How to wear a bandage after an abdominoplasty? Corset after abdominoplasty Why do I need compression underwear after surgery

In MilaStore - to purchase textiles that prevent complications during the rehabilitation period.

Abdominoplasty is a type of surgical intervention aimed at removing fat deposits and skin. It allows you to reduce the volume of the body at the waist, get rid of sagging skin in the abdomen and thereby achieve the desired silhouette. The complexity of rehabilitation after the operation requires not only the abandonment of sports and heavy physical exertion, but also the use of special medical textiles. Buy compression underwear after abdominoplasty- means to provide high-quality support to the abdominal wall and soft tissues. A specialized product allows you to relieve pain and get rid of discomfort. Wearing it ensures the correct course of wound healing and scar formation.

What is the purpose of buying underwear after abdominoplasty?

A tummy tuck is a complex operation that entails consequences in the form of swelling, bruising and pain. Accompanied by the removal of fat, it often leads to the formation of voids under the skin. In the absence of compression, liquid enters the damaged area of ​​the body after surgery, and the rehabilitation period, often complicated by inflammation and infection, increases dramatically. Timely decision buy compression underwear for abdominoplasty allows you to eliminate such moments and facilitate the recovery process as much as possible.

The basis of specialized textiles is an elastic fabric that exerts pressure on the operated area of ​​the body in the amount of 17-21 mm. rt. Art. The specificity of its cut and functional features make it possible to minimize pain from movement, improve lymph outflow and prevent blood stasis. Deciding bandage after tummy tuck buy, the patient will be able to speed up the recovery process, provide the greatest possible comfort for the rehabilitation period and restore skin elasticity. The controlling function of medical textiles in the form of compression on the abdomen will help the operated patient not to overeat.

Why is it profitable to buy underwear after tummy tuck from us?

You can buy textiles for recovery after surgery at a pharmacy, a specialized boutique or an online store. In the latter case, it is sufficient to go to the company's website and place an order. By choosing IM "MilaStore" as a virtual supplier of medical products, the buyer will be able to purchase a quality product that meets the recommendations of doctors and international standards. A wide range of presented models will allow each visitor to find and order the product of interest. Buy compression underwear after abdominoplasty cheap in Moscow from us - to purchase textile products of the required size. The qualifications and experience of our specialists will allow us to provide the client with professional advice and help him choose the product that meets the established requirements from the presented assortment.

- one of the most difficult interventions in plastic surgery, which brings many restrictions to a person's life. One of them is the long-term wear of compression underwear.

Why wear a bandage after an abdominoplasty?

To understand the issue, you need to know what happens to the human body during the operation. In the course of his work, the surgeon has a traumatic effect not only on the skin, but also on the abdominal muscles, lifting, stretching and excising them. Impacts cause damage to the vascular system and other tissues, a subcutaneous space is formed, suitable for the occurrence of edema, suppuration, inflammation or infection. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to wear special underwear that fixes the anterior abdominal wall in a rigid position and does not allow it to move. Discomfort decreases, pain syndrome decreases, the patient's well-being improves. The bandage helps to reduce swelling, preventing fluid from accumulating in one place, has a protective function, preventing danger from external factors. If the specific pressure is correctly distributed over the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe abdomen, the risk of suture divergence will be greatly reduced. Once a day, you can "uncover" to treat the wound.

How long to wear a bandage after abdominoplasty?

It is quite possible in a month, subject to the permission of the attending doctor. If this is done earlier, then there is a risk of a disproportionate abdominal wall, since the muscles have not yet fully strengthened, and the subcutaneous fat has not been distributed evenly over the entire plane of the abdomen. For complete certainty, underwear is not recommended to be removed. six months from the moment of release.

The rehabilitation process after abdominoplasty is quite long and sometimes very painful. This is understandable, because abdominoplasty is a full-fledged surgical operation with all the ensuing consequences. In the process of rehabilitation, in order to consolidate the positive effect achieved by abdominoplasty, it is necessary to strictly follow the instructions of the attending physician.

Compression underwear after tummy tuck

An important element of the recovery period is compression underwear after abdominoplasty. It is usually a wide bandage encircling the body in the abdomen. Such underwear provides the necessary compression, accelerates healing and prevents swelling. Sometimes it is worn on a person immediately after an abdominoplasty, when he is still under general anesthesia. This allows you to protect the seams and swelling after abdominoplasty from excessive mechanical stress.

It usually makes sense to purchase at least two sets of supportive underwear, in which case it is easier to ensure that it is washed on time. Some types of laundry need to be air dried, and this happens quite slowly, so it is logical to have a spare set. In most cases, compression underwear is worn for at least 3-4 months after the abdominoplasty has been performed, the rehabilitation period for this plastic surgery is very long.

Compression garments are available in various sizes. Putting it on may seem a bit difficult at first, but practice solves this problem. It is usually easier to put it on in a standing position. Compression underwear should be completely smooth on the body, it is important to avoid any wrinkles and folds. Usually during the day it is required to correct the position of the linen on the body 1-2 times, as it gets a little off in the process of wearing. Compression underwear after abdominoplasty is actively discussed in the corresponding section of the forum of our website.

How to ease the recovery period after abdominoplasty

Immediately after an abdominoplasty, the abdomen is usually swollen and there may be a feeling of pulsation in the operated area. The doctor prescribes painkillers to the patient, which must be taken when severe pain occurs. It is important not to delay taking painkillers until the pain becomes severe. Early intake of analgesics can reduce their total consumption. Pain should not be tolerated, as painful sensations worsen well-being and slow down recovery.

The pain usually subsides within a few days, as does the swelling. Small bruises may remain, but they will also disappear in a few days. It is important to understand this in order not to become depressed and not to get upset in vain. The formation of hematomas and swelling is a completely normal consequence of surgical interventions, including abdominoplasty. It depends on the careful observance of the doctor's recommendations after how many days the swelling subsides and the hematomas disappear.

Upon discharge from the hospital, the attending physician provides the patient with detailed written instructions. The plastic surgeon provides his patient with a list of medications to take and detailed instructions regarding behavior, hygiene, wearing compression stockings and lifestyle in the coming weeks and months after tummy tuck. In the event of any alarming manifestations and adverse signs, such as fever or bleeding from the incision, you should immediately notify the doctor.

  • special diet throughout the rehabilitation prescribed by the surgeon
  • a sharp limitation of motor activity in the first days after abdominoplasty
  • a significant reduction in physical activity and lifting weights in the first months after surgery
  • regular performance of special sets of exercises prescribed by a plastic surgeon
  • smoking cessation throughout the entire rehabilitation period, as nicotine interferes with recovery processes
  • refraining from sunbathing on the beach and in the solarium for a many-month recovery period, until obtaining permission from the attending physician
  • avoiding saunas, hot baths and contrast showers for an extended period until a doctor's permission is obtained

Lifestyle during the rehabilitation period

If you are taking oral contraceptives, then remember that some antibiotics may interact with them in an undesirable way. Therefore, in addition to oral contraceptives, additional methods of contraception should be used. Of course, in the first weeks after abdominoplasty, most patients simply abstain from sexual activity due to malaise. Before resuming sexual activity, you should consult with your doctor to make sure that such actions are safe for the body.

Your doctor will often recommend that you place extra pillows under your head and shoulders for the first 2 weeks to keep your upper body elevated. In the first days after the operation, the patient should lie down a lot. In an upright position, pain intensifies and it is better to lie or at least sit. It is important not to overload your body and nervous system for the first time after the operation, you need to rest and sleep a lot, as this ensures an accelerated recovery after abdominoplasty.

In the first weeks after abdominoplasty, it is important to regularly measure the temperature. An elevated temperature usually indicates an infection or inflammation. The first time after surgery, the patient is usually prescribed antibiotics, which must be taken exactly according to the doctor's instructions. Even if a person feels normal, one should not arbitrarily reduce the dosage of antibiotics or stop taking them, as this is fraught with the development of an infection.

It can be quite difficult to transfer surgery, so it is recommended for everyone to wear it. The Valento company offers technologically advanced models that will seem like a "second skin" to you.

They do not cause allergies, do not rub, the main thing is to take the measurements correctly. Modern postoperative underwear is created from materials that allow air to pass through and have different degrees of contraction. With the right selection, the product will provide the necessary pressure in certain areas, improve microcirculation.

Why do I need compression underwear after surgery?

Specially designed for certain parts of the body, compression underwear after surgery will be recommended by any surgeon, as they are created to help the body overcome stress, the effects of tissue incision and the regeneration period in the suture area. Slimming and fixing underwear after surgery does a lot of good for the body of a person who has undergone surgical treatment:

  • Provides rest to tissues.
  • Prevents divergence of seams.
  • Eliminates lowering or displacement of internal organs.
  • Does not allow the appearance of edema, bruising, hernia.
  • Promotes accelerated tissue regeneration.
  • Reduces recovery time.
  • Restores lymphatic drainage of veins.
  • Regulates heat transfer, protects from hypothermia.

Types of compression postoperative underwear

The range of products and their varieties is very wide: from compression stockings to a fixing mask for the head. It all depends on the area of ​​​​operation and the characteristics of the person's health. You can buy postoperative underwear for several areas at once, for example, a bandage that turns into elongated shorts or a bodice with sleeves. Also in the Valento company you can purchase a product designed specifically for a certain type of operation, for example, an oncological bandage after a mastectomy.

Postoperative compression underwear will be required after operations in gynecology, orthopedics, oncology, abdominal cavity, upper and lower extremities, pelvic organs, neck, head, and so on. Compression underwear is especially necessary after plastic surgery: mammoplasty, abdominoplasty, rhinoplasty, liposuction. It will allow the edges of the seams not to move - the joints of tissues in plastic are very thin and fragile, and will also quickly relieve bruises and swelling.

How long to wear compression underwear after surgery?

The compression product is put on the patient immediately after the operation. It is worn around the clock, changing kits. Modern models are technically and constructively thought out, they do not interfere with bending the limbs and torso, going to the toilet. Patients are advised to wear slimming underwear after surgery for at least a month. In some cases, the period may be extended. You can only take it off when swimming.

It is recommended to have two replacement sets as they need to be changed and washed daily. The type of postoperative linen and the degree of its tightening will be recommended by the doctor. You just have to decide on the size. You can do this according to the tables in the section or ask our managers for help.

Like any operation, a tummy tuck requires a long period of rehabilitation, during which doctors require the patient to buy and wear special compression underwear for the abdomen after tummy tuck.

Why do I need compression underwear after tummy tuck?

A tummy tuck is a surgical intervention, and entails consequences: swelling, bruising, pain. Compression underwear is designed to avoid all these unpleasant consequences.

Compression underwear is made of durable elastic fabric that supports the operated area of ​​the body from all sides, applying pressure. Thus, it will be possible to avoid puffiness, get rid of bruises faster. Compression underwear is also necessary to restore the normal elasticity of the skin.

How to wear compression underwear after tummy tuck?

Compression garments are worn for about 2-3 weeks after surgery. During this time, it will be necessary to periodically tighten the laundry with the help of special hooks that are always equipped with such clothes.

Often, the bandage is produced in the form of a belt-corset for the abdomen or high-waisted shorts - both of these models are equipped with hooks for adjusting volumes, and the surgeon decides which option to buy for you.

Where to buy compression underwear after tummy tuck?

You can buy a belly bandage in a special store, but in the era of the Internet, a similar product can also be found in our online store. To do this, just go to the site, and not look for a bandage in the nearest pharmacies. We offer you only high quality products that meet all the standards and recommendations of doctors. You can buy the model that suits your case, and the purchase price will please you.
