to the presence of a stranger and rarely gives immunization. However, there are known cases of the emergence of immune antibodies in women during ABO-incompatible pregnancy, when a damaged placenta allows fetal red blood cells to enter the mother’s blood. It is generally accepted that women are most likely to be isoimmunized by vaccinations (DTP), which contain group-specific substances of animal origin. First of all, this feature was noticed in substance A.

Probably, second place after the Rhesus system in this regard can be given to the histocompatibility system (HLA), and then - Kell. In general, each of them is capable of sometimes presenting a surprise. This happens because the body of a woman who has a close relationship with a certain man, even without pregnancy, reacts to his antigens and produces antibodies. This process is called sensitization. The only question is to what level sensitization will reach, which depends on the concentration of immunoglobulins and the formation of antigen-antibody complexes. With a high titer of immune antibodies, compatibility for conception is in great doubt. Rather, we will be talking about incompatibility, which requires enormous efforts of doctors (immunologists, gynecologists), unfortunately, often in vain. A decrease in titer over time is also of little reassurance; the “memory cell” knows its task...

Video: pregnancy, blood type and Rh conflict

Compatible blood transfusion

In addition to compatibility for conception, no less important is transfusion compatible, where the ABO system plays a dominant role (transfusion of blood that is incompatible with the ABO system is very dangerous and can lead to death!). Often a person believes that the 1st (2, 3, 4) blood group of him and his neighbor must necessarily be the same, that the first will always suit the first, the second - the second, and so on, and in case of certain circumstances they (neighbors) can help each other to a friend. It would seem that a recipient with blood group 2 should accept a donor of the same group, but this is not always the case. The thing is that antigens A and B have their own varieties. For example, antigen A has the most allospecific variants (A 1, A 2, A 3, A 4, A 0, A X, etc.), but B is slightly inferior (B 1, B X, B 3, B weak, etc. .), that is, it turns out that these options may simply not be compatible, even though when testing blood for group the result will be A (II) or B (III). Thus, taking into account such heterogeneity, one can imagine how many varieties a 4th blood group can have, containing both A and B antigens?

The statement that blood type 1 is the best, as it suits everyone without exception, and blood type 4 can accept anyone, is also outdated. For example, some people with blood type 1 are for some reason called “dangerous” universal donors. And the danger lies in the fact that without having antigens A and B on their red blood cells, the plasma of these people contains a large titer of natural antibodies α and β, which, entering the bloodstream of the recipient of other groups (except the first), begin to agglutinate the antigens located there (A and/or IN).

compatibility of blood groups during transfusion

Currently, transfusions of mixed blood groups are not practiced, with the exception of only some cases of transfusions that require special selection. Then the first Rh-negative blood group is considered universal, the red blood cells of which are washed 3 or 5 times to avoid immunological reactions. The first blood group with positive Rh can be universal only in relation to Rh(+) red blood cells, that is, after determining for compatibility and washing of red blood cells can be transfused to a Rh-positive recipient with any group of the AB0 system.

The most common group in the European territory of the Russian Federation is considered to be the second - A (II), Rh (+), the rarest is blood group 4 with negative Rh. In blood banks, the attitude towards the latter is especially reverent, because a person with a similar antigenic composition should not die just because, if necessary, they will not find the required amount of red blood cells or plasma. By the way, plasma AB(IV) Rh(-) is suitable for absolutely everyone, since it contains nothing (0), but this question is never considered due to the rare occurrence of blood group 4 with negative Rhesus.

How is blood type determined?

Blood group determination according to the AB0 system can be done by taking a drop from your finger. By the way, every health worker who has a diploma of higher or secondary medical education should be able to do this, regardless of their profile. As for other systems (Rh, HLA, Kell), a blood test for the group is taken from a vein and, following the procedure, the affiliation is determined. Such studies are already within the competence of a laboratory diagnostics physician, and immunological typing of organs and tissues (HLA) generally requires special training.

A blood group test is done using standard serums, manufactured in special laboratories and meeting certain requirements (specificity, titer, activity), or using zoliclones, obtained in the factory. In this way, the group affiliation of red blood cells is determined ( direct method). To eliminate errors and gain complete confidence in the reliability of the results obtained, the blood type is determined at blood transfusion stations or in the laboratories of surgical and, especially, obstetric hospitals cross method, where serum is used as the test sample, and specially selected standard red blood cells go as a reagent. By the way, In newborns, it is very difficult to determine group affiliation using a cross-sectional method; although agglutinins α and β are called natural antibodies (given from birth), they begin to be synthesized only from six months and accumulate by 6-8 years.

Blood type and character

Does blood type affect character and is it possible to predict in advance what can be expected from a one-year-old pink-cheeked toddler in the future? Official medicine considers group affiliation from such a perspective with little or no attention paid to these issues. A person has many genes, as well as group systems, so one can hardly expect the fulfillment of all the predictions of astrologers and determine the character of a person in advance. However, some coincidences cannot be ruled out, because some predictions do come true.

prevalence of blood groups in the world and the characters attributed to them

So, astrology says that:

  1. Carriers of the first blood group are brave, strong, purposeful people. Leaders by nature, possessing irrepressible energy, they not only achieve great heights themselves, but also carry others along with them, that is, they are wonderful organizers. At the same time, their character is not without negative traits: they can suddenly flare up and show aggression in a fit of anger.
  2. People with the second blood group are patient, balanced, calm, slightly shy, empathetic and take everything to heart. They are distinguished by homeliness, thriftiness, the desire for comfort and coziness, however, stubbornness, self-criticism and conservatism interfere with solving many professional and everyday problems.
  3. The third blood group implies a search for the unknown, a creative impulse, harmonious development, and communication skills. With such a character, he could move mountains, but bad luck - poor tolerance of routine and monotony does not allow this. Holders of group B (III) quickly change their mood, show inconsistency in their views, judgments, and actions, and dream a lot, which prevents them from achieving their intended goal. And their goals change quickly...
  4. With regard to individuals with the fourth blood group, astrologers do not support the version of some psychiatrists who claim that among its owners there are the most maniacs. People who study the stars agree that the 4th group has collected the best features of the previous ones, and therefore has a particularly good character. Leaders, organizers, with enviable intuition and communication skills, representatives of the AB (IV) group, at the same time, are indecisive, contradictory and original, their mind is constantly fighting with their heart, but on which side will victory be a big question mark.

Of course, the reader understands that all this is very approximate, because people are so different. Even identical twins show some kind of individuality, at least in character.

Nutrition and diet by blood types

The concept of a blood group diet owes its appearance to the American Peter D’Adamo, who at the end of the last century (1996) published a book with recommendations for proper nutrition depending on group affiliation according to the AB0 system. At the same time, this fashion trend penetrated into Russia and was classified as alternative.

According to the vast majority of doctors with medical education, this direction is unscientific and contradicts established ideas based on numerous studies. The author shares the view of official medicine, so the reader has the right to choose who to believe.

  • The assertion that at first all people had only the first group, its owners “hunters living in a cave,” obligate meat-eaters with a healthy digestive tract, can be safely questioned. Group substances A and B were identified in preserved tissues of mummies (Egypt, America), which are more than 5000 years old. Proponents of the concept of “Eat Right for Your Type” (the title of D’Adamo’s book) do not point out that the presence of O(I) antigens is considered a risk factor for diseases of the stomach and intestines(peptic ulcer), in addition, carriers of this group more often than others have problems with blood pressure (arterial hypertension).
  • Holders of the second group are recognized by Mr. D’Adamo as pure vegetarians. Considering that this group affiliation is prevalent in Europe and in some areas reaches 70%, one can imagine the outcome of mass vegetarianism. Probably, mental hospitals will be overcrowded, because modern man is an established predator.

Unfortunately, the blood group A(II) diet does not draw the attention of those interested to the fact that people with this antigenic composition of erythrocytes make up the majority of patients coronary heart disease (CHD), thrombophilia, rheumatism. They happen more often than others myocardial infarction. So maybe a person should work in this direction? Or at least keep in mind the risk of such problems?

  • Carriers of the third blood group are the luckiest of all: they are recognized as “nomads”, and therefore omnivores. That's right, they need to eat very well, because, despite their naturally high immunity, their risk of getting tuberculosis is much higher than that of other members of the human population.
  • The diet for blood group AB (IV), containing both A and B, is recommended to be moderately mixed, that is, as they say, a little bit of everything, because the omnivorous nature of the “nomads” and the vegetarianism of the “farmers” opens up broad prospects in terms of diversity, but narrows the possibilities in in terms of volume. We can only note that owners of group AB (IV), due to the presence of antigen A, also need to remember the risk of coronary artery disease and myocardial infarction.

Food for thought

An interesting question: when should a person switch to the recommended blood type diet? From birth? During puberty? In the golden years of youth? Or when old age comes knocking? Here you have the right to choose, we just want to remind you that children and adolescents cannot be deprived of essential microelements and vitamins, you cannot prefer one and ignore the other.

Young people like some things and don’t like others, but if a healthy person is ready, only after reaching adulthood, to follow all dietary recommendations in accordance with their group affiliation, then this is his right. I would just like to note that, in addition to the antigens of the AB0 system, there are other antigenic phenotypes that exist in parallel, but also contribute to the life of the human body. Ignore them or keep them in mind? Then diets also need to be developed for them, and it is not a fact that they will coincide with current trends promoting healthy eating for certain categories of people with one or another group affiliation. For example, the leukocyte HLA system is more closely associated with various diseases than others; it can be used to calculate in advance a hereditary predisposition to a particular pathology. So why not engage in just such, more realistic prevention immediately with the help of food?

Video: the secrets of human blood groups

Please tell me! Everywhere it is indicated that if both parents have group 1, the child will 100% be in the first group. Why am I 2 positive? Both parents have exactly 1, I am not adopted 100%. And they didn’t play me out, so to speak (also impossible), so what’s the reason??

Hello! Parents with the first blood group will only have children with the first; no other groups are possible. If you have the second one, then perhaps one of your parents or you was assigned it incorrectly. An error in analysis is the only reason for this situation, provided that both parents are your biological father and mother.
