How to treat balls in the mammary gland. Treatment of painful lumps in the mammary gland. Compaction with a benign tumor

Painful lumps in the mammary gland are a serious signal, after detection of which you should contact a mammologist as soon as possible. However, the reasons for this physiological process may not be the most dangerous, as many women may think. More about all the causes, symptoms and methods of treatment below.

Causes of seals

In fact, mammologists identify a huge number of reasons that one way or another can affect the formation of painful lumps in the breast. First of all, injuries to the area of ​​the uterus and mammary gland are isolated. Thus, from 5 to 45% of neoplasms are formed in the affected areas, degeneration of fat cells is noted, and fat necrosis occurs with the formation of round tumors.

  • breastfeeding - painful neoplasms in the mammary gland are formed as a consequence of blockage of the milk ducts, which, in turn, are formed due to insufficient or rare emptying of the breast, as well as when inflammation occurs;
  • the formation of pain, increased temperature and redness in the skin area, which indicate mastitis;
  • Before the start of the menstrual cycle, women develop painful, compacted areas in the breasts, which can change shape and location.

When cysts, abscesses and tumors appear in the chest area, which can be benign or malignant, pain also develops.

Mammologists draw the attention of women to the fact that the formation of nodes is accompanied by the removal of mucus from the nipple area and constant pain, which may not stop even at night.

Another cause of pain is thrombophlebitis, a side reaction of which may be blood clots in the mammary glands. The next factor may be excessive estrogen production. In addition, diseases of the endocrine gland and adrenal glands, termination of pregnancy, gynecological diseases, premature onset of menopause, and constant stress can influence this. Those lumps in the breast that form during pregnancy and lactation deserve special attention.

Lumps during pregnancy and breastfeeding

The vast majority of breast tumors in females, especially at a young age, are normal. They are associated with a disrupted menstrual cycle, pregnancy, and breastfeeding. In the case when pregnancy is formed, hormonal changes occur, and forced production of progesterone, estrogen and prolactin, the main hormonal components, is noted. The area of ​​the mammary gland increases, and significant compactions may form.

After childbirth, the ratio of hormones decreases significantly, and the glands begin to produce milk. The formation of seals is associated with stagnation of milk and the ingress of pathogenic microorganisms, the occurrence of mastitis.

Non-dangerous neoplasms

A breast cyst is a pathological condition in which a liquid tumor or a sac that looks like a bubble forms inside the tissue. Cysts can be painful. A so-called sebaceous gland cyst, or atheroma, may also form in the breast. It should also be noted:

  1. fibroma - a compaction of fibrous type tissues;
  2. adenoma - formation from glandular type tissues;
  3. fibroadenoma or mixed neoplasm, which can take not only a leaf-shaped, but also a nodular shape. It is important to pay attention to the fact that the nodular type of breast fibroadenoma is characterized by the formation of a single node, while the leaf-shaped type has a layered structure.

Neoplasms can form from blood vessels, representing hemangiomas. In addition, we can talk about adipose tissue, or more precisely, about a lipoma. During inflammatory algorithms, nodes are formed from the connective tissues of the breast (granulomas). Mammologists also note mastopathy, which is the most common lump in the breast area.

The symptoms of the pathological condition manifest themselves as a cluster of nodes or in the form of tissue coverings growing throughout the entire volume.

Nodular mastopathy is a relatively harmless disease. It consists of dense single or multiple nodes, which are traditionally mobile and practically painless, but sometimes they can still cause discomfort. Also worth noting is diffuse mastopathy, in which many cysts are formed, the growth of glandular and fibrous tissue is noted, and breast swelling and discharge from the nipple area are also detected.

Malignant tumors

The first number in the list of malignant tumors that are associated with painful sensations is breast cancer. Symptoms of the condition can be very different. Cancerous non-standard cells form in glandular and epithelial tissues. In addition, a dense and fairly hardened neoplasm can occur in any area of ​​the breast.

Mammologists draw the attention of women to the fact that in the vast majority of cases, a lump without sharp edges can be felt inside and quite deeply. Such a tumor in the breast almost never hurts. Much more often, a nodular type of cancer is formed, which is a dense formation that begins to grow towards the skin and is characterized by an indefinite contour. With the diffuse type, the tumors rapidly increase in size and metastases occur.

Speaking about a precancerous tumor of the mammary gland, it should be noted that we are talking about a sarcoma. This is a formation with clear, large-lumpy compactions that develops very quickly and is prone to the formation of ulcers. Speaking about lymphoma of the mammary glands, it should be noted that with this pathological condition, outlined, even compactions are formed that have a rounded shape.

Diagnostic methods

The occurrence of lumps, even painful ones, is likely to occur in people of any age. 100% therapy of neoplasms is possible only with correct diagnosis and early treatment. Similar diagnostic methods include the following:

  • mammography or x-ray examination makes it possible to identify even the smallest lumps under and inside the breast area;
  • Ultrasound, which makes it possible to diagnose tumors in the chest using ultrasound-type waves;
  • Ductography is a diagnostic method that involves the introduction of contrast components into the flow of the mammary glands, which helps to identify compactions inside the ducts.

In addition, it may be necessary to perform a biopsy, namely tissue sampling.

This examination is unique because it makes it possible to distinguish when fibrocystic mastopathy, a cyst, and also a malignant neoplasm are formed.

A total of four types of biopsies have been developed.

Another diagnostic method is puncture, which is the collection of biological material for examination. It is carried out using a thick needle or a biopsy gun.

Treatment options

If you identify various changes or lumps in your breasts, you need to make an appointment with a mammologist as soon as possible. If a fibroadenoma forms, the treatment will be surgical. In this case, only compactions or neoplasms can be removed together with surrounding tissue structures.

Nowadays, various diseases of the mammary glands, unfortunately, are the norm, girls are especially susceptible to them. Despite years of research work in the field of mammology, scientists have not identified a universal cure. It is also extremely difficult to prevent such diseases. However, it is possible and necessary to fight them.

Below we will take a closer look at diseases in the form of a ball in the mammary glands, which predominantly develop in women.

What is the disease

A ball-shaped lump in the breast is formed locally in the parenchyma of the mammary gland in women. It can form at any age. Any change in the mammary gland, especially of a pathological nature, is almost always accompanied by sharp or aching pain, swelling, discharge and sores of the nipples. In view of the cancer epidemic raging in the 21st century, there is a high probability that, when girls feel lumps in their breasts, they will first of all think about this terrible disease. However, in most cases, the ball turns out to be just a benign neoplasm, the treatment of which will not cause difficulties. However, if, when touching your nipple to your clothing, you already feel any lumps or pain, this will be a signal that it is time for you to visit a doctor.

Statistics from recent years show that a lump in the mammary gland is quite common among young women approximately during puberty. This is a normal phenomenon, which, according to the same statistics, is also observed in little girls and is called physiological gynecomastia.

However, it should also be monitored regularly. As a rule, the diagnostician will first conduct an ultrasound examination, which will allow us to find out the origin of the tumor and the nature of its development.

Five main reasons that can cause a lump to form

Numerous studies in the field of mammology have identified five main and five secondary reasons that can lead to the formation of lumps in the mammary gland.

Five minor reasons that can cause a lump to form

Methods for diagnosing a lump-shaped compaction

In order to fully imagine the picture of a possible disease in women, the doctor must know its nature, the causes of its occurrence and the behavior of the pathological accumulation of cells. To do this, he can conduct several types of instrumental examination:

With the help of this method of studying lumps, women, as a rule, hope to exclude the possibility of a cancerous tumor. It is extremely rare, and the bumps in most cases are benign in nature.

Should I get rid of a lump in my chest?

The question of what to do with a lump in the chest is very relevant. The fact is that if the tumor is benign and does not hurt or bother you, then there is a high probability that surgical intervention will not be required to remove it. For example, types of lumps such as cysts or fibroadenomas quite often go away on their own. If you consult a doctor and he determines that the formation in your mammary gland is benign, then the maximum that he will prescribe for you is a repeat examination after some time.

The absence of any specific suspicions about a lump in your breasts does not mean that you should stop self-monitoring your breasts. Since there is a possibility that the compaction will subsequently develop from benign to malignant.

If your doctor discovers that you have a benign lump, he may prescribe you to take certain medications. Drug therapy will benefit you, speed up the process of lump resorption in women and prevent the development of any complications in the future.

List of drugs:

  • pharmacological analgesic and anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • for persistent pain in the mammary gland, the mammologist can also prescribe bromocriptine or danazol;
  • Special antibiotics are also often recommended to treat mastitis or breast abscesses.

Again, you must understand that the specifics of treatment and even examination largely depend on the individual and morphological characteristics of the woman. Where one needs to take a whole course of special pills, the other will just need to buy a high-quality bra or reconsider their daily diet.

Main symptoms of malignant lumps

Let's consider a situation where a lump in a woman's breast is malignant. In this case, your efficiency in the future can play into your hands. The sooner you yourself notice any discomfort in your glands, the sooner you can proceed directly to treatment. So, pay attention to the following factors:

Can men have breast lumps?

We have already said earlier that this type of disease mainly occurs in women. However, as statistical studies show, neoplasms also occur in the mammary gland in men. However, in them, unlike women, the nodules are concentrated around the nipples.

The clinical picture of this disease in men is as follows: swelling in the area of ​​the nipples and areas, unnatural breast enlargement (gynecomastia), sensation of formations upon light palpation.

The factors most often responsible for the formation of nodules in the chest in men are:

  • hormonal imbalance due to an imbalance of testosterone, estrogen and androgens in a man’s body;
  • excessive use of various pharmacological agents, for example, antidepressants, or drugs that increase the level of male hormones;
  • hereditary or acquired obesity;
  • unhealthy diet and unhealthy lifestyle;
  • hormonal imbalance due to constant nervous tension;
  • diabetes mellitus or other diseases of the male endocrine system.

The mammary glands are a sensitive part of the body that reacts to any changes in the body. Many women find lumps or lumps in their breasts. Formations can be a sign of various conditions; they cannot be ignored.

Some bumps do not pose a health threat and are associated with hormonal changes during certain periods of life. Others are a warning sign that may indicate benign or malignant breast formations. To exclude or confirm the presence of dangerous diseases, a woman should contact a mammologist and undergo a comprehensive examination.

Causes of breast lumps

Formations in the mammary glands can occur under the influence of various circumstances. The key stimulator for the appearance of bumps is hormonal imbalances in the body. They may be associated with changes, pregnancy, inflammatory processes in the genitals and other conditions. As a rule, changes in the breast occur with hypersecretion.

The causes of lumps in the mammary glands can be:

  • Blockage of the milk ducts during lactation, leading to lactostasis. More often, the condition is caused by improper attachment of the baby to the breast, poor hygiene of the glands, and incomplete emptying.
  • Breast injuries in which necrosis of fat cells occurs and compactions appear.
  • Infectious lesions of the breast due to the penetration of pathogenic organisms into its tissue. More often this happens due to poor hygiene of the organ.
  • Formation of blood clots in the chest.
  • Before the onset of menstruation, bumps may appear temporarily, but subsequently they resolve on their own.
  • Presence of tumor formations.
  • Regular stress.
  • Abortion.
  • Taking hormonal drugs.

Possible diseases and their symptoms

In 2/3 of cases, lumps in the breast are associated with certain diseases. They are more common in women aged 30-55 years, when cell growth activity peaks.


This is an inflammatory process that occurs in the breast. It is characterized by fever, malaise, hyperemia of the breast skin, and thickening. Mastitis often results from untreated lactostasis. Stagnant processes in the glands become favorable conditions for infection to penetrate into them and the development of inflammation.

Fibrocystic mastopathy

The most common pathology in which lumps appear in the mammary glands. Seals occur when certain areas of the organ grow excessively. As a result of this process, a woman experiences pain in the affected glands, which, as a rule, changes in character throughout the menstrual cycle. may be diffuse or nodular in nature. With the diffuse type, the bumps spread over all surfaces of the breast. Nodular mastopathy is characterized by single hard lumps that can be easily felt upon palpation.

Benign tumors

Lumps in the mammary glands may indicate the presence of benign neoplasms, which are divided into several types, depending on histological and morphological characteristics:

  • - proliferation of fibrous tissue of the mammary gland, as a result of which its predominance appears over healthy tissue.
  • - tumors limited to a capsule, filled with liquid inside.
  • - neoplasms formed from adipose tissue of the breast.
  • Granulomas are fibrous nodules that arise during prolonged extensive inflammatory processes in the glands.
  • Hemangiomas are tumors that affect blood vessels and appear as bloody bumps in the chest area.


Lumps in the mammary glands, which are areas with purulent contents. Most often, an abscess is a complication of an infectious-inflammatory process in tissues (,). If treatment for such diseases is not started in time, pathogenic microorganisms grow and subsequently purulent lesions appear.

An abscess can be suspected based on characteristic signs:

  • heat;
  • enlargement of regional lymph nodes;
  • weakness;
  • breast swelling;
  • purulent discharge from the nipples is possible.

Mammary cancer

The most dangerous cause of breast lumps. For a long time, the malignant process does not show any symptoms. Cancer cells appear in epithelial and glandular tissues under the influence of various predisposing factors. can be diffuse and nodular, occurring in different parts of the chest. Malignant tumors have a dense structure and are tightly fused with surrounding tissues.

The following symptoms may indicate the progression of breast cancer:

  • presence of seals;
  • change in breast shape and size;
  • hyperemia, swelling of the skin;
  • deformation of regional lymph nodes;
  • discharge from the nipples, possibly mixed with blood;
  • rapid weight loss;
  • general weakness.


A woman can detect lumps in the mammary glands on her own if she regularly performs a self-examination once a month.

Breast self-examination consists of several stages:

  • stand in front of the mirror, bare your chest;
  • assess the size of the breasts, their symmetry; when the torso is tilted, the glands should move evenly;
  • check the condition of the skin: there is no “lemon peel”, rashes, redness, wrinkles;
  • palpate, lightly pressing on the breast with your fingertips, avoid damaging the skin, move in a spiral from the periphery to the nipples;
  • examine the breast in a lying position.

If a woman discovers even minimal lumps, she should quickly contact a specialist.

To clarify the clinical picture, additional studies are prescribed:

  • ductography;
  • blood for tumor markers;
  • hormonal studies;
  • biopsy with further histological examination of the biopsy sample.

General rules and methods of treatment

Treatment tactics are determined by the stage of the pathological process, the nature of the diseases and conditions that caused the appearance of lumps in the breast. In some cases, observational tactics are recommended, in others, drug or surgical treatment.

If the lumps are benign, it is recommended to begin treatment if they grow and significantly increase in size. Some bumps may disappear on their own, for example, if they are associated with physiological processes in the body (appear before menstruation and dissolve after menstruation).

Note! Even if a decision is made not to treat lumps in the chest, it is imperative to be under medical supervision to monitor the condition of the formation and the dynamics of its changes. If unpleasant symptoms associated with the presence of lumps in the mammary glands appear, drug treatment may be prescribed, and, if necessary, surgery may be performed. The main thing is to eliminate the root cause of the formations.

Drug therapy

Since in most cases, lumps in the breast occur due to hormonal imbalance, the basis of treatment in such cases is the use of hormonal drugs. eliminated with the help of antiestrogens (Tamoxifen, Fareston). To stabilize hormone levels, oral contraceptives can be used, which are selected individually.

Painful sensations are eliminated with the help of NSAIDs and analgesics:

  • Paracetamol;
  • Indomethacin;
  • Nimesulide.

In the case of an inflammatory process in the mammary glands, it is necessary to take antibacterial drugs and antiseptics. If an abscess develops in tissues, surgical intervention, drainage of the affected tissues, and their antiseptic treatment may be required.

Malignant tumors must be removed surgically. Depending on the size of the formation and its location, partial resection of the breast or its complete removal may be performed. Before and after surgery, courses of chemotherapy are required to stop the progression of the malignant process. To prevent relapses, additional hormonal medications, vitamin complexes, and agents to strengthen the immune system are prescribed.

Learn about the causes and treatment of the pathological condition.

The rules and features of using the drug Mastopol for the treatment of fibrocystic mastopathy are described on the page.

Read here about the prognosis of recovery and survival for follicular thyroid cancer.

Traditional medicine recipes

Herbal mixtures, decoctions, infusions and other non-traditional methods can be used as an auxiliary therapy and only with the permission of the attending physician.

For diseases of the mammary glands, you can resort to the following remedies:

  • Steamed cabbage leaves help relieve swelling and relieve chest pain. It is applied as a compress.
  • Grind dry celandine herb into powder. Mix it with butter (1:2). Heat in a water bath for 10 minutes. Apply as an ointment to problem areas.
  • Combine Kalanchoe juice, garlic juice, and honey in equal proportions. Take 1 teaspoon orally in the morning on an empty stomach and before bed.

Lumps in the mammary glands can appear for various reasons. There is no need to immediately panic and assume the worst. Often such formations are benign and do not pose a threat to a woman’s health. You definitely need to see a doctor and undergo the necessary examinations to rule out dangerous conditions that can cause lumps to appear in the chest. To avoid organ diseases, you need to constantly monitor your health, control your hormonal levels, and avoid exposure to factors unfavorable to breast health.

The video is a fragment from the TV show “Live Healthy!” about the features of treatment of lumps and lumps in the mammary glands:

Many women try to pay great attention to their own breasts: beauty, size, etc. Chasing fashion trends and attractiveness, ladies forget to pay attention to their own health, as well as to the lump above the breasts. There are many diseases that cause lumps in the breast, as well as redness around the nipple area. Some illnesses may not appear at all until a serious threat to the patient’s health or life arises. Therefore, if women experience any suspicious discomfort in the mammary gland or a lump appears above the breast, they should immediately contact a specialist in order to receive qualified treatment. Such tests must be completed starting at age 22. Folk remedies can only provide additional treatment, but only after consultation with a doctor.

Why seals may appear

Lumps in the mammary gland often occur due to several factors:

  • hormonal balance is disrupted;
  • the appearance of a benign neoplasm;
  • development of breast cancer.

At the age of 22, a woman should be regularly examined by a mammologist, since from this age until the age of 50, the risk of developing tumors increases. Many of the diseases that cause lumps on the chest do not pose a serious threat, but it is not recommended to leave them unattended, as well as to carry out unauthorized intervention using folk remedies.

Important! Generalized swelling often feels like many small bulges (balls) appearing inside the breast, on the left side, in the upper zone, near the nipple, etc. There is also excessive sensitivity.

Especially often, such lumps in the breast appear before menstruation. Neoplasms appear in any part of the women’s mammary gland, disappear, change their volume in a matter of days, so there is no need to do anything to eliminate them.

Lumps above the breasts used to be equated with pathologies, but today they are very common and considered the norm. This phenomenon disappears after menopause, but can be detected in women who undergo hormonal therapy after the onset of menopause.

Occurrence in pregnant women and during breastfeeding

In pregnant women, hormonal changes reach global proportions, which is the absolute norm. During this period of life, the breasts begin to enlarge. The lactogenic effect of prolactin is suspended due to high levels of progesterone and estrogen until the very moment of birth. After labor has already occurred, the concentration of the above hormones decreases sharply. Prolactin begins to be actively produced and as a result, lactation occurs. Therefore, such lumps in the chest may be normal.

Statistics say that in every 4 thousand women who have breast lumps, a malignant neoplasm is found. During such a period, it is much more difficult to detect it at the initial stage, because compaction inside the female breast can be attributed to hormonal changes. Similar reasons influence the fact that a malignant tumor is identified in the later stages, when treatment is much more complicated and ineffective. Therefore, during this period, you should undergo a more thorough examination in the form of mammography, etc. The same applies to women in the period after childbirth. Any redness on the right or left mammary gland or lump on the chest requires a qualified examination in order to provide timely treatment.

Compaction with a benign tumor

Lumps in the mammary gland may indicate the presence of a benign tumor - fibroadenoma. A similar disease can occur in women at the age of 22, and its shape resembles a single nodule. The neoplasm consists of connective and sinewy tissue. It has clear edges, is round in shape and does not exceed 5 cm in size. These signs may be the only ones that indicate the presence of the disease, since it can occur without any pain. Such breast compaction may not require special medical intervention and will go away on its own. Treatment carried out with folk remedies can only worsen the situation.

Seal in cancer

Breast tightening can be one of the symptoms indicating breast cancer. The causes of the disease may indicate an increased level of estrogen in the body of women.

After an increase in this hormone, epithelial lobules and ducts may begin to grow, which affects the formation of atypical cells. Such lumps on the chest pose a threat to the patient’s life. In the initial stages, the tumor is very difficult to detect. It is found by chance during routine checks or after self-examination. In later stages, you can feel a characteristic lump under the armpit as the tumor begins to grow.

There are two forms of cancer:

  1. Diffuse.
  2. Nodal.

The second is much more common. The reasons for its appearance indicate hormonal imbalance. It is a dense knot that does not cause any pain. The breast lump has unclear contours and a rough surface. The neoplasm usually grows towards the skin, which affects its external characteristics. The skin near the affected area becomes retracted and wrinkled. After this, the lump on the breast begins to be accompanied by swelling near the areola and nipple. The orange peel-shaped skin is swollen with dilated follicles over the affected area. It is very difficult to cure a disease once it begins to show all its symptoms. Typically, at the age of 22-32, lumps above the breasts can occur in women who live in an environmentally polluted area.

The diffuse form of the tumor appears in women after childbirth, during pregnancy or breastfeeding. The reasons also lie in hormonal fluctuations. The tumor may not show any signs or pain for a long time. However, it grows very quickly and metastasizes to nearby lymph nodes. Girls aged 22 can also develop this disease. Therefore, it is advisable to undergo appropriate examinations after childbirth, during pregnancy and lactation in order to begin treatment on time. Intervention with folk remedies of any type must be agreed with a doctor.

Important! Any lump in the mammary gland requires the attention of a qualified mammologist. Only after palpation and diagnostic measures can it be determined whether the lump above the breast is a threat to the patient’s life and what treatment should be prescribed to her.

What symptoms should you pay attention to?

The reasons why a tumor may develop in the breast are different. But there are a number of symptoms, in addition to the presence of a lump in the breast, that should make women wary and, after detecting them, they must consult a doctor:

Similar signs can appear in girls at the age of 22, so something needs to be done. To detect this pathology, you need to conduct regular self-examination.

Presence of blood clots

A lump under or on the breasts in women may be a sign of a blood clot in the veins. This phenomenon is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  1. Swelling near the passage of the vein.
  2. Painful sensations.
  3. Local increase in temperature.
  4. Change in skin tone.

This phenomenon is quite rare, but breast consolidation in women may indicate its presence.

In order to start treatment on time and get rid of the disease, you should regularly visit the doctor, since breast disease can manifest itself even in young years. Therapy with folk remedies can also be used, but only if permitted by specialists.

Important! To achieve recovery, it is necessary to prescribe qualified treatment after the patient undergoes a series of diagnostic tests. Folk remedies cannot cure breast diseases. They can be used as an adjuvant therapy, after consulting with a doctor.

A lump that appears on the sternum in women can have different causes, forms, be painful and without pronounced symptoms. The formation of a lump in or near the mammary glands cannot be ignored. The pathology most often does not pose a serious danger in the first stages of development, but if left untreated it can lead to serious complications.

If hard “lumps” appear on the mammary gland in women, you should not hesitate to visit a doctor.


The most common cause of breast lumps is a non-cancerous neoplasm. The difference between a non-malignant tumor lies in special changes in size: if the size of the compaction changes along with the change in phases of the monthly cycle, this is considered a benign sign. There are several pathologies in which women develop lumps on the sternum. If a lump appears on a child's chest, it may be caused by hormonal changes associated with puberty. Let's consider the pathologies that cause lumps in the female breast.


It is very suspicious if a lump appears in the breast, that is, directly in the thickness of the mammary gland. It can be easily determined during breast self-examination. It is necessary to evaluate not only the size of the compaction, but also the degree of its mobility, whether it is fused with the surrounding tissues. The accuracy of diagnosis and subsequent therapeutic tactics depend on this.

Fibrocystic mastopathy

One of the most common diseases in which a lump appears in the thickness of the mammary gland is mastopathy, namely its fibrocystic form. The development of this disease is caused by hormonal disorders, as a result of which certain areas of the mammary gland grow excessively with the formation of limited cavities (cysts) and nodes.

As a rule, the process affects both mammary glands, although in one of them the changes may be more pronounced. In addition to lumps and lumps, women complain of discomfort and pain in the chest that changes during the menstrual cycle, as well as unusual discharge from the nipple. Some women develop small lumps under the armpit.

Although the symptoms of mastopathy look quite threatening, it is a completely benign process that does not turn into cancer. Hormonal therapy is used for treatment; in extremely rare cases, removal of nodes is required.

Benign breast tumor

Often, a lump in the breast turns out to be a benign breast tumor. As a rule, this is a single formation, mobile relative to the surrounding tissues.

Benign breast tumors differ in their microscopic (histological) structure. The most common neoplasms are:

  • Fibroadenoma;
  • Intraductal papilloma;
  • Lipoma;
  • Breast cyst.

Some of these tumors arise as part of mastopathy, while others develop independently. The reasons for their appearance are not fully understood; the role of hereditary factors, lifestyle and unfavorable environmental conditions is assumed.


Small lumps in the breasts in women can be associated with menstruation and completely disappear after their end. In other cases, the detection of a lump or other changes in the breast should be a reason for mandatory consultation with a doctor.

Breast cancer is an extremely dangerous disease, but fortunately it is very rare. Much more often, in approximately 90% of cases, the cause of a lump in the breast is a non-cancerous tumor, many of which also require timely treatment.

There are several types of benign breast tumors, most of which are harmless and form under the influence of hormonal changes, for example, during the menstrual cycle. Such formations can be: fibroadenoma or cyst. Sometimes the cause of a lump in the breast is an infectious lesion of the mammary gland - mastitis or an abscess.

To notice any changes as early as possible, you need to monitor the condition of your breasts. You need to know what your breasts look like in normal condition and examine them regularly. Over the age of 50, it is necessary to undergo a mammogram - an X-ray examination of the breast - once every three years. At a younger age, ultrasound diagnostics is used. Both tests help identify signs of breast cancer, if any.

You should also consult a doctor if you notice the following changes in the mammary gland:

  • discharge from the nipple, possibly with blood;
  • change in breast size or shape;
  • the appearance of dimples on the skin of the chest;
  • rash on or around the nipple;
  • change in the appearance of the nipple, for example, it becomes sunken;
  • constant pain in the chest or armpits;
  • the appearance of a lump or swelling in the armpit.

Don't be afraid if you are referred for additional examinations, this does not mean that the doctor suspects you have breast cancer. In most cases, it turns out that the lump is benign.

Lump (lump) in the chest: possible causes

In most cases, lumps in the mammary gland are benign in nature, that is, they are not associated with a malignant disease - cancer. As a rule, they are not dangerous and do not require treatment.

Fibrocystic mastopathy or fibroadenosis- the general name for a group of benign formations in the mammary gland, which are accompanied by pain (mastodynia or mastalgia) and an increase in breast size. The symptoms of fibrocystic mastopathy are most clearly noticeable before or during menstruation. The intensity of fibroadenosis manifestations varies from barely noticeable to pronounced and painful. In some women, lumps form in only one mammary gland, in others - in both. With the end of your period, breast lumps usually disappear or become significantly smaller. It is believed that one of the causes of mastopathy is an improper reaction of breast tissue to hormonal changes during the menstrual cycle.

Fibroadenoma is a smooth, round, benign tumor of breast tissue that forms outside the milk ducts. To the touch, fibroadenoma looks like a pea or a lump in the chest, which is not fused with the surrounding tissues and is easily displaced. Most often fibroadenoma is single, less often multiple or found in both mammary glands. Usually it does not disappear after the end of the next menstruation and requires treatment, although in some cases it can go away on its own over time.

The reason for the appearance of fibroadenoma is not completely clear, but it is believed that its growth and development are associated with the atypical influence of the hormone estrogen. The tumor forms predominantly in young women, when the level of this hormone in the blood is highest or after menopause, but only in those women who use hormone replacement therapy, that is, receive estrogen in the form of tablets.

Cyst in the mammary gland is a fluid-filled sac that forms in the breast tissue and can cause a smooth, hard lump to appear in the breast. Most often found in women aged 30–60 years. Cysts can vary in size: very tiny or reaching several centimeters in diameter. There may be several cysts in one or both mammary glands.

These breast cysts often have no symptoms, although some women experience pain. It is believed that, as in the case of fibroadenomas, hormones are involved in the formation of cysts, since women most often suffer from this disease before menopause or those who are on hormone replacement therapy.

Breast abscess- accumulation of pus in the breast tissue, which is accompanied by high fever and inflammatory changes in the skin over the affected area. The most common cause of an abscess is a bacterial infection. Typically, bacteria enter the mammary gland through microcracks or wounds on the skin of the nipple, sometimes formed during breastfeeding.

Other benign causes of breast lumps:

  • mastitis- pain and inflammation of breast tissue;
  • fat necrosis- a hard, uneven lump, often resulting from injury or bruise to the breast, for example, after breast surgery;
  • lipoma- fatty formation in the form of a lump;
  • intraductal papilloma- a wart-like growth inside the milk duct that can also cause nipple discharge.

Breast cancer- a rare but extremely dangerous cause of compaction in one of the mammary glands, which can appear not only in women, but also in men. Possible signs indicating a malignant cause for a breast lump are the following:

  • dense to the touch;
  • does not move, is fused with surrounding tissues;
  • does not decrease after the end of the next menstruation;
  • the skin over the lump is deformed or when the mammary gland is displaced, a dimple appears in the skin;
  • nipple discharge;
  • enlarged lymph nodes in the armpit;
  • appearance in older women after menopause.

Breast cancer can also have other symptoms. The risk of developing breast cancer increases with age, and most cases are diagnosed in women and men over 50 years of age. Predisposition to this disease may also be increased if it occurs in relatives.

Lump (tumor) in the breast: diagnosis

It is important to thoroughly study the appearance of your breasts and the sensations that arise when palpating them in a normal state, in order to immediately notice any unusual changes in them. Contact your gynecologist if you notice breast lumps or changes in breast appearance or shape.

For preliminary diagnosis, the doctor will need the following additional information:

  • When did you first notice the lump?
  • Are there other symptoms such as pain or discharge from the nipple?
  • Do symptoms depend on the menstrual cycle?
  • Have you ever had a chest injury?
  • Do you have risk factors for breast cancer, such as do you have a close relative who has had the disease?
  • What medications are you currently taking?
  • Have you ever breastfed?

Having identified the symptoms, examined and palpated the mammary glands, the doctor may prescribe additional examinations to finally determine the diagnosis. In this case, do not worry prematurely. The examination is necessary to accurately investigate the nature of the formation in the breast and is included in the diagnostic standard.

A referral for additional research does not mean that the doctor suspects you have breast cancer. In most cases, tests and tests help rule out malignancy and prove that the lump is benign (non-cancerous). The most commonly prescribed examination methods are described below.

Mammography is a simple procedure in which X-rays are used to obtain images of the internal structure of the breast. This makes it possible to detect changes in breast tissue at an early stage. During the procedure, the breast is placed on the plate of the X-ray machine and pressed on top by a second plate. An x-ray is then taken and the examination is repeated on the second breast.

A mammogram takes only a few minutes, but due to the pressure placed on the mammary glands by the machine's plates, it can be unpleasant and even slightly painful. After the examination is completed, the x-ray images are carefully examined and described by a radiologist in order to find and identify possible signs of any breast diseases in a timely manner.

Mammography is usually prescribed after the age of 40. In younger women, this study is not so indicative, because the breasts are denser, small formations in them are less visible on photographs, which makes diagnosis difficult. As an alternative examination for young patients, ultrasound examination of the mammary glands is recommended.

Ultrasound examination (ultrasound) is based on the use of high-frequency sound waves to create an image of the mammary glands from the inside. An ultrasound probe or sensor is placed on the chest and transmits an image to a monitor. It will clearly show any existing lumps or developmental abnormalities.

A breast ultrasound may be ordered after a mammogram to find out whether a lump found in the breast is a solid tumor or contains fluid. If the cause of a lump in the breast cannot be diagnosed using mammography or ultrasound, a breast biopsy may be prescribed.

Biopsy involves taking a tissue sample from the tumor for analysis. The sample is taken using a hollow needle that is inserted through the skin into the area being examined. The doctor will use images obtained during an ultrasound or x-ray to guide the needle into the correct location. When the needle is in the right place, the tissue sample is “sucked out.” As a rule, the procedure is performed under local anesthesia to avoid pain or discomfort.

Lump in the breast: should it be treated?

Often, a benign breast lump requires treatment only when it reaches a large size or causes pain. Some types of breast lumps, such as fibroadenomas, breast cysts, and fat necrosis, may resolve over time without treatment. If treatment is not required, the doctor may ask you to come back for an examination after some time to monitor the size of the lump in the breast, as well as if any changes appear in the mammary glands. The following describes the general principles of treating benign breast lumps.

Drug therapy is prescribed if the lump causes pain or the cause of the disease is infection. The following medications may be recommended:

  • painkillers such as paracetamol or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs);
  • tamoxifen, danazol, or bromocriptine are sometimes prescribed for chest pain;
  • antibiotics to treat mastitis or breast abscesses caused by a bacterial infection.

For some women, all that is needed to relieve pain is to reduce their intake of saturated fat and wear a bra that fits properly.

Sometimes it is necessary to pump out fluid from a cyst in the mammary gland. This is called a puncture. After local anesthesia, under ultrasound guidance, a needle is inserted into the cyst and the contents are removed. A sample of the fluid may then be sent for analysis to confirm the diagnosis. Sometimes after the procedure the cyst fills with fluid again. If you have any complaints after the puncture, you should definitely consult a doctor. The fluid can be drained again, but if the cyst continues to fill, it may be removed surgically.

If a benign breast lump is very large or continues to grow, it can be removed with surgery. Most often, surgical treatment is required for fibroadenomas, cysts in the mammary gland, fat necrosis and intraductal papillomas. Surgical removal of a tumor from the breast is usually performed under general anesthesia. The tumor can be cut out with a sharp surgical instrument or removed using a special suction. The obtained surgical material is necessarily sent to the laboratory to confirm the diagnosis and exclude a malignant neoplasm. You can usually go home on the day of surgery or a day later. As with any surgical procedure, there is a risk of side effects: hematoma formation, swelling or bleeding, as well as infectious complications.

If a breast lump turns out to be cancerous, special treatments are required. You can read more about breast cancer treatment.

Which doctor should I contact if a lump appears in my chest?

Any formation in the breast that does not disappear after the end of the next menstruation or appears in a woman after menopause must be shown to a doctor. To do this you need to find a good gynecologist. Primary diagnosis of breast diseases is also carried out by a doctor or nurse in the examination room. A more specialized specialist who treats benign and malignant diseases of the mammary glands is a mammologist. You should contact him in cases where you already know your diagnosis and need serious treatment.


lump in the chest

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All site materials have been checked by doctors. However, even the most reliable article does not allow us to take into account all the features of the disease in a particular person. Therefore, the information posted on our website cannot replace a visit to the doctor, but only complements it. The articles have been prepared for informational purposes and are advisory in nature.
