Taurus m. Restraint is one of the characteristic traits of the Taurus man. Taurus Man's Attitude to Love, Sex, Marriage and Family

Taurus is the first sign of the earth element in the zodiac circle. Therefore, for a Taurus man, the characteristic of the sign so clearly reflects the connection with the earth. In the literal sense, the earth and everything connected with it is a source of strength and inspiration. A garden, a dacha, and the like for a representative of this sign is not hard work, but an opportunity to recharge with energy. In a figurative sense, land implies a certain mundaneness, even primitiveness of desires, the main ones of which are safety, food and comfortable living.


The Taurus man has a difficult character. Calmness is its main component. In addition to it, there is perseverance, thanks to which the Taurus man achieves success in almost all of his endeavors, be it study, a career as an office worker, or promoting his own business. Noble, mature, responsible, balanced - a representative of this sign has many good qualities. But there are also disadvantages: slowness, conservatism and stubbornness.


The Taurus man is open and honest in love. He is an incorrigible romantic, Lancelot, ready to perform a feat for the sake of his Guinevere. The Taurus man treats his chosen one with great trepidation, especially if she reciprocates his feelings. Flowers, gifts, tender kisses - a representative of this sign knows how to look after beautifully, especially a woman whom he had been eyeing for a long time before realizing that she was his destiny.


It will take a woman some time to understand what kind of Taurus man is in marriage, because he needs time to make a decision. His candy-bouquet period usually drags on, but Taurus should not be rushed or pushed. Having realized that they are trying to lead him, an always calm and balanced man will go berserk and will resemble a bull rushing towards a red rag, sweeping away everything in its path. It’s better to enjoy romance while you have the opportunity, because marriage with a representative of this zodiac sign is a little boring, monotonous, and ordinary. The Taurus man does not like to change himself and change his way of life. Manifestations of love in marriage will not be flowers and words, but actions and the tenderness of intimate relationships.

Intimate relationships

Secretive and withdrawn in everyday life, the Taurus man transforms in intimate relationships. In sex, like nowhere else, sensuality is manifested, characteristic only of representatives of this zodiac sign. An insatiable, gentle and patient lover who also loves to experiment. Surprisingly, the conservative Taurus views lovemaking as an art and knows how to give pleasure to his partner. By the way, such a man will not live with a woman who constantly has a headache. Divorce may be painful for a Taurus man, but life without sex is a hundred times more painful.


For a Taurus man, family is of great importance. He does not like large and noisy companies, communicating with unfamiliar people and visiting people. The best vacation, in his opinion, is time spent with family or close friends in a cozy and familiar home environment. A woman who is next to a Taurus man will also have to stop loving parties, but the game is worth the candle. In return, she will find a faithful, thrifty and generous husband who will not skimp on new clothes or expensive perfume for his beloved wife. And all this against the backdrop of financial stability, reliability, and confidence in the future, which the Taurus man guarantees to his companion.

Compatibility horoscope: Taurus zodiac sign man characteristics cons - the most complete description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

Every person has both innate and acquired character traits. Some of them will be associated with the environment and social status, others are assumed to be the zodiac sign under which the person is born. Let's consider the character of Taurus according to the horoscope and its pros and cons.

What is the character of Taurus according to the horoscope?

First of all, it should be noted that representatives of this sign are usually considered friendly and good-natured people. But if their patience is tested for too long, Taurus can become angry to such an extent that they become indomitable and uncontrollable.

The main advantages of Taurus are naturalness, reliability, innate charm and sensuality, passion for everything beautiful, loyalty and tenderness, ease of communication and balance. They also have courage and determination, practicality, a sharp mind and hard work. Taurus is also characterized by an analytical mind, a well-developed intellect, as well as a good memory and commitment to fulfilling its promises.

The main negative aspects of their character include extreme conservatism and slowness, stubbornness and a materialistic attitude to life. In addition, Taurus are domineering, jealous, adamant in their opinions and have the psychology of owners.

Taurus is usually peaceful and patient by nature. The need for harmony makes them put up with a lot, but it’s terrible when their patience comes to an end. Taurus do not like arguments, especially in a raised tone, and cannot stand a disharmonious life.

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The element of Earth gives Taurus practicality, strength, perseverance and patience. Those born under this sign know exactly what they want and work purposefully to achieve it.

At the same time, they spare no effort and do not rely on fluke or luck. In the vast majority of cases, all efforts are not in vain, but allow Taurus to achieve a lot, become wealthy and authoritative people in society.

Characteristics of Taurus

According to the horoscope, the main character traits of Taurus include practicality and the ability to translate ideas from the spiritual sphere into the material sphere. Their activities are always aimed at building, creating and strengthening, and their actions are always guided by common sense. Suggests a Taurus character and emotional stability and balance.

They are materialists and pragmatists, for whom pleasure, prosperity and comfort are above all. It is also worth noting that on the path to well-being and prosperity, Taurus are able to overcome any obstacles, but their goal is not greed and a passion for hoarding. The main thing for them is the need for a feeling of calm and comfort.

Objectivity is important for Taurus, they do not like to think, are less religious than other zodiac signs, have excellent memory, and keep their word. They annoy themselves and others with their indecisiveness and unwillingness to deal with a changing situation. They should overcome the idea that the whole world revolves around them and should learn loyalty.

They are secretive when it comes to their personal affairs, even if they are talkative. Generous, but at the same time greedy, owners. It is necessary to learn the correct balance: “give and take.” Taurus is characterized by common sense, simplicity, and pragmatic intellectuality. Taurus' feelings are sharper than other signs.

Most of Taurus's energy is spent on gaining control over all situations in his life. He believes that material well-being will provide him with a secure existence, which in turn means happiness. His possessiveness is opposed to the considerable effort he makes to make life comfortable for his loved ones.

His naturally generous nature is admirable and he should develop a sense of pride in this regard. He also tries to overly control all those around him, not so much for the sake of the power that this gives him, but for the sake of their own interests.

He should not invest his emotions in people who are not truly worthy of his trust. He must understand that everyone must develop a sense of his own interests and learn to act for them without outside help.

Taurus in family life

The positive qualities of Taurus as life partners include the fact that they:

– they adore home and always dream of their own nest, value comfort and enjoy familiar surroundings;

– very patient, rarely restless, nervous, cruel or vindictive, have an excellent sense of humor, devoted to their family and friendly;

– do not limit the rights of their spouses, respects them, are reliable and faithful, and very rarely get divorced;

- perfection for their children, they enjoy authority with them, although they demand discipline;

– attentive to the needs of the family and rarely spare money on them, but they also think about the future.

As for the negative aspects of Taurus in the family, they include the fact that they:

– stubborn as much as possible, but they consider themselves to be patient and have a strong character;

– can be a little boring due to their silence and reserve, love flattery and indulgence, and sometimes become indifferent and selfish;

– they are not always able to take advantage of favorable situations, they are embarrassed and depressed by changes in the situation, and they regard repairs as a feat on their part;

– sometimes their needs and desires can only be of a practical nature, which does not have the best effect on their relationship with their partner.

The character of the Taurus sign and its features are interesting. Those born under the sign of Taurus are considered to be very lucky. Gifted with the energy of Venus, the mistress of harmony, beauty, love and prosperity, they are simply created to be successful. And the nature of such a person allows him to succeed in almost everything: in finance, knowledge, spiritual values, in love and in friends.

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What Taurus needs to learn to become happy

1. Taurus spends most of his energy on taking control of all situations that happen to him. He considers material well-being to be the key to a safe existence and happiness. But at the same time, he makes a lot of efforts not only for his own sake, but also to improve the lives of his loved ones. His generous nature is admirable and he should develop a sense of pride in this regard.

2. He tries to control everyone who surrounds him, and not so much for the sake of power as for the sake of their own interests. Taurus should not invest too much of his energy for the benefit of those who are truly not worthy of trust. He must understand that each person must independently develop a sense of personal interests and learn to act independently.

3. Taurus' determination to live without making mistakes often leads to failure and fear that they do not meet the chosen criteria. Therefore, every Taurus needs to learn to free themselves from self-doubt.

The dual influence of Venus and the Moon causes sensitivity and sentimentality, which gives Taurus a calm and confident taste. He loves discreet but well-tailored clothes, rich silks and wool, leaving the right to extravagance to Aries. Does not like necklaces, stiff collars and ties, loves perfume with a delicate scent. Keeps clothes for a short time, turns to the same style if he thinks it suits him.

They trust their perception, their inner conviction, based more on feelings than on inference. By nature, Taurus are cautious observers, preferring to look ahead again before taking a step.

Pros and cons of Taurus

Such a fiery zodiac sign as Taurus, like any other sign of the zodiac system, has its own advantages and disadvantages of character. In general, Taurus can be characterized as kind, intelligent people who in all their affairs and endeavors use only their own energy and strength and are always ready to give their all for the material well-being of themselves and their family. In order to find complete mutual understanding with Taurus, it is necessary to search for a very long time for an individual approach to each of them. However, if a person still manages to earn the trust of a Taurus, one can be guaranteed to be confident in the loyalty and sincerity of the representatives of this sign.

Characteristic advantages and advantages of Taurus

Before talking about the positive qualities of Taurus, it is worth noting that representatives of this sign are precise and straightforward in nature. That is why, if a Taurus fleetingly offended his interlocutor with a word or deed, this will not at all indicate that he really wanted to infringe on the person or hurt him. The positive qualities of Taurus include:

- Incredible tenacity. Having taken on any task, regardless of its complexity, Taurus will try to finish what they started with the best results. Moreover, it is worth noting that not one other zodiac sign has as much perseverance as Taurus.

- Friendliness, warmth. If the conversation and communication in general proceeds in gentle and good-natured tones, Taurus may seem quite friendly and grateful people.

– Abilities for art and creative activity. Some of the creative abilities and talents of Taurus were given to representatives of this sign mostly by nature. However, if Taurus develops creative inclinations, they can reach the highest peaks.

– Having passion, strong desire. It is worth noting that Taurus are the most passionate and impetuous representatives of the entire zodiac system. Very often, Taurus are passionate and insatiable lovers.

– The desire to live in the present day. Taurus are quite realistic natures; they always perceive things, and the world as a whole, exactly as it is, without unnecessary illusions, fantasies and romanticism.

- Pleasant appearance, attractiveness. In general, Taurus have a special original appearance, but not pronounced beauty. Due to the fact that representatives of this sign know how to win people over, they can seem to others much more beautiful and attractive than they really are.

– Love to give and give more than receive. It is worth emphasizing that Taurus do not like to exchange words and flatter their partners. Instead of beautiful words, representatives of this sign, especially men, like to give expensive gifts.

– The presence of a strong flow of vital energy. Considering the fact that Taurus very rarely waste energy in the wrong direction, Taurus are always ready to give all their strength and vital resources for the main and most important life matters and obligations.

– Love of tenderness and caresses. It is worth noting that, despite the fact that Taurus people do not like to express their real emotions verbally, Taurus people are very sensitive and grateful to caresses and gentle touches.

– Love for family, marital duty. Taurus, in most cases, are monogamous, so if a Taurus truly loves, his significant other can have no doubt about the loyalty and dedication of his partner.

Negative qualities of Taurus

One of the main negative qualities of Taurus is their temper and desire to tear apart everyone and everything in fits of rage and anger. However, in order for Taurus people to show their aggression, they need to be provoked, angered and irritated for a very long time. Other negative qualities of a Taurus include:

– Too much concentration on earning money. In some cases, Taurus people can place material well-being much higher than mental well-being. However, this quality can be explained by the fact that Taurus are realistic people who only know a lot about what they do themselves.

– Dependence on comfort. In order for Taurus to feel at ease, they need to completely equip the apartment for themselves. In the house, Taurus should have only the most modern equipment and furniture, which they are always happy to earn money for themselves.

– The desire to hide your success from people. Quite often, in an unfamiliar or friendly social circle, Taurus tries to present themselves as a lazy person who only talks about their desires and does not move towards their translation into reality.

– Lack of desire to give compliments. Due to their nature, Taurus will not talk about how a person looks, even if his interlocutor looks really good.

– Stubbornness and loss of interest. In the event that the efforts of Taurus are not compensated by returns and material gains, very quickly representatives of this sign will lose any interest in a futile business.

Despite all the advantages and disadvantages of Taurus, it is possible to find an approach and pacify every representative of this sign. However, if Taurus is disturbed, tried to lead and reproached for something, then they will be able to fully demonstrate their true ardent essence.

Zodiac horoscope for Taurus

Symbol: bull (winged), cow (winged)

Flowers: lily of the valley, lilac

Talisman: owl, golden calf

Happy days: Monday, Friday

Unlucky day: Tuesday

Lucky numbers: 2, 4, 16 and all numbers divisible by 6

General characteristics of the sign

The ruling planet of Taurus, Venus, has a strong influence on him. The typical Taurus is a warm, friendly, gentle and passionate person, although you wouldn't be able to tell from the outside. The Ox is a fairly accurate symbol of this sign; to achieve its goals, Taurus uses mainly strength and perseverance. Taurus are often kind and meek people, with soft character traits, but in no case should you tease them: Taurus is very difficult to anger, but if you manage to do this, angry, they begin to destroy everything around them.

Most Taurus are true connoisseurs of music and art, and are especially attracted to the beauty of the human body. As a rule, Taurus are passionate and tireless lovers, surpassing other signs of the Zodiac in their insatiability; they have such a large supply of vitality that sexual intercourse for them is something like a sedative, allowing them to lose excess strength and relax.

Taurus are pragmatic and very materialistic, they often plunge headlong into things that bring money, but, nevertheless, do not allow them to take power over them. People of this sign really love and value their own comfort, and whenever possible they try to surround themselves with modern devices that make their life and the life of their loved ones easier. Taurus know well the price of things, and what is more important, they are able to choose among all the things those that are of the highest quality and perhaps even cheaper than their counterparts. The ruling planet of Taurus, Venus, brings him happiness and success, endowing him with a charm that attracts the whole world to him.

Often Taurus develops a certain tendency towards complacency and laziness; they seem to say: “I can achieve everything, but I don’t want to.” And in general, this is not bragging - Taurus can really move mountains and achieve anything he wants, but usually this only manifests itself in the satisfaction of realizing his capabilities. This quality is sometimes strongly manifested in the lack of demonstrativeness of his feelings - Taurus does not have the habit of saying compliments or simply pleasant words to their lovers. Most people of this sign successfully replace poetic speeches (although many of them have a fair gift for poetry) with expensive gifts. Taurus should remember that although they are loved and grateful for this, they nevertheless need to learn to express their feelings in a more sensual way.

Taurus have a huge supply of vitality, but they rarely spend it on things that are impractical from their point of view. Every effort they expend must be rewarded, otherwise Taurus will become upset and completely lose interest in this matter. But nevertheless, if Taurus seriously begins to do something, nothing can stop him. Although Taurus may have difficulty understanding others, they are generally a positive sign. People of this sign are very friendly, although they can be a little boring due to their reserved and silent nature.

Decades of the sign

First decade: from April 21st to May 1st. Taurus born in this decade is ruled by Mercury. Thanks to his influence, Taurus of this decade have great mental abilities and a penchant for commercial and agricultural enterprises. However, they are often prone to melancholy.

Second decade: from May 2nd to May 11th. Indecisive romantics, born under the auspices of the Moon, tend to dream. They are noble, but indecisive, and this often interferes with their life. Their interests are often literature and, oddly enough, politics.

Third decade: 12th - 21st May. During this period, misanthropes and pessimists are born who avoid material difficulties. Their patron planet is Saturn. Because of his influence, Taurus of this decade become uncommunicative, they are prone to despondency, are afraid of poverty and love loneliness.

Sign colors

Taurus are very diverse people. Usually they have many different talents - the ability to music, drawing, acting. Taurus has everything to succeed in life - in addition to talent, they also have remarkable endurance and the ability to endure stress. Deep down, the main thing for many representatives of this sign is a calm and quiet family life. Taurus tries to find their cozy nest and bring there the person with whom they want to live their whole lives.

The best choice for Taurus is blue. It seems to emphasize all your best qualities - calmness, patience, sincerity and loyalty. It is the blue color that will bring you good luck in all matters, at work and at home. Try to bring it into clothing and interior items.

The patron saint of all Taurus is the planet Venus. It is she who bestows on all those whom she cares about such qualities as kindness, peacefulness, and friendliness. The best way to emphasize these qualities is with the color pink. You can use red, but it is too aggressive. But pink will be just right, it will help you find comfort and tranquility, reliable friends in life.

Two more lucky colors for Taurus are green and yellow. They help prevent laziness, apathy and depression. They also help direct the efforts and energy of Taurus in a useful direction.

Taurus Stones

Useful stones for Taurus: agate lifts the mood and adds confidence; sapphire pacifies temperament and calms; aventurine brings good luck in business and love; emerald improves relationships with others; chalcedony makes the character of Taurus more positive and purposeful; quartz suppresses negativity associated with love affairs and, finally, turquoise protects against temptation and betrayal. You can read more about useful and dangerous stones on the Taurus stones page.

Pros of the sign

Taurus is a rather peace-loving person, even in our time, when everyone strives to surpass others no matter the cost. Thanks to their inner strength and ability to concentrate on something specific, they easily achieve success. Taurus often succeed in those matters that require considerable perseverance and time. They often come up with ideas that seem quite small at first, but soon turn into grandiose projects. Taurus are very faithful and somewhat conservative people; once married, they rarely get divorced. People of this zodiac sign are faithful to their loved one in everything. Relationships with Taurus are reminiscent of a calm river with a smooth flow - no shocks, nerves or troubles are expected. People born under the sign of Taurus are ideal for marriage and long-term relationships.

Cons of the sign

The main disadvantages of Taurus are strong stubbornness, some indifference and selfishness, but their main drawback is constant indulgence of their own weaknesses and desires. There is another drawback: excessive caution - if people of this sign do not succeed in something, then this is mainly due to their lack of self-confidence and inability to take advantage of the opportunity in time. In personal relationships, Taurus is often let down by a certain lack of emotion; they must show more attention to their partner if they want to keep him. Women of this sign love to talk, and men are sometimes forced to listen to them all the time. As for Taurus men, they are very fond of flattery - their partners are sometimes forced to literally force themselves to come up with something that will please their ears. Taurus are often intolerant of other people's criticism when it directly concerns them or affects something important.

Zodiac sign Taurus (male): characteristics, compatibility

Zodiac sign Taurus man is a very interesting person with a unique character. He has a lot of his own personal characteristics, which sometimes seem strange to some people. But not all representatives of the sign have equally extraordinary characters. It all depends on the decade in which the person was born.

Taurus of the first decade

So, these individuals were born between April 20th and April 30th. Taurus born during this time period have all the characteristics of this zodiac sign in their purest form. These are individuals whose interests are aimed at the material world. In principle, any guy whose Zodiac sign is Taurus strives for wealth. A man born in this decade is distinguished by business acumen and always tries to make a profit, no matter what it concerns. Material wealth is very important to them. Plus, coziness and comfort in their home matters. Although, to be honest, they begin to improve their lives after twenty years. Before this, they prefer to have fun and have fun to the fullest, without thinking about the future. And then they begin to combine business with pleasure, like all normal people.

Taurus of the second decade

These people were born between the first and tenth of May. An intellectual mindset, a rather stingy emotional component and a not entirely stable mood - this is what can be said about a guy whose Zodiac sign is Taurus. A man born during this period seems to pass all his feelings through the brain. His goals often change, as do his priorities, but he always tries to fulfill them. These are quite talented people who can succeed in almost all areas, from literature to law.

Taurus born at the end of the month

From May 11 to May 20, people whose Zodiac sign is Taurus are also born. A man born these days is distinguished by restraint and a strict, rational character. He is very ambitious, but only in terms of his career, and is very stingy with emotions. Of all Taurus, they are the most reserved and reasonable. They think exclusively with their heads: they don’t trust their feelings. They make excellent careerists, and let’s face it, that’s what they need.

Relationships and Zodiac sign

The Taurus man, whose characteristics are quite rich and original, is a very passionate lover and devoted partner. He takes relationships very seriously. Taurus do not change girls like gloves, they are looking for the one and only one with whom they would like to spend their whole life. By the way, they have a very well developed instinct in this regard. Even if there is a chance to start a relationship with an insanely beautiful girl, if they have a bad feeling, they will not take it.

They give themselves completely to relationships, without reserve, and demand the same in return. It is important for them that the chosen one belongs entirely to him. Such is the zodiac sign Taurus. A man whose characteristics tell about the different qualities of this person is very jealous. Sometimes he goes too far because of his principle. Jealousy manifests itself especially strongly at the beginning of a relationship. But then he begins to trust his chosen one and becomes calmer. She just needs to endure this period and, of course, not give reasons for jealousy. Although sometimes such attacks happen for no reason.

Taurus as a personality

So, the first thing to say about these guys is that they are reliable. And also faithful. They make wonderful friends who will come to the rescue at any time of the day, good caring husbands and, of course, business partners.

It should be noted that these people have golden hands. They can fix almost anything: they have a lot of abilities. If they take on something that really interests them, success is guaranteed.

In ordinary friendly communication, Taurus seems to be the life of the party. He tells interesting stories, jokes, and has fun. And when necessary, he demonstrates his intellectual abilities, which one cannot help but be surprised by. Taurus will never shine with his knowledge just like that - he doesn’t need it. However, in those moments where it is necessary, it is mandatory. He will share his knowledge and tell you a lot of interesting things. Communication with this person is not only entertaining, it is also useful.

Zodiac sign Taurus man: compatibility with women

So, these guys have pretty sophisticated taste in girls. It is important for them that she is beautiful, kind, understanding, thrifty, faithful and, of course, loves him, believes him and tells him absolutely everything that happens to her. There are many demands, but they find their love. Zodiac signs suitable for a Taurus man are Libra, Pisces, Cancer and sometimes Scorpio. It is these girls who can tolerate the ambiguous nature of their chosen one, find a compromise and wait for harmony in the relationship. It will be difficult with the rest, especially with freedom-loving Aquarius, hot-tempered Aries and proud Lionesses.

This is a very interesting person with a unique character. He has a lot of his own personal characteristics, which sometimes seem strange to some people. But not all representatives of the sign have equally extraordinary characters. It all depends on the decade in which the person was born.

Taurus of the first decade

So, these individuals were born between April 20th and April 30th. Taurus born during this time period have all the characteristics of this zodiac sign in their purest form. These are individuals whose interests are aimed at the material world. In principle, any guy whose Zodiac sign is Taurus strives for wealth. A man born in this decade is distinguished by business acumen and always tries to make a profit, no matter what it concerns. Material wealth is very important to them. Plus, coziness and comfort in their home matters. Although, to be honest, they begin to improve their lives after twenty years. Before this, they prefer to have fun and have fun to the fullest, without thinking about the future. And then they begin to combine business with pleasure, like all normal people.

Taurus of the second decade

These people were born between the first and tenth of May. An intellectual mindset, a rather stingy emotional component and a not entirely stable mood - this is what can be said about a guy whose Zodiac sign is Taurus. A man born during this period seems to pass all his feelings through the brain. His goals often change, as do his priorities, but he always tries to fulfill them. These are quite talented people who can succeed in almost all areas, from literature to law.

Taurus born at the end of the month

From May 11 to May 20, people whose Zodiac sign is Taurus are also born. A man born these days is distinguished by restraint and a strict, rational character. He is very ambitious, but only in terms of his career, and is very stingy with emotions. Of all Taurus, they are the most reserved and reasonable. They think exclusively with their heads: they don’t trust their feelings. They make excellent careerists, and let’s face it, that’s what they need.

Relationships and Zodiac sign

The Taurus man, whose characteristics are quite rich and original, is a very passionate lover and devoted partner. He takes relationships very seriously. Taurus do not change girls like gloves, they are looking for the one and only one with whom they would like to spend their whole life. By the way, they have a very well developed instinct in this regard. Even if there is a chance to start a relationship with an insanely beautiful girl, if they have a bad feeling, they will not take it.
They give themselves completely to relationships, without reserve, and demand the same in return. It is important for them that the chosen one belongs entirely to him. Such is the zodiac sign Taurus. A man whose characteristics tell about the different qualities of this person is very jealous. Sometimes he goes too far because of his principle. Jealousy manifests itself especially strongly at the beginning of a relationship. But then he begins to trust his chosen one and becomes calmer. She just needs to endure this period and, of course, not give reasons for jealousy. Although sometimes such attacks happen for no reason.

Taurus as a personality

So, the first thing to say about these guys is that they are reliable. And also faithful. They make wonderful friends who will come to the rescue at any time of the day, good caring husbands and, of course, business partners.
It should be noted that these people have golden hands. They can fix almost anything: they have a lot of abilities. If they take on something that really interests them, success is guaranteed.

In ordinary friendly communication, Taurus seems to be the life of the party. He tells interesting stories, jokes, and has fun. And when necessary, he demonstrates his intellectual abilities, which one cannot help but be surprised by. Taurus will never shine with his knowledge just like that - he doesn’t need it. However, in those moments where it is necessary, it is mandatory. He will share his knowledge and tell you a lot of interesting things. Communication with this person is not only entertaining, it is also useful.

Zodiac sign Taurus man: compatibility with women

So, these guys have pretty sophisticated taste in girls. It is important for them that she is beautiful, kind, understanding, thrifty, faithful and, of course, loves him, believes him and tells him absolutely everything that happens to her. There are many demands, but they find their love. Zodiac signs suitable for a Taurus man are Libra, Pisces, Cancer and sometimes Scorpio. It is these girls who can tolerate the ambiguous nature of their chosen one, find a compromise and wait for harmony in the relationship. It will be difficult with the rest, especially with freedom-loving Aquarius, hot-tempered Aries and proud Lionesses.

About Taurus women

Well, finally, it’s worth saying a few words about the fair sex. The compatibility of the zodiac signs Taurus woman and Libra man is what is truly an ideal relationship. They have everything: passion, love, tenderness, mutual understanding. This is achieved, however, after some time, because first they need to get used to each other.

Compatibility horoscope: zodiac sign Taurus guy characteristics - the most complete description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

The Taurus man is slow and quite pedantic. He has an analytical mind and outwardly does not at all look like a person who can express his emotions.

But all these are just qualities that are noticed by everyone around him. At heart he is a true romantic who is looking for sincere and beautiful relationships.

A representative of this zodiac sign is in no hurry to choose a soul mate, and when he finds the one, he becomes the most attentive life partner. It is this man who remembers all significant dates and gives expensive gifts.

The character of a Taurus man is such that he is self-confident, calm and always achieves his goal. Despite the fact of independence, this man can be overly passive and stubborn.

Taurus man: characteristics

The Taurus zodiac sign man takes excellent care of his children, raising them with patience and love. He will not scold his child for a bad grade, but will begin to work with him in order to improve his knowledge.

Taurus is a representative of the earthly element, but this does not prevent him from being a romantic who will invite his soul mate to concerts, exhibitions, and sometimes take him out into nature.

The representative of this zodiac sign has a pedantic character and does not tolerate chaos in his home. His wife must be ready to always keep the house completely clean and cook well.

This man loves to give luxurious gifts, and if his lady can become his ideal and forgive him his little shortcomings, she will receive not only his attention and affection, but also financial wealth.

Character of a Taurus man

The Taurus man does not tolerate criticism and objections to his decisions. In his mind, a man should lead in a relationship, earn money, solve the most important issues, and his lady should agree with him in everything and not criticize him in any way.

Despite their calm nature, Taurus can become seriously angry and then can say a lot of offensive things. However, remember that his anger passes very quickly and then his conscience will begin to torment him.

Things will be worse if he himself is offended by his soul mate. Taurus can remember the insult for a very long time, and this residue will undoubtedly have a bad effect on future relationships.

If a lady wants to keep this man close, she must remain not only feminine and mysterious, but also delicate and tactful, because Taurus loves girls with a twist.

Taurus: characteristics and description

Find out all the most interesting things about Taurus. This information will help you succeed in your relationship with a representative of this sign, avoid quarrels and find common interests.

Taurus guy - characteristics

What are the characteristics of a Taurus guy? He tries to take everything he can from life and enjoy all earthly joys and pleasures, paying a reasonable price for it. “Money is the engine of everything!” - this is the motto of Taurus. And he learns this from early childhood, and then this knowledge will become his worldview. And usually he believes only in facts and things that can actually be touched, touched - and this includes love.

Taurus guy - his characteristics

The Taurus woman becomes his property and often turns into an inventory of love. The main hopes, goals and desires are money, property, land, a savings book, and often something intoxicating too.

A Taurus guy is unlike others - you can always tell by this quality: they tend to eat a lot. They love to eat very much. The love of food results in the fact that many Taurus people are chefs, restaurant owners or employees. The Taurus guy is a very charming, attentive and caring person, with a great sense of responsibility and duty.

In communication, he creates a feeling of reliability and strength, which he expects from others. He is gentle, affectionate, and sometimes sentimental. In family life he takes the position of leader. If you agree with him and do what he thinks is right, peace and harmony await you. But if he encounters your resistance, beware.

What is the character of a Taurus guy?

The cornerstone in his psyche is unshakable confidence in his manhood. He does not need confirmation of this either for himself or for others. He also does not feel the need to emphasize his masculinity through dubious methods, such as alcohol abuse, gambling, feigned rudeness and rigidity, lust for power and dominance.

Nature has awarded the Taurus guy a very resilient nervous system, but nevertheless, in order for this system to be stable, he needs money - this is the main condition for his stability and material security. He needs money, material security. Money often saves Taurus from work: they are lazy, they don’t really like to work.

And quite a lot of money allows him to spend his life in celebration. Taurus is not a groundless dreamer, like Aquarius, not a heartthrob, like Leo, and not a creator of castles in the air in pink clouds - Aries. Having chosen you as his wife, he will first present you with a plan of the house in which you will live for approval. This house will not look like an Aries castle, but it will be real, solid and reliably insured.

If a Taurus guy becomes your husband, you won’t have to worry about anything, your future will be in good hands and you yourself, years later, laughing, will remember the castles in the air and passionate sighs under the moon of your former admirers. A Taurus husband is a reliable acquisition, and you will never regret it in your life.

Taurus man: horoscope and characteristics

Sex in his life

Taurus men love comfort and attach great importance to the environment during sex. If possible, they will prefer luxury apartments or a wild beach in the sunset haze.

  • Zodiac sign Taurus: man

    Taurus is a strong, good and calm person. This is how he appears to others and this is how he is in real life. Add also strong-willed character and confidence. It may seem like an ideal companion, but it is not without its drawbacks. There is no rush in his movements, he is in no hurry. Zodiac looks stocky. The man has a beautiful figure, although his body lacks the six-pack adored by girls. A Taurus can ruin their appearance only by a tendency to overeat. It’s as if he was commanded from above to love food. And round and soft features in a man’s appearance are a gift from Venus.

    They try to seduce, so they buy tight jeans and don’t fasten the top buttons of their shirt. He is also not averse to showing off and demonstrating his financial status. Taurus often wears gold chains, expensive watches and rings.

    Calf: characteristic behavior

    He is used to being silent, and therefore in an unfamiliar company he does not show his essence in any way. But if he is among relatives with whom he has communicated more than once, then he becomes the soul of the company. Loves to joke and have fun. However, he likes to spend his free time only with trusted people, which includes his entire family. Children and wife are the main values. By the appearance of Taurus, you can understand how things are going on the personal front and with relatives. After all, it is from their well-being that he draws his spiritual strength.

    This is always a difficult question, because everyone has their own level and limit of eccentricity. So you can't generalize. But Taurus is not prone to such behavior. Although... he has a couple of trump cards that will pleasantly surprise you.

    The Zodiac feels comfortable in a rhythm that many will find too slow. There should be no turmoil or noise around. Don't even try to speed him up or push him to some kind of decision. The sign will just stick. Because of this, many people think that they are lazy.

    Personality Traits and Characteristics

    Sexy, funny and down to earth, Taurus is ideal for those looking for a balanced and "real" partner. Reliable, patient, reasonable and knows how to dilute it all with sensuality and humor.

    Avoids risks and represents a reliable, tolerant and integral person for whom honor is not an empty word. He is a practical and stable person with common sense.

    Values ​​tradition, loyalty and stability. Experiences sentimental feelings for loved ones and beloved property. No wonder he doesn’t like change and it’s extremely difficult to break himself! The best way is to give him a few months of preparation and do everything gradually. Subsequently, the idea of ​​​​change will gain stability and will not seem so scary.

    Taurus literally feels money, so he understands financial matters and can be too economical. But this is not greed, but a desire for security and confidence in the future. This is a safety net, so it is the protection factor that is valued, and not the possession itself. If there is plenty of money, then I will gladly share it with friends and family. Moreover, he can be extravagantly generous.

    Most men are incredibly diligent, so they successfully complete tasks that others find extremely boring or difficult. Believe me, these qualities will play a positive role when you want to start a family.

    In his free time he prefers to be in the fresh air. She loves the garden, in which she uses all her skills (patience, care, practicality, consistency).

    Career and compatibility with other signs

    Even in the office, the sign is not going to pick up the pace. But their productivity and performance exceeds all expectations. Their energy reserves are enough to conquer mountains. Although even in a work environment they remain calm. They have an entrepreneurial streak, which is why many of them are business owners or successful professionals.

    He can choose among many professions and will excel in any one. From time to time, the zodiac needs rest. Stops in places away from city noise. It is better not to interfere with his vacation, as he gets very angry if he is not allowed to replenish his strength.

    Sign compatibility will be with Pisces and Gemini. Moreover, he will receive reciprocal sympathy, since he guarantees stability. Two Taurus will work well together, but you won’t have a chance to walk at their wedding. A bright romance will happen with Capricorn, and expect a strong marriage with Cancer.

    Taurus in love

    This man is down to earth and does not fly in the clouds, but at the same time he is one of the most romantic representatives of the horoscope. If they decide to win the heart of a charming lady, they will go to the end, showing colossal patience. True, sometimes they don’t understand that there is no chance and spend a long time knocking on the threshold in vain. You need to understand how to communicate with such a partner. After all by sign you can't say he's not decisive. However, it is not in his nature to make the first movements. And even compatibility will not affect this. He will demonstrate the feeling and will wait for your actions.

    Taurus is quite simple in sexual terms. Not particularly interested in fantasies, role-playing games or dirty talk. Why? Yes, because he doesn't need all that stimulation! This is the most sensual zodiac, which can open the doors to a world of pleasure for you.

    Of course, the words “sensuality” and “quality” do not add passion. But what would you choose: fast food or an expensive dish in a chic restaurant? It will do without a glossy picture. This is an affectionate and gentle lover. Often shy to experiment, which makes it even more fun if you convince him to try.

    Taurus is an excellent choice in terms of marriage. He is only interested in stability. He is pleasant to talk to, loyal, balanced and treats girls with great respect. The Zodiac tries to make everyone happy. Such a man will rarely cheat, and all because he hates change.

    Knowing description of the sign, you will understand that such a union will last a long time. Although the bonds are strong, this does not mean that everything will be so simple. The sign will never allow itself to be humiliated and the wife should remember this. Men are jealous and sometimes reach the point of absurdity. And changing their habits and inclinations is almost impossible.

    This is a romantic and devoted person who will share all the joys and sorrows with his lover and will go to extreme measures to maintain the relationship and make his partner happy. He is a homebody, a wonderful parent and an excellent cook. As a teenager, you don't see anything attractive about this, but in marriage these are irreplaceable qualities.

    However, he is so attached to security that he exhibits possessive tendencies. He can drive you hysterical with his jealousy. But, if you are sensitive, then next to him you will always feel protected and needed.

    Taurus are homebodies. For them, a home is truly a fortress, which they build and then fiercely guard. He will try to bring prosperity into the atmosphere. Believe me, you definitely won’t go hungry with it. If there is no need, they will try not to go outside. They would rather invite friends to their place than go themselves. Don't think What This means some kind of closedness. He just worships comfort and familiar surroundings.

    This is a natural father and without children he simply does not see the meaning of existence. They rejoice with all their hearts at the birth of girls and pamper them with gifts. At the same time, they require compliance with established rules. They pass on all their skills and abilities to the younger generation.

    This is one of the most loyal zodiac signs. If you were looking for consistency and want to be confident in your partner, then this is your option! Why do you need a bad boy if you have support and protection? It will be an excellent choice for single mothers.

    Black agate, which promotes the concentration of abilities, is suitable for him as a stone and talisman. Amazonite will bring material well-being, and the sardonyx stone will develop the gift of persuasion in conversations with the fair sex.

    Zodiac sign Taurus (male): characteristics, compatibility

    Zodiac sign Taurus man is a very interesting person with a unique character. He has a lot of his own personal characteristics, which sometimes seem strange to some people. But not all representatives of the sign have equally extraordinary characters. It all depends on the decade in which the person was born.

    Taurus of the first decade

    So, these individuals were born between April 20th and April 30th. Taurus born during this time period have all the characteristics of this zodiac sign in their purest form. These are individuals whose interests are aimed at the material world. In principle, any guy whose Zodiac sign is Taurus strives for wealth. A man born in this decade is distinguished by business acumen and always tries to make a profit, no matter what it concerns. Material wealth is very important to them. Plus, coziness and comfort in their home matters. Although, to be honest, they begin to improve their lives after twenty years. Before this, they prefer to have fun and have fun to the fullest, without thinking about the future. And then they begin to combine business with pleasure, like all normal people.

    Taurus of the second decade

    These people were born between the first and tenth of May. An intellectual mindset, a rather stingy emotional component and a not entirely stable mood - this is what can be said about a guy whose Zodiac sign is Taurus. A man born during this period seems to pass all his feelings through the brain. His goals often change, as do his priorities, but he always tries to fulfill them. These are quite talented people who can succeed in almost all areas, from literature to law.

    Taurus born at the end of the month

    From May 11 to May 20, people whose Zodiac sign is Taurus are also born. A man born these days is distinguished by restraint and a strict, rational character. He is very ambitious, but only in terms of his career, and is very stingy with emotions. Of all Taurus, they are the most reserved and reasonable. They think exclusively with their heads: they don’t trust their feelings. They make excellent careerists, and let’s face it, that’s what they need.

    Relationships and Zodiac sign

    The Taurus man, whose characteristics are quite rich and original, is a very passionate lover and devoted partner. He takes relationships very seriously. Taurus do not change girls like gloves, they are looking for the one and only one with whom they would like to spend their whole life. By the way, they have a very well developed instinct in this regard. Even if there is a chance to start a relationship with an insanely beautiful girl, if they have a bad feeling, they will not take it.

    They give themselves completely to relationships, without reserve, and demand the same in return. It is important for them that the chosen one belongs entirely to him. Such is the zodiac sign Taurus. A man whose characteristics tell about the different qualities of this person is very jealous. Sometimes he goes too far because of his principle. Jealousy manifests itself especially strongly at the beginning of a relationship. But then he begins to trust his chosen one and becomes calmer. She just needs to endure this period and, of course, not give reasons for jealousy. Although sometimes such attacks happen for no reason.

    Taurus as a personality

    So, the first thing to say about these guys is that they are reliable. And also faithful. They make wonderful friends who will come to the rescue at any time of the day, good caring husbands and, of course, business partners.

    It should be noted that these people have golden hands. They can fix almost anything: they have a lot of abilities. If they take on something that really interests them, success is guaranteed.

    In ordinary friendly communication, Taurus seems to be the life of the party. He tells interesting stories, jokes, and has fun. And when necessary, he demonstrates his intellectual abilities, which one cannot help but be surprised by. Taurus will never shine with his knowledge just like that - he doesn’t need it. However, in those moments where it is necessary, it is mandatory. He will share his knowledge and tell you a lot of interesting things. Communication with this person is not only entertaining, it is also useful.

    Zodiac sign Taurus man: compatibility with women

    So, these guys have pretty sophisticated taste in girls. It is important for them that she is beautiful, kind, understanding, thrifty, faithful and, of course, loves him, believes him and tells him absolutely everything that happens to her. There are many demands, but they find their love. Zodiac signs suitable for a Taurus man are Libra, Pisces, Cancer and sometimes Scorpio. It is these girls who can tolerate the ambiguous nature of their chosen one, find a compromise and wait for harmony in the relationship. It will be difficult with the rest, especially with freedom-loving Aquarius, hot-tempered Aries and proud Lionesses.

    About Taurus women

    Well, finally, it’s worth saying a few words about the fair sex. The compatibility of the zodiac signs Taurus woman and Libra man is what is truly an ideal relationship. They have everything: passion, love, tenderness, mutual understanding. This is achieved, however, after some time, because first they need to get used to each other.

    Secrets of the character of a Taurus man

    To those around them, they sometimes seem incredibly closed, callous, and indifferent, but emotions are a huge secret hidden deep inside. This characteristic is determined by the strong, exalted Moon, the planet of experiences, sensations, and romance. The vulnerable Taurus man considers it most dangerous to really open up to a person who is not yet trustworthy enough. Only a select few are dimly aware of its secret, the hidden emotional world.

    Appearance and health

    Any Taurus guy is gifted with the strong element Earth, excellent health, courageous beauty, and a strong body. With age, due to the love of pleasure and some excesses, combined with excessive zeal at work, obesity, chronic fatigue, diabetes, and depression may appear. The weak position of Uranus, Mars, Pluto makes the blood, nervous system, and blood vessels extremely vulnerable, which leads to problems with blood pressure, varicose veins, and mental illness. The sign is distinguished by the inability to openly express one's own feelings, which increases the likelihood of sore throats and throat problems.

    Usually a Taurus man is beautifully built, Venus gives his lips fullness and sensuality. The earthly sign of the Zodiac is also expressed in a certain stockiness of the stocky figure of its representative.

    Broad shoulders, chest, narrow pelvis are common features of his figure.

    These people often have curly, coarse hair, a rather round face, and huge, expressive eyes. Powerful legs step confidently and stand firmly on the ground. The movements are quite slow, smooth, measured.

    Career and wealth

    The practical Taurus man really knows how to make money. He is pragmatic enough to soberly assess his own capabilities and knows perfectly well when he can benefit from a situation. Moreover, the sign of the Zodiac under the auspices of Venus is always distinguished by a favorable characteristic of the state of finances. By the way, Taurus often have great success when working with other people's money in banking or accounting.

    Slowly, but thoroughly, they confidently build their own well-being. At work they tend to hold on to a good position, and hard work, reliability, and responsibility make the prospect of building a career the most likely. Taurus feel a deep connection with nature, they really like working with animals and plants, and hard physical work does not frighten them at all. People of the earth element make excellent designers of dishes and furniture; they are particularly suited for professions related to material forms - engineer, architect, builder.

    Excessive responsibility, diligence and some fanaticism in achieving a stable financial position lead to severe overwork, but the Taurus man will stubbornly continue to move towards success. Difficulties only force him to look for new solutions. The Zodiac sign in a career is distinguished by incredible will and ambition, the power of which removes obstacles and gives the ability to pave the way forward with one’s own hands.

    Taurus bosses are characterized by extreme outward patience, but one should not think at all that they do not notice mistakes and missteps. It is not recommended to test the restraint of such a manager; it usually ends in sudden dismissal.

    Love, relationships, sex

    Friendship with a representative of the Zodiac sign, whose main characteristic is constancy, will be incredibly long-lasting, but achieving trust and really getting closer to the real essence is an extremely difficult task. Any relationship is very difficult for him at first.

    The cautious Taurus guy is also thorough when it comes to finding a girl. He is not at all interested in sex by frequently changing partners; a girlfriend can be confident in reliability, constancy, and fidelity if she has managed to achieve a close relationship. He values ​​individuality very much and will not encroach on the independence of his companion - for effective interaction between characters, a mature personality is needed. Taurus people really know how to charm. The zodiac sign is distinguished by wonderful qualities - incredible sensitivity, attentiveness, tenderness, caring.

    In sex, the main characteristics are confidence and delicacy. The earth sign of Venus does not have special qualities that promise variety and a clear tendency to experiment, but, of course, pleasure is guaranteed for both. The Taurus man is focused in sex more on the feelings of his partner; his own feelings are secondary for him.

    The complex character of a strong Taurus man has one weak feature - an extremely vulnerable ego. Friends and lovers should not clearly contradict him. Boundless patience does not extend to those who make a stubborn person doubt his own decision. Forcing Taurus to do anything is problematic; you can only achieve the opposite effect.

  • Text: Sascha Gluwein

    You may not believe in astrology, but this will make men born under different constellations unlikely to be alike. the site presents a series of articles where it talks about what to expect from each zodiac sign.

    This article should not be considered the ultimate truth. “Ideal” representatives of any zodiac sign, 100% suitable for the given description, do not exist in nature, just as phlegmatic people, choleric people, melancholic people and sanguine people in their pure form do not exist. However, it is quite possible to get a general idea of ​​what awaits you.

    Man - Taurus

    Stubborn, stubborn and unbending - Taurus is never in a hurry to make a decision, but if he has set a goal, he will move towards it like a revived asphalt roller - albeit slowly but surely. Arguing with Taurus is more expensive for yourself. This man not only does not know how to negotiate, but fundamentally does not want to learn it. “There are two points of view - one is wrong, and the other is mine,” says Taurus, and no arguments have any effect on him. In a quarrel, he prefers to use body language rather than verbal arguments. Due to the fact that nature usually does not deprive Taurus of strong muscles, it looks quite threatening.

    The Taurus man is convinced that love at first sight is nonsense invented by romantics. He needs time to be inflamed with passion; as a rule, Taurus’s love is preceded by a long preparatory period. Ordinary “female things” such as coquetry have practically no effect on him.

    Taurus loves to surround himself with comfort. If he invited you to his home, everything will be like in a love story - dim lights, muffled pleasant music, champagne - certainly served in a silver bucket with ice. All these details are no less important to him than the process of seduction and the result. Taurus is able to drink a glass or two if he sees that the lady has not yet made a final decision, and calmly go to bed.

    Taurus men are distinguished by their ability to understand people. If they criticize someone, they do it constructively. Taurus does not disdain hard work - the more obstacles in achieving goals, the more interesting it is.

    This man is unlikely to go to a sale to buy cheaper jeans; he is not ready to save on himself at all, because he prefers the best. It doesn’t matter what we’re talking about - drinking, food or sex - everything should be “at the highest level.”

    Straightforward and brutal Taurus appreciate women who do not bother with questions like “Tell me, do you love me”, do not demand serenades under the window and do not admit that every time they take a sip of brut, they dream of finding a diamond ring at the bottom of the glass.

    The Taurus man does not have any doubts about his own sexuality, therefore he does not feel the need to assert himself at someone else’s (read female) expense. With him, you don't need to pretend or adapt to his tastes. For him, a woman is beautiful as is - in herself.

    Taurus knows the value of money and opens his (usually thick wallet) only when he is firmly convinced of the need for these expenses. No one can separate Taurus from his savings, unless he himself is ready to part with them voluntarily. However, do not rush to call this man a stingy person - the fact that he does not throw money away does not mean that you will not receive diamond earrings for your birthday, an paid tour of Europe or the laptop of your dreams.

    Despite the fact that a strong Taurus always gives the impression of a healthy person, it takes him quite a lot of time to recover from an illness. However, compared to other zodiac signs, Taurus is much easier to take to the doctor. He does not shy away from doctors because he instinctively feels that he must maintain his health.

    When communicating with Taurus, it is better to do without valuable instructions and instructions, even if you really want to give them. Outwardly peaceful, he easily becomes angry. Taurus is distinguished by vindictiveness and an inability to forgive - so don’t be surprised if, in the heat of a quarrel, he lists point by point all your sins, starting from the moment you met. A woman who wants to achieve something from a Taurus by threats or blackmail will face big troubles. Better to act softly!

    The Taurus man is prone to jealousy; his jealousy is the passion of a collector who is not ready to part with even the most run-down specimen from his own collection. It is he, having cooled down after the breakup, who is seriously considering your proposal to “stay friends.” However, before you continue your relationship (even the most friendly one) with your former lover, think three times. Taurus is a rather difficult person to communicate with, criticizing everyone and everything.

    Taurus are unique enough to continue to defend their point of view when the case is already lost. But they very rarely do anything that can benefit others; they are too self-centered for that.

    Men who were born in the first two weeks of this zodiac sign, as a rule, are not distinguished by patience. They want to get results “here and now,” almost immediately. They strive so hard to achieve their goal that they often spend much more energy, effort, time and nerves than necessary. Those born in the last two “Taurus” weeks are prone to sidestepping maneuvers; they are “normal heroes who always go around.”

    The ability to deal with Taurus can be learned from the bullfighter, who does not run towards the bull, but waits patiently until the bull approaches him.

    Taurus is an ideal option for a patient and reasonable woman who is looking for a protector in a man and dreams of hiding behind her husband, like behind a stone wall, from all life’s adversities.

    Taurus and sex

    The Taurus man loves sex. And if other men engage in it to relax, satisfy their thirst for power or prove their own masculinity, then Taurus is not like that at all. He is interested in intimacy “in its purest form” - sex for the sake of sex.

    Taurus can be called an ideal lover - he understands how his partner feels, he is “turned on” half a turn, but he is never in a hurry to move from foreplay to the act itself, he does not like spontaneous sex. The excellent erotic impression is slightly spoiled by the lack of invention and imagination. Don't expect anything exotic from Taurus in bed! He will always make love according to the same proven scheme, but he will make every effort so as not to disappoint his partner.

    Some women think that Taurus are a little simple and straightforward when it comes to sex - but with them you can be sure of the result. What they lack in imagination they make up for with the ability to make love indefinitely.

    If a woman wants variety, she will have to take the initiative into her own hands. Just no ultimatums - hints are quite enough. Taurus will love a luxurious fur blanket, and if you dry the splashes of champagne from his naked skin with your lips, he will be completely delighted. Taurus men are aroused by the natural smells of a woman's body. A Taurus man is unlikely to refuse to give you a sensual massage. Don't be surprised if he kisses your toes and includes elements of oral sex in the foreplay. Taurus people love to use their tongue! Anal sex is also in order for them..

    There are quite a lot of bisexuals among Taurus; they are able to maintain relationships with several partners of both sexes at the same time. Sleeping with a young man in the morning and going on a date with a woman in the evening is quite natural for them.
