Otosclerosis is a form of hereditary hearing loss, treatment of otosclerosis. Symptoms of otosclerosis of the ear, treatment with and without surgery, folk remedies, prognosis Otosclerosis etiology

A person experiences the world through the organs of touch, smell and hearing. Therefore, it is very important to maintain their proper functioning. Otosclerosis is an ear pathology characterized by the growth of tissue in the ear region, connecting the middle and inner ear, due to impaired blood circulation and the natural process of bone mineralization. And as a consequence, it is difficult to transmit sound vibrations through the auditory ossicle system, which in turn leads to gradually progressive hearing loss.

Otosclerosis usually begins to appear in adolescence, and girls are more susceptible to it. Otolaryngologists tend to interpret it as a two-way process. The general picture of the disease looks something like this: the bones of the ear labyrinth gradually begin to collapse, and in their place new ones appear with an increased content of blood vessels in their structure.

Causes of otosclerosis development

For many years, there were loud debates among scientists about the causes of the disease, and eventually possible factors were identified:

  • heredity as the most obvious cause;
  • circulatory disorders in the ear labyrinth;
  • endocrine disorders;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • congenital pathologies of the ears;
  • mechanical injuries and damage to the ear labyrinths;
  • features of the constitution;
  • action and development of pathogenic microflora inside the ear;
  • dysfunction of mineral metabolism in the body;
  • disruption of the process of bone mineralization.

In any case, whatever the reasons, often prolonged hearing loss can lead to complete deafness.

Symptoms and signs of otosclerosis

Early signs are observed already at the age of 18-23 years. And they are expressed in a slight decrease in hearing (hearing loss), specific tinnitus. Symptoms may first appear in only one ear, and only after several months, and sometimes years, hearing loss occurs in the second. Otosclerosis is a disease with a slow progression and has its own individual characteristics. It was found that patients distinguish sounds much better in noisy rooms than in complete silence. However, spasmodic courses of the disease also occur.

The main and most common symptoms of the disease:

  • hearing loss;
  • feeling of fullness in the ears;
  • the occurrence of noise (often similar to the howling of wind, the sound of water or the sounds of a ventilation system);
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • sharp piercing pain in the ears;
  • tingling inside the ear;
  • headache;
  • dizziness;
  • dysfunction of the vestibular apparatus;
  • decreased perseverance;
  • forgetfulness;
  • neurasthenic syndrome and disturbance of the mechanism of restful sleep.

Under the influence of various factors, as well as external influences on the patient’s body or internal changes in it, symptoms may become less pronounced or worsen. For example, during pregnancy and after childbirth, an exacerbation of symptoms is observed.

Treatment of otosclerosis

In folk medicine it occurs in several directions:
1. Replenishment of vitamin deficiency and mineral deficiency in the body.
2. Herbal medicine.
3. Massage.

What substances does the body need when sick?

With otosclerosis, natural metabolic processes in bone tissue are disrupted. The body experiences an acute deficiency of phosphorus, calcium, bromine, vitamins A, E and group B, and some hormones.

Sources phosphorus everyone serves types of meat, sea fish, cow's milk, cheese, eggs, seeds, nuts, legumes (beans, soybeans), whole grain cereals and cuts And.
Calcium are supplied to the body dairy and fish products, green vegetables, some fruits, nuts, soy products, cheeses, dried fruits, citrus fruits, apples, black currants.
Brominelegumes and nuts.

Vitamins Group B are contained in sufficient quantities in liver, grain bread.
A- in the same liver (beef or pork), cottage cheese, butter.
E- V vegetable oils.

You should pay close attention to what doctors recommend limit vitamin intake D.

Phototherapy and alternative treatments

The methods offered by traditional medicine are very diverse, and many of them are very effective, helping to relieve pain and reduce the feeling of congestion.

The following can be used as ear instillations and ear drops:

Self-massage technique

Massage helps restore blood circulation and some physiological processes.
Basic techniques of self-massage.

  1. Lightly move your palms over the ears and back of the neck.
  2. Then slowly rub the area around the neck, earlobes, and gently rub the accessible parts of the auricle until a distinct sensation of warmth is felt.
  3. Simulate screwing a corkscrew into the ear canals using your fingers.
  4. Use your fingers to pull the ears in different directions.
  5. Slowly stroke your ears with your palms.

To relieve the symptoms of otosclerosis, traditional methods also advise:

  • wrap the heated brick in a clean linen rag (in the absence of a brick, a large cobblestone will do, as long as it holds the heat well) and apply the sore ear to it for a couple of hours;
  • build a fire and wait until it burns out. Dig a hole in the ash and place a small onion there, bake it lightly, then take it out and place it on a piece of rag and place it in the sore ear. For a better effect, you can wrap a piece of butter along with the onion.

It should be remembered that in all forms and stages of otosclerosis, one should maintain an auditory regime and try to avoid noisy places, drafts and the occurrence of colds, since a runny nose can negatively affect the course of the disease, including a repeated relapse. If a runny nose does appear, then you should instill 5-6 drops of Kalanchoe or red beetroot into each nostril at least twice a day, in order to prevent the further development of the cold virus.

Otosclerosis is a pathology of the human sound-conducting apparatus, in which the hearing organ begins to intensively lose its basic functions. The most common manifestations of the pathology are noises in the sink, migraines and dizziness, as well as a stable deterioration in hearing. This is explained by disturbances in the functioning of the tympanic ossicles of the middle ear.

Mature people, aged 30 to 45 years, are more susceptible to otosclerosis. However, otosclerosis is often observed in children during adolescence. It should be noted that this pathology affects women 3 times more often than men. In order to recognize otosclerosis in time and begin treatment, you need to know about its distinctive symptoms, methods of diagnosis and therapy, as well as basic preventive measures.

Main forms of pathology

Despite the fact that the etiology of the disease is not fully understood, most otolaryngologists agree that ear otosclerosis is hereditary. It is diseases that are inherited that are the most difficult in terms of diagnosis and treatment.

The following forms of otosclerosis are distinguished:

Conductive form

This form of the disease is characterized by a violation of the exclusively sound-conducting function of the ear. It is quite easy to identify with the help of an audiogram, which will show an increased threshold for the conduction of air masses. The bone tissue will remain within its normal state.

A tympanogram will help quickly identify this form of pathology. This is the mildest and most favorable form of otosclerosis, responding well to drug treatment.

Surgical intervention provides an 80% guarantee that hearing will be completely restored.


This form of the disease is distinguished by the fact that the sound-conducting function of the hearing aid is disrupted to a much greater extent than in the conductive course of the disease. In this case, otosclerosis of the ears in a person becomes a serious obstacle to communication with the outside world and live communication.

The audiogram records not only a disturbance in the passage of signals through the auricle, but also a critically low threshold for sound transmission through bone tissue. The latter indicators, as a rule, do not rise above 40 dB.


The mixed group of otosclerosis is the most unfavorable in terms of further prognosis. The patient has a conduction disorder of both air and bone types.

Undoubtedly, these deviations negatively affect a person’s auditory perception of the surrounding world. Unfortunately, even surgery is not able to restore hearing to the level of air conduction.

How does otosclerosis manifest?

As a rule, otosclerosis has genetic causes. The initial diagnosis of otosclerosis can be done independently. Symptoms characteristic of otosclerosis manifest themselves as follows.

In most cases, this ear pathology implies a barely noticeable but regular hearing loss. At the very beginning of the disease, the patient still perceives high tones well, but has problems perceiving lower tones.

It is noteworthy that patients begin to distinguish male voice timbres worse, but they hear female speech well for quite a long time after the onset of the disease.

Extraneous sounds in the ears

This symptom is present in the vast majority of patients who have been diagnosed with otosclerosis. It should be noted that tinnitus is in no way related to the degree of hearing loss. The sounds that the patient hears resemble radio interference, the rustling of leaves or the sound of a primus stove.

People also call these sounds white noise. Presumably, this sign of otosclerosis manifests itself due to circulatory disorders or failure of metabolic processes in the auricle.

Painful sensations in the ear

Painful sensations in the ear are characterized by the tympanic form of the disease, in which the patient begins to rapidly lose hearing.

As a rule, the pain increases quite quickly, and its peak impact occurs in the mastoid process of the ear. Pain can indicate both the onset of the disease and the period of its exacerbation.

Migraines and dizziness

These symptoms are not often seen in patients with otosclerosis, but they also occur. As a rule, dizziness is background in nature and is not particularly intense.

If the patient is bothered by severe headaches, dizziness and fainting, it is necessary to seek medical help to clarify the diagnosis. The patient may be prescribed a tympanogram to ensure the mobility of the ear bones.

Neurological signs of illness

Hearing loss is one of the most unpleasant consequences of otosclerosis. Impaired sound perception leads to the patient losing the ability to fully communicate with society.

Due to hearing problems, people often withdraw into themselves and stop striving to communicate with others. The patient begins to show signs of apathy, disruption of sleep and wakefulness, drowsiness and lethargy.


In order to have an idea of ​​the state of your body during treatment, you need to know what otosclerosis is and how it occurs.

If the disease is detected at its inception stage, then the patient has a good chance to avoid hearing loss without resorting to surgical intervention.

Conservative therapy

Treatment of otosclerosis without surgery, i.e. Conservative treatment includes prescribing a number of effective drugs to the patient for a period not exceeding 6 weeks. However, therapy is repeated every 3 months to avoid relapse of the disease.

Before starting treatment, the patient is required to undergo such types of examinations as audiometry and tympanogram. Depending on why otosclerosis occurs, symptoms and treatment may vary. Broad-spectrum drugs prescribed for this pathology include the following:

  • Phytin (1 tablet 3 times a day);
  • Potassium iodide (4 times a day after meals);
  • Sodium bromide (100 mg 3 times a day);
  • Sodium solution (1 injection each);
  • Fosamax (1 tablet per day);
  • Xidifon (one tablespoon three times a day).

In addition to the above medications, the otolaryngologist may prescribe a course of calcium tablets and vitamin D.

It is necessary to continue taking vitamin complexes for six months. Once a month, the patient must undergo control audiometry to record the level of hearing at a particular stage of treatment.

Surgical intervention

Due to the fact that otosclerosis is usually detected in the patient quite a long time after the onset of the disease, surgery is indicated in most cases.

The main goal of otosclerosis surgery is the maximum possible restoration of the sound-conducting function of the ear. Surgical treatment is advisable even if the patient has to use a hearing aid.

The most common operation for this problem is called stapedotomy or stapedoplasty. The main work is carried out on the auditory ossicles, during which one of them (the stapes) is partially or completely replaced with a prosthesis.

Only one ear can be operated on at a time. If the otosclerosis is bilateral, then surgery on the second ear is possible in no less than 6 months.

In order for postoperative recovery to be successful, the patient should not lie down on the operated ear for 2-3 days after the intervention. You are allowed to sleep only on your back or healthy side.

In addition, the patient is entitled to a special form of care on the first day after surgery. The patient is also not recommended to fly or expose the body to physical activity for 4-6 weeks after surgery. As a rule, hearing improves already on the 7th to 10th day of surgical treatment.

Traditional methods

If you are lucky enough to notice the first manifestations of otosclerosis (otospongiosis) in time, then treatment will be simpler and faster than in the later stages of the disease.

As a rule, doctors first try to achieve maximum results from conservative treatment and folk remedies.

Only if they are ineffective is surgery indicated for the patient. To get better results from drug therapy, it can be combined with folk remedies.

  1. A decoction of angelica roots is excellent in the fight against otosclerosis. For 500 ml of boiled water you need to take 10 g of dry plant. The product needs to sit for about 2-3 hours. The decoction is taken shortly before meals, 25 ml at a time.
  2. Chinese lemongrass or ginseng will help relieve pain and relieve congestion in the affected ear. These tinctures are sold in pharmacies in ready-made form. A few drops of the product are mixed with 50-70 grams of water. You need to take the medicine up to 3 times a day before meals.
  3. You can eliminate disturbing extraneous noise in the ears by preparing a decoction of ordinary dill seeds. To do this you will need 1 liter of boiling water and 20 g of seeds. The broth is infused in a dark place for about a day. The patient needs to drink at least 150 ml of the product per day.

In addition to treatment with folk remedies for oral administration, there are recipes aimed at local effects on the sore ear. Traditional healers believe that this can significantly improve the patient’s condition.

  • A solution for the use of ear turundas for otosclerosis can be prepared as follows: 100 g of lemon balm, pour 500 ml of alcohol. The mixture is left for 3-5 days in the cellar or pantry. Then the resulting product is diluted by half with boiled water. Every evening you need to soak a cotton pad in the solution and place it in your ear for a period of up to 6-8 hours.
  • An excellent help in getting rid of ear diseases are homemade blackberry drops. To do this, you need to collect a small amount (about 200 g) of fresh berries and leaves. They are boiled in a liter of water until the amount of liquid is reduced by half. The finished product is instilled into the ear canal, 2-3 drops daily.

Important information! You can resort to using any of the methods of alternative medicine with the permission of your attending physician.

Remember that traditional recipes are only an addition to the main treatment - they cannot replace drug therapy or surgery, or become an alternative to traditional treatment.

Despite the fact that otosclerosis is inherited as a dominant autosomal trait, one should not complain only about genetics. Even in a person who has certain genetic disorders, the disease may never manifest itself. Protecting your body from infection is quite difficult, but it is still possible.

The likelihood of developing otosclerosis increases in situations where a person has a weakened immune system.

You should take special care of yourself during pregnancy and lactation, after traumatic situations, during the period of exacerbation of chronic pathologies, and also promptly treat emerging acute diseases. Of course, everyone needs to know how to diagnose and how to treat otosclerosis.

According to statistics, about 1% of people suffer from otosclerosis, and 80% of patients are women. Manifestations of the disease most often occur between 20 and 35 years of age. The pathology begins with damage to one ear and gradually progresses. To cope with the problem, you should immediately contact a specialist.

Otosclerosis ICD classification

Otosclerosis is a bilateral focal process that is localized in the bone. It is characterized by fixation of the auditory ossicles or damage to the nervous system of the ear. According to ICD-10, this disease is coded under the code H80 “Otosclerosis”.

Most often, the abnormal process develops at 40-45 years of age, but sometimes it can occur at 20 years of age. The pathology usually affects women.


The exact reasons for the development of the disease are still unknown. Since otosclerosis is often observed in close relatives, scientists suspect a hereditary predisposition to the disease. According to medical research, approximately 40% of patients have genetic changes.

The mechanism of the disease may be associated with the following conditions:

  • infectious diseases - for example, measles;
  • hormonal disorders during pregnancy or menopause;
  • endocrine pathologies.

People at risk are those who have:

  • Paget's disease;
  • chronic pathologies of the middle ear;
  • abnormalities of the ear structure;
  • prolonged stay in a noisy environment;
  • increased psychological or physical stress.

The photo shows the area of ​​the ear affected by otosclerosis

Symptoms, diagnostic methods

At an early stage of development, otosclerosis is usually asymptomatic. In this case, foci of osteogenesis appear, but sound perception remains normal. Sometimes the pathology develops rapidly. However, in most cases, 2-3 years pass from the onset of the disease to the appearance of the first signs.

Otosclerosis is usually accompanied by. In this case, hearing impairment is detected exclusively during audiometry. As the disease progresses, the following symptoms appear:

  1. increases gradually. It initially affects exclusively low frequencies and is one-sided. Gradually extends to high frequencies. In this case, the second ear is also involved in the process.
  2. This happens a couple of years after the first manifestations occur. At the same time, hearing is steadily deteriorating. There can be no improvement with such a diagnosis. However, it does not occur - a person can experience a maximum of the third degree of the disease.
  3. Before the hearing loss decreases, the patient develops tinnitus. It is associated with vascular damage and metabolic disorders in the cochlea. As a rule, this symptom is unexpressed.
  4. Dizziness caused by damage to the labyrinth. This symptom occurs very rarely and disappears quickly.
  5. Ear pain usually accompanies rapid bone growth. This symptom is bursting in nature and affects the mastoid process. Often after an attack, hearing decreases.

An otolaryngologist may suspect otosclerosis based on the symptoms present. To make a more accurate diagnosis, a specialist must perform otoscopy and other studies.

Otoscopy can detect abnormal changes in the ear. Otosclerosis is characterized by atrophy and dryness of the skin of the outer ear, and a lack of sulfur. In this case, the eardrum usually does not undergo changes.

Additional diagnostic tests include the following:

  • assessment of sensitivity to ultrasound;
  • radiography and skulls;
  • assessment of decreased mobility of the auditory ossicles;
  • analysis of the vestibular properties of the ear.

In some situations, consultation with specialists may be required. The patient may be referred to a vestibulologist or otoneurologist. It is important to differentiate otosclerosis from other lesions of the auditory organs -,.

Types, forms

Otosclerosis is usually classified according to different criteria. Depending on the characteristics of the abnormal process, the following types of disease are distinguished:

  1. Fenestral otosclerosis - foci of pathology are located in the area of ​​the labyrinth windows. In this case, only the sound-conducting function of the ear is disrupted. This is the most favorable form of the disease, since surgical intervention helps to completely restore hearing.
  2. Cochlear otosclerosis - foci of abnormal changes are localized outside the windows of the labyrinth. They are associated with damage to the bone capsule and are accompanied by a violation of sound-conducting function. The operation does not allow for complete restoration of hearing.
  3. Mixed otosclerosis - in this case there is a decrease in functions and perception. This disrupts the transmission of sounds through the inner ear. As a result of adequate treatment, it is possible to restore hearing to bone conduction.

Depending on the rate of progression of the disease, the following forms are distinguished:

  • transient - observed in 11% of cases;
  • slow – diagnosed in 68% of patients;
  • spasmodic – typical for 21% of patients.

There are two main stages in the development of the disease:

  • otospongious – considered active;
  • sclerotic – has an inactive nature.

Softening and sclerosis of bone tissue is considered a single process. It is characterized by a wave-like course, in which the stages periodically change.

How to treat

In most cases, surgical treatment of the pathology is performed. Thanks to surgery, hearing can be significantly improved. However, in some cases conservative therapy is also indicated.


At the initial stage of the disease, conservative treatment methods are used for prevention. Phosphorus, bromine and iodine preparations are usually used. Your doctor may prescribe a 2% sodium nitrite solution.

It is prescribed in the form of injections that need to be injected into the mastoid area. Usually this procedure is done once every 2 days for 1.5 months. The course of therapy can be carried out every 3 months.

In addition, the doctor may prescribe Xydiphone or Fosamax. In parallel, calcium and vitamin D are administered. The course of treatment can last 3-6 months, and it is repeated every year. At this time, it is imperative to monitor your hearing.

What is otosclerosis and how to treat it, watch our video:

Folk remedies

It is impossible to completely cure otosclerosis using traditional methods. But they are often used to eliminate individual symptoms of the disease:

  1. According to reviews, a decoction prepared from twigs of blue blackberries helps to cope with tinnitus. To make this product, 100 g of raw materials must be mixed with 0.5 liters of boiling water and cooked over low heat. The volume of liquid should be reduced by half. The strained product should be injected into the ears - 3 drops into each.
  2. To make beet drops, you need to boil 1 small root vegetable. After this, it is crushed using a grater and the juice is squeezed out. Inject the resulting product into the ears - 3-4 drops. Drinking cranberry or beet juice will help enhance the effect of using this composition.
  3. An excellent remedy for getting rid of tinnitus is dill. To do this, the plant must be crushed and mixed with 0.5 liters of boiling water. Cover the container with a lid and leave for an hour. Take 100 ml of the strained product a quarter of an hour before meals.


Most often, people with this diagnosis undergo stapedoplasty. In this case, complete or partial prosthetics of the stapes bone is performed. This operation is performed on each ear separately. A minimum of 6 months must pass between interventions.

The prosthesis can be made from human cartilage or bone tissue. Titanium, ceramic or Teflon products are also used. Stapedoplasty does not provide one hundred percent guarantees, since it does not help stop osteogenesis.

Mobilization of the stapes is another treatment option. During the operation, the stapes is freed from bone and cartilaginous adhesions that impede its movement. In some cases, fenestration of the labyrinth is performed. In this case, a new window is made in the wall of the vestibule of the labyrinth.

Implantation of an implant for the treatment of otosclerosis


Since the causes of the disease are unknown, it is impossible to prevent its development. To prevent the disease from progressing, experts advise following these recommendations:

  • systematically undergo examination by an ENT specialist;
  • For any manifestations of hearing loss, contact a specialist;
  • eliminate stressful situations;
  • avoid physical and emotional stress;
  • walk outside more often;
  • avoid staying in noisy rooms;
  • Eliminate bad habits - drinking alcohol, smoking.

Otosclerosis is a serious disease that can lead to significant hearing impairment. To stop the progression of the disease, it is very important to contact an otolaryngologist in time, who will select effective therapy.

Otosclerosis (another name for the disease is otospongiosis) is a lesion of the bone capsule in the inner ear. As a result of otosclerosis, the patient develops hearing loss, hearing aid dysfunction and stapes ankylosis. Along with hearing loss, the patient may experience pain in the ears, as well as dizziness. The disease usually affects one ear, but after some time without proper treatment it spreads to the second.

Statistics show that otospongiosis affects 1% of the population, mainly women, and most often its symptoms appear between the ages of 25 and 35 years. Treatment usually involves surgery.


The occurrence of otosclerosis is associated with several reasons:

  • factor of heredity. Most often, otospongiosis is a familial disease. Also, ear damage sometimes occurs in pregnant women (doctors attribute this to disorders of the thyroid gland and vascular diseases), which can contribute to the acquisition of the disease by future offspring;
  • infection factor. Doctors have discovered that damage to the vessels of the inner ear can develop as a result of a disease, for example, but the patient must have a hereditary predisposition to the disease;
  • factor of injuries and other disorders. It occurs if acoustic injuries occur, vascular damage occurs - the blood supply to the bone capsule of the labyrinth of the ear is disrupted, or tissue calcification develops.

Classification of the disease

Experts distinguish 3 types of otosclerosis depending on the type of ear dysfunction:

  • conductive. In this form, only sound transmission is disrupted, but sound perception remains normal. This type of otosclerosis is, from the point of view of the prognosis for recovery, the most favorable, since it usually involves complete restoration of hearing. In some cases, along with medications, folk remedies are prescribed;
  • mixed. With this form of the disease, sound perception and sound conduction are impaired. It is difficult to treat otospongiosis of this type. In some cases, doctors can only restore bone conduction of sound;
  • cochlear. With the development of this form, the sound-perceiving function of the ear is significantly impaired (when conducting sound on an audiogram, the conduction threshold using bone-type conduction is no more than 40 dB). Even surgery is not able to eliminate all symptoms, and does not always lead to restoration of hearing and ear vessels sufficient for normal life.

Depending on the nature of the manifestation, otospongiosis is divided into:

  • slow (observed in 2/3 of patients);
  • spasmodic (observed in 20% of patients);
  • fast (observed in approximately 10% of patients).

Signs of illness

Otospongiosis, as a rule, develops quite unnoticed. The stage when the patient does not feel any symptoms of the disease is called histological. It is worth noting that at this stage, changes in the ear are already beginning to occur - the structure of bone tissue in the ear labyrinth and the functioning of blood vessels change. It may take about 3 years from the onset of the disease to the appearance of the first noticeable signs. Diagnosis of otosclerosis at this stage is possible only with the help of audiometry. Starting from the second stage, the following main symptoms can be identified:

  • the appearance of hearing loss. In the initial stages of the disease, the patient usually does not distinguish low tones (in particular, male voices), but perfectly hears high tones (children's and women's voices). There may also be transmission of extraneous sounds into the cochlea that pass through soft tissues (chewing food, the sound of steps). Further, this symptom can only worsen - its regression is impossible, but it does not reach complete deafness;
  • noise in the ear. It is noted by more than 80% of patients with this disease. The degree of noise that a patient hears does not depend on the degree of hearing loss and vascular damage. Doctors suggest that this symptom has a direct connection with metabolic disorders or vascular problems;
  • Ear ache. Appears during periods of relapse of otosclerosis. Its localization is in the mastoid process. Usually, after the onset of pain, the patient begins to hear worse;
  • dizziness. This rare symptom is usually mild in nature;
  • neurasthenic syndrome. This symptom is directly related to the fact that patients cannot fully communicate with others, withdraw into themselves, become lethargic and drowsy.

Diagnosis of the disease

A doctor will diagnose a patient with otospongiosis if he or she comes to him with complaints of noise in the ear and hearing loss. The main task of the doctor is to distinguish otospongiosis from, for example, an ear tumor, otitis media, the presence of cerumen plugs or neuritis. To do this, he will prescribe the patient an otoscopy and also carefully examine his ears.

Using otoscopy, you can determine the absence of wax plugs, dryness, and changes in the skin of the ear canal. Also, if otospongiosis is suspected, the doctor will prescribe audiometry to the patient, which detects problems with the perception of quiet sounds (whispers). In some cases, the disease can be detected by performing a skull x-ray or CT scan.

Treatment of the disease

Treatment of otosclerosis involves the use of:

  • surgical methods (operations);
  • folk remedies.

Surgery for otosclerosis (surgery) aims to improve the mechanism of sound transmission to the perilymph of the ear labyrinth. The operation is performed if the threshold for bone conduction of sounds does not exceed 25 dB, and for air conduction – 50 dB. If the patient's perception of sounds is above these limits or the active phase of treatment is being carried out, surgery is contraindicated. There are 3 types of operations to treat otosclerosis:

  • stapedoplasty;
  • creating an additional hole in the labyrinth;
  • mobilization of the stapes.

Stapedoplasty carried out to free the stapes from the bony processes that immobilize it. Fenestration– the second type of treatment, however, like stapedoplasty, it is temporary (several years). It is worth noting that stapedoplasty is considered the most effective method, which provides an 80% successful cure for the disease. Treatment of otosclerosis allows you to restore blood vessels and the mechanism of sound transmission, but treatment must be combined with other methods - hearing aids, therapy.

Treatment of otosclerosis folk remedies can become an additional, but not the main method of treating blood vessels and ears. Among the many recipes, the following folk remedies are distinguished:

  • potato juice. This folk remedy is recommended to be used daily for six months;
  • olive or vegetable oil. It is recommended to drink it daily for several months to suppress the symptoms of the disease;
  • a mixture of lemon juice, oil and honey. This folk remedy is also recommended to be taken every day on an empty stomach;
  • Dill seeds. This folk remedy is recommended for severe ear pain;
  • Melissa. This folk remedy helps eliminate dizziness.

Otosclerosis- damage to the labyrinth of the inner ear.

It develops slowly, first there are changes in one ear. Changes in the second ear develop over time.


The hereditary theory and genetic factor are considered.


Mature bone formation occurs in the bone labyrinth and there are many of these foci. As a result, the sound-conducting and sound-perceiving system is disrupted.

The initial form lasts 2-3 years.

Symptoms: slight hearing loss and soft noise, decreased perception of low vibrations, difficulty understanding male speech. Over time, the perception of high tones decreases. People cannot hear whispered speech and have difficulty understanding spoken language. Hearing may be reduced to the third degree. The noise is not annoying, moderate. When it worsens, pain appears.

Hearing loss affects your emotional state. People can't fully talk to people. In this regard, depression appears. Fear of talking to people, fear of not being heard, fear of asking again, people become withdrawn, suffer from loneliness, apathetic, lethargic.

Diagnosis of otosclerosis.

  • Otoscopy.
  • Audiometry.
  • Study with a tuning fork.
  • Threshold audiometry.
  • X-ray of the skull.
  • CT scan of the skull.



Alexandra from Vologda, diagnosed with grade 1-2 otosclerosis, restored her hearing at the courses of Tamara Petrovna Malkina.

Alexandra. Vologda.

Diagnosis - otosclerosis 1-2 degrees. In 2016, the diagnosis was made, and the doctor said that it was impossible to restore hearing; the maximum was to avoid further decline, to actually delay the decline in hearing for a while. Constant noise in the ears and head. I hear sounds as if in a vacuum. The right ear can detect whispered speech, but the left ear can barely detect it. Emotional state - fear, depression. I'm tired of the noise, and it bothers me, I feel powerless. Doctors began to suggest a hearing aid, and I just came to check my hearing, because I often started asking again.

I didn’t know such words as hearing loss or otosclerosis. I am shocked. After going through several more doctors, including in Moscow, I gave up. They told me to learn to live with it. I am a sociable person and speak freely with people, this is important to me. And now I'm withdrawn. For two years I have been living in constant stress - problems at work, mistakes in my personal life, pain from betrayal.

I signed up for Tamara Petrovna Malkina’s hearing restoration courses.

After the seventh lesson, I went out and heard clear and ringing voices from all sides! The left ear has opened! The noise disappeared. I walked and enjoyed this music of men's, women's and children's voices. Goosebumps ran through my body with joy. It sounded in my head - I won! I feel like people are drawn to me. People come up to me on the street and ask for directions, a street, a house - this is Moscow. I don’t know my way around a foreign city, but I’m so pleased that people turn to me. The world began to sparkle with different colors. And I try to notice everything - they put up a Christmas tree here, here they decorated the windows for the New Year! But the snow is falling and it’s so beautiful in the light of the lantern.

End of the course I'm free! I don't walk, I fly. I rejoice. And the miracle happened! I hear! I want to smile, and I smile every minute.
