Features of the appearance and character of the British shorthair cat breed. British cat color palette Cream color of British cats

Cats with aristocratic roots were bred in the UK and to this day are the pride of the country. Large and medium-sized murki with short plush hair and a charming "Cheshire" smile - a Briton who officially appeared in 1987 and won millions of fans. The first officially recognized representative was pure white. The desire to breed a large, strong, hardy, calm and intelligent cat has led to the fact that the colors of British cats have more than 25 species. Some of them are considered very rare and are highly valued not only in terms of breed, but also in terms of money.

Intensive work on popularization, involvement in breeding other popular breeds, obtaining offspring from cats from different continents has led to the expansion of breed species. The first British were the owners of a thick undercoat and short hair. The kinship with the Persian cat gave rise to the British semi-longhair.

Associatively, the Briton appears to be smoky or blue, many "cat lovers" cannot even imagine what colors British cats are and how unusual kittens can appear in a family of two "standard" parents. The color types of British cats are divided into groups depending on the pattern, the predominance of color and the method of pigmentation.

Blue plain

The standard color of the breed, called "popularly" gray or classic. The coat of the Blue Briton is solid, without light hairs, the undercoat may be slightly lighter. The skin is exclusively blue. For the breed, representatives with a lighter tone are more valuable. In kittens, the presence of a residual pattern is allowed, which disappears with the growth of the animal.

Myths about British Blue Cats!

№1. It is widely believed that blue British kittens should have bright orange eyes - this is not so. Kittens of all breeds and colors are born with blue or gray "cloudy" eyes, the iris is gaining color gradually.

№2. If a breeder offers you an exclusive British Blue Fold, say "Thank you" and walk away. In the best case, they offer you a Scottish cat, in the worst case, a mestizo. Lop-eared short-haired British do not exist.

Golden color, suggests dark pigmentation on 1/8 of the length of the hair, the rest is painted in a rich golden color. Shades of gray or undercoat are not allowed. At the same time, the collar is light, often white, the tassels of the ears are silvery. Despite the light tone of the coat, cats predominantly have black paw pads, dark or black eyeliner and nose. "Home name" - golden chinchilla.


A prerequisite is the equal presence of tones, the absence of a pattern in the red / beige areas. Red/cream spots on the muzzle desirable. The eyes are copper or orange. According to the laws of genetics, only females can have a tortoiseshell color, so getting the perfect color is painstaking work and is designed “for good luck”. The tortoiseshell color is rare and difficult to obtain, combining several colors:

  • black/brown/chocolate;
  • red/cream;
  • blue/lilac.

This is interesting! The world recorded the birth of males, the correct tortoiseshell color. However, an error in the genetic code makes cats infertile.

Figured, aka tabby

One of the colors allowing a difference in the color of the hair at the base. British tabby owners of diverse patterns on the body, from stripes to large and leopard spots. Tabby is divided into silver, golden and color point subspecies.

There are seven acceptable shades for solid British:

Turtle ladies

This type is typical only for British cats: tortoiseshell cats are very rare. Tortoiseshell males are born but are extremely rare and are a genetic anomaly incapable of reproduction. Turtle is a mixture of close solid shades, but no more than two: one is the base, the second is less intense. It is acceptable if the additional background has a different intensity - such a variation seems to be three-color, but in fact the cats are still two-color. The variations of the suit are named after the main shades in the mixture. Black tortoiseshell is a mixture of black and red of varying intensity without a pronounced pattern on the red spots. Chocolate Tortoise is a mixture of chocolate and different shades of red. Cinnamon - a mixture based on red. Blue, fawn and lilac turtles combine all the pastel colors of the British breed. Each variety of tortoiseshell suit has its own characteristic standard features. So for purple and blue turtles, a creamy tan, directed towards the nose, is desirable.


Chocolate and cinnamon turtles require: uniform coloration of hairs, a harmonious color mosaic without a pronounced pattern and tan on the nose. For black tortoises, a characteristic feature is the "tongue of flame" on the nose, and the coloring should be bright and saturated.

Patterned tabby

The classification of tabby is quite extensive. First of all, the British tabby cat differs in the type of pattern: brindle, spotted, marble color (classic tabby) and torby. Not the last role is played by color. Tabbies can be in the main shade: brown (red and black), blue (of different saturation and brightness), chocolate (difference in saturation and brightness), lilac (combination with beige), red (dark and bright of various saturation), cream (shades different saturation), silver (any color with a silvery background). Tabby color standards are incredibly broad and difficult to evaluate. But there are a few distinguishing and mandatory features:

  • Ticking - rich coloring of the hairs of the pattern to the very base. Background hairs may not be colored evenly.
  • "Scarab sign" - the letter M on the muzzle. Sometimes such animals are called "Madonna's cat".
  • Light spot on the ear.
  • The rim of the iris and nose must fully match the main suit.
  • Stripes on the chest in the form of a necklace (at least 3 stripes, maybe more).
  • Striped rings on the tail and paws.
  • Two rows of spots on abdomen.
  • On the cheeks, the hair is longer, curled.
  • The tone of the stripes is always darker or more saturated than the background.

At one time, the British Whiskas color was very popular. In fact, this is not a separate species, but a silver brindle (according to the classification - markel). This type of British began to be distinguished after the appearance of well-known advertisements for cat food.

british haze

The secret of this smoky type is the uneven coloration of the guard hairs.

british smoky

At the base of the hair is discolored, at the end - a dark basic tone, the so-called tipping. For the British, tipping is possible at least 4/5 of all hair lengths: this means that only a fifth of the entire length can be bleached. The undercoat of the Smoky British matches the basic tone, but the intensity is close to white. In photographs, smoky cats seem common. The effect of "silver haze" appears only in motion. The color options for smokeds are incredibly varied, with black lilac, red, cream, and many tortoiseshell variants being the most popular.

Mysterious Silver

Genetically determined color, the visual effect is associated with incomplete coloring of the hairs, black tipping and always a white undercoat. The coat is darker on top (on the back and muzzle) and lighter below (belly, lower tail, chin). There are only two recognized varieties of silver British: shaded (shaded) and chinchilla.

The shaded type of color is characterized by staining of the hair for only a third of the length, pronounced black tipping on the head (especially on the forehead) and tail, and a black edging of the iris. Pronounced tipping may show the tabby pattern. The silver variant allows for any shade accepted by the breed standards.

The chinchilla is distinguished by rich pigmentation of only an eighth of the hairs and a pronounced black tipping, as well as a black rim of the iris and nose. Traditionally, only the black version is called chinchilla. In other cases, it is necessary to add the name of the main color (purple chinchilla, blue chinchilla). For the name of the red color variants of the silver type, the word "cameo" is adopted: smoky cameo, shaded cameo.

british gold

This color type has recently been recognized, differing from the silvery undercoat: not white, but cream. There are no red and cream variations in this color type. Tipping can be black or brown, eyes - green of different saturation.

Color point - color games

This color type is derived from the gene of the Siamese cats - a rather difficult type from the point of view of breeders. First, the color gene is recessive and will only show up in offspring if both parents have it.

color point

Secondly, the typical arrangement of spots in kittens does not appear immediately, but with age, like in many Siamese.

Color point is a combination of the Siamese gene with solid colors, and with any color options. The color characteristics of the stains are evaluated according to the standards for single color options.

  • seal point - the spots are only dark brown, like those of the Siamese;
  • choklit - any chocolate spots;
  • blue point - any blue spots of different intensity and brightness;
  • lilac point - lilac spots prevail closer to the warm spectrum;
  • red point - spots of any red saturated shades;
  • cream point - spots of various cream variations;
  • cinnamon-point - golden-cinnamon cinnamon spots;
  • fawn point - beige spots.

The Siamese color gene is combined with other variations, but this will no longer be a color point. In combination with tabby patterns, the type of links-point is distinguished, with shaded - shaded-point, with silver - silver-links-point, smoky - smoke-point. There are also variants of tortie point colors - the color of the markings repeats the main tone.

The most difficult thing to distinguish from the main type is the chinchilla point - the main difference is the rich blue or blue iris.

Golden points also exist, but so far they have not been singled out as a separate type, since the differences are controversial.

Particolor - cats of happiness

The most original coloring option is a combination of traditional color options with white. The famous tricolor kitty that brings happiness is the tortoiseshell particolor.


"Lucky cats" can only be female, and the tortoiseshell spots have clear boundaries.

Particolor standards concern mainly the size of white spots. Particolors can be of three types:

bicolors - no more than half white, and no less than one third of another tone; the letter L on the muzzle, a closed white collar on the neck, a dark tone is distributed over the body in the form of a “cloak” without white spots, the stomach is white;

harlequins - about 90% white, the tail is always colored, the lower parts of the body are always white;

vans - maximum white, ears must be white, tail of the main tone, a couple of spots on the muzzle, ideally symmetrical, a small number of spots on the body is permissible.

An officially unrecognized variety of particolors is mitted - cats with white socks and a stripe from chin to tail.

Variety of colors

For an inexperienced cat owner, determining the colors of British cats is a rather difficult task; a table with a photo is indispensable. But these are not all difficulties.

When choosing a kitten, you should remember that the exact and final coloring of the fur coat does not appear immediately. Therefore, attention should be paid to documents and pedigree. It is especially necessary to take into account the pedigree for those who are going to breed the breed in the future - many traits, including color, are transmitted by recessive genes and can only appear after several generations or only if both parents have a recessive trait. But in the litter there may be kittens with a dominant color, which appeared after a generation.

The British Shorthair cat can also have original colors recognized not so long ago.

Cinnamon - clarified chocolate, looks more like red. A distinctive feature of this suit is pure pink skin.

Cinnamon cats are quite rare, as the gene is passed down through the generation.

Faun - a genetically determined shade, similar to a very pale cinnamon, blue or cream. It is possible to confirm the variety of the Faun breed only with the help of DNA analysis.

The solid and mysterious British cat is truly a royal breed. She had a hand in the creation of a whole galaxy of European native breeds, was noted in America and continues to dictate the rules at modern exhibitions. A lot of virtues - from appearance to character traits, allowed the British to conquer the world.

British cats are not a native breed. They were brought to the islands by the Romans. Many years have passed since then, and modern Britons have acquired features and traits that do not allow us to consider these cats separately from their habitats. The harsh Albion provided them with solidity and heavy bone, and felinologists perfected the magnificent exterior by outcrossing with the Persians.

The only thing that the British Shorthair has left for itself is character. Majesty and the undeniable right to self-determination - that's briefly about the prototype of the Cheshire cat. Template comparison, however, is justified. Breeders are still guided by Tenniel's drawings for an anthology of English surrealism.

The British Shorthair gave rise to more than one national breed: American, Scottish, European, Chartreuse - they all owe something to the British.

The official standard was registered back in 1898, and in the first half of the 20th century, the British, like many other European cat breeds, almost stopped their purebred lines due to wars.

The situation was saved by US felinologists, who used the British to improve their native breed. Their catteries compensated for the lack of cats for the possibility of selection without the involvement of other breeds. Britons are still used in Scottish, European and American Shorthair lines, but outcrossing of purebred cats within the breed is prohibited.

The British received the modern standard in 1982, and since then they have been recognized by all associations of felinologists.

Appearance description

The real pride of any Englishman - the British Shorthair cat - has many features. People who are far from felinology may confuse her description with another breed, for example, Scottish. However, the British are very different from their short-haired tribesmen, first of all, by their thoroughness in everything - from appearance and character to physiological moments of maturation.

British shorthair cats in the standards have the following description:

  • Body: closer to large in size. Powerful, all parts are wide, developed, strong. The limbs and neck are short, visually massive. The Briton looks squat. The tail is proportional to the body, not long, rather dense;
  • head: round, massive muzzle, full cheeks and pronounced large whisker pads. The British are distinguished by an excess of skin around the head, which gives it extra volume. The presence of a transition in profile and a pronounced chin. Short nose, wide enough. Stop is missing. Ears are medium-sized, widely set;
  • coat: very dense, short, provided with a thick undercoat. Tactilely creates a plush feel;
  • the colors of the British: a subject of pride and controversy at the same time. Everyone is recognized without exception. Thoroughly described and systematized by standards - thoroughness was manifested even in this;
  • eyes: all options are possible, provided that the color matches. The British often have all shades of yellow, but can also have blues and greens. True, kittens are born, as a rule, with cloudy eyes that have a gray color.


The British cat breed has fully adopted all the stiffness of English traditions: the colors of its proud representatives are systematized and recorded. Everything, from hair to eyes, has its place in the ranking table, moreover, the markings and even the coloring of the nose and paw pads have become the object of special attention.

Solid color - Solid

The British Blue cat is the real leader of the world's sympathies among the monochromatic representatives of the breed. However, there is a whole palette of colors. Multiplied by the quality of wool, they represent the true wealth of English aristocrats: purple, chocolate, cream, black, red. A special place is occupied by the British white cat.

Paw pads and nose match the main color, without spots.

Features of the solid color: the hair is dyed evenly in one color: in principle, the blue Briton has no silver in the coat, and black and chocolate with a light undercoat are rejected by the standards as a defect. In addition, even a hint of a drawing will be recognized as a marriage.

True, white kittens may have spots of a different color. Disappearing with age, they do not affect the exterior of an adult Briton. It is they who have blue, orange, or even different-colored eyes.

Tortoise color - Torty

Perhaps the most unpredictable and elegant Britons: tortoiseshell kittens whimsically mix cream with chocolate, blue or purple. Black tortoiseshell cats are no less spectacular.

Spots on the coat should be evenly distributed and also mixed. The predominance of one color is unacceptable. True, there is a small indulgence: the standards are not against short stripes in appearance, namely on the bridge of the nose and on the legs of the tortoiseshell British.

The eyes are predominantly yellow, of different shades. The nose and pads of these Brits may be black or beige.

Silver typing - Silver

Cats of the British breed can boast of no less spectacular color - typed. The bottom line is that the upper part of each guard hair has the color of a certain color, and the rest and undercoat is solid silver or white.

Such British are called smoky, or Smoke, this effect is combined with the Solid colors inherent in the breed, and is also often found with a tortoiseshell bicolor.

Outwardly, the classic Smoke cannot be distinguished from the Solid or Torty colors. It manifests itself in dynamics - silver whimsically highlights the main color of cats in motion, because thick outer hair is dyed by a whole third.

Smoky British have two more varieties - shaded (shaded) and chinchilla (shell).

The cat looks very bright. The guard hairs are colored in Solid shades, only 1/6 part is shaded and 1/8 is shell, respectively.

The black chinchilla has a completely extraordinary appearance - it is white. Just looking closely, you can see the black coating on the wool. True, then black pads and hairs framing the eyelids and nose catch the eye - this rule is preserved for all other colors.

golden typing

One of the rarest colors of the British. Instead of silver or white, the undercoat and lower part of the guard hairs in cats are evenly colored in light shades of apricot. The incredible combination of emerald eyes with black or chocolate coating makes these Brits a real treasure.

Colors that allow a pattern on the coat - Tabby

These are the only Britons who have a certain freedom in appearance. True, they have their own characteristics and limitations.

Purebred cats are allowed to have only three types of pattern:

  • marble;
  • mackerel;
  • spotted.

In color and background, complete freedom is allowed - here standards cannot limit nature. True, this is where the liberties end. A Brit with a Tabby color must have:

  • necklace: the larger, the better closed clear stripes around the neck;
  • paw bracelets: solid bands of good contrast;
  • symmetry of marks;
  • the letter "M" on the muzzle";
  • striped tail (the exception is the spotted British, they have spots instead of stripes).

Point colors

With all the diversity, the British can be pointed. The color, originally inherent in graceful orientals, harmoniously blended into the exterior of powerful short-haired Englishmen. At the same time, the point of the British can be of any color, it evenly fills the muzzle, ears, paws, tail. The background is painted in lighter shades of the point. The breed has introduced its own characteristics into this coloring: the tail can be striped, and on the muzzle - the obligatory letter "M". Fuzzy tabbing of the corpus is also acceptable.


In fact, bicolor Britons may have more than two colors. White acts as the basis, and it is already complemented by any other or a combination of two colors. There are three types of bicolor cats:

  • Wang allows solid tail coloration and a couple of head markings;
  • Harlequin - about 20% of the fur has a color other than white;
  • actually, Bicolor - up to half of all wool is dyed in a different color.

Bicolor Britons are allowed in all Solid colors, Torty combinations, Silver smokiness and Tabby markings, but must have a white-filled inverted V on the muzzle instead of an "M". At the same time, Van and Harlequin kittens must have an elegant white collar.

Features of character and behavior

The British cat, massive and clumsy, is actually very, very mobile. It's just that he prefers sleep to any active activity. The British sleep for 20 hours a day, sometimes without interrupting for food.

Up to 3-4 years The British are not yet fully formed, both physically and psychologically. At this age, they are, in fact, still kittens with the appropriate behavior - active and mischievous. Then the kitten becomes much calmer.

The breed is characterized by absolute self-sufficiency. The British Shorthair cat itself determines the rhythm of life, the time for affection and, moreover, for games. Independence shows from early childhood. Even a small kitten has a sacred knowledge of its rights. The most important thing is not to waste time. Kittens up to a year are amenable to suggestion and education. After - no.

Soft and independent Britons have their own opinion about everyone. The kitten will choose a place to sleep. The task of the owner is to equip it. When dealing with the Briton, you must remember: he has a remarkable intellect and memory. Reviews indicate that a kitten from childhood requires respect for his person and does not like noise very much.

You will have to forget about closed doors in the apartment: this will cause shock in an absolutely calm cat, up to depression. Ideally, of course, you need to be able to free-range the British. Then neither the cat nor the owner will experience any shocks.

The British Shorthair cat is not aggressive, but will not let itself be offended. Unobtrusive and rarely talks aloud about her feelings. If the Briton wants to eat, this will be expressed in a silent picket next to the cup.

Kittens get used to the family and are sincerely attached to the owner, but they can do without his company.


The British Shorthair cat is not prone to hereditary diseases. She has excellent health. However, this does not mean that vaccination and preventive examinations at the veterinarian can be neglected.

It must be borne in mind that sexual and generally physical maturation in the British occurs late - by the age of four. It is at this age that kittens turn into adult cats: they show all the solidity and massiveness provided for by the standards. It is not worth sounding the alarm and suspecting dystrophy until this moment.

In comfortable conditions, the Briton lives on average 15 years. However, there are record holders in the breed, whose age has exceeded 20. The reasons are simple: lack of stress, an active cat life, balanced food and, of course, unconditional love. Good health largely depends on the feeling of being a member of the British family.

  • routine eye and ear hygiene as discharge or contamination occurs;
  • trimming the claws as they grow back;
  • weekly combing of wool, and during the molting period - daily.

Wool is the main wealth, at the same time it is a big problem. The British are extremely clean and everything that is not combed out ends up in their stomach.

Dense and thick undercoat, soft, silky guard hairs instantly fall into lumps, so it is necessary to provide for the presence of a special paste or food for resorption and unhindered removal of wool.

Otherwise, they require a clean tray and sterile dishes, otherwise the Briton may become depressed, fraught with refusal of food.


Kittens from certified catteries already have food preferences. Despite the fact that they quickly adapt, it is better to feed them with their usual food. Reviews say that this way they get used to new conditions much faster. The British are distinguished by unpretentiousness in food. Cats easily perceive canned and dry food.

However, the champions of modern exhibitions owe their impressive appearance to natural food. Breeders recommend lean meats, vegetables, cereals. Additions of fish and dairy products are possible, but should not be prioritized.

Any diet must be supplemented with vitamins and minerals, especially during the molting period.

The British, in the best traditions of old England, were able to win the hearts of millions. The smile of the Cheshire Cat, which glorified the breed in literature, is famous all over the world. Little colonists have all the necessary qualities: aristocracy and calmness, thoroughness and good nature. In return, these cats require very little: unconditional love and, of course, respect.

The breed of British cats was bred in 1987 in the UK. To this day, these kittens are the pride of this country, despite the fact that they have spread all over the world and have become very popular among many countries. And this is not surprising, because a plush fur coat, a charming look and a British smile cannot leave those who love cats indifferent.

When this breed of cat was officially recognized, there was only a white British (see beautiful). Then the breeders wanted to breed a large male that would not only be beautiful, but also hardy. In the course of this work, various British kittens began to appear, and therefore at the moment there are about 25 colors of the British cat.

Among such a list there are very valuable fur coats that have a rather rare color, and therefore are valued among people, but also cost decent money.

At the beginning of the history of the British cat, his fur coat had a dense undercoat and a short thick coat. However, during the crossing of the British with the Persian cat, kittens with a longer pile began to appear.

At the moment, the most popular colors are smoky and blue. And cat lovers who breed them at home, most likely, do not even realize that children of completely different colors can come from the same father and mother.

There are types of colors that are divided into groups, they distinguish between cats:

  • according to drawings;
  • pigmentation;
  • color dominance.

So, let's take a look at the most popular or rare colors of the British cat breed.

Solid and smoky colors

By the very name "solid" it should be clear that a cat of this type should be exclusively one color. That is, its undercoat, wool and even skin of the same color. No pigmentation allowed!

Among such pets there are fur coats of such colors:

  • chocolate;
  • black;
  • white;
  • red;
  • blue;
  • cream;
  • lilac.

Now consider each one-color pet in order.


This pet has a deep solid coat color. Having matured, kittens are dominated by a richer brown color. It is believed that the deeper this color, the more elite such a pet.

In different countries, this color can be called differently, the most common names are havana or chestnut.


Such a pet has a charcoal color of the skin, undercoat and all wool. Why is this color considered the most rare? Because the born kittens are black, by six months they can change their color to brown or chocolate. All this is very individual, and therefore there are difficulties in breeding a kitten with such a color.

What is worth knowing! Light tan in black or chocolate kittens is unacceptable. It happens that such a color is made artificially, by some dishonest breeders.

By nature, this is unacceptable, but, unfortunately, this exists! These cats may look chic, but they are considered defective breeds!


The skin of such beauties is light pink, the eyes can be blue (or aquamarine), as well as multi-colored. Fur coat of cold white uniform color. For such pets, any yellowing is in no case unacceptable.

It happens that kittens born have some pigmentation on the coat, but they must pass, otherwise this breed will not be considered monotonous.


Most people like this color in this pet. However, it is worth considering that there should not be any silver tints in the color! The undercoat may be one shade lighter. The color of the fur coat itself without any light hairs. The skin should be the color of the coat - blue! Cm. .

In a simple way, this color is called "classic" or "gray". Small kittens may have minor markings on their body, which should go away with age. The most elite kittens are those that have a slightly lighter color.

There are several myths about this breed of cats with this color.

Many argue that blue-haired Brits should only have orange eyes. But most Britons of any color are born with blue eyes and only gradually gain their natural color, which they will have for the rest of their lives.


Very amazing color of the color, it combines soft pink and blue tint. Of course, such a color cannot be described in words, but in the photo you can see what such a pet looks like. See all.

Newborn kittens have a more pinkish coat color, while in adults the coat gives off a little blue. The undercoat of lilac kittens is slightly lighter than the coat color. The nose and pads on the paws also have this color.

Eyes should only be copper or amber. It is impossible to breed such a pet, since there is no such gene that would be responsible for this ebb of wool. Most likely, this is a miracle of nature when two different types of cats mix, as a result of which such purple kittens are born.


This color is very rare and often confused. Most of all, it looks like the color of a newborn fawn - soft cream with pink. Since it is very rare to meet such a cat, then buying it is a great value.

Worth knowing! If you find a phantom-colored kitten in a cattery or from a breeder, then you must definitely ask for a document indicating the reliability of this color. Since such a color can only be determined after DNA analysis. Therefore, if you are not provided with any documentation, then do not buy such an animal. This is either a defective or an animal with a cream or purple color, but not a faun!


Such a handsome man is very rare to find. They are derived from Chocolate Brits who carry the gene. Their children turn out to be a little lighter than the chocolate color, the so-called "cinnamon" color.

There are also other colors of British cats. Next, we'll take a look at them.

Color Point

These are kittens, in which two colors are located on the coat - primary and secondary. The main color is white or light gray, the secondary color is gray, blue, red. The secondary color colors the paws, muzzle and tail of the pet. The eyes of such a Briton are blue.

Shaded gold and silver color

Among blue, black, lilac and chocolate there are kittens with a silvery sheen. In this case, this color will color the chest, collar, belly and paws.

Golden color is rare in pets. However, it does not stain the entire coat of the kitten. Its hairs are dominated by two colors: at the root, the color is dark, and then it is all golden.

A distinctive feature of such pets is the expressively black color of the paw pads, the tip of the tail and the eyeliner around the eyes. This breed is popularly called "golden" or "domestic chinchilla".

Golden color

This color in a pet is one eighth. That is, one percent consists of a darkened color, and the rest of gold. But this color also has a white color, for example, it colors the British collar (see).

Even among the British, there are colors: tortoiseshell, tabby, marbled tabby (or wild), whiskas and van.


The Briton, who is painted in such a range, should have spots on the muzzle (red, black, cream colors). There should not be any patterns on the body. Copper or orange eyes.

Tortoiseshell can be made up of several paint palettes, for example:

  • Purple and blue;
  • Chocolate, black and brown;
  • Cream and red.

Interestingly, this color is more common in females, and if it is present in a male, then this is a genetic error, and such a cat, unfortunately, most often turns out to be infertile. Therefore, if specialists want to bring out a British tortoiseshell with the right colors and completely healthy, then this is worth working on for a very long time!


Such animals can be either silver or golden in color and some color points. On their body, spots can be located, like a leopard or stripes.

marble or wild

Such a pussy has a white (silver) coat color, on which dark stripes are located. Typically, these drawings are large.

This subspecies of cats resembles the color of snow leopards. The stripes are not even, most likely, they resemble stains. The colors that play the leading role can be blue, black or chocolate, etc.


Such a pet has an official name brindle or markel. However, the word whiskas stuck inextricably to the kittens who starred in commercials for food with that name. Usually the British, who had such a color, played the main role in it, so the people began to call them Whiskas.

This kitten should have a silver base coat. In order not to confuse this variety of British with anyone, remember that it should have three black or gray stripes on its back and yellow-orange eyes.

Such beauties are very much appreciated if their stripes are of a rich contrasting color.


This kind of spotted kittens also includes subspecies:

  • bicolor - with white spots on the body;
  • van - the main white color;
  • harlequin - a kitten that has white color on most of the wool;
  • mitted - a strip from the groin to the chin and white limbs of the paws;
  • tricolor - tortoiseshell scale, which includes white.

It is worth knowing that mitted pets are not allowed to be bred, as they are still not officially recognized!

Do you know what you can see in this article at the link, it is not officially registered according to international standards as a lop-eared cat.

According to one of the legends, the ancestors of the British appeared in England as early as the 1st century, when the Romans began to conquer British lands. The main advantage of the British, who lived in those early years, was a dense short coat that protected them from all kinds of insects and dampness. The breed was officially recognized only in the 19th century in Great Britain.


British appearance standards were defined in 1982. The model is considered to be a stocky animal with a broad chest, muscular torso, strong rounded paws and short, plush-like fur. A feature of the breed is the presence of a rather large skin fold near the head. The nose is small, straight, wide.

Developed chin. Cheeks are plump and massive. The ears are small, neat, the width and height of the same size. A medium-sized thick tail is rounded at the tip. The eyes are round, their color depends on the type of color of the breed. Average from 3 to 5 kg, cat - from 5 to 7 kg.

Breed colors

There are several shades of the breed of these cats, which are divided into:

  • smoky;
  • shaded;
  • tortoiseshell;
  • marble;
  • bicolor;
  • monochrome.

The real one has a cold, pure white tone of wool without interspersed with yellowness.

The skin is soft, light pink. The eyes can be blue, orange or different colors.


Cats are wary of strangers and won't let anyone pet them. The British are like aristocrats in their liking and behave with dignity. Restrained, balanced, calm, self-sufficient by nature. They do not require much attention, do not like plentiful caresses. The British is white, like all representatives of this breed, very clean. Sometimes they are called "cats of business people", as they easily and calmly endure a long absence of their owners and are always happy to meet them. They love all family members very much and become attached to them.

We can say that these are smart animals, they do not spoil furniture, do not hang on curtains, do not climb tables, do not get underfoot, but unobtrusively the Briton will always be next to you. They show absolutely no aggression. Obedient and easy to train. They will never shit in the wrong place, they will sit and wait until they open the way to the tray. If you suddenly forgot to remove meat or other products, then do not worry, the Briton will not touch them, but will sit at his bowl and wait.

The British cat is white in character - cold-blooded, like an Englishman, and cats are very shy. In unforeseen situations, they behave quite calmly.


All Britons have excellent physical and mental health. Despite the fact that cats have good immunity, they should be protected from any drafts so that they do not catch colds. The most common disease is conjunctivitis. For treatment, veterinarians prescribe drops or ointments. Prevention of the disease is constant wet cleaning of the premises.

British care

From childhood, kittens need to be taught to hygienic procedures (grooming). Regularly inspect the teeth, ears, eyes and care for the coat of the animal.

In the morning, a dark coating may appear in the corners of the eyes. It is easily removed with a cloth dampened with water.

Wool enters the cat's stomach and settles inside in the form of lumps. In order to avoid blockage of the intestinal passages, from the age of 7 months, the British must be accustomed to a special paste that helps dissolve wool.

Hair care is simple:

  • wash your pet no more than 2-4 times a year with a special shampoo, dry the coat with a hairdryer;
  • once a week, comb very carefully, without damaging the undercoat, remove dead hairs, it is best to use massage rubber brushes;
  • during molting, instead of combing, you should run a wet hand over the coat;
  • the cat loves stroking against the growth of wool.


Full puberty occurs in the female at the age of one year. Sometimes a cat is knitted at 10 months, but in this case complications are possible and there is a risk of miscarriage, which lasts from 60 to 70 days. From 1 to 8 kittens are born, depending on the genotype of the cat, childbirth is easy.

Description of kittens

Newborns of the coat sometimes have a patch of color that disappears after the first year. This is not a fault and is acceptable for this breed. Cats are caring mothers and spend all their time with kittens. Eyes open after a week. Starting from the third week, kittens can be fed liquid food. Little Brits quickly become plump. Grow up slowly. Female individuals reach their peak by the age of five. Live up to 20 years.

Little kittens are very similar to teddy bear cubs, energetic from birth. Difference from other breeds:

  • the kitten has a strong body, a wide chest and strong paws;
  • the head is round, chubby cheeks, rounded straight ears, round eyes of a marsh or bluish-gray color, by the age of one year the shade of the eyes changes;
  • the tail is plump, plump and rounded at the very tip;
  • thick wool of the same length about 2 cm.

In order to determine the sex of the kitten, you need to put it on its back and feel the place under the tail.

The color of the kittens is different, the most common colors are solid: black, red, cream, blue, purple and white. In adult cats with these colors, the eyes are amber or orange. And only a white Brit (photo below) can have a multi-colored eye color.

At the age of two to four months, kittens are very mischievous and can misbehave.

Real Brits

Wanting to buy a British kitten, future owners are always interested in the shape of his ears, whether they hang or stand straight.

The parents of a British kitten must be purebred British, and their ears are straight. There is no breed that is called the British Fold white or other color.

Kittens with droopy ears belong to a completely different breed of cats, which is called Scottish and has two types: straight-eared and lop-eared.

The line of Scottish fold cats began in 1961, when one of them had a mutation and spontaneously drooped ears. The owner began to apply selection methods and crossed her with ordinary cats. As a result, both lop-eared and straight-eared kittens were born. After a long selection of Scottish cats got their current look.

Outwardly, they differ from the British in the size and shape of the body, the length of the tail and paws, the type of ears that fit snugly to the head, the tips of which are tilted forward and down. After mating a British female and a straight-eared Scottish male, the kitten is considered a Scottish breed.

British white

The first feature of cats of this breed is the flawless color of the skin. Wool uniform coloring throughout the body of the pet. Secondly, only white British people have eyes of different colors:

  • Rusty orange color.
  • It is quite rare to find cats with blue eyes. Eyes of this color are considered a defect. Owners of such eyes are not involved in breeding offspring to preserve the breed. However, the white British with blue eyes is very popular among breeders.
  • Both eyes are different colors. One is blue and the other is red. There is a belief that cats with such eyes bring good luck. They are also called "royal".

Grooming for a white British is the same as for pets of a different color. It is periodically washed with the use of special shampoos and combed out.

But they are very whimsical in food. For lunch, they should be served diced and lightly scalded raw meat.

In some sources, there is an opinion that it is impossible to have British of the same white color. The reason is that the risk of having a deaf offspring increases. Other sources refute these conclusions. Briton white is a rare coat color of this breed.

Scientific studies show that blue-eyed British whites are often hard of hearing. And some argue that the eyesight of cats depends on the color of the coat. And its white color suggests that the cat is hard of hearing. In fact, this is far from the case. Even a cat with blue eyes is not always deaf. If pets have different eye colors and one of them is blue, then the likelihood that he will be deaf is high. Although there are exceptions, and a white British with blue round eyes can hear.

How to choose a kitten?

When choosing a pet, you should familiarize yourself with the conditions in which the kitten was and grew up. And you also need to pay attention to the appearance.

A healthy cat has a shiny coat, a wet nose, an open, slightly playful and naive look. The kitten should smell like milk.

The cost of kittens

In specialized nurseries there is a fairly large selection of British. The cost of a kitten depends on its color and class:

  1. Show. Elite kittens of this class are an example of the British breed. Their cost starts from 40 thousand rubles.
  2. Breed. Kittens of this class have subtle flaws. Basically, they are bought as future producers of offspring, since with the right pair, kittens of the highest class can turn out quite well. The price starts from 22 thousand rubles.
  3. Pet. The British of this class have significant shortcomings and do not meet the requirements of the breed standard, although these are very beautiful kittens. They are bought as pets and as an affectionate friend. The cost is from 6 thousand rubles.

In the range from 3 to 5 thousand rubles, you can buy a pet without a pedigree.

All pets, and especially the white Briton, love their owners and especially need reciprocal feelings.
