Systematic vector psychology: how to determine your vector. Systematic vector psychology: how not to make mistakes in determining your vectors? Define your vector. What will this give me?

For thousands of years, man has been searching for the meaning of his life. Over the last hundred years, he began to actively engage in psychoanalysis. A lot of developments and guesses (including scientific evidence) have appeared in various areas of psychoanalysis and psychiatry. But none of them gave an accurate, comprehensive answer to all questions about the human psyche.

Today such a technique exists. Reliable, unique, practical, repeatedly tested. Working for thousands of people, giving individual positive results. 21,559 reviews from a variety of people with different psychological problems that were overcome can be read by following this link.

And most importantly - This technique is available to anyone today. To understand it, there is no need to know medical terms or study science deeply. Our psyche is revealed to us in the simplest way: through the description of 8 vectors in “System-vector psychology” by Yuri Burlan.

What are 8 vectors in the psychology of Yuri Burlan?

A vector is not a personality type, as one might mistakenly think. This is a set of human desires. All desires are aimed at one thing - to obtain happiness, pleasure, satisfaction from life. The vector manifests itself outwardly and is realized through innate properties. When a person experiences the impossibility of fulfilling his desire, he feels bad states and/or aversion, as a result of which he either makes efforts and develops, or is inactive and suffers.

There are eight vectors in total. An exact description of each of them in System-Vector Psychology can be read by clicking on its name:

The name of each vector is due to the increased sensitivity of one or another human zone: sound, visual, skin, and so on.

Thus, a person with the skin vector has more sensitive skin, and such a person, depending on the conditions, always feels touch in a special way, different from people without the skin vector: from the bliss of a light breeze sliding across the cheek to a shudder from one touch to the shoulder.

Another example is that a person with a visual vector, like everyone else, has eyes. But he sees much more with them than everyone else. He is also very emotional. That’s what they say about him: he makes mountains out of molehills. He doesn't do it - he sees it that way. For real. The same property, with a certain development, allows him to realize himself as an artist who can depict on canvas the play of snow that seems monotonous to everyone else. This is specified, but is not always realized. Everything depends on development from childhood and the opportunity to realize one’s desires, which develop during the course of life.

The vector determines EVERYTHING in a person’s life!

The vectors that a person is endowed with subconsciously guide our entire lives. . Under their influence, we choose what to eat and what movie to watch, decide on a profession, choose a mate, behave in a certain way during sex, even perceive time and space. Vectors determine a person’s behavior, his thoughts and values.

People with different vectors and in different states are absolutely different from each other. Each person is a separate universe with his own desires and ideas about life. Therefore, any modern direction of psychology that offers advice to every person, highlighting as much as possible the characteristics and inclinations of individual people, is behind the times. What is good for one may be directly contraindicated for another and will cause nothing but hostility and rejection.

Today, the “System-Vector Psychology” training takes place online and is available to everyone around the world. To listen, you only need the Internet and any means of viewing it: computer, tablet, phone. The author of the training, Yuri Burlan, has been conducting lectures for 15 years, each of which contains a huge amount of information, interesting stories, illustrative examples, and answers to questions from listeners. The duration of the lecture is from 4 to 12 hours.

Allow yourself to get to know yourself: find out your vectors and your true desires! You can listen to the introductory part of the training absolutely free of charge - after preliminary registration, which you can complete. Afterwards you will definitely receive an invitation to the upcoming lecture dates.

ATTENTION! There are no tests for determining a vector and cannot exist. You can determine your vector set, as well as learn to recognize vectors of people, only by listening to online training and then consolidating your knowledge by reading additional literature.

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By passing the test using the method developed by Viktor Tolkachev, you can receive the key of knowledge to unlock your own hidden capabilities, even talent, and as a result receive an individual Formula of Happiness. A psychological test that covers all aspects of personality, this test makes it possible to apply assessment methods of system-vector psychoanalysis and directly understand the individuality of the person being tested. This unique tool for understanding one’s own “I” can show in which species role it is more correct to look for the realization of one’s natural characteristics.

It is necessary to answer the questions and put an assessment of the survey result directly in the corresponding cell of the table.

Explanations for the test: Each cell of the table corresponds to the number of the question or statement. Your answer to the question or indication of your attitude to the statement is one of the numbers in the list of answers given below:

0. Well, no way

  1. No it's not like that
  2. Pretty much no
  3. In general, no
  4. More likely no than yes
  5. Yes and no (neither yes nor no)
  6. Rather yes than no
  7. Quite possible
  8. It's quite possible
  9. To a very large extent this is true
  10. Well of course it is
Question number in order
1 – 10
11 – 20
21 – 30
31 – 40
41 – 50
51 – 60
61 – 70
71 – 80
81 – 90
91 – 100

1. I need advice and willingly listen to it. It takes me a long time to choose a product in a store; I prefer to get advice.
2. I am a hardworking person, I love physical labor.
3. It's better to be dead than second.
4. Marriages of convenience are preferable to marriages of love.
5. Erotica and sex are the true engines of progress.
6. I am a cheerful person - I like to laugh out loud.
7. I dream of spiritual, sublime and pure love.
8. I’m absent-minded and have poor sense of direction – I’ll get lost in three pines.
9. I have a sense of smell like a good detective dog. Smells affect my performance too much.
10. I am a creative person.
11. Monotonous work does not tire me.
12. I like to be in a crowd.
13. I can lead people.
14. I often count my money and know exactly how much I have now.
15. A person’s intimate life does not require social prohibitions.
16. If you don’t lie, you can’t tell it beautifully.
17. I like to contemplate the play of colors. The combination of colors affects my well-being and mood.
18. I am absent-minded, I can drive in the wrong direction, mix up the time or details of clothing.
19. It’s safer not to interfere in anything and remain an outside observer.
20. A person’s culture, as a rule, depends on his sincerity.
21. Before I start doing anything, I try it on several times.
22. Good furniture should be massive.
23. My mess is my comfort, don’t interfere with it.
24. I always have an emergency reserve for a rainy day.
25. Marital fidelity is a dubious virtue.
26. I rest my soul in the kitchen, practicing culinary art.
27. I am characterized by mercy and compassion. I will save a fly drowning in milk.
28. Sometimes I get depressed.
29. Intuition often helps me out; I am careful and prudent.
30. Chess is a sport.
31. I bring any task to the end, to the point.
32. I feel so much strength in myself that I don’t know where to put it.
33. I like to experiment everywhere, everywhere and in everything.
34. Daily routine and discipline are the key to my success.
35. A real man remains a sexual hunter everywhere and in everything.
36. I like to kiss a lot and for a long time.
37. I am easily offended to the point of tears. They often flow involuntarily from my eyes.
38. I have a good ear for music. A false melody and an unpleasant, sharp sound - pain throughout the body.
39. People are indifferent to other people's problems.
40. Books are not entertainment.
41. I am patient and diligent.
42. I have good muscle memory.
43. Money is water. Walking is like walking.
44. It’s a pity to spend money on flowers - they will wither anyway.
45. Unbridled passion adorns a woman.
46. ​​I love to chat, I can’t resist speaking out on any matter.
47. I believe in fortune telling, omens and miracles.
48. I enjoy the sounds of nature: the singing of birds, the sound of leaves and water.
49. Trusting people is dangerous.

50. Looking at the stars is not relaxation, but food for the mind
51. I love packing things, and I’m good at it.
52. Physical strength is the main dignity of a person.
53. I don’t tolerate comments addressed to me.
54. I hate lending money and I remember all my debtors.
55. I evaluate everyone I meet as a potential sexual partner.
56. A strong word is not a sin, but a highlight in a conversation.
57. I love to transform and try on other people’s images.
58. Sometimes I hear things that others don’t hear.
59. You need to know everything about everyone.
60. Living for others is profitable.
61. I am neat and clean. I really like to put things in order. Sometimes this way I lift my spirits.
62. I love going to the gym.
63. Boredom is death! Not a day without adventures, and better than sexual ones.
64. I always arrive at exactly the appointed time and don’t understand people who are late.
65. The main thing in marriage is sexual compatibility.
66. I prefer very hot, spicy and peppery food.
67. I worry about what I will look like after death.
68. I am a night owl: I sleep during the day and stay awake at night.
69. People do everything for me themselves.
70. I like to count crows
71. I love clean shoes and take care of them regularly.
72. If necessary, I can slaughter a chicken.
73. I like to take risks – it’s hit or miss.
74. I love a bathhouse with a broom, hard washcloths, brushes, applicators and massage.
75. Everything is permissible between lovers in intimate relationships.
76. I like oral sex, but a lot depends on the partner.
77. I like to play with children, I understand their needs and experiences.
78. Music... It drives me crazy, and I often hear it in my dreams.
79. The main thing is to leave on time...
80. I love it when they joke, even at me.
81. No one will remember that I did anything for a long time. But everyone will remember that I did it well.
82. I often feel like a bull in a china shop.
83. I hate making my bed.
84. I can’t stand husks and crumbs – I definitely collect them.
85. Premarital sexual relations are permissible.
86. Said before I thought. First the word - then the thought.
87. My inner world is full of colorful images, which I sometimes take for reality.
88. I’m trying to find the meaning of life, although I don’t see the point in it.
89. Secret is a great weapon
90. I know quite a lot of poems by heart.
91. A bitter and merciless truth is better than a sweet lie, even if it is for salvation.
92. I feel comfortable in a cramped room.
93. I can’t do one thing, I prefer several at once.
94. The soul improves through suffering.
95. It happens that sex life deprives a person of reason.
96. I love to eat deliciously and a lot, often I can’t stop.
97. Beauty will save the world.
98. I master foreign languages ​​perfectly, I feel the slightest shades of words.
99. Luxury reveals. It's better to be in the shade.
100. Feeling sorry for yourself is a sin.

Test results and following information

You can send it to a psychologist and receive a comprehensive answer.

FULL NAME. ______________________________________________________________

Date and place of birth _________________________________


Education _________________________________________________________

Family status _____________________________________________

Hobbies _________________________________________________________

Copy what you need and simply paste it into the window below.

This test is the introductory part of “The Luxury of Systemic Self-Knowledge.”

System-vector psychology is a continuation of Freud’s theory about the stages of personality development associated with two centers of pleasure - oral and anal. The authors of this system, Yu. Burlan and V. Tolkachev, continued their study of this area, suggesting that there are 6 other pleasure centers. In their opinion, all human aspirations associated with these centers act independently of each other in all periods of life. Systemic vector psychology includes 8 vectors for determining personality type, including: sound, visual, skin, olfactory, oral, muscular, urethral and anal.

Systemic vector psychology: 8 vectors and their descriptions

Sound vector represents a closed personality type, focused on himself and his feelings. He can be arrogant and arrogant. In speech of the sound type, the pronoun “I” is most often heard. This type of personality, unlike all others, does not have material desires; its main desire is to know one’s Self.

Visual vector symbolizes a sensual type of personality that constantly experiences strong emotional shocks. It is about such people that they say “makes a molehill out of a molehill.” This type of personality likes to scare himself. He is afraid of death and everything connected with it. If in childhood the state of “fear” was too strong, then this attitude may persist into adulthood.

Skin vector represents a personality type that prefers to save. Moreover, he often does this thoughtlessly, because of which he can lose a lot. Strives for the role of leader in order to completely control the situation. The main feature is stinginess.

Olfactory vector expresses a personality type that divides everything in the surrounding world into “pleasant” and “unpleasant.” He listens to his intuition and does not trust people. Tries to think through all possible options in order to avoid dangerous life trends.

Oral vector represents a person-orator who knows how to speak and convince, inspires confidence. He may say stupid things, distort his words or make mistakes, but thanks to his special delivery, there will always be listeners around him. This type has a bright minus - he does not know how to keep secrets.

Muscle vector characterizes a personality type that loves monotonous physical work to achieve its goals. He can be content with little if everything happens without change. One of the obvious disadvantages is the lack of motivation to improve life positions.

Urethral vector- This is a type of personality that does not demand anything for itself. A representative of this vector does not need any forms of ownership, because he does not feel anything attractive in it. He sees himself only in the role of a leader. The ideological desire is to lead and give, improve, give. Among the shortcomings: reluctance to look back at one’s own mistakes and change one’s mind.

Anal vector represents a type of personality characterized by excessive conservatism. He is sure: everything that was before is better than all innovations. The greatest pleasure comes from old memories. Engaged in the accumulation, transmission and preservation of information from the past. It can be cruel.

Systematic vector psychology is the long-awaited knowledge that has come into our lives today. Humanity has long tried to create a coherent system of knowledge about its psyche. Which will open the way for us into the unconscious of a person and make our life happier and more joyful.

Today there is such knowledge about the human psyche, and it is important how we use it. Will we build our lives based on the characteristics laid down by Mother Nature at birth, in order to develop and realize our innate desires and properties. Or let's stop at the level of tests in systemic vector psychology, which do not give the expected results, because systemic vector psychology is, first of all, self-awareness. In the soul there is recognition and joy from meeting oneself.
Then these recognition skills are transferred to other people, when, talking with your old acquaintance, you suddenly understand that it is the desires of the skin vector that are speaking in him. Or you see the anal vector, which manifests itself in your friend with its thoroughness and loyalty to the interests of his family.

And the neighbor who suffers from headaches is the carrier of the sound vector. God, how my inept piano passages must irritate her!

But here is a wonderful visual girl who cannot pass by without petting the cat. She is now going to music school, and on the way back she will definitely feed this cat.

The urethral niece with a smile from ear to ear and at the head of the entire kindergarten flock next to, or even ahead of, the teacher himself.

It is difficult to see an olfactory person. He does not stand out, getting lost in the crowd of people. But it is simply impossible to miss its brother in the energy quartile - the oral one. Even if you don't want to listen to him, he will force you to do so. Because all the ears of this world were created for him. At least that's what he thinks.

With an understanding of the essence of vectors, life becomes multifaceted and eight-dimensional.

You can already predict the actions and thoughts of another person, what you can expect from him, and what he will not do under any circumstances. Tests in systemic vector psychology cannot give such a result. Just as it is impossible to fit the whole world into a photo frame, it is also impossible to determine a mental person using tests. Tests on systemic vector psychology are just a superficial touch, individual puzzles of the mental matrix, which systemic vector psychology actually is.

A test for determining system vectors is a form of infantilism, an attempt to shift responsibility for the result onto the test. God forbid you understand and make a decision yourself - what if it’s wrong?

Freedom of choice and responsibility for one's life and destiny are new human opportunities that give awareness. When there is no longer doom to a certain life scenario, freedom of choice and will appears. We begin to see not just one possible option for living our lives, but several. We can consciously choose which path to take. We begin to understand that a person is not created flawed, we begin to distinguish what is the norm for everyone (based on the fact that we are all different) and how to achieve this desired state.


Today a new generation is being born with a greater volume of psychic, with a greater demand for the need to know oneself and spiritual search. The modern world needs people who understand themselves.

Knowledge of systemic vector psychology is especially important for Russia, where, over 20 years of being in the archetypal version of the skin phase of human development, there was a loss of moral and cultural guidelines that restrained people’s hostility towards each other. In order for our country to consolidate and unite for development and prosperity, it is necessary to know the mental characteristics of oneself and another person.

Thanks to this knowledge, we will not be able to harm another person, make him unhappy in any way, or express our hostility to him. Just like we are unable to consciously harm ourselves. Because the knowledge comes that we all, all of humanity, are a single organism. And just as the right hand cannot hurt the left, there we will treat each other more attentively and more carefully.

System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan, whose books have become quite popular recently, is based on S. Freud’s concept of psychosexuality. Let's take a closer look at it.

general characteristics

The author of the theory calls understanding the innate properties and abilities of each child as one of the key conditions for the proper upbringing of children. System-vector psychology helps to acquire the necessary knowledge in this area. Vectors are types of "directionality". They indicate what a person likes and gives him pleasure. Self-realization is carried out through a certain role in society. The concept that the author proposes acts as an applied science. It promotes the rapid development of the mechanisms of functioning of the unconscious, its manifestations in each individual, at the level of a couple, group, and society. As a result of assimilation of knowledge, an adult’s thinking is transformed into an objective view of what is happening. There is an acceptance and full understanding of the behavior of others and their life priorities. Vector-system psychology allows a parent to better understand their child and raise him so that his potential is maximally realized.

The essence of the concept

What is system-vector psychology based on? Tolkachev (co-author of the theory) and other researchers of the problem of education develop the idea that each person is born with specific given properties. They determine a person’s life scenario, his behavior and character. These properties are divided into 8 groups. Each of them combines characteristics depending on the role played in society. It, in turn, expresses the goal of humanity, which is survival. Each group (vector) has a connection with a specific sensitive area. It predetermines the method by which a person obtains or deduces information about himself and the world that surrounds him. The innate characteristics of an individual do not change their nature during life. However, they can appear in different forms.

Basic provisions

Vector-system psychology includes the concepts of the formation and subsequent implementation of directional characteristics, on which the actual behavior of the carrier depends. A person whose properties remain undeveloped will act according to the opposite scenario compared to a developed individual. In accordance with this, the life scenario develops. A person can become a thief or a judge, a genius or a schizophrenic, a rapist or a wonderful family man, and so on. Properties develop up to and including puberty. After this, the characteristics can either be filled/implemented or not. In the first case, vector-system psychology involves the use of innate properties, due to which a person receives satisfaction and remains in a state of harmony. All this suggests that key characteristics are laid down from an early age and improved until full puberty. The main role in this process belongs to parents. It is they who shape the conditions of the world surrounding the child during this period.

Getting to know the characteristics

The identification of properties begins with a description of their expression during the period of the primitive pack. This allows us to understand the primary, initial state, which is set from birth. In this way, one can trace the development of mental characteristics that has taken place as the world has become more complex over the past few thousand years.

Nuances of understanding

The question of competent upbringing of children in classical psychology provoked the emergence of many methods of child development. However, some of them clearly contradict each other. Their ineffectiveness and the misconceptions that arise are due to the fact that they do not have an established definition of the “normality” of a child. There are no absolute signs by which a person at an early age is considered mentally healthy, and his behavior is recognized as adequate, nor vice versa. In this regard, over the past half century, both early sexual activity and rejection of innate gender identity have been included in the category of acceptability. What does Yu. Burlan offer in this case? System-vector psychology defines the concept of norm in a differentiated way, according to the innate characteristics of the child. This prevents harm that parents can cause to the development of their children, and also allows for the most effective educational methods to be identified at an early stage.


  1. The child does not inherit characteristics from the parents and may have completely different properties.
  2. The main task of adults is to provide children with safe conditions and a state of security. Otherwise, development slows down, distorts or stops.
  3. Methods of education and training must correspond to innate characteristics.
  4. The consequences of mental trauma received before puberty can be neutralized or alleviated through systemic interaction.
  5. Children are representatives of the next generation. This means that the innate strength of desire and their potential is significantly higher than that of the parents.
  6. In everyday communication, upbringing and development of a child, the key is the systematic thinking of older family members. This is especially true for the mother, since she is the main person in life until the end of puberty.

Let's consider some groups that are distinguished by system-vector psychology. The vector identification test contains specific questions. According to the answers to them, belonging to one or another type is established.


The specific role of such a child is to create and store food reserves. He has a logical type of thinking. System-vector psychology defines mobility and activity as the innate properties of such a child. He has sensitive skin and a flexible body, which predetermines his choice of dancing and sports. Such a child is quite stingy with emotions and words. He is characterized by short, succinct phrases. It is important for parents to teach him the rules and show him boundaries.

Life values

How do the system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan characterize them? The test shows that with the development of the innate qualities of a “skin maker,” a child grows into an engineer, legislator, and successful manager. He knows how to both obey and subjugate, disciplines himself and those around him. If a child is punished by beating, he will develop a craving for masochism. If his qualities are underdeveloped, he becomes a thief, an alcoholic, and girls grow up to be prostitutes.

The necessary conditions

Vector-system psychology formulates a number of rules for the normal development of a child with skin. First of all, he should be accustomed to routine and discipline. Exercise will be key. In the process of education, the author of the concept recommends that parents agree on incentives for the child to perform certain actions. The most acceptable punishment may be restriction in time and space.

Urethral direction

Children of this type tend to take responsibility for life and strive to expand their living space. This is exactly the description given by system-vector psychology. The vector determination test shows non-standard tactical thinking. Such children are bundles of energy and desire to live. They are characterized by a dominant look, their eyes always sparkle. Body temperature is always elevated. Such children do not recognize authorities; they are uncontrollable. At the same time, if parents choose the right approach, they will raise a very responsible person. Such children react with lightning speed both mentally and physically. They do not feel restrictions, and therefore do not perceive danger. This, in turn, causes a high mortality rate due to negligence. A person of this type with developed innate abilities is able to lead people. Quite often, such children grow up to be directors of large enterprises. If the innate characteristics are undeveloped, the child experiences pressure or violence from adults in childhood, he runs away from home. Such children often become leaders of criminal associations. An emphasis on responsibility is the main condition for development, which system-vector psychology assumes for them. Books describing the concept contain detailed comments and recommendations for parents of such children. The authors believe that adults should not persistently demand obedience; it is only necessary to guide the child’s actions.

Muscular direction

Physical labor is the main guideline that system-vector psychology sets for such children. The direction test indicates two main states: rage or monotony. In the latter case, a person has a tendency to work hard. He can perform the same work every day, every year. Such people do not have their own opinion; they will act as they were taught. Choices in life will depend on who influences the child's development. The thinking of such children is characterized as visually effective. They do exactly as they were shown. This property must be taken into account during the learning process. These children cannot be called stupid. They have a specific way of thinking. It is thanks to him that only they can do the job so consistently. With developed innate properties, such children grow up to be very hardworking specialists. They build, plow the land, work in the mines. They do not have high demands; what they were able to get by working with their hands is enough for them. If a child is not taught to work, then he can grow into a dangerous criminal authority. He will easily end up in a criminal gang, where he will show his physical strength.

Impressionable children

They are characterized by a visual vector. In system-vector psychology, such children are classified as bright extroverts. For them, rapid mood swings are considered common. Such children have a highly developed fear of death. With illiterate upbringing, it transforms into persistent phobias. Many such children are afraid of the dark and refuse to sleep with the lights off. This is explained by the fact that their visual analyzer cannot distinguish the threat and ensure safety. Such children have a well-developed imagination. They easily come up with different stories and bring inanimate objects to life. The main task in life is to understand the world. That is why the main zone of perception is the eyes. As a rule, they are large and expressive. These children like everything beautiful and are prone to coquetry. The most important aspect for them is the establishment of emotional connections. It can be created with inanimate objects, and with people, and with animals. The immune system of such children is weak, so they are the first to catch viral diseases. With developed innate characteristics, they grow into deeply feeling, loving and sincere people. Intimidation and reading scary fairy tales have a negative impact on them. Having become fixated on such emotions, a person begins to choose horror films himself, goes to a cemetery at night, reads dark books, and so on.

Sound direction

Children of this vector are characterized by abstract thinking. They begin to be interested quite early in the meaning of life, the existence of people, and their purpose. Subsequently, these kinds of questions can be pushed to the unconscious level. However, they become especially acute during puberty. Sound children are uncommunicative and thoughtful. They prefer privacy. Their faces often do not reflect any emotions, but this does not mean at all that they do not exist. During the first half of the day, such children, as a rule, are lethargic and somewhat inhibited. It is quite difficult for them to concentrate on the first lessons. Due to this, they are at risk of becoming academically unsuccessful, despite having a fairly strong mind. With normal development, children exhibit good intellectual abilities. Exact sciences and languages ​​are easy for them. With developed innate characteristics, geniuses grow out of them. Such people become outstanding physicists, scientists, writers, and philosophers. Noise and screaming hinder their development. Children perceive them very painfully. As a result, they withdraw into themselves and distance themselves from the world around them. Their condition becomes tense and depression appears. Drug addiction is possible and headaches are common. These children are at risk for autism and schizophrenia.

Oral direction

Such children are cheerful and talkative. They are always on the rise and can join any team. It is important for them to find listeners. If someone interrupts them, they tend to compress the information so that they can get it all out before they are interrupted. Therefore, their speech becomes incoherent and rapid. These children have increased sensitivity of the mouth and lips. They like to touch them. They can come up with a story on the fly and are easily deceived. They need all this to attract attention. Children with developed qualities become actors, TV presenters, and speakers. They are knowledgeable about food. In the case of undeveloped intelligence, children become buffoons who never shut up for a minute. They even talk while eating.

System-vector psychology: reviews

It should be noted that the concept has become quite widespread in Russia. Its author conducts seminars, lectures, and courses. He has created a large number of video tutorials. Online trainings are also conducted. Seminars and lectures are attended by both ordinary people who have absolutely no understanding of psychology, as well as specialists, doctors, and psychiatrists. Most of them speak positively about the work of Yu. Burlan. Lectures help people cope with problems that have arisen in the family and reconsider their approaches to education. Nevertheless, there are also those who negatively evaluate all this activity. For example, Vyacheslav Yunev is different in this regard. System-vector psychology, in his opinion, is an attack on human consciousness. Streams of criticism were directed at the author of the concept. However, some of his angry articles were refuted both by followers of the theory and by those people who were able to solve family problems with the help of system-vector psychology.

Express test on system-vector psychology

Test of 8 figures (from systemic vector psychology).

Instructions: Choose in order the most pleasant shapes for yourself.

Your vector:

1. Urethral vector. Species role: leader. Function – expansion of living space and generation; Aspect - black sensory.

2. Anal vector. Species role – keeper of the cave, fire, hearth, rear guard. Function – accumulation and transfer of knowledge. Aspect - white logic.

3. Muscle vector. Species role: warrior, hunter. Function: war and hunting. Aspect - white sensory.

4. Olfactory vector. Species role: advisor to the leader. Function: strategic intelligence officer, survive no matter what. Aspect - white intuition.

5. Sound vector. Species role: night guard of the flock. Aspect - black intuition.

6. Visual vector. Species role: daytime guard of the flock. Aspect - white ethics.

7. Oral vector. Species role: herald, jester, beater of prey. Function: scream, warning of danger. Ampect is black ethics.

8. Skin vector. Species role: lateral hunter, alimentator. Function – restriction and prohibition. Aspect - black logic.

System-vector psychology website:

SOUND vector: Everything is vanity of vanities!
Look inside yourself.
Know yourself!
Silence... to the First Cause. The type of intelligence is abstract. They say about him: Not of this world... He is somehow strange, eccentric, silent with selective contact...

How to determine your type in system-vector psychology?


We are talking about defining your own set of vectors; their number can be different, 2, 3, 4 or more. Depending on the set of vectors, the overall picture is obtained - how their properties are mixed, how developed they are, which vector is supported, and other features. There are “lower” vectors (they definitely exist) and “upper” ones. How to determine who you are by vectors: there are no such universal tests, solely by the unmistakable recognition of the properties inherent in a particular vector. Basic articles about each vector will help you understand

You can also attend lectures online, admission to them is free, there were about 3 thousand people in the last year
