Treatment of dry barking cough in children Komarovsky. Barking cough in a child without fever with a Komarovsky runny nose. Treatment according to Komarovsky

Hello everyone! I first learned about croup from O. Komarovsky’s program, there was a program in which he explained in detail what it is and what to do if an attack occurs. To be honest, I remember this episode of the program to this day, I was so scared by what he talked about in it. Of course, when your child begins to choke in the middle of the night, no parent can help but become confused and panic. At that time, my son was not even a year old, and it was a little reassuring that...

Nowadays, many children are sick. And not all parents know how to deal with this. Therefore, in order to know what SHOULD be done and what NOT to be done, I propose an article by E. Komarovsky on this topic. I know that he has a lot of controversial issues, but I think he is quite competent in treating children. Well, at the end I also give a few links about temperature, ferons, “preventive” medications. Acute respiratory viral infections (ARVI)

The appearance of cough in children can be caused by various reasons. In some cases, it acts as a harbinger of severe infectious diseases, and in others it becomes the result of excessively dry air in the room or the action of an allergen. A barking cough can be short-term or drag on for a longer period. Of course, this is not a reason to panic, but it is imperative to investigate the causes and eliminate them. At the same time, we should not forget about alleviating the baby’s condition. Dr. Evgeny Komarovsky pays special attention to this problem.

Barking cough: what is it?

Experts distinguish two types of cough that can appear in children. Moreover, its occurrence is often sudden and takes parents by surprise, causing anxiety. So, this is a wet and dry cough. If a wet type appears, then this is evidence that the lungs are beginning to get rid of mucus and phlegm components. Thanks to this, breathing becomes more free, and the little patient’s condition improves slightly.

A different situation arises when a child develops a dry, barking cough. The patient's voice becomes hoarse and “sits down.” The baby cannot clear his throat quickly, the breathing process is no longer free, sometimes he begins to choke. This situation not only frightens parents, but also brings problems to the child - he tolerates a dry cough much more severely than a wet one. It is especially dangerous if symptoms occur in an infant. The reasons may be swelling, which causes a decrease in the lumen in the larynx, or blocking of the larynx with a film or foreign object.

Reasons for appearance

Describing a barking cough, doctor E. Komarovsky points to the protective qualities of the cough reflex. This is how the body reacts to irritants and helps cleanse the respiratory channels. However, in the case of a dry cough, such cleansing practically does not occur, and breathing itself is difficult.

At the same time, both the lungs and the throat and trachea experience serious irritation.

Narrowing of the larynx can be the result of infectious diseases or a reaction to allergens. It may also become blocked. It should be remembered that the larynx is narrower in children under five years of age. Therefore, at this time, a barking cough without fever appears most often in a child. Especially in comparison with school-age children.

The main reasons for this problem may be:

  1. Allergies in a child. It is this factor that must be taken into account in a timely manner if the cough is not accompanied by fever and runny nose. Provoking factors may be pollen or dust, fabric or food.
  2. Failure to comply with the temperature conditions in the room and the level of humidity in it. Often, dry air can cause a sudden cough that is not easy to stop.
  3. In the initial stage of ARVI, a mild cough appears, accompanied by a runny nose.
  4. Infectious diseases such as bronchitis, pharyngitis, tracheitis, laryngitis can cause a baby to cough dryly. Possible manifestations of diphtheria or whooping cough.
  5. Reflux disease of the esophagus. This factor is associated with the release of gastric juice into the respiratory system, resulting in an irritating effect.
  6. Nervous system disorders.
  7. The appearance of a foreign object in the larynx.
  8. The appearance of a cyst.

Of course, the reasons can be very diverse. And the risks will be different, for example, the development of bronchial asthma or tuberculosis in the primary stage. But Dr. Komarovsky advises approaching the problem judiciously and not starting to uncontrollably stuff the baby with antibiotics. But an examination by a pediatrician is definitely needed. Especially if the cough, not accompanied by a rise in temperature, drags on.

How to diagnose

A dry cough may occur suddenly in the evening or at night during sleep. The child looks completely normal outwardly, but suddenly begins to cough sharply. Manifestations are also possible in the morning, when accumulated sputum acts as an irritating factor.

Only a doctor can make a correct diagnosis. But already at the initial stage, you can independently examine a small patient. First, you should measure your temperature level and perform a thorough examination of your throat. Indeed, if it increases and there are inflammatory processes, we can most likely talk about ARVI. A barking cough with fever, especially when accompanied by chills and fever, requires immediate medical attention.

Secondly, it is necessary to carefully examine the secreted mucus. If it is transparent, then against the background of a normal temperature level this may well be evidence of a non-infectious disease, but of other factors, for example, the action of allergens.

It is important to listen to the cough. The similarity to the barking of a dog is given to it by edematous processes in the larynx. If the cough becomes constant, and no pathological causes have been identified, then it often takes on the form of a nervous cough. Experts recommend not to ignore these symptoms:

  • an increase in attacks in the evening with a peak at night;
  • the appearance of wheezing between breaths;
  • green discharge, the appearance of blood clots.

Manifestation of dry cough in infants

Infants may also have problems with a dry cough. Their attacks are frequent at night, although during the day the baby behaves completely normally. At night, irritation of the larynx increases, which leads to suffocation, forcing the child to wake up. Dr. Komarovsky focuses on the following signs:

  • whistling sounds when inhaling;
  • increased shortness of breath;
  • hoarseness and loss of voice;
  • blueness and pallor of the skin, retraction of the supraclavicular fossa when inhaling.

Evgeny Komarovsky emphasizes that a slight cough in a baby is considered quite natural. But if it is strong and frequent, causes discomfort for the baby, is accompanied by vomiting, shortness of breath, and deterioration in physical condition, then a trip to the pediatrician cannot be postponed.

During this age period, manifestations of reflux disease of the esophagus and allergic reactions are common. But a strong hum when coughing is evidence of whooping cough.

It is important to identify the cause in a timely manner, which will allow the disease to be cured with minimal negative consequences for the baby.

How to treat dry cough

You should not use medications on your own to treat cough. After all, a targeted effect is needed that eliminates not only the symptom itself, but also the causes of its occurrence. Moreover, different cough remedies may have opposite effects, and it is impossible to combine mucolytic and expectorant medications. Otherwise, you risk clogging the bronchi with mucous secretions that will not be removed.

But before visiting the doctor and in order to alleviate the baby’s condition, you should take some actions:

There is no need to limit outdoor walks. Of course, if the baby is feeling normal and has no problems with temperature.

If a barking cough occurs in children, its treatment should depend on the causes of its occurrence. Among the folk remedies that alleviate the condition, we can offer:

  1. Warming up your feet in a warm bath. Well-known mustard plasters are also suitable. This way you can dilate the blood vessels and relieve swelling in the larynx.
  2. Carrying out steam and soda inhalations, which thin sputum and reduce swelling.
  3. Increasing the frequency of warm drinks, which stimulates the disposal of toxins. If the perception of lactose is normal, you can add a little soda to the milk and drink the drink in small sips.

The main emphasis in the treatment of dry cough is on converting it into a wet form. That is why the doctor may prescribe medications with a thinning and expectorant effect. And if a bacterial infection is diagnosed, antibiotics are prescribed, for example, Cephalexin or Augmentin.

For the youngest patients, herbal syrups are used, for example, with plantain or marshmallow. But E. Komarovsky does not recommend giving children under 2 years of age antitussives. After all, this way you can disrupt the functioning of the respiratory center.

But if diphtheria or whooping cough is diagnosed, then it will not be possible to do without antibiotics and toxoid.

Different remedies will be prescribed if:

In the fight against wet cough, Ambroxol or Bromhexine in syrups are used, as well as folk remedies - decoctions of coltsfoot or linden flowers, plantain root or marshmallow. But the allergic effect is usually eliminated with the help of drugs such as Zodak or Suprastin.

A barking cough can be a symptom of many problems, both infectious or pathological in nature, and allergic. It is not recommended to self-medicate or use medications on your own, without a doctor’s prescription, especially if there is no fever. It is important to identify the cause in a timely manner and focus your efforts on eliminating it.

Let's start with the main and obvious. Cough is not treated, the disease that led to the cough is treated. There is something that irritates the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract and leads to the formation of sputum. If we eliminate this “something”, the cough will stop. How can we eliminate it? For a bacterial infection, we will prescribe an antibiotic, for allergies, an antiallergic drug, for a viral infection, we will simply wait until the body copes with the virus itself.
What is so important and obvious about this? First of all, stating the fact that Tocough will not go away until the cause of the cough is eliminated . That is, if you or your child cough because the room is very dry, you will continue to cough either until you buy a humidifier, or until spring comes and the central heating turns off.
Obviously, we can destroy bacteria in bacterial infections, we can significantly reduce the body’s reaction to an allergen in allergic diseases, but we are not able to do anything with viruses. Thus, with ARVI, i.e. In 99% of all acute respiratory infections, we cannot eliminate the cause of the cough! We patiently wait until the body forms antiviral immunity, the virus stops its harmful effects on the mucous membranes and the cough goes away on its own.
At the same time, the cough significantly interferes with the existence of the sick child and the relatives around him. Therefore, simply “waiting patiently” does not work. Need to do something! And it really is necessary! After all, coughing during acute respiratory infections is not just a symptom that interferes with life, it is the main, key mechanism for actively clearing the respiratory tract. From here, in fact, it follows The main principle of symptomatic treatment of cough is not to eliminate the cough, but to increase its effectiveness!
The most important feature of an effective cough is that it is not frequent. Sputum accumulated, coughed, cleared the airways. We got a break until a new portion of sputum requires a new cough impulse. “Coughed, cleared” is a model of an ideal situation. But this does not always happen - sometimes, in order to clear it, you have to cough twenty times... What determines the answer to the question: “How many times is it necessary”? What factors determine the effectiveness of a cough?
Ability to cough- i.e. the strength of the cough impulse and the ability to cough consciously. It is clear that the older the child, the stronger the respiratory muscles, the greater the volume of exhaled air, the stronger the cough impulse, the more effective the cough. An obvious “disadvantage” of infants is that you can’t ask them to clear their throat, they are still unconscious...
Quality of sputum. Liquid sputum - easy to cough, effective cough; thick sputum - it is very difficult to cough up: we cough, cough, cough, but all to no avail...
We cannot influence the ability to cough in any way. That's why The leading, strategic direction in the symptomatic treatment of cough is to influence the quality of sputum, improve its rheological properties and thus increase the effectiveness of cough.
Where does the effect on sputum rheology begin? From the main thing that we have already talked about many times, what we are forced to talk about again and again, to which we will constantly return - from compliance with the most important organizational principles of treatment of acute respiratory infections, which turn into the main rules for the symptomatic treatment of cough:
1.Cool humid air mode - prevention of drying out of sputum and mucous membranes.
2. Drink plenty of fluids - maintaining and restoring sputum rheology by ensuring normal blood rheology.
It is possible to name and discuss medications that affect cough only after the two main rules we formulated are implemented. Dry, warm, refuses to drink - nothing will help. Therefore, before you run to the pharmacy for “cough medicine,” you need to clearly set priorities, understand what is primary (air and liquid) and what is secondary (potions, drops, syrups, tablets, etc.).

So, the child is dressed warmly, drinks a lot, and the room is cool and humid. This means that we have already implemented at least 90% of measures aimed at symptomatic treatment of cough. But 10% is still left! And I really want to help (treat) for real, give at least some pill!
Well, let's get on with it...
What can medications do?
influence the rheology of sputum: make it more liquid, less viscous; this is possible in two ways: firstly, an effect on the sputum that has already formed (liquefaction, softening), and, secondly, a change in the properties of the sputum that continues to form - in the vast majority of cases, drugs optimize the functioning of epithelial cells, which, in fact, produce sputum. As a result, the amount of sputum increases, but this sputum is “correct” - not thick, it is easy to cough up;
reduce the intensity of the inflammatory process in the mucous membranes;
improve the functioning of the ciliated epithelium;
activate the contractile function of the bronchi;
reduce the excitability of the cough center in the brain;
reduce the sensitivity of nerve endings
th, which are located in the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract - irritation of these endings, in fact, causes a cough.
The possibilities of drugs make it easy to come to the conclusion that there is two options:
1. clear cough , reducing the excitability of the cough center and the sensitivity of nerve endings;
2.improve cough , improving, in turn, the rheology of sputum, the functioning of the ciliated epithelium, and bronchial contractility.
The two options for action correspond to two groups of drugs, completely different in their mechanisms of action and meaning of use, but, unfortunately, perceived at the everyday level as one and the same thing.
The first group is “COUGH MEDICATIONS”, antitussives - the same drugs that cough clean up.
The second group - “EXPECTORANTS” - medicines, cough improving.
The very concept of “cough medicine” at first glance looks strange: so much has been said and discussed that coughing is the most important way to clear the respiratory tract, that not only a sick person, even a healthy person cannot do without a cough! They themselves formulated the main principle of symptomatic treatment of cough: not to eliminate the cough, but to increase its effectiveness! And how can you say the phrase “cough medicine” after this?! And what has to happen for these medications to be used?
Indeed, given our knowledge of the causes of cough, the use of “cough medicine” seems completely devoid of common sense. And this statement is absolutely true in the vast majority of cases!
But there are exceptions. That is, both theoretically and practically, situations are possible when a cough is not necessary, not useful, has no physiological purpose, does not contribute to recovery, but only interferes. There are very few such situations, but they still exist, so you can ask a very specific question: when does a cough need to be removed? when do you need cough medicine ?
the most obvious indication is whooping cough. Cough in this disease is associated with the state of the nervous system, with irritation of the ciliated epithelium;
with inflammation of the outer membrane of the lungs - the pleura. Pleurisy, which is not accompanied by the release of fluid, the so-called. dry pleurisy, accompanied by a very frequent reflex cough;
at irritating cough. An irritating cough is not a defined or specific concept; in the medical literature there is no consensus on what it is and under what conditions it occurs. The bottom line is that there is a certain factor that causes irritation of the nerve endings of the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract, which causes a cough, but no sputum is produced. This happens, for example, if you smoke some nasty stuff, or inhale some nasty stuff, or treat the floors with a particularly irritating varnish, or if a normal healthy person spends the night in a room where it’s dusty, hot and dry;
with some extremely dangerous pulmonary diseases usually oncological;
in preparation for the conduct and during surgical or otolaryngological procedures when you need to do something in the respiratory tract with instruments.
As can be seen from the list above, absolutely all conditions that allow the use of antitussive drugs are in no way related to parental self-medication. Even in situations related to acute respiratory infections - whooping cough, irritating cough - you can prescribe cough medicine only after first making sure that the lungs are clean and that there is nothing to cough up.
The use of cough medicines in a situation where there is mucus formation in the respiratory tract is extremely dangerous. These drugs, by reducing the strength of the cough impulse and making coughing less frequent, contribute to the accumulation of sputum in the respiratory tract, greatly increasing the risk of complications. That is why I emphasize once again: PThe use of antitussives as self-medication is strictly unacceptable!
All cough medicines are divided into two groups: narcotic and non-narcotic.
Narcotic drugs, as, however, obviously follows from the name, can be addictive and drug dependent. The most popular narcotic drug with a pronounced antitussive effect is codeine. In large doses that actually stop coughing, it is used only in hospitals and only for very severe illnesses. Well, in small doses codeine and drugs similar in structure, for example, dextromethorphan, are present in numerous combination cough preparations and even in those sold without a doctor’s prescription.

19 Preparations containing narcotic antitussives
Akodin, syrup

Alex plus, lozenges

Benicol, syrup

Vokasept, syrup

Glycodin , syrup

Daleron Cold 3, pills

Children's Tylenol for colds, syrup

Dionin, tablets, powder

Zedex, syrup

Kalmilin for coughs and colds , syrup

Codelac, pills

Kodipront, capsules, syrup

Codterpin, pills

Neo-Kodion, pills

Neotussin, syrup

Nurofen plus , pills

Pyranol plus , powder for preparing solution

Terpincode, pills

Toff plus, capsules

Tussin plus, syrup

Fervex for dry cough, effervescent tablets

After re-reading list 19, the author even doubted: it turns out - look, here are the drugs for sale, buy... And then he thought and came to the conclusion that, firstly, for normal people it turns out just the opposite - here are the drugs for sale, be careful, and secondly, drug addicts know better than all of us what is present and where...
Non-narcotic antitussive drugs do not cause dependence or addiction, but they are fully subject to calls regarding caution and the inadmissibility of self-medication.
We have already said that there are two ways to relieve a cough - by reducing the excitability of the cough center and reducing the sensitivity of the nerve endings in the respiratory tract.
Medicines that reduce the excitability of the cough center are called “non-narcotic centrally acting antitussives.” All drugs in this group, as well as narcotic antitussives, which also act on the cough center, can depress not only the cough center, but also the respiratory center. That is why they (all these drugs) are extremely undesirable for children under two years of age, and in general the danger of their use is closely related to the age of the child - the older the child, the less the risk.

Drugs that reduce the sensitivity of nerve endings in the respiratory tract are called “non-narcotic peripherally acting antitussives.” Medicines in this group seem to anesthetize and relax overexcited nerve endings in the trachea and bronchi; they (these medicines) are much less active than centrally acting drugs, but, in turn, are much safer.

So, the conversation about who, when, how and with what should clear up a cough can be considered completed and summed up main results:
in the vast majority of cases, cough medicines are contraindicated for any type of acute respiratory infection;
the use of antitussives in children under two years of age is dangerous and irrational;
Cough medicines can be used in children over two years of age only if there are clear and specific indications, only as prescribed by a doctor and under constant medical supervision.

Last thing. The more sputum, it is quite obvious that the risk from the use of antitussives is higher. Improving cough, i.e. using expectorants, in most cases is equivalent to the concept of “increasing the amount of sputum.”
The most important and obvious conclusion:
the combination of antitussives and expectorants is unacceptable!!!

Having finally dotted all the i's in relation to cough medicines, we have the opportunity to focus our attention on improving cough, i.e. expectorants.
Let's start with a very characteristic and very revealing quote, taken from a very famous textbook on childhood diseases:
With this quote, we do not at all want to say that there is nothing to discuss here, they say, we will give you something to drink and we will not give you medicine. This quote is just an excuse to once again repeat what was recently written: “... the child is dressed warmly, drinks a lot, the room is cool and damp. This means that we have already implemented at least 90% of measures aimed at symptomatic treatment of cough. But there’s still 10% left!”
So once again we draw your attention: these 10% will not be effective without plenty of drink and cool, moist air.
Now to the point. The range of expectorants available in the pharmacy chain and actually used in childhood is frighteningly huge - several hundred drugs in a wide variety of dosage forms. However, all this frightening variety can be classified in a certain way, in accordance with the mechanisms of the therapeutic effect of specific drugs.
Resorptive expectorants
Resorption - translated into Russian from medical terms is absorption. Resorptive drugs are absorbed from the stomach, after which they are secreted by the bronchial mucosa, increasing the amount of mucus and diluting it. Drugs in this group have been widely used and used by doctors for at least a couple of hundred years, but now interest in them is rapidly fading. What kind of medicines are these? Regular sodium bicarbonate (baking soda), sodium and potassium iodide, ammonium chloride. The limited use at present is due not to the lack of effect, but to economic and psychological factors.
Iodine preparations were a popular component of numerous expectorant mixtures in the past, which were prepared directly in pharmacies. Today, the general trend is as follows: prescription departments are disappearing, pharmacy variety is growing, patients want to buy immediately and do not want to wait for the medicine to be prepared for them, again, fewer and fewer doctors want to remember and write prescriptions.
Tablets containing sodium bicarbonate and terpin hydrate (more on that below) cost a few kopecks. How can a mother, who wants to buy only the best for her child, buy medicine for a few kopecks, if there is something nearby, also for cough, but in beautiful packaging and for a few rubles?
Reflex expectorants
Drugs in this group irritate sensitive nerve endings in the stomach. This leads to reflex activation of the cough and vomiting center. The contractility of the bronchi increases, the cilia of the epithelium work more actively, and sputum from the lower sections of the bronchi moves faster to the upper sections. At the same time, the functioning of the bronchial glands improves and more mucus is produced.
Expectorants of reflex action are the vast majority of preparations based on medicinal plants (thermopsis, licorice, marshmallow, plantain, thyme, coltsfoot, caraway, wild rosemary, etc.), as well as a number of simple chemical compounds (sodium benzoate, terpinhydrate).

22 Expectorants
Marshmallow syrup

Amtersol, syrup

Anise oil Dr. Theiss, capsules

Bronchicum, powder for making tea, drops for oral administration, elixir, syrup, lozenges


Herbion primrose syrup

Herbion plantain syrup

Chest collection No. 1, 2, 3, 4

Breast Elixir

Doctor Mom, syrup, lozenges

Dr. Theiss cough syrup with plantain, oral solution

Cough syrup powder

Mukaltin, pills

Ammonia-anise drops, oral solution

Ocamenthol, lozenges

Pectosol, drops for oral administration

Pertussin, oral solution

overslept, drops for oral administration, syrup

Pulmex, ointment

Pulmotin, syrup

Cough syrup with plantain and coltsfoot

Syrup with plantain extract for cough

Licorice syrup

Suprima-Broncho, syrup

Terpinhydrate, pills

Terpon, syrup, candles

Thyme liquid extract

Travisil, syrup, chewable tablets, lozenges

Tussamag, syrup, solution-drops for oral administration

Eucabalus, emulsion, syrup, drops

Dr. Theiss Eucalyptus Balm

The two groups of drugs described perfectly illustrate the main, strategic task of expectorants is to clear the airways of mucus . Coughing in this aspect is just a way of cleaning.
Thus, reflex and irritant expectorants can promote the above-mentioned cleansing in two ways.
Firstly, to stimulate expectoration, affecting the bronchi, cilia, glands - this effect even received a special name “ secretomotor activity».
Secondly, to thin the mucus - “ secretolytic activity».
At the same time, in addition to traditional expectorants, there are several drugs whose main advantage is their secretolytic activity. These drugs are called mucolytics(mucus in Latin mucus).
Mucolytics - active modern drugs, chemical compounds that have nothing to do with medicinal herbs, alternative and folk medicine.
Mucolytics have a special effect on the structural components of sputum, significantly changing its rheological properties - of course, for the better. There are very few drugs classified as mucolytics, more precisely, only five.

Mucolytic drugs are often prescribed by pediatricians. Mucolytic drugs are popular means of parental self-medication. It is not surprising that detailed information regarding their application will be both useful and interesting for most readers of this book.
Mucolytics are mainly used for oral administration, but ambroxol and acetylcysteine ​​are used for inhalation and can even be administered intramuscularly and intravenously.
Mucolytics are active pharmacological agents with a large number of positive effects, but there are also side effects, in particular the effect on the gastrointestinal tract and quite likely allergic reactions.
Mucolytics have a number of advantages, in addition to the main mucolytic effect. Here it is difficult to talk about “advantages in general” - each means has its own, sometimes specific, but it is these individual additional capabilities that are the criterion by which the doctor determines which of these means to choose. Thus, acetylcysteine ​​can dilute not only sputum, but also pus; it is very active when applied topically for otitis, rhinitis, and sinusitis; ambroxol and carbocisteine ​​significantly affect the circulation of antibiotics, increasing their concentration in the lung tissue and thus increasing the effectiveness of treatment of bacterial respiratory tract infections; ambroxol stimulates the synthesis of surfactant - a special substance that ensures the elasticity of the lungs; Guaifenesin, in addition to mucolytic, has an active secretomotor effect, etc.
Indications for use, the choice of a specific drug, duration of use, dose - all this is very individual, determined by the diagnosis, the severity of the disease, the age of the patient and, most importantly, determined by the doctor.
Mucolytics are indicated and advisable precisely when there is thick, viscous sputum. For wet coughs and mild forms of ARVI affecting the upper respiratory tract, mucolytics are not needed in most cases; moreover, their administration may provoke an increase in cough.
Not a single mucolytic drug can exhibit its therapeutic effect, that is, it cannot improve the rheology of sputum in a situation where the rheology of the blood is not improved.
The effectiveness of mucolytic agents is short-term and insignificant if the factors that provoke drying of mucus and mucous membranes are not eliminated, if optimal parameters of temperature and air humidity are not ensured.

Since the therapeutic activity of mucolytics significantly exceeds all other expectorants, pharmacologists very often consider this group of drugs separately, as if excluding them from the general list of expectorants. There is a certain meaning here, therefore, recognizing the logic and validity of this state of affairs, you should pay attention to two points. Firstly, it should be noted that there are a very large number of drugs that are combinations of expectorants and mucolytics, and secondly, it should be emphasized once again that If the combination of antitussives and expectorants is unacceptable, then the combination of antitussives and mucolytics is doubly unacceptable!

A brief review of medications intended to relieve cough in acute respiratory infections can be considered exhausted. No, the list of drugs, to put it mildly, is not complete - after all, there are many drugs that eliminate bronchospasm, have an anti-inflammatory effect, reduce the sensitivity of the respiratory tract, etc. However, we will not even name these drugs, since their use is not It is widespread in acute respiratory infections and is never, at least theoretically, carried out as self-medication.
Our task is to summarize, to formulate an algorithm for parental actions in a situation where a child is diagnosed with a cough.
The most important question: who is to blame? - i.e. the cause of the disease. The response algorithm is already well known to us; it is the key to further treatment of the disease that caused the cough.
The answer to the following question determines the intensity and direction of treatment: where is the source of the cough?
A typical and extremely common situation is posterior rhinitis or adenoiditis . Mucus forms in the back of the nose, it flows down the back of the throat and this causes a cough. In such a situation, ordinary vasoconstrictor drops dripped into the nose will cause the cough to stop. And what will happen if you do it our way, that is, be an “attentive parent” and actively treat - give a herbal secretomotor drug plus add a mucolytic? Most fans of active treatment answer the question “what will happen?” they know well - there will be a sleepless night with a painful cough...
Nasopharyngitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, laryngitis - inflammation in the upper respiratory tract. Mucus forms in the pharynx, on the surface of the tonsils, and in the larynx. This mucus provokes a cough. But it is easy to cough up this mucus, it is actually already in the mouth, it does not need to move upward from the bronchi, it does not need to be pushed by the cilia of the epithelium and contractions of the bronchi. “It’s easy to cough up” - this is not always the case, but to make it difficult, you have to try. You need to make sure that the sputum dries to the surface of the mucous membranes, for this you should drink less and turn on the heater - you are guaranteed a sleepless night with an irritating “throat” cough.
How to act correctly? First, understand that with inflammation of the upper respiratory tract, no expectorants taken orally can alleviate the situation. All you have to do is prevent the mucus from thickening. To do this, humidify and ventilate the room, constantly drink something warm, dissolve tablets (lozenges, lozenges, etc.) containing herbal ingredients, essential oils, menthol in the mouth, drip oil drops into the nose so that the back wall does not dry out throats. You can come up with a lot of things that are completely safe - so that the mucus does not dry out, and there is no harm: spray aerosols containing oils into your mouth, gargle with soda, etc.
But what to do if the child is very small - he doesn’t know how to suck lollipops, doesn’t know how to rinse, doesn’t know how to spit, aerosols with oils are contraindicated for him according to the instructions for these aerosols?.. First of all, don’t forget that all this spitting-sucking-rinsing - this is only 10% of the treatment, and 90% is air and drink, and if you add salt drops in the nose to this, this will completely replace rinsing.
Signs of croup (barking cough, difficulty breathing), cough with shortness of breath and wheezing - all these are situations when self-medication of cough is unacceptable: unreasonable and (or) improper use of antitussives and expectorants for croup and inflammation of the lower respiratory tract can lead to a significant deterioration of the condition child.
Don’t take risks, because not giving medicine does not mean doing nothing! You will already have something to do while waiting for the doctor - moisturize, ventilate, wipe, brew, drink, drip, change clothes, calm, rock, talk...
Since cough is one of the most common symptoms, there are a huge number of medications available to treat it. Absolute most of these drugs are of unproven effectiveness, since the nature of the cough is determined to a much greater extent by the conditions in which the sick child is located than by all the medications combined.
The main, strategic goal of symptomatic treatment of cough with medications is the fact of treatment itself. Medicines do not so much relieve a child’s cough as provide psychological comfort to his relatives. The mental balance of adults caring for a child is an extremely important factor, and hundreds of pharmacological companies are working to maintain this balance, producing thousands of a wide variety of “cough medicines” - most of them are absolutely safe, highly purified, with a minimum of side effects, with a low risk of overdose, with excellent taste qualities, in the most attractive packaging and in a wide variety of forms - tablets, lozenges, drops, solutions, mixtures, syrups, elixirs.
Once again, I emphasize two particularly important points: all of these medications are quite safe, but all of these are medications with unproven effectiveness.
The paradox of self-medication of cough is that:
in case of acute respiratory infections affecting the lower respiratory tract, treatment of cough with medications is difficult and risky;
in case of acute respiratory infections affecting the upper respiratory tract, treatment of cough with medications is effective only as a method of psychotherapy for the person treating.
Eliminating the cause of cough and creating conditions that ensure effective coughing are the key points of help. Effective pharmacological interventions are possible because there are active drugs that can influence the basic physiological mechanisms of cough. The use of these drugs requires specific indications, professionalism and restraint. Therefore, it is very important to distribute roles in a timely manner: the doctor to look for and eliminate the cause of the cough, to determine those conditions when medications cannot be avoided; parents - to create conditions under which it will be easy for the body to fight, and medications will be able to show their therapeutic effects.
All this will serve as an ideological basis for implementing the main principles of symptomatic therapy in general and cough in particular - safety, sufficiency, expediency.

Cough in children is mainly either viral or allergic. When a virus or allergen penetrates the bronchi, inflammation of their mucous membrane occurs. The body actively fights, producing mucus, which should neutralize the virus. And expectoration is an attempt to remove mucus accumulated in the lungs.

The appearance of a cough in a child, of course, worries his parents. They are especially confused by the absence of any other symptoms - fever, redness in the throat, weakness, runny nose. What happens to the baby in this case? Komarovsky and a number of other pediatricians consider a cough in a child without fever to be a signal that some kind of illness is developing in the child’s body. All that remains is to find out what kind of disease we are dealing with.

TEST: Why do you have a cough?

How long have you been coughing?

Is your cough combined with a runny nose and is most noticeable in the morning (after sleep) and in the evening (already in bed)?

The cough can be described as:

You characterize the cough as:

Can you tell that the cough is deep (to understand this, take more air into your lungs and cough)?

During a coughing attack, do you feel pain in the abdomen and/or chest (pain in the intercostal muscles and abdominal muscles)?

Do you smoke?

Pay attention to the nature of the mucus that is released during a cough (it doesn’t matter how much it is: a little or a lot). She:

Do you feel a dull pain in the chest that does not depend on movements and is of an “internal” nature (as if the source of pain is in the lung itself)?

Are you worried about shortness of breath (during physical activity, you quickly become out of breath and get tired, your breathing becomes faster, followed by a lack of air)?

Causes of cough in children without fever

How to treat correctly

As already mentioned, cough is not a separate disease, but one of the symptoms. Thus, it is necessary to treat not only him, but the entire disease.

So, to summarize - how to treat a cough that is not accompanied by fever? First of all, to soften it, secondly, to help the body get rid of snot.

To do this you will need:

  • give the child plenty to drink;
  • maintain normal temperature (about 18-20 degrees) and air humidity level in the room where the baby is;
  • walk with the baby so that he can breathe fresh air;
  • Give the child mucolytics to stimulate expectoration.

What to do with a wet cough

Despite the fact that a child’s cough is not uncommon today, one must be able to distinguish a simple cough from the onset of some disease. In particular, a wet cough indicates that a tiny bit of infection has entered the body.

Even if your child does not have a fever, under no circumstances should you take medications at your own discretion. It is necessary, first of all, to consult a pediatrician. The pediatrician will find out the real cause of the wet cough. But if you come to an appointment, and he immediately writes out a prescription to buy antibiotics, change the doctor. It is not advisable to immediately treat a wet cough in a child, which is not accompanied by an elevated temperature, with “heavy artillery” - taking antibiotics.

In order to remove accumulated sputum faster and much more effectively, narrowly targeted mucolytic drugs (for example, Bromhexine or Mucaltin) are usually prescribed.

In addition, when a child coughs, you need to give him a lot of water. Children will enjoy cranberry juice, tea with raspberry jam, and sweet compotes with licorice root and thyme. If the body temperature is within normal limits, you can rub and steam your baby’s feet.

If the child starts barking

If parents hear a barking cough in a child, it is necessary to immediately begin treatment. Otherwise, the disease may become acute and then chronic.

According to Komarovsky, it is not the barking cough itself that needs to be treated separately, but the ailment that provoked the occurrence of this symptom. Medicines and other methods are used for treatment. If a child begins to “bark” due to an allergy, it is extremely important to promptly identify the allergen and eliminate it. If you cannot determine the allergen on your own, you need to be examined by a doctor, who, based on the results, will prescribe a suitable antihistamine. In winter, regularly give your baby warm drinks. This is necessary in order to prevent the throat and larynx from drying out. Dr. Komarovsky also strongly advises getting a humidifier for the children's room.

If the cause of a barking cough is an acute form of laryngitis and the child experiences suffocation while coughing, call a doctor immediately. After all, the development of laryngeal edema is a very dangerous condition for the baby. Laryngospasm is relieved with the drugs Loratadine and Desloratadine. Pharyngitis is treated with antibiotics and medications that reduce throat irritation (Inhalipt).

Before sending your child to sleep, so that he does not wake up from coughing, you need to give him Mukaltin or Codelac. If the doctor diagnoses the baby with bronchitis or tracheitis, then treatment is carried out with mucolytics - Bromhexine, Lazolvan or Ambrobene.

The main task is to transform a dry cough into a wet one, which indicates a speedy recovery. For this purpose, drugs are used to thin the mucus and improve its expectoration.

If the infection is of bacterial origin, antibiotics are added (Augmentin and Cephalexin). In addition, herbal syrups made from marshmallow or plantain help with barking cough.

Folk recipes

If the baby does not have a fever, some traditional medicine will be effective. Let's give a couple of examples.

  • To soften a cough, you can use warm milk mixed with mineral water in a 1:1 ratio. An alternative version of this drug is to mix heated milk with a teaspoon of natural honey and add a small slice of fresh butter. This remedy will soften the irritated throat, and for some time the cough will stop bothering the child.
  • A good remedy is radish juice. It should be given to the baby a teaspoon every three hours. How to get this juice? You can divide the radish in half, pour a little honey on each half and sprinkle a little granulated sugar. Then place it in a deep plate so that the radish lies at an angle. Literally after an hour, the healing juice can be drained and used for its intended purpose. Remember that it should not be given to children under one year of age.

After the fact

Finally, it should be emphasized once again that fighting a cough alone is not only meaningless, but is also dangerous for the child. Indiscriminately taking different medications and changing medications if the results from their use do not appear instantly are absolutely unreasonable actions that are harmful to the baby’s health. After all, it may turn out that you just need to cover the radiators or remove a new flower from the room, or check whether the baby is allergic to the wool in the blanket.

In any case, it is necessary to find out the cause of the symptom, and only then act on it comprehensively. This is the only way to cure both the cough and the disease that caused it.

Barking cough in a child without fever: treatment and causes

What causes a barking cough in a child without fever? Why is this symptom dangerous? These questions worry many young mothers who are faced with this problem. In order to choose the right treatment regimen, you need to understand what a barking cough is. It often becomes the main symptom of acute respiratory infections. Coughing is a protective reflex that helps the bronchi to clear accumulated mucus. The wet nature of this symptom indicates relief from phlegm, which makes breathing difficult. The main goal of treating dry cough is to thin the mucus and stimulate its elimination. This will speed up the child's recovery process. Many parents try to treat respiratory diseases with conventional antitussives. This is the wrong decision.

Symptoms of respiratory diseases

A child's dry barking cough most often occurs at night and in the morning. Ventilation of the lungs deteriorates, sputum is retained in the bronchi, complicating the movement of air flow. With a barking cough, the severity of the disease is aggravated by the fact that attacks are not accompanied by sputum discharge, which makes them longer and more painful. The main sign that allows us to consider this symptom as barking appears in the early stages of the disease. A sick child's cough sounds like a dog barking. This is explained by swelling of the larynx that occurs in some diseases, due to which the timbre of the voice changes: it becomes hoarse. It is impossible to get rid of sputum, which negatively affects the general condition of the patients. Children weaken, become lethargic, apathetic and exhausted.

Common symptoms that appear with a barking cough are:

  • increased fatigue and general weakness;
  • headaches, runny nose;
  • sore throat;
  • inflammation of the lymph nodes;
  • hoarse voice;
  • noisy breathing;
  • swelling and redness of the mucous membranes of the larynx.

If the disease is not treated correctly, it can lead to the development of complications. Parents should carefully monitor the child's condition. Hospitalization is necessary if the following signs of deterioration in health appear: febrile syndrome; cyanosis of the skin; disappearance of voice; loss of consciousness; lack of appetite; problems with breathing and swallowing; salivation; attacks of asphyxia; epiglotitis (infection of the larynx); increased nervous excitability. Laryngeal swelling and suffocation, which can lead to death, are considered especially dangerous. If you find them, you must immediately call an ambulance. Going outside with your child during an attack is strictly prohibited.

The inflammatory process, accompanied by a barking cough, leads to the development of complications. This symptom is extremely life-threatening for the patient.

Inflamed and swollen mucous membranes of the larynx can block the airways, which is why mechanical asphyxia develops at lightning speed.

There are other, no less dangerous complications: acute respiratory failure; development of an asthmatic attack; bronchial occlusion. A child's cough may not be accompanied by a fever. In such cases, it is necessary to select a special treatment regimen.

What causes this symptom?

A barking cough is not a separate disease, it is just a sign of an inflammatory process in the upper and lower respiratory tract. The causes of its occurrence can be acute respiratory infections, laryngitis, pharyngitis. These are life-threatening diseases for a child that can lead to serious consequences. The first symptoms of laryngitis can be confused with symptoms of a common cold. These include sore throat, cough, and nasal congestion. That is why doctors do not recommend leaving these signs unattended. Only an experienced specialist can make the correct diagnosis and select medications that will quickly relieve the disease.

How to help your child

A child suffering from a barking cough should be examined by the attending physician. He will prescribe a therapeutic regimen taking into account the cause of this symptom and the individual characteristics of the body.

The most commonly used are antibacterial, mucolytic and expectorant agents. The former are necessary to destroy pathogenic microorganisms that can provoke the transition of the disease into a chronic form. A barking cough is most often not accompanied by sputum discharge. In this case, it is necessary to use drugs that reduce the viscosity of mucus. The course of treatment lasts no more than 3 days, after which mucolytics are replaced with expectorants that facilitate the process of sputum discharge. Such treatment is carried out in the absence of elevated temperature. If a febrile syndrome occurs that is not eliminated by conventional antipyretics, hospital treatment is indicated.

Taking medications should be supplemented with daily inhalations with herbal decoctions. In addition, plenty of warm drinks are necessary. Particularly effective is herbal tea made from mint leaves, sage, St. John's wort and chamomile flowers. These plants contain large amounts of vitamin C, which helps the body fight infection.

In addition to herbal infusions, the child should drink plenty of clean water, which prevents dehydration. An important part of treatment is a special diet. It is necessary to exclude from the diet hot, cold and rough foods that can injure inflamed mucous membranes. When cooking, do not use salt, sugar or spices. The diet should include as many vegetables and fruits as possible. You need to eat liquid and semi-liquid food - cereals, soups and broths.

It is necessary to create the most comfortable conditions in the house. Daily wet cleaning and ventilation are required. For the time being, it is recommended to avoid walking outside, visiting kindergarten or school. Windows can only be opened when the child is not in the room. A weakened body is vulnerable to infections, so contact with sick people should be excluded.

It is necessary to ensure sufficient air humidity throughout the apartment. Before bedtime, the child should be given fruit juice, warm milk or herbal tea.

After the symptoms of the disease disappear, you need to spend more time in the fresh air. However, in winter, walks should be short. It is not recommended to visit public places where contact with sick people is possible.

You can treat a dry barking cough in a child using folk remedies. Onion broth is considered the most effective. To prepare it you will need 2 medium onions, a glass of sugar and 1 liter of boiling water. The composition is heated over low heat for an hour. The resulting syrup is taken 1 tbsp. several times a day. Treatment should last at least 5 days.

Garlic has a pronounced antiseptic effect and is often used to eliminate acute respiratory infections. 2 onions and a head of garlic pour 1 tbsp. milk, boil for half an hour, after which the vegetables are chopped. Add a few tablespoons of honey to the resulting pulp. The medicine is taken 1 tsp. 3 times a day.

Treatment with folk remedies does not imply abandonment of traditional therapy; it must begin with the permission of a doctor.

It is impossible to identify the cause of a barking cough on your own. Diagnostic procedures and tests are necessary. Proper treatment will help you quickly get rid of the unpleasant symptom and prevent the development of complications.

Barking cough in a child: why does it occur and how to treat it?

Parents quite often notice a cough in their children. It can manifest itself in different ways and can indicate a wide variety of health problems.

One of the varieties of this symptom is a barking cough in a child, which causes great discomfort to the patient (he literally suffocates) and causes panic in his parents.

A barking cough can be observed in both a month-old baby and an older child. You should always remember that you need to treat not just one symptom, but the entire disease. If you have a barking cough in children over 2-3 years old, you should definitely show them to a doctor, and if you find similar symptoms in a month-old child, you should immediately call an ambulance to prevent dangerous consequences. Treatment is carried out based on the current diagnosis and age of the child.

Cough without fever

To determine what exactly causes a barking cough, you need to pay attention to other symptoms (fever, sore throat, runny nose, weakness, etc.) and the general condition of the baby. If there is no temperature, most often the reason lies in external factors: exposure to an allergen or a foreign object entering the respiratory tract.

For allergies

If a dry barking cough is observed in the absence of any symptoms of the inflammatory process, this usually indicates an allergic reaction. If the disease is neglected, the child may develop allergic bronchitis or even bronchial asthma, and they are quite difficult to treat. With allergic reactions, other symptoms may be observed: runny nose, watery eyes, itching, skin rashes, etc. Treatment must begin with identifying the allergen in order to minimize its impact on the body.

If a foreign body enters

Children of all ages are curious, which often leads to quite unpleasant consequences. One of these consequences is inhalation or unsuccessful swallowing of a foreign small object, which causes irritation of the mucous membrane and a dry barking cough. If there is a suspicion of this cause of cough, it is necessary to contact an ENT doctor to confirm the diagnosis and remove the foreign body from the respiratory tract.

Cough with fever and runny nose

If, along with a barking cough, a child has a fever, runny nose, weakness and some other symptoms, the problems may be more serious. These manifestations may indicate laryngitis, bronchitis, whooping cough and a number of other diseases. In most cases, it is better not to do anything on your own, but to wait for an examination by a doctor who will identify the problems and prescribe treatment.

For laryngitis

Similar symptoms are observed in children with laryngitis, an inflammation of the larynx that is caused by viruses or bacteria. With laryngitis, the body temperature rises, the voice becomes hoarse or even disappears completely. If the trachea becomes inflamed along with the larynx, we can talk about laryngotracheitis.

These diseases are especially dangerous for children from one month to one year of age. Due to the special structure of the larynx in babies - the narrow lumen of the respiratory tract - the inflammatory process during laryngitis or laryngotracheitis leads to severe swelling of the laryngeal mucosa, which seriously complicates breathing. If shortness of breath, pallor or even bluish skin appears, breathing becomes noisy, the child experiences panic attacks, you must immediately call an ambulance, and before that, try to calm the patient yourself and provide him with all possible help.

Another disease that occurs with fever is bronchitis. A dry barking cough is characteristic of the onset of the disease; subsequently it becomes wet: clear or white sputum appears. If acute bronchitis is not treated promptly, it can become chronic. In this case, bouts of painful coughing can last about 3 months.

For whooping cough

The infectious disease whooping cough is now observed quite rarely, although the number of vaccinated children has decreased significantly recently. Whooping cough usually occurs in children 3-6 years old. It is characterized by frequent bouts of barking cough, noisy whistling breathing, general weakness, fever, and possible vomiting after coughing.

What to do and how to treat

Treatment of the patient always depends on the disease. Treatment for whooping cough, laryngitis or allergies will be completely different, and it is very difficult for parents to make a diagnosis. It is dangerous to do something with your baby or prescribe him yourself, since for certain diseases certain drugs can be not only useless, but also harmful.

Treatment of a child under three years of age should be carried out only after examination by a doctor. Treating children with “adult” pills or folk remedies is very dangerous. Before the doctor arrives, parents can do the simplest things that will reduce the attack of barking cough due to laryngitis and a number of other diseases and alleviate the baby’s condition:

  • calm the child down (when nervous, the cough only intensifies due to spasm of the muscles of the larynx), and for this it is extremely important to calm down yourself so that he does not see panicking adults,
  • ventilate the room, humidify the air (arrange pots, basins or hang wet rags) and let the steam breathe for 5-10 minutes (over a pot or a filled bath),
  • provide plenty of warm drink (preferably alkaline mineral water or soda solution, ordinary boiled water or weak tea is also suitable),
  • rid the baby of tight clothing (it makes breathing even more difficult).

If the doctor, after examining the child, deems it necessary to place him in a hospital, do not resist. Often it is impossible to identify the cause on the spot, relieve the attack and normalize the patient’s condition.

in a child three years old or older

If a child over three years old has already had similar attacks of barking cough, parents are usually aware of what causes such problems, and therefore they themselves know what to give him (antihistamines, mucolytics, expectorants or antitussives) depending on the diagnosis. If a barking cough occurs for the first time, you should definitely consult a doctor.

Treatment of barking cough in a child without fever

A strong barking cough in a child is a concern for every parent. This symptom is a kind of reflexive protective reaction of the body to external stimuli. It is dry cough that is most difficult for children to endure due to the fact that sputum does not come out, and attacks can bother them for several weeks. A dry, barking cough in a child can occur without fever and is a sign of a serious illness.

Causes of barking cough in a child without fever

A barking cough is a dry cough that is accompanied by wheezing breathing without sputum production. It is much worse tolerated when wet because of the difficulty breathing that occurs as a result of swelling of the airways. The main causes of such cough in infants are narrowing of the larynx or its blockage.

In preschool children, this symptom occurs much more often than in schoolchildren. However, very often it occurs without fever or other signs of an infectious disease.

The most common reasons include:

  • Infectious disease of the respiratory tract.
  • Inflammatory process of an allergic nature.
  • A congenital defect of the respiratory tract that causes difficulty breathing.
  • Ingestion of a foreign object into the respiratory tract.
  • Very dry indoor air. In this case, you can get rid of a prolonged suffocating cough using a humidifier.
  • The presence of a cyst or other neoplasm in the child’s larynx.
  • Whooping cough, diphtheria or other diseases affecting the respiratory system.
  • Nervous system disorder.

Children who have received all vaccinations according to the vaccination schedule rarely get whooping cough or diphtheria. On the contrary, helminthic infestation is a fairly common cause of dry cough.

If the cough is caused by a foreign object, it begins abruptly and is accompanied by difficulty breathing. In this case, the child must be urgently shown to a specialist.

In infants, a barking cough without fever or other signs of inflammation is the body's protective reaction to dust entering the respiratory tract. It shouldn't cause concern. Frequent wet cleaning and ventilation of the room should reduce attacks to a minimum.

Treatment of a barking cough in a child involves a pulmonologist and other specialists. After passing the necessary tests and eliminating its main cause. Therefore, self-medication is not recommended. You should contact your pediatrician, who can refer you to an otorhinolaryngologist; an allergist will prescribe appropriate medications and physiotherapeutic procedures.

Let's consider the most effective treatment methods that will help relieve attacks and eliminate their cause.

Peace of mind for child and parents

Quite often, coughing attacks intensify if the child is worried. This causes spasm of the muscles of the larynx, making breathing difficult and causing a barking cough. To relieve a child's anxiety, you should pick him up, sing a song, or rock him. The baby should be given a breast, pacifier or water. An older child can read a book or watch a cartoon.


The simplest steam inhalations help relieve swelling of the larynx, which will help calm a coughing attack. To make inhalation, you need to boil a pot of water, add chamomile, soda and vegetable oil to the water. Place the child over the pan and let him breathe, covering his head with a terry towel.

You can simply hold the baby near a boiling pan for a few minutes. You can also run a bath of hot water and periodically bring the child into the bathroom so that he can breathe in warm, moist air. This helps relieve coughing and normalize breathing.

An excellent method of treating barking cough is to use mineral water for inhalation. It is best to use a special inhaler. If there is no allergic reaction, you can add eucalyptus, lemon or tea tree essential oil to mineral water.

Taking anti-allergy medications

Quite often, a barking cough is caused by a spasm of the respiratory tract of allergic origin. In this case, it is necessary to give the baby an antihistamine. Before taking such drugs, it is recommended to consult your doctor.

Casual clothes

To ease a coughing attack, you need to free your chest from tight clothing. To do this, unbutton the collar of the shirt, loosen the baby's diaper and change the tight one to loose clothing made from natural materials.

Drink plenty of fluids

Frequent and abundant warm drinks help thin mucus and also prevent dehydration. In addition, it helps to improve overall well-being and normalize body temperature. It is best to give your child warm teas, natural herbal decoctions, freshly squeezed juices and milk with honey.

Air humidification

One of the most common causes of a barking cough in a child is dry indoor air. Therefore, it is recommended to use a special humidifier. You should also regularly carry out wet cleaning and ventilate the room. If there is no special humidifier, you can place containers of water around the room or hang wet towels on the radiators.

Warming procedures

To improve breathing, you can use warming procedures, for example, mustard plasters, warming your feet, or rubbing in balms based on essential oils. This helps reduce laryngeal swelling and improve well-being. However, balms with essential oils are not recommended for use before 3 years. They cause allergic reactions in many children.

Anti-cough medications

Medicines for dry barking cough can only be used as prescribed by a doctor. For a dry cough, the doctor prescribes medications that help remove phlegm. After this, expectorant medications are required. To alleviate the child’s condition, you can massage the baby’s chest and back on your own.

The use of aerosols against bronchial asthma is strictly prohibited. Such drugs contain very strong substances, which can only be prescribed by a doctor after an accurate diagnosis. If you suspect asthma or a severe attack occurs, you should immediately call an ambulance, continuing to carry out steam inhalation until they arrive.

General care

The best way to quickly get rid of a barking cough in your child is to take proper care of it. It is necessary to carry out wet cleaning daily, ventilate the premises twice a day, and provide the child with a balanced diet, including fresh fruits and vegetables. With a healthy immune system, the disease will quickly recede.

The opinion of doctor Komarovsky

Dr. Komarovsky believes that with a barking cough, medications can do more harm than help. It should not be suppressed with the help of various medications; it needs to be treated for the underlying cause of its appearance. If the cough is stopped, a lot of mucus will remain in the child's lungs and bronchi, which can cause complications, such as pneumonia.

In addition, barking cough most often occurs with problems with the esophagus or allergic reactions. Therefore, taking antibiotics or antiviral drugs will not be beneficial. If a barking cough is not accompanied by an elevated body temperature, then you should urgently consult a pediatrician who will help determine the exact nature of the disease.

At home, you can only help your child by providing him with a properly balanced diet that contains large doses of vitamin C and other beneficial components. It is recommended to drink plenty of warm liquids, such as rosehip decoction, freshly squeezed juices, tea with lemon and berry juice. The use of vitamin supplements or herbal preparations is allowed only after consulting a doctor.

A barking cough will go away much faster if you create a calm atmosphere in the house, regularly wipe away drinks and carry out wet cleaning, and also use a special humidifier.

The child has a barking cough without fever

Coughing in a baby always alarms parents, as they are a sign of problems in the child’s body. And if a child has a barking cough, but without fever, then it’s time to get confused, since it doesn’t look like a regular ARVI. Let's find out what can cause this condition and what methods of help exist.

Common causes of a dry barking cough in a child without fever

By barking cough we mean one that occurs without the appearance of sputum. That is, there is no wheezing in the chest as such, but the baby’s cough center is irritated, which causes paroxysmal, rough coughing.

The fact that a child has a strong barking cough without fever does not indicate that this is not a problem. He can talk about various violations:

  • diphtheria or whooping cough;
  • allergy;
  • neurological problems;
  • swelling in the throat;
  • ingestion of a foreign object into the respiratory system.

In addition to the above reasons, simply dry and dusty indoor air can cause a rare barking cough in a child without a fever. This is most often observed in winter, when the radiators are hot and the moisture content in the air, necessary for the normal functioning of the respiratory system, drops to a critical level.

Treatment of a child with a barking cough without fever

  1. When a child suddenly develops a barking cough without fever at night, it frightens parents very much. But there is no need to panic, because the baby needs help, not fear in the eyes of adults. You need to immediately call an ambulance, as this could be an attack of diphtheria, which in children can end very badly.
  2. You should know that true croup can occur at any age, but false croup, that is, laryngospasm, is typical for children under 5 years of age. In any case, to stop the attack, the child should breathe in moist air, for example, by turning on a hot water tap in the bathroom, but it’s even better if you have a nebulizer on hand.

  3. Whooping cough is characterized by a barking cough accompanied by spasms. The baby coughs on one note and has no time to breathe. These attacks are more typical at night. Treatment of the disease is long-term, with the prescription of an antibiotic, antitussive drugs and strict adherence to air parameters - humidity, temperature, absence of dust.
  4. An allergic cough, especially near the source of the problem, can be dry, barking and hacking. If adequate therapy is not carried out and the source is not identified, then over time it will develop into chronic, while changing the structure of the lung tissue. To suppress it, the child should be given Suprastin, Desloratadine, Zodak and similar antihistamines.
  5. Nervous shock, both significant and minor (according to parents), can provoke a cough, which is not constant, but occurs from time to time. If you suspect a neurological origin of the cough, you should consult a pediatric neurologist.
  6. Quite rare, but still occurring in pediatrics, can be a constant barking cough that has no apparent cause and is not accompanied by fever. Such a baby should be examined and an ultrasound performed, which may reveal a cyst in the lumen of the glottis, which is an obstacle to normal breathing and causes a cough.
  7. If a child suddenly begins to cough, and at the same time it is obviously difficult for him to breathe in and out, if his face turns pale or acquires a bluish tint, then he may have choked on food or a foreign object.

The victim urgently requires qualified medical care. Before this, you can try holding the baby upside down over the bathtub, and at this time the assistant should tap the chest and back with the edge of his palm. Often a foreign object, especially a heavy one, falls out during this procedure, as evidenced by a ringing sound against the walls of the bathroom.
