Folic acid for women before conception: indications, dosage and instructions when planning pregnancy. Is taking folic acid supplements effective for conception?

When planning pregnancy, it is very important to have a sufficient amount of folic acid in the body. This element is otherwise called vitamin B9 or folacin. It is necessary for productive conception and bearing a healthy child. Let's take a closer look at how to take folic acid when planning a pregnancy, how much is required, what it affects and whether it is really necessary.

Folic acid requirement

Future parents should definitely know why they need vitamins with folic acid when planning a pregnancy. At the same time, the vitamin is necessary for both males and females. The main functions of folic acid include:

  • Activation of the absorption and decomposition of proteins;
  • Important participation in cell division;
  • Ability to improve appetite;
  • Ability to normalize hematopoiesis;
  • Participation in the formation of DNA and RNA;
  • Prevention of atherosclerosis;
  • Protecting the body from various poisonings;
  • Immune system support;
  • Improving the activity of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Helps in the good absorption of other elements that are necessary for the successful development of the fetus.

Now let’s take a closer look at what folic acid affects in the female and male body.

Necessity for the female gender

The female body requires folic acid both before and after conception. If this element is not enough during pregnancy, this can cause the following problems:

Necessity for males

Next, let's look at whether men need vitamin B9 and what the effects of a deficiency of this element are. Males also need folic acid during planning future baby. After all, if they don’t have enough of it in their body, then the girl may not be able to get pregnant at all. What does vitamin B9 affect in men:

  • reduces the number of handicapped people, low-quality sperm. This reduces the risk of developing serious pathologies in the fetus;
  • the chance of conceiving a baby without any abnormalities and in good health increases several times;
  • increases mobile and penetrating function sperm.

From the above, it is clear that folic acid is simply necessary during pregnancy planning for both the female and male body. Quite often, if there is a lack of vitamin B9, a couple cannot conceive a child. And also 80% of pathological abnormalities associated with the nervous system in unborn babies directly depend on the sufficient presence of this element.

Therefore, to avoid the risk of serious illnesses, expectant parents should saturate their bodies with the required amount of folacin long before conception. To do this, you can take either medications or more foods that are rich in this vitamin.

What foods contain B9?

Folic acid is found in most foods. A huge amount of it is located in almost all nuts. Green vegetables and leaves of various plants are also rich in vitamin B9. The following products are slightly inferior in the content of this element:

Folic acid also predominates in juices from apricots and oranges, in egg grains and low-grade or coarse flour.

Vitamin B9 is also found in food of animal origin. It is rich in fish, liver, pork, beef, lamb and chicken meat, as well as eggs. This element is also observed in all dairy products.

But almost all animal products can be cooked. As a result 90% of folic acid disappears. If a person rarely eats foods of plant origin, then the body begins to lack folacin. Therefore, it is recommended to use nutritional supplements or vitamin complexes.

Use it correctly

In the first 4 weeks of pregnancy, many organs begin to form in the baby. Most women during this period are not yet aware of conception, so it is very important to provide the nascent baby with vitamins. At this stage, the baby simply needs vitamin B9. The female body needs folic acid from the very first days of pregnancy. It is necessary to form healthy placenta.

It follows that pregnancy should always be planned and the body should be provided with all useful vitamins long before it. Folic acid is not a storage element, so it is constantly needs to be replenished. Doctors recommend taking folic acid to all women who want to have a healthy child in the future. At the same time, we should not forget that this vitamin is needed not only by the female body, but also by the male body. After all, its deficiency has a negative effect on sperm, namely on their motility.

If a couple is serious about pregnancy, they make an appointment with a specialist. He, in turn, prescribes both future parents to start drinking folic acid three months before the desired date of conception. Doctors believe that this is exactly the period the human body needs to make up for all the deficiencies in folacin.


Let's take a closer look at how to take folic acid when planning pregnancy and how much it is required. The amount of the drug needed will depend on the individual characteristics of each person. People who like to abuse alcoholic beverages have a serious lack of folic acid. intestinal disorders, rarely consume greens and vegetables, as well as women who constantly take hormonal medications.

It is advisable to have a specialist prescribe the dosage of vitamin B9. The average dose of this element for a planned pregnancy is about 400 mg. During the actual gestation of the baby, this the dose is doubled. It is worth understanding that excess folic acid can lead to unpleasant consequences. True, an overdose of this vitamin practically does not occur. After all, to allow this to happen, a person will have to drink more than 30 folin tablets.

There are different types of tablets and vitamin complexes, which contain folic acid in different dosages. It is important to take into account the percentage of vitamin B9 in other medications for pregnant women. The deficiency in this element should be accurately indicated by the attending physician.

In some cases, the woman’s prophylactic dose is increased. The usual dosage is 1 tablet 1 - 4 times a day, or 2 tablets can be prescribed twice a day. At the same time, a pregnant woman needs to drink vitamin B9 during the entire period of gestation or only in the first phase.

Usually a high dosage is prescribed in the first weeks of pregnancy. This vitamin is best absorbed when a person eats a heavy meal.

Preparations containing folic acid

Let's look at which medications contain folic acid and which of them can be taken during pregnancy.

Recent research supports the claim that folic acid helps you get pregnant. Women who take a daily multivitamin containing this element are more likely to become pregnant.

Results of specialist research

Folic acid has long been known for its unique properties. One of them is the prevention of abnormalities in fetal development. But scientists were also able to establish the fact that taking folic acid when planning pregnancy helps to conceive a child.

The study, which included more than 18,000 women, found that all multivitamins—and especially folic acid—clearly improved women's fertility (fertility). Those girls who regularly took vitamins had a 40% lower risk of encountering the problem of “non-ripening of the egg,” a common cause of female infertility.

During pregnancy planning, the most favorable conditions within the body for the development of the fetus should be created in advance. And folic acid helps a woman in this no less than a healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition.

Why is this vitamin so important?

At the beginning of pregnancy, the development of the embryo always begins with one cell, however, this number gradually increases to one hundred billion. And vitamin B9 is very important for the growth and normal development of constantly replacing cells of various tissues and organs in the body.

The importance of vitamin B9 for hematopoiesis is especially noticeable. Folic acid is also important for the normal functioning of the nervous and immune systems. For example, already at 2-3 weeks the embryo develops a structure - it is on its basis that the central nervous system of the unborn child will be formed. And for its successful development you will need the same vitamin B9.

When should you start taking it?

Since many women are unaware of the onset of pregnancy during the first 2-3 weeks, taking vitamin B9 should be started in advance. That is, you need to take folic acid when planning pregnancy. In this case, the future fetus will be fully provided with vitamin B9, which is vital for it, from the first days.

And it is advisable to start taking this vitamin immediately after finishing using oral contraceptives.

What should be the dosage?

According to WHO recommendations, the average daily intake of vitamin B9 for adolescents and adults is about 400 mcg. When a woman plans to become pregnant, the need for this vitamin increases by almost 50% and amounts to about 600 mcg.

It is important to remember that the body cannot produce folic acid on its own, so it is necessary to systematically replenish its reserves with a varied diet.

Products containing vitamin B9

If you want to get pregnant as soon as possible, you should ensure that you eat the right diet. And since this requires consuming as much vitamin B9 as possible, pay attention to the following foods:

  • beef liver;
  • green vegetables such as broccoli, spinach, cauliflower and Brussels sprouts;
  • egg yolk;
  • legumes;
  • asparagus;
  • various whole grain products.
  • Fruits - especially oranges, mangoes and bananas.

Even the most common culinary recipes include a lot of dishes that contain folic acid.


When preparing dishes, you should remember that vitamin B9 is very sensitive to heat treatment, therefore, it is important to pay attention to certain points:

  1. Prepare dishes exclusively from fresh products, because when they are stored for a long time, the amount of vitamins in them decreases.
  2. Folic acid dissolves quite easily and quickly in water, and is also sensitive to high temperatures. Therefore, do not keep food in water for too long, and do not cook it over high heat.
  3. In order for your body to receive more vitamins contained in vegetables, it is best to eat foods without any heat treatment.

Folic acid is really important for conception. And in order to get its daily requirement, it is also recommended to take it as part of separate vitamin supplements and complexes.

In order to conceive and give birth to a healthy child, the excellent condition of the body of its parents is very important: both women and men. But in our time, when quality products are difficult to find, and everyone faces stress and overwork on a regular basis, it is almost impossible to find people without health problems. Therefore, if you are planning a pregnancy, you need to undergo an examination and find out what needs to be corrected.

In most cases, couples who want to have a child are prescribed vitamin complexes that include folic acid. Sometimes it is even used to treat infertility, and both women and men drink it. How does folic acid help you get pregnant? What does it affect? What rules for taking this drug must be followed to achieve the desired result?

Effect on the body

Folic acid belongs to the B vitamins. It is necessary for essential processes and the proper absorption of other vitamins, so it is consumed very quickly. This substance is not produced in the human body, so it must come from outside.

Why do you need folic acid:

  • For the proper production of genetic material, DNA and RNA synthesis, prevention of mutations, healthy cell division.
  • To regulate all life stages of germ cells.
  • Strengthens the immune system.
  • Needed to speed up and correct various metabolic processes. Helps absorb various amino acids and carbohydrates. Can act as an enzyme.
  • Participates in hematopoiesis, especially in the formation of red blood cells, which is the prevention of anemia and oxygen starvation of tissues.
  • Necessary for the formation and functioning of the nervous system. Its deficiency causes many problems with the functioning of the brain and peripheral nerves in both adults and children.
  • Maintains optimal homocysteine ​​levels, which is an excellent prevention of heart disease.

Monitoring the level of folic acid in the body is important for everyone who wants to be healthy. But this is especially important before conceiving a child. The vitamin is found in some foods (greens, meat, fish, almonds, some vegetables, eggs, etc.), but usually this is not enough and you need to take folic acid purchased at the pharmacy.

For women

Any woman before pregnancy, while carrying a child, as well as the entire period of breastfeeding, should take folic acid. In what doses this should be done, and how often to take this drug, only a doctor can decide, but in any case, ignoring the need to take it is very dangerous.

Possible consequences of folic acid deficiency in the female body:

  1. Metabolic disorders, including those that lead to hormonal imbalance.
  2. Lack of adequate absorption of vitamin B12. This leads to severe anemia. A weakened body cannot provide nutrition to its own organs, much less is it able to perform the reproductive function efficiently.
  3. The development of eggs is disrupted. They either do not ripen at all or are defective and cannot be fertilized. If such an egg is fertilized, a miscarriage occurs or a child is born with developmental defects.
  4. During pregnancy, without folic acid, neither the baby’s body systems nor the placenta can form correctly, which can also lead to spontaneous abortion.
  5. The functioning of the mother’s nervous system is greatly affected and the fetal brain is not formed correctly. With a slight deficiency there will be no defects, but the baby may be very nervous and whiny.

As you can see, the consequences are very serious, because they can even cost the child’s life, so it is important to start taking the drug on time. Moreover, it is relatively inexpensive and is sold in any pharmacy.

For men

Men are often surprised when they are told that in order to conceive and properly develop the fetus, they need to take the medicine. But if we do not forget the fact that half of the genetic material and one of the two cells that must meet in order for an embryo to form are formed in the male body, everything becomes clear.

For men, the dosage of folic acid is usually 2 times less than for women. This is due to the fact that it is necessary for only one organism, and in the female it is also spent on the development of the fetus.

What does folic acid do for conception if a man drinks it:

  1. Corrects cell division, in particular, all processes associated with the transfer of genetic information. This significantly reduces the risk of changes in the number of chromosomes, mutations that can make male reproductive cells incapable of fertilization or manifest as developmental defects in the fetus.
  2. There are more sperm, especially if you also take vitamin E with folic acid. They are viable and mobile.
  3. The protective shell of sperm is strengthened, which improves their penetrating ability. The risk of their death long before meeting the egg is significantly reduced.

It has been noticed that many cases of infertility in men are associated with folic acid deficiency. This happens especially often with poor nutrition, which is combined with bad habits, stress, and physical overload. Sometimes folic acid deficiency in men is so severe that it can be noticed without consulting a doctor.

A person notices the following signs:

  • Constant irritability.
  • Fast fatiguability.
  • Nervousness.
  • Decreased appetite.
  • Weakness.
  • Difficulty concentrating.
  • Low hemoglobin level.
  • Pale skin.
  • Difficulty remembering information; everything is quickly forgotten.
  • Working capacity has sharply decreased.
  • Interest in the opposite sex may decrease significantly.

If a man has such symptoms and they are combined with infertility, it is imperative to consult regarding the dosage of folic acid. In case of acute deficiency, large quantities of the drug or complex treatment may be needed.

Folic acid is very heavily consumed by the body and is quickly eliminated from it. In addition, it is very sensitive to the influence of many factors. Therefore, it is important for both men and women to know how to take this drug correctly so that the birth of a healthy baby becomes a reality.

Doctors' advice on how to take folic acid:

  1. Dosage. You need to take as many tablets as your doctor prescribed. Reducing the dose may result in a slight deficiency remaining and the desired result – conceiving a healthy child – will not be achieved. An overdose is unlikely, but also unsafe.
  2. Combination with other medications. If you are taking any medications, be sure to tell the doctor who prescribes folic acid. This is important because it cannot be combined with some medications. Or you may need to change your dosage.
  3. Bad habits. Nicotine and alcohol destroy folic acid and disrupt its absorption processes in the body. If you do not give up bad habits, you are unlikely to be able to conceive a healthy baby, even if you drink huge doses of vitamins. Stress, lack of sleep, and depression also greatly affect the effectiveness of treatment.
  4. You need to start taking the pills at least 3 months before the start of pregnancy. This way the body will have time to improve its health and begin to perform reproductive function correctly.
  5. The presence of chronic gastrointestinal diseases. If the gastrointestinal tract is not functioning properly, folic acid may simply not be absorbed, no matter how much it is drunk. Therefore, you need to try, as far as possible, to improve your digestive system.

It is important to remember that folic acid is only effective for conception when taken correctly. This means that both future parents need to eat right, lead a healthy lifestyle and take a course of vitamins.

During the planning period, doctors advise many girls to take certain vitamins, especially folic acid. Let's look at whether folic acid helps you get pregnant and reviews of mothers who took it.

Vitamin B9: features and functions

To understand whether folic acid helps you get pregnant, it is enough to study its characteristics, its effect on the body and the processes occurring in it. It is a B-group vitamin – B9. It is necessary for the development of the circulatory and immune systems. Contained mainly in plant leaves, some vegetables, nuts and fruits. The amount of vitamin in them can vary significantly.

Products containing vitamins

For example, 100 g of product contains:

  • Beans: 300 mcg acid;
  • Brussels sprouts, walnuts: 130-150 mcg;
  • melon, broccoli, hazelnuts: 100-110 mcg;
  • strawberry: 60 mcg;
  • grapes, oranges: 30-40 mcg.

  • improves the body's absorption of proteins;
  • promotes the absorption of sugars and amino acids;
  • promotes cell division;
  • ensures normal hematopoiesis (promotes the formation of leukocytes, platelets, erythrocytes);
  • participates in the formation of DNA and RNA, which carry hereditary information;
  • prevents the development of atherosclerosis;
  • improves the functioning of the digestive tract;
  • reduces the possibility of food poisoning, improves appetite.

When figuring out whether it is possible to get pregnant from folic acid, the answer is clear. It has nothing to do with fertilization. That is, if you have problems with conception, it will not be able to help with the problem of infertility or lack of ovulation. It is prescribed to strengthen the body and prepare it for such a complex process of gestation, when the mother’s energy reserves are spent on the development of the baby.

Does folic acid help you get pregnant?

Some believe that folic acid helps to get pregnant and that is why it is prescribed to almost all girls who want to conceive a baby. But by asking a doctor, you can get a comprehensive answer.

The vitamin is prescribed to strengthen the immune system and overall health of the body so that the unborn baby does not get birth defects due to the adverse effects of the environment, parents’ lifestyle and similar problems.

Folic acid when planning pregnancy

Vitamin B9 prevents the development of anemia, which was discovered almost a hundred years ago. After some studies, it was confirmed that the risk of fetal neural tube diseases decreased by 70% when taking folic acid. And due to the absence of the development of certain dangerous diseases that are incompatible with the vital activity of embryos, the vitamin helped to significantly reduce the number of miscarriages.

Complications in the absence of folic acid in a pregnant woman

For the proper course of pregnancy and fetal development, a girl must receive all types of vitamins in normal quantities, incl. and folic acid. Is it possible to get pregnant if you lack it? It’s not a question. Of course, this is a fairly common occurrence. But with a lack of this vitamin, the risk of certain dangerous conditions significantly increases:

  • miscarriage at short stages of development;
  • frozen pregnancy;
  • placental abruption;
  • formation of congenital defects in the fetus.

It is the increased risk of defects in the embryo that requires taking folic acid in order to become pregnant, bear and give birth to a healthy baby. The most common newborn problems include:

  • neural tube defect;
  • anencephaly;
  • malnutrition;
  • developmental delay (mental and physical).

Of course, this does not mean at all that if there is a deficiency or absence of folic acid in the diet, you can become pregnant and get a lot of problems. Everything is very individual. Simply, with a small amount of vitamin in the body, the risk of these defects increases.

When considering how to take folic acid to get pregnant, it is worth remembering the individuality of each organism. The level of immunity, the normal development of processes, the production of blood cells, and digestive characteristics are very different for each girl. Therefore, the development of the fetus and the possibility of problems arising are also individual. As far as we remember, even with a lack of vitamin, it is possible to give birth to a completely healthy baby. If there is a desire to minimize the risk of the above defects, then take acid. Experts have confirmed that when consuming the pills, there are no developmental problems in the fetus.

Vitamin dosage

It is best to check with your doctor about how to take folic acid in order to become pregnant and give birth to a healthy baby. He will prescribe an individual dose. If a girl decides to take the pills on her own, you should read the instructions and choose the optimal regimen. Typically, the norm is 0.4 mg per day. Often, the doctor can increase this standard, almost twice, after successful conception.

When asked how to take folic acid to get pregnant, doctors answer that the recommended intake is 0.4 mg tablets per day

It is worth remembering that excessive intake does not give a positive result. In particular, taking more than 0.8 mg per day is not recommended. But the absorption of the vitamin does not occur 100%, and therefore it will not be possible to overdo it.

How much folic acid to take to get pregnant with a healthy baby depends on your doctor’s instructions. But this vitamin is not accumulated. If you stop taking it, then its content in the body will decrease.

It is recommended to start drinking it 3 months before the expected time of conception. But couples do not always manage to get pregnant in a short time. In this case, girls continue to take pills until conception and after. But if fertilization is delayed, the dose is usually reduced. The main thing is to ensure sufficient vitamin content.

If you don’t want to take pills for so long, you can do without them. The vitamin can be obtained from foods and vegetables that contain it. The effectiveness of the acid is difficult to confirm, because it is simply impossible to find out whether the newborn could have had defects if the mother had not received the vitamin. But it is known that folic acid helps to get pregnant (reviews from girls confirm) and reproduce healthy babies on time.

Doctors prescribe folic acid for women to get pregnant with a healthy baby, but men are often advised to take it as well. This is explained quite simply. The lack of vitamin in the male body affects the motility, quality and quantity of sperm. Men are prescribed pills, of course, only when such problems are detected. But if you wish, you can take pills during the planning period.

Do not forget about environmental degradation, not always a healthy lifestyle, problems with the stomach or intestines, and congenital diseases. All this can lead to problems with conception.

When conceiving a child on purpose, the couple must undergo a mandatory examination by a specialized doctor. Folic acid is prescribed two months before pregnancy. During this period, you should quit smoking, since this trace element is destroyed due to the components of cigarettes.

The lack of the required amount of this vitamin affects both the embryo and the newly born baby. When planning pregnancy, folic acid must be activated in both the female and male body in advance.

If the deficiency of a microelement cannot be compensated with the help of products, then it is better to seek help from a specialist who will prescribe a suitable medication.

When taking the medicine, you should follow the dosage. Exceeding the norm of vitamin B9 during the period of conception can lead to hypervitaminosis. However, if the component is poorly accepted by the body of future parents, the likelihood of a positive conception of a child is reduced.

What vitamins are necessary for the normal course of pregnancy in the 1st trimester -

Folic acid helps to get pregnant, and is then prescribed during all trimesters and during breastfeeding. When taking this drug, you should take into account contraindications, which can negate all efforts.

If allergic reactions occur or the body does not accept the drug, you should immediately stop taking it and consult a specialist.

  • painkillers;
  • anti-seizure medications;
  • cytostatics;
  • antibiotics.

Long-term use of folic acid when planning pregnancy should occur under the strict guidance of a doctor. Detailed instructions for using folic acid.

A big plus will be a timely blood test to determine the amount of vitamin B12. It is this component, in combination with folic acid, that organizes the proper functioning of the glands and simulates the production of red blood cells.

For men when planning

Men use vitamin B9 to eliminate problems with conceiving a child. To treat infertility, medication can be prescribed to both parents.

The most common variant of the pathology leading to the disorder is considered to be a knocked down set of chromosomes. This can be caused by an unhealthy lifestyle and poor diet.

Before conception, men are prescribed folic acid in the amount of 0.7-1.1 mg per day. Reception continues throughout the entire planning period for the child.

Additionally, men may be prescribed vitamin E, which stimulates sperm production. This interaction of components will significantly increase the possibility of conceiving a child.

Signs of vitamin B9 deficiency in men:

  • poor appetite;
  • forgetfulness;
  • problems in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • a significant proportion of dead sperm.

Folic acid is not the only vitamin needed by the stronger sex during this period. What other ones are needed?

What the stronger sex needs to know about planning pregnancy - in this video:

Dosage for women

To prevent vitamin B9 deficiency and have a normal pregnancy, women are advised to start taking folic acid 3-6 months before conception. In this period The daily folic acid intake should be at least 0.8 mg. This will significantly reduce the likelihood of fetal developmental disorders.

You can learn more about the vitamins women need when planning pregnancy from

Vitamin B9 is prescribed to all women planning pregnancy. The use of folic acid should continue both during the period of conception and throughout the entire period of gestation.
