Foreign payment systems. Foreign payment systems. List of major payment systems operating in Russia

Electronic payment systems are gaining popularity every year. With their help, money transfers are made between your accounts, and funds are also transferred to other users. All payments are made through them, which is extremely convenient and saves a lot of time. In addition to these services, foreign payment systems are very often used in Russia, which have a number of differences and features in comparison with the usual Russian systems.

In Russia there are a large number of sites and services that use payment systems for individuals. They all perform the same function - transfer funds from the client’s account to the account of the seller of goods or services. But each payment system has its own nuances and subtleties. Therefore, each user has the right to choose the most suitable money transfer service.

Foreign payment systems are used on foreign websites. If the client decides to place an order from this site, he will be offered a choice of several payment methods for his order. The choice is always up to the user. To make the right choice, carefully familiarize yourself with all the features of the proposed payment resources.

The most popular foreign payment system

Doing business online via the Internet involves making cash payments using a payment system. The most common foreign payment system in Russia is PayPal. This company has been around for almost two decades. During this time, it has successfully established itself as a reliable service for transferring funds via the Internet and has successfully secured its leading position.

Since the service's existence, millions of transactions and payments have been made. PayPal is used in 200 countries around the world, and in the USA, payment through this system is second only to direct payment using a bank card. This service works with 24 foreign currencies and has over 150 million registered users in Russia, the USA, Europe and Asia.

Over time, PayPal began to have competitors offering more favorable terms for the provision of funds transfer services. The main reasons why 1/3 of clients began to use other payment systems are:

  1. Not applicable. The customer may, for certain reasons, refuse to use this payment system, so to be on the safe side, it is better to have another service for making payments.
  2. Blocking. There are often cases when PayPal blocks user accounts. In this case, it will not be possible to make the payment. This can become a big problem if there is an urgent need to pay for the goods. You should always have a backup option with another payment system.
  3. Safety of funds. PayPal is convenient and secure for making small payments. If the amount is significant, then it is better to use a more reliable payment system.
  4. Benefit. PayPal's fees are not the lowest. Therefore, the desire to save money encourages customers to use other services for transferring money payments.

In those days when eBay and PayPal were one, other payment systems could not compete with it. After the separation of the two giants, other payment services had the opportunity to express themselves. Money transfer companies have been created, collaborating with many online services.

Stripe – payment system in Russia

The developers of the payment system in question are considered to be Americans. It is gaining more and more popularity every year, as it is a reliable system for transferring payments to more than 140 countries in 20 different currencies. The service is constantly being improved, expanding not only its geography, but also its functionality.

The Stripe payment system has agreements to process and process payments from Alipay, Alibaba and Apple Pay. The company introduced an additional Connect service for users, which is designed for making payments to small firms and companies. On Twitter and Facebook, you can purchase products through advertising links through the Stripe Connect payment system.

Stripe is a payment system in Russia that allows you to accept credit and debit bank cards. It was originally developed as a developer-oriented system. But later it was integrated into various projects and sites for payment for ordered goods or services.

When using this payment system, a commission of 2.9% of the payment amount is charged. In addition, 30 cents are debited for completing a funds transfer operation.

Important! The most popular system, PayPal, deducts the same amount of commission, but does not provide free services for using a credit card, chargebacks or international payments, unlike Stripe.

To work with this payment system, you do not need to have an account. This frees the user from having to go through the registration procedure and saves significant time. In order to use the resource, you only need to have a valid credit or debit card.

Payment system Skrill

Leading European websites and online stores use the Skrill payment system to make transactions and purchases. It is much more difficult to find such sites in the USA and Asian countries. A complete list of partners of this payment system can be found on its official website.

Interesting! On the official website of the payment system you can find a list of stores that use it for money transfers, sorted by language. This will allow you to weed out services that are not of interest to a given user.

In order to use the Skrill payment system, you do not need to install any programs or applications on your computer. You just need to open your browser and go to the payment system website, where the entire interface is located. The site is Russified, which is very convenient for users. Even a beginner can easily understand all the intricacies of using the Skrill system.

Registering your account in this payment system is a simple process that will take the user a few minutes. You just need to enter all the personal data that the system requests during registration.

The Skrill payment system provides the opportunity to make transfers to those users who are not yet registered in this system. The money is sent to the client’s email, and the system automatically creates an account for him. To receive funds, he will only need to go through a simple registration procedure.

The Skrill payment system has one limitation regarding users - age. The client must be an adult at the time of taking out a loan. If during registration they provide inaccurate information, including age, then this account will not go through the registration procedure and will be blocked.

The security service carefully checks all registered users, so you must provide your own personal information. This will help avoid negative consequences and problems with the security service.


About ten foreign payment systems for individuals are used in Russia. Various online sites and services offer their clients the use of payment systems with which they cooperate. Most often, the user is offered several foreign payment systems to choose from.

For ten years, PayPal ranked first and had no competitors. Over time, payment systems began to appear that offered customers the most profitable and attractive conditions.

The main thing that users pay attention to when choosing a service for transferring funds is security. Such a system will reliably protect transfers, and the client can be sure that his personal data will be kept secret and the funds will reach the addressee. In any case, the choice of payment system remains with the client.

Plastic cards as a type of payment have existed in international practice for a long time and are widely used. Their first users were foreign corporations (trading companies). The first card used for payments in restaurants and retail outlets was the Diners Club, which appeared in the United States in the late 40s. It had contracts with 285 merchants and 35,000 cardholders, who were charged $3 per year for using the card. Subsequently, the system continued to develop both geographically and through the commercial network. At first, commercial and service enterprises did not take payment cards very well, because, firstly, it undermined the position of their own branded cards, and secondly, because of the need to pay a commission to the issuing company.

The main difficulties began with the entry of competitors into the market: the Carte Blanche system (which was originally a private card of the Hilton Hotel Corporation and was later sold to the First National City Bank) and the American Express card. Around the same time, the British Hotel and Restaurant Association began issuing the BHR credit card, which, although not a bank card, was still universal. This system merged with its Swedish competitor Rikskort to form Eurocard International, headquartered in Sweden. The competition of American card associations continues to this day in both the USA and Europe.

Currently, there are several types of international and Russian payment systems, which are actually issuers and distributors of plastic bank cards.

International payment systems include the following:



Master Card,

European (Europay),


Diners Club,

Union Card.

The first Soviet issuer of international cards was Vnesheconombank, which issued “golden” Eurocard cards in 1989. The release of these plastic cards was very limited, and they were intended for a narrow circle of people. The first Russian commercial bank to issue its own Visa card in 1991 was Kredobank. But, despite the fact that Kredobank joined the Eurocard/Mastercard association, it never began issuing these cards along with Visa, explaining this by a ban from the Eurocard/Mastercard association (later Europe).

Since 1993, Europe has seriously changed its tactics in Russia. The company has intensified the acceptance of Russian banks as members of the association; an office was opened in Moscow to work with them. The Association of Russian Members of Europe was created, which currently helps to effectively resolve issues common to banks.

Expanding its cooperation with Mastercard, Eurocard entered into an agreement with the companies Cirrus and Maestro (Cirrus/Maestro), which made it possible to expand the range of services offered to customers through cards for receiving cash from ATMs.

Until today, a significant part of the commercial network for accepting cards of international payment systems (except for American Express) is serviced by the United Credit Card Company (UCC), for which the English abbreviation UCS (United Card Service) is more often used.

In 1999-2000 The Russian association "Visa" is created. A notable event was the creation of the Diners Club Russia company, the Russian founder, and subsequently the settlement bank of which was Imperial Bank.

Some banks have taken the path of signing agency agreements with foreign financial institutions, that is, they have begun to offer their clients plastic cards issued by foreign banks. There are still doubts about the legality of such activities, primarily from the point of view of the internal rules of Visa and Europe itself. This practice continues today.

In the few years since the appearance of the first international card issued by a Russian bank, the market has changed dramatically: the number of cards issued is approaching a million. Russia has become a full-fledged region in international card payment systems. There are dozens of local, regional and interregional payment systems operating on the territory of Russia, not to mention the leading international ones. The number of cardholders of Russian payment systems amounts to many hundreds of thousands. Tens of thousands of card acceptance points throughout the country work with bank cards of national and international payment systems. The Visa Association, into which the first Russian bank (Sberbank of the Russian Federation) was admitted in 1988, today cooperates with 45 Russian banks. By assessing the situation on the domestic Russian cards market, it is possible to cancel the steady growth in the number of plastic cards and cash balances stored on them.

Currently, two groups of payment systems operate simultaneously on the Russian “plastic” market: foreign (international) and domestic. Moreover, Russian payment systems, such as STB Card, Union Card, Volga or Zolotaya Korona, due to the low cost of their tariffs, are ahead of a number of international companies in the number of cards issued in Russia.

Golden Crown

it is the largest Russian interbank payment system. It serves 199 banks and more than 1.7 million of their clients in all regions of Russia. The technological basis of the system is multifunctional microprocessor cards. "Golden Crown" cards provide a wide regional service network in Russia, a high level of security, the ability to combine on one card an "electronic wallet", "transport card", "accounting for benefits and subsidies", various discount programs

"Union Card"

At the moment, it is actually the only Russian interbank nationwide payment system, which includes more than 300 Russian banks. The issuance policy is based on the potential of a large number of medium and small banks, although the issuers of Union Card are also the largest Russian banks - Avtobank, Vneshtorgbank of the Russian Federation, Mezhprombank, Gazprombank, Uralvneshtorgbank, GUTA-Bank, Nizhegorodpromstroybank, Bank of Moscow, Svyaz-Bank, Transcreditbank. Russian banks and their branches are showing interest in issuing Russian card products. The reasons for such a wide distribution of the Union Card Payment System lie mainly in the system of building its work with banks within the framework of the so-called. salary projects.

is currently the only Russian payment system that has a Europay Int certificate. This payment system has been operating since 1992 and during this time has become an important element of the Russian plastic card market. Many Russian banks and banks from the CIS and Baltic countries have already become partners of STB. Today, the STB Payment System covers 82 constituent entities of the Russian Federation. The unique PIN2 technology developed by STB CARD specialists allows holders of STB cards with the issued PIN2 code to carry out secure e-commerce transactions on the Internet, as well as gain access to additional services provided via the Internet by banks participating in the system.

2.3 International payment systems

The VISA system - the most popular in the world - unites millions of users under its “plastic roof” and operates in 72 countries; its clients are served by about 20 thousand banks. The history of Visa in Russia goes back more than 13 years. The Association of Russian Visa Member Banks was founded on February 25, 1997 by the International Service Association Visa International and the commercial banks Inkombank and Rossiyskiy Kredit. Later, other Russian banks became co-founders of the Association, the total number of which currently amounts to 32 banks. Visa has developed a range of payment cards designed for different categories of customers, meeting their lifestyle and individual needs. Visa cards are a convenient and reliable way to pay and withdraw cash, both at home and while traveling.

Visa e-c@rd

are intended for payment via the Internet for any types of goods and services in any electronic stores around the world, as well as for payment for the services of cellular operators, Internet providers, travel companies, hotel businesses, etc. However, withdraw cash at a cash point or You will not be able to use this card at an ATM or pay in a store with it. The limitation in the card's operating mode had a positive effect on its price - issuing and servicing a card for electronic payments for six months will cost the owner less than two US dollars in the absence of any security deposit.


MasterCard has issued more than 590 million cards with the MasterCard logo and 505 million cards with the Maestro logo, for a total of 1,095 million cards. These cards are accepted at more than 30 million locations worldwide. The Eurocard/MasterCard card is aimed at average-income citizens who periodically travel abroad and make purchases in large Russian stores, pay for hotel and restaurant services. Eurocard/MasterCard cards are a convenient and modern means of payment, which are very popular all over the world and provide a higher degree of security for your personal funds compared to cash.

Virtual Card Eurocard/MasterCard is intended exclusively for online payments and differs from the regular card only in that it is slightly shorter.


The American Express card differs from previous ones only in the degree of its availability. The fact is that, unlike VISA and EuroCard/MasterCard, American Express refrains from the practice of granting banks the right to issue their cards, and therefore it is extremely difficult to find an American Espress card with the logo of any bank in the world. Meanwhile, despite the fact that only divisions of the American Express company have exclusive rights, there are about a dozen Russian banks that distribute cards from this company. However, the specific nature of this card, as well as the absence of a credit history institution in Russia, determines that banks prefer to issue AmEx cards only to their most reputable and trusted clients. American Express cards also come in different types: Personal, American Express Company, American Express Gold and, more recently, the Optima True Grace Card.


Diners Club International is one of the oldest payment systems in the world and one of the leaders in issuing cards for travel and entertainment. By choosing a Diners Club card, the client becomes not only the owner of a convenient means of payment, but also a member of the international Diners Club, receiving a number of advantages and benefits provided for members of this club. The cardholder receives a “service basket” designed to protect him from many surprises during business and leisure trips, including support at Diners Club International offices around the world.

The Diners Club International card is designed primarily for people who have a stable, above-average income and who make business or tourist trips quite often.

One of the main tasks solved when creating the Payment System is to develop and comply with general rules for servicing cards of issuers included in the system, conducting mutual settlements and payments. These rules cover both purely technical aspects of operations with cards - data standards, authorization procedures, specifications for the equipment used, etc., and financial aspects of card servicing - settlement procedures with trade and service enterprises that are part of the receiving network, rules for mutual settlements between banks , tariffs, etc.

From an organizational point of view, the core of the Payment System is the contractual association of banks. The Payment System also includes trade and service enterprises, forming a network of service points. For the successful functioning of the Payment System, specialized non-financial organizations are also needed to provide technical support for card servicing: processing and communication centers, technical service centers, etc.

The processing center - a specialized service organization - ensures the processing of requests for authorization and/or transaction protocols received from acquirers (or directly from service points) and/or transaction protocols - recorded data on payments made through cards and cash withdrawals. For this purpose, the center maintains a database, which, in particular, contains data on banks - members of the Payment System and cardholders. The center stores information about cardholder limits and fulfills requests for authorization if the issuing bank does not maintain its own database (off-line bank). Otherwise (on-line bank) the processing center forwards the received request to the issuing bank of the authorized card. Obviously, the center also ensures that the response is forwarded to the acquiring bank. In addition, based on the transaction protocols accumulated during the day, the processing center prepares and sends final data for mutual settlements between banks participating in the Payment System, and also generates and sends stop lists to acquiring banks (and, possibly, directly to service points). The processing center can also meet the needs of issuing banks for new cards, ordering them at factories and subsequent personalization. It should be noted that an extensive Payment system may have several processing centers, the role of which at the regional level can also be played by acquiring banks.

Communication centers provide Payment system entities with access to data networks. The use of special high-performance communication lines is due to the need to transfer large amounts of data between geographically distributed participants of the Payment System when authorizing cards in trading terminals, when servicing cards at ATMs, when conducting mutual settlements between system participants and in other cases.

Each bank that decides to provide plastic card services to its customers can either create its own payment system or begin to cooperate with existing payment systems, domestic or international.

Cooperation with international payment systems involves membership or partnership of Russian banks with the relevant Payment systems. Within the framework of the VISA International association, cards are issued by 20 thousand VISA member banks. These cards, emblazoned with their issuers' logos, are accepted at 10 million retail and service locations worldwide. The Europay International association has 25 thousand banks and 12 million points, respectively.

In recent years, the conditions for obtaining Russian cards by bank clients have become noticeably more liberal - under the influence of competition, tariffs have been reduced. However, their spread among issuing banks is quite high. As a rule, when choosing a certain bank, a client receives an advantage in one group of tariffs, but overpays for other services.

International cards issued and serviced by Russian banks have quite distinct Russian specifics. This is evidenced by the actual absence of credit cards, the practice of using insurance deposits, etc.

At the same time, it should be borne in mind that plastic cards of international systems require the availability of foreign currency. Consequently, in Russia a limited number of people can become potential owners of them. There are even fewer real owners of international cards, since banks require a fairly significant account balance, and in the case of credit cards, also a large security deposit in foreign currency.

Difficulties associated with the introduction of plastic cards of international payment systems, as well as the real need for the development of paperless technologies in Russia, require Russian banks to develop the market of their own cards with a view to a more mass consumer. Modern Russian plastic cards can mainly be defined as debit cards, intended for receiving cash from ATMs and paying for purchases in a still small number of appropriately equipped stores.

Russian banks have recently clearly shifted their acceptance towards creating internal (national) payment systems and issuing their own cards.

January 21, 2017 No comments

When choosing a foreign electronic payment system, you must know English well. The most popular services are Payoneer, PayPal, AlertPay. The main disadvantage of working with foreign systems is the complex process of withdrawing funds.

Withdrawing income from foreign systems is quite difficult due to their lack of payment services used in our country. In Western countries, the world-famous electronic payment system PayPal, which is part of the eBay auction, is recognized as the most popular.

Foreign payment systems

The main task of any payment system is to make payments for goods and services purchased through the global network. First of all, you must have a personal PayPal account into which your earnings will be deposited.

The main difficulty is the lack of a procedure for withdrawing funds from PayPal in Russia. A bank card must be linked to your account, but it is used to top up your account or make expense transactions.

Of course, Russian craftsmen found a way out. There are sites on the RuNet that use not entirely clean methods to withdraw funds from PayPal to one of the Russian electronic systems, for example, Webmoney.

The percentage charged for such operations varies from 9 to 20, depending on the specific service. But it is worth considering that their activities are completely illegal and you are exposing your funds to quite a serious risk.

A way out of this situation may be to open an account in a bank in a country in which withdrawal of funds is possible.

But to make large monetary transactions, you must be a citizen of the specified country; for stateless users, a limit on withdrawals of funds is set in the amount of 2,500 euros within one calendar year.

At the same time, among foreign electronic payment systems there are those that can be used to easily withdraw your income to Russian banks. Such a system is AlertPay, which works with MasterCard and VisaClassic cards.

However, it must be taken into account that the account opened in the bank must be in dollars.

Another foreign service that allows you to withdraw money in Russia is Payoneer. This system uses a virtual account to which you can link a Payoneer MasterCard. This option is ideal for all users working on American exchanges.

If you know how to work well, then you can earn money anywhere, but it is much easier to do it in your homeland. Of course, you have the right to make your own choice...
