Caries causes and treatment. Dental caries - photos, prevention and treatment. Consequences and complications of untimely treatment of caries

Translated, the word “caries” means “rotting,” which is exactly what one can call the process that occurs with affected teeth. A diseased tooth becomes loose, brittle, very quickly turns black and decays, while emitting an extremely unpleasant odor. According to statistics, about 95% of the population of our planet suffers from various stages of caries.

So, a human tooth is a formation of hard tissue and consists of a root hidden under the gum, a neck and a crown - that part of the tooth that protrudes above the gum. A healthy tooth will never hurt on its own for no reason. The most common dental disease is caries - a painful process during which the enamel and dentin soften and a painful carious cavity forms in their place.


Most often, caries appears in those areas of the tooth that are difficult to thoroughly clean. The spaces between the teeth, chewing surfaces, and the neck of the tooth are affected. Modern dentistry claims: caries is not exclusively a disease of a specific tooth, it rather signals the general ill-being of the human body, and destruction is only an external manifestation of the disease. It is known that a person with a weakened immune system is more susceptible to developing the disease than a healthy person.

There are many different theories that scientifically substantiate the mechanism and causes of occurrence. The most important reasons include:

  1. Insufficient oral hygiene.
  2. Unbalanced diet.
  3. Excessive consumption of sweets.
  4. Disturbance of metabolic processes in the body.
  5. Diseases of the endocrine system.
  6. General weakness of the body due to past illnesses.

Let's take a closer look at some of them.

Weakened immunity

Until now, scientists have not come to a consensus on why caries occurs. Modern scientists do not stop arguing about what is the root cause - carious monsters or the general painful condition of the human body. Some argue that it is the general exhaustion of the body that leads to the development of the disease. Others, on the contrary, call caries the reason that the immune system weakens and a person begins to get sick. After all, if every meal causes toothache, and there is a constant inflammatory process in the patient’s mouth, it is difficult to talk about overall good health. In fact, both sides are right. A weakened immune system makes the body more susceptible to any disease. In turn, caries contributes to the aggravation of the general painful condition.

Insufficient oral hygiene

If you don't brush your teeth twice a day, plaque forms on the surface of the enamel, which is an excellent habitat for bacteria and fungi. The constant presence of plaque contributes to the demineralization of the enamel, which provokes the development of caries and facilitates the penetration of pathogenic bacteria that cause the disease.

General condition of the immune system

It is extremely important to eat well, saturating your body with enough vitamins and microelements. It is very important to take vitamins after illness to strengthen your immune system and help it resist new diseases.

Composition of saliva

It has been established that people with more viscous saliva, in which the ratio of mineral salts has been changed, have a much higher predisposition to caries than those people whose saliva has a more liquid consistency.

Poor nutrition

If a person consumes a lot of flour and sweets and at the same time his body lacks phosphorus and calcium, the development of caries is inevitable. After all, with an unbalanced diet, the composition of saliva changes, which can provoke the development of the disease. It is also very important to eat raw vegetables and fruits, since in the process of chewing them our teeth spontaneously clean themselves, thereby reducing the risk of caries.

Demineralization of tooth enamel

The main causative agents of caries are microorganisms - streptococci and lactobacilli. They are the ones who cause demineralization of the enamel. Lactobacilli multiply in plaque; during their life, they change the acid-base balance in the mouth, which causes caries. Therefore, it is extremely important to maintain oral hygiene and not overindulge in sweets, because the sweet environment is the most optimal for the proliferation of pathogenic bacteria.

It is very important that the human body receives a sufficient amount of important microelements, mainly phosphorus, calcium and fluorine. If these elements are not enough in the body, then the teeth will begin to suffer first.

Insufficient oral hygiene, poor nutrition, lack of calcium, phosphorus and fluorine in the body, impaired saliva composition, and genetic predisposition are the main causes of caries.

Cariogenic factors

Conventionally, they can be divided into two types - general and local. They are equally responsible for the risk of dental caries.

Are common

Because of them, the human body does not receive enough microelements and vitamins necessary for health. They cause a change in the composition of dental tissues, as a result of which the tooth becomes vulnerable to caries.

  • malnutrition;
  • all kinds of diets;
  • poor quality drinking water;
  • somatic diseases;
  • disturbances in the functioning of the endocrine system;
  • extreme effects on the human body;
  • poor heredity, as a result of which the chemical composition of dental tissues is disrupted.


  • insufficient oral hygiene;
  • the presence of plaque and dental plaque in the patient’s mouth;
  • violation of the composition of saliva;
  • presence of food debris in the patient’s mouth;
  • resistance of dental tissues;
  • defective tissue structure;
  • unsatisfactory condition of the pulp.

The most important factor is still the microflora of the oral cavity. If there are too many pathogenic bacteria in the patient's mouth, the risk of developing caries is quite high.

Surely everyone has heard that you need to brush your teeth twice a day, morning and evening. In addition, it is advisable to use dental floss to thoroughly clean the spaces between the teeth from food debris. After each meal, it is necessary to rinse your mouth to remove food debris and prevent the growth of pathogenic bacteria in the oral cavity.

Caries is one of the most insidious dental diseases. It creeps up unnoticed, affecting a healthy tooth. And sometimes, when a person pays attention to pain, the disease is already at a late stage, and the treatment of carious teeth itself is complex and lengthy.

But what to do if, despite all precautions and prevention, you find carious teeth in your mouth? First of all, there is no need to panic, since modern dentistry does not stand still, and timely treatment of even advanced dental caries does not pose an insoluble problem.

As soon as you suspect something is wrong with your teeth, you must immediately make an appointment with a dentist. Only an experienced specialist will be able to not only make a correct diagnosis and suggest how to get rid of caries, but also carry out competent treatment of a diseased tooth.

How does the treatment work?

The sooner the doctor begins treatment of a diseased tooth, the easier the treatment. Therefore, you should not delay a visit to the dental clinic for long. Remember that every missed day works against you and your dental health.

Treatment at different stages

Successful treatment of caries largely depends on how correctly the dentist made the diagnosis and determined at what stage the disease is developing. Depending on this, the most suitable treatment method is selected. Let's take a closer look at the stages of caries and treatment methods at each stage.

The initial stage of development of the disease is characterized by the appearance of a small light spot on the tooth enamel, which begins to darken over time. If you consult a doctor in time and have time to start treatment, you can limit yourself to the procedure of enamel remineralization. However, in reality it is very difficult to identify such small bright spots on your own. Therefore, in order to prevent caries from spreading, it is important to visit the dentist at least twice a year; in this case, the doctor will notice demineralized areas of tooth enamel in time and, with the help of remineralization, will stop the disease.

Superficial caries occurs if tooth enamel is not remineralized in time at the initial stage of the disease. In this case, the tooth becomes sensitive and reacts with acute pain to hot, cold, salty or sour, and a small dark-colored cavity appears on the surface of the tooth enamel. At this stage, the doctor cleans the enamel from plaque, removes the part of the tooth enamel affected by caries and fills the resulting cavity.

Middle caries is the next stage of disease development. At this stage, tooth enamel is destroyed quite severely, and deep, painful cavities form on it. At this stage, it is necessary to carefully remove all dental tissue affected by caries, and high-speed turbines are most often used. The treatment is carried out with complete anesthesia, so the patient does not feel pain or discomfort. After complete removal of diseased tooth tissue, the doctor fills the resulting cavity with special modern strong and reliable filling materials.

The most insidious is deep caries. It completely affects the tooth, destroying its shape, affecting not only tooth enamel, but also dentin. Painful sensations in this case make a person suffer greatly. Even a simple meal turns into real torture for a person. It is not always possible to keep the tooth alive when treating this type of caries. As a rule, the doctor has to remove the nerve, after which it is necessary to fill the canals of the affected tooth. With this method of treatment, a temporary filling must be placed in order to prevent the occurrence of pulpitis. And only after a week, if no complications arise, the doctor removes the temporary filling and places a permanent filling.

As a rule, removal of the dental nerve leads to tooth fragility in the future. Therefore, after the procedure of removing the nerve and filling the carious cavity, the doctor most often offers the patient to cover the tooth with a special crown.

Caries is one of the oldest diseases, which was suffered as far back as 3 thousand years BC. The causes and mechanisms of development of this pathology are very complex.

Even a highly professional dentist cannot always detect the onset of caries development at first glance. That is why it is necessary to clearly identify the symptoms of this disease at different stages of its development.

1. Chalk stain

The main cause of this disease is poor oral hygiene.
. It is this factor that leads to the accumulation of pathogenic microorganisms that cause the development of caries.

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle and a balanced diet inhibits the proliferation of microbes. But, if the immune system suddenly weakens, the rhythm of life is disrupted, and bad habits appear, then microbes begin to actively attack the surface of the teeth, leading to the formation of caries.

At this stage, pathology is very difficult to identify. As a rule, development can be suspected by reduction of gloss on the crown. In this case, the shine does not disappear on the entire surface, but in limited areas.

Over time, they begin to form in this place irregularly shaped white spots. Such a manifestation signals the beginning of enamel demineralization, which quickly spreads to neighboring teeth.

At the affected area after a certain time enamel becomes thinner. Over time, the stain changes its color to brown. Possible occurrence feeling on edge.

At the first stage of caries, the infected tooth does not react in any way to external stimuli. There are also no signs of pain.

To diagnose early-stage caries, instrumental examination is not used, since the enamel in the area of ​​destruction still remains smooth and the probe slips over it.

For diagnosis, a Methylene blue solution is used, which colors demineralized lesions blue. Before application, the enamel must be thoroughly dried.

Treatment of teeth affected by stage 1 caries involves their remineralization. For this purpose, special complex preparations containing magnesium, potassium, and calcium ions are used.

The remineralization procedure is carried out as follows:

  • if pain relief is required, local anesthesia is used;
  • the dentist performs professional cleaning of the oral cavity;
  • the infected crown is polished and isolated from saliva;
  • a remineralizing drug is applied to it.

To obtain a positive result, it is necessary to carry out a course of procedures with an average duration of 10 days.

If you find caries at the stain stage, you should not put off visiting the dentist, as after some time this can lead to complete loss of the tooth.

In the next video we will be told how to cope with the first stage of caries:

2. Superficial

The process of caries damage tends to develop. In the absence of proper treatment, a small white spot quickly increases in size, changes its color, affecting the deep layers of the enamel.

This occurs most intensely on the lateral surfaces of the crowns.

The second stage is characterized by the following manifestations:

  • change in enamel structure. It becomes rough, uneven, porous;
  • change in color of spots from white to brown or black.
  • at the spot of the stain you can notice defects: small pinholes, chips;
  • appears rare painful reaction to external stimuli. When infected lesions are located in the cervical area, discomfort is observed during mechanical action: brushing teeth, pressing with a finger. The pain is short-term aching in nature;
  • white or yellowish plaque accumulates on the gingival zone of the crown;
  • Maybe inflammation of the gingival papillae.

At the second stage of caries, the enamel can no longer be restored through remineralization. Treatment requires direct impact on the crown.

The sooner you see a doctor, the less intervention there will be on his part. Often, a visual examination is sufficient for diagnosis.

But when pathological foci are located in a poor visibility area, an X-ray machine is used.

Treatment of second stage caries includes:

  • processing of the collapsing surface;
  • grinding of porous enamel;
  • applying an adhesion promoting agent;
  • filling prepared areas.

3. Medium

The second and third stages are very similar. But unlike the superficial, medium caries penetrates deeper, covering dentin.

Symptoms of manifestation are slightly different from the previous stage:

  • sharp pain occurs every time when exposed to irritants. It can be caused by touch during cleaning, food, too hot or cold air, or examination with a probe. Painful sensations disappear almost immediately after the removal of the stimulus;
  • the affected area increases, covering most of the crown. In some cases, caries spread not across the width, but into the dentin of the tooth. The depth of the lesion is usually small and does not reach the deep layers of dentin;
  • the walls of the resulting cavities are solid. With the chronic development of pathology, the bottom and walls may be surrounded by dentin.

For a detailed diagnosis of the third stage, instrumental examination and radiographs are used. Based on the results obtained, treatment is prescribed, which is not much different from the treatment of superficial caries.

Also, First, the infected tissue is removed, and then the areas are filled and restored. The average degree of caries is the penultimate.

But contacting a dentist at this stage is still not the worst option. Since it is still possible to preserve a whole and healthy tooth, which is not always possible at the last stage.

4. Deep

Pathology at this stage is the most difficult option for treatment
. Unfortunately, it is the fourth stage of caries that is diagnosed most often.

Fear of dentists often leads to the spread of the disease to most of the crowns of the dentition, the occurrence of secondary pathologies, and complete loss of teeth.

Caries at the fourth stage of development has the following symptoms:

  • When examining the oral cavity, they are found voluminous cavities penetrating deep into dentin, but not affecting the pulp;
  • probing of these areas causes sharp, persistent pain along the entire bottom;
  • painful sensations can occur both when exposed to external stimuli and at rest. Particularly often, pain occurs in the evening. This is explained by the fact that the disease affects the nerve of the tooth, which is not yet inflamed, but is already reacting sharply;
  • dark areas turn black;
  • at this stage there may be destruction of the crown and subgingival area. However, this phenomenon is not always accompanied by additional symptoms.

Treatment of the last stage of caries begins only after a detailed diagnosis. The doctor determines the area and degree of damage to the tooth tissue, after which the stages of treatment are planned.

Most often it has a standard scheme:

  • the patient is anesthetized at the site of treatment;
  • carry out aseptic treatment of crowns;
  • using a drill, remove damaged tissue;
  • form a cavity;
  • apply an adhesive solution to the walls of the cavity;
  • filling material is applied;
  • restore the crown.

In children

Childhood caries during the eruption and development of baby teeth is a fairly common occurrence. The most common cause of this pathology in children is:

  • poor quality of oral hygiene;
  • excess carbohydrates in the baby’s diet. In this case, it is not so much the amount of carbohydrates that matters, but the frequency of consumption. This factor is a fairly common cause of caries. Carbohydrates are the main source of nutrition for pathogenic bacteria in the mouth;
  • lack of minerals and vitamins.

The stages of development of temporary dental caries are no different from caries of permanent teeth. The initial stage, superficial, middle and deep, are also distinguished here.

Symptoms are the same as in adults:

  • first, small chalky spots form on the enamel;
  • Over time, they acquire a dark color and increase in size;
  • pain is also associated with irritating factors;
  • the depth of the collapsing cavity gradually increases.

The only difference between the pathology of baby teeth is that the peculiarity of their structure allows caries covers several teeth at once, developing on them with equal intensity.

If this pathology is detected, it is necessary to consult a doctor as soon as possible. Now there are many methods for restoring enamel and temporary tooth crowns.

The most common are:

  • remineralization;
  • silvering;
  • filling.


Photo: fissure sealing

As you know, preventing the development of this pathology is much easier than treating it.. In order to avoid caries, you must always adhere to certain rules:

  • Teach your child to brush their teeth properly. Always monitor this process yourself;
  • visit the dentist at least twice a year;
  • seal fissures using the latest technologies;
  • balance your diet by introducing foods rich in microelements and vitamins;
  • minimize the consumption of sweets;
  • adjust fluoride intake;
  • carry out professional hygienic cleaning of the oral cavity in a timely manner;

Caries is a very serious and even dangerous disease that can lead to complete loss of teeth. Statistics say that over the years the number of people with this pathology is only increasing.

If the opportunity to avoid caries is minimal, then you need to try to rid yourself of at least the negative consequences.

Treatment of medium and deep caries - from one to two hours.

Medium caries is treated in one visit, deep caries requires two visits, in particularly difficult cases - three or more.

Caries is damage to the enamel and dentin of a tooth. The first symptoms of the disease are darkening of the enamel. If caries is not treated, the hard tissues of the tooth subsequently soften, demineralization occurs, and a carious cavity forms. The cause of the disease is bacteria that must be removed during daily brushing of teeth.

Statistics eloquently convince us of the widespread prevalence of the disease:

  • 95–98% of the population has filled teeth;
  • By adulthood, carious cavities are observed in 80% of adolescents.

Unfortunately, people often turn to the dentist only in advanced stages, after they begin to feel pain. Identification of carious lesions in the early stages is treated quickly, effectively and inexpensively.

Types of caries

Let's consider the main criteria for caries classification:

Based on the depth of dental damage, they are classified into:

  • caries in the stage of darkening of the enamel. Matte spots appear on the surface of the tooth. Over time, pigmentation intensifies, but no visible damage is noted;
  • surface. Due to the demineralization process, defects appear on the surface layer of enamel, but dentin damage does not occur;
  • medium, affecting dentin;
  • deep, the lesion affects the entire layer of dentin, inflammation of the pulp begins.

Caries can be primary and secondary. The first form means that the affected area was not previously treated, the second indicates that a carious cavity appeared under a filling or dental crown.

Depending on the type of tissue affected, there are:

  • enamel caries;
  • dentin;
  • surface of the tooth root.

According to the degree of localization, caries can be cervical (the lesion is located near the gum), fissure (occurs in natural depressions on the surface of the teeth), interdental (approximal). The latter disease often affects the front teeth.

The method of treatment depends on the type of disease.

Indications and contraindications

Indications for treatment of the disease are visual and tactile. The first group includes:

  • color change, enamel pigmentation;
  • darkening of the cervical segment;
  • enamel chipping;
  • a dark gap located along the border of the filling (a tooth in which caries occurred a second time);
  • carious cavity.

Tactile indications include a painful reaction to hot, cold, sweet, and salty foods.

General contraindications for caries treatment:

  • first and third trimesters of pregnancy;
  • acute respiratory diseases, herpes in the acute stage;
  • acute stage of periodontal disease, accompanied by severe bleeding of the gums.

Treatment methods

Not so long ago, the treatment of “holes” in teeth was associated exclusively with a drill. It was this instrument that made patients fear dentists and endure acute pain with all their might. Global changes in the dental industry have revolutionized the idea of ​​dental treatment methods. Today, caries is treated without pain, effectively, and comfortably for patients.

Treatment of caries in Moscow, including in the network of our clinics, is based on advanced techniques and technologies. The specific method depends on the type, stage of development of the disease and is determined by the doctor.

You can do without a drill in cases of superficial carious lesions. Main methods used:

  • infiltration is a microinvasive method applicable to lesions in the spot stage or after wearing braces. The lesion is eliminated using chemical-mechanical treatment;
  • ozone therapy. The essence of the method is the impact on harmful bacteria and remineralization, carried out without anesthesia and drilling;
  • air abrasive treatment. The carious cavity is exposed to an air flow with abrasive impurities, as a result of which the affected tissues are knocked out, but no damage is caused to healthy ones;
  • laser treatment, which does not heat the tissue. The method is recommended for pregnant women, children, and people with acute sensitivity to vibration.

The listed methods are applicable in the initial stages of the disease. In order not to miss the moment and avoid drilling, it is worth planning preventive visits to the dental clinic once every six months.

Deep caries

The treatment plan for caries can be most fully considered in cases of serious damage, when the deep layers of dentin are affected, its color changes, and a large carious cavity is identified under the enamel.

Stages of therapy:

  • A photograph of the diseased tooth is taken to see the size of the carious cavity;
  • anesthesia performed for painless drilling of affected tissues;
  • insulation of the tooth from moisture, for this purpose a latex scarf is used - rubber dam;
  • drilling out carious dentin, giving the cavity the correct shape;
  • treatment of the cavity with antiseptics;
  • drying;
  • installation of a calcium pad and then a temporary filling. This is necessary to ensure that caries has not developed into pulpitis. The calcium pad strengthens the tooth tissue. At the next visit, if the tooth does not bother you, a permanent filling is installed;
  • selection of filling color (relevant for units that open when you smile);
  • filling. Our clinic uses modern composite polymer fillings;
  • grinding and polishing.

As a result of these manipulations, the functionality and aesthetics of the dental unit are restored.

Cervical caries

The main cause of cervical (root) caries is insufficient oral hygiene. Damage to the area directly at the border of the tooth neck is accompanied by active destruction of enamel and dentin, right down to the pulp. Without timely treatment, the disease quickly develops into pulpitis and periodontitis.

The treatment regimen depends on the stage of the disease:

  • at the spot stage, remineralizing therapy is prescribed;
  • if the enamel is destroyed, the treatment steps are similar to those described above.

Radical caries, especially on the front teeth, not only causes discomfort, but also looks unaesthetic. Prevention of the disease is very simple: careful adherence to the rules of oral hygiene and regular preventive examinations at the dentist.

Diagnosis and treatment of caries in our clinic

Modern technologies used in the clinic make every stage of caries treatment painless and safe. Innovative techniques, advanced equipment, vast experience and highly qualified dentists, friendly attitude towards patients are factors that help you forget about fear.

Caries(Latin Caries - decay) - dental disease - a complex pathological slow process of tooth destruction.

According to statistics, caries occurs in over 93% of the world's population.

How does dental caries occur? The appearance of caries begins with plaque on the teeth, consisting of food debris and bacteria that feed on sweet foods, or sugars. The process of digesting these sugars creates acids that attack the surface of the teeth and negatively affect oral health. Tooth decay occurs when acids eat away at the hard surface layer of the tooth (enamel). Over time, this decay process can lead to the appearance of holes in the surface of the tooth - dental caries. If tooth decay is left untreated, cavities can become larger and eventually even lead to tooth decay.

Let's consider what, besides food debris, can be the causes of caries?

Causes of caries

Heredity. If parents have frequent diseases of the teeth and gums, they can pass this predisposition to their children. The chemical composition and structure of dental tissues and the nature of salivation also depend on heredity.

Nutrition. Eating large amounts of sweets (sugars) has a beneficial effect and accelerates the process of tooth decay. Also, the development of caries is promoted by insufficient consumption of food rich in proteins, mineral salts, fluoride and others.

Saliva. It has been noticed that in people susceptible to caries, saliva is more viscous and the ratio of mineral salts in it is changed, which leads to the development of caries.

Oral immunity. Oral immunity may be weakened due to acute respiratory and respiratory viral diseases. With a weakened immune system, bacteria can multiply more easily and quickly.

Teeth cleaning. Many people don't brush their teeth twice a day. Others clean incorrectly, “for show.” Also, sometimes professional teeth cleaning by a dentist is necessary to remove plaque in hard-to-reach places.

Profession. People who work in chemical plants are more susceptible to the appearance and development of caries.

Age. In the first years of a child’s life, baby teeth are more often subject to destructive processes than molars. But, as they grow, they begin to pay more attention and their molars grow healthy. It is very important to accustom your child to oral hygiene from childhood, which will prevent milk dental caries.

Geography. Scientists have found that the condition of teeth is influenced by the region in which a person lives, which is associated with the percentage of fluoride in drinking water.

Sexual characteristic. Dental diseases are more common in women than in men. This is due to pregnancy, breastfeeding, and a greater craving for sweets than men.

- change in the natural color of the tooth, the appearance of chalky spots or blackening;
- the appearance of holes on the teeth;
- tooth sensitivity to hot, cold, sour, sweet and salty;
- aching pain in the tooth;
- bad breath.

At the first symptoms of caries, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Complications of caries

If you do not consult a doctor, having obvious signs of caries, then the process of tooth destruction will progress: microbes will penetrate through the dentin into the pulp of the tooth and cause its inflammation - which, if left untreated, will turn into inflammation of the periosteum - periodontitis, which ultimately may lead to failure. only to tooth loss, but also to damage to nearby growing teeth.

Types of caries

Fissure caries. This type of caries is the most common. It is characterized by damage to the grooves on the teeth, natural anatomical grooves and interdental spaces. The fact is that food residues most often accumulate in these places, which are difficult to thoroughly clean out.

Cervical caries. This type of caries is considered the most difficult. It affects the neck of the tooth. In the area of ​​the neck of the tooth there is a very thin layer of enamel, and these places are quite difficult to reach to clean them at home.

Atypical caries. This type of caries is characterized by damage to other areas of the tooth - for example, the cusp or the cutting edge.

Secondary caries. This type develops as a result of the use of some low-quality filling materials, as well as due to poor quality work of the dentist. In addition, secondary caries can be triggered by: unsuccessful prosthetics, malocclusion, solid foods, and temperature irritants.

The first stage of caries. The initial stage is characterized by the formation of a light spot on the tooth enamel. There may be no other symptoms or discomfort. At this stage, it is advisable to contact a dentist, which will significantly save time and money on dental treatment in the future.

Middle stage of caries. At this stage, not only the tooth enamel is damaged, but also the dentin (the main tissue of the tooth, which is softer than the enamel). From the middle stage, caries can very quickly develop into deep ones, so it is better not to delay treatment.

Signs of the middle stage of caries are dark spots on the tooth, shallow carious cavities, aching pain in the damaged tooth when eating sweet and sour foods, as well as when exposed to cold and hot.

Deep stage of caries. At this stage, a person may already experience severe pain when eating hot and cold foods, sweet, salty and sour. If the pain goes away within 15 minutes, then caries has not yet developed into pulpitis and the diseased tooth can still be saved. In some cases, in the deep stage, no damage is visible on the surface of the tooth, while there is already global destruction inside the tooth.

Diagnosis of caries

To diagnose caries, you should contact.

At the dental clinic, the doctor will examine the visible surfaces of the teeth. Where invisible there will try to find enamel violations (cavities, roughness, unevenness) with a probe. Particular attention will be paid to the areas between the cusps of the tooth, the gingival areas, the areas between the teeth and the edges of old fillings. The dentist may also prescribe other methods for diagnosing caries.

Methods for diagnosing caries:

- dental examination;
— probing (will help identify defects on the enamel surface, especially in hard-to-reach places, determine the density of the bottom and walls of the cavity in the hard tissues of the teeth and the degree of their sensitivity);
— percussion (used to eliminate caries complications);
— thermometry (carried out to clarify the reaction of the dental pulp);
— vital staining (carried out to identify initial caries and to indicate affected dentin at the bottom of the carious cavity);
— (allows you to determine the depth and proximity to the pulp of carious cavities);
— electroodontometry (carried out to exclude complications from the pulp);
— transillumination (to identify the initial stages and hidden foci of caries).

To treat caries, you need to go to a dental clinic. The sooner you contact a specialist, the easier, faster and cheaper the treatment will be.

Treatment of caries is well mastered and almost painless.

At the initial stage, the doctor just needs to clean the enamel with a special tool and restore it with mineral solutions or varnishes.

At deeper stages, it is necessary to remove the affected tissue, disinfect, fill and process it so that the tooth looks natural.

When a tooth is eaten away by caries, so that there is nothing to secure the filling, the doctor will have to grind it down and put a crown on top.

Caries of the front teeth is treated in the same way as other teeth, the only thing the doctor may suggest is the use of a photo filling, which, after installation, will be invisible against the background of the healthy part of the tooth.

Treatment of caries with folk remedies

To treat caries, it is better to consult a dentist, since treatment of caries at home with folk remedies is possible only at the earliest initial stage and acts more as a prevention of caries.

Calamus root. Simply put a small piece of dried fruit in your mouth and suck or chew for 5-10 minutes a day.

Calamus tincture. Take 0.5 liters of vodka and add half a glass of crushed calamus roots. Let it brew for 7 days. Rinse your teeth with the tincture for 1-3 minutes and spit it out.

Honey and salt. Mix 200 g liquid and 100 g fine. Rub the mixture into your gums for 5 minutes morning and evening. After rubbing, rinse your mouth with slightly salted water.

Pumpkin. Cut the pumpkin tail into thin shavings, pour boiling water in a cup and leave to brew for 1 hour. Rinse your mouth with warm broth.

. Just brew as indicated on the package (usually 1 tablespoon per 200 ml of boiling water) and rinse your mouth with warm broth.

Raspberry and mint leaves. Cut the raspberry leaves, pour into a glass and pour 30 g of wine vinegar. Let stand for 3 days, strain and rinse your mouth.

Laundry soap. Brush your teeth with soapy water. After brushing, rinse your mouth thoroughly with water. Use only fresh solution for cleaning.

Propolis. Just place the previously prepared pea on the aching tooth and hold it for 30 minutes, putting a cotton swab on top.

Camphor. Moisten a cotton swab with camphor alcohol and apply it to the area of ​​the tooth affected by caries. Hold the tampon for a few minutes and lubricate your gums with it.

Onion peel. Throw the peels from 3 medium onions into hot water and bring to a boil. Strain and let it brew for a day. Rinse your mouth with the solution several times a day.

Properly balanced nutrition. The body definitely needs meat, fish, vegetables, fruits, cereals and dairy products in sufficient quantities. Consumption of flour and sweets should be limited. Eat raw carrots and apples more often, because... they are able to clean our teeth from food debris.

Pay special attention to nutrition during pregnancy so that the baby develops a healthy structure of hard dental tissues even before birth. Don’t take medications without a doctor’s prescription, don’t drink alcohol, and if you haven’t already, stop smoking!

Teeth cleaning. Brush your teeth 2 times a day - in the morning and in the evening after meals. Clean the spaces between teeth using dental floss. After each meal, try to rinse your mouth with water or a special mouthwash.
