Kostroma saints biography. The lives and exploits of the Kostroma saints. Holy Great Martyr Theodore Stratelates - heavenly patron of Kostroma

February 5(January 23 according to the “old style” - the church Julian calendar). Tuesday of the 37th week of Pentecost(thirty-seventh week after the great twelve feast of Pentecost - Holy Trinity). No post. The Russian Orthodox Church celebrates today Cathedral of Kostroma Saints, memory VI Ecumenical Council, as well as the memory of 11 saints known by name. Next we will briefly talk about them.

Cathedral of Kostroma Saints. Among the cities founded at the dawn of ancient Russian statehood, Kostroma occupies a special place. It's from here to 1613 From the Nativity of Christ, 16-year-old Mikhail Romanov was called to the throne, which put an end to the Time of Troubles. Kostroma land is famous for its ancient temples and monasteries. And of course, a whole host of spiritual ascetics who 1981 In the Russian Orthodox Church, a separate celebration was established - the Council of Kostroma Saints.

The holiday was established on the initiative of Archbishop Cassian (Yaroslavl) of Kostroma and Galich and with the blessing of Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus' Pimen (Izvekov) and dedicated to Memorial Day Venerable Gennady of Kostroma. And already February 5, 1982 In many Orthodox churches, services were held for the first time in honor of the Heavenly patrons of the city of Kostroma.

The first Kostroma saint in time is Rev. Abraham, who defeated paganism within Rostov the Great and Kostroma. In the cathedral there are dozens of medieval ascetics and, of course, a number of new martyrs and confessors XX century, including the Royal Passion-Bearers. And each of us needs to visit these blessed lands, which have special significance for Russia, at least once in our lives. To feel a unique sense of historical memory and certainly bow to the Kostroma saints, who are the patrons of not only Kostroma and its environs, but also the entire Russian Land.

Memories of the VI Ecumenical Council. This council convened 681 from the Nativity of Christ in Constantinople, the Roman Emperor Constantine Pogonatus, who reigned in 668-685. The conciliar acts were directed against the Monothelite heresy, whose adherents humiliated the Human Will of Christ. About 170 council members approved the confession of the Orthodox faith about two true wills in Christ - Divine and human.

VI Ecumenical Council. Photo: www.pravoslavie.ru

Hieromartyr Clement and Martyr Agathangel. Holy sufferers, teacher and student, who accepted many torments for their loyalty to Christ and His Church during the period of the most severe anti-Christian persecution of the pagan emperor Diocletian (Diocletian), who reigned in the Roman Empire in 284-305 from the Nativity of Christ. The exact date of the martyrdom of Saint Agathangel is unknown, but Saint Clement was beheaded by the sword by the pagans after the Divine Liturgy. in 312 from the Nativity of Christ, shortly before the end of persecution against Christians in the Roman Empire.

Hieromartyr Clement of Ancyra. Photo: www.pravoslavie.ru

Venerable Mavsima (Maishima) Sirin. Syrian saint IVcenturies from the Nativity of Christ, who voluntarily took upon himself the feat of begging and serving others. Despite extreme poverty, the righteous man always kept two vessels full in his hut: with bread and oil. The doors of the house were never closed, and anyone hungry and in need could receive food from the hands of this saint.

Venerable Salaman the Silent One. Saint IVcenturies, the first of God’s saints to take upon himself the very difficult feat of prayerful silence. For many years the Monk Salaman communicated only with the Lord and went to Him in 400 from the Nativity of Christ.

Saint Paul the Merciful, Bishop of Nolan. Saint IV-Vcenturies, who in his youth made an excellent secular career, becoming a Roman senator, after which he accepted Christ and decided to devote his life to Him. He distributed property to the poor and helped orphans and the needy in everything.

IN endIVcentury Saint Paulinus was elected Bishop of Nolan. One day, unable to ransom the captives from the Vandals, the saint himself went into slavery among them in exchange for the son of a poor widow. When the Vandals found out who they had taken captive, they freed the elder, but he persuaded them to let other Christians go with him. Saint Paulinus died in the 79th year of his earthly life in 431 from the Nativity of Christ.

Venerable Gennady of Kostroma and Lyubimograd. One of the most revered saints of the Kostroma land, in whose honor the celebration of the Council of Kostroma Saints was established. The Monk Gennady was born in White Rus' in the city of Mogilev, from where, in search of monastic spiritual exploits, he went to Moscow and Novgorod Rus', and then to the Vologda and Kostroma regions. On Lake Surskoe in Kostroma, Saint Gennady, together with the Monk Cornelius of Komel, founded a monastic hermitage, which later became the Gennady Monastery. The old man died in 1565 from the Nativity of Christ.

Reverend Gennady of Kostroma and Lyubimograd. Photo: www.pravoslavie.ru

Transfer of the relics of St. Theoktistus, Archbishop of Novgorod. Russian saint who headed the episcopal department of Veliky Novgorod in the early years of the 14th century. Having done a lot to restore and beautify churches and monasteries, Bishop Theoktist left his archpastoral service and retired to monastic spiritual endeavors in the Annunciation Monastery, taking a vow of silence. He went to the Lord in 1310 from the Nativity of Christ. The honorable relics of this saint were transferred to the city of Yuryev in 1786.

Reverend Martyr Seraphim (Bulashov), Reverend Martyrs Evdokia (Kuzminova) and Ekaterina (Cherkasova), Martyr Militsa Kuvshinova. The Orthodox abbot, nuns of monastic monasteries and laywomen who suffered for their faith during the period of Soviet atheistic persecution and accepted the crown of martyrdom on this bloody day 1938. Glorified among the thousands of new martyrs and confessors of the Russian Church.

Congratulations to Orthodox Christians in memory of all today's saints! Through their prayers, Lord, save and have mercy on us all! We are happy to congratulate those who received names in their honor through the Sacrament of Holy Baptism or monastic tonsure! As they used to say in Rus' in the old days: “To the Guardian Angels - a golden crown, and to you - good health!” To our departed relatives and friends - eternal memory!

Cathedral of Kostroma Saints. Orthodox calendar for February 5th The main church holidays, days of remembrance of saints and Orthodox shrines of today are February 5th (January 23rd according to the “old style” - the church Julian calendar). Tuesday of the 37th week of Pentecost (thirty-seventh week after the great twelve feast of Pentecost - Holy Trinity). There is no post. In the Russian Orthodox Church today there is a celebration of the Council of Kostroma Saints, the remembrance of the VI Ecumenical Council, as well as the memory of 11 saints known by name. Next we will briefly talk about them. * * * Cathedral of Kostroma Saints. Among the cities founded at the dawn of ancient Russian statehood, Kostroma occupies a special place. It was from here that in 1613 from the Nativity of Christ, 16-year-old Mikhail Romanov was called to the throne, which put an end to the Time of Troubles. Kostroma land is famous for its ancient temples and monasteries. And of course, a whole host of spiritual ascetics, for whom in 1981 a separate celebration was established in the Russian Orthodox Church - the Council of Kostroma Saints. Salt of the Russian Land: February 5 - Cathedral of the Kostroma Saints The holiday was established on the initiative of Archbishop Cassian (Yaroslavsky) of Kostroma and Galich and with the blessing of Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus' Pimen (Izvekov) and timed to coincide with the day of memory of the Venerable Gennady of Kostroma. And already on February 5, 1982, in many Orthodox churches, services were held for the first time in honor of the Heavenly Patrons of the city of Kostroma. The first Kostroma saint in time is the Monk Abraham, who defeated paganism within the boundaries of Rostov the Great and Kostroma. In the cathedral there are dozens of medieval ascetics and, of course, a number of new martyrs and confessors of the 20th century, including the Royal Passion-Bearers. And each of us needs to visit these blessed lands, which have special significance for Russia, at least once in our lives. To feel a unique sense of historical memory and certainly bow to the Kostroma saints, who are the patrons of not only Kostroma and its environs, but also the entire Russian Land. * * * Memories of the VI Ecumenical Council. This council was convened in 681 AD in Constantinople by the Roman Emperor Constantine Pogonatus, who reigned in 668-685. The conciliar acts were directed against the Monothelite heresy, whose adherents humiliated the Human Will of Christ. About 170 council members approved the confession of the Orthodox faith about two true wills in Christ - Divine and human. VI Ecumenical Council. Photo: www.pravoslavie.ru Hieromartyr Clement and Martyr Agathangel. Holy sufferers, teacher and student, who accepted many torments for loyalty to Christ and His Church during the period of the most severe anti-Christian persecution of the pagan emperor Diocletian (Diocletian), who reigned in the Roman Empire in 284-305 from the Nativity of Christ. The exact date of the martyrdom of Saint Agathangel is unknown, but Saint Clement was beheaded by the sword by the pagans after the Divine Liturgy in 312 AD, shortly before the end of persecution against Christians in the Roman Empire. Hieromartyr Clement of Ancyra. Photo: www.pravoslavie.ru Venerable Mavsima (Maishima) Sirin. Syrian saint of the 4th century AD, who voluntarily took upon himself the feat of begging and serving his neighbors. Despite extreme poverty, the righteous man always kept two vessels full in his hut: with bread and oil. The doors of the house were never closed, and anyone hungry and in need could receive food from the hands of this saint. Reverend Salaman is a silent man. Saint of the 4th century, the first of God's saints to undertake the very difficult feat of prayerful silence. For many years, the Monk Salaman communicated only with the Lord and departed to Him in the year 400 from the Nativity of Christ. Saint Paul the Merciful, Bishop of Nolan. The saint of the 4th-5th centuries, who in his youth made an excellent secular career, becoming a Roman senator, after which he accepted Christ and decided to devote his life to Him. He distributed property to the poor and helped orphans and the needy in everything. At the end of the 4th century, Saint Paulinus was elected Bishop of Nolan. One day, unable to ransom the captives from the Vandals, the saint himself went into slavery among them in exchange for the son of a poor widow. When the Vandals found out who they had taken captive, they freed the elder, but he persuaded them to let other Christians go with him. Saint Paulinus died in the 79th year of his earthly life in 431 from the Nativity of Christ. Reverend Gennady of Kostroma and Lyubimograd. One of the most revered saints of the Kostroma land, in whose honor the celebration of the Council of Kostroma Saints was established. The Monk Gennady was born in White Rus' in the city of Mogilev, from where, in search of monastic spiritual exploits, he went to Moscow and Novgorod Rus', and then to the Vologda and Kostroma regions. On Lake Surskoe in Kostroma, Saint Gennady, together with the Monk Cornelius of Komel, founded a monastic hermitage, which later became the Gennady Monastery. The elder died in 1565 from the Nativity of Christ. Reverend Gennady of Kostroma and Lyubimograd. Photo: www.pravoslavie.ru Transfer of the relics of St. Theoktistus, Archbishop of Novgorod. Russian saint who headed the episcopal department of Veliky Novgorod in the early years of the 14th century. Having done a lot to restore and beautify churches and monasteries, Bishop Theoktist left his archpastoral service and retired to monastic spiritual exploits in the Annunciation Monastery, taking a vow of silence. He departed to the Lord in 1310 from the Nativity of Christ. The venerable relics of this saint were transferred to the city of Yuryev in 1786. Venerable Martyr Seraphim (Bulashov), Venerable Martyrs Evdokia (Kuzminova) and Ekaterina (Cherkasova), Martyr Militsa Kuvshinova. The Orthodox abbot, nuns of monastic monasteries and laywomen who suffered for their faith during the period of Soviet atheistic persecution and accepted the crown of martyrdom on this day in the bloody year of 1938. Glorified among the thousands of new martyrs and confessors of the Russian Church. * * * Congratulations to Orthodox Christians in memory of all today's saints! Through their prayers, Lord, save and have mercy on us all! We are happy to congratulate those who received names in their honor through the Sacrament of Holy Baptism or monastic tonsure! As they used to say in Rus' in the old days: “To the Guardian Angels - a golden crown, and to you - good health!” To our departed relatives and friends - eternal memory!

On February 5, on the day of remembrance of St. Gennady, the Kostroma and Lyubimograd miracle worker (+1565), the memory of the saints who shone in the Kostroma region is celebrated. Among them are kings and metropolitans, princes and simpletons, priests and monks. All of them were united by one thing - life in Christ, transforming a person and the world around him. The cathedral feast of the saints of the Kostroma land was established in 1981 on the initiative of Archbishop Cassian (Yaroslavl) of Kostroma and Galich and with the blessing of the Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus' Pimen.

Icon of the Cathedral of Kostroma Saints. Con. XX century

The Kostroma land is often called part of the “Northern Thebaid” (monastic region in Egypt). Followers of St. Sergius of Radonezh came to the Kostroma dense forests, to the banks of the Kostroma, Obnora, Tebza rivers, to the Chukhloma and Galich lakes. Four monasteries were founded in the Kostroma region by Abraham Chukhlomsky, who enlightened the local residents, pagans, with the light of the Christian faith, teaching them to live according to the commandments of the Christian faith, literacy, and crafts. Settlements, settlements, schools were created around the monasteries, and churches were erected. Besides him, other disciples of Sergius labored on Kostroma soil: the monks Pavel Obnorsky, Jacob Zheleznoborovsky, Pachomius of Nerekhta, Macarius of Pisemsky. The Monk Nikita, the builder of the Epiphany Monastery, was not only a student, but also a relative of the Monk Sergius. The disciple and spiritual follower of the Venerable Seraphim of Sarov was the Venerable Elder Timon of Nadeevsky, who was canonized in 2003. In total, about forty saints of God were glorified on Kostroma soil. Among them, a special place is occupied by the Monk Gennady, famous for the gift of miracles and clairvoyance, who, together with the Monk Cornelius, founded a monastic monastery on the shore of Lake Surskoye. In 1998, the 400th anniversary of the death of the Monk Ferapont of Monza (+1597), who served as an example of humility and fasting life, was celebrated.

Among the Kostroma saints, we note the Monk Macarius of Unzhensk and Zheltovodsk, the founder of the Makariev-Unzhensky Monastery, considered in Russia second in its spiritual significance after the Trinity-Sergius Lavra. The future Saint Mitrofan, Bishop of Voronezh, was also in charge of the Makaryevsky Monastery. The names of two more Russian saints are closely connected with the Kostroma land - Moscow Metropolitan Jonah (+1461), who was born and raised in the village of Odnoushevo near Soligalich, and Bishop Ignatius (Brianchaninov) (+1867), who labored in the Nikolo-Babaevsky Monastery.

The list of saints in the 20th century was supplemented by new martyrs and confessors of Russia, who attested to their faith by martyrdom. Among them are the royal passion-bearers - Emperor Nicholas Alexandrovich and his family, the Venerable Martyr Elisaveta Feodorovna, the Hieromartyrs: Archbishop of Kostroma and Galich Nikodim (Krotkov) (+1938), Archbishop Dmitry (Dobroserdov) (+1937), Bishop Vasily (Preobrazhensky) (+1945) , Priest Vasily Razumov (+1937), Soligalich martyrs: Archpriest Joseph Smirnov, Priest Vladimir Ilyinsky, Deacon John of Kastor, John Perebaskin (+1918) and others.

Church in the name of St. Barnabas of Vetluzhsky in Sharya. Photo 2010

In the Kostroma Epiphany Cathedral there is a large icon of the Cathedral of the Kostroma Saints, and the relics of the Venerable Elder Timon of Nadeevsky rest there. The relics of many Kostroma saints are in the monasteries they founded: St. Abraham of Chukhloma, Pachomius of Nerekhta, Paisius of Galich and others.

In the last decade, churches in the name of Kostroma saints were built in the Kostroma diocese: St. Tikhon, Patriarch of All Russia and all new martyrs and confessors of Russia, Sts. Ferapont, Adrian and Theodosius of Monza in Kostroma, St. Gennady Kostromsky in the village. Antropovo, St. Tikhon of Lukhovsky in the city of Volgorechensk, the Venerable Martyr Elisaveta Feodorovna at the psychoneurological boarding school on the 1st May farm in the Kostroma region, the royal passion-bearers in the village of Matveevo, Parfenyevsky district, St. Barnabas of Vetluzhsky in Sharya. The lower church was equipped in the name of St. Nikita of Kostroma in the Epiphany-Anastasia Cathedral in Kostroma.

Cathedral in the name of Tikhon in Volgorechensk. Photo 2010

The existing monasteries of the Kostroma diocese, built on the site of the prayerful feats of the saints, were also subsequently dedicated to them: the Holy Intercession Abrahamievo-Gorodetsky Monastery (village of Nozhkino, Chukhloma district), Iakovo-Zheleznoborovsky St. John the Baptist Monastery (village of Borok, Buysky district), Paisievo-Galichsky convent (city of Galich), Trinity-Sypanov Pakhomievo Nerekhta convent (village of Trinity, Nerekhta region), Makariyevo-Unzhensky convent (city of Makaryev), Makariyevo-Pisemsky convent (village of Makariy-on-Pisme, Buysk region). In the village of Domnino there is a convent in the name of the Royal Passion-Bearers.

For centuries, pilgrims considered it their sacred duty to venerate the relics of the Kostroma Holy Wonderworkers. Drink healing water from holy springs, get rid of ailments and gain the grace of the Holy Spirit.

Every year on February 5th the Council of Kostroma Saints takes place. In total, there are 30 holy ascetics on Kostroma soil.

Holy Great Martyr Theodore Stratelates - heavenly patron of Kostroma

The Holy Great Martyr Theodore Stratilates has been the patron saint of the city of Kostroma since ancient times. The Cathedral in the name of the Great Martyr Theodore Stratilates was one of the first Kostroma churches. It has not survived to this day, but it is known that it was to this temple in the mid-13th century that the Feodorovskaya Icon of the Mother of God was miraculously found by Prince Vasily Yaroslavich of Kostroma, the younger brother of the Holy Prince Alexander Nevsky. This great all-Russian shrine, which has been in our city for almost eight centuries, received its name precisely because it was kept for many years in the temple of the Great Martyr Theodore Stratelates. The “Tale of the Feodorovskaya Icon of the Mother of God” says that on the eve of its appearance to Prince Vasily in the Kostroma forest, many townspeople saw how this icon was carried along the streets of Kostroma by a certain warrior, dressed in military clothing and surprisingly similar to the image of Theodore Stratilates in the cathedral church named after him . In 1994, under the joint care of the Kostroma diocese and the regional administration, at the Kostroma military cemetery according to the project of L.S. Vasiliev, a chapel was erected in the name of the Great Martyr Theodore Stratilates. In 2002, on the territory of the Epiphany-Anastasia Cathedral in Kostroma, a monument was erected to the Great Martyr Theodore, consecrated on the day of the celebration of the Theodore Icon of the Mother of God by His Holiness Patriarch Alexy II of Moscow and All Rus'.

Venerable Abraham of Galich

Reverend Abraham of Galich, Chukhlomsky, Gorodetsky - disciple of Reverend Sergius of Radonezh. The place of birth and worldly name of the Monk Abraham are unknown. With the blessing of St. Sergius of Radonezh, he went to the Kostroma borders, to the Galich Principality, where he founded the first monastery in the Galich side - the Avraamiev Novozaozersky (Novoezersky) Monastery in honor of the Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary on the north-eastern shore of Lake Galich (now the village of Umilenie, Galichsky district, Kostroma region) . Soon after the arrival of the Monk Abraham on Lake Galich, in 1350, he miraculously found the icon of the Mother of God “Tenderness”. From this time on, the veneration of St. Abraham and the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos “Tenderness” became inseparable. Subsequently, the Monk Abraham founded 3 more monasteries: Abraham's Great Hermitage in honor of the Position of the Belt of the Most Holy Theotokos in the upper reaches of the river. Vigi (village of Ozerki, Chukhloma district, Kostroma region), Avraamiev Upper Hermitage in honor of the Cathedral of the Blessed Virgin Mary on the river. Vige (village of Korovye, Chukhloma district), Aaraamiev Gorodetsky Monastery in honor of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary on the northern shore of Lake Chukhloma (village of Nozhkino, Chukhloma district). In the 16th-19th centuries, the Monk Abraham of Galich was one of the most revered saints of the Kostroma land; at this time and in the region there were several dozen churches with thrones in his honor. The first three of the four monasteries founded by the Monk Abraham were abolished in the 18th century and turned into parish churches, but the Abraham Gorodets Monastery, out of respect for the relics of the Venerable Abraham, was not closed. The saint's shrine was removed in 1922, but the holy relics were never opened during Soviet times.

Venerable Adrian of Monzen

The Monk Adrian (in the world Amos) was born in Kostroma and was a student of the Monk Ferapont of Monza. The Monk Adrian is considered the founder of the Annunciation Monastery, which later received the name Hadrian's Hermitage. The Monk Adrian reposed in 1619 and was buried in the Resurrection Church of the Annunciation Monastery. In 1764, the Annunciation Monastery was abolished and turned into a parish church (now it is the Annunciation Church in the village of Ferapontovo, Buysky district, Kostroma region). In 1937, the Church of the Annunciation was closed, the ancient icons of the saint were lost, but the relics of the saint were not opened and continued to remain hidden. Divine services in the Annunciation Church were resumed in 1998.

Rev. Alexander Vochsky

The Monk Alexander was the founder and abbot of the Alexander Hermitage on the Vocha River, a left tributary of the Kostroma River, near the city of Soligalich. Initially, he came in the form of an unknown wanderer to the Resurrection Monastery in the city of Soligalich, where he became a monk. After some time, with the blessing of his mentor, the Monk Alexander left the Resurrection Monastery for more severe desert exploits. The monk chose the place for his new exploits in the same place where the village of Korovnoye is now located, 10 km from Soligalich, south along the Chukhloma tract, on the right bank of the small river Vocha. The rumor about the holiness of the Monk Alexander always attracted pilgrims to his grave. In the service he was repeatedly called “a source of inexhaustible, rich miracles” and “a storehouse of inexhaustible miracles.” Alexander laid the foundation of the monastery “Alexandrovskaya Hermitage on the Vocha River.” In 1764, the rural parish of the village of Korovnoye was formed from the abolished monastery. The Transfiguration rural church over the grave of the saint was closed in the 30s of the 20th century and was soon destroyed, but the relics of the saint were not opened.

Venerable Gennady of Kostroma and Lyubimograd

The Monk Gennady, in the world Gregory, was born in the city of Mogilev. Gregory took monastic vows with the name Gennady. For his companions, the Monk Gennady was a true example of meekness, humility and hard work. During his lifetime, the Lord honored the monk with the gift of miracles. He was buried in the Spassky Monastery he created. After the events of 1917, the Spaso-Gennadiev Monastery was abolished, and the relics were blasphemously opened. Nowadays this monastery (located within the Yaroslavl diocese, on the border of the Kostroma and Yaroslavl regions, not far from the city of Lyubim) is still desolate. Since 1983, the Day of Remembrance of St. Gennady has also become the day of celebration of the Council of Kostroma Saints. In the Trinity Church of the village of Sandogora (Kostroma Diocese), located next to the Spaso-Gennadyev Monastery, the pious tradition of holding an annual local celebration of St. Gennady on September 1 has been preserved for a long time.

Venerable Jacob of Zheleznoborovsk

The Monk Jacob was born in the 14th century into a pious family of Galich nobles, the Anosovs. Having lost his parents at a young age, he distributed all his property to those in need and took monastic vows at the monastery of the abbot of the Russian land, St. Sergius of Radonezh. Returning to his native land, he settled on the banks of the Tebza River near the village of Zhelezny Borok, not far from the city of Buya. At this place the Monk Jacob built a monastic monastery. The holy relics of the saint of God subsequently became famous for many miracles and healings of the sick and suffering.

Saint Jonah, Metropolitan of Moscow and All Russia

Saint Jonah was born at the end of the 14th century in the village of Odnoushevo, located several miles from Sol Galitskaya (Soligalich), into a noble family of a nobleman. According to his life, the future saint became a monk at the age of 12 in one of the Galich monasteries. Later he moved to the Moscow Simonov Monastery where he was ordained Bishop of Ryazan. After the death of Metropolitan Photius, Saint Jonah began to manage the affairs of the entire Russian Metropolis and was elected Metropolitan of All Rus'. It was from this time that the Russian Orthodox Church actually became autocephalous, independent of the Patriarchate of Constantinople. In the Kostroma region, the memory of Saint Jonah was most revered in his native Soligalich land. In the village of Odnoushevo, a chapel built over a spring has been preserved to this day, where, according to legend, the future saint used to retire to prayer in his childhood.

Venerable Kirill of Novoezersk

The Monk Kirill Novoezersky was born in Galich and came from a noble family. Secretly leaving his parents' house, he retired to the Komel forests to the Monk Cornelius, from whom he received monastic vows. For 10 years he labored under the leadership of the Monk Cornelius, and then, with his blessing, he lived in the desert for 7 years. Then he settled on Red Island near New Lake (White Lake), built 2 churches: in the name of the Resurrection of Christ and in the name of the Hodegetria icon of the Most Holy Theotokos. He was ordained a priest. The relics of St. Cyril were found incorrupt in 1649.

Venerable Macarius of Unzhensk and Zheltovodsk

The Monk Macarius of Unzhensk and Zheltovodsk was born in 1349 in Nizhny Novgorod. At the age of 12, he became a monk in the Nizhny Novgorod Ascension Pechersky Monastery. Subsequently, the Monk Macarius moved to the banks of the Volga River, where, near Lake Zheltye Vody, he founded a monastery in the Name of the Life-Giving Trinity. In 1439, the Zheltovodsk Monastery was destroyed by the Tatars; After this, the Monk Macarius went to the Unzha River, where he founded his third monastery. In 1444, he was buried within the walls of the monastery, which later became known as the Holy Trinity Macarius-Unzhensky Monastery and was one of the most revered shrines of the Kostroma land. At the end of 1929, the monastery of St. Macarius was closed and has remained desolate since that time. The holy relics of the saint of God, removed from the monastery, were in the museum of the city of Yuryevets. The return of their Church took place only in 1990. Since 1993, the monastery of St. Macarius has been reopened as a convent.

Venerable Macarius of Pisemsky

The saint was born in the mid-14th century; According to legend, his homeland was the village of Danilovo on the Pisma River (the left tributary of the Kostroma River), and he himself belonged to an old boyar family by origin. Even in his youth, the saint went to the monastery of St. Sergius of Radonezh, where he was tonsured a monk with the name Macarius. With the blessing of the abbot of the Russian land, the Monk Macarius returned to his homeland - to the Principality of Galich. Here he built a cell and a small chapel on the banks of the Letter. Over time, a monastic monastery arose on Pisma, which in 2000 from the Nativity of Christ solemnly celebrated its 600th anniversary. The relics of the saint are located in the Transfiguration Church of the Makariev-Pisemsky Monastery, which over the centuries has attracted numerous pilgrims. Hieromartyr Nikodim (Krotkov), Archbishop of Kostroma and Galich commemorated January 23 (February 5) and August 8 (21) Archbishop of Kostroma and Galich Nikodim (in the world Nikolai Vasilyevich Krotkov) was born in 1868 in the village. Seredsky district, Kostroma province (now Ivanovo region) sinned in the family of a priest. From 1932 to 1936, Nikodim ruled the Kostroma diocese. The archpastor suffered a lot during this difficult time. In 1934, the Kostroma Assumption Cathedral, where the miraculous image of Theodore Icon of the Mother of God resided for about six centuries, was blown up. However, the shrine itself was saved through the efforts of the archpastor.

Venerable Nikita of Kostroma

The Monk Nikita was a disciple of the Monk Sergius of Radonezh. The saint was born in the 14th century in the Moscow region. The monastic path of the Monk Nikita began in the Vysotsky Mother of God Conception Monastery near Serpukhov. In the early 20s of the 15th century, the Monk Nikita left the Vysoko-Pokrovskaya monastery and headed north to Kostroma, where at that time he founded the Epiphany Monastery on the outskirts of the city.

Venerable Paisius of Galich

The Monk Paisius, the heavenly patron of the ancient city on Lake Galich, came to the Galich Dormition Monastery at the end of the 14th century and labored there for 70 years, subsequently becoming the abbot of the monastery. Already during the life of the holy elder, the monastery received the name Paisiev. During the reign of the Monk Paisius, in 1425, a miraculous appearance of the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos, called Ovinovskaya, took place in the monastery. The icon he found was placed in the monastery church and subsequently became famous for many miracles and healings: many hopelessly ill people got rid of their ailments only by touching the holy image. In 1434, the Grand Duke of Moscow Vasily the Dark, who fought with the Galich prince Yuri Dmitrievich, took Galich by storm and took the Ovinov Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos to Moscow. However, the shrine miraculously returned to the monastery by itself, by air. born in Vladimir at the beginning of the 14th century in the family of a priest. At the age of 21, he took monastic vows at the Vladimir Monastery of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary. In search of a convenient place for desert living, he chose a place near Nerekhta on the banks of the Solonitsa River; It has long been called Sypanovo. With the help of the residents of Nerekhta, the Monk Pachomius first erected a temple in the Name of the Life-Giving Trinity, and then created a monastery with it. Nowadays the holy relics of the Monk Pachomius rest in secret in the Trinity-Sypanov Pachomiev-Nerekhta convent, which was revived in 1993 after many years of desolation.

Venerable Timon, Elder of Nadeevsky

Reverend Timon (in the world Tikhon Fedorov) was born in 1766 in the city of Balakhna, Nizhny Novgorod province. His spiritual father was the great saint of the Russian land - St. Seraphim of Sarov. He took part in the construction of the Gorodets Mother of God-Feodorovsky Monastery - a monastery within the walls of which until 1239 the great shrine of the Kostroma land, the miraculous Feodorovskaya Icon of the Mother of God, resided. After his ordination as hieromonk, the Monk Timon moved to the Nadeevskaya hermitage in the Kostroma province. At the behest of the Lord, he was engaged in the construction of the Nadeevskaya hermitage, which by that time had fallen into desolation. He built a stone Assumption Church with chapels in the name of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker and in the name of St. Macarius of Unzhensky, dug a spring near the monastery, consecrating it in honor of St. Nicholas. The Monk Timon combined earthly labors with spiritual exploits. The Lord rewarded the saint with the grace-filled gifts of clairvoyance and miracles. And to this day, through the prayers of St. Timon, healings of the sick are performed at the source.
