Is it possible to treat herpes on the lip with iodine? Is it possible to cauterize herpes with iodine? The use of iodine in the early stages of herpes

Many still choose old Soviet means.

These include iodine. Due to its wide spectrum of action, it is used in almost every wound treatment.

The product is present in the first aid kit of many families. It has become widespread due to its wide spectrum of action. It has good disinfectant and antimicrobial properties. Effective in the fight against gram-positive, gram-negative bacteria and fungi.

Its action is aimed at damaging the cells of pathogenic microorganisms. The drug is actively used to treat wounds of various etiologies.

Contraindicated in patients in the following cases:

  • thyroid adenoma;
  • during pregnancy and lactation;
  • with hypersensitivity;
  • with hyperthyroidism;
  • children under 7 years old;
  • with Dühring's dermatitis herpetiformis;
  • in case of dysfunction of the thyroid gland.

Advantages of use: has a wide spectrum of antimicrobial activity - eliminates all pathogenic microorganisms. For these reasons, it is often used in the preoperative and postoperative period.

Disadvantages of use:

  • causes scar formation;
  • often causes allergic reactions;
  • increases the healing period;
  • Dries the skin a lot.

Important! Not compatible with other antiseptics.

Treatment effectiveness

Is it possible to smear herpes with iodine? Many people, relying on the exceptional antiseptic properties of the product, lubricate all superficial wounds with it.

The main purpose of the drug is to eliminate bacterial infection. It will not have any effect on since viruses are not living organisms in the full sense of the word.

At the initial stage, the medicine should not be used. It causes a burning sensation, irritates the wound, causes a burn and aggravates the situation.

It is used at the healing stage to prevent the addition of a bacterial infection. Often used to dry the wound.

For genital herpes, iodine is strictly not recommended at all stages of wound formation. The product causes a burn to the mucous membrane. If it is necessary to treat the source of inflammation, it is worth using a diluted 7.5% solution of Povidone-iodine or a solution of manganese.

It is advisable to use for herpes. It usually consists of treating the wound and lubricating it with an antiherpetic agent.

Alternative options

Iodine often causes irritation and burns. In order to avoid such consequences, it is recommended to use an alternative product - Iodinol.

It is an iodine-containing antiseptic. It has alternative properties, is less toxic and less likely to cause irritation.

Povidone-iodine has a rapid bactericidal effect, but does not cauterize. The medicine is an iodine complex - its concentration in the complex is 1%.

It washes off well with water and leaves virtually no residue, which immediately solves the issue of aesthetics.

An alternative remedy is. It is identical to iodine, only softer. It also dries, tightens, and disinfects the surface. Not to be used in combination with the means listed above.

How to smear correctly?

It is better to use the drug to treat herpes at the healing stage.

  1. Method 1. It is preferable to use non-concentrated iodine for the procedure - this will reduce damage and prevent pain. Before treatment, it is desirable that the treated area is dry and free of crusts. Moistened with a cotton swab, avoiding pressure. If irritation or discomfort occurs, discontinue use.
  2. Method 2. You can treat the wound in another way. To do this, you need to prepare a solution - Povidone-iodine is diluted with boiled water in proportions of 1: 5. A gauze disc is moistened in it and applied to the wound for 30 seconds.

Important! Moxibustion with iodine is an adjuvant therapy that is not suitable for everyone. In order not to injure the skin or cause a burn, it is necessary to carry out the treatment carefully.

Complex therapy

Before each complex treatment procedure, the following rules are followed:

  • lubricate only dry surfaces;
  • do not peel off the crusts before applying;
  • Use only a new cotton swab each time.

The product is used in combination with pastes. One of the most common and accessible are products based on. Therapy lasts up to 10 days, the ointment is applied 5 times a day with an interval of 3 hours.

Complex treatment consists of two stages:

  • Stage 1 – first the surface is treated with the preparation according to the instructions indicated above;
  • Stage 2 – after a few minutes, a thick layer of ointment is applied to the wound and adjacent surface.

Note! When using iodine, it is recommended to lubricate the wounds on the lips at night. Before the procedure, it is necessary to check that you are not allergic to the product. To do this, apply it to the wrist with a cotton swab. In the absence of adverse reactions, iodine is used as directed.

Video with several effective recipes for treating herpes rash:

Patients' opinions

Once I tried to cauterize herpes with iodine - and I no longer have the desire. I was on sick leave, so I could smear a cold on my lip. The procedure was useless for herpes; it only burned the skin around it, leaving a small scar. It even seemed to me that the wound was healing more slowly. Previously I only used it, it was more useful. If you need to treat a wound, it is better suited for these purposes.

Tamara Izotova 34 years old, Tyumen

I used iodine to cauterize herpes. Although the wound was small, it oozed a little, making clothes uncomfortable to wear. The medicine solved these problems; I applied it only in the morning for four days. Along with it, the area was smeared with Acyclovir 5 times a day.

Tatyana Petrovna, 55 years old, Samara

Cauterization of herpes with iodine is a specific procedure that is not suitable for everyone. It is used at the healing stage as a drying and disinfectant. All risks and benefits of cauterization are considered before use.

Herpes is one of the most common infections and there are many ways to treat it. Is it possible to cauterize herpes with iodine or opt for another treatment method? , which include cauterization with iodine, are not an absolute panacea.

If mishandled and too active use of the solution, you can burn the skin, dry it out, as a result of which the wound on the body will take longer to heal, and scars may remain. Iodine solution is intended for treating wounds and erosions that appear after herpes blisters have opened.

Therefore, to the question whether it is possible to smear herpes with iodine, the answer is obvious - it is possible, but not at all stages. Herpes rashes are cauterized and treated with iodine, but not in all cases. The best thing .

Why iodine?

Iodine solution is widely used in the treatment and treatment of skin lesions of varying severity. It is an antiseptic, antibacterial and antifungal agent. Despite this, viruses, which include herpes, are not sensitive to the effects of iodine. Due to this factor, iodine will not cure herpes, but will only speed up recovery with proper treatment.

Important! An iodine solution accelerates the healing process of a wound formed at the site of burst herpes blisters. The product blocks the access of bacterial infection to the body.

Another very important point is that sometimes iodine may be unnecessary. This applies to cases where the herpes vesicles have not yet burst. Filling a wound with iodine can cause severe skin burns. In the lip area, the solution must be used extremely carefully, since the mucous tissue in this area is very delicate and will not appreciate the aggressive effects of the iodine solution.

When is the best time to use iodine?

Once herpes appears, iodine can only make it worse. The use of the product is contraindicated due to the risk of the following complications:
  • The appearance of burns. Iodine has the ability to penetrate deep into the skin, but with open wounds its effect is too strong.
  • When the deep layers of the skin are burned, a passage for infection into the body opens.
  • Risk of secondary infection due to sensitivity of herpes vesicles.

If the wounds have already burst, an iodine solution will be an excellent solution for drying and healing wounds, as it has powerful antiseptic properties.

How to use iodine solution correctly?

Before cauterizing a cold sore, you need to make sure your skin is clean and dry. Erosions and ulcers are cauterized pointwise, without strong pressure on the wound, since excessive pressure can injure the mucous membrane. An injured submucosa is a worsening of the existing problem.

A positive result in the treatment of herpes with iodine can be achieved by strictly observing the following rules:

  1. To treat wounds, take a little product.
  2. Iodine should not come into contact with healthy areas of the skin.
  3. For spot application of the solution on erosion, it is best to use cotton swabs.
  4. Ideally, treat each burst wound with a new stick, so as not to spread the infection from one vesicle to another.
  5. The most effective remedy is “Iodinol”, as it is even suitable for treating rashes in mucous tissues.

Can herpes be cured solely with iodine? To this question, any doctor will say no. Treatment for herpes is usually complex. To destroy the virus, the doctor prescribes. This is a special group of drugs that fights specifically the herpes virus. It is necessary to take medications, as this will shorten the period of illness, wounds will heal faster and re-infection will not make itself felt.

How to prepare “Iodinol” yourself?

To prepare the solution you need to take:

  • alcohol;
  • boiled water – 50 ml;
  • potato starch – 10 g;
  • sugar – 10 g;
  • citric acid – 2 gr.

First you need to prepare an alcohol solution of iodine. Iodine should be 5%. To prepare Iodinol, 1 tsp is enough. Sugar and citric acid in combination turn into an antioxidant and are responsible for maintaining the freshness of the solution.

All ingredients are thoroughly mixed together. This liquid can be safely used to treat skin areas affected by herpes. “Iodinol” is not so aggressive and is suitable for use even on such delicate areas of the skin as lips. There are no side effects such as irritation or burns.

Complex treatment with iodine

Cauterization alone, as mentioned above, is not enough. Iodine solution is combined with antiviral drugs. You can also prepare solutions for treating rashes and sores. Take, for example, the pharmaceutical product “Iodinol”. It is softer due to the presence of glycerin, but no less effective because it contains the main form of iodine. For healing wounds formed on the mucous membrane, potassium iodide is a real find and the most suitable treatment.

Important! When treating herpes, you should never remove crusts from wounds or open blisters yourself, as this leads to infection of healthy areas of the skin.

To treat herpes, they also try to use complex treatment. It is not recommended to use iodine in its pure form, as there is a risk of getting a burn. In combination with zinc ointment or zinc, iodine has a more effective effect on the virus. As for, each person requires an individual approach and therefore you should not use any medication without consulting a doctor.

Often treatment with iodine is combined with Tromantadine, Famciclovir, Acyclovir, Valacyclovir. These medications reduce the activity of the herpes virus in the human body. They are taken both orally and externally.

Important! With the constant use of antiviral drugs, addiction occurs. The virus learns to resist the components of the drug, and herpes appears.

Basic hygiene rules are also a prerequisite for treating herpes with iodine. Before starting each wound treatment procedure, you should thoroughly wash your hands. After carrying out the procedure and touching herpetic rashes, your hands must be washed with antibacterial soap or treated with alcohol. It's best to do both.

In addition, for the period of treatment, a patient with herpes should be provided with separate dishes from which only he or she eats, and a towel. Such precautions will help avoid infecting other family members with herpes.

Is it possible to cauterize herpes with iodine? Or is it better to use milder antiseptics for treatment? Such questions often interest patients. Herpes rashes are often localized on the lips. The skin in this area is highly sensitive and very susceptible to burns. Will iodine cause damage to the epidermis? We will consider the possibility of using this antiseptic in the article.

Composition of the drug

To answer the question: “Is it possible to burn herpes on the lips with iodine?”, you need to understand the composition of the drug. In medicine, a solution of this substance is usually used. The iodine content in the preparation is 5%. The liquid ingredient of the medicine is ethyl alcohol.

Iodine is an antiseptic. Alcohol also has disinfecting properties. Both ingredients mutually enhance each other's effect. It is ethyl alcohol that has a cauterizing effect, not iodine. This is the most aggressive component of the drug. Therefore, the use of such a remedy is not always indicated for herpes.

Advantages of iodine

Iodine solution has a complex effect on human skin. This medication has the following properties:

  1. Iodine and alcohol destroy bacteria.
  2. Ethanol burns tissue. This prevents necrosis of the epidermis.
  3. The solution penetrates deep into the layers of the skin. Therefore, iodine is a good remedy for preventing inflammation.
  4. Cauterization with an iodine solution promotes the drainage of excess fluid from the tissues. This prevents swelling.

It should be remembered that iodine is not only a local remedy. It is partially absorbed into the blood. This helps enrich the body with useful microelements. However, it is important to avoid overdosing on this substance.

Can herpes be burned with iodine? This treatment often prevents secondary infection from entering the wounds at the site of the rash. Iodine also promotes rapid healing of ulcers that form after the vesicular rash breaks through. However, we must not forget about the disadvantages of this tool.

Disadvantages of iodine treatment

The main disadvantage of treatment with iodine is the aggressiveness of the alcohol solution. If you use this product incorrectly, you can easily burn your skin. And this is especially undesirable for herpetic rashes, when the epidermis is irritated and inflamed.

Is it possible to cauterize herpes with iodine and not use any other drugs? Any doctor will answer this question in the negative. After all, the causative agent of herpes is a virus. An alcohol solution of iodine does not affect this type of microorganism. Therefore, it is impossible to get rid of the infection only with the help of local antiseptics.

Indications and contraindications

Is it possible to cauterize herpes on the lip with iodine if the blisters have not yet burst? In the active stage of the rash, any cauterization is contraindicated. In this case, an alcohol solution of iodine can be harmful. Ethanol may cause burns on the surface of the bubbles. Vesicular rash is very sensitive to the effects of aggressive substances. Wounds may appear on burned skin, which will become a gateway for the penetration of microorganisms. As a result, herpes will be complicated by secondary bacterial damage to the epidermis.

Herpes on the lips can be cauterized with iodine after the vesicular rash breaks out on its own. In this case, the use of an antiseptic will be useful. Treatment with iodine solution will prevent the penetration of bacteria into wounds and ulcers and will promote healing of the epidermis.

You can also use iodine at the earliest stage of the disease, when bubbles have not yet formed. Usually, with herpes, redness on the skin first appears, and only then vesicles appear. You can cauterize the hyperemic area of ​​the epidermis with an iodine solution. In some cases, this prevents bubbles from appearing.

How to properly cauterize a rash

How to properly cauterize herpes on the lips with iodine? Before treatment, you need to dry the skin a little. To do this, wash the affected area with water and laundry soap, and then blot with a napkin. This will ensure better absorption of the drug.

To treat herpetic rashes you need to use cotton swabs. The drug must be applied pointwise to each vesicle. We must try not to affect healthy areas of the skin.

You need to smear herpes with iodine very carefully. Do not apply excessive amounts of solution, as this may cause burns.

For large rashes, use a separate cotton swab for each blister. Otherwise, you can spread the infection throughout the skin.

The drug "Iodinol"

Sometimes the rash appears not on the skin, but on the mucous membranes. Is it possible to cauterize herpes with iodine with such localization of vesicles? It is highly undesirable to do this. This can make it very easy to get burned. After all, the mucous membrane is much more sensitive to the effects of alcohol than the epidermis.

If a rash appears on the mucous membrane, it is better to use the drug "Iodinol". This product also contains iodine. The solution also contains polyvinyl alcohol and starch. This somewhat softens the effect of the drug. This gentle product has a less aggressive effect on the skin and mucous membranes.

This drug can not only be purchased in pharmacy chains, but also made at home. To do this you will need the following ingredients:

  • a teaspoon of regular alcohol solution of iodine;
  • 10 g each of potato starch and crushed sugar;
  • 50 g boiled water;
  • 2 g citric acid.

All components must be mixed well and dissolved. The composition should be blue. This color occurs as a result of the interaction of iodine and starch.

If herpes has formed in the mouth or on the mucous membrane of the lip, then it is preferable to use Iodinol as a milder remedy. The medicine is applied to a cotton swab and the rash is carefully treated. In this case, you should try not to smear the composition over healthy areas of the mucous membrane or skin.

It is very important to avoid overdosing on this drug. If rashes in the mouth or on the lips are treated, a small part of Iodinol enters the body. With prolonged use of the medicine, this can lead to iodine poisoning.

How to use iodine in complex treatment

So, we found out that cauterizing herpes with iodine is not enough for a complete cure. Antiseptics can only be used as an additional means of therapy. The main method of treating herpes infection is the use of antiviral ointments. Most often, doctors prescribe the following drugs:

  • "Acyclovir";
  • "Gerpevir";
  • "Zovirax".

The use of these ointments in combination with iodine promotes a speedy recovery. Antiviral local agents act directly on the causative agent of the disease, and the antiseptic prevents the penetration of bacteria into the wounds.

However, such complex treatment requires compliance with certain rules. After all, antiseptics and antiviral ointments can react with each other. Iodine acts for a very short time, and antiherpetic creams have a prolonged effect.

Doctors recommend applying topical antiviral agents at least 5 times a day. Only in this case can the effect of treatment be expected. It is recommended to treat the rash with iodine only at night. In this case, at least 3-4 hours should pass after the last application of the ointment.

Doctors' opinion

How do doctors answer patients’ questions: “Is it possible to cauterize herpes with iodine?” There are different opinions of experts regarding this method.

Some doctors do not approve of this treatment. They believe that using iodine can cause burns and unnecessarily dries out the skin. To prevent secondary bacterial infection, experts recommend using special antiseptic ointments rather than iodine.

However, many doctors consider iodine treatment to be completely acceptable. They recommend using this old, proven remedy in the final stages of the disease, when the vesicles have already broken through.

At the same time, experts emphasize that therapy should be comprehensive. Iodine can only be used as one of the additional agents together with antiviral ointments. Only in this case will the treatment be effective.

Only a doctor can answer the question of whether it is possible to cauterize herpes with iodine. However, there are two opinions regarding the use of this remedy for herpetic rash. Some believe that the solution does not kill the virus and can only worsen the patient’s condition, since unsuccessful or excessive treatment can result in burns that take a long time to heal and leave behind scars. Others are of the opinion that with caution iodine can be smeared on herpes, or more precisely, on the wounds and erosions formed after the opening of herpetic blisters. One way or another, the doctor must determine the advisability of using an iodine solution.

Beneficial features

Iodine is widely used in medicine; it is used in the form of an alcohol solution to disinfect skin, heal wounds and as an anti-inflammatory agent. In diluted form, iodine is used to gargle to cure colds and is often used against herpes to speed up the healing of the resulting wound. In the human body, this chemical element takes an active part in oxidative processes that directly affect the stimulation of brain activity. With the help of iodine you can relieve irritability and stress, increase the elasticity of vascular walls. Due to these beneficial properties, iodine is used to treat the following pathologies:

  • syphilis;
  • skin wounds;
  • lead and mercury intoxication;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • inflammation of the respiratory tract, skin and mucous membranes.

How to use?

Not all doctors are of the opinion that iodine is effective and safe for herpes. However, those who believe that a herpetic rash can be cured with this remedy recommend using it at the initial stage of development of the disease, when blisters with liquid form. Before the procedure, iodine is diluted with water to minimize the risk of burns to the skin and mucous membranes. At the pharmacy you can buy a ready-made one, which in addition to iodine contains zinc ointment. If you wish, you can make a remedy for herpes yourself at home. Components with the required quantities are described in the table:

Iodine is effective and safe in treating herpes.

Mix the ingredients and treat the affected areas of the epidermis with the resulting solution. This weakly concentrated product can even be used on the lips. It does not cause burns or other negative consequences. Iodine-based medicine should be stored in the refrigerator. It is worth considering that it is not always possible to overcome herpes and prevent its spread with the help of iodine, even at the initial stage. To speed up the healing process, it is recommended to additionally use pharmaceutical pharmaceutical products designed to combat herpes infection. These can be either ointments for external treatment or medications for oral administration that kill the herpes virus from the inside.

Is it possible to smear herpes with iodine, or is it better to refrain from using this remedy during an exacerbation of the disease and the appearance of small blisters? This question probably worries many, because herpes is a very common disease that can periodically worsen. Every person who has developed herpes at least once in their life should be prepared for the fact that the virus may become active again. Therefore, you need to know what to do when the first symptoms of the disease appear, and what to refrain from in order to prevent the development of complications.

Can iodine be used to treat herpes?

Iodine is a well-known antiseptic that also has antibacterial and antifungal effects. This remedy is widely used in folk and official medicine to treat a wide variety of external diseases.

However, despite the wide range of indications for the use of iodine, it does not act on viruses. Therefore, using it to treat herpes makes no sense. In this case, you need to use antiviral drugs that have proven effectiveness.

Why then do so many people advise using iodine to cauterize herpes and prevent its development? Unfortunately, this opinion is very erroneous. However, with the help of this remedy you can speed up the healing of burst vesicles and prevent the addition of a secondary infection.

Under no circumstances should you apply iodine to herpetic rashes. In this way, you will not be able to make the bubbles disappear, but will only provoke a chemical burn, because herpes is very often localized precisely on the mucous membranes, which are unusually sensitive to the action of cauterizing solutions. In addition to herpes, you will get a new problem in the form of a burn, which will not go away as quickly as herpes with proper treatment.

Iodine can be used only when the bubbles have already burst, and ulcers and erosions begin to form in their place. This product can effectively disinfect the wound surface and prevent the addition of a bacterial infection. In addition, the wounds will dry out a little and will be able to heal faster.

How should I apply iodine?

You need to be very careful when cauterizing ulcers and erosions, because in this way you can very easily get a burn to the mucous membrane or skin. If the burn is severe, a scar may even form in its place. Considering that herpetic rashes are mainly localized on the face, this would be highly undesirable. Especially if a woman has herpes.

However, if you still decide to use this tool, you need to adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. Despite the fact that it is most convenient to fill the affected area with iodine, you absolutely cannot apply too much of it. It can only be applied pointwise, being careful not to touch healthy skin. It will be most convenient to cauterize the ulcers using a regular cotton swab lightly moistened with iodine.
  2. You cannot treat all burst vesicles with the same cotton swab. They need to be periodically replaced with new ones. The more often you do this, the better.
  3. It is advisable not to use pure iodine, as it has too strong cauterizing properties. You can use a slightly different variation of this substance, for example, Iodinol. This drug is an effective antiseptic and at the same time safer for use on mucous membranes.

Remember that treatment of herpes should be comprehensive and, first of all, include antiviral drugs that will help reduce the manifestations of the disease, shorten the period of rashes and speed up recovery. Despite the fact that some people say “I put iodine on the bubbles and everything goes away quickly,” they are taking an incredible risk. After all, it is very easy to get a burn, but it will take quite a long time to treat it, especially if a secondary infection occurs.
