Story. Damian (Voskresensky), Archbishop of Kursk and Oboyansky, Hieromartyr Damian Voskresensky

Hieromartyr Damian (Voskresensky Dmitry Grigorievich), Archbishop of Kursk

Vladyka Damian (Dmitry Grigorievich Voskresensky, born October 23, 1873), was born into the family of the rector of St. Michael’s Church Gregory in the village of Brusovoye, Fatezhsky district, Kursk province. He graduated from theological school, and in 1894 from the Kursk Theological Seminary. He served as a psalm-reader in Putivl, an overseer and a drawing teacher at the Stary Oskol Theological School. He was ordained a priest by Bishop Juvenaly of Kursk on January 6, 1897. He studies at the St. Petersburg Theological Academy and at the same time at the Archaeological Institute. On November 27, 1904, he was tonsured a monk by Bishop Sergius (Stragorodsky), at that time the rector of the St. Petersburg Theological Academy.

During the Russo-Japanese War, Father Damian acted as priest of the Church of the Academy of the General Staff instead of the protopresbyter of the Imperial Armies and Navy, Georgy Shavelsky, who had left for the front line. Participated in the opening of the relics of Saints Joasaph, Hermogenes and Pitirim. In July 1918, he was consecrated Bishop of Pereyaslavl, vicar of the Vladimir diocese.

In 1920, the Vladimir tribunal sentenced Vladyka Damian to “imprisonment for the entire duration of the civil war.” The “indictment” noted that “Voskresensky, disagreeing with the events taking place in church life and not agreeing with the problems of reforms that correspond to the modern Soviet system, conducted secret agitation among the masses, pitting the latter against persons of the renovationist trend... is a person socially dangerous, and therefore, in the interests of the Soviet government, the said Voskresensky... must be isolated.” Exiled to Turkestan. In 1927, Vladyka was elevated to the rank of Archbishop of Poltava, and in 1928 he took control of the Kursk diocese.

On December 26, 1933, the OGPU board sentenced Archbishop Damian to death, replacing him with imprisonment in the Solovetsky concentration camp for a period of 10 years. He was shot in Solovki in 1937. The place where he was buried is unknown. The grave is lost.

There is no information in archival materials about the personal life of priest Dmitry Voskresensky and his family. In his application form on 02/10/1922 in the Vladimir prison, in the “marital status” section there is an entry: “... widows, two sons: Mikhail - 21 years old, Adrian - 24, dependent sister 65 years old.” There is also a description of the Lord’s appearance: “Height - above average, strong build, wide forehead, large nose, blue eyes, dark brown hair and beard, large, clean face, sedate gait.”

Church-monarchical organization "Zelfs of the Church"

In the summer of 1932, mass anti-collective farm protests took place in the Central Black Earth Region. The peasants, driven to despair, demanded: “Give up the land and freedom, and the peasant power,” “The Soviet government has robbed us, we need power without collective farms,” “Down with the collective farms, down with the Soviet power - the power of the bandits, give us the Tsar.” About 60 thousand people took part in them.
The OGPU came to the conclusion that the “counter-revolutionary mass demonstrations” were the result of “the preparatory activities of the counter-revolutionary church-monarchist organization “Zelfs of the Church,” headed by Archbishop Damian.” Together with the bishop, three bishops, 127 priests, 106 monks and nuns were arrested.
At the investigation, Archbishop Damian said:
"... during the management of the Kursk diocese, I set my task to unite primarily around the clergy subordinate to me, and around individual lay believers, groups of citizens who would be deeply religious and capable of defending the interests of the Church; would represent cells of zealots churches to combat all encroachments on the church and to preach Orthodoxy. Therefore, in my individual conversations with some clergy and believers, I have repeatedly emphasized that the cells of the “Zelfs of the Church” should have the following responsibilities: First, to attract. they consist of truly deeply believing Orthodox Christians, secondly, not to allow any attacks on the church, thirdly, to glorify the name of God through prayer and the example of a good life and, fourthly, to be the most zealous visitor to churches and to recruit others to the same.”

“The church-monarchist organization “Zelfs of the Church” was not the only one operating underground in the early 30s of the 20th century on the Kursk land... People testified: “We cannot tolerate this humiliation of the Church.” They did not accept the destruction of churches, with the pogroms of monasteries, with the desecration of shrines. Their testimonies were not at all “knocked out” of them by the punitive authorities of the atheistic state. They sincerely gave these testimonies, and joyfully went to their certain death. Isn’t that what the martyrs did for Christ in Ancient Rome? confession is hardly possible in any investigative protocol, and there was no need for the atheists to ennoble their enemies in such a way. The investigators simply recorded their testimony and probably did not think about the influence on the descendants of the words of the new martyrs that they preserved.

“I am the daughter of a priest, our church was blown up, I came to this organization because I can’t live any other way,” this is how one of them justified her participation in the underground church-monarchist movement, which united thousands of Orthodox Christians. Many understood perfectly well that resistance was useless, but they could not otherwise define their position in life in the conditions of a bloody clash of faith and unbelief. The protocols of their interrogations are confessions, people were calm in the face of death, and this calmness is amazing." ( Ilyina Z. Kursk state university. The place and time of publication is unknown.)

The famous sermon of St. Damiana "Sobriety and Mercy"

“The place where we gathered today for prayer had a special purpose for many years. There was a state-owned wine warehouse here. And in the hot summer, and in the winter cold, and in the autumn thaw, long convoys stretched from here in all directions - Roslavl and The Vitebsk highway, the old Moscow and Kyiv highways, the Krasninskaya road, and these convoys delivered government-issued vodka, and with it alcohol poisoning to the people. Hundreds of such warehouses in the vast expanses of Russia supported and fed the unstoppable drunkenness of the people. All the best spiritual and spiritual figures perished in this poison. the material forces of the great God-bearing people. In the villages there was no life due to drunken mischief-makers and hooligans, the factory people were finally ruined by vodka, crime grew enormously, good family morals perished, and the spiritual and material wealth of the Russian people was destroyed.

But then thunder struck and a terrible great war broke out. Even before the war, the mighty Tsar’s word about sobriety was heard from the heights of the throne, and after war was declared, the same Tsar’s word prohibited the sale of state-owned wine and the picture of Rus' immediately changed. The mobilization took place peacefully and orderly. The valiant, sober Russian army won victory after victory, a whole series of victories. The religiosity of the population and its responsiveness to good deeds have increased immeasurably. Sincere patriotic inspiration is growing before our eyes. There is an upsurge of mercy and beneficence in the country. The never-setting sun rises quickly and brightly in the image of sober Russia, in the image of Holy Rus', a feat of war and a feat of Christianity, a feat of faith, self-sacrifice, love, mercy, all-purifying repentance and fruitful labor.

In the hot summer, and in the winter cold, and in the autumn thaw, long convoys stretched from here... and these convoys delivered government-issued vodka, and with it alcohol poisoning, to the people. All the best spiritual and material forces of the great God-bearing people perished in this poison...
From the sermon of St. Damiana "Sobriety and Mercy"

And so, against the bright background of a renewing, sober Russia, a sober mind and a Christian heart came to a happy, wise decision, to turn the place from where alcohol poisoned throughout the province into a house of mercy, into a hospital for wounded soldiers. This new abode of mercy in our Smolensk, like that gospel Bethesda, in which in the days of the Savior lay many sick, blind, lame, thirsty for the movement of water, has already received under its hospitable shelters hundreds of our valiant warriors who shed blood for a holy, just cause, for king and fatherland. Here, with careful care, they find that shelter, that kind atmosphere of love and affection, in which the strength of the sick and wounded is more likely to be restored.

For our brothers and sisters who arrived from distant Simbirsk, from the wide expanses of the mighty Volga, I would like to continue comparing their infirmary with the gospel Bethesda. There, in the evangelical house of mercy, the sick received healing not because the waters of Bethesda were healing in themselves, like our sulfur, alkaline or mud springs at resorts, but the heavenly power of God healed them: The Angel of the Lord, the messenger of heavenly help, descended from time to time to This font, where the shepherd tribe of Jews washed their sheep, disturbed the water, and whoever entered first when the water was disturbed received healing. The Angel of God does not visibly descend into your infirmary, but the quiet breath of God’s grace is felt here too, like the flight of an Angel with his silent wings. In the place of the Angel, the Church comes here with its grace-filled means, its ministers come here, kindling and supporting the mighty flame of faith, love and prayer, that prayer that penetrates the heavens and ascends, like incense, like a pleasant fragrance, to the throne of God. Inspired by these holy Christian sentiments, armed with all the forces of medical knowledge, you, Simbirsk brothers and sisters, are truly messengers of the love of Christ, angels of mercy in this new Bethesda.

After all, the internal basis of your work is deeply Christian and rests on Christ’s covenants. You need truly angelic meekness and patience in your work; It is not enough for you to be diligent and selfless, to sacrifice personal peace and comfort, you must preserve without weakening all the condescending love for the wounded, all the tender heartfelt responsiveness. Here, as in the front lines, we must forget about the fatigue of suffering; pain is not expected. And how much affection is needed, what a rich supply of love is needed in order not to give room for a single note of irritability, impatience or indifference. There should be nothing of the kind in your word, action, gesture, or look. You need to alleviate not only the physical suffering of our dear wounded warriors, but, forgetting about fatigue, pour joy, calm and vigor into their souls, illuminate them with the light of pure joy. The golden heart of a Russian woman, always sensitive to human suffering, her tender, soft hands, her age-old impulse for sacrifice find their best use here.

You, Simbirsk people, are performing a great feat of Christ’s love in our ancient Smolensk; from the Volga you brought your love, your willingness to alleviate the suffering of the wounded to the banks of the historical Dnieper. But in your great love lies a great reward. I'm not even talking about the reward that awaits you from the Savior. “Just as you did it to one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did it to me” (Matthew 25:40), the Son of Man will tell you. I am talking about reward in your most sacred work, I am talking about immeasurable joy. I mean that blessed joy that everyone receives when, while caring for a sick person, at his bedside he already sees how his patient is getting better, getting stronger day by day, gaining weight and before his eyes, thanks to his affectionate attitude and friendliness, he is completely healed and becomes healthy. . This joy is well known to you, gentlemen, doctors and nurses. There is nothing higher than this joy, for here life is preserved, sorrows are reduced, pain is muffled, joy and hope are brought to where, it seemed, despair and the coldness of the grave were already wafting.

May the Lord, through the prayers of the Mother of God, strengthen your strength in your difficult service, may the Lord keep you in complete health and well-being; May He overshadow your labors with His grace and crown them with success. With peace and joy, with the fear of God and faith, go to your holy feat. With our prayerful wishes today we will unite our fervent prayers to the Heavenly Physician, may He, the Almighty, grant a speedy and complete recovery to the wounded soldiers who are here, who suffered both light wounds and serious injuries on the battlefield."

Archimandrite Damian (Voskresensky).
Sermon delivered to the Saints on October 19, 1914 in the premises of the Simbirsk Red Cross Hospital at the opening of this hospital.

Akathist to Hieromartyr Damian, Archbishop of Kursk

To the bearer of the Holy Spirit, chosen, confessor of the Orthodox Church, most steadfast adamante, laudable cry to you, holy Hieromartyr Damian with the host of new martyrs - Zealots of the Church, who sanctified all of Russia with their blood, we offer our praise. And, looking at your good suffering, we call to you: Rejoice, Saint Damian of Christ, sacred adornment of the Kursk region.

Angels and God-loving people bring thanksgiving to Christ, from the priestly family who chose you for pastoral service, to Saint Damian the God-Wise. During the days of fierce persecution, like a faithful guardian and a good shepherd, he did not abandon the Kursk flock, but laid down his life for their salvation. For this we laudably cry out to you:

Rejoice, birth of a kind of priestly prayer pleasing to God; Rejoice, fragrant blossom of the land of Incense. Rejoice, chosen vessel of the Holy Spirit. Rejoice, embodiment of kindness and godly wisdom; Rejoice, God's destiny for Holy Rus'. Rejoice, unbreakable foundation of faith. Rejoice, fiery zealot of the apostolic traditions. Rejoice, Saint Damian of Christ, sacred adornment of the Kursk region.

Having foreseen the generously loving Lord, how the faithful children of the Orthodox Church are overwhelmed by many temptations to be, the Angel - the Herald of the Gospel truth, the undaunted herald in our land, raised up the Lord, the shepherd of goodness, as he lays down his life for the sheep. We, thanking God, who has given us a faithful shepherd and a diligent guard, call Him: Hallelujah.

From your youth, God-Wise Damiana, you became like an eagle, fly to the heights of heaven, so that you comprehend theological wisdom in the light of true piety that enlightens you. We, instructed by you, will worship God, glorified in the Holy Trinity, crying out this praise: Rejoice, you who loved the flock of Christ more than the blessings of this world; Rejoice, chosen worker of Christ's grapes. Rejoice, through your prayers the wrath of God is quenched. Rejoice, you who have established the lands of Vladimir as a saint. Rejoice, you who do not disgrace our hope; Rejoice, guardian of the mind of the Apostolic Church. Rejoice, Saint Damian of Christ, sacred adornment of the Kursk region.

The power of the Most High has clearly shown you, holy preacher Damian, in the labors of bearing the cross, when with the full armor of God’s grace you destroyed the machinations of the countless enemies of the Orthodox faith, singing to God: Hallelujah.

Having undoubted faith and pure thoughts, you despised all the red of this world, God-blessed Damian. And you served in the rank of holiness of the Lord. Decorated with the same goodness, like a guiding star, shine upon all who cry out to you: Rejoice, loving the One Christ with all your heart; Rejoice, multiplying the gifted talent. Rejoice, for you have pleased God with all kinds of service; Rejoice, thou who always seekest righteousness and truth; Rejoice, you who boldly speak the truth. Rejoice, Saint Damian of Christ, sacred adornment of the Kursk region.

Having a storm of passions inside us, overwhelmed by vain thoughts, we cannot, Damian of all wisdom, preach the greatness of your martyrdom, but we are strengthened in orthodoxy and piety by your prayers to the Lord, we sing to Him: Hallelujah.

Having heard and seen the Orthodox people, your equal standing with the angels, guarding the apostolic purity of faith and the unity of the Church of Christ, blessed Damiana, immaculately kept the faith and glorified the Name of Christ. We, seeing the greatness of your feat, diligently call to you: Rejoice, lover of Christ, crucified with him for the world; Rejoice, you who warm our souls with the warmth of Divine love; Rejoice, faithful shepherd of Christ's flock; Rejoice, tireless prayer book for our people. Rejoice, you who are overwhelmed by a quiet refuge; Rejoice, blessed mentor of the lost. Rejoice, Saint Damian of Christ, sacred adornment of the Kursk region.

The Lord reveal the God-bearing star, our most wonderful Father Damian; You have already illuminated your flock with goodness with the light of the Gospel truth, pointing out the right paths to the Kingdom of Christ and teaching them to always cry out to God: Hallelujah.

Seeing the righteous persecutors, how firmly your trust is in the Lord and love for Him, the evil-breathing people concocted suffering; by exile of exhaustion, trample your faith and show you to the devil as a mockery. You have trampled all the machinations of demons. For this we offer you the following praise: Rejoice, you who stood firmly at the helm of the rule of the diocese; Rejoice, light of Christ shining upon the faithful. Rejoice, for through you we are filled with zeal for God. Rejoice, the needs of those spiritually robbed preceded them; Rejoice, praise to the Orthodox people. Rejoice, Saint Damian of Christ, sacred adornment of the Kursk region.

You appeared as a preacher of piety, a shameless worker who rightly rules the word of Truth, Hieromartyr Damian, as a good warrior of Christ, protecting his flock in times of temptation and enticement and striving to cry out to the true God: Hallelujah.

You have shone in the city of Poltava like a radiant star, illuminating the souls of the faithful with your brilliance and dispelling the darkness of wickedness, now having filled everyone with the fruits of sowing, but we call with love to you: Rejoice, you who have ascended to the throne of the hierarchs by God’s providence; Rejoice, you have walked the way of the cross with your flock; Rejoice, for you have not abandoned the lost sheep and those doomed to the slaughter. Rejoice, having found even a single lost sheep. Rejoice, for the Russian people you have preserved a precious treasure - the Church; Rejoice, you who have suffered much from church strife. Rejoice, Saint Damian of Christ, sacred adornment of the Kursk region.

Desiring, without restraint, to be a good shepherd, God-bearing Father Damian, for the benefit of his children, so that everyone may seek the true God. We, trusting in your glorious intercession, sing with boldness; Hallelujah.

The first and wondrous saint, with the patriarchal blessing of the Russian Church, we know you, Saint Damian, in your confession you were not afraid of human temptations and you kept the patristic covenants. For this reason, the Head of the Church, Christ, gave spiritual strength and strength; We, who are unworthy, bring this calico; Rejoice, having shown your self-sacrifice completely; Rejoice, thou who seekest the salvation of many. Rejoice, herald of God's providence for people; Rejoice, marvelous purification of morals. Rejoice, obedience to the Patriarchal Locum Tenens has been revealed; Rejoice, zealous guardian of the treasures of the Orthodox faith. Rejoice, Saint Damian of Christ, sacred adornment of the Kursk region.

It is a strange and more glorious miracle for those of little faith and cowardice to see, Saint Damian, how you came to the Kursk See during the days of persecution, how you established the Orthodox faith, and with the wisdom of your words you taught your flock to chant in a godly manner: Hallelujah.

Full of the love of Christ, you did not abandon your flock, sending prayers to the Almighty for us; We, in honor of your blessed memory, offer you a song of thanksgiving: Rejoice, you who have astonished the world with the abundance of your love; Rejoice, thou who has gained the glory of the good and most good shepherd; Rejoice, zealot of the apostolic traditions; Rejoice, having gathered the faithful around you; Rejoice, thou who has maintained fidelity to the Tsar Saint Nicholas; Rejoice, uniting the bishops of neighboring dioceses; Rejoice, for you were the ruler of the Divine priesthood; Rejoice, Saint Damian of Christ, sacred adornment of the Kursk region.

All the people of the Kursk flock, seeing you, their archpastor, denounced the devastators of the temples of God, like the prophet Elijah of the false prophets of Jezebel, but you, filled with love for people, offered up tearful prayers to God, crying out to Him: Hallelujah.

The prophets of many things will not be able, according to their heritage, to utter the most wonderful glorification of your memory, Hieromartyr Damian; We, moved by you to repentance, wanting to imitate your charity, please us with songs of praise: Rejoice, kind mentor and wise ruler; Rejoice, steadfast protector of those who waver in faith. Rejoice, for by you Holy Orthodoxy is jealously guarded; Rejoice, in the darkness of wickedness you affirmed the right faith; Rejoice, having courageously gained glory to the Heavenly King; Rejoice, the wrath of God has turned to mercy towards us sinners, Rejoice, Saint Damian of Christ, a sacred adornment of the Kursk region.

Although you saved the Russian Church, our most glorious Father Damian, you united the zealots of the fatherly faith, you resisted the atheistic machinations. We, honoring your all-honorable suffering, cry out to God who glorified you; Hallelujah.

Mother of God, the invincible Wall, Heaven and Earth, the Most Pure Lady, guarding the city of Kursk, builder of the mysteries of God and faithful guardian of the Church of her Son and our God, having chosen you, Father Damian; now you are at the throne of the King of Glory in Heaven with all the saints and Heavenly Angels, praying for us. We, filled with joy, cry out to you: Rejoice, covered by the Protection of the Most Pure Mother of God. Rejoice, partaker of Heavenly Eden. Rejoice, companion to the angels, partner to the saints. Rejoice, in the non-evening days you enjoy the bliss of Paradise. Rejoice, strengthener of those exhausted by the sorrows of life. Rejoice, Saint Damian of Christ, sacred adornment of the Kursk region.

We offer you a song of tenderness, O holy martyr of Christ, who now shines in heaven, as the faithful Saint clothed himself with righteousness and tasted the sweets of heaven; Oh, the dog of the nose of those who catch You, Christ diligently pray, crying out to Him: Hallelujah.

Filled with a luminous lamp, the oil of pure prayer, and brightly shining with the flame of faith, the Lord has raised you up, Hieromartyr Damian, the God-protected land of Kursk. We, seeing you in the Trinity Light abiding and asking for peace and prosperity for our Fatherland, with the hope of faith, we call to you: Rejoice, born in the land of St. Theodosius, Rejoice, glorious successor of St. Joasaph, Rejoice, worthy successor of John the Recluse, Rejoice, St. Seraphim having chosen as your own image, Rejoice, having held up the Monk Isaac as an example, Rejoice, having prepared the way for Saint Onuphrius. Rejoice, glorious decoration of the Cathedral of Kursk Saints. Rejoice, Saint Damian of Christ, sacred adornment of the Kursk region.

Ask for the grace of the Holy Spirit for the Orthodox peoples, most kind shepherd of the flock of Christ, Damian, the most wonderful. You, all-zealous prayer book, please the Most Pure Mother and all the Saints, so that we can be saved. With the power of grace you will also strengthen us, the weak, so that through your prayers we will defeat all intrigues, crying out to our All-Good God: Hallelujah.

I sing of your many sufferings, O saint of Christ Damian, and we bless your martyrdom, for by you our God, glorified in the Trinity, was gloriously glorified. For this reason, we offer you the following praise: Rejoice, you have undertaken the work of cross-bearing in a manner pleasing to God; Rejoice, thou vessel filled with the Holy Spirit; Rejoice, eternal blessing received from God; Rejoice, having accepted imprisonment and death for faith and piety; Rejoice, great glory of God to the zealot; Rejoice, everlasting joy to your flock. Rejoice, Saint Damian of Christ, sacred adornment of the Kursk region.

Oh, glorious confessor of Christ Damian! Accept from us, your loving children, our small prayer brought to you and with your warm intercession to the Lord, protect the Orthodox Church and our God-loving people from fraternal civil strife, schisms and heretical unrest, so that in contrite repentance we will be delivered from the righteous wrath of God, troubles and future eternal torment and let us be worthy, like a child with our father, to sing to God forever; Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah.

(This kontakion is read three times, then ikos 1 and kontakion 1)

Voskresensky Dmitry Grigorievich, was born on October 23, 1873 in the village of Brusovoye, Fatezhsky district, Kursk province, into the family of a priest. A relative of Archpriest Mikhail Salokhin.
He graduated from the Kursk Theological School and in 1894 from the Kursk Theological Seminary.
In 1894-1895 he served as a psalm-reader for the church in the village of Nikolaevka, Putivl district, Kursk province.
In 1895-1897 he worked as an overseer and teacher of calligraphy and drawing at the Stary Oskol Theological School.
On January 6, 1897, he was ordained a priest by Bishop Juvenaly (Polovtsev) of Kursk and Belgorod and assigned to the clergy of the Transfiguration Cathedral in the city of Putivl.
In 1901, after the death of his wife, he entered the St. Petersburg Theological Academy, from which he graduated in 1905 with a candidate of theology degree. At the same time he graduated from the St. Petersburg Archaeological Institute.
On November 27, 1904, he was tonsured a monk with the name Damian by Archbishop Sergius (Stragorodsky) of Finland.
In 1904-1905 he was dean of the academic clergy and at the same time served as priest of the Church of the Holy Blessed Alexander Nevsky (Suvorov) at the Academy of the General Staff (instead of priest Georgy Shavelsky, who served in the Russo-Japanese War).
In 1905-1907 - teacher of homiletics at the Smolensk Theological Seminary, in 1907-1908 - caretaker of the Stary Oskol Theological School. From 1908 to 1911 - in the same position at the Oboyan Theological School.
On July 28, 1911, he was elevated to the rank of archimandrite and appointed rector of the Smolensk Theological Seminary.
On May 12, 1918, he was consecrated Bishop of Pereslavl, vicar of the Vladimir diocese. He stayed in the Pereslavl-Zalessky Danilov Trinity Monastery, performing the duties of abbot there.
On September 24, 1920, the Vladimir Provincial Revolutionary Tribunal “for possessing manuscripts of a counter-revolutionary nature” was sentenced to imprisonment “for the entire duration of the civil war.” On July 4, 1921, by order of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee, the indefinite imprisonment was replaced by 3 years of imprisonment.
On January 13, 1922, he was released early under an amnesty. Danilov returned to the Pereslavl-Zalessky Monastery, where he protested in connection with the seizure of church valuables from the monastery.

In June of the same year, Bishop. Damian, following Metropolitan Sergius (Stragorodsky) of Vladimir, formally recognized the renovationist High Church Administration (VCU). According to Bishop Damian, he “followed Sergius in order of hierarchical subordination and personal trust in him”, agreeing with the restrictions set by Metropolitan Sergius as a condition of his recognition of the VCU. Bishop Damian ignored the orders of the VCU on church administrative issues addressed to him and did not hide his opinion that the Orthodox consciousness could not put up with the “Living Church” program. In the churches of Pereslavl-Zalessky and Alexandrov, commemoration of the name of Patriarch Tikhon continued during services, which caused denunciations from local renovationist priests.

On December 5, 1922, Bishop Damian was arrested by the Vladimir department of the GPU. The indictment named "an ardent reactionary element" And "a supporter of Tikhon". He pleaded not guilty.
On February 23, 1923, the NKVD Commission on Administrative Expulsions sentenced him to 2 years of exile, which he served in the village of Tedzhen (now a city in Turkmenistan). After serving his sentence, he returned to Pereslavl-Zalessky.
On April 12, 1925, he signed an act on the transfer of supreme church power to Metropolitan Peter (Polyansky) of Krutitsky.
In November 1925, he was appointed temporary administrator of the Vladimir diocese.

On December 22, 1925, he participated in a meeting of bishops in the Moscow Donskoy Monastery, headed by Sverdlovsk Archbishop Gregory (Yatskovsky) and, not knowing about the acceptance of Nizhny Novgorod Metropolitan. Sergius (Stragorodsky) temporarily fulfilling the duties of the patriarchal locum tenens, became a member of the Temporary Supreme Church Council (VTsS), thereby unwittingly becoming one of the initiators of the Gregorian schism. On January 23, 1926, he visited Metropolitan Sergius in Nizhny Novgorod, who acquainted him with the testamentary order of the locum tenens of Krutitsy, Metropolitan Peter (Polyansky), on the transfer of his powers in the event of arrest to Metropolitan Sergius. In this regard, Bishop Damian called on the members of the All-Russian Orthodox Church to recognize Metropolitan Sergius as a canonically legitimate interim locum tenens in order to prevent a split among the hierarchs of the Church. However, the leaders of the All-Russia Central Council did not give up their claims to the highest church authority, and therefore, on January 29, Metropolitan Sergius banned the bishops who were part of the All-Russia Central Council, including Bishop Damian, from serving. Convinced of the schismatic actions of Archbishop Gregory, Bishop Damian left the All-Russia Central Council on February 2, calling on others to follow his example. Having repented, he was again accepted into the fold of the Russian Orthodox Church. Subsequently, Damian directly called the “Gregorians,” like the Renovationists, a schismatic movement supported by the authorities to destroy the unity of the Church.

In 1926-1927 he temporarily ruled the Vladimir diocese.
In 1927 he was elevated to the rank of archbishop.
Since May 1927 - Archbishop of Poltava and Pereyaslavl and temporary administrator of the Dnepropetrovsk diocese.

On April 25, 1928, he was moved to the Kursk department. According to Archbishop Damian, the reason for this move was his disagreements with other Ukrainian bishops at a meeting of bishops held in Kyiv on the issue of commemorating the name of the Patriarchal Locum Tenens Metropolitan Peter and the questions that arose in connection with this about the autonomy of the Ukrainian Church.

In 1929 he was called to the summer session of the Holy Synod.

Since 1930, in connection with collectivization in the diocese, repressions against the clergy intensified. In rural deaneries, the OGPU authorities systematically arrested all deans appointed by Archbishop Damian. In this regard, he refused new appointments and invited the rural clergy to contact the bishop directly. Every day, the bishop received an average of about 10 clergy and laity and examined their complaints about oppression by the authorities. Provided financial assistance to the exiled clergy.

On February 9, 1930, he was briefly arrested in the case of the Pletnev counter-revolutionary monarchist organization of churchmen.

Arrested again on July 26, 1932 in connection with a wave of anti-collective farm protests in the Central Black Earth Region of the RSFSR. He was in a regional prison in Voronezh. Together with Oryol Bishop Nikolai (Mogilevsky), a large group of clergy, monks and laity, he was involved in the case of the so-called Counter-revolutionary church-monarchist organization “Zelfs of the Church”, and was declared its “leader”. During the investigation, he did not hide his convictions, reasonably pointing out that “the persecution of the clergy is an organic part of the activities of the Soviet Power.” On December 26, 1932, the Collegium of the OGPU of the USSR sentenced him to death, commuted to 10 years in prison. In the same year he was sent to the Solovetsky special purpose camp. In the fall of 1937, the NKVD adopted a directive to exterminate the prisoners remaining on the Solovetsky Islands. Archbishop Damian was taken to the village of Medvezhya Gora along with a large group of prisoners (1st Solovetsky stage). Sentenced to death by the Special Troika under the NKVD in the Leningrad Region. Shot on November 3, 1937 in the forest tract Sandormokh, now the city of Medvezhyegorsk, Karelia. Canonized as holy new martyrs and confessors of Russia at the Council of Bishops of the Russian Orthodox Church in August 2000 for church-wide veneration.

Commemorated on October 21, in the Cathedral of New Martyrs and Confessors of the Russian Church, in the Cathedral of New Martyrs and Confessors of Solovetsky and in the Cathedrals of Kursk and Poltava Saints.
Troparion, tone 4:
From the youth of Christ I loved the axis, Saint Damian, to you, as a quick prayer-book and helper, we graciously fall down and fervently pray: protect the Russian land and save our souls.
Kontakion, tone 3:
You have been clothed with saintly grace, you have valiantly strengthened the Holy Church, like the Bride of Christ. Pray for us, Christ God, Saint Damian. We magnify you, Holy Hierarch Father Damian, and honor your holy sufferings, which you endured for Christ.

Holy New Martyr, Saint Damian of Christ! Wonderful shepherd and valiant warrior of Christ! From your youth you have loved the commandments of God with all your soul. By the same token, the Lord revealed a successor to you as His Apostle. And during the days of the fierce persecution of the Orthodox faith, like a true shepherd, you appeared, you walked the way of the cross with your flock, and you received the crown of martyrdom; you, having found grace, pray for us. And now, O our intercessor before the throne of the King of Glory, ask Him to confirm the fatherly faith, to protect the Holy Church from heresies and schisms, to strengthen the faithful, to convert the lost, to heal the sick, to pacify our long-suffering Fatherland and to preserve it from enemies without harm. And through your prayers we will get rid of all troubles and misfortunes, and having lived piously on earth, we will be honored with eternal life in Heaven, where, together with all the Saints, we will glorify in the Trinity the glorified God the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, forever and ever. Amen.

(Ukr.), in the Cathedrals of Kursk and Poltava (Ukr.) Saints

In the world Voskresensky Dmitry Grigorievich, born on October 23, 2017 in the village. Brusovoe, Fatezhsky district, Kursk province, in the family of a priest. Relative of Archpriest Mikhail Salokhin.

In the city he was called to the summer session of the Holy Synod.

Since then, in connection with collectivization in the diocese, repressions against the clergy have intensified. In rural deaneries, the OGPU authorities systematically arrested all deans appointed by the archbishop. Damian. In this regard, he refused new appointments and invited the rural clergy to contact the bishop directly. Every day, the bishop received an average of about 10 clergy and laity and examined their complaints about oppression by the authorities. Provided financial assistance to the exiled clergy.

On February 9, he was briefly arrested in the case of the Pletnev counter-revolutionary monarchist organization of churchmen.

Arrested again on July 26 in connection with a wave of anti-collective farm protests in the Central Black Earth Region. RSFSR. He was in a regional prison in Voronezh. Together with Bishop Oryol. Nicholas (Mogilevsky), a large group of clergy, monks and laity, was involved in the case of the so-called. “The counter-revolutionary church-monarchist organization “Zelfs of the Church”,” was declared its “leader.” During the investigation, he did not hide his convictions, reasonably pointing out that “the persecution of the clergy is an organic part of the activities of the Soviet Power.”

On December 26, the Collegium of the OGPU of the USSR sentenced him to death, commuted to 10 years in labor camp. In the same year, he was sent to the Bishops' Council of the Russian Orthodox Church in August for church-wide veneration.


Troparion, tone 4:

From the youth of Christ I loved the axis, Saint Damian, to you, as a quick prayer-book and helper, we graciously fall down and fervently pray: protect the Russian land and save our souls.

Kontakion, tone 3:

You have been clothed with saintly grace, you have valiantly strengthened the Holy Church, like the Bride of Christ. Pray for us, Christ God, Saint Damian. We magnify you, Holy Hierarch Father Damian, and honor your holy sufferings, which you endured for Christ.


Holy New Martyr, Saint Damian of Christ! Wonderful shepherd and valiant warrior of Christ! From your youth you have loved the commandments of God with all your soul. By the same token, the Lord revealed a successor to you as His Apostle. And during the days of the fierce persecution of the Orthodox faith, like a true shepherd, you appeared, you walked the way of the cross with your flock, and you received the crown of martyrdom; you, having found grace, pray for us. And now, O our intercessor before the throne of the King of Glory, ask Him to confirm the fatherly faith, to protect the Holy Church from heresies and schisms, to strengthen the faithful, to convert the lost, to heal the sick, to pacify our long-suffering Fatherland and to preserve it from enemies without harm. And through your prayers we will get rid of all troubles and misfortunes, and having lived piously on earth, we will be honored with eternal life in Heaven, where, together with all the Saints, we will glorify in the Trinity the glorified God the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, forever and ever. Amen.


  • cross on hood (April 19, 1932)


  • Disadvantages of Russian iconography and means to eliminate them. St. Petersburg, 1905;
  • Rus. Orthodoxy and Western confessions in worship and rituals // Smolensk EV. 1914. No. 1. P. 3-9; No. 2. P. 25-34; No. 3. P. 57-68; No. 4. P. 95-102; No. 5. P. 133-138; No. 6. P. 163-169; No. 7. P. 193-205;
  • Speech before thanks. prayer service on June 8, 1913, who completed the education course. Smolensk DS // Smolenskie EV. 1913. No. 12. P. 621-625;
  • Religious revolution: [Words spoken in the seminary church on the 23rd week of Pentecost] // Smolensk Ev. 1917. No. 25. P. 161-165;
  • Speech at naming in ep. Pereslavsky // Vladimir EV. 1918. No. 9. P. 64.

Materials used

  • A. I. Razdorsky. Damian (Voskresensky). Orthodox Encyclopedia, vol. 13, p. 707-708
  • DB PSTGU "New Martyrs and Confessors of the Russian Orthodox Church of the 20th Century"
  • - prayers

Archive of the FSB Directorate for the Vladimir Region. D. P-6401. L. 198 rev.

Archive of the FSB Directorate for the Kursk Region. D. P-11015. T. 1. L. 496 vol.

Archive of the FSB Directorate for the Kursk Region. D. P-11015. T. 1. L. 221 vol.

In the Fatezh district of the Kursk province, priest Grigory Voskresensky had a son, named Dimitri at baptism.

Father Gregory's entire life took place within the church fence. Seeing the pastoral labors of his parent, Dimitri Grigorievich was inflamed with the desire to also devote himself to serving God and people and, having received his father’s blessing, entered a theological school. After graduating from the Kursk Theological Seminary in 1894, he was appointed psalm-reader to the church in the village of Nikolaevka, Putivl district, Kursk province. Since 1895, he served as an overseer and teacher of calligraphy and drawing at the Stary Oskol Theological School.

“... Only since the famine of 1918 has the episcopal see been restored here, abolished more than a hundred years ago. Thanks be to God! Pereslavl was very happy with the appointment of Bishop Damian here.

For his friendly look, truthful, kind and fearless soul, courtesy, accessibility and affection, ability to serve and preach the word - and he was representative in his camp - he was soon loved here. But he was not lucky enough to live here. The first time he was arrested and put in Vladimir prison for more than a year, allegedly suspected of politics, based on sermons delivered in church. Touching pictures of stories came from Vladimir at that time, how he was often accompanied along the city streets in prison guards by Red Army soldiers under rifles. Another time he was exiled for two years to the city of Tejen in Turkestan, thanks to pressure from the “living church.” In total, he was listed as Bishop of Pereslavl for nine years. Now, at the beginning of summer, unfortunately for the Pereslavl people, he was recalled to a new place of service in the city of Poltava in the rank of archbishop. His farewell was very sensitive: many cried at farewell to him and at the speeches of the clergy; He also cried a lot when he left. Among the first, as a colleague at the cathedral, I then had to say a farewell word to him, before the prayer service, at his last Liturgy. The temple was full of worshipers; Almost all the clergy came, as never before. And since very many people liked this word of mine at that time (dozens of listeners later came up to me and thanked me for the truth expressed in it) and since it is, therefore, a kind of exponent of the mood of many, I am placing it here in full. So, I start transmitting it:

“Your Eminence, Your Eminence Vladyka, our dearly beloved archpastor!

Expressing our inspiring feelings of joy and wishes regarding your elevation in the archpastoral service, may the Lord God give you the strength of mental and physical strength to serve for many more years for the good and glory of the Holy Church, we at the same time cannot help but express our other the feeling that controls us at a given time. This feeling of sadness and sorrow that you are leaving us, that now you have to say the last word “forgive”, so that you and I can part ways in peace with each other for the rest of our lives... Master! It's hard for us to put up with this!

Look, our dear father, a lot of us have gathered, both the pastors of the church and our flock! What prompted us? Our love for you!

I remember the first years of your entry into the local Pereslavl department. Then I was not yet your colleague here at the cathedral. But then God brought me to have frequent communication with you, when, remember, many parishes and entire streets, almost the entire city, invited you to serve in churches and when the parishioners of those churches took holy icons to their homes, I remember, from the cathedral, from the monasteries, from us - from Nikola, from Prince Andrei, and from other churches in which you served that day. That’s when, Vladyka, the love of the people of Pereslavl for you began! When you lived with us, it grew in us: now the Pereslavl residents see you off with great regret, with tears...

They say that love begets love. This happened to us too. During all these years of being with us, how many will say, I ask, that he was humiliated, offended or punished by you? With your friendly words, responsiveness of soul, accessibility and closeness to us, over the years, living among us, you have attracted and increased the number of the believing flock - your admirers.

Through your diligent service and almost every time, with a simple and understandable word of edification for everyone in this holy temple and wherever you had to serve, you were able to once again warm up both love and zeal for God’s temple in the hearts of many that had cooled during these years. I most of all consider the large gathering of believers in the temple of God, here, at least in the cathedral, to be the fruit of your labors and pastoral instructions.

Yes, our dear archpastor and loving father, justice demands that I tell you that it was not for nothing that your life passed among us. By your example of steadfastness in the faith, by your firm confession of the One Holy and Apostolic Church and, finally, by your suffering that befell you, you strengthened many weak, wavering in spirit, and with your kind and loving heart you brought the hearts of many closer to yourself.

At any time, it happened that we went to you, as to our own father, without fear, easily and freely, and each of us met you with a warm welcome and lively participation. With your affection and kindness you did not spare even small children... There is one, well-known, expensive painting depicting the Savior’s blessing of children - it is often depicted on the walls of churches. And this picture often came to my mind when I served with you, when I saw how almost the same children surrounded you on all sides in the altar. They would not come to you with such joy, affection, with such a childishly open soul, if they did not feel and see in your heart the warmth, affection, and kindness that warms the soul. And this is how you lived with all of us all the time in peace, love and harmony. And I think that I will not be wrong if I say that you could not do conscious harm to anyone: it could not coexist in your kind heart, just as clear and muddy water cannot flow from the same source.

Please accept, our dear archpastor and good father, the sincere assurance that we all send you away from us with love and uncontrollable sorrow. Know that your life, your service was fruitful for us! You do not leave a dark trace between us and a reproach to your memory. With you, no one felt cramped and with your transition it will not become more spacious and freer, as is often the case. All of us, believers, feel loss and deprivation in you, as in our kind, loving father and archpastor.

And now the last word, Master: forgive us for what we sinned against you and, perhaps, when we insulted you. There, far away, on a side alien to us, do not forget us in your holy prayers before God...

Forgive and bless forever the Pereslavl flock who loves you and is devoted to you!”

I’ll also add to my story about Bishop Damian, which I just remembered.

He was arrested for the third time, listed as the bishop of Pereslavl, but only under house arrest, which he had in Moscow for six months. This time he was escorted out of the city of Alexandrov, where he temporarily moved to live for the convenience of managing the entire Vladimir diocese, which was entrusted to him. Instead of exile somewhere far away, at his request, he was allowed (in honorable exile) to live in Moscow, without the right to travel anywhere in the Vladimir province. And before he left Pereslavl for Alexandrov, I want to tell you what else was connected with the name of Bishop Damian.

At one time, five or six people, cathedral choristers, got drunk. The money in their pockets has long been drunk, but the intoxication in their foggy heads is still fermenting. "Guys! Let’s go to the bishop to ask for money for vodka,” one suggests. “Let’s go, let’s go, of course!” - they answer him. And so they enter the enclosure of the cathedral, where Damian lived in the gatehouse. They see the bishop sitting near the apartment, walking. With honor, the revelers came up for the blessing and sat down next to him, first addressing him as “You.” In response to the request of drunken visitors, the bishop gave them two rubles for vodka. One of them immediately ran to buy it, and the rest sat freely and chatted with the bishop about all sorts of things. Here they have already become close to each other. And they tell him this: “That’s what you are, bishop! Don't leave us for Alexandrov. You don't feel bad with us, you won't find anything better anywhere. It’s so good here, but life there will be worse.” At this time a man came running with vodka. “Here you are, bishop, sit here for now, and we’ll drink to your health over there behind the church by the wall; Then we’ll sing you songs, and you listen to us!”

And after this they drank and sang. The bishop at this time continued to sit in his place and listened... «

In 1927, Bishop Damian was elevated to the rank of Archbishop of Poltava, and a year later he headed the Kursk diocese. In 1929, a directive came from the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks) stating that religious organizations remained the only legally operating counter-revolutionary force that had influence on the masses. A new round of persecution against the ministers of the Church began.

In June-July 1932, a wave of mass anti-collective farm protests swept through the western regions of the Central Black Earth Region under the slogans: “Give up the land and freedom and peasant power”, “The Soviet government robbed us, we need power without collective farms”, “Down with collective farms, down with Soviet power is the power of bandits, let’s have a king.” According to the OGPU, up to 63 thousand people took part in them. The investigation concluded that the “counter-revolutionary mass demonstrations” were the result of “preparatory activities of the counter-revolutionary church-monarchist organization “Zealots of the Church,” headed by Archbishop Damian.” Together with the bishop, 3 bishops, 127 priests and deacons, 106 monks and nuns were arrested.

On December 26, 1932, the OGPU board sentenced Archbishop Damian (Voskresensky) to death, replacing the sentence with imprisonment in the Solovetsky concentration camp for a period of 10 years. Judging by archival documents, even in Solovki the disgraced archbishop did not resign himself to the authorities’ attempts to subjugate the Russian Orthodox Church. His words that " Now in Russia we have complete lawlessness, which has never happened anywhere, but in the end the truth of God must triumph”, expressed among the brothers, turned out to be prophetic.

In 1937, Bishop Damian was arrested in the camp and imprisoned. Convicted by the USSR NKVD for the Leningrad Region: sentenced to death and executed on November 3, 1937 at the age of sixty-four, buried in the Levashovskaya wasteland of the Leningrad Region.

The Jubilee Council of Bishops in 2000 included Archbishop Damian (Voskresensky) of Kursk among the host of new martyrs and confessors of Russia.

Yaroslavl martyrology “We are all Christ’s” pages 295-297
