What to do if there is itching in the intimate area. The main reasons why there may be itching in the intimate area. Cotton underwear

Itching in an intimate place can be observed due to an allergy, a person simply does not follow the rules of personal hygiene, or there is some kind of infection. If a person himself cannot understand why this is happening to him, then he needs to make an appointment with an appropriate specialist and consult with him on such a delicate issue. Of course, to some, the question regarding why an intimate place itches may seem funny or even outright stupidity that does not deserve attention, nevertheless, this also needs to be paid attention to. Any discomfort in the human body can be a signal that something is going wrong, and it must be corrected. As for itching in an intimate place, it does not matter whether patients are divided into women and men. For representatives of both sexes, the reasons for such trouble will be the same. What problems can itching in an intimate place indicate?

Lack or partial lack of personal hygiene

The most commonplace and, unfortunately, the most common reason that the genitals itch is the lack of proper hygiene. And this is not surprising, since sweat and dirt collect in the crotch area, in numerous folds and pubic hair.

In order to avoid this problem, the perineal area should be washed every day. This applies to both girls and men. It is also necessary to change your underwear every day, especially for women. Of course, it is not at all necessary for men to do this every day, but if he does this, it will only have a positive impact on his health and the quality of personal hygiene in general. As for washing, it must be done very carefully so as not to transfer the infection from the anus to the vaginal or penile area. Therefore, in order not to itch, you just need to wash yourself.

Inaccurate shaving of the intimate area

Why does my intimate area itch? Most people believe that private hair needs to be shaved off. This is their right, but the point is that shaving should be done with extreme caution

Itching occurs when hairs are just beginning to sprout and break out from under the skin. And this process becomes permanent for all those who regularly shave this area. The problem can also arise because, due to inability or ignorance, you can shave off the top layer of skin along with the hairs.

In order for shaving to be as comfortable as possible and not bring any pain, you need to use only a sharp and high-quality razor, a special shaving gel, and also after this process has been carried out, it would be useful to use a special moisturizing aftershave lotion, and then such a problem , like itching in an intimate place, will not be expressed so strongly.

Allergies and skin irritation

Very often the cause of itching in an intimate place is an allergy. You may even notice the pimples and blisters that were caused by it. This phenomenon is very unpleasant, so you need to see a doctor and consult with him.

Skin irritation is similar to an allergic reaction, only it occurs because there was direct contact with the allergen. Why might this occur? First of all, you need to monitor the condition of your underwear. If a person wears underwear made of synthetic fabric, it significantly prevents his skin from breathing; in this case, a lot of sweat is released, it clogs the pores, and inflammation occurs in the form of acne, which is very itchy. The only way to solve this problem is to change underwear from synthetics to cotton, which is unlikely to cause such a reaction.

Irritation can also occur from soap that is used to wash the intimate area every day. It’s just that the skin in this area is very delicate, almost like a baby’s, and soap dries it out. It is unlikely that anyone uses a special lotion to moisturize the skin in an intimate area, which is why such problems arise. How can you fight this? Is it really possible now to wash intimate parts without soap and not thoroughly fight dirt and unpleasant odors with it? Of course, the problem will not be solved this way either. You need to go to a pharmacy or household chemicals store and purchase a special soap for caring for intimate areas, which will have a moisturizing effect and contain various oils to ensure the same result.

As for the washing powder or fabric softener used to wash panties, such a reaction may also occur to it. In order to prevent this from happening again, you will have to buy a new powder, which is intended for sensitive skin, and use only that. If the allergy occurs only in an intimate place, and the rest of the body is “not against” such a powder, then you can wash your underwear separately, preferably with baby soap. It is unlikely to cause an allergic reaction.

Irritation can also occur with contraception, most often with condoms. But it is not the rubber products themselves that are to blame for this, but the material from which they are made. Regular condoms are most often made of latex, to which some people may be allergic. What to do in this case? It’s just that many people, especially young people, most often protect themselves with condoms, since they are relatively inexpensive and also help protect against sexually transmitted infections. Of course, you shouldn’t give up using condoms, you just need to pay attention to what they’re made of when buying them. If you couldn’t find these in a regular supermarket, then you need to ask them at the pharmacy, they should definitely be there. And then the problem will be solved by itself, and there will be no more difficulties in the intimate sphere.


Often, irritation, very similar to an allergic reaction, can occur in cases where the quality of the water flowing from the tap leaves much to be desired. Water contains various impurities of chemical origin, and a reaction such as itching in an intimate place most often occurs due to chlorine. In order to combat this, the water for washing needs to be filtered. And since it is very problematic to pass a large amount of water through the filter, which is necessary for an adult, you need to buy a special attachment for the faucet that will help filter the liquid and rid it of chlorine impurities. You can install a special filter in the bathroom. This purchase will be very beneficial for those families with a child, since hard water can cause problems with the child’s skin, and not only cause discomfort in adults in an intimate place. Even after washing with filtered water, it is advisable to use a special moisturizing lotion for the body and intimate areas.

If the conversation turns to a woman, this point should be emphasized. Once a month she is forced to use pads or tampons during her period. This also applies to girls. Why does the intimate area itch in this case when using hygiene products? Such things can be a powerful allergen. Therefore, if a woman is faced with a problem such as itching in an intimate place, then it is worth paying attention to the quality of the pads she uses. To prevent this problem from arising again, you need to use only odorless pads with a special anti-allergic effect. There is no need to use pads all the time; they are intended for use on critical days. Some ladies prefer to use panty liners and, thanks to them, change their underwear less often. This is incorrect behavior, since underwear needs to be changed and washed every day in any case, since it gets dirty not only in the area where the vagina is located. First of all, it gets dirty from sweat, which no panty liners can protect from.

Possible diseases

If the intimate part of a girl, man, or even a child itches very badly, then it could be thrush. This is a very common occurrence today. Thrush is a fungal disease that can be caused by excessive and uncontrolled use of antibiotics and is transmitted sexually. Its main symptoms are itching in the intimate area, discharge similar to cottage cheese, which has a very unpleasant odor. What to do in this case? If this has been discovered, then you should consult a doctor who will prescribe treatment for both you and your sexual partner, if any. If thrush is treated and recognized in time, it will not bring any risks, negative consequences or complications. Thrush is treated with special medications, but you should not self-medicate, since only a doctor should prescribe the dose of the medicine and the schedule for its use. It is worth saying that it is quite difficult to identify thrush at home without specialized tests.

In some cases, the intimate area itches because a person may have diabetes or other diseases of the endocrine system. Such a problem should be a reason to immediately contact your doctor.

In some cases, this is how diseases of the pelvic organs manifest themselves, which can be very serious. And to prevent your genitals from itching, you need to contact a specialist and express to him all complaints regarding your health.

The need for specialist consultation

Menopause can cause discomfort in the vagina. In a woman after 50 years, many processes in the body actively slow down, sexual function actively decreases, this causes dryness in the vaginal area, and, accordingly, itching in this area. A woman needs to know what to do if she begins menopause. To solve this problem, you must, first of all, carefully observe the rules of personal hygiene and consult a doctor who will prescribe specialized treatment.


If a person is nervous a lot and does not care about his health, then he may begin to worry about problems that he simply did not suspect about before. The intimate area may just start to itch. If a person has been examined by a specialist and no abnormalities have been identified, the patient follows the rules of hygiene more than carefully and does not lead a promiscuous sex life, and the complaint “I itch in an intimate place” is still there, then the problem lies only in the fact that he needs to take care about your mental health, pull yourself together and worry less.

Remember, when a woman’s intimate part itches, she should consult a doctor. Otherwise, the situation could get much worse. It happens that a person develops allergies due to improper self-medication. In this case, the signs of the disease do not disappear, but new ones appear. Take care of yourself and your health!

Irritation in the intimate area (the photo below reflects the essence of the problem) is a rather unpleasant phenomenon. It can arise for various reasons. Most often, irritation in the intimate area occurs in women. Next, we’ll figure out why it appears.

Vaginal itching

This symptom appears in women due to inflammation of the vaginal mucosa. Vaginitis is often accompanied by damage to external organs in the groin area. The main symptoms of vaginitis include burning, redness and irritation in the intimate area. In some cases, the pathology is accompanied by dysuria and dyspareunia. Irritation in the intimate area is also a common symptom of yeast infections. In particular, it appears with the development of candidiasis (thrush). Unpleasant sensations also accompany sexually transmitted diseases. Some studies have established a link between the development of yeast infections and stress. Experts suggest that psychological stress weakens the immune system, which increases the likelihood of infection.

Non-infectious causes of pathology

Irritation often occurs in the intimate area from pads. This affects women with highly sensitive skin. Unpleasant sensations can be caused by various types of chemicals present in soaps or detergents, vaginal creams, bath products, toilet paper, hygiene products and some contraceptives. Irritation in the intimate area may also appear after a contrast shower. Unpleasant sensations often bother women. Discomfort is associated with fluctuations in estrogen levels. As the concentration of the hormone decreases, the walls in the vagina become drier and thinner, which causes itching.

Cosmetics and detergents

They quite often cause irritation in the intimate area. Experts recommend using products with a pH close to vaginal (5.2). Lactobacillus preparations will also provide effective protection to the vagina. They will prevent the penetration of pathological microorganisms. When washing clothes, you should use products intended for allergy sufferers. The body's response often occurs to chemical irritants contained in powders and personal care products. As mentioned above, in some cases, irritation occurs from pads, toilet paper and napkins. Unpleasant sensations are one of the manifestations of allergies. It can occur due to aromatic substances. Experts recommend using viscose pads or


Itching and irritation in the perineum can be caused by different types of tissue. It is not recommended to wear underwear made of artificial, hard materials. Thongs can also cause discomfort. To avoid discomfort, preference should be given to breathable cotton underwear.

Irritation in the intimate area after shaving

Epilation is also considered a fairly common cause of discomfort. In many cases, irritation in the intimate area after shaving occurs when the procedure is carried out incorrectly and when using machines with insufficiently sharp blades. Often discomfort occurs after. In this regard, it is recommended to use a moisturizing gel or cream.

Atrophic vulvovaginitis

As a rule, this pathological condition is characteristic of postmenopause and in the period after menopause. This is due to an insufficient amount of female hormone. Due to a decrease in the concentration of estrogen in the body, the epithelium lining the vagina begins to thin out. At the same time, less and less mucus that covers the labia is produced. As a result, vaginal dryness, burning, and itching of the perineum appear. In some cases, contact bleeding and severe irritation in the intimate area are possible. Treatment in this case involves taking hormonal agents and using special vaginal moisturizers. It should be noted here that independent use of certain drugs is unacceptable. All products are prescribed exclusively by a specialist. With atrophic vulvovaginitis, it is necessary to carefully observe hygiene, since in this condition the woman’s genital organs are most vulnerable to the formation of erosions and petechiae of the epithelium.

Fungal infections

These vaginal pathologies are caused by the presence of yeast. In this regard, cheesy white discharge is added to the itching and irritation. In this case, you need to contact a specialist. Before prescribing the necessary medication, the doctor will prescribe a vaginal mycological smear. The traditional treatment for candidiasis is the use of the drug Fluconazole. As a rule, the condition improves within 2-3 days.


This infection is transmitted through sexual contact. The causative agent is the protozoan Trichomonas vaginalis. In addition to burning, itching and irritation, foamy yellow-green discharge with a characteristic odor begins to appear. Associated symptoms include tenesmus and discomfort in the urethra. As therapy, products with the active component imidazole are used (known to everyone, for example, the drug "Trichopol"). Both sexual partners are treated.

Pediculosis pubis

This pathology is also transmitted through sexual contact. However, unlike head lice, pubic lice are not considered a serious epidemiological threat to humans. The causative agents of the disease lay eggs in the pubic hair. Treatment is prescribed by a dermatologist. Therapy is based on the use of medications with the active component permethrin. This chemical component is used to remove insects, including ticks.


When the concentration of sugar in the blood is high, the external genitalia may begin to multiply. They feed on amino acids (in a small volume) and pure glucose. In this case, you need to contact a specialist as soon as possible. The doctor will prescribe the necessary measures to normalize blood sugar. A specialist may also recommend lubricating the intimate area, for example, with Clotrimazole.


Lesions in the intimate area with this pathology are relatively rare. Genital psoriasis can develop in both adults and infants. Therapeutic measures are aimed at eliminating lesions and removing scabs. Experts also recommend the use of drugs that slow down the accelerated division of skin cells.

Lichen sclerosus

This is a chronic disease of the vulva. It is accompanied by thickening of the skin. Symptoms include pain, itching and irritation of the genitals. The most common causes include hormonal imbalance. However, the risk of developing pathology increases in people with autoimmune diseases, genetic predisposition, and weak immunity. Therapy involves the use of ointments with vitamin A or corticosteroids, as well as estrogen.

Irritation in the intimate area of ​​a child

This phenomenon can occur for various reasons. In fact, many of them coincide with factors that provoke discomfort in adults. For example, a child may experience irritation in the groin area due to hygiene products or synthetic underwear. The cause may be candidiasis transmitted from the mother.

When the most common cough or hiccups appear, we can easily deal with this problem by asking friends for advice on treatment. The situation is completely different when the situation concerns a person’s intimate area. It can be quite awkward to ask questions here even for the closest relatives. What to do? In this article we will talk about what a woman has and how to deal with it.

general information

In fact, the question of why a woman’s intimate part itches should in no case provoke panic, but, on the contrary, become a reason for some conclusions. Most often, the nerve endings directly on the genital organs themselves can be irritated as a result of internal or external pathological processes, which, in turn, arise due to non-compliance with well-known hygiene standards. So, if your intimate area itches and itches, most likely the reason lies in the lack of sufficient care, namely:

  • improper care of the genital area (use of low-quality soap or gel);
  • irregular change of underwear;
  • using contraception or ointments that change the vaginal flora;
  • wearing rough synthetic underwear or thong panties;

Why does a woman's intimate area itch? Other reasons

  • According to experts, in some cases, discomfort is caused by regular stress, as well as the use of sanitary pads from certain manufacturers.
  • On the other hand, if an intimate place itches and the discharge has sharply changed its usual character, the reason may lie in various types of gynecological diseases. This is the well-known thrush, and gonorrhea, and even chlamydia. That is why, to identify the true cause, experts strongly recommend contacting a gynecologist for help without much delay. It is better to cure the disease in the early stages than to then deal with unpleasant consequences.
  • It is important to note that it can also be caused by other ailments not related to gynecology. For example, diabetes or hepatitis.

What to do?

First of all, of course, it is necessary to find out the root cause. So, for example, you should take care of your personal hygiene, pay attention to the quality of the linen and the clothes used. If these methods did not help to cope with the problem, most likely the causative agent lies somewhat deeper. Here it is best to consult a gynecologist and undergo the necessary set of tests.

In this article, we examined only a small list of reasons why a woman’s intimate part itches. In reality there are many more. In order not to encounter such an unpleasant problem, experts recommend carefully monitoring the hygiene of the intimate area, taking medications only as prescribed by a doctor, and avoiding promiscuous sex life.

Itching in the intimate area among the fair sex is considered a common occurrence. Of course, this problem is considered quite piquant, so not many patients go to the doctor and determine the reason why they are itching in an intimate place. Doctors note that burning in the vagina and itching of the genitals are quite often signs of not only sexually transmitted infections - it is also accompanied by an allergic reaction, pathologies of some internal organs, and so on. Discomfort in the vagina brings a lot of inconvenience to the fair half of humanity, so women should know how to overcome irritation in the intimate area and what this symptom means.


Why does irritation appear in the intimate area and itching in the groin in women? First, it should be noted that burning in the vagina is treated only after the causes of this phenomenon have been established, because the type of antibiotics and other medications depends on the causative agent of the disease. Therefore, a woman should not ignore redness in the intimate area and itching of the genitals, and also should not be embarrassed by such signs as itching in the perineum - then getting rid of the unpleasant sensations will be quite simple.

So, burning in the vagina, itching and white discharge attack the female genital organs in the following cases.

Poor hygiene or lack of hygiene for a long time.

The most well-known reason for redness of the labia and itching of the genitals is poor hygiene. A woman needs to wash herself 2 times a day - if this is not possible, she should use “intimate wipes”.

If itching and redness of the labia occurs due to frequent hygiene, it is necessary to choose the right detergent that should not cause allergies, dry out the skin, or disturb the microflora.

Itching and redness of the urethra in women also indicates poor washing or that the woman used too hot water when performing hygiene.

Itching in the intimate area in women without discharge can indicate the development of diseases of the genital organs, such as the bladder, ureters or kidneys. Particularly often, discomfort in the vagina and redness of the labia appears before the onset of menstruation or as it progresses in the body. In this case, it depends on the fact that at the beginning of the menstrual cycle, a serious restructuring of the body occurs.

But also burning in the vagina, itching and white discharge indicate the development of diabetes mellitus and liver diseases.

Itching due to excessive nervous activity.

Itching of the clitoris and odorless discharge in women can manifest themselves when the functioning of the autonomic system worsens.

In this case, in order to overcome severe itching with white discharge, as well as a burning sensation in the vagina, a woman needs to use psychotherapy.

  1. It is important for the patient to stop experiencing stress, nervousness and other conditions in which the nervous system suffers.
  2. In order for itching and burning in the intimate area in women to quickly disappear, you should get enough sleep, rest more often, and also receive only positive emotions.

Burning sensation when urinating in women and discomfort in the vagina often indicate the development of an allergy. Moreover, this applies not only to the main pathogens of the disease, such as soap and gels for intimate hygiene, but also to the fabric from which underwear is sewn.

Itching without discharge or odor and redness of the labia may appear if a woman uses soap or gel intended for the body when washing her face. It is important to wash with special intimate compositions that have a strong antipruritic and anti-inflammatory effect.

Long gasket changes.

Itching in the perineum and tingling in the vagina often occur when the pads are not changed for a long time. It is important to replace them every two hours to avoid unpleasant and painful symptoms.

Also, itching in the urethra and yellow discharge in women can appear due to hormonal problems, when taking certain medications, the presence of pubic lice, or the use of scented pads. However, most often, redness of the labia and white discharge appear with the development of allergies.

Why does it itch on the clitoris and vagina?

The causes of violations of female “sexual health” that cause the development of allergies are:

  • hygiene products;
  • scented pads can cause itching in the perineum;
  • use of fragrances and body gels after washing;
  • douching with medicinal herbs;
  • taking certain types of medications.

All this can lead to dire consequences and cause the development of an allergic reaction. Therefore, you need to be attentive to your health and, if you identify the first signs and symptoms of an allergy, immediately consult a doctor.

Signs of an allergic reaction include:
  • abundant discharge in the intimate area in women of the white and yellowish type;
  • The consistency of the discharge is very viscous and thick;
  • itchy spots around the urethra (such neoplasms can itch both when the woman is at rest and during PA);
  • tingling of the vaginal cavity;
  • the urethra begins to itch very much (the clitoris itches especially badly);
  • the discharge attacks the girls greatly.

These signs manifest themselves only in half of the sick women - in the rest they occur very sluggishly or the victims observe 2-3 symptoms of allergy.

For example, their vaginal cavity turns red and they want to constantly scratch their clitoris. Why is this happening?

The fact is that every woman has a different sensitivity threshold and a different pain syndrome. That is why some notice signs of allergies, while others believe that this is a natural reaction of the body to the onset of menstruation or ovulation.

Diagnosis and treatment of allergies manifested in intimate places.

Itching in the groin in women, the symptoms of which treatment gives a quick positive result, should be eliminated only after identifying the cause of this phenomenon.

It is not difficult for an experienced doctor to diagnose an allergy, but for this the patient will need to undergo a diagnostic examination, which includes:
  1. Examination of the external genitourinary system (urethral canal, clitoris, labia).
  2. Taking a urine test.
  3. Examination on a gynecological chair.
  4. Taking a smear.
  5. Carrying out a skin test to identify the causative agent of the disease.

How to treat severe itching and redness that constantly itch? To do this, the doctor must prescribe the victim certain medications that will normalize the microflora and eliminate the unpleasant symptoms of the disease.

The first step is for the patient to completely protect herself from contact with the allergen. To do this, it must be identified before treatment begins.

The patient will also need to take antihistamines to relieve the symptoms of the disease. If a bacterial infection is added to the allergy, the doctor will prescribe antibiotics.

A reddened clitoris and labia can be cured by using traditional recipes, which include baths, washing and douching, which are necessary to eliminate the secretion secreted by the gonads. This treatment can be carried out with decoctions of medicinal herbs, soda, iodine and yogurt.

We can safely say that every woman throughout her life comes into contact with a situation where discomfort occurs in the perineal area, expressed by itching, burning, copious discharge or, conversely, increased dryness. The causes are multifactorial in nature and are a trigger for inflammatory and infectious lesions of the reproductive system.

Itching in the intimate area in women without discharge is not a sign of health-hazardous disorders, but requires immediate medical attention, since such symptoms may indicate a herpetic lesion, neurodermatitis or hormonal imbalance - diseases that are difficult to treat and become chronic over time. We will consider in detail the main causes of itching in intimate places in women, methods of diagnosis, treatment and preventive measures.

Etiology of the disease

Itching in intimate places in women is a consequence of mild irritation of nerve endings that do not form full-fledged pain signals. In this situation, relief comes with tactile contact (combing) and temperature effects, when washing the external genitalia with warm water temporarily eliminates the itching in the groin.

Discomfort that occurs in the genital area is accompanied by unbearable sensations, which is explained by the inability to itch or perform hygiene procedures in public places to alleviate the condition.

Itching in the perineum is caused by physiology, functional disorders of vital organs and the presence of many nerve receptors in the intimate area, which predetermines the uncomfortable state. Many women, encountering such symptoms for the first time, associate the problem with sexually transmitted diseases and self-medicate, putting off contacting a specialist in every possible way.

Burning and itching indicate pathological processes occurring in the pelvic organs, diseases of the endocrine system and hormonal imbalance. In this situation, it is strictly not recommended to delay seeking qualified medical help!

Main causes of delicate problem

Itching in an intimate place in women indicates a disease with subtle symptoms. For example, chlamydia and ureaplasmosis are characterized by a latent course, and sexually transmitted infections, herpes and allergic reactions are indicated by obvious problems only at a progressive stage. Paroxysmal localized itching and burning in the intimate area in women is caused by a number of factors, including:

According to statistics, itching in the intimate area in women very often occurs before menstruation, during pregnancy and in the postpartum period. Symptoms are provoked by hormonal imbalance and endocrine pathologies. As a rule, unpleasant sensations are transient and are eliminated after stabilization of hormonal levels and relief of endocrine diseases. At risk are women suffering from thyroid disorders and.

Itching and burning of the external genitalia should be distinguished from similar symptoms when emptying the bladder. This picture indicates the presence of bacterial damage to the urinary tract and inflammation of the mucous membrane of the natural reservoir for collecting urine.

Diagnosis and treatment

Let's talk about how to treat the sensation of itching and burning in the intimate area in women, which causes not only psychological discomfort, but also the risk of infection. An important step is the diagnosis and exclusion from the history of fungal infections, sexually transmitted diseases and urinary tract infections. For this purpose, the following studies are carried out:

  • physical examination;
  • taking a smear to identify a bacterial agent;
  • cytology of mucosal tissue;
  • general urine analysis;
  • ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs;
  • blood biochemistry and sugar testing.

Intimate diseases, itching and burning require complex treatment, and to identify the causes, consultation with a gynecologist and related specialists is necessary: ​​allergist, endocrinologist, urologist and venereologist. Treatment is prescribed depending on the etiology and form of the disease causing itching in the perineum.

Based on the medical history and diagnostic measures performed, ointments and suppositories are prescribed to quickly alleviate the condition and get rid of itching. Relief from the underlying disease that causes itching and burning in the intimate area in women is achieved through hormone replacement therapy, treatment with antibiotics and medications.

The complex treatment includes sitz baths prepared from herbal decoctions that have a deodorizing and antiseptic effect: chamomile, St. John's wort, sage and calendula. We recommend corticosteroid ointments for itching, mixed with petroleum jelly or baby cream in a 1:2 ratio, as well as mild drugs: Ketopin, Elokom, Advantan. Antipruritic therapy must be supplemented with long-acting antihistamines: Kestin, Claritin, Loratadine, Zodak.

With estrogen deficiency, hormonal drugs come to the fore, which restore the vaginal epithelium and the regulation of secretions. To avoid relapses, a course of treatment with probiotics is required. The preparations contain strains of beneficial bacteria that maintain a delicate balance of microflora. They significantly reduce the risks of bacterial vaginosis, candidiasis and other infections.

Prevention is the key to health

General preventive recommendations include relief of concomitant pathologies, avoidance of the use of contraceptives, diet, avoidance of contact with aggressive washing powders and strict adherence to medical recommendations. It has been scientifically proven that itching in the perineum without discharge, in more than 60% of cases, is a consequence of the lack of banal behavioral and hygienic skills, which include:

  1. Maintaining a drinking regime and preventing urinary retention, which leads to fluid stagnation and the proliferation of bacterial microflora.
  2. Change your underwear daily and wear panties with a cotton gusset, as synthetic fabrics create a “greenhouse effect” in the crotch area. Linen made from cotton and viscose materials has absorbent and breathable properties. Thongs are not recommended for everyday wear, although they are very sexy and fashionable. The thin strip passing between the buttocks is an ideal carrier of E. coli, which causes cystitis and leads to atrophy of the mucous membrane of the external genitalia. A common problem is irritation and microtrauma of the delicate skin of the genitals, which opens the “entrance gate” for infection.
  3. Toilet intimate area - washing. The procedure is performed several times a day, washing the external genitalia and anus with warm running water with the addition of special detergents. Gels for intimate hygiene prepared with a decoction of herbs with the addition of lactobacilli are recommended. You should not use soap, as conventional products dry out the skin, which can cause itching in the groin and aggravate the situation. In case of unpleasant sensations, to alleviate the condition, it is recommended to add a furatsilin tablet to the water for washing or prepare a decoction of chamomile, sage and St. John's wort, taken in equal proportions.
  1. Changing pads every 3-4 hours, regardless of the amount of discharge, which is the most favorable environment for the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms, is not recommended to use tampons.
  2. If itching in the perineum is a consequence of allergies, then it is necessary to exclude products that provoke the body to inappropriate reactions: smoked sausages, citrus fruits, honey, some medications and cosmetics.
  3. For the entire period of treatment and in order to prevent relapses of the disease, it is necessary to change behavioral habits and stop drinking alcohol and smoking.

To prevent itching in the intimate area in mature women, lubricants are a “lifesaver” - special gels and lubricants for the intimate area that facilitate intimacy. The cosmetic product protects the delicate mucous membrane from microcracks and irritation, relieves pain, prevents infection and significantly improves the quality of sexual contact.

Banal behavioral and hygienic skills are the key to health and reliable prevention of itching in the intimate area. Learn them and you will never experience the discomfort that ruined the mood and disturbed the peace of more than one woman.
