Homemade dietary granola. Granola at home is a dietary recipe. Composition and benefits of granola at home

Are you tired of eating regular muesli for breakfast? Then replace them with toasted and crunchy oat flakes, which in cooking are nicknamed granola.
The content of the article:

Granola is a traditional and popular food (snack) for breakfast or afternoon snack for Americans. It contains rolled oatmeal, honey and nuts. Sometimes rice, dates, raisins, and dried fruits are added to the mixture. The food is usually baked until crispy, and the mixture is stirred periodically during baking to create a crumbly consistency similar to breakfast cereals. Very often it is formed into a bar.

In addition to the standard use of granola, it is also taken on hikes, because... it is nutritious, high in calories, stores well and weighs little. Dry and crumbly granola is poured with milk or fermented milk products, or mixed with yogurt and sprinkled with fresh berries. It is also consumed with tea without sugar.

Granola goes well with many foods: yogurt, bananas, honey, cottage cheese, strawberries, milk, various cereals and other products. It is also very high in calories, about 400 kcal per 100 grams of product. Therefore, they do not consume it in large portions.

In its composition and taste, the granule is similar to muesli, but it is still much tastier, but this depends on the preparation method. The most important thing in cooking is to remember the proportions of the main ingredients, and then you can experiment with different ingredients that are on hand.

Granola: cooking secrets

It’s hard to imagine a healthier food than homemade granola muesli. They retain all vitamins and nutrients thanks to delicate heat treatment. At the same time, there is no long fuss in the kitchen and no complex recipes.

Homemade granola, unlike store-bought granola, does not contain excess sugar, artificial additives or trans fats. It can lower bad cholesterol levels and has an excellent effect on metabolism and digestion.

There are also some secrets to making good granola. You should use the most common oatmeal, because... Instant flakes will not give the desired crumbliness. Oat flakes can be combined with barley, rye and wheat. Granola should be baked only at an average moderate temperature - from 50 to 170 degrees. Firstly, it will not burn, secondly, it will bake more evenly, and thirdly, a moderate temperature will retain all the vitamins in it. You can also fry it in a non-stick frying pan with a little coconut oil.

You can also prepare granola bars (see photo above), which do not need to be distributed on a baking sheet when baking and stirred from time to time, carefully dividing it into pieces. Here you will need to do the opposite, compress the mass on a baking sheet entirely or in small portioned molds and simply bake, and then cool in the refrigerator. If you use a large mold, then the large layer is cut into small bars with a sharp knife.

How to make simple granola at home

Homemade granola is an incredibly tasty and very healthy breakfast. The healthiest food is hard to imagine. After all, according to Wikipedia, one granola bar is a source of fiber, dietary fiber (about 11 grams), vitamins (E, K, thiamine) and minerals (phosphorus, iron, and potassium). And another obvious advantage of granola is that you can make it for future use and keep it in the refrigerator in a closed container.
  • Calorie content per 100 g - 458 kcal.
  • Number of servings - 4
  • Cooking time - 40 minutes


  • Rolled oats - 2 cups (do not use instant oats)
  • Walnuts - 1/3 cup
  • Hulled sunflower seeds - 1/3 cup
  • Raisins - 1/3 cup
  • Liquid honey - 2-3 tbsp.
  • Refined vegetable oil or any nut oil - 2.5 tbsp.
  • Cinnamon - 1 tsp.
  • Salt - a pinch

Step-by-step preparation:

  1. Since the granule cooks very quickly, first set the oven to preheat to 120 degrees.

  • Then combine all the dry ingredients (oatmeal, walnuts, sunflower seeds) in a deep bowl. Add raisins, pour honey, vegetable oil and mix everything thoroughly.
  • Line a baking sheet with baking paper (baking parchment), distribute the ingredients in an even layer and bake in the oven for 30 minutes.
  • After this, remove the pan from the oven and let the food cool. Serve granola with cold or hot milk, yogurt or fresh fruit.
  • How to Make Ingredient Rich Granola

    For many, the granule is the hit of the morning meal, so every trip to the store ends with its purchase. We suggest that you do not waste money and time, but prepare this delicious, satisfying and incredibly healthy food yourself at home.


    • Oatmeal 7 grains - 1.5 cups
    • Almonds - 1/2 cup
    • Sunflower seeds - 1/2 cup
    • Pumpkin seeds - 1/2 cup
    • Sesame seeds - 1/4 cup
    • Wheat germ - 1/2 tbsp.
    • Canola oil - 1/4 cup
    • Ground cinnamon - 1/4 tsp.
    • Salt - a pinch
    • Honey - 1/2 cup
    • Water - 1/4 cup
    • Light brown sugar - 2 tbsp.
    • Dried fruits (raisins, dates, figs, cranberries, cherries, apricots) - 1 cup
    1. Turn on the oven to heat up to 145 degrees.
    2. In a large bowl, combine dry ingredients: rolled oats, wheat germ, nuts, sesame seeds, ground cinnamon and salt.
    3. Pour water into a small saucepan, add honey, butter, brown sugar and stirring constantly, bring to a boil.
    4. Mix all ingredients until dry ingredients are all covered with liquid.
    5. Grease a baking tray with oil or line it with baking parchment and distribute the mixture evenly. Bake the granola for 25 minutes until golden brown. At the same time, stir it 2-3 times so that the food is browned evenly.
    6. Afterwards, cool the products well, otherwise they will lose their wonderful crispy structure. Then transfer them to an airtight container or plastic bag and store them in the refrigerator.

    Recipe: Apple granola

    Delicious homemade apple granola captures the aroma of autumn, warmth and comfort. A big plus of this recipe is that part of the butter and honey is replaced with an equally healthy and tasty apple.


    • Oatmeal - 3–4 cups
    • Unroasted almonds - 1/2 cup
    • Sunflower, pumpkin or flax seeds - 1/2 cup
    • Sesame - 1/6 cup
    • Ground ginger - 1/2 tsp.
    • Ground cinnamon - 1 tbsp.
    • Salt - a pinch
    • Unsweetened applesauce - 1 cup
    • Honey - 3 tbsp.
    • Olive oil - 2 tbsp.
    1. Turn on the oven to preheat, setting it to 150 degrees. Line a baking tray with baking paper.
    2. In one container, thoroughly mix the dry ingredients: oatmeal, almonds, sunflower seeds, sesame seeds, ground cinnamon, ground ginger, salt. Please note that the seeds and almonds must be raw, because... fried ones will give the wrong taste.
    3. In another bowl, combine all liquid ingredients: applesauce, honey, olive oil.
    4. Pour dry ingredients into liquid ones and mix everything until smooth.
    5. Spread the granola in an even layer on a baking sheet and dry for 35–40 minutes, stirring it every 10 minutes.
    6. Cool the finished granule well to room temperature, place in an airtight container with a closed lid and keep in the refrigerator.

    Oatmeal granola for breakfast is the most common healthy and nutritious dish. The advantage of preparing this recipe yourself is that the composition of the products can be varied, selected and added to your taste.


    • Oatmeal - 250 g
    • Any nuts - 200 g
    • Dried cranberries - 100 g
    • Raisins - 100 g
    • Coconut flakes - 3 tbsp.
    • Pumpkin seeds - 100 g
    • Unscented vegetable oil - 3 tbsp.
    • Maple syrup - 3 tbsp.
    1. Divide the nuts into 2 parts. Leave one half in large pieces, and chop the second into smaller pieces.
    2. Mix oatmeal with nuts, seeds and coconut flakes.
    3. Combine maple syrup with vegetable oil.
    4. Steam dried cranberries and raisins for 5 minutes, rinse and dry well.
    5. Mix all products.
    6. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper and spread the granola evenly. Send it to dry in a preheated oven at 140 degrees for 20 minutes, and stir it every 5 minutes.
    7. Cool the finished granule and pour it into a glass jar with an airtight lid. Store granola in the refrigerator.

    Making granola without honey at home

    Granola is a mixture of oatmeal, nuts and honey. However, bee products cause allergies in some people, so honey, which is necessary to bind the ingredients, is replaced with other sweets. For example, jam, jam or syrups.


    • Regular rolled oats - 2.5 cups
    • Almonds - 1 cup
    • Sugar syrup - 1/3 cup
    • Brown sugar - 1/2 cup
    • Salt - 1/2 tsp.
    • Vegetable oil - 1/4 cup
    1. Preheat the oven to 160 degrees and prepare a baking tray lined with baking paper.
    2. In a small bowl, mix syrup, sugar, salt, vegetable oil and keep the products on the fire until the sugar is completely dissolved.
    3. In a food processor or food processor, grind 1/2 cup rolled oats into flour.
    4. Combine all ingredients: oatmeal, oatmeal, almonds and sugar mixture.
    5. With hands moistened with water, mix everything well, place the mixture on a baking sheet, pressing down lightly, and bake it for 25–30 minutes.
    6. Break the finished granola into pieces, cool, place in an airtight container and keep in the refrigerator.
    Video recipes:

    Granola very quickly gained popularity not only among people leading a healthy lifestyle, but also among real gourmets. The American breakfast, the purpose of which was to save time in the morning, quickly moved into the category of recipes for proper nutrition and healthy snacks. Homemade granola is light and easy to prepare, and you can find the necessary ingredients in the store at any time of the year.

    In addition, granola has many advantages over other breakfasts:

    • Granola is prepared from coarsely ground oat flakes. Since granola was originally conceived as a promotion of dietary nutrition, its recipe should contain exclusively grains rich in fiber and bran. This is an ideal replacement for breakfast cereals, which lose a lot of nutrients during processing.
    • Granola is an ideal option for those who do not like to eat porridge in the morning, but strive to include slow carbohydrates in their diet. This breakfast is so delicious that both adults and children enjoy eating it.
    • Homemade granola is an extremely healthy and organic dish that does not contain preservatives, dyes or food additives.
    • Most breakfast cereals contain huge amounts of sugar. Dietary granola includes only natural sweeteners in its recipe, which is beneficial not only for your figure, but also for your overall health.
    • Granola is not only an ideal breakfast, but also a snack, lunch and dinner. To avoid skipping a meal at lunchtime, you can always take granola with you for a snack.
    • Dietary granola can be easily used in other recipes. With its help, you can prepare a lot of delicious and healthy desserts and diversify your diet.
    • The taste of granola is very easy to change by adding a variety of ingredients. You can experiment and constantly get new unusual tastes of your favorite dish.

    Homemade granola: dietary recipe how to cook

    Classic pp granola is prepared very quickly and easily. To prepare this delicious breakfast you will need:

    • 2 cups whole-grain oatmeal. Instant flakes are absolutely not suitable.
    • ½ cup raw nuts. They should be crushed a little.
    • ¼ raw seeds. Give preference to pumpkin and sunflower seeds.
    • ½ cup dried fruit. Choose dried fruits that do not contain sugar so as not to increase the calorie content of this dish.
    • 2-3 tablespoons maple syrup. You can always replace it with natural honey if desired.
    • 2 tablespoons coconut oil
    • ½ teaspoon vanilla
    • A little salt. This will highlight the taste of the granola.
    1. First, mix oatmeal with nuts. Now let's make the dressing: mix maple syrup, coconut oil, salt and vanilla in a separate container. Stir. You can also put it on low heat and stir until all the ingredients are combined. Remember that you do not need to boil this mixture.
    2. Now combine our dry mixture with the resulting syrup and mix thoroughly. Be sure to wash your hands before preparing because it is best to stir this mixture with your hands, this will help distribute the syrup evenly.
    3. Now put the granola on a baking sheet (use parchment, as the granola will stick) and put it in the oven, preheated to 150-160 degrees. Be careful with the temperature! It is highly not recommended to increase the temperature so that the granola does not become overdried. Dietary granola should take 40-50 minutes to prepare. But at the same time, you must bring out the baking sheet every 10 minutes and mix the mixture thoroughly.
    4. When the granola is ready, be sure to give it time to cool and crisp up. Add dried fruits at the very end.

    Bran will help make granola even more dietary. This is a huge source of fiber, which promotes weight loss and cleansing of the body.

    • 1 cup oatmeal.
    • 1 cup bran. Use crunchy bran rather than loose bran.
    • ½ cup walnuts
    • ½ cup sunflower seeds
    • 3 tablespoons flax seeds
    • ½ cup apple or orange juice
    • 1 tablespoon olive oil
    • 1 tablespoon liquid honey

    Mix bran with oatmeal, sunflower and flax seeds. In a separate container, stir honey, olive oil and juice until smooth. Combine with flakes and stir thoroughly. Bake in the oven preheated to 150-160, stirring every 10 minutes.

    Store finished granola in tightly closed containers or jars for no more than 2 weeks. If desired, you can freeze the granola for several months.

    Homemade granola: cooking secrets

    1. Correct proportion
      If you are preparing diet granola without a recipe, then you must know one main rule! The approximate ratio of dry product to dressing is 6:1. No matter how you measure your products, this ratio is the most ideal for obtaining real granola.
    2. Change dry ingredients
      There is only one constant ingredient in granola - whole grain flakes. You can change the remaining ingredients to your taste. If you don't like walnuts, add almonds or hazelnuts, replace sunflower seeds with pumpkin seeds. Add coconut flakes if you like coconut and any other dry dressing you like. For healthier recipes, add crunchy bran or millet. You can also add defatted coconut flakes for variety.
    3. Syrup for dressing
      Another rule for making granola is to always mix the syrup separately. You cannot add butter to a dry mixture and then add syrup or honey. In this case, you simply will not soak your granola properly. All ingredients for the dressing are mixed in a separate bowl and only then combined with the dry mixture. To reduce the calorie content of granola, you can partially replace syrup or honey with natural juice.
    4. Oil for granola
      Dietary granola necessarily contains healthy oils. What oil to use is up to you. If you want a more pronounced granola flavor, use coconut or olive oil. For a neutral taste, grape seed oil and sunflower oil are best.
    5. Sweeteners
      Diet granola completely eliminates the use of sugar. But at the same time, you still have a lot of natural sweeteners in your arsenal. One of the most common sweeteners is natural honey. You can replace it with agave syrup, Jerusalem artichoke, or maple syrup.
    6. Add spices
      The taste of granola can also be changed with spices. Vanilla, nutmeg and cinnamon can be safely included in a diet granola recipe. In addition, these spices will add additional sweetness to the granola. Don't forget about such an important additive as salt! This spice makes the dish richer and emphasizes the sweet taste.
    7. Golden color granola
      The cooking time for granola also depends on what oven you use. To get the perfect granola, you need to bake it until golden brown and under no circumstances brown.
    8. Add dried fruits
      Another secret to making granola is adding dried fruits. Under no circumstances should you add them at the very beginning and bake them in the oven. Dried fruits should be placed in ready-made granola.

    Granola in a frying pan

    PP granola can also be prepared in a frying pan. It will take much less time than cooking in the oven.

    For granola in a frying pan, any classic granola recipe is suitable, but there are several nuances:

    Nuts should be dried in the oven or toasted in advance.

    We need 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil for frying oatmeal.

    Pour 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil into a frying pan, add the flakes and fry, stirring constantly, until the flakes turn golden. On average, 5 minutes of cooking is enough. In a separate container, mix the ingredients for the syrup. Mix toasted flakes with nuts and seeds, then combine with syrup. Mix everything thoroughly. Place on parchment paper and cool to room temperature. To make the syrup harden faster, place the granola in the freezer for 10-15 minutes.

    How to eat granola

    Despite its wonderful taste and beneficial properties, granola sometimes remains a forgotten product. After all, not everyone knows how to eat granola correctly. We offer the best ways to use pp granola on a diet!

    1. Granola with natural yogurt
      A simple and healthy breakfast option that you can safely include in your diet for weight loss. This recipe can rightfully be considered a classic. The main rule is to use only natural yogurt without added sugar. Natural yogurt can also be replaced with low-fat kefir if desired.
    2. Cottage cheese with granola
      This high-protein breakfast should definitely be taken into account if you adhere to proper nutrition. Many people find it difficult to eat cottage cheese without sweet additives, such as jam or preserves. The ideal option to make cottage cheese tasty is to add a few tablespoons of dietary granola to it. This way, you will not only eat a decent portion of protein, but also get those much-needed slow carbohydrates that will give you energy.
    3. Granola with porridge
      If you absolutely need to include porridge in your diet, but find it difficult to eat, then adding a little homemade granola to your ready-made porridge will completely change its taste. This secret is perfect for children too.
    4. Granola balls
      Don’t know how to diversify your diet menu and have a terrible craving for sweets? In just a few minutes you can prepare granola balls that will replace chocolate and other sweets. To prepare these balls you will need: 4 tablespoons peanut butter, 2 cups granola, 3 tablespoons milk. Mix all ingredients in one container and stir thoroughly. Form the mixture into balls and place them in the refrigerator overnight! A tasty and healthy treat is ready!
    5. Apple slices and granola sandwiches
      An ideal dietary dessert that is suitable for proper nutrition. Take an apple and cut it into thin slices. Spread a thin layer of peanut butter on each wedge and top with granola! You can also make apple sandwiches with granola. Cut the apples into slices. Brush one circle with peanut butter or honey, sprinkle with granola and cover with the second circle.
    6. Fruit parfait with granola
      Fruit lovers can always make a fruit parfait with diet granola. Take any favorite berries and beat them in a blender until smooth and thick. You can add a little natural sweetener. Place the berry mixture in a glass, alternating it with fruit slices and granola. The perfect dessert is ready!

    As you can already see for yourself, granola is a unique dish that is not only easy to prepare and contains a lot of useful substances, but will also help diversify your diet! Be sure to prepare granola and your diet will be filled with delicious and original recipes!

    Granola very quickly gained popularity not only among people leading a healthy lifestyle, but also among real gourmets. The American breakfast, the purpose of which was to save time in the morning, quickly moved into the category of recipes for proper nutrition and healthy snacks. Homemade granola is light and easy to prepare, and you can find the necessary ingredients in the store at any time of the year.

    In addition, granola has many advantages over other breakfasts:

    Granola is prepared from coarsely ground oat flakes. Since granola was originally conceived as a promotion of dietary nutrition, its recipe should contain exclusively grains rich in fiber and bran. This is an ideal replacement for breakfast cereals, which lose a lot of nutrients during processing.

    Granola is an ideal option for those who do not like to eat porridge in the morning, but strive to include slow carbohydrates in their diet. This breakfast is so delicious that both adults and children enjoy eating it.

    Homemade granola is an extremely healthy and organic dish that does not contain preservatives, dyes or food additives.

    Most breakfast cereals contain huge amounts of sugar. Dietary granola includes only natural sweeteners in its recipe, which is beneficial not only for your figure, but also for your overall health.

    Granola is not only an ideal breakfast, but also a snack, lunch and dinner. To avoid skipping a meal at lunchtime, you can always take granola with you for a snack.
    Dietary granola can be easily used in other recipes. With its help, you can prepare a lot of delicious and healthy desserts and diversify your diet.

    The taste of granola is very easy to change by adding a variety of ingredients. You can experiment and constantly get new unusual tastes of your favorite dish.

    Composition and benefits of granola at home

    There is no need to buy a healthy snack in the store, since making granola at home is as easy as shelling pears.

    The basis of the granola composition is:

    · cereals;

    · other cereals (flattened);

    · dried fruits;

    · pieces of fresh fruit or berries.

    The composition can be changed and supplemented with other ingredients, but the main component - oatmeal - is required. What are the benefits of granola?

    Oatmeal is an excellent source of polysaccharide carbohydrates that take a long time to be processed by the body and saturate it with energy. The dietary fiber in the cereal helps:

    • good digestion;
    • lowering cholesterol;
    • normalization of the cardiovascular system;
    • activation of lipid metabolism.

    Honey in granola is a source of fructose and a whole “bouquet” of vitamins, including:

    • thiamine (B1) – has a positive effect on a person’s mental abilities and metabolic processes in the body;
    • riboflavin (B2) – necessary for the hematopoietic and reproductive systems, health of hair, nails, skin;
    • B6, ensuring skin health;
    • E – the most important antioxidant and antihypoxant (regulator of oxygen consumption by cells);
    • carotene (provitamin A) – a natural immunostimulant;
    • C is an immunostimulant and an important component for the function of the vascular system.

    Nuts, which are often included in granola, are natural plant protein that can replace animal protein. It is very important to include nuts in the diet of vegetarians and people engaged in mental work.

    Is it useful in combination? Without a doubt! But granola is also convenient to use. This snack is very filling, and at the same time light, can be stored for a long time, which makes it indispensable, for example, on hikes.

    Granola and muesli: what's the difference?

    I think the main difference between muesli and granola is that muesli is tasteless, but granola is tasty)) Well, really? Haven’t you come across delicious muesli either? Or am I the only such outcast?

    Okay, I'm kidding. But seriously, the main difference between granola and muesli is that granola is baked, but muesli is not. In this case, a sweetener in the form of honey, sugar, molasses, etc., as well as butter, is added to the granola. Both of these components perform a binding function, and as a result, granola turns out to be delicious lumps, reminiscent of corn flakes.

    By baking and adding fats and sugars, the granola also becomes crunchy. While muesli is a dry crumbly mixture of oatmeal with the addition of dried fruits, nuts and possibly other cereal flakes, not specially sweetened, not crispy and not very healthy looking.

    Simple diet granola recipe

    It's very easy to prepare a delicious and healthy breakfast - make granola and complement it with your favorite fresh fruit. Berries go well with cereal - you can replace the cherries specified in the recipe with any other. But please note that the berries are not baked, but added to ready-made cereals. In this case, the berries can be fresh or dried.


    o 200 gr. oatmeal;

    o 4 tbsp honey;

    o 2 tbsp vegetable oil;

    o 50 gr. walnuts;

    o 200 gr. fresh cherries (or 30 g dried);

    o 1 tsp cinnamon.


    1. If you are using raw nuts, roast them first. Chop them finely.
    2. Melt the honey, pour in the butter. Add to cereal. Stir.
    3. Add cinnamon to the cereal.
    4. Line a baking sheet with baking parchment. Spread oatmeal in a thick layer.
    5. Bake for a quarter of an hour at 180°C.
    6. When the flakes have cooled, add the cherries - you can chop them or use them whole, after removing the pits.
    7. Add walnuts. Stir.

    Light version of granola at home

    Still, the classic recipe for this dish assumes a high calorie content. And since we are for a slim figure, we will prepare a lighter (but no less tasty) version.

    So, diet granola.


    • 200 g apple pulp;
    • 50 g oatmeal;
    • 100 g carrot cake;
    • 100 g rye flakes;
    • 10 g dried cranberries;
    • 20 g honey;
    • 5 g coconut flakes;
    • 2 g cinnamon;
    • 10 g fiber for weight loss (sold in pharmacies).


    • Mix all ingredients;
    • Preheat the oven to 130 degrees;
    • Line a baking sheet with parchment paper;
    • Carefully place the resulting mixture on it, level it;
    • Place the baking sheet in the oven for 30 minutes;
    • Stir the mass every 5-7 minutes so that it does not harden and become like kozinak;
    • After half an hour, turn off the oven and leave the finished mixture to dry a little.

    Preparing the dish will not take you much time and effort. And the benefits of this combination of products are beyond doubt.

    Granola (including dietary granola) is good as a breakfast. It is a known fact that the best time for carbohydrates is morning. This breakfast will be a good start to a new day!

    Diet recipe for granola with cinnamon at home


    · large oat flakes - 300 g;

    · nuts (walnuts, almonds, hazelnuts, etc.) - 150 g;

    · raisins - 100 g;

    · pumpkin seeds - 70 g;

    · almond petals - 50 g;

    · honey - 150 g;

    · oranges - 1-2 pcs.;

    · vegetable oil - 3 tbsp. spoons;

    · ground cinnamon - 1 teaspoon;

    · salt - ½ teaspoon.

    How to make granola at home at home

    1. Chop the nuts with a knife or crush them into pieces of arbitrary size, being careful not to chop them too much. Here you can use either one type of nut (for example, walnuts), or make a mix of cashews, almonds, hazelnuts, etc. The more nuts, the tastier the granola will be!
    2. Squeeze the juice out of the oranges (you need to get 150 ml), mix with honey and butter. Place on low heat, add salt, and add cinnamon for flavoring. Heat this mixture over low heat until the honey is completely dissolved.
    3. Pour oatmeal into a large bowl, add almonds, pumpkin seeds and pieces of nuts.
    4. Pour in the warm honey mixture and mix everything thoroughly so that the dry flakes are evenly covered with the liquid sauce with the aroma of cinnamon.
    5. Transfer the contents of the bowl to a parchment-lined baking sheet, spreading the cereal into an even layer of equal thickness. Dry the granola in the oven for 40-50 minutes at 160 degrees. Every 8-10 minutes, take out the baking sheet and mix the contents thoroughly so that the flakes dry evenly.
    6. Having achieved the appearance of a dark caramel crust, friability and crunch characteristic of granola, remove the snack from the oven.
    7. After cooling, transfer the mixture to a bowl, add pre-washed and dried raisins, and mix. You can add other dried fruits to granola, but if you use large berries/fruits, do not forget to chop them with a knife first.
    8. Store granola in a dry place in tightly closed containers for up to two weeks.
    9. We eat the snack with yogurt, milk or just like that.

    Dietary granola recipe with mixed cereals


    • 200 grams of cereal flakes (I have a mixture of rye, oat and buckwheat).
    • 50 grams of coconut flakes.
    • 50 grams of cashew nuts.
    • 1 tsp ground cinnamon.
    • 100 grams of various grains (I have a mixture of pumpkin, flax and sunflower).
    • 2 tbsp. vegetable oil.
    • 2 egg whites.
    • 40 ml maple syrup or honey.

    How to cook:

    1) Preheat the oven to 160°C.

    2) In a deep bowl, mix the flakes with grains and cashews.

    3) In a small bowl, beat butter, egg whites and maple syrup or honey until smooth.

    4) Pour the liquid into the flakes with seeds, add cinnamon and mix well.

    5) Transfer the wet granola to a baking sheet lined with parchment, smooth it out and place in the preheated oven. Bake, stirring occasionally, until the oats and grains are well browned, about 20 to 25 minutes. Remove the pan with the granola from the oven and let it cool on the pan.

    6) After cooling, transfer the granola into a container that is hermetically sealed.

    Use as directed.

    Apple granola with seeds

    There is nothing tastier and healthier than apple granola, the recipe for which is suitable for making at home.

    Mix 350 g of rolled oats, 60 g of white sesame seeds, 50 g of sunflower seeds, 40 g of almonds and 1 tsp. cinnamon without a slide. Peel and seed 2 sweet apples and puree the pulp. Mix applesauce with 3 tbsp. l. honey and 3 tbsp. l. olive oil. Now combine the dry and liquid products and mix them thoroughly again.

    The oven should already be preheated to 130 °C.

    Place baking paper on a baking sheet, place cereal with apples on it, put the granola in the oven for half an hour and stir every 5 minutes.

    Cool the granola and add it to cottage cheese, kefir or smoothies for a delicious and healthy super breakfast!

    Granola with mango and red currant

    This healthy dessert will appeal to all those with a sweet tooth who are watching their figure. Grate the mango on a fine grater and grind 150 g of any nuts in a mortar. Squeeze juice from 250 g of red currants.

    Mix 200 g of oatmeal, 100 g of rye flakes, crushed nuts and 50 g of any seeds - sunflower, pumpkin or sesame. Add 120 g of honey, 60 g of sunflower oil, a pinch of salt and nutmeg to the currant juice. Place the bowl with the liquid ingredients on the fire and heat, stirring constantly. As soon as the mass becomes homogeneous, remove it from the heat, add 1 tbsp. l. orange zest and mango pulp. Stir the mixture well and combine it with dry foods - cereals, nuts and seeds.

    Bake the granola in a pan lined with oiled baking paper. Bake for 30–40 minutes at 160°C, stirring occasionally.

    Serve this aromatic and delicious granola with pudding, natural yogurt and fresh mango.

    • Preparation time: 10 minutes
    • Cooking time: 50 minutes
    • Serving:


    Homemade granola: baked muesli or how to make granola is a great breakfast recipe that will come in handy for both busy working people and mothers with children who manage everything miraculously. And this is a continuation of the marathon called " ", which is already in its second week, and the delicious dishes are not ending! Be sure to follow the link and you will see many more simple recipes for very tasty breakfasts.

    By the way, instant recipes are very popular in the USA, which is the birthplace of granola, and are gaining popularity in our countries. I realized a long time ago that breakfast food should be quick to prepare, very filling and nutritious, light and certainly very tasty. Therefore, today I will tell you how to cook granola, homemade muesli baked in the oven.

    Personally, I have a special love for all kinds of muesli; I especially liked homemade muesli with berries, fruits, and yogurt. And baked muesli is even more delicious and crunchy. They are prepared from available ingredients: oatmeal, nuts, honey... When thinking about what can be prepared from oatmeal, the thought of baking rarely arises, but in vain! Homemade granola, the recipe for which I will tell you, will amaze you with its bright taste and ease of preparation.

    What’s especially convenient about preparing granola is that the ingredients can vary, the main thing is to maintain the proportions and you can experiment! So, a quick and delicious breakfast, homemade granola: baked muesli or how to make granola.


    • oat flakes - 300 g (regular ones that need to be boiled)
    • nuts- and seeds - 180 gr
    • dried fruits - 180 gr
    • honey- 125 ml
    • juice - apple or grape - 125 ml
    • vegetable oil- sunflower - 60 gr
    • cinnamon - 2 tbsp
    • berries- or fruit - optional
    • milk- or yogurt - optional

    Cooking method

    How to make muesli at home? If it is baked granola muesli, then you need to follow the recipe to the end, and if it is ordinary muesli, then stop at the stage of pouring the sauce over the dry ingredients. First, measure out the required amount of oatmeal. Baked oatmeal granola is the most delicious. Oats must certainly be ordinary, not instant.

    Now we prepare the nut-seed part. I took, of course, cashews, because I can’t live without them, almonds, pumpkin seeds, flax seeds, which I can’t live without, and sesame seeds. Cut the nuts into smaller pieces. Granola and nuts should go perfectly together. How to make granola with the perfect consistency? Just cut the ingredients into equal pieces. Mix oatmeal with nuts and seeds. Now cut different dried fruits into the same pieces. I took cherries and dried apricots, but you can choose dates, prunes, whatever you like! Mix dried fruits with homemade oatmeal and nut granola. Now you should prepare the dressing. Almost all culinary sites that have a granola recipe suggest simply pouring honey and vegetable oil into the oat-nut-fruit mixture, but the classic recipe always uses apple juice. Plus, with this apple-honey sauce, mixing the base and homemade granola is much easier, without any extra effort, no lumps! Therefore, mix honey, apple juice, a pinch of salt and black pepper, sunflower oil and cinnamon in a saucepan. Place over low heat and heat slightly until all ingredients are mixed and dissolved. Baked granola with honey is incredibly delicious! Pour honey-apple sauce with cinnamon over homemade granola and mix thoroughly. Now we cover the baking sheet with baking paper and pour the granola onto it in a thin, even layer. The thinner the layer, the better. But you don’t have to make it super thin, and the medium one will bake well. We put a simple breakfast (the recipe for baked muesli involves baking, of course) in an oven preheated to 160 degrees and cook homemade muesli for about 50 minutes, stirring it very thoroughly every 10 minutes, otherwise the crumbly granola will stick together. If the layer is thin, bake a little less, if thick, bake a little more. Finally, we take the finished baked granola out of the oven, mix well again and leave to cool. Homemade granola won't be crunchy until it cools, so don't worry about it in advance! And also, if it is not crispy and after it has cooled down, nothing is missing, you just need to bake it a little more. Place it back in the preheated oven, even without the parchment, and bake for another 10 minutes. It will definitely crunch 😉 That's it! Now you know how to make granola, how to make muesli at home, how to bake muesli, the benefits of which are undeniable, and... Now I’ll tell you how to serve granola. The first, classic option is granola with milk. By the way, granola with soy milk is also very tasty! Just pour homemade granola into a deep plate the next morning, add fruit and berries and pour cold milk over everything. The second option, my favorite, is granola with yogurt. Take plain, thick vanilla yogurt, baked granola, berries and a couple of glasses. Pour 2 tablespoons of homemade granola into each glass and top with, for example, raspberries. Now we make a layer of yogurt and another layer of berries or fruits. I took blueberries, I love them very much, and now is the season! Add baked muesli to another layer. On top we make another layer of yogurt, crispy granola and decorate the top with berries. The second version of granola with yogurt is ready! There is also a third option - homemade muesli bars, I haven’t made them myself, but I know that you can seal the mixture with crushed banana, form the bars at home, put them on parchment paper and bake in the oven. You can take these granola bars with you on a hike or just to work :) But I love homemade granola with yogurt most of all, it’s very tasty, and it also looks amazing. If you are also a fan of beautiful, multi-layered breakfast-desserts in glasses, then I highly recommend reading and looking at my recipe with photos . The taste of this most delicate mousse is unique! Now let's summarize.

    Homemade granola: baked granola or how to make granola. The recipe is short

    1. Set the oven to heat at 160 degrees.
    2. We measure out the required amount of oatmeal, nuts, seeds and dried fruits. Cut the nuts and dried fruits into smaller pieces and mix everything.
    3. In a saucepan, lightly heat honey, vegetable oil, apple juice, salt, black pepper and cinnamon. Mix everything until completely dissolved and remove from heat.
    4. Pour the honey-apple sauce over the dry base and mix thoroughly so that there are no lumps.
    5. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper and spread an even layer of honey granola. Place the baking sheet in the preheated oven.
    6. Bake homemade granola for about 50 minutes, stirring very thoroughly every 10 minutes.
    7. Remove the finished granola from the oven, stir again and let cool.
    8. Serve with milk or yogurt, berries and fruits.

    All! She told me everything. Now you know how to bake granola! Do this quickly, you will get a lot of delicious baked muesli that can be stored in a closed container for a very long time. If you manage not to eat it quickly :) Be sure to look at recipes with photos of previous breakfasts, for example, or . reviews)

    Granola is baked oatmeal in syrup, to which nuts, fruits, berries or seeds are added. Granola at home can be a type of breakfast - it is seasoned with natural yogurt, milk or juice. You can also cut granola into bars and use it as a healthy snack.

    This dish is predominantly sweet, but there are recipes that allow you to prepare granola without sugar - if you wish, you can also prepare dietary granola at home.

    Add unexpected ingredients - vanilla, almond milk, chia seeds, because this dish allows you to fully express your imagination.

    Simple granola recipe

    It's very easy to prepare a delicious and healthy breakfast - make granola and complement it with your favorite fresh fruit. Berries go well with cereal - you can replace the cherries specified in the recipe with any other. But please note that the berries are not baked, but added to ready-made cereals. In this case, the berries can be fresh or dried.


    • 200 gr. oatmeal;
    • 4 tbsp honey;
    • 2 tbsp vegetable oil;
    • 50 gr. walnuts;
    • 200 gr. fresh cherries (or 30 g dried);
    • 1 tsp cinnamon.


    1. If you are using raw nuts, roast them first. Chop them finely.
    2. Melt the honey, pour in the butter. Add to cereal. Stir.
    3. Add cinnamon to the cereal.
    4. Line a baking sheet with baking parchment. Spread oatmeal in a thick layer.
    5. Bake for a quarter of an hour at 180°C.
    6. When the flakes have cooled, add the cherries - you can chop them or use them whole, after removing the pits.
    7. Add walnuts. Stir.

    Spiced granola with syrup

    If you don't like honey, replace it with syrup. Maple is considered more suitable, but you can add absolutely any flavor using syrup.


    • 200 gr. oatmeal;
    • 100 gr. dates;
    • 30 gr. almonds;
    • 30 gr. walnuts;
    • 30 gr. pumpkin seeds;
    • 4 tbsp syrup;
    • 2 tbsp vegetable oil;
    • ground ginger, cinnamon, nutmeg - optional.


    1. If the nuts are raw, first fry them, then cut them into small pieces.
    2. Finely chop the dates too.
    3. Mix butter with syrup and spices, pour over oatmeal.
    4. Line a baking tray with baking paper. Place the cereal on it.
    5. Bake for 15 minutes at 180°C.
    6. When the cereal has cooled, add nuts, dates and pumpkin seeds.

    Salty granola

    This non-trivial version of baked cereal is suitable for those who are watching their figure. This granola is lower in calories, and is supplemented with sesame seeds and seeds - they will replenish the supply of vitamins and microelements in the body.


    • 200 gr. oatmeal;
    • 1 egg;
    • 50 gr. almonds;
    • 50 gr. walnuts;
    • 2 tsp sesame seeds;
    • salt.


    1. Chop the nuts with a knife.
    2. Break the egg and stir it. Add some cool water.
    3. Add melange to cereal. Add a little salt and stir.
    4. Bake the cereal for 15 minutes at 180°C.
    5. Add nuts and sesame seeds to the cooled cereal.

    Raspberry and rosemary bars

    Granola at home in the oven is not just crispy crumbly flakes. You can make bars from baked oatmeal to create a nutritious and healthy snack that you can take with you anywhere. To ensure that the flakes stick together well, add egg white to the butter and syrup.


    • 200 gr. oatmeal;
    • 2 tbsp vegetable oil;
    • 2 eggs;
    • 4 tbsp honey;
    • 100 gr. raspberries;
    • rosemary.


    1. Add berries and rosemary to oatmeal.
    2. Melt honey, pour in butter. When the mixture has cooled, add the egg whites.
    3. Pour the syrup into the cereal and stir.
    4. Spread the cereal in a thick layer on parchment paper.
    5. Bake for 15 minutes at 180°C.
    6. Cut the baked mass into small cubes.

    Granola in a jar

    Granola, topped with dressing, can be a great dessert. Layer it up and you can take a healthy snack with you. All you need is to mix all the ingredients.


    • 200 gr. oatmeal;
    • 4 tbsp honey;
    • 2 tbsp vegetable oil;
    • 200 gr. fresh berries;
    • 150 ml. natural yogurt.


    1. Melt the honey, add butter to it.
    2. Pour honey into the cereal. Stir.
    3. Place the cereal on the parchment.
    4. Bake for 15 minutes at 180°C.
    5. Place layers in a glass jar: first granola, then yogurt, then fresh berries. Repeat layers again.

    Fruit granola

    This recipe makes cookie-like granola. You can cut it into bars or bake it into individual cookies.


    • 1 banana;
    • 1 pear;
    • 50 gr. prunes;
    • 200 gr. oatmeal;
    • 4 tbsp honey;
    • 2 tbsp vegetable oil;
    • 1 tsp cinnamon.


    1. Grind the banana and pear in a blender - you should get a paste.
    2. Pre-soak the prunes for 20 minutes, then cut into small pieces.
    3. Melt honey and mix with butter. Add cinnamon.
    4. Add fruit puree and prunes to the flakes, season with honey.
    5. Place cereal mixture on parchment paper. Bake for 20 minutes at 180°C.

    If the caloric content of the dish does not bother you, pour chocolate or berry syrup on top of the crispy cereal.
