About vending machines in Japan

For those who started making moonshine back in the nineties, it is very difficult to accept the fact that a moonshine still can be simply beautiful. After all, Soviet moonshiners drove “ fire water"mainly on homemade units that looked like massive structures made of not the most best hardware. Compared to them, the Japanese device is a real work of technical art.

Externally, the Japan device looks great. His specifications also quite good. In principle, technically the device differs little from the same in Finland - a standard reflux condenser (steam steamer) and refrigerator. But there are many differences in details.

Japanese moonshine still

The equipment fully corresponds to its name. The Japanese are big fans of complex innovative technologies. Therefore, they squeezed the maximum out of a simple design. The reflux condenser of the Japan apparatus is collapsible and has a valve for communication with the atmosphere. That is, it can be used to flavor moonshine.

The refrigerator of the Japanese device also has a “twist”. It consists of two parts: the first is a regular coil, and the second is a tubular refrigerator, more typical of copper distillery equipment. Thanks to this design, the refrigerator turned out to be very productive. That is, at the end you will get a really cold drink.

The Japan apparatus is also notable for its still. The cube itself is made in the form of a pan with special fasteners that ensure the tank is completely sealed. The plug for attaching the dephlegmator-cube and a special valve for the water seal make it possible to use the distillation cube of the Japan apparatus as a fermentation container.

Advantages of the device Japan

The advantages of the device over other popular models on the Russian market include:

  • spacious distillation cube of 28 liters;
  • a distillation cube in the form of a pan with a sealed lid - very convenient to wash and fill with mash;
  • combined refrigerator - increased performance;
  • collapsible reflux condenser;
  • two thermometers (one in the cube, the other in the reflux condenser);
  • thick three-layer bottom (4 mm) - can be used on all types of stoves.
The downside, or rather a controversial design decision, is that the Japanese device has one. This is a separate water supply to both the dephlegmator and the refrigerator. On the one hand, this is correct, on the other hand, it is inconvenient, since you will have to use twice as many hoses and have two taps on hand. And this is problematic in most Russian apartments - you will have to pull a hose from the bathroom or arrange flow-through cooling using a large bucket and pump.

Equipment included in Japan

The apparatus includes two gifts that make the work of the home distiller easier:

  • water seal (useful when preparing mash, allows you to use the distillation cube as a fermentation container);
  • a set of measuring instruments (three hydrometers with different scale ranges and a thermometer).

Technical characteristics of the device Japan

Japanese blood pressure monitors are represented on the world market primarily by such manufacturers as Omron and AND. These are one of the most reliable medical pressure meters, guaranteed to give reliable results.

Japan assembles tonometers from its own parts in different countries world, controlling the entire production process, so the cost of finished devices is very affordable.

Tonometers made in Japan are mainly electronic devices, although AND also has a mechanical device.

Electronic Japanese blood pressure monitors are classified according to the degree of involvement of the measurer in the diagnostic process:

  • Semi-automatic devices. The meter regulates the inflation and deflation of air manually, and the electronics determine the value of blood pressure and heart rate.
  • Automatic devices. At all stages of measurement, the process is controlled by a microprocessor program, and ready results the patient sees on the display.
Automatic hand blood pressure monitors made in Japan can be used for two measurement points:
  • Shoulder gauges. Suitable for all ages and illnesses, as they use the large brachial artery to obtain information.
  • Wrist gauges. Mobile and lightweight. Suitable for patients with elastic blood vessels and without tremor, since the measurements take data on the blood flow in the thinner radial artery.
In any case, the oscillometric method is used for measurement. It consists of determining the force with which it is necessary to press on the artery so that the blood flow in it stops.

After the device begins to deflate, the pulsating blood transmits the pulsation to the air in the cuff balloon. The sensors detect even minor fluctuations, and the program, based on the data obtained, determines the blood pressure during its ejection from the ventricles of the heart (systole) and during the rest of the heart and filling the atria with blood (diastole).

Japan tonometers are reliable meters:

  • equipped with technologies obtained by the companies’ own scientific developments and which reliably increase the accuracy of the results;
  • inflate the cuff using a system that allows you to speed up the measurement and make it more comfortable;
  • manufactured with reliable electronics in a durable housing;
  • have a lot additional features(assistance in diagnosing arrhythmia, memory for the results and time of measurements, calculation of the average reliable value, etc.);
  • They last an average of 10 years, with warranty service available for 5 years.
You can buy Japanese blood pressure monitors with the functionality you like in our store. Prices and terms of delivery in Moscow are indicated on the website.

In today's review, we will take a closer look at the miracle of Taiwanese moonshine engineering - the Japan moonshine still (Varisam).

At the beginning of 2015 at Russian market A new model of moonshine still has arrived in the upper price segment. The cost from the official supplier in Russia today is 24,990 rubles.

As testing will show, the set of functions and capabilities of this unit more than pays for the money spent on it. The device is truly unusual both externally and technologically - from the point of view of distillation. But first things first.

When you first get acquainted with the device, you understand: the Taiwanese factory did a huge and painstaking job. It should be noted that this is not only a moonshine still. It can be used to produce a foamy drink and can act as a fermentation container. As a result, we get a 3 in 1 device.


A device with a standard distillation cube volume of 28 liters (there are no other displacement options) fits into a fairly small box. Having unpacked the box, you can see dozens of units of parts. The device is completely dismountable. After quickly going through the instructions, we assemble the device in a couple of minutes.

I was pleased with the chic set of alcohol meters:

Also included in the kit, in addition to a standard book with recipes, hoses, taps, you can find a water seal, which is useful for converting the device into a device for infusing mash, as well as a set of measuring utensils, which will please connoisseurs of precision in moonshine brewing.


The "Japan" distiller is made of high-quality food steel, the seams are perfect. This is not how moonshine stills are made in Russia.

The device is equipped with a very unusual reflux condenser and refrigerator. The first one replaces the usual steamer. The peculiarity of the reflux condenser is that, according to the developers, it separates everything harmful fractions completely and does not allow them to pass further. Thanks to which you can easily separate the methyl, ethanol, water, etc. And as a filter (filler) you can use, for example: ceramic fillers, wood shavings, flavors.

The innovations also included the refrigerator - the heart of the moonshine still, which turned out to be double. Combined cooling consists of two heat exchangers - coil and shell-and-tube. A really good idea, which very noticeably increases distillation productivity and amounts to up to 3 liters per hour.

Bottom line

When considering the device, I always wanted to draw a parallel with some domestic representative of moonshine, but in the end it didn’t work out - the “Japan” device turned out to be so extraordinary. Honestly, the device deserves the highest ratings in all respects: starting from flawless appearance, ending with high performance and

Japan is an amazing country, and any traveler will find what he dreams of: a picturesque province, ultra-modern Tokyo, magnificent beaches, ancient monuments. After spending a little time in Japan, you can notice an interesting feature - great amount vending machines that are simply impossible to ignore. In Tokyo, for example, they are at every step: along alleys, in front of supermarkets, in residential and shopping areas.

So it’s not surprising that Japan has the highest density of vending machines in the world, with a total of just over five million units in the country. According to the Japan Vending Machine Manufacturers Association, there is approximately one machine for every 23 people. The machines sell coffee, tea, cigarettes, candy, hot food and even soups, sake and beer.

In fact, this number of vending machines characterizes Japanese culture. The Japanese, especially those living in Tokyo, work hard and value convenience and their time. Below are a few more reasons why vending machines are so popular in Japan.


According to University of Connecticut economics professor William A. McEachern, declining birth rates, an aging population and insufficient immigration have led to both rising costs and a shrinking labor force. And vending machines don't need to pay, they just need to periodically call an employee to replenish supplies and collect money.

High rent

Japan, with a population of 127 million, is one of the most populous countries in the world. Moreover, 75 percent of the country's territory is occupied by mountains. And 93 percent of Japanese people live in cities. So real estate prices are sky-high, and the Japanese themselves live in incredibly small apartments. High density population and high rents mean there isn't much space to store food, which is why many Japanese companies opt to install a vending machine rather than open an entire store.

Low percentage of crimes

Japan is famous not only for its incredible low level murders in the world, but also the same small percentage of robberies. While experts are trying to answer the question why, the fact remains that cases of vandalism and crimes against property are very rare in the country. Vending machines are rarely broken or robbed, even though they contain tens of thousands of yen. In addition, the machines are equipped with cameras and have a direct line to the police, in case something does happen - for example, the machine is opened.

Cash only in Japan

In Tokyo, for example, even on railway stations or you can’t buy a ticket on the metro with a credit card. Cash only. It's almost the same story in stores. As a result, you have to walk around with a certain amount of money, and not only in banknotes, but also in coins. And Japanese coins have high denominations - 50, 100 and 500 yen (112 yen = 1 dollar). So vending machines can be called a great way to get rid of small change.

Admiration for robots

The Japanese are literally obsessed with the automated world and robots. No other country has this. The Japanese place a lot of trust in vending machines.
