Too shy to ask. Everything you need to know about intimate hygiene (and guys too!). How should a woman wash herself and how to properly perform hygiene care?

All girls want to look attractive, to be the most beautiful and irresistible. Therefore, a lot of attention is paid to personal hygiene. However, when washing their face in the morning, for some reason many girls forget about one more aspect of grooming. Or they consider it not as necessary as a clean face. However, intimate hygiene is one of the most important components of not only cleanliness, but also the health of every woman and girl.

At all times, much attention has been paid to this aspect. For example, Cleopatra used baths with the addition of herbs or essential oils. The bathhouse has always been popular in Rus', and the number of decoctions with chamomile, aloe and other herbs and oils used for these procedures is simply enormous. Many of the recipes have been known and used for centuries. In general, intimate hygiene for women was first described in the ancient monuments of Mesopotamia (approximately the 2nd century BC), although the term itself appeared only in the middle of the last century.


Despite the apparent knowledge of the issue, many women do not know exactly how intimate hygiene is carried out. Some pay too little attention to it, others, on the contrary, too much. In both cases, various problems with women's health arise. So, what do you need to know in order to correctly carry out all the activities to cleanse intimate areas?

There are simple rules that will help you navigate this difficult issue:

Care products

Even the healthiest woman has a huge amount of bacteria in her vagina, both beneficial and pathogenic. The microflora is in an unstable balance, which can easily be shaken by using the wrong, inappropriate feminine hygiene products. The fact is that the pH level of the vagina is about 3.5. This indicator is necessary for the life and reproduction of beneficial lactic acid bacteria; harmful ones die in such conditions.

Many infections also cannot overcome natural defenses. Ordinary soap has a pH of about 7, i.e. it creates an alkaline environment that injures the normal microflora of the vagina. And while there is not enough beneficial bacteria in the body, pathogenic ones may have time to multiply.

All intimate care products (gels, milk) must have a neutral or slightly acidic pH. It is considered ideal if these numbers range from 3.5 to 4.5. A pH level of 5 is also still acceptable. If this indicator is higher, then there is a high chance of disrupting the natural microflora of the vagina.

Currently, there are a large number of products and recipes for intimate care. However, not all of them are equally useful and are not suitable for all women. Basic feminine hygiene items:

  • Special soaps, gels, foams, milks. You need to carefully read the composition to make sure that the drug is based on natural ingredients, for example, decoctions of chamomile, aloe or calendula, essential oils, and not chemical perfumes. Products based on lactic acid are also useful, as they restore natural microflora and prevent irritation;
  • It is not advisable to constantly use wipes for intimate hygiene instead of washing. They fight odor and dirt well, but this is an emergency option for when it is not possible to take a shower at the end of the day or after using the toilet. It’s good if they are soaked in essential oils or extracts of aloe, chamomile, etc.;
  • For those who want to avoid odor, they produce special deodorants for the intimate area, but they use perfume fragrances, which is not suitable for all women;
  • Intimate hygiene creams are not a luxury, but a norm. They have antiseptic properties, protect against the penetration of harmful microorganisms, cover the vagina with a thin protective film, and help restore natural microflora. They should be used when swimming in open waters and for those over 40;
  • Panty liners are wonderful feminine hygiene items that allow you to maintain freshness, cleanliness, and avoid unpleasant odors. They are often soaked in oils to impart a pleasant aroma. But you need to use them correctly. They change the “daily bags” not in the morning and evening, but every 4 hours, because a large amount of discharge accumulates on them. When worn for a long time on pads, ideal conditions are created for the development of pathogenic flora;
  • Menstrual pads and tampons also need to be changed regularly and often to avoid causing irritation and the development of inflammatory diseases.

Folk recipes

For washing, many recipes have been created using herbs: chamomile, aloe, calendula, etc. These products do not cause allergies or irritation, many decoctions are medicinal. A woman’s personal hygiene is unthinkable without the use of folk recipes. Products with potassium permanganate, aloe, calendula and other herbs are very popular. You need to be careful when using recipes with baking soda, as it creates an alkaline environment.

Thus, for inflammatory diseases, an infusion of chamomile flowers is very popular. The recipe is extremely simple: 1 tbsp. l. chamomile flowers pour 200 ml of boiling water and leave for an hour. It is advisable to use a thermos for steaming.

You can prepare a mixture of dried coltsfoot and chamomile herbs. They need to be mixed in equal quantities and stored in a tightly sealed jar. For the procedure 4 tbsp. l. collection, pour 500 ml of boiling water and leave for 2 hours.

Douching with chamomile is also often done. For this, 2 tbsp. l. flowers, pour 1 liter of boiling water and leave for 40 minutes.

Potassium permanganate is also popular for douching. For the procedure, prepare a weak pale pink solution. Potassium permanganate should not be used for cervical erosion, as it can aggravate the disease.

Tea tree oil has an antimicrobial effect, so it is also used in recipes for intimate hygiene and douching. 1 tsp oils are mixed with 1 tsp. alcohol Then 5 drops of the mixture are diluted in a glass of boiled water.

Maintaining intimate hygiene is not so difficult. Its rules are simple and clear. It is necessary to monitor the timely implementation of procedures and select the most suitable products with the correct pH level.

Thrush is a disease of a fungal nature and today is considered a fairly common problem, affecting not only women, but also men. Symptoms of candidiasis in adults occur mainly in the genital area or oral cavity. The root cause of this disease is a weakening of the body's immune defense, which is often complemented by the negative influence of provoking factors.

To treat this disease, you can use appropriate medications in the form of ointment, gel, vaginal suppositories or tablets, creams. At the same time, experts recommend medicinal baths and douching, which ensure proper hygiene of the intimate area.

So, what to wash with when you have thrush? Is such a procedure effective in this case and how to perform it correctly? You will learn about the benefits of this method of therapy further in our article.

Intimate hygiene for thrush plays a fairly important role when it comes to the effective treatment of such a pathology. If a woman wants it as quickly as possible, then in such a situation ordinary laziness or haste can significantly slow down recovery. Therefore, patients are recommended to use all available methods of treating thrush, including washing and douching.

To ensure appropriate hygiene of the reproductive organs in case of fungal infection, representatives of the fair sex are advised to follow the following rules:

  • Wash your hands thoroughly immediately before douching or washing. Bacterial microflora from this area of ​​the hands can get onto the vaginal mucosa and cause a complication of the pathology in the form of secondary infection of the genitals.
  • It is necessary to perform hygiene procedures 2-3 times a day - in the morning, before bed, after sexual intercourse.
  • During periods of exacerbation of candidiasis, doctors do not recommend taking hot baths too often.
  • The washing process must be carried out correctly. Hand movements are directed only from the pubis to the anus - otherwise the patient risks introducing microbes of the intestinal flora into the vagina.
  • To prevent fungal infection from spreading to other family members, a woman should have an individual towel designed to care for the problem area.
  • Choosing an effective intimate hygiene gel for thrush is very important. In this case, you need to carefully study the composition of this product. You should not buy products that contain various fragrances, scented substances or dyes - such components can cause an allergic reaction or increase the intensity of symptoms of candidiasis, such as irritation and itching of the skin.
  • When washing with thrush in women, the use of ordinary toilet or antibacterial (laundry) soap is prohibited, since these hygiene products dry out the mucous membrane and kill the beneficial flora of the vagina.
  • As for toilet paper, during the period of exacerbation of the disease it is not recommended to use colored or scented products.
  • During treatment for thrush, you need to wash yourself and change your underwear every day (although this rule should also be followed by healthy representatives of the fair sex).
  • Changing pads during menstruation should be done at least once every 3 hours.
  • The main condition that is advised to be observed when choosing hygienic gels for the treatment of thrush is the increased content of lactic acid in them. This substance regulates the balance of vaginal microflora, so lactic acid bacteria must be included in such products.

Good to know! During the period of candidiasis, it is undesirable to use tampons to care for the genital area! These hygiene products create a closed space in the vaginal cavity, which is an excellent microclimate for the development and growth of fungal microbes. Panty liners have the same properties, so they are also not recommended for use for thrush in women.

Medical solutions

If there are signs of vaginal candidiasis, doctors advise washing yourself at least 2-3 times a day. For this purpose, various antiseptic solutions are usually used in medicine. Medicines with tanning, anti-inflammatory and antipruritic properties also help well with this disease.

Alkalinizing solutions have an excellent effect on the vaginal mucosa - they increase the pH level of the vaginal microflora, which has a detrimental effect on the fungus. Reasonable use of these products will help eliminate the manifestations of fungal infection even for pregnant and lactating women.

Let's consider what you can use to wash yourself with thrush?

Potassium permangantsovka

This medicinal solution has been used since ancient times to kill various infections. It has a pronounced antiseptic effect and also cauterizes harmful microorganisms. When using this for washing, you need to remember that the concentration of potassium permanganate in the water should be weak. Otherwise, the woman risks getting a severe burn to her genitals. Manganese solution is used as an adjunct to the therapy of candidiasis. It has a complex therapeutic effect on the inflammatory focus, destroys fungal toxins released during their life.


It helps very well with complicated forms of pathology, when a bacterial infection is added to the fungal infection of the reproductive organs. To wash, you need to take a 1% solution of chlorophyllipt in an amount of 15 mg and dilute it in 1 liter of heated water. The product can be used for douching of the vaginal cavity. This solution has an anti-inflammatory and disinfecting effect.

Chlorophyllipt can be used for thrush in women even during pregnancy. But before using this remedy, be sure to perform a small test that will help determine the absence of allergic reactions to this drug.

Diamond green

If you have thrush, it is good to wash yourself with a solution of regular brilliant green. The product has excellent protective properties, which is ensured by the creation of a special film on the affected surface of the skin. This protective system prevents bacterial infection of the wound. Brilliant green is an alcohol-containing solution, so you need to treat the skin and mucous membranes very carefully.


This medication is an effective antiseptic, which is used for thrush in women to cleanse the genitals of toxic substances secreted by fungal microflora and prevent secondary infections. The product can be purchased at the pharmacy in ready-made form or you can prepare this solution at home: dissolve 10 tablets of the drug in 1 liter of liquid and boil. The beneficial properties of furatsilin will increase if you add 1 teaspoon of baking soda to the container with the solution.

Hydrogen peroxide

An aqueous solution of this medication is also used for washing and douching for thrush. Peroxide is able to control the growth and development of various microbes, so it is often used to treat wounds for skin injuries. But not everyone knows that this medication copes well with candidiasis and restores vaginal microflora. To prepare a solution that is used for washing and douching, you need to take 0.5 liters of warm boiled water and add 3% peroxide to it in the amount of 1 tbsp. spoons. Procedures should be performed until complete recovery and disappearance of signs of fungus.

How does baking soda help fight candidiasis?

To prevent thrush, women are advised to wash themselves with a soda solution. This product can also be used for douching. It is not for nothing that soda is considered one of the most effective medicines for fungal infections of the intimate area. This substance can be used by all patients at any stage of development of the infectious process, since this drug has virtually no contraindications or side effects.

Washing eliminates burning, itching of the skin and mucous membranes of the genital organs. The substance neutralizes acid, which helps destroy fungal infections. Soda helps get rid of the symptoms of candidiasis in 45-50% of all cases, so it should definitely be tried when treating this pathology.

In order to prepare a medicinal solution, you should dilute 1 teaspoon of this substance in 1 liter of warm boiled water. After the soda has completely dissolved, you can begin the hygiene procedure. The douching product is prepared in the same way, only the soda solution is drawn into the syringe and then injected into the vaginal cavity in a thin stream.

Attention! It is recommended to perform this procedure at least 2 times a day - this way the patient will be able to quickly achieve positive treatment results. During the first day after using soda, the symptomatic manifestations of candidiasis may weaken, but it is recommended to continue such therapy until recovery.

Natural remedies for fungal infections

When the question arises about what is the best way to wash yourself with thrush, natural medicines will come to the rescue. To eliminate the symptoms of this disease, various decoctions and infusions prepared from beneficial herbs are used.

The effectiveness of treatment of candidiasis in women is increased by using the following solutions for washing:

  • Calendula - decoctions and infusions from this plant have regenerating, anti-inflammatory, restorative, antibacterial and healing properties. Using this product for douching or washing with candidiasis eliminates discomfort, irritation, burning and itching of the skin and mucous membranes. The patient can feel the effectiveness of this solution after the first procedure. The duration of the course of therapy is at least 13-14 days.
  • Chamomile is a medicinal plant that has been used to treat thrush in women for many decades. Solutions prepared from this product restore affected tissues, eliminate itching, disinfect and soothe the epidermis. Chamomile also has a pronounced antifungal effect. For one procedure, it is enough to take 2 tablespoons of the product, which must be poured into 0.5 liters of boiling water. The flowers of this plant are often used to create decoctions or infusions.
  • Oak bark - to quickly get rid of thrush, it is good to wash yourself with decoctions made on the basis of this product. It is this plant that can cope with candidiasis not only in mild, but also in advanced forms. This medicinal solution perfectly eliminates hyperemia and inflammation of the mucous membranes, relieves swelling of the epidermis, and destroys fungal microorganisms. A decoction of oak bark thickens the walls of the vagina, preventing further infection and penetration of candida into the deeper layers of the skin. It is very easy to prepare the product - just pour the raw materials purchased at the pharmacy with water, boil for 10-12 minutes and leave to infuse for 30-40 minutes. You need to wash yourself in the morning and before bed.
  • Nettle - used for thrush in women as an anti-inflammatory agent. Regenerates the mucous membrane, accelerates the removal of toxic substances from the body, soothes damaged skin, and stops the growth of fungi. The medicinal solution is prepared as follows: 1-2 tablespoons of the dry plant are poured with 2-3 cups of boiling water, left for 30 minutes. Used for washing and douching for candidiasis at least 2 times a day.

Important! In case of thrush, patients are advised to abstain from sexual intercourse during the entire period of treatment of the disease! Otherwise, clinical signs of this pathology will accompany both patients for a long time.

In order for the treatment of this disease to be effective, special hygiene rules must be followed during the course of candidiasis. The patient should know what can be used to wash herself with thrush, as well as how to do it correctly. Only in this case will you be able to get rid of the symptoms of the pathology with the help of simple but effective remedies described above in this article.

I think that all women understand the importance of intimate hygiene. But, unfortunately, not everyone knows how to follow it correctly. Many of the tips that are heard can sometimes be harmful. And mistakes in this area can lead to problems with the female genital organs. In this article I will try to address the most important issues.

How often should you wash yourself and how to do it correctly?

It is advisable to wash yourself with warm water at least 2 times a day - morning and evening, plus before and after intimacy. It is not necessary to use gel or soap for intimate hygiene every time; it is enough to use special products once a day. The direction of water movement must be from front to back, so as not to carry bacteria from the rectum to the female genital organs (because microorganisms that, living in the intestines, are beneficial, once in the vagina, can cause an inflammatory process).

After washing, delicate areas do not need to be rubbed with a towel, just pat dry. Naturally, this towel should firstly be individual, secondly used only for this area, and thirdly, it should be soft to the touch.

You can use wet wipes for intimate hygiene for hygienic purposes, but you should not completely replace washing with them, as they cause irritation with constant use. Although in some situations, for example when traveling by train or in a car, wet wipes can be a lifesaver.

Is it necessary to douche?

Douching is a manipulation that involves washing the vagina. If the female genital area is in normal condition, douching is not required. Moreover, if a woman often douches, this can lead to disruption of the normal microflora of the vagina, since frequent douching leads to the leaching of beneficial lactobacilli from the vagina, causes dryness of the mucous membrane and disrupts the pH of the vagina. As a result, conditions are created for the development of bacterial vaginosis (vaginal dysbiosis) or an inflammatory process.

Douching is sometimes prescribed for therapeutic purposes, but at the same time they are carried out in courses of several days, and not constantly.

After sexual intercourse, douching is also not required. As a method of contraception, it will not work (sperm penetrate the cervix within 30 seconds after ejaculation, you will not have time to stop them), but for hygienic purposes, ordinary washing is enough. Even if some amount of sperm remains in the vagina for a while, there will be no harm from it.

Douching is contraindicated during pregnancy and during menstruation.

How to choose intimate hygiene gel

For intimate hygiene, it is necessary to use special products, since ordinary soap or shower gel can dry out the mucous membrane of the genital organs. The intimate gel is distinguished by the fact that its acidity is close to that natural for the vagina, and it contains more moisturizing components and fewer dyes and flavors.

It is better to choose products that contain a minimum amount of perfumes, since various fragrances can cause allergic reactions.

It is best to use intimate hygiene gel containing lactobacilli. This will help maintain normal microflora.

If there is slight irritation in the external genital area, intimate hygiene gels with chamomile can help.

What to do if you have an unpleasant vaginal odor

Normally there is no odor or may be sour.

A sudden unpleasant odor almost always indicates a pathological process. This can be either vaginal dysbiosis or an infection, so if you have this symptom, you should definitely consult a doctor, even if there are no other symptoms.

However, sometimes there is another situation - when the smell is constantly present. In some cases, a woman herself may not even feel this smell (a person gets used to her own individual smell), but unfortunately her sexual partner can feel it.

In folk medicine there is advice: to have a pleasant smell from the body and genitals, it is recommended to brew and drink mint. In addition, you can adjust your diet. Spicy foods, onions and garlic can cause an unpleasant odor. Some women notice an increase in unpleasant odor after drinking beer.

It is better to wear underwear made from natural “breathable” materials. When wearing synthetic underwear, the genitals become wet, which can also cause an unpleasant odor.

If there is such an odor, you should wash your genitals more often. And be sure to do this before and after sexual intercourse.

Should you use intimate deodorants?

As mentioned above, when there is an unpleasant odor, there is most often some reason. Therefore, you need to first of all look for this reason, and not mask the smell.

An intimate deodorant can be useful if your partner is individually intolerant to your odor, if you have already made sure that you do not have any infection. Before using deodorant, be sure to wash your face, as it can only be applied to clean genitals.

Try to use intimate deodorant no more than 1-2 times a week. If used frequently, this deodorant can disrupt the pH of the vagina. In addition, the skin in the genital area is very sensitive, and irritation cannot be ruled out.

You can buy intimate deodorant at the pharmacy.

Should I use panty liners?

Panty liners are undoubtedly a convenient invention. Any woman normally experiences a small amount of discharge during the day, which can leave a mark on her underwear, and “daily bags” protect against this.

However, you shouldn’t get too carried away and wear them all the time, as the skin of the genital organs becomes more prone to wear. Any gaskets, even the thinnest ones, interfere with air permeability. Chronic use of panty liners may cause irritation.

The pad must be changed at least once every 4 hours, otherwise bacteria may begin to multiply in it, which in small quantities may be present in the vagina and genitals normally, but with intensive multiplication can lead to vaginal dysbiosis.

As you can see, proper intimate hygiene is quite simple, there are no special tricks. And compliance with it is the key to a feeling of freshness and confidence.

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In a woman’s intimate environment, everything is quite harmonious. There lives a whole kingdom of beneficial bacteria - lactobacilli. Without them, we face all sorts of troubles and infections. But, probably, women will agree that it is better not to know about infections, not, for example, but to know about the rules of intimate hygiene. The main rule is cleanliness. In fact, most women don't know how to do it correctly. Therefore, washing today is an art. Follow our advice and be healthy!

You will need:

The main rule

Washing implies WASHING the external genitalia not from the inside, but from the outside. Therefore, the issue of douching and washing inside is strictly prohibited.

You must remember this rule and never break it. Otherwise, you can harm your health.

In standing water, do not wash with standing water

You cannot wash yourself while lying in the bathroom. The reason is that the water you washed in is not very pure. Washing with this water can lead to changes in the vaginal microflora. This causes the disease vaginosis, as well as cystitis, which are associated with the possible presence of E. coli in this water. This should not be neglected.

After all, E. coli lives in our small intestines, and during bathing it can very easily get into the urinary system.

Running water

You only need to wash with running water. You can use the shower. But the stream should not be strong. The water stream should be directed from front to back. To prevent E. coli from approaching the urinary and genital tracts.

Cleaning products

  • It is advisable to use either special gels or liquid soap to wash the external genitalia. The water should be warm, never hot. This procedure must be done carefully, the skin there is very delicate.
  • It is advisable to wash yourself after each visit to the toilet. Toilet paper should also be used from front to back.
  • The towel should be clean and fluffy. Only yours. Hard towels can only irritate the skin and even injure it. The towel should only be used for intimate hygiene.

Many women carefully monitor their appearance: they visit spa salons, a hairdresser and a cosmetologist, and pay special attention to makeup and figure. After all, you must agree that in order to be desirable and successful, you must take care of yourself. But today we will talk about an issue in which even the most sophisticated fashionistas are sometimes ignorant - intimate hygiene.

Perhaps someone will be surprised: what’s so complicated about this? However, there are a number of rules that, if followed, will help a woman (or girl) avoid many female diseases. So, let's talk a little more about how to wash yourself properly.

How to wash your face properly as a woman?

For a long time, the delicate question of how to properly wash a girl (or woman) in our country did not arise at all - it was considered something forbidden and almost indecent. Women knew that they needed to wash themselves with soap at least twice a day. As a result, the acid-base balance of the vagina is disturbed, and we have such an unpleasant disease as thrush. But that's not all. Few people know that cystitis only in half of the cases occurs as a result of hypothermia, while the remaining 50% of women get sick due to violation of the rules of intimate hygiene.

What is the best way to wash yourself?

Choosing a personal hygiene product requires following a few simple rules:

  • It is not advisable to use ordinary soap for washing: it creates an alkaline environment, which is an ideal place for the spread of bacteria;
  • the best option is an intimate hygiene gel containing lactic acid and a pH level of 3.3;
  • when choosing a gel, pay attention to its composition: it is desirable that it does not contain fragrances, dyes, soap or other alkaline compounds;
  • Also, you should not purchase a gel with a strong odor and a long shelf life (over 1 year);
  • There is no need to use a washcloth and sponge for washing - there is a risk of damage to the mucous membrane of the intimate area. You may not feel microscratches, but they will become an excellent breeding ground for bacteria.

We wash ourselves only with our hands! Naturally, they must be clean. In rare cases, you can use a sponge to care for the bikini area, but only very carefully.

How should you wash yourself?

This part of daily hygiene should be carried out at least 2 times a day (morning and evening), as well as before and after sexual intercourse. Of course, ideally you should wash yourself after each visit to the toilet. But while you are at school or work, it is not possible to do this, so you can use special wipes for intimate hygiene.

Of course, the method of carrying out the procedure is also important:

  • When washing, the water should not be too cold (this can cause inflammation) or hot - the ideal temperature is about 30 degrees;
  • the stream of water must be directed from top to bottom (from the vagina to the anus), otherwise there is a risk of infection from the anus;
  • It is also impossible to direct the stream directly into the vagina: this washes away the protective natural lubricant that prevents the penetration of pathogenic microbes;
  • Do not roughly rub the genitals with a towel; it is better to gently blot them.

How to wash yourself properly during pregnancy and during menstruation?

It is very important to follow all the rules of intimate hygiene during menstruation. On such days, you should wash yourself every time you change tampons or pads. Let us remind you that pads need to be changed approximately once every 4 hours, and tampons - once every 3 hours. During menstruation, you should not take a bath, visit the pool or swim in bodies of water.

During pregnancy, it is also important to approach this procedure with particular care, because possible inflammatory processes will threaten not only the health of the mother, but also the unborn baby. In the first trimester of pregnancy, you need to carry out the procedure in the same way as usual. But at a later date, due to discomfort caused by changes in figure, it is better to use a special bench for washing, which can be placed in the bath.

Sanitary pads for every day

Probably, almost all women know that they need to change panty liners once every 4 hours, because on their surface there is an accumulation of secretions, which are an excellent breeding ground for pathogenic bacteria.
