The magic of numbers. Why do you dream of locusts according to the dream book Modern dream book Locusts

In the old days, hordes of insects were rightly considered a sign of trouble. Even if locusts appeared in a dream, good things were not expected. This voracious cloud left villages without harvest. What does a modern city dweller need? Agree, only a few villagers saw such invasions with their own eyes. These million-strong bands do not look into the metropolis; they have nothing to profit from there. Let's look at this image in detail to understand it among high-rise buildings, amenities and the never-fading lights of civilization.

Ancient interpretation is relevant

Let us not write off the wisdom of our ancestors. They explained well what locusts mean in dreams. A lot of insects in the fields means trouble. The family's property will be at risk. If the dreamer is counting on an inheritance, he will be disappointed; he will not receive anything. In addition, such a plot in night vision foreshadows a difficult period. At this time, losses are more likely, and profits do not shine at all. Entrepreneurs (peasants, in the old-fashioned way) should be more attentive to the little things. These people operate with unverified information or have fallen under the influence of a fraudster. Some decision to which an unscrupulous colleague or partner is pushing them will lead to bankruptcy. For an ordinary person, locusts portend deprivation. A lady, for example, can spend the family budget on a beautiful trinket, leaving her family without the usual delicacies. Overall the plot is unfavorable. In the old days they said that old people dream of locusts as a sign of illness or the loss of a peer. For young men, insects in large numbers foreshadow participation in bloodshed, for women - an enemy raid on the village.

Seeing locusts - a modern interpretation

The thinkers of our day also do not favor the locusts that live in the country of Morpheus. They see it as a harbinger of bad events. This is quite understandable from a psychological point of view. When a person is overwhelmed by petty worries, he has no one to rely on, and fatigue sets in. The brain forms disgusting, disgusting images. These include a cloud of locusts flying through fields and forests in search of food. To meet such a horde while wandering the astral plane is to find yourself in a situation where everything will irritate you. For example, colleagues will seem stupid and slow, bosses will seem angry and picky, relatives will seem annoying, and friends will seem unreliable. A lot of small but burdensome troubles will fall on your shoulders at once. And, what’s most offensive of all, there will be no one to shift even a small part of them to. Everyone will have to do it on their own. What to do in such a situation? Grit your teeth, straighten your back and remember: the Lord gives trials only to his most beloved children. You will be able to pass this lesson with honor.

Why do you dream of locusts in an apartment?

Night adventures are not limited to real-life stories. We may well encounter locusts in our own rooms. This is a harbinger of troubles that may soon happen at home. Families should be more careful with their words. Some careless proposal will greatly offend a loved one. Then a scandal cannot be avoided. In addition, locusts jumping on furniture, carpets and sofas warn of domestic “disasters”. After such a dream, floods, fires, equipment breakdowns and similar troubles are quite likely. They will not cause serious, irreparable damage, but you will have to work and spend money to eliminate their consequences.

Girls and older ladies are advised to take the locust as advice. Discuss other people's affairs less. There is a person in your circle who spreads completely peaceful statements around the world, making a real sensation out of them. As a result, you may find yourself at the epicenter of a big scandal and a topic for gossip.

Why do you dream of locusts on your head?

A plot in which insects were jumping on the top of your head does not bode well. As a rule, such an unpleasant live picture reflects the state of the body. He became unwell to the point of becoming ill. That is, the dream foreshadows illness. If you cannot get rid of annoying insects, you will have to undergo treatment for a long time. When the dream ends with you managing to drive the locusts away from you, the suffering will not last long. A slight cold with a runny nose is quite likely. For older people, this scenario threatens weakening health, accompanied by a bad mood. People call this condition “the blues.” It is necessary to take care of positive emotions in order not to succumb to the “invasion” of despondency, which kills vital energy.

Eating locusts in a dream

Fans of extravagant dishes should not worry too much if they had to try insects in the land of Morpheus. For the rest, the plot foretells trouble. Rash actions or words will lead to unpredictable consequences. That is, trouble will not come on its own, you will organize it.

When discussing why locusts are dreamed of, it is advisable to remember the emotional attitude to the plot. It should be interpreted directly. If you have experienced a feeling of indignation, disgust, this is what you will get in reality. When the attitude towards insects was neutral (positive), it means that you will overcome minor difficulties completely calmly, without getting hung up on them. A good dream in which you were able to completely drive out hordes of voracious locusts. He predicts victory in an important matter. Good luck!

By opening the dream book and reading what locusts are dreaming about, you can prevent some situations in time and reduce the predicted negativity to a minimum. But is a dream about this unpleasant creature always negative? Let's figure it out.

Locusts: what does the image symbolize?

The symbolic meaning of locusts can be very different and even contradictory. Often dream books interpret it as something that describes the brevity of existence. It can be hunger, darkness, various kinds of addictions, the herd instinct (with a negative connotation), temptation, gluttony, etc. In other words, we are talking about one of human vices.

If you saw locusts in a dream, then it is likely that you will meet an unpleasant person in life. He may turn out to be very arrogant, unprincipled, and deceitful, which is why communicating with him will become a burden.

On a note! In this case, the scale of damage that this person can cause to you will depend solely on you - you should try to minimize communication with this person and then unnecessary worry can be avoided!

If locusts appeared in a dream to a young girl, then in reality it would be advisable for her to take a closer look at the man to whom she decided to give her heart. Such a dream promises quick disappointment in the chosen one and long-term sadness about this - soon the dreamer will understand that her young man prefers only to take and at the same time is not going to give anything in return.

Locusts can appear in a dream not alone, but as an entire army. According to dream books, such hordes of pests symbolize illness, empty worries, and minor troubles.

A lot of locusts in a dream can predict the collapse of plans, and only one person can destroy what you so carefully and meticulously created. Think about it: perhaps not so long ago you let someone new, previously unfamiliar, into your inner circle.

Aesop speaks of a swarm of locusts as representing the discomfort and irritation that will be caused by unpleasant dialogue. Your opponent will turn out to be very unfriendly, and with all his behavior he will show his disrespect for you.

If in a dream you crushed locusts or got rid of them in some other way, then such a dream is considered good - in reality, profit awaits you. Moreover, the financial situation will improve literally in the coming days.

As you can see, locusts do not always symbolize trouble. Sometimes the dream will have a positive connotation. Therefore, after waking up, you should not immediately panic - remember the details, since the correct decoding of night dreams depends on them.

Why do you dream about big locusts? The Oracle's Dream Book believes that it means sad, disastrous events, serious problems that will be caused by your rash actions and stupid actions.

Be careful and careful in your affairs and relationships. Take your time in making decisions, carefully consider every action to avoid trouble.

Seeing locusts in your house in a dream

If you dreamed that there were locusts in the house and you were fighting them, in reality you will experience improved well-being and health. If you are confused at the sight of insects in the house, you will soon get sick.

Pay attention to your health status. Get a medical examination so that the disease does not take you by surprise. Play sports, start leading a healthy lifestyle.

Why do you dream about green locusts?

If you dream of green locusts sitting on vegetables, expect trouble. Your enemies will become more active and begin to plot against you, which will disrupt your plans and cause confusion in your affairs.

Be prepared to repel enemies. Be careful and attentive when communicating with others, question any proposal or information. Don't believe it until you check it.

Dreaming of locusts in the apartment

If you saw locusts in your apartment in a dream, the dream book predicts an unexpected turn of events. Your plans may be disrupted due to the sudden intervention of enemies. It is likely that the consequences of these actions will be difficult to eliminate.

Be careful, pay attention to the activity around you, do not trust your plans to strangers, unverified people. Be wary of unexpected offers and information.

I dreamed of a lot of locusts

Why do you dream of a lot of locusts sitting on plants? Such a dream foretells danger from rivals and enemies. They can disrupt your plans and lead you to large financial losses.

Keep everything under control, do not trust untrusted people, do not share your plans with strangers. Be careful in all matters related to money.

We rarely encounter this type of insect: there are few locusts in our latitudes. It is only known that in large quantities it is capable of destroying crops on the scale of an entire field.

Why do you dream about locusts? Does it bring the same destructive beginning to the dreamer’s life? Dream books talk about this in detail. They highlight the following common meanings of this image:

  • Possible troubles.
  • Financial profit.
  • Good health.
  • Interesting acquaintance.

Don’t know what exactly locusts predict for you in a dream? Remember the details - and let's understand the dream together.


Some dream books indicate possible small troubles and troubles that the presence of locusts in a dream promises. They will not bring you significant problems and worries, they will simply require additional strength. If you were destined to dream about how you crush it, expect to make a profit. In the coming days, your financial situation will improve noticeably and become stable.

For a girl, this dream predicts separation from a person who has been causing her unpleasant moments for a long time. The destruction of these insects in a dream also calls on dreamers to make important decisions: now is the time to act, this will help to get closer to realizing their dreams.

Did an insect try to bite you? This image may indicate possible attacks from superiors. Also, the dream book clarifies, locusts in this case can indicate improved health and its strengthening.

Have you heard the chirping of this insect on the green? The dream image calls for caution in personal affairs. Do not tell anyone the details of your life, exclude the possibility of your ill-wishers receiving “food” for gossip. A large representative of these insects means meeting and getting to know an influential person; he will become a mentor and assistant for you, provide support, and give advice.


For farmers, locusts mean danger to crops and large losses of future profits. If there were a lot of these insects, dream books urge you to control your expenses and think through every purchase. There is a possibility of large unexpected expenses.

As a rule, locusts appear suddenly. Was it the same in your dream? This means that this image speaks of the emergence of an unexpected situation. Perhaps someone else will try to interfere with the measured course of your life. Entire hordes of locusts mean that communication with this person will be unpleasant; you will do everything possible to get rid of his importunity.

If a girl dreams of locusts, dream books indicate the need to take care of women’s health. You probably need to undergo an examination and attend consultations with specialists. This will help you prepare for your upcoming conception and carry your baby to term without any problems.

Let's also find out why we dream of locusts destroying crops in large numbers. This dream calls on the dreamer to pay attention to a person whom he trusts completely and unconditionally. There is a possibility that this person is very jealous of you, and therefore may set you up.

Are you a girl and saw a dream in which locusts flew in the form of a huge cloud? This image promises the appearance of several fans at once. Most likely, you will not have real sympathy for any of the guys, and their attention will become too intrusive.

If you observed how these insects are poisoned, you will get rid of financial and other problems. And your friends will help you with this, your loved ones will support you. Also, when understanding the question of why locusts are dreamed of, pay attention to the progress of your affairs: if you have abandoned some of them, it is worth returning to them and finishing what you started. Author: Natalia Chernikova

Dream Interpretation: Noble Dream Book by N. Grishina

Dream Interpretation Locust

  • Locusts are evil and losses of all kinds, death and destruction / sleep generated by the concentration of consciousness on historical events and processes.
  • Finding locusts among some objects and throwing them away with disgust - something unpleasant in the past is connected with these objects.
  • Seeing a massive locust attack is an opportunity to witness the death of many people; social or natural disasters, war.

Dream book: Ancient French dream book

See Locust in a dream

  • A dream about locusts foreshadows frivolous and reprehensible actions of one of your loved ones. The dream warns of a danger threatening the well-being of your home.

Dream Interpretation: Eastern Women's Dream Book

See Locust in a dream

  • For a woman, such a dream foreshadows unhappy love, since her lover will turn out to be an unworthy person. A dream in which a swarm of locusts destroys everything in its path is a sign of troubles that will come from where they were least expected. You shouldn't trust people you don't know. A swarm of flying locusts portends financial difficulties.

Dream Interpretation: Aesop's Dream Interpretation

See Locust in a dream

  • As you know, the locust is a very voracious insect, capable of destroying huge areas of vegetation in its path. Most likely, this image in your dream is caused by the interference in your life of a rather unceremonious person who seeks to take everything from life and give nothing in return.
  • In a dream, seeing a horde of locusts means in reality experiencing discomfort and irritation from communicating with an arrogant and tactless person.
  • If you kill locusts, then this means your determination to have a frank and firm conversation with an unpleasant person who has been poisoning your life for quite a long time.

Dream Interpretation: Ancient Persian Dream Book of Taflisi

Dream Interpretation Locust

  • Living locusts seen in a dream symbolize a military army.
  • Adult, mature locusts causing damage to crops dream of war. Another meaning of this dream is: waste or theft of a large fortune.

Dream Interpretation: Modern Dream Interpretation

Dream Interpretation Locust

  • If in a dream you see locusts, then in real life you will have to worry about the fact that you will not be able to understand the current situation. For a woman, such a dream foreshadows unhappy love, since her lover will turn out to be an unworthy person. A dream in which you see a swarm of locusts destroying everything in its path, then you should be prepared for troubles to come from where you least expected them. You shouldn't trust people you don't know. A flock of flying locusts seen in a dream foreshadows the financial difficulties that your family will face. For a woman, such a dream can mean the appearance of several fans at once.

Dream Interpretation: Esoteric Dream Interpretation

Why do you dream about Locust?

  • To infertility. Be attentive to your health. If there is a danger of losing the ability to reproduce.

Dream Interpretation: Longo's Dream Interpretation

Why do you dream about Locust?

  • Seeing locusts in a dream means that in real life you are threatened with a significant loss associated with the unreasonable management of your affairs. You let everything take its course, reducing control over things.

Dream Interpretation: Italian Dream Book by Meneghetti

Dream Interpretation Locust

  • See Insects.

Dream Interpretation: Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

See Locust in a dream

  • Seeing hordes of locusts in a dream is a sign that one of the countries of the globe is threatened by an invasion of locusts, as a result of which all agricultural crops will be destroyed. The locust invasion will cause hunger for a large number of people and set this country back in its development by several years. For the dreamer, such a dream prophesies an unstable financial situation.
  • If you dreamed that you were killing locusts, then such a dream indicates that you will be able to emerge victorious from a very difficult matter.

The dream book site - the largest dream book on the Runet, contains 75 of the best dream books: the dream book of Nostradamus, a self-instructional dream book (Vrublevskaya’s dream book), a dream book of the Otavalos Indians, a lunar dream book, a fairy-tale-mythological dream book, an Indian shamanic dream book, an Italian psychoanalytic dream book by A. Roberti, a Russian dream book , noble dream book by N. Grishina, dream book of the Yellow Emperor, dream book of lovers, Loff's dream book, Shuvalova's dream book, Veles dream book, women's dream book, numerological dream book of Pythagoras, psychotherapeutic dream book, Denise Lynn's dream book (detailed), Chinese dream book of Zhou Gong, dream book of happy omens, dream book of Health, dream book for women, spiritual dream book, dream book (1829), and others.
