Children's sanatoriums of the Crimea for the treatment of respiratory tract. Pulmonary sanatoriums Sanatoriums for people with weak respiratory organs

Respiratory diseases develop under the influence of adverse environmental factors. Dust, gas pollution, toxins, chemicals, stress, microbes - all this adversely affects the overall health of the human body. Famous doctors of antiquity, such as Hippocrates, Galen, recommended climate change as the main way to treat respiratory diseases. This is due to the fact that pulmonary ailments are difficult to respond to drug therapy.

Sanatoriums of the Moscow region with the treatment of respiratory organs offer prevention of diseases of the upper respiratory tract, bronchi, pulmonary apparatus, rehabilitation after illnesses, and wellness programs. Most health resorts actively use climatotherapy to combat disorders of the functioning of the ENT organs. Sanatorium-and-spa treatment is recommended for people with chronic forms during remission, after protracted illnesses, operations and other medical interventions.

A complex of wellness procedures for the respiratory system

  • inhalations (oil, alkaline, herbal);
  • mud treatment;
  • halotherapy;
  • physiotherapy;
  • classes in the pool;
  • salt caves;
  • breathing exercises;
  • balneotherapy;
  • physiotherapy;
  • massage;
  • aromatherapy.

Indications for treatment in a sanatorium

Pulmonary sanatoriums offer a complex of therapeutic and preventive measures for diseases such as:

  • chronic bronchitis;
  • pharyngitis;
  • laryngitis;
  • sinusitis;
  • allergic rhinitis;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • pneumonia;
  • emphysema;
  • tonsillopharyngitis;
  • sinusitis;
  • tracheitis.

The location of the sanatorium in a resort area with a favorable climate contributes to rapid recovery and treatment. Recovery takes place under the supervision of specialized specialists with a preliminary examination and the choice of the optimal therapy plan.

"Your resort" - the main assistant in choosing a spa treatment

Our company strives not only to offer/sell a ticket to a client, but to choose the best option for him, taking into account his medical indications. We have a qualified specialist on staff who will help you find a health resort for the treatment of your particular disease. We personally check all the options presented in the catalog, inspect the medical base, test the procedures on ourselves and are always aware of all the changes. You will receive a free consultation on choosing a health resort or rehabilitation center.

We offer affordable vouchers to the sanatorium of the Moscow region with the treatment of respiratory organs, as evidenced by the reviews of our satisfied customers.

The human respiratory system is responsible for the exchange of gases between the inhaled air and the blood. She also participates in such body processes as thermoregulation, smell, voice formation. Thus, any diseases of the respiratory system lead to a significant disruption of a person's usual life. A trip to pulmonology sanatoriums is the most effective way to treat disorders in this area. Since clean air, an abundance of greenery, combined with medical procedures, truly have a beneficial effect on the body.

Pulmonology sanatoriums: all conditions for quality treatment

A suitable sanatorium for the treatment of various types of asthma, bronchitis, pneumonia and other diseases is "Valuevo". It is located in the Leninsky district of the Moscow region and is one of the most popular places for recreation combined with treatment. Sanatorium "Valuevo" is distinguished by its developed infrastructure, unique treatment methods and picturesque natural views. Also, sanatorium treatment of bronchitis, asthma and other diseases of the pulmonary system is carried out in "Kashirskiye springs". Already the name of the object reveals its main feature - the abundance of springs with clean drinking water. They are located in the forests that surround the sanatorium. There are all conditions for the sanatorium treatment of asthma, bronchitis and other diseases. Fresh air, a pond, a clean beach and remoteness from the noise and industrial facilities of the metropolis - all this makes the treatment of the respiratory tract as effective as possible in the sanatorium.

The Moscow Tuberculosis Sanatorium operates at any time of the year. This is a place where treatment for tuberculosis in adults is carried out. Qualified doctors, modern equipment, ecologically clean area - all this helps to quickly cope with the disease, restore strength. All tuberculosis sanatoriums in the Moscow region are located in places far from city noise and industrial areas. After all, the key to improving the condition of patients with this disease is clean air, a favorable climate, and a calm atmosphere.

Also, sanatoriums for the treatment of respiratory organs are located in the Kostroma, Ryazan and other regions. Each of them is fully equipped with modern treatment equipment, as well as cozy rooms and a wide range of entertainment. For example, the sanatorium "Kostroma" (Kostroma region), the main focus of which is chronic diseases of the upper tract, bronchitis, sanatorium treatment of bronchial asthma. It is located in a large park, the decoration of which is a pond. In "Kostroma" in addition to treatment, you can go in for sports, sit in a cozy cafe or bar, and even go on excursions.

The field of treatment of children is widely developed. There are many facilities in the Moscow region, Central Russia and other regions where active measures are being taken to combat respiratory diseases in children, for example, in a pulmonological children's sanatorium. It is located 40 km southeast of Moscow, surrounded by forests. High oxygen content, moderate temperature, coniferous trees - all this allows children to be outdoors a lot, which helps to improve their health. For children suffering from tuberculosis, the Children's Tuberculosis Sanatorium No. 64 operates all year round. Attentive staff and modern treatment methods help to achieve good results in a short time.

Indications for spa treatment

As a rule, depending on the patient's diagnosis, sanatoriums for the treatment of bronchitis, sanatoriums for the treatment of asthma, tuberculosis sanatoriums, sanatoriums for ENT diseases and others are distinguished among the health resorts.

Respiratory treatment: basic methods

The methods of treatment of respiratory organs, including ENT, in the sanatoriums of the Moscow region are diverse. For example, the treatment of bronchial asthma in a sanatorium is carried out using mineral waters and mud, as well as shungite therapy. Tuberculosis sanatoriums include chemotherapy, aerosol therapy, phytotherapy, physiotherapy exercises, climate therapy and others in their treatment programs. Patients with bronchitis are also often prescribed herbal medicine, but therapeutic breathing exercises are most important. It allows you to train the respiratory muscles, strengthen it.

The state of the human respiratory system is greatly influenced by the characteristics of the climate. Even the ancient physicians Hippocrates, Galen and others advised climate change as the main treatment for diseases of the lungs, bronchi and upper respiratory tract. Modern doctors recommend visiting pulmonological sanatoriums for the treatment and prevention of chronic diseases of the broncho-pulmonary system, as well as for restoring health after acute long-term illnesses.

In case of diseases of the upper respiratory tract, which, for the most part, are of a chronic nature, a trip to sanatoriums for the treatment of respiratory organs is recommended. Sanatorium treatment is the most effective method of treating diseases of the respiratory system. This is due to the fact that most respiratory diseases are difficult to treat with drug therapy and do not require inpatient treatment.

Influence of climate on the respiratory system

The respiratory organs have direct contact with the environment (air) and are sensitive to many physical factors (air temperature, humidity, air composition, oxygen partial pressure, atmospheric pressure). This is successfully used by ENT sanatoriums as natural and artificially created methods of treatment and prevention.

Treatment in sanatoriums is recommended in the presence of a chronic disease during a period of persistent remission, that is, when the exacerbation subsides, as well as after prolonged acute illnesses, for example, severe prolonged pneumonia with the development of complications, after operations on the lungs or respiratory tract, injuries.

Indications for spa treatment

Pulmonary sanatoriums offer health programs for such respiratory diseases as: chronic pneumonia, bronchial asthma, chronic bronchitis, pulmonary tuberculosis, broncho-obstructive syndromes of various origins, bronchiectasis, pulmonary emphysema, chronic rhinosinusitis, allergic rhinitis, tonsillopharyngitis, laryngitis, tracheitis, consequences of operations , injuries, long-term acute diseases.

Children's sanatoriums provide an identical range of services for children. In such a health resort, you can send a child for treatment alone or with their parents. Sanatoriums have modern effective types of treatment for diseases that allow, if not to cure the disease completely, then to achieve stable and long-term remission and stop the progressive development of the disease.

Contraindications to spa treatment:

  • Spontaneous pneumothorax, pleural effusion, hemoptysis
  • The presence of pulmonary heart failure above the 2nd degree
  • Chronic lung abscess, bronchiectasis, accompanied by fever, purulent sputum, exhaustion of the body.
  • Bronchial asthma with frequent and severe asthma attacks, uncontrolled hormone-dependent asthma
  • Conditions after ineffective surgical interventions and the presence of postoperative complications
  • The presence of a chronic disease in the acute phase.

Treatment Methods

In any sanatorium, the treatment of respiratory organs is carried out in a complex way, using various methods: balneotherapy, apparatus and respiratory physiotherapy, climatotherapy (heliotherapy, aerotherapy), speleotherapy (salt caves), halotherapy, mud therapy, breathing exercises, massage, reflexology.

Climatotherapy is effective in all diseases of the respiratory system. ENT sanatoriums are located in favorable climatic zones: seaside, mountainous, forest-steppe. The air of the sea, mountains and forests contains a large number of negatively charged ions that have a beneficial effect on the respiratory system and human health.

The air of the forest belt is saturated with phytoncides secreted by plants, which have antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic effects and will be useful in the treatment of chronic bronchitis and asthma. Sea air is useful for the presence of salt hydroaerosols contained in sea water, many minerals that have a therapeutic effect on the respiratory organs (improve ventilation, bronchial patency, stimulate hematopoiesis and metabolism, saturate the body with iodine) and the nervous system.

In addition, solar radiation, having bactericidal properties and activating metabolic processes, the production of hormones, promotes recovery from infectious diseases, helps to reduce swelling of the respiratory tract. The southern coast of Crimea is considered the best climate for curing tuberculosis. Climatic seaside sanatoriums are also located on the Baltic Sea, in Sochi, Gelendzhik, Vladivostok.

Pulmonary sanatoriums, located in a dry subtropical Mediterranean climate, help reduce the frequency of exacerbations of chronic bronchitis by 1.7 times. The mountain climate will be especially useful in the treatment of obstructive syndromes in bronchitis, bronchial asthma, bronchiectasis, and in the treatment of tuberculosis.

Srednegorye (Kislovodsk, Altai, Nalchik, Kyrgyzstan) has a healing effect from the first days of stay. The lungs begin to breathe more efficiently - in the mountains, the partial pressure of oxygen is reduced, the load on the chest is reduced. Improves alveolar ventilation, reduces the lack of oxygen, relieves spasm of the vessels of the pulmonary circulation.

salt caves

Almost all respiratory sanatoriums are equipped with speleochambers, that is, salt caves, and halochambers, that is, an artificially created microclimate of salt caves. Salt caves help alleviate almost all diseases of the ENT organs due to the penetration of a highly dispersed dry aerosol into the respiratory tract, which improves the ventilation performance of breathing, the nervous regulation of breathing, and helps to reduce the intake of medications.

Also, lung treatment is carried out using balneotherapy, that is, therapeutic baths that have both a non-specific general strengthening and a specific therapeutic effect, depending on the type of baths (sulfide, chloride, iodine-bromine, radon, carbonic).

Preparing for a trip to the resort

To travel to a sanatorium, it is necessary to undergo a series of mandatory examinations (chest x-ray, clinical blood and urine tests, ECG) and additional examinations prescribed by the attending physician to assess the state of health and identify contraindications, visit a dentist in order to sanitize carious teeth. After the examination, the attending physician will definitely issue a sanatorium-resort card.

When traveling to a sanatorium with lung diseases, you must take with you the medicines that you take in case of exacerbations of the disease, a sanatorium-and-spa card, and an insurance policy of compulsory medical insurance. If you are going to visit the sanatorium in the height of summer, then you will need sunglasses, cream, a sun hat. It is necessary to remember and observe the mode of exposure to the sun for both adults and, especially, children. Children under 2 years of age are not allowed to stay in direct sunlight.

Having trouble choosing a resort? You will be helped by specialists-resortologists.

Every year, such a familiar and close suburb of Moscow opens up new facets of its magnificence and truly limitless opportunities for recreation and treatment. The Moscow region was formed on January 14, 1929 and is located in the center of the European part of Russia, between 54 and 57 s. sh. and between the 35th and 40th c. e. Area (excluding Moscow area) 46 thousand km2. The population (as of January 1, 2004) is 6622 thousand people (4.6% of the population of Russia). The Moscow Region borders Smolensk Region in the west, Tver Region in the northwest and north, Yaroslavl Region in the northeast, Vladimir Region in the east, Ryazan Region in the southeast, Tula Region in the south, and Kaluga Region in the southwest. The administrative center of the Moscow region is Moscow. The geographical position of the territory of the Moscow region determines the generally flat nature of the relief with alternating hilly uplands and flat lowlands.

The poet William Blake claimed that the whole world can be seen in one flower bud. In the Moscow region, many generations of Russians collected and painstakingly preserved the best artifacts of world culture, famous historical landscapes were repeated, world-famous palaces and castles were copied. Here you can visit, without leaving the expanses of our northern Motherland, the holy land. In the 17th century, the banks of the Istra River miraculously repeated the bends of the Jordan River with their bends, and our Jerusalem near Moscow was reflected in its waters. Mounts Zion, Tabor, Eleon and Calgotha ​​grew. For its beauty and genuine luxury, the Arkhangelskoye estate has been turned into a Versailles near Moscow, and in the south of the Moscow Region, in the steppes of the Prioksko-Terrasny Reserve, real bison graze freely. And if you like the overseas exoticism of a tropical hotel, the hospitable and zealous suburbs will offer it to you. Because the Moscow region is one of the most developed regions of the Russian tourist industry. The list of resort complexes exceeds 1000 items and is able to provide any level of comfort. Health resorts, known for their unique medical facilities and highly qualified medical staff, will help you restore and improve your health. And how many active entertainments in boarding houses and recreation centers near Moscow! The surroundings of the capital are famous for their rare natural beauty. The land of thoughtful forests, ancient rivers, magical lakes and even man-made mountains will provide you with the richest choice of entertainment for spring, summer holidays and holidays for the New Year and Christmas


The climate of the Moscow region is temperate continental. The warm period (average daily air temperature above 0°C), starting in early April and ending in early November, lasts 205-215 days. The warmest month is July (average temperature ranges from 16.5 C in the northwest to 18.5 C in the southeast). The absolute maximum temperature - 39 C was recorded in Kashira and Zaraysk. Annual rainfall in the region ranges from 450 to 650 mm.

Natural healing factors and treatment profiles

The basis of the resort resources of the Moscow region, along with the climate, is made up of drinking mineral waters and brines, which are used for baths. Many sanatoriums near Moscow, such as Mozhaysky, Dorohovo and Erino, have their own pump rooms. In the Moscow region there are several deposits of therapeutic peat mud, which are effectively used in treatment in sanatoriums. The possibility of conducting spa treatment and recreation in the Moscow region is determined by the following factors: the lack of acclimatization reaction, adaptation and readaptation for residents of central Russia; all-weather; developed recreational and medical-diagnostic infrastructure of sanatoriums near Moscow; proximity to leading medical centers.

Diseases of the cardiovascular system, respiratory organs, nervous system, digestive organs, musculoskeletal system, gynecological diseases, metabolic disorders.

Despite the widespread prevalence of various diseases of the respiratory system, modern medicine has effective methods for their diagnosis and treatment. One of the important stages of the treatment process is the period of rehabilitation and restoration of the body's defenses after an illness. This is an extremely important process, since incomplete restoration of the function of the respiratory organs can significantly worsen the quality of a person’s life, reminding of the disease with unpleasant complications. In addition, a violation of the full functioning of the respiratory system will invariably lead to malfunctions in the functioning of other organs and systems, a decrease in overall tone and immunity. That is why it is necessary to pay sufficient attention to the stage of restoring the patient's health in a pulmonological sanatorium.

Therapeutic rehabilitation and wellness programs offered by pulmonological sanatoriums help to effectively restore the body after an illness, and in the case of chronic pathologies, achieve a stable remission. Indications for this type of treatment are respiratory diseases such as:

  • bronchial asthma;
  • chronic pneumonia and bronchitis;
  • allergic rhinitis;
  • emphysema;
  • tonsillopharyngitis, sinusitis, tracheitis.

In addition, spa treatment is an excellent method of preventing the occurrence of various diseases, strengthening immunity and preventing long-term complications.

How is the treatment in sanatoriums of pulmonological profile?

Modern pulmonology sanatoriums offer a full range of methods, including climatotherapy, physiotherapy exercises and breathing exercises, massage, physiotherapy, as well as balneo- and speleotherapy. The location of medical institutions in favorable climatic zones contributes to quick and effective rehabilitation. Sea air is saturated with hydroaerosols of salts, which, in combination with the bactericidal properties of solar radiation, have a positive effect in the treatment of diseases of the respiratory system. The climate of the forest belt has a positive effect on chronic processes by saturating the air with phytoncides - useful substances that plants secrete.

Recovery takes place under the supervision of specialized specialists with a preliminary examination and the choice of the optimal plan for sanatorium treatment.
