Decorating an office at school. Design for a regular school. The wall creates the mood

The design of the external and internal decoration of buildings intended for the educational process requires a professional approach. When planning the design of a school office, it is necessary to study the regulatory documentation on sanitary and hygienic standards of modern standards.

Design of school classrooms in compliance with standards

Current standards place high demands on the design process of school classrooms and their interior solutions.

When decorating any school office, remember:

  • equipment involved in the learning process must be located within the classroom;
  • The equipment of the office should include special equipment;
  • the office must have equipped workstations for the teacher and students;
  • the office must be designed and equipped in compliance with all safety regulations and in accordance with all sanitary and hygienic standards;
  • It is allowed to equip the classroom only with specialized school furniture;
  • all documentation relating to a specific premises must be stored in the office;
  • The interior design of the office should be thought out in such a way as to help the learning process.

As a rule, students' parents take on the financial support for classroom decoration. While the aesthetic side of the issue falls on the shoulders of the teacher himself.

When starting to develop a project to decorate your office, remember that the daily presence of the younger generation in it affects their future professional and life choices. Work done with taste and love instills in children respect for the teacher’s work and develops a sense of beauty. And the high spirits of teachers and students provide an incentive to master the material covered.

Typically, classrooms for high school students are decorated in sober colors and with the most intense educational topics. Primary schools prefer to deviate from these standards and add brighter colors and a fun, relaxed children's theme to the design. Which, in turn, helps kids feel more relaxed, but it’s important not to overdo it—it shouldn’t distract kids from the learning process.

The following will help you “refresh” the design of your school office for the start of the new school year:

  • environmentally friendly materials for walls and ceilings;
  • new curtains or modern blinds;
  • a modern blackboard for writing with chalk or marker;
  • reference tables;
  • information and thematic stands;
  • bookshelves, cabinets;
  • handouts for practical work.

When distributing visual material, we should not forget that information posted on the back wall of the classroom is absorbed by students much worse.

Pedagogical programs, personal experience of the teacher, various reminders, folders and other visual aids will contribute to an individual approach to the design of the office.

  • Computer Science Room– this is, first of all, computer technology. High school students themselves can suggest original design directions.
  • Cabinet of Russian Language and Literature will look good if there are historical fragments of the development of writing.
  • History Cabinet can be decorated with maps of the main historical battles, portraits of famous commanders and famous historical figures.
  • Algebra and Geometry Room will create the necessary mathematical atmosphere if its walls are decorated with portraits of famous mathematicians, stands and posters containing basic formulas, images of stereometric figures.
  • Natural science classrooms It is better to design it with visual material that resonates with the topics of the material being studied. For example, to decorate a biology classroom, it is good to use those materials that the teacher most often refers to when teaching lessons. Materials should be changed regularly to suit the topics being taught. The permanent exhibition items in the cabinet include materials that reveal the development of the organic world and environmental protection. The subjects of rotating exhibitions include achievements of biological science and local history material.
  • The English classroom allows for the presence of a large amount of visual material (various toys, wall drawings for practical use). Stands can contain a large number of inscriptions in English: the alphabet, names of animals and plants, etc. It is ideal if these inscriptions are illustrated, especially if this is an English classroom for primary school students.

Design standard for MBOU secondary school No. 15

In any office, it would be appropriate to have samples of written work, results of olympiads, competitions, and creative assignments. You can draw up recommendations for performing various types of work: workshops, seminars, laboratories, tests, tests, exams.

Every office must undergo certification. The classroom passport reflects readiness for the educational process and is issued before the start of the academic year. Attention is focused on such aspects as compliance with standards, educational and methodological support for the educational process, and compliance of classroom design with the main directions of educational activities.

School decoration

In preparation for September 1, you should pay attention not only to the design of school classrooms, but also to the public areas of the school: gym, dining room, assembly hall, corridors. Taking into account the individual characteristics of the school and its educational process, the appropriate color scheme and design style should be selected for these premises.

For example, the design of school corridors is no less important than the design of classrooms, because this is where schoolchildren spend breaks and relax before starting a new lesson. Gloomy walls are unlikely to help students tune in to accepting new educational information.

The assembly hall is a place for solemn and festive events; it is the feeling of celebration and solemnity of the moment that should be created when entering this room.

School design standard

So, it is obvious that there are no trifles in the design of a school. Everything must be carefully thought out. High-quality design of a school office for one class will bring significantly less benefit than it could bring with the simultaneous appropriate design of all school premises.

Photos of school classrooms

I would like to believe that the era when the school classroom was a gray, lifeless room with shabby desks and old bulky cabinets has passed. New times - new bright ideas! And don't be afraid of difficulties. Making an original classroom design in an elementary school is not at all difficult if you follow our tips.

The main task of any qualified teacher is to teach children a specific subject or subjects. Students of any age can lose the desire to learn, viewing the process of learning as a duty, of course, it is unlikely to motivate them to action. Creating a fresh environment through classroom decoration is one way to make students feel a little more motivated to learn.

"Weather" design of the school classroom

You can take the weather outside as your classroom decor idea by decorating your classroom according to the seasons. For example, in the winter, you could set up a classroom with a winter theme and encourage your students to do a research activity comparing the average temperature in winter with the average temperature in summer throughout Russia.

You can also discuss temperature differences around the world during similar months. But decorating a primary school classroom during the winter months can also be done with a summer theme to give students a break from the cold weather outside.

A classroom decorated with a summer theme could include beach towels, a picture of the sun with sunglasses on it, and even a large sun umbrella in the corner of the office to add to the beach vibe.

Reflection of changes in the rhythm of life in the design of a school classroom

Fall, winter, spring and summer holidays are an opportunity to change up the classroom once again, allowing students to feel like they are in a different environment when they return to class after the holidays. These changes may be minor or, conversely, dramatic, but they must be noticeable.

For example, if you place indoor plants in the corners of your office, this will dramatically change the atmosphere in the classroom. Make sure that the plants in the room have enough sunlight, this is necessary for them to bloom. Children can take part in gardening in the classroom by watering flowers, and you can teach students about the life cycle of plants. You can add coziness and comfort to the classroom by placing a sofa and lounge chairs in it.

School Classroom Themes

Before you style your class around a specific topic, divide it into different sections or areas, each with its own specific functions. These areas may change at the discretion of the teacher.

For example, you can use a jungle theme to decorate your classroom. In this case Call one part of the class "Lion's Den"- this can be a corner for reading and relaxation. If possible, lay a green or brown rug here. Place a hand-made palm tree in a corner: make the trunk from a large sheet of cardboard, rolling it into a tube, use paper towels for the crown, and balls rolled from old newspapers and covered with brown paper can act as coconuts. A real palm tree can take the place of a homemade palm tree, but it requires constant care. Plant birds and monkeys on your palm tree by cutting them out of cardboard. Sew large seat cushions for children using fabric with appropriately themed images.

Note. If you are decorating 1st grade, then it would also be appropriate to place soft toys in this corner; monkeys, snakes, tigers, and lions are suitable.

Another part of the class may be called the "Elephant Wall" and, in fact, serve as an award board on which you will place congratulations, certificates and portraits of students rewarded for success in a particular area. This award board can be a sheet of plywood covered with green fabric and framed with artificial flowers, grapes and greenery.

In the “under the vine” part of the class Students can work together to implement a project or assignment. Use brushes of artificial grapes to decorate this corner of the classroom, and roll up long pieces of wrapping or tissue paper to imitate a vine.


  • Don't ignore the decoration of your classroom walls. Decorate the empty classroom walls with large pictures of animals. To do this, you can use a projector: place a slide with an image of an animal and point the projector at a piece of whatman paper, trace the image, then color it and cut it out along the outline.
  • Decorate the existing bookshelves and cabinets in the classroom with scraps of green fabric, and run “vines” around the perimeter of the chalkboard and window frames.

In a similar way, you can use other themes in the design of primary classrooms, for example, the theme of space or the underwater world. The goal of all these topics is to create a more relaxed and creative learning environment in the classroom.

The school classroom is a child's world

Brightly designed displays in an elementary school will help create a more welcoming environment, but they should all be educational to some extent. Schoolchildren can make information stands for classroom decoration with their own hands.

For example, have students draw a poster about a historical event, historical figure, or scientific fact. Posters should relate to what is currently being taught in the classroom or planned to be taught in the near future.

Rotate the posters throughout the year so that each student's poster is on display. Posters drawn by schoolchildren will allow them to feel involved in creating the atmosphere in the classroom.

In addition, children’s crafts made during technology lessons will help create an original classroom interior.

Obviously, one should not downplay the importance of how the design of a classroom in an elementary school affects the performance of students. Therefore, no matter what design you have in mind for a school classroom, it is important to agree on your option with your students, since what may seem wonderful to you may not be so to children. Be sure to take into account their opinions and interests, and then your class will truly become a second home for you and for them, where you will want to return again and again, and decorating the class before the graduation party will be your favorite joint activity.

Primary classroom

This is the part of the classroom to which the children's attention is mainly focused throughout the lesson. So this part helps the teacher the most in achieving the goals and objectives. There should be a few basic things here.

It is best to buy those that use markers. The most expensive option is to purchase a projector or interactive whiteboard. By the way, not many teachers who have these technical tools in their arsenal know that they can also be used not only as a blackboard. In addition, an illustrative presentation for a lesson can make the lesson bright and memorable. If you can’t buy a projector, then you need to limit yourself to a board with markers. Its advantages:

  • the ability to quickly and completely erase what has been written;
  • things of the teacher and children remain clean;
  • a high-quality board reflects less, so children can see better;
  • There is no chalk dust in the air, which negatively affects asthmatics and allergy sufferers.

But if you still have to use chalk, you can buy these crayon holders on Aliexpress so as not to get your hands dirty (search “Chalk holder”). By the way, you can also buy sets of crayons there.

State symbols

State symbols are often placed above the board. This is due to the fact that one of the school’s tasks is the patriotic education of the younger generation.

The coat of arms of the Russian Federation above the board in the history and social studies classroom

Essential visual materials

It all depends on the specifics of the subject. This is what is the basis of the subject studied in the classroom. If it is chemistry, then you can post a table of elements, if geography is a political map of the world or a physical map of the country. These materials should be universal and suitable for most lessons, regardless of grade level.

Scheme in the biology classroom

Decoration of a primary school classroom

Teacher's desk and chair

Part of the time the teacher teaches the lesson while sitting. The teacher also needs to check the work and give grades. In addition, you can store important essentials in the table: markers, pens, handouts.

Back of the cabinet

Cabinet with books and handouts

This is an important piece of furniture because a teacher's job involves books and papers. It is necessary to allocate several shelves where literature important for the teacher will be stored, for example, reference books, lesson notes. You can also purchase several encyclopedias and display them prominently to encourage children's interest in reading. Several shelves should be allocated for documentation, such as calendar planning, lists of children, certificates, etc.

Stand "Achievements"

One of the shelves of the closet should be dedicated to a museum of your own achievements. Some people think that this is very immodest, but children should know that their teacher is successful in his work. On such shelves you can display diplomas, certificates, as well as your own printed works, such as books. You can also equip a museum related to the subject studied in the classroom - minerals, computer equipment, physical instruments and devices.

Utility room

In some offices they are an integral part. However, often they are not. In this case, you can place the cabinet closer to the desks, creating space between the cabinet and the wall. This is necessary so that the teacher has personal space to change clothes and check his appearance. By the way, don't forget to hang a mirror there.

Side walls


An important part of the office are the windows. This is not only good daylight, it is also its limitation at the right time, so there must be blinds or blackout curtains. In addition, good windows retain heat during the cold season and also provide ventilation at the right time. In modern rural schools, windows continue to be a big problem.

Special illustrations and teaching materials should be placed on the opposite wall.

Didactic stands

You can make several stands on which you can place useful and interesting information for children, for example, about interesting scientists or your students who have achieved success in studying your subject (victory in competitions, olympiads, and possibly further career success).

see also:

Entering the classroom, the child should immediately feel himself in the world of the subject being studied, but one must remember that unnecessary objects can distract the student from what the main source of knowledge—the teacher—is saying.

Various visual aids for classroom design

In the history office, wallpaper of the appropriate theme is used in the office

Decoration of a fine art cabinet

Also in the school office, most likely, there should be:

  • thermometer to change the temperature in winter and summer to maintain comfortable learning conditions;
  • first aid kit;
  • safety instructions (depending on the specifics of the item);
  • office evacuation plan;
  • a sign indicating those responsible for the office;
  • office passport;
  • fire extinguisher (depending on the specifics of the item).

What things are required in your office? What can't you see your office without? Write in the comments to the article.

There is no doubt that the formation of a person’s personality begins with the family - it is there that the main characterological and behavioral characteristics, worldview, and understanding of moral and ethical standards are laid. But, of course, the school plays an equally important role in this regard.

The power of the first call

A child's acquaintance with the schedule, desks, class and teachers begins, of course, with the ruler - a holiday that each of us associates with balloons, a huge number of flowers and a concert program. It is at this time that we form our first impression of the school, but it is fixed within the walls of our own office, where immediately after the first bell the children are sent to be initiated into school.

This room becomes a real second home for students, where they encounter their first joys and sorrows, hopes and expectations. This is why the design of a primary school classroom plays such an important role.

Several important features

Each of us has our own special memories of our first home at school. For some, this is a large auditorium with light walls, filled with desks. Others recall the numerous portraits of writers, poets and scientists placed directly above the board.

The correct design of a primary school classroom determines not only our future associations and taste preferences, but also the educational process, the psychological background that develops among students.

Literally every detail turns out to be significant in this regard. The design of a primary school classroom should begin first with the choice of colors. Psychologists around the world have long proven its influence on the nervous system, so it is extremely important to make the right choice in this regard.

Something about color

It is no secret that at such an early age children are very active and are sometimes simply amazingly eccentric. That is why the correct choice of wall color is especially important in such a process as decorating a primary school classroom.

Reddish shades, for example, will affect the nervous system as a kind of catalyst, and therefore you should not even count on order during lessons. The blue range, on the contrary, leads to a state of calm and stimulates attentiveness, which makes it one of the most successful options. The design of a primary school classroom can also be called correct, but the yellow shade of the spectrum, although it will help strengthen the student body, will not have a negative effect.

Decorating elements

Decorating a school auditorium also plays an important role. The design of a primary school classroom, a photo of which can be found in any student album, requires the presence of some decorating elements.

Bare walls can easily discourage even the most active children from learning, which is why there must be something within the classroom that the eye can focus on. Remember your school years and the design of your primary school classroom: tables with the alphabet and numbers, and for some, a living corner.

However, being too zealous when it comes to decorating can be a big mistake. Too many bright pictures, fancy figurines, tables and other decorative elements can distract students, which, of course, will not have a positive effect on the learning process.

Illustrative material

What would be the most productive design for a primary school classroom? Stands, tables, explanatory diagrams in this regard are the first assistants of the teacher. However, it should be taken into account that the main thing for a schoolchild at this age is interest, so all educational materials of this kind must be prepared with a creative approach. Illustrations from fairy tales and visual examples are good in this regard.

Concentration at a specific location

In each class, from the first to the last, there must be a so-called As a rule, it is presented in the form of a small stand on which a list of students, duty schedules, main victories, class achievements, and general photographs are recorded. The design of the corner in elementary school, of course, will differ from similar stands in high school.

The color scheme of the corners of younger schoolchildren, as a rule, turns out to be more colorful, and letter notes organically alternate with pictures.

Design Guide

Despite the abundance of recommendations, traditions and personal preferences, there are certain norms and standards that should be followed when carrying out any action. The design of the office in which primary schoolchildren will spend their first years in an educational institution is no exception.

The fact or correlation with the style of the school cannot even be disputed in this regard. Most of the decisions regarding the decoration and filling of school classrooms are made taking into account not only the allocated funds, but also the ideas of the teacher to whom the premises are assigned.

However, registration of primary classes according to the Federal State Educational Standard is mandatory these days. These standards detail the basic requirements for this event.

Where do norms come from?

First of all, it should be noted that this abbreviation is usually understood as the so-called Absolutely all school education directly depends on the rules and regulations provided for in this document. For elementary schools, there is a special standard in accordance with which an office for younger schoolchildren should be designed.

The educational process in primary school is primarily a cognitive activity. The task of a primary school teacher is not only the formation of an initial knowledge base in the field of reading and writing. This is also educational work aimed at modeling children’s worldview and familiarizing them with the structure of the environment.

In accordance with this, the Federal State Educational Standard provides for a number of rules and regulations, compliance with which ensures a full-fledged educational process.

First of all, this standard, of course, describes in detail the mandatory technical structure of the office. In this case, we mean the presence of a blackboard, desks, bookcases, and a teacher’s desk. Also indisputable requirements include the presence of a video player and a TV in the primary school classroom.

The latter is due to the fact that the learning process should be not only cognitive, but also playful in nature, which is ensured by the presence of multimedia technology.

Game moment

As mentioned earlier, this component is one of the most important, which indicates the need to create the most comfortable conditions for students.

In classrooms intended for junior grades, there must be items used as playing material. Their role can be a variety of crafts, soft toys, cubes and much more. However, in this case, compliance with rational frameworks is very important. Items present in the classroom must be included by the teacher in the educational process.

Small toys like blocks or crafts, for example, can be used to teach counting or reading. Soft toys can serve excellently for organizing all kinds of theatrical scenes.

The decoration of the school: photographs, drawings, tables and colors of our own walls - this is what remains with us for life. In these rooms, a person’s personality, taste preferences, and character traits are formed. We will remember this place for many years with great love and warmth in our souls.

Look at these recent photos from polling stations - most of them were in schools. So, besides the solemn citizens and the design of the ballot boxes, these photos have one more thing in common - pale pink, pale ocher and pale green school walls. Yes, they are “decorated” with election posters, evacuation plans, stands, but the school interiors still look the same - sad, institutional.

As a designer, this depresses me. School walls are a channel of visual communication with students, staff, parents and guests. It must be used!

How to make walls work?

10 Benefits of a Well-Designed Wall

1. The wall inspires and motivates

Want to inspire your students? So that they believe in themselves? Well, tell them and show them this!

Choose motivational phrases, quotes and the right images. This is where high-quality design and interesting, original content are needed.

2. The wall conveys knowledge and values

Wall graphics will help teach – a specific subject or human values. Talk about difficult things in this way, for example, what tolerance or democracy is. Both classroom walls and corridor walls are suitable for this.

3. The wall guides

In Russian schools, navigation is still bad. For some reason, it is believed that students and teachers, like birds, should have a built-in internal compass and accurately find the right office in huge school buildings.

Place it on the walls, it will help you navigate the space without effort. Bonus: thoughtful navigation design will make the public interior unusual and stylish.

4. The wall sparks the imagination

The empty, monochromatic surface of an endlessly dull wall does not stimulate the imagination and does not generate curiosity. But abstract images can give impetus to an idea, awaken your imagination, and set a creative mood. Even just right works wonders. Trust the designers!

5. The wall shapes the image of the school and its brand.

Does your school have values? Will schoolchildren be able to name them? Maybe the school has a larger history or even mythology?

Visualize this information. Use the logo and state the school's values. You will see: the image of the school will become more integral, unique, and will help manage the expectations of students and parents.

6. The wall helps you communicate

The school needs a live place for announcements and messages: both official and not so. One has lost something, another invites you to his own concert or gathers volunteers for a good cause.

Create such a place and make it convenient and accessible to everyone.

7. The wall helps you remember

If it is useful, it will become more understandable and easier to perceive. Over time, students will remember it without any extra effort.

Why not use a large world map or a map of your area for this purpose?

8. The wall creates the right mood

The school canteen, the assembly hall, the cloakroom are areas with different purposes and with different moods. With the help of the right design, you can give the space a special emotional content: set it up for studying, for healthy food.

9. The wall tells about events and achievements

Try to arrange student work, photographs of school events, not “as always,” but in a stylish and inspiring way. Now there are a lot of technologies that help attach images easily, quickly, and it doesn’t look handicraft.
