Red spots on the human body. Dark spots appear on the skin: reasons. Pityriasis rosea - round, rough rashes on the skin

If a person has red spots on his body, he should not ignore it. There are many reasons for the appearance of such spots (both ordinary allergies, stress and poor diet, and more serious diseases, including diseases of the internal organs and hormonal imbalance), and the consequences can be different, so you should not hesitate to go to the doctor.

Scleroderma: small rashes of different colors

With scleroderma, scar tissue appears in some places on the body. There are two forms of scleroderma: limited and systemic. During systemic scleroderma, damage to internal organs and skin damage occurs. The skin becomes dense, glossy and resembles ivory. During limited scleroderma, one to several red spots with a lilac tint appear.

If there are signs of scleroderma, you should immediately consult a doctor. There is no need to take any measures on your own, because you can only make the situation worse.

Psoriasis as a cause of red, scaly patches on the skin of the body

Red spots with white scales are the first sign. These spots on the body itch and itch. The causes of this disease are reduced immunity, stress, and heredity. Psoriasis is not a fatal disease, but it can have negative psychological effects on a person. Self-esteem decreases and a feeling of shame appears.


Eczema: The rash is brightly colored and itchy

Allergic skin disease in the form of rashes or blisters. Eczema is accompanied by severe itching. Vegetable and chemical dyes, aromatic additives in food can cause this disease. Preservatives and additives in cosmetics can also contribute to the development of eczema. As do insect bites, as well as certain types of foods (for example, spicy and salty foods, citrus fruits, smoked foods, chocolate, carbonated drinks).

Stressful situations can also trigger eczema. In women, it often manifests itself after childbirth (physical activity, lack of sleep). When the functions of the digestive tract are disrupted, eczema can also occur.

Allergies and infectious diseases in children and adults

If there are red spots on the body caused by allergies, they can be on the neck, arms and legs. Allergies can be caused by anything: food, medications, air, cosmetics. In addition to red dots, itching may also appear and breathing may become difficult. In this case, the patient must be hospitalized immediately.

Pityriasis rosea: round and oval rashes

Pityriasis rosea

The main signs of pityriasis rosea are oval and round spots. They appear on the shoulders, back, hips and peel off a little. Sometimes such spots itch and itch. The causative agent of lichen can be a cold or weak immunity. Most often, this lichen appears in spring or autumn. If you wash the stains with water or apply ointments to the skin that contain tar and sulfur, severe irritation may occur. Itching begins and the spots turn bright red. If such spots appear, you should not hesitate to visit a dermatovenerologist.

Measles, rubella, scarlet fever and chickenpox

Rubella, measles, chickenpox are infectious diseases that cause red spots, dots, and blisters to appear on the body. If these diseases are the cause of the appearance of these spots, then the patient must be isolated from healthy people who have not previously suffered from these diseases.

Measles: appearance of a bumpy rash

Measles can manifest itself after coughing and fever. The rash first covers the face, neck and chest, then the torso and limbs. The rash looks like red bumps, sometimes several bumps merge into one large one. Even when the rash goes away, changes will remain on the skin. Pigmentation and peeling occurs.

Expert opinion: In fact, not only measles can appear after a cough and fever, but also rubella and chickenpox.

Rubella: small rashes that are painful when pressed


Rubella is a small rash accompanied by a short-term fever. The virus enters through the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx. Afterwards, it multiplies in the body and becomes fixed in the lymph nodes, which become enlarged. At the beginning of the disease, nothing bothers the patient, but there is malaise, severe fatigue and weakness a day or two before the rash appears. The temperature is not higher than 38 degrees. A sore throat also bothers me. On the first day of the disease, the rash appears only on the face, and then the sores begin to spread throughout the body. The spots are 6 mm in diameter. If you press on the stain, it may disappear. As a rule, the rashes on the torso are larger than on the face and are strongly expressed in the area of ​​extension of the limbs, on the buttocks, upper back and lower back. A dry cough and watery eyes appear. Enlargement of the occipital lymph nodes appears two days before the onset of the rash. It can be painful to feel these nodes. Complications after rubella are rare and, as a rule, only in adult patients.

Scarlet fever: peeling skin, rash all over the body

Scarlet fever in children

The causative agent of scarlet fever is streptococcus. Appears during a sore throat in the form of a red or bright pink pinpoint rash all over the body. After the first week of illness, the skin begins to peel off. Drowsiness, severe headaches, and chills appear. There may also be nausea and vomiting. The rash appears at the beginning of the second day, while the tonsils are enlarged. Appears first on the neck, then on the upper back and chest. After this, it quickly spreads throughout the body. A rash of bright red color in the form of small, closely spaced dots. On days 2–3, the rash reaches its climax and then gradually subsides. At the site where the rash was, the skin may begin to peel, but in two or three weeks it will go away.

Expert opinion: Scarlet fever does not appear during a sore throat. Sore throat is its manifestation.

Chickenpox: bumps and blisters all over the body, itching and sores due to scratching

Chickenpox in children

Chickenpox (varicella) is caused by a virus that belongs to the herpes group. First, a red bump (papule) appears, and then a vesicle (vesicle) appears on it. During illness, a rash occurs throughout the body. As the bubbles begin to dry out, new ones appear. Signs of chickenpox may include fever, rashes that itch and want to be scratched constantly. If scratching causes a purulent infection, then pustules form from the blisters. This risks leaving scars on the skin. Recovery occurs from the 10th day from the onset of the disease. Chickenpox does not cause complications if a person experiences it at an early age. In adults, it is more complicated and can cause complications. As a treatment, the tubercles are treated with brilliant green twice a day.


A huge number of reasons why red spots may appear on the skin make diagnosis much more difficult. The initial examination is an external examination of the patient. The combination of the patient’s existing complaints and the characteristics of the rash helps the doctor determine a preliminary diagnosis. Only after this are laboratory tests prescribed.

In addition to a blood test, they may include a scraping of the affected area and a urine test. In particularly difficult cases, it may be necessary to determine hormone levels and biochemical blood tests. Only as a result of a comprehensive examination can the true cause of the pathology be determined.

Additional circumstances

If spots appear in a pregnant woman

Red spots in pregnant women may be due to chloasma

The main reasons for the appearance of red spots are described above. All of them are present in pregnant women. The only difference is that while carrying a child, the protective forces decrease and the likelihood of developing the disease increases. This is especially true for infectious and viral pathologies. The same can be said about allergic reactions: during pregnancy, their likelihood is higher.

But there is one disease that is typical specifically for the gestation period. We are talking about chloasma. These are pigment spots, but in some cases they may have a red rather than brown tint. They appear as a result of hormonal changes and are most often localized on the face, shoulders, abdomen and in places where the seams of clothing come into close contact with the skin. Spots appear suddenly, literally overnight.

Important. The spots are only an aesthetic defect and do not pose any threat to the condition of the woman and the fetus.

Rashes in a child

Red spots in babies require a particularly careful approach

Red spots in a child are especially frightening. There can also be many reasons, and they are so diverse that sometimes a serious pathology may not be noticed behind a banal allergy. Possible causes of rashes may be the following conditions:

    An allergic reaction – the spots are red and often itchy.

    Insect bites – spots are single, may itch, and are sometimes raised above the skin.

    Chicken pox - spots appear on the 2-3rd day of the disease, most often localized in the armpits and between the fingers.

    Measles - rashes in the first days in the form of red spots, then they darken and peeling occurs.

    Rubella - the body is covered with small red spots, they last no more than three days.

    Scarlet fever - a few hours after the temperature rises, red rashes are observed.

    Erythema - characterized by red spots of irregular shape.

    Roseola is a viral pathology characterized by the appearance of red spots throughout the body.

    Blood pathologies - spots can appear anywhere, without additional symptoms.

    Hygiene violations, that is, prickly heat and.

These are the most common reasons. In addition to them, a child of the first year of life, including a newborn, may have red spots indicating nevi. They can be different in saturation, as well as in size. More rarely, telangiectasias are formed - blood vessels visible through thin skin.

Spots are rough or raised

Spots on the body may have other distinctive characteristics. Thus, the presence of a rough surface is indicative. This may indicate the following deviations:

    Allergy, in particular its complex form - eczema. The formation is red, rough, painful when touched.

    Nervous stress - spots often appear between the fingers and on the face.

    Psoriasis – the spots are always rough and red in color.

    Pityriasis rosea - the spots have smooth outlines and are rough.

It may also be that upon closer examination it is noticeable that the red spots rise above the skin. This situation is observed with the formation of nevi, after insect bites, as well as with a severe allergic reaction.

If they appeared after the bath

Another manifestation is red spots that appear after visiting a sauna or taking a bath. They are not dangerous and are explained only by the expansion of blood vessels located under the skin. If they disappear without a trace after rest, you don’t have to worry. The reason to consult a doctor is the persistence of spots and the addition of additional symptoms.

Breakout after sex

Spots on the skin after sex also more often indicate changes in blood vessels. They may be diffuse, which is often the result of increased blood pressure. If there is no headache and no excessive weakness, there is no need to worry.

It may also turn out that the spots appear small, more often on the face and neck. As a rule, this is associated with stress, as a result of which small capillaries rupture, followed by the formation of small bruises.

If appeared after alcohol

As a result of drinking alcohol, red spots often appear on the face and neck. In this case, there are usually only two reasons. The first is the body's reaction to alcohol. Alcohols cause vasodilation, which is manifested by redness of the skin. The second is an allergic reaction. It is accompanied not only by red spots, but also by difficulty breathing, swelling and deterioration of the general condition.


Based on the cause of the appearance of red spots, we can conclude whether treatment is necessary. Naturally, redness after a bath or drinking alcohol goes away on its own, if there is no other clinic. In other cases, treatment is determined individually depending on the original disease. This may include taking medications and using external agents. For nevi and telangiectasia, surgery is used.

If red spots of various types appear, you cannot ignore them; you must urgently consult a doctor so that he can make the correct diagnosis and prescribe treatment.

Red spots on the skin can occur for a number of reasons. This may occur due to infection, exposure to heat, allergens, or immune system disorders.

You should contact your doctor immediately if you notice redness, irritation, itching, swelling or inflammation on your skin lasting more than a day or two, even after using home remedies and over-the-counter medications.


Some can be serious, causing sudden and severe symptoms, while others can be mild and go away on their own within 1-2 days.

Atopic dermatitis

Atopic dermatitis (atopic eczema)

Atopic dermatitis, also called eczema, is a chronic skin condition that is known to cause dryness and itching. Eczema is common in people who suffer from hay fever and asthma. There are different types, but each of them causes itching and redness of the skin.

Types of eczema include hand eczema, contact dermatitis, which occurs when the skin comes into contact with a substance, and dyshidrotic eczema, which is found only on the fingers, palms and soles of the feet.



Psoriasis is a chronic autoimmune disease characterized by patches of skin. These spots are usually red, itchy and scaly. They can also vary in severity from small and localized to completely covering the body.

The Mayo Clinic states that psoriasis is a common skin condition that alters the life cycle of cells. It causes cells to grow rapidly on the surface of the skin, and the additional cells form thick, silvery, dry scales that itch. Sometimes they can also be very painful.

Diaper rash

This is a rash caused by irritation from children's diapers. It is a common form of dermatitis that appears as bright red patches mainly in the area where the diaper is used. The rash is associated with wetness or infrequent diaper changes, sensitive skin, and chafing between the inner thighs.

The rash can be annoying for babies, but it is usually easy to treat with simple home treatments such as air-drying, more frequent diaper changes, and moisturizing ointments.

Sometimes redness of the skin as a result of diaper rash can also occur in adults. They are usually caused by constant and prolonged friction. This condition is common on the inner thighs and armpits.

Insect bites

A – an allergic reaction in a woman to bedbug bites. B – borreliosis (Lyme disease), which is transmitted through tick bites and is a serious disease

Although most insect bites have little health impact, bee, wasp and hornet stings can be painful and irritating. Some people have an allergic reaction to bee stings, which can be life-threatening.

Fungal infection in the groin area

Fringed eczema

Fringed eczema is one of the most common forms of fungal skin infection. It is also referred to as athlete's foot and usually affects the genitals, inner thighs and buttocks. Fringed eczema is known to cause an itchy, red and often ring-shaped rash.

Warm, moist areas of the body provide ideal conditions for the growth of the fungal infection that causes this rash. It is most common for people who sweat excessively and are overweight.



Another common infection that is known to cause redness on the skin accompanied by itching is impetigo. It is a contagious bacterial infection that forms pustules and yellow, crusty sores on the skin. The red sores caused by impetigo appear as a lesion that oozes and then forms a yellow-brown crust.

Ulcers can occur anywhere on the body. This is a common skin infection in children and is caused by streptococcal bacteria.



Red spots can also be caused by ringworm. Herpes zoster is an acute inflammation of the ganglia (nerve ganglia). This is a viral infection that causes a painful rash in any area of ​​the body, but most often forms a band around the middle of the body.

Shingles often appears as a single strip of blisters that forms around the left or right side of the torso [Mayo Clinic]. The infection is caused by the varicella zoster virus, the same virus known to cause chickenpox.



Scabies is a contagious skin infection caused by itch. The disease begins after mites burrow into the skin to live and lay eggs. The condition causes severe itching, usually worse at night.

hay fever

Hay fever (hay fever)

Hay fever is an allergy caused by pollen or dust that causes the lining of the eyes and nose to become itchy and sore. Hay fever usually causes a runny nose and watery eyes.

Food and drug allergies

Food allergies

A food or drug allergy is an abnormal reaction of the immune system to certain substances. Some cases of drug allergies can be life-threatening and require immediate medical attention.


  • Itchy skin rash
  • Hives
  • Severe itching
  • Swelling and inflammation of the skin
  • Wheezing
  • Runny nose.

Rheumatic fever

Rheumatic fever

Unlike most of the conditions mentioned above, rheumatic fever is not contagious. It is a non-contact, acute fever characterized by inflammation and severe joint pain that is common among young people. This bacterial infection is caused by streptococci.

Pityriasis rosea

Pityriasis rosea

A common type of skin rash that most often occurs between the ages of 10 and 35. The cause is believed to be a virus, but it is not a contagious disease. The disease begins with the appearance of one large oval or round red spot on the body with a diameter of several centimeters, and after a few days several more spots, but smaller in size, form on the body (rarely on the face). Other accompanying cold-like symptoms (fatigue, headache, sore throat, loss of appetite) may be noticeable, and sometimes the rash is itchy. It goes away on its own without treatment in 6-8 weeks, but sometimes lasts longer.

Lichen planus

Lichen planus

Skin rash caused by the immune system. Lichen planus is not dangerous because it goes away on its own. In addition to the surface of the skin, it can also be found in the mouth. According to NHS UK, the disease affects around 2% of the world's population.



Rosacea is a skin condition in which some of the blood vessels in the face become enlarged, giving the cheeks and nose a reddened appearance. It is a chronic disease that affects more than 16 million people. The underlying cause of this condition is unknown, making the condition difficult to treat.


  • Redness and hyperemia of the skin
  • Dry, rough and scaly skin
  • Burning
  • Visible destroyed blood vessel under the skin
  • Swelling.

Bather's Itch

Swimmer's itch, also called cercarial dermatitis, is a short-term immune reaction of the skin to the penetration of trematode larvae after swimming in polluted water bodies of countries with a warm, humid climate.


Ringworm (dermatophytosis)

Ringworm is a fungal infection that can affect various parts of the body, also causing itching.



Itchy skin can also be a sign of secondary syphilis. Secondary syphilis can be called a chronic bacterial disease associated mainly with infection during sexual intercourse. The infection can also be congenital, transmitted from a sick mother to the fetus.

Cancer Research UK suggests the following are possible signs of skin cancer.

  • Painless spots or sores
  • Small, slow-growing, shiny, pink or red bump
  • Red spots on the skin.

Skin cancer is the most common form of cancer. This is the uncontrolled growth of abnormal skin cells. It is caused by damage to the DNA of skin cells, most often triggered by ultraviolet radiation from the sun. The damage causes a mutation, a genetic defect that causes cells to multiply rapidly, forming a malignant tumor.

Painful red itchy spots

Itchy and painful red patches on the skin can be irritating, uncomfortable and worrying, especially if the person does not know what the underlying cause is. The rash can cause discomfort, burning and a constant urge to scratch the skin.

A common cause of these symptoms is cellulitis. This is a skin condition that occurs as a result of infection of the skin and soft tissue underneath. Cellulitis occurs when bacteria enters a break in the skin and spreads, which can lead to swelling, redness, pain and a feeling of warmth.

Erysipelas is an acute, febrile infectious disease caused by a specific streptococcus. This infection is characterized by deep red inflammation of the skin or mucous membranes, which can cause pain and itching.

Chickenpox, an acute infectious disease especially common among children, can also be a major cause of red and itchy, painful bumps and blisters on the skin.

Acne, which results from inflammation and infection of the sebaceous glands in the skin, is a possible cause of painful redness on the face and other parts of the body. Acne is most common in children.

Red spots on a child's skin

The child is at risk of contracting various skin diseases. Red spots on the skin are one of the most common symptoms.

  • Ringworm is a contagious skin disease that appears as small, itchy, round patches. The condition is caused by pathogenic fungi and usually affects the skin of the legs and scalp. A common form of this infection is athlete's foot (fungal foot infection).
  • Skin irritation from diapers is common in children under 2 years of age, and a child usually develops the rash at least once during the first three years of life.
  • Measles is an infectious viral disease. Known to cause fever and red rash on the skin. Measles is typical for childhood.
  • Candidiasis is a fungal infection caused by candida, also called thrush.
  • Systemic lupus is an autoimmune disease in which the body's immune system mistakenly attacks healthy tissue. The condition can affect the skin, joints, kidneys, brain and other organs of the body.
  • Oral pemphigus is another contagious viral infection that is common in young children.
  • Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, often referred to as juvenile idiopathic arthritis, is a type of joint inflammation in children under 16 years of age.
  • Acrodermatitis is an inflammation of the skin of the extremities.
  • Kawasaki disease occurs primarily in young children. It is known to cause rashes, swelling and sometimes heart damage.
  • Dermatomyositis is an inflammation of the skin and underlying muscle tissue. The condition includes collagen degeneration, discoloration, and swelling. It is usually associated with an autoimmune condition or cancer.

Red spots on the skin during pregnancy

Red spots on the skin during pregnancy are quite common, as many changes occur during this period, which are controlled by natural chemicals called hormones. One common such hormone is progesterone. Typically, pregnant women may suddenly develop allergies to foods and drinks that they consumed before pregnancy. This also applies to some medications.

Thus, an allergic reaction is a common cause of redness of the skin. Another such condition is itchy urticarial papules and plaques of pregnancy. This is a chronic rash that affects some women during pregnancy. The condition in most cases begins in the abdomen and spreads to the legs, arms, chest and neck.

Other possible causes of this problem during pregnancy and beyond may include:

Treatment for the problem will depend on what the underlying cause is. For mild cases, traditional home remedies can be used. It is important to first diagnose the underlying cause of the redness before trying to get rid of the symptom.

For most cases of skin redness, such as eczema, calamine lotion can help relieve the itching caused by the rash. If symptoms persist for more than one day, oral antihistamines may be used. Anti-itch creams and anti-inflammatory medications may also be recommended. For fungal or bacterial infections, antifungal and antibacterial ointments are suitable, respectively.

As mentioned, red spots can also be caused by anxiety or high stress levels. If so, treatment for this condition will include the use of relaxation techniques such as slow breathing and other activities such as yoga and meditation.

Aloe vera will help relieve skin redness by reducing inflammation and cooling the skin. You also need:

  • Maintain proper hygiene, always change clothes after a hard day's work
  • If the redness is due to a reaction to a skin care product, then you should stop using it.
  • Antihistamines may help if you have an allergic reaction that causes redness
  • Consume plenty of water and other liquids to keep skin moist and hydrated
  • For children who wear diapers, be sure to apply a little powder and soft petroleum jelly after and before using it. Also remember to change diapers often
  • (1 ratings, average: 5,00 out of 5)

You can, of course, smile and laugh at a clumsy attempt to remake the lines of your favorite song.

It turns out something like this: the whole body is covered with a rash when you don’t expect it at all...

But there is one BUT that does not allow you to laugh - precisely these notorious spotty formations on the body that cause aesthetic distress and physical suffering.

As they say, there is no time for jokes here.

The thought pierces my head like a gimlet: after all, nothing foreshadowed such troubles. What could this be and where do these red spots on the body come from?

It was not foreshadowed, yes, but there are certainly contributing circumstances.

Well, let's slowly and thoughtfully understand everything, looking at the cause-and-effect relationships in detail.

Etiology of rashes on the body

Unpleasant skin phenomena can be provoked by several negative factors, the main of which are:

  • infectious diseases;
  • allergic “explosion” of the body to external irritants;
  • pathology of the blood supply channels and the blood itself.

Before we begin a differentiated study of ailments, let’s consider the generalized data collected in the table:

Factors of occurrence Causes Who is at risk
Allergic response of the body Drug rash

Any person with a weakened immune system, whose body reacts to a particular irritant, can become the object of a painful manifestation
scalded skin syndrome

Fungal infections (lichen, dermatophytosis)
Erysipelas (erysipelas)

At risk are children under 10 years of age and adults with a problematic immune system, type 1 and type 2 diabetics, patients with kidney disease, drug addicts and patients with a weakened psyche, physically exhausted
General infectious diseases Measles
Chicken pox
Scarlet fever

Infective endocarditis

Autoimmune diseases* Enteroviruses
Henoch-Schönlein hemorrhagic vasculitis
Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura
Diseases of this group occur along a genetic line, in patients with problematic heredity, whose relatives suffered from lupus erythematosus, ankylosing spondylitis, rheumatoid arthritis
Factors not related to diseases Insect bites
Thermal burns (frost, hot objects, boiling water, steam)
Burn from poisonous plants (nettle, larkspur, buttercup)
The response comes instantly. All people are at risk, regardless of gender and age
Pathology of the body's circulatory system At different stages and degrees of severity, peripheral vascular diseases form spots on the skin:
Atherosclerosis of the arteries of the legs;
Obliterating arteritis of the lower extremities;
This type of disease affects older people and people with type 1 and type 2 diabetes mellitus.
Vascular formations: hyperemic, hemorrhagic, telangiectatic.
Pigment formations
Anger, shame
Various groups of people.
In some cases, hereditary predisposition

*Diseases of an autoimmune nature occur when, due to certain pathologies, the immune system ceases to “recognize” the body’s native cells, beginning to attack and oppress them.

For a more detailed understanding of the processes, let's move on to a differentiated study of causal factors.

Allergens and the body's response

Painful phenomena of different colors, sizes and shapes indicate the occurrence of the following diseases or causative factors:

  1. If red spots appear and disappear on the body, changing location within a day, then we can confidently say that the patient has urticaria. The color of the dermis and swelling are identical to the burn that resulted from “communication” with nettles, which is why the name of the disease is similar to the same painful manifestation.
  2. gives randomly located scarlet spots covering the entire skin.
  3. Photodermatosis. This is how the body reacts to excessive exposure to ultraviolet and infrared radiation from the sun. Outwardly, it looks like this: itching with small red-pink formations will appear throughout the body.
  4. Pityriasis rosea. This painful phenomenon also covers the skin with a pink rash that is slightly raised above the surface. Convex, oval, oblong spots affect the stomach, arms, and chest.
  5. . Paying attention to the photo below, you can see how it covers the patient's skin with red hot spots. Subsequently, they transform into scaly silvery plaques. Location of the lesion: elbows, scalp, knees.

Photo of allergic rash:

In almost all cases of an allergic response of the body, the accompanying manifestations and symptoms are similar:

  1. Redness and large red spots appear on the skin of an adult; later they turn into blisters with protein liquid.
  2. Painful wounds, crusts, and scales appeared throughout the body.
  3. Increased temperature, accompanied by itching.
  4. Watery eyes, runny nose.
  5. Cough, upset stomach, vomiting.

Provocateurs of skin spots

Neck spots:

  • irritants found in cosmetics;
  • mechanical contact with jewelry, clothing items made of synthetic materials;
  • artificial food additives, preservatives, various dietary supplements;
  • non-drying sweating;
  • washing powder for poor rinsing of clothes;
  • viruses, microbes.
  • poor-quality and unhealthy diet: fatty, spicy, salty, sweet, flour with various raising agents and flavoring additives;
  • dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • painful reaction to household chemicals: cleaning agents, detergents, degreasers, washing powders;
  • hyperexcitability, emotional and mental stress, depression.

Spots on legs:

  • present in the materials from which shoes are made: leather, artificial leather, paint, varnishes;
  • tight shoes;
  • lack of sufficient ventilation, sweat;
  • synthetic socks;
  • household chemicals;
  • allergens contained in pet fur;
  • fungal infection;
  • insect bites and burns from contact with poisonous plants;
  • , archival and natural dust.

Video about recognizing allergens:

Infectious and viral diseases of a general nature

The list of infectious diseases that give characteristic manifestations on the back, arms, neck, and throughout the body is quite large.

It is enough to note the following:

  • rubella;
  • measles;
  • chickenpox (chickenpox);
  • erysipelas (erysipelas);
  • scarlet fever;
  • ringworm;
  • syphilis in a progressive, active phase;
  • typhoid fever.

Let's look at the most characteristic signs.

A highly contagious infectious disease. Its insidiousness lies in the secrecy of its occurrence, primarily at the stage immediately after infection.

Only after 6–8 weeks do the main symptoms appear: swollen lymph nodes, high fever, headache and muscle pain. If during illness the skin in children becomes covered with small red spots, then in men and women the rash practically merges, covering the body with a single red spot.


This is a viral disease that is transmitted by airborne droplets, the causative agent of which is the virus of the same name. The danger of the disease is that it affects the central nervous system of a person.

The rash occurs after the incubation and catarrhal stages, when characteristic signs have already formed: a maculopapular exanthema appears on the body, with burgundy and red rough pimples, with a tendency to merge.

Varicella (chickenpox)

Because this disease affects children under 10 years of age, it is called a childhood disease. The disease is caused by the herpes virus. From infection to the first visual manifestations, at least three weeks pass before the rash appears.

First, small spots of pink and red color form, with a clear border in the form of a circle. Then they begin to grow, protruding above the surface of the body.

After a while, instead of them, round transparent watery bubbles appear, which after a few days dry out and become covered with light yellow, burgundy and brown crusts. After a week they will completely dry out and fall off.

Scarlet fever

This is an extremely contagious infectious disease. Its provocateur is hemolytic streptococcus, group A. Children from one to ten years of age are most often at risk of contracting scarlet fever. But the disease’s “favorite” targets are children and adults with a weakened immune structure.

What are the characteristic manifestations of this “infection”? During the active phase of the disease, there is general intoxication of the body, a rash throughout the body, fever, redness of the throat and tongue.

Infectious skin disease

The causes of painful phenomena can be various infections that affect the dermis.

These include:

  • pyoderma;
  • furunculosis;
  • scalded skin syndrome;
  • lichen, dermatophytosis (fungal infection);
  • erysipelas.

Let's look at some characteristic features.

Erysipelas (erysipelas)

An acute infectious disease with a tendency to recur. The cause of the disease is the same group A streptococcus, which penetrates the damaged dermis through abrasions, cuts, open wounds, and abrasions.

The symptoms of the disease vary and depend on the form of the disease:

  1. Erythematous. Excessive painful redness of the skin (erythema), swelling, general weakness of the body. Erythema has clear boundaries, bright coloring, and an irregular relief pattern that rises above the surface.
  2. Erythematous-bullous. Three days later, at the site of the erythema, the upper skin becomes separated with the formation of bubbly watery formations of various sizes filled with protein fluid.
  3. Erythematous-hemorrhagic.In development, it is more similar to the first type of erysipelas, except that instead of erythema, bright subcutaneous hemorrhage occurs in the affected areas.
  4. Bullous-hemorrhagic. This form is very similar in external manifestations to the erythematous-bullous form, but its blisters are filled not with a clear liquid, but with a bloody (hemorrhagic) substance.

Important! Erysipelas of the skin occurs against the background of an extremely high temperature of the patient - about or above 40°, accompanied by pain, vomiting, increased heart rate, delirium, convulsions and inflammation of brain cells.

Be careful, because the appearance of red spots may be a harbinger of a serious infectious disease - pyoderma. It unites a group of diseases caused by pathogens that provoke purulent processes: streptococci, staphylococci, enterococci, E. coli, etc.

Symptoms: the appearance of red formations associated with hyperemia (significant blood flow), within which the formation of pustular formations occurs. Over time, it spreads to the legs and feet, where painful ulcers merge with each other. In the depths of the lesion, flaccid granulations and necrotic deposits of dead tissue are clearly visible.

The already long healing process is aggravated by diseases such as scabies, eczema, diabetes mellitus, and chronic renal failure.

scalded skin syndrome

Ritter's disease - this disease is caused by staphylococcal toxin. When infected, the affected areas become covered with purple formations, which within a day turn into a painful, wrinkled crust that looks very much like crumpled and then straightened wet paper.

In places of damage, bubbles very quickly appear, as in a water thermal burn (scald). Over time, they burst and dry out, forming erosion. When touched, the patient experiences significant pain. Newborns and young children are especially affected by this disease.

Ringworm (microsporia)

This is perhaps the most common infection, with pronounced contagiousness, i.e., an amazing ability to be transmitted to each other and from animals to humans. Absolutely anything where the pathogen can gain a foothold can become a means of communication for this “infection”: public transport, personal belongings, common objects, the palms and face of the patient.

The incubation (hidden period) can last up to three months, during which a person may not even realize that he is a carrier of dermatophytes, moldy fungi, and microsporia pathogens.

Symptoms: red inflamed spots, small nodes, blisters covered with crusts and scales appear on the skin. The hair on the affected area of ​​the head breaks, creating the visual effect of a sloppily cut area, which, in fact, gives this sore its name.

Gibert's disease or pityriasis rosea

The predominant location of this infection is the human torso. As for the pathogen, each specialist has their own version. Some say it is herpes virus types 6 and 7. Others, refuting this opinion, argue that streptococci had a “hand” in its occurrence.

But doctors are unanimous in one thing, that the “trigger” is still microorganisms.

When determining the absolute cause, such a number of discrepancies arose due to the fact that pityriasis rosea occurs with many completely disparate unfavorable factors.

Causes contributing to the occurrence of Gibert's disease:

  • hypothermia;
  • various infectious diseases suffered;
  • depression, stress, nervous breakdown;
  • gastrointestinal dysfunction;
  • vaccination;
  • insect bites;
  • imbalance of metabolic processes;
  • minor damage to the dermis.

Symptoms: The disease begins with the appearance of a red “maternal” formation in the form of a circle, the size of a silver fifty dollar coin. The further, the more - after 10 days, a scattering of “babies”, pink and yellow-pink in color, appears on the patient’s back and chest. These “medallions” abundantly cover the patient’s shoulders, sides, and thighs. Over time, they crack, forming wounds, peel off, thereby causing painful itching. Typically, this process lasts about 9 weeks.

In conclusion, it is worth emphasizing that the format of the article is unable to fully consider all skin manifestations and the causes that gave rise to them. But still, it allows us to make a certain statement.

The main general conclusion that the reader should make after reading the article: spots on the body are not a joke. Any carelessness, inattention or indifference can lead to the most severe consequences. Do not hesitate to once again bother your dermatologist or infectious disease specialist. Absolutely avoid self-medication. The path to recovery is a correct diagnosis and chosen treatment tactics.

If brown spots appear on the skin, this may not only indicate the presence of some disease, but usually this is the first sign of “aging” of the skin. But what to do if such symptoms are observed at the age of 20-35 years or in young children in general? Here, much will depend on the competence of the dermatologist, who will have to make the correct diagnosis and select effective treatment.

Possible diseases

Attention! I would like to immediately dispel the common myth about brown spots that are associated with the liver. People call them “liver spots” because of their characteristic color. The “liver cleanse” that some unscrupulous clinics may offer is nothing more than a scam.

When establishing the cause of the appearance of brown spots on the skin, great attention is paid to the following points:

  • size of education;
  • color intensity;
  • surface of the lesion;
  • number of rashes;
  • accompanying symptoms (peeling, itching, scales, etc.);
  • place of localization.

Today, dermatology has a huge number of diseases that can cause the appearance of brown spots on the human body. Here are the most common:

  1. Lentigo. The disease is classified as pigment spots that are hereditary in nature. A characteristic difference is the appearance of round or oval brown spots on the body. They barely noticeably rise above the skin. Not accompanied by any subjective sensations. Localization of formations is open areas of the body, less often the torso and mucous membranes. They usually appear in the first year of life, less often at 5-30 years. The prognosis for ordinary lentigo is favorable; rare hereditary forms are dangerous, which can transform into a malignant tumor.
  2. Pityriasis versicolor. A very common fungal breed, usually found in people aged 20-45 years. almost always begins with the appearance of small light brown spots on the skin, eventually reaching the size of a large coin. A dark, yellow or pink coloration may also be observed. Patients very rarely complain of itching. The surface of the rash is rough, since the fungi affect not only the upper layer of the epidermis, but also the hair follicle. There is no clear statement that tinea versicolor can be contracted from another person or animal. Exacerbations occur most often in spring and summer.
  3. Neurofibromatosis. A rare but very dangerous genetic disease that is hereditary in nature. There are several types of neurofibromatosis, which can be either congenital or acquired. The main symptom is the appearance of coffee-colored spots with a brown tint on the body. But, to make a diagnosis, they look not only at the presence of formations (there must be at least 6 of them), but also at heredity (does any of the immediate relatives suffer from this disease), hyperpigmentation (in the groin or axillary region), the presence of neurofibromas and optic nerve gliomas. Only if two clinical signs are present can DNA diagnostics and other studies be prescribed.
  4. Erythrasma. Pseudomycosis, which is caused by the pathogen Corynebacterium minutissum. In medicine, this disease is classified as something between fungi and bacteria. Characteristic differences are the appearance on the skin of red-yellow and dark brown spots the size of a small coin. As the process progresses, the rashes can merge with each other, transforming into large lesions measuring 5-7 cm in diameter. The surface is almost always smooth; peeling and small scales can rarely be observed. Localization - in 80% inguinal-femoral folds, armpits and mammary glands, in 20% in other parts of the body. There are no subjective sensations provided there are no secondary infections, which can occur in the summer due to constant friction of the folds. At risk of developing erythrasma are men who suffer from excessive sweating and work in conditions of high humidity (foundries, mines, etc.). Contagiousness is insignificant, so cases of familial outbreaks of erythrasma have not been described.
  5. Freckles. A very common cause of small brown spots on the skin of the face, neck and chest. The disease is classified as a benign skin tumor. Freckles never rise above the surface of the skin and are not accompanied by peeling. The surface of the formations is always smooth. The size of one rash is 1-3 mm. There is a tendency to merge into large foci. A distinctive feature is small brown or dark brown spots randomly scattered over a certain area of ​​the skin, reminiscent of bread crumbs. Most often, freckles appear between the ages of 7 and 10 years. Blondes, red-haired and fair-haired people are at risk; freckles are less common among brown-haired people and almost never among brunettes.
  6. Pityriasis rosea. Despite its name, this dermatosis is characterized by damage to the skin with small red-brown spots. The cause of its appearance is associated with hormonal imbalances and decreased immunity. very often occurs during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Localization of rashes is the face, neck, arms, abdomen, chest, and less commonly, legs and groin area. Subjective sensations may include slight itching and swelling in the affected area.
  7. Athlete's foot. A fungal disease that usually occurs in men aged 25-45 years and women aged 25-35 years. It usually appears as large red lesions that are covered with scales and peeling. As the process progresses, the lesions may darken, which may explain the appearance of huge brown spots between the legs and in the inguinal-femoral folds. Workers in “hot” shops, miners, athletes, bathhouse attendants and swimming pool workers usually get sick. Excessive sweating and problems with excess weight are considered predisposing factors for athlete's foot.

Very often, the appearance of small brown spots on the body can be caused by hormonal changes (in women, this process is observed during pregnancy and during breastfeeding).

Photo of brown spots on the body

Diagnosis and treatment

In most cases, brown spots on the skin do not pose any danger to human health and life, especially in adults. If peeling, crusts and itching appear along with them, it is recommended to make an appointment with a dermatologist to rule out fungal diseases and dermatoses.

Brown spots pose the greatest danger to children, as they can be a harbinger of a terrible disease - neurofibromatosis. It can affect not only the skin, but also internal organs. Deviations in mental development are also very often observed. If a child has more than five café-au-lait spots, he recommends urgently visiting a dermatologist.

The appearance of large dark brown spots in the groin area, between the legs and inner thighs may indicate the presence of athlete's foot, erythrasma or rubromycosis. The diagnosis is established based on examination of the clinical picture and laboratory studies of scales and peeling from the lesions. If the process is not complicated by secondary infections, you can get by with external means alone:

  • erythromycin ointment 5% (treatment of lesions 2 times a day for a week).
  • salicylic alcohol 5%;
  • clotrimazole;
  • boric alcohol 3% (cold lotions);
  • iodine solution 1%;
  • sulfur-tar ointment 3%.

The duration of the course of treatment and the selection of the drug depends on the form and course of the disease. On average it is 2-4 weeks.

Pityriasis versicolor is easily diagnosed due to its characteristic clinical picture. The Balzer iodine test can be used to confirm the diagnosis. If you treat the lesion with a 5% iodine solution, then even with the naked eye you can notice that the spots are colored much more intensely than healthy areas of the skin. If there are hidden lesions or in very controversial situations, they may resort to glowing the spots under the rays of a Wood's lamp. Under them, the lichen versicolor will glow yellow-brown or yellow-red. Treatment usually includes the following:

  • Sulfuric ointment;
  • salicylic ointment;
  • resorcinol alcohol;
  • boric salicylic alcohol.

For maximum effect, lesions are treated with fungicidal and keratolytic agents, which are selected by a dermatologist based on the clinic and the course of the disease.

Freckles, lentigo and pityriasis rosea cannot be treated. In the first two cases, they may resort to using:

  • chemical peeling;
  • cryotherapy (liquid nitrogen);
  • photothermolysis;
  • laser

In 90% of cases, pityriasis rosea goes away on its own within 3-6 weeks. For preventive purposes, you can take a course of drugs that enhance immunity. If brown spots are caused by the aging process of the skin, then, unfortunately, medicine is powerless.

There may be various disturbances in the functioning of the body. But most often this symptom is brought with it by an aggravated allergy. Red spots are one of the most common changes on the epidermis, which is a cause for concern and a visit to dermatologists and allergists.

Why does redness appear on the skin?

Some patients, not rushing to consult with specialists, mistakenly consider skin allergies to be a harmless pathology. Red spots itch, increase in size and spread throughout the body. Under no circumstances should this symptom be ignored. The very presence of external manifestations indicates the impact of the irritant, which, in order to avoid complications, it is advisable to eliminate as soon as possible.

Human skin is an objective indicator of the general condition of the body. The appearance of any defect on the epidermis, not associated with the influence of any external factors, reflects a hidden health problem. Red spots due to allergies in themselves are not considered a serious pathology, although they can cause many problems, complicating the course of the disease. Of particular importance is their localization and severity, which make it possible to determine the causes of occurrence and draw up a plan for further therapeutic measures.

Allergic “mechanism” for the appearance of spots on the body

If red spots due to allergies appear on the hands, face or throughout the body, they itch and flake, in most cases one of the following should be considered the culprit:

  1. Reaction to food, medicine, animal hair, detergents, etc. When the irritant is eliminated or its effect on the skin stops, the allergy will go away, and the red spots will go away along with it.
  2. Unbalanced diet. The systematic predominance of some foods over others in the diet leads to a response from the body. For example, if you eat too much fried or spicy food, red spots may appear on your body. Allergies of this type most often occur in people with weakened immune systems who experience a deficiency in the intake of vitamins and valuable minerals.
  3. Diseases of the autonomic nervous system, heart and blood vessels. Such rashes mainly appear against the background of worries, stressful situations, depression, depression. In such a case, red spots become only an alarming “bell” of more serious health problems.

Complications of allergic rashes in children

Skin rashes, regardless of the reasons that provoke their appearance, do not entail serious consequences. Complications often occur with allergies, as you know, they can be bothersome. It is more difficult for a child to cope with itching, and therefore, despite the warnings of adults, children often scratch the rash, which injures the epidermis, turning it into a kind of gateway for bacterial or fungal infections.
It becomes more difficult to get rid of lesions on the skin, and antiallergic treatment is supplemented with hormonal external drugs and local antibiotics.

Allergic skin diseases

Another cause of allergies in the form of red spots can be chronic skin diseases - eczema, atopic dermatitis. Such pathologies are characterized by a delayed-type mechanism, which is triggered when exposed to certain stimuli. These diseases require constant monitoring, a number of preventive measures and supportive therapy. The slightest deviation from the rules and an encounter with an allergen leads to the appearance of red spots on the skin. Allergy treatment usually involves the use of a complex of external medications and systemic procedures to strengthen the immune system.

Another type of pathological reaction is called an immediate type allergy. These include urticaria, the body's response to low temperatures. In addition to rashes, it is important to pay attention to other symptoms that accompany red spots on the skin that appear during allergy treatment. Whether they itch or not, whether swelling has occurred, whether breathing has increased, the pulse has increased - all this is of fundamental importance for adjusting the existing treatment plan.

Localization of red spots on the body: what does it mean?

The location of the rash is of great importance in determining the etiology of the disease. As a rule, redness does not protrude above the level of the upper epidermal layers, maintaining the density and texture of the surface within normal limits. At the beginning, barely having time to become noticeable, the spots do not itch, they are small. But gradually they are joined by itching, the rashes increase in area, growing to extensive erythema. External symptoms are often accompanied by a general deterioration in well-being.

The localization of red spots largely depends on the type of allergen and the way it affects the skin. If the irritant acts from the inside (food, medicine, dye, preservative, etc.), the rash most often appears on the stomach, when applying low-quality cosmetics - on the face, and in the case of using inappropriate household chemicals - on the hands. So, with increased sensitivity to animal fur, plant pollen (ragweed), the spots spread throughout the body.

Rashes as a sign of photodermatitis

Often, the localization of rashes allows us to establish the main directions in the treatment of allergies. Do the red spots itch (photo of the rash is presented for clarity) and rapidly increase when exposed to the sun? This means that, first of all, it is necessary to protect exposed areas of the body from direct rays - the face, hands, and legs. Under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, not red, but pink, slightly swollen spots may form on the skin.

Red spots: psoriasis, urticaria, lichen or simple allergy?

An allergic reaction as a response from a weakened immune system can lead to the development of psoriasis, the first symptoms of which are also red spots. A distinctive feature of this disease is the rapid transition of small-sized erythemas into silvery scales resembling dense plaques and crusts. Such rashes are most often located in the area of ​​the knees, elbows, head, and back.

Pityriasis rosea appears as red spots, but is completely different. This disease, which also has an allergic nature, is characterized by an oval rash, slightly raised above the epidermis. The spots are localized on the arms, stomach, and chest area. Small red dots moving around different parts of the body are hives. A mild form of such an allergy, as a rule, does not require drug intervention and goes away on its own within 1-2 days.

What can be the complications of allergies?

Any disease requires consultation with a doctor, and allergies are no exception. Red spots are, as already mentioned, the “tip of the iceberg.” If you let this pathology take its course and do not treat it, the process may worsen. When allergies develop, there is a risk of sudden onset of anaphylactic shock, angioedema, cardiac dysfunction, seizures and other life-threatening complications.

Even more attention should be paid to the red spots in the child. An allergy whose symptoms do not go away within three days and are accompanied by fever and peeling of the skin is a reason for an immediate visit to a pediatrician or allergist. In childhood, such rashes should be considered as an unfavorable signal from the body, indicating a malfunction of the immune system.

Allergies, as a rule, are not a reason for hospitalization, but this does not mean that you can self-medicate. Any medications must be taken under the supervision and supervision of a physician. In addition, it is unlikely that you will be able to select them correctly without the appropriate qualifications.


Before prescribing certain medications, it is necessary to determine what exactly caused the pathological response of the body, that is, to identify the irritant. Further actions to treat the disease will depend on the nature of the allergen. Since identifying and eliminating it most often turns out to be problematic, during the diagnostic process you should follow the instructions:

  1. Conduct analysis. The patient must remember and tell the doctor everything that may be associated with the origin of the allergy, the appearance of spots on the skin: when it started, what it could be associated with, what changes were there in the usual way of life during this period, whether any things were purchased, appeared are there animals in the house, etc.
  2. Laboratory research. The skin test is carried out as follows: a drop of allergenic solutions is applied to an open area of ​​skin (most often, the back of the hand). When any pathological reaction of the epidermis appears, the reaction is considered positive. If the test does not give an accurate answer about the allergen, proceed to the next stage of diagnosis.
  3. Blood test for antibodies - if the norm is exceeded, an allergic reaction is confirmed.

Main principles of treatment

Itching and peeling of the skin are not the most pleasant sensations that occur with allergies. The red spots itch and it is unbearable to hold back so as not to injure the skin. It is impossible to concentrate on work, to concentrate on anything. Therefore, when turning to a doctor with allergic red spots, the patient can be sure that the treatment will solve the following problems:

  • eliminates inflammation of the skin;
  • relieves itching and reduces redness;
  • will stop the progression of symptoms and the spread of rashes in particular.


The attending physician will prescribe medications, he will also recommend the dosage and determine the duration of the course. Despite the fact that in each specific case the therapeutic regimen is drawn up individually for each patient, it is easy to highlight its general provisions. Thus, the treatment of allergies accompanied by rashes is based on the use of antihistamines. It is possible to achieve skin desensitization faster if the external application of creams and ointments is supplemented by taking antiallergic drugs internally. Among the oral antihistamines, the most popular ones should be noted:

  • "Cetrin".
  • "Fenistil".
  • "Zodak".
  • "Zyrtec".
  • "Suprastin".
  • "Telfast".
  • "Loratadine."

Hormonal ointments

Medicines are prescribed according to the patient's age. Not all of them are suitable for use in children due to the severity of side effects. In advanced stages of the disease, treatment is supplemented with hormonal drugs. Such remedies can cure the most severe allergies, eczema, and dermatitis. But the drugs in this group have a lot of contraindications, so they are prescribed with extreme caution, and the duration of the course is limited to 7-10 days. Among hormonal creams and ointments, the following should be noted:

  • "Advantan".
  • Hydrocortisone ointment.
  • "Elokom".
  • "Celestoderm".
  • "Sinaflan".
  • "Dermovate".
  • "Lokoid".
  • "Afloderm".

Anti-inflammatory external agents

The main emphasis in the treatment of allergies is on the use of anti-inflammatory ointments and creams. They help quickly eliminate stains, help start skin regeneration processes, eliminating peeling and increasing the local immunity of the affected epidermis. Unlike hormonal analogues, these drugs are allowed to be used until recovery:

  • "Radevit".
  • "Traumel".
  • "Bepanten"
  • Salicylic ointment.

Other treatments

If the cause of the rash lies in disorders of the nervous system, stress, or emotional tension, the doctor will prescribe sedatives. The course begins with taking medications of minimal strength, which include extracts of motherwort, valerian, and peony. In rare cases, if the effect of herbal drugs is not enough, specialists prescribe “heavy” tranquilizers and antidepressants.

And, of course, treating allergies involves following a strict diet without fail and strictly. During an exacerbation, it is important to exclude from the diet all foods that, directly or indirectly, could provoke a pathological reaction in the body.

In any case, red spots on the body cannot be perceived unambiguously. The task of primary importance facing the doctor and the patient is to find out the cause of the rash and eliminate it. There is also no point in delaying contacting a doctor because often seemingly harmless rashes are a symptom of a serious infectious, autoimmune or oncological disease.
