Pork fat benefits and harms to men's health. How is fat useful for the human body? Why is raw lard useful?

Fats are one of the essential food components for the body and at the same time one of those ingredients that causes controversy about their usefulness. Pork lard, as one of the main sources of animal fats, is the object of attention from doctors and nutritionists. There are advocates and lovers of the product who claim that lard is a valuable and irreplaceable product. Opponents of animal fats are also controversial, arguing about the dangers of lard.

Following the golden rule of positum: "there is nothing harmful, there is nothing useful, but there is only necessary", we will consider all the arguments.

Pork fat is a thick layer of subcutaneous fat where biologically active substances, fat-soluble vitamins and antioxidants accumulate. The composition of the product determines the beneficial properties of fat. It contains, E, D, F, trace elements, saturated and unsaturated fatty acids. The most valuable among the acids contained in lard is arachidonic, a polyunsaturated fatty acid that has a whole range of beneficial effects. It improves the functioning of the brain, heart muscle, affects the functioning of the kidneys and improves blood composition, removing cholesterol plaques from it. Following the covenant of Hippocrates, who argued that the opposite can be treated by the opposite, with an increased cholesterol level, one should eat a small slice of fat every day - the normalization of cholesterol deposits is guaranteed.

The beneficial properties of fat are enhanced when used with, a well-known cholesterol fighter.

Salo is a source of valuable acids: palmitic, oleic, linoleic, linolenic and stearic. A high concentration of components enhances the biological activity of lard 5 times compared to butter. Lecithin has a beneficial effect on blood vessels and cell membranes, strengthens them and makes them elastic.

The harm of fat

To get the most out of the lard in food, one must remember that moderate consumption of lard is a benefit. The harm of lard lies in the excessive enthusiasm for the product.

Daily rate

Fats are necessary for the body, but their proportion in the diet is small. The daily norm of an adult can be considered 9-12 g of fat, the maximum weekly portion is 100 g.

Best time to consume

The best time to consume lard is in the morning. In addition to nutrients, the body will receive a powerful energy supply. After all, the calorie content of fat is high - 770 calories per 100 g. The morning slice will also benefit those who suffer from disorders of the digestive tract. Lard enhances the flow of bile, which accumulates in the body overnight and helps to cleanse the body.

How to choose and store lard

The beneficial properties of lard are noticeable if you use an environmentally friendly product. Choose pure lard, soft and beautiful in appearance, without any veins, connective fibers, grown on natural feed without hormonal additives, pesticides and toxins, although the seller is unlikely to admit where the pig was raised and what it was fed.

Store lard in the refrigerator and do not consume stale food. The yellowed fat is harmful to the body, useful substances have oxidized in it and have lost their properties.

Animal fat is deposited under the skin, near the kidneys, in the abdominal cavity. Functionally, fat is considered as a nutritional reserve in the body of an animal organism, consisting mainly of triglycerides, contains a large amount of saturated fatty acid residues. Traditionally, lard with onions is a symbol of Ukrainian cuisine.

Since olden times, pork lard has occupied an honorable place in the menu of Ukrainians, and even nowadays lard is considered a national Ukrainian product. It is eaten salted, smoked, boiled and fried. And lard with black rye bread is better than any overseas delicacy.

Many consider lard to be unhealthy, but as folk wisdom says: "They get fat not from lard, but from its amount." If you eat a couple of pieces of lard on an empty stomach, you can quickly achieve a feeling of fullness. This will prevent you from overeating and you will be able to maintain a good figure. Nowadays, there are even weight loss diets based on moderate consumption of fat.

It is rare that a feast can do without lard. Needless to say, a great snack with vodka, moonshine or gorilochka. And the fat did not contribute to the rapid intoxication. So keep this in mind and eat a piece of bacon before drinking. This can save you from a severe hangover. This happens because fatty lard envelops the stomach and does not allow the drink with degrees to be quickly absorbed. Alcohol is absorbed later, gradually, already in the intestines. Alcohol, on the other hand, helps to digest fat faster and break it down into components.

Useful properties of lard

Lard is a high-calorie product that contains about 770 kcal per 100 grams. Therefore, it must be used with extreme caution and in moderation.

Lard is rich in fat-soluble vitamins, and, most importantly, it is not radioactive and does not contain carcinogens. Lard contains arachidonic acid, which is an unsaturated fat and is one of the essential fatty acids. Arachidonic acid helps the body turn on the "immune response" when it encounters viruses and bacteria. Therefore, lard is recommended to be included in the winter diet.

German scientists even advise including 20-30 grams of lard daily, especially in diets for heart patients. Since arachidonic acid (related to the useful Omega-6 unsaturated fatty acids), is a part of cell membranes and is part of the enzymes of the heart muscle.

Lard also contains many other valuable fatty acids that are involved in the construction of cells in the body, and also play an important role in the formation of hormones and cholesterol metabolism. They bind and remove toxins from the body. Moreover, in terms of the content of these acids, lard is ahead of butter.

It is in the fat in the optimal, well-absorbed form that selenium is contained, which is a powerful antioxidant. According to the Institute of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, 80% of Russians are deficient in this substance. And for athletes, nursing mothers, pregnant women and smokers, this trace element is simply vital. By the way, garlic, which is often consumed with lard, also contains a large amount of selenium.

Nutritionists recommend eating lard with a salad of raw vegetables seasoned with unrefined sunflower oil and natural vinegar (apple or grape), which is a powerful antioxidant.

A piece of bacon is a great "snack" during working hours. It is well absorbed, does not overload the liver and provides as much as 9 kcal of energy per 1 g of product. It is much healthier than even the most expensive sausage, bun or pies.

And in folk medicine, lard has long been considered an indispensable tool in the treatment of diseased joints. A good recipe: if you pulled your back in the country, or hurt your knee, but there are no painkillers, then tie a slice of cold salted bacon with a scarf to the sore spot.

Garlic lard gruel can be applied to an inflamed tooth as an emergency remedy. This will help draw out the pus and prevent inflammation from developing further.

Our great-grandmothers used lard extensively as a cosmetic product. So, on the basis of melted lard, face creams were made, which saved the skin in cold weather. The most common is sea buckthorn cream (sea buckthorn berries were pounded, poured with a small amount of boiling water and mixed with a small amount of melted bacon).

With the same melted lard (with the addition of garlic, eggs and herbal decoctions), they made strengthening hair masks, compresses for eyelashes and eyebrows. Dry skin of hands and lips was “treated” with the same remedy: a couple of drops of castor oil or beeswax (now you can add a couple of drops of vitamin A or E) were added to the melted lard and the lips were lubricated before leaving the house in windy and cold weather.

Dangerous properties of lard

First of all, this product is beneficial to the body only if consumed in small quantities. For an adult, 10-30 grams is enough. lard per day. Everything from above can be deposited as subcutaneous adipose tissue.

Since ancient times, people began to use lard. This product, having a very high nutritional value, promoted satiety and helped to survive the cold. Currently, lard is included in the diet of different peoples: Ukrainians, Russians, Belarusians, Finns, Greeks, French, Bulgarians, Hungarians and others. Therefore, the question of the benefits and harms of this product is very relevant for many.

Lard composition

Lard is a real calorie "bomb", as it almost entirely consists of saturated and unsaturated fatty acids. Its calorie content is 780 Kcal per 100 g. fresh product and 820 Kcal per 100 g of salted bacon. Besides, lard contains a large amount of nutrients:

Among other things, pork fat does not cause rejection and is well absorbed by the human body.

Why fat is useful

The benefits of fat for the human body are quite large. If strenuous physical or mental work is ahead, then there is no better "charger" to be found.

Cholesterol, which is contained in fat, is close in composition to "brain" cholesterol. Therefore, the use of this product promotes the regeneration of both brain tissue and nerve tissue.

Fatty acids, cholesterol and vitamins "A", "E", "D", which are contained in lard, improve the condition and protective properties of the skin, and also prevent its aging.

For a long time, nutritionists have argued that cholesterol, which is found in fat, promotes plaque formation and clogs blood vessels. Although this is not at all the case, since cholesterol cleans blood vessels, making them more elastic.

For the heart, fat is a panacea, and arachidonic acid is a kind of "building material". The high energy value of fat energizes our heart muscle organ.

The best snack for "intoxicating" drinks is lard, as it produces enzymes that envelop the stomach, break down alcohol and partially neutralize fusel oils of low-quality alcohol.

Fat improves intracellular metabolic processes, promotes the effective functioning of intercellular membranes, and also increases the efficiency of our internal "power plants" (cellular mitochondria).

By creating a slightly alkaline environment, pork fat inhibits pathological cells, which helps to prevent the occurrence of malignant tumors.

Among other things pork fat has the following useful and medicinal properties:

The use of pork fat is especially necessary during a decrease in immunity, but you should not overdo it. The dosage will depend on your age, activity and lifestyle.

The benefits of bacon for everyone


The high calorie content of pork fat is not particularly scary for men, since they are subject to great sports and physical activity that burns excess fat.

Nutritionists recommend that men stock up on this useful product for travel, extreme sports or hunting. Especially lard can be stored for a long time without a refrigerator and it is much healthier than canned food and sausage. In addition, the feeling of satiety this product creates relieves stress on the body when consumed in moderation.

Selenium, which is contained in fat, is called the "mineral of male potency." In addition, it contributes to the prevention of cancer.

Before actively using this product, it is necessary to consult with the appropriate doctor, who will select the necessary dosage for each, based on the physical characteristics and state of health of the individual.


The benefits of fat for a woman's body are beyond doubt. But in the pursuit of lean food, many women forget that fat contains vitamins "A" and "E", which are necessary for beautiful and healthy skin. After all, even a small amount of fat in the diet slows down the appearance of hated wrinkles on the face.

For women, fat is also useful because beneficial acids (arachidonic and others) cleanse the skin, liver, kidneys, and also eliminate inflammation and constrict blood vessels. This cleansing of the body is especially beneficial for teenage girls, as its use reduces inflammation and keeps the skin clean.


Fat helps to restore damaged brain cells and cleanses blood vessels, thereby reducing the risk of stroke and heart attack, preventing brain atrophy. In addition fat is able to prolong the youthfulness of the skin.


Children under 12 years old can consume up to 15 grams of lard per day. For older schoolchildren, during the period of their active formation, the need for nutrients (biologically significant elements) increases significantly, so the daily intake of this product should be about 50 grams. During this period, the mental and physical overload of adolescents is very great, since study takes a lot of energy, and healthy fat is simply necessary for the young generation.

If you use lard according to certain rules and dosages, then it helps to lose weight.

You need to eat unsalted bacon without bread and every day (in the morning and at lunchtime). The piece should have a weight of 20 to 25 grams. This method of weight loss is based on the fact that nutrients from lard help to increase the consumption of fat in the body, and after a few months the results will be noticeable.

It is important to consider the energy value of the eaten fat in the total mass of consumed products. It should be remembered that weight loss will occur only when the energy consumption exceeds its receipt. Lard is only a stimulator of the consumption process.

Cosmetic properties

Lard has long been used as an ingredient in home cosmetics. Here are some simple recipes:

  • On the basis of melted bacon, face creams are made that save the skin in severe frosts. The most popular is sea buckthorn cream. To make it, crush the sea buckthorn berries, add a small amount of melted bacon, add boiling water and mix well.
  • Melted fat with the addition of garlic, eggs and herbal decoctions is used to strengthen hair.
  • This oily product is also used to treat dry skin on the lips. To do this, a few drops of castor oil or beeswax are added to the melted pork fat (castor oil can be replaced with liquid vitamin "A" or "E"). The cream is applied to the lips just before going outside in frosty or windy weather.

Harm to the body

The high calorie content of bacon is considered to be its big disadvantage. If you use it uncontrollably, then the kidneys can become overgrown with fat, which will be quite sad. To prevent this from happening, you need to eat no more than 30 grams of this high-calorie product per day.

You should also focus on low-quality fat, since a spoiled product is a breeding ground for deadly microorganisms and can even lead to death.

Heat treatment makes pork fat a carcinogen, which is why pork rinds are considered harmful.

Lard from animals that were kept on antibiotics is also not recommended.

Loose internal fat cannot be called dangerous, but it is better to exclude it from your diet.

Fat treated with liquid smoke is a rather dangerous product, since it is soaked in a chemical that it also becomes a poison for the body. Do not be fooled by the appetizing appearance of such a product and give it up, even if you really want to.

Which lard is healthier

Salted bacon retains all the nutrients. When this product is cooked, some biologically active substances are destroyed, and accordingly, minerals, acids and vitamins in their original composition will no longer enter the body.

Smoked bacon loses many useful properties during processing. Even with light smoking, some valuable components lose their useful qualities. Although, if properly processed at home, without liquid smoke and other chemical additives, this is not so critical.

Contraindications to use

There are a number of diseases in which the use of fat is contraindicated. Such ailments include:

  • Severe gastrointestinal diseases.
  • Violation of cholesterol metabolism.
  • Severe kidney and liver diseases.
  • Excess weight.

Lard and traditional medicine

Lard has found wide application in folk medicine. It is often more effective as a topical agent than various proprietary ointments:

Lard is a valuable product that serves the body as an efficient high-energy fuel. But this is not only its great benefit, but also the main danger, since a modern person spends much less energy than he receives with food. Therefore, you need to control the consumption of fat, not giving up on it completely. Then health and youth will be preserved for many years to come.

Attention, only TODAY!

Until 100 years ago, the health benefits of lard were evident to most people living in countries where pork is eaten. They did not think about his harm, and did not know.

But in the middle of the twentieth century, the world was swept by a phobia of saturated fats of animal origin, which was inspired by the erroneous hypothesis that the consumption of these compounds is at the root of many serious diseases. Mostly atherosclerosis.

By now, this hypothesis has been disproved. And everything gradually began to return to normal. People again remembered that lard has not only harm, but also benefit.

Why is this so?


  1. Monounsaturated fatty acids account for 50% of the fat in lard. Basically on oleic acid - the very compound, the presence of which is explained.
  2. About 3% of fats is palmitoleic acid, which is also monounsaturated and has the most powerful antimicrobial properties of all fatty acids.
  3. Another 40% of the fat in lard is saturated fat. The very ones that were not so long ago it was customary to fear. However, according to modern scientific concepts, the consumption of these compounds is in no way associated with an increase in the risk of developing atherosclerosis.

But it is precisely due to the presence of saturated acids in the composition that the fat slowly goes rancid.

Another useful compound in the composition of the product is phosphatidylcholine, which is a powerful antioxidant, the activity of which is comparable to that of vitamin E.

In addition, the fat of free-range pigs contains a fairly large amount that is difficult to find in food. Unfortunately, the bulk of industrially produced pork is devoid of this vitamin.

Beneficial features

Pork lard is a source of healthy fats, which are essential for:

increasing the level of high density lipoproteins ("good" cholesterol) and, thanks to this, for the prevention of heart and vascular diseases;

  • synthesis of hormones;
  • proper brain function;
  • assimilation of fat-soluble vitamins - A, E, K, D;
  • maintaining high immunity and the integrity of cell membranes.

Can I eat while losing weight?

It is possible and even necessary. And that's why.

This product saturates quickly. Significantly faster than carbohydrates. In this case, the feeling of fullness lasts longer. And this ultimately makes it possible to reduce the number of calories consumed per day.

The amount of salt in lard is not so great that it could go beyond the concept of "adequacy of use." In addition, most of it is usually concentrated on the surface and can be easily removed.

Other potentially harmful compounds

It is known to be in production.

Cooking lard is usually healthier. Even if it was prepared industrially. Since many not the most useful substances are used for processing meat, not fat.

In a homemade product, no additional harmful substances should be present at all, except for salt and spices.

Polyunsaturated fatty acids

Polyunsaturated fatty acids in lard account for 10%. These are mainly omega-6 compounds.

Is it harmful?

Today, health problems in many people are associated with the fact that they overuse vegetable fats, which are abundant in omega-6 acids. For example, it is cooked with sunflower or corn oil.

Excessive intake of omega-6 fats into the body leads to. And this negatively affects the overall health.

Therefore, for those people who consume omega-6 acids in very large quantities, their additional introduction along with lard is undesirable.

But if you cook with those oils that practically do not contain omega-6, for example, in coconut or ghee, and use vegetable oils in moderation for dressing salads, then omega-6 compounds from a pork product are not at all dangerous for you.


Despite the fact that most of the stories about the harm of fat are only rumors, there are still contraindications for use.

This is obesity. Lard can be eaten by those who wish to lose weight. But not for those diagnosed with genuine obesity.

Another contraindication is problems with the absorption of fats, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, for example, chronic cholecystitis.

How to use it correctly?

  • The main condition for the healthy use of lard is moderation. Yes, this product is useful. But it does not apply to the kind of food that can be eaten uncontrollably throughout the day. There are no exact "dosages" for this food product. Therefore, including it in your diet, just remember that 100 grams contains from 500 to 900 kcal.
  • Healthy fat is a substitute for carbohydrates. And not an addition to them. Therefore, try not to combine lard with bread, potatoes. Instead, combine it with vegetables, protein foods. An excellent use is scrambled eggs fried in lard or bacon. Some nutritionists recommend starting the day with this meal. Since it is able from the very morning to charge the body to work on fats, not on carbohydrates.
  • Remove excess salt and pepper.
  • Pork fat is one of those. Don't forget this.
  • Try to use less smoked versions of the product. Since during smoking, many carcinogenic substances penetrate into the fat. Therefore, if you still prefer smoked options, then eat those that are prepared using liquid smoke. Since there are still less carcinogens in this flavoring agent than in the smoke coming from a fire.
  • Salt the salted lard yourself. So you are guaranteed to protect yourself from the ingestion of various additional compounds (flavors, preservatives) that can be harmful to your health.

Pork lard: benefits and harms to the body. conclusions

The product consists of fats useful for human health. These are monounsaturated acids (the same ones that are present in olive oil) and saturated fats, which are absolutely necessary for the normal functioning of the body.

The benefits of lard include the ability to maintain proper hormonal status, improve brain function and immunity, and even help prevent cardiovascular ailments.

Harm can only be with excessively abundant inclusion in the diet. With moderate consumption, fat is useful even for those who are losing weight. The main thing is not to combine it with easily digestible carbohydrates.

Lard is in demand not only in Ukraine. It is loved, prepared and eaten by many nations. Doctors are endlessly arguing about the advisability of using lard, and their doubts are not groundless.

Product types. The composition of fat, its calorie content and beneficial properties

The beneficial properties of lard, according to recent studies, dominate over its harmful properties. It is absorbed much better than meat. And it gives much more energy to the body. The composition of the fat is complex and interesting. It does not contain carbohydrates, at least in the usual sense, but there is a lot of fat - 89 grams. The protein in lard is much less, just 2.4 grams. The above values ​​are calculated per 100 grams of product.

The calorie content of fat has the following ratio: there are almost 800 calories per 100 grams of this mass. Usually, lard is consumed salted or smoked. Consider the substances that make up salted lard:

- fat-soluble vitamins. These are vitamins of groups A, D, F, E, PP, B, C. Such a vitamin extravaganza is rarely found in one product. Lard does not undergo thermal treatments during cooking, which means that it retains its vitamin composition almost completely;

- trace elements. Phosphorus, zinc, copper, potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium - this is an incomplete list of fat rich in natural minerals. This composition makes the product indispensable for people living in harsh natural conditions;

- antioxidants. Selenium, lecithin, carotene are ranked among them in fat. These substances have other useful properties as well;

- fatty acid. The fat contains linoleic, oleic, arachidonic, palmitic, stearic and linolenic acids. Such a set is regarded by doctors as ideal.

The health benefits of fat lie in its special properties. All of the above antioxidants improve vision, make the walls of blood vessels more elastic. Fatty acids significantly increase the efficiency of the brain, promote hematopoiesis, as well as tissue repair. After all, fat is used not only internally, but also rubbed with it on the affected skin, bleeding gums.

Other substances and trace elements strengthen the general tone of the body, raise immunity. Fats envelop the stomach walls, creating comfortable conditions for digestion there. But fat is not useful for people with excess weight and certain conditions of the body.

However, consuming too much lard can markedly raise cholesterol levels. But, if you use it in moderation, and mainly before lunch, then these risks become minimal.

A unique product. The benefits of fat for the body

Salo, the benefits of which have been known for a long time, is popular both among residents of the Far North and among the inhabitants of the metropolis. And if in the cold winter and short summer, the issue of using lard becomes vital. For southerners, bacon is another product, the benefits of which are incredibly great.

The benefits of fat for the body are directly related to its healing properties. Lard helps to improve well-being in the following diseases:

- joint pain;

- eczema;

- mastitis;

- regular toothaches;

- headache;

- "spurs" on the legs;

- low immunity;

- hormonal disorders;

- heart diseases;

- diseases of the kidneys, adrenal glands.

Of course, the benefits of lard do not negate the use of drugs in the treatment of these diseases. But excluding it from the diet leads to a critical lowering of cholesterol. Due to the effect on hormonal levels, the product relieves pain on special women's days. Reduces the development of fibroids and even cancer.

The terrible word "cholesterol" is actually a substance useful to the body. It is part of tissues and membranes. And the fat maintains its level at an optimal level. Previously, the product was notorious for those who suffered from heart disease. Today, thanks to scientific research, fat has been rehabilitated.

Fat binds radionuclides. Removes toxins and bile from the body. In the conditions of total irradiation with devices and industries, this property of fat becomes very relevant. One of the best recipes for raising immunity is lard with garlic and spices.

Lard is a good dietary solution for those looking to supplement drug therapy with a natural remedy. The rich composition of the product makes it an irreplaceable assistant in the fight against many ailments.

Is there any harm from lard? Special cases

The harm from fat occurs in cases where a person has problems with high cholesterol, as well as diseases that develop as a result.

In moderation, only benefits can be obtained from lard. But this is only in cases where the person does not have specific allergies. For animal protein, for example, or for other components of fat. In general, lard is not an "allergenic" product, its tolerance by the body is very high.

There are a number of diseases in which the use of this product is not desirable. Let's consider them in more detail:

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;

Atherosclerosis and other heart disorders;

Obesity, both children and adults;

Diseases of the gallbladder and liver.

Lard is a fatty product that actively affects metabolism. It should not be consumed in large quantities after surgery, as well as immediately after recovery from serious illnesses.

Harm and benefits of fat for pregnant and lactating women. Difficult aspects

The harm of fat for pregnant women is obvious. Although this product is rich in all kinds of useful substances, it gives pregnant women an extra burden on the liver and blood vessels. Lard can contribute to excess weight gain during pregnancy.

In addition, toxicosis can begin from lard, because it is too fatty and saturated. But in small doses with long intervals in use, this product can enrich the body of a pregnant woman with vitamins and microelements.

Nursing mothers should still temporarily give up fat. Children may have problems with dysbiosis and allergies if the mother consumes a lot of fat. Bloating baby bellies is not a pleasant problem. And fat can provoke it.

It is perfectly processed by the body, but its substances penetrate into breast milk. Therefore, they can affect children's metabolism.

Is fat good or bad? Baby food

In infancy, fat is not the best thing that can be included in a child's complementary foods. Options are available for ages three and older. If the child does not suffer from liver diseases, gastrointestinal tract, or metabolic disorders, then fat is just a godsend for him.

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