Preventive vaccination of animals. Vaccination of animals: Dogs, cats, rabbits, ferrets. Tips and prices. Vaccinating pets against rabies

The use of preventive vaccinations is the most affordable and highly effective way to prevent infectious diseases in animals. You can vaccinate dogs and cats in one of the clinics of the Svoy Doctor network.

Vaccination is understood to mean the introduction of antigenic material into the body of an animal. The purpose of the procedure is to obtain biological resistance (active and passive) to a certain infectious disease. Even if the infection has occurred, the animal will more easily cope with the disease. A fully completed veterinary passport is a prerequisite when traveling with a pet abroad and / or participating in exhibitions. All information about vaccinations received by animals is entered into a special veterinary passport. The document indicates the following information:

  • Variety of vaccine
  • Number in the registration journal

Vaccination rules and terms

The general rules for vaccination for cats and dogs are the same:

Vaccinating the dog, carried out in a veterinary clinic or at home, allows you to protect your pet from diseases such as parvovirus, leptospirosis, rabies, carnivorous plague and hepatitis. The specific vaccination schedule depends on the use of a particular vaccine: Hexadog, Nobivak, Eurikan, Multican-8. For vaccinations against dermatomycosis, Polivak-TM or Vakderm are used.

The first vaccination in puppies is carried out at 8-9 weeks of age using the Nobivac vaccine. Revaccination is performed after 3-4 weeks. At the same time, they are vaccinated against rabies. The next stage is carried out at the age of one.

Vaccinations at an earlier age are ineffective due to the high levels of maternal antibodies obtained in milk. An exception to this rule is the Nobivac Puppy DP vaccine. It is used from the age of 6 weeks, when contact with infection cannot be avoided (for example, when transporting an animal).

Vaccination of cats

For cats, vaccinations against viral rhinotracheitis, calcivirus infection, feline panleukopenia and rabies are provided. Many owners believe that vaccination of a cat that is constantly in the apartment is optional. But the infection can be brought into the room on clothes or shoes. The most popular drugs are: Nobivac, Multifel-4, Leucorifelin. Lichen vaccine for cats - Polivak-TM.

The first vaccination of a cat is done at 9-12 weeks with the use of a polyvalent vaccine (Nobivac). Revaccination and rabies vaccination are carried out after 3 weeks.


Vaccination of dogs and cats is not carried out in such cases:

  • Recent (up to 3 weeks) injections of hyperimmune serum.
  • Change of teeth (for puppies from 4 to 7 months).
  • Increased body temperature.
  • Various diseases in acute and subacute stages.
  • Infectious diseases.
  • Exhaustion.
  • Infection with helminths.
  • Acquired immunodeficiency.
  • Pregnancy, mating, estrus - for females.

Vaccinating pets against rabies

Vaccinating pets against rabies helps protect them from this dangerous viral disease. It affects the nervous system and is incurable. Not only animals that walk on the street, but also pets and people are at risk of infection.

The only and effective protection against rabies is timely prophylaxis using imported vaccines. The first vaccination for dogs can be done at the age of 8-9 weeks, and for cats - at the age of 9-12 weeks; when using a polyvalent drug, the second vaccination is carried out after 3-4 weeks. In the future, you need to vaccinate the pet annually.

In order to reliably protect a pet or even a breadwinner from a number of dangerous diseases, it is advised to carry out routine vaccination of animals on time. What is pet vaccination?
Vaccination- These are routine vaccinations for animals against major infectious diseases that are dangerous both for the animal itself and for humans (for example, rabies).

Vaccination of animals in the city of Moscow we advise you to carry out in the center of emergency veterinary care for animals "YA-VET". In our Center, experienced veterinarians with a high level of education will perform all the necessary procedures to protect your pet from infection. It is also possible to vaccinate your pet at your home, in a familiar environment for your pet and convenient time for the owner.

The table shows the prices for vaccinations for cats and dogs in the "Ya-vet" veterinary center:

Service Price, rub
Vaccination of a puppy with a 5-valent domestic vaccine (Polivak, Dipentavak, etc.) - infections (from 2 months)from 600
Vaccination of a puppy with a 5-valent foreign vaccine (Nobivak, Eurikan, etc.) - infections (from 2 months)from 800
Vaccination of a puppy against rabies with a domestic vaccine - Rabikan, etc. (from 3 months)from 400
Vaccination of a puppy against rabies with a foreign vaccine - Nobivak Rabies, Defensor, etc. (from 3 months)from 500
Comprehensive vaccination of a puppy with a domestic vaccinefrom 800
Complex vaccination of a puppy with a foreign vaccinefrom 1000
Vaccination of a kitten against rabies of domestic productionfrom 500
Vaccination of a kitten against rabies of foreign productionfrom 700
Comprehensive vaccination of a kitten against rhinotracheitis, herpesvirus and panleiopenia of a domestic catfrom 600
Comprehensive vaccination of a kitten against rhinotracheitis, herpesvirus and panleiopenia of a foreign-made felinefrom 800
Registration of vaccination in an international veterinary passport200

Vaccination of pets, the characteristic principles of the prevention of infectious diseases.

The list of all comprehensive measures to prevent dangerous contagious diseases includes all measures to prevent the appearance, limit the spread and completely eliminate certain specific infections. For this, methods are used to create immunity to these infections in a number of animals by means of vaccination. Also, such measures include diagnostics, identification and use of therapeutic and protective-preventive agents.

It is customary to refer to measures of specific prevention:

  • The use of specific means of treatment and prevention, helping to prevent infection of animals. It can be vitamin and mineral mixtures, the use of biostimulants, immunomodulatory substances ..
  • Early specific diagnosis using serological, microbiological, hematological and other types of research to isolate the culture and determine its type. For the same purpose, quarantine and isolation of sick animals is used.
  • Induction of artificial immunity for the purpose of immune prevention of diseases. Conducting routine preventive vaccinations in order to prevent the spread of infection and disease in a large number of animals.

Vaccination of dogs and cats is one of the main directions to prevent the spread of infections such as plague, enteritis, hepatitis and other dangerous infections.

Brief description of the types of vaccinations for domestic animals

Modern veterinarians position three main types of animal immunization and we will describe each of these types. Which of the listed types to choose for your animal will be prompted by a veterinarian from the YA-VET Animal Emergency Center in Moscow.

1 Passive immunization is a method of inducing passive artificial defense of the body. During its formation, antibodies are introduced into the body, which are contained in immune sera, as well as in immunoglobulin and immunolactones. Distinguish between simple and complex passive immunization. For simple passive immunization, monosera are used, and for complex immunization, polyvalent drugs are used. 2 With the introduction of vaccines, as well as toxoids into the body, active immunization occurs. It can also be simple and complex. But at present, in most cases, veterinarians use multivalent vaccines for 3 to 5 or more diseases. 3 With the simultaneous use of the vaccine and serum, passive-active immunization occurs and a combined artificial immunity is formed. This method is used for momentary immunization of animals suspicious of infection and animals with weakened immune defenses of the body. 4 Paraimmunization is created with the use of stimulants of nonspecific immunity and is a nonspecific immune prophylaxis. According to many authoritative research authors, paraimmunization is an effective method of immune therapy for diseases and a prophylactic agent for infectious and non-infectious diseases of animals and humans.

Vaccination of small pets.

Among the numerous owners of cats and dogs, disputes about the advisability of vaccinating animals do not subside. Some people think that if a cat or dog does not visit outdoor places for walking animals, then they are not in danger of infection and, therefore, the vaccination can not be done. However, vaccination of pets should be carried out among all representatives of a particular type of pet.

There is also heated debate in the community of veterinarians and scientists on this issue. Still, most experts insist on the need for this kind of animal protection. In the Russian Federation, compulsory vaccinations include only rabies vaccination. All other vaccinations are also needed, but this issue is decided exclusively by the owner of the animal at his own peril and risk.

Animals need to be vaccinated in order to develop their specific immunity to a specific causative agent of the disease and / or its toxins. By the way, vaccinations for pets do not only mean vaccinations for cats and dogs. Vaccinations are given to cows, horses, small ruminants, pigs and even agricultural birds.

Of course, a specific vaccine is selected for each animal from specific diseases. But it is precisely this way of preventing diseases that helps prevent the spread of especially dangerous infections and stands as a reliable barrier to animal diseases. Vaccination promotes the formation of persistent specific immunity in the animal, which retains its protective properties for 12 months until the next vaccination period.

Vaccination of pets: cats

The main vaccines given to cats include:

  • Against calcivirosis.
  • Against feline herpes virus.
  • Against panleukopenia or feline distemper.

Vaccination of pets: dogs

But dogs are vaccinated against:

  • Plague of carnivores.
  • Parvovirus enteritis.
  • Viral hepatitis.

Vaccination of pets: ferrets and rabbits

Ferrets are also vaccinated. These include vaccines against rabies and plague, while rabbits are vaccinated against myxomatosis. What are the rules for vaccinating animals, and the timing of vaccinations, we will describe in the article below.

Preparing the animal for routine vaccination

For to avoid the negative effects of vaccinations, we strongly recommend that you follow certain rules preparation before getting vaccinated pets. Thanks to these simple rules, it is possible to avoid complications and achieve the development of stable immunity in vaccinated animals. Let's list these rules.

If possible, you need strictly follow the established schedule of vaccinations, the scheme of these measures was developed by veterinarians, taking into account the characteristics of the immunity of each specific species of animals. If you decide to vaccinate your pet, then before this important procedure, you should not bathe him... This is due to the fact that bathing for the animal, firstly, is a kind of stress, and, secondly, the load on the body.

A. Make sure your cat or dog is completely healthy. This implies that cough, runny nose, diarrhea and other problems of this kind should be completely ruled out.

B. Before vaccination, fleas should be removed from the pet and deworming procedure should be carried out at least 14 days in advance.

B. On the day of vaccinations in the morning, your pet should be hungry. This will protect him from an unwanted allergic reaction to the combination of proteins and vaccines that are formed in the blood.

D. Do not drive your animal to places where many other animals and people gather before vaccination.

Veterinarian p It will measure your pet's rectal body temperature before the vaccination procedure and, if everything is all right, give him a vaccine. The vaccine done must certainly be noted in the veterinary passport.

After all the manipulations, your pet may have a slight increase in temperature during the first 24-72 hours, it will not be playful and may even refuse food. No need to be scared, because this is a normal reaction of the body to an injection. And it testifies that the immune defense worked and was strengthened during the vaccinationand.

Vaccination of animals in veterinary clinics

Vaccination of pets is the main link in the formation of protective barriers on the way of zoonotic and anthropozoonotic infections. That is why vaccinations for your pet should be taken very seriously.
In the Center for Emergency Veterinary Care for Animals "Ya-VET", routine vaccination of all types of domestic animals is regularly carried out. Moreover, we vaccinate both small and large agricultural animals.

Wherein your pet can be vaccinated at home in cases when for any reason it is difficult for you to get to our Clinic. We vaccinate animals both in Moscow and in other places on call. To call a veterinarian, call by phone and our specialists will arrive at your pets as soon as possible.

Treat the health of your four-legged pupils with due attention. Do not miss scheduled vaccinations and protect yourself from serious infections.

For many, a pet is a full member of the family, which requires care and attention on an equal basis with people. But when it comes to preventing diseases in a cat, dog or guinea pig, the owners often refuse the offer to get vaccinated. Say, there is no need for this, because the animal is at home all the time and does not need additional protection. Alas, the risk of contracting dangerous ailments even in an apartment is quite high. Ticks, helminthiasis, lichen, fleas - this is not a complete list of problems that pet owners regularly face. The only way to minimize them is to strengthen immunity by vaccinating animals.

A vaccine for smaller brothers: why is it important?

A puppy or kitten that appears in the house brings a lot of joy to all household members. I want to stroke him all the time, show him to friends, take him out into the street. The danger of babies lies in wait everywhere, whether it is grass on the lawn or germs on the palms of a stranger. How will a fragile animal organism react to such a biological attack? Naturally, a disease. To avoid it, or at least to alleviate the condition of the pet, it is worthwhile to vaccinate him in advance. It will help build immunity.

What is animal vaccination?

There are three main types of vaccine used in veterinary clinics to prevent infection in pets:

  • monovalent - protects against a specific disease;
  • bivalent - protects from two ailments at once;
  • polyvalent - comprehensive pet protection.

The latter option is considered the most optimal, it allows you to protect your pet from a whole "bouquet" of probable diseases, including rabies.

Vaccination of pets: what to look for?

In order for the vaccination to be effective and not cause harm to the pet, you need to find out in advance how the procedure goes and what drugs will be used, whether they have side effects. It is important to check the expiration date of the vaccine, which is indicated on the ampoule, and to make sure that the specialist keeps the drug in the refrigerator.

The animal's body can react differently to the injection, therefore, after vaccination, you should follow the recommendations of the veterinarian and be constantly in touch with him: the animal may experience complications.

On the site you can always find a competent specialist for vaccination of a pet. Here are collected dozens of questionnaires of professional veterinarians.

Many animal owners regularly take their pets to veterinary clinics for various kinds (vaccinations), but somehow they do not have a complete understanding of "vaccination", as well as how the vaccine works in the animal's body, the consequences of vaccination, why and why it is necessary vaccinate the animal in a timely manner.

And very often there is a debate that a vaccine and a vaccination are different things in every sense.

In this article we will tell you:

What is a "vaccine" and a vaccination? Are they one and the same, or are they different?

Why do you need to vaccinate an animal on time?

How does a vaccine work in an animal's body?

Effects of vaccinated and I.

So, let's start with the first, what is vaccination and vaccination?? NS then the same thing, or is it a substitution of concepts, or maybe there is some kind of mystery in this?

Vaccination is an introduction live or weakened virusesinto the animal's body by injection (injection), in order to develop immunity to a particular disease, which will prevent infection or weaken the effect of the disease.

There are 4 types of vaccines:

  1. Live vaccine - contains live but attenuated strains of microbes or viruses.
  2. Inactivated - contains killed germs or viruses.
  3. Purified - Contains purified material, such as proteins from microbes or viruses.
  4. Synthetic (artificially produced).

For each disease, a specific type of vaccine is used, when administered, immunity is developed.

The vaccine also gets to dogs from outside, that is, the introduction of the drug is carried out using a syringe with a needle, there is a kind of inoculation of one or another type of vaccine from here and the concept of "vaccination" has gone.

Vaccination is the very introduction of a vaccine into an animal's body, i.e. the injection itself, therefore "vaccination" is a manipulation of the doctor, and "vaccination" is the prevention and prophylaxis of the disease!

And so we have sorted out what a "vaccine" is and what a "vaccination" is!

Why is it necessary to vaccinate an animal in a timely manner?

Many animal breeders often wonder why all vaccinations need to be done on schedule? There are several answers here:

  • Because at one or another age of the animal, immunity is better developed. For example, the first rabies vaccination is given to puppies from 2 to 4 months old, previously it is not recommended, since the animal has "acquired" immunity, i.e. passed down from the mother.
  • Because at one or another age, cats and dogs are easier to tolerate the introduction of the vaccine, i.e. the body is best able to resist injected antibodies.

How does a vaccine work in an animal's body?

Vaccine helps to develop immunity by modeling the disease, i.e. the injected drug (vaccine) stimulates the animal's body to resist the disease and forces the body to artificially produce antibodies to a certain type of disease or a complex of diseases. Consequently, the animal accumulates antibodies in the body, which makes it immune to the disease or allows it to be easily transferred without consequences.

After vaccination, the animal may show sluggish signs of illness during the first few days, such as fever, drowsiness, and refusal to eat.

The consequences of vaccination.

The consequences of vaccination are the acquisition of immunity to certain types of disease.

Memo to animal owners!

  1. Only clinically healthy animals can be vaccinated. A complete clinical examination and admission to vaccination of your animal must be carried out by a veterinarian. Knowledge of the state of health is a whole complex of medical manipulations and only a veterinarian can fully perform them.
  2. Deworming ... 10 days before vaccination, deworming should be carried out, since helminths release toxins that weaken the immune system and make vaccination ineffective and sometimes dangerous. Deworming should be carried out twice a year, but if there is a high risk of morbidity (feeding with raw meat or by-products, fish, eating garbage or feces), then deworming should be carried out 3-4 times a year.
  3. Vaccination should be carried outonly a veterinarian ! And only the vaccine recommended by the doctor! Also, the doctor is obliged to make all the necessary notes in the veterinary passport of your animal.
  4. Necessarily observe your animal for the first 3-7 days after vaccination, if you have any concerns, contact your veterinarian immediately!
  5. H don't forget to do it on timerevaccination.
  6. Always keep in touch with your veterinarian.

Vaccinating the dog

Vaccination of animals- one of the most important preventive measures to protect them from the most common infectious diseases.

Modern veterinarians do not question the need for vaccination. With the introduction of programs for the general vaccination of animals against the most dangerous infections, the mortality of our pets has sharply decreased. In most developed countries, vaccination is compulsory. Such measures allow keeping under control the occurrence of foci of diseases dangerous for both animals and humans (Rabies, Leptospirosis, Chlamydia).

At present, the most mild and highly effective vaccines are presented on the "veterinary market". The leader in this niche is Intervet, represented by Nobivac series preparations. No less famous vaccines for dogs - Eurican and cats - Quadricat, French company Merial. In addition, vaccines from other companies are also common. Felovax, Duramun, Multifel, Multican, etc.

In our clinic, there is the possibility of vaccination with any of the above vaccines, as well as little-known ones (by appointment). In addition, the issuance of an International Veterinary Passport with confirmation of vaccination with a state seal. All of these services are available with a veterinarian call at home.

Vaccines for animals

Vaccination of most animals is carried out from two months of age (unless otherwise recommended by the veterinarian), followed by revaccination at 3 months. Adult animals are vaccinated annually for life; health conditions are a contraindication.

Do not hope that your indoor dog or cat that does not visit the street does not have the opportunity to become infected. This is possible when the infection is transferred to your shoes from the environment (stray cats and dogs are almost without exception carriers of viral and other diseases).

Answers to the most popular questions from pet owners

This topic is probably the largest number of questions from the owners. We list the most common ones.

Should a cat (small dog) be vaccinated if it does not go out?

Yes need. In this case, a pet can "meet" an infection during a short stay in the country, a cat - when falling from balconies, microorganisms can also get into the house on the owner's hands and clothes and shoes.

Age at vaccination

At what age can a puppy be vaccinated?

The puppy is vaccinated at 8 weeks of age, with re-vaccination at 12 weeks of age (after 21 days). In cases where early protection against plague and parvovirus enteritis is required, the first vaccination is carried out at the age of 4 weeks (with specially designed vaccines!) With repeated vaccination according to the above scheme. Unvaccinated animals older than the above age are vaccinated twice with an interval of 4 weeks. More importantly, I vaccinate once a year every year.

At what age can a cat be vaccinated?

A kitten can be vaccinated from 8 weeks of age, followed by revaccination after 4 weeks. Further, the vaccination is done once a year.

At what age can animals be vaccinated against rabies?

According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, as well as according to the instructions for the vaccines used, it is necessary to vaccinate animals against rabies from 3 months old.

Do I need to vaccinate an old animal?

Old dog

Yes need. There is a widespread myth that older animals do not need to be vaccinated. acquire immunity with age. This is a delusion, the likelihood of infectious diseases persists at any age, moreover, in old animals, these diseases may not occur typically, which complicates the diagnosis. Vaccination is canceled only in the presence of serious diseases (at any age).

What diseases are animals vaccinated against?

What diseases should a dog be vaccinated against?

As a rule, vaccines contain elements against plague of carnivores, parvovirus enteritis, adenovirus infection, parainfluenza, leptospirosis and rabies. By the age of one year it is necessary to vaccinate the dog against all these diseases.

What diseases are vaccinated against?

Most often, cats are vaccinated against panleukopenia, rhinotracheitis, calciviral infection and rabies. Some vaccines contain an anti-chlamydia component (preferred).

Vaccine preparation and response

How to properly prepare an animal for vaccination?- 10-14 days before vaccination, it is necessary to give the animal an anthelmintic. Only clinically healthy animals are vaccinated.

What is the reaction to vaccination?

It is considered normal if, within a few days after vaccination, some lethargy, drowsiness, decreased appetite, and swelling at the injection site appear. Allergic reactions are considered pathology (it is rare). This may be an immediate-type reaction - it develops within 15-20 minutes after the injection, is characterized by edema, difficulty breathing, loss of consciousness. Slow down - over the next days, manifests itself as skin reactions, itching, redness at the injection site, edema. Other possible symptoms: diarrhea, vomiting, fever, etc. are also pathologies. If these symptoms appear after vaccination, you should contact your veterinarian!

Vaccination of rabbits and ferrets

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