Etiology of acne on the nipples. Why do acne appear on the nipples and breasts - an overview of the reasons A pimple popped up on the nipple

Good afternoon, dear readers! I work as a dermatologist and over many years of practice I have seen all kinds of skin pathologies. One of the reasons why women turn to me for help is...

It would seem that the pimple on the halo is almost invisible, and such rashes are always covered by clothes, so why panic about such formations?!

Dear women, if you do not have the opportunity to consult a specialist in the near future after discovering a rash in the chest area, use my advice to find out the cause of these formations and first aid to eliminate discomfort.

What is forbidden to do when treating a pimple on the halo?

Acne can occur in the nipple area for various reasons. In adults, pimples on the halo occur more often. This occurs due to cell death and clogged pores. Often this can be the result of an allergic reaction of the body to shower gels, synthetic fabrics or certain foods.

Or with diseases of the internal organs, formations may also appear on the nipples. All these reasons are united by a number of rules about what is prohibited from doing with any kind of defects on the halo:

  • You should not squeeze out pimples, as there is a high probability of infection in damaged tissues on the skin and the appearance of inflammation in the peripapillary area;
  • there is no need to lubricate the nipples with alcohol - this can cause dryness of the delicate skin of the breast and even burns;
  • do not self-medicate on the advice of your grandmother/mother/friend - the treatment of acne on the face and the medications used differ from those used to treat the sensitive area of ​​the nipples of a woman’s breast.

At the hospital, you can undergo the necessary tests to determine the cause of acne on the areola and receive recommendations for treatment.

If at first you do not have the opportunity to visit a specialist, but your acne hurts or is inflamed, then you can use my recommendations for home treatment with folk remedies.

Treatment at home

Most often, changing your diet and avoiding harmful foods helps eliminate pimples in the peripapillary area, which we will talk about a little later. There is no need to use pharmaceutical ointments and gels without a doctor’s examination, so as not to dry out the skin of the nipple.

It is best to use traditional treatments and recipes made from natural products that will not harm the skin, but will soothe it and help reduce the appearance of the rash. The following products and herbs can be used at home:

  • carrots – you need to squeeze the juice out of fresh carrots using a juicer or squeeze it out of grated root vegetables. You need to wipe your nipples with vitamin liquid several times a day;
  • aloe - you need to cut a fresh leaf of the plant and move the pulp in a circular motion around the halo, wiping the pimples with aloe juice. The procedure can be performed up to three times a day;
  • medicinal herbs - a tablespoon or mixed with a glass of water, boil, let cool, then strain through cheesecloth. You can wipe the nipples with the decoction or apply a soft cotton cloth soaked in the herbal liquid to the pimples. The gauze compress can be kept for no more than a quarter of an hour, and after a while you can repeat the procedure again.

To eliminate pathogenic microorganisms from the affected areas of the breast, you can wash the nipples with water and tar soap.

Pimples on the nipple while breastfeeding

A nursing mother may develop white pimples in the nipple area due to a long break between feeding the baby, poor latching of the nipple by the baby, or if there is an excess of calcium in the mother's diet. At the same time, women often experience itching, burning, and the pimples themselves are very itchy.

Compresses or steaming using heated oil will help get rid of pimples during breastfeeding. You can hold your breasts under the steam of an oily liquid or wipe the pimples with a cloth soaked in warm oil.

Prevention of acne formation in the nipple area

To prevent the occurrence of a rash on the halo, preventive measures should be taken that differ little from the prevention of skin formations on other parts of the body.

If you managed to cure your breasts and clear the skin of the rash, do not forget about further precautions that will help protect you from repeated nipple disease. The list of preventive measures can include the following procedures:

  • personal hygiene - every day you need to wash your skin with a soft washcloth and shower gel to remove dead cells, bacteria and dust;
  • wash your breasts - in the morning and evening you should wipe the skin around the nipples with this cleanser;
  • moisturizing creams - can only be applied to very dry skin, but the cream should consist of natural ingredients;
  • change your diet - add more vegetables and fruits to your diet, remove fatty and fried foods, fast food, soda, coffee and confectionery from your diet, consume less salt;
  • the right choice of clothing and bedding - use only natural fabrics, exclude synthetics.

Boro Plus cream, which contains only natural herbs and beneficial substances, is well suited for nourishing and moisturizing the skin.


I hope that my advice will help women cope with unpleasant rashes in intimate places, gain confidence in themselves and their attractiveness. If you find any defects on the skin, I recommend contacting a specialist and finding out how to properly get rid of your ailment. Thank you all for your attention!

Often, at an appointment with a gynecologist or mammologist, women ask the question of what the pimples around the nipple mean. It is important to know that the white pimples on the nipples are correctly called Montgomery tubercles (W.F. Montgomery is the Irish obstetrician who first described these structures), although the colloquial name is used much more often, if not universally.

Montgomery's tubercles are glands that are located on the areola of a woman's nipples. These glands become especially noticeable during pregnancy, as well as when a woman is breastfeeding.

What do the white bumps around the nipple mean?

The pimples near the nipple are actually sebaceous glands, which have changed in the process of evolution. At their tops, the excretory ducts of the gland open. Pimples near the nipples secrete a secretion, the meaning of which still remains unclear. There is a version that these glands secrete a lubricant containing a large amount of fat, which in a certain way protects the nipple areola from drying out. In addition, according to one version, the secretion of the Montgomery glands has some bactericidal properties. Science has described cases where, during pregnancy, pimples on the nipples separated milk.

An interesting version is that the number of pimples on a mother’s nipples is directly dependent on how well her child is fed. Scientists suggest that the secretion of these glands contains a substance that is detected by the baby’s olfactory receptors. Research is underway to identify and synthesize this substance for subsequent use in teaching premature babies to receive nutrition from the mother's breast.

When and why do pimples appear on the nipples?

Pimples around the nipples can be present in different numbers in different women. There may be just a few, or there may be many. They are points located around the nipple. There are usually 12-15 pimples on each nipple. If pimples appear on the nipples during pregnancy, it is believed that the arrival of milk is imminent. At the same time, it is widely believed that the more pimples, the more milk the expectant mother will have.

Why pimples on the nipples appear during pregnancy can be explained by the fact that hormonal changes occur in a woman’s body. During lactation, Montgomery's bumps are also very pronounced, but as soon as breastfeeding stops, the bumps undergo reverse development.

Enlargement or appearance of Montgomery tubercles is one of the signs of pregnancy. In some women, they begin to increase from the very first days of pregnancy, becoming one of the first “messages” from the body that the egg has successfully implanted in the uterus.

All women need to remember that the appearance of such pimples is normal, does not pose a danger and, moreover, does not require treatment. Some women try to squeeze out the contents of the glands, but this should not be done, as infection may occur.

Inflammation of the Montgomery tubercles is a common occurrence diagnosed by a mammologist or gynecologist. The pimples turn red and become painful to the touch. To get rid of these symptoms, you can use chamomile decoction, but if the inflammation does not go away, you should consult a doctor. You should not steam or heat your breasts if the Montgomery glands are not in a normal state. If inflammation occurs in a nursing mother, then it is recommended to stop before contacting a doctor and before making a diagnosis.

Sometimes a woman has such an intimate problem as acne on her nipples. This phenomenon is not always a serious cause for concern. Before you sound the alarm, you need to find out why the problem occurs.

It is important to find out the cause of acne on the nipples

Black dots on the nipples are nothing more than clogging of the ducts of the sebaceous glands. Due to the active production of sebum, it clogs the pores. In addition, particles of dirt get into them. When exposed to oxygen, sebum oxidizes, acquiring a dark appearance. All these factors influence this at once.

A white pimple on the nipple is a benign cyst, which consists of sebum and dead epithelial cells. Usually this phenomenon is not a cause for concern and may go away on its own after some time.

However, in some cases, the process can take a pathological course, turning into a neoplasm. A consultation with a mammologist is mandatory.

Black spots on nipples

Why is there a problem?

A pimple on the nipple halo most often occurs due to the factors described above. The hyperactivity of the glands, in turn, is influenced by other processes, among which the main ones are:

  • hormone therapy;
  • endocrine disorders;
  • poor nutrition;
  • allergic reactions;
  • chronic pathologies;
  • diabetes;
  • gastrointestinal diseases;
  • frequent stress;
  • obesity.

Girls and women who are keen on taking contraceptives often notice pimples that have popped up, which can appear absolutely anywhere, including on the papillae. This is due to the fact that such tablets contain hormones, which lead to surges in the body. They activate the sebaceous ducts, which produce and release sebum in large quantities.

Hormone therapy is often the cause of acne.

Diseases of the endocrine system can also cause rashes to appear in the area of ​​the halo, around the nipple, in women. Due to surges, your own hormones can lead to inflammatory processes in the dermis.

If a woman is fond of eating spicy, fatty or fried foods, then most likely acne is her regular guest. It's no secret that such food is not only very harmful in general, but also makes the glands work more intensely. We described above what this process leads to. In addition, such dishes contain waste, carcinogens and various toxins, which from the intestines enter the bloodstream and are delivered to all tissues, including the skin. The dermis reacts very violently to such toxic substances, which leads to inflammatory processes, as a result of which one can expect the appearance of red acne. In this case, it is strongly recommended to reconsider your eating habits.

Sometimes dermatological problems that arise in the area of ​​the mammary glands can be associated with an allergic reaction to something. This could be a bra made of synthetic fabrics. As you know, material made from artificial fabrics does not allow the dermis to breathe fully, leading to a greenhouse effect. Accumulated sweat leads to irritation of the skin and the formation of an inflammatory process. In this case, black dots appear, and subsequently white ulcers appear.

This can, in turn, lead to such an unpleasant phenomenon as furunculosis. This is a dermatological disease, which is the formation of closed, very painful comedones of large sizes. They are red at first, but as they ripen they develop a white head at the top.

If a boil appears in the nipple halo, you should immediately contact a mammologist or dermatologist to solve the problem, because any formation in this area is far from a joke.

The remaining causes of dermatological problems are associated with a weakened immune system, which in this state cannot resist the proliferation of staphylococci - the main culprits of acne.

Should I worry?

If a white pimple appears and does not manifest itself in any way with additional symptoms, then it may soon go away on its own. If it causes some discomfort and begins to grow, then you should urgently contact a specialist.

It is advisable to consult a specialist

You should not try near the nipple, as this is fraught with serious consequences. This can lead to the spread of infection to healthy tissue, and in the worst case, cause sepsis - blood poisoning.

If the rashes are allergic in nature, then in this case you will also need to be examined by a doctor who will prescribe the necessary treatment.

Even if the formations in the chest area do not bother you at all, but do not disappear for a long time, it is recommended to see a specialist, because if you seek help too late, the doctor may no longer be able to help you.

How to get rid of the problem?

If a large white eel jumps out, it is prohibited to crush it yourself. This should be done by a specialist who will determine how serious the formation is and whether it should be removed surgically.

The doctor will help identify the cause and prescribe treatment.

In some cases, specialists resort to hormone therapy, prescribing the patient antibiotics for internal and local use.

The most commonly prescribed oral antibiotic is Amoxicillin and its analogues. The drug suppresses the activity of pathogenic microorganisms, killing them. In addition, the medication perfectly relieves inflammation, which leads to the fact that the problem area will soon resolve, and not a trace of inflammation will remain.

The most commonly prescribed local antibiotics include Erythromycin, which stops the proliferation of staphylococci. Like taking oral antibiotics, erythromycin-based ointment works great against inflammation.

In addition to medication, people often resort to traditional medicine, independently using various compresses from ingredients donated by nature.

Areas where inflammation has formed before ulcers appear can be treated with chamomile decoction. Calendula and oak bark, which also have antiseptic properties, are also perfect for preparing it.

You can use home remedies in addition to the main therapy, but only after consultation with a specialist.

Throughout life, people at any age are concerned about the problem of skin rashes, namely acne. Their appearance on the nipples is another skin defect that brings discomfort.

When pimples first appear in this area, many people begin to think about how to disguise them. This leads to problems not only of a psychological nature. In addition to disrupting the aesthetic appearance, formations in this area tend to itch and become inflamed.

Causes of acne on nipples

The most common cause of acne on the nipples is hormonal imbalances in the body. In order to understand why rashes appear in this area, you need to consult a dermatologist.

In adulthood, this is far from uncommon; after 30 years, intensive death of skin cells occurs. As a result, dead cells clog the pores. Then an inflammatory process occurs, which results in acne.

Also, a pimple on or near the areola of the nipple may appear as a result of the progression of an internal disease, which makes itself felt by skin defects.

In women, there are glands around the nipple called Montgomery glands. They are involved in the production of a special lubricant that facilitates feeding. In some cases, the glands become inflamed and look like white pimples. If such symptoms are detected, you should contact a mammologist.

Before treatment, it is necessary to consult with specialists and diagnose possible diseases.

Treatment of acne on nipples

You should not self-medicate. Only traditional methods of treatment will provide complete relief from the disease.

For prevention purposes, it is necessary to undergo an examination by a dermatologist. Follow the course of treatment prescribed by your doctor, this will speed up your recovery.

To avoid acne around the nipples, follow a proper diet and diet. Eliminate sweet, fatty and spicy foods.

Particular attention should be paid to personal hygiene. Tar soap helps with this defect. They should wash their breasts and nipples daily. Tar soap not only cleanses the skin efficiently, but also helps get rid of acne.

You can apply masks prepared independently from natural products to the problem area. Aloe and carrot juice is considered an effective remedy.

If you have this problem, you should avoid wearing clothes made of synthetic materials; do not wear tight-fitting T-shirts and tank tops. Try to use clothes that contain natural ingredients, give preference to loose fit.

In addition, it is necessary to arrange air baths for the nipples, since the breast most often lacks oxygen.

Pimples on the nipples are not a reason to panic. An experienced specialist will help you quickly get rid of this defect. If there are no inflammatory processes and the acne is not in an advanced state, then the procedure for removing it will not be difficult.

If nipple rashes occur periodically, you should consult a dermatologist.

The appearance of a white spot on the nipple, especially in women and girls who are not pregnant or breastfeeding, often causes confusion, but does not always provoke a visit to a specialist. And in vain, because in rare cases such a symptom may indicate serious diseases of the mammary glands.

White dots on nipples - what are they?

Normally, the nipples of a healthy woman should have a uniform color; pimples of the same color as the nipple itself are allowed to appear on them. But if white dots or spots appear on them, this is a signal of unfavorable processes occurring in the mammary glands, which often require correction by a mammologist.

In the vast majority of cases, white spots on the nipples are the result of blockage of the mammary gland ducts, which can develop as a result of the following reasons:

  • insufficient breast hygiene;
  • intensive production of adipose tissue in the mammary glands;
  • excessive secretion of sebaceous secretions;
  • accumulation of fat from secreted milk (in nursing women).

In any case, if white spots appear on the nipple, you should consult a doctor who will conduct the necessary examinations and advise on how to get rid of this problem.

Causes of white spots on nipples in general

White spots on the nipples or small dots in most women are common acne or clogged ducts in the mammary gland. Such formations on the chest are not serious diseases, but require certain treatment or simple medical procedures that will quickly get rid of disturbing white dots.

The most common causes of such problems are:

  • hormonal changes in the body during puberty, pregnancy or menopause;
  • rapid production of adipose tissue in girls when breasts begin to grow rapidly;
  • vital activity of bacterial pathogens: most often staphylococci and streptococci;
  • reduced immunity;
  • diabetes.

But white spots on the nipples may not be as harmless as it seems at first glance. Such a symptom can signal breast injuries, inflammatory processes in the mammary glands, mastopathy and even tumor formations. Therefore, if white spots appear near the nipples, you should immediately consult a doctor and undergo diagnostics, even if there are no other symptoms.

White spots in early pregnancy

If white spots on the nipples appear shortly after conception, this is a normal phenomenon that does not require treatment. In medical practice, they are called Montgomery tubercles - special glands in the area of ​​the nipple areola that enlarge and become white after pregnancy.

They do not appear in every woman, which also applies to normal variants. If a pregnant woman has no more than 10-12 of them, there is no need to worry. Otherwise, it is recommended to consult a specialist.

White spots during breastfeeding

When breastfeeding, the appearance of white spots on the nipples can be caused by the following reasons:

  1. Blockage of the milk ducts with fat.
  2. Thrush, which the mother had during pregnancy and during childbirth, was transmitted to the child, and from him - again to the mother, but this time to the nipple area.

In both the first and second cases, the appearance of white spots or dots indicates serious problems that need to be treated under the supervision of a doctor, because such rashes in the future can provoke the development of mastopathy, mastitis or a severe fungal infection against a background of weakened immunity.

What to do and how to treat white spots

Treatment of this problem should only be carried out by a doctor: he will prescribe suitable medications and recommend other methods of getting rid of white spots (steaming, rubbing, massage). In some cases, antibiotics or hormonal medications will be required, so self-medication is not allowed.
